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ped i atr. 2015; 48 (3): 68–74

www.el sevier .es / revi s tapediat r ia

Review of topics

Foods derived from genetically modified crops. New,

safe for human health, consumed?

Adriana Castaño-Hernandez
Biologist, M.Sc. Bogotá, Colombia-South America

article information abstract

Article history: Since 1996, with the FDA approval of the first food derived from a genetically modified crop, the SavrFlavr
Received September 15, 2015 Accepted tomato ®, With a delayed maturation, the development of these organisms has grown vertiginously, today
September 27, 2015 being considered the biotechnological technology with the fastest adoption and growth per planted area
globally. The development of recombinant DNA technology allowed more efficient and safer progress: in the
On-line on October 31, 2015 pharmaceutical industry, for antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, diagnostics, and recombinant human insulin;
in fl oriculture, for new varieties; in the repair of contaminated environments, and in agriculture, to

Keywords: introduce resistance traits, in particular to herbicides and insects. In parallel with this process, a concern has

Genetically Modi fi ed arisen about the safety and security of genetically modified crops, and foods derived from them, This has led

Organisms (GMOs) to the development of biosafety systems that seek to establish appropriate measures for the safe research,

Food derived from GMO Safety use, handling, transport and commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This article
describes the evolution of the processes for the establishment of GMO biosafety systems in the country, the
Biosafety current regulatory system and the procedures used; In addition, the gradual process of adoption and use of
genetically modified crops is detailed. the current regulatory system and the procedures used; In addition,
the gradual process of adoption and use of genetically modified crops is detailed. the current regulatory
system and the procedures used; In addition, the gradual process of adoption and use of genetically
modified crops is detailed.

© 2015 Journal of Pediatrics EU. Published by Elsevier España, SLU This is an Open Access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license ( ).

Foods derived from genetically modified crops- New, safe for human
health, consumed?


Keywords: Since 1996, with the approval by the FDA of the the fi rst food derived froma genetically modified a
Genetically Modified Organisms crop, tomato SavrFlavr®, which had delayed maturation, development of geneti-
(GMOs) cally modi fi ed organisms (GMOs) have grown rapidly, being considered the biotechnology


0120-4912 / © 2015 Journal of Pediatrics EU. Published by Elsevier España, SLU This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http:// ).
ped i atr. 2015; 48 (3): 68–74 69

Food derived from GMOs technique with the faster adoption and globally growth. The development of recombinant DNA technology
Food safety allowed more efficient and safe developments, such as in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of
Biosafety antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, diagnostics, recombinant human insulin; in fl oriculture, for the
development of new varieties; repair of contaminated environments and in agriculture, for introducing
traits, in particular for herbicide tolerance and insects resistance. Parallel to these developments, concerns
have arisen about the safety and harmlessness of genetically modified crops and foods derived from them,
which has led to the development of biosafety systems that seek to establish appropriate measures for
research, use, handling, transportation, safe marketing of GMOs.

© 2015 Journal of Pediatrics EU. Published by Elsevier España, SLU This is an open access articleunder
theCCBY-NC-ND license ( ).

