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By the Ascended M asters and their A ccredited M essengers

Mr. and M rs. G. W. B allard and son, D onald

|& ||!) OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.50 A Y EA R . # rff-
IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S $4.00 A Y E A R . % J ,? y

The " Voice of the I AM” is the m outh-piece through which

the Ascended M asters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, th at the most pow erful w ork possible fo r A m erica
and the w orld m ay be done by the students to release the
g reatest Ligh t in the shortest time.


The inform ation given under the heading of Young A m er­

ic a ” will be the Ascended M asters’ help to the young people
fo r their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended M asters w ill give their Ligh t fo r the use of the
outer w orld in the Golden " I AM ” Age.

2600 South H oover Street Los Angeles, C alifo rn ia
H, Mighty God Tabor of Glorious Light!
Great God of the Mountains whose towering height
Majestic, commanding, in silence Divine,
Thou dost guard and control by Power all Thine!
Great Guardian of Treasures and Blessings untold,
Thru Thee, Nature’s Great Heart of Love we behold,
Thine own Shining Presence is governing all,
Releasing Thy Miracles thru each heart’s call!
We love Thee and praise Thee, Beloved Tabor Dear!
Enfold us and hold us and ever stand near,
To bless us and raise us unto Thy Great Height
To guard and protect us by Thy Cosmic Might!
Illumine and charge us with Thy Wisdom too!
Prepare now the way and in Glory step thru!
We long have beheld Thee in Great Cosmic Power,
We stand at Thy side now each blest shining hour.
Expand all God’s Light now thruout the whole world,
Until mankind all see Light’s Banner unfurled;
Held high in the Heavens, the Hope of all here,
Oh, Glorious God Tabor, make our way all clear!
Great God of the Rockies Thou dost ever remain,
God’s Keeper of Secrets in Light’s Great Domain,
Till marvels unnumbered reveal Life’s Great Plan
Of Glorious Freedom and Victory for man!
Oh, Being so bright, in Thy Great Heart of Flame,
We come now to rest and adore God’s Great Name,
And all Life bestows thru God’s Almighty Word,
The Glorious "I AM” thru Thy Voice now is heard,
In Sounds so Almighty our hearts burst with Light,
Thy Arms in Full Glory clothe us with Thy Might,
Thy Voice like the Music of Heavenly Spheres,
We hear say: My Loved Ones, My Own Blessed Dears,
Come into my heart in the Garden of God,
You shall live in the Light, no more shall you plod!
From all limitation I now set you Free,
Of Nature’s Great Blessing hold full custody,
Know Nature’s Great Secrets, Love, Wisdom and Power,
Be all God’s Authority, each day, each hour
Command all the Elements to do God’s Will
Command in Full Power—"Peace, Peace NOW !—Be still” !
Mankind have not been taught that their feeling is
the ruler of their world; but as sure as I am telling
you, uncontrolled ungoverned feeling which is discor­
dant will bring distress, limitations and unhappiness
into your world; and more than seventy-five per cent
of the ill health of mankind now and which always has
been is discord in the feeling. You have no idea, until
you begin to watch its action, how discordant feeling
will build a condition in your body which is but its out-
picturing—the cause being in your feeling world. It
operates long before you see its out-picturing in the
flesh, but there can be no out-picturing in the flesh,
dear people, unless there is a cause within your feeling
world. You are not always that cause, but if you accept
the word or feeling from someone else, then you are
responsible to the degree that you admitted it into your
world. There could be no one else responsible for
that but yourself.
The Truth is, dear people, Life has so provided you
SA IN T GERMAIN S DISCOURSE • with a protecting Presence and Power which will al­
Dallas, Texas—June 12, 1939 ways act, if you are harmonized enough yourself. Your
GREET you again, beloved students and Higher Mental Body, which rests between your flesh
friends who are here! To see your under­ body as shown on the Chart and the Upper Figure,
standing gaining the Victory each day, in which is your "Mighty I AM Presence,” is the director
freeing yourselves from the habit which you of the energy which flows thru your body. It stands
have had so long, of human qualification of the energy ready to produce Perfection for you always, but since
of Life as It flows forth thru you, is a Mighty Victory, your qualification is the power which it contends with,
beloved ones. Now you come to understand the only unless you understand and are willing to govern it,
thing that has ever stood between you and the Perfec­ then endless time would go on producing the same
tion which Life holds and wishes to give, is your quali­ conditions which you have today.
fication of energy. Beloved people, you have lived hundreds and thou­
Life is energy. Energy itself does not discriminate. sands of embodiments similar to these, each time accu­
You have free will and whatever feeling exists in your mulating more or less discord. Now Life has opened
world clothes the energy as it goes forth from you; and the door, even the second door into the Octave of Light,
if it be discordant, you will reap the quality of that in by which and thru which mankind may be free, forever
your world. There is no law in the world that can free, from the wheel of birth and rebirth. It is a Law
prevent it. of Life, dear people, whether you have understood it or
4 5
not, or whether you care to accept it today, still it is a each other! You use but your own accumulated energy.
Mighty Truth which no human being can deny. While I have never said this to the students, I am going
We who have set Ourselves free from the conditions to explain to you tonight, why individuals sometimes
of the physical world know these Laws every step of seem to have tremendous energy to use for destructive
them and know exactly what you require to win your purposes.
Victory. For instance, allow Me to call your attention Since none of mankind, except a few of the students,
to this to-night, while the Messenger is voicing My is using more then ten per cent of that great energy and
Words to you. I am acting by Currents of Light and Presence of Life which beats their hearts, then you
Energy within this room, into every one of your bodies know that the Stream of Life flowing thru your body
—your feeling worlds. I have not asked your permis­ carries tremendous energy and power. Sometimes,
sion, but since you are here, I take it for granted, you when individuals have been to some degree harmoni­
would be pleased to have that Assistance, (applause— ous and then they are seized upon by destructive forces,
audience rising) that energy is accumulated; and until it is exhausted,
In order to assist you, I must give that Assistance it sometimes becomes dynamic power.
thru your feeling world, by the permission of your
That is why, today, in the Instruction which I have
own Higher Mental Body. Life allows no interference
brought forth in the use of the Violet Consuming
with Its own Stream. It invites whatever Assistance
Flame, mankind can set themselves free in their call
is to be given, and unless that invitation is there to Us,
to the Presence, and dissolve and consume all destruc­
not thru your physical sense, but thru that which is the
tive qualities which they have brought forth and then
Governor and Director of the Currents of Energy to
they will be Free. Since you have been centuries accu­
you, then alone do We respond.
mulating this, to have the Presence of Life at your call
This has been going on now for more than five years
dissolve and consume all of that within a short period
to the great body of students in America and they have
of time, is a so-called miracle performed. Yet it is all a
grown to great proportions. There are more than a
perfectly natural action of Life.
million students in America who are actually applying
This Law. Two million and more who have come to Life never condemned one of you, never criticized
know of this Great Law, are deciding whether they one of you for all the mistakes you have made; but
wish to follow it or not. You today, who have seen the mankind feel the authority to criticize each other. Does
expansion of this Great Light, know that it is not a it seem quite fair to Life? Does it seem quite fair to
matter of individual opinion or of human opinions your friends to criticize them, when you do not know
but It is the Law of Life, the Law of Light, dear people, the causes which are acting within individuals that
which one day all mankind will accept, because It is a sometimes make them undesirable companions? Do
part of themselves. you not see, beloved students and friends, that since
Who would not want to know how to make them­ you are Life, since you are a being of qualified energy
selves strong, courageous and able to achieve what­ in action, can any one of you tell Me, that you know
ever their attention is fixed upon which is constructive? the causes which are acting with each other here in the
Life will not aid you to gain destructive power over room? Of course you cannot. Therefore, please do not
6 7
sit in judgment upon each other, for seeming conditions people of America informed if they care to believe Me;
of which you are wholly unaware of the causes. and if they do not care to believe Me, they will reap the
That is the condition of mankind and has been thru- results, and too late they will know that I have told
out the ages. The outer human is constantly dealing them the Truth.
with effects, rarely, if ever, considering the cause back Do you think I would take My Energy and the energy
of it. Your government is today dealing with effects, of the Messengers to carry This Light to the people of
and is just beginning to awaken to the causes under­ America for five years, if I did not know the conditions
neath. Now notice this carefully—when a nation be­ that exist in the world and know what I am talking
gins to awaken to the causes underlying the appear­ about? There are a lot of mankind who will not be­
ance and effect, the people of the government will be lieve Me; but when disaster approaches and they can­
able to correct the condition by the call to the Presence not stop it, they will remember My Words, My Love
of Life, the "Mighty I AM Presence.” and My Kindness. I have striven so hard to give them
You, beloved students, have been instructed how to the information, give them the Authority in the call to
decree in a positive attitude of Life, to bring a definite Life which would have prevented it.
result and it could never fail, if you are harmonious My dear people, I am becoming more and more posi­
enough yourself. A great number of mankind are pray­ tive with the people of America because many do not
ing as they never prayed in their lives. Thruout the believe the condition or that it exists. Some of your
orthodox churches of the world, such earnest prayers people in America are no better than the spies of Eu­
are going up as were never sent forth before, because rope. Truth is no respecter of persons. There are some
there is scarcely one living today in human form who in your government who are supposed to be protecting
does not feel the pressure of the coming events. They it, who are spies under cover. That is where the great
are approaching, of that there is no question! danger to your beloved America is to-day.
I have said to the students of America these five years, Beloved people, your calls to that Great Presence of
if you will make the call earnestly and sincerely, as Life, the "Mighty I AM,” if you continue in the volume
We gain the attention of enough of mankind, We the that has been gained these past three years, my dear peo­
Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Beings and the Cosmic ple I have every hope in the world, that We will be able
Light, will render that Service to America which she to release the Power of the Cosmic Light to hold the
must have, or go into the most frightful destruction the balance of all that is required in America to give her
world has ever known. You may not believe this. protection and keep that destructive power out of your
However, I tell you, the entire activity in Germany, America, (applause—audience rising)
Russia, Italy and Japan is under destructive forces; While you are standing, beloved ones, allow me to
and the world sees that they will encroach and encroach say this: Since We are wholly free and could go on Our
upon mankind until one day, they will rest upon your way and leave you to the mercy of these forces, are you
shores of America. not willing, beloved friends of America and fellow
Dear people, I know what I am talking about, since students, to render your utmost service? The greatest
I can go there, and do once every forty-eight hours, I service that you can render in the whole wide world, is
observe the conditions which are there, and keep the to understand this "I AM Presence” and call Its Powers
8 9
into action, to render this Service to America and to years has done. Why do you suppose I established this
your people. among the student body? Because I saw it was the only
My dear people, mankind have believed that armies means in the world of releasing this Intelligence, Power
must solve the condition, but they never solved one yet. and Energy which would give mankind the protection
When the war was finished, all were exhausted and had they needed. Cannons, guns and dynamite cannot give
to stop, the condition remained the same, with one ex­ you this protection because that is only a temporary
ception. Would you like to know what that is? In your thing. It can destroy the majority of mankind and when
war for Freedom, which gave America her Freedom, it they come back and build up their civilization again,
was the only war in this world that did not have its the same condition exists and has thruout all these cen­
reaction. That was the call to Light and Life for Free­ turies. Dear people, you see it thruout the history of the
dom and there could be no reaction! There was no world. Then why when We have made the effort to
attempt at acquisition of property! There was no at­ bring you forth an understanding of the Law of Life,
tempt to deprive or bind anyone; and America has had which can render that service, make it permanent, stop
a period of Great Freedom! Of course in your midst, as all war from the earth and stop the discord from man­
in all lands upon this earth, there are individuals, sel­ kind; then is it not worth some effort?
fish, deceptive and destructive but let Me tell you to-day, We can tell you exactly, if you will keep your feelings
you are in the position in these calls to Life which will harmonized, what would take place at your call, but
one day remove every destructive desire from every since We have been disappointed in so many We of
human being in your land or remove them from your course never prophesy. When We find individuals who
land! knowing the Great Law, will not harmonize them­
selves, because of some petty human feeling, then how
Beloved ones, may I ask during the remainder of My
can We be disappointed at the mass who do not do it?
T alk to you, that you remain as perfectly quiet as you
Therefore, I say to you tonight, We could assure you
can, in order to render the service which is here in the
as definitely as you are sitting in this room, if We could
room to be given you. I appreciate your Love and kind­
depend on the million people who are really students
ness, but I wish to do this for you, while the Messenger
of This Light today, to put aside every human feeling,
is voicing My Words and I shall accept your Love just
hold their feelings harmonious, make their determined
the same.
dynamic call to Life and Light, for the protection of
In the fulness of all that is required today, mankind
America and for the removal from within her borders
is in a position for the first time in the history of this
of every destructive force, I could guarantee you inside
earth, to make the call to an Intelligence and Power
of three years, it would be done. What a pity mankind
which can regulate, can govern these things from the
are not yet ready to do it!
individual to your nation.
Twice in France, once in Germany, once in Italy and
I wish to state with a powerful emphatic Truth, the
twice in Russia, I had established a condition that could
Decrees that have gone forth from the student body
have built what you have in America today; but the
thruout America and the world, have rendered a Service
few that would pay any attention to the Great Law of
to this earth that nothing in the world in two million
Life, which I revealed to them, said to Me: "Such ideals Cosmic Beings or the Legions of Light be happy, with
cannot be possible of human achievement,” when all of mankind in the throes of the worst destruction ever
It was the action of every human being’s own Life. known?
Can you understand today, how I feel to you people These are great Truths, dear people. Do you know
of America whose Light has been great enough to give my dear ones, that before every great cataclysm which
response to My call for your Freedom?—not Mine, for I has occurred on this earth, great effort was made to
have It; but since I love mankind enough to try once acquaint the people with the Truth of the conditions?
again, if this should fail, I would never try again, but This time there has been great response. Before the
this is not going to fail. sinking of the last remnant of Atlantis, how many peo­
Dear people, if you ever saw determination within a ple out of that sixty million gave credence to the Words
Being in this world, then it is within Me. Since I have of Truth which were given to them? Five hundred peo­
gained this great momentum so far, I am ready to move ple. To-day, three million in America are listening to
heaven and earth to carry out the fulfilment of this and the Words of Truth! Some change, is it not! That was
whether humanity wants it or not, I shall do My utmost not enough to hold the balance and those people sank
to hold the Dominion of the Light in America. I believe beneath the waves of the Atlantic within forty-eight
I have enough people who are loyal to the Light whom hours. Only five hundred who accepted the Truth es­
I can depend on, which will enable Me to exert what­ caped. They were taken away to several places.
ever Power is necessary. Today, if war should come in your America, it will
Remember, as your beloved Messengers have said to release the greatest cataclysmic condition which has
you: you never had such a Friend in America as "I AM.” ever been known. We have tried to stem the tide of
Let Me say something to you. That is quite true, but that. We have held it in abeyance and still may do so,
yet back of it is something still greater. I too have My governing at least two-thirds of its action, if war can be
Friends. One of Those Friends is the Power of the Cos­ kept out of America. We are telling the people the
mic Light, that no human being nor all on this earth Truth. We appreciate, beloved earnest sincere students,
can interfere with. If I can intercede and release that every ounce of energy that you release in the call to the
within the next two years, I will sweep every particle Presence of Life for the protection of America and this
of human discord and selfishness from this planet, service which is imperative to be rendered.
whether they want it or not. That is how I feel for your Remember I am not speaking to you, when I am call­
protection. ing for more assistance. You are doing your part and
Now beloved ones, are you as willing to make your wonderfully, but continue on, in the most magnificent
maximum effort as I am? I could go on My Way quite effort you can command. We must trust to the Great
happily. Oh, I question whether that statement is quite Cosmic Light, the Great Wisdom of Life, to touch the
correct. I said: " I could go on quite happily,” I ques­ Life within the hearts of enough more of mankind, to
tion that extremely. Thinking of you here in the worst give all that is required.
condition the world has ever known, how could I be Tonight, as I talk to you, how wonderful it would
happy? How could one of the Ascended Masters, the be to see a million people actually ready to release the
12 13
energy which you are doing daily! I am speaking of the fore, dear ones, try It. Give It a chance and see what
students now who are actually making these mighty It will do for you. That is why We are constantly plead­
calls, issuing these Mighty Decrees. I say to you friends ing with mankind. Some listen and some do not.
and students of Dallas, as I said to those in Oklahoma Is it not strange that mankind can go on in their
City—I am making this statement now, for I want It to sleep of the senses and refuse to accept the Glory of
reach every sincere individual in America. I will fulfill the Light which would give them happiness, health,
it for every sincere student who has come into this Light; strength, supply and Freedom, but such is the domina­
who has made these determined calls and issued these tion of human qualities? That is their misfortune, but
Mighty Decrees for the protection of America and for you beloved ones who have come thus far in the Light,
the blessing of their fellow-man: "Every one of those remember—your attention to your Presence is the Stabi­
blessed ones shall be released forever at the close of this lizing Power, the anchorage of that Light for Its con­
embodiment into the Ascension and Freedom forever stant expansion in your heart and in your world to
from the wheel of birth and rebirth. I will see that it is render you that protection, direction, Intelligence and
done, for I have the power.” Can I do more, beloved supply from the Treasure-house of your Presence, which
ones? Can I offer more? It does not make a particle of will make possible for your protection the service you
difference to Me what your intellect thinks just now; wish to render, to the Glory of that protection which
but it matters much to Me what your Light in your heart America requires at this time.
says to Me. That is what I am concerned with. You have your individual homes, some of you. Amer­
When the Light in the heart of individuals who have ica is the home of all, and if your homes are shattered or
been so earnest in this Light starts to dim, then I almost destroyed, then your individual homes are of little con­
tremble for them. My dear ones, Life is not going to sequence. America is the greatest home of the people
continue to give mankind an endless time, in which to of the Light. Within it are the homes of millions of
make the decision of whether they are going to serve people and the subversive activities which have grown
the Light or the shadows. They are at the deciding point in America have sought to shatter them, and have to
now—mankind must decide, but that it not My affair. some degree; but still may they yet be restored, thru the
I am prompting and prompting and prompting man­ Great Out-pouririg of Light.
kind constantly, but I cannot be your spiritual police­ Tonight, I am going to draw you another illustra­
man. I can only draw your attention to the necessity tion. There are people who have had the opportunity
that is at hand. Then, you must choose as to whether to accept this Light and have refused It. Those people
you are willing to call forth this Power from the Pres­ are going out into a condition where they will observe
ence of Life, the Governor of the Universe which beats that which will later take place in America and when
your heart. they see the great Perfection which is bound to come
Dear ones, do you understand that this Presence of in America, whether it be after physical war or thru
Life which beats your heart is the Governor of the Uni­ its prevention, then they will see the fulfilment of
verse and could be the Almighty Governor of your Life every Word I have uttered these five years to the peo­
and your world of action, if you gave It a chance? There­ ple. They can neither go on, nor can they come back;
14 15
but they will watch the happiness, the beauty and the them ready thru their receptivity for this Great Light.
Perfection from which they turned in the human form. Remember that in all activities in your call to the
That is the Great Law my dear people, believe it or not. Presence of Life, you are rendering a triple service
This is the first time I have every spoken of this to because all Life acts in a Trinity; especially when you
the student body, but it is time now, so I must begin to have become aware of your "I AM Presence,” Love,
inform you of the exact results and conditions which Wisdom and Power are set into action in balanced form.
will follow. Do you think, my dear ones, it is pleasant That is what has been the requirement of mankind thru­
for Me to watch mankind fail and fall by the wayside, out the centuries. For the first time in eight hundred
regardless of what America requires at this time? thousand years, this Balance is being brought into the
America holds you within her Grail of Light! That activity of mankind. If it were not True, then there
Light shall one day win in America! I ask you, beloved would be not hope for mankind today.
students, if you are not thoroughly familiar with it, I have wished many times, that I could have in a
familiarize yourselves with the Vision the Goddess of great auditorium, every polititian in this land and talk
Liberty gave to Washington. The third episode is what to them from My Heart. I know that I could change
you are meeting today. Keep yourselves reminded. It every condition in America today inside of forty-eight
will enable you to release more energy, more determina­ hours; and if I could get them together, I would show
tion. Why? them proof, not only of Myself, but of the Laws of Life
Beloved people and you who might be listening for which would last them thruout eternity.
the first time, let Me show you this:—Every human be­ Mankind allow themselves to be governed by charged
ing is a mental and feeling being. Without your mental energy which is human impulse. Thousands of things
and feeling power you would not be as you are now. and acts are done, which the individual would have
You would be dumb, you would be as a post in this given everything not to have set into action; but it is
building. Then you are your mental and feeling world, too late after it has gone forth. Therefore, beloved ones,
are you not? Since the mental and feeling world of you are dealing with a Great Great Law. No human
mankind are one, then when you are issuing and send­ being on the face of this earth can change It or sidestep
ing forth these Mighty Decrees, they go forth reaching It in any way. Every cause sent out brings its exact re­
into the mental and feeling world of mankind every­ sult. There is no power in this earth or anywhere else
where. Since mankind in that attitude are receptive, but the Power of your own Life which is flowing thru
those Decrees go forth and take action in their mental your body. What God wishes to do for mankind, God
and feeling world, rendering a service which cannot be has to do thru you. God never does it for you! Remem­
estimated in words. That is Our great hope today for ber that dear people! That is why your calls to Life are
America. producing such magnificent results, even protecting
We have observed that people who suddenly touch those who hate you and Me.
this Light, feel the great enthusiasm, which is positive Would you believe it, there have been those in this
proof—and We have watched it—that these Decrees have room tonight who hate Me so bitterly? That seems quite
acted in their mental and feeling world and have made • incredible; but it is their misfortune, quite their mis­
16 17
fortune and too soon will they find it out. I bring only
great Divine Love and Blessing to mankind, and I shall
Continue, until the last vestige of human selfishness and
discord have vanished from this earth.
My dear people, when I have gained this Mighty
Victory thus far, I shall continue and one day when
those individuals who cannot go forward, who cannot
go back, watch the conditions of happiness and pros­
perity which they cast aside, then will their distress be
great and only then may the Light give them Assistance.
I inform you of these Great Truths, beloved ones,
but I cannot compel you to accept them. You must do
what you will today, but I shall call to the Power of
Light within every one of you, to show you the Truth
of My Words and show you the Truth of Life, until It
becomes so self-evident, acting within your human
form, that all doubts and fears have left you and your
world forever.
I thank you with all My Heart.

fit • GEMS OF LIGH T •


"In memory of all the hove which has been poured • GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE, ASCENDED
out to the Ascended Host of Masters, and in the recog­
T is our great privilege to announce the
nition which has heen given Each One, do you realize,
release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
precious ones of the Light, that is a power of the activity
of your attention which has been required? We have
senger, Lotus Ray King.
been waiting thruout the centuries, to direct forth the
This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration
Currents of Energy which will help you to hold your
to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is
attention more firmly, not only upon your 7 AM Pres­ an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the
ence’: but on the requirements for which you issue the Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this
Decrees, that produce happiness and Perfection in your Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light.
world This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­

senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and • GEMS OF LIGH T •
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­ SAIN T GERMAIN
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.” Remember, you must be firm enough to silence every
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an particle of discord that comes to you. What is the use
intense call for some way in which to express the deep listening to it? You do not always know that when
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our you are listening to discord of any kind, how much
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and you are unknowingly accepting into your feeling
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­ world until you have come to the point where you
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into can look upon a thing that is discordant or destructive,
their Ascension. or hear about a thing that is discordant or destructive
and yet not let it reach your feeling world.
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­ SA IN T GERMAIN
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings. No matter what the provocation is, just laugh it off!
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­ Don’t mind what people say or do, that is not im­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It portant; but it is important that Harmony is maintained
receive their Freedom and release. by which We can give you the protection necessary.
No greater privilege could be given one than to be SA IN T GERMAIN
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our If students are in an environment where a frightful
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­ suggestion exists or something starts, if the students
ity and Blessing. would only be firm, stand and call forth the Power of
LOTUS R A Y K IN G the "I AM Presence” like dynamite—to annihilate
cause, effect and record of it, they would stop it almost
DONALD R A Y K IN G immediately. Sometimes, if it is viciously projected, it
may take a little sense of time to annihilate it, but it
ifip • GEM OF LIGH T • will disappear.
SA IN T GERMAIN Speaking to the children
I do not wish you to feel unnecessarily responsible, I suggest you blessed children practice every day
but still I do wish you to feel your great blessing, power calling forth the Love, Blessings and Power of your
and authority, to silence the human thought and feeling "I AM Presence” to bless, correct and remedy things;
of each one; and make it obedient to the Law of your and see how readily it will respond to your call. Then
Life. The Law of your Life is naturally harmonious; you can test It out and find you can remedy and assist
it is only thru human accumulation, that it has become your mother and daddy wonderfully, in the things
otherwise. they might wish to do.
20 21
ELOVED "I AM” Students thruout America
and the world, we extend to you our deepest
Love, gratitude and Blessings for your won­
T is our great privilege and joy to an­
derful Love, loyalty and gifts over the holi­
nounce the release of another Book of
day season and thruout the months and years past.
May everything you have done and given in this
Service to the Light, be amplified back to you a million ume V III en titled - " I A M ” D IS ­
fold in whatever way will bring to you the greatest hap­ COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
piness and Perfection until your Ascension. This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
We thank the "Mighty I AM Presence,” the Ascended tated by the Great Divine Director at different
Masters and you for your own precious selves, your periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
Love of the Light and all that has been done thru you, which He can pour to the students and all man­
in this Service to the Light for the protection of America
kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
and the Freedom of all mankind.
ing this book.
May our "Mighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended
Ones bless you forever and compel an ocean of every This book is bound in green cloth to match the
good thing to flood you and your world, until there is rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
not room to receive the good things poured out; and be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
may they remove every limitation from you and your 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
world forever. 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
May the Flame of Eternal Love, Gratitude and Bless­
Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25
ing from our hearts enfold you all, until you are As­
cended and Free. )
Eternally in the Light,
Because of increase in production price, it is neces­ ‘CRYSTAL CUPS”
sary to make the following changes in prices: Small size—for individual use—each......................................... $ 7.00
Packing and shipping charges...................................................60
Large size—for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use.
Small "CR YSTA L CUPS” now........................... $ 7.00 Individuals may have these if they so desire—each.............. 25.00
Packing and shipping charges........................................... 1.25
Shipping charges.... .......................................... . .60 These ’’Crystal Cups” are not sold thru Reading Rooms or Group
Leaders. Each cup is blessed personally by Mrs. G. W. Ballard and
$ 7.60 is then shipped direct to each individual. No discounts are allowed.

Large "CR Y STA L CUPS” (Price same as
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled on different subjects
before).-........................ ......... ......... ........ . . $ 2 5 . 0 0 for individual or Study Group use. Marvelous results are being
made manifest in building a momentum thru constant use of these
Shipping charges_____________ ____ .._____ 1.25 Booklets:
(Price each 30c, plus postage—except No. 1—Opulence and Supply.
Present stock on hand will be sold for 20c each, plus postage.)
(Small booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters’
• VICTROLA RECORDS • "I AM” Activity.) Price each—15c, plus postage.

All 12" Records now..... ........ ..................... ............ $3.15 NEW MUSIC
Shipping charges extra SONG OF THE VIOLET FLAME...................... Music and Lyrics by
Lotus Ray King
All 16" Records now.............. ............. .................... $5.25 This Sheet Music contains four (4) Color Plates (including the
cover design) illustrating the sweeping, boiling, driving and spin­
Shipping charges extra ning activities of the Violet Consuming Flame, which may be used
for visualization and contemplation purposes.
Price each $1.25.......................................... ....................Postpaid $1.40
The four (4) Color Plates may also be purchased singly, without
Price each 50c..................................................................... Postpaid 60c
W ill Group Leaders and those in charge of Reading
Loose-leaf Decrees Nos. 407 to 455, Inc.
Rooms please send in to us any changes in address, 63 sheets
5 loose-leaf songs, Nos. 61, 63, 64, 65 and 68
hours of holding Groups, new Group Leaders, etc., so Price 1!/2C per sheet (2 pages)......................................... Postage extra
we may keep our records up to date. Registration blanks
or Change Notices will be furnished upon application.
24 25
We are privileged to announce the release of another lot of Large
Charts-in-Action, for immediate delivery.
Because of increase in manufacturing costs it is necessary to in­
crease the selling price of these Large Charts-in-Action, as follows:
Decree Groups may be added to your other Group
Price each $225.00........................................... Shipping charges extra
The Small Charts-in-Action on hand, as well as the Large and Small Activities, but these should not replace the Regular
Flames-in-Action, will sell at the former prices quoted until present Group Activities or Fundamental Groups.
stock on hand is exhausted.
All Decree Groups should open with Invocation—
NEW VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS either Victrola Record or Invocation on No. 1 Outline.
Several new Records have been released—some Instrumental—Harp and Six Cosmic Light Calls.
the Shrine Organ; others mass singing by the September Shrine Class
Audience; also one Record containing mass Decrees by the Shrine Class Close with Regular Benediction.
Audience. List follows:
Periods of quiet for using Violet Flame or playing
N-100-A—Song of the Violet Flame
(Instrumental)................. ............ ....................Lotus Ray King, Harp one of the Music Records are permissible.
N-100-B—Lotus My Love..............Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
These Decree Groups may be carried on for 24-hours
( N -101-A—Goddess of Purity (Instrumental).... Lotus Ray King, Harp
\ N-101-B—Silent Sentinel................Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ if so desired, using Decrees in the Loose-leaf form. A
f N-102-A—"I AM” Decrees—Part I.................. September Shrine Class new Group of Decrees will soon be released, contain­
{ N-102-B—"I AM” Decrees—Part II.................. September Shrine Class
ing those used in our recent Shrine Class.
| N-103-A—Mighty Victory (12" Record)............Song Shrine Audience
( N-103-B—Great Divine Director........................ Song Shrine Audience It is permissible to take one subject and stay on it for
( N-104-A—SongoftheVioletFlame(12"Record)..Song Shrine Audience the entire period, even 24-hours. Those desiring supply
( N-104-B—Call to Light............................................Song Shrine Audience
will find the use of the Supply Pamphlet for as many
Price each $3.00........................................................ Shipping charges extra
hours as is possible most beneficial. The momentum
gained thru issuing those Decrees, must release the
MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS needed supply when it reaches a certain point. So it is
(16" Record for Playback only)
1—Goddess of Purity (Instrumental) .Lotus Ray King, Harpist
f with any other condition needing attention.
No. 65 j Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
[ 2—Leto, Blessed Leto...............................Song Shrine Audience FUNDAM ENTAL GROUPS
No. 66—"I AM” Come (Instrumental)_____ Lotus Ray King, Harpist
Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
In the Sixth Lesson (Pages 16-17) of the FUNDA­
Note: This Musical Playback Record No. 65 contains two selections on
one side and one on No. 66, the opposite side; therefore, Nos. 65 and MENTAL OUTLINE No. 11—please omit the follow­
66 is one double-faced record. ing:
Price Musical Playback Record $5.00 each......... Shipping charges extra 10. POWER OF DECREEING
All Records obtainable only at Western Branch of the SAINT GER­ Broadcast-Oct., 1937 14: 1-32 Page 20
MAIN PRESS, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.

26 27
A fter m aking m any necessary changes in the
original design of the Playback to meet the re­ OF OUR COPYRIGHTS
quirem ents of different G roups thruout the coun­
try, we are now ready to make delivery upon re­
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
ceipt o f orders.
These Playbacks now consist o f a basic unit everywhere, that everything in the books of the
consisting of a Record P layback with 16 inch cast SA IN T GERM AIN SERIES, the VOICE OF T H E
alum inum rim drive turn-table, crystal pick-up, ” 1 AM,” OUR PU BLIC LEC T U R ES, AFFIRM A­
amplifier with an output of 7 w atts and a 12 inch T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO
speaker. W eight, including portable case 2 4 x 1 8x- GRO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
12, approxim ately 65 pounds. Speaker mounted
in lid o f case with 2 5 feet speaker cable. with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­
This means, we will not allow this instruction
The follow ing additional equipment can be and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­
furnished at any time for the additional price of ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
each article:
Radio tuner to pick up broadcasts. This fits in we shall protect them fully.
the case. We are determined that this G IFT OF L IG H T ,
For Public Address System a microphone plug
will be provided, together with microphone and T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended
stand. Masters to mankind SH A LL BE P R O TE C T ED
For use in large auditorium s a set o f custom and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
built speakers can be provided, mounted in 3 x 4 % FO REV ER— that mankind m ay receive its E ter­
inch plywood baffle boards with grille w ork cov­ nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
ering the opening. This is to be hung on the w all.
We shall use our Full Power and our Full R ight
• RECORDS • to m aintain COM PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T
33-1/3 RPM Blue T ransparent Records con­ A LL TIM ES.
taining a 3 0 m inute talk will be furnished weekly.
R egu lar phonograph Records m ay also be played SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C .,
on this machine.
For fu ll details and price on the above equip­ and
ment and records, w rite SA IN T G ERM AIN MR. A N D MRS. G. W. BA LLA RD
PRESS, Inc., P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.
Sizes beloiv can be purchased a t the

2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, C alifornia

S in d e l a t l -St u d i o s
X600 S H 0 0 V E K - ST.
L o s A n q e l e s ,-CAL Je su s Folder, size 5x7, hand colored _________ $ .50 T a x $.02 P ostage $.15
Sain t G erm ain, hand colored, 5 x 7 ___________ .50 T a x .02 P o stag e .15
Je su s Satin book-m ark __________ ______ ____ .3 5 T a x .01 P ostage .05
• P U B L ISH E R ’S A N N O U N C E M E N T • Sain t G erm ain Satin book-m ark _________
Je su s M in iature, desk fram ed ________ ______ 1.50 T a x
.3 5 T a x .01 P ostage .05
.05 P o stag e .20
Sain t G erm ain M in iature, fra m e d ___________ 1.5 0 T a x .05 P ostage .20
Je su s M in iature, 2 I/ 2 x 3 I/2 f o ld e r ____________ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Due to the increased cost of all materials it becomes Je su s M in iature, 2 I/ 2 x 3 I/z tinted fo ld e r______ .40 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Saint G erm ain M in iature, 2 l/ i x y l/ z fo ld e r___ .25 T a x .01 P ostag e .05
necessary to announce new subscription prices for this Sain t G erm ain M in iature, 2 !/ 2 x 3 l/ 2 tinted
year beginning with the March 1941 issue, as follows: fo ld er ___________________________________ .4 0 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Je su s s e a ls __ ______ _______________________ .1 0 T a x .00 P ostage .03
In the United States $3.50, in other countries $4.00. Sain t G erm ain se a ls____________________ ________ 10 T a x .00 P o stage .03
" I AM ” P i n s _____ ___________________________ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .10
All back issues may be secured at any time either by " I AM ” R ings _____________________ — _____ 12.00 T a x .3 6 P ostage .20
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign M aster Je su s, 1 2 x 1 6 , hand co lored ___________ 2.00 T a x .06 P ostag e .25
M aster Sain t G erm ain, 1 2 x1 6 , hand colored —- 2.00 T a x .06 P ostag e .25
countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing G old Fold er Je su s and Sain t G erm ain, 1 2 x1 6 8.00 T a x .2 4 P o stag e .2 5
one year’s issues priced at $5.45. Brow n Folder Je su s and Sain t G erm ain, 1 2 x1 6 7 .0 0 T a x .21 P o stag e .25
Je s u s ’ Ascension, 1 2 x 1 6 ___ _____________ 1.25 T a x .0 4 P ostag e .25
All subscriptions start with March, 1941. Je su s’ Ascension, m in iatu re fo ld er ______ .2 5 T a x .01 P o stage .05
The Lum inous Presence, 1 2 x1 6 _____________ 1.25 T a x .0 4 P ostage .25
Your own copies may be bound to match the Saint The Lum inous Presence, m in iatu re fo ld e r ___ .25 T a x .01 P ostag e .05
Je su s, 15x18, fram ed — ____ ____ 5.50 T a x .17 P ostage .25
Germain Series at $1.25 per year. A rriatching rod- Sain t G erm ain, 1 5 x 1 8 , fram ed _______ —- 5.50 T a x .17 P ostage .25
binder is now available at $1.25. All prices plus ship­ Je su s, 7x9 !/ 2 , fram ed - ____ 2.5 0 T a x .08 P ostage .20
Sain t G erm ain, 7 x9 l/ 2, fram ed _____________ 2 .5 0 T a x .08 P ostage .20
ping. Je su s, 5 y2x 7 y 2, fr a m e d _____________________ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20
Sain t G erm ain, 5 x/ 2x7 l/ 2, fr a m e d ---------------- 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20
Je su s seal, silver fram ed , tin te d ____________ .3 0 Tax .01 P o stage .05
Sain t G erm ain seal, silver fram ed , tin te d ____ .3 0 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Y our change of address m ust reach this office not later than Je su s, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish _______________ 15.00 T a x .45 P ostag e E x. col.
Sain t G erm ain, 24x3 2, sepia fin ish ________ 1 5.00 T a x .45 P ostag e E x. col.
the 10th of the month in order to assure th at m onth’s issue Je su s, 19x24, sepia finish_________________ 7 .50 T a x .23 P ostage E x. col.
being sent to the new address on the re gu lar m ailing date. Sain t G erm ain, 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia finish _______ 7 .50 T a x .23 P ostag e E x. col.
Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you " I AM ” Em blem s ( s t ic k e r s ) ___ __________ ________.05 .10 P ostage .03
assured. " T h e M agic P resence,” 3 0 x 4 8 ______________ 12.00 T a x .3 6 P ostage Incl.
" T h e M agic Presence,” 12x22 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20

T hank you!
• THE • • THE •
U N V E IL E D M Y ST ER IE S, Volume I __________ By G odfre R ay K ing C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E SE N C E
C o ntaining the first g ro u p of the a u th o r’s experiences. A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color ch art, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and contem plation.
P rice $2.5 0, Postpaid $ 2 .7 5
Size 5 x/z x S l/ z . P rice 25 c, P ostp aid 30c
T H E M AGIC P R E SE N C E , Volum e I I __________ By G odfre R ay K ing Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 1.00, P ostpaid $ 1 .2 0
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences. On H eav y Linen, Size 3 0 x 52. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep aid
P rice $2.75, P ostpaid $3.00
Volume III By the Ascended M aster Saint Germ ain AL i n - j
A bove C h arts m echan ically an im ate d _____________ 4
( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 60 .0 0
and O ther Ascended M asters ) Size 3 Ox 52. P rice $ 2 2 5 .0 0
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, explain in g the A scended M asters’ a p p lic a­ ( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 5.00
tion of the ” 1 A M ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $J.OO V iolet Flam e m echan ically an im ate d ------------------- } Size 30 x 52. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0
T H E " I AM ” A D O R A T IO N S, A FFIR M A T IO N S A N D D E C R E E S, Sh ipping ch arges e x tra
Volume V— P arts 1 and 2 _____________ By Chanera
A selection o f p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the "M ig h ty P IC T U R E OF T H E A SC E N D E D M A STE R , JE S U S
I AM P resence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00 P IC T U R E OF T H E A SC E N D E D M A ST E R , S A IN T G E R M A IN
A SC E N D E D M A STER D ISC O U R SES, H an d colored steel en g rav in g s o f etchings by C h arles Sin d elar.
Volume VI __________________________ By V arious Ascended M asters Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 .0 0 , P ostp aid $2.25
C ontaining tw en ty D iscourses d ictated before hundreds o f stu d en ts, w ith three
color plates. P rice $2.75, P ostpaid $3.00
A c tu a l ph otograph ic rep rod u ction in G oldtone.
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2.5 0, P ostpaid $2.85
Volume V II ________ _________ By V arious Ascended M asters
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P ostp aid $ 4 .0 0
and Cosmic Beings
Size 15 x 19 y 2 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
C on tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d ictate d before hu n dred s o f stu d en ts, w ith
th ree color p lates. P rice $3.00, P ostpaid $ 3 .2 5 Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
P rofile Size 15 x 19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
Volume V III By the G reat Divine D irector
C on tain in g tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by the G re at D ivine D irecto r, before MUSIC OF TH E SPHERES
h u n d red s of stu d en ts, w ith tw o color plates. P rice $ 3 .0 0 y P ostpaid $3.25
" I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A FFIR M A T IO N S By Chanera L IG H T OF MY H E A R T N A D A O U R LO V E
V est P ocket Edition of p o w erfu l A d oration s and Affirm ations. L O T U S MY LO V E A M E R IC A O U R O W N B E LO V E D L A N D
P rice $1.00, P ostpaid $1.20 O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS OF P U R IT Y
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­ V O IC E OF T H E P R E SE N C E L E T O , B L E SSE D L E T O
m ain Series. For Special " I A M ” L oose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. These D ecrees RO SE OF L IG H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R
and Songs a re p rin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold ab o u t 150
leaves (3 0 0 p a g e s). P rice B inder $1.25, P ostpaid $1.40
D ecrees and Songs 1 /z c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), postage e x tra C A L L T O L IG H T G O D FR E O U R LO VED O N E A SC EN D ED
S IL E N T S E N T IN E L " I AM ” H E R E
"U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o Volum es Price $5.25
A G rou p of Songs— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R a y K in g and L o tu s R a y K in g.
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olum es P rice $7.7 5
T hese songs a re especially ch arged w ith p o w erfu l healing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R S E S— In T w o V olum es P rice $6.7 5
lith ograp hed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece o f m usic.
"A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D IS C O U R S E S ” — In T w o V olum es P rice $7.00
P ostage e x tra P rice each $ 1 .0 0 —---------------- -------------------------------------------- P o stp aid $ 1 .1 5
• THE • • THE •
E x ce p t— "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” w hich contains fo u r ( 4 ) color p lates and
sells fo r $1.2 5. P ostpaid , $ 1.40 V IC T R O L A A N D P H O N O G R A P H R EC O R D S
T h e fo u r color p lates in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
sin gly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $.5 0, P ostpaid , $.60 f 2 0 0 -A— L IG H T OF MY H E A R T ______(In stru m e n ta l) ( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
} 200-B — R O SE OF L I G H T _____________________ r__ .____ < F red erick L an d w eh r,
"CRYSTAL CUPS” ' N o vach o rd
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each ......... ................................................................. $7.00
P ack in g an d shipping ch arges, .60 ( 2 0 1 -A— L O T U S MY L O V E ____________ (In stru m e n ta l) i L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Rooms, S an ctu arie s, and fam ily use. In d iv id u als m ay X 201-B — V O IC E OF T H E P R E S E N C E __ ______ ________ < F red eric k Lan d w eh r,
h ave these i f they so desire—-each _________________ _______________ r. 2 5.00 V N ov ach o rd
P ack in g and. shipping ch arges, 1.2 5
These " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R eadin g Rooms or G rou p L eaders. E ach ( 202-A — SO N O F L I G H T _____________ (In stru m e n ta l) ^L otu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
" C u p ” is blessed p erson ally by M rs. G . W . B a lla rd and is then shipped d irect to ( 202-B — C A L L T O L I G H T _____________________________ < F red eric k Lan d w eh r,
each in d iv id u al. N o disco un ts a re allow ed. V N ovach ord

DECREE BOOKLETS f 203-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ____________ (In stru m e n ta l) CL o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist

( 203-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S _____ ______________ -(F re d e ric k L an d w eh r,
Sm all B ooklets con tain in g D ecrees com piled on differen t su b jects fo r in d iv id u al V N o v ach o rd
o r Stu d y G rou p use. M arvelou s resu lts are being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a
m om entum th ru co n stan t u se o f these B ook lets:

L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY F re d e ric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
2. V IO L E T FLA M E A N D H E A L IN G 1 0 0 1-B— D E D IC A T IO N _______________-__________D on ald R a y K in g
3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FR EED O M
4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S I R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n ___________________ ________ M r. and M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) H a r p ________________ M rs. B a lla r d
(P rice each 3 0c, p lu s postage— ex cept N o. 1— O pulence and Su pply . P resent
sto ck on hand w ill be sold fo r 2 0c each, p lu s p o stage .)
j R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ______________________________ M rs. B a lla r d an d D on ald
5. P U R P O SE OF T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I A M ” A C T IV IT IE S
| R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r M y G od to T h ee) H a r p ------ M rs. B a lla r d
(Sm all booklet g ivin g short resum e o f the A scended M asters* " I AM ” A c tiv ity .)
P rice each— 15 c, plu s p ostage
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I A M ” SP E A K S ( 3 3 00-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _________________ M r. G. W . B a lla r d
P rice, 3 0c, plu s p ostage I 3 3 00-B— IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

PLAYBACKS J 3 3 0 1 -A— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C l a s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

An O rig in a lly designed R ecord P lay b ack w ith p o rtab le case, su itab le fo r " I A M ” ( 3301-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ..._________________ ___ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lay s eith er 3 3 1/3 RPM R ecord s or r e g u la r
ph onograph records. P u b lic A d d ress System and other equipm en t can be f u r ­ ( 3 3 02-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
nished. F u ll d e tails fu rn ish ed upon req u est, in clu d in g price. I 3 3 02-B— T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) ________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 03-A — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 l / 3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, co ntaining a 30 m inu te ta lk on the L aw ( 3 3 03-B— Beginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eek ly to " I A M ” Stu d en ts and ow ners o f
P la y b a ck s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s fu rn ish ed upon requ est. ( 3 3 03-C — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
{ 3 3 03-D — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd
M onthly M agazine con tain in g a rticle s explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ ( 3 3 03-E — Beginn in g of " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
courses by the A scended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ac k n u m bers ( 3 3 03-F— Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
a v a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su bscription s begin w ith M arch,
1 942. P rice sin gle copy 3 5c, Y e arly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co un tries $4.00. (T h e 3 3 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla r d and should be
sold in a se t)
• THE • • THE •
f 3 3 04-A — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t..... M r. G. W . B a lla rd
{ 3 3 04-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t— M r. G. W . B a lla rd \ N -1 0 4 -A — Song o f the V iolet Flam e ( 1 2 ” R e c o r d )_________ Song Shrine A u dience
{ N -1 0 4 -B — C all to L ig h t_______ ________ _______ .......________ Song Shrine A u dience
[ 3 3 04-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt. .. M r. G. W . B a lla r d T h e above records are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or u se in ” 1 A M ” Stu d y
I 3 3 04-D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t.— M r. G . W . B a lla rd G rou ps.
(A ll records are now shipped d ire ct from the W estern B ran ch o f the Sain t G erm ain
' 3 3 05-A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd Press, Inc., P.O . B ox 42 8, Los A ngeles, C a lif.)
3 3 05-B— T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd P rice each (d o u b le f a c e d ) — B lu e tra n sp a re n t m a te r ia l_________________________$3.15
Shipping C h arg es E x tr a
\ 3 30 6 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E _____ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
[ 3 3 06-B — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E ______M r. G . W . B a lla rd MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS
( 1 6 " Record fo r P la y b a ck only)
3 3 07-A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E __________ ........................... M r. G. W . B a lla rd / f j L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
3 3 07-B— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ___________ ..._____________M r. G . W . B a lla rd 1 No. 65 1 1— G oddess o f P u rity (In stru m e n ta l) ■< F red erick L an d w eh r,
/ J \ Shrine O rgan
3 3 08-A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D ________ _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d \ f 2— Lcto, Blessed L e t o -------------------------------------- Song Shrine A u dience
3 3 08-B— H E L P IN G A L L M A N K I N D _____ ____________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd / ( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
f No. 66— * I AM ” Com e (In stru m e n ta l) i _ j • i r j i ^
N I F red erick Lan d w eh r, Sh rm e O rg an
3 3 09-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd N otes Thi» M usical P lay b ack N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3 3 0 9 -B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd No. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefo re, N os. 6 5 and 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
Price M usical P lay b ack Record $5.25 each Shipping ch arg es e x tra
3 310-A — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd All R ecords o b tain ab le only a t W estern B ranch o f the Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
3 3 10-B — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d P. O. Box 42 8, Los A ngeles, C a lif.

