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Customer Profile Template


1. Use the "Profiling Criteria" tab to get some ideas for how you might want to describe your customer profiles or 'user personas'.

2. In the "End User Profile" tab, create a fictional profile for people who will be using your product day-to-day. Feel free to edit the profiling criteria.

3. In the "Economic Buyer Profile" tab, create a fictional profile for the person who will make the decision or influence the purchase of the product.

4. In the "Technical Buyer Profile" tab, create a fictional profile for the person who will evaluate the product from a technical or functional standpoint.

5. Communicate with your product development team and help them understand the profiles: who they are, how they think, what they do, and where they are.
Customer Profile Template

Demographic (who they are) Psychographic (how they think) Behavioural (what they do) Environment (where they are)


Annual Revenue Age Resistance to Change Brand Preferences Website Visits Purchase History Technology Country of Residence

# Employees Income Market Focused Price Sensitivity Response to Marketin Where they shop Purchasing Power Political Climate

Industry Marital Status Open-Minded/Rigid Conservative/Liberal Purchasing Methods Store preferences Management Style Currency

# Locations Education Decision Process Enviro-Friendly Memberships Memberships Purchasing Process Payment Methods

Years in Business Family Size Early Adopter Hobbies Internet Usage Internet Usage Purchasing Power Shipping & Receiving

Markets Served Gender Growth vs. Static Lifestyle Collateral Consumed Impulsiveness Business Culture Languages Spoken

Products/Service Geographic Location Tech Sophistication Information Sources Media Consumption

Job Title Social Circles Professionalism Service Preference Habits & Skills

Level of Experience Occupation Require Referrals Buy based on trends Research Methods

Awareness of options Spontaneous

Risk Aversion Influenced by peers

Loyalty Relationships

Likes & Dislikes

Demographics (who they are)
Age 28

Income $45,000/year
Customer Profile #1 - End User
Demographics (who they are)
Age 56

Income $125,000 per year

Customer Profile #2 - Economic Buyer
Demographics (who they are)
Age 36

Income $75,000 per year

Customer Profile #3 - Technical Buyer

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