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By Bradley Mika-Gonzalves

The hard-hitting, gritty and crime-focused TV series “TOP BOY” first

introduced itself to Britain in fall 2011. Based on a fictional council estate
in the real London Borough of Hackney, the first two seasons followed
the prominence of Dushane Hill and Gerard “Sully” Sullivan, two best
friends and drug dealers who run the Summerhouse gang. The series
was in the middle between mixed reviews and critical acclaim, but
nonetheless received a cult following.
Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter and actor Drake – one of the world’s
most popular and recognised musicians publicly expressed an interest in
Top Boy (which was still popular even after its cancellation in 2014). It
was then announced in November 2017 that Netflix would revive the
series, very much pleasing fans across Britain including Drake himself
(who played a very crucial part in the process and became an executive
Top Boy was reborn and reintroduced itself to the world in 2019. The
British crime drama became successful across international audiences,
much thanks to Netflix, Ashley Walters (who plays Dushane), Kano (who
plays Sully) the influence of Drake, modern British culture and another
musical superstar: Dave, who played the antagonist Modie in season 1
(or season 3, for those who consider Channel 4’s Top Boy a storyline
continuation). The much-anticipated revival did not disappoint, as a new
generation of young, unheard of, and rising actors were introduced as
new characters while other original characters still kept its popularity
around their names.


Season 3 focuses on the rebuilding of the Summerhouse gang as they
seek to retain their dominance in Hackney. Their main rival was the ZTs
of London Fields, a younger off shoot of the original and older London
Fields gang from Season 1 and 2 (rarely mentioned). The difference
however: their youth must not be underestimated, as the ZTs come with
ruthlessness, hunger and absolutely zero tolerance (the meaning behind
their name).
The ZTs also clash with other gangs in Hackney, such as A-Road and
the Turks (who happened to be their drug suppliers). A long-standing
rivalry with the new generation of Summerhouse intensifies further as
Dushane returns from hiding out in Jamaica after the collapse of
Summerhouse against Albanian enemies, and Sully is freed from prison
once again. Both return to their home for similar and different reasons,
but to bring Summerhouse back to the top and become the ‘top boys’ of
Hackney once again. What will stop them however? Jamie Tovell and
the ZTs, undercover police investigations, and the eventual time for
retirement from ‘the roads’.


Played by influential rappers and actors Ashley Walters and Kano,
Dushane Hill and Sully “Summerhouse Sully” Sullivan are two best
friends who grew up on the Summerhouse estate. Together, they
entered the crime-ridden world of drugs, guns, knife crime and power
while trying to achieve dominance and escape poverty. While they
became products of their own environments and did not exactly escape
poverty, they did achieve dominance as respected but also feared drug
There is more yet to be uncovered about the childhoods of Dushane and
Sully and how they rose above the ranks, but what is known is learnt and
spread across 4 seasons. Despite having a brotherly bond and being a
dangerous duo well-capable of running a gang/drug-dealing
organisation, the two have their differences and are not afraid to address
it to one another, whether it will be fights or shouting in each other’s
Throughout the four seasons (and the forthcoming and final season), we
witness the character development of Dushane, Sully and the world they
know as it evolves with or without them.
 Doesn’t always agree with Sully
 Power-hungry and business-driven
 More logical than emotional
 Ruthless
 Smart and calculated
 Good qualities of a leader
 Sociopathic
 Can be family-oriented (his girlfriend Shelly, mother Pat, Shelly’s
daughter Tish, cousin Donavan)
 Definitely does not always agree with Sully
 Absolutely ruthless
 Haunted by depression, prison, PTSD and his wrongdoings
 Doesn’t seem to forgive… or forget
 Considered more emotional than Dushane
 Also sociopathic
 Can be family-oriented (daughter, Tash, niece Pebbles, was a
fatherly figure towards Jason)
 Slightly reformed, more maturing
Played by the up-and-coming Micheal Ward, Jamie Tovell is the current
leader of the ZTs. Jamie is a major antagonist turned central protagonist
in Seasons 3 & 4, but the character and actor’s likability and popularity
was more than enough for Jamie to be seen as a character rooted for in
both seasons.
The unhinged and notorious Modie was sent to prison for 18 years, thus
putting his cousin Leyton in charge of the ZTs (aka the Fields). This
decision was not a well-received one among the ZTs, with Jamie being
more favoured and believing he is more than capable of becoming the
leader. Jamie has the qualities, hunger and potential to be a leader… so
much that Dushane takes a liking to Jamie. Perhaps we was watching a
younger Dushane or the development of a leader more promising than
Jamie is also the eldest of three siblings: we are introduced to Aaron
(middle) and Stefan (aka Stef, the youngest). The Tovell brothers lost
their parents to illness, prompting Jamie to step up and become a
parental figure towards Aaron and Stefan. Ironically, he successfully
managed to keep his younger brothers away from gangs and drug
dealing while being involved in this himself.
You can see why fans and audiences saw Jamie as a fan-favourite:
 He is like a motherly, fatherly, and brotherly figure in one to his
 Takes care of his loved ones
 Comparisons of a younger Dushane
 Quite the Casanova
 Definitely isn’t willing to go down without a fight

