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A girl and her father were driving along a country road on their way

home when they saw a young girl hitchhiking. They stopped and
picked her up and she got in the back seat. She told the girl and her
father that she lived in a house about five miles up the road. She
didn’t say anything after that but just turned to watch out the
window. When the father saw the house he drove up to it and turned
around to tell the girl they had arrived – but she wasn’t there. Both
he and his daughter were really mystified and decided to knock on
the door and tell the people what had happened. They told him they
had once had a daughter who answered the description of the girl
they supposedly had picked up, but she had disappeared some years
ago and had last been seen hitchhiking on this very road. Today
would have been her birthday.


AMY SHENTON (21) and her father NIGEL SHENTON (45) drives
home along a country road. On the outside, violent
raindrops lash down from the clouds and menacing rumbles
of thunder are heard as the cold makes its presence clear
and the night-time approaches.

However, on the inside (of the car), the mood is quite

relaxing and calm for the two. AMY enjoys the feeling of
watching storms: NIGEL pokes fun at her passionate hobby
of weather watching.

Forget you’re a weather watcher Amy. (chuckles)

What’s funny Dad? I don’t make fun of you and your
rubbish football games.

Football is love, football is life. This weather though?
Crap. Get me back in Dubai.

When are we going on holiday again, speaking about Dubai?

We’ll have to drag your Mum up to the airport and force
her into the plane. She would have loved Dubai but it’s
this stupid fear of flights.

Honestly, thought she’d let that go. Can’t believe we had
to take Eurostar to Paris last time. Anyways let’s hope
she’s up for it this time.

AMY turns the radio up, humming to her favourite song and
watching raindrops at her window while the storm grows to
be more ferocious and stronger. She notices a YOUNG WOMAN
(19) drenched in rain, hitchhiking. Cars drive past her
and ignore her, prompting AMY to be her hero for the

Dad. Dad! Pull over.

What? Why? We’re nearly home, just wait for the loo.

Look at her In the poor rain. Surely we got enough time
to give her a lift?

But footy starts soon…


(sighs) Alright, I’ll pull over.

NIGEL pulls over and the YOUNG WOMAN approaches.

Need a lift?

Yes, please. I’ve needed one since the storm started. I
just live 5 miles up the road.

Come in, come in! We’ll help you. I’m Amy, and this is my

Hi, I’m Lily. Lily Weatherford. Nice to meet you both.
LILY gets into the car, and NIGEL drives off.

Thank you so so much for the lift.

No worries, couldn’t let you stand out in the rain like
that. We live close too.

Not long after, the three arrive at LILY’s destination.

AMY and NIGEL learn more about her, believing this is her
grandmother’s house they are at. She heads out as the
storm ends, thanking the two for their help and

Take it easy, Lily. Have a good night.

Thank you, Nigel. Goodbye, Amy.

LILY gets out of the car: the two watch her leave. NIGEL
drives off, and the two talk about LILY.

She seems nice. New friend?

Dad… what’s with all the jokes today.

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