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Q.1 Fill In The Blanks ( Any Four ) 4M

(a) To check the insulation resistance between conductor and Earth in wiring 1M
installation _________________ is used.
(i) Ohmmeter (ii) Megger (iii) Multimeter

(b) ____________Wiring is used for Workshop. 1M

(i) CTS (ii) Conduit (iii) Casing and Capping

(c) ______________ conductor is widely used for long distance overhead transmission 1M
(i) ACSR (ii) Copper (iii) Aluminium

(d) Fuse is placed in _____________ wire. 1M

(i) Phase (ii) Earth (iii) Neutral

(e) Heating Element of toaster is made up of _____________. 1M

(i) Steel (ii) Nichrome (iii) Iron

(f) The insulator used to support the conductor of 400 KV transmission line are 1M
______________ insulator.
(i) Pin (ii) Suspension (iii) Shackle

Q.2 Attempt any three of the following 6M

(a) Draw the conventional Symbols for the following. 2M

(i) Fan Regulator
(ii) Earthing
(iii) Electric Bell
(iv) Star Delta Starter
(b) Draw neat Labelled circuit diagram of ‘Godown wiring’ 2M
(c) Draw a constructional Diagram of Energy Meter. 2M
(d) Draw a neat Labelled diagram D.O.L starter. 2M
(e) Draw a neat labelled diagram of moving iron attraction type instrument. 2M

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Q.3 Attempt any three of the following 6M
(a) Give the property of asbestos and mention why asbestos sheet is used in 2M
electric iron.
(b) Define current rating of Fuse Element and Fusing Factor. 2M
(c) Name the different types of switches with specification. 2M
(d) Compare Conductor with Insulator. 2M
(e) State the advantage of Gas Discharge Lamp. 2M

Q.4 Attempt any two of the following 6M

(a) Compare Overhead Transmission with Underground Cable Transmission. 3M
(b) Write a note on H.P.M.V. 3M
(c) What are the different schemes of lighting? Explain any one of them with 3M
advantages and disadvantages.

Q.5 Attempt any two of the following 6M

(a) Compare Casing and capping wiring system with Batten Wiring System. 3M
(b) What are the factors to be considered before selecting specific type of wiring 3M
(c) Which points will you consider while laying the underground Cable? 3M

Q.6 Attempt any two of the following 12 M

(a) Write down twelve important I.E rules of wiring. 6M
(b) Write a short note on 6M
i) Electric Geyser
ii) Neon Lamp
iii)Stair case wiring
(c) What are different types of wiring system ? Compare them in tabular form. 6M

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