Season 3 introduces new characters who represent the Summerhouse
gang, such as fan-favourite Jaq, Kieron, Romy and more. Under the
tutelage of Dris (a Summerhouse veteran in fact), the new generation all
have roles to play, whether that be prominent enforcers or up-and-
coming dealers. We get to see the best of them and what they do when
Dushane and Sully’s much-needed return comes, but it is bizarre
enough to believe they did not know of their leaders’ names growing up.
Meanwhile in London Fields, we meet new characters who represent the
ZT/Fields gang, such as Kit, Farah, Simon, and others. They seem to be
more organised and serious, perhaps because Summerhouse at the
time was a sinking ship. Under the leadership of Modie and eventually
Jamie along with his trusted underboss Kit (the Sully to his Dushane…),
the latest generation of London Fields were a force to be reckoned with.
While Summerhouse were unsure of how serious and known Dushane
and Sully were in the early 2010s, ZT members growing up definitely
had an idea.
“What’s happened to you, man? You used to be a legend round here.”
- Jamie’s first confrontation with Dushane
Despite Dushane and Sully’s return having the streets of Hackney
talking, Jamie refused to let Summerhouse rise again while keeping
other gangs at bay and elevating ZT. How is this done? Winning a
vengeful war against A-Road and creating a partnership with a couple
disguised as ordinary and wealthy, but secretly supply drugs to lower-
level organisations.
In the war between Summerhouse and ZT, we were entertained to
gripping, action-packed scenes full of tension and shock, such as:
 Sully attacks Modie in prison, horrifyingly scarring his face
 Leyton tries to kill Sully… who was burying his beloved friend
 Modie breaks out of prison with the help of Sully’s cousin and rival
 ZT members hunt down and attack Summerhouse members
 Modie, Jamie and Jermaine have a shootout with Dushane and
In the end, Summerhouse were eventual and inevitable winners despite
having members stabbed, attacked with acid and shot. Even with
internal conflict causing huge problems such as Dris’ betrayal and Jaq
having to choose between her sister Lauryn and Summerhouse, the
were once again the ‘top boys’ of Hackney, and Dushane (Sully is either
counted in or out) reclaimed the ‘top boy’ crown.
Violence was consequential towards both sides, but it was Dushane’s
tactics that claimed the victory for Summerhouse. ZT’s internal problems
and the quite saddening manipulation of young Attica aka Ats (who
happened to be Stef’s best friend) were the final blows.
Modie, wanted nationally for escaping prison is eventually caught and
killed by armed police. Leyton is accidentally killed by his own friends.
With problems growing for the much-stressed Jamie, he unsuspectedly
did not look around for problems closest to him (Ats). Dushane’s plan to
anonymously report guns in Jamie’s home (planted by Ats) worked out
well, as Jamie, Aaron and Stef are arrested.
To protect his brothers, Jamie takes the fall for the guns – even though
they were not his. He risks facing 25 years in prison for this, and there is
not much for ZT to do in retaliation, even with a furious Kit trying to kill
the young Ats. Dushane blackmails Jamie and gives him two choices –
ZT accept defeat WITH Summerhouse while Jamie works FOR
Dushane, or the one piece of evidence needed to save Jamie from
prison is destroyed and the collapse of ZT goes in full effect.
A power struggle for ‘top boy’ remains, this time between Sully and
Jamie, both driven by revenge while Dushane’s eventual liking to Jamie
(but also healthy competition for ‘top boy) prompts him to make a
‘retirement plan’ that is majorly ruined in Season 4, Episode 10.
Power struggles can come in different ways. This is a case of the
younger vs older generation. We have seen great representations of
power struggles and in the world of film & TV, such as Game of Thrones,
The Wire, House of Cards, Peaky Blinders and many more: Top Boy is
currently a well-known and recognised representation of this on our
modern televisions. The war between Summerhouse and ZT was well-
written and definitely split viewers, despite Summerhouse becoming
inevitable winners. Power struggles in Top Boy remains a constant
theme, and we have seen it in different ways: Modie vs Jamie, Dushane
vs Sully, ZT vs A-Road, ZT vs the Turks and more stories.

