11.15 Environmental Chemistry Solution - Premium

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Environmental Chemistry 15.

Chapter 15 Environmental Chemistry


1. 12.

13. Ozone layer is present in stratosphere.

2. Classical smog is mixture of sulphur dioxide and 15. Mesosphere is coldest
coal smoke with fog. The causes for classical
smog are the heavy usage of fuel in industry and 17. Green house gases are water vapours, CO2, CH4
household purposes. Winter season is predominated
by this smog. Photo chemical smog is precipitate in 19. Methane is used in fuel hence it is main hydrocarbon
the reaction of the nitrogen oxide and other chemical pollutant.
compounds in sunlight.
20. CO2 is not pollutant as it does not harm nature, plant,
3. Asbestos cause lung cancer. animals and humans. In fact plants need CO2 and it
Answer correction (A) is part of atmosphere.
5. Great smoke of London was a severe air pollution 21. SO3 + H2O H2SO4 (main)
event in London during cold weather of 1952
December during morning mainly. NOx + H2O HNO3

6. Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere 22. BOD5, The 5 day biochemical oxygen demand.
Thermosphere Exosphere 23. Pollution is release of toxic / undesirable materials
7. The nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide combined in environment.
with fog rather than humidity; larger droplets of 24. Automobile exhausts.
water diluted the acid products; allowing more
sulfate production as sulfuric acid. Sunrise burned 25. When we burn a fossil fuel, the sulfur reacts with
off the fog, leaving concentrated acid droplet that oxygen and forms sulfur dioxide gas (SO2).
killed citizens. 26. SO2 + H2O H2SO3, SO2 + O2 SO3
8. Secondary pollutants are pollutants which form in SO3 + H2O H2SO4, NO2 + H2O HNO3
the atmosphere.
27. , N2O, NO, O3 are main photochemical oxidant
PAN (Peroxyacyl nitrates) produced in the
atomsphere when oxidized volatile organic
compounds combine with nitrogen oxide.
28. Carbon monooxide form complex with haemoglobin
9. and supply of oxygen stops.
10. Methylisocyanate was leaked. 32.
11. Due to depletion of ozone, UV light is particularly 33. Pathogens and PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) both
effective at damaging DNA. It is a cause of present in water.
melanoma and other types of skin cancer.
PCB cause cancer in animals and are probable
human carcinogens.
34. If BOD conc. is less than 5 PPM then water polution
is less.
15.2 Chemistry
36. BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen needed 39. Microbes decompose the organic compound in
by bacteria and other micro organism to oxidize sewage water.
the organic matter present in a water sample over
41. Biosphere is the global ecological system integrating
a period of 5 days. The BOD of drinking water
all living beings.
should be less than 1. That of raw sewage may run
to reversal hundred. 44. Biosphere includes lithosphere, geosphere
hydrosphere and atomsphere.
37. Eutrophication, induce excessive growth of plants
and algae. This process may result in oxygen
depletion of the water body.
1. Particulates acquire negative charge and are attracted 13. Classical smog contains smoke, fog, sulphur
by the positive electrode. dioxide (SO2) and compounds of reducing nature.
It is produced in cold and humid climate. But its
2. PSCs react with chlorine nitrate and HCl to give
main components are not produced by the action of
HOCl and Cl2.
sunlight on emissions of automobiles and factories.
3. Ozone does not absorb infrared radiation at all. It
14. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure
absorbs UV radiations coming from the sun in the
of organic material present in water. BOD value less
upper atmosphere and acts as an umbrella, thus
than 5 ppm indicates a water sample to be rich in
protecting human being living on earth.
dissolved oxygen. For fresh water, value of BOD is
4. less than 5 ppm while for polluted water the value of
amount of persistent pesticides per unit weight of BOD is 17 ppm or more than 17 ppm.
organisms due to their accumulation in fat.
15. Sewage containing organic waste should not be
5. Coagulation can be carried out by adding alum and
ferric chloride in waste water.
die because of decrease in the amount of dissolved
6. Reaction of methylamine and phosgene to produce
oxygen in water.
MIC (Methyl isocyanate) is not an example of green
chemistry. 16. Tetraethyl lead used in fuel to reduce engine
knocking, boost octane ratings and help with wear
and tear on valve within the motors.
cause depletion of ozone layer.
17. It occurs in cool humid climate.
8. Ozone absorbs U.V. radiations that are harmful to
human beings. 19. Components of photochemical smog are NO, NO2,
O3, Aldehyde and peroxyacyl nitrates.
9. Oil slick in sea water decreases D.O. value.
21. Nuclear chemistry is related to nuclear reactions.
10. Presence of CO in the exhaust shows incomplete
combustion. 22.
11. In presence U.V. rays O2 is converted into O3.
UV radiation also splits CFCs in the upper
12. The thermosphere is the fourth layer of the atmosphere to produce chlorine atoms.
earth’s atmosphere and is located above the
mesosphere. The air is thin in the thermosphere. 23. UV radiations cause skin burn and skin cancer.
The earth’s thermosphere also includes the region 25. Photosynthesis absorbs CO2 and release O2.
of the atmosphere, called the ionosphere. The
ionosphere is the region of the atmosphere that is 26. A viable particle is a particle that contains one or
+, NO+. The more living microorganism
high temperature in the thermosphere can cause O2 is not green house gas.
molecules to ionize.
27. Ozone cuts off the ultra violet radiation of the sun.
28. Incomplete combustion produces CO.
29. Sodium chlorate and sodium arsenate are weedicides
while DDT and BHC are pesticides.
Environmental Chemistry 15.3
30. Lead, Mercury and Cadmium are toxic and 43. Cadmium, lead and mercury are toxic if exceed
pollutants. limit.
31. Ozone, Methane, Carbon dioxide and water vapours, 44. Greenhouse gases are water vapours, CO2, CH4,
nitrous oxide, CFCs are green house gases. nitrous oxide, ozone and CFCs.
32. Non-degradable solid pollutants are those which do 45. All reactions are responsible for the depletion of
not degrade, e.g., DDT, plastic etc. ozone layer.
33. The acids present in acid rain are H2CO3, HNO3 and 46. Its (i.e., ozone) advantage over chlorine is that it
H2SO4 as the CO2, SO2 and NO2 gases are present in avoids the unpleasant smell and taste of chlorine.
the atmosphere which dissolve in water to give these 2500 o C quenching
True, O2 2O; O + O2 O 3.
47. (a) The dark blue colour of ozone is due to intense
34. The consequences of global warming may be
absorption of red light.
increase in average temperature of the earth and
melting of glaciers. BOD and eutrophication are the (b) Oxides of nitrogen and the halogen can
result of water pollution. damage the O3 layer.
35. 10 ppm value of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (c) 2I2 + 9[O3] — I4O9 + 9O2
and eutrophication show that the environment is
polluted. (d) 2KOH + 5O3 — 2KO3 + 5O2 + H2O

