Unit Plan 1 Woody

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Unit Plan: Beginner Spanish

Student: Woody
Teacher: Melisa
Date: 10/20/2020


Woody is a seven-year-old primary school student studying in Beijing. He’s never

studied Spanish before and showed interest in the language. During our interview, I
introduced basic introduction phrases and Woody was able to reproduce Spanish
sounds correctly. Woody has basic English listening skills that will help him begin to
speak Spanish. It will take a little more time to get to know him because of the language
barrier, but I believe Woody is going to do well in our lessons.

Curriculum/ Materials Used:

 Peak Get Fueled Beginner’s Spanish Program

o Selected Units of Peak Program
 PowerPoint files of Vocabulary Reinforcement (made by teacher)
 BrainPop Spanish
 Big Universe books:
o ¿Qué es esto?
o Mi Cuerpo Genial

 Multiple internet sources such as:

o Algarabía Kids, Revista Muy Interesante Jr
o SpanishUnicorn.com, Profedele.com
o Youtube: TioSpanish: aprender español online

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Skills covered in this course:

 Practice listening and speaking skills

 Culture, specifically Mexican and Latin culture
 Learn new vocabulary by studying synonyms and antonyms
 Identify parts of speech and gender
 Learn Spanish Pronunciation (gue, gui), and Phonics patters such as soft and hard
g (ga, go, gu) (ge, gi)
 Use vocabulary in short reading selections to increase comprehension


Homework will be assigned after each lesson, should take no more than 1 hour to
complete and may include:
 Independent Research
 Vocabulary review exercises and worksheets

Please note, this is an education program tailored to the individual student. Therefore,
all Unit Plans are subject to minor changes based upon the educational needs and
interests of the student.

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