derived from genetically modified crops or commonly called: “transgenic

foods”. The introduction of new DNA allows the synthesis of new substances,
which can be conventional components of food such as proteins,
Among the main scientific and technological developments of the last carbohydrates or vitamins, but could also generate new metabolites that
decades, biotechnology and its products occupy a prominent position. These would be toxic to humans.
have impacted almost all sectors of the economy due to the development of
products in important industrial areas such as health, with the development
of systems for early diagnosis, vaccines and products for the treatment of Foods derived from genetically modified crops are foods obtained from a
diseases; in agriculture, with the development of improved crops and food; in genetically modified organism (GMO), or that contain ingredients that come
non-food uses of crops as biodegradable materials from plants that have been genetically engineered. What is genetically
modified is the plant, the microorganisms or the animal, NOT the food. A food
can contain ingredients that come from GMOs, (for example cottonseed oil,
gradables, vegetable oils and biofuels; and in handling cornmeal, soy sauce), or they can be directly GMO, for example cob or
environmental through bioremediation (recycling, treatment and cleaning papaya. A GMO is any living organism that has a new combination of genetic
lie of waste of areas contaminated by material, which has been obtained through the application of Recombinant
industrial activities) 1 . The fundamental basis of these advances is molecular DNA technology, its developments or advances; as well as its parts, derivatives
biology and the application of recombinant DNA techniques, which has or products that contain them, 4 .
allowed the insertion of genes into the genome of an organism at specific
sites and with characteristics that the recipient organism does not present. 2 .
application has been subject to public scrutiny with extensive
controversies and
debates public and
politicians, possibly
by the discon oc impetus what's up ac erca del t ema and by the
disinformation that society in general has received from the media. The systems most widely used for gene transfer are Agrobacterium and
biolistics or biobalistics. However, there are several methods that are used
Despite its enormous potential, there are many concerns today, including protroplast fusion, the whiskers methodology 5 , gene
public in relation to the modi fi impact of crops on human genetic silencing, electroporation or microinjection among others.
camente ed -GM- health and animal
and the amb ient, a time this s are sown. Has to record
give yourself any kind agriculture either c onven tional Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was the first gene transfer
- subsistence, organic, intensive - affects the environment, so it is to be system to produce a genetically modified plant in 1983, when they reported
expected that, in a similar way, the use of new genetic technologies for crops the transfer of bacterial genes to plants and from one plant species to
will affect it. The considerations that revolve around the application of gene another. 6 . Agrobacterium tumefaciens, is a bacterium belonging to the genus
technology in agricultural crops involve several categories that can be broadly Agrobacterium, a plant pathogen that has the natural ability to transfer genes
grouped into aspects to the plants it infects (hosts). These bacteria enter the plant through a
wound, inject their genetic material into the cell, and a small portion is
food safety, environmental safety, as well as food safety integrated into the genome of the host cell. The transferred DNA segment is
socio-economic impact implications 1.3 . ethical, cultural and from known as the T-DNA region (transfer DNA) and is found in the bacterial
resident plasmid called the Ti (tumor inducer) plasmid.
Cancer, HIV-AIDS, allergies, toxic effects, changes in patterns of use the
and consumption, impacts on wild species it is,

nutritional effects and even homosexuality, are some of the concerns

surrounding food consumption
70 ped i atr. 2015; 48 (3): 68–74

The gene construct that is inserted has a basic molecular composition that
allows the correct expression of the inserted gene in the host plant. For which
an expression cassette is constructed that is made up of a promoter region
(promotes how much protein to produce and when to produce it), a coding
region (encodes the information for the production of a protein), and a
terminator region (ends the expression or protein production). Promoters and
terminators are sequences from genes from plants, viruses, or bacteria. The
expression cassette is inserted into a DNA molecule or transformation vector.
The vectors most used in the transformation of bacteria are plasmids, small,
circular DNA molecules, which are found naturally in bacteria and whose size
varies between 5 to 400 Kbp,

teriano, sailing in the cytoplasm. In nature,

plasmids contain g in that the bacterial cell is not for him
Figure 1 - Biobalistics equipment for plant transformation. Photo
normal functioning fromessential, and may
courtesy A. Castaño.
exchange between bacteria of the same species 7 .
In the case of plant transformation, it is necessary to combine the activity
of at least three genes. A gene that allows the selection of future transgenic
plants, a gene that serves to select recombinant bacteria and another of of which 3.6 million are allocated to the regulatory process and the studies
commercial or research interest. The insert cassette then contains two genes: involved in it 9 .
a plant selection marker and the gene of interest.

