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2018 I III 03 I I I 1100 I J - 265 I (E)



Time: 3 Hrs. (7 Pages) Max. Marks : 80

Note: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(iii) Graph of L.PP should be drawn on graph paper only.
(iv) Use of logarithmic table is allowed.
(v) Answers to the questions of Section - I and Section - II should
be written in only one answer book.
(vi) Answer to every new question must be written on a new page.


q_. 1. (A) Sele ct an d write the appropriate answer from the given (12 1
alternatives in each of the following sub-questions·: (6)

(i) If A=[� -�]. then adjoint of matrix A is

[-� �] (b )
[-� -�J
[ -I -3]

[� -�] (d) -4 2 (2)

Page l P.T.O
or sec X = Jj .:i re --- .
(ii) The principal solutions

1 1n
n --
7t I--
In -
- (�)
(a) 6 6
3, 6
I In
n -- -TC , --
\ 17t
- (d)
6 4
4 4
le hetween the I ines whose
(iii) The measure of acute ang
2, I, 2 is
direction ratios are 3, '.2., 6 .:ind -- -
-I -
cos ( R
(a) cos I ( �) (h) I5)

(c) cos
-1(1) -I
cos ( -8 )
'.2. I
r 3 (d)

E of the fol l owing:

(B) Attempt any Tl IRF

ing statements:
(i) Write the negations of the fo l low
in the hostel.
(a) All students of this college live
lcct sq uare. (2)
(h) 6 is an even n u mber or 36 is a per

(ii) If a line makes angles o., f), y with the co-ordinate a:-<cs,
+I-= 0. ('2)
prove that cos2 o. + cos 2 B 1- cos'2y
(I, 2. -1) f om the p l ane
(iii) Find the distance of the poi nt

x - 2y + 4z I O -= 0.

the line whi ch passes

(iv) Find the vec tor equation of
through the point with positio n vector 4i - j + 2k and,,
� � A

� � �
is in the dire ctio n of '2i + j + k . ('.2.)

,.. " � ,..

" "' " -
i + j - 2 k and i j k
( v) l fa = 1 i - 2 j + 7 k, h 5

= c = + - ,
(2) .
then find -;; . (h x Z.).

IOI 2I6IsI Page 2

Q. 2. (A) Atte111pt any TWO of the following: (6) 1141

(i) Usirn� vector 111dhod rrove that the mcdians or a
trian •h.: an.; l"0IKurn.;nl. (3)
(ii) U ·ing the truth table, prove the following logical
p< lj==(pAq)v(~j /\~q). (3)
(iii) I !'the origin i · the centroid ofthetriungk whose vertices
an: /\(2, p, -3 ), U(q, -2, 5) and R(-5, I, r), then find
the value' or /J, l/' /". (J)

(U) 1 tt 'mpt any TWO orth1: following: (8)

(i) Show that a hornogeneous equation or degree two in
x and y, i.e. ox-+ 2 fny -1- hy--'- 0 rcprcsenb a pair of
... -,

lines passing through the origin if /, 2 - uh 2 0. ( 4)

ABC, prove that tan -- = -- cot -

(C-A) (c-o) 0
(ii) In
, 2 c+a 2

(iii) Find the inverse or the matrix, J\ = - 1

using ckmcntary row transformations.

l "'l
-2,., - 01


Q. 3. · (A) Attempt any TWO of the following: (6) I 1-11

(i) Find the joint equation of the pair of I int:s pa::;sin °
through the origin, which arc perpendicular lo th' lines
represented by sx- + 2,,y - 3y- = 0. (3)
--, ,.,

0 2 ,, S Page 3 l'.T.O
. . x- 1 y-3 z
(ii) Fmd the angle between the Imes - - = - - = and
4 1 8
2 2
(iii) Write converse , inverse and contrapositive of the
following conditioi1al statement
If an angle is a right angle then its measure is 90°. (3)

(B) Attempt any TWO of the following: (8)

(•1 )
• 3
- 1 12
Prove that: sm - 1 ( ) + cos ( ) = sin
. - I ( 56
13 65
J (4)

(ii) Find the vector equation of the plane passing through

the pointsA(l,O, 1),8(1,-1, 1)andC(4 -
, 3,2). (4)
(iii) Minimize Z = 7x + y subject to
5x + y? 5, X + y? 3, X? 0, y? 0 (4)


Q. 4. (A) Select and write the appropriate answer from the given (121
alternatives in each of the following sub-questions: (6)

(i) Let the p. m. [ of a random variable X be-

-x .
P(x)= 3 for X-
- -1, 0, 1, 2
=O otherwise
Then E(X) is ___
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 0 (d) --1 (2)

Page 4

7t . .
k ·
(ii) If J 7 dx =-,then the value of k i s
2+8x� 16 --

('9 (b) 3
(c) (d) 5 (2)
(iii) Integrating factor of linear differential equation
x y +2�v=x2 Iogx ts --

(a) (b)
(c ) X (d) (2)

(B) Attempt any THREE of the _following:


x cos sin x x
(i) Evaluate: e [ �� ]d (2)
Stn X

If y = tan2 ( I og x ), fitnd d .
(1· 1·) (2)
2 2
(iii) Find the area of ellipse .::_+ L = I. (2)
I 4
(iv) Obtain the differential equation by eliminating the
arbitrary constants from the following equation:
y - c1 e c2 e
_ 2x + -2x
(v) Given X ~ B(n, p)
ff n = IO and p = 0-4, find E(X) and Var. (X). · (2)

Page 5 P.T.O
• �-===============......"""""'--------
-----�-- -==----:::_=--=--==---=,==

Q. 5. (A) /\llcmpt any TWO of'tllc followi 11 g:

(i) Fvaluatc: J _
J f 2 S 1 11 .r I COS .\"

J ,·1 .,· .
(ii) - <T COS 3 f. \' - U SIil \/,

show that-=-
dy (
� ·
1· )'
dx x

(iii) l·'.:-rnminc the continuity orthc li. 11H: tio11 :

. log JOO l�g(0-01 t x)

f (-'") - _;;;:________;:_____,-. "• lt H" .r :/ ()
lt)r _,. 0: at x 0

(H) Attempt nny TWO of'thc following: (8)

(i)_ Find the 11rnxi111u 111 and 111i11i 111u111 vnluc ol' the
lt111c1 ion :
/(x) - 2x -- 2 h.2 J6x 20.



(ii) Prove that.: th - -'-lo� c

.r~ 2u u r
( 4)

(iii) Show that :

J (/

.f (x) dx

= 2 J/(x) <lx,
i lf(x) is rn, even function.

=- 0, i ljLr) is an odd fi.1nction. (4)

, -- -------------

Q. 6. (A) Attempt any TWO ofthe following: (6)1141

. x- -9
(i) lf · / (x) =--+a, (or X > 3
=- 5 for X = J
= 1x- + 3x -1- 13, for x 3

is continuous at x =- 3, find a and (3)

�· dy . . · -I Sx + l
(ii) F111d-,ty=tan ( .., (3)
dx 3-x-6x-

(iii) A fair coin is tossed 9 times. �ind the probability

that it shows head exactly 5 times. (3)

(B) Attempt any TWO ofthe following: (8)

(i) Verily Roi le 's theorem for the following function :
/(x) =-x- 4x +.IO on IO, 4] (4)
(ii) Find the particular solution of the differential
y(I + logx)--x logx=O·
when y -= e- and .\'. -= e. (4)'

(iii) Vind the variance and standard deviation ol'the random

variable X whos e probability distribution is given
X 0 I 2 3

P(X - x) -I -3 -3
8 8 8 (4)


P:1gc 7

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