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1) Discuss the reasons that resulted in the discovery of new sea route to India.

2) Fall of Constantinople led to the discovery of new sea route to India. Justify.

▪ In 1453 Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople.

▪ They started levying too man taxes.
▪ Trade was not profitable.
▪ To break the Italian monopoly over trade
▪ Scientific development like compass, Astrolabe, Gunpower

3) Describe the system of Dual Government.

▪ Robert Clive introduced.

▪ The British had the right to collect land taxes.
▪ The Nawab had the power over administration issue like justice of others.

4) How could the British place Indian states under their control through subsidiary Alliance?

▪ Lord Wellesley implemented

▪ Keep the British army in their kingdom
▪ Bear the expenses/wages of army
▪ Appoint a British resident
▪ Not to appoint any other Europeans
▪ Permission from the governor general for any agreement/pact.

5) How did the doctrine of lapse support the expansion of British Empire in India?

Lord Dalhousie introduced in 1848

To integrate the Indian princely states one with British empire

Adapted children of Indian kings had no right to the throne

States that did not have natural heirs merged with British empire.

6) 18th century in Indian history is considered as “The century of Political problems”. Why?

The death of Mughal emperor Aurangazeb in 1707 weakened the Mughal empire.

Mughal lost political control over south India.

Several political struggles took place in the Carnatic region.

The death of Chikkadraraja wodeyaz in 1704 created the problem of succession of

administration in mysore.

7) Why did the Bedas of Hulagalli rebel against the British?

British banned the usage of weapons in 1857

Bedas kept gun-part of custom

Rebelled when they asked to surrender the firearms.

Bedas of Manturu, Bodani , Alagundi joined

British army entered Hulagali

Bedas were suppressed.

Rebells were hanged till death.

8) The condition of Indian soliders in the British army was very pathetic. Justify

Indian soliders got less salary.

Promotions were reserved for English

Pressure for over-seas work

Use of royal enfield guns created dissatisfaction to their religious beliefs.

9) Explain Drain Theory

Dadabai Naoroji explained the drain of resources of India to England through scientific

By increasing the import of reducing the export created unfavourable situation in India to
drain out Indian resources to England.

10) How was Goa liberated from the Portuguese?

Protest against the Portuguese.

Portuguese tried to consolidate their power over goa.

Satyagrahis from all over India entered goa in 1955.

Indian military entered goa, took over its administration in 1961.

11) How did Junagadh join the Indian Union?

Nawab wanted to join with Pakistan.

People revolted against him.

The nawab fled from kingdom.

Dewan made request to Indian government.

Junagadh joined Indian union.

12) How did government solve the Tibetan refuges problem?

People of Tibet arrived in India as refugees in 1959 during Nehru’s period.

In 1960, Karnataka government sanchoned 3000 acres of land at Bylakuppe.

It is one of the major Tibetan settlements in India with one lakh twenty thousand refugees.

13) What were the problems faced in Independent India?

Communal violence.
Refugee crises.

Formation of new government.

Integration of princely state

Re-organisation of states.

14) How was Pondicherry liberated from the French?

French continued to hold over Pondicherry even after India’s independence.

congress, communists of other wanted them to become part of India.

As a result these places joined India in 1954.

15) What are the aims of the foreign policy of India?

National security.

Enriching national economy.

Spreading cultural richness of our country.

Increasing the number of friendly countries.

Achieve world peace of co-existence.

16) What are the principles of panchasheela?

Non invasion of each other.

Mutual co-operation of respect.

Peaceful co-existence.

Non- interference in each other’s internal issues.

Respecting each other’s sovereignty and regional interests.

17) Why is India championing the cause of disarmament as very important for the present day

world? Explain

Arms race appears to be a dangerous phenomenon of the present day world.

We have to end the war or the war will end us.

Insecurity, fear, Instability and threat of war appear.

Preparation of Nuclear weapons of bombs of stockpiling creates more problems.

18) Which are the factors influence the India’s foreign policy?

National interests.

Political situation.

Economic interest.

Military issues.
Public opinion.

International situation

19) What were the main problems faced after the Second World War?

Human rights denial.

Arms race.


Economic inequality.


20) What are the features of economically backward countries?

Lack of sufficient capital to develop agriculture, industry, science, technology, transport,

communication, education, health and many other areas.

The excess spending, open economy, globalization promoted by the developed nations is
taxing the poor nations with increasing pollution of inability to manage.

These countries were under colonalism of imperialism.

21) Which factors influence the division of labour?

