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Directions: The following sentences are incomplete. Beneath each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases, marked
A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and fill in the appropriate answer above.

1. Our enthusiasm for the new plan has …………… .( kế hoạch mới đã tắt dần)
A. failed B. disappeared C. gone out D. died out

2. She………….. at Sacombank since 2009.- có since có độngt ừ have/has

A. is working C. has worked
B. was working D. works
3. ………………….. he heard the news, he rushed straight to the police.
A. Although B. As soon as C. Before D. However

4. Anna has to work ………………. night …………order to earn some extra money.
A. in/at B. in/in C. with /on D. at/in
5. Mr. Jerry Walker hopes he …………….. all the applicants by the time the
Personnel Manager arrives.
A. will have interviewed C. has interviewed
B. is interviewing D. interviewed
6. The company has the ……………. rights to market Elton John's records.
A. alone B. sole C. solitary D. lonely

Sole rights : độc quyền

7. …….. I was waiting in line for a visa interview, I ate my lunch.
A. Although B. if C. While D. because
8. I have to go to the meeting ……………. I want to or not.
A. as soon as B. while C. because D. whether
Whether… or not.; cho dù muốn hay không
9. Consumers are interested …………. solar energy because of high fuel costs.
A. in B. for C. with D. at
Interested in
10. My computer can cope ……… huge amounts of data.
A. of B. for C. with D. on

11. Fleur encouraged Dana ………… her ambition to become a model.

A. between B. in C. for D. at

12. The company requires that all employees have a physical examination …….
A. never B. annually- hàng năm C. rarely - hiếm khi D. seldom
never, seldom, rarely -không đứng cuối câuđứng trước động từ

13. My computer has a lot ……….. memory, but hers has more.
A. as B. for C. in D. of

14. Michael Dell needs to learn Japanese, ………………… is very important because it
will help him get a good job in international trade.
A. although B. why - cẩu hỏi C. which D. that- không dùng cho mệnh đề quan hệ
Note nếu dùng , -> chọn which, ko có dấu “,” chọn which hoặc that
15. If Mr. Wrong ………….. before noon, the committee will be surprised.
A. was arriving B. arrives C. will arrive D. arrived
Câu với mệnh đề if thì nhìn 2 vế simple present=simple future
16. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We …………. Paris, Nice and
A.have been visited C. are going to visit - có kế hoạch chắc chắn B.will visit có kế hoạch dùng will D. visited
17. Mrs. Brown was driving to work when the accident happened and ………. her car.
A. damaged B. will damage C. was damaging D. has damaged
was driving-> dùng quá khứ
18. At the beginning of this month, I signed a ………….. with your company for an
office renovation project.
A. contract B. check C. letter D. memo

19. The hotel wants to …………….. its business by adding a swimming pool.
A. build B. expand- mở rộng C. reduce-giảm D. open
20. Our company has chosen the Swedish vendors ………….. they guarantee the best after-sales service.
A. unless= if not B. because of C. because D. when

Directions: The following sentences are incomplete. Beneath each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases, marked
A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and fill in the appropriate answer above.

1. ____________ we would like to open a branch in Oxford now, we will probably wait for another year or so.
A. Although B. When C. If D. Because
Although: mang sự tương phản
2. The job is badly paid, ______________ I’m looking for another one
A. so that B. so - cho nên C. when D. since
3. ______________ being stressful, high level professions can also be harmful to your health.
A. Also- dùng cuối câu C. Moreover - hơn nữa, dùng cuối câu B. Along with- cùng với D. A or B or C

4. Cars enable you to reach any particular place you want;________________ , a car may present parking problems in a city.
A. however B. in spite of C. despite D. but

5. _____________ marketing is concerned, the best thing is to talk with the Sales Manager.
A. As far as B. As much C. As for D. As with

6. ___________ my way home, I generally meet a lot of adults who are going to work.
A. In B. On C. Through D. For
On the home, On second thoughts, On the whole, ON second thoughts, ON the whole