As we already know, Dushane fled to Jamaica and Sully was sent back
to prison. It is unknown for how long, but it is presumed the two returned
back to the streets in 2019 (the announcement and re-release of Top
Boy). During their absence, the Summerhouse gang struggled to
compete with other gangs. Many ‘top boys’ came and went during this
time, and we are introduced to the latest generation: that being Modie
and Jamie.
Evolution was a constant theme I realised when rewatching Season 1 &
2 (Top Boy: Summerhouse) and Season 3 & 4 (Netflix’s Top Boy). Times
change as we know, and so does the roads: Dushane and Sully kill their
supplier Bobby Raikes in Season 1, advancing from low-level gangsters
to high-level kingpins later on. While Dushane does not supply like
Raikes did, his position in the ‘game’ did advance and he can be
considered as powerful as Raikes was as he continues to elevate.
Whether Jamie was written to be a future Summerhouse member or
destined to be a major threat as part of the ZTs, evolution is still
important as he has levelled up in positions as a ZT member and was
destined to continue elevating during the ZT-Summerhouse alliance. Jaq
is also another example: in two seasons, she went from a tough-talking,
outspoken dealer to an enforcer and could potentially be in line for the
next ‘top boy’. Their positions are solidified as we know, and it would be
interesting to know what their positions were when they were first
introduced to the streets. The same would apply for others like Dushane,
Sully and Kit. There is speculation a grief-stricken Stef could become like
his brother in the final season, and that potential storyline can give us an
insight of how evolution in the world of Top Boy works.
Dushane had a retirement plan, and that included having Jamie go from
his former rival to the ‘next top boy’. Sully did not agree to this at all,
sticking to his intentions and ruining the plan. Many would have liked to
see Jamie evolve once again while Dushane/Sully would advance into a
Bobby Raikes-type role or perhaps even higher having established
connections across Spain and Morocco.
The rise and fall of Jamie, watched by his younger brother Stef could
result in him falling deeper into crime following a sudden change in
behaviour between Seasons 3 and 4 as his world crashes down.
Continuing on evolution, this can also be considered character
development in some cases, for instance, Sully. Sully can be disliked for
being outrageously violent, but many viewers took a liking to him due to
his growth and maturity. We have seen this caring for his loved ones
such as Jason (RIP, Season 3), Pebbles (Season 4) and his daughter
(Season 4), and his level of loyalty. Sully may have lost a lot of audience
support after killing Jamie in the last episode of season 4, but
nonetheless the character had made huge progress in maturing
emotionally and evolving in some sense. The monster, the merciless
monster in Summerhouse Sully is still within him however and will
always be a part of him.

It has been a long road, but all journeys must come to an end. With
conspiracy theories and the controversial decision for Jamie to be written
off taking social media by storm, I hugely look forward to the final season
of Top Boy, and what’s the next scenario for power struggles and
evolution to play a huge role in.

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