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rect. Cis wrong, itis stated that you cannot smoke, not that you [cannot carry cigarettes. 2. (A) The hotel's not great [not very good), Anne is an holiday and is the writer of the card, not Jane, so that rules aut C. They ‘are going to the beach almost every day which rules out 8. 3. (C) ‘Check out (look at/read) the articles [on the internet ste!’ 4. (B) Ais wrong. Sam wants David to ring dad not collect their mum. Bis correct; ring dad .. and he's [dad's] got to collect her’ (Cis obviously wrong. '. (C) 'Bring your marketing plan {you must give your marketing lan] to his [the boss! office tomorrow at 4:00! A is wrong; the person must meet their boss, not their competitors. B is nat said. Part 2 Questions 6 - 10 6. (C) lan likes horror films with mystery and ghosts. C features spirits (ghosts) and enigmatic clues [to help solve the mystery]. F is wrong because the murder is brutal or bloody and we know lan does not like films that contain foo much blood. 7. (E} Jenny wants to go on a date to see something that is ro- mantic, suitable for young people but does not like musicals. Eis ‘about two young students [young people] in love with each other [romantic] and is @ sweet romantic movie for teenagers {young people). is wrong because it is a musical 8. (B) Nick wants to see a film that will help him relax - something funmy but not something unbelievable. B is about a character who suffers one humorous incident after another {lots of funny things happen}. And the story feels like it could happen to anyone [is be- lievablel, 19. (A) George wants to see an entertaining film that is light and cultural with singing and dancing. A has superb dance and vocal [singing] routines and is as entertaining as a broadway hit. 10. (G) Rob is interested in technology and the future and kes films to have a message or an issue to think about. Gis set in the 23rd century {the future] and features robots and camputers [technology]. The film also contains warnings about the danger of losing our human nature [about an issuel Part 3 Questions 11 - 20 11, (A) correct; ‘our tourist-board inspected narrow boats! 12, (B) incorrect; Whether youre looking for a weekend break {a weekend break is less than a week. or a week or more .. you'l have the choice of .* 13. (B) Incorrect; ‘eal for couples, families (which incl ch ren and fiends! 14. (A) correct; ‘to previous experience is necessary’ 15. (B) incorrect; ‘mooring [stopping off] perhaps at a charming ]analsie pub for unc’ - if you have to stop off and leave the boat for lunch then it must not be served onboard 16. (A) correct; "fou can start your holiday from one of our four | wellocated bases [afferent locations} 17. (8) incorrect; ‘explore England and Wales [not Scotland! 18. (A) correct; showers ushng tls . even microwaves and ishwashers! 19. (A) correct; holidays used to be: easy, unturied, with end less freedom... a tolday with us wil bring you al this fase, time to relax, reedomt! 20. (8) incorrect; 'send itn an envelope by post. you can ‘phone [by telephone] or email [over the internet] us' - there are three ways Part 4 Questions 21 - 25 21. (B) P1 talks about her success. P2 talks about what in her Character made her successful P3 talks about her achevernents the proof of her success. Pd talks about the potential for future success. A is clearly wrong; this passage doesn't focus on acting. | Bis correct this passage is all about Madonna's success. C is ‘wrong; the passage makes the point that Madonna has remained ‘successful and wealthy. D is wrong; Madonna has remained fa- ‘mous, the passage points out 22. (D) she gained her strong personality [was made stronger] through her tough childhood experiences (through difficult events) 23. (C) hugely successful [achieved a great deal, often through controversy {upsetting people) 24. (A) making her one of the highest-earning [richest] entertain ers of her generation lof her time] 25. (D) what nobody can be sure of [so we will have to guess] is ‘exactly what she will do next Paper 2 Listening Part 1 Questions 1 - 7 1. (B) ‘the film isn't until 815. Let's meet fifteen minutes before it starts [B15 - 0:15 = 800" 2. (A) "started by looking there [on the desk} and "There it is ‘exactly where | first looked [which is on the desk 3. (C) 'the museum is .. open weekends, and Tuesday through Thursday (but not Monday! 4. (A) Nt. Ihave egg and sausage with my toast! Ws ll order the same lege, sausage and toast] for little Ryan’ Ne ‘Don't get him sausages. W: ‘OK [no sausages}, ! thnk Ill have the same as him [egg and toast? 5. (A) ‘On Saturday .. saw a great show [at the theatre] in town the whole production might even be made into a movie (but is not ‘a movie yet, confirming he didrit go to the cinemal 6. (A) Mt thinking of getting my brother a new sofa for his house! W: stick to your original suggestion (of buying a sofa’ £7. (B) ‘office workers heading into the city should use the inter > ity railway connection’ Part 2 Questions 8 - 13 8. (B) " signed up to become a professional two years ago .. td bbeen with the club for two years before that a junior (not @ professional)’ 9. (A) In the morning: fitness and ball exercises’ In the afternoon: ‘discuss tactics’. In the evening: ‘min five against five matches! [not full matches ruling out B and C] 10. {B) ‘watch videos of the other team and of our own perform- ance (but not of warming up] 1L. (C) 'we have to follow it four diet] quiet strictly’ and ‘we do eat meats and cheese, but all of this in maderation (moderation ‘means being careful not to eat too much} and ‘alcohol and sweets: are kept at an absolute minimum [we are careful not to eat too ‘much alcohol or too many sweets} 12. (B) ‘t's a very busy lifestyle .. even when | get home, | might be tired .. | stil see my family as | live at home .. my friends un- derstand (that | don't see them often) and we [my friends and I} | meet a lot during the summer when there's a long break’ 13. (A) my immediate [frst] ambition is to secure a regular place in the team: C is wrong because he dreams of playing [thinks | about playing] for England in the future. The phrase '! can't thnk ‘about the World Cup just yet’ means I have to try to concentrate on my immediate goals like making the first team ard developing ‘my skils not that he literally does not thnk about playing world ‘up football. Part 3 Questions 14 - 19 14. 