329 - EAP CET Bhubaneswar

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Format- Equity Action Plan

Name of Institute: College Of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar

Sl. No. Activity sub-activity/Action Coordinator Executing Date& Frequency Indicator to Estimated
agency duration measure outcome Expenditure
1. To identify students who will 1. During Induction Faculty advisors CET,Bhubane 1.17TH As and when Examination result Rs. 5 lakh
require more academic support program tests are swar August to 6th required analysis (for induction
conducted to examine September program in 2019
the pre-requisite 2018(For session)
knowledge for Current
Engineering of the 1st Session)
Year students.
2. Those students who
are found out to be 2.Continious
weak are provided with process
extra classes and
counseling by their 3.
advisors. Continuous
3.Examination result process
2. To improve language 1. In first year 1.Assigned CET,Bhubane Continuous Continuous 1.Presentation by Rs. 5 lakh
competency, soft skills and Communicative English faculty swar process process students
confidence levels subject is included in 2.Placement
the syllabus along with 3. Participation of
English Language Lab. students at various
2. Expert talk and 2.Faculty events(Technical/S
motivational talk by coordinator ports) organized at
external delegates NIT’s/IIT’s &
3. Various student clubs 3.Student other.
like sports club, Coordinator
technical clubs are
available for students to
showcase their talent.
3. Institution to improve non- 1. Seminar and project Assigned faculty CET,Bhubane Continuous Continuous 1.Placement Rs.3 lakh
cognitive and soft skills including presentation is part of swar process process Analysis
communication and presentation the curriculum. 3. Participation of
skills through their wide use in 2. Project based work students at various
curricula / project based work, are done by the events
and where needed, to provide students. (Technical/Sports)
special skills training to students organized at
with priority to the weak students NIT’s/IIT’s &
4. Give under-qualified teachers 1. Faculty are deputed TEQIP- TEQIP-III, Continuous Continuous 1.Paper Rs. 10 lakh
priority in opportunities to to participate in Coordinator CET,Bhubanes process process presentation
upgrade their domain knowledge workshops, FDP, war 2.Research work
Seminars and 3.Enhancement in
presentation of research academic
papers through TEQIP- performance
2. Various FDP,
workshops, Seminars
are organized in the
Institute itself to
enhance the knowledge
of faculty.
3. Faculty participated
various training
programs by GIAN.
5. Training of teachers in subject 1. Faculty are trained TEQIP- TEQIP-III, Continuous Continuous 1.Enhancement in Rs. 5 lakh
matter and pedagogy, particularly by experts at IIT, Coordinator CET,Bhubanes process process students academic
to improve the performance of Kharagpur and various war results
weak students/ transgender IIM’s to learn and 2.Better student
students understand the faculty relation
Pedagogy and
innovative teaching

6. Make campuses physically and 1. Hostel facility is 1.Hostel Warden CET,Bhubane Continuous Satisfaction
socially gender-friendly, provided for girls. 2.Hostel swar process feedback of
including provisions for students 2. Girls toilets are Superintendents students
of transgender; especially provide available at each block 3.PIC,Academic
adequate and suitable facilities to of the institute. s
3. Girls common rooms
women students and faculty facility is provided in
every Department.
7. Hold innovation and Knowledge 1. Technical Fest is 1.Assigned CET,Bhubane Continuous Continuous Various awards / Rs.5 lakh
Sharing Workshops yearly to held every year so that faculty swar process process recognitions
improve knowledge sharing student can show case 2.Student received in
their talents in form of Representatives different events by
new innovation. students
2.Various student clubs
are available for
students to showcase
their talent like
8. Sharing information and 1.Information brochure PIC CET,Bhubane Continuous Continuous Feedback of stake
knowledge about engineering 2.College/University swar process process holders
courses and institutions website
3.Notice board
4.Various social media

9. Provide appropriate infrastructure 1. Hostel, toilets PIC,Academics CET,Bhubane Continuous Continuous Feedback of
for physically challenged students facilities are provided. swar process process physically
2. Ramps and lifts are challenged students
provided for their easy
10. Special efforts for training/ 1. Industrial training is Assigned faculty 1.CET,Bhuban Continuous Continuous Feedback of Rs.50 lakhs
internship/ placement of weak included in the eswar process process students and
students curriculum. 2.Aspiring industry
2. Students are Minds(For Internship
encouraged to undergo Employability during
training/internships Test) summer
during the vacation 3. vacation
time. CTTC,Bhuban
3. Industrial people are eswar
invited to give special 4.GATE
Industry based lectures. Academy,Ban
4.Emplyability Tests galore
are conducted
5. Special technical
training are provided to
the students through
CTTC, Bhubaneswar.
6. GATE classes are
conducted for the 3rd
year and 4th year

11. A two-tier grievance redress 1.Women Grievance 1.PIC,WGRC CET,Bhubane Continuous As and when Feedback of the
mechanism (GRM) Redressal Cell (WGRC) 2.PIC,Anti swar process required and stake holders
is formed with 5 Ragging Cell periodic
members in the review
committee with 4
Female members to
help the girl students
and women employees
who ever come under
any form of
r bias/insensitivity
towards them.
2. Counseling is done
through this cell to the
needy female students
and female employee.
3.Anti ragging cell
12. Ensure that institutional 1. Task force for Chairman, TFW CET, Continuous As and when Feedback of
mechanisms to protect and Women (TFW) is Bhubaneswar process required and women students
address the needs and concerns of formed with 5 faculty periodic
women students are established. members and one girl review
representative of each
year in order to monitor
the security
arrangements within the
Institute including girl’s
13. Develop a standard model for 1.Student advisory 1.PIC,Student CET, Continuous Continuous Feedback of stake Rs. 2 lakh
tracking of student progress system Affairs Bhubaneswar process process holders
2.T & P cell 2.PIC,T&P
3.Student affairs
committee & forums
14. Peer Learning Groups of students Various groups/clubs PIC & Student CET, Continuous Continuous Awards and Rs.5 lakh
for students activity representatives Bhubaneswar process process recognitions for the
(Tech club, Energy peer groups
Club, Robotic Club,
SAE student Chapter
15. Appointing Student Mentors and 1. Faculty advisors are HOD’s of CET, Continuous Continuous Feedback of
Faculty Advisers for Students appointed against each various Bhubaneswar process process students and
student groups Departments faculty
comprises of 20
2. Faculty are trained to
mentor the students
academically as well as
give them personal
counseling to the needy
3. Faculty is at constant
touch with the parents
of the students.
4. Student mentors are
selected from each
class, from which two
are boys and two are

a. For suggestive activity please refer column 1 of table of details of Equity Action plan in section 8 of Project Implementation Plan(PIP)
b. If the activities are being carried out by the outside agency, mention name of the agency
c. Same activity if repeated should be mentioned in a new row
d. While specifying the indicator please refer column 5 “monitoring Indicators” table of details of Equity Action plan in section 8 of Project Implementation Plan(PIP)

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