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Philosophy of Education

As the question, what is the purpose of education today is proposed. I believe that while

growing up I felt as though it was hammered into our minds as if education was only meant for

one day getting a “good” job in order to have a “happy” or “successful” life. But education is

much more than that. Education I feel as though not only teaches you what you need in order to

be productive in each school year, but also for individuals to find themselves and further their

knowledge of the outside world. Knowledge that one might not learn through everyday television

or social media, but from a teacher who cares for their well-being of being a better person. As I

have learned through my first twenty years of achieving and failing through many different

obstacles, I have come to the conclusion that doing something you love or enjoy is far more

worth it than wanting to achieve something just because you think it is the best option or just

you’ll make a lot of money. With this in mind, I want to embed this type of thinking into the

classroom. Whether it is learning to make yourself happy in the long run, or learning life lessons,

even of course learning what you need to be a successful student and overall good human being .

What I want my students to one day achieve in my future classroom is to not only learn

what the current curriculums are about, but also have engaging lessons, have a positive self

image, and learn such skills that will help them throughout the rest of their lives. It is not

necessarily based on memorization of lessons and facts, but also on “real world” experiences

brought into the classroom, which could be with hands-on projects, and engaging activities that

students will better develop their life abilities. As I have reflected on why I want to become a

teacher and what I want to share to my students in the classroom, I believe that the skills such as

critical thinking in and outside the classroom are just as important as what the current standards

being taught are too. I always truly appreciated the teachers and professors in my life that treated
students with mutual respect, as if we were on the same level. The progressivism style of

teaching I see is the way to do it, like discussing the lessons and being open to the students’

opinion of what to teach or how. Also students may tend to respond better if I am talking to them

in a calm and soft voice while discussing lessons or upcoming assignments, as it is not an

overwhelming tone.

When taking a survey provided within class, it came to be that I have a progressivism

teaching style. Even though I have yet to really show off my skills in a classroom, while doing

research and reading about this particular way of teaching, I really do resonate with this

philosophy. When the subject of who is deciding what is currently being taught, I feel as though

yes we do have a basis to follow, but that there is always a discussion to be held with your

students. As there could be a different order than presented, or students could express any

struggles they are having on subjects, or even bring new subjects to the table if available. I feel

as though this will make the kids that you teach very comfortable in your classroom, and more

prone to learn about the basics i.e. math, science, social studies, and language arts along with the

skills for the outside world I want to bring into the classroom. I have truly believed that students

should have a say in what they want to learn. That is why we should want to have kids excited

from the start about learning so they will want to further their education, and be able to pick the

subjects they are interested in, like in middle school, high school, and even courses after that!

Along with the teacher listening to students’ feedback and taking in what they have to

say, on the other hand the students shall be just as willing to want to learn. I believe that it is

equal responsibility on both parts. The teacher will have to make the kids’ understand that they

are being taught standards that are important to their courses, along with subjects that students

want to explore more. As teachers, especially this day in the age of new technology and an ever
changing world, I say it is a duty to have the students engaged in the lessons. To do so like

explained earlier, assignments that are hands-on and have the students’ input, or having their

creativity shown are ideal. I think it is much more interesting to connect what we are learning in

the classroom to the outside world. It is a way for students to better understand materials to

familiar things they are around and could be easier to remember for younger kids’. As a teacher

with a progressivism teaching style, I think students’ are more willing to learn subjects that

might not be their favorite along with subjects introduced by teachers/students that they enjoy.

This can lead to better performance in the classroom and even a student’s skills in the world.

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