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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City
Dalagam, Anjalie Grace R.
Macrohon, Angle Claire H. Inductive Method
Mallati, Faizalyn S. Music II

I. Objectives:
At the end of 40-minute lesson, the grade II pupils are expected to do the following
with at least 85% level of accuracy:
a. Identify the different basic symbol of music;
b. Show appreciation to music through participating activities;
c. Draw the basic symbols of music
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: The basic symbols of music
Music 2
III. Materials:
Flags, charts, puzzle pictures,

IV. Procedure:

a. Preparation:
Good morning, good morning, how are everyone? (we’re great, we’re great,
everyone is great! 2x) that’s good, that’s good class. Alright please stand up everyone,
before we begin let us start our class with a short prayer. Who can lead the prayer?
Yes, Dayan.

Prayer: Father god, come be with us today. fill our hearts with joy, fill our minds with
learning, fill our lesson with fun, fill our friendships with kindness, fill our school with
love. Amen”
Alright, before we sit down, let us pick up the trashes that we can see below our chairs.
Then let us throw it in our trash bins. (*students picking up the trashes*) are you done
class? (yes teacher) if that so, you may now seat down.

Now, I want you to look at our board, what can you observe? (teacher there are
notes) yes and also we have staff and bars.

So we have here 3 bars. I will first group the class into 3, let us start, this left row
will be the group 1, the middle column is the group 2 and the right column will be the
group 3. Please do remember your group number okay because you will be groupmates
for today’s activity (yes teacher). Now how what are the rules that we set for this class?
(1. Avoid creating unnecessary noises, 2. Listen to the teacher or classmate when they
are talking and lastly is to participate in class discussion and activities) very good, I will
also give you flags. And whose group will follow the rules will have
a note which has corresponding points. Whose group has the most notes will receive a
price. Now are you ready? (yes teacher!) that’s good to hear.

b. Motivation

I have here a picture and I want you to observe it very carefully.

What does the picture shows? (there are notes teacher) very good. What else? (there
are also lines) yes, right. There are also symbols. So Where can you see these lines,
notes and symbols or this picture? (teacher we usually see this in the lyrics of the
music.) correct, these are musical symbols and these are important and very known
when we create music. So what do you want to find out? (teacher we want to find out
the names of different musical symbols.)

c. Presentation

Now class, for you to learn more about these musical symbols, let’s try this group
activity. With your assigned group, organize and complete the jigsaw puzzles that I will
be distributing to you in each envelope. You are expected to form 4 pictures out of it.
Assign one member in your group to come here in front and look at the guide for the
pictures that you must organize and complete in your jigsaw puzzle. After completing
the puzzle, you must guess the word written just below the picture. Letters from the
word you need to guess will be given as a hint. Are my instructions clear class? (Yes
teacher) Very good. Now, arrange your chairs properly and provide a space for you to
do your activity. I will only give you 10 minutes to do this activity and after that, paste
your outputs on the board. I will call each group to present the picture and the word
they have completed. Do you have any questions? (None teacher) Okay, let’s start now.
(After 10 minutes)

Are you done class? (yes teacher) okay, now paste your work on the board.

Okay group one, present the picture that you have completed as well as the word that
you have guessed.

G-clef Time signature Musical Rest

Very good group 1. Let’s give them 3 claps and 1 stamp. (clap and stamp)

Now, let’s proceed to the work of group 2.

Staff Musical Notes


Very good group 2. Let’s also give them 3 claps and 1 stamp. (claps and stamp)

Now, group 3 please present your work to the class.

Final Bar Line Repeat Bar Line Bar Line

Good job group 3. Let’s give them 3 claps and 1 stamp. (claps and stamps)

Good job everyone. Each group receive 10 points which is the equivalent of 5 notes.
Now, arrange your chairs and seat properly.
d. Discussion

Class, the symbols that you arranged earlier are the fundamental symbols in
music. When we say music symbols these are used to describe what particular piece of
music should be played. This is also served as a guide to most of the musicians. These
are their ingredients when they create any music. Now, can you give me the musical
symbols that you arrange earlier? (teacher we have g-clefs, staffs, bar line, final bar
line, musical notes, musical rests, time signature, f-clef, and repeat bar line.) very good.

Let us start with the first symbol which is the? (staff teacher) very good, staff is
a symbol that consists of 5 lines and 4 spaces, we use it to organize and notate the

Next is the measure or bar is a small segment of music place that is divided by
vertical lines. Measure represent a very short musical idea or a motive.

The next symbol is what you call the? (teacher the bar line.) right, A bar line or a
single bar line is a vertical line that splits musical piece into measure. This is placed on
the staff.

Alright, this symbol is the double bar line. This symbol means that a certain
section of the piece is finished but there is still more to come, it is like a comma when
we read. It guides us where to have a short pause.
How about this symbol, what do we call this? (teacher we call it as final bar line).
Yes, final bar line indicates that the music piece is finish.

For our next symbol, what is this? (teacher that is a repeat bar lines) correct! Repeat
bar lines indicate that a part of music within the bar lines needs to be repeated.

Alright, how about this symbol, what do we call these? (that are musical notes teacher)
very good, musical notes are used to notate duration in pitch and music.