3 3 1 0-C — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 10-D — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8._......... -M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3 310-E — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -F — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 31 0 -G — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictation , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -H — E x c e rp ts_fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3 310-1— E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G. W . B a lla rd

I J — A d oration to M igh ty V icto ry _________ _______________ M r. G. W . B a lla r d
3>1U ) K — B enediction..................................... ...................................... ........ M r. G . W . B a lla rd H e ad q u arters fo r A ll Publications
J N -1 0 0 -A — Song of the V iolet F lam e_______ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
( N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s M y L ove________________ ______ F red erick L an d w ehr, Shrine O rg an
SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., P. O. Box 1133,
Chicago, Illinois
N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u r ity _____________ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp
N -1 0 1 -B — Silent Sentinel ...____________________F red erick L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an
S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E SS, I N C .— W estern B ran ch ,
( N -1 0 2 -A — ” 1 AM ” D ecrees— P a rt I _________ _______Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass
( N -1 0 2 -B — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I I —............— ......... ... Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass P. O. B ox 4 2 8, Los A ngeles, C a lif.
( N -1 0 3 -A — M igh ty V icto ry ( 1 2 ” R e c o r d )___________________ Song Shrine A u dience S IN D E L A R ST U D IO S, 2600 So. H oover St., Los A ngeles, C alifo rn ia
( N -1 0 3 -B — G re a t D ivin e D ire c to r_______ ________ ___________ Song Shrine A u d ien ce (C o p y righ te d by Sain t G erm ain Press, In c., C hicago, Illin ois)
U H V E IL E D THE MAGIC THE " , a m „
o isc o o rses

n a k * m m m vom

^ A I N 'T Q e ,RM AIN ^ E R IE S

. . - rw g ? mmrn "

NUMBER- 'P u b lis h e d a t th e SINDELflVR. S T U D IO S *FEBRUARY

T W fiW E - 2 6 0 0 S. HOOVER. ST., LOS A n g e l e s , C a l. • 1 9 * 2 /
■C opyricfht^ aint (jermain9^res^Inc 1.942 •
By the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters w ill give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California

Dallas Reading Room Dedication—June 12, 1939
ELOVED ones of the Light, how My Heart
thrills and rejoices with you in the Victory
you are winning, not only within yourselves,
but in your ability to shut out the appearance
world which has been distressing mankind, until that
time when they see that by giving their attention to
the limitations and conditions of human creation, they
but invite more of the same kind.
You are realizing, I am sure, that to keep pouring
forth your mighty calls to the Presence of Life, the
"Mighty I AM” that the momentum steadily gains until
one day, perhaps most unexpectedly, the human seem­
ing opposition will disappear before you. Then comes
the great expansion of the Light which every heart
knows, which every heart wants, but which the intel­
lect so often shoves aside; and only after more serious
experiences of human conditions, will the intellect sub­
side to the Dominion of the heart.
My dear ones, I congratulate you with all My Heart.
I thought when first I brought the Messengers to your
lovely city that We could establish a Great Pillar of
Light here. I had ceased to believe that, and now I wish
you to feel My Heart in saying to you: "I feel sure of
it.” (applause)
I wish to say to you beloved students here and those
who might be visiting, I have not as I recall once even
suggested it but since I observed your great Victory
here, I think I should call your attention to it; the dif­
ference between having your own place where no other
element enters and holding your meetings in a place
where other elements may intrude, is as different as
daylight and darkness. You cannot gain a steady In­
fallible Momentum where other forces intrude.
That is why I say to you, beloved ones, and I do ask qualification of discord to clothe the energy which goes
every student here to, with all the loving kindness of forth. That is the Law of every human being’s Life.
your heart, co-operate with the dear ones who have stood Energy must go forth from you, dear ones, it cannot
so loyal to the Light, struggling and calling and calling, help it. You cannot move about and energy not go
until now you have this lovely place here. You who forth. It is the energy of Life, the energy of your Pres­
stood so loyal out of the early chaos that reigned here, ence, that would produce such great Perfection for
should rejoice and feel your great Victory. There is no you, if untouched by human qualification.
human pride in that, but a rejoicing in the Victory of You have established this lovely place now—and
the Light which is within you; for, understand beloved may I say something quite unusual for Me? These Mes­
ones, the Light in you is the only means of Victory that sengers have never hesitated to do whatever physical
there is; whether It be in your commercial world, your work was required at any time. You blessed students
spiritual advancement, the expansion of your Light, who have rolled up your sleeves, taken your paint
your health or any achievement. brushes and have rendered tremendous physical serv­
You do not realize it yet, my dear ones, but let Me ice in beautifying your lovely place, I congratulate you
suggest to you that only as the Light in your heart ex­ with all My Heart. You have real metal within you.
pands and illumines the mind, do you become victori­ My dear ones, every person, every student in the
ous in anything, even in your commercial pursuits. land, will one day be called upon in some manner to
Wherever there is Victory there is the Power of the render physical service in connection with the Power
Light in action. Then you might say to Me: "Well how of Light. Those who are happy, glad and willing will
is it that many successful individuals do things which be the first to be released from that. Your Messenger
do not seem to be right”? Observe dear ones, mankind learned a great lesson early in Life. He rebelled like
not understanding this Law, is constantly open to the fury at doing certain physical work, and then suddenly,
suggestions of the outside world and the intrusions of he discovered that if he loved to do it, soon he did not
feeling. Now, you as students have found some diffi­ have to. It is a great great Law of Life. If you love to
culty, may I say, in holding from your own world dis­ do whatever is at hand, calling the Perfection of the
cordant things. Then think how much more the indi­ Presence forth at all times just like a gentle breath, you
vidual who does not understand the Presence is subject will float, as it were, from one thing into another until
to those conditions than you are. you arrive at your own Perfect Avenue of Service in
Dear ones, no one in the world—notice carefully— the Light.
no one in the world is free from intrusion of the feeling No two human beings on this earth ever labored
of others; from the conditions in which they move harder in physical work than these two Messengers;
which are discordant, unless they will take absolute and even today, if it were necessary, they would roll up
control of themselves thru outer effort as well as their their sleeves and do whatever physical work was re­
call to the Presence. W hat I mean by outer effort, is quired to accomplish the purpose. That is a great great
your determination to have sufficient Self-control that thing, a glorious thing; and those who are not afraid
the Power of your Presence called forth, may find no of physical work, will find their Light blazing to the
6 7
skies. That is why I congratulate you beloved students outer world knows today; and when the Great Wisdom
who have been so willing here to take hold and do the of Life sees fit to have Us reveal It, you will all stand
physical things necessary to make you a beautiful in amazement. Your Lone Star State represents a great
home in which to worship the greatest Presence in the Power and anchorage of the Light in these United
Universe, God your "Mighty I AM.” States, (applause—rising)
My dear ones, Oh, that you might feel with Me just While you are standing may I say this: "As your
now all that this means to you! Oh, my dear ones, as riders of those early days cleared out the vicious de­
you have so often heard from almost every angle of Life: structive forces from your state, so shall the Riders of
"Seek ye first the Kingdom and all else is added.” Never the Light clear out of your state all political graft and
was a truer thing said in the world, but mankind in destructive power, (applause) Underneath the surface
reading, repeating or relating that statement, knew not of your land in Texas alone, would be enough to carry
where It was. Now, today, you know that Kingdom the national expenses, if governed by Wisdom. Then,
is your own "Mighty I AM Presence.” You know ex­ think of Oklahoma and those Western states, whose
actly where It is. You know your connection with It, mountains are filled with gold. W ith the Wisdom of
and dear ones, how can you fail to have Its Perfection the Ascended Masters, as the Directing Powers of your
with Love and kindness in your feelings and your call government, think how all that could be utilized and
to the Presence which compels that Almighty Perfec­ mankind be free from the excess taxation which has
tion which is there to come forth? driven magnificent people from their homes; a sinister
Do you not see it is not a matter of coaxing, but it activity that has tried to break the morale of the Ameri­
is a matter of harmony and kindness in your feeling can people and break up their homes; so there could
toward all things, no matter what the appearance not be a focus of Light wherein could come the Power
world is holding before you? Then that Presence of that would be the Governing Power in America. It has
Life, your Higher Mental Body which is the great and failed and always shall! The home life of America shall
powerful Intelligence that knows all that is required be restored, if I have to go in every home in America!
and only has waited thruout these centuries for you to (applause)
come into sufficient harmony and kindness maintained I say to you beloved students of the Light: Guard
in your feeling to stop the discord of the great energy your world as you never guarded anything before from
released which It pours forth into you and your world all destructive forces, every thought, every feeling, your
of action; to bring you into the happiness and Perfec­ speech. When people come to you with destructive tales,
tion of Life. silence them on the spot, if you want to be happy and
It has been sometime since I have felt quite this re­ be Free and have the Full Power of your Presence pour
joicing. (applause) You blessed people of Texas I have Its magnificent Majesty of Light forth and bring the
not dared say yet just why I have a very deep Love for limitless Perfection of Life into your use and into your
you. Some day, I may forget Myself and tell you, (ap­ world.
plause) but in this state entering the Union of these My dear ones, the Messengers have told the people
United States, something happened that not one in the this so long, and I urge you again and again, you can
8 9
do this only as you pour out Love and kindness; but I tried to instill into the people of the nations of Europe
that does not mean that you do not need to be firm the Power of this Light, and I could not get enough
under and before physical conditions. You can be ever together to even hold a Focus of the Light. They are
so firm and in control of things without being unkind. paying the penalty of the discarding of that Light to­
That is the Victory of the Light. day! I had one German Prince who listened to Me with
I say to you beloved ones, your feeling is the Power­ all his heart; but when I came to the point where I
house of America; and until the feeling world of man­ said: "Now you must assert this Power of the Light,”
kind is controlled and governed and will allow no dis­ he said: "Oh Saint Germain, I cannot do it. I dare not.”
cordant thing to go forth, they will be subject to human I said: "You with the understanding of the Powers of
mistakes and human conditions; because mankind is Light dare not trust the Power of Light to carry you
the decreer of his world and the people of America, if forward”! He said: "I am sorry, but I have not the
they really understood would be the governor of Amer­ courage,” and I was compelled to withdraw. I could
ica because they would pour forth from their feeling, have changed, through him, all of Germany and Austria
the command of Light which would fill every official and these conditions that exist today would have been
place in our land with the people of the Light, with unknown.
Ascended Master Friends everywhere, in which there That is where many are standing today and some
could not be political graft. among our students who have turned aside from this
You might think I was a politician. I am not! but I Light with human arrogance, feeling that they would
have dealt so long with the political intrigue of the defy the Light and Me. They too will meet that same
world, and I learned My lesson in France, when I wit­ fate. They will meet the downward pull of the human
nessed the political intrigue in the nations of Europe senses, which will drag them into privation and agony
and am still witnessing it, in more and more drastic beyond words.
condition all the time. My dear people, allow Me to inform you that, today,
Oh, you precious people of America! God your mankind stands at the cross-roads of Life. You must go
"Mighty I AM Presence” alone knows how fortunate one way or the other. If you go to the right, you will
you are to be in this land today, instead of Europe. You follow the Light. No one but you can decide, but if
cannot possibly conceive by anything I might say, the you call to your Presence with great determination and
conditions that are growing daily worse there. Great earnestness, your Presence will cause you, even though
masses of people living on but a handful of crude food unknown in your outer feelings to follow the right
a day; and because of the fear that is over them, they way. It is not a matter of Me, it is not a matter of the
dare not utter a word to bring anything to their assist­ Messengers, it is a matter of the Cosmic Action of the
ance. They must be silent and perish. Law of Life that is—it might sound sacriligeous if I use
Stalin of Russia has again committed wholesale your terminology just at this point. No I shall not do
slaughter of magnificent men. You might say to Me: it, but Life has waited long enough.
"Why don’t the Powers of Light intercede”? Mankind, Remember—not in other parts of the world, but in
dear people, have Free will. For four hundred years, your America, the free will of vicious human beings
10 11
can be and is being withdrawn; and that would be one unless they turn and face deliberately about, calling
of the principal hopes for the people of America. Since on the Law of Forgiveness, then righting the mistakes
the feeders of destructive forces are no more, then when they had made.
mankind or the students of the Light, will turn to their I cite to you one instance, because you need it blessed
Presence, refuse to give power to the appearance world; precious people. That man Bryan in Los Angeles who
refuse to allow their eyes to longer accept into their spread such vicious falsehoods and doubts among the
feeling world, the appearance there of distress and people of the world, all over the world, what do you
limitations; turning their eyes to the Presence, behold­ think his penalty will be? One of the greatest agonies
ing Its Splendor, Its Treasurehouse of all perfect and ever known outside of a black magician. He could not
good things that will flow into their world, as water right this wrong he has done in a dozen life times be­
flows in its course in the river. The water does not con­ cause he would have to take individual by individual
sider where it is going, but flows. The energy of Life and undo the thing, the seed that he has planted in
does not discriminate, It flows; and if it carries your their mind.
qualification of discord forth, distress and limitation, Every one who turns against the Light is in the same
then it will fill your world with that. condition, only his is to a far greater extent. These are
When We have placed this before the students so conditions of Law my dear people! They are not a
long, how can any misunderstand? It is not a matter of matter of anyone’s human opinion, but it is Law that
persons, places or conditions, but whatever fills your is acting! What mankind send out they must reap.
world in qualities will out-picture and you are in its I know you feel the Love in My Heart in prompting
center. If you allow discord to flow forth through your you once again. Then It will lift you so quickly, if you
feelings, you will have that in your world. Nothing care to follow the prompting, into the full glory and
can prevent it and the human arrogance that says: "Oh activity of your Presence of Life. There are so many of
I will go forward anyhow!”—how far will you go? the beloved students throughout America just now at
Observe those who have turned aside from this Light. this point where I could do so much for them, if they
If you knew the agony that was in their heart and their would only let Me. Some who are so near being turned
world—and it will increase—you would pray and call aside from the Great Light that I could help so much,
to the Light for their deliverance. I am watching every if they would allow Me.
one of these individuals who have turned vicious to­ So dear ones, when foolish human gossip comes into
ward the Messengers and the agony that fills their your midst kill it with one blow and then all will be
world is pitful to behold, but they are still too stubborn happy. A gossip in your midst can turn everything up­
to admit their mistake. side down. Don’t permit it, dear people, if you want
There is only one activity of Life. It might be toward to be happy and bring the Light into your city, as I
any person or condition, it is quite the same. Only to could bring it to you. When you have gone thru one
turn from the Light when once you have known It, is period of chaos that will never have to be repeated, as
a tragedy of human experience. Some will not believe you grow stronger in your call to the Light; but indi­
that, but still they will reap it in spite of all I could do viduals do not yet all understand that their motive is
12 13
known; and many cannot control their tongues from • CHART OF THE "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” •
saying unkind untruthful things. What a pity! They
alone must reap what they sow. T h e C h a r t of th e
So dear students of Dallas, won’t you with all the "Mighty I AM Presence”
Love of your hearts, join as one in the call to Light and is the Open D oor th ru
in the obedience to Life; and let the fulness of that which every human being
power of Divine Love, Divine Order and the Goddess on earth can see God Face
of Justice, reign in your midst to bring Divine Order to Face; because the Chart
and Perfection of Life, to fill every one of your bodies, represents the form of each
your world of action and your temple, your Sanctuary one’s own Individualized
of Light, here with the Glory of Its Eternal Light, Per­ Presence of God.
fection, Happiness, health, strength and courage sus­ The Ascended Masters
tained forever. I thank you. have said: "When you are
in touch with the form of
a thing—you are in touch
with the Presence of that
thing,” because the form
contains the consciousness
of Its Creator. When we
hold our attention upon
GEM OF LIGHT that Chart, the consciousness of our own "Mighty I AM
Presence” pours thru that form into us, whatever we
GODDESS OF LIG H T call forth at that time.
Remember again, the Great Divine Director said:
W e have seen this w ithin the atmosphere of "Your attention is your Power of Concentration! Your
quite a num ber of individuals. They have made feeling is your Power of Qualification! Your mental
certain application— let Me call it "frail” appli­ picture is your Power of Visualization!” Then, when­
cation and have called for the Circle of Blue ever we contemplate that Chart, our very first obliga­
Flame and the projection of the Tube of Light tion is to pour out our most intense Love to that Blessed
and all that; b u t they are not cognizant of the "I AM Presence” which gives us and has always given
fa ct that they m ust release enough intense feel­ us all good and nothing but good.
ing which releases the Substance from their We should offer everything we are and have into Its
bodies by which the Great Ones am plify, in­ Heart; and call forth Its Limitless Light to flood us
tensify, impel and compel the Tube of Light into and all we do, with Its Authority, Victory, Freedom,
action about them which w ould one day become Protection, Perfection, Obedience, Divine Justice and
Invincible. Lavish Supply of every good thing, to compel Its Divine
14 Plan to control unconditionally all we do each day.
Try to feel—that just as the wave of Light, pouring Then in all our attention and calls to the "Mighty
out thru the Heart of the Electronic Body (the Upper I AM Presence” for Its Perfection and Protection to
Figure in the Chart) travels on and on, in Cosmic come thru to bless all on earth, we ourselves become
Blessing to the whole Universe, thru Its every Heart­ more and more filled with the Perfection all require
beat-just so, should every wave of energy from our to bring balance everywhere on earth, until all are the
physical hearts, carry only the Blessing of Light, Har­ Victory of the Ascension.
mony, Joy and Perfection into all physical activities of Blessed Ones of the Light, Love! Love! Love! your
this world. own "Mighty I AM Presence” at all times, in the midst
In that way, every time we look at the Chart, It helps of all conditions, with all your heart, with all your
us to remember what we owe to this physical world mind, with all your feeling, with all your strength, until
for what we use of Its Substance and Energy; and why all in you and your world becomes Its Perfection; and
it is so absolutely necessary to maintain uninterrupted you become one with your Electronic Body in the Ful­
Harmony in all we do each day—especially in all we ness of Your Ascension.
feel each day—until all the Presence wants us to do and
have, floods forth thru us in full accomplishment.
Then, Its Divine Plan of Perfection stands forth re­
vealed in physical fulfilment. It is only when we do
this in all our activities that our happiness becomes
permanent and we enter into the Eternal Perfection
which is our Birthright.
The Out-pouring of Life, Light and Perfection from • GEM OF LIGHT •
the Great Central Sun thru each one’s Electronic Body
is Eternal and ever-expanding; because discord can­ K-17
not reach the Electronic Body to interrupt Its Perfec­ There are so m any things said w hich are the
tion, for It is the Eternal Authority over all manifesta­ Great T ru th ; and yet m ankind have just taken
tion. Then Its Out-pouring of all Good thru us would them as a m atter of fa ct, giving them no power of
be Eternal and ever-expanding too, if we give It all qualification w hich w ould be the constructive
authority over all in the physical octave of our experi­ thing. Just like the statem ent: "There shall be
ences here. no other gods before Me.” W ho kn ew anything
That Blessed Wonderful Chart of the "Mighty I AM about w hat th at m eant? Most of the tim e, the
Presence” is the constant reminder to each one of us, reason they did not obey it was because they did
of all Life wants to give us thru Its Mighty Light Rays; not know w hat "M e” m eant. They thought It re­
for thru those Light Rays, the Supreme Life of the ferred to a Universal God. W ell that qualifica­
Universe is constantly surging and trying to press more tion of Life is so w idely distributed in Its attem pt
of Its Perfection thru every human being, who will to focus w ith in the substance that It really has
look unto It and let all It wants to give come thru to no pow erful individual effect.
bless all.
16 17
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.”
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an
intense call for some way in which to express the deep
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into
their Ascension.
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings.
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It
receive their Freedom and release.
No greater privilege could be given one than to be
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­
ity and Blessing.
T is our great privilege to announce the ifgt) • GEM OF LIGHT • fjf
release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
LOVED ONE, ASCENDED,” by the Mes­ K-17
senger, Lotus Ray King. I f individuals make m istakes, do not begin
This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration to gossip and find fa u lt; b u t just call the "I AM
to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is Presence” into action to see that the mistakes
an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the never occur again. Do not let yourself build u p -
Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this on conditions that m ake such disturbance for
Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light. you. You are acting in the capacity and Presence
This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing of L ife, and I am sure no one w illingly w ants to
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­ interfere w ith It.
18 19
ANNOUNCEMENT constructive and God-Like. We have given infinitely
BELOVED PRECIOUS 'I AM” STUDENTS more than we have ever received; and never have at
EVERYWHERE: any time anywhere for any reason defrauded anybody
Because of the recent vicious attempt to interfere of anything; and time will prove the Truth of that
statement to the world also.
with Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activity in our beloved We have defended America and her people and all
United States of America, by denying us the use of the America means to the world and we always shall. We
mails, in bringing This Ascended Master Light and ask all to call to your own "Mighty I AM Presence”
Freedom to mankind, we are standing a million times and the Ascended Masters to show you what you should
more firm and unyielding than ever before, because do in regard to your outer world activities, then fol­
this "I AM” Activity goes on regardless of any human low your own feelings and direction to the best of
being or all on earth. your ability.
It is the Activity of the Ascended Masters and They We never have and do not now advise anyone what
will carry It forward until all are free. Therefore, you to do as we always leave each one free to follow the
can always reach us thru Saint Germain Press, Chicago, promptings of his or her own "I AM Presence,” so
Illinois, only by Western Union Telegraph or Amer­ only Perfection can come to all. We shall at all times
ican Railway Express Company. Until further notice, continue to call for your Invincible Protection, Per­
do not use the mails or P. O. Box numbers. I will come fection and Limitless Supply to bless you until the
to as many of the Reading Rooms and Sanctuaries as moment of your Ascension.
my time will permit and greet you all personally as We enfold you in all the Love of our hearts. We call
soon as possible. the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host to stand guard
We ask you to get your magazines at the Reading over you forever and clothe you in Their Overwhelm­
Rooms until such time as this unwarranted persecu­ ing Victory of the "Light of God that never, never,
tion of us and This Light is annihilated and the Victory never fails.”
of this Glorious "Mighty I AM Presence” stands re­ MRS. G. W. BALLARD
vealed for all Eternity. and
Donald and I are NOT GUILTY of the things of DONALD BALLARD
which we have been accused—never were and never
will be. That is the Eternal Truth before God, man
and the Universe and time will prove that Truth to
all. We have given only Good, Truth and all that is

HERCULES E are discontinuing the Decree Groups at the Shrine

Be very careful in your interpretation of the things Auditorium in Los Angeles, and there will be no
We say. Notice carefully and please all come to the further Shrine Classes at this time. The final de­
same conclusion. Now notice this carefully. When We cision was not reached until Tuesday morning,
dissolved or destroyed that which has been the accum­ therefore, it was not possible to make the announcement last
ulation in the Life Stream of an individual, We can Sunday.
only dissolve that which could he balanced back to The regular Group Activities at the Sindelar Studios, the
the Universal. We cannot take from individuals the Reading Room and elsewhere will continue the same as usual,
responsibility of that which the Cosmic Law says they so far as I am advised. Many of the students have already left
the city, others are leaving soon. All are free to do as their
must balance themselves. Make no mistake about that, hearts direct. Coming changes will take place as set forth in
and let nothing which is said before or in the future the books, just when we cannot say; but when destructive
change that point. We take it for granted you under­ forces unleash such hatred against this Light, it will hasten
stand that when We draw or cite the Law to a certain such activities.
point that remains and what We may say before or after We are leaving Los Angeles to make further arrangements
does not change that point. for a suitable place to hold the Decree Groups together—pos­
sibly at several points in the middle west, where the greatest
safety lies. W e have not deserted Los Angeles and will return
here on or about the 15th and will at that time, be able to give
HERCULES you more definite information regarding our future activities.
If you give those destructive things too much atten­ If war is held out of America and conditions are such as war­
tion, you begin to release a binding power thru your rant our returning here from time to time, you may rest assured
we will do so; but the future remains in the hands of the Great
attention. I tell you, you are all at the point now where Ones, as only They know what is in store for America in the
you can take, not a less positive attitude, but with an ease. coming days.
Say: " rMighty I AM Presence’ dissolve that! Powers My Love and Blessings enfold each and every one; and we
of Light! dissolve that! Great Ascended Masters or call the Infinite Blessings of Eternity upon all. W e ask all to
Cosmic Beings! dissolve that, cause, effect, record and remain calm, poised, balanced and sane. Make your calls to
m e m o ry T h e n take your mind off and if it goes back your own "Mighty I AM Presence” to direct you as to what
say: "Come back here, stay where you belong! I have you should do, then be governed by that decision, knowing
called for the dissolving of that and it is done.” That the Light of God never fails.
gives you the acceptance in your dynamic call once to W e command Invincible Protection and Perfection for you
dissolve it and finish it, so you don't have to feel it has all, and with Eternal Gratitude for your loyalty to the Light
to be constantly repeated. and Our Own Beloved America, Until we meet again we are
with you always in the Light,
T is our great privilege and joy to an­ Small size—for individual use—each.......................................... $ 7.00
Packing and shipping charges....................................................60
nounce the release of another Book of Large size—for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use.
Individuals may have these if they so desire—each.............. 25.00
the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES - Vol­ Packing and shipping charges............................................ 1.25
These "Crystal Cups” are not sold thru Reading Rooms or Group
ume VIII entitled - " I AM ” D IS­ Leaders. Each cup is blessed personally by Mrs. G. W. Ballard and
is then shipped direct to each individual. No discounts are allowed.
COURSES by the Great Divine Director.” DECREE BOOKLETS
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled on different subjects
This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­ for individual or Study Group use. Marvelous results are being
made manifest in building a momentum thru constant use of these
tated by the Great Divine Director at different Booklets;
periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru 2. VIOLET FLAME AND HEALING
which He can pour to the students and all 'man­ 3. "I AM” AMERICA S FREEDOM
kind when their attention is upon him thru read­ (Price each 30c, plus postage—except No. 1—Opulence and Supply.
Present stock on hand will be sold for 20c each, plus postage.)
(Small booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters’
This book is bound in green cloth to match the "I AM” Activity.) Price each—15c, plus postage.
be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box SONG OF THE VIOLET FLAME.......................Music and Lyrics by
Lotus Ray King
This Sheet Music contains four (4) Color Plates (including the
1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box cover design) illustrating the sweeping, boiling, driving and spin­
ning activities of the Violet Consuming Flame, which may be used
428, Los Angeles, Calif. for visualization and contemplation purposes.
Price each $1.25...............................................................Postpaid $1.40
The four (4) Color Plates may also be purchased singly, without
Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25 the music.
Price each 50c.......................................................................Postpaid 60c
Loose-leaf Decrees Nos. 407 to 455, Inc.
63 sheets
5 loose-leaf songs, Nos. 61, 63, 64, 65 and 68
Price IV2 C per sheet (2 pages).......................................... Postage extra

24 25
We are privileged to announce the release of another lot of Large
Charts-in-Action, for immediate delivery.
Because of increase in manufacturing costs it is necessary to in­ DECREE GROUPS
crease the selling price of these Large Charts-in-Action, as follows: Decree Groups may be added to your other Group
Price each $225.00............................................ Shipping charges extra Activities, but these should not replace the Regular
The Small Charts-in-Action on hand, as well as the Large and Small
Flames-in-Action, will sell at the former prices quoted until present
stock on hand is exhausted. Group Activities or Fundamental Groups.
All Decree Groups should open with Invocation—
NEW VICTROLA A N D PHONOGRAPH RECORDS either Victrola Record or Invocation on No. 1 Outline.
Several new Records have been released—some Instrumental—Harp and
the Shrine Organ; others mass singing by the September Shrine Class
Six Cosmic Light Calls.
Audience; also one Record containing mass Decrees by the Shrine Class
Audience. List follows:
Close with Regular Benediction.
N-100-A—Song of the Violet Flame Periods of quiet for using Violet Flame or playing
(Instrumental).......................................... ........ Lotus Ray King, Harp
N-100-B—Lotus My Love..............Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
one of the Music Records are permissible.
| N-101-A—Goddess of Purity (Instrumental)......Lotus Ray King, Harp These Decree Groups may be carried on for 24-hours
( N-101-B—Silent Sentinel................Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ if so desired, using Decrees in the Loose-leaf form. A
f N-102-A—"I AM” Decrees—Part I.................. September Shrine Class
( N-102-B—"I AM” Decrees—Part Ii..................September Shrine Class
new Group of Decrees will soon be released, contain­
| N-103-A—Mighty Victory (12" Record)............Song Shrine Audience
ing those used in our recent Shrine Class.
( N-103-B—Great Divine Director.........................Song Shrine Audience It is permissible to take one subject and stay on it for
( N-104-A—Song of theVioletFlame(12"Record).Song Shrine Audience
( N-104-B—Call to Light............................................ Song Shrine Audience
the entire period, even 24-hours. Those desiring supply
Price each $3.00..........................................................Shipping charges extra will find the use of the Supply Pamphlet for as many
hours as is possible most beneficial. The momentum
gained thru issuing those Decrees, must release the
(16" Record for Playback only) needed supply when it reaches a certain point. So it is
No. 65 j
f 1—Goddess of Purity (Instrumental)..Lotus Ray King, Harpist
Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
with any other condition needing attention.
[ 2—Leto, Blessed Leto...............................Song Shrine Audience
No. 66—"I AM” Come (Instrumental)............Lotus Ray King, Harpist FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS
Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ In the Sixth Lesson (Pages 16-17) of the FUNDA­
Note: This Musical Playback Record No. 65 contains two selections on
one side and one on No. 66, the opposite side; therefore, Nos. 65 and MENTAL OUTLINE No. 11—please omit the follow­
66 is one double-faced record. ing:
Price Musical Playback Record $5.00 each..........Shipping charges extra 10. POWER OF DECREEING
All Records obtainable only at Western Branch of the SAINT GER­ Broadcast-Oct., 1937 14: 1-32 Page 20
MAIN PRESS, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
A fter m aking m any necessary changes in the
original design of the Playback to meet the re­ • OF OUR COPYRIGHTS •
quirem ents of different Groups th ru o u t the coun­
try , we are now ready to make delivery upon re­ We hereby notify all readers and individuals
ceipt of orders. everywhere, th at everything in the books of the
These Playbacks now consist of a basic unit SAINT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF TH E
consisting of a Record Playback w ith 16 inch cast "I AM,” OUR PUBLIC LECTURES, AFFIRMA­
alum inum rim drive turn-table, crystal pick-up,
amplifier w ith an o u tp u t of 7 w atts and a 12 inch TIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO
speaker. W eight, including portable case 24x18x- GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights
12, approxim ately 65 pounds. Speaker m ounted w ith all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­
in lid of case w ith 2 5 feet speaker cable. lations.
• ADDITIONAL EQUIPM ENT • This means, we will not allow this instruction
The following additional equipm ent can be and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­
furnished at any time for the additional price of ated or diluted for any purpose w hatsoever and
each article: we shall protect them fully.
Radio tu n er to pick up broadcasts. This fits in
the case. We are determ ined th at this GIFT OF LIGH T,
For Public Address System a microphone plug T R U T H AND FREEDOM from the Ascended
will be provided, together w ith microphone and Masters to m ankind SHALL BE PROTECTED
stand. and kept PURE, TRUE AND UNCH AN GED—
For use in large auditorium s a set of custom FOREVER— th at m ankind m ay receive its E ter­
built speakers can be provided, m ounted in 3x4%
inch plywood baffle boards w ith grille w ork cov­ nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
ering the opening. This is to be hung on the w all. We shall use our Full Power and our Full R ight
33-1/3 RPM Blue T ransparent Records con­ ALL TIMES.
taining a 3 0 m inute talk will be furnished weekly.
R egular phonograph Records m ay also be played SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C.,
on this machine. and
For full details and price on the above equip­ MR. AND MRS. G. W. BALLARD
m ent and records, w rite SAINT GERMAIN
PRESS, Inc., P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif. 29
r >Umm
Sizes below can be purchased at the
i S in d ela r :St u d io s f 2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
| X 6 0 0 S H00VBK- ST. ^
° LOS A N Q E L E S ; CAL ° Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored__________ $ .50 T ax $.02 Postage $.15
Saint Germain, hand colored, 5x 7 ___________ .50 T ax .02 Postage .15
Jesus Satin b ook -m ark ___________ ___________ .3 5 T ax .01 Postage .05
• PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEM EN T • Saint Germain Satin book-m ark______________ .3 5 T ax .01 Postage .05
Jesus M iniature, desk fram ed ________________ 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20
Saint Germain M iniature, fram ed___________ 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20
Jesus M iniature, 2 I/4 x 3^ 2 fold er_____________ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05
Due to the increased cost of all materials it becomes Jesus M iniature, 2 I/ 2 x 3 I/2 tinted fold er______ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05
necessary to announce new subscription prices for this Saint Germain M iniature, 2 !/ ^x3 ^2 fold er___ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05
year beginning with the March 1941 issue, as follows: Saint Germain M iniature, 2 *4x3 l/ 2 tinted
folder .... .... __ ___ ______________ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05
In the United States $3.50, in other countries $4.00. Jesus sea ls____ _____________________________ .10 T ax .00 Postage .03
Saint Germain seals_________________ - _____ .10 T ax .00 Postage .03
All back issues may be secured at any time either by "I AM ” Pins
"I AM ” Rings - - ___
___ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .10
.... ___12.00 T ax .36 Postage .20
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign M aster Jesus, 12x16, hand colored 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .25
countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing M aster Saint G ermain, 12x1 6, hand colored 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .25
one year’s issues priced at $5.45. Gold Folder Jesus and Saint Germ ain, 12x1 6 8.00 T ax .24 Postage .25
Brown Folder Jesus and Saint G ermain, 12x16 7.00 T ax .21 Postage .25
Jesus’ Ascension, 12x16 .... 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .25
All subscriptions start with March, 1941. Jesus’ Ascension, m iniature folder
The Lum inous Presence, 12x16
.2 5 T ax .01 Postage .05
______ 1.2 5 T ax .04 Postage .2 5
Your own copies may be bound to match the Saint The Lum inous Presence, m iniature fold er___ .2 5 T ax .01 Postage .05
Germain Series at $1.25 per year. A matching rod- Jesus, 15x18, fram ed ___
Saint G erm ain, 15x18, fram ed_______ __
5.50 T ax .17 Postage .25
5.50 T ax .17 Postage .25
binder is now available at $1.25. All prices plus ship­ Jesus, 7x9 y 2 , fram ed 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20
ping. Saint G erm ain, 7x9 fram ed___________ 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20
Jesus, 5 i/ 2 x 7 i/ 2, fram ed______________________ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20
Saint G erm ain, 5 I/ 2x 7 I/2, fram ed ____________ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20
Jesus seal, silver fram ed, tin ted ______________ .3 0 T ax .01 Postage .05
Saint Germain seal, silver fram ed, tin ted _____ .30 T ax .01 Postage .05
Your change of address must reach this office not later than Jesus, 24x32, sepia finish ___________15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col.
Saint G erm ain, 24x3 2, sepia finish________ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col.
the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue Jesus, 19x24, sepia finish__________________ 7.50 T ax .23 Postage Ex. col.
being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date. Saint G erm ain, 1 8x24, sepia finish _______ 7.50 T ax .23 Postage Ex. col.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you "I AM ” Emblems (stic k e r s)_________________ .05 .10 Postage .03
assured. "The M agic Presence,” 3 0 x 4 8 ______________ 12.00 T ax .36 Postage Incl.
"The M agic Presence,” 12x22 ________ .... 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20
Thank you!
• THE • • THE •
C ontaining the first group of the auth or’s experiences.
Price $2.50, Postpaid $2.7 5
f 2 0 0 -A— LIG H T OF MY H E A R T ______ (In strum ental) (L otu s R ay K ing, H arpist
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II By Godfre Ray King | 200-B — ROSE OF LIG H T____ __________________________ < Frederick Landwehr,
C ontaining the second group of the author’s experiences. I N ovachord
Price $2.7 5, Postpaid $3.00
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, ( 2 0 1 -A — LOTUS MY LOVE____________ (In stru m en tal) (L otus R ay K ing, H arpist
X 201-B — VOICE OF TH E PRESENCE_________ _________< Frederick L andw ehr,
Volume III By the Ascended Master Saint Germain \ N ovachord
and Other Ascended Masters
C ontaining th irty-th ree Discourses, explaining the A scended M asters’ applica­ \ 202-A — SON OF L IG H T ___ ___________(In strum ental) (L otus R ay K ing, H arpist
tion of the "I AM ,” w ith three color plates. P rice $2.7 5, Postpaid $3.00 ( 202-B — CALL TO LIG H T_________ _____________________ < Frederick L andw ehr,
V N ovachord
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 ________ By Chanera f 203-A — R A IN BO W R A Y S—.................. ...(In stru m en ta l) (L otu s R ay K ing, H arpist
A selection of p ow erful Adorations, Affirm ations and Decrees of the "M ighty ( 203-B — OH W O RLD V ICTO RIO US____________________ < Frederick Landw ehr,
I AM Presence.” P rice $1.7 5, Postpaid $2.00 I N ovachord
Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
Volume VI By Various Ascended Masters Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
C ontaining tw en ty D iscourses dictated before hundreds of students, w ith three
color plates. Price $2.7 5, Postpaid $3.00 1 1 0 0 1-B— D E D IC A T IO N _____________________
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, ( R R -1201— In vocation................... ...................................... Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and D onald
Volume VII By Various Ascended Masters \ R R -1202— CO NTEM PLATIO N (Silent N ig h t) H arp_________________ Mrs. B allard
and Cosmic Beings
C ontaining tw en ty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, w ith f R R -1203— B E N E D IC T IO N .............................................................. Mrs. B allard and D onald
three color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.25 \ R R -1247— CO NTEM PLATIO N (N earer M y God to T hee) H arp_____Mrs. Ballard
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, ( 3 300-A— IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Shrine C la ss)__________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
Volume VIII By the Great Divine Director \ 3 3 00-B— IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Shrine C lass)__________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
C ontaining tw en ty-five D iscourses dictated by the G reat D ivine D irector, before
hundreds of students, w ith tw o color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.25 ( 3 3 0 1 -A— B EN ED IC TIO N (Shrine C lass)________________________Mr. G. W . Ballard
"I AM” ADORATIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS By Chanera ( 3 3 01-B— B E N ED IC TIO N (Shrine C lass)-.—____________________ Mr. G. W . B allard
Vest Pocket Edition of p ow erful A dorations and Affirmations.
P rice $1.00, Postpaid $'1.20 ( 33 0 2 -A— IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C lass)_________________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3 3 02-B— THERE IS N O D E A T H (Shrine C lass)_________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
LOOSE-LEAF BIN D ER in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Saint G er­ ( 3 3 0 3 -A — Beginning of "I AM ” D ictation s (Shrine C lass)._______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
main Series. For Special ” 1 AM ” Loose-leaf Decrees and Songs. These D ecrees I 3 3 03-B— B eginning of "I AM ” D ictations (Shrine C lass)_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold about 150
leaves (3 00 pages). Price Binder $1.2 5, Postpaid $1.40
D ecrees and Songs 1 / z c per leaf (2 pages), postage extra ( 3 3 03-C — Beginning of "I AM ” D ictation s (Shrine C lass)_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
{ 3 3 03-D — Beginning of "I AM ” D ictations (Shrine C lass)_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
BOOKS IN BRAILLE ( 3 3 03-E— Beginning of "I AM ” D ictations (Shrine C lass)_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
"U NVEILED M YSTERIES”— In T w o Volum es Price $5.25 { 3 3 03-F— B eginning of "I AM ” D ictations (Shrine C lass)_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
"TH E MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three Volum es Price $7.75
"TH E 'I AM ’ DISCOURSES— In T w o Volum es Price $6.7 5 (T he 3 3 03 Series com prise one afternoon’s talk by Mr. G. W . B allard and should be
"A SCEN DED MASTER DISCOURSES”— In T w o Volum es P rice $7.00 sold in a set)
Postage extra
• THE • • THE •
• SERIES • (/Ester, • SERIES •
3 3 04-A— IN V O C A T IO N and E X PL A N A T IO N o f the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 3 04-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X PL A N A T IO N of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard \ N -1 0 4 -A — Song of the V iolet Flam e (1 2 ” R eco rd )__________ Song Shrine A udience
| N -l 04-B— Call to L igh t------..._--------------------------------------------------Song Shrine A udience
3 3 04-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X PL A N A T IO N of the Chart ... Mr. G. W . Ballard The above records are suitable for individual contem plation or use in "I AM ” Study
3 3 04-D -—IN V O C A T IO N and E X PL A N A T IO N of the Chart .Mr. G. W . Ballard CJroups.
(A ll records are now shipped direct from the W estern Branch of the Saint Germain
3305-A -— TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y _____________Mr. G. W . Ballard Press, Inc., P.O. Box 42 8, Los A ngeles, C alif.)
3 3 05-B— TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y ________ _____Mr. G. W . Ballard Price each (double fa c ed )— Blue transparent m aterial______________________ ____$3.15
Shipping Charges E xtra
f 3 306-A — TRU EU N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LO VE______Mr. G. W . Ballard
I 3306-B — TRU E U N D E R ST A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE___— .Mr. G. W . Ballard
(1 6" Record for Playback only)
3 307-A — CALLING TH E PR ESEN C E.................................................. Mr. G. W . Ballard / C i Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
3 3 07-B— CALLING TH E PRESENCE__________________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard |N o . 65 j 1— G oddess of P u r ity ___ (In stru m en tal) < Frederick L andw ehr,
/ j \ Shrine O rgan
3308-A — H ELPING ALL M A N K IN D ___________________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard \ ( 2— Leto, Blessed L eto------------------------------------ ----------- Song Shrine A udience
3 308-B — H ELPING ALL M A N K IN D __________________ _________ Mr. G. W . Ballard fI wNo. 66— "I AM ” C om e____ (In
/ t stru m en tal)ix •<j _Lotus . .R ,ay_LKandwing,
. H , arpist
f Frederick ehr, Shrine O^ rgan
3 3 09-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C lass)_______________._________ Mr. G. W . Ballard N ote: This M usical Playback N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3 309-B — B E N ED IC TIO N (Shrine C lass)____________ ....._______ Mr. G. W . Ballard No. 66, the opposite side; therefore, N os. 6 5 and 66 is one double-faced record.
Price M usical Playback Record $5.25 each Shipping charges extra
3 310-A — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8------------Mr. G. W . Ballard All Records obtainable only at W estern Branch of the Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.
3310-B — Excerpts-from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8 ——----- Mr. G. W . Ballard P. O. Box 42 8, Los A ngeles, C alif.
3 310-C — E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-D — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-E — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8------ -—Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 310-F — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard

I33310-G — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
310-H — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation , Ju ly, 193 8------------Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3 310-1— Excerpts
Ex. from V ictory’s D ictation , July, 193 8------------Mr. G. W . Ballard
J— A doration to M ighty V ictory__________________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
{ J 3 1 0 { k - -Bb enediction_____________________________________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard Headquarters for A ll Publications
N -1 0 0 -A — Song of the V iolet Flam e_______ (In strum ental) Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
N -1 0 0 -B —rLotus M y Love........ ....................... ..............Frederick Landw ehr, Shrine O rgan
I N -1 0 1 -A — Goddess of P u rity ............................(In strum ental) Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
Chicago, Illinois
' N -1 0 1 -B — Silent Sentinel______________ ________ Frederick Landw ehr, Shrine O rgan
SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C .— W estern Branch,
N -1 0 2 -A — "I AM ” D ecrees— Part I.................................. Septem ber 1941 Shrine Class
I N -1 0 2 -B — "I AM ” D ecrees— Part II—................................ Septem ber 1941 -Shrine Class P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
( N -1 0 3 -A -—M ighty V ictory (1 2 ” R ecord) . Song Shrine A udience SINDELAR STUDIOS, 2600 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, California
( N -1 0 3 -B — G reat D ivine D irector_______ Song Shrine A udience (C opyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., Chicago, Illinois)
m y s t e r ie s PRESENCE D lSc0l7I^Sjg

A I N T Q e r M A IN IS E R IE S
- ... 1.-.......■■■..-....... ............ ... .. ............................. .... .. .. ................ - ..............

By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters* Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica* * will be the Ascended Masters* help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942

oddess of Liberty, Beloved Being so bright!
Guarding America by Thy Great Cosmic Light,
Call forth God’s Great Freedom! Give Thy Cosmic
"Light of a Thousand Suns! cover Our Blessed Land” !
Raise Thy Torch to the sky and compel all to see
The Perfection of Life which is flowing from Thee!

Goddess of Liberty, Thee we love and adore!

So shall all of earth’s children who come to Thy Shore;
Thy Flame and Devotion are Life’s Great Liberty,
Light shall flood our pathway! Light shall set mankind
Come! Great Cosmic Legions! Rule us now from the Sun!
All Victory and Freedom shall bless mankind as One!

Goddess of Liberty, we are offering our all,

To Thy Mighty Presence, in devotion we call,
That Freedom and Justice shall forever redeem
The mankind of earth now—God’s Great Light rule
We love and adore Thee—Cosmic Mother Thou art,
Until Light reigns o’er all and speaks thru every heart!

Goddess of Liberty, "America all Free” !

Shall be every heart’s call, Mother of Light to Thee!
Thruout earth, sounds God’s Voice—Life’s Eternal
" 'I AM’ Light, Love and Power! Peace SHALL rule in
This Land!
All Justice and Freedom, Cosmic Legions of Love,
Compel all Truth revealed and Light’s Victory prove” !
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc.
I say to you, my beloved ones, who seem—now notice
the expression—I say "seem” to be financially limited
—please use that word when the idea or the appear­
ance is before you, it just seems to be. Then, you will
not accept it as a Reality, for I assure you it is not! The
Mighty Victory, the Mighty Harmony, the Goddess of
Light with our Beloved Nada have joined Me in a Cer­
tain Activity which I may not explain to you at this
time, by which that thing is going to stop! (applause)
for We are determined to remove the fear and doubt
from these blessed people!
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE • You know beloved ones, if the Messenger is your
Oakland, Calif .—February 26, 1939 Daddy, then I am the second Daddy, (applause) I must
ELOVED Children of the Light, I congratu­ be in on that somehow, (applause) Anyhow I am grate­
late you on your homeward journey. Since ful to be the second Daddy. Therefore let us enter into
your speed of transportation has grown rap­ such rejoicing. I am eternally grateful that you are
idly in the past forty years in your physical feeling My Reality more and more and more! You are
octave, so in comparison, is your speed of attainment beginning to feel Me as a Tangible Being. I am and I
by and thru the expansion of your Light within, enter­ appreciate that tremendously because I am able to do
ing that great and mighty speed of action. so much more for you.
Before continuing, I wish to congratulate the be­ Come to think of it, I should be Daddy Number One.
loved ones of Oakland, San Francisco and vicinity for (applause—audience rising) May I explain to you why?
all the loyalty, for all the achievement individually; Since you were My Children seventy thousand years
and the assistance which has been rendered Our Be­ ago, I think I should claim that. Oh, it is so very won­
loved America. derful, to think that you have a Great Cosmic Mother,
You will rejoice with Me, tonight, in knowing that all of you—the Goddess of Liberty: (applause) and a
for the present, things are under control in Europe, Great Cosmic Sister—the Goddess of Light! (applause)
(applause) I expect now to devote most of My time to Do you know, beloved Children, that it is not very
My Beloved America and to you. (applause) I have long, until These Words and Those of Harmony and
been absent much more than I have liked to be, but Victory and the Great Ones, will become such Sacred
the necessity was so great, that I was compelled to di­ Words to you, that you will feel as though you scarcely
vide My Attention. Let us enter into the glorious coming wanted to breathe them? Begin to feel more and more
Victory wtih a power and joy, Oh my beloved ones, the magnificent Beings which They are, Their Limit­
which you have not known heretofore. Well can you less Power, which is gaining in Its Assistance to you,
afford to do it; well can you enter into that happiness as your call to Light lifts you into their ever-increasing
which you have not known. vibratory action. Is it not beautiful? Is it not Real? Is
it not magnificent that you can have a part in it?
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Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. 5

Since you were the cause, I mean partly, of the lim­ You know I am quite a close observer and I keep
itations of the earth; then think, you today, are the very close in touch with the report of all that is doing
vanguard raising mankind steadily and surely into that these days for I am determined to one day show you
Great Eternal Freedom. that report and then you will know that I was ob­
I say to you my dear ones, some of these things I do serving. One day, as sure as I am talking to you this
not wish to stress too much, but now We see the ever- minute, I shall draw the Cosmic Screen and you shall
increasing Victory of the Light, and are watching the see for yourselves, (applause) Your moving picture
intensifying Currents of Energy and Light that go forth industry might envy Me, but I could not help that;
from you. Will you follow Me just for a few moments, yet if some of them were present, I might encourage
while I endeavor to explain to you just what I mean them to still greater Perfection.
by that! If I were some distance away in the Octave Therefore, be of good courage my beloved ones. Oh,
of Light, and you were gathered here like this and how My Heart rejoices with you tonight! I have al­
I cared to focus My Attention here, I would see not ways told you not to give power to the appearance
only the combined Radiance, but I would see within world, and of course I say to Myself—"You must not
that Radiance, the Light from each one. either” ; but as sure as you are here, there have been
times in the past eighteen months, when it did not
Therefore, it is as easy for Us to distinguish the look so encouraging. When the student body was
expansion of your Light, as it is for you to draw a line listening to vicious false gossip and allowing them­
upon a piece of paper. This has been so exceptional selves to be disturbed in goodly numbers, then it did
and since the beginning of the recent Shrine Class, you not look so encouraging; but, tonight, that is finished
have really entered into a new world; not that you as though it had not been.
have not been before, but a wholly different Activity is Therefore, I rejoice with all My Heart, as you are
taking place now with the increasing intensity in your gaining the strength to say to your fellow associates,
calls and the steady freeing of yourselves from the if they cannot speak kindly of This Light, be silent,
doubts, fears and conditions which keep touching and then be firmer than ever! When anyone comes to you
touching and touching your feeling worlds. to speak unkindly of This Light, silence them instantly!
Many of you, today, are becoming practically In­ Keep your world free from discord and vicious feel­
vincible so far as the impact of discord in the outer ing, for remember there are still at large some of those
world touching you. Keep on until that Mighty Tube who have been claws of those terrifying beings who
of Light becomes an Invincible Protection to you. It have ceased to be. Their claws are still acting in human
will do it. In this Service which We are entering to­ form. They still have some momentum, but it will not
day thruout America—I ask you to watch conditions! last long. Then, how remarkable it will be.
Watch your newspapers and see the out-picturing thru These individuals, tonight, know that they are liv­
mankind who do not understand. Yet, you would be ing upon false representations, and they know the
surprised how many of your fellow Americans are Power of This Light. There is not one of them who
knowing of this Great Light. does not know it. Tonight, they shall feel—and every
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
one within America before twelve o’clock tonight, shall now have grown too large to remember It. Well I
feel as never before this Victory of the Light! (ap­ know Their Reality! I know Their Service to mankind,
plause) They shall fear to attempt to oppose It any and you are fortunate, most fortunate, to have Their
further. Furthermore, they shall take back everything Assistance and Blessings!
they have sent out against This Light. In the Harmony that was released last night, remem­
That one claw, who sent out so much viciousness ber your Mighty Harmony, whose Likeness you have,
against This Work and spread such venom all over is the Cosmic Governor of that to this earth. There­
the world, is withering and he shall wither and disap­ fore, the Intercession of that Great Magnificent As­
pear! (applause) I tell you, my beloved ones, when I sistance to mankind will allow such happiness to surge
have worked for two hundred years to bring the Vic­ forth in the activity of the people, as has never been
tory of Light this far, then I shall wade in now and known. In fact, It has not been known for more than
that vicious force shall be no more. Do you think that eight hundred thousand years.
I am unkind? If so, you are unfortunate. To insist on In all the efforts you have made, do you not see that
the Victory of the Light should be quite an honor­ now, you will begin to see the out-picturing more and
able thing! (applause) Since We know all the Laws more in the solving of your own conditions? Then, you
and could not misuse one, then you can be sure I am will rest in such happiness and such peace, that you
not unkind, but I AM DETERMINED! (applause) will become more aware of the great changes as they
So tonight, in the Glory of this onrushing Victory take place; first, within the feeling world of mankind,
—do you quite follow Me, in that Those Words are then the out-picturing in the physical; because there
quite apropos?—in the great onrushing Victory of this is no cause anywhere—except in the feeling world of
Great Light, it is just exactly that! My dear ones, mankind; and it must reach there or act there first, to
since the Victory of the Goddess of Light, you have find its out-picturing.
no idea of the effect upon the feeling world of man­ It is the same in the Great Expansion of This Light.
kind. I would not dare attempt to describe It to you, It is magnificent beyond words. Therefore, as you
except to say that It is so majestic, It is so tremendous; come to understand this clearer and clearer, you will
and did you notice carefully what the Goddess of Light become like a great mirror, in which the Presence of
said to you this afternoon? I do not think you quite Light will picture to you the Glories of the coming
got the idea. May I again remind you of it? Did you events. Do not misunderstand Me, you are not going
notice, She said, the Great Harmony of the Spheres to become prophets, not at all; but you will begin to
was released at the Final Victory over the generator feel the Glory thru your feeling world, of the coming
of destructive forces to the earth. Do you realize what Perfection of Life.
that means to you? You will be interested and our beloved Lotus will
I tell you, beloved ones, that means the Combined be greatly interested in this. With your Beloved Lanto
Activity of the Central Focus of Light, the Cherubim and Others of the Ascended Host of Light, We went
and Seraphim of the Godhead and the Angelic Host! to the Great Maha Chohan, who is the Governor of
Oh, how many once believed in the Angelic Host and the Great Streams of Energy to the earth and to Nature.
8 9
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We asked Him, if We might not have His Assistance today; and they would have drawn war into America
for certain requirements in changing the conditions of as sure as you are standing here this moment in spite
earth, and He readily agreed! You will remember the of all that could have been done or that We could
calls you have made for all substance which was in­ have done, because We need your call! We do not need
jurious to mankind, to wither and pass from existence. it for Ourselves, but We need it for you, for your
From today, this will be. intensified, (applause) America; and praise be to the Infinite Powers of Light,
I wish you to follow Me, if you will, in seeing the it came. You did not fail Me this time! (applause)
changes which have taken place already in so many You are going on, and on, and on, my dear ones, in
conditions. Please do not fail to notice it and there is that Almighty Individual Victory, as well as in this
constantly the out-picturing of it. Sometimes, you Protection for America. When America is safe, the
might think it was not just a proper conveyance of Mighty Currents of energy will be turned on individ­
this information; but if you will take notice, you will uals and their vibratory action will be raised much
see quite readily how it comes about; for We use many more rapidly. They will see what all this and their
channels, in order to convey this to mankind. earnest efforts have meant to bring them to the point
As your vibratory action is raised, you will come to where the Light may show them Its Victory, in ways
know many many things; and as you are prompted to that you dream not of!
rise at a given moment and send forth a Mighty Light Some of you have felt it, but I ask you all for just a
Ray, thru a mighty call, you will find that there will few moments feel the heart-beat of gratitude from the
be hundreds of intimations of disturbance everywhere, people of Spain, the Orient and Europe, for the dimin­
which you will silence almost within the hour. ishing of that terrific destructive force. Feel their hearts
I am so grateful for your alertness already. Remem­ throb of gratitude to you all, and to the people of
ber what a glorious time we are going to have, just as America; for they have come to know that your Mighty
soon as this Victory is assured! (applause) My dear Call has been made for months and months. They see
beloved ones, you have not seen anything yet! You the response and the checking of that terrific force
have no idea what a happy chap I am (applause) or which it seemed nothing in the world could stop. When
how, when I get in just the right mood, I can do a lot its feeders were withdrawn, then it began to recede
of things that would delight you so much. That day and feel the lack—pardon Me if I use the word—of
is coming, so go on with your glorious glorious calls, the prodding energy which was driving them on, for
in your mighty service to mankind, and Oh, to your only one reason in the world—the destruction of hu­
beloved America. man forms.
Oh, the glory of that Love which has gone forth and You are the most fortunate of people, for you have
the substance which has enabled this Mighty Protec­ been saved from that destruction. Continue on, until
tion to be given during these past two years. Oh, my that which has been the accumulation of the claws of
beloved ones, if you had not made these calls, if this destructive individuals in America is also dissolved. It
assistance had not been given, these generators of should be done very quickly. Keep on with your calls
destruction for mankind, would have still remained to dissolve the claws of those destructive individuals
10 11
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who are still in human form. Many were the claws of
those destructive beings. Keep up your call for all intensified Radiation into which you have entered.
power, influence and money to be withdrawn from all Now, may I ask something of you? You know I sel­
destructive individuals in America who have been the dom do. You know that, but will you not please, every
claws of the black magicians. Do not fail! Then, you one of you—and I say this with all My Heart and Ear­
will see how quickly the great change will come! I ex­ nestness to the hundred percent students everywhere—
pect to see great transformation. will you please guard your energy? Will you please
You will rejoice now with Me exceedingly, when I understand that pleasure sex gratification is out? If
say to you, twelve of the Ladies and Gentlemen who you want to render this service, if you want your Free­
are Ascended Masters from the Octave of Light, will dom, which is now so close at hand, you must call for
move at intervals in Their Tangible Bodies among the that desire to be taken out of your world. It is very
cities of America, (applause) If you should see a good vital! It is very important! We want you to be Free;
looking Lady or Gentleman in your city, do not jump but if you insist on doing this, We can only give you
at conclusions. I prompt you beforehand. a certain amount of Help.
This to Me is the most joyful news for sometime, We do not tell you what you shall do, but We want
for I know what It means to you. I know what It means to give you the Assistance; and only with your obe­
to the cities of America which need this purifying, dience to Our future Requests, can We do for you all
cleansing Power so much; for as We have said to you, We would like to do. So, if you will do this, you will
when We come in a Tangible Body for a definite pur­ be given the Assistance and plenty of It. Call for that
pose, Great is the Power released into the vibratory desire to be taken out and replaced by the Satisfaction
action of the physical world among mankind. It is of Life, and then that desire will not be there. You
needed right now more than at any time, to hasten the will have the impulse to be the God-controlling Power
cleansing, purifying Activity which will give humanity of your feelings.
their tangible Freedom, and they will know it. I am If I could have complete obedience from a great
so grateful to those who have volunteered to do this! body of students thruout America, from now until the
Tonight, We have the greatest Reason for extreme end of August—I do not mean that you would refrain
rejoicing that We have had in five years. Oh, never just temporarily; but take out of you that desire com­
mind, you will believe after awhile that I am a truth­ pletely, by the end of August, some of the greatest
ful Chap, (applause) and you will know very definitely, miracles, socalled, you ever saw would have occurred;
that I am not a discarnate! (applause) because We need this energy. We need this Light
I assure you, my beloved ones, that in your calls, poured forth at your command thru your might De­
you will find greater, greater and more instantaneous crees to more quickly set you Free!
answer to your calls. Determine to accept it. Determine You know I ask very few things. I have called your
to have it. Then, We will lend every Assistance, be­ attention to certain obedience to Life, but I ask this
cause from today, We will be able to give much Greater tonight of the student body; that you may more quickly
Assistance thru the Power of Radiation, because of the have your Freedom; that We may render this Service
more quickly; that We may give out the Joyful Bless­
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Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
ings which We want to give you individually. I am Mental Body—to take this up, execute it with the full
sure that every one will be happy to do everything in Dominion of the Power of Light, and give you every
his or her power to give Us that obedience. Assistance which is required! We must have this sub-
Therefore, tonight while you are standing, may I tance of earth and We too, are making the call for
call the Eternal Blessings of Light, the Mighty Activity Strength and Freedom to sustain you until you feel
of Its Invincible Presence to take command of you, the Full Glory of your own Dominion arise within you!
your mind, body and feeling world; to dissolve from Once you feel THAT; nothing in the world of human
your physical bodies every disturbance of every kind; conditions, will longer cause a quiver of a nerve
to restore your perfect sight and hearing; to fill you within your body.
with a joy that releases the currents of energy thru Therefore, fear not anything, but in that mighty call
you; that sweeps out all imperfection in your body into to Light, know that Its Power goes forth, dissolving
the Violet Consuming Flame; and you go forth mag­ everything unlike Itself.
nificent, strong, vibrant, powerful individuals in your I love you and bless you, beloved students of this
calls to Life; so all that is required now, may quickly district, beloved students of America! I love and bless
be done; and that you in the joy of this service, feel the you and by this Mighty Individualized Power of Light!
Glory of Its expanding Light and Activity; to give you I charge into your feeling world tonight, the Strength
the strength and courage to do all that your Great of Hercules, the Power and Dominion of the Light and
Presence of Life will prompt you to do, in the Power the Fulness of all the Glory of Its Incoming Perfection
of Love, the Expansion of the Light and in your greater and Dominion over all limitations! It now takes com­
intensification and out-pouring of Divine Love, call mand of you and your world and produces Its Perfec­
forth the Wisdom to govern its action, that by no tion and holds Its Dominion over every condition! We
chance, you make mistakes in your out-pouring of Di­ thank that Great Presence of Life, it is done!
vine Love? Beloved ones, I clothe you in the Power of Light!
Let Wisdom go with It to quiet, direct, protect and I send you forth with the Sword of Blue Flame in
perfect everything in Divine Order! Oh, may the your hands that you may strike out of existence every
Glory of Light charge you with Its Almighty Activity! discordant force that attempts to touch your world!
May the Glory of Light hold you in that courage and May you see It in your hand and go before you, as you
strength which alone rest within It; and charge It into raise It to the Powers of Light to cut yourself free from
your human forms and feeling worlds, until no one every limiting thing! We in Our Assistance, will see
or no condition can stand before you and cause the that it is done.
slightest quiver within your feeling world! You can I thank and bless you forever.
stand staunch and serene in the Victory of your "I AM
Presence” over all conditions and hold that Dominion
there forever!
May the Fulness of that Light act now! I speak di­
rectly to your Presence of Life, acting thru your Higher
14 15
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(Not in Loose-leaf form) God take command!
In .God we stand!
FLOOD OUR PATHWAY WITH LIGHT (3)-repeat We insist and demand!
after each line By our God-command!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Right now today!
From God’s Own Hand! In Your Perfect Way!
By our God-command! From God’s Love Ray!
God hold Thy Command! All our bills now pay!
In Victory today! In Victory to stay!
And forever hold sway! All Perfection hold sway!
Compel Perfection to stay! God Almighty hold sway!
Compel our Victory to hold sway! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold
Compel Light’s Freedom to hold sway! sway!
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold * * * *
sway! GIVE US (ME) MORE HELP! (3)-repeat after each
* * * * line
FLOOD US WITH MONEY! (3)-repeat after each Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
line God take command!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Right now, today!
From God’s Own Hand! In Thy Perfect Way!
God take command! Compel Victory to stay!
We insist and demand! All Perfection hold sway!
Right now, today! God Almighty hold sway!
In Your Perfect Way! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold
From Your Great Love Ray! sway!
All our bills now pay! Oh, Daddy Darling! Come thru now today!
In Victory to stay! Note: Use the above form with the following:
All Perfection hold sway! POWER, HARMONY, LIGHT, WISDOM, PEACE,
God Almighty, hold sway! VICTORY, OBEDIENCE, etc.
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold * * * *
sway! ANGELS DESCEND! (3)—repeat after each line
* * * * Oh, Mighty I AM” !
FLOOD US (ME) WITH WEALTH! (3)-repeat after Hold Thy Command!
each line Around us stand!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Thy Victory demand!
From God’s Own Hand! Right now today!
16 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
All Perfection hold sway! repeat after each line
On Thy Cosmic Ray! By the Power from the Central Sun!
Keep clear our way! Until our Ascension is won!
Protect us each day! By the Power of the Cosmic Light!
In Full Power hold sway! By all Thy Cosmic Might!
Hold Saint Germain’s Way! By Thy Great Love today!
God’s Great Power hold sway! Every inch of our pathway!
Use the above form for—Cherubim descend! Every second now each day!
Seraphim descend! God Almighty! now hold sway!
Legions of Light descend! By all of Victory’s Power!
* * * * By Harmony’s Victory every hour!
IN THE NAME OF MY "M IG H TY I AM PRES­ Thru our every "I AM” Call!
ENCE” ! GREAT HOST OF ASCENDED MASTERS Hercules’ Protection to us all!
A N D TH E L IG H T OF GOD T H A T N EV ER By the Power of the Unfed Flame!
NEVER NEVER FAILS! From Jesus, Daddy and Saint Germain!
Those destructive forces HAVE NO POWER be­ By the Joy of Eternal Song!
fore my Light! Every moment all day long!
THEY HAVE NO POWER! (3)-repeat after And all God’s wealth release!
each line And make all the human cease!
By God’s Own Might! By God’s Wisdom everywhere!
They die today! Obedience beyond compare!
God! Clear my way! In every "I AM” home!
Light! Blaze forth there! Till the Ascended Masters come!
For all our children (young people) too!
COMPEL our Freedom everywhere!
To the Ascension hold them true!
* * * *
Until America is Free!
"I AM” Always the Overwhelming Victory, Freedom Till mankind Thyself now see
and Power of Light everywhere forever! * * * *
Powers of Light from the Great Central Sun! Seal me Brighter and brighter grows Thy Great Cosmic Light!
in the Heart of my "Mighty I AM Presence” and let Brighter and brighter comes Helios’ Might!
nobody find or touch me but God. Brighter and brighter thru me (him-her) glows Thy
* * * * Light!
"M IGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL Brighter and brighter thru me (him-her) flows Thy
A SC EN D ED M A STER S A N D TH E COSM IC Brighter and brighter shines Thy Wisdom too!
LIGHT OF A THOUSAND SUNS! Brighter and brighter comes our Freedom thru!
* * * *
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. 19
18 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
TAKE THY DOMINION! (3)-repeat after each line In every God way!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! In Victory to stay!
God’s full command! God Almighty hold sway!
Right now, today! Rule all now God’s way!
In Thy Perfect Way! Take their power away!
Hold Victory now! Collapse them today!
Compel all to bow! Blast their cause now to stay!
By Thy Cosmic Light! Great Victory hold sway!
Wield Thy Cosmic Might! Clear all our way!
Be Master o’er all! Compel our Victory to stay!
Fulfill now, my call! (or Fulfill my every call) God forever hold sway!
Compel Harmony thru! Compel Perfection Thy Way!
In all that I do! Be Thou Master today!
And set us all Free! "I AM” Victor today! (3)
Make us like Thee! And forever hold sway!
I insist and demand! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to
In Thee now I stand! hold sway!
Now, everywhere! * * * *
To all destructive qualities and forces say: Brighter and brighter thru me flows Thy Light!
BREAK THEM WITH LIGHT! (3)-repeat after Brighter and brighter thru me pours Thy Might!
each line Brighter and brighter thru me comes Thy Love!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Brighter and brighter thru me I see Thee above
God, hold command! Brighter and brighter comes Victory’s Light!
Thruout Our Land! Brighter and brighter comes Freedom’s Great
We insist and demand! Might!
From God’s Own Hand! Brighter and brighter I see every day!
By our God-command! Brighter and brighter Thy Flame now holds sway!
In Thy Light we stand! Brighter and brighter My Presence comes thru!
All Perfection command! Brighter and brighter in all that I do!
Compel Our Freedom to stand! Brighter and brighter It reigns now o’er all!
Victory hold Thy Command! Brighter and brighter goes forth my heart’s call!
Right now today! Brighter and brighter grows each step of my way!
20 ,
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
Brighter and brighter closes each day! Right now, today!
Brighter and brighter comes Light on Love’s In every God-way!
Wings! In all that we say!
Brighter and brighter the Light thru me sings! And forever hold sway!
Brighter and brighter flows the Flame thru my Use the above also for:
Brighter and brighter glows every part! SIC, PEACE, PU RITY , WISDOM, WEALTH,
Brighter and brighter in Victory I stand! MONEY.
Brighter and brighter shall my Presence * * *
Brighter and brighter in God’s heart I stand! SOLVE THIS PROBLEM! (3)-repeat after each line
Brighter and brighter flows Light thru Our Land! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Brighter and brighter glows My Light each day! By God’s Own Hand!
Brighter and brighter It forever holds sway! We insist and demand!
Brighter and brighter Light flows thru my hand! Thruout Our Land!
Brighter and brighter comes forth God’s Great By my God-command!
Plan! In Thee we stand!
Brighter and brighter Light directs all I do! Right now, today!
Brighter and brighter flows my Light to you! In every God-way!
Brighter and brighter Light’s Gifts come to me! Forever to stay!
Brighter and brighter flows my heart, God, to God Almighty, hold sway!
Thee! Mighty Victory hold sway!
Brighter and brighter the Presence "I AM” ! Compel Perfection every way!
Brighter and brighter holds Eternal Command! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold
Brighter and brighter comes the Light from the sway!
Sun! * * * *
Brighter and brighter our Light’s Victory has "MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL
FLOOD US (ME) WITH MIRACLES! (3)-repeat after POWERS OF LIGHT! (3)-repeat after each line
each line Clear all our way!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Compel Victory today!
From God’s Own Hand! Rule all God’s Way!
By Our God-command! Forever hold sway!
We insist and demand! Sweep all else away!
In Thee we do stand! Command Victory to stay!
Give Thy Cosmic Command! * * * *
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
(To all destructive forces say:) By God’s Blue Ray! (or, By God’s Cosmic
POWERS OF LIGHT! Break them tonight! Ray!)
POWERS OF LIGHT! Strike them with Thy Right now, today!
Might! God Almighty, hold sway!
POWERS OF LIGHT! Overwhelm them with In Victory to stay!
Light! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to
* * * * forever hold sway!
OF LIGHT! We insist and demand!
COMPEL YOUR Overwhelming Invincible Vic­ God Almighty command!
tory, Light and Freedom! In Light it SHALL stand!
COMPEL YOUR Invincible Protection and Per­ Cosmic Light now command!
fection! God hold Thy Command!
COMPEL YOUR Invincible Expansion, Success On every hand!
and Dominion! Right now, today!
COMPEL YOUR Invincible Miracles, Marvels and In every God-way!
Wonders! In Thy Perfect Way!
COMPEL YOUR Glory, Joy and Blessings! In Victory to stay!
COMPEL YOUR Love, Wealth and Supply! God Almighty hold sway!
to and thru all Saint Germain’s Activities thru- In all every day!
out the world each day! In Victory’s Way!
* * * * In Great Harmony’s Way!
In Hercules’ Way!
SOLVE ALL OUR PROBLEMS! (3)-repeat after In the Divine Director’s Way!
each line Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom for us all to hold
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
By God’s Own Hand! * * * *
We insist and demand!
God, take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
24 ,
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Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. 25
GEMS OF LIGHT • § j-$.