The regulatory context and risk assessment of

The bacterial plasmid with the expression cassette is introduced into
foods derived from genetically modified
Agrobacterium, which is put in contact (co-cultivation) with the plant tissue of
the plant of interest. After coculture, the explants are transferred to
regeneration media containing an antibiotic to stop the growth of the bacteria In order to be really useful, the products of genetic transformation must be
and a selection agent. The selection agent is used to ensure that only safe for the user and for the environment, for which strategies have been
potentially transgenic seedlings regenerate. The seedlings that are developed that regulate the use and application of genetically modified
regenerated in a selection medium, after co-cultivation, must be characterized organisms, in order to obtain the maximum benefits. of their use.
molecularly. The presence of the transgene in the plant genome must be
demonstrated, and that it is being transcribed and translated correctly.
Subsequently, the biological tests are carried out in the greenhouse and in the Considerable international, regional and national efforts seek to develop
field, mechanisms to, on the one hand, guarantee the proper use of
biotechnological developments and, on the other, facilitate access to their
benefits for the whole of society through biosafety regulations. 10 .
to show that the plant is desired. expressing the phenotype
In order to establish the degree of safety of foods derived from genetically
The transformation of plants by the biolysics method or modified plants, the concept of BIOSECURITY has been established, which
The gene gun fi g. 1 ) was one of the methods developed to transfer genes to establishes the set of measures and actions that must be taken to evaluate,
plant genomes in the 80s of the last century, a process devised by John avoid, prevent, mitigate, manage and / or control the possible risks and direct
Sanford, Theodore Klein, Edward Wolf and Nelson Allen of Cornell University or indirect effects that may affect human health, the environment and
in the United States 8 . biodiversity, agricultural productivity or production, as a consequence of the
research, introduction, release, transboundary movement and production of
Biolistics allows directing naked DNA fragments into any cell. As it is a GMOs.
physical method, it is applicable to practically all biological systems. The
plasmid with the insert cassette covers gold or tungsten microprojectiles,
which are fired on the plant tissue of interest. Subsequently, the bombarded As a global instrument in terms of safety of modern biotechnology
cells are transferred to culture media, where seedlings that are potentially applications, there is the Cartagena Protocol on Biotechnology Safety, of
transgenic are to be selected and regenerated. which Colombia is a signatory, rati fi ed by Law 740 of 2002. The Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety is It derives from the commitments of the Convention
on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is a legally binding instrument for the
The development of a genetically modified plant from the moment the signatory countries that ratify it. Its main objective is to guarantee an
gene of interest and the desired characteristic is discovered until its approval adequate level of protection for the safe transfer, use and application of modi
for the different uses (human consumption, animal consumption, planting) fi ed organisms.
can take about 13 years and with an approximate cost of 136 million dollars.
of the
ped i atr. 2015. ; 48 (3): 68–74 71

genetically that may have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable The three designated Competent National Authorities (ANC) and their
use of biodiversity, or on health respective National Technical Committees (CTN) are:
human. Colombia was one of the leading countries in the formula-
creation and negotiation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, as well as
the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Protocol on Supplemental Liability and Redress. • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) through ICA is
responsible for evaluating and authorizing GMOs exclusively for
Rio to the Cartagena Protocol. agricultural, livestock, fishing, commercial and agro-industrial forest
Theregulatory framework of biotechnology safety in Colombia in relation plantations;
to genetically modified crops • Ministry of Health and Social Protection is responsible for evaluating and
modi fi ed has two components basic. The first is authorizing GMOs destined for use in human food or health;
composed of constitutional mandates and different legislative acts in relation
to the environment, biodiversity, genetic resources and agricultural issues. • Ministry of Environment, Housing and Rural Development MAVDT (today
Although none of these deals directly with safety issues the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) is responsible
for evaluating and authorizing GMOs for exclusively environmental use.
biotechnology, constitute the legal framework of
genetically modified agricultural crops in Colombia in aspects related to
principles, genetic competences, The effects on human health of foods derived from genetically modified

rales, de fi nitions and

concepts, risks, responsibilities, plants depend on the specific content of the food and have the same potential

sanctions and prohibitions, export, import, commercialization, and for risk or benefit as conventional foods. The evaluation of the safety of GMOs

introduction of species, among others. The second is carried out case by case and step by step, which means that each evaluation

component refers to the legislation speci fi c in bio- is individual and specific for the criteria to be evaluated and the specific use,

security developed, in its majority, as compliance with the Cartagena Protocol taking into account each of the stages of their development and using the

and the International Agreements of the following criteria eleven :

which Colombia is a Party country 1 .

The bodies involved in the biosafety aspects of GMOs include the
Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development; Agriculture and
Rural Development; and Health and Social Protection together with their • Concept of substantial equivalence.
attached institutes: Alexander Institute for Research in Biological Resources • Use of a multidisciplinary approach, which includes the evaluation of the
characteristics of the newly introduced protein, toxicological and allergenic

von Humboldt IAvH; Institute Colombian Agropecuario ICA y de aspects and analysis of the nutritional composition.

the National Institute Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimen-

INVIMA coughs respectively, which also interact • Consultations with national and international experts, as well as the
with the Ministries of Foreign Trade Exterior and
thefromRelations regulatory authorities of other countries.

(Chancellery). • Scientific basis.

