Group 1 Lesson Plan MG

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I. Objectives
Given the pictures, the Grade 1 pupils are expected to do the following with at
least 80% level of accuracy:
Grade 1 (focus group)
a. state the rule in using has and have correctly
b. use has and have in the sentence correctly
c. encircles the verb has or have that best complete the sentences

Grade 3 (independent work)

a. identify the singular and plural form of nouns
b. form the plural nouns by adding -s, -es, or ies
c. use the correct form of the nouns in the sentence

(independent work)
Given some exercises, the Grade 2 pupils are expected to do the following with
at least 80% level of proficiency:
a. identify the nouns in the sentences/ paragraph, and
b. Classify each noun as a name of person, place, thing or, animal
c. Identify common nouns, and proper nouns

II. Subject Matter

Grade 1 : Correct Usage of Has and Have
Grade 2: Nouns
Grade 3: Plural of Nouns

III. Materials
Pictures , flash cards, cartolina for visual aid, worksheets
IV. Procedure


I. Preparatory phase

A. Preparation

1. Checking of attendance
Good morning children. How are you today? (We are good teacher) That’s great.
Let’s check your attendance first. (checking) Very good. no one is absent for

2. Prayers
Everybody stand up and let’s have our prayer.
“Dear god/almighty, thank you for looking after our school. Thank you that you
love each one of us here. Help us to learn play and shared together, so that the
wonderful world you have made becomes more beautiful every day. Amen”

3. Setting the room environment

Pick up the pieces of paper under your chair, and then arrange it properly class.
Very good. Now, sit down properly class. remember our daily class discussion
rules? (Avoid unnecessary movements, no unnecessary noises, and listen
attentively to the class). Very good everyone.

4. Motivation
All set! Before we will formally begin our lesson for today. I prepared a song
titled as “Best Nouns Song Ever” displayed on the board is the lyrics of the song.
Listen to me first. After that you all stand and let’s move through the music
while singing the song altogether. Class is that clear? (Yes ma’am)

“Best Noun Song Ever”

A person, place, or thing is a noun (2X)
If you listen closely,
I’ll tell you how
A person, place, or thing is a noun
A noun can be any kind of person
Like your mom or your daddy, or policeman
A noun can be any kind of place
Like your school or your city, or United States
A noun can be any kind of thing
Like a car or a T.V., or a scary dream
A person, place, or thing is a noun (2X)
If you listen closely,
I’ll tell you how
A person, place, or thing is a noun(4x)
A person, place, or thing is a…. noun yeah yeah yeah

II. Developmental phase



Based on the song that we just sung a minute ago, can you tell me what is the song all
about? (All about nouns) yes. Very good. Who can remember what nouns are? (Nouns
are name of a person, place, thing, or animal) absolutely correct!

Presentation: (visual aid)

Let’s read altogether. Noun is a word that name something, such as person, place,
thing, or animal. Well, done!

Nouns come in a wide variety of types. Nouns can name a person. Can you give me
samples names of a person that was mentioned in the song? mom or your daddy, or
policeman. Very good! How about names for places? (School, city, or United States)
How about names of things? (car or a T.V., or a scary dream)

Nouns can also be classified as common nouns and proper nouns. Now, I would like
you to get your pencil and paper. What you will do is to list 10 proper nouns, and 10
common nouns.


Class, I have here pictures of things and its name.

Now, who can give the plural form of the first picture? (students raising their hands)
Yes Kyle? (Boxes teacher) very good. How about in the second picture? (Tomatoes
teacher) yes, that’s correct. What is the plural form of noun in the third picture?
(Candies teacher) very good. and the last one is? (Books teacher). Yes, very good class.

Now, I will give you an activity. Give the plural form of the following words:

1. Choose
2. Loss
3. Kid
4. Century
5. Horn
6. Study
7. Save
8. Industry
9. Country

Ask the Grade 2 : Are you done grade 2? (Not yet Ma’am) do you have any
question? (No Ma’am). Then, please continue to work



Do you have pets at your home children? (Yes teacher) What kind of pet do you have
Kendra? (I have a dog, 2 cats, and a rabbit) wow it seems like you love animals, right?
(Yes teacher) that’s good. Can you tell me what do you have in your desk Rain? (I have
my pencil and paper teacher) Yes that’s right. How about your seatmate? What does
she have? (She has her pencil case and her paper teacher). Very good. Now children,
base from my questions and your answers a while ago, what would be our lesson for
today? Are you all ready to listen and learn something new? (Yes teacher) okay very


Look at these pictures in the board. This is Nikki and Rikki.

As you can see, they are at the beach. Now, look at what Rikki has. He has many
shells. How about Nikki? How many shells does she have? (She has one shell). Very
good. Rikki has a flag. It has stripes on it.

Okay let’s look at the second picture, this is Jack, together with his sister Jade.

They are also at the beach. Now children, what do Jack and Jade have with them?
(They have paper boats, bats, and buckets) what else do they have? (They have a ball,
a flag, and a mat) very good.