Division of labour depends on interest, tastes, skills, age, ability, talents, special skills and

gender of people during the work.

22) Difference between Economic labour & social labour?

Economic labour goes with the technical and people’s co-operation.

Social labour achieves social control through class, status of stratification.

23) Explain the nature of a mob.

A collection of people which gathers temporarily around a common interest.

Assembled at particular point without any prior plan and gathered to express some decision.

Easily influenced by emotions, feelings & opinions.

Reflects social shortcomings that particular society.

24) What is women’s movement? Give examples.

It is a movement that opposed the patriarchal values exploiting women and the creation of
inequality on the basis of gender.

Consider women as a mere slave, created inequalities in the society.

Women are denied many rights. Eg : Alcohol prohibition movement.

25) Mob violence is an anti-social activity. Why?

Mob violence results in destruction of property.

Creates confusion.

Creates law and order problem.

Results in death.

Leads to dominance of anti-social elements.

Leads to communal, racial, caste violence etc.

26) Explain the meaning and nature of environmental movements.

Environmental movements aimed at preserving the biological system.

Aimed at curtailing the various activities that are polluting earth, air & water.

They never appear instantly.

They are the result of many years of exploitation of nature of tribal people.

27) Distinguish between the Western Ghats & Eastern Ghats.

Western Ghats Eastern Ghats

continuous Not continuous

Parallel to west coast Parallel to east coast
Higher mountain Not higher
Extended from Gujarat to Extended from Mahanadi to nilgiri
Highest peak is Anaimudi Highest peak is Armakonda

28) What are the economic importance of peninsular plateau?

Rich in minerals

Bio diversity

Useful for agriculture.

Birth of many rivers.

Generation of hydro electricity

Rich in black soil.

Rich in forest.

29) Describe the Economic importance of northern hemisphere of northern mountains.

* The Himalayas act as natural frontiers and prevent foreign invasion.

* They prevent the cold wind from central Asia

* They obstruct the rain bearing winds and causes heavy rainfall.

* Solpes are thick forest and are deal for plantation crops.
* Store house of minerals.

* Birth place of many rivers.

* Waterfalls used to generate hydroelectricity power.

30. Which are the factors influence the climate of India?

* Location

* Water bodies

* Relief features

* Monsoon winds

* Ocean currents

* Latitude

* Distance from the sea

31. Which are the important seasons of Indian Climate?

* Winter season (December to February)

* The Summer season (March to May)

* The rainy season (June to mid-September)

* The Retreating Monsoon season (Mid-September to November)

32. List out the methods of Soil Conservation.

* Afforestation & reforestation

* Controlled over grazing

* Contour farming

* Constructions of check dams

* Contour bunding

* Gully control &

* Bench terracing

33. Mention any four measures for the conservation of forest.

* Control of deforestation

* Restriction on grazing

* Control of forest fire

* Prevention of encroachment of forests

* Control of forest insects & diseases.

* Controlling illegal cutting of trees

* Scientific cutting of trees

* Legislation to check deforestation

* Encourage afforestation

* Creating awareness among people on importance of forests.

34. What are the causes for the destruction of forests?

* The expansion of agricultural land

* Construction of roads and railway.

* Irrigation projects

* Industrialization

* Urbanization

* Over grazing

*forest fires

35. What are the objectives of Multi-purpose river valley projects?

* To provide water for irrigation

* To control the floods

* To generate hydroelectricity

* To prevent soil erosion

* To develop inland waterways and fishing

* To provide recreation facilities

* To provide water for domestic purposes & industries

* To reclaim land for agriculture.

* Afforestation

36. Which are the financial institutions providing assistance to entrepreneur?

* Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

* National Bank of Agriculture and Rural development(NABARD)

* Export & Import Bank (EXIM Bank)

* Commercial & other banks

* State finance Corporations

* Life Insurance Corporate of India (LIC)

* Unit Trust of India (UTI)

37. Mention the importance of Consumer protection council/Rights of consumers?

* Right to protection

* Right to information

* Right to choice

* Right to be heard

* Right to seek redressal against exploitation

* Right to Consumer education

* Right to stop exploitation

* Right to healthy environment

38. What are the major functions of Consumer protection council/Objectives of Consumer
protection act.

* The act accords importance for safety & quality

* Avoiding production & sales of dangerous goods

* Prevention of trade malpractices in the market

* Supervision of quality,weights,measures of price.

* Compensatory the consumers

* Creating awareness to consumers through consumer education

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