'rexmodelled improved] by several rich lords’ 15. ‘the ruins [remains] of a small, Norman church’ 16. 't includes [features] secret hiding places in the walls’ 17. ‘£15 with a traditional lunch’ 18. ‘the painted surfaces and plastered celings have ant craft symbols (signs) 19, Five bridges connect [join] the beautiful five-zcre gardens! itch Part 4 Questions 20 - 25 20. (N) W: we don't have to go ta the middle of London Me "td prefer the atmosphere of the [city] streets’ W: ‘You're right (about shopping in the city) 21. [¥) W: The train is more expensive [than the coach} isnt it” Me Yes but it [the train] is twice as fast... and avoids the traffic W: "| wouldnt mind seeing the city [on the longer bus route) Mt And we could spend the extra money [we save by taking the bus] in the shops" 22. (Y) ‘really can't wait to see all the latest styles from the top designers [of clothing} 23. (N) ‘Actually, it's only a few small and inexpensive CD-ROM programmes’ 24. (N) M: We could go to the Westend theatre district’ W:! can never keep my eyes open {it's boring] .. so many people just singing and dancing on stage for three hours’ 25. (N) "a rather that [a fancy restaurant] than the fast food places around [near] the train station’ PET Practice Test 5 Paper 1 Reading Part 1 Questions 1-5 example (C) No balls alowed on the grass means you are forbid- Jden from [not allowed to] playing any games involving balls [ball games] on the grass. The answer is C. 1. (A) Refrigerate [chill before opening [using] so A is correct. 2. (8) Bis correct. No [it isnot allowed) pubic access fuse by the people] or parking (to park/'stopl.C is wrong because the road is in use 24 hours and is a Private Road A is wrong because itis @ Private road not a car park 3. (B) Thieves will be reported to the police and taken to court means the police WILL BE INFORMED about any thieves inthe area ‘and the thieves will be arrested and brought to justice. Wil be refers to the future ruing out C, which refers to the past, and A, which refers to the present. 4. (C) Mr Smith is the sender. The sender writes; how much would It cost to take my [school] class .. to the museum [on a tip. Therefore, Mr. Smith does not work at the museum, ruling out A Mr Smith, not Mr Clinton, wants to take the class to the museum, ruling out 8. 5. (A) Annie wants a fresit loaf, two pies and a cream cake - all things that are found at the baker's. to many of the nearby islands. 7. (B) Dean wants to enjoy nightife and visit historic sites. B has ‘a right bus which allows you to experience the vibrant Athens rightite and is near historic Cape Sounio {for tistorc sites 8. (H) Chris is celebrating his wedding anniversary and wants to visit somewhere different and memorable. H is unique (memo- rable] experience and is a place for people who are in love (cele- brating their wedding anniversary for example). 9. (E) Alan and his friends want hot beaches and outdoor activ ties. E contains exotic beaches, swept by hot winds and offers re- | markable scenery [outdoors] if you put the legwork in {if you are active) 10. (G) George's holiday is for retired couples who ke areas of Fistorical importance and local culture, and who want a relaxing and peaceful place to stay. Gs a tour of tistorc sites where you can stay in comfortable ard peaceful hotels and enjoy focal food ‘and wines local culture. | Part 3 Questions 11 - 20 1L (A) correct; ‘with rides on our classic trams and trolley busses! 12, (B) incorrect; ‘a museum unique to the last detail. the only place in the British Iles where visitors can not only view, but also ride." 13, (B) Incorrect; “with vehicles from home [Britain] and abroad [other countries! 14, (A) correct; learn about the transport of times past through informative displays! 15. (B) incorrect; ‘our very own light railway ..sleeply makes [not speediy - not fast its way around’ 16. (A) correct; in the Terminus Tearooms ‘rinks and snacks [refreshments] wide choice of | 17. (A) correct; ‘the museum's buildings are wheelchair (aisabled people] and pushchair [parents with babies) accessible’ 18. (B) incorrect; Visits from classic vehicle owners and clubs are just as welcome’ «ust as welcome! means ‘equally welcome’ nat more or less welcome. 19. (B) incorrect; No mention is made of special birthday enter tainment, only a special ‘range of buffet options’. 20. (A) correct; we are all volunteers’ - a volunteer is not paid for the work he does Part 4 Questions 21 - 25 21. (B) PI is an introduction. P2 talks about his poor upbringing. 3 talks about how he took up music. PA talks about the content of his songs. PS talks about live performances. P6 talks about what makes his band appeal to people. A is wrong because he is riot exalaining the music industry, only his own story. B is correct because he is describing becoming a musician {how] and the events that led him to become one and music's appeal for him wy]. 22. (C) just a few miles away rich people lived who had every- thing, while we had nothing [in our area - and were not rich; there- fore poor]. B is wrong as the rich people lived in another area 2 few miles away. D is wrong; he doesn't specifically say what jobs hiss family had, A is wrong; he only mentions the terrible state of ‘the neighborhood [which was to do with poverty], nothing about | how his family treated him. Part 2 Questions 6 - 10 16. (D) Jay wants an island with lots of exciting nightife. He also wants to visit other nearby islands for day trios, D is known for its glamourous clubs and bars (nightife] and ferries provide day trios | 23. (A) Theyre about voicing how we fee! [his and the rest of the band’s feelings] about the problems and issues around us; crime, tunemployment.. [serious issues} | 24. (D) it can be sensational amazing] to be on stage and have

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