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EXPANDED ENTANGLEMENTS roll a number of dice equal to your wanted level, read the result according to your heat

HEAT 0-3 HEAT 4/5 HEAT 6+ Flipped. One of the PCs’ rivals arranges for one of your contacts, Reprisals. An enemy faction makes a move against you (or a
patrons, clients, or a group of your customers to switch allegiances friend, contact, or vice purveyor). Pay them (1 rep and 1 coin) per
1 The Usual Suspects or 1 Gang Trouble or 1 Interrogation or Helping the Poor due to the heat on you. They’re loyal to another faction now. Tier of the enemy as an apology, allow them to mess with you or
yours, or fight back and show them who’s boss.
Diplomatic Incident Enraged Citizenry
Gang trouble. One of your gangs (or other cohorts) causes
Rivals. A neutral faction throws their weight around. They
2 Squanderers or 2 Search Warrant or 2 Robbery or Overambitious Lackey trouble due to their flaw(s). You can lose face (forfeit rep equal to
threaten you, a friend, a contact, or one of your vice purveyors.
Unexpected Expenses Accosted by Spirit Guards your Tier +1), make an example of one of the gang members, or
Forfeit (1 rep or 1 coin) per Tier of the rival, or stand up to them
face reprisals from the wronged party.
3 Gang Trouble or 3 Questioning or Crisis of Faith or 3 Flipped or Tax Evasion Charge Haunted Claim. One of your Claims is haunted by ghosts. It
and lose 1 status with them.
Pushy Friends Haunted Claim Robbery. An enemy or neutral faction robs (or scams) money
will stop working until you either hire a Whisper (see Unquiet
Unquiet Dead or Casual Racism Demonic Notice or Crew Trouble from one of the Crew's interests or activities. Choose: you either
4 Rivals or Cohort Tension 4 4 Dead), or you deal with ghosts yourself. get robbed and forfeit 2 Stash for each character, or you violently
or Unfair Competition or Hostile Magistrate
Helping the poor. Vagrants or other desperates in your resist and lose 1 status with that faction.
5 Unquiet Dead or 5 Reprisals or Civil War or 5 Show of Force or War! or District (where you have your lair, or most of your activities) Search Warrant. The cops search one of your Claims, or your
Crisis of Vice Settling of Scores Ambitious Lackey expect a show of generosity from you. Either pay them 2 coin, or Lair, or the establishment of a friend/contact or vice purveyor.
reduce your status with your local Citizenry by 1. Either pay them off (2 coin), or lose 1 rep and gain +2 heat
6 Cooperation or 6 Show of Force or 6 Arrest or Mayhem or
Unexpected Complication Arrested Cohort Incarcerated Cohort Hostile Magistrate. One of the City's Magistrates is obsessed Settling of scores. An enemy faction teaches a lesson to one
about your Crew. Either pay them 6 coin; or stage your very next of the PCs. Who is the most likely to be picked? You either stand
Cohort tension. A member of one of your Cohorts has a fight Score to bribe, intimidate, blackmail or eliminate them (the Score your ground and endure a beating (mark level 3 harm, you may
Underlined entanglements are taken directly from the should not pay any coin); or allow them to finish their not resist it), or pay them and lose face (-2 coin, -2 rep)
Blades in the Dark SRD. The rest are new entanglements. with another member, or another one of your Cohorts, or a
contact/friend or vice purveyor. You lose 1 rep due to how divided investigation (and get +1 wanted level). Who is the Magistrate? Show of force. A faction with whom you have a negative status
What did you do to enrage them?