This musical notes have parts, let us discuss it one-by-one. So this is the note head
which is an elliptically shaped part of the note and it is important to remember that
every note has a note heads have the same shape but be colored completely black or

Next part of the note is the stem. Stem is the vertical line that directly connected to the
note head. Stems may point up or down that depends on where on the step the note is.
If the note is below the third line, the stem will point up if the note is in the third line or
higher the note stem will point down.

Another part of the note is what we called as the note flag, this is a curvy line which is
always indicated on the right side of the note.

And the last part of the note is the beam. This is a horizontal line which replaces the
flags when two or more notes with a flag are written consecutively in the music.

Next symbol is the? (that’s a rest teacher) very good, these are rest that indicated the
silence in music.

So for our next symbol is the musical clefs. These are indicated at the beginning of the
music and they help us to quickly identify whether the music will sound high or low.
There are two musical clefs in music which are the treble clef or also known as the G-
clef and the F-clef.
The Treble clef or also known as the G-clef indicates that the note on the second line of
the staff is G. instruments and voices that uses G-clef will sound higher.
Next is F-clef or commonly known as the Bass Clef. Because the F-Clef is placed on the
fourth line on the staff that indicates that any note on that line is an f. instruments and
voices that use the F-clef will sound lower.

And the last symbol is the time signature. The time signature is indicated at the
beginning of a piece of music and consists of two numbers. It looks similar to fraction
although there is no line written between the numbers. This time signature tells the
musician how to group musical notes into measures.

4 2 3 6 2 12
4 4 4 8 2 8

The top number of this time signature represents the number of beats or pulses that
the measure contains.
The bottom number tells us which note we should count as a beat.
Alright class, that are the symbols in music.
e. Generalization

now that you know the different basic symbols in music, why do you think it is
important for us to learn these or be familiar with? (teacher this musical symbols are
important because for us to know how the music communicate and how a music piece
will be played.) correct, because if you want to understand music better you should
learn the different musical symbols. And through this you can interpret or read beyond
the lines what the song or any musical piece means.

f. Application
Alright now that you already know the basic symbols of music, let us have
another group activity. In the count of three Please form a circle within your group
without making noises. Alright 3, 2, 1. Are you already in your respective groups? (yes,
teacher). So the instruction of this activity is that you I will give the meaning and you
will guess what symbol it is6 and then you will draw it. Alright? (yes, teacher) you will
draw your answers here in the white board. Whenever you have your answer, raise
your flag. I will give you 10 seconds each to draw your answer. Let us all start? (yes

The first is, this is one of the basic symbol of music that consists of 5 lines and 4
spaces. What symbol it is? Draw now your answer. Raise your answer, the answer is?
(Staff teacher) (all groups have same answer) very good all groups will have note which
is equivalent for 3 points.

For the second item. It is a vertical line, placed on the staff. This divides music
into measures. What symbol it is? Draw you answer now. Alright time’s up, raise all
your answer. Very good, the answer is bar line. All group will receive a points.

Now for our next, this symbol ends a section of the music piece, what symbol it
is? Start draw your answer. Alright, the answer is double bar line. Let me show your
drawing. Group 1, group 3 are correct and group 2 your answer is wrong.

What kind of symbol that represents a segment of music place, divided by

vertical lines? What symbol is it? Raise your whiteboard. Alright The answer is measure.
Unfortunately, group 2 and group 3 got the correct answer.

Next is, this symbol indicates the pitch and the duration of the pitch in music.
What kind of symbol do you think it is? Let me show your drawing. The answer is
musical notes. Very good. All groups are correct.

Let’s proceed to the next item. This is a symbol that is vertical line, directly
connected to the note head? What symbol it is? Raise your answers now. The correct
answer is? (stem!) very good, stem. You will receive 3 points each

Very good, the next part of the note symbol that is elliptically shaped? What part
it is? Alright raise your answers. Very good the answer is note head. All groups will gain
3 points.

Draw the symbol that indicates all instruments and voices will sound high. Your
answer is? (G-clef or treble cleft) correct! You will receive again 3 points.
Next is, draw the symbol that indicates all instruments and voices will sound
lower. Are you done? Raise you answers class. Very good the answer is bass clef or F-

So that’s the end of our group activity. Did you enjoy our activity? (yes teacher).
Let us clap our hands because you did a great job. later on we will count the notes of
each group who garnered most of the notes. They will be our winner. Now kindly
arrange your chairs.

V. Evaluation

For me to know whether you really understood our lesson for today, I prepared here
answer sheet, please prepare your pencils. Please Get one paper and pass. Do you
already have answer sheet? (yes teacher) now, this worksheet is consists of two parts.
Who can read the instruction for part one? Yes ___? (*reading the instruction*) alright
for the second part? Yes ___? (*reading the instruction*)

PART I. Instructions: Write the correct name of the musical symbols in the blank.


3 4

PART II. Instructions: Match the symbols of music in column A to its name in column B.

A. B.
1. 1. .
 F-clef

 Musical rests
2. .

3. .
 Double bar line

4. .
 Final bar line

5.  Time signature

VI. Assignment
Draw a keyboard in a cartolina lengthwise with eight octaves to be submitted
on next meeting.

Before we end our class, let us count first who has lots of notes gained.
So the group one garnered a points of_______, next the group 2 who has
points of _____ and the group 3 who has the points of ____. Wow, the group
who has the highest points and will receive a price is the group _____. Don’t
worry every group will receive a prince. Congratulations everyone, alright
please pick one representative of your group to get your prizes here.
That’s all for today, good bye every one and see you next meeting. God

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