For "I AM” School Activities
Will you make the call in your school here to those
whom I shall name; first your Beloved Nada, who
really is the legal authority; your Goddess of Liberty; GEMS OF LIGHT
your Goddess of Justice; the Goddess of Purity; the
Goddess of Peace; the Goddess of Light. Those are the SAINT GERMAIN
principal Ones to whom you should call in your school Now understand this with a definite Power within
activities. In any emergency, after you have made your your own feeling world, then you will have the release.
call to the "Mighty I AM Presence” hesitate not for a Do not wander around any longer in questioning your
moment to call to Mighty Victory, Archangel Michael ability to call forth the financial supply you require.
and the Mighty Divine Director. You are not children any longer—-you are individuals
grown to full stature in the acceptance of the "Mighty
SAINT GERMAIN I AM Presence,” and therefore become the Authority
I marvel at the courage of your beloved Lotus to in your world for this particular point in the release of
keep putting forth to the people that Our Words are the financial supply you require. Now let Us be prompt
those expressions which are important; for They are and definite in that, so no longer will a moment’s anx­
Cups that carry those Qualities of Life, and once the iety beset any one in the release of their own financial
student body become fully aware of all that means, supply.
they will use only Our Words in the expression of this
Great Light; because then you will have ten times the
action you would, if you used just your own words. It SAINT GERMAIN
is so tremendous. In your Decrees for supply, if you allow your thought
and feeling to go back and you look to channels, you
SAINT GERMAIN are obstructing the way. Of course channels will be
Of course if We are just a myth, then you are wasting used, but let the Wisdom of the Presence select them.
your time. If I, who am speaking to you today, am a For instance, you people here in the East are quite in­
myth, you certainly would not have had the protection clined to think your supply or the channels for it should
that America has had. If the Blessings I have brought be here. How do you know? The Wisdom of Life might
forth are myths, then the blessings you have brought choose to bring it from some far point. Those in the
forth are myths, but I notice the world is willing to West might think since they are anchored there, that
accept your blessings and think they are Real; then their logical channel of supply would be there, but how
they had better think the Source is Real. Yes, that is can they tell? It might come from India or it might
very necessary. come from Europe.
26 27
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. ,
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc.
In the future, (beginning with the March 1942 Issue)
the "Voice of the 'I AM’ ” will be published by the
Saint Germain Press, Inc., and we ask that all subscrip­
tions and orders be sent to the Saint Germain Press,*Inc.,
at Chicago, Illinois.

We wish to express our Eternal Love, Gratitude and
Appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sindelar and
their blessed staff for all they have done in their splen­
did activity of printing the "Voice of the 'I AM’ ” over
the past six years. We thank them with all our hearts
for all they have done and the many obstacles they
have conquered.
It has not been easy and no one but the Ascended
Masters know just how difficult the problems have
been which they have overcome. We thank them for
every effort they have made to serve the Light and we
shall always pour out all the Love, Light and Power
of our own "Mighty I AM Presence” to bless and help
them, until their Ascension is complete. They are con­ GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE, ASCENDED •
tinuing in their Group Activities in Los Angeles as T is our great privilege to announce the
usual. release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
We call every Blessing and Power of Love, Light LOVED ONE, ASCENDED,” by the Mes­
and Wisdom from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of senger, Lotus Ray King.
Light to enfold, strengthen, supply and protect them, This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration
until they are blazing with the Victory of Perfection, to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is
Ascended and Eternally Free. an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the
Ever in the Light, Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this
MRS. G. W. BALLARD Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light.
and This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
DONALD BALLARD to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and ANNOUNCEMENT
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­ BELOVED PRECIOUS "I AM” STUDENTS
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.” EVERYWHERE:
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an Because of the recent vicious attempt to interfere
intense call for some way in which to express the deep with Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activity in our beloved
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and United States of America, by denying us the use of the
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­ mails, in bringing This Ascended Master Light and
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into Freedom to mankind, we are standing a million times
their Ascension. more firm and unyielding than ever before, because
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­ this "I AM” Activity goes on regardless of any human
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­ being or all on earth.
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings.
It is the Activity of the Ascended Masters and They
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It will carry It forward until all are free. Therefore, you
receive their Freedom and release. can always reach us thru Saint Germain Press, Chicago,
No greater privilege could be given one than to be Illinois, only by Western Union Telegraph or Amer­
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our ican Railway Express Company. Until further notice,
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­ do not use the mails or P. O. Box numbers. I will come
ity and Blessing. to as many of the Reading Rooms and Sanctuaries as
LOTUS RAY KING my time will permit and greet you all personally as
DONALD RAY KING soon as possible.
We ask you to get your magazines at the Reading
• GEM OF LIGHT • M Rooms until such time as this unwarranted persecu­
tion of us and This Light is annihilated and the Victory
SAINT GERMAIN of this Glorious "Mighty I AM Presence” stands re­
Don’t you see my dear ones, you must try to get away
vealed for all Eternity.
from the human trying to he the selector of channels
for anything whatsoever? Turn to the "Mighty I AM Donald and I are NOT GUILTY of the things of
Presence” and let the Wisdom of the Presence flow which we have been accused—never were and never
forth in Its Directing, Governing action of Its Wisdom will be. That is the Eternal Truth before God, man
and open the channels, the right channels for the sup­ and the Universe and time will prove that Truth to
ply; then there will he no unpleasant reaction from it. all. We have given only Good, Truth and all that is
30 31
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
constructive and God-Like. We have given infinitely
more than we have ever received; and never have at RELEASE OF NEW BOOK
any time anywhere for any reason defrauded anybody
of anything; and time will prove the Truth of that T is our great privilege and joy to an­
statement to the world also.
nounce the release of another Book of
We have defended America and her people and all
America means to the world and we always shall. We the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES - Vol­
ask all to call to your own "Mighty I AM Presence” ume V III e n t i t l e d - " I A M ” D IS ­
and the Ascended Masters to show you what you should COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
do in regard to your outer world activities, then fol­
low your own feelings and direction to the best of This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
your ability. tated by the Great Divine Director at different
We never have and do not now advise anyone what periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
to do as we always leave each one free to follow the
which He can pour to the students and all man­
promptings of his or her own "I AM Presence,” so
only Perfection can come to all. We shall at all times kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
continue to call for your Invincible Protection, Per­ ing this book.
fection and Limitless Supply to bless you until the
This book is bound in green cloth to match the
moment of your Ascension.
We enfold you in all the Love of our hearts. We call rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host to stand guard be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
over you forever and clothe you in Their Overwhelm­ 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
ing Victory of the "Light of God that never, never,
428, Los Angeles, Calif.
never fails.”
MRS. G. W. BALLARD Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25

32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO Chicago, Illinois
GRO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
• P U B LISH E R ’S A N N O U N C E M E N T •
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­
Due to the increased cost of all materials it becomes
This means, we will not allow this instruction necessary to announce new subscription prices for this
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adu lter­ year beginning with the March 1941 issue, as follows:
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and In the United States $3.50, in other countries $4.00.
we shall protect them fully. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined that this G IFT OF L IG H T , countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues priced at $5.45.
Masters to mankind SH A LL BE PR O T E C T ED All subscriptions start with March, 1941.
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
Your own copies may be bound to match the Saint
FO REV ER— that mankind m ay receive its E ter­
Germain Series at $1.25 per year. A matching rod-
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. binder is now available at $1.25. All prices plus ship­
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
to m aintain CO M PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T Your change of address must reach this office not later than
A LL TIM ES. the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., assured.
Thank you!
34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. . 35
• THE • • THE •
UN V EILED M YSTERIES, Volume I __________By Godfre Ray King CH A RT OF T H E MAGIC PRESENCE
C o ntaining the first gro u p of the a u th o r’s experiences. A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fram in g and contem plation.
P rice $2.5 0, P ostpaid $2.7 5 Size 5Yz x 8 ^2. P rice 2 5 c, P o stp aid 3 0c
T H E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume I I __________By Godfre Ray King Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 1.00, P ostpaid $1 .2 0
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences. On H eav y Linen, Size 3 0 x 5 2. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep aid
P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00
( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 60.0 0
Volume III _______________ By the Ascended Master Saint Germain A bove C h arts m echan ically an im ate d —--------
( Size 3 0 x 52. P rice $ 2 2 5 .0 0
and Other Ascended Masters
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, explain in g the A scended M asters’ a p p lic a­ ( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 5.00
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TH E " I AM” ADO RATIONS, AFFIRM ATIONS A N D DECREES, Sh ipping ch arg es e x tra
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 By Chanera PICTU RE OF T H E ASCENDED M ASTER, JE SU S
A selection of p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the "M ig h ty
I AM P resence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00 PICTU RE OF T H E ASCENDED M ASTER, SA IN T GERMAIN
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Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 . 0 0 , P ostp aid $2,25
Volume V I__________________________By Various Ascended Masters
C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d before h u n dred s o f stu d en ts, w ith three PICTU RE OF OUR BELOVED M ESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
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A c tu a l ph otograph ic rep rod u ction in G oldtone.
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Volume VIII ----------------------------- By the Great Divine Director
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h u n d red s of stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $3.00, P ostpaid $3.2 5
V est P ocket Edition of p o w e rfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations.
P rice $ 1. 0 0 , P ostpaid $1.20 O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS OF P U R IT Y
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­
m ain Series. For Special " I A M ” L oose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. These D ecrees R O SE OF L IG H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R
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D ecrees and Songs 1 !/ S c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), p ostage e x tra
" U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o Volum es Price $5.25 A G rou p of Songs-— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R a y K in g and L o tu s R a y K in g.
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T hree Volum es P rice $7.7 5 These songs are esp ecially ch arged w ith p o w e rfu l h ealing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E 'I A M ’ D ISC O U R S E S— In T w o V olum es P rice $6.75 lith ograp hed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece of m usic.
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P ostage e x tra
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• THE •
E x ce p t— "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” w hich contains fo u r ( 4 ) color p lates and VICTROLA A N D PH O NO GRAPH RECORDS
sells fo r $1.2 5. P ostp aid , $ 1.40
T h e fo u r color p lates in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e,, m ay also be p u rch ased
sin gly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $.50, P ostp aid , $.60 f 200 -A — L IG H T OF MY H E A R T ______(In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist
I 200-B — R O SE OF L I G H T ....._________ : ________________ ^ F r e d e r ic k L an d w eh r,
"C R Y ST A L CUPS” ■{
N ov ach o rd

Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each .._______ ._________________________ _ .$ 7 .0 0 f 201 -A — L O T U S MY L O V E ____________ (In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60 I 201-B — V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E ..............................___< F red erick Lan d w eh r,
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Rooms, San ctu arie s, and fam ily use. In d iv id u als m ay V N o vach ord
h ave these if th ey so desire— each —^............ ........ .................... ............ ................. ..$ 2 5 .0 0
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.2 5 -A—
( 202-A — SO N OF L I G H T ........................
..... .....................(In
..(In s tr u m e n ta l) (i L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
These " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Room s or G rou p L eaders. Each TO
\ 202-B — C A L L T O L IIG
G H T _________ ........................................ \< F red erick Lan d w eh r,
.................. ____________________
" C u p ” is blessed person ally by M rs. G . W . B a lla rd and is then shipped d ire ct to N ovach ord
each in d iv id u al. N o disco un ts are allow ed.
{ 203-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ...................... (In stru m e n ta l) i L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
D ECREE BOOKLETS \ 2 0 3 -B— O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S-........ .............................-(F re d e ric k L an d w eh r,
Sm all B ook lets con tain in g D ecrees com piled on differen t su b jects fo r in d iv id u al V N ovach ord
or S tu d y G rou p use. M arvelou s resu lts a re being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a
L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
m om entum th ru co n stan t use o f these B ook lets:
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY
! F re d e ric k L an d w eh r, N o v ach o rd
( 1 0 0 1-B— D E D IC A T IO N _________________________ D on ald R a y K in g
3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FR E E D O M
( R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n ..._______ __________________ M r. an d M rs. B a lla r d an d D on ald
4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S ( R R - 1202— C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) H a r p ________________ M rs. B a lla r d
(P rice each 3 0c, plu s postage— except N o. 1— O pulence and Su pply . P resent
sto ck on hand w ill be sold fo r 20c each, p lu s p o stag e .) s R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ____________ _____ ____________ M rs. B a lla rd and D on ald
5. P U R P O SE OF T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I A M ” A C T IV IT IE S I R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N ( N e a r e r M y G od to T h ee) H a r p ____ M rs. B a lla r d
(S m all booklet g iv in g short resum e o f the A scended M asters’ " I AM ” A c tiv ity .)
P rice each— 15c, p lu s p ostage ( 3 300-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I A M ” SP E A K S { 3300-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P rice, 30c, p lu s p ostage
j 3 301 - A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
PLAYBACKS ( 3 301-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
A n O rig in a lly designed R ecord P lay b ack w ith p o rtab le case, su itab le fo r " I A M ”
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lay s either 3 3 l / 3 RPM R ecord s or r e g u la r ( 3 302-A— IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ................................... ............ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
ph onograph records. P u b lic A d d ress System and oth er equipm en t can be f u r ­ ( 3 3 02-B— T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________ _______M r. G . W . B a lla r d
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( 3 3 0 3 -A— B eginning o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) ............-M r. G . W . B a lla r d
PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 03-B— Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 1 /3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, con tain in g a 30 m inu te ta lk on the L aw
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eek ly to " I AM ” Stu d en ts and ow ners of ( 330 3 -C — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P la y b a ck s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s fu rn ish ed upon requ est. ( 3 3 03-D — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) —............ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

"T H E VOICE OF T H E 'I AM’ ” ( 3 303-E — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
M onthly M agazin e con tain in g a rticle s explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ ( 33 0 3 -F — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
courses by the A scen ded M asters an d oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack n u m bers
a v a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e a rly su bscription s begin w ith M arch, (T h e 3 3 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla r d and should be
1 942. P rice single copy 3 5c, Y e a rly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co un tries $4.00.
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• THE •
3 3 0 4 -A— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t .... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 04-B — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 04-C-— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 04-D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 0 5 -A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y Mr. G . W. B a lla rd
3 3 05-B— T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ________ ___M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 30 6 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LO V E M r. G. W . B a lla rd
3 3 06-B — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E ______M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 07-A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E __________ _______________M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 07-B— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E _________________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 0 8 -A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D ______________ ......._______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

33 0 8 -B — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D __________________________ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3 3 09-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ........ .......................................M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 09-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C lass) — ____________________M r. G . W . B a lla rd

33 1 0 -A — E x ce rp ts..from V icto ry ’s D ictation , Ju ly , 193 8 .............M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 310-B — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictation , Ju ly , 1938 ......... . M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -C — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 1938 ............ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0 -D — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 1938 ........ - M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 31 0 -E — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8___ ___.M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 310-F — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8___ ___ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -G — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 31 0 -H — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

( 3 31 ( E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
A d o ratio n to M igh ty V icto ry ________________ _—...---- M r. G. W . B a lla r d
| 3 3 10
B enediction __________ ___________________________ ___ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

N -1 0 0 -A — Song of the V iolet Flam e_______ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s M y L o v e______________________ F red erick L an d w ehr, Shrine O rg an

N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u r ity _____________ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 1 -B — Silent Sen tin el______________________ F red erick Lan d w eh r, Shrine O rg an

N -1 0 2 -A — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I _________ ________ Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass

N -1 0 2 -B — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I I - ____ ___________Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass

N -1 0 3 -A — M igh ty V icto ry ( 1 2 ” R e c o rd )-_____ _____________ Song Shrine A u dien ce

N -1 0 3 -B — G re a t D ivin e D ire c to r___________ ________________ Song Shrine A u d ien ce
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if* * * * AM
\Q4 3
By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
G opyriyh i-jSain t (jermaiit^Pres^ J^nc i 942 •

ASTER! the Victory of Jesus’ Great Light,

Blesses the earth once again from His Height!
The world’s Resurrection, God’s Great Hosts await,
As Light—ALL MASTER—consumes mankind’s
The Great Cosmic Dawn draws closer each day!
Destruction SHALL cease! God’s Victory hold sway!

Easter! Love’s Glory and Power so bright,

Pours over the earth, God’s Great Cosmic Might!
It rules and reveals ALL GREATER than man,
Light’s Great Perfection—God’s All Perfect Plan—
Compels all the chains of man to give way!
Bursts all human bonds! Makes Victory hold sway!

Easter! the Freedom of Jesus to all,

Is blessing us now thru every heart’s call,
That rises to Him, in Love for His Light,
He comes again to illumine earth’s night!
Glorious Eternal, He stands in Full Power,
His Ray enfolding—increasing each hour!

Easter is drawing the Great Cosmic Light,

Thruout the earth NOW by Victory’s Great Might!
The Fiat of Life is spoken to all!
Each human being must answer that call!
Destruction SHALL STOP! and war too SHALL CEASE!
Nature arises and compels God’s Peace!

Easter! the Luminous Presence "I AM” !

Light without limit from Jesus’ Own Hand!
In Power Almighty reigns here Supreme!
His Love, Light and Wisdom—His Own Life Stream,
Is clearing the way for Mastery in man,
In His Resurrection, Light takes command!

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

I want you to feel and be dauntless, Minute Men of
New York. I appreciate what your leader has said, that
while you are not so great in numbers, you do release
intensity of feeling and a Power of Radiance. I Con­
gratulate you! Do you quite understand that the outer
self of mankind is constantly looking for that which
brings a thrill, that which brings an enthusiasm, because
of numbers? But you who have not the numbers, re­
member that thru you, there can flow the Power to
make up for the greater Radiance, until those numbers
appear. That is the right attitude to take in the Expan­
• SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE • sion of This Light. Call to the Presence to pour thru
Minute Men—New York, N. Y.—April 30, 1939 you, what It would do thru ten people, so long as their
ENTLEMEN of the Light, beloved ones of physical forms are absent. Then you will cause the
Light! Today, I greet you in the Name, Power of Life to utilize your forms to do the things
Power and Wisdom of Life; and may Its which make up for the seeming absence of numbers,
I Power flow into and thru you, utilizing your and it is a very important thing.
forms as a power of a thousand individuals. Since in Your activity, today is so much beyond what you
physical form, those seem not available just now, still conceive of outwardly; and from time to time We do
may you be the outpost in supplying that Radiance, try to give you that encouragement because it is not
which is lacking because of your numbers here. always in numbers that the greatest power flows. So
Feel today while I speak to you, the Radiance from try to rejoice and then please understand this—your in­
your Brothers of Light thruout America and the world; crease in numbers depends upon the full release of your
for there are many and you would be surprised how call to the Presence to reach out Its Loving arms and
many. I have started thru an individual in France, in fill your Minute Men Groups with the earnest sincere
England, in Switzerland, in Australia, New Zealand, men from New York. I am quite sure that few under­
Brazil and Mexico that Power which means a similar stand yet what that means, when you call the "I AM
activity to yours, as the Minute Men of America. Today, Presence” to reach out Its Loving Arms and draw into
their attention is focused upon this class and they are your Group the people, the men who belong in the
pouring out their Radiance, aside from that of the Min­ Minute Men Activity in New York; because there are
ute Men in America. a great many men here who should be in your midst.
Only as the Law of Life permits, are We enabled to Now please feel this, when you call to the Presence
give forth certain Information; but today the Power of Life to reach out Its Loving Arms, you are speaking
which is lending Itself for the assistance of the students directly to the Presence of each man who should be
in America, is beyond anything We could have expected here; which gives the invitation, gives an impulse of
eight months ago. Life to instill, inspire and bring those very gentlemen
4 5
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in touch with you. Now if you understand this, gentle- you will call that forth for your Groups and the Expan­
with all it means, you will have no difficulty in draw­ sion of the Light, you will find there will be a Great
ing into your minute men Groups, the men who belong Great Release.
here. Of course all in New York belong here, but there Mankind does not know the forces with which they
are so many who need to be here. Will you please allow are dealing; but since the feeders of these frightfully
Me to assist you, after this Glass, to draw into your destructive forces are no more, and I mean by that the
midst, the men who really belong here? black magicians, then you will understand, how just a
(Applause—audience rising) little further effort upon your part will bring your
Remember, gentlemen, that you need to hold your complete release from these conditions which are the
guard. You need to hold your protection. There has accumulation of the centuries.
been a deliberate effort made to prevent the expansion I want you to understand how great this Law applies
of your Minute Men Activity. Remember that you have in your business, in your health and in every way the
the destructive people to deal with and unless you hold outer man requires. There is nothing that can hold or
your guard, your Invincible Protection, and know that bind you but your own beliefs, your own feelings; and
they have no power to keep people away from you, in this heart to heart talk today, I want to instill that
you will find yourselves affected. strength—My Own Strength and Courage—into your
People come into your Groups to try to spread their feeling world for constant action; so that you are daunt­
poisonous breath of doubt. So whenever you meet in less before the conditions of the appearance world. Of
your Groups, know that Invincible Protection is there course, gentlemen, if you accepted the appearance
about you! We have had to hold this thruout America! world, it would be almost terrifying, even in the con­
I want to say to you, because it is absolutely necessary, ditions that exist here in comparison with Europe, but
the movement known as----- is one of the most sinister these conditions are but temporary.
things—the influence back of it—in America today. Now in your calls to the Power of Light these things
Everything they do is in the dark and secret. No one are absolutely impossible. That is why in bringing
knows who the leader is, who is there and what is back forth this Great Light we are constantly prompting
of it, but I know. You know I very rarely point out those who have become interested, to know they have
anything, but that is too sinister to allow to pass. Limitless Power at their call, to send forth the Mighty
So be on guard gentlemen concerning it! I prompt Light Rays to dissolve these conditions. Make no mis­
you to stand on guard! There is nothing to fear, but take about it gentlemen, the Power of your "I AM”
you must hold your Invincible Protection. You must Presence called forth into action is not confined to a
make your definite application in all that you do! So certain space. It is all encompassing, and when you ask
many things have occurred in which Our timely aware­ the Presence to direct Its Mighty Light and Energy forth
ness has prevented their action. to a certain condition, It enfolds that condition no mat­
Gentlemen here in New York and in Washington, ter what the supposed capacity may be and holds the
D.C., I cannot urge you too much, to remember the Radiance there to dissolve that which is the appearance.
need of your own conscious Individual Protection. If The action of Life is a natural practical thing and
6 7
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there is not a thing mysterious or unusual about it. conditions which have bound them? And We are show­
Remember gentlemen, unfortunate individuals have ing the exact definite way by which it is done! We had
spread or tried to spread among mankind that This to do the same thing! We used this Identical Applica­
Work was psychic or spiritualistic. It is no such thing! tion and all Beings who have gained their Freedom
The whole of mankind should know that, from the have used this Identical Application, gentlemen, with
great Expansion of This Light. Stand guard over the very little variation, even in the worded expression.
suggestions of mankind. Unless you do this, you will The "I AM” is the Power of the Universe! It is Life
be interfered with constantly. saying to you, thru you, at your point in the Universe:
In all the Messengers have to confront, naturally " 'I AM’ here! 'I AM’ the Dominion of your world at
they never waver. They are only concerned with one your call,” and have the Messengers not proven that
thing, calling the Power of Light into action to dissolve so? I say this in all Truth to you—all the students put
that which is wrong, then forget it and it is done. There­ together have not had to meet what these two humble
fore, I prompt you today in your individual activity, Messengers have had to meet, in carrying This Light!
in your requirements, be just that strong and firm and (Applause—audience rising)
know when you call the Presence into action to render Mankind constantly look for evidence, and so many
a service for you, it is done! Stand by it until you see say: "Show me” ! Well look! If mankind will look at
the outer manifestation! the achievement of these Messengers, they will see the
I say to you any business man can apply This Law. proof of all that can be given them, outside of them­
It is the foundation of your business. It is the Directing selves; for I say to you gentlemen, unless you prove the
Intelligence of it, and without it, you have but a tem­ Law of Life to yourselves, It can be but temporary. That
porary action. You see the activity of the business is why you hear the Messengers say so many times:
world, but you do not see as the Messengers have all "Don’t believe us, prove us,” and you must prove the
that has occurred; but hundreds of business men on the Law of Life to yourself, otherwise it means nothing to
point of failure have contacted This Work and reversed you. In their constant Assistance and prompting, did
every condition; restoring themselves in such a short you ever in your life hear two individuals hourly make
time into the fulness of the success they desire. such calls for your happiness, your Perfection, your
This Work is practical gentlemen. It is for the busi­ Freedom, your supply? (applause)
ness world! It is for the industrial world! It is for all These calls are the Power and Release of the Cur­
activities of the outer requirements of mankind, to cor­ rents of Light and Energy which render this service and
rect the wrong and bring Its Perfection into action they know it positively! I know that there is no oppo­
there. That is why I brought this forth! Do you think sition to that Light which they call forth, which you
that We, as Ascended Beings, are not still interested call forth; and if you will understand that, you will see
in the achievement of mankind? Why would We give how your application cannot fail to produce the results
the Assistance, why should We use our time and limit­ you require. It is magnificent!
less energy in giving the Assistance to mankind, if We Arise in the power of your application. Be firm, be
did not know it was possible for them to rise out of the dauntless in it! Do not let your own outer self or any­

8 9
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Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
one’s else cause you to doubt, question or fear anything! you can only utilize what energy has been accumulated
I say to you, gentlemen, with all the Love of My Heart: about your physical form. Life does not and will not
for individuals who doubt Our Reality, it is the most release Its Energy in your understanding of the Pres­
dangerous thing in their whole Life. We have given ence of Life and call to It for a destructive purpose!
abundant Evidence of Our Reality, but have patience, That is where so many have failed who have come
until that day when Life says to Us: "Now You stand into This Light, hoping that they would get hold of a
forth in Your Tangible Presence to these Students of knowledge and use of energy, by which they could
Light,” then it will be done! We cannot and never do perform destructive activities. Well they cannot do
make one move contrary to the Great Law of Life! We it, because Life will not release It!
may not do it! Since We are Beings of Perfection, We Please understand this! One of you, if you really
must give response alone to Life, for Life is the Au­ understood it, is more powerful than all destructive
thority! We are the Authority in the wielding of the forces; because you, in your constructive activity, are
Substance and Energy of Life, but Life is Our Com­ the Power of Life in Its Dominion of the whole Uni­
mander! Do you not understand that? We who are verse. That is why once you understand your Power,
Free and Perfect Beings must obey Life! your Dominion in the call to Life—all anxiety, all fear,
While We have become that Presence in the Ascen­ all doubt will cease to be and you will stand the Do­
sion, yet still do We give obedience to the Great Central minion of that Light to which you are calling. Its Radi­
Power of Life! There is no portion, not even a sugges­ ance will pour forth, harmonize, go before you and
tion, but we know in the Wisdom of Life, We must give enable you to move into action and do the things that
response to that Perfection! With you, for instance, would be incredible, impossible without It.
who are drawn to Me in this Endeavor to bring your This is why gentlemen, We keep you upon these Real­
Freedom and the Freedom to America, your Life needs ities, until they become such a part of you that as you
and I require certain obedience! have used the terminology so long—they act automatic­
When I make suggestions, please do not feel that I ally. Of course there is really not a thing in the Universe
am demanding certain obedience of you! I am calling that acts automatically; but you have become accus­
your attention to the obedience, the requirement of your tomed to that terminology. You think the organs of
obedience to Life; for that is all it is gentlemen. There your body act automatically, well they do not! They
is nothing in the world that can require obedience of are under the direct action of your Higher Mental Body.
you but your Life. That is why, if understood correctly, So is everything, but as this Power and Force intensifies
in giving obedience to Life, you cause to be released and increases, it acts at your calls, which many times
all that Life holds for you in Its Great Magnificent Ac­ have been made weeks before. Understand this—every
tion everywhere. call you make in deep sincerity must compel its re­
I wish you to understand, that when you call to sponse!
Life for any constructive purpose, you have the Whole­ Now notice! If the Harmony of your being is not
ness of Life and Its magnificent' action, rushing to sufficient at the moment, then that Energy, that Light
fulfill that call in your requirements. If it is destructive, will stand there waiting, until the necessary Harmony
10 11
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acts within your feeling world, to allow you to go those bodies and that you are the Governing Power of
forth and perform that service. It is just precisely as if Life within them, in that form; then, that Presence of
you are calling—take this illustration—for the healing Life which you are, will take command of those forms
of an individual form. The individual has asked for it, and bring them into Perfection, into obedience, into
and in the meantime becomes too inharmonious for Perfect health and the Complete Harmony, in which
the Current of Life and Energy to act as it is drawn the Intelligence of Life may flow forth into your world,
forth to them; but still will that stand there, until the harmonize and produce any service upon which your
moment when that form becomes harmonious enough, attention may be fixed.
then it will rush into action, if it is hours or weeks later. Please understand the enormity of the Power of your
That is the Power of this Great Law, and shows how attention. When your attention is fixed upon something,
you cannot reverse these Currents, when you have the Power of your Life is flowing there; and if it is upon
called them into action; but they go forth and just like discord, then that discord upon which your attention is
a guard watch and hold the opportunity sustained, fixed and into which your Life is flowing, clothes it;
until they can come into action and fulfill the com­ and it comes back to you with the discord upon which
mand of that call. you fix your attention.
Gentlemen, that which makes the call within you for If you fix your attention upon the Presence of Life
constructive purposes, is the lesser part of Life, calling where only Perfection reigns and where the Power of
to the Greater Part of Itself. You see how natural and Achievement is, then you will have the Fulness of that
practical all of that is and how your calls cannot fail Perfection out-pictured. If discord and limitations can
to have the answer; for in every socalled problem is out-picture in your lives and your bodies, then your at­
the solution, but mankind have not known it. They tention to where Perfection is, will cause Perfection to
have not believed it and in so many instances, have out-picture instead.
refused to accept such a thing; but Life is ONE, gen­ It is the most practical thing in Life, in the Universe,
tlemen, thruout the Universe! but mankind have not understood it. I tell you some­
We are One with that Perfection of Life which is thing. When I enter these Class Rooms and see among
really you. Then why would We not be your assistants? the audience the hundreds of individuals whose Light
Why would not Life command Us to go on and lift in the heart has expanded sufficiently, almost to the
mankind to their own Source because We are a part point of illuminating the brain and intellect; then just
of that same Life which you are, and have moved thru some little thing, some little doubt or questioning pre­
this sphere of action? Then, We belong to you. You vents that, if We could experience pain and distress
belong to Us! We both belong to Life! it would be then. We constantly observe this in the
Oh, for the day that mankind can see and understand, audience.
that these numerous forms are but the garments which Gentlemen, can you understand what a tragic thing
Life is wearing and which you have changed so many it is, when individuals are so close to their Eternal Free­
times, but that is not important. When you come to the dom and then allow some human sinister thing, doubt
point where you understand that you are Life inside of of Us, to come in and make them a failure? These are
12 13
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the things that We must meet! We cannot compel hu­ fore the forces of mankind’s own discordant creation.
man beings not to do these things. Her Life Stream, You cannot avoid it, you are moving in a world of man­
would not permit Me to give the promptings that her kind’s creation; and unless you understand that your
outer demanded; therefore, she doubted Me! She "I AM Presence” is the Life animating your body; and
doubted the Messenger! The fault is hers. The fault is your call to It will envelope you in that Tube of Light
every human being’s who doubts! within which you are Invincible to all discord, you are
We are constantly giving limitless proof to the world, constantly affected by the discord of the mass accumu­
not just what the human always demands, but it is lation of mankind.
there absolutely; but if they fail to see it, should We How can one succeed, how can one be happy, when
be condemned? all kinds of feelings of limitless description are con­
Gentlemen, do you realize the magnificence of the stantly catapulted at that one? That is what the atmos­
Dictations which have been given thru this good phere is filled with—mankind’s feelings thrown off
Brother? Never was such a thing on earth and there and charging the atmosphere!
is no human intellect existing on this earth who could You have all observed in these Class Rooms, how
do half of it. (applause) That is one point I call your you feel Our Radiance. Of course It began in the Class
attention to, but if mankind fail to see these proofs, the first day here, but many times, it takes two or three
well is it Our Fault? It is because they allow themselves days to dissolve the human discordant radiation, which
to accept human suggestions. has been charged into the building before Our Radi­
With all the Love of My Heart, I want to prompt ance can begin to take full command and bring the
you; because if anyone will listen to this and hold fast Peace, Rest, Happiness and the Glory each one feels in
to it, it will save himself or herself untold agony, dis­ these Classes! That is what I mean, but unless you are
tress and limitations! Anything that makes you feel on guard for your individual world, you are con­
discordant toward persons, places or conditions is a stantly accepting thru the feelings, limiting discord­
sinister thing, trying to take away from you your Free­ ant suggestions and they act out! You do not know it is
dom! It does not matter from what source it comes, not not yourself, but I do.
the slightest; but it does matter what is acting within That is why, today, I endeavor so earnestly to prompt
your own feeling world. Doubt and fear are the two you on some of these things which will make you In­
most treacherous things that mankind have always had vincible, if you will just do them. To everything that
to deal with! Every human being who gains his or her touches your feeling world or that comes to your atten­
Freedom must enter thru those two doors of doubt and tion, which is less than the Perfection of the Presence,
fear. On the picture night during the class, you will say: " 'Mighty I AM Presence’ stop this thing! Keep it
see the picture which shows it very vividly. out of my world,” then you will find yourselves abso­
It is a wonderful thing, and if mankind understand lutely protected and Free.
these things and are prompted, then they can avoid In all the Power at My Command, in all the Love of
them, they can ward them off; but unless you do that, My Heart and as your Life Stream permits, shall I
I tell you, gentlemen, you are absolutely helpless be­ charge and enfold you, Minute Men of America, in the
14 15
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Glory of that Light, Its Directing Intelligence, Its Power
of Invincible Action; that you may go forward the Am­
bassadors of Light, charging Its Glory forth every­
where you move; and let flow thru you the Presence
and Power of Light like a Mighty River and spread
Its Radiance, Happiness, Its Harmony everywhere you
I thank you.


I want you to feel today how definite has been re­
moved, the obstructing way to the Victory of the Light. • THE CRYSTAL CUP’S UNFED LIGHT •
Since the feeders of all destructive forces have been re­
moved, try to understand how powerful it is. If you ELOVED Precious "I AM” Students thruout
remove the feeders of a stream, the stream has to dry the world, let us each one make the call to
up, does it not? Well, the feeders of these streams of our own Beloved "Mighty I AM Presence”
destructive energy have been removed; therefore, that and our Precious Ascended Master Saint Ger­
thing must dry up. It must dissolve and disappear main to focus into each "Crystal Cup” under this Radia­
from the earth. It has to. tion, a Mighty concentration of the Unfed Light from
His Octave of Life, to be an intensified, sustained action
of the Cosmic Light within the world of each one.
Since there are so many hundreds of thousands of
calls to be set Free which come from the people who From this we many times a day accept and call forth
have placed themselves in limitations, then the require­ the Streams of Light and Substance required to be the
supply of whatever each one desires to use to expand
ments of Life are being fulfilled, for the complete re­
the Victory, Light and Freedom of the Ascended Mas­
moving of these conditions by which mankind have
ters for America and all mankind; and from which the
bound themselves. Now this is definite Law. There is
Ascended Masters can draw into each one’s world all
nothing can stop or change It.
required to fulfill God’s Divine Plan for each one in
16 17
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Property of Saint Germain P ress, Inc.
physical manifestation, here and now in this physical day and make It visible to the physical sight of all man­
world, until the Ascension is completed! kind.
If you remember what Saint German said in a former From It draw forth whatever I require to expand this
Dictation, you will recall that He asked us all to make Ascended Master "I AM” Activity, Victory, Light, Free­
the call for our own "I AM” Temples, "I AM” Schools, dom, Divine Justice, Protection and Perfection thruout
"I AM” Homes of Light and that if the proper prepara­ America and the world; and to fill my being and world
tion was made He might give us "Globes of the Unfed and all under this Radiation with every good thing
Light,” like those in the Temples of South American until we are all wholly Ascended and Free!
Civilization and like those in the Retreats of the As­ Thru that Unfed Light, blaze forth the Unfed Flame
cended Masters thruout the world! in whatever Power is required to overwhelm all that is
It is to remind each one of that God-Power which can not constructive in mankind the earth and its atmos­
come forth to bless all under this Radiation and thru phere forever; and flood Ascended Master Miracles of
them America and the world, if those who understand Perfection everywhere we go forever and to all to which
this Ascended Master Instruction of the "I AM” which we direct our thought, feeling or attention!
Saint Germain has given, will make the call daily— Compel the Power of Instantaneous Precipitation,
give some definite time, attention and devotion to the Etherealization, Levitation and Transportation to come
acceptance, deep in the feeling, to enable the manifes­ forth from Our Crystal Cups into the use of all those
tation to come forth, which all are craving and which under this Radiation who will use them only as the
at a certain time must come to be the fulfilment of the Ascended Masters do!
Law of Light that forever consumes all human ignor­
Beloved Jesus, Pour forth all Your Power of the
ance, viciousness and limitation forever!
Open Door which no man—no human creation can shut!
The followihg is the Decree to give:
and annihilate all doubt, fear, lack, hate, anger and
"Mighty I AM Presence,” Great Host of Ascended
discord from our beings and worlds forever!
Masters, Mighty Legions of Light, Great Angelic Host,
Great Cosmic Beings and Great Cosmic Light! Beloved Goddess of Light! Pour forth all Your Power
Powers of Light from the Great Central Sun! Be­ of the Three Open Doors into the Ascended Masters’
loved Saint Germain, Jesus, Daddy, Nada, Great Di­ Octave of Light and the Power of the Inner Chamber to
vine Director, Mary the Mother of Jesus and Archangel enfold all under this Radiation forever!
Michael! The Powers of Nature and the Great Beings All Great Beings and Powers of Light! Compel such
who direct Them, the Seven Mighty Elohim, the Seven Overwhelming Miracles, Victory, Freedom, Supply,
Mighty Kumaras, the Seven Mighty Chohans, the Gods Healing, Protection and Perfection to come forth thru
of the Mountains, the Mighty Maha Chohan, Mighty Saint Germain’s Focus of the Unfed Light in our Crystal
Cyclopea, Silent Watcher and Lord Maitreya! Cups that they compel all that is not of the Light to be
Draw a Mighty Focus of the Unfed Light of a Thou­ consumed this instant and the Authority of the Light to
sand Suns into the Crystal Cup of everyone under this take Its Dominion in all forever and compel God’s
Radiation! Concentrate, sustain and increase It each Divine Plan for all mankind to be fulfilled forever!
18 19
Property of Saint Germain Press in c. Property of Saint Germain P ress, Inc.
There is nothing in this world worth living for, unless
it contains God Qualities, God Plans, God Power! All
else is pain in the body, grief in the mind and feelings
and lack in the affairs because all else is disintegration!
God is the Only satisfactory Activity anywhere in the
ELOVED Precious "I AM” Students every- Beloved Group Leaders and Students everywhere,
■where, in your Study Groups, continue just as please do not let down on your individual dynamic ap­
you have in the past, only with more unyield­ plication, as well as in your Group Activities. Now is
ing determination than ever, that the Divine the time for more intense calls and action than ever
Rights of Life in every human being to worship God
I before! As the destructive forces grow more arrogant
as our hearts dictate, shall NOT perish from the earth! and aggressive, then is the time to pour on more Light!
The only hope for mankind on this earth today is for That can only be done thru the calls of the "I AM”
the people to turn their attention to the "Mighty I AM Students to the "Mighty I AM Presence” the Great As­
Presence” and the Great Host of Ascended Masters and cended Host, the Angelic Host, the Legions of Light,
call to that Source of all Life, Light and Perfection to the Powers of Light and the Great Cosmic Light Itself.
come forth and give the Protection which mankind After all it gives each of us an opportunity to increase
cannot hold for themselves! our own power by more Cosmic Light!
There is no protection for any human being on this That Cosmic Light is increasing more rapidly every
earth if you depend on the ways and means human be­ day, and if the constant calls are made with dynamic
ings are using in the outer world today; because all sincerity and determination, it will enable the Mighty
human effort fails when it ceases to remember the Arcturus and the Great Goddess of Liberty to release
Name of its Source of Power and existence! that "Light as of a Thousand Suns” into America to
Ever since mankind forgot the meaning of the Great dissolve and consume all human selfishness and discord
Creative Word "I AM”—they have been going down, from the planet. They have said They would do it, but
down, down, into greater and greater destruction and we must not let down on our calls to Them that this
limitation! be done! When that stroke comes, all discordant indi­
The only Power in the Universe that can raise them viduals and conditions within Our Land will cease
is the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and Great Host of As­ forever.
cended Masters! Those who refuse to call to that Source Children of the Light, you are the Vanguard! You
for Help will not have Help! are the Individual Focuses thru which this Cosmic Light
Saint Germain has told the business men of America 1 can be released! Do not let one fail to make that call
for four years, that the man who did not give these
"I AM” Decrees for the protection of his business would
i daily, yes hourly; for nobody on earth except those who
have been trained and directed thru our Beloved Saint
not have any business; and today you see His Words Germain and Daddy, know how to make the call.
being fulfilled on every hand! Therefore, a grave responsibility rests upon each one!
20 21
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It is fQr this reason we are calling your attention to the ilege and honor of carrying and defending this As­
greatest privilege and opportunity of all life times. We cended Master "I AM” Activity, which is the Giver of
know not one will fail Saint Germain, Daddy and the all Good to all forever!
Great Ones at this time. Therefore, we should be the happiest, most courage­
Keep calling the Powers of Light into action for ous, most fearless, unyielding people on earth; for God,
America’s Invincible Protection and that of her people, the "Mighty I AM Presence,” the Great Host of As­
especially our blessed young people who are being sent cended Masters, the Angelic Host and Legion of Light
into foreign battle grounds! See the Cosmic Light de­ are with us They are our Friends of the Light and who
scend and wind Itself around each and every one and should be down hearted with the "Mighty I AM Pres­
form a Wall of Invincible Protection around them at ence”—God, the Ascended Host and Angels for their
all times! These are not imaginary activities, but if Friends.
called into action, It gives the Powers of Light the op­ They are the Light of the Universe and who can take
portunity to bring this to pass. Light out of existence! Human plans may come and
Go on in your Group Activities as you always have, human plans all change, but the Light—the "Mighty
only with greater determination and intensity; and re­ I AM,” the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host, the
member our Beloved Saint Germain said in the very Legions of Light go on forever; because none can take
beginning of This Work: "This Work goes on in spite Them out of the Universe.
of any individual or all put together,” and He is big The Light of God never fails!
enough to fulfill that Decree! The Light of God never fails!
We are calling hourly for your Invincible Protection, The Light of God never fails! and the
your Freedom, Limitless Supply, Strength, Courage and "Mighty I AM Presence” is that Light!
a greater Determination to have the Victory of the Light
move into America quickly! Do not accept the appear­
ance world! Keep your attention upon the Perfection
you desire to bring forth, and say to all discordant con­
ditions: "You have no power” ! To dwell upon the de­
struction of the outer world draws that into your own
world to handle. So be wise and alert! BE the out-pictur­ • GEM OF LIGHT •
ing of the Perfection you desire! Only as you do this can SAINT GERMAIN
you expect to see the Victory of the Light come quickly We have said before that the time would come, when
into America! Be unconcerned as to how or when it quickly vicious forces sent out from individuals would
comes! Just know without any doubt that IT WILL return upon them. That time has arrived. I mean by
come! Then do your part toward the hastening of this the Power of the Cosmic Light. This is not an individual
thru your calls and constant application of the Law. thing at all; but the Power of the Cosmic Light which
We and all the "I AM” Students thruout the-world is demanding Its Reign upon earth. This hour starts
are the most grateful people on this earth for the priv­ Its Mighty Activity in that respect.
22 23
Property, of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Host of Ascended Masters and the "Light of God that
never fails” !
Therefore measure all you do by those standards!
No matter what any other human being on earth does
or thinks, you live always within what you think and
feel; and no thought or feeling less than God’s Perfec­
tion—which the Ascended Masters are, will ever be
satisfactory to your feelings or make you happy. Noth­
ing else is worth one moment of your time nor one
ounce of your energy.
ELOVED Precious Students of the "I AM” This is a Self-evident Law of Life. Any other thought
School, we enfold you in all the Power of or feeling always brings one or more problems with it
Light and the Flame of Love from Daddy’s and sooner or later all must be dissolved by the Light of
and Donald’s and my Heart every day many the "Mighty I AM Presence”—the "Light of God that
times! never fails” !
We call for all the Ascended Master Honesty, Honor,
Love, Freedom, Light, Wisdom and Victory to blaze
thru you in all you do until your Ascension. We call
our Beloved Saint Germain, Jesus, Daddy, Nada, the
Great Divine Director, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Arch­
angel Michael, Mighty Harmony and Glorious Victory,
all the Goddesses, Beloved Meta and Beloved Quan Yin • GEM OF LIGHT •
to bring forth the complete Fulfilment of Your As­
cended Master "I AM” School and it shall come! SAINT GERMAIN
We call our Beloved Hercules, Helios, the Seven Few of the students give sufficient attention to the
Mighty Elohim, the Seven Mighty Kumaras, the Seven use of the Violet Consuming Flame. It is so important,
Mighty Chohans and the Gods of the Mountains to seal because It is what Life has provided for your use; and
you in the Heart of the "Mighty I AM Presence” and while the Messengers have said it so many times, still
the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light! to let nothing many do not feel the importance of it. It is the only
find you but the people of the Light! and to keep you means Life has provided by which your accumulation
forever Invincible, Invisible, Invulnerable, Victorious can be dissolved. Everything has its special action, and
and Free from all but the Cosmic Light of a Thousand people do not understand what they say! "Since these
SunSj until you are wholly ascended, and so shall it Be! Light Rays are All-powerful, why would They not do
Remember the only thing in this world worth living the same thing?” Why would Life provide the Violet
for is God, the "Mighty I AM Presence” in Action, in Consuming Flame for that specific purpose if It were
and thru you and all who are constructive! the Great not Its Work?
24 25
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Property of Saint Germain P ress Inc.
ever overcame destructive forces permanently in this
world in any other way.
Many people change conditions by human force, but
that is only temporarily; and sooner or later the prob­
lem appears in some other form. So, the only way to
build any permanent good, or happiness is to use the
Ascended Masters’ Law of the "I AM” in everything we
do all the time! Then the individual builds a momentum
LESSED Precious "I AM” Young People, you over a period of time that becomes a pressure of Light
are America’s dearest Gift from God and against destructive conditions which eventually over­
the Hope of the future of Our Land! whelms them permanently.
Upon you also shines the Ascended Masters’ So it is in America today! So it is in the world every­
Light of God that never fails! Call It into action to do where and so it is in each individual’s personal activ­
anything and everything you require, to not only BE ities, until only God Qualities, only God-Plans, only
your own Invincible Protection against all destructive God’s Perfection can act here for all!
habits, feelings, suggestions and forces; but call! call!
call! all of the Cosmic Power of the "Light of God that
never fails” to protect all constructive young people
in America, against all destructive forces and sugges­ • SPECIAL NOTICES •
tions, whether they be "I AM” Students or not! LOOSE-LEAF SONGS
Constructive persons, places, conditions and things The following Loose-leaf Lyric Song Sheets have been released.
must have our call for their protection because there is Orders for same may be placed with the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
no power they can call into action by their own applica­ Freedom’s Triumph
tion, which can be their protection at this time! Archangel Michael
Mankind for centuries have been taught the construc­ Beloved Mary —Mother of Jesus
tive principles of Life intellectually speaking; but hu­ Oh, Helios—The Dawn
man beings have not been given the way and means of Please make the following changes on your own Lyric Sheets:
applying those principles, until they could generate a 1. In No. 18—GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, in the last line of first
verse the word ’'Ascended” should be Ascend.
momentum strong enough to overwhelm destructive 2. In No. 63-G R EA T HERCULES-THOU ELOHIM, the fifth and
forces. If they did, the world would not be in the jaws sixth verses are reversed. Use the fifth for the closing verse.
of destructive forces today! 3. In No. 68-A N GELS OF SAINT GERMAIN, the fifth verse is re­
peated, using the last line shown with the following change:
Since the Energy and Intelligence of Life is the only "The earth is all Free! Praise 'I AM’
means by which human beings ever do anything—good
or bad—then the All-powerful use of Life’s Energy, ac­ The two booklets, heretofore announced, are now completed and
cording to the Law of the Ascended Masters’ Octave, is ready for distribution:
the Mastery of all in this physical world; and no one ”1 AM” Light Decrees.
Purpose of the Ascended Masters "I AM” Activities.
26 27
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1942
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.”
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an
intense call for some way in which to express the deep
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into
their Ascension.
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings.
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It
receive their Freedom and release.
No greater privilege could be given one than to be
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­
ity and Blessing.
T is our great privilege to announce the f\fi ■ GEM OF LIGHT • fjj
release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
senger, Lotus Ray King.
This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration In the coming forth of the song " Rainbow Rays”
to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is with the three cities being indicated, I could not help
an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the but smile when many were interpreting it as the only
Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this three cities that would be saved in America; when it
Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light. was definitely stated they were the three Focal Points
This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing of Light. You see the human is so ridiculous and the
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes- moment it is allowed to put its interpretation upon
things you see how distorted it becomes.
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release of a BELOVED PRECIOUS "I AM” STUDENTS
folder of three songs by the Messenger, Lotus Ray King. EVERYWHERE:
They are —
"I AM” HERE Because of the recent vicious attempt to interfere
ANGELS OF SAINT GERMAIN with Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activity in our beloved
They are all dedicated in Eternal Love and Gratitude to the United States of America, by denying us the use of the
"Mighty I AM Presence” and our Beloved Saint Germain, with mails, in bringing This Ascended Master Light and
the intense call that we be made and kept forever worthy of Freedom to mankind, we are standing a million times
the Light and Love He has given us all in this Mighty ”1 AM”
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that more firm and unyielding than ever before, because
Light, until all mankind are ascended and Free. this "I AM” Activity goes on regardless of any human
May there go forth thru these songs such Love, gratitude being or all on earth.
and adoration to our Beloved Saint Germain for all He means
to mankind, that every human being on earth may be priv­ It is the Activity of the Ascended Masters and They
ileged to see Him face to face in His Visible, Tangible As­ will carry It forward until all are free. Therefore, you
cended Master Body and Know Him as we do!
May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel His Mighty can always reach us thru Saint Germain Press, Chicago,
Reality, His Enfolding Presence and Love pouring out to them Illinois, only by Western Union Telegraph or Amer­
and bringing Eternal Freedom in the "Light of God that never ican Railway Express Company. Until further notice,
These songs, both music and lyrics are a direct answer to our do not use the mails or P. O. Box numbers. I will come
intense call, that thru music we may all pour to Him con­ to as many of the Reading Rooms and Sanctuaries as
stantly our Love, Adoration and Gratitude for His Immeasur­ my time will permit and greet you all personally as
able and Eternal Gifts of Freedom and Illumination; and for
being the Open Door for the Ascended Masters* Instruction soon as possible.
of the "Mighty I AM Presence” —the Law of life—to raise all We ask you to get your magazines at the Reading
into their Perfection.
Our beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrangements Rooms until such time as this unwarranted persecu­
and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude and Blessings to enfold tion of us and This Light is annihilated and the Victory
him forever. of this Glorious "Mighty I AM Presence” stands re­
May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom
from the distress of the outer world; and thru this music and vealed for all Eternity.
Love receive their Freedom and release. Donald and I are NOT GUILTY of the things of
No greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
channel thru which these songs could come; and our hearts which we have been accused—never were and never
sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor- will be. That is the Eternal Truth before God, man
tunity and Blessing. LOTUS RAY KIN G and the Universe and time will prove that Truth to
DONALD RAY K IN G all. We have given only Good, Truth and all that is
Price $2.25 — Shipping Charges $.25 31
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
C opyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1942
constructive and God-Like. We have given infinitely
more than we have ever received; and never have at RELEASE OF NEW BOOK
any time anywhere for any reason defrauded anybody
of anything; and time will prove the Truth of that T is our great privilege and joy to an­
statement to the world also.
nounce the release of another Book of
We have defended America and her people and all
America means to the world and we always shall. We the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES - Vol­
ask all to call to your own "Mighty I AM Presence” ume V III e n t i t l e d - "I A M ” D IS ­
and the Ascended Masters to show you what you should COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
do in regard to your outer world activities, then fol­
low your own feelings and direction to the best of This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
your ability. tated by the Great Divine Director at different
We never have and do not now advise anyone what periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
to do as we always leave each one free to follow the
which He can pour to the students and all man­
promptings of his or her own "I AM Presence,” so
only Perfection can come to all. We shall at all times kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
continue to call for your Invincible Protection, Per­ ing this book.
fection and Limitless Supply to bless you until the
moment of your Ascension.
This book is bound in green cloth to match the
We enfold you in all the Love of our hearts. We call rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host to stand guard be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
over you forever and clothe you in Their Overwhelm­ 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
ing Victory of the "Light of God that never, never,
428, Los Angeles, Calif.
never fails.”
MRS. G. W. BALLARD Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO Chicago, Illinois
GRO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
This means, we will not allow this instruction as they were in 1941-
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­ In the United States of America $3.50; in other coun­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and tries $4.00.
we shall protect them fu lly. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined th at this G IFT OF LIG H T , countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
Masters to mankind SH A LL BE PR O T E C T ED
All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
Your change of address must reach this office not later than
FO REV ER— that m ankind m ay receive its E ter­ ■the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
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and Thank you!
34 ,
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• THE • • THE •
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U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S , V olum e I B y G o d fr e R a y K in g C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E
C o ntaining the first g ro u p of the a u th o r’s experiences. A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and contem plation .
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an d O th er A scended M asters
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscourses, explain in g the Ascended M asters’ a p p lic a­ ( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 55.00
tion of the " I A M ,” w ith three color plates. P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00 V iolet Flam e m echan ically an im ate d ------------------- } Size 30 x 52. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0
T H E " I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D E C R E E S , Sh ipping ch arges e x tra
V olu m e V — P a r ts 1 an d 2 B y C h an e ra P IC T U R E O F T H E A SC E N D E D M A ST E R , JE S U S
A selection of p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the "M ig h ty
I AM P resence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00 P I C T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R , S A IN T G E R M A IN
H an d colored steel en g rav in g s o f etch ings by C h arles Sin d elar.
A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S , Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 .0 0 , P o stp aid $ 2 .2 5
V olu m e V I B y V a rio u s A scen ded M asters
C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictated before h u n d reds of stu d en ts, w ith three P IC T U R E OF O U R B E LO V E D M E SSE N G E R , G U Y W. B A L L A R D
color plates. P rice $2.75, P ostpaid $3.00
A c tu a l ph otograph ic rep rod u ction in G oldton e.
A S C E N D E D M A S T E R L IG H T , Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostp aid $2.85
V olu m e V II _ B y V a rio u s A scen ded M asters Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P o stp aid $ 4 .0 0
and C osm ic B eings Size 15 x 19 i/2 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p ress collect
C on tain in g tw en ty -six D iscourses, d ictate d b efore hu nd reds o f stu d en ts, w ith Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $2 5.00, E xp ress collect
th ree color plates. P rice $3.00, P ostpaid $3.25
Profile Size 15 x 19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress co llect
T H E " I A M ” D IS C O U R S E S ,
V olu m e V III B y the G r e a t D iv in e D ire c to r
C on tain in g tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by the G re at D ivine D irecto r, before M USIC OF T H E SPH ERES
hu n d red s of stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $3.00, P ostpaid $3.2 5
" I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S B y C h an e ra L O T U S MY LO V E A M E R IC A O U R O W N B E LO V E D L A N D
V est P ocket Edition of p o w erfu l A d oration s and Affirm ations.
P rice $1.00, P ostpaid $1.20 O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS OF P U R IT Y
S P E C IA L " I A M ” D E C R E E S A N D B IN D E R S
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­
m ain Series. F or Special " I AM ” L oose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. These D ecrees R O SE OF L IG H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R
and Songs a re prin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold ab o u t 150 SO N OF L IG H T SO N G OF T H E V IO L E T FLA M E
leaves (3 00 p a g e s). P rice Binder $1.2 5, P ostpaid $1.40 G O D F R E O U R LO V E D O N E A S C E N D E D
D ecrees and Songs 1 l/zC p er le a f (2 p a g e s), postage e x tra
" U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o Volum es Price $5.25 A G rou p of Songs— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R a y K in g and L o tu s R a y K in g.
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In Th ree Volum es P rice $7.75 T hese songs are esp ecially ch arged w ith p o w erfu l healing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R S E S— In T w o V olum es P rice $6.75 lith ograp hed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece o f m usic.
"A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olum es P rice $7.00 P rice each $ 1 .0 0 ______ - —----------- ----------------------------------------P ostp aid $ 1 .1 5
P ostage e x tra
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