Accosted by Spirit Guards. If you have an “Accosted by is your crew, and you mark level 1 harm on the Cohort or NPC makes a play against your holdings. Give them 1 claim or go to war
Spirit Guards” clock active (i.e., the one that fills up whenever you that has been attacked. You can then choose whether to stand with Incarcerated Cohort. One of your Cohorts (or a close (drop to -3 status). If you have no claims, lose 1 hold instead.
use Arcane potions, p. 226) you gain heat equal to the number of the culprit or with the victim (i.e., punish the culprit); in both friend, or your patron) gets sent to prison. Choose: you either pay Squanderers. One of your Cohorts (or contacts) accidentally
ticks on that clocks. Then, mark 2 more ticks on the “Accosted by cases, the “other” party will start to harbor resentment towards the coin equal to 1 + double your wanted level, or your Cohort is mismanages your finances, or causes you to lose money or
Spirit Guards” clock. Crew (mark 1 tick on a 4-Clock). completely unavailable for a number of Scores equal to 1d + resources some other way. Either forfeit 1 coin, or force them to
Ambitious Lackey. An influential member of a Cohort (or a Cooperation. A +3 status faction asks you for a favor. Agree to wanted level. In both cases, you clear just 3 heat (you do not repay the loss (and forfeit 1 rep due to your Cohort's discontent).
friend/contact, patron, or vice purveyor) successfully undermines do it, or forfeit 1 rep per Tier of the friendly faction, or lose 1 clear all the heat and reduce your wanted level by 1 as usual)
Tax Evasion Charge. Sum up the cash coin owned by the
your authority: they want to be the one leading the Crew, or at least status with them. If you don’t have a +3 status faction, you avoid Interrogation. The officers round up one of the PCs to Crew, and by each character (not counting Stash, or Caveau). If
one of your Cohorts! You must choose: either permanently lose the entanglements right now. question them about the crew’s crimes. How did they manage to the total exceeds 10 coin, either pay 4 coin as fines and bribes, or
Cohort(s) involved, or harshly punish and re-organize them Crew Trouble. One of the PCs create trouble due to their capture you? Either pay them off with 3 coin, or they beat you up get +2 heat
(forfeit 2 rep, 2 coin, mark level 2 harm on the Cohort, and tick Trauma(s). You can lose face (forfeit rep equal to your Tier +1), make (level 2 harm) and you tell them what they want to know (+3
1 on a 4-Clock “The Cohort Rebels”).Why did the lackey betray heat). You can resist each of those consequences separately.
The Usual Suspects. The cops grab someone in the periphery
an example of your fellow PC (mark level 2 harm, you may not resist of your crew. One player volunteers a friend or vice purveyor as
you? What have you done against them? it), or face reprisals from the wronged party (and lower your status with Some players really hate it when their character gets captured! Just
the person most likely to be taken. Make a fortune roll to find
Arrest. An Inspector presents a case file of evidence to a them by 1). If no PC has Trauma, you avoid entanglements right now. tell them that this is completely normal for a scoundrel of the
out if they resist questioning (1-3: +2 heat, 4/5: level 2 harm), or
magistrate, to begin prosecution of your crew. They send a detail underworld. You spend time in and out of jail, getting questioned
Crisis of Faith. A new Cult (or an old acquaintance) takes hold and harassed by the law. It’s not the end of the world. But now that
pay them off with 1 coin.
to arrest you (a gang at least equal in scale to your wanted among one of your Cohorts. You can either allow the cult to flourish
level). Pay them off with coin equal to your wanted level +3, you’re here in the interrogation room, what kind of person are you? Unexpected Complication. Roll again, as if your heat level
(pick 1 extra Flaw for your Cohort), or fight it (lose 1 rep, mark Do you talk? Do you stand up to them? Do you make a deal? was 6 or more (i.e., use the 'worst' table to find your result)
hand someone over for arrest (this clears your heat), or try to level 1 harm on your Cohort, and mark 2 ticks on a 4-Clock “The
evade capture. Unexpected expenses. A neutral or enemy faction creates you
A truncheon bangs on the shutters of the window. “Alright then! Come
Cohort rebels”). What is the Cult doctrine? Who is leading the Cult? Mayhem. Roll again, twice. You suffer two entanglements.
some trouble, due to competition for product or customers, to a
on out and let’s go quietly now!” It sounds like the bald Sergeant. When Crisis of Vice. A new vice purveyor (or an old acquaintance) Overambitious lackey. An influential member of a Cohort disagreement about turf, etc. You either lose 1 coin or 1 rep to fix
you peek out, you see a detail of about twenty constables, all geared up takes hold among one of your Cohorts. You can either allow the (or a friend/contact, patron, or vice purveyor) tries to undermine things. If you have neither, lose 1 hold instead.
