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Creative Side

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor’s Name


Creativity means the development of unique perceptions in a way that others understand.

Life has taught me the importance of being creative in all I do, and during the pandemic, my

creative side became more pronounced. Staying indoors for a long time can be a traumatizing

experience for young people, but this opened my imagination to using my computer skills. I

managed to create a platform where young people can pick their brains and engage in

constructive conversations, which helped them engage in destructive behaviors. It is in this

forum that I honed my skill of creating positive relationships with my family members. The

emerging social disconnect was soon replaced with constant communications between

individuals and exchanging pertinent information that translated to their well-being. Therefore,

to me, creativity is the ability to see and expressing unique perspectives.

The world is an exciting and bright place due to the diverse ways people express

themselves, and my creative outlets come in the form of logical thinking, such as solving riddles,

puzzles, and problem-solving. In life, rooting out the past is possible by thinking of experiences

where different problems were faced. Problems can be mistakes, changes, obstacles, fears,

setbacks, challenges, and even flaws, among many others. From this, problem-solving is with a

unique point of view. Mathematics is one subject entailing problem-solving, and this stimulated

my brain to think far and wide as numerous ways are used in defining one answer. Math became

fun because of the unique forms of determining a solution. This one time, I used a different

method to answer a question, which was shorter and straightforward. My peers found my way of

solving math problems easy to understand. It made me feel empowered, and at some point, I

helped out those individuals with difficulty understanding how to solve a math equation. In the

end, I started tutoring students at home, which drove me to solve other challenges like puzzles.

It is my passion to help people with problems, as it leaves me feeling fulfilled. I even

went further to seek advice on how psychologists analyzed their patient's situations. The

brainteasers are something I enjoy as part of my pastime activity. All aspects of problem-solving

have left me feeling appreciated and worthy.

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