36. Phosphate containing fertilizers cause water 48. Parathion, aldrin, chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin and
pollution. Addition of such compounds in water endrin are non biodegradable pesticides.
bodies causes enhanced growth of algae and hence, 49. Herbicide is a chemical substance that farmers use
results in decreased amount of dissolved oxygen to kill plants that are growing where they are not
population greatly reduces.
50. BHC - Benzene hexachloride - insecticide.
Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide.
Hence NO2 is more harmful.
51. CO2, N2O, CH4, O3, N2, CFC
Acid rain mainly contains H2SO4
52. O3 is a molecule of three atoms of oxygen, which is
40. Weedicides are the chemicals which are sprayed triangular shaped.

1. The highest allowable amount of Mn is 0.05 ppm. 12. Troposphere ranges from earth surface to 7 18 km.
All other elements are present as per their maximum
13. PAN (peroxyacyl nitrates) are powerful respiratory
permissible values.
and eye irritants present in photochemical smog.
2. Higher the value of BOD, more the oxygen
16. The smog is essentially caused by presence of oxides
requirement which implies more polluted in the
of sulphur and nitrogen.
water sample.
5. Green chemistry is related to minimize the use and
generation of hazardous substances.
8. Chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis which allows
plants to absorb energy from light.
15.4 Chemistry

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