7. I thought I would sell my car but __________ second thoughts I changed my mind, and _________ the whole I think I was

A. in, in B. on, on C. on, in D. in, on

8. They are here ___________ holiday but I’m here __________ business.
A. in, in C. on, on B. for, for D. all are correct
Be On holiday, be on businessM working FOR
9. That company has 5,000 men working __________ it.
A. with B. into C. to D. for
10. Did you come __________ land, _________ sea or ___________ air?
A. on, on, by B. by, by, in C. by, by, by D. on, on, on
Đi bộ on còn các phương tiện khác dùng BY
11. We _____________ Betty since she started working there as a secretary.
A. have known B. had known C. are knowing D. knew
Có since dùng have /has
12. Buying stocks at that time was a bad idea, my best friend. You could ______________ all of your money.
A. lost B. have been losing C. be lost D. have lost
13. After Ms. Sally ____________ Levin Advertising, she made some innovative suggestions to reduce costs.
A. joins C. is joining B. joined D. has been joining
14. As soon as we ______________ from the suppliers, we ______________ you know when the goods are in stock.
A. hear…….will let C. hear……let B. will hear….will l D. are hearing……will let
When,As soon as- tt chỉ time - ko dùng thì tương lai
15. The plan is that oil producers _____________ tomorrow to discuss oil prices
A. met B. should meet C. should have met D. would meet
16. She was _____________ out of 115 applicants for the position of Managing Director.
A. short-changed C. short-sighted
B. short-handed D. short-listed
17. There’s a rumor that the National Bank is going to _____________ the company I work for.
A. take over – ĐIỀU HÀNH B. take off C. take on D. take after
18. The Tabors’ fortune was _____________ at more than $100 million.
A. imagined B. guessed C. estimated- Ước tính D. judged
19. Companies have to consider the age of the population when they are _____________ new staff.
A. recruiting B. enrolling- ghi tên C. enlisting- gia nhập D. raising nâng lên
20. Conversations with traveling acquaintances usually tend to be ______________ .
A. insufficient- ko đầy đủ B. trivial – ko qunag trọng C. important D. boring-
1. This restaurant has good reputation, ____________ that one does not.
A. although C. on the other hand B. whereas- trong khi D. despite
Although: đứng dầu câu hoặc ko có dấu,
2. ______________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them
A. Although C. Because B. However D. On account of

3. ______________ I don’t think she’s perfect for the job, she’s certainly better qualified than Steve.
A. As if C. As long as B. While D. So that

4. The population is growing and _____________ we need more and more food.
A. therefore B. so that C. since D. A or B

5. We took a taxi _____________ be late.

A. for not to C. so as not to B. in order to not D. so that not to
6. ___________ this time next year you ought to have a very good knowledge of English.

A. By B. In C. During D. On
7. You will not easily find as good a workman as Brown; he is one ____________ a thousand.
A. from B. in C. out of D. into
8. I don’t think I can get ____________ going to that meeting tomorrow.
A. out B. out of C. away D. off

9. Frankly, I don’t care to argue __________ you __________ that particular subject.
A. with, about B. with, in C. to, about D. to, in
10. Mr. Anderson is responsible ___________ hiring and firing employees.
A. for B. with C. to D. by

11. “When are you going to ask your boss for a raise?”
“_____________ to her twice already. I don’t think she wants to give me one”
A. I’ve talked C. I was talking
B. I’ve been talking D. I’d talked
12. In the last 10 years, the number of college graduates majoring in computers ___________ by almost 20%.
A. has risen C. was rising
B. will have risen D. had risen
13. Starting next month, salaries _____________ paid through a newly installed electronic-paying system.
A. are B. were C. had been D. will be
14. The resort _____________ a big influx of foreign visitors this year.
A. has B. had C. is having D. have
15. The talks _____________ an end. Agreement ______________ on most points.
A. approach…….. is reached C. are approaching…..has reached
B. has approached…..has been reached D.are approaching…has been reached
16. If you ____________ the errors earlier, we could have avoided doing the same work twice.
A. find B. had found C. finding D. were found
17. As the ____________ owner of the property, I would be able to sign the application for credit.
A. sole B. alone C. solitary D. lonely
18. You have to cut back on spending- you’re ______________ huge debts.
A. running up B. setting up C. making up D. putting up

19. The company is in financial difficulties and the shareholders are trying to keep it _____________.
A. afloat B. aloft C. aboard D. abreast

20. Before being offered the job, the applicants had to _____________ a series of interviews.
A. underact B. underplay C. underlie D. undergo

Directions: The following sentences are incomplete. Beneath each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases, marked
A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and fill in the appropriate answer above.

