Investment Banking Consultant / Analyst

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523 135th Street

3rd Floor 1C
New York. NY 10031

OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging position of an investment banking analyst/consu

ltant in a reputed organization to utilize my strong mathematical and analytical
skills to benefit the organization.
Columbia University - School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor's of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Economics Graduated :
May 24, 2010
GPA: 3.40
Test Scores: GRE (710 English, 800 Math), SAT (770 Verbal, 800 Math, 730 English
), ACT (35 Composite)
asthmaID: Senior Biomedical Design Project Fall 2009
* Invented AsthmaID, medical device to monitor asthma triggers and symptoms.
* Programmed device to extract and save raw GPS, environmental, and body data.
* Created website, software interface, and graphic designer for concept ideas.
Gramercy Auctions: Marketing Manager and Financial Analyst Summer 2009
* Coded data-mining scripts acquiring unstructured and structured internet data.
Subscription plans for data queries sold to at least two real estate investment
* Utilized Matlab and Excel with VBA to automate large data manipulation.
* Created investor-side property analytics based on weighted regression of renta
l data.
* Developed a geospatial map of foreclosure trends, overlaid with a temporal map
of sold real estate to identify realty "hot spots" by tracking 60 million homes
* Interviewed, hired, and managed four database developers to create a MySQL/PHP
web database for global access by auctioneer teams, legal and marketing automat
ion, and automatic report generation.
* Saved company approximately $8,000 in software transition to free software suc
h as Ubuntu.
Internship in Building Communities: Resident Advisor, Teaching Assistant, Tutor
Summer 2008
* Facilitated discussion as Teacher's Assistant in the course: Narratives in Re
* Planned ~15 events serving 100+ students to a variety of places across New Yor
* Tutored high school students in SAT prep, Math, Chemistry, and History.
Center for Research on Environmental Decisions: Research Intern Summer 2008
* Researched and compiled list of ~300 web links about open access journals.
* Summarized 250+ studies on citation rates of open access and subscription jour
Theta Tau: Theta Chapter Regent and Founder, Kappa Chapter Professional Developm
ent Head
* Created fraternity chapter at Columbia University and aggressively increased e
nrollment and activities.
* Fundraised $7,500 since inception of Theta chapter from alumni and corporate s
* Recruited and managed over 30 members, designated officers and committees, and
advised all growth.
* Brought sponsor corporations, speakers, and alumni for members to explore engi
neering career options and spread engineering interest across the university.
Treasurer for Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and Culinary Club
* Created web listing of forms and budget change for transparency to members.
* Managed co-sponsorships with other organizations, applied for grants for addit
ional budget.
* Member of Biomedical Engineering Society, EconSociety, CU Swing, EFC, and Illi
ni Jujutsu.

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