Base on the first picture of Rikki and Nikki we have these sentences: (1) Rikki has many
shells (2) Nikki has one shell (3) Rikki has a flag (4) It has stripes on it. Okay children,
did you notice that we use the word has on the sentences? (Yes teacher) Has is being
used with one noun like the name of a person, place, or thing. Has is also use with
pronouns she, he, and it. Did you understand children? (Yes teacher). Base on the
second picture which is the picture of Jack and Jade, we have these sentences: (1) Jack
and Jade have paper boats, bats, and buckets (2) They have a ball, a flag, and a mat.
Now children what have you notice with these two sentences? what word did we use
instead of has? (We use the word have teacher) very good. Have is used with more
than one person, place, or thing. Have is also used with pronouns they, you, we, and I.
For example, I have a pen. You have a paper. We have beautiful smiles. Did you
understand the use of has and have in a sentence, children? (Yes teacher).

(Grade 3 making noises) Why are you so noisy grade 3? Finish your work.
You still have time.


Okay children, when do you use has in a sentence? Yes Ellie? (We use has when it is for
one person, place, or thing). Very good. Besides from using has with one noun, what
can we use has with? Yes Jacob? (We can also use has with pronouns he, she, and it).
Yes, that’s correct. Now who can tell when do we use have in the sentence? Yes
Caroline? (We use have when it is for more than one person, place, or thing). Your
answer is correct. And, we can also use have with pronouns. What are these pronouns
Jaden? (They, we, I, and you, teacher) Very good.


Let’s try this activity. This will be a group activity. On the first row you are the group 1,
the second row is the group 2, and the third row is the group 3. Silently form a circle
with your group. The activity is written on the board. Let’s all read the instruction(read)

Instruction: Complete the sentences using the verb has and have.
1. I ___ balloon in our house.
2. My sister ___ a dog.
3. He ___ a kind attitude.
4. They___ a big family.
5. We ____ a car.

Number 1, what is the answer? Yes group 1? (have teacher) very good. 1 star for you.
Number 2, what is the answer? Yes group 3? (has teacher) very good group 3. 1 star
for you. How about the number 3? Yes group 2? (has teacher) Very good group 5. 1
star for you. What is the answer on number 4? Yes group 5 (have teacher) yes that’s
right. 1 star for you. And last one what is the answer? Yes group 1? (have teacher) very
good. Good job everyone.

Do you have any questions? (none teacher) that’s good.

Now I have here a worksheet for you to answer. Get your pencils and erasers class.
let us all read the instruction. (encircle the verb has or have that best complete
the sentences).

Encircle the verb has or have that best complete the sentences.

1. I has/have a pen.
2. Leah has/have a pet.
3. We has/have a big dog in the house.
4. My mother has/have a small store in the town.
5. They has/have a farm in Batangas.
6. Sheena and Jerreen has/have a playhouse.
7. It has/have been raining since morning.
8. He has/have a bicycle.
9. She has/have toothache.
10.You has/have dirt on your shirt.

Did you understand class? (yes teacher) Very good. Choose the best answer. Begin
now. I will collect your papers after 15 minutes, okay? (yes teacher)


Are you done with your work class? (Yes teacher) very good. Liam can you collect the
papers of your classmates? (Yes teacher) Thank you. How was your activity? Did you
fine it easy? Or difficult? (easy ma’am).


Who can come in front and tell the class how did you classify nouns as proper or
common nouns? (me ma’am) (Proper noun is a specific name of a person, place, or
thing, and is always capitalized, while common nouns are generic or known) She’s right.
Very good. Remember that one important distinction to be made whether a noun is a
proper noun or common. When we say proper it is specific names of something, while
common these are known or generic.

Now, I have flash cards here. I would like you to identify the nouns in the sentence. If
it is a person, place, thing, or idea. And if it is proper nouns, or common nouns

First card:

Let’s us all read the sentence in this card.

John is a boy
Can you Identify the nouns in the sentence? (“John” “boy”)

Very good. John is? (a name of a person). It is a proper noun. How about boy?
(“Boy is a common noun”) very good. Next, we have:

Second card:
Bohol is a beautiful place.
Bohol is? (a specific name of a place)
Third card:

John has a cat; its name is Al.

John is a (person) cat is an (animal) therefore it is a common noun. very good. AL is a?
(Proper noun) because it is a special name given by John to his cat. Very good class.
You really are great!


Based on our discussion, what did you learn? (Nouns can be classified as person, place,
thing, or animals. It can also be classified as proper or common noun)

How can we identify that noun are common or proper noun? (Proper nouns are special
name given to a person, place, thing, or animal while common nouns are just common
or known)


For our next activity, i have here a short story. But there’s a problem in this story. The
writer forgot what she knows about proper nouns and common nouns. Can you help
me correct her sentence? Here is the worksheet (distribute) So, this is what you are you
going to do. Can you please read the first sentence? (One day james went to kcc mall
de zamboanga with his Mom nancy. they wanted to buy toys and shoes.) james, can
you spot the error in the sentence? in this sentence james, kcc mall de Zamboanga, and
nancy must be in capital letter, and mom should be in small letter because it is a
common noun. Did you now get it? (yes ma’am), answer now individually.