1. Please be on time; ____________ try to be early.

A. moreover B. as soon as C. although D. since
2. ____________ he was the best qualified candidate, he didn’t get the job.
A. When B. Although C. Since D. Because
3. ____________ we have so much to do, let’s delay discussing this until our next meeting
A. Since B. When C. Yet D. However
4. I hope that I’ll finish it on time, _____________ I can’t guarantee it.
A. unless B. but C. and D. so
5. Everyone is entitled to such benefit _____________ of age and sex.
A. whether B. in spite đi với of C. in case đi với of D. regardless đi với of
6. At present, my daily expenses are just about equal ____________ my income.
A. to B. with C. by D. for
Equal to, capable of+ v-ing
7. Fred is capable _____________ doing better work than he’s doing at present.
A. to B. with C. of D. for
8. If this plan is satisfactory ____________ you, I'll present it to the committee.
A. to B. forward C. with D. in
Present …to,
satisfactory …to,
very kind of you+ to inf
available to S.O’
keep to
to do business …with
9. It was certainly kind ____________ you to help me with that difficult work.
A. with B. of C. for D. by
10. That new product will be available ____________ the public late next year.
A. for B. by C. to D. with
11. Jane _____________ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office.
A. works B. used to work C. having worked D. working
12. I lost your telephone number. Otherwise, ______________ you up long before.
A. I’d ring C. I’ll have rung B. I’ll ring D. I’d have rung
13. While I ____________ home, the solution to the company’s financial problems suddenly came to me.
A. walk B. was walking C. walked D. am walking
14. The new manager ______________ many problems to solve since he joined the company six months ago.
A. has had B. has C. had D. have
15. Mr. Brown’s superb work performance ___________ won him a positive reputation.
A. are B. was C. have D. has
16. I can’t understand why you didn’t _____________ the agreement we had made.
A. stand for B. stay over C. keep to D. bring about
17. My husband often does ______________ with people from Japan.
A. business B. finances C. affairs D. concerns
18. The company is _____________ its operations all over the Asian region.
A. expanded B. expanding C. expansion D. expanse
19. The CEO decided to hire a new _____________ for the upcoming conference.
A. interpret B. interpretation C. interpreter D. interpreting
20. The real problem is that his company is always facing financial ______________.

A. stability B. instability C. stabilization D. unstably
Directions: The following sentences are incomplete. Beneath each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases, marked
A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence and fill in the appropriate answer above.

1. I won’t be able to buy that car _____________ I have paid off some debts
A. and B. so C. but D. until
2. Many careers require a college diploma; in some jobs, ______________, previous experience is the main requirement.
A. nonetheless B. however C. therefore D. accordingly
3. The director spoke ______________ briefly ______________ excessively about the project depending on how much free
time he had
A. neither………nor C. either……..or B. both ……..and D. not only……..but also
4. We’ll learn ______________ interesting information ______________ we’ll want to read more.
A. such…….that C. rather…..than B. so…….that D. more…..than
5. ____________ you need to reach me, call me.
A. In the event ( trong trường hợp) B. In case( trong trường hợp) C Should D. A or B or C
Should you need
6. John was so tired ___________ hard work that he could hardly move.
A. from B. with C. of D. in
Tired of: chán, không thích
Tired from: mệt mỏi vì
7. Our conference was interrupted ___________ telephone calls several times.
A. for B. with C. of D. by
Interrupted by S.O/ interrupted with
8. You are always finding fault ____________ everything I do.
A. for B. with C. in D. to
fault with
9. We have fixed the date __________ the meeting to be held on the 12th June.
A. at B. for C. about D. in
ấn định mốc thời gian ( cuộc họp) dùng for
10. You should try to cooperate ____________ that organization ____________ every way.
A. with, in B. to, in C. with, for D. to, for
In every way/ in this way/ in that way
11. He refused to sign the agreement until after certain points _____________
A. have been cleared up C. have cleared up B. had been cleared up D. had cleared up
12. Once you ____________ used to our methods, you ____________ the job a lot easier.
A. gets………..will find C. have got……will find B. will get……….will find D. have got……..find
13. “Hello? Alice? This is Jeff. How are you?”
“Jeff? What a coincidence! I _____________ about you when the phone rang
A. was just thinking C. have just been thinking B. just thought D. was just thought
14. The city is building its dilapidated waterfront, transforming it into a pleasant and fashionable outdoor mall. Next summer
when the tourists _____________, they ___________ 104 beautiful new shops and restaurants in the area
A. will arrive……..will find C. arrive……..will find B. arrive……..will have foundD. will arrive…..will be finding
Với mệnh đề chie thời gian when, why, if không dùng thì tương lai
15. John ____________ to executive manager of an advertising company
A. has just been promoted C. has just promoted B. has just been promoting D. is promoting
16. It is very costly to maintain an automobile in Singapore.
A. a cell phone B. a car C. a dishwasher D. a house
17. Coal production for the following quarter ____________ to exceed the last quarter by 5%.
A. expected B. expects C. expect D. is expected
18. She didn’t listen to my counsel and went ahead with her plans.
A. prediction B. praise C. advice D. flattery
19. If we want to _____________ up with them, we’d better hurry.
A. catch B. arrive C. come D. approach
20. His ____________ as a successful businessman has been established.
A. reputes B. reputing C. reputation D. reputed



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