Country counts with specific regulations for biosegu- • There is no zero risk.
of GMOs and their products derivatives for production
of food for him consumption human since 1996 through When evaluating a food derived from a genetically modified plant, it is

See regulations issued by the Ministry Health and always sought to establish that the risks are not different from those of the

applied by INVIMA, and for the agricultural and livestock areas same conventional food. Then, it is analyzed that there are no new toxins or

ria since 1998 where I know appointed to the Colombian Institute allergens, that the nutrient composition is the same or is within the ranges

Agropecuario, ICA of the Ministry of Agriculture as auto- established for conventional food and that as a result of the instruction of

competent authority for procedures related to new genes, no unwanted changes are presented, so that the food derived

the introduction, production, release and commercialization of Genetically from GMO IS AS SAFE AS the food we know and commonly consume.

Modified Organisms (GMOs) for agricultural use.

tail and livestock. The National Biosafety System of GMO
in Colombia it is solid and consistent with the scientific and legal advances
that have been taking place.
Behind the rati fi cation of the Cartagena Protocol by the country The transgenic plants could have new proteins that are allergic and

in the year 2002, and its entry into force in September therefore a sensitive person will have an allergic reaction. While traditionally

2003, It was considered necessary to redefine the structure of the National developed foods are not generally evaluated for allergenicity, protocols for

Biosafety System and the measures for its implementation. In December testing GMO foods have been evaluated by the Food and Agriculture

2005, the Ministries of Agriculture, Social Protection and Environment jointly Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization

issued Decree 4525. This decree established the framework regulation for (WHO). To date no allergenic effects have been found in relation to GMO-

GMOs in relation to: the competent authorities, the authorization to develop derived foods currently on the market.

activities with GMOs, the evaluation and risk management, the creation of the
National Technical Biosafety Committees (sectorial), monitoring and
surveillance, information, education and research.
The concept of substantial equivalence is an essential part of the risk
assessment framework for foods derived from GMOs, based on the idea that
there are foods that
72 ped i atr. 2015; 48 (3): 68–74

serve as the basis for comparing the properties of the GMO with an
Genetically Modi fi ed Organisms for Human
appropriate counterpart based on its history of use
Feeding and Cultivation in Colombia and the World
safe and12
recognizing that food per se may have many anti- give con-
nutrients and toxins, which to certain
levels of concentration may cause damage to the Health
The latest report from ISAAA (International Service for the
Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications) from2014 fifteen , indicates
Studies to determine the safety of foods derived from GM crops include
what for dec iem bre of that year or sowed na level m undial
acute and subchronic toxicity analysis (when applicable) according to the
181.5 million hectares frombiotech crops by
nature and function of the new expressed protein; potential occurrence of
18 million fromfarmers on 28 countries Come in the that I know
intended effects; evaluations to establish the possible allergenicity of the new
finds Colombia, being the fastest consider agricultural technology
protein; nutritional composition studies in which components are analyzed
adopter in terms of s last 19 years.
Fromthe 28 countries, twenty are countries on tracks fromdevelopment and
8 country it is i ndu strializes do yes,Yes
endo AND
stad or A gone
s the first
essential teas, metabolites and the elaboration of food 13 .
producer, followed by Brazil, Argentina, India and Canada. Contrary to what is
Everybody these presented andevaluated by the authorities
thought five (5) countries of the European Union
competent nationals.
they sow crops GM (Spain, Portugal, Republic Czech,
Based on the country has a National System
Slovakia and Romania), and almost whole from the EU im holder
of Biosafety of GMOs, and that the risk assessments required to determine
foods derived from them.
the safety and innocuousness of foods derived from these are being carried
The crops grown today n are soy, corn,
out, regulations on the labeling of these foods were developed, Resolution
cotton, canola, beetroot sugar bowl and
papaya on Hawaii.
4254 of 2011 issued by the Ministry of the Social Protection (today Health and
At year 2014, sand
they started the prime flush sow ace eat-
Social Protection).
cial Eggplant in India, r result one in iciative
public-private. It should be noted that it is not only the large multinational
In Colombia, the differences that are generated by genetic modification
seed companies that are developing this type of crops, research centers,
and that have been determined in the risk assessment, that do not represent
public universities,
a risk to human health and for which it has been determined that they are not
cas and
private, around of the world is it so working in
substantially equivalent to their conventional counterpart with history, are
research tending to develop transgenic crops
labeled. safe to use. Based on the above, four (4) conditions have been
cos in varieties typical of a region and for specific needs. The genetic
established under which a food must label or label all GMO containers for
modifications found commercially correspond to the introduction of genes
human consumption:
that give characteristics of resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides, or
both. Only until last year were the first commercial plantings of drought
tolerant corn, and although they have already been approved by the
authorities of different
"1. The values of the nutritional composition existing in the food that
contains the GMO or that used raw materials that are GMO, are not
different countries, including Colombia, GM crops with improvements
substantially equivalent in comparison with the conventional counterpart
nutritional (higher content fromacids fatty Omega 3,
or the food product that is on the market.
Lower fat content, higher still there is no contained do of v itamine s)
variety that is cializing. is sowing and eating-
2. The form of storage, preparation or cooking of the food containing the
GMO or the use of raw materials that are GMO, differs because of it, in
In Colombia as of December 2014 a total of
comparison with the conventional counterpart or the equivalent food
118,991 hectares of GM crops in 20 departments ( fi g. 2 ). In GM corn, 80,048
product on the market.
hectares were sown in controlled plantings, in GM cotton, 29,838ha and in
terms of carnations and roses, 15ha were planted, in a confined environment
3. The presence of an allergen introduced as a result of genetic
(biosafety greenhouse). Regarding soybeans, although soybeans with
modification in a food that contains the GMO or that used raw materials
tolerance to herbicides have been authorized for commercial planting since
that are GMO and that consumers do not
they wait for him to show up.
2010, it is not currently in cultivation, and it is authorized for both human
Four. Thepresence from
a difference on the properties organ-
consumption and
leptics of a food, as a consequence of the modi fi cation
animal consumption.
genetics, compared to its conventional counterpart. " 14 .
For consume human, I know find authorized
in Colombia Corn, Cotton, Soy, Beetroot Sugar bowl,
Additionally, there is voluntary labeling for those food marketers who
Rice andWheat, no necessarily its approved n for the
wish to declare on their packaging or containers that a food "does not contain
human consumption or animal carries approval for the
GMOs", or that it is "free of GMOs"; You may do so as long as you are able to
sowing or vice versa. A lots of fromthese crops is it so appro-
demonstrate that such information is true through laboratory analysis or
bados for the consumption human, having on count the
traceability systems.
grain trade dynamics in the world and not necessary
riamente because there is an interest of sowing in the national territory.