E x ce p t— "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” w hich contains fo u r ( 4 ) color p lates and VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS
sells fo r $1.2 5. P ostp aid , $ 1.40
T h e fo u r color p lates in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
sin gly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $.5 0, P ostp aid , $.60 ( 2 0 0 -A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T .......(In stru m e n ta l) ( L otu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
I 200-B — R O SE OF L I G H T _____________________________ < F red eric k L an d w eh r,
"CRYSTAL CUPS” I N ovach ord
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each _______ ______ ______ :_________________$7.00
( 201-A — L O T U S MY L O V E ................ .(In stru m e n ta l) f'Lotus R a y K in g, H a rp ist
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60
| 201-B — V O ICE O F T H E P R E SE N C E ................................ ._!< F red eric k L an d w eh r,
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Rooms, S an ctu arie s, and fa m ily use. In d iv id u als m ay
( N o v ach o rd
have these if they so desire— each ............................................................................. $2 5.00
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.2 5
{ 202-A — SO N OF L I G H T ........................... (In stru m e n ta l) ^ L otu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
These " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Rooms or G rou p L eaders. Each
( 202-B — C A L L T O L I G H T .................. ............. ..........................< F re d e ric k L an d w eh r,
" C u p ” is blessed person ally by M rs. G . W. B a lla rd and is then shipped d ire ct to
( N ovach ord
each in d iv id u al. N o d isco un ts a re allow ed .
f 203-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ............. (In str u m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
DECREE BOOKLETS ( 203-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ...................................\F r e d e r i c k L an d w eh r,
Sm all B ook lets con tain in g D ecrees com piled on differen t su b jects fo r in d iv id u al V N o v ach o rd
or S tu d y G ro u p use. M arvelou s resu lts a re being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a
m om entum th ru co n stan t u se o f these B ook lets: L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY
2. V IO L E T FLA M E A N D H E A L IN G 1 1 0 0 1-B— DEDICATION______________________ Donald Ray King
! Frederick Landwehr, Novachord

3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FR E E D O M
( R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n ...._________________________M r. and M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S
( R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) H a r p ________________ M rs. B a lla r d
(P rice each 30c, plu s p ostage— ex cept N o. 1— O pulence and Su pply. P resent
stock on hand w ill be sold fo r 20c each, p lu s p o stage .) j R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ______________ ...______________ M rs. B a lla r d an d D on ald
5. P U R P O SE OF T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I A M ” A C T IV IT IE S I R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r M y G od to T h ee) H a r p ____ M rs. B a lla r d
(S m a ll booklet g iv in g short resum e of the A scended M asters* " I AM ” A c tiv ity .)
P rice each— 15c, plu s postage
( 3 3 00-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I A M ” SP E A K S
( 3 300-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P rice, 30c, plu s p ostage

PLAYBACKS C 3 3 01-A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _____________ ...________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

I 3 3 01-B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
An O rig in ally designed R ecord P lay b ack w ith p o rta b le case, su itab le fo r " I A M ”
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lay s eith er 3 3 l / 3 RPM R ecords or re g u la r
( 3 3 02-A —-IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _____________ ____...______M r. G . W . B a lla r d
ph onograph record s. P u b lic A d d ress System and other equipm ent can be f u r ­
nished. F u ll d e ta ils fu rn ish ed upon req u est, in clu d in g price. ( 3 3 02-B— -TH E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) ________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 0 3 -A— Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd
( 3 303-B — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rine C l a s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 l / 3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, con tain in g a 30 m inu te ta lk on the L aw
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eek ly to " I A M ” S tu d en ts an d ow ners of
P la y b a ck s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s fu rn ish ed upon requ est. ( 3 3 03-C — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
( 3 3 03-D — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) .............. M r. G . W . B a lla rd
{ 3 303-E — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
M onthly M agazine con tain in g artic le s explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ ( 3 3 03-F— Beginn in g of " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) .......... —M r. G . W . B a lla r d
co urses by the A scended M asters and other im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack n u m bers
a v a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su bscription s begin w ith M arch ,
19 4 2 . P rice single copy 3 5c, Y e arly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co u n tries $4.00. (T h e 33 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G. W . B a lla r d and should be
sold in a se t)
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE • • THE •
3 3 04-A— INVOCATION and EXPLANATION of the Chart.__ Mr. G. W. Ballard I N -I0 4 -A — Song o f the V iolet Flam e ( 1 2 " R e c o r d ) _________ Song Shrine A u dience
3 3 04-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t...... M r. G . W . B a lla rd j N -1 04-B— C all to L ig h t_________________________ _____ ______ Song Shrine A u dience
I lie above records are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or u se in " I A M ” S tu d y
3 3 04-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t...... M r. G . W . B a lla rd G rou ps.
3 3 04-D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt .... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
(A ll records are now shipped d ire ct fro m the W estern B ran ch o f the Sain t G erm ain
Press, Inc., P.O . B ox 4 2 8 , Los A n geles, C a lif.)
3 3 05-A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
P rice each (d o u b le f a c e d ) — B lu e tra n sp a re n t m a te r ia l- .... ......... ................................ $3.15
3 305-B — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y .._____ ...____M r. G. W . B allard
Sh ipping C h arg es E x tr a
3 3 06-A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E _____ M r. G. W . B a lla rd MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS
3 3 06-B— T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E ...___ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
( 1 6 ” R ecord fo r P la y b a ck on ly )
/ f | L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
3 3 07-A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E _____________ ____ ________M r. G. W . B allard I N o. 6 5 ^ 1— G oddess o f P u r ity ___ (In stru m e n ta l) s F red eric k L an d w eh r,
3 3 07-B— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E _________________________ M r. G. W. B a lla rd / i \ Shrine O rg an
\ ( 2— Leto, Blessed L e to ...................................................... ......Song Shrine A u dience
3 3 08-A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D ......______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd I ( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
3 3 08-B— H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D __________________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd f N o. 66— " I AM ” Com e (In stru m e n ta l) 1 , T f L c, . ~
' ( F red erick Lan d w eh r, Sh rine O rg an
N o te: T h is M usical P la y b a ck N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3 3 0 9 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _____________ ___ ______ M r. G. W . B a lla rd N o. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefore, N os. 65 and 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
3 3 09-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
P rice M usical P lay b a ck R ecord $5.25 each Shipping ch arg es e x tra
A ll R ecords o b tain ab le only a t W estern B ranch o f the Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
3 3 10-A — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G . W . B allard
P. O. B ox 4 2 8 , Los A ngeles, C a lif.
3 310-B — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0-C — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8.......... ...M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0-D — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8............-M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 10-E — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 .............M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -F — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8..............M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0 -G — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 31 0 -H — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3310-1— E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’ s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3310I J — A d o ratio n to M igh ty V icto ry ________ ________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
( K — B enediction__________________________________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd

N -1 0 0 -A — Song o f the V iolet F lam e_______ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s M y Love............................................F red eric k L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an

N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u r i t y ....................... (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R ay K in g , H a rp

N -1 0 1 -B — Silent Sen tin el............................................F red erick Lan d w eh r, Shrine O rgan PROPERTY OF SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
N -1 0 2 -A — " I AM ” D ecrees— P a rt I ..... .............................Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
N -1 0 2 -B — " I AM ” D ecrees— P a rt II............................ ..... Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass
■ (7bj>yruyht~jSaint (jerjnainflres^ /no 1942 •
N -1 0 3 -A — M ighty V icto ry ( 1 2 ” R eco rd ) ...... ...............................Song Shrine A udience
N -1 0 3 -B — G re a t D ivine D ire c to r..................... .............................. Song Shrine A u dien ce
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
C Q ie § A IN T Q e R M A IN -§E IU E tf
By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters* Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters* help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
G o p y riy h i-fiain t (ferntain9?restfTriG i9 4 2 •
ODDESS OF MUSIC, Voice of the Spheres
Song of the Light that every heart hears,
Beloved! Beloved! answer our call!
Pour out Thy Music from Heaven o’er all!
Let Melodies flow from God’s Own Heart,
Never again from Thee, let us part!
Clothe us in Music, let us abide
Within Thy Flame and by Thy Side!

Goddess of Music, Angels of Light,

Legions Almighty, Dazzling and Bright,
Choirs Celestial, with Heaven’s Great throng
Release upon earth, Their Power of Song!
Joy in Its Fulness raises us all
And Great Cosmic Heights our hearts enthrall;
Glory and Power in Beauty untold,
Reveal Perfection—our Life’s Great Goal!

Goddess of Music and Hosts above,

Flood over the earth Their Flame of Love!
In Heavenly Sound, Their Voices ring
As They sweep o’er all on Cosmic Wing
Bringing Dominion from God’s Great Height,
Clothing with Splendor all by God’s Light!
Cosmic Light expand! Rejoice! Rejoice!
Each ear upon earth shall hear God’s Voice!

Goddess of Music, our hearts are Thine,

Make us forever Pure and Divine,
All Holy like Thee, till God’s Own Song
Releases the earth from every wrong!
Till every Heart knows the Power of Sound
And Blessings of Light for all abound;
Till every eye sees all in the Light
And feels Thy Music in Heavenly Might!

Goddess of Music, all here endow!

Luminous Being! to Thee we bow
In Love Eternal, we sing to Thee!
Thy Cosmic Power flows now—sets free!
Clothe us in Music from Thy Great Sphere!
Flood Thy Harmony! Sing everywhere!
Till Music from Heaven fills all the earth—
"Mankind arise! in Cosmic Rebirth!”
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c.
by that, in this human form. Of course your Higher Mental
Bodies and your Presence are all ONE, but I am talking right
out here—let us get down to brass tacks and get into action in
this Power you need.
My dear ones, you know the statement you use quite often
—"You haven’t seen anything yet” ! Well, you are going to be­
lieve that pretty soon. You are going to realize that it was not
just a statement which came forth, but back of it is an under­
lying Almighty Law; because I tell you, beloved ones, you
• SAINT GERMAIN S DISCOURSE • have not seen anything yet, in the power and action of Life
which will come forth at your call! You are just getting
San Diego, Calif .—January 22, 1939 started!
Look, for instance, in all that the Messengers have accom­
TH ANK you, beloved ones and friends of San plished, my goodness! they are only getting started! Just let
Diego, fellow students and those who are visiting that take hold of you today! Let that Power of enthusiasm
here today. I trust that I shall be able to set you which I am calling forth take hold of this city. By George,
on fire today, (applause) So will you sit down be­ I am determined that this has got to be done; (applause) and
fore I begin? remember, We are not going to let George do it, either! We
You know the Messenger was just saying to you, that you are going into action by that Mighty Power and Current of
need enthusiasm. Well, I am going to see if I can help you. your own Life!
How true it is that you need to call forth a greater flow of Blessed ones of Los Angeles, won’t you make your call for
energy, beloved students, into your world of action. Please do San Diego, that her people awaken to this Great Truth; and
not question your ability to do this! The Presence of all Life, go into action here and have a Mighty Focus? San Diego, I
the "Mighty I AM Presence” which is beating your heart is wonder if you quite realize your position here! Now this is
LIMITLESS ENERGY! IT IS LIMITLESS INTELLIGENCE! interesting. Do you realize that you are one focus for the
IT IS THE SOLVER OF ALL PROBLEMS! defense of Our Land? You have a service to perform which is
Now won’t you believe that—I mean feel it? Oh, don’t just quite within your ability and your power, and that is why
think of it as a possibility; set Its Almighty Power into action! We are here today.
Oh, do not float around here; let Us get right into action. We are bound to stimulate a greater enthusiasm, a greater
You won’t think Me unkind, will you, if I say a few things? drawing power here, to bring the blessed people of San Diego
My dear ones, why are these human forms here? Because right into this Understanding of Light, and to dissolve all this silly
here is where the mistakes of mankind have been made—in nonsense of vicious false stories which have been spread. Be­
the human octave! Right here is the only place in the world loved ones, be fearless in it! You watch it! You know I have
they have to be cleaned out. I know you do see that intellec­ said to you time and again I am no prophet and don’t pretend
tually, but remember you do have all Authority and Power to be; but you will see the vicious individuals who have spread
to call into action this Infinite Limitless Energy to go forth at untruth about This Work go down just like tenpins, (ap­
your bidding; to cleanse and purify your bodies; and to go plause) Now why do I say that, beloved friends who are here?
out into your world and harmonize by Its Mighty Currents of For the simple reason that there is not one thing in this Un­
Energy everything in your pathway. derstanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence” which any human
Now, beloved ones, you have heard the Messengers and some being on the face of this earth can justly object to!
of Us say, that in the mental world, all mankind are one; and It is the explanation, the application, the action of individ­
in the feeling world all are one. That is all very true, yet your uals’ own precious Life which is beating their hearts every
individual world and that which your Stream of Life wants moment; and are there any human beings in this land so stupid
to do for you is quite independent of every other one! I mean they do not want to have the understanding of their own Life,
4 5
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c .
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
to bring about greater happiness and Perfection? If there are, those individuals’ worlds become one great harmonious action
then they are in a bad way—but this is your own Life We are for America and the world. It has to be done!
talking about. We are just an advanced action of your own In order to make a thing permanent there must be enough
Life—We who have reached the Ascension and Our Freedom! of humanity harmonized and calling forth the action and
We would not ever talk to you about anything except your Powers of Life to hold that sustained; because what is the use
own Life—that is all there is in the Universe to talk about! of accomplishing a thing temporarily? It is well in itself, but
Remember all of these old occult things and the mystery it is not sufficient.
which has been thrown around Life has been swept aside! Mankind has gone thru hundreds of thousands of centuries
(applause) This Mighty Understanding of Life is going forth doing this thing. Now let Us help you to not do it any more.
in Its simplicity, Its Beauty, Its Power, Its Perfection, that all Let Us hold fast to the Powers of Light and let It solve every­
may understand and apply It, if they will. thing and make it permanent. That is what We did in Our
Individual Lives. I know—notice this carefully—how many
Now remember, beloved humanity, in this help, We are there have been into whose Life Stream I have looked, and
offering It with all the Love of Our Hearts; and if you do not they said: "Well, those Ascended Masters, They are all right,
believe It and apply It, how are you going to get help? because They are Free; but what about us down here?” Oh yes,
Your America needs you! Your America needs Us; and I have seen that a good many times, but what do you suppose
Heaven knows just now how much it does need Us! but after was "U s” ? How do you suppose We got here? Not by blaming
awhile, when We get you regulated, you will have to look out anything else but Ourselves for Our limitations.
for yourselves! Would you believe that? The day is coming Now for instance, let Me speak very plain to you today, for
when your understanding is going to be sufficient, so you will I want to accomplish a great deal this afternoon and tonight.
be able to handle conditions yourselves without Our Assis­ Am I to blame for your conditions? Now We are going to
tance! Wouldn’t you want to be like that? (applause) Wouldn’t look Life right square in the face for a few minutes. Are any
you like to feel that you have the Power within yourselves of the Ascended Masters to blame for your conditions? You
to cope with and solve everything that confronts you? Is there know They are not! Then since We are ready and willing to
anyone who would not rejoice in that above all things? Is help you to your Freedom, could We have any motive but
there any person in this world who does not want to be inde­ that which was good?
pendent? The only way you can be independent is by the A few unfortunate individuals have said that I did not
understanding and application of your own Power of Life. exist; have said that I was not Real. Well, boy! if I am not
Beloved ones, so far as your individual world is concerned, Real, then this building is not here. Oh, just be patient, you
it is wholly independent of every other one. Your Life Stream will find out soon, enough that I am Real. Because I don’t yet
wants each one of you to do certain things, to accomplish choose to appear before you in the Tangible Visible Form,
certain things; wants you to be the Power that is the sustaining don’t get any idea I am not Real and Tangible. But I want
and* drawing forth of this Mighty Power of Light into action! you blessed students—and I mean all the students—to get this
You think of your problems, dear ones. Please hold this mighty clear in your minds; because if you do not, you are
forever! You think of your individual problems; you think of going to come up against a lot of things in which I might
the need of America today—and it is great that is true; you give you Assistance; but if you do not believe I am Real, I
think of the threatening conditions over the rest of the world, cannot do it. I love you a lot more than you love yourselves.
which would like to pounce upon you and swallow you up. Would you believe that? It is a fact—a Mighty Truth.
Well, that is important too; but don’t you see the Real Impor­ We, the Ascended Beings, love you tremendously more than
tance is the adoration and acceptance of Life wholly and truly you love yourselves; because you do not know yet the fulness
for Its Own Great Perfection which It will bring forth to you? of Life which is operating and trying to operate thru you.
Don’t you see that It would be the solving of all conditions That is why.
in the world, as individuals called forth the Power of the I say to you, Oh my dear ones, what We could do in assisting
Presence to harmonize their individual worlds? Then all of you, if you only realized We were Mighty Real, wholly ac­

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cepted that We were Real and that We are Tangible. My good­ alone would harmonize and bring about conditions which
ness, what We could do for you! A lot of things We have to would enable the solving of your problems to come about
do for you which you cannot do for yourselves as yet. There quickly; but I tell you, dear ones, as long as you hold resent­
is nothing unkind about this, but because your Understanding ment, as long as you hold unkindness in your feelings toward
or Assurance has not reached a sufficient point yet, We must anything whatsoever, you are binding yourselves, and you
do a lot of things for you, in order to hasten your Freedom will never be Free in the world as long as you do it.
and let you give the assistance to America which is needed You think certain things are justifiable, but it is not so!
at this time. There is not one condition which exists in the world that
You know it might sometimes seem as though We were justifies inharmony in your feelings, or resentment, anger,
forcing the situation a little, but that is not the case. The great hatred or any of those things. My dear ones, if you really
need, the great demand today, beloved ones, is so tremendous understand the Law, you will never have a feeling of that
that never in the history of this earth was such enormous kind. All of that is just holding you from the Freedom you
Assistance being given. That is why I came Myself this after­ are calling forth. There is nothing in the world can hold you
noon. I tell you, I am setting forces into action while I am here, if harmony reigns in your feeling world.
talking to you here in this city, that are going to do a lot of The very momentum of Life, at your call, would set you
dissolving in your Group Activity, because This Work must Free in such a comparatively short time, if you would resist
expand here. the desire to feel unkind or inharmonious toward anything
These people are good; they are marvelous and they must whatsoever. It is not only a matter of persons, places or con­
be cut free from these false suggestions and stories which ditions, it is a matter of the Law which is acting.
have been spread about the Messengers and This Work! They Almost a third of the limiting conditions of Life is the
shall be set free this afternoon! (applause—audience rising) feeling of inharmony toward conditions. Well, my dear ones,
Now while you are on your feet, let Me say just a few if you feel like that, you are pouring more inharmony upon
things, beloved ones, because when I say they shall be Free, them.
I mean that! I am dissolving this afternoon, thruout your city, Oh, the world is burdened under a blanket of discord, con­
this false thing which has been spread and the people will demnation and resistance toward conditions. You cannot rem­
be set Free in their feelings. edy them by that kind of feeling, whether it be in your city,
Remember, I do not wish to coerce anyone. I do not want nation or individual, because you have to resist that. It is a
anyone to come into This Light who does not want It; but limitation there within you which will not allow the Power
I tell you, the people who do want It are going to be Free to of Life to flow forth thru you to do the thing that is required.
get it! (applause) Won’t you be seated? You see, blessed I say to you, please do not pass these things by, beloved
mankind do not see the Truth, when they are surrounded by ones. The Messengers have pleaded for five years for indi­
the mist of their own discordant creation; or when somebody viduals to see the need of harmony maintained in their feelings,
else keeps pouring into their worlds discordant false things. in order to let the Power of Life flow forth, which would set
Well, the blessed ones are not altogether to blame because them free so quickly, but they have not done it. The Messen­
they are not strong enough to ward off such interference. gers are not to blame. We are not to blame, but it is the lack
My dear ones, you students who are so earnest, sincere and of Self-control on your part that prevents you having Free­
loyal in the city, won’t you take it upon yourselves individ­ dom and your limitless supply.
ually and at least once in each Group meeting, pour forth Oh, my dear ones, when I see among mankind the great
Love and Blessings upon the people of your city; not only desire and—Oh, may I use the word,—the awful anxiety which
call for them to be cut Free from all discordant things; but besets them over financial limitations and all those conditions,
pour out Divine Love and Blessings upon your people here? when here above you, my dear ones, is your "Mighty I AM
Oh, It is a tremendous thing! Presence” beating your heart. Please listen carefully! You
I tell you, dear ones; the Power of Blessing is an Enormous may have heard this a hundred times, but I hope you are
Activity of Life! You have no idea how even that one Activity going to get It this time. Precious people, here above you
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beating your physical heart this very instant, is the Presence Messengers have for humanity in pouring forth This Light
of all Life, the Treasure-house of your world! —as they are trying to put destruction in the way of this
My dear people, there is the ONLY Intelligence, the ONLY "I AM” Activity—they would see a different Light themselves.
Power, the ONLY Action of Energy, that can take command That is why I say to you—and I mean every word of it—
of the conditions out here in your physical world; and release these individuals who have been vicious shall go down like
into your hands and use the money supply or anything else tenpins, because this thing is not right! These beloved Mes­
that you desire. Of course the supply will come largely from sengers pour forth nothing but kindness and good to humanity
human channels; but since the Presence is the Owner of all and an Instruction that—if people were determined—will set
that is, do you not think It will supply whatever you require? every human being Free.
Take those of you who are sitting here today—your Higher Then I say to you, beloved students, annihilate everything
Mental Bodies are One in the Great Glory and Harmony of that spreads falsehood toward This Work, and do not mince
Life! Every one of your Higher Mental Bodies want everyone matters when you do it. (applause) We are pleading for your
in this room to have an abundance of every good thing! You lives! Do you know that, dear people? If war came into your
know that is true! America, where do you suppose you would be? Remember,
Your Higher Mental Body wants Perfection for you, which just because you were not in the front line trenches would
is abundance of every good thing! Then, just think of it, not be safety to you, because you were back here apparently
what your call for all the others here would mean for their out of range.
financial Freedom, for their supply, by calling the Power of You have seen that in China. You have seen that in other
the Presence to act in all their Higher Mental Bodies and bring parts of the world. When this viciousness has been released
about conditions in the human activity whereby the release this time, human lives won’t amount to any more than a rat
could come. to those vicious forces. That is why—some of you may not
When you accept that your Presence IS the Treasure-house believe it—but the Messengers have told you and We have told
of the Universe and your world, and you call It into action you that We have kept war out of America for more than
for your supply, Its Love and Wisdom go into action to har­ two years, and I MEAN IT! (applause) For I tell you, dear
monize conditions in the outer world, by which the means people, ere long you will see it! You will understand that We
of supply must come; because you cannot precipitate yet. have told you the Truth, because when certain conditions that
I won’t say you cannot, but you have not! I do not know what exist in your America still today are revealed—and K-17 is
your Presence might do thru you, but since you have not so determined to reveal them—then you will see and understand
far, naturally the supposition would be that your Presence a lot of things that We have intimated, because We do not
would go into action to harmonize conditions and people, like to touch upon discordant things any more than is abso­
and bring thru human channels your money supply. lutely necessary. But We have to do a certain amount of it,
My dear ones, think, think of the Love of these Messengers in order that you may see the necessity of your powerful
for humanity. If you knew the thousands of dollars that they application.
have put into the Expansion of this Light, besides their own One more thing I want to say to you, and I am speaking to
energy and effort in putting forth This Work, you would be the students now who have had this Understanding for some
amazed, (applause) Now this is a sample of Life, dear ones. time. Please, dear ones, do not fall into the mistake that be­
Since they love humanity enough to be willing to do this and cause you have come to know how to issue your Decrees, that
not reserve one dime for themselves, then isn’t it time that you must not give physical action in connection with it. The
humanity see the Truth of their earnestness and sincerity, very Law of your physical octave requires you to give a certain
their determination for the Freedom of America, and for the amount of physical action in order that your calls to Life may
supply of her people? enable you to go into action; that it may perform thru you
It is easy enough for individuals to know this. I say to you, the Service you require.
if some of these vicious individuals would try half as hard t6 If you sit down in the corner and issue your Decrees, you
see the great loyalty, sincerity, earnestness and Love that the are very likely not to get the full result. There have been a
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few people able to call right to their door this Great Action the Perfect thing that you should do. You will act in the
of Life; but since all are not able to do that, I want to correct greatest co-operation with Life and with Its Requirements to
the thing that has grown in many people. Unless I was to bring the results that you see.
take the time to look into your Life Stream, I could not tell Now why did We not do this sooner? I know the human
you offhand what your Life Stream demanded of you; but says: "Why didn’t you do that a long time ago?” My dear
since you must co-operate with your own Life Stream, and in ones, everything in Life must be done step by step. It does
obedience to It be ready in action to do whatever It requires not mean that it necessarily requires a long period, but things
of you, then, when you do that, you will have fulfilled the have to be done according to what Wisdom will allow to
Law; and you will absolutely have the things for which come into action, thru your individual Life Streams and your
you call. bodies.
Suppose you sat down tomorrow morning, issued your De­ Your bodies must have certain preparation; and while it
crees, you felt the great uplift, you felt the great power of has been tremendous in your calls since the Messengers were
release and your Presence required you to go down in the city here the first time, yet can any one of you say to Me that since
to a certain building, to have released into your hands certain the Messengers first visited here, you have remained perfectly
things, and you did not go. Would you get them? That is harmonious ever since? No, I think you would not care to
what I mean by action, dear ones. say that. Well, should that be discouraging? I should say not!
Your Presence will prompt you. Remember, it is not easy Why should it be, since all mankind is full of mistakes? The
for individuals to distinguish whether it is their own human thing is, not that you have made a few more mistakes, but
impulse or the action of the Presence, when they first call the greatest mistake of all is to be discouraged, because you
the Presence into action. Do not jump at conclusions, because found you had.
at first you may get a number of disappointments. You may Oh, don’t you see, it is just that great determination which,
think your Presence has prompted you and you find out it is every time you find you have made another mistake, to be
your own human self, but do not be disappointed if such a more determined than ever that you won’t do it again? You
thing occurs. Straighten up your spine and say: "Hold on see that is the way you gain the Victory. If you slump every
here! 'Mighty I AM Presence/ You see that my human self time you find you make a mistake, you are going to slip back
doesn’t do that again.” But be joyful instead of disappointed; two steps and go forward one. You know when you try to
then, with a firmer determination than ever, call your Pres­ go up an icy hill how difficult it is. Of course you don’t have
ence to direct you and the first thing you know, you will be that trouble in San Diego, but then there are places where
directed unerringly by your Presence in all activities. they do. This is the simplicity in the Action of Life. Because,
Beloved ones of San Diego who have longed for a greater if you are going to be discouraged after you come into this
expansion here, listen carefully! During this dissolving, cleans­ Great Law and you don’t want to make any more mistakes,
ing Activity I have set into action a direct cleansing and yet under some sudden impulse you find you did, well, what
dissolving Activity of the substance within the brain of indi­ of it? Just be more determined than ever you won’t do it any
viduals, which has held them from the clearness of direction. more, then you will quit it.
Now may I repeat that? I am causing to be dissolved the Don’t you see, my dear precious ones, it is the joyous activity
substance which has held the students and individuals from toward these things which keeps them from sinking in and
the clearness of the direction of their own "Mighty I AM weighing you down? Don’t you see you have made so many
Presence,” at their call. mistakes in the past, what of a few more? Now, in the know­
ing definitely your Goal, and in knowing it is only the matter
Now, if you contemplate that a little, and think what it of a short time until all those mistakes must cease thru your
means, you will have great rejoicing fill your being; because call to the Presence, then why be bothered if you occasionally
I tell you, beloved ones, that is what is needed. When you make another one?
call to the Presence, Its Great Currents of Energy will take I tell you that is what many have been laboring under.
action right then and It will send you forth unerringlyyn They want so much not to make a mistake, but they find they
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have, then they sort of slump. Well, that is a mistake again; Now the statements that Jesus gave are Eternal! Just take, for
but if every time you have not had the response to your calls instance, a few of those: " 'I AM’ the Open Door which no
which you want, you say: "Hold on here now! 'Mighty I AM man can shut.” " 'I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.” Those
Presence/ what is the matter anyway? What is the matter two statements are Eternal for every human being.
with my feeling world? Take out that which seems to be the Notice how those follow. *' 'I AM’ the Open Door which no
obstruction there!” Then in that joyous attitude you could man can shut” clears the way for that which you call to fol­
say: *' ‘Mighty I AM Presence/ I call on the Law of Forgive­ low: *' 'I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.” You might well
ness, if I did make a mistake. Now let us go at it again! Let these days say: '* 'I AM’ the Resurrection in Life,” because
us take command and don’t You let it occur again.” Do you that is literally the Truth. ''I AM” the Resurrection in your
not see, beloved ones, what that one statement would do in Life, because I raise all human qualities into My Life and
itself? *' 'Mighty I AM Presence/ don’t let me make another dissolve them there, and you become the Perfection of Life
single mistake!” Don’t you see what a preventive that would in Its Fullness.
be? You would be amazed how that very call sets into action Beloved ones, try to feel your Freedom, and after today,
the Law, thru your Higher Mental Body, to prevent further stand as you never did before in the Power of your own
mistakes. application, the Power of your Freedom, and you shall have It.
I say to you, you have to be patient when you first come I say to you, blessed young people of San Diego, We love
into this Understanding of the Law. Since you have been so and bless you for your loyalty to the Light, and for your Mighty
long controlled by human impulses; and then you call to the Decrees which have gone forth from the young people of
Presence to direct you, if you find you have made a mistake, San Diego and vicinity. Keep it up, beloved ones, and sooner
it is not the fault of the Presence. It might not even be your or later you will find that all of the young people will love
fault, except in the lack of discrimination in determining to come to you and join you in this Great Blessing of Life.
what was the right thing to do. Oh, don’t be discouraged, if the response has not been all
For instance, we might add another thing to that great you wish.
call: " 'Mighty I AM Presence/ see that I never make another I must say just a few more words about your attention, be­
mistake! 'Mighty I AM Presence/ see that my discrimination loved ones. Just think of it, beloved students, young people
is always acting with Full Power.” Then, don’t you see, how and others—all young people—just notice this: What it would
you would be able to determine whether it was the call to mean if you all, as a student body, took the attitude or feeling
your Presence that was answered or whether it was the human that now the Work is not progressing here as it should. Don’t
impulse? My goodness, you have been so long under human you see that feeling would go out to everybody? Because re­
impulses. You should be patient in freeing yourselves from member you are in a position and have the ability to call forth
them, should you not? greater energy. Then if you send that energy forth requalified
Oh, I tell you, dear ones, the Door is so wide open before by the feeling that: Well, people are not coming as they
you. Do you remember in the early part of the Messengers’ should, you just cause them not to come! Don’t you see that?
work, how many months that one thing was stressed to the So, every time that thought or feeling comes to you individ­
beloved students: '*1 Am the Open Door which no man can ually, say: ''Hold on now, that is not true! 'Mighty I AM
shut” ? You remember that? If you think back, you will see Presence’ is in action here and is bringing the people who
how that was stressed in the beginning of This Work and should be in This Work right now.”
how true It is, beloved ones. Don’t let the feeling go out that your work is not expand­
If you will take the stand, referring to your Presence which ing here as it should, but say: ''Mighty I AM Presence,” see
is acting here: "I AM” the Presence, the Open Door which that it does. Don’t you see, then, how you reverse all those
no man can shut to my Great Perfection, then you will have currents of human qualities? Then the Presence will reach
It! Do you know, beloved ones, that there are many statements Its Arms out and draw the people here. My dear ones, if you
which apply to temporary conditions, and there are many will all take this one stand, I will help you here. Watch, each
statements that apply until you have made your Ascension. one of you! Do not let one feeling go out from you thru the
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power of your attention, that the work has not expanded. around and there are a lot of people in San Diego who want
Just take the attitude, why it is expanding tremendously! If This Work, a lot of people! If you will follow these simple
you will just take that stand and feeling when you enter into suggestions, I will guarantee you that they will be hunting
your Decree Groups, you will be surprised what will take It up.
place. Then you give Me and the Others Who want to help For instance, take this as one point of illustration. If you
you the substance, energy and the Power with which to act. are a Group Leader and are discordant, that discordant feeling
There are hundreds of people here in San Diego who, if goes out and repels everybody from you. On the other hand,
they had the right understanding of This Work, would love if you are ready and willing to call on the Law of Forgiveness
It as you do. But people have listened to discordant things, for all human mistakes, you can reverse the condition. That
untruths and believed them; but if you put forth the Power does not mean you should ever allow individuals who are
of Light, you will dissolve that. Don’t accept it as real or vicious in your Groups. Such conditions have nothing to do
having power! with that to which I refer. I mean as far as your controlled
If you give Power thru your attention to some condition, feeling is concerned, you must pour out that great Power of
then the fault is yours, isn’t it? You must reverse all imper­ Love and Blessing; and when you are calling for Divine
fect or discordant conditions, beloved ones, instead of allowing Love, be sure It does not take on the human quality. That is
yourselves to feel or say or give expression to something which important.
would be limiting or disturbing. Simply say: "Now that is Therefore, if you will do this, We will be able to assist you
not true! I refuse acceptance of it! 'Mighty I AM Presence,’ in bringing the people to you, who really want This Light,
You are in full command. You bring the people! You release for every one of mankind really does, because It is their own
the money supply that is required! You take full command Life. It is all there is! This explanation is the explanation,
of This Activity and the Expansion of the Light here.” Then activity and use of your own Life, and there could not be a
you would not be giving human beings power. human being in the world who does not want It; but if they
Oh, don’t you see, my beloved ones, how often you do that? listen to false discordant things, well they just won’t get It,
Don’t you see how often you say: "Well, the work is not but that is their own mistake! If you will not accept those
expanding here as much as it should,” or "this person is dis­ false appearances, if you will just take the stand: Well now
cordant and that person is discordant” ? Well, don’t you see there is no person, place or condition who can spread any­
how you are making it more so by the Power of your atten­ thing in this city that will hold anyone from This Light, don’t
tion? Because you are feeding your Life Energy into it to you see how you would reverse everything?
make it more intense. I know it is so easy to give way to these appearances, but
Oh, for that day when the beloved Students feel Pure As­ as sure as you do it, you are simply limiting yourself. Now,
cended Master Love, kindness and response to each other. won’t you take that stand and let Us help you? Don’t accept
When they see one in need, instead of saying: "Oh, look at another appearance of lack of any kind. Just see and feel the
that person, see what he or she is doing,” if they would call people flooding into your Groups; then pour out such Love
on the Law of Forgiveness and say: " 'Mighty I AM Presence,’ and kindness they cannot help but like you.
sweep in there! Set that beloved one free!” ; then pour out Let Me show you these beloved Messengers, dear people.
your Love and Blessings upon that one, Oh my dear ones, If they had not been sincere, if they had not been honorable
what a magnificent thing it would be. You cannot afford to in pouring out this great Love and kindness to the people, do
judge, condemn or criticize each other. My dear ones, you you think they could fill the Shrine Auditorium as they do
cannot do it! You cannot afford to do it and expect to be Free! twice a year, with all the viciousness that has been spread
Just all join in that one great happy throng and refuse to about them? You see that it does not interfere with it, because
accept any appearance of financial limitation or that This they give no power to the appearance world nor individuals.
Work has not expanded, and you will find it will expand They know they have no power to withhold anybody from
with a Power that will surprise you! I have been looking This Work.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
That is what you want to do here. Take the stand there is today, just now for your financial freedom, for your health,
no person, place nor condition that can hold the people away for your strength, for the full power of your application. Will
who want This Light, or that can prevent them coming; and you not accept It and let It do Its Mighty Work?
I tell you you will have the people. Your Groups will be I know you do not quite see how Limitless We are, and
flooded, because this is Life! It is the Application, the Freedom how the acceptance of Our Decree would send you forth to
of Life in Its Understanding, and if you will do what I tell Freedom, if you only realized how fully powerfully powerful
you, you will have your Groups full. You will have all you It is. Therefore, I say to you, in the Glory of your Life which
desire in the Expansion of the Light here. So will you not is beating your heart, in the great serenity of Life: call It forth
do that? into action, then await Its Mig;hty Release. For remember, your
My dear ones, We know your feelings. We know your great call is Life in action, accepting Its Own Self, Its Mighty Re­
loyal hearts; and be sure that We will do everything possible leasing Power to produce that exact result.
to assist you; but all these qualities of action must be governed, I thank you and bless you forever.
dear ones, individually and in your Groups. You must be
patient with people who do not understand yet. A lot of times
people are argumentative or sometimes they have a million
questions they want to ask, because they are really sincere.
But if you cannot answer a question, just say frankly: "Well,
I don’t think I am able to answer that, but read the books
and you will find the answer there.” In other words, read and
study those books, until you have it so clear in your mind,
that you can answer any question from those books.
My dear ones, while there are a few who really read and
study those books, just to have the books is not sufficient. LOOSE-LEAF SONGS
They do not carry the Mighty Radiation to you, but you must The following Loose-leaf Lyric Song Sheets have been released.
study and apply them. The Laws are all there, and if you will Orders for same may be placed with the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS,
just do that, you will be so familiar with them that you will Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
have the answer—I mean Our Answers—to every question that Freedom’s Triumph
confronts you, and soon people will come to know that in the Archangel Michael
question is the answer. Beloved Mary —Mother of Jesus
Do you see the simplicity of that, beloved ones? Life and Oh, Helios—The Dawn
energy which formulates the question holds within Itself the Note:
Please make the following changes on your own Lyric Sheets:
answer, if you only knew it. It is true, very true, but mankind
1. In No. 18-G R EA T DIVINE DIRECTOR, in the last line of first
has not believed that. They have thought they must have verse the word "Ascended” should be Ascend.
some verbal expression. However, you can receive the answer 2. In No. 63-G R EA T HERCULES-THOU ELOHIM, the fifth and
as clearly in your feelings as the spoken word; and as you sixth verses are reversed. Use the fifth for the closing verse.
train yourselves, you will find you will be able to do that. 3. In No. 68-A N G ELS OF SAINT GERMAIN, the fifth verse is re­
I thank you, I love you and I bless you, beloved ones, for peated, using the last line shown with the following change:
this opportunity to charge My Radiation into your feeling "The earth is all Free! Praise 'I AM* ”.
world and render this Service this afternoon. May the Fulness DECREE BOOKLETS
of that Eternal Power of Light enfold and bless you with Its The two booklets, heretofore announced, are now completed and
Mighty Power and Limitless Invincibility; and release from ready for distribution:
your Treasure-house the Limitless Supply of money and all "I AM” Light Decrees.
else required for your happiness, your Freedom, your Service Purpose of the Ascended Masters “I AM” Activities.
to the Light; and may you feel that. I have made this Call
18 19
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c. P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c.
(Not in Loose-leaf Form) Right now today!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! By each Cosmic Ray!
By Cosmos’ Great Rays!
God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command! God Almighty hold sway!
From God’s Own Hand!
I insist and demand! Clear now all our way!
Blast all problems today! (or away)
Thruout Our Land!
In Victory to stay!
Thy Light now expand!
By Hercules’ Ray!
In Thee we stand! By Saint Germain’s Ray!
Thy Victory command! The Victorious Way!
From Thy Heart, Head and Hand! Keep all against us out of our way!
Right now today!
By Helios’ Ray!
By Thy Great Cosmic Ray! By the Great Central Sun!
Compel Victory to stay! Compel all our Victories won!
God Almighty hold sway! Make us blaze like the Sun!
By Thy Unfed Flame!
In and for America won!
From Jesus, Daddy and Saint Germain! * * * *
And the Great Cosmic Light! KEEP GOD’S MONEY FLOODING INTO US! (3)
And all Victory’s Might! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Forever more!
From God’s Own Hand!
From God’s Open Door!
By the billions every day!
And Thy Victory come thru!
And Thy Freedom come thru! Tax free to stay!
On God’s Precipitating Ray!
And God’s Justice rule too!
And to Thee hold me true! Controlled and protected to stay!
Hs * H* H*
* * * *
To all destructive desires, habits, feeling and forces say:
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! By God’s Own Hand!
By God’s Own Hand! We insist and demand!
God take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
We insist and demand!
In Thy Heart we stand!
God! Take and hold Thy Eternal command! Compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Command!
In Thee now we stand! Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to hold Eternal Com­
By our (my) God Command!
Thruout Our (every) Land! mand!
Compel God’s Justice to hold Eternal Command!
God Almighty command!
Compel God’s Justice to rule all in Our Land!
By Saint Germain’s Hand! Goddess of Justice take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
Victory now hold command! Compel Harmony’s Indestructible Harmony to hold Eter­
From Thy Heart, Head and Hand!
Daddy Darling command! nal Command!
Compel Victory’s Victory to hold Eternal Command!
By Thy Great Cosmic Light! S
Compel the Great Divine Director’s Authority to hold
By Victory’s Might!
Eternal Command!
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss In c.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c.
FLOOD US WITH TH Y POWER OF LIGHT! (3) (Use also fo>r Healing)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
From God’s Own Hand! God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
We insist and demand! We insist and demand!
God take and hold Thy Eternal Command! From the Goddess of Peace’s Own Hand!
In Thee we stand! In Thee we stand!
By each "I AM” Command! Thy Peace expand!
Thruout Our Land! God Almighty command!
God Almighty command! Thru each heart, head and hand!
From Victory’s Hand! Right now today!
Saint Germain hold command! By Thy Great Cosmic Ray!
Thru my heart, head and hand! Sweep all else from our way!
Daddy Darling command! In Victory to stay!
Of the Great Cosmic Light! Forever hold sway!
Of Victory’s Might! Compel Victory to hold sway!
* * * *
Right now today!
In every God Way! To all destructive forces, qualities, habits and momentum—say:
From each Cosmic Ray! "Mighty I AM Presence, Higher Mental Bodies of all man­
In Victory to stay! kind, all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light!
God Almighty hold sway! BREAK THEM WITH LIGHT! (3)
Clear now our way! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
* * * * By God’s Own Hand!
We insist and demand!
SMASH, BLAST AND ANNIHILATE ALL PROBLEMS BY God take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
LIGHT TODAY! (3) In Thy Heart we stand!
or Compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Command!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! By Thy Cosmic Might!
By God’s Own Hand! Right now today!
In Victory’s Way! Take them away!
By all of the Power from Saint Germain’s Ray! In Thy Cosmic Way!
Keep all against us out of our way! You forever hold sway!
By all of the Power from Helios’ Ray! Compel our Freedom in every God Way!
By all of the Power from the Great Central Sun! * * * *
Compel all our Freedom won! EACH DAY! (3)
Make us blaze like the Sun! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
* * * * By God’s Own Hand!
OF ALL M ANKIND, ALL GREAT BEINGS! POWERS OF God take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
CENDED HOSTS! ANGELIC HOSTS, GODDESS OF Compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Command!
22 \ P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.

P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c.

