L55 Justifications

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‘wenty thousand people sing the songs that you write [nis own songs] 25. (C) A is wrong because Axel doesn't talk a lot about money and fame, which suggests he is not interested in these things, B is wrong as Axel doesn't say how successful his band is world= wide and doesnt talk about making money. Dis wrong because Axel does not talk about losing his enthusiasm and says on the last line that he thinks people wha listen to his music understand the message, to0. Cis correct because Axel describes how he uses music to talk about the issues around him and connecting with ordinary people Paper 2 Listening Part 1 Questions 1 - 7 1. (B) Mi "Yes, my uncle got me these new shoes. Ws Did he get you that hat as well" Ne'No [not a hat), but he did get me this T-shirt’ 2. (A) We ‘Actually he's (my dac's] taking a break at the moment and is doing some hours at a garage’ }3.(C) W: Dorit worry, well give you a lift fin our car] tomorrow, we pass your house anyway.’ 4. (A) This will ead to a bright weekend in most areas 5. (A) ‘white, six foot tal, with black hai, lasses and a bear }6. (C) M: Shall | wash up first? W: No, Ml take care of the dishes when we've eaten! 7. (B) ve always fancied {wanted to do] sking, and there's a be- ginner's course every Saturday [at the weekend)" Part 2 Questions 8 - 13 8. (B) "The few [not many] bad days were when storms struck’ 9. (B) ‘in all we spent nearly 30,000 pounds [money], and missed work for three months without pay [money]. Apart from that, the time and effort needed for the months of physical training can't be calcuated'- if something ‘cant be calculated! there is too much to count 10. (A) ‘knew that as a husband and wife team (husband and wife wo), working together would be no problem. 1. (C) ‘two allfemmale teams [teams with only women in them’ 12, (B) Hannah Snell was 2 wornan who joined the Navy Royal Marines in 1723 disguised as a marl She fought well 13. (C) ‘at the very start of the race that the atmosphere be- tween the teams was in fact very friendly’ Part 3 Questions 14 - 19 14. You wil learn lots of new exercise techniques’ 15. 3 good pair of trainers, a tracksui, shorts and T-shirts for the gym Doit forget also to take a swimming costume" 16. ‘wrk outa pan with specfc targets for each person 17. ‘consist of exercises inthe pool, and then relaxation in the soa 18, There will then be a tak about fitness strategies! 19. which works out at one hundred pounds, nom sorry that's one hundred and five pounds forthe whole week’ Part 4 Questions 20 - 25 20. (N) We moved in February Dad, and it's August now 21. (N)'Yeah, but they think I dont} going to the cinemas the most exciting thing to do.’ 22. [¥] ‘aways worried about how unsafe {= crime] London has become, There are so many problems at the schools: violence, ‘rugs and gang culture [= crime)” 23. (Y) 1 want to go back when I'm old enough. London has the best drama schools in the country, and it's the logical place to be to-get into the theatre. (become an actor] 24. (N) 1 know you won't (let anything get inthe way of focusing | on your exams)! | 25. (N) "lam taller than every other player, exceot the captain’ PET Practice Test 6 Paper 1 Reading Part 1 Questions 1-5 example (C) No bals alowed on the grass means you are forbid: den from {not allowed to] playing any games involving bas (ball, + games] on the grass. The answer is C. 1. (B) Are you stil feeling down [sad or depressed - Sue is asking Brian, so we know Sve is not depressed]? You shoutd{in other Words, ‘why don't you” - an invitation] come out with us to cheer ‘yourself wp. il come and collect you Saturday at six if you lke 2. (B) Due to circumstances beyond our control fa problem or sit: uation we cannot avoid, confirming B], the shop wil clase at 4 pum [itis open most of the afternoon] instead of 5 pm. on Wedhesday [this Wednesday, not every Wednesday] 3. (A) 20% deposit [a deposit is a payment not a partial reduction, ruling out B] reserves any item in the shop [keeps it from being sold to another customer - keeps it for you, confirming Al. A 20% deposit guarantees you the item you want to buy, but that does not mean you have to pay a deposit on all items, ruing out C. 4. (B) Free admission [no entrance fee] to gallery after 6:30 pum. 5. (C) Hey John, We've decided to go to Berlin for the weekend. ‘Do you want to come and enjoy (not cook, rung out A) some 00d food with us? We need you to translate [Tina wouldn't need John to translate if she spoke German well, rung out BY john will be using his language skils to translate, so if Tina needs im to translate, she needs his language skils; the answer is C. _ Part 2 Questions 6 - 10 6. (C) Brian has 2 degree in history and enjays reading about real people who have done something unusual or exciting in their lif. C is the true account {real person] of Richard Berk's search for the Arican bushmen and their amazing [exciting] acceptance of his presence in ther timeless world... A remarkable [urusual) story about a remarkable anthropologist. 7. (B) Marie is a primary school teacher who eniays reading books| that transport her to another world or a completely alfferent ite, ‘She also likes romantic novels. B is set in a castle in Italy [another world/a completely diferent fel. The characters make discover- | ies about fe and love {romancel 8. (G) Bob is a retired scientist who enjoys doing quizzes and solving puzzles because he has a very analytical mind. G is about 2 world of intrigue and overlapping events [sounds lke a puzzle) There is a common factor which the audience shouid try to work out [solve 9. (A) Angie enjoys books that she can read a ite bit at a time. ‘She particularly likes books about people and human relationships. Ais a collection of studies [short readings - which can be done @ little bit at atime] about how people interact with their families {human relationships] .. These short stories [suitable for reading a litte bit at a time - story-by-storyh

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