for a fight. The Sergeant mumbles under his breath, so only you inside vice to flourish (pick 1 extra Flaw for your Cohort), or fight it (lose your authority. You manage to control their ambitions, but you
can hear: “Or perhaps I have the wrong address?” He clears his throat 1 rep, mark level 1 harm on your Cohort, and mark 2 ticks on a Unfair competition. A neutral or enemy faction is selling the
have to choose: either punish them (mark level 2 harm on the same services you are selling, with a discount. Choose one of your
and waits for some coins to appear. 4-Clock “The Cohort rebels”). Who is the purveyor? What vice are Cohort), or give them a raise (lose 2 coin), or lose face (-2 rep)
they selling exactly? claims that generate coin. The chosen claim will not work for this
Arrested Cohort. Exactly like “Arrest”, but the cops try to Pushy Friends. A +2 or +3 status faction asks you to hide a downtime. Moreover, you can either hold your ground and kick
arrest one of your Cohorts, rather than a PC. Demonic notice. A demon approaches the crew with a dark “hot” person, gear or merchandise, until things cool down and the out the competing faction (-1 status with them) or allow them do
offer. Accept their bargain, hide until it loses interest (forfeit 3 to as they please (-2 rep), or deal with the issue some other way
Casual Racism. You lose 1 rep for each PC you have in the crew cops stop looking for the thing. Either accept their request (and
rep), or deal with it another way. take +2 heat), or refuse (and take -1 status with them, or lose (e.g., play it out in detail, diplomatically or not).
who do not belong to the setting’s dominant heritage. Players
whose character is of mixed heritage can choose whether they “pass” Diplomatic incident. Pick a faction whose status with you is rep equal to their Tier, your choice) Unquiet dead. A rogue spirit is drawn to you—perhaps it’s a
as belonging to the dominant heritage, or not. -1, 0, or +1. Choose: either forfeit 1 rep per Tier of the faction, or past victim? Acquire the services of an occultist to attempt to
Questioning. The cops grab an NPC member of your crew or
take -1 status with them, due to some offense or some conflicting destroy or banish it, or deal with it yourself.
Civil War. A member of one of your Cohorts murders another one of the crew’s contacts, to question them about your crimes.
interests. What is the nature of the offense or conflict? What did you They can hire an NPC by using the acquire asset downtime
member, or another one of your Cohorts, or a contact/friend or Who do they think is most vulnerable? Make a fortune roll to
do to enrage them? activity. Roll the NPC’s quality level as a fortune roll to see how well
vice purveyor. Remove from play the NPC that has been attacked see how much they talk (1-3: +2 heat, 4/5: +1 heat), or pay the
they deal with the spirit.
(or, if they are a member of a Gang, mark level 2 harm on the Enraged Citizenry. Either forfeit 2 rep, or take -1 status with constables off with 2 coin.
Gang) and forfeit 1 rep. You can then choose whether to stand the Citizenry of a District where you own an “annoying” Claim (or Roll 2d for a normal person to see how well they keep quiet. If they’re War! Pick a faction whose status with you is -2. Choose: either forfeit
with the culprit, or with the victim's friends; in both cases, the a District where you recently made a conspicuous Score). Who are an experienced underworld type or some kind of tough, give them 2 rep per Tier of the faction, or take -1 status with them (and go to
“other” party will harbor resentment towards the Crew (mark 3 the individual(s) leading the Citizenry's protests? Did you do 3d or 4d instead. If they’re soft or if they have some loyalty to the war!), due to some offense or some conflicting interests. What is the
ticks on a 4-Clock). something to enrage them personally? law, give them 1d or 0d. nature of the conflict? What did you do to enrage them?

Created by Francesco “Lupo” Pregliasco, no rights reserved. This work is based on BLADES IN THE DARK, product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

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