Thruout Our Land! God Almighty Command!
Right now today! From Hercules’ Hand!
By Thy Cosmic Ray! Mighty Victory command!
In Victory to stay! From Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Hand!
God Almighty hold sway! Mighty Harmony command!
Keep clear my way! From the Goddess of Justice’s Hand!
By Saint Germain’s Ray! Great Divine Director! Speak Thy Great Command!
Mighty Victory hold sway! From the Silent Watcher’s Hand!
By Helios’ Ray! Legions of Light command!
Mighty Harmony hold sway! From Mighty Arcturus’ Hand!
By Daddy Dear’s Ray! By my own God Command!
K-17 now hold sway! From Mighty Helios’ Hand!
Make me (us) obey! All the Goddesses command! (or)
By the Divine Director’s Ray! Goddess of Liberty command!
Archangel Michael hold sway! From Cyclopea’s Hand!
By Cosmos’ Two Rays! Goddess of Peace command!
Goddess of Justice hold sway! * * * *
Jesus Dear hold sway!
* * * * LIGHT! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
For annihilating all destructive conditions, qualities, habits,
desires, forces, feelings and plans—say: By God’s Own Hand!
BLAST THEM WITH LIGHT! (3) We insist and demand!
Thruout Our Land!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
In Thee we stand!
From God’s Own Hand!
God Almighty command!
We insist and demand!
Thruout Our Land! By Archangel Michael’s Hand!
By this "I AM” Command!
In God we stand! Right now today!
God Almighty Command!
By Thy Great Cosmic Ray!
Right now today! By God’s Blue Ray!
By Thy Cosmic Ray! In Victory to stay!
In Victory to stay! God Almighty hold sway!
God Almighty hold sway! By Thy Great Cosmic Light!
Compel Saint Germain’s Victory, Light and Freedom for By Hercules’ Might!
us all to forever hold sway! By Helios’ Might!
Saint Germain, Jesus and Daddy’s Full Power forever hold
By Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Might!
sway! By the Legion of Light!
(Use the above also for—limitations, problems, destruction,
POWER OF LIGHT! (3) lack, delay or human plans)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
From God’s Own Hand! *i» *1* «f»
Thruout Our Land! ING FROM MY WAY! (3)
In Thee we stand! or
24 25
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c. P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
By God's Own Hand! POWERS OF LIGHT! (3)
I insist and demand! Strike now tonight!
Thruout Our Land! By Thy Cosmic Might!
In Thee we stand! Strike now this hour!
By my own God Command! By Thy Cosmic Power!
God Almighty command! Flash Thy Great Cosmic Ray!
Right now today! Blast all war and destruction today!
By Thy Blue Ray! Blast all hatred today!
In Victory to stay! Blast all greed today!
God Almighty hold sway! Blast all anger today!
By Thy Violet Ray! Blast all resentment today!
Saint Germain, Jesus and Daddy hold sway! Blast all injustice today!
By Thy Great Cosmic Ray! Blast all grief now today!
Archangel Michael hold sway! Blast all rebellion against God's Way!
Mighty Victory hold sway! Blast all rebellion against Light’s Way!
Mighty Harmony hold sway! Blast all rebellion against our Light today!
Legions of Light hold sway! Keep them out of our way!
Angelic Host hold sway! Blast all against us and This Light today!
* * * *
Blast all poverty today!
OF ALL MANKIND, ALL GREAT BEINGS, POWERS Blast all limitation today!
AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! BURY—according to the quality and condition
Every plan against us and America today! Hs * * *
Every plan against us and America to stay! JESUS TAKE HOLD OF THAT MAGAZINE TODAY! (3)
Every plan against us and America in every way! (or any person, place, condition or thing)
Every plan against us and America by God’s Blue Ray! (3) Jesus take hold of It and perfect It to stay!
Every plan against us and America, its cause, effect, record Jesus take hold of It and expand It God’s Way!
and memory to stay! Jesus take hold of It and direct It God’s Way!
GOD ALMIGHTY ACT! ACT! ACT! AND FOREVER Jesus take hold of It—compel all on earth to read it each
"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” AND HIGHER MENTAL Jesus take hold of It and forever hold sway!
BODIES OF ALL MANKIND, ACT! ACT! ACT! AND Jesus take hold of It and deliver It to all on earth in
FOREVER HOLD SWAY! God’s Perfect Way!
"M IGH TY 1 AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES And compel them to expand, expand and forever expand
OF ALL M ANKIND, ALL ASCENDED HOSTS AND LE- Till they fill every land! and hold Eternal Command!
26 27
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Ini'. P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
Fulfilling God’s Plan! By God’s Cosmic Hand! (1) God! take and hold Thy Eternal Command! (3)
Oh "Mighty I AM” ! (3) For in God’s Heart we stand!
By God’s Cosmic Hand! (3) And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal
We insist and demand! (3) Command! (3)
God, take and hold Thy Eternal Command! (3) * * * *
And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Com­
* * * *
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
From God’s Own Hand! GIONS OF LIGHT!
We insist and demand! Charge! Charge! Charge! the Authority of the Light of a
God, take and hold Thy Eternal Command! Thousand Suns thru all under This Radiation each
In Thee we stand! day, (3)
And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal And compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till
It fills every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling
* * * * God’s Plan—by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1) Repeat after
I LOVE AND BLESS LIGHT! (3) each line—
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
The Light from God’s Hand! By God’s Cosmic Hand!
Oh, Great Central Sun! We insist and demand!
Till my Victory is won! God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
For in God’s Heart we stand!
Where e’er It may be!
Compel Our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Com­
Thruout Eternity!
sfc * * * mand! (3)
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to hold Eternal Com­
Oh, Lord the Maha Chohan! mand! (3)
The Forces of Nature each one! Compel God’s Justice to hold Eternal Command! (3)
Its ever-expanding Power! Compel God’s Justice to rule thruout Our Land! (3)
Its increasing beauty each hour! Goddess of Justice! Take and Hold Eternal Command!
God! free all those Beings by Light! Compel the Great Divine Director’s Authority to hold Eter­
Raise earth to Freedom by God’s Might! nal Command! (3)
* * * * Compel Harmony’s Indestructible Harmony to hold Eternal
OF LIGHT! (3) Compel Victory’s Victory to hold Eternal Command! (3)
Charge! Charge! Charge! all under This Radiation each duy Compel Daddy’s Obedience to hold Eternal Command! (3)
with all Thy Beauty, Joy and Peace of a Thousand Suns, and Compel Jesus’ Love to hold Eternal Command! (3)
Compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till It fills Compel Hercules’ Invincible Protection to hold Eternal
every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling God’s every Command! (3)
* Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! Compel Helios’ Light to hold Eternal Command! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) Compel the Goddess of Light’s Power to hold Eternal Com­
By God’s Cosmic Hand! (3) mand! (3)
We insist and demand! (3) Compel the Goddess of Peace’s Everlasting Peace to hold
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c. P ro p e rt y o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
Compel the Goddess of Purity’s Purity to hold Eternal Com­ BEINGS, GREAT COSMIC LIGHT-POW ERS OF LIGHT
Compel the Goddess of Liberty’s Flame to hold Eternal Com­ BLUE FLAME AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! (1)
mand! (3) Charge! Charge! Charge! thru all under This Radiation
Compel the Goddess of Music’s Music of the Spheres to hold each day—the Full Cosmic Power of the "Crystal Cup”
Eternal Command! (3) of a Thousand Suns and the Liberty Bell of Eternal Free­
Compel the Goddess of Mercy’s Mercy to hold Eternal Com­ dom! (3) and
mand! (3) Compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till It
Compel the 7-Fold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim to fills every land and holds Eternal Command fulfilling
hold Eternal Command! (3) God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1)
Compel the Unfed Flame of the Seven Kumaras from Venus (Repeat after each line)
to hold Eternal Command! (3) Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (1)
Compel the Seven Mighty Rays from the Seven Mighty By God’s Cosmic Hand! (1)
Chohans to hold Eternal Command! (3) We insist and demand! (1)
Compel the Power of the Gods of the Mountains to hold God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command! (1)
Eternal Command! (3) For in God’s Heart we stand! (1)
Compel the Power and Action of the Legion of Light from And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Com­
the Great Central Sun to hold Eternal Command! (3) mand! (3)
Compel the Luminous Presence of the Angelic Host to hold etc.
Eternal Command! (3) Use—"Charge into America; Charge into the world; Into
Compel the Authority of the Higher Mental Bodies of all every human being.
mankind to hold Eternal Command! (3) * * * H«
Compel the Powers of Nature and the Great Beings who di­ M IGHTY MERCURY, THE ANGELIC HOST AND LE­
rect Them to arise and hold Eternal Command! (3) GIONS OF LIGHT!
Raise up Limitless Legions of Ascended Master Friends to Charge! Charge! Charge! Thy All-knowing, Dazzling,
hold Thy Eternal Command! Fathomless, Diamond Shining Mind into all under This
Raise up Limitless Legions of Ascended Master Defenders to Radiation each day! (3)
hold Thy Eternal Command! (3) And compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till
Raise up Limitless Legions of Ascended Master Champions It fills every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling
to hold Thy Eternal Command! (3) God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1)—(Repeat after
Raise up Limitless Legions of Ascended Master Protectors to each line)
hold Thy Eternal Command! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Raise up Limitless Legions of Ascended Master Victors to By God’s Cosmic Hand!
hold Eternal Command! We insist and demand!
Beloved Daddy (or any Ascended Master), The Angelic Host God take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
and Legion of Light! Clothe us in Your Luminous Pres­ For in God’s Heart we stand!
ence, take and hold Eternal Command! (3) And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Com­
The Cosmic Light, Love, Victory and Peace of a Thousand mand! (3)
Suns, Clothe us in Your Luminous Presence, take and hold etc.
❖ * * * VENUS!
"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES Charge! Charge! Charge! all Thy Victory of hundreds of
OF ALL M A N K IN D , G REA T H O ST OF A SCEN DED thousands of centuries of Victory thru all under This
30 31
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c . P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, In c.
And compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till JESUS, DADDY, NADA AND THE GREAT DIVINE
It fills every land and holds Eternal Command ,fulfilling D IR E C T O R , M IG H T Y COSMOS, CUZCO, RAY-O-
God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1) L IG H T , K-17 A N D Y O U R L E G IO N S OF L IG H T ,
(Same as above) Take Thy Dominion in my Being and world and precipi­
* * * * tate all Thy Perfection thru and to me each day! (3)
"M IGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES And compel It to expand and expand and forever expand
OF ALL MANKIND, ALL GREAT BEINGS, POWERS till It fills every land and holds Eternal Command, ful­
AND ACTIVITIES OF LIGHT! filling God’s Plan, by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1)
Charge! Charge! Charge! all under This Radiation each Oh, "Mighty I A M ”!
day with the Ascended Masters’ Forgiveness and For­ etc.
getfulness of all human mistakes! (3) (Same as above)
❖ * ❖ ❖
And compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till
It fills every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling M IGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES
God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1) OF ALL MANKIND, ALL ASCENDED HOSTS, THE AN­
Beloved Saint Germain, Jesus and Daddy! Clothe all in
KILL LIMITATION! (3) our National Defense in Thy Visible Tangible, Living,
From Our Land! Breathing, Limitless, Luminous Presence each day! (3)
By God’s Hand! And compel It to expand, expand and forever expand till
We insist and demand! it fills every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling
God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command! God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! (1)
In God’s Heart we stand! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Command! etc.
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to hold Eternal Command! (Same as above)
Compel God’s Justice to hold Eternal Command!
Compel God’s Justice to rule thruout Our Land!
Goddess of Justice take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
H* s{* H* fjp • GEM OF LIGHT ♦ fp
G REAT A N G ELIC HOST, G REA T COSMIC BEIN G S Now take Myself for instance. Every one of you here have
AND GREAT COSMIC LIGHT! POWERS OF LIGHT your "I AM Presence,” have you not? Yet 1, being the Perfee-
FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORDS OF THE tion of Life am just as much a part of your Life as your Stream
BLUE FLAME, THE FORCES OF THE ELEMENTS AND of Life that is beating your heart, because I have attained Per­
T H E G R E A T B E IN G S W HO D IR E C T T H EM , T H E fection thru conscious attainment; having raised the atomic
BROTHERS OF THE GOLDEN ROBE, THE DIAMOND structure, purified, into the Ascended State, which gives Me
HEART, THE BLUE FLAME AND THE WHITE ROBE! the Power and Authority of Perfection here.
32 33
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
And compel Our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal

ELOVED "I AM” Students thruout the world, May Compel Jesus’ Ascension to hold Eternal Command!
14, 1942, is Ascension Day, and this year It means Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to hold Eternal Com­
more to America, to us and to all mankind than mand!
ever in the history of the world, because humanity Compel God’s Justice to hold Eternal Command!
must ascend now out of the clutches of the destructive forces, Compel God’s Justice to rule thruout each land!
or face the reckoning that the Great Cosmic Law of Life now Goddess of Justice take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
demands of all that seeks to destroy what God has made. Compel Daddy’s Obedience to take and hold Eternal Com­
Therefore, we are privileged as never before to call Jesus' mand!
"Power of the Open Door” to clothe us all with His Luminous Compel Nada’s Light and Love to take and hold Eternal
Presence of the Ascension in that Divine Love which tran­ Command!
scends every human concept, and that releases to us now all Compel the Divine Director’s Cosmic Authority to take and
the Victory and Perfection which is within His Heart. hold Eternal Command!
During Thursday, May 14, let us all give constant Love, Compel Mighty Cosmos’ Authority to take and hold Eternal
recognition and gratitude to our own "Mighty I AM Presence,” Command!
Jesus, the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host and the Legions Compel Mighty Harmony’s Authority to take and hold
of Light, calling all the Power of Light from the Great Central Eternal Command!
Sun to flood America and the world with the Cosmic Light, Compel Mighty Victory’s Authority to take and hold Eter­
Love, Peace and Victory of the Ascenston as of a Thousand nal Command!
Suns to raise all mankind into the Light and give them their Compel the Mighty Archangel Michael’s Authority to take
Ascension as soon as possible. and hold Eternal Command!
This Day should be filled with the Music of the Spheres in Compel the 7-Fold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim to
recognition of the Ascension of all Life into the Light of take and hold Eternal Command!
Eternal Freedom and Perfection! Compel the Unfed Flame from the Lords of the Flame from
"M IGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BOD­ Venus to take and hold Eternal Command!
IES OF ALL M ANKIND, GREAT HOST OF ASCENDED Compel the Power, Force and Action of the Legions of Light
MASTERS, M IGHTY LEGIONS OF LIGHT, GREAT AN­ from the Great Central Sun to take and hold Eternal Com­
LIGHT! BELOVED JESUS AND ALL POWERS, BEINGS Compel the Luminous Presence of the Angelic Host and
AND ACTIVITIES OF LIGHT FROM THE GREAT CEN­ Celestial Choir to take and hold Their Eternal Command!
Charge! Charge! Charge! all under This Radiation each
day with Jesus’ Luminous Presence and Activity of the As­ GEM OF LIGHT
cension which no human creation can prevent; and compel
It to expand, expand and forever expand till It fills every land SAINT GERMAIN
and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling God’s Plan by God’s
Cosmic Hand! Take any activity needing attention and say: " Mighty I
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! AM Presence’ charge me with Your Invincible Protection,
By God’s Own Hand! Your Mighty Directing Intelligence, Your Limitless Energy
We insist and demand! and keep me at peace! Keep me at rest in the service that I
am to render. Make me feel at ease ” You see it only takes two
God take and hold Thy Eternal Command! or three minutes to use that Fiat, which is Life calling to Its
For in God’s Heart we stand! Greater Perfection.
34 35
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c. P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.”
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an
intense call for some way in which to express the deep
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into
their Ascension.
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings.
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It
receive their Freedom and release.
No greater privilege could be given one than to be
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­
ity and Blessing.
T is our great privilege to announce the (f|P • GEM OF LIGHT • ^ jj|
release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
senger, Lotus Ray King. To the teachers and children who are in the "I AM” School,
This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration I want you to become so sure of yourselves in regard to Our
to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is Reality, that not one thing in your world of your own creation
an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the or anybody’s else can interfere for a second in your, not only
Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this acknowledgement, but full power of feeling of Our Absolute
Reality. Then, We can do for you what We would like to do;
Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light. but We cannot do it if you doubt us, and when that doubt
This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing becomes too much We just withdraw all Assistance and the
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­ individual must take the consequence.
36 P ro p e rty of S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
T is our great privilege and joy to announce the BELOVED PRECIOUS 'I AM” STUDENTS
release of a folder of three new songs by the Mes­ EVERYWHERE:
senger, Lotus Ray King.
They are: Because of the recent vicious attempt to interfere
"I AM” Here with Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activity in our beloved
Angels of Saint Germain
Freedom’s Triumph United States of America, by denying us the use of the
They are all dedicated in Eternal Love and Gratitude to the mails, in bringing This Ascended Master Light and
Mighty I AM Presence” and our Beloved Saint Germain, with
the intense call that we be made and kept forever worthy of Freedom to mankind, we are standing a million times
the Light and Love He has given us all in this Mighty "I AM” more firm and unyielding than ever before, because
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that this "I AM” Activity goes on regardless of any human
Light until all mankind are ascended and Free.
May there go forth thru these songs such Love, gratitude being or all on earth.
and adoration to our Beloved Saint Germain for all He means It is the Activity of the Ascended Masters and They
to mankind, that every human being on earth may be priv­
ileged to see Him face to face in His Visible, Tangible As­ will carry It forward until all are free. Therefore, you
cended Master Body and Know Him as we do! can always reach us thru Saint Germain Press, Chicago,
May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel His Mighty Illinois, only by Western Union Telegraph or Amer­
Reality, His Enfolding Presence and Love pouring out to them
and bringing Eternal Freedom in the "Light of God that ican Railway Express Company. Until further notice,
never fails.” do not use the mails or P. O. Box numbers. I will come
These songs, both music and lyrics, are a direct answer to
our intense call that thru music we may all pour to Him con­ to as many of the Reading Rooms and Sanctuaries as
stantly our Love, Adoration and Gratitude for His Immeas­ my time will permit and greet you all personally as
urable and Eternal Gifts of Freedom and Illumination; and
for being the Open Door for the Ascended Masters’ Instruction soon as possible.
of. the ’’Mighty I AM Presence” —the Law of Life—to raise all We ask you to get your magazines at the Reading
into their Perfection. Rooms until such time as this unwarranted persecu­
Our beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrangements
and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude and Blessings to enfold tion of us and This Light is annihilated and the Victory
him forever. of this Glorious "Mighty I AM Presence” stands re­
May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom
from the distress of the outer world, and thru this music and vealed for all Eternity.
Love receive their Freedom and release. Donald and I are NOT GUILTY of the things of
No greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts which we have been accused—never were and never
sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor­ will be. That is the Eternal Truth before God, man
tunity and Blessing. and the Universe and time will prove that Truth to
DONALD RAY KIN G all. We have given only Good, Truth and all that is
38 39
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constructive and God-Like. We have given infinitely
more than we have ever received; and never have at
any time anywhere for any reason defrauded anybody
of anything; and time will prove the Truth of that T is our great privilege and joy to an­
statement to the world also. nounce the release of another Book of
We have defended America and her people and all
America means to the world and we always shall. We
ask all to call to your own "Mighty I AM Presence” ume V III en titled — " I A M ” D IS ­
and the Ascended Masters to show you what you should COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
do in regard to your outer world activities, then fol­
low your own feelings and direction to the best of
This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
your ability. tated by the Great Divine Director at different
We never have and do not now advise anyone what periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
to do as we always leave each one free to follow the which He can pour to the students and all man­
promptings of his or her own "I AM Presence,” so
kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
only Perfection can come to all. We shall at all times
continue to call for your Invincible Protection, Per­ ing this book.
fection and Limitless Supply to bless you until the This book is bound in green cloth to match the
moment of your Ascension.
rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
We enfold you in all the Love of our hearts. We call
the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host to stand guard be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
over you forever and clothe you in Their Overwhelm­ 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
ing Victory of the "Light of God that never, never, 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
never fails.”
MRS. G. W. BALLARD Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3.25

40 41
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re s s In c.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO Chicago, Illinois
GRO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
This means, we will not allow this instruction as they were in 1941-
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adu lter­ In the United States of America $3.50; in other coun­
ated or diluted fo r any purpose whatsoever and tries $4.00.
we shall protect them fully. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined that this G IFT OF L IG H T , countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
M asters to mankind SH A LL BE PR O T E C T ED All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
Your change of address must reach this office not later than
FO REV ER— that m ankind may receive its E ter­ the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
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and Thank you!

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1942

42 43
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SAINT GERMAIN • S A I N T G E R M A I N • m W. ■ 1
wBKr --WP • SERIES • mm
U N V EILED M YSTERIES, Volume I __________ By Godfre Ray King CH A RT OF T H E MAGIC PRESENCE
Containing the first group of the author’s experiences. A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for fram ing and contemplation.
Price $2.50, Postpaid $2.7 5 Size 5 l/ z x 8^4. Price 2 5c, Postpaid 3 0c
TH E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II By Godfre Ray King Size 1 2 x 2 1 . Price $ 1.00, Postpaid $1.20
Containing the second group of the author’s experiences. On Heavy Linen, Size 30 x 52. Price $12.00, Prepaid
Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Size 12 x 21. Price $ 60.00
Volume III By the Ascended Master Saint Germain Above Charts mechanically anim ated-------------
Size 3Ox 52. Price $225.00
and Other Ascended Masters
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended M asters’ applica­ ( Size 1 2 x 2 1 . 1Price $ 5 5.00
tion of the " I AM,” with three color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 Violet Flame mechanically animated. ( Size 30 x 52.1Price $200.00
T H E " I AM” A DO RATIONS, AFFIRM ATIONS A ND DECREES, Shipping charges extra
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 By Chanera PICTU RE OF T H E A SCENDED M ASTER, JE SU S
A selection of pow erful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the "M ighty
I AM Presence.” Price $1.75, Postpaid $2.00 PICTU RE OF T H E ASCENDED M ASTER, SA IN T GERM AIN
Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Size 12 x 16. Price each $2.00, Postpaid $2.25
Volume VI By Various Ascended Masters
Containing twenty Discourses dictated before hundreds of students, with three PICTU RE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
color plates. Price $2.7 5, Postpaid $3.00 A ctual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
ASCENDED MASTER LIG H T, Size 8x10 . Price each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85
Volume VII ______________By Various Ascended Masters Size 11 x 14 . Price each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00
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Containing twenty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, with Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, Express collect
three color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.2 5
Profile Size 15 x 19 . Price each $10.00, Express collect
Volume VIII By the G reat Divine Director
Containing twenty-five Discourses dictated by the G reat Divine Director, before MUSIC OF THE SPHERES
hundreds of students, with two color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.2 5
Vest Pocket Edition of pow erful Adorations and Affirmations.
Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20 OH W ORLD VICTO RIO US GODDESS OF PU R ITY
LOOSE-LEAF BIN D ER in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint G er­
main Series. For Special " I AM” Loose-leaf Decrees and Songs. These Decrees ROSE OF LIG H T G REAT D IV IN E D IRECTO R
and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which hold about 150 SON OF LIG H T SONG OF TH E V IO LET FLAME
leaves (3 00 pages). Price Binder $1.2 5, Postpaid $1.40 CALL TO LIG H T GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE A SCEND ED
Decrees and Songs 1 l/ zc per leaf (2 pages), postage extra
"U N V E IL E D M YSTERIES” — In Two Volumes Price $5.25 A Group of Songs— Music and Lyrics by G odfre Ray King and Lotus Ray King.
"T H E MAGIC PR ESEN CE” — In Three Volumes Price $7.75 These songs are especially charged with pow erful healing activity. B eautifully
"T H E 'I AM’ DISCOURSES— In Tw o Volumes Price $6.75 lithographed covers in colors, especially designed for each piece of music.
"A SC E N D E D MASTER D ISCOU RSES” — In Two Volumes Price $7.00 Price each $1.00-------------------------- ---------------- --------------- . Postpaid $1.15
Postage extra
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c.
Except— "Song of the Violet Flame” which contains fou r (4 ) color plates and
sells for $1.2 5. Postpaid, $ 1.40 VICTROLA A N D PH ONOGRAPH RECORDS
The four color plates in the "Song of the Violet Flame” may also be purchased
singly (w ithout music.) Price each $.50, Postpaid, $.60 f 200-A— LIG H T OF MY H E A R T _____ (Instrum ental) fL o tu s Ray King, H arpist
{ 200-B— ROSE OF L IG H T ..._________ ________________ < Frederick Landwehr,
"C R Y ST A L CUPS” ' Novachord
Small size— for individual use— each........................ ............... ......... ......... ........... $7.00
Packing and shipping charges, .60 201-A— LOTUS MY LOVE - ................. ..(In stru m en tal) ( Lotus Ray King, H arpist
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and fam ily use. Individuals may 201-B— VOICE OF TH E PR E SE N C E ...... ............... ............< Frederick Landwehr,
have these if they so desire— e a c h -----...--- ---------------- ------------------— $2 5.00 I Novachord
Packing and shipping charges, 1.2 5
These "C ry stal Cups” are not sold thru Reading Rooms or Group Leaders. Each 202-A— SON_OF L IG H T ___ _________ (Instrum ental) ( Lotus R ay King, H arpist
"C u p ” is blessed personally by Mrs. G. W. Ballard and is then shipped direct to 202-B— CALL TO L IG H T ________....__ ...._____________ s Frederick Landwehr,
each individual. No discounts are allowed. Novachord

DECREE BOOKLETS 203-A— RAINBOW R A Y S___________ (Instrum ental) f Lotus Ray King, H arpist
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled on different subjects for individual I203-B— OH W ORLD V ICTO RIO U S___________________^FV red erickNovachord
or Study Group use. Marvelous results are being made m anifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: Lotus Ray King, H arpist
V IO LET FLAME A N D H EA LIN G 11001-B— D ED IC A T IO N ________________________Donald Ray King
{ Frederick Landw ehr, Novachord


4. " I AM” LIG H T D ECREES ( R R -1201— Invocation_________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
{ R R -1202— CO N TEM PLA TIO N (Silent N igh t) H arp_______________ Mrs. B allard
(Price each 3 0c, plus postage— except No. 1— Opulence and Supply. Present
stock on hand will be sold for 20c each, plus postage.)
5. PURPOSE OF T H E ASCEN D ED MASTERS " I AM” A C TIV ITIES s R R -120 3— BE N ED IC TIO N —. . ______ __________________ _________ _________ Mrs. B allard a
(Sm all booklet giving short resume of the Ascended M asters’ " I AM” A ctivity.) \ R R -1247— CO N TEM PLA TIO N (N earer My God to Thee) H arp ____ Mrs. Ballard
Price each— 15c, plus postage
6. OUR M ESSENGER’S " I AM” SPEAKS j 3300-A— IN V O CA TIO N No. 1 (Shrine C la ss)________ . . . . ____ Mr. G. W. Ballard
Price, 3 0c, plus postage ( 3 300-B— IN V O CA TIO N No. 2 (Shrine C la ss)________________ Mr. G. W. B allard

PLAYBACKS C 3 301-A— BEN ED IC TIO N (Shrine C la ss)_____________________ Mr. G. W. Ballard

An O riginally designed Record Playback with portable case, suitable for " I AM” ( 3 301-B— BEN ED IC TIO N (Shrine C lass)—.________________ -Mr. G. W. B allard
Study Groups or individual use. Plays either 3 3 l / 3 RPM Records or regular
phonograph records. Public Address System and other equipment can be f u r ­ { 3 302-A— IN V O CA TIO N (Shrine C l a s s ) ___ ________ _________ Mr. G. W. Ballard
nished. Full details furnished upon request, including price. ( 3 3 02-B— TH ERE IS N O D EA TH (Shrine C la ss)............... ............... Mr. G. W. B allard

PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 03-A— Beginning of " I AM” Dictations (Shrine C la ss)____.....M r, G. W. Ballard
3 3 l / 3 RPM Blue Transparent Records, containing a 30 minute talk on the Law ( 3 3 03-B— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C la ss)_____ —Mr. G. W. B allard
of Life and Its Application released weekly to " I AM” Students and owners of
Playbacks. Full particulars furnished upon request. ( 3 3 03-C— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C la ss)_____ .-Mr. G. W. Ballard
{ 3 3 03-D— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C la ss)—___ —Mr. G. W. B allard
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also D is­ ( 3303-E— Beginning of " I AM” Dictations (Shrine C la s s )______ Mr. G. W. B allard
courses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects. Back numbers ( 3 3 03-F— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C la ss)_______Mr. G. W. B allard
available beginning February, 193 6. Yearly subscriptions begin with March,
1942. Price single copy 3 5c, Yearly Subscription $3.50; Foreign countries $4.00. (The 3 3 03 Series comprise one afternoon’s talk by Mr. G. W. Ballard and should be
sold in a set)
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
• THE • • THE •
3 3 04-A— IN V O CA TIO N and EXP LA N A TIO N of the C h art— Mr. G. W. Ballard N -104-A— Song of the Violet Flame (1 2 " R ecord )_________ Song Shrine Audience
3 3 04-B— IN V O CA TIO N and EX PLA N A TIO N of the C h art.__ Mr. G. W. Ballard

3 3 04-G —IN V O CA TIO N and EX PLA N A TIO N of the C h a r t- .. Mr. G. W. B allard

IN -104-B— Call to L ight----------------------------------------------- Song Shrine Audience
The above records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in " I AM” Study
3 3 04-D— IN V O CA TIO N and EX PLA N A TIO N of the C h art.— Mr. G. W. Ballard
(A ll records are now shipped direct from the Western Branch of the Saint Germain
Press, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.)
3 305-A— TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D HARM O NY______ ....__ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3305-B— TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D HARM O NY________...- M r . G. W. Ballard Price each (double fac e d )— Blue transparent m aterial_______________________ $3.15
Shipping Charges E xtra
3 306-B— TRU E U N D E R STA N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE_____ Mr. G. W. Ballard
(1 6 " Record for Playback only)
Lotus Ray King, H arpist
3 3 07-A— C A LLIN G TH E P R E SE N C E ............................................- Mr. G. W. Ballard
I No. 65 1 1— Goddess of P u rity ___ (Instrum ental) Frederick Landwehr,
3 3 07-B— C A LLIN G TH E PR ESEN CE............................................... Mr. G. W. B allard
/ J I Shrine Organ
\ \ 2— Leto, Blessed Leto------------------------------------- Song Shrine Audience
3 3 08-A— H ELPIN G ALL M A N K IN D _______________ _________ Mr. G. W. B allard / . . ( Lotus Ray King, H arpist
3 3 08-B— H ELPIN G ALL M A N K IN D ......_____________________ Mr. G. W. Ballard f No. 66— " I AM” Come------(Instrum ental) ] r; j • i T j l c i . * ^
v ( Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
N ote: This Musical Playback No. 6 5 contains two selections on one side and one on
3309-A— IN V O CA TIO N (Shrine C lass).__ _______________ ...__ Mr. G. W. B allard No. 66, the opposite side; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one double-faced record.
3309-B— BE N ED IC TIO N (Shrine C la ss)—.__________________ Mr. G. W. B allard
Price Musical Playback Record $5.25 each Shipping charges extra
3 310-A— Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. Ballard All Records obtainable only at Western Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3310-B— Excerpts-from V ictory’s Dictation, Ju ly , 1938---------Mr. G. W. Ballard P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.

i 3 310-C— Excerpts from V ictory’s Dictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. Ballard

3 310-D— Excerpts from V ictory’s Dictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. Ballard

3 310-E— Excerpts from V ictory’s Dictation, Ju ly , 1938---------Mr. G. W. B allard

3 310-F— Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. Ballard

3 310-G— Excerpts from V ictory’s Dictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. B allard

{ 3310-H — Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. B allard
3 310-1— Excerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8---------Mr. G. W. Ballard
| J — Adoration to Mighty V ictory.............................................. Mr. G. W. Ballard
\ K—— BBenediction_________ ______________ _____________ -__ 'Mr. ' G. W. B allard

N -100-A — Song of the Violet Flame______ (Instrum ental) Lotus Ray King, H arp
{N -100-B— Lotus My Love........................ .................Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
I N -101-A — Goddess of P u rity ____________ (Instrum ental) Lotus Ray King, H arp
* N -101-B— Silent Sentinel_________________ ___ Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ PROPERTY OF SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
i N -102-A — " I AM” Decrees— P art I ________________ September 1941 Shrine Class Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
{ N -102-B— " I AM” Decrees— Part II________________ September 1941 Shrine Class
C ojyyt'icfht-jSaint (jer?nain9?res^Tn.G i942 ■
N -103-A — Mighty Victory (1 2 " R eco rd )--- ------------- ------- Song Shrine Audience
N -103-B— G reat Divine D irector,.---------- --------------------- Song Shrine Audience
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
INUMBEIV '■ ■‘..V , s.viv ":v JUNE-1
I FOUR- • GfilCAQO, iu IM Q 1I. * •1942- ?
'Prop2r ( y o f — S a i n i q ^ r-m a in J,t’e%3, f n c .,/& 4 2 ,
By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers, V
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters* Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica* * will be the Ascended Masters* help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM** Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
• (T o p y r iy h i-fia in t (jer?nain9?resdlnG i9 4 2 ■


AHA CHOHAN, Great Cosmic Lord

Enfold us in Thy Flame,
Reveal to us Thy Secrets too,
"I AM” ! all shall proclaim!
Blaze now Thy Rays in Mighty Power,
We call forth their Great Light!
Come unto us in Love’s Great Peace
And clothe us with Thy Might!
Thyself, "I AM,” in Life’s Great Call
When Love rules in my heart;
Charge me with Power from Nature’s Realm
Compel all veils to part!
Fill us with Light and all Its Gifts
Compel Its Ceaseless Flow!
Raise us to Thee this very hour
Thy Presence all shall know!
Thy Love we call to flood the earth
Our hands reach up to Thee
Thy Cosmic Peace shall now flood all—
Behold our earth set Free!
Expand Thy Light by God’s Great Word
Control all that we do!
Thy dove descends on Flaming Wing
We welcome Thee! Come thru!
Thy Hosts of Light from Nature’s Heart
Bring Gifts forevermore!
Thy Glorious Self mankind behold!
Thy Presence we adore!

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

were not for Our Beloved America, even We would not have
had a single hope for the protection of humanity or the re­
demption of the earth; for we have tried thru so many cen­
turies to find response from the hearts of mankind. Once in
a while we would get an intellectual response for a short time,
then it would disappear.
You think you have trials, you think you have trying con­
ditions to meet, but you have no idea what Our experience
has been. Even from Our Unlimited State, you can hardly
realize what it means to try and try and try thruout the cen­
• SAINT GERMAIN S DISCOURSE • turies. Again and again We have accomplished to a certain
point, then had to see it dashed to pieces, many times within
Ascended Master Youth of America—Washington, D. C. an hour. That is why I am taking the opportunity in the
April 15,1938 Capital of your own Country, today, to call your attention to
these things. If you will stand guard, you will never fall under
the conditions that influence people thru the feeling world,
ELOVED ones of the Light, we do have occasion when they do not know what is acting.
for very great rejoicing; and I do congratulate the You are the most fortunate of people in having come to
beloved ones of Washington, D. C. in the joy and know the "Great I AM Presence” of Life and Its Application.
happiness that they are able to express in the face Beloved ones, do you know what a Privilege, a Power, a Joy
of all they have to meet in the way of forces, not necessarily and what Authority is yours in this Mighty Application? The
personal, but the generated forces in the Capital of a Great words sound simple, but, dear people, the result of Majestic,
Nation, that naturally oppose the Light.
All-powerful and Limitless. Therefore, just remember to go
I want all of the students from various parts of the United on, and on, and on, in your application, and do not ever give
States to realize, and I am sure few have, what it means to live way because something has not responded yet to your call. Go
in a city, the Capital of a Great Nation, where all kinds of
on with your application and refuse acceptance to the appear­
treachery are going on underneath; because spies from all over ance world. I still maintain It is one of the most important
the world, from every Nation, have watched your America, things, outside of the acknowledgment of your Presence and
Our America, for twenty years as you will never know in the acceptance of the Chart. THERE IS NO ONE TH ING MORE
outer; because they acknowledge and accept the genius and IMPORTANT THAN REFUSING ACCEPTANCE TO THE
ingenuity, the speed of activity and the kindness of American APPEARANCE WORLD. YOU HAVE GOT TO DO IT, IF
people. Why is it that in an emergency the American people YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE YOUR FREEDOM WITH
can do in a few hours or a few days that which would take other
Nations as a rule months to accomplish? This was proved in SPEED.
It sounds quite easy, doesn’t it, when you say: "Well, I just
the past world war.
refuse acceptance of the appearance world,” but do you do it?
I want you to know this, not for any human praise, but be­
That is the point. You do it with the intellect, but you do not
cause of the explanation which this brings forth: in the
atmosphere of Europe and the Orient where mankind's atmos­ do it with the feeling, precious people.
That is why I am calling your attention to it. I know you
phere, and necessarily their own feeling worlds, have been so
won't think Us severe, because We have had to use a positive
much more tremendously charged with discord* the very at­
mosphere in which they move is charged with so much greater attitude. This generated force here in Washington was de­
termined to sweep these precious people under. I ask you
discord than America. America being less heavily charged is people of Washington, D. C. and elsewhere, do not have an
why the minds of the American people think with a speed,
unkind feeling to the blessed Bresslers; because they have
power and accuracy that is unknown in other countries. If it

4 5
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain P ress, Inc.
had to maintain a firmness that was almost unheard of in order that exists nowhere else in America, outside of New York.
to battle down this thing, not from personalities, but from New York has really been the financial center and Washington
the generated gathered destructive forces that always are in the battleground of intrigue. There really is not a Capital of
the Capital of a Nation. So give them all your support, dear any Nation in the world which is not the battleground of
hearts, and you will find their hearts are loving and filled intrigue and treachery—some one trying to gain supremacy
with kindness to the limit, (applause) over another. I do not mean individually, but over the general
Beloved ones, unless you saw from Our Unlimited Stand­ activity that is required for the up-building and sustaining
point, you have no idea what loving, blessed precious people of a Nation.
have to contend with. Because the blessed people do not re­ You must understand that in all the centuries I have min­
member it is a force that is acting and not personalities, some­ istered to mankind, that I know every detail. I do not even
times things get to revolving which are wholly unnecessary need to look in the direction of the Capital of any Country
and unjust to all concerned. Therefore, will you, every one to know exactly what is going on there; because of the long,
of the students here, take that loving wondrous stand to each long experience in dealing with the human qualities of man­
other and the Groups and have no concern? Just call the Pres­ kind.
ence into action and go on with your work! Be unconcerned Today you are fortunate, beloved ones, in having come to
and refuse to let any human being bring to you any kind of understand not only the Source of your own Life, but the
gossip. Even if the thing be true, kill it then, and you will forces that are playing upon every human being that exists;
find a Victory in your midst that is magnificent; because in and pouring into the condition of the environment in which
the Capital of your Nation, precious people, it must be estab­ you live. According to your call, is it small or great. Now, you
lished; and I shall bring the Messengers here twice a year, for who are in Washington, New York and Philadelphia should
I think I see My Way clear, (applause) stand together. These cities in the East are where more of
A tremendous work has been accomplished during this this intrigue of Nations is playing. There you need more than
Class, and when I say this, I want you all to clearly understand elsewhere to hold a firmer guard about your own feeling
so far as the human destructive activity is concerned, three world. Because precious people, you must—after all that has
more percent of that has been dissolved. It could easily have been said—surely at this time realize that your feeling world
been twelve or fifteen percent had it not been for other work is the play-ground of everything, unless you call the Presence
that was, even just at this time, more important in your Capital. to hold that Invincible Tube of Light about you to protect
That is why the energy and Power had to be used for other you from it. Otherwise, it is an open play-ground for anything
things. Otherwise, We might have gained further percentage that wants to walk in. That is the difficulty with many of
in the other way. mankind today.
In your application here, you will notice We are holding
We rejoice with you tremendously in all that has been done you so firm upon one point—that it is Light you are calling
and this consciously directed attempt to discourage, dislodge forth from your Presence and It knows no opposite. If I can
and drag under the beloved Group Leaders in Washington is get that anchored in your feeling, and I am determined to do
finished! (applause) Now then, beloved ones, if you will only it while the Messengers are here, you will not have any diffi­
remember, every one of you students, not to let a word go culty in the future in governing your feeling or releasing the
forth from your lips that could be misconstrued into criticism Power that produces results in your world and in the city.
of your fellow student or Group Leaders, you will be able to f This is a point which I feel with all the students of America
give much help. Please do not criticize. So much depends upon and the world, is the most important thing to do. That which
the next few months on all of this which I am asking today. you call forth from your Presence is Light which knows no
If you will do this, I assure you that things you cannot opposite; It is Intelligence; It is All-powerful; It contains
imagine will be accomplished here in your city. When the within Itself the Energy and Substance for the fulfillment.
Messengers return again, you will find the most Transcendent Therefore, if you will keep yourselves reminded in the outer
Things accomplished. You who are here are up against a force activity of your intellect, that this is the activity taking place

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in your application, I am sure you will have a Power and your outer human sense consciousness of it. It is already done
answer to your call which you have not conceived before in within the Inner Activity. I have longed many times, and it
whatever has taken place in your experience. may yet come about, for instance as you are here today—to
I cannot tell you in words the Rejoicing that floods My draw the curtain aside and let you see at least some of the
Being today. Again I want to refer to these two precious ones, things which We know to be, concerning yourselves, your
the Bresslers. I know—you do not—the tremendous application own world and the Freedom that stands there in the mental
they are making to take out of their worlds every human and feeling world right now. Because you have not seen the
thing, every human element; and I know they are winning full out-picturing thru your human structure—your human
a Victory unto their full glory. S g je t every other one be as body—you sometimes feel doubtful about that Inner Achieve­
determined to have the Presence dissolve and consume out of ment, or think It is not so—but It is done!
their feeling world every human thing. Everyone who will * I stood yesterday watching the Divine Director, in fact yes­
call for that, will find the desire gone to experience or listen terday and the day before in your class here; and I could have
to gossip of any kind. wept for gratitude and joy at the Service which He is render­
Oh, it does not make any difference, dear hearts, what is ing the students. He is One Who is Authority and He alone
the provocation, but the quality in your feeling is the thing may determine whose human accumulation can be completely
all students today must understand everywhere, if they are dissolved and consumed. He never loses an opportunity in
these many months to render that Service to every one where
going on in their mighty Victories and they really stand ready
to step thru the Open Door. Thousands stand ready to step it is possible. Yesterday and the day before, in the joy which
thru the Open Door into their financial Freedom, into their existed in the class, made it possible for Him to do many of
Freedom in every conceivable way. these things. When I see that Tremendous Work going on and
the outer activity wholly unaware of it, except the Messenger,
I trust the Messenger will pardon Me if I get a little stren­ well it is just beyond words.
uous this morning, but I tell you dear ones, when I see, as I Therefore, I want you all to rejoice in your feeling; because
have intimated a number of times, the students all approach­ you can feel it in your feeling, until you see the full out-
ing a perfectly Magnificent Glory into which they can step picturing of that. Please, beloved ones, do not strain or struggle
—do you wonder that sometimes I want to shake down a for the out-picturing; because many times thru the feeling you
building, to have them feel the fulness of Its Importance; and throw obstruction in the way, but just rejoice and say:
to stand their ground in the face of all conditions, not yielding " 'Mighty I AM Presence' You bring the out-picturing forth
to any discord so they may go on? Then a few steps further, whenever You are ready,” and It will come more quickly and
they would see and know definitely the Truth of these Words. you will not be under any strain in the meantime. You do
See today, all the magnificence and beauty that has already not know, many of you, how tense you get in the longing to
taken place in the Life of individuals, dear ones. Miracle after have some so-called miraculous thing appear in your midst.
miracle, so-called, has already been performed in the Lives Well you must know definitely as you continue your applica­
of hundreds of thousands of students. You do not see that as tion, it is not a matter of can or will It do it, but It is com­
We do; but We see it and We sometimes mention it for the pelled to come forth. A Miracle greater than any you have
encouragement it means to all, for I tell you it is no idle thing. ever dreamed of or hoped for will take place, not only in your
When you are battling the accumulation of hundreds of cen­ individual lives, but in the atmosphere of earth, as the greater
turies, dear people, do you realize what it means? Here in momentum and the greater dissolving power of the Cosmic
three and a half years, dear people, you are dissolving, con­ Light’s Activity goes on.
suming and being set free from hundreds of centuries of ac­ Then, as the Mighty Astrea takes more and more of the
cumulation. It is the most marvelous miracle ever performed Entities out of the atmosphere of earth which have been the
on the face of the eartji! goading power of blessed individuals, you will find relief.
Therefore, you stand today in the Glory and Freedom which Dear ones, I say this for your encouragement: I do not know
is so near in its complete out-picturing—and I mean that from of anything that stirs My whole Being like seeing blessed

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beautiful characters, individuals, being interfered with or accumulation is the propelling power when the individual
intruded upon by entities. I tell you it stirs every fiber of My is released from the body. That very desire propels them there,
Being, and since the Great Law, the Cosmic Light has per­ and after all perhaps it may be wise, because here they can be
mitted this Service to be rendered to the earth, My Joy every taken where they belong, You will remember that this is a
day increases for all that is being done for mankind in that condition with which no other place in the world has to con­
one respect alone. tend. To some degree it is also acting in India, but in China
I say to you beloved ones, do not fail to use that entity de­ and largely in the Japanese ancestral worship, it holds their
cree with great intensity at least three times a day. It only takes people to the earth; not necessarily earth-bound, but because
you a few minutes and if you are where you cannot voice it of their desire to remain and return and get into action; because
with dignity, then do it silently; but keep that going in the the mass of people know there is no such thing as death. They
feeling, for it means so much. are not afraid of anything which would cause so-called death.
I have debated whether to call your attention to certain They do not care more than a snap of your fingers whether
things or not, but I am going to do it today, because if you they are taken out of the body or not; because they know there
will do so, I ask you to give San Francisco and Seattle this is no death; they know it from childhood, it is a part of their
assistance; because it is more there by far, than anywhere else. being. Therefore they go out with a propelling power that
There are thousands and thousands who are being released in the average individual does not have.
the Orient, from both Japan and China. You have no idea So today, in this opportunity to ask for your assistance there,
what is taking place. In their consciousness before they went We shall all appreciate it very greatly, whenever you can do
into war, there were hundreds of thousands in China and it, if you will give that assistance.
Japan who longed to be in America because of the conditions Today, as we continue in the class work, will everyone of
that are here for their Greater Freedom. Well, no sooner are you feel that complete release and that complete dominion
they released from their bodies than they make a bee line for over yourselves and your feeling world? Remember, the Power
their relatives in San Francisco and Seattle. of your own Presence is your Dominion over all things in the
There are some coming to New York but not so many. You outer world! That does not mean over other personalities, but
would be surprised. You have seen birds going in a great over conditions and feelings!
stream, haven’t you, thru the sky? That is exactly the way those I must repeat this to you again. If there were a cloth on this
people come to San Francisco and Seattle because of their de­ table—suppose it were a round table, and there were a cloth
sire. The moment they were released from the body the desire covering that table and I took hold of it in the center and
compels it. So Astrea is going to have a lot more to do. Will raised it up—I would draw all the remainder of that cloth with
you individually be kind enough to give Seattle and San Fran­ it, would I not? That is exactly what takes place with every
cisco that assistance in the Decree that the Great Legions of human being who will stand unyielding against any discord
Light take all of those from the earth? They do not know it, or in giving expression to it. As individuals raise in their vi­
they are perfectly innocent of doing any harm, but think what bratory action, they draw everyone else who touches their
that feeling means, being brought into a city. That is acting worlds to some degree with them. Then, do you not see how,
in the feeling world of mankind. I tell you San Francisco needs if you stand as a body of students here in Washington, with
help, because the people are wholly unaware of it, and I have only loving kindness in thought and feeling to each other,
not felt it wise to bring it forth before; but it is time I feel it your vibratory action will raise naturally with tremendous
must be done. You can give great assistance by calling Astrea power and speed, regardless of anything? Then, as you are all
to send the Mighty Legions of Light to take care of those raised in this vibratory action, you will raise the vibratory ac­
individuals who come. tion of the whole city of Washington and the people; then in
They are only seeking Freedom and Astrea can give It to the government conditions where assistance is so needed, you
them; but they do not .know that, of course. I realize quite will find that the atmosphere of individuals in official places
readily, the intellect cannot comprehend what it means in will be cleared; and they will begin to get these clear ideas
conditions of that kind—how a longing or desire of years of thru which the Ascended Masters want to bring to them. But
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now They cannot release them because of the density of the tive Work for yourself and each other! It is imperative! You
discord which is surrounding those people. are going thru the apex of these destructive forces; and I tell
This is another point that I want to mention. From five you, don’t let down one moment on your individual protection
countries in Europe there is consciously directed a haze—do for each other and in the work for America; because you have
you know what I mean by that, a haze? It is an attempt to gained tremendous power and momentum! Keep it up and it
throw a lethargy over the mental world of the officials here seems to Me your Victory is absolutely certain, if you will do
and to try and impel them into doing certain things which this!
the other countries want; but thanks to the Messengers and I am grateful for this opportunity to remind you here of the
you blessed ones, that has been almost completely shattered. importance of all this means to you and Our beloved Nation.
I want to call your attention—remember this is not saying Don’t you know, beloved ones, that the Heart of everyone is
"I told you so,” but you will remember months ago the decree good? There isn’t one whose heart and desire is not good; but
went forth to release the gold! It is done! Now then, you have if individuals are seized upon by a discordant destructive force,
seen another achievement when it looked as though there was those precious ones many times are no more to blame than
not a hope on earth that it would come thru into action, yet those forces, not a bit. So be charitable, be considerate, be
it did. Therefore., dear ones, you must see, you must feel with kindly. If something seizes upon someone and makes that one
Infinite Power of Authority and Power of your decrees, that feel irritable and disturbed, your great privilege is to rush to
you send forth in the mental and feeling world of mankind. his or her rescue thru the power of your decrees, and see how
Dear people, it is the only hope on earth! quickly that one would be free and happy again; instead of
Therefore will you, no matter whether there is a special allowing something to revolve thru criticism and keep piling
requirement or not just put that great firmness and powerful more and more upon those blessed ones, who have been made
feeling in your decrees, so you may have and give this service a Focus of Light. You see? Try to feel that in all conditions
which mankind needs at this time; because those who don’t which confront you. Even though you need to be positive
know about this Light are helpless! They are as helpless as an against human qualities, still be kindly in your feeling and
infant before these forces which are acting among mankind. think for a moment: "Well, what tremendous force is playing
How can you protect yourselves, if you do not know from upon them?” You know that it does not belong to them; there­
what you are to be protected? You cannot do it, because you fore, give them your loving support; and you will see the
won’t believe it. heavens open and the Light of God, the "Mighty I AM Pres­
We have had to do a lot of calling of your attention to the ence,” take Its Dominion in the world of each one of you; and
destructive forces; but, my goodness, if We did not do it, you the Happiness, Perfection, Joy and limitless supply of every­
would not consider it of importance enough to do the dynamic thing you wish in the Service of the Light will be there at
work which is required. hand in the fulness of all the Blessings and the Power of Love
Now whatever accomplishment is made in the future in and the Light that knows no opposite.
gaining the percentage of Victory, if you have 100% or you May that Fulness of Its Power enfold and bless each one of
have only 25% to the Victory of the Light, do not let down you in this Limitless Activity, Freedom and your Ascension
on your decrees and application. Why do I ask that with such now, in the Glory of that Light. Remember, beloved ones, the
firmness? You have no more idea than a child, dear ones, if positive assurance, the certainty that—if you decree with earn­
all the students of America today were to suddenly stop their estness and deep feeling for your Ascension in this embodi­
decree work, what would happen. What do you suppose would ment and you do not achieve it, then you can be sure as you
happen? That sinister force would see you stop and would breathe a breath or sit here this moment, that you will achieve
sweep over the earth like a great avalanche; but you are the it in the next; because the intense desire of this Life becomes
Power, the Focus of Light which withholds that. So don’t let the compelling force of the next. If your attention is upon the
anything in the world cause you to feel for one moment that Ascension, the Final Goal of mankind, don’t you see how truly
you should let down on your Mighty Decree Work or your It would be ten thousand times greater, than any ordinary de­
application individually; and don’t let down on your Protec­ sire you would be confronting in the outer things of the world?
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Therefore, you see how absolutely true it would be, for your WE VISIT THE ROYAL TETON
great desire for your Ascension in this embodiment, to com­
pel It to be accomplished in the next in spite of anything; be­
cause that is the Power of Light and is always victorious, if ELOVED "I AM” Students everywhere, re­
mankind will give the co-operation and response in their member we go to the Royal Teton again
feeling. June 30, 1942 at 10:00 o’clock.
I leave with you My Love, Gratitude and Blessing and may Try and be as quiet as possible an hour or
the Power of that Light descend with Its full Infinite Power
and enfold each one and every "I AM” Student in America two before, so as to give the devotion required to your
and the world this day, with Its Mighty Dominion and Con­ own "Mighty I AM Presence” and the Great Host of
quering Presence; and hold them so firm in the Stream of Ascended Masters, in deep realization of the privilege
Light of their own Presence with its ever intensifying activity, we all have, of being a part of Saint Germain’s, Jesus’
that the Glory of God becomes the Power of manifestation on and Daddy’s Mighty Activity there.
earth in Its Victory of Light, All-transcendent!
I thank you, I love you, I bless you and convey to you the We go to call forth every Power and Victory of
Love Blessing and Gratitude of the Ascended Masters, the Light, for the Protection of America and the Freedom
Legions of Light and the Cosmic Beings, Who are eternally of all mankind!
thankful for the response of mankind, which will make it
possible to do for the earth that which for many hundreds The Greatest Activity of the Cosmic Light Rays yet
and thousands of centuries They have been waiting to do. drawn forth upon earth will take place; and each
student will be charged with all the Power and Activity
of Light he or she can receive.
• GEM OF LIGHT • All who have ascended from This Radiation will be
there to greet us and draw all possible Power of the
SAINT GERMAIN Cosmic Light’s Mighty Authority into action; and much
Every Ascended Master is just as much a part of the Life of very great importance to all of us, is to be accom­
and Light that beats your heart as your own Life is, because
It is the Perfection of Life. Your Presence is the Perfection plished.
of Life and thus It becomes one in Its Action thru the human Try not to be under strain of any kind; but just in
form; then when your attention goes to the Ascended Masters, a great natural normal relaxed happiness, enjoy the
who have attained that thru the conscious Power of the Ascen­ accomplishment which will come forth; and be Oh, so
sion, They become the Authority in Assistance to you, which
no other thing in the world can become in assisting you to grateful for all we have received in the Mighty "I AM”
your Freedom by conscious application. Activity of Saint Germain, Jesus and Daddy, and all
the Blessings we constantly enjoy, which after all are
SAIN T GERMAIN Their Gifts to us forever.
Remember, beloved ones, you cannot get away from your
application—ever, until your Ascension is attained. It is the We will be there to meet you in the Fullest Service
most vital thing. Do not let your attention in the outer world of the Light that our hearts can give forever.
draw you from a certain amount of application. I mean definite
application. Suppose you only made five minutes dynamic Mrs. G. W. BALLARD
application three times \a day. Set your time and make every­
thing bend to that. Do that regularly and allow nothing to Donald BALLARD
interfere with it.
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PILLAR OF WHITE FIRE SUBSTANCE bringing forth! It takes more than just the amount of energy
you ordinarily can draw from your own "I AM Presence” ;
RY to picture clearly in your mind the action of because unascended beings have to be assisted in the use of
the Pillar of White Fire Substance! that Power by the Ascended Masters Who know all about It.
This is an Activity which can be drawn into You as an unascended being cannot draw that Power forth
action surrounding your own Presence and your alone from your own Presence! You might draw the Power,
own Individualized Tube of Light. America must have more but while you are drawing the Power It must be guarded by
assistance from the Powers of Light! We have been making something more powerful than the force flowing thru your
the call—"Give us more Power of Light to protect America physical body, because you cannot draw It and guard It at
today." the same time!
For months past we have been giving adoration to and That is why in certain activities in the outer world there
making the call for the Pillar of White Fire to be drawn in, are remnants of the action of the Law. When the Ascended
around and thru the student body. In our call to the Ascended Masters are working, They always work together in twos.
Ones for the Cosmic Light, Love and Peace of a Thousand While one Master is drawing the Power, another Master or
Suns, to be descend into the earth; dissolve, consume all hu­ Group of the Cherubim or Seraphim guard the Force, while
man selfishness and discord from the planet—it draws the It is being drawn to shut out the currents or pressure of the
Cosmic Light Substance into the atmosphere of the earth. atmosphere in which the work is to be done.
That is released by the Great Cosmic Beings from the Great In the Action of the Pillar of White Fire Substance within
Central Sun and those who govern Its Activity in this world. and around your physical flesh bodies, It stands outside your
It forms an Inner atmospheric condition within the general Ring-pass-Not of Blue Flame; because that acts like a magnet
atmosphere of earth and is an Inner Substance projected into in its drawing Power from the Ascended Masters' Octave and
the entire atmosphere surrounding the planet. acts like a repellant force to the destructive activities in this
** When we call to the Great Ascended Host to seal us in a world.
Pillar of White Fire Substance from Their Octave, They in­ If you were to make a blue print of a magnet, you would
stantly project It to enfold our own "I AM Presence,” outside take a bar magnet and put a piece of blue print paper on top
of each one's own Tube of Light. and shake iron filings all over it. They would draw in toward
After calling to your own "Mighty I AM Presence” and the the magnet, showing the lines of force. You would see where
Great Host of Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, visualize the lines draw from the Tube down into the individual and
that Substance around your physical body for a considerable pour out thru the feet to bless the earth.
distance, at least a thousand feet, radiating in every direction. Your Pillar of White Fire Substance does the same thing.
That will enable an increased concentration of the Ascended It draws the Electronic Force from the Ascended Masters'
Masters' Light Substance to be drawn forth within and around Octave in, thru and around your own Tube of Light for your
the student body. It acts like an anchor and forms an Out­ use. After you have moulded that into what you require, it
pouring of Their Ascended Master Substance around us, which goes forth into the atmosphere to render service to the rest of
not only shuts out the destructive creations that are in the Life. While the force is acting within, there is a repellant
atmosphere of earth; but will enable us to hold a steady pres­ activity to the atmosphere around you. That is why it is nec­
sure of the Cosmic Light Substance within our own bodies essary to feel yourselves insulated in that Cosmic Light Sub­
and our own Life-streams undisturbed. stance from the Ascended Masters' Octave to protect yourselves
That must come before you can have the Power of Precipi­ more powerfully.
tation; because an unascended being who has the Power of When we give the powerful Decrees for annihilating of all
Precipitation must be clothed by the Ascended Masters in a human feeling from our pathway, that Cosmic Light Substance
Pillar of this Light Substance for a certain radius around the for a thousand feet around you in every direction will move
physical body, in order to be the guard of the concentration before you. It will repel and drive away all inharmonious
of the energy that is required to do the thing which you are feeling. As you give It greater and greater acceptance, It con­

