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Video 1: find a case about cyber-racism and then summarize it.

and then have a hashtag at the

end of the video. 1 min
Twitter has to pay 1,500 euros to six victims of hate speech on the app.
Six lobby groups reported that only a fraction of the hateful messages they reported were
removed from Twitter, begging the question ‘Does Twitter and other social media platforms
actually care what is said on their site and the well-being of their users?”
The lobby groups are french and include the Union of French Jewish Students and Sos
France does not tolerate racism or anti-Semitism and will fine convicted individuals of hate
Recently, Eric Zenmour was a right presidential candidate and said quote “ child migrants are
thieves, killers, and rapists” end quote on the Cnews channel in September 2020. He was fined
with 10,000 euros ($11,400) and could be jailed if he does not comply. Zenmour was also
convicted of racist hate speech in 2011 for saying quote “Most drug dealers are black and Arab”
end quote and again in 2018 after commenting about an invasion of Muslims in France.

Video 2: anonymity on the internet and how it influences people’s decisions. 1 min
Title: How does being anonymous on the internet lead to cyber-racism?
What is cyber disinhibition?
It's the increase in inappropriate or uncharacteristic behavior while online.
Cyber-bullying and cyber-racism are more blatant when people don’t have to show identifying
factors of themselves. Such as name, gender, age, etc.
Anonymity can help us feel secure and private online, which can help with protecting us from
People are allowed to make any statement and act however they want online and then close the
app or shut off their screen without any repercussions or remorse.
This extreme sense of freedom and ability to disengage with the click of a finger leads people
to behave drastically differently in comparison to face to face interactions.
A study conducted by Adam Zimmerman found that “anonymous participants also used more
aggressive words in their blog posts than their non-anonymous counterparts” (Online
Aggression : The Influences of Anonymity and Social Modeling)
Video 3: use a victim of cyber racism and explain their situation. 1 min

- These three young ladies (Beth Yeung, Rebecca Wu, and Amanda Young) were told that
they have the ‘Chinese virus’

- “650 percent increase in Twitter retweets using the term “Chinese virus” and similar
language” during the beginning of the pandemic
- The Stop AAPI Hate received over 2,500 incidents of discrimination in a 6 month span
- A study of young adults showed that one-fourth of young Asian American adults have
experienced racism in the first year of the pandemic

- The reason? Covid-19 and it’s safety guidelines have created a perfect environment to
increase racial biases and discriminatory comments online
- Politicians such as President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senator
Tom Cotton, Representative Kevin McCarthy, and Representative Paul Gosar used the
phrase ‘China Virus’ or ‘Wuhan Virus’ which furthered the discriminatory actions towards

Video 3.5: relevance of racism in teens
- 10% of Black children ages 10 and 11 reported being discriminated against because of
race, ethnicity, or color
- 20.5% of Native American children said their peers treated them unfairly or negatively
due to their ethnic background
- 8.4% of Black children revealed unfair treatment from teachers because of their ethnic
- Over 100 black teens reported almost 6,000 instants of racial discrimination over a two
week period
- 95% of non-white students said they had witnessed racist language at school
- Black students and Native American students have been reprimanded in schools for
wearing their hair in its natural state or in braided styles
Video 4: show examples of legislation in other countries/how other countries combat online
- Online racism is well regulated in forgien countries, at least compared to the United
- Im going to talk about three french laws that could be used to regulate online racism, or
at least have been used in the past to regulate it.
- The Press Freedom Act of 1881 specifies racist propaganda as a category of
offense and allows for people who discriminate or cause defamation against a
religious or racial group to be criminally charged and punished
- The Pleven Law of 1972 bans racist groups or groups that encourage racism. In
fact, the law was used to prosecute French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour
who said quote “ child migrants are thieves, killers, and rapists” end quote on live
- The amended Gayssot Law of 1990 mandated the National Commission on
Human Rights to publish an annual report on human rights. The report includes a
detailed summary of offenses, laws, and government responses to issues within
the year. In particular, the report of 2020 informs that the Ministry of Interior found
an 132 percent increase in racist and xenophobic hate crimes from 2018 to 2019.
- The United Kingdom has proposed the Online Safety Bill will fine social media
companies up to almost $25 million if they do not oppose racism or abuse and will
criminally punish offenders.

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