Direction: The writer forgot what she knows about proper nouns and common nouns.
Can you help me correct her sentence?

One day james went to kcc mall de zamboanga with his mom Nancy. they wanted to
buy toys and shoes. so, they went to kcc mall de Zamboanga. everything was fine until
they got lost! James’ mom went down in the grocery store instead of department store.
she called taylors dad and asked for directions. mr. tom helped them. They went to kcc
departmment store and then to Jollibee to buy dinner. It was a fun day!


Are you done class with your activity class? (Yes teacher) Very good.

Plural noun refers to the names more than one place, person, thing and animal or
event. Plural words are formed by adding -s, -es, or -ies at the end of the words, these
are called rules. There are 3 basic rules in forming plural nouns. Rule number 1, Add -s
to make a plural noun. Like for example the word kid. Second rule, to make it plural we
add “es” after the sounds that ends with o, s, ss, x, zz, sh, and ch. Like for example
the word loss. It end with s, so its plural form is losses. And the third rule, drop the -Y
and add -ies. Let us look at these words. For example the word industry, it ends with
letter y. to make it in a plural form, changes y to I and add es. The plural form of
industry is industries.

Ask the Grade 1: Are you done grade 1? (Not yet Ma’am) do you have any
question? (No Ma’am). Then, please continue to work


Now class, what is plural nouns? (Plural noun refers to the names more than one place,
person, thing and animal or event). Yes, very good! Again, what are the three different
rules for creating a plural noun? Yes, Joy (Ma’am the first rule is to add -s) yes, the
second rule? Yes maria (Ma’am to make plural form, we need to add -es most
especially to the nouns that ends in the letter -s, -ss, -zz, -x, -Ch, & -Sh) very good
Maria, and the last one is? (Ma’am drop -y & add -ies)


Let’s have a group activity. Group 1 is on the 1 st row; group 2 is on 2 nd row and the last
row will be the group 3. I will give you a worksheet which include the nouns in singular
and plural form. You need to come up with a sentence using that word.

1. Boxes
2. Dolls
3. Crocodile
4. Wishes
5. Dress
6. Princess
7. Mall
8. have
Do you Papers
any question? (none teacher) you can start now.
9. Elephants
10. Notebook
Are you done with your activity? (yes teacher) Very good.


I have prepared worksheets for you. (Distribute the worksheets). You have three sets
of activity for you to answer individually. For the first page, you must classify nouns. If
the noun is a person, circle it. If it is a place, draw a box around it. If it is a thing,
underline it. On the second page, you must circle the nouns in each sentence. And on
the last page, you must circle the proper nouns and underline common nouns in each

Name: Date:

WORKSHEET 1: Classifying nouns: person, place or

perso draw
Directions: if the noun is a circle it. If the noun is a
draw a box around it. If the noun is a thing, or animal underline it.

rabbit house school yard ruler book


doctor plate bedroom beach squirrel pot toy


car clock store toast friend sink park forks

teacher brother

Name: Date:

WORKSHEET 2: Identifying nouns in a sentence

Directions: Circle the nouns in each sentence.
1. The firemen rescued the cat from the tree.
2. My friends and I are going to the movies.
3. My friend likes to read about fairies.
4. Mom and dad are going out for dinner.
5. Our teacher gave us homework.
6. My sock has a hole in it.
7. The book has a blue cover.

Do you have questions? (none) Are the instructions clear? (Yes ma’am) get now your
pens and start answering.


Are you done with your activity? (yes teacher) okay pass it forward. Are all papers in?
( yes teacher) very good.


Now, for your quiz. Get your pen and paper. Who can read the instructions in part 1
and part 2? (Me Ma’am *reading the instruction*)


PART 1: Form the singular nouns into plural by adding -s, -es, -ies.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1. Diamond 11. snake

2. Sky 12. lunch
3. House 13. kite
4. Bench 14. frog
5. Coral 15. blanket
6. Injury 16. party
7. Bird 17. witch
8. Straw 18. teacher
9. Fly 19. box
10. park 20. dress

PART II. Read the sentences below. Encircle and use the correct form of nouns in the

1. The two dog / dogs are running in front of our garden.

2. I buy clothes from different mall / malls.
3. What country/countries do you belong?
4. My mother received bunch of Flower / flowers from my dad.
5. My brother/ brothers are twin.
Do you have any questions? (none teacher) if none, you may now begin answering
your quiz.


Are you done with your work class? time’s up. Pencil’s up. Pass your papers forward.
Very good everyone.


Time’s up class, ready your paper, in the count of 5 pass your papers forward. 5, 4, 3,
2, 1. Did you all take the quiz? (yes teacher) very good.


Time’s up class, finish or not finish pass your paper. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Very good. are all
papers in? (yes teacher) very good.

That’s the end of our class for today. do you have any question? (none teacher) that’s
good to hear. I hope you have enjoy and learn something in our class discussions and
activity today. if you don’t have any questions, see you on our next session class.
Goodbye! (Goodbye teacher)

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