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centrates and will go before you, to annihilate all human WE REMIND YOU AGAIN
feeling from your pathway.
I think it would be well, if you want to for your own in­
dividual use, to include: annihilate all human feeling; anni­ GAIN we make our position unmistakably
hilate all human substance; annihilate all human thoughts; plain in regard to any outer world business
annihilate all human words from your pathway. Then you activity, using the faith of the "I AM” Stu­
take them out of your own being and world. Call for anni­ dents in Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activity—
hilation of all that is against Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activ­ to get them interested in any business venture on the
ities thruout the world and against all under This Radiation;
then give your Decree to compel all under This Radiation to representation that the money is to be used for carrying
refuse acceptance to all feeling, thought, substance and words, on this Light, or for Donald or myself personally.
except those from the Ascended Masters’ Octave. No one has been given any authority to go to Group
Why do We put feeling first? Because every human being is
a feeling creature; because feeling comes before thought; and Leaders to get students interested in the buying or sell­
when individuals clear this in their own consciousness, they ing of anything.
will find themselves in the right relationship to Life. What anyone wishes to do or give to Saint Germain’s
As you call for the annihilation of all human feeling—I
mean as determined as if your next breath depended upon it— "I AM” Activity, must always be of that one’s own free
together with the Decree for the Violet Consuming Flame, will—with no limitations or entangling connections
It will give you such release from the pull of your own human that can ever in any way cause any discredit to the
problems—from the fear and limitations in the world around "I AM” Activity, or discord among the student body.
you, and from the pressure of the problems and substance in
the atmosphere, that you will then feel tremendously greater Whatever business ventures anyone chooses to enter
energy acting within your bodies! The pressure around you into is his or her own affair; but the "I AM” Student
will release, because it is driven back into its creator. Body shall be protected against all schemes for pro­
moting outside business activities that should be self­
sustained by the application of the people within them.
• GEM OF LIGHT • No stock selling of any kind is ever sanctioned or
permitted among the ” 1 AM” Student Body for com­
mercial or other purposes; and we ask all Group
SAIN T GERMAIN Leaders and Students to help us protect the Integrity
I say to you—people think they can turn away from the of This "I AM” Activity and the "I AM” Students from
Messengers who have brought This Great Eight to them, or
that they can turn away from the Ascended Masters who mistakes and losses thru such business ventures.
have brought It forth and still retain the Out-pouring from We have made our position in this matter clear many
their own tfMighty I AM Presence.” My dear people, donft times before—but we do it again now, to maintain Per­
you see it is impossible; because their very doubt of the fection for those who want It.
Ascended Masters, which is the Source of consciously attained
Perfection, which is Life—just the same as their own Life that We enfold you in all our Light, Love and Protection.
is beating their hearts—shuts the door from the greater Out­
pouring of the Light from Their Heart, because they are deny­ MRS. G. W. BALLARD
ing a part of themselves. and DONALD BALLARD

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MOST RECENT AND IMPORTANT Compel Harmony’s Indestructible Harmony to hold Eternal
Command! (3)
(Not in Loose-leaf form) Compel Victory’s Victory to hold Eternal Command! (3)
"MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES Compel God’s Justice to hold Eternal Command! (3)
OF ALL MANKIND, ALL GREAT BEINGS, POWERS Compel God’s Justice to rule thruout Our Land! (3)
AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! GREAT ANGELIC HOST, Goddess of Justice! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command!
FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORDS OF THE We thank Thee it is done! (9 times)
BLUE FLAME, ANGELIC HOST! SAINT GERMAIN, Forever, today and forever, forever and forever!
FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN! (1) Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all hypnotic control of
Compel Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the VIOLET the people of America today and forever! (3)
CONSUMING FLAME thru all under This Radiation Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
today and forever; and compel It to expand, expand etc.
and forever expand till It fills every land and holds (Same as above)
Eternal Command, fulfilling God’s Plan; for in the * * * *
Heart of the Violet Consuming Flame, forever we The following four (4) Decrees should be given consecutively
stand, and hold Saint Germain’s Hand! (3)—(Repeat each time.
after each of the following 6 lines)
God, take and hold Thy Eternal Command! (3) BEINGS AND GREAT COSMIC LIGHT! POWERS OF
In God’s Own Heart we stand! (3) LIGHT FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORDS
And compel our Light’s Victory to hold Eternal Com­ OF THE BLUE FLAME AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! (1)
mand! (3) 1. Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all human feeling
Follow with: from the pathway of all under This Radiation today and
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to hold Eternal Com­ forever! (3)
mand! (3) Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
Compel Jesus’ Ascension to hold Eternal Command! (3) etc.
Compel Daddy’s Obedience to hold Eternal Command! (3) (Same as above)
Compel Nada’s Love, Wisdom and Power to hold Eternal 2. Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all human feeling
Command! (3) from our beings and worlds today and forever! (3)
Compel the Divine Director’s Great Command to hold Eter­ Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
nal Command! (3) etc.
(Same as above)
20 21
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3. Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all human feeling PREAMBLE, SAME AS ABOVE
against all Saint Germain’s ‘*1 AM” Activities thruout Compel all of Saint Germain’s "I AM” Activities to ex­
the world and all under This Radiation today and for­ pand thruout the world today and forever!
ever! (3) Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) etc.
etc. (Same as above)
(Same as above) He * *
4. See no one under This Radiation ever accepts any feel­ PREAMBLE, SAME AS ABOVE
ing or substance from anywhere but the Ascended Mas­ Flood America with Light; Protect America by Light,
ters’ Octave! (3) Save America by Light, Free America by Light, Rule
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) America by Light! (3)
etc. Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
(Same as above) etc.
* * * * (Same as above)
"I AM” ! (Repeat 9 times) THE MASTER PRESENCE OF * # # *
TODAY AND FOREVER! I COMMAND ALL FORCES Cover all under This Radiation in the Armor of Light,
OF THE ELEMENTS TO COMPEL PERFECTION INTO Love and Peace of a Thousand Suns and take Thy
ACTION EVERYWHERE "I AM” OR PASS BY OR TO Dominion today and forever! (3)
SION! (3) (Same as above)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) * * * *
* * * * In the Name and Authority of the Master Presence of
Light, which "I AM,” I command the Instantaneous
OF ALL MANKIND, GREAT HOST OF ASCENDED Eternal Ascended Master Healing for all under This
MASTERS, GREAT ANGELIC HOST, GREAT COSMIC Radiation today and forever! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
(Same as above)
Seal all in our National Defense in the Seven Fold Flame
of the Seven Mighty Elohim today and forever! (3) "M IGH TY I AM PRESENCE,” BELOVED JESUS, MARY,
Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all limitation in the WORLD! (1)
being and world of all under This Radiation today and Charge, charge, charge! all our "I AM” Young People
forever! (3) with the Ascended Masters’ Invincible, Eternal Pro­
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) tection of the Cosmic Light, Love and Peace of a
etc. Thousand Suns today and forever! (3)
(Same as above)
22 23
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
"I AM” (Repeat 9 times) the Resurrection and the Life LORDS OF THE BLUE FLAME, ANGELIC HOST AND
of our Limitless Supply of All God’s Mighty Wealth LEGIONS OF LIGHT! SAINT GERMAIN, JESUS, DAD­
today and forever! (3) DY, NADA, DIVINE DIRECTOR, COSMOS, CUZCO
* * * *
Compel the people of America to awake and call forth, SURYA, LORDS OF THE BLUE FLAME FROM THE
This Light today and forever! (3) GREAT CENTRAL SUN; GODDESS OF LIBERTY,
* * * * Direct this Power for which we call!
Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all danger and obstruc­ GODDESS OF PURITY, GODDESS OF JUSTICE, GOD­
tion from the pathway of all under This Radiation today DESS OF MERCY, GODDESS OF MUSIC, THE ANGELIC
❖ ❖ ❖ *
Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all problems and delay Sweep over America once every minute a Tidal Wave of
from the pathway of all under This Radiation today and Blue Flame and burn from the earth all human self­
forever! (3) ishness and discord! Compel this to expand, expand
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) and forever expand till it fills ever land and holds Eter­
etc. nal Command, fulfilling God’s Plan; for in the Heart
(Same as above) of the Great Central Sun forever we stand; and hold the
* * * *
Hands of Those Great Cosmic Beings today and for­
PREAMBLE, SAME AS ABOVE ever, forever and forever! (3)
Compel the bodies and atmosphere of all under This Radi­ Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
ation to become Self-luminous each second, today and etc.
forever! (3) (Same as above)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3) * * * *
"M IGH TY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL BODIES Compel Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the Goddess of
OF ALL MANKIND, ALL GREAT BEINGS, POWERS Purity’s Flaming Substance of the Cosmic Light to

24 25
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc. property of Saint Germain P ress, Inc.
flood all under This Radiation today! (Repeat 1 after BEINGS AND GREAT COSMIC LIGHT! POWERS OF
each of the Three following endings) LIGHT FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORDS OF
to hold sway! (1) THE BLUE FLAME AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! (1)
God’s Way! (1) "I AM” (repeat 9 times) the Luminous Presence of the
In Victory to stay; in Victory to stay; in Victory to Seven Fold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim, ruling
stay! (1) in, thru and around this flesh body and all under This
Follow with repeating each of the following statements once, Radiation today and forever; commanding the Forces
without repeating previous statement. of the elements to compel Perfection into action wher­
ever "I AM” or pass by or to which I direct my thought,
All viciousness now slay
All the human now slay feeling and attention until the moment of my Ascen­
All problems now slay sion! (1)
* * * *
All uncertainty now slay
All doubt now slay PREAMBLE, SAME AS ABOVE
All fear now slay Keep all our bills paid in advance today and forever! (3)
$ ifc * ❖
All debts now slay (3)
All debts now pay PREAMBLE, SAME AS ABOVE
All disease now slay Seal all under This Radiation in the Luminous Presence of
All poverty now slay the Angelic Host, the Archangel Michael and Legions
All delays now slay of Light today and forever! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
And compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to forever hold etc.
sway! (1)
(Same as above)
Compel Jesus’ Ascension to forever hold sway! (1) * * * *
Note: Cover all under This Radiation in the Arfnor of Light,
Use the above form for the following: Love and Peace of a Thousand Suns and take Your
Compel Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the VIOLET Dominion today and forever! (3)
CONSUMING FLAME OF A THOUSAND SUNS to And compel it to expand, expand and forever expand till
rule thru all under This Radiation today! it fills every land and holds Eternal Command, fulfilling
etc. God’s Plan—by God’s Cosmic Hand; for in the Heart
* * * *
of the Light of a Thousand Suns forever we stand and
THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN! Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
Annihilate, annihilate, annihilate all legal action and in­ etc.
tended legal action against the Saint Germain Press and (Same as above)
Foundation, the "Voice of the ’I AM’ ” and all under * * * *
This Radiation today and forever! (3) BELOVED CYCLOPEA, SILENT WATCHER, ANGEL
(Same as above) Charge! Charge! Charge! all under This Radiation with
* * * * all Your Power and Secrets from the Great Great Silence
(Same as above)
26 27
P roperty of Saint Germain Press, In c . Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
( 1)
Reveal to the American people all that is against their
Victory of the Light today and forever! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
(Same as above)
♦ * * *
Seal all our "I AM” Young People and all in the National
Defense in the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven Mighty
Elohim today and forever! (3)
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! (3)
(Same as above)


Every call you make to the "Mighty I AM Presence” is the
lesser part of Life in you calling to Its Greater Party Its Greater
Self, the "Mighty I AM.” Therefore, It is the Authority. It
has to be answered; and let Me assure you, my dear ones, there
is no one exempt. If you would make just two, three or five
minutes definite application at a definite set time three times GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE, ASCENDED •
a day, you would find the results and your ease of action T is our great privilege to announce the
supreme beyond anything you have found so far. release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
Oh, my dear ones, your human would like to pull you from senger, Lotus Ray King.
the Freedom of This Light, just as the general accumulation of This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration
mankind; and if it can get you so anxious, so concerned about to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is
the appearance out here—even in the service you render—it an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the
is slipping in the back door and getting you by the neck. You
know this sounds ridiculous, but it is absolutely true. When it Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this
cannot get you in any other way it will try to get you so in­ Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light.
terested in your Service to the Light that it causes you to forget This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
your application; because, then it knows that sooner or later to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­
it is going to get you again.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

28 29
P roperty of Saint Germain Prets, Inc.
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and OUR NEW MUSIC
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.”
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an
I T is our great privilege and joy to announce the
release of a folder of three new songs by the
Messenger, Lotus Ray King.
They are:
Great Hercules—Thou Elohim
intense call for some way in which to express the deep Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our Archangel Michael
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and It is our great privilege and joy to dedicate the songs in
this folder to our Beloved Hercules, Mary the Mother of Jesus
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­ and the Archangel Michael.
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into May the Love and Blessings of our hearts, those of all man­
their Ascension. kind and all Beings and Powers of Light and Love, enfold
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­ them for all Eternity, in all the Glory of the Great Central
Sun, for all they mean and are to the world and humanity!
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­ We dedicate these songs in Eternal Love and Gratitude to
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings. the "Mighty I AM Presence” and these Blessed Ascended
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­ Masters with the intense call that we be made and kept worthy
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It of the Light and Love They have given us all in this "I AM”
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that
receive their Freedom and release. Light, until all mankind are ascended and Free!
No greater privilege could be given one than to be May there go forth thru these songs such Love, Gratitude
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our and Adoration to these Beloved Ascended Beings for all they
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­ mean to mankind, that every human being on earth may be
privileged to see them face to face in Their Visible Tangible
ity and Blessing. Ascended Master Bodies and know Them as we do!
LOTUS RAY KING May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel the Mighty
DONALD RAY KING Reality of these Great Beings, Their Enfolding Presence and
Love pouring out constantly and bringing Eternal Freedom
in the "Light of God that never fails.”
• GEM OF LIGHT • These songs, both music and lyrics are a direct answer to
SAINT GERMAIN our intense call, that thru music, we may all constantly pour
to them our Love, Adoration and Gratitude, for Their Im­
Suppose you have some specific work to perform. Stand on measurable and Eternal Gifts of Freedom, Healing and Illumi­
your feet and for five minutes call som ething like this: nation; and for being the Open Door thru which Their Help
" 'Mighty I AM Presence’ charge me with Your Perfection; comes to us instantly and without limit.
with Your Invincible Protection from the radiance poured Our Beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrange­
forth from this condition. Charge me with such limitless ments and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude, Protection and
energy that I am never weary, nor do I take on any vibratory Blessings to enfold him forever.
action that comes from it. Instead, thru me Oh fMighty I AM May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom
Presence’ pour forth Your Limitless Energy that goes forth in from the distress of the outer world; and thru this music and
Its Mighty Light Rays, dissolving and consuming everything Love receive Their Freedom and release.
discordant within the condition (or individuals) and set it No greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
(or them) free in the service of the Light; then see that they channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts
serve the Light. sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor-
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
tunity and Blessing. DONALD RAY KIN G
P roperty of Saint Germain P ress, Inc.
T is our great privilege and joy to announce the
release of a folder of three new songs by the Mes­
senger, Lotus Ray King. T is our great privilege and joy to an­
They are:
"I AM” Here nounce the release of another Book of
Angels of Saint Germain
Freedom’s Triumph the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES - Vol­
They are all dedicated in Eternal Love and Gratitude to the
"Mighty I AM Presence” and our Beloved Saint Germain, with ume V III e n t i t l e d - " I A M ” D IS ­
the intense call that we be made and kept forever worthy of COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
the Light and Love He has given us all in this Mighty "I AM”
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that
Light until all mankind are ascended and Free. This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
May there go forth thru these songs such Love, gratitude tated by the Great Divine Director at different
and adoration to our Beloved Saint Germain for all He means
to mankind, that every human being on earth may be priv­ periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
ileged to see Him face to face in His Visible, Tangible As­
cended Master Body and Know Him as we do! which He can pour to the students and all man­
May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel His Mighty
Reality, His Enfolding Presence and Love pouring out to them kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
and bringing Eternal Freedom in the "Light of God that ing this book.
never fails.”
These songs, both music and lyrics, are a direct answer to
our intense call that thru music we may all pour to Him con­
This book is bound in green cloth to match the
stantly our Love, Adoration and Gratitude for His Immeas­ rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
urable and Eternal Gifts of Freedom and Illumination; and
for being the Open Door for the Ascended Masters’ Instruction be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
of the "Mighty I AM Presence” —the Law of Life—to raise all
into their Perfection. 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
Our beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrangements
and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude and Blessings to enfold 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
him forever.
May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25
from the distress of the outer world, and thru this music and
Love receive their Freedom and release.
No greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts
sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor­
tunity and Blessing.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

32 33
Property of Saint Germain P ress Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the


T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN T O Chicago, Illinois
G RO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­ • PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEMENT •
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
This means, we will not allow this instruction as they were in 1941-
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­ In the United States of America $3.50; in other coun­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and tries $4.00.
we shall protect them fu lly. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined th at this G IFT OF L IG H T , countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
Masters to m ankind SH A LL BE P R O T E C T ED
All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
FO REV ER— that mankind m ay receive its E ter­ Your change of address must reach this office not later than
the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
We shall use our Full Power and our Full R ight assured.
to m aintain CO M PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T Subscriptions for 1942 which were sent to the Sindelar Stu­
A LL TIM ES. dios have been turned over to us; however, those sending in
from this date on please send to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
and Thank you!

Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1942 ,

Property of Saint Germain Press Inc.
• THE • • THE •
UN V EILED M YSTERIES, Volume I __________By Godfre Ray King C H A R T OF T H E MAGIC PRESENCE
C ontaining the first g ro u p of the a u th o r ’s experiences. A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and contem plation .
P rice $2.5 0, P ostpaid $2.7 5 Size 5 Yz x 8 Y2. P rice 2 5 c, P o stp aid 3 0c
T H E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume I I __________By Godfre Ray King Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 1.00, P ostpaid $1 .2 0
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r ’s experiences. On H eav y Linen, Size 3 0 x 52. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep aid
P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00
AU r, 4 , 1, ^ j { Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 60 .0 0
Volume III __________By the Ascended Master Saint Germain A bove C h arts m echan ically anim ated-___ ____ _____ 1
/S iz e 3 Ox 52. P rice $ 2 2 5 .0 0
and Other Ascended Masters
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, explain in g the A scended M asters* ap p lic a­ ( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 5.00
tion o f the " I A M ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00 V iolet Flam e m ech an ically an im ate d ------------------- j Size 30 x 52. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0

T H E " I AM” ADO RATIONS, AFFIRM ATIO NS A N D DECREES, Shipping ch arg es e x tra
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 __________ _________________ By Chanera PICTU RE OF T H E ASCENDED M ASTER, JE SU S
A selection of p o w e rfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees o f th e "M ig h ty
I AM P resence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00 PICTU RE OF T H E ASCENDED M ASTER, SA IN T GERM AIN
H an d colored steel en g rav in g s o f etch ings by C h arles Sin d elar.
ASCEN D ED M ASTER DISCOURSES, Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 .0 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 ,2 5
Volume VI By Various Ascended Masters
C o n tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d b efore h u n dred s o f stu d en ts, w ith three PICTU RE OF OUR BELOVED M ESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
color p late s. P rice $ 2 .75, P ostpaid $3.00 A c tu a l ph otograp h ic repro d u ctio n in G oldtone.
ASCEN D ED M ASTER LIG H T, Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 .8 5
Volume VII __ By Various Ascended Masters Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.5 0, P o stp aid $ 4 .0 0
and Cosmic Beings Size 15 x 191/2. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
C o n tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d ictate d b efo re h u n dred s o f stu d en ts, w ith Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E x p ress collect
th ree color plates. P rice $3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25 Profile Size 15 x 19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
Volume VIII By the Great Divine Director
C on tain in g tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by the G re a t D ivine D irec to r, before
h u n d red s of stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $ 3 .00, P ostpaid $ 3 .2 5
V est P ocket E dition o f p o w erfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations. O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS OF P U R IT Y
P rice $1 .0 0 , P ostp aid $1.20
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in h eavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­
m ain Series. For Special " I A M ” L oose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. These D ecrees
and Songs a re p rin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold ab o u t 150 SO N OF L IG H T SO N G OF T H E V IO L E T FLA M E
leaves (3 00 p a g e s). P rice B inder $1.2 5, P ostpaid $1.40 C A L L T O L IG H T G O D FR E O U R LO V ED O N E A SC EN D ED
D ecrees and Songs 1 x/z c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), p ostage e x tra " I AM” H ER E
" U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o V olum es Price $5.25 A G rou p o f Songs— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R a y K in g and L o tu s R a y K in g.
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T hree Volum es P rice $7.75 These songs are especially ch arged w ith p o w e rfu l h ealing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R S E S— In T w o V olum es P rice $6.75 lith ograp hed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece o f m usic.
"A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olum es. . ....... P rice $7.00 P rice each $ 1 .0 0 ---------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------- P ostp aid $ 1 .1 5
P ostage e x tra
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE • • T H E •
• SERIES • • S E R I E S •
E x ce p t— "S o n g of the V iolet F lam e” w hich contains fo u r ( 4 ) color p late s and
sells fo r $1.2 5. P ostpaid , $1.40 VICTROLA A N D PH O NO GRAPH RECORDS
T h e fo u r color p late s in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
sin gly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $.50, P ostp aid , $.60
\ 200 -A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T ______(In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
I 200-B — RO SE OF L I G H T _____________________________ < F red erick Lan d w eh r,
"C R Y ST A L CUPS” * N o vach ord
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each ________________ _____________________ $7.00
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60 \ 201-A — L O T U S MY L O V E .....................___(In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Room s, San ctu arie s, and fam ily use. In d iv id u als m ay I 2 01-B — V O IC E OF T H E P R E S E N C E __________________ < F red erick Lan d w eh r,
h ave these if th ey so desire— e a c h ________________________________________$2 5.00 I N o v ach o rd
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.25
These " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Rooms or G rou p Leaders. E ach ( 202-A — SO N OF L IG H T _______ I_____ (In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
" C u p ” is blessed person ally by M rs. G . W . B a lla rd and is then shipped d ire ct to ( 2 02-B— C A L L T O L I G H T ____ .....__ ....._______ __________ < F re d e ric k L an d w eh r,
each in d iv id u al. N o disco un ts a re allow ed. V N o v ach o rd

DECREE BOOKLETS ( 2 0 3 -A— R A IN B O W R A Y S ____________ (In stru m e n ta l) ( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist

( 2 0 3 -B— O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S__,________________ < F red eric k L an d w eh r,
Sm all B ooklets con tain in g D ecrees com piled on d ifferen t su b jects fo r in d iv id u al
v N o v ach o rd
o r S tu d y G ro u p use. M arvelou s resu lts are being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a
m om entum th ru co n stan t u se o f these B ook lets:
( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY ( 1 001 -A— R A IN B O W R A Y S — (In str u m e n ta l) t ® .
J (F re d e ric k L an d w eh r, N o v ach o rd
(1 0 0 1 -B— D E D IC A T IO N ____________________ ,r_____D on ald R a y K in g
3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FR EED O M
4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S ( R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n _______________...___________ M r. and M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
(P rice each 3 0c, plu s postage— ex cept N o. 1— O pulence and Su pply . P resent ( R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) H a r p _______________ .M rs. B a lla r d
sto ck on hand w ill be sold fo r 20c each, p lu s p o stage.)
5. P U R P O SE OF T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I AM ” A C T IV IT IE S j R R - 1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N _____ _________________________M rs. B a lla rd and D on ald
(Sm all booklet g ivin g short resum e o f the A scended M asters* " I AM ” A c tiv ity .) I R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r M y G od to T h ee) H a rp ____ M rs. B a lla r d
P rice each— 15c, p lu s p ostage
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I A M ” SP E A K S ( 3 300-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) __________ _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P rice, 3 0c, plu s p ostage ( 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _____ ___________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

PLAYBACKS ( 3 301 -A— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

An O rig in a lly designed R ecord P lay b ack w ith p o rtab le case, su itab le fo r " I A M ” ( 3 301-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lays either 3 3 l / 3 RPM R ecord s or r e g u la r
ph onograph records. P u b lic A d d ress System and other equipm en t can be f u r ­ C 3 3 02-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ________________________M r. G . W . B a lla r d
nished. F u ll d e ta ils fu rn ish ed upon req u est, in clu d in g price. I 3 3 02-B— T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) _____________ ....M r. G . W . B a lla r d

PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 0 3 -A— Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d
3 3 1 /3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, co ntaining a 30 m inu te ta lk on the L aw ( 3 303-B — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eek ly to " I AM ” S tu d en ts and ow ners o f
P la y b a ck s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s fu rn ish ed upon requ est. | 3 303-C — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) ___...___ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
( 3 3 03-D — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictation s (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
M onthly M agazine contain in g articles explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ | 3 3 03-E — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
co urses by the A scen ded M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack n u m bers ( 3 3 03-F — B eginning of " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
av a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su bscription s begin w ith M arch,
1942. P rice single copy 3 5c, Y e arly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co un tries $4.00. (T h e 3 3 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G. W . B a lla r d and should be
sold in a se t)
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE •
3 3 0 4 -A— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt - M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 04-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt . M r. G . W . B a lla rd { N -1 0 4 -A — Song o f the V iolet Flam e ( 1 2 " R e c o r d )__________Song Shrine A u dience
\ N -1 0 4 -B — C all to L ig h t--------------------------------------------------Song Shrine A u dience
3 3 0 4-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t...... M r. G. W . B a lla rd T h e abo ve record s a re su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or u se in " I A M ” S tu d y
3 3 04 -D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt — M r. G . W . B a lla r d G rou p s.
(A ll records are now shipped d ire ct fro m th e W estern B ran ch o f th e Sain t G erm ain
3 3 0 5 -A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd P ress, In c., P .O . B ox 4 2 8 , Los A n geles, C a lif.)
3 3 05-B — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
P rice each (d o u b le f a c e d ) — B lu e tra n sp a re n t m a te r ia l_________ ____ ___________ $3.15
Sh ipping C h arg es E x tr a
3 3 06-A — -TR U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E _____ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 306-B — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E __ ___M r. G . W . B a lla rd MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS
( I d " R ecord fo r P la y b a c k on ly )
3 30 7 -A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E _________________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd / ( | L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
3 3 07-B — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E .________________________M r. G . W . B a lla r d I N o. 65 ] 1— G oddess o f P u r ity ---- (In str u m e n ta l) < F red eric k L an d w eh r,
/ j * Shrine O rg an
3 30 8 -A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K I N D - .,____________________ ___M r. G. W . B a lla rd \ * 2— Leto, Blessed L e to ----------------------------------------Song' Sh rine A u d ien ce
3 3 08-B— H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D __________1________________M r. G . W . B a lla rd
{ N o. 66— " I A M ” C om e____ (In str u m e n ta l) jL o tu , R a y K i n g , H a r p i.t
x ( F red eric k L an d w eh r, Sh rine O rg an
3 3 09-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______________ ________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd N o te : T h is M usical P la y b a c k N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3 3 0 9 -B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd N o. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefo re , N os. 65 an d 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
P rice M u sical P la y b a c k R ecord $5.25 each Sh ipping ch arg es e x tra
3 3 1 0 -A — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , J u ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
A ll R ecord s o b tain ab le only a t W estern B ran ch o f the Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
33 1 0 -B — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8 ____T.—M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P. O . B o x 4 2 8 , Los A n geles, C a lif.

3 3 1 0 -C — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8--------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0 -i)— E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 1938 —........ -M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 31 0 -E — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0-F — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -G — E x ce rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8___ ___ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -H — E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3310-1— E x ce rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8_______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

. _ i n } J — A d o ratio n to M igh ty V icto ry ---------------------------------M r. G . W . B a lla r d
331 0 1 K — B enediction __________________________________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

N -1 0 0 -A — Song o f the V iolet F lam e—.......„ _ ( In stru m e n tal) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s M y L o v e ......... ................................... F red erick L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an

N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u r ity _____________ (In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 1 -B — Silent Sen tin el______________________ F red erick Lan d w eh r, Shrine O rg an
N -1 0 2 -A — ” 1 A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I-............................. —Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass
N -1 0 2 -B — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I I —............ ......... /.___Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942

N -1 0 3 -A — M igh ty V icto ry ( 1 2 " R e c o r d ) _______ ________ ____ Song Shrine A u d ien ce • (jo p y r iy h t-jS a in t (jerm ain9?res>sfTnGi942, ■
N -1 0 3 -B — G re a t D ivin e D ir e c to r ______ ________ ___________ Song Shrine A u d ien ce
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.


«t a m # m m /m om

C ^K e § a in t Q erm a in § erieS

By the Ascended Masters and 'Vheir Accredited Messengers,

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald



The "Voice o f the I AM ” is the mouth-piece through w hich

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica** w ill be the Ascended Masters’ help to the youiig people
for their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
o f the new civilization and are the channels through w hich
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden “ I AM ” Age.

Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
• ( 7 o p y rr i c f h i - S a i n t ( j e r m a i n ^ r e s s InG i9 4 2 ■
flf flf


R E A T A n g e l H o s ts Great A ngel Hosts, reveal to man

sweep o’er the earth T hy True Reality,
In F la m e s o f C o sm ic And A ngel Devas Shining Bright,
Love* Compel m ankind to see
To fold all in Their Hearts of Gold T he Great Perfection meant for all,
Their Mastery from above! That all must now become!
In Blazing Light Supreme They Archangels call the Cherubim
come, And Seraphim from the Sun!
Their Glory none can tell,
Revealing Beauty all unknown,
N o w here on earth They dwell!
Great Angel Hosts forever sing—
Life’s Song from the Central Sun!
Love’s Great Perfection evermore!
They sweep on Shining W ings of "I A M ”—Light’s Victory won!
Light, "I A M ”! the Light of Life to all!
As earth They love and bless, "I A M ”! all Freedom’s VOW !
To fill w ith Peace and Joy of Song, "I A M ”! the Sacred Song of Life!
A ll m ankind’s consciousness! "I A M ” ! Thy Presence N O W !
Their H ealing pours on Golden
T o clothe all in Their Power,
Their Love o’erwhelms all man’s REFRAIN
distress Angel* Beloved! come step thru—
This M ighty Cosmic Hour. Guard all the Children of the Light!
"I AM ”! Thy Heart’s Alm ighty
Great Legions of G od’s Angel Hosts "I AM ”! Thy Protection and
Abide on earth again, Might!
To raise all here into the Light M! AM ”! Thy Healing! ALL LIGHT
And evermore remain release!
The Guardians of Light’s Great "I AM”! Thy Love and ALL
Great Realm, GOD'S Peace!
Perfecting by G od’s Miuht, "I AM"! Thy Presence in every call!
A ll on. the earth who seek Light’s "I AM”! Thy litgion s—conquering
W ay all!
And strive unto G od’s Height! —Chanera

Property of S al»t Ctrmmln P rtit, Inc.

D on't blame persons, places or conditions for a thing,
but take command of your own feeling world; and
as you call that Power of your Presence forth, hold
and m aintain Complete Perfect Harmony w ithin your
feeling, you will find a new world open to you that
moment; and you w ill wonder how in the world, you
could have allowed your attention to be held upon the
• SAINT (i HR MAIN'S DISCOURSE • things that were depriving you, which any discord
does, of all the Happiness, Blessings and the Perfection
W ashington, Breakfast t April 3, 1938 of the Light that is called forth.
Please remember that your Power of Qualification
I W I Y dear blessed ones of the Light, how W e in you, so far as your world is concerned, is the All-
I \ n W all love you, and how W e w ant to do and powerful param ount thing. You cannot prevent your
accomplish even more than W e had planned Power of Qualification acting, except you understand
in the City of W ashington. that whatever discord is in your feeling, must clothe
Only yesterday, I was here in the tangible body in this energy. Now remember, you are calling forth great
your city! You w ant Us to come in the tangible body Streams of Energy from your Presence. It is Pure Per­
to you! W e cannot do it, as long as inharmony of any fect Energy, until It touches your hum an form, then it
kind continues in your feeling! It is so easy to be is compelled to be clothed w ith the quality which is in
governed! I cannot blame your papa for spanking a your feeling. If it be discordant, it carries that discord
little bit this morning, but it is with a paddle of Light into your w orld repelling everything good that wants
always. to reach you.
So dear ones, W e have prepared very wonderful This is the Law, the exact Law of Life! You cannot
Powers, Currents of Energy, Light Rays to do all that afford to do it! I mean, even if it were not for these
needs to be done at this time. You cannot imagine from Great Streams of Energy which are called forth now
the invisible and the visible standpoint w hat is going to render this service for your city and America, you
on in your midst. 1low those subtle destructive forces cannot afford to hold those qualities of energy about
constantly watch to find an opportunity to intrude them­ you, which keep opening you to the destructive forces
selves! Once individuals realize that every feeling of that exist in the atmosphere of earth. You cannot get
discord within their feeling world opens them up to away from it, until your Ascension! You have to move
this destructive force, with which the earth is charged in it, because it is your own creation!
at this time, I am sure not one human being would N ow just for a moment come w ith Me and see what
allow, for one moment, a discordant feeling to hold is going on. All the students thruout America are call­
dominion w ithin his or her feeling world, no matter ing for its protection; the correction of conditions in
w hat the provocation. It is dangerous, dear ones, in the government, in the industries and in all the activ­
the extreme. ities of mankind for that matter; and yet among our
4 5
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in P r e ti, Inc.
P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge rm ain P r e n , Inc.
very beloved students, almost constant disagreement Remember, precious ones, you are so prone to be­
—opinions are passed upon each other, which is dis­ lieve it is only w hat is apparent out here that is im­
cord! Do you not see, beloved ones, the w orld’s eyes portant; but I say to you it is your feeling which is
are upon you as students of the ”1 AM” ? Then, don’t most important. There is nothing in the Universe so
you see, if the outer world sees one back-biting each important! You may smile at some one, but if your
other, is it any wonder if sometimes they think: "W ell feeling is stabbing that one in the back, don’t you think
if that is an ’I AM' Student, then I don’t w ant to be they feel it? People these days whether they have ever
like that’? You set* there are many in the world, today, heard of This W ork or not, are very sensitive, and
whose harmony within is naturally very great. People THEY FEEL THE DISCORD JUST AS QUICKLY AS
of that type, when they come in contact with people YOU DO! Therefore, if there is not Harmony and
and hear one speaking unkindly about another, think: Blessing pouring forth from the G roup Leaders, the
MWell if this Instruction of the 'Mighty I AM Presence,’ students and all concerned, others do not w ant to come
does not bring Peace and Harmony, then why w ould into This Light. People think, if those people are Stu­
I want to seek it?” dents of the ” 1 AM” and it produces that kind of result,
You see, I am draw ing the example before you, of "W ell I would not want to be like that.” Therefore,
how you appear to the outside world. If you allow dis­ don't you see how not only for your own sake, hut
cord to reign and unkind speech go forth from your because of the magnet which you become to the Powers
feeling, then the people observe that, because you have of Light, Harmony is the im portant thing!
no idea how you are being watched; everyone of you How can you be a Pillar of Light w ith discord in
who says to the world: " 'I AM’ and "I AM’ Students,” its midst? You cannot, and do not deceive yourselves!
is being watched; because this "I AM” Activity has You cannot be an "I AM” Student and have discord in
become known the world over now; and it means your your feelings toward your fellow-beings! Oh, each one
guard must In* strong about yourself, so you manifest has his or her own w orld and is alone responsible for
only that which the world would want to be like. THE it! Therefore, no one else is responsible for anyone’s
ASCI NI >11) M A s n K W HO IS PERFECTION, IS world, unless one pours out discord in his own feeling
YOUR I XAMPLi:! to another. Then, if that one to whom such a one is
pouring discord should fail, then the one who added to
Therefore, if you will do this, then you w ill find your
that discord, w ill be responsible for that one’s failure.
groups flooded with people; you cannot find places
D on’t forget it!
large enough to accommodate them! I have observed
quite recently the conditions about the various cities Remember, there is One Substance, One Energy,
and where the individuals, the Group Leaders pour One Power, One Intelligence of which you are all a
out Love and Blessings regardless of w hat some of the part! N ow notice, suppose above this room there were
students do, it is only a comparatively short time, until a Great Pillar of Light; and in that were Streams or
Harmony reigns in that Group. It is the most w onderful Currents of Energy, like your own coming from your
thing to observe the people who do that. Presence, pouring forth from the central location in
the room, each one having Its own Kay of Light from
P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge rm ai n P r e tt , Inc. 7
P r o p e r t y of Saint Clermain I* r# n , Inc.
that Central Focus. That gives you an idea how you tain! I am using this opportunity this morning to re­
are all a part of this one Great Substance, Energy and mind you of these things; so you can all take command
Light activity; but you here in your human form have NOW and stop every discordant thing in the remainder
the Power of free will, your Power of choice, as to how of the days in preparation for the class; for W e cannot
you qualify this Energy released into your world; I and will not release the Energy W e have prepared, u n ­
mean into your activity. Therefore, do you not see that less this is d o n e . It would be unwise, very unwise to
you are wholly responsible for how this Energy acts do it, much as W e lo n g to do This W ork! Must I wait
which goes forth from your body? still longer? Alte r two hundred years, W e have come
Now, if the Energy goes forth in a Light Ray from up to this w o n d r o u s point where W e are almost ready
your Presence, It can produce only Perfection, but re­ to step thru into this Freedom for America.
member, you are the Decreer for your world! You You love America, but can you understand how I
are the one who is calling this Energy to come forth love America? I must have loved America to have
for you; and It has to go thru you to do Its w ork in stood for two hundred years with no perceptible change
your world. Never lose that understanding. You can in the outer world; after working for more than four
call wondrous Assistance to come forth and also the centuries trying to harmonize Europe! Today, one by
Light projected from your Presence at the direction of one there is being destroyed the outer documents that
your H igher Mental Body; but whatever takes place I brought forth to Harmonise and protect Europe.
in your w orld has to come thru your body; because that Then, they must reap the consequences.
is your focus here for it. T hat is a wholly different thing, How strange that mankind w ill continue to yield to
wholly different from the Great Universal Light around destructive qualities, when they have the evidence be­
you. fore them of w hat the opposite can do. I am so grateful
W hat the Ascended Master does for you, He does that the Great Cosmic Light has at this time come to a
today thru your Higher Mental Body; He would not point where hum an destructive qualities can in certain
do it direct. Therefore, let Us hold this now so clear instances be returned upon their creators; for it is the
in your minds toduy, that you see wherein your re­ only hope today, to stop destructive forces acting thru
sponsibility rests; and how you are not concerned about individuals; many times to shatter those hum an forms.
one single* thing, except the perfecting of yourselves As many of you know, I was compelled to do that
and your world and calling forth Love and Blessings recently, because five times I intercepted the messenger
to everyone else! carrying the word to bring destruction to America and
Now, if you will follow this request, beloved ones, the fifth time I said: "If you don’t stop, I will return
I can do for you between now and the time the class upon you your own destruction,” and I was compelled
starts that which will give you Freedom; and prepare to do it! Then I w ent to the one who had sent this
you, so you will go forth from this coming class Free messenger and told him! I explained that heretofore
Beings; and there will never be another desire ifl your the Ascended Masters had no Authority nor Power to
world to speak an unkind word to a human being stop these destructive forces, except by what Power of
from any provocation whatever; that is positively cer­ Light they exerted. Today, those who serve vicious
8 9
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in P r e t t , Inc. P r o p e r t y of %aint Ge r m ai n P r e tt, Inc.
forces and w ill not listen to the Law, w ill be compelled So do not let those qualities act in you! Pour out
to be destroyed! Love and Blessing to all, then you will be sure that
Does that sound very strange for an Ascended Being your woj*ld is giving obedience; and into you and your
to say? Now get this point clear! W e have not one world will pouf the Purity and Perfection of your
destructive thought or feeling, neither do W e wield Presence, filling your world with happiness and every
one single destructive force; but W e do draw a W all good thing! That is what the hearts of all mankind are
of Light about ificliviclmtIs as in the case of which I just craving today as never before in the world! Therefore,
spoke to you; and the destruction sent out from that beloved ones, remember you are the Decreer for your
individual is thut one's own destruction. Now, please world and what is going to act there. I cannot compel
hold this clearly in your minds and convey it clearly you; no one can, but you in your call to your Presence
to your people everywhere you find them; because this can maintain such l ove and Out-pouring of Blessing
must be understood in our America. W e have always from your feeling world, that everyone who touches
stated We never use a destructive force and W e do not; your Radiance will feel—Oil what is it that makes
but when individuals are determined to yield to de­ me feel so peaceful, so harmonious? Then, as they turn
structive forces, the Greatest Blessing in the whole and watch you, by that full Out-pouring will the Light
creation for that individual, is to be taken out of the shine thru your face; until when they look upon your
body where that one can generate no more discord or face, they w ill see the Radiance there and then they
make records that m ight take them centuries to undo. w ill w ant to be like It.
Therefore, the G reat Cosmic Light is showing a Oh, how wonderful, how Real are these Activities
mercy never known on the earth before; but surely of m ankind which so many have forgotten entirely!
everyone understands these days that there is no death! Beloved ones, it is such a joy to have this opportunity
You cannot die! These bodies of flesh you are wearing, to talk to you and pour forth My Assistance into your
are just garments that you wear temporarily; or they feeling world. It is Ascended Master Self-luminous
could be made permanent by Purification and the As­ Intelligent Substance to help you, to strengthen you to
cension. You alone are responsible for w hat acts thru be so loving, kindly and harmonious and pour forth
your human form, and no other person in the Universe Our Radiance. From the heart w ill that Great Radiance
can make you do something you don’t w ant to do or pour forth, Oh with such Power—that all the world will
be responsible for what you do! Everyone is responsi­ w ant to be like you and w ill point you out among man­
ble to his or her own Presence of Light! kind and say: "There goes a Real 'I AM’ Student! There
Let Me call your attention to another thing, beloved is one who has come to know the 'Mighty I AM Pres­
ones, you cannot govern another! You cannot in the ence’ and abides within It and has Its Beauty, Perfection
outer know what is the cause and effect of the disturb­ and Limitless Supply of every good thing, including the
ance in other individuals! Therefore, please do not Happiness which every heart craves. I want to be like
judge one another! You do not know that ofttimes in the *1 AM* Students! I want to be Free too.” Then, the
the attempt to judge another, you draw on to yourself whole world will so quickly take up that feeling be­
the very identical condition and qualities which you cause remember, again I repeat to you, in the Mighty
are judging. Decrees which have gone forth thruout America, you
10 11
P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge rm ai n P r e tt , Inc.
P r o p e r t y o f Saint G er m ai n P r e t t , Inc.
felt they had to work some cunning scheme, in order
have no idea, precious ones, how far-reaching and to get some money away from another. T hat time is
powerful they are acting in the mental and feeling passed never to be revived! Individuals w ill w ant their
world of mankind. They arc doing a W ork unparalleled brothers to have what they have or as much. Then, as
in the history of the earth; and are touching the feelings each one calls forth Love and Blessing to each other,
of mankind by the hundreds of thousands who have will all be provided with an abundance of everything
not even yet heard of This MI AM” Activity! Those they require for use. Then, they w ill not w ant to ac­
Decrees arc causing them to awaken and feel that there cumulate a lot of things which take energy and time to
is something in I.ile which they have missed! Then, as take care of; but they just know the Presence always
from one avenue or another they come to hear of this, p r o v id e s the things they require and they cannot be
immediately that attuncmcnt will strike; and they will absent. Then mankind will live in True Happiness!
begin to reach out for the Blessing which their Presence Once again, mankind will come into their own homes,
alone can give to them. when this exhorbitant taxation has vanished!
Beloved ones, Oh My G ratitude is so great to you Before the fall of every civilization, there has always
for your Love to the Messengers and to Us. It makes come exhorbitant taxation, unreasonable taxation to
everything possible, and if you would only go a step the people. Let us by the Powers of Light, call forth
further and keep such Harmony, Love and O ut-Pouring such a Release from the Presence of all Life, that this
of Blessings from your feelings, then W e can do almost
time It can be governed by the Powers of Light which
anything for you. W ho shall say, who shall say, w hat makes It forever permanent; and w ith the Sword of
W e shall do for you?
Blue Flame, the Power of Light, may the Soldiers of
Remember the Example before you in the ten Ascen­ Light wield this Power of Freedom for mankind; so
sions from the earth in one day, is the Example brought no more records be made by m ankind which must be
forth to the world of what can be done for mankind! undone, dissolved or consumed; but let the Fulness of
May I suggest, please dear ones, do not seek things, Light and Its Infinite Power hold Its Dominion in you,
but seek the Presence, and Its Powers will act thru you America and the world! I thank you!
to produce all the things that you require for use. Then,
will come the Glory and Harmony with it which only
brings Perfection! Your Presence is the only producer
of things that you require for use; and as you live in
your Presence enough, your Presence w ill produce thru • GEMS OF LIG HT • W
outer activity, these things. Then, never w ill there be
any discordant reaction! Never can there be loss of S A IN T G ERM AIN
any kind, for you see what your Presence gives you, I tell you dear ones, in the fulness of all your Free­
can never be taken away. dom means, remember your attention to your ”Mighty
T hat is why there has been the subterfuge which I AM Presence,” your assurance of Our Reality and
has in the past held its sway in mankind in the form of your dynamic application, is the Trinity of Action!
deception, and especially in the business world. Men
P r o p e r t y of Saint G e r m a in Press, Inc.
P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge rm ai n Press, Inc.
3 PREAMBLES "I AM” is the Most Divine Activity in the Universe!
"M IG H TY I AM PRESENCE,” HIGHER MENTAL "I AM” is the Most Powerful W ORD in the vocab­
INGS, POWERS AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! "I AM” is the Most Honorable NAME in the U ni­
LEGIONS OF LIGHT, GREAT ANGELIC HOST, Please use the above four lines at the opening of every
LIGHT! # * + *
SIJN, LORDS OF THE BLUE FLAME, ANGELIC Seal all mulct This Radiation in Y our Luminous
ll< >ST AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT! Presence, and < <)MPEL! (3) all of Y our A uthor­
(Decree) ity. Se< ........... I I’owci from die GREAT GREAT
(LIsc the following pattern for the following Decrees:—) SILENCE to rule in thru and around us a l l -
Oh, "M ighty I AM” ! (3) today anil forever!
By God’s Command! (3) Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
W e insist and demand! (3) etc.
God! Take and hold Thy Eternal Command! (3) * * * #
In God’s Own H eart we stand! (3) 3 PREAMBLES SAINT GERMAIN, JESUS,
Compel our Light’s Victory to forever hold com­ DADDY, NADA, GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR,
mand! (3) COSMOS, CUZCO, and RAY-O-LIGHT, K-17 and
Compel Saint G erm ain’s Freedom to forever hold your Legions of LIGHT, M IG H TY HARM ONY,
Ami, compel It to expand, expand and forever ex­ ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, M IG H TY MAHACHO-
’Till It (ills every land! BLESSED O R IO N , BELOVED SURYA A N D
And holds Eternal Command! LORDS OF THE BLUE FLAME FROM THE
For, in the I leart of the Seven-fold Flame of the Seven GODDESS OF PURITY, GODDESS OF JUSTICE,
Mighty Elohim forever we sta n d -in Full Command— GODDESS OF MERCY, GODDESS OF MUSIC;
and hold Your Hands—unto all Eternity! SEVEN MIGHTY ELOHIM. SEVEN M IG H TY
For, God the "Mighty I AM Presence” in us is our KUMAR AS, SEVEN MIGHTY CHOI IANS, GODS
Certain Victory, now made manifest, by the Light of OF THE MOUNTAINS, BROTHERS OF THE
God in us that never, never, never fails! GOLDEN ROBE, THE DIAM( >NI> HEART AND
Remind ourselves constantly and often:— that, THE BLUE FLAME, THE W H ITE ROBE AND
"I AM” is the full Activity of God! THE IN D IG O CAPE, AND THE CLOAK OF IN-
14 15
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in Press, Inc. P r o p e r t y o f Saint G e r m a in P r e t t , Inc.
COMPEL! (3) All of Y our Power Force and WATCHER, ANGEL DEVA FROM THE JADE
Of the Victory, Freedom and Protection
Of the Unfed Flame of a Thousand Suns, ANNIHILATE! (3) All discord and grief in the
to rule in th ru and around all under This Radiation, homes of our people and its cause, effect, record
today and forever! and memory—today and forever!
Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
Oh, "Mighty I AM” ! etc.
etc. (include Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to forever
(including "Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to for­ hold command!
ever hold command!” Compel Fun W ay’s Happiness to forever hold
"Compel Victory’s Victory to forever hold com­ command!
m and,” use and compel it to expand, etc.
Compel Lord Maitreya’s Divine Love to forever * * * *
hold command! Viciousness in Hollywood:
Compel Sanat K um ara’s Cross of W hite Fire and Drive and bind all viciousness in Hollywood against
Star of Gold to forever hold command! the "I AM” Activity, back into the brains and bodies of
Compel God’s Justice to forever hold command! its creators and claws, and ANNIHILATE! (3) it a l l -
Compel God’s Justice to rule throughout O ur cause, effect, record and memory—from the Universe—
Land. Goddess of Justice take and hold Thy today and forever!
Eternal Command! and compel it to expand, Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
expand and forever expand, etc. etc.
* * * * * * * *

16 17
P r o p e r t y of Smint Germmin P r e tt , Inc. P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge r m a in P r e tt , Inc.
SANAT KUMARA! SANAT KUMARA! SANAT —I now hold God’s Own Hands!
KUMARA—Blaze thru us Thy Light! —The Unfed Flame still stands!
—Clothe us with Thy Might! —Chanera.
—Rule thru us each clay! * * * *
—Forever hold sway! MUSIC OF TH E SPHERES
Dissolve and Consume all that injures or destroys DIVINE DIRECTOR, THE GODDESS OF MUSIC,
the plant life of Our Land, today and forever— BELOVED SAINT CECELIA, GREAT CELESTIAL
—I come, O God to Thee! ITY <>l MUSK T o T in : I ARTH, THE ANGELIC
—I am at last all free! HOST AND LEGIONS OF LIGHT!
—I see God’s Own Great Heart! Dissolve and consume everything in the beings
—I live and ne’er shall part! and worlds of all under this Radiation that is
—I dwell in God’s Own Peace! not from the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES, and
—All but God’s Love must cease! sing in, thru and around us all Thy Song of Per­
—Is all G od’s Purity! fection—today and forever!
—Perfection now I see! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
—Life’s Own Great Song I hear! etc.
—My Presence’ Voice so clear! (as given Sunday night:—)
—My Loved ones stand beside! GELIC HOST, BELOVED FUN W AY, AND LE­
—Is Beauty none can tell! GIONS OF LIG H T:—
—I k n o w th a t a ll is w e ll! Seal all under This Radiation in Y our Luminous
—I live and love like God! Presence, and COMPEL! (3) all of Y our MUSIC
—No more shall mankind plod! OF THE SPHERES, and YOUR JOY, to rule
—Great Hosts of Angels sing! in thru and around us all—today and forever!
—Light’s ( Children now I bring! Oh, "Mighty I AM” !
—Is Majesty and Power! * * * *
—Is Mastery every hour!
—God’s Music ever sounds!
—God’s Great Command resounds!
—I call to all—come see!
—"I AM”—so may ye be!
P r o p e r t y of Saint G er m ai n P r « u , 1*c.
P r o p e r t y of Saint G e r m a in Press, Inc.

This Light is Supreme wherever It moves and to the
degree that people can feel this, w ill they feel very
quickly the dissolving process of this Great A ctivity. In
this release of the (,osmic Light today is also a part of
the answering Pouer to your calls for your own Tem -
ples of I irhf. !<>) yn/n <>u n school buildings. W ill you
qualify that in your own individual application?

