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SERVQUAL (service quality dimension) was developed based on the view of the customer’s
assessment. This assessment has been conceptualized as a gap between the customer’s
expectations by way of SERVQUAL, from a class of service providers and their evaluation
of the performance of service providers.

1. Reliability: It promises delivery, service provision, problem resolving and cost.

2. Responsiveness: It emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with
customers’ requests, questions, complaints and problems.
3. Assurance: Assurance is defined as employee’s knowledge of the firm and its
employee’s capacity to inspire trust and confidence in the customer.
4. Empathy: Empathy is conveying through personalized services
5. Tangibles: Tangibles are the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel
and communication

1. Reliability
Reliability is an essential dimension of the Servqual model that confirms the capacity to
provide services exactly, on time, and credibly. Consistency is a critical factor for providing
assistance or product to the customers on time with error-free conditions. You have to respect
the commitment to give your service on time accurately as you promised to them.
For example, the organization is sending mail to the customers every day on time.
• Providing services as promised
• Dependability in handling customer services problems
• Performing services right the first time
• Providing services at promised time
• Maintaining error-free records
• Employee who have the knowledge to answer customer questions

2. Responsiveness
Responsiveness refers to the willingness to assist customers with respect and provide quick
service to satisfy. This dimension focuses on the two essential factors, including willingness
and promptness. So, you have to ensure that the customer is getting their service quickly
without delay and make the customers feel that you are very interested in helping them.
Responsiveness will be defined by the length of time when customers wait for the answer or
solution. In short, responsiveness solves the customer problem as soon as possible by
providing expecting information or replacing products.
• Keeping customer informed as to when services will be provided
• Prompt services to customer
• Readiness to respond to customers requests

Example of the Responsiveness Dimension

The employee keeps no customer in waiting serial and replaces the product quickly before
finishing the promised period.

3. Assurance
Assurance means creating trust and credibility for the customers. It depends on the
employee’s technical knowledge, practical communication skills, courtesy, credibility,
competency, and professionalism. Therefore, these skills will help the organization to gain
customer trust and credibility.
The assurance dimension combines four factors: for example, competence, courtesy,
credibility, and security.
Firstly, competence means having the requisite skills and knowledge.
Courtesy refers to the politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact staff.
Credibility is the trustworthiness, believability, and honesty of the staff.
Finally, security means freedom from danger, risk, or doubt.
• Employee who in still confident in customer
• Making customer feel safe in their transactions
• Employee who are consistently courteous

Example of the assurance dimension

The employee is showing respect and being polite to the customers while servicing them.

4. Empathy
Empathy means focusing on the customers attentively to ensure caring and individual service.
It is an essential attitude in some countries in the world to serve every customer individually.
It is also a great process to satisfy customers psychologically and increase confidence, trust,
and loyalty. The company might lose its customers due to the lack of empathy inside the
employees; therefore, they need to ensure compassion.
Additionally, empathy is a combination of the following factors:
Access (physical and social) – (For example, approachable and ease of contact).
Communication – (For instance, keeping customers informed in a language they understand
and listening to them).
Understanding the customer – ( For example, making an effort to get to know customers and
their specific needs).
For example, they are an active listener when customers are speaking and recognizing regular
customers by name.
• Giving customer individual attention
• Employee who deal with customer in a caring fashion
• Having the customer’s best interest at heart
• Employee who understand the needs of their customers
• Convenient business hours

5. Tangibles
Tangibles represent the physical facilities, employees’ appearance, equipment, machines, and
information system. It focuses on facilitating materials and physical facilities.
For example, the hospital maintains a clean environment, and staff follows the appropriate
dress code.

• Modern equipment
• Visually appealing facilities
• Employee who have a neat, professional appearance
• Visually appealing material associated with the services

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