80,000 Has sown with corn Has

70,000 sown with cotton

Hectares sown













2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Has been sown with corn Has 0 0 0 0 0 6901 18,489 16,822 38,896 59,239 75,046 75,094 89,048
been sown with cotton Has been 2000 6187 18,679 21,466 22,734 23,826 21,927 18,865 37,657 49,334 28,172 26,913 29,838
planted with flowers ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 12 fifteen fifteen

Figure 2 - Areas sown with genetically modified crops in Colombia as of December 2014. Own elaboration. Source: Instituto
Colombiano Agropecuario ICA, 2015.

on the safety of transgenic crops developed during the last 10 years,

generating a list of more than
1,780 scientific publications showing safety
The Debate Regarding with the genetic crops derived ntemodi fi ca-
of the same for human consumption.
Two and Food from these, it is has turned
The structure that the country currently has, not only
on a front fromdiscussion frompositions extreme in
to comply with the Cartagena Protocol, but also to respond to the
where sometimes the experience of almost 20 years of uninterrupted use and
international agreements that it has signed, it is solid and consistent with the
consumption, and of the application
advances in technology, it is taken as a point of reference by countries of the
D.E.P friction re gulatto rivers and from e he luac ri ion it turned out tado
region, it follows the international guidelines that in The material has been
of the consensus Come in the countries and
of the medium scienti fi c for
generated, and is constantly being reviewed and updated so that the
the developing of them, citing, among others, the guides
competent authorities can respond to society. 1 .
risk assessment of the OECD (Organization for the
Cooperation and Economic development), the instruments of
Biosecurity of FAO, the standards of the Codex Alimenta-
rius ( FAO / WHO), the guides and national regulations (FDA, EFSA,
FSANZ, SENASA, among others), considered for decision-making in relation to
Conflict of interest
the use of GMOs for planting, human consumption or animal consumption.

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

FAO, WHO, International Scientific Associations (Toxicology Society of the
United States, Association
Great Medical Britain, American College of Sciences Nutri-
tion), Academies (Pontifical Academy of the
Sciences, Academy of Sciences of China, Brazil, India, Mexico, USA),
homologous Health Agencies (FDA in the United States, EFSA in Europe,
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