In a positive attitude, it is magnificent how you carry
a conviction to the people, because no one can carry
any conviction in a wee wee voice. I mean your voice
must be firm! People then know that you understand
what you are talking about, and I tell you that is so
im portant. O f course, there are some natures that feel
frail and their voices are not strong as you think, but
let them get a little angry and their voices are good
and strong. So after all, it is a matter of how much w ill­
ingness, how much enthusiasm and how much determi­
nation is there!
Believe Me dear ones, you w ill get but a short way in ■ GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE, ASCENDED •
the Great Stream of Life, without almost a fierce de­ T is our great privilege to announce the
termination to have the Perfection which is there. Y o u release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
are surrounded by a world of human creation, and m y LOVED ONE, ASCENDED,” by the Mes­
dear ones, unless you burn a hole in the storm-clouds senger, Lotus Ray King.
of human creation, by the use of the Violet Consuming This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration
Flame, in which you can live, you are bound to be af­ to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W . Ballard, and is
fected by it. Your use of the Violet Consuming Flame an O ut-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the
burns a hole in the storm-cloud of human creation; and Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this
then you move in clearness and Freedom in a world of Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light.
the Perfection of Light. This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­
20 P r o p e r t y of Saint G er m ai n Press, Inc.
P r o p e r t y o f Saint Ge r m ai n Press, Inc.
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and OUR N EW MUSIC
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding T is our great privilege and joy to announce the
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­ release of a folder of three new songs by the
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.” Messenger, Lotus Ray K ing.
They are:
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an Great Hercules—Thou Elohim
intense call for some* way in which to express the deep Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Love and Gratitude* of the "I AM” Student Body to our Archangel Michael
Beloved Messenger for all Me has done for them; and It is our great privilege and joy to dedicate the songs in
this folder to our Beloved Hercules, Mary the Mother of Jesus
for being the Open I >•> 0 1 to bring to them the U nder­ and the Archangel Michael.
standing of thr law of Life, which will lead them into May the Love and Blessings of our hearts, those of all man­
their Ascension, kind and all Beings and Powers of Light and Love, enfold
The Clover design is an actual photograph hand col­ them for all Eternity, in all the Glory of the Great Central
Sun, for all they mean and are to the world and humanity!
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­ W e dedicate these songs in Eternal Love and Gratitude to
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings. the "Mighty I AM Presence” and these Blessed Ascended
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­ Masters w ith the intense call that we he made and kept worthy
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It of the Light and Love They have given us all in this "I AM ”
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that
receive their Freedom and release. Light, until all mankind are ascended and Free!
N o greater privilege could be given one than to be May there go forth thru these songs such Love, Gratitude
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our and Adoration to these Beloved Ascended Beings for all they
hearts sing w ith gratitude and praise for this opportun­ mean to mankind, that every human being on earth may be
privileged to see them face to face in Their V isible Tangible
ity and Blessing. Ascended Master Bodies and know Them as w e do!
LOTUS RAY K IN G May all w ho sing, play or hear these songs feel the M ighty
DONALD RAY K IN G Reality of these Great Beings, Their E nfolding Presence and
Love pouring out constantly and bringing Eternal Freedom
in the "Light of God that never fails.”
( |j f • GEM OF LIGHT • f ljf | These songs, both music and lyrics are a direct answer to
S A IN T GERMAI N our intense call, that thru music, w e may all constantly pour
to them our Love, Adoration and Gratitude, for Their Im­
One point, I want you to see. Take one w ithin this measurable and Eternal Gifts of Freedom, H ealing and Illum i­
room who has complete confidence in his or her own nation; and for being the Open D oor thru w hich Their Help
application, one who has received many instantaneous comes to us instantly and w ithout lim it.
answers to his or her calls, which of course gives con­ Our Beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrange­
fidence; yet that confidence does not come w holly from ments and we tall Eternal Love, Gratitude, Protection and
Blessings to enfold him forever.
the successful application. A ll confidence, my dear peo­ May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom
ple, comes from the Light w ithin yourselves! A ll from the distress of the outer world; and thru this music and
courage comes from the Light w ithin yourselves! A ll Love receive Their Freedom and release.
strength and power and energy comes from the Light N o greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
w ithin yourselves. channel thru w hich these songs could come, and our hearts
sing w ith Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor­
22 tunity and Blessing.
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ge rm ain P r e tt , Inc. 7 6 D O N A L D R A Y K IN G
Property of Saint Germain Prest, Inc.
T is our great privilege and joy to announce the
release of it folder of three new songs by the Mes­ T is our great privilege and joy to an­
senger, Lotun Kay King.
They are: nounce the release of another Book of
"I AM” Here
Angels of Saint Germain the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES - Vol­
Freedom's Triumph ume V III en titled - “I A M ” D IS ­
They tire all dedic ated in Internal Love and Gratitude to the
"Mighty I AM Presence" itiul our Beloved Saint Germain, w ith COURSES by the Great Divine Director.”
the intense tall that we he made'and kept forever worthy of
the Light and Love He has given us all in this M ighty "I A M ” This book contains twenty-five Discourses dic­
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that
Light until all mankind are ascended and Free. tated by the Great Divine Director at different
May there go forth thru these songs such Love, gratitude
and adoration to our Beloved Saint Germain for all He means periods and places, and is a powerful focus thru
to m ankind, that every human being on earth may be priv­
ileged to see H im face to face in His V isible, T angible As­ which He can pour to the students and all man­
cended Master Body and K now H im as w e do! kind when their attention is upon him thru read­
May all w ho sing, play or hear these songs feel His M ighty
Reality, His Enfolding Presence and Love pouring out to them ing this book.
and bringing Eternal Freedom in the "Light of God that
never fails.” This book is bound in green cloth to match the
These songs, both music and lyrics, are a direct answer to
our intense call that thru music we may all pour to H im con­ rest of the SAINT GERMAIN SERIES and may
stantly our Love, Adoration and Gratitude for His Immeas­
urable and Internal Gilts of Freedom and Illum ination; and be purchased at the Saint Germain Press, P.O. Box
for being the Open Door for the Ascended Masters' Instruction
of the "Mighty I AM Presence”—the Law of Life—to raise all 1133, Chicago, or the Western Branch, P.O. Box
into their Perfection. 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
Our beloved I rederii k Landwehr has made the arrangements
and we call Internal Love, Gratitude and Blessings to enfold
him forever. Price each $3.00 Postpaid $3-25
May these songs be sung by everyone w ho seeks Freedom
from the distress of the outer world, and thru this music and
Love receive their Freedom and release.
N o greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts
sing w ith Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor­
tunity and Blessing.
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ge r m ai n P r e tt , Inc.
P r o p e r t y of Saint G er m a in Press, Inc.
W e hereby n o tify all re a d ers a n d in d iv id u a ls
ev ery w h e re , t h a t e v e ry th in g in th e books o f th e
Chicago, Illinois
G R O U P LEADERS is covered by o u r c o p y rig h ts • PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEMENT •
w ith .ill right* reserved, in c lu d in g fo re ig n tr a n s ­
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
as they were in 1 9 4 1 -
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tries $4.00.
a te d o r d ilu te d fo r a n y p u rp o se w h a tso e v e r a n d
w e shall p ro te c t th e m fu lly . All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
W e a re d e term in e d th a t this G IF T O F L IG H T , countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H A N D FR EED O M fro m th e A scended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
M asters to m a n k in d SH A LL BE P R O T E C T E D All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
and kept PU RE, TRUI AND U N C H A N G ED — Your change of address must reach this office not later than
FO R E V E R — th a t ma n k i n d ma y receive its E te r ­ the 10th of the month in order to assure that m onth’s issue
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A LL TIM ES. from this date on please send to the SA IN T GERM AIN PRESS,
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T hank you!
an d

C o p y r ig h te d by S a in t G e rm a in P re ss, I n c ., 1942 P r o p e r t y of Saint Ge r m a in Press, Inc.

• THE • • THE •
Containing the first group of flu* author'* experiences. A b e au tifu lly lithographed color c h art, suitable for fram ing and contem plation.
Price $2.5 0, Postpaid $2.7 5
Size 5 x 8 l/ z . Price 2 5c, Postpaid 3 0c
THE MAGIC PRESENC -I*’., Volume II By Godfre Ray King Size 1 2 x 2 1 . Price $ 1.00, Postpaid $1.20
Containing the second group ol the a u th o r's experiences. On H eavy Linen, Size 3 0 x 52. Price $12.00, Prepaid
Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Volume III liy tlir Anceiided Master Saint Germain ( Size 12 x 21. Price $ 60.00
Above C harts m echanically anim ated _______
and Other Ascended Masters I Size 3Ox 52. Price $225.00
C ontainhig th irty tlii ***' D iicouriea, explaining the Ascended M asters' applica­ ( Size 12 x 21. Price $ 55.00
tion ol the "I AM," with three color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 Violet Flame m echanically an im ated______________‘i c. ™ ™
7 /Size 30 x 52. Price $200.00
ri l l Ml AM1’ ADORATIONS, AFFIRMATIONS AND DECREES, Shipping charges extra
Volume V Parts 1 and 2 ______ ___ ______________ By Chanera
A selection of pow erful A dorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the "M ighty PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, JESUS
I AM Presence.” Price $1.75, Postpaid $2.00 PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT GERMAIN
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, H and colored steel engravings of etchings by C harles Sindelar.
Volume VI _____________________ _.___By Various Ascended Masters Size 12 x 16. Price each $2.00, Postpaid $ 2.25
C ontaining tw e n ty Discourses dictated before hundreds of students, w ith three PICTURE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
A ctual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Size 8 x 1 0 . Price each $ 2.50, Postpaid $ 2.85
Volume VII__ By Various Ascended Masters Size 11 x 14 . Price each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00
and Cosmic Beings ^ Size 15 x 1 9 1/2. Price each $10.00, Express collect
C ontaining tw enty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, w ith
th ree color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.2 5 Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, Express collect
Profile Size 15 x 19 . Price each $10.00, Express collect
Volume VIII By the Great Divine Director
C ontaining twenty-five* Discouriea dictated by the G reat Divine D irector, before MUSIC OF THE SPHERES
hundreds of students, w ith tw o color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.25
Vest Pocket Edition of pow erful A doration! and Affirmations. LOTUS MY LOVE AMERICA OUR O W N BELOVED LAND
Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20 O H W ORLD VICTORIOUS GODDESS OF PU R ITY
LOOSE-LEAF BINDER in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Saint G er­ VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE LETO, BLESSED LETO
m ain Series. For Special "I AM" Loose-leaf Decrees and Songs. These Decrees ROSE OF LIG H T GREAT D IV IN E D IRECTOR
and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which hold about 150 SON OF LIG H T SONG OF T H E VIOLET FLAME
leaves (3 00 pages). Price Binder $1.2 5, Postpaid $1.40
Decrees and Songs l l/ zc per leaf (2 pages), postage extra CALL TO LIG H T GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE ASCENDED
"U N V EILED MYSTERIES”— In Two Volumes Price $5.25 A G roup of Songs— Music and Lyrics by G odfre Ray King and Lotus R ay King.
"T H E MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three Volumes Price $7.75 These songs are especially charged w ith pow erful healing a ctiv ity . B eautifully
"T H E *1 AM' DISCOURSES— In Tw o Volumes Price $6.75 lithographed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece of music.
"A SCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES”—-In Two Volum es................ Price $7.00
Price each $1.00.............. ............................................................. ----------- Postpaid $1.15
Postage extra
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in P r e s t, Inc.
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in Press, Inc.
• THE •
Except— "Song of the Violet Hum*” which contains fo u r (4 ) color plates and VICTROLA A N D PH O N O G R A PH RECORDS
sells fo r $1.2 5. Postpaid, $1.40
T he fo u r color plates in the "S«»og of the Violet Flam e” m ay also be purchased
singly (w ith o u t m usic.) Price each $.50, Postpaid, $.60 f 200-A— LIG H T OF MY H E A R T ......... .(In s tru m e n ta l) CLotus Ray King, H a rp ist
\ 200-B— ROSE OF L IG H T ______ _____________________ < Frederick L andw ehr,
"CRYSTAL CUPS” * N ovachord
Small size— for individual use- each ....... ............. ..................$7.00
( 201-A—-LOTUS MY L O V E ...... ............... (In stru m e n ta l) (L otus Ray King, H arp ist
P arking and shipping charges, .60
I 201-B— VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE..................................-(F rederick L andw ehr,
Large si:r.e-— for Reading RmHUi ltH6IUAfiM| and fam ily use. Individuals m ay
have thi*»p it ill* v <l«*ne etttll ................................ ................................$25.00 V N ovachord
Packing and shipping charges, 1.2 5
( 202-A— SON OF L IG H T ___ _________ (In stru m e n ta l) (L otus R ay King, H a rp ist
These "C ry stal ( ups" hip not sold th ru Heading Rooms or G roup Leaders. Each
{ 202-B— CALL TO L IG H T ................. ......... ................ ............< F rederick L andw ehr,
*'Ciup" is Messed personally by Mrs. G. W. Ballard and is then shipped direct to
V N ovachord
each individual. No discounts are allowed.
( 203-A— RAINBOW RAYS (In stru m e n ta l) (L o tu s R ay King, H a rp ist
DECREE BOOKLETS \ 203-B— OH W ORLD VICTORIO US.................................... < F rederick L andw ehr,
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled on different subjects fo r individual v N ovachord
or Study G roup use. M arvelous results are being m ade m anifest in building a

m om entum th ru constant use of these Booklets: Lotus Ray King, H arp ist
1. OPULENCE A N D SUPPLY F rederick L andw ehr, N o v ,ch o rd
2. VIOLET FLAME AN D HEALING ( 1001-B— D E D IC A T IO N _________ -_____________ D onald R ay King
( R R -1201— Invocation................................................. -M r. and Mrs. B allard and Donald
( R R -1202— CON TEM PLA TIO N (Silent N ig h t) H a rp _________ _____ Mrs. B allard
(Price each 3 0c, plus postage— except No. 1— Opulence and Supply. Present
stock on hand will be sold for 2 0c each, pins postage.) $ R R -1203— B E N E D IC T IO N ............ ........................... ................ Mrs. B allard and D onald
5. PURPOSE OF TH E ASCENDED MASTERS "I AM” ACTIVITIES I R R -1247— CON TEM PLA TIO N (N e a re r My God to Thee) H a rp ____ Mrs. B allard
(Small booklet giving Blun t resume of the Ascended M asters’ " I AM” A ctiv ity .)
Price each— 15c, plus postage
6. OUR MESSENGER'S "I AM” SPEAKS ( 3300-A— IN V O C A TIO N No. 1 (Shrine C lass)________________ M r. G. W . B allard
Price, 3 0c, plus postage { 3 300-B— IN V O C A TIO N No. 2 (Shrine C lass)________________ M r. G. W . B allard

PLAYBACKS ( 3301-A— BEN ED ICTIO N (Shrine C lass)____________ ...________M r. G. W . B allard

( 3301-B— BEN ED ICTIO N (Shrine C lass)_____________________ M r. G. W . B allard
An O riginally designed Him ord Playback with portable case, suitable fo r " I AM”
Study Groups or in.l. ..K. . I M§, l*l*y« either 3 3 1/3 RPM Records or reg u lar
phonograph records. Public Address System and oth er equipm ent can be f u r ­ C 3302-A— IN V O C A TIO N (Shrine C lass).___ ___________________M r. G. W . B allard
nished. Full details furnished upon request, including price. ( 3 302-B— THERE IS NO DEA TH (Shrine C lass)_______________ M r. G. W . B allard

PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 3 03-A— Beginning of ” 1 AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)_______M r. G. W . B allard

( 3303-B— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)______ Mr. G. W . B allard
33 l / 3 RPM Blue T ransparent K n o rd s, containing a 30 m inute ta lk on th e Law
of Life and Its Application relmned weekly to ” 1 AM” Students and owners of
Playbacks. Full p a rticu la rs furnished upon request. ( 3303-C— Beginning of "I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)......... . Mr. G. W . B allard
( 3 3 03-D— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)........... Mr. G. W . B allard
| 3 303-E— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)____ Mr. G. W . B allard
M onthly M agazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­ ( 3 3 03-F— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass).......... ...M r. G. W . B allard
courses by the Ascended Masters and other im portant subjects. Back num bers
available beginning F ebruary, 193 6. Yearly subscriptions begin w ith M arch,
1942. Price single copy 3 5c, Y early Subscription $3.50; Foreign countries $4.00. (T he 3 3 03 Series comprise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by Mr. G. W . B allard and should be
sold in a set)
P r o p e r t y of Saint Germ ain Press, Inc. P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in Press, I n i .
( 3 304-A— IN V O C A T IO N and EXPLAN ATION of th e C h a rt. ...M r, G. W . B allard I N 104 A Song of the Violet Flame (1 2 " R e c o rd )_________ Song Shrine Audience
I 3 3 04-B— IN V O C A TIO N and EXPLAN ATION of the C h a r t __ Mr. G. W . B allard I N I 04-B— C all to L ight------------------------------------------------------Song Shrine Audience
{ 3304-C— IN V O C A T IO N and EXPLAN ATION of the C h a rt — Mr. G. W . B allard I It* »•hove records are suitable fo r individual contem plation or use in " I AM” Study
\ 3 304-D— IN V O C A TIO N and EXPLAN ATION of the C h a rt...... M r. G. W . B allard C4roups.
(All iiMords are now shipped d irec t from th e W estern B ranch of the Saint G erm ain
( 3305-A— T H IS T R U T H , LOVE AND HARMONY ......... Mr. G. W . B allard l*i #sst Inc., P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.)
( 3305-B— TH IS T R U T H , LOVE AND HARMONY Mr. G. W . B allard Price each (double fa c e d )— Blue tra n sp a re n t m ate ria l_______________________ $3.15
Shipping Charges E xtra
f 3306-A— TRUE U N D ERSTA N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE Mr. G. W. B allard
\ 3306-B— TRUE U N D ERSTA N D IN G OF D IV INE LOVE Mr. G. W . B allard
(16" Record fo r Playback only)
3 3 07-A— CALLING T H E PRESENCE __ ____ Mr. G. W . B allard / ( i L otus Ray King, H arpist
3 307-B— CALLING T H E PRESENCE . ______ Mr. G. W . B allard iN o . 65 1 1 — Goddess of P u rity (In stru m e n ta l) < F rederick L andw ehr,
/ j ' Shrine O rgan
\ * 2 — Leto, Blessed Leto....................................................... -Song' Shrine A udience
3 3 08-A— H ELPIN G ALL M ANKIN D . . . ___ Mr. G. W . B allard
3 308-B— H ELPIN G ALL M A NKIN D ______ Mr. G. W . B allard ( No. 66— " I A M - Come (In .tru m e n ta l) I Ray King, H ^ t
x ( F rederick L andw ehr, Shrine O rgan
3 3 09-A— IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C lass)- ...... .......M r. G. W . B allard N ote: This Musical P layback No. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3 3 09-B— BEN ED ICTIO N (Shrine Class) ______ M r. G. W . B allard No. 6 6 , the opposite side; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one double-faced record.
Price Musical Playback Record $5.25 each Shipping charges extra
( 3310-A— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 ______ M r. G. W . B allard All Records obtainable only a t W estern B ranch of the Saint G erm ain Press, Inc.
( 33 10-B— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 ............. Mr. G. W . B allard P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.

| 3J I 0-C— Eincerpts from Victory*! Dictation, July, 193 8 Mr. G. W. B allard

I 3 5 10 D Kttierptl from Victory's Dictation, July, 193 8 Mr. G. W. B allard

t 3 3 I 0-1 I n i « h |Hi from VUtory*s Dictation, July, 1938 ...... Mr. G. W . B allard
\ 3310-1' I1N( mi |»i i 11 nm Victory's Dictation, July, 1938 .......... Mr. G. W . B allard

( 3310-Ci" I'.Niorpli I rum Vit lory's Dictation, July, 1938 ______ M r. G. W . B allard
\ 3 3 10-1!— l'.ncerpl«
from V4%lory's Dictation, July, 1938 ______ M r. G. W . B allard

3310-1— Excerpt* from Vi* lory's Dictation, July, 1938 ___ _ .M r. G. W . B allard

{. 1 ( J— A doration lo Mighty Victory ........................ ___ ___ M r. G. W . B allard

( K --- Bencdit I ion .......................................
............. Mr. G. W . B allard

J N -100-A — Song of the Violet I'lt*■>•«> (In stru m e n ta l) Lotus R ay King, H a rp

( N -100-B — Lotus My Love Frederick L andw ehr, Shrine O rgan

N -101-A — Goddess of P u rity (In stru m e n ta l) Lotus Ray King, H a rp

N -101-B — Silent Sentinel Frederick L andw ehr, Shrine O rgan
N -102-A — " I AM” Decrees— P a rt I Septem ber 1941 Shrine Class Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
N - 1 0 2 -B— " I AM” Decrees— P a rt II Septem ber 1941 Shrine Class
' G o p y r iy h i-jS a in t (jerm a in tyresi^lriG i9 4 2 ■
N -103-A — M ighty V ictory (1 2 ” Record) Song Shrine A udience
N -103-B — G re at Divine D irecto r Song Shrine A udience
P r o p e r t y of Saint Ger ma in Prets, Inc.
' P k u i * u « t Z s m i ; r • ■m r n w f t s s . m ... -— ',
.. 'P r o p ± T $ y i? fS u m , rin&i*: . ;: 2-
\J/L 1 ■■■:■----------- --- —■=
By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters* help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
(j6 p yrig h t~ j$ a in t (jermain9?resrfTnG i942 •

The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
B rings Freedom E ternal for man! Comas forth to help all m ankind here!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
H olds Freedom in Our B lessed Land! Shines now and keeps our w ay all c lea r!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
Gives Freedom and B lessin g to all! E nfolds us in Its A rm s each day!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
Is Freedom a t our every call! Is God’s Great Scepter holding sw ay!

The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross o f Truth and Light,
Pours Victory and God’s M ighty Power! Gives of Itself, L ove’s Great R elease!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross o f Truth and Light,
Is Courage from God’s H eart each hour! Forever blazes God’s Great P eace!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light, The Open E nded Cross of Truth and Light,
“I AM” in all I feel and do! The “I AM P resence” w e ad ore!
The Open E nded Cross of Truth and Light, The Open Ended Cross o f Truth and Light,
R eveals the U nfed F lam e now too! Is our F ull M astery ever more!

The Open E nded Cross of Truth and Light,

“I AM” ! “I AM”! “I AM” ! all Thee!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
“I AM”! Thy M ighty Victory!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
Thru us expands—our hearts enthrall!
The Open Ended Cross of Truth and Light,
Is Love’s G reat P resence guarding all!


P r o p e r t y o f S a i n t Ger m ain P re s s, Inc.

If N ew Y ork— and I am not speaking now of the
very earnest sincere students, but if the people of New
Y ork do not w ant to be saved, then I w ant to save them .
I insist th at those destructive conditions can be corrected
in N ew Y ork, w ithout the destruction of half or all the
city. T h e earnest honest sincere effort w hich has been
made by those lovely sincere students in N ew Y ork
is not going to be in vain.
I w ant to thank those beloved ones in Cleveland for
the m ighty pow er and firm unyielding stand w hich they
have held to the Light. W h ile you are not looking for
rew ard, yet shall your rew ard be very great.
Y ou of Philadelphia wrho first welcomed the M essen­
G O D T A B O R ’S D IS C O U R S E gers, do you think W e have forgotten that! D o you
think W e shall ever forget it? O h no, W e are just bid­
W A S H IN G T O N , D . C. — JU N E 4, 1939 ing O u r Time! Be patient until you shall see sweep th ru
S A IN T G E R M A IN your city th a t w hich will cause your hearts to rejoice!
I thank the beloved students there w ho have been will­
T A K E this o p p o rtunity, beloved students, to ing to bring themselves into harm onious action and join
th an k you of W ashington, D. C. for holding in their great call and happiness to unite all!
T h is Light as steadfast as you have, in the Philadelphia, please feel your very great responsibility.
m idst of the conditions th a t have been, b u t Y ou have been calling yourselves the “ Cradle of Liber­
w hich I feel sure, th ey will be no more. I thank every t y . I t is no longer a cradle, it has grow n to full m an­
student here for the change in each one’s feeling th a t hood. Rem em ber th at Liberty of w hich Philadelphia was
makes for one great body of Light, and it is so im­ once the C radle is no longer a Cradle; b u t it has grow n
p o rta n t here in your C apital, beloved students. into full pow er; and rem em ber, w ithin those boundaries
D o you realize you are quite different from any o th er of the Province of the W issihikan was given the bless­
city in the land? Y ou are under different laws, and yet ing, the annointing of your great great G eneral w hich
you are all under the G reat Divine Law. I w ant you to b ro u g h t Freedom to your A m erica. I was there, the
feel M y A ppreciation; and I say to you here and those Goddess of Liberty was there, even th en guarding you.
in Philadelphia, N ew Y ork C ity and Cleveland, I shall M any of you w ere em bodied then and retu rn ed quickly
m ove once a week in your m idst during the next six to render this service today. I wish you w ould rem em ­
m onths; and I will m ove in N ew Y ork C ity and here ber it.
m any times in M y T angible Body, to release greater Y ou w ho are draw n to T his Light, rem em ber— it is
P ow er and Force w hich is needed. not an outer action of Life, my dear ones, b u t by the

4 5
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property, of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Pow er of the Light w hich is w ithin you, it has draw n
P ow er of the Cosmic Light and O u r A ssistance, it will
you back again to M e. You w ho served in th at early
again take on the fertility th a t will never change and
Freedom , O h w hat rejoicing th at now' you are serving
in the final capacity— A ction of Light. T h a t was for the w hich cannot be exhausted.
H o w do you think the energy of the e arth became
Freedom and the outer activity of m ankind to establish
exhausted? W h y do you think it m ust have assistance?
certain definite laws under w hich they m ight act; but
Strange to say, m ankind think th a t they can give th a t
now you are acting in the capacity of Light in the D i­
assistance. Yes, they may be of some assistance th ru
vine Law, w hich will one day take Its Full Com m and
certain chemical activities, b u t how futile th a t is and
of your land, of your bodies, of your minds and activities;
w h at trem endous expense and effort it is, w hen W e
and w hich will bring happiness and Perfection, health
and prosperity to your land. can supply it so m uch m ore pow erfully.
W h e n m ankind becomes harm onized enough, they
I ask you to kindly listen carefully to the O ne w ho
will stop releasing the discord w hich has exhausted—
shall dictate to you tonight. T ry to feel all th at it means
will you notice th a t— has exhausted N a tu re as well as
to you. I thank you beloved students w ith all M y H earts.
themselves. M y dear people, you believe if you go into
D id you notice that! I said— “ w ith all M y H e a r ts /1 A re
a room , for instance, as large as the central p a rt of this
you not M y H earts? A t least I love to think of you as
auditorium , and you close th at room up w ith o u t ven­
M y H earts. Y our Love to M e surely makes you a part
of M y H e a rt. tilation, you imm ediately come to the idea th a t you are
becom ing suffocated and th a t you m ust have air. W h e re
T h e M ighty T a b o r will speak to you! do you think the air comes from ? D o you think th e walls
shut out the air? N o, your feeling shuts out th e air from
M IG H T Y G O D T A B O R you. Y ou rem em ber the story of the m an w ho w ent to
sleep and aw akened in the night feeling the room was
T U D E N T S of the Light, friends of A m erica;
close. A s he got up to open the w indow he fell over
tonight, for the first time, comes into action
som ething and broke some glass. H e th o u g h t he had
th a t Pow er of N atu re w hich m ust take its
broken the w indow and w ent back to bed and slept
action in the coming change, even in the
perfectly. Strange isn’t it! H o w peculiar is m ankind, just
consciousness of m ankind. Since I have a large part to do,
the hum an p art. T his G reat Being up here (pointing to
in regulating the forces and activities of the m ountains
the Presence) is quite all right.
and the deserts, tonight I w ant you to see, perhaps for
In the coming changes, beloved ones, streams will be
the first time, w h at the statem ent so often m ade th a t
b ro u g h t th ru the desert and the desert will be w atered
one day “ the desert shall become a bed of roses,” means.
abundantly w ith o u t the great expense w hich seems nec­
In the coming changes, beloved students, N a tu re will
essary today. Y ou will observe th a t W e have been m ak­
take a great p art in the regulating of th at w hich will
ing the effort to make you acquainted w ith your
bring the desert into great productive pow er. O nce it
Presence of Life again since you had so long forgotten
was very w onderful, and th ru chemical changes by the
It. M ankind have built this cum bersom e m achinery, do­
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc.
ing quite w onderful w ork of course— W e are not belit­ N ow my dear ones, you have given no th o u g h t, scarce­
tling m ankind’s genius; bu t if they will go just a few ly any, to the Inhabitants of the Elements; bu t T h e y
steps fu rth e r and enter into the sim plicity of it, then could be very w onderful friends of yours. O h , T h e y are
you will find m any things th a t you can hold w ithin your just as Real as you are. Beloved m ankind, do not set
hand w hich will produce such gigantic results, more yourselves up in judgm ent as to w hat Life is, w hat
th an your great locomotives today. N a tu re is and w hat N a tu re contains. N a tu re is Life
M y dear ones, it has been quite w onderful. M ankind and you are Life, and yet you know so little about Life.
had to be occupied; bu t now you begin to enter into and Y ou are just beginning to understand now .
see the sim plicity of Life, the simplicity of its m echanics. W h e n this great change is com pleted, you will find
I have w atched the mines of C olorado, the mines of Cali­ th a t N atu re in spite of m ankind’s im position upon it,
fornia and the W estern States and have seen the effort will again render great service to them ; b u t in the m ean­
m ankind has made to bring ou t the little value th a t time, N atu re has seen fit to provide simple pow erful
they have— does th a t sound peculiar w hen I say— “ the means by w hich m ankind will obtain their food and
little value,” w hen it seems they have bro u g h t out a supply; then N atu re will be the garden of the hearts
great deal? of m an. T h e n N a tu re will adorn w ith Its Beauty the
Y ou today are just beginning to get a little peep into homes, the dom ain of m an. T h e n will th a t come fo rth
the great R eality and Its G reat Blessings and Perfection. in its fragrance, its beauty, its pow er, its strength, of
O h , m ankind has only touched the periphery of the great w hich m ankind has not conceived, neither have they
m agnificent splendor of Life and all th a t N a tu re would seen.
do for them , if they w ould stop releasing unkind feel­ Y ou think your flowers are lovely today. T h e y are
ings w hich exhaust the earth. M ankind become ex­ to you, bu t there are those so m uch m ore w onderful th a t
hausted by their unkind feelings, b u t think how far you will one day think the beauty of your flowers today
reaching it is, w hen it causes N atu re to rebel. was just a little crude. W h e n m ankind begin to purify
D o you w onder th a t the inhabitants of the Four Ele­ themselves enough, so they begin to emit a fragrance as
m ents do not love m ankind any too m uch? D o you the flowers, do you not think th a t flowers will then take
w onder th a t they do not? It is because you have im­ on a greater beauty and fragrance to man?
posed into their w orld your feelings. T hey know no dis­ W h y do you think in the earlier days, the flowers of
cord. T h e Elements of earth, air, fire and w ater know no C alifornia had very little fragrance? Because it w ith
discord in their ow n w orld; b u t w hen you intrude o th er W e ste rn States, was a focus of pow er of perhaps
y our discord into th eir w orld they are very unhappy the m ost vicious force th a t was ever released; and w hy?
and they are repelled by m ankind. T herefore, w hen they Because of the search for gold. M y dear ones, could you
find one of m ankind w ho has attained self-control and have seen in those days as I did, the forces released w ith ­
the out-pouring of D ivine Love, w hich touches their in m ankind w ith only the th o u g h t of obtaining gold tc
w orld, th en can you imagine the happiness th a t those do the hum an will. H ow m any of those people seeking
Inh ab itan ts feel! gold ever sought it for Divine use? T h in k of it, my be
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
loved ones, in the search of w ealth everyw here, how'
cept th ru those w ho know from w hence Life comes, and
m uch of it is being used for a Divine Purpose?
th at It is an individual A lm ighty Intelligence.
People today, in the world, w ho are beginning to see A s you pour fo rth blessings to Life everyw here, I
this and are beginning to use their w ealth for the blessing w ould suggest th a t it w ould be great wisdom, for every
and expansion of the Light, will one day see w hat re­ student in the land to at least once a day pour out their
w ard th a t will bring; and I shall speak it very plain to blessings upon N ature. Y ou may w ant N atu re for your
you. T h a t rew ard will mean their Ascension. friend in the near future. If w ar should come into A m er­
M ankind cannot take from the earth anything w hich ica, N atu re could be a very great friend of yours.
is here, except their purified beings— the purified sub- * M y dear*ones, in the w ar ridden nations of Europe
stance w hich is required for their Ascension; and if w h at a pitiful sight meets O u r Eyes. T h a t w hich has
they do not do that, then w hat happens? been so productive, supplying the people w ith such
If you pass on th ru so-called death, you do not take abundance, m uch of it has been forgotten; and those
any substance of the earth w ith you. You have heard fields of flowers upon w hich the cattle fed and the
this before, b u t I w ant you to become fam iliar w ith it sheep, and all the conditions w hich b rought sustenance to
tonight. W h e n you pass on th ru so-called death, your the people, the fiendishness of w ar has caused them
H ig h er M ental Body w ithdraw s the Life into Itself, un­ largely to disappear; then one day w hen they are not
less the conditions have been such th a t you cannot leave there, m ankind will experience and they are experienc­
the earth, then It writhdrawrs Its Light and Energy; and ing today, privations th a t w ould tear the heart asunder.
leaves you w ithin your ow n creation, w ith just enough You w ho have w ithin you the Scepter of Pow er in the
energy to sustain Life; until one day in the darkness you understanding of your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” to pre­
see the Light and call to It to have Its G reat Release. vent such conditions entering A m erica, do not w ait for
a greater num ber of people to come into the understand­
N ow today, beloved ones, starts the M agnificent A c­
ing of T his Light; b u t apply to the m aximum of your
tivity of Light th ro u g h o u t N atu re, extending over these
efforts the call to Light, to Life, to release Its Infinite
U n ited States and Canada. T herefore, try to do all you
Pow ers.
can, pour out your blessings to N atu re, then rem em ber
M y dear ones, th at w hich has been called fo rth to bless
from w hence comes N a tu re as you know it. W h o is
m ankind, in the various Dispensations and the M ighty
N atu re? I have heard the M essengers say to you num ­
P ow er from the G reat C entral Source to this System
erous times, th a t th ru the Body of the M aha C hohan
of W orlds, was never know n in the w orld before. Y ou
comes all energy to this earth, regulated, and directed by
are to be the recipients; you are to be blessed by It; then
a G reat and M ighty Intelligence. I am here at H is C om ­
will you not make every effort in your being? T h is effort
m and tonight to bring this to your attention; because
is not som ething strenuous or exhausting; because as you
you as the student body of A m erica m ust understand!
issue Decrees for the Perfection of Life, my dear peo­
O h , you have felt it sometimes, b u t in the responsibility
ple, you are draw ing Limitless Energy into your being
th a t is yours, how' else can Life give Its Assistance, ex­
every time you voice a Decree. Y ou have this Limitless
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inf 11
property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Energy and every time you issue a D ecree you call It
dering a service to the earth, to Life, outside of the pro­
fo rth .
tection w hich A m erica requires; and outside of the con­
O h , please accept th at, and do not for an instant think
ditions th a t m ust come into Perfection today. T h in k of
th a t you can exhaust yourselves by giving these Decrees.
the service you are rendering! Y ou are restoring th a t
Y ou m ust become stronger every time you issue one, for
w hich you have defam ed.
it is a call to Life to release th at charge of energy and
M y dear ones, just as one point of illustration. W h a t
you m ust retain a certain am ount of it. T h a t would pre­
do you think the land of Europe w hich has been con­
vent all N a tu re becoming physically exhausted.
stantly drenched w ith the blood of m ankind th ru wars, is
T h erefo re, in the fullness of the Pow er w hich you are
like? If you will observe the records, you will see how
constantly calling fo rth in Its A lm ighty Intelligence, see
few years there have been at any one tim e, w hen w ar
Its far-reaching Pow er; and rem em ber th a t from tonight
was n o t acting in Europe or th e O rient. Y ou in A m er­
the G reat M aha C hohan and M yself will begin this A c ­
ica are fo rtunate. T h a t is w hy A m erica is the only place
tion th ro u g h o u t N a tu re and you will find m any w onder­
left on earth w here the “ C up of L ight” could be estab­
ful things taking place; first at various points, then as it
lished, sustained and expanded. Even your w ars in A m er­
spreads Its P ow er over these U n ited States and Canada, ica w hich b ro u g h t your independence, w ere b u t frag­
will the G lory of this soon begin to find its action in
m entary in com parison to all the wars w hich have been
m ankind.
in E urope and the O rient.
W h a t do you think you have been doing, beloved stu ­ So I say to you, observe these things, beloved students,
dents? If you will observe the cover of “ O h W o rld V ic­
be alert to all th a t is required, and as you call fo rth the
torious,” you will see there w hat you have been doing.
P ow er of Light, never forget for one day, not only to
M y dear ones, w hen you have enveloped your A m erica, pour your blessings to your fellow-man, b u t to N a tu re
w hich means N o rth A m erica, in th a t W all of Light,
and the E arth . T h e G reat Source of all Life provided the
have you forgotten th at It is a Substance? W h e n you
E a rth for m ankind, and the first com m and was — “ Let
have been calling the Legions of Light to sweep th ru o u t there be L ight,” and Light appeared! T h e n substance
A m erica and pass the V iolet Consum ing Flame th ru o u t
came forth!
the land, th en do you not see th a t is how and w hy the Some day w hen W e have tim e, or ra th e r you have
G reat M aha C hohan has taken a p art now in restoring tim e to listen to U s and W e explain to you som ething
th a t w hich has become absent?
th a t took place in the creation of this E arth , you will not
M ankind in the N am e of Life, w hich you are now all only be greatly surprised; b u t you will be released from
beginning to see th a t all the destructive forces th ru o u t m any things in w hich you have been held bound for
the earth are m ankind’s ow n production. Is there any these countless centuries. D o you understand, th a t a
oth er place w here discord .and destructive forces can pow erful strong belief charged into your feeling w orld
come from ? Show Me! Show M e and tell M e any­ lives em bodim ent after em bodim ent and you m ust live in
w here else from w hich they can come. T h e n you w ho are
coming to understand and control yourselves are ren­ I m arvel my dear ones, th a t m ankind, especially the
12 13
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beloved student body, do not see and feel m ore the im­
Y ou have observed it and w hy allow it? In the under­
portance of the V iolet Consum ing Flame, w hich will set
standing of this G reat Presence w hich does harm onize
them free from all conditions of the past. If W e did not
and. bring everything into Divine O rd er for you at your
keep rem inding you of It, I think some of you w ould for­
call, w hy go on in th at strain and struggle and h u rry of
get to use It. In your busy life of the outer w orld how
the hum an efforts? If you will allow the Presence to
pow erfully it holds your attention! N otice this simile.
act th ru you, you will then do everything w ith ease, h ap­
You in the outer w orld give your attention to these
piness, harm ony and com fort.
things out here w hich bind you; and you only have time
D o you know it seems to M e th a t I am quite as in­
to sleep and eat as you think, then get up and repeat the
terested in the new highw ays of your land as you, w ho
same thing the next day. Is th a t not a tread-m ill of ex­
are running your cars. W h e n you were at the Fair in
istence? Life never intended you to be thus; b u t you
N ew Y ork, you saw the genius w ho has designed these
have compelled yourselves to become that!
m agnificent highw ays, w hich will come fo rth for your
If m ankind w ould accept w hat Life has provided, Its
blessing, and w hat a blessing it will be! M ankind can
m agnificent division, and in the acknow ledgm ent of their
then go as fast as they like and they w on’t harm each
Presence, accept eight hours service, eight hours rest and
o ther. T h a t is quite im portant. Is it not strange th a t
eight hours recreation, th en such obedience w ould be
w hen one of m ankind sees someone else in the way w hat
given to Life th a t all you did in the eight hours of ser­
a strange feeling takes place? Instead of saying: “ G od
vice w ould be easily and quickly done, in the acceptance
bless him! ‘M ighty I A M Presence’ take him o u t of the
of the Pow er of your Presence in action.
w ay,” im patience and discord go fo rth instead. T h a t is
T oday, I see so m any fluttering about anxiously, h u r­
wiser th an attem pting to use physical effort. Y ou know
rying and tensed to the limit— O h I m ust get this done
m any of m ankind like to h u rry and m any do not like to be
today, as if there was not another day! O h , I m ust rush
hurried. Y ou m ight have observed th a t. Y ou see W e are
hom e and get dinner for m y family; and the husband
quite fam iliar w ith their characteristics.
m ust rush hom e and bolt his food and rush som ew here
A fte r all, you are very blessed precious people. I am
else. R a th e r a rushing time, isn’t it? O h , if I do no t catch
no t in the habit of throw ing bouquets, b u t I quite agree
th a t train hom e; if I miss th a t subw ay I will have to w ait
w ith your beloved Lotus. W h a t do you think it means
tw o m inutes for another! W h e n you are out driving,
from O u r standpoint to see m ankind coming to the place
how slow th a t fellow ahead is going and you get all ten­
w here they w ear th e colors w hich harm onize w ith
sed up w aiting for a chance to get past. D o you know I
Life; and draw to themselves by the very colors in
have seen G ra n t go in and out just like th at, (m otion of
w hich they clothe themselves, the Radiance of th a t qual­
the h an d ) and if he did n ot make it the first time he did
ity. O h , my dear ones, it is so magnificent! For instance,
n o t give up, b u t w ould w ait for the next opporunity.
your m agnificent violet; your m agnificent gold; your
Y ou know G ran t likes M e or I w ould not dare say th a t;
m agnificent green; your m agnificent pink. A ll those col­
b u t G ra n t has a h eart of gold— do n ’t tell him!
ors in w hich you enfold yourselves, draw from Life each
M y dear ones, th a t is the position of m ankind today.
M ighty Q uality. O h , it means so m uch for your h ap ­
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Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
it were not th a t the Light in you is great enough to be­
piness, your health, your com fort and your strength. come the V icto r over your flesh; over the conditions th a t
O ne day, I tru st not far distant, you are going to be have accrued in your w orld? It is there. T h e Light is
able w hen you p u t on certain colors, to so am plify by great enough, if you will only accept It; and keep calling
your charge from the Presence of Life, the natural qual­ I t fo rth into action, until Its Expansion dissolves every­
ity w ithin it th a t you will feel the full pow er of its action thing else.
th ru your body and it will be sustained w hile you w ear A gain I m arvel w hen your atten tio n has been called
the garm ent. so m uch to It, th a t this Light w hich you are calling into
If you were to w ear a precipitated garm ent w hich action know s no opposition! M y dear ones, w on’t you
some of the G reat O nes m ight choose to precipitate for feel th a t now ? Every b reath you breathe, every act you
you, you understand th a t no substance from the outer enter into, feel th a t it is the Pow er of Light th a t know s
w orld, no radiation w ould be able to to uch th a t gar­ no opposite! T h e n will It be the dissolving Presence in
m ent; b u t I t w ould constantly pour Its Radiance into the activity of the V iolet C onsum ing Flame w hich you
your body, because I t would be in the m idst of your have called into action. Y ou need not go on in lim ita­
feeling w orld w hich extends about you; therefore, I t tions, you need not be distressed longer!
w ould th ro w off discord and charge Its Perfection in­
to your feeling w orld. N ow carry all of this into th e G lory of your Goal.
N o w observe! Since you have the pow er to charge Y our Goal is your Ascension. I t is all m ankind is here
your T u b e of Light and set into action the V iolet C on­ for, and w hen you determ ine w ith a great calm unyield­
sum ing Flame, as you gain the full im port of I t and Its ing determ ination, th a t you are going to have your A s­
m ore intense action th an you have at the present tim e, cension; give obediance to the Law and keep calling Its
you will be able to do w hatever you desire by th a t use. M ighty Pow er into action to cleanse and purify you and
So it is only by your application and the gaining of your your w orld; stop all hum an habits w hich bring im purity
m om entum , as you gain the greater pow er th ru these into your body and feeling w orld; then how quickly, you
calls, th a t you reverse all th a t has been w hich has b ro u g h t will release yourselves from the binding pow ers of earth
about lim itation. and go fo rth in your E ternal Body of Light, Free fo r­
T o n ig h t, this activity has been draw n fo rth for th e ever!
first time in the history of the earth. I t has been com ­ M y dear ones, there is nothing in your w orld of
bined w ith the A ctivity of your G reat Divine D irector m echanics half as practical as your ow n A scension, be­
w ho has held this room enveloped in the Radiance and cause It is the Pow er of your ow n Life acting; and if you
P ow er from the Cave of Light in India. In these various give all to It, It will give all to you, w hich m eans your
activities to w hich W e call your attention, if you will Eternal Freedom . D o not let yourselves question these
only realize it, they m ean everything in the w orld to G reat Laws. A pply them and th en soon enough you will
your H appiness, Freedom , C ourage, S tren g th and your have in action the Full P ow er of the proof w hich will
requirem ent. It is for you, beloved ones. stand there in you, before you and in your w orld of ac­
D o you think W e w ould make the effort W e do, if
16 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
tion. M ankind have got to prove this Law to themselves. can interfere w ith it, w hen you determ ine in the Pow er
D o not expect someone else to prove It for you. of your Light to have happiness, P urity, Perfection and
M y dear ones, the Pow er is there, the A u th o rity , the Freedom!
Instruction, the Inform ation, the A pplication is there D ear ones, seek your Presence m ore th an anything in
w ith Its full Infinite A lm ighty Pow er, and if you w on’t the w orld, then all things in the outer activity will come
apply It, you cannot have Its Blessing. T herefore, I say into Divine O rd er. Do not ever try to seek your T w in
to you, determ ine to have your Ascension under these Rays th ru hum an efforts. N E V E R ! Love your Presence
D ispensations w hich are yours, and you will make it so m uch, th a t Its W isdom will govern everything in the
assured; b u t I prom pt you th a t those Students of the o uter w orld and bring everything into Divine O rd er for
Light w ho have turned to the Light and then tu rn back you.
to hum an sense desires, will find defeat in their w orld. I rejoice writh you beloved ones, in the ever increasing
M y dear ones, you m ust have your energy. D o not be expansion of your light; and one day you will come to
deceived. If you w ant your Freedom , you m ust be will­ M y H om e in the m ountains! I have very great beauty
ing to give up th a t w hich depletes you and deprives you there! I am holding as a sacred trust, one of the m ost
of the energy th a t is the Happiness, the V ictory, the w onderful glories th a t m ankind have ever seen in so-
health, the strength and the Pow er of Light w hich you called nature. N o hum an eyes have ever looked upon it;
can call fo rth into your body. O nce you are free, then b u t one day I hope the student body will have become
how you will rejoice and w onder, how you could ever purified enough, so I m ay invite them to come and be­
have been bound in the sense of hum an desires. M y hold such beauty, as has never been know n in the struc­
dear ones, the happiness of one m o n th ’s Freedom from ture of earth. T h a t is M y H om e.
all sense desires is w o rth a life time of the gratification of Y ou w ho spend fortunes for crystal and their beauty,
hum an desires w hich bind you deeper and deeper into the come and observe M y H om e; and see there before you,
lim itations th a t m ankind have already draw n into them ­ the vast w ealth of the U niverse in N atu re, form ed and
selves. cut by N a tu re . I often have very delightful discussions
If you will only be determ ined, until enough of this w ith your Beloved Saint G erm ain. H e has m any times
expansion has gone forth, there will be no one in the used the U nfed Light to illumine buildings; b u t I have
land w ho will not w ant to give obedience and have the another means by w hich I illumine M y H om e. T h e re
happiness, health, Freedom th at alone can come th ru it. you see the radiant colors playing everyw here in their
O h, do not mind beloved ones, if some of m ankind, both ever changing activity; and I shall let you observe for
men and wom en, become vicious; because they do not sometime, before I explain it to you.
w ant to let go of those habits and desires. Go serenely O h my dear ones, you w ho seek H appiness, Beauty
on and call the Pow er of Light into action! W h y should and Perfection, know th a t it is everyw here; and w hen
you be bound by anything in this world! You are the your Life Stream has cleansed itself enough, you will
P ow er of Light! Y ou are the D om inion in your w orld, find everyw here the H ands of Light beckoning to you—
and there is no hum an being on the face of this earth w ho Com e enjoy the splendor of M y H om e; absorb Its
18 19
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Pow er, Its Perfection and go fo rth and spread it to m an­ T H E CRY STA L CU P OF T H E RO Y A L T E T O N
kind. H ow beautiful! W ith in those vast walls be jeweled
by N atu re, I wield the Pow er of the m ountains, and you E C E N T L Y several of us were privileged to go
are quite welcome! M ay we some day, not too distant,
m eet there and m ay I talk to you in person there, as I am
flashing These W o rd s to your M essenger.
R to the G rand T eto n Park and follow the trail
along the base of the Royal T eto n , while we
poured out the Love and gratitude of our
I thank you, beloved Students of Light, beloved hearts to th a t M ighty R etreat of Light and the G reat
friends of A m erica, beloved patriots; and m ay the G low ­ O nes w ho govern the A ctivity w ithin th a t Glorious
ing Pow er of th a t Light and your th o u g h t to M e, send Focus of G od’s A lm ighty Pow er.
such Fire of your being into action th a t you do become T h e G lory and Blessing of N a tu re th ru w hich we
the com m anding Presence and Pow er of Light. passed, m ade us m ore grateful th an ever, for the M ighty
I thank you. G ifts and Beauty w hich our Beloved M aha C hohan, the
G od of N a tu re and the Forces of the Elements, constant­
ly offer to all w ho will accept them .
W h e n one gazes upon those M ighty G iants of N a ­
GEMS OF LIGHT tu re and realizes the terrific P ow er it takes to raise up
so gigantic a mass of the e a rth ’s structure, th en truly do
we have cause to w orship th a t w hich is such evidence
Remember beloved ones, you cannot get away from your applica­ of the Pow ers of Life w hich are greater th an m an in this
tion ever, until your Ascension is attained. It is the most vital thing physical w orld.
in your life. Do not let your attention in the outer world draw you From the G lorious Royal T eto n , for three days we
from a certain amount o f application. I mean definite application. sent every person, place, condition and thing under T his
Suppose you only made Jive minutes dynamic application three R adiation, every Blessing and P ow er of Light for w hich
times a day. Set a time and make everything bend to that. Do we knew how to call.
that regularly and allow nothing to interfere with it. M ay all the P ow er and V ictory of Light w hich th a t
M ig h ty Blessed R etreat holds for all m ankind, pour
SAINT GERMAIN fo rth in ever-expanding A u th o rity and A ctivity, until
Every Ascended Master is just as much a part of the Life and Light I t has sw ept out, dissolved and consum ed, all hum an
that beats your heart as your own Life is ; because It is the Perfec­ selfishness and discord today and forever.
tion o f Life. Your Presence' is the Perfection o f Life and thus It T h e “ C rystal C u p ” at the base of the R oyal T eto n ,
becomes one o f Its Action thru the human form; then when your containing the clear w aters from w hich we drank, is
attention goes to the Ascended Masters, who have attained Perfec­ held w ithin the M ighty R adiation of this R etreat.
tion thru conscious Power o f the Ascension, They become the Author­ A s we poured our Love and G ratitu d e to T hose G lor­
ity in Assistance to you , which no other thing in the world can ious Cosmic Beings and A scended M asters w ho govern
become in assisting you to your Freedom by conscious application.
th a t M ighty O ut-pouring, we called to the “ M ighty I

20 21
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A M Presence” and all the Infinite Pow ers of Light, to ions of Light, G reat Angelic H ost, G reat Cosmic Be­
come fo rth N O W ; to p ro tect and save A m erica from ings and G reat Cosmic Light! Pow ers of Light from the
all th a t w ould destroy, injure or limit her people; and G reat C entral Sun, Lords of the Blue Flame, A ngelic
to consume all th a t is not of the Light today and for­ H o st and Legions of Light!
ever. Saint Germ ain, Jesus, D addy, N ada, Divine D irector,
Let everyone under T his R adiation, try once an h o u r Cosmos, Cuzco, Ray-O -Light, K-17 and Y our Legions
to charge! charge! charge! all the Light, Pow er and V ic­ of Light, M ighty H arm ony, Blessed V ictory and the
tory from the Royal T e to n and the Infinite Pow ers of T w elve w ith You; M ighty A rchangel M ichael, M ighty
Light from the G reat C entral Sun* into every person, M aha C hohan, Beloved A strea, M ighty H ercules, Bless­
place, condition and thing in O u r Land and p rotect ed O rion, M ighty Surya and Lords of the Blue Flame
A m erica from every destructive force forever! from the G reat C entral Sun; Sanat Kum ara and the
Call to M ighty V ictory, the T w elve w ith H im and O th e r Six Kum aras from V enus, Cyclopea, A rctu ru s,
H is M ighty V ictorious Legions to sweep everyw here Silent W a tc h e r, M ighty Lord M aitreya, Beloved Rose
and cover O u r land w ith T h e ir Pow er, M om entum and of Light, Blessed Q ueen of Light; Goddess of Liberty,
V ictory of the Light of a T housand Suns; and keep It Goddess of Light, Goddess of Peace, Goddess of P urity,
increasing and intensifying w ith such O verw helm ing Goddess of Justice, Goddess of M ercy; G od of the A ir,
Invincible, Eternal Freedom , th a t no destruction can G od of Gold, G od of N atu re; D iana Goddess of Fire,
touch O u r A m erica for any reason whatsoever! Blessed Orom asis, Goddess of M usic and Saint Cecelia;
Charge! charge! charge! O u r O w n Beloved A m erica Lanto, Leto, C hananda, C ha A ra, Eriel, D aphne, A rion,
w ith the Light of G od th a t never fails in such A lm ighty Fun W ay , Beloved A m en Bey M r. G aylord, N ajah,
V icto ry th a t G od’s Freedom and Justice are the only Electra and the Lady from England; our Beloved M r.
ruling A u th o rity in O u r M ighty Land, today and for­ and M rs. R ayborn, N ada and Rex, Bob and Pearl, Be­
ever! loved Rob, Dick, W ill and the O th ers w ho have
M R S . G. W . B A L L A R D A scended recently; Blessed A da, Louisa, D avid, Faith,
H ope and C harity; Blessed Family from T ucson; Bless­
IM P O R T A N T A N D M O ST R E C E N T ed M ary, the M o th er of Jesus, Blessed M eta, Blessed
U N P U B L IS H E D D E C R E E S Q u an Yin, Beloved Pelleur, Leonora, John the Be­
loved, C ardinal Bonzono, A ngel D eva from the Jade
Follow ing is the O pening and Closing form s to be used Tem ple, Presence of the G olden H e a rt; Seven M ighty
in all Decrees w hich follow: Elohim of C reation; Lords of the Flame from V enus; the
Seven M ighty C hohans of the Rays; the Gods of the
O P E N IN G F O R M M ountains; the Forces of the Elem ents and the G reat
“ M ighty I A M Presence,” H igher M ental Bodies of Beings w ho direct T hem ; All Pow ers, Beings and A c ­
all m ankind, all G reat Beings, Pow ers and Legions of tivities of Light governing the destiny of the hum anity
Light! G reat H o st of A scended M asters, M ighty Leg­ of this earth forever! (l)

22 23
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crim ination to rule in, th ru and around all under T his
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) R adiation and all w ho have ever looked upon th a t
By G od’s O w n H and! (3 ) C h a rt and the V iolet C onsum ing Flame or heard D ad­
W e insist and demand! (3 ) d y ’s Voice, today and forever! ( l ) after each line.
G od, take and hold T h y E ternal Com m and! (3 ) O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
For in G od’s O w n H e a rt we stand! (3 ) etc.
Com pel our L ight’s V icto ry to forever hold $ $ $ *
command! (3 ) PREAM BLE
A n d Com pel I t to expand, expand and forever expand D rive and bind all viciousness, destruction and in­
till I t fills every land, and holds E ternal C om m and; tended destruction, legal action and intended legal ac­
fulfilling G od’s Plan, by G od’s Cosmic H and! tion, injustice, persecution, doubt, fear, poverty, debts,
For in the H e a rt of the Seven-fold Flame of th e taxes, lies, ridicule and lim itations of every kind driven
Seven M igh ty Elohim forever we stand— in Full against the Saint G erm ain Press and Foundation, the
Com m and— and hold Y our H ands unto all E ternity! V oice of the “ I A M ,” the Saint G erm ain C ouncil; D on
For G od, the “ M ighty I A M Presence” in us, is o u r the Staff, the A scended M aster Y o u th of the “ I A M ” !
C ertain V ictory, now m ade m anifest, today and for­ A ll “I A M ” G roup Leaders, Tem ples, R eading Room s,
ever, forever and forever! Sanctuaries, H om es, schools, Business A ctivities; O u r­
By the Light of G od in us th a t never, never, never selves and all under T his R adiation; and all of Saint
fails! (l) G erm ain’s A ctivities th ru o u t th e w orld; back into the
❖* * *
brains and bodies of its creators and claws; and A n n i­
V IO L E T F L A M E F R O M S A IN T G E R M A IN ! hilate (3 ) it all, cause, effect, record and m em ory from
V IO L E T F L A M E F R O M T H E C E N T R A L S U N ! the U niverse; today and forever! ( l ) after each line.
V IO L E T F L A M E O R A T H O U S A N D SU N S! O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
R epeat 1 after each line etc.
C O M P E L (3 ) T h y m ost D ynam ic A ction in, th ru * * * *
and around all under T his R adiation and all w ho have PREA M BLE
ever looked upon th a t C h a rt and the V iolet Flame C O M P E L (3 ) the Substance of the E ternal, In v in ­
or heard D addy’s V oice, to rule all in our beings and cible, O verw helm ing Light, Love, W isdom , Pow er,
worlds today and forever! ( l ) Peace, Joy, Protection, Perfection and Invincible Sup­
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) ply of a T h ousand Suns, to precipitate and rule in, th ru
etc. and around the Saint G erm ain Press and Foundation, the
* * * *
V oice of the “ I A M ” ; the Saint G erm ain C ouncil; D on,
PR E A M B L E the Staff, the A scended M aster Y o u th of the “ I A M ” ;
CO M PEL (3 ) the A scended M asters’ Full Dis­ all “ I A M ” G roup Leaders, Tem ples, Reading Rooms,
Sanctuaries, H om es, Schools, Business A ctivities; O u r­
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
selves, and all under T his R adiation; and all Saint G er­ A ll A scended M aster A u th o rity and Pow er of the
Cosmic Light, Love, W isdom , P ow er and Peace of a
m ain’s A ctivities th ru o u t the w orld; today and forever!
( l ) after each line. T housand Suns, and the H ig h er M ental Bodies of all
m ankind; ruling in, th ru and around the Saint G erm ain
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Press and Foundation, the V oice of the “ I A M ” ; the
* * $ * Saint G erm ain Council; D on, the Staff, the A scended
PREA M BLE M aster Y o u th of the “ I A M ” : all “ I A M ” G roup Lead­
ers, Tem ples, Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, H om es,
C O M P E L (3 ) the Substance of the Cosmic Light,
Schools, Business A ctivities; Ourselves and all under
Love, W isdom , Pow er, Peace, Joy, P rotection, Perfec­
T his R adiation; all in the d raft, national defense and all
tion and O ver-w helm ing Supply of a T housand Suns to
prisoners from A m erica in foreign lands; A ll Saint G er­
precipitate, solidify and rule in, th ru and around all under
T h is R adiation; today and forever! ( l ) m ain’s A ctivities th ru o u t the w orld; A m erica and all
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) m ankind, today and forever! ( l ) after each line.
etc. O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
❖ * Sfc etc.
* * * *
“ I A M ” “ I A M ” “I A M ” ! (3 )
A ll A scended M aster A u th o rity and Pow er of the
T ake me and all under T his R adiation to the G reat
L ight of G od th a t never fails, ruling in, th ru and around
C entral Sun tonight while our bodies sleep; and help us
all under T his R adiation today and forever! ( l ) after
each line. to plead for all the Dispensations, Release and C oncen­
or tratio n of the Cosmic Light of a T housand Suns required
to be the fulness of our ow n Defense, Freedom , V ictory,
In, th ru and around the Saint G erm ain Press and Foun­
dation, the V oice of the “ I A M ” ; the Saint G erm ain P rotection, Perfection, Pow er, Force and A ction th a t
now over-whelm s and annihilates forever all destructive
Council; D on, the Staff, the A scended M aster Y outh
of the “I A M ” ; all “ I A M ” G roup Leaders, Tem ples, forces in A m erica and the w orld; and th a t now dissolves
and consumes all hum an selfishness and discord from the
Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, H om es, Schools, Busi­
planet today and forever! ( l ) after each line.
ness A ctivities; O urselves and all under T his R adiation;
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) .
A ll in the d raft, our national defense and all prisoners
from A m erica in foreign lands; and all Saint G erm ain’s
* * ❖ H*
A ctivities th ru o u t the world today and forever! ( l )
after each line. PREAM BLE
C O M P E L (3 ) Jesus’ Pow er of the O pen D oor,
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
w hich no m an can shut, and H is O ut-pouring of th a t
* * * * D ivine Love th a t transcends every hum an concept, in Its
“ I A M ” “I A M ” “I A M ” ! (3 ) m ost D ynam ic A ctio n to rule, in, th ru and around all

26 27
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
under T his R adiation and all w ho have ever looked up­ “ I A M ” “ I A M ” “ I A M ” ! T h e M aster Presence (3 )
on th a t C h a rt and the V iolet Consum ing Flame or heard of Light, ruling in, th ru and around all under T his
D addy’s Voice; today and forever! ( l ) after each line. R adiation today and forever!
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) (U se the above form for the following. Repeat once th ru ,
etc. together w ith Decree at end, then follow w ith the usual
* * * $ form )
PREAM BLE T h e M aster C ontrol (3 ) of Light!
C O M P E L (3 ) the m ost D ynam ic Pow er, Force and T h e M aster M ind (3 ) of Light!
A ctio n from Jesus’ E theric R ecord of the Ascension to T h e M aster of A u th o rity (3 ) of Light!
draw all under T his R adiation and all w ho have ever T h e M aster O bediance (3 ) of Light!
looked upon th a t C h a rt and the V iolet Consum ing T h e M aster Feeling (3 ) of Light!
Flame or heard D addy’s Voice, into their A scension to ­ T h e M aster Pow er (3 ) of Light! (3 )
day and forever! ( l ) after each line. T h e M aster Peace (3 ) of Light!
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) T h e M aster P urity (3 ) of Light!
etc. T h e M aster Freedom (3 ) of Light! (3 )
❖* ❖* T h e M aster Justice (3 ) of Light!
PR EA M BLE T h e M aster H arm ony (3 ) of Light!
T h e M aster H ealth (3 ) of Light!
C O M P E L (3 ) all food and substance from A m erica
T he M aster S trength (3 ) of Light!
sent to foreign lands to be charged into th e Cosmic
T h e M aster W isdom (3 ) of Light!
Light of a T housand Suns and C O M P E L (3 ) it to eat
T h e M aster Secrets of Light!
o u t every destructive desire, habit, feeling and m om en­
T h e M aster Silence (3 ) of Light!
tum from the people of the world, today and forever!
T h e M aster M usic (3 ) of Light!
( l ) after each line.
T h e M aster Protection ( 3) of Light! (3 )
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
T h e M aster Supply (3 ) of Light!
* * * * T h e M aster M oney (3 ) of Light!
T h e M aster W e alth (3 ) of Light!
D E F E N D O h , P O W E R S O F L IG H T the children of
T h e M aster Expansion (3 ) of Light! (3 )
Saint Germ ain, today and forever! ( l ) after each line.
T h e M aster Love (3 ) of Light!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
T h e M aster V ictory (3 ) of Light! (3 )
* * * * T h e M aster Ascension (3 ) of Light!
“ I A M ” “ I A M ” “ I A M ” ! G od’s C ertain V ictory of
D E F E N D A m erica by Light! (3 )
Light, in every cell of the brain and body of all under
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
T his R adiation, ruling in, th ru and around them w ith all
* * * * V the Pow er, Force and A ction of the Cosmic Light and
28 29
Property of Saint Germain Press, hie. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Love and Peace of a T housand Suns, compelling all of and forever! ( l )
the Ascended M asters Gigantic Illum ination, M iracles, O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
M arvels, W onders, Glories, Joys and Perfection of etc.
Light to flood our beings and worlds, and over-whelm W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 )
all th at is not of the Light; and hold Full A scended M as­ ❖❖❖❖
ter Dom inion; today and forever! D rive and bind all viciousness, destruction and intend­
O h, ‘ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) ed destruction, fear, poverty, debts, taxes, lim itation and
etc. bloodshed driven against A m erica and her people, back
* * * * into the brains and bodies of its creators and claws, and
PREAM BLE A nnihilate (3 ) it all, cause, effect, record and m em ory
from the U niverse; today and forever!
C O M P E L (3 ) Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the
V iolet Consum ing Flame to rule in, th ru and around O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
all under T his R adiation and A nnihilate (3 ) all hum an etc.
habits, desires, substance, feeling, suggestions and radia­ follow w ith:
tion th at are not from the A scended M asters’ O ctave of D R IV E IT B A C K IN T O T H E M ! (3 )
Light; today and forever! ( l ) O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) etc.
etc. and— W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 )
Raise up G igantic A scended M aster Friends this very
PREAM BLE hour, to compel Com plete, E ternal Freedom of all pris­
C O M P E L (3 ) everything in the beings and worlds of oners from A m erica in foreign lands, and hold them
all under T his Radiation, to come into Perfect Divine blazing w ith T h y Light until their Ascension!
O rder, harm oniously and perm anently, by the P O W E R , O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
F O R C E A N D A C T IO N of the Cosmic Light, Love, etc.
Peace, W isdom and P rotection of a T housand Suns PREAM BLE
th at never, never, never fails; to rule in, th ru and around D rive and bind all lim itation, poverty and intended
us all; today and forever! ( l ) poverty for the A m erican people, back into the brains
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) and bodies of its creators and claws, and A nnihilate (3 )
etc. it, cause, effect, record and m em ory from the planet;
* * * * today and forever!
“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” B E L O V E D O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
B E IN G S W H O D IR E C T T H E M ! and— W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 )
* ❖* *
P rotect the constructive people of Am erica; today
30 31
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain l yress, hie.
Keep all our bills and obligations paid in advance; to*
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
day and forever!
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 )
* * * *
❖* &*
“ I A M ” (3 ) the R esurrection and the Life of the A s­ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
cended M aster’s Pow er of Instantaneous Precipitation, etc.
direct from the U niversal acting th ru all under T his * * * *
R adiation; to day and forever!
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A scended M asters’ O pen Ended Cross
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
of E ternal Freedom for A m erica and her people! (3 )
etc. O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
Seal all under T his Radiation in the Jewelled Flag from * * * *
the Royal T eton, and C O M P E L (3 ) It to rule th ru o u t Seal all under T h is R adiation in the Open-ended
A m erica; today,and forever! Cross of Eternal Freedom , and C O M P E L (3 ) the As-
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) sended M asters’ Invincible, O ver-w helm ing, E ternal
etc. Protection, Perfection, Expansion, Success and Lim it­
❖❖❖❖ less Supply of every good thing released to the Saint
T o all destructive forces in, or against A m erica, we say: G erm ain Press and Foundation; the V oice of the “ I
O V E R W H E L M them by Light and hold A m erica’s A M ” ; the Saint G erm ain Council; D *n, the Staff, the
Freedom and D om inion; today and forever! A scended M aster Y o u th of the “ I A M ” ; all “ I A M ”
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) G roup Leaders, Tem ples, Reading Rmmm s, Sanctuaries,
etc. H om es, Schools, Business A ctivities, O urselves and all
W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 ) under T his R adiation, and all Saint G erm ain’s A ctivities
❖❖❖❖ th ru o u t the w orld; today and forever!
O h , “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
In to all war, viciousness and destruction we say:
S T R IK E T H A T O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E ! - * * * *
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
In the N am e of ©ur “ M ighty I A M Presence,” we com ­
m and our feelings to go fo rth and fulfill this D ecree (o u r
* * * *
decrees), w ith the speed of Blue Lightning!
T o all legal opposition, we say:
W E T H A N K T H E E I T IS D O N E ! (9 ) today and
S T O P ! it by Light and C O M P E L our V ictory; today forever! forever and forever; by th e Light of G od in us
and forever! th a t never, never, never fails!
Property of Sinin t Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights • PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEMENT •
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign trans­
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
as they were in 1941—
This means, w e w ill not allow this instruction
and Information to be deleted, distorted, adulter­ In the United States of America $3.50; in other coun­
tries $4.00.
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
w e shall protect them fully. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined that this GIFT OF LIGHT, countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
TR U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
and kept PURE, TRUE A N D UNCH ANG ED— Your change of address must reach this office not later than
FOREVER— that mankind may receive its Eter­ the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
to maintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT Subscriptions for 1942 which were sent to the Sindelar Stu­
dios have been turned over to us; however, those sending in
ALL TIMES. from this date on please send to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
and Thank you!

• THE •
Containing the first group of the a u th o r’s experiences.
Price $2.50, Postpaid $2.7 5 A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and contemplation.
Size 5*/2 x 8 1/2 . Price 25 c, Postpaid 3 0c
TH E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II By G odfre Ray King
Size 1 2 x 2 1 . Price $ 1.00, Postpaid $1.20
Containing the second group of the a u th o r’s experiences.
Price $2,7 5, Postpaid $3.00 On H eavy Linen, Size 30 x 52. Price $12.00, Prepaid
Volume III By the Ascended M aster Saint Germain (Size 12 x 21. Price $ 60.00
and O ther Ascended Masters Above Charts mechanically animated.. ....... JSize 30x 52 price $225.00
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters’ applica­
tion of the "I AM,” with three color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 ( Size 12 x 21. Price $ 55.00
Violet Flame mechanically animated---------- -----------} size }0 x 52 price $200.00
Volume V— P arts 1 and 2 By C hanera
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the "Mighty PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, JESUS
I AM Presence.” Price $1.7 5, Postpaid $2.00
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Volume VI .. __ . ___ By Various Ascended Masters Size 1 2 x 1 6 . Price each $2.00, Postpaid $2.25
Containing tw enty Discourses dictated before hundreds of students, with three
color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 PICTURE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Volume VII _ __ _____ By Various Ascended Masters Size 8 x 1 0 . Price each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85
and Cosmic Beings Size 11 x 14 . Price each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00
Containing tw enty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, with Size 15 x 19*4. Price each $10.00, Express collect
three color plates. Price 43.00, Postpaid $3.25 Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, Express collect
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, Profile Size 1 5 x 1 9 . Price each $10.00, Express collect
Volume VIII______ ... ____By the Great Divine Director
Containing twenty-five Discourses dictated by the Great Divine Director, before
hundreds of students, with two color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.25
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations. LOTUS MY LOVE AMERICA OUR OW N BELOVED LAND
LOOSE-LEAF BINDER in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Ger­ VOICE OF THE PRESENCE LETO, BLESSED LETO
main Series. For Special "I AM” Loose-leaf Decrees and Songs. These Decrees
and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Kinder, which hold" about 150 ROSE OF LIGHT GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR
leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.2 5, Postpaid $1.40 SON OF LIGHT SONG OF THE VIOLET FLAME
Decrees and Songs 1 l/ z c per leaf (2 pages), postage extra CALL TO LIGHT GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE ASCENDED
"UNVEILED MYSTERIES”— In Two Volumes Price $5.25
"THE MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three Volumes Price $7.75 A Group of Songs— Music and Lyrics by Godfre Ray King and Lotus Ray King.
"THE 'I AM’ DISCOURSES— In Two Volumes Price $4.75 These songs are especially charged with pow erful healing activity. B eautifully
"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES”— In Two Volumes_____ __ Price $7.00 lithographed covers in colors, especially designed for each piece of music.
Postage extra Price each $1.00_____________ _____ __________________________ Postpaid $1.15
P roperty «/ Saint Germain Frets , Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE •
Is W m • SERIES *

Except— "Song of the Violet Flame” which contains four (4 ) color plates and VICTROLA A N D PHONOGRAPH RECORDS
sells for $1.2 5. Postpaid, $1.40
The four color plates in the "Song of the Violet Flame” may also be purchased
singly (w ithout music.) Price each $.50, Postpaid, $.60 \ 200-A — LIGHT OF MY HEART_____ (Instrum ental) f Lotus Ray King, Harpist
1 200-B-—ROSE OF LIGHT......_____ ___________________< Frederick Landwehr,
I Novachord
Small size— for individual use— each_______ ____ _____ __________________$7.00 ( 201-A— LOTUS MY LOVE----- ----------- (Instrum ental) i Lotus Ray King, Harpist
Packing and shipping charges, .60 ( 201-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE_________________< Frederick Landwehr,
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individuals may V Novachord
have these if they so desire— each......... .................... r___........ ............................. ..$25.00
Packing and shipping charges, 1.2 5 ( 202-A— SON OF LIGHT------------------- (Instrum ental) ^Lotus Ray King, Harpist
These "Crystal Cups” are not sold thru Reading Rooms or Group Leaders. Each t 202-B— CALL TO LIGHT__________________ __________< Frederick Landwehr,
"Cup” is blessed personally by Mrs. G. W. Ballard and is then shipped direct to V Novachord
each individual. No discounts are allowed.
{ 203-A— RAINBOW RAYS............ .......... (Instrum ental) fLotus Ray King, Harpist
DECREE BOOKLETS ( 2 03-B— OH WORLD VICTORIOUS ...________________ -(Frederick Landwehr,
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled on different subjects for individual I Novachord
or Study Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: ( Lotus Ray King, Harpist
(1001-A — RAINBOW RAYS ..(Instrum ental) j- , . * , XT , .
) ' (Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
2. VIOLET FLAME AN D HEALING U 0 0 1 -B — DEDICATION____________ ___________ Donald Ray King
( RR -1201— Invocation_________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
4. "I AM” LIGHT DECREES ( R R -12 02— CONTEMPLATION (Silent N igh t) Harp_______________ Mrs. Ballard
(Price each 3 0c, plus postage— except No. 1— Opulence and Supply. Present
stock on hand w ill be sold for 20c each, plus postage.) 5*RR-1203— BENEDICTION_____________ _______________Mrs. Ballard and Donald
5. PURPOSE OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS "I AM” ACTIVITIES \ R R -1247— CONTEMPLATION (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp___„.__Mrs. Ballard
(Small booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters’ "I AM” A ctivity.)
Price each— 15c, plus postage C 3300-A— INVOCATION No. 1 (Shrine C lass)_______ _________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
6. OUR MESSENGER’S "I AM” SPEAKS ( 3300-B— INVOCATION No. 2 (Shrine C lass)________________ Mr. G. W. Ballard
Price, 30c, plus postage
[ 3 3 01-A— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)_____________ ________Mr. G. W . Ballard
PLAYBACKS ( 3 3 01-B— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)____________________ .Mr. G. W . Ballard
An Originally designed Record Playback w ith portable case, suitable for "I AM”
Study Groups or individual use. Plays either 3 3 1/3 RPM Records or regular ( 3302-A— INVOCATION (Shrine C lass)_______...______________ Mr. G. W. Ballard
phonograph records. Public Address System and other equipment can be fu r ­ ( 3302-B— THERE IS NO DEATH (Shrine Class) ..—.___________ Mr. G. W. Ballard
nished. Full details furnished upon request, including price.
( 3303-A— Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)_______Mr. G. W. Ballard
PLAYBACK RECORDS ( 3 303-B— Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)_______Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 3 1/3 RPM Blue Transparent Records, containing a 30 minute talk on the Law
o f Life and Its Application released weekly to "I AM” Students and owners of ( 3 303-C— Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
Playbacks. Full particulars furnished upon request. ( 3 303-D — Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)_______Mr. G. W . Ballard

"THE VOICE OF THE 'I AM’ ” ( 3 303-E— Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)____ ...Mr. G. W. Ballard
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­ ( 3 303-F— Beginning of "I AM” Dictations (Shrine C lass)_______Mr. G. W. Ballard
courses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects. Back numbers
available beginning February, 193 6. Yearly subscriptions begin w ith March, (The 3 303 Series comprise one afternoon’s talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard and should be
1942. Price single copy 3 5c, Yearly Subscription $3.50; Foreign countries $4.00.
sold in a set)
Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. , Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE •
• THE •
3304-A— INVOCATION and EXPLANATION of the Chart.— Mr. G. W. Ballard
33 04-B— INVOCATION and EXPLANATION of the C h a rt__ Mr. G. W. Ballard ( N -104-A — Song of the Violet Flame (12" R ecord)_________ Song Shrine Audience
( N -104-B — Call to Light------------------------------------------------------Song Shrine Audience
3 3 04-C— INVOCATION and EXPLANATION of the Chart— - Mr. G. W. Ballard The above records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in ?*I AM” Study
3 3 04-D— INVOCATION and EXPLANATION of the Chart -Mr. G. W. Ballard Groups.
(A ll records are now shipped direct from the Western Branch of the Saint Germain
3305-A — THIS_TRUTH, LOVE A N D HARMONY___________ Mr. G. W. Ballard Press, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.)
3 305-B— THIS TRUTH, LOVE A N D HARMONY___________ Mr. G. W. Ballard Price each (double faced )— Blue transparent m aterial________________________$3.15
Shipping Charges Extra
3306-A — TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF DIVINE LOVE..... ...Mr. G. W . Ballard
(16" Record for Playback only)
3 307-A— CALLING THE PRESENCE Mr. G. W. Ballard / | i Lotus Ray King, Harpist
3 3 07-B-^CALLING THE PRESENCE____________________ . ..Mr. G. W. Ballard ■ No. 65 1 1— Goddess of P urity-----(Instrum ental) < Frederick Landwehr,
/ j ' Shrine Organ
3308-A — HELPING ALL M ANKIND________________________ Mr. G. W. Ballard \ v 2— Leto, Blessed Leto------------------------------------------- Song Shrine Audience
3308-B— HELPING ALL M ANKIND_________________ .....____Mr. G. W. Ballard ( N o . 66— "I AM” Come____ (Instrum ental)
j Ray King, Harpist
( Frederick Landwehr, Shrme Organ
3309-A— INVOCATION (Shrine C lass)______________________ Mr. G. W. Ballard Note: This Musical Playback No. 6 5 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
3309-B— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)__________ __________ Mr. G. W. Ballard No. 66, the opposite side; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one double-faced record.
Price Musical Playback Record $5.25 each Shipping charges extra
3310-A — Excerpts_from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8______ Mr. G. W. Ballard All Records obtainable only at Western Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3310-B— Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.

3310-C— Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3310-D — Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard

3310-E— Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-F— Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard

3310-G— Excerptsxfrom Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8______ Mr. G. W. Ballard

3310-H — Excerpts from V ictory’s Dictation, July, 193 8---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard

3310-1— Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation, July, 193 8______ Mr. G. W. Ballard

i | J— Adoration to Mighty V ictory.................. ...................... — Mr. G. W. Ballard
3310 \ K— Benediction...___________ ________________ _____ ___ Mr. G. W. Ballard

N -100-A — Song of the Violet Flame______ (Instrum ental) Lotus Ray King, Harp
N -100-B — Lotus My Love.................................... ..... Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ

N -101-A — Goddess of P urity........................ (Instrum ental) Lotus Ray King, Harp

N -101-B — Silent Sentinel___ __________ _______Frederick Landwehr, Shrine Organ
N -102-A — "I AM” Decrees— Part I............................. ...September 1941 Shrine Class
N -102-B -—"I AM” Decrees— Part II___________ __ September 1941 Shrine Class Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942

N -103-A — Mighty Victory (12" R ecord)____ _____________ Song Shrine Audience G o p yriyh i-j& iin t (jerfnaintyresdlriG 1942, ■
N -103-B — Great Divine Director______________________ Song Shrine Audience
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
m yste * 1®8 D I S c °U H S E S


^ A I N T Q e R M A IN -^ E R IE S
By the Ascended Masters and Tbeir Accredited Messengers,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.

f t
Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
Gopyriyht-jXdint (jcrmain'.Prcsd Inc. i942 ■
(R epeat “ Beloved Cyclopea” after each
H A R G E ! Charge! us with T h y Light!
Charge! us with all T h y M ight!
Compel us now all Free!
A nd make us blaze like Thee!
Compel our way all clear!
Protect all we hold dear!
Completely clear our way!
Protect us night and day!
Forever hold our hands!
Fulfill all our commands!
T h ru us T h y Light release!
Compel thru us T h y Peace!
Blaze G O D ’S All-Seeing-Eye!
Blaze forth to us on H igh!
Charge us with all T h y H ealth!
Place in our hands T h y W ealth!
Charge thru us A L L T h y Power!
Rule thru us every hour!
Charge all T h y M iracles thru!
M ake us precipitate too!
Illumine us each day!
O ’er all on earth hold sway!
Compel our V ictory here!
Annihilate all fear!
Fill now each “ Crystal C u p” !
T h y Love draws mankind up!
Flash here T h y Crystal Sw ord!
G od! Speak our every word!
Perfect now all our eyes!
Command all to arise!
Perfect thru Light, our ears!
Blast discord from the years!
Charge us with T h y Pure V oice!
W e evermore rejoice!
In all T h y Power come thru!
A ll earth shall bow to Y O U !
The Instruction which I have brought forth and pre­
sented thru the Messengers, M r. and M rs. Ballard, is the
Law of your Life, the Understanding of the “ M ighty I
A M ,” the Greatest Power in theUniverse; by which man­
kind can call forth from the Source of all Love, W isdom
and Power, these M ighty Currents of energy; the dissol­
ving Power and A ctivity of the Violet Consuming Flame
for individual use; as well as conditions thruout Am erica;
and the need of this call for your government, for your in­
dustries and for your transportation activity; for I say to
you gentlemen of America, without transportation, you
S A I N T G E R M A IN ’S D IS C O U R S E would be lost so far as your protection is concerned.
M IN U T E M E N — L O S A N G E L E S , C A L IF .
June 25, 1938 I say to you that in commanding thru the Forces of
Light, unless enough of mankind in Am erica understand
E L O V E D friends of Am erica, Beloved M inute and are willing to make the call to the Presence of Light
M en, I speak to you from M y H eart. Into your to render this service, your danger is great from two dras­
heart and feeling world, shall enter M y Feeling, tic sources. One is the intent to bring war into America
M y Freedom, M y Determination to set Am erica and the other is the condition of the gas belts underlying
free; and keep her from the destructive forces that are the surface of the earth, and you stand between the two.
devastating Europe. If mankind will not give this assistance thru their call
Could you understand and realize your privilege today to the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” which is the Source of
and what is before you, in your defense and use of the all Life, then they will find themselves reaping all that
Power of Light, to prevent coming into your beloved Europe has today and worse; because all the world, and I
Am erica, the conditions which exist in the rest of the say this to all the world— wants to see Am erica a failure,
world, then you would arise as one man. Beloved friends because it holds within Itself the “ Cup of Light” ! It holds
o f Am erica, you would stand and hold the proper activity all that humanity holds dear! It is the last spot on this
in your worlds; to produce the conditions which it has earth where Peace can be brought forth and reign, until
been M y Endeavor to bring to the attention of the A m er­ the entering in of the Golden A ge for the earth.
ican people; thru M y E fforts to serve America and her These are conditions of Life, and everything is being
people for more than two hundred years. done today, to assist mankind as never before in the his­
T oday, I have found sufficient response which encour­
tory of the earth! For instance, allow M e to remind you
ages M e as well as the entire H ost of Ascended M asters;
that not only is individual Assistance given mankind by
so it is possible to hold Am erica free from the devastation
the rest of the world is experiencing; and to hold peace the understanding of the “ M ighty I A M Presence,”
within the feeling world of mankind. which is the Law of Life and Its conscious application,
but the Ascended M asters, the Legion of Light, the C os­
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mic Beings and the Cosmic Light, are all pouring forth T he destructive forces are concentrating and have con­
Their G reat Energy; Streams of Light to bless mankind centrated thru communism, nazism and all those condi­
and give them the Courage, Directing Intelligence and tions. T h at is a pretense of the solving of condition^. The
A ssistance which is imperative at this time for them to agitation and disturbing of the feelings of mankind thru
guard themselves, to guard their homes, their America the facistism of today, is just another activity which is de­
and their industries. ceiving the people and leading them on. A fter they are
Remember, today, America stands against the apex of
sufficiently into the clutches of those destructive activi­
all human viciousness! N o t that Am erica and her people, ties, the sinister force reveals itself and show its fangs to
especially her people who are a part of mankind, have not mankind. I know this! You do not, people of Am erica,
generated more or less discord themselves— which means who do not see with the Freedom which W e do; but it is
that all mankind are responsible for the accumulated dis­ O ur Joy and Privilege to bring these things to your atten­
cord of the world today; but having called that force into tion, and more W e cannot do.
action, then the people stand, today, in a position to re­
verse all this destruction which is whirling thruout the W e cannot compel you to follow O ur A dvice or the
world. things W e reveal; but W e offer them in such kindness and
N o matter what has been— Law is Law ! Divine Law, with such a Power of Divine Love that once mankind
Life, does not condemn; the Ascended M asters do not understand what M y Endeavor is to bring into the outer
condemn the mistakes of mankind, T hey only ask that the world, the protection of Am erica and Its Freedom, every
people face about, understand their mistakes and then, by man and woman in Am erica should arise as one, take hold
the call to the Presence of all Life, endeavor to correct of T his Understanding and read these magnificent books
those mistakes; by reversing all the currents they have which I have caused to come forth thru the M essenger!
brought into action, which have brought discord and de­ T hen by the reading, understanding and application, the
struction to the world. Unless this is done, mankind will people would be able to give the assistance which A m er­
continue on as it has been in the past and civilization after ica needs today; and hold the protection of your homes,
civilization will come and go. your children and your loved ones; for were you to see
for one hour in Spain and China the destruction of wo­
It is M y G reat Privilege and Joy to bring this to the at­
men and children, everyone in Am erica would arise as one
tention of mankind and you, M y people— for believe it or
in their mighty defense and make the call to Life, to give
not, friends of Am erica, you were once M y friends in the
them Its Invincible Protection.
ages past. You lived in the Province of which I was the
Ruler and therefore, today, M y Love for you, M y Love Let M e remind you at this point, beloved ones, you
for Am erica, M y Love for the Freedom of mankind is the have heard the M essengers speak often of the Cosmic
Greatest T hing in M y Being today; and every effort has Light. I wish you to understand clearly the Cosmic Light
been made to render you this Service and give you this to which I refer is not the Universal Cosmic Light! T he
Assistance. T h at is the only thing which will set you free M ighty Goddess of Liberty went to the G reat Central
individually; or give the protection to your beloved coun­ Sun and interceded for the people of earth and thru that,
try, which is imperative at this time. She has brought forth the Power of the Cosm ic Light,
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eration with It which I know positively to be necessary
which is the consciously projected Power of Light and En­ for your Freedom.
ergy from the G reat Central Sun, projected by the G reat
G roup of Ascended M asters who are there. T h at is the A s you go forth in your daily activities, you can at any
Cosmic Light referred to in W ashington’s Vision and by moment during the intermission of activities, silently make
the M ighty A rcturus; for that “ Light as of a Thousand the call to your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” to direct Its
Suns” if necessary, will be released into the earth and M ighty Light Rays forth into the condition of earth,
dissolve and consume every vestige of human discord and wherever the Light may be needed and there give the
greatest assistance the world has ever known.
It does not require so many more with yourselves, to You see before you the example of all mankind. A n y ­
have almost guaranteed this Protection, this Defense of thing that agitates or disturbs the feeling world of man­
Am erica, which must come at this time, if mankind are to kind appears equally disturbing individually or for the na­
survive! Y ou have recently seen the reports of the earth­ tion; and in all the agitation which has been in your
quakes shaking every part of Europe. Am erica, but one sinister motive was back of it; and that
was to so agitate the people that the full force of the war
Remember, beloved people of Am erica, the discord
entity of the world, (w hich has been consumed from the
which mankind have generated, calls forth every destruc­
earth, since this Dictation was given) would have its do­
tive force. If they continue in their tremendous feeling of
minion thru mankind; and bring its devastation every­
refusing to accept the Power of Light, N ature will turn
and allow the discord to generate and build, which will
bring into their midst the very thing every heart tells Therefore, I am determined for one, and there are many
them should be avoided. of the Ascended M asters who are as determined as I am,
to prevent this if possible! Threfore, the M essengers have
Beloved ones of Am erica, I ask you to try to live from
gone forth for almost four years with tireless energy and
your heart! D o not accept the appearance of the world of
with the Infinite Power of Love and kindness, pleading
human creation, which is the prevalent thing in America
with mankind to study and apply these G reat Laws, which
today; but turn to your own G od Presence, whose Light
would enable them to give the assistance that is needed
and Energy beats your hearts. Call It forth into action; today.
send forth Its M ighty Power; Its M ighty Light R ays. It
will answer your call always, whether it be individually It is imperative! N ot only is it needed, but unless the
for your personal blessing; or whether it be projecting the response is given, you will find yourselves in a condition
Light Rays into the conditions of Am erica, which require worse than hell on earth. T h at is the condition you are
assistance at this time. facing today. People of Am erica, there is no question
about it! D on’t sleep! D on’t be deceived by the conditions
All of this will come at your call. A ltho you do not see
which exist. They can all be remedied by this M ighty
It, that does not alter the fact that It goes forth! T here­
Power of Light and with a speed that would amaze you,
fore,in all the energy you use which is of any consequence,
when enough of Am erica will call this M ighty Law into
the activity is invincible; therefore, trust this Invincible action, to remedy the conditions existing today!
Power to which I call your atatention; and give the co-op­
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Gentlemen, I tell you when taxation has reached its loved Brothers of Light! G o on, I say, with greater deter­
limit as it has today, then that sinister thing tries to seize mination than ever to make this call and release this Power
upon industry; and while it is right for the employees to of Light; which is the greatest protective Intelligence that
be well paid, yet in the conditions which the sinister force mankind need today! It will bring about thru Peace and
is trying to impose upon you today in the demand for the Power o4 Divine Love, that which most people can­
greater salaries, the first thing you know, there will be no not yet comprehend— the remedy for all conditions which
industries in the world from which mankind can receive exist in the world today.
any compensation! Then you will have reached the open You in America, who are strong enough to stand in that
door to the out-pouring of all destructive forces which M ighty Power of Light and call Its M ighty Powers into
have been generated on earth! action, will one day see! You have before you the evidence
T herefore, I say to you, awaken mankind of earth! of these two blessed M essengers who have governed con­
Stand on your own two feet in the great acknowledgment ditions time and again of whole cities when they entered
of your Presence of Life! Call it forth in your individual their borders.
Life, then into your government, your cities, the state and D o you not see, gentlemen, the evidence is before you
the nation— letting the full Power of its Magnificent irrefutably, to any person on the face of this earth, who is
G lory remedy these conditions; and by the Power of honest and sincere and who cares to look. Therefore, I call
Light; instead of you being fodder for the cannons, which your attention to the evidence before you, inconceivable
otherwise will one day take their toll upon mankind, as to the person who is not willing to investigate and under­
they are in Europe. stand T his G reat Law of Life.
Mankind have always asked and demanded proof. In the
Beloved ones of Am erica, I say to you, this is not nec­
Name of your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” I say to you,
essary! You today have the Power to call the Presence of
how could greater proof be without some Cosmic M ira­
Light into action, to remedy these conditions and stand
cle, so-called, being set before you? H ow could greater
guard every one of you! People of Am erica, each of you
proof be given than that which the M essengers have
has a Higher M ental Body, which is the activity of your
given to the world today?
own G od Presence— the “ M ighty I A M .” A t your call,
Please understand and see that W e have not yet suf­
It will project Its M ighty Light Rays into every condition
ficient energy from your physical world, to completely
which exists in Am erica, for the Power of Light knows no
govern the conditions that are waiting with their fangs ex­
opposite; It knows no opposition! There its nothing of
tended to strike at you and your beloved Am erica. Unless
human force and accumulation which can stand before
the people will awaken and understand this and give U s
that Power of Light called forth, from your own G od
their co-operation, they will experience the destruction
Presence— the “ M ighty I A M .”
waiting to engulf them.
T h e opportunity is before you and I congratulate you I say— never to frighten mankind, but I speak the Truth
M inute M en who have so styled yourselves in M y Nam e! that the people may awaken and understand the conditions
I congratulate you with all M y H eart, in the magnificent which exist; because you cannot possibly comprehend
service that you have thus far rendered. G o on and on, be­ what awaits you. You cannot see from your human oc­
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tave; you cannot understand these things as W e do, from flood your beings and worlds with Its M ighty Radiation
the O ctave of Light above you; for W e, as Ascended of Light; M ay I repeat to you again: Y our H eart’s Light
M asters, know the Perfection which W e have attained; knows no opposite in the Universe, and no destructive
and know the imperfection and conditions which exist force of human creation even attem pts to oppose T his
here with you! W e know there is only One Power in the Power of Light. T h at is why, the Power of Light is so
Universe which brings a permanent remedy for anything, all-effective in bringing the remedy which is required for
and that is the Power of Light from your own G od Pres­ the conditions of today.
ence! So, in the opportunity that is before you, will you take
Beloved M inute M en of Am erica; beloved friends of a firmer stand than ever before in your life, in your call
Am erica, stand in the Light of God, your own “ M ighty to the Light, to bring about this A ssistance which you
I A M Presence,” and call It forth! T o you, Friends of and Am erica need today? T h is is not idle talk! W e,
Am erica, who may not have yet contacted T his U nder­ from the O ctave of Light, who are wholly Perfect
standing, I say to you T his W ork of the M essengers is for Beings, can see, understand and know that which you
the good of America and for the Blessing of mankind. All cannot even imagine! Therefore, we offer this Assistance!
forces who oppose T his Light, which the M essengers rep­ W e offer these suggestions so you may, if you will, give
resent, are aiding and abetting the sinister destructive response; and then find one day, not so far distant, your
forces who want to destroy you and your Am erca. land and yourselves expressing a Freedom and Happiness
Aw aken beloved M inute M en and people of America! never known on earth before.
These M essengers have offered nothing that any human I want you to understand, today, that in the estab­
being on the face of this earth cannot accept! If you are lishing o f Permanent Peace and Freedom in your A m er­
willing to lie down and let the forces of destruction de­ ica, there will come the response of N ature which is at
stroy you, then that is your privilege; but I say to you, present rebelling against the inharmony o f mankind!
whether it be individual, city, state or nation, if you lie Y ou wonder why such conditions exist as they do today.
down and do not call the Powers of Light into action, you Because the selfishness of mankind has preyed upon each
will be destroyed individually, as well as your cities, your other, with only the thought o f themselves. T h a t must
state and your nation. go from the face of this earth! If mankind will respond
Therefore, your opportunity, today, to call these Pow ­ to U s, W e will assist them and it will be done harmon­
ers of Light into action is the greatest opportunity you iously and perfectly.
have ever had! It is imperative that you make this call T o o long, the people have tried thru physical means
now! It is the greatest need before mankind today! You, of w ar and such conditions to try to adjust these condi­
in the comfort of your own homes, cannot quite realize tions, and never has it been done! N othing will be done,
that the fulness of your H eart’s Desire has only found a because all war is destructive force and leaves in its train
part of its glorious expression. a vibratory action in the etheric records which you can­
Beloved ones, your H eart’s Light is the Governing God not possibly understand. It leaves an etheric record which
Power of your world! Let It expand in your attention to is a magnet for gathering again more and more of those
the G reat G od Presence, your “ M ighty I A M ,” and destructive forces from the feeling of mankind, and when
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its accumulation is sufficient, another war takes place. they are human beings? W ould you like to see air bombs
Be not deceived! Call the Powers of Light to govern thrown and hundreds destroyed by one bom b; your
all conditions in your industries; the manufacturing of loved ones; your children, your families?
war materials and in the whole combination of your Gentlemen, the condition that exists today, I say, is
outer activities and bring about the complete and full re­ unparalleled in the history of the earth; because destruc­
lease! If you could only see the conditions that exist! tive forces are known and used today, which two hun­
T hose who wish to sell war materials, cannons, guns and dred years ago were wholly unknown. Y our forces of
everything imaginable, explosives of every kind, the most the air, if released with the power and intent of destruc­
deadly ever known in the history of the earth— today tion, that exists in Europe and the Orient today, in thirty
are playing both sides, furnishing ammunition and arms days not a city would be left in your Am erica!
to the first comers— to all comers. I say, awaken mankind to the Power of Light! Be­
W e see and W e fear nothing on earth; therefore, W e ware of the spy system in your country! A w aken man­
tell you the T ruth ! Be blest by It, if you will; but unless kind to this fiendish thing which rubs shoulders with
you will give this assistance, which is your call from the many of you, in the pretense of smiling in your face and
physical octave, you will meet the conditions far far stabbing you in the back, by stealing from you your
worse than socalled death itself. magnificent discoveries, your air planes and things which
Gentlemen, as minute M en of M yself, you know that the people of Europe want today; because they A R E
there is no death! You but change garments! Therefore, greater Perfection than what Europe has yet been able
remember the individuals who pass out thru war condi­ to produce. I say will you awaken mankind to these
tions or any destructive condition, carry with them the conditions?
same feeling in which they existed here. If it be hatred of I am appealing, today, as never before in your lives
war, or hatred of those who sent them, then that power, for your protection, beloved people of Am erica; and un­
quality and feeling remains in the feeling world of the less you care to listen to M e, I cannot help you. ..I say
individual. to those individuals who have sent forth their mighty
If you could see what the Divine Director has done in destructive devilish suggestions concerning T his W ork
releasing the boys who passed out in the recent world and the M essengers— beware! Be ready to reap its re­
war, from the hatred which was generated there, you turn, for it shall return! I say to you, when a destructive
would bless H im forever! They did not know why, but force faces you, you have got to be strong enough to call
they hated the thing they were facing and they hated the Power of Light to return that destructive force back ^
those who sent them— and can you blame them? They upon its creator. W ould you rather be destroyed inno­
were like cattle driven to the slaughter! There is no other cently, than return the destructive forces upon a vicious
expression that fits it, gentlemen! N o other expression destructive creator? Y ou cannot ignore these things!
can possibly convey this to you; because in all war con­ G reat criticism has come to the M essengers, because
ditions the pride of manhood are driven to slaughter! they understand this Law and call for the consuming of
Y ou today who love your children and families, would vicious forces of every kind; but unless you understand
you like to see them trampled upon, shot down because that and do the same thing, one day you will find your­

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selves in the clutches of those destructive forces. R e­
plify it with the greater intensity to more quickly bring
member, the destructive force generated by mankind has
this A ssistance that you so greatly need today.
no discrimination; and when the people are seized by it,
Therefore, in speaking to you today, M y Jo y is bound­
they have no discrimination! A ll Love from their being
less, for again in the opening of the Shrine Class, there
is gone and they only wish to manifest the projected
will come a M ighty W ave of this Cosm ic Light projected
viciousness and destructive forces, under whose influence
from the G reat Central Sun; and at the close as many
they are acting for the time being!
o f you know, will come a ten times greater release of the
D o not fail to comprehend and understand these forces!
G reat Cosm ic Light. It must come, if mankind are to
A ll force knows no discrimination, but it acts! Y o u hav­
have the strength and courage they need today to ren­
ing your H igher M ental Body, which is your Discrimi­ der this service.
nating Intelligence; in your call to the Presence, It releases
Y ou don’t see yet what is acting. Y ou go out in the
Its Discriminating Directing Intelligence, to give you full
morning with great firm determination in your call to
comprehension and understanding of what these forces
the Light— in great calm Peace and determination; but
mean; and what they do when they are left ungovem ed!
before the day is half over, you begin to feel the impact
Y o u have heard the M essengers repeat M y W ords that
o f human discord about you, and one thing or another
— “ the destructive forces of human creation ungoverned,
causes you to feel irritable. W hen individuals begin to
are more vicious than the animal in the jungle.” I re­
feel irritation, then the sinister force is laughing at you
peat to you again today, far more destructive, for the
behind your back; because it is getting you disturbed, so
animal in the jungle only destroys for food; but the vi­
it can drive its forces into action thru your mind, body
cious forces of mankind destroy for the activity of sheer
and feeling world.
destruction. Consciousness is acting in those destructive
Remember, the guard which is needed! because all
forces, but not governed intelligently.
sinister activity of destructive forces first comes into ac­
T od ay , you who are in a position to understand and
tion in your feeling world! Sometimes, it is acting there
to feel, with full G lory and Power which is your privi­
for hours before you are outw ardly aware of it! W hy?
lege in rendering this service, gentlemen, M inute M en of
Because it is gaining its hold upon you with such decep­
Am erica, I ask you with all the Love of M y H eart, to
tion, that you feel no outer affect, until it is ready to re­
redouble your calls and energy. I mean by that, charge
lease into your feeling, that condition which it wants to
your calls with a greater firmness and a greater determi­
nation in the release of your energy thru your M ighty
Therefore, there is only one means of guard in the
Decrees; to render a still greater service, than that with
whole Universe and that is the call to your own G od
which you have yet become familiar.
Presence, the “ M ighty I A M ” to stand guard over you;
Y o u cannot gauge, you cannot govern what your G reat
to make you aware of all that is acting or with intent to
Presence of Life will do at your call! Ju st continue to
act thru your feelings. T hen you are in a position to be
m ake the calls with greater firmness, greater determina­
alert to the forces which are endeavoring to use you.
tion, which causes the Power of Light to release in
W hy do these destructive forces seize upon some of the
greater volume, greater intensity and enable U s to atn-
students? Because it sees within them, a Light which
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would be pow erful; and those who are turned aside be­ yourselves individually.
come claws of that sinister force. I say to every one of If time permitted and I could take you individually
you, stand guard over your feelings and all suggestions of and show you your progress in the past six months, your
the sinister things. joy would be boundless! I bid you be not discouraged at
A t the close of the last Shrine Class, because of that anything, but with joy filling your hearts and the release
M ighty Decree issued, those claws of the sinister forces, of the M ighty Energy from yfiur Presence at your call,
cunningly went among the students and tried to claim go forth the V ictory of Light; and feel Its M ighty Power
that the M essengers were acting destructively. T h at and Dominion take action in your world, as so many have!
M ighty Decree was for the protection of your children as W e have seen the many in your city who have been
well as theirs. D on’t be deceived by those cunning subtle thru long struggles financially, as the M essenger had.
things, but stand on guard! M inute M en of today, do you Then suddenly, you found the wall dissolved and the In­
realize what your willingness to enter into the Power of pouring from the Treasure-house of your own Presence
Life means? D o you know what it means to the rest of pouring forth. It is the Divinest thing in the Universe!
mankind and the Infinite Protection it means to your be­ It is the Divinest thing on the earth, because then only,
loved Am erica? have mankind found their Source! Then only, do they
I say, beware of A L L forces today that attem pt to know It is the M ightiest Directing Intelligence in the U n i­
create discord in you! N o matter what the source, whether verse. They know It is the Treasure-house! Then un­
it be persons, places or conditions! There is only one safe­ locking Its Doors by their adoration and call to that G reat
ty for you and your families and that is absolute serenity Presence of Life, they keep it up; until finally the O ut­
and self-control over your feelings. Then, W e can give pouring thru the physical form of the money supply, the
you Assistance indescribable; but W e cannot do it and happiness, courage, strength. Directing Intelligence,
W e will not intensify the release and power of energy, if which everyone requires, finds the fulness of Its Action
you are willingly qualifying it with discord. W e want to through everyone.
save you, not destroy you! W e want you, who are in Gentlemen, I love you! D o not be afraid to say, you
the position today to give this assistance in Am erica, to love each other. Oh, you are none the less a man, because
be the Out-pouring of the Power of Light, which you are you want to express the Power of Divine Love! Therefore,
at your call to the Presence of Life. Y ou become the O ut­ I say to you: in the silence of your own chamber call to
post of the Greatest Power and Intelligence in the U ni­ the Presence of Life, the “ M ighty I A M ” — and keep
verse that ever has or ever will exist! charging, charging and charging the M ighty Powers of
Y our privilege is very great! I say to all, awaken! See! Light from your Presence to pour forth into your world
Y ou do not comprehend as I do, the magnificent service of action; to govern, to glorify, to bless your every ac­
that you have thus far rendered in the release of this tivity. Then, you will find that conditions which touch
M ighty Power and energy in your Decrees, individually your world, will become harmonious; and you will feel,
and in your G roups here! I congratulate you in Los A n ­ and it will be true, that you have actually physically en­
geles, beloved M inute M en, for the service you are ren­ tered into a new world— a world of Supreme Definite
dering! W hat a Blessing you are giving mankind and Action, the Power of Light.

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are consciously projected to make you what you other­
So as you go forth, stand in the glory of all that you
wise would not be.
wish to do! I call your attention to the M essenger who
Every heart is good. Can you believe that with M e, in
in his early life, longed so greatly to have his great un­
the face of all conditions which exist in the world? W hen
selfish desires to bless mankind fulfilled. Then, when he
I make that sweeping statement: “ Every heart in man­
thought the time was past and that his wants had not been
kind is good,” if given an opportunity to act, it will prove
answered, the G atew ay of Light opened and I took him
that goodness; but when individuals are set upon by de­
into M y A rm s! I gave him the U nderstanding; made him
structive forces thru their feeling world and do not know
the observer of the Laws of Life; taught him how to op­
those destructive forces are acting there, then the people
erate Them ; and then sent him back into the world to
are helpless before the onrush of that destructive force.
help you! H e has but one desire, gentlemen, with all the
T h at is what is sweeping Europe today! There is no
Power of his Being, which has now become tremendous,
question about it, because of the disturbed feelings of the
thru his constant calling and calling forth of the Powers
people, the destructive force has full sway to sweep in,
of Light, to render you service; to set you Free; to give
set into action the outer feeling of individuals, and they
you all the strength and courage that mankind must have
become prey to the most destructive forces in mankind
to conquer conditions, for without the courage to face
the conditions of the day and be M aster over them, man­ today.
kind would be submerged by them and vanish from the I am calling your attention to this and I will follow it
earth! up in the broadcasts which are to follow, with I trust, a
So, in the conditions that are confronting you today, sufficiently clear explanation, so no one of you will fail
be not dismayed, because they sometimes seem terrifying. to grasp the fact and feel the joy welling up within your
Remember, as you have so often said in your M ighty D e­ hearts, that you have come to know the Source of Free­
cree W ork, those human creations, those destructive dom ; the Absoulte Certainty by which you can protect
forces have no power of themselves! D o not feed your yourselves, your families and your Am erica.
Life into them by the power of your attention and thus O h, that you could know how I love A m erica! D o
strengthen them! W hen you have issued your Decrees you think, if I did not and had not seen the possibilities
that those forces have no power, then take your attention of Am erica, I would have released energy for tw o hun­
off those conditions. T urn your attention to your Pres­ dred years to bless and protect Am erica? Y our G reat
ence or to some constructive idea and let that Power of Goddess of Liberty, beloved M inute M en, can you un­
Light do Its Perfect W ork. derstand with M e for a few moments, what that G reat
Being means to you in Am erica? W hy do you suppose
A s long as your attention is upon destructive things,
the G reat Law of Life has provided such a G reat Focus
then destructive forces will be acting in and thru your
of Light for this great purpose? D o you not see that the
feeling world. It cannot be otherwise. T h at is why I ask
Goddess of Liberty was provided by and sent forth by the
you to do this. T h e M essengers have to stand guard!
G reat Central Sun! Then think, your sister country re­
Call your H igher M ental Body to stand guard over your
ceived so powerfully the Glory of that Freedom, which
feeling world, so you do not unknowingly continue to ac­
she could not experience; yet sent to you the symbol of the
cept destructive thoughts and feelings! Ofttim es, they
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of S ain !;Germain Press. Inc.
Goddess of Liberty; so you could have before you what Gentlemen, I take you individually. Do you under­
that meant to mankind. stand how each one of you in your understanding of your
Gentlemen, outside of our beloved Jesus the Christ, “ M ighty I A M Presence,” in your ability to call It forth
whose Sym bol should be everywhere in the world— — Its M ighty Rays of Light and energy, how you stand
there is not a greater thing in the world today, than the today— if you only knew it, Invincible Beings of Light!
Statue of the Goddess of Liberty in N ew York H arbor; Y ou are not subject to these conditions which exist, even
which reminds the incoming and out-going mass of man­ though you have been a part of that creation, still are you
kind, of the Glory of Freedom in the world of America. not subject to it! A s soon as you call on the Law of For­
Remember! that G reat Goddess of Liberty is a Real Being giveness, then turn your attention to the G reat Presence
to you! of Life, you are fulfilling the Law, and as long as you do
Beloved M inute M en, whenever you sing that song— not continue to make mistakes, then you have proven in
the Goddess of Liberty, will you not do M e the kindness your call to the Presence, that you are willing to change
to feel with all the intensity of your Being, H er Power and face about and act only constructively. Then, you
and Blessing upon your release of that energy, for the serv­ have become one with M y H eart!
ice to Am erica which you wish to render? N ever does Should I remind you, that W e, who are wholly Free
she lose an opportunity to take up and utilize that M ighty Beings, could withdraw from the earth today and leave
Energy; and shall I say today, how great H er Love and mankind to the mercy of their own creation? T h e M es­
G ratitude is for your willingness to establish the M inute sengers could, but they won’t. I could not even persuade
M en of M yself, as you have styled yourselves to render them to withdraw; because their Love is so great for you,
this Service? It is very wonderful, and I say again to you, for mankind, and knowing the conditions as W e have
beloved M inute M en, watch and stand guard over every shown the M essenger; for they have existed thruout the
person, place and condition that attem pts to agitate your various civilizations, thru their rise and fall! If you knew
feelings; or spread falsehoods into your world for any how he pleads with me: “ D on’t let mankind fall again” !
reason whatsoever! D on’t believe anything because Therefore, I am endeavoring and the Goddess of Lib­
som ebody repeats it! Gentlemen, I am depending on you; erty has gone to the G reat Central Sun, to call forth more
you have no idea how much; and how great M y Love and Power, Every Power that mankind will accept and to
G ratitude are to you for having been willing to be the which they can attune themselves, so as to allow It to
M ighty Focus of Light, to render this service. flow forth! Gentlemen, I must remind you again, do you
Feel for a moment, M y Love fill your hearts and not see how it is impossible for U s to release the Full
worlds and M y Gratitude to every sincere M inute M an Force and Power thru you, which W e want to release, as
in Am erica. It is very wonderful, and when I call your long as there is a chance of you qualifying it destruc­
attention to these things, do not think I am a calamity tively? D o yOu not see W e cannot do it? W e would
howler. I am putting to you the Greatest T ruth s for your endanger your physical bodies and W e cannot do that.
attention; because when you know, as you do, the power W e want you. W e need you and you need yourselves!
o f your attention, then you know how that can become Y ou may not consider those physical bodies of so much
an Invincible Power! importance: but let M e tell you, those physical bodies
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today— in the position in which you stand in your un­ you to do it! T he G reat Law of Life is: that desire is only
derstanding and acceptance of the Light, are more im­ for the procreation of mankind, and there is no wrong
portant to you, than you can ever imagine! W hy? Be­ in using it for that purpose; but when you waste it, that
cause certain attunement has gone on which you never
is your Life Energy gone forever! If there are any students
had before! anywhere who think their understanding of the Pres­
Gentlemen, it does not make any difference to M e what
ence will enable them to replenish that Life Energy and
your appearance is today in the outer world; I see and use it for that purpose, then they have made a great mis­
know what that Light is within you; and if I did not take! Life will not release Itself for that purpose any
see how It could be brought into magnificent use and longer; and when you have used up your accumulation
V ictory, do you think I would plead with you? T h at is
of energy in that desire, you will find yourselves like a
self-evident! I would be wasting M y time and yours,
balloon with the air let out— yourselves exhausted!
but knowing as I do the Beauty, the Power, the Perfec­
Beloved friends, today, let us talk together, heart to
tion of your hearts and your loyalty to Am erica, then
heart! I stand the M essenger before you as an example.
I will turn heaven and earth upside down if necessary,
Look at the limitless energy he pours forth— on his feet
to give you the Assistance, if you will only go on in your
ten and twelve hours a day and never with exhaustion;
calls for the cleansing and purifying of yourselves, to re­
never with lack of energy, because that energy is con­
lease the greater and greater Powers of Light!
served! T he example is before you gentlemen, and every
I repeat to you again what I said to the California
one who governs that will find his or her face becoming
students’ breakfast in Denver: “ Jesus has said: ‘T he last
radiant and the body filled with limitless energy and
enemy to overcome is death!’ I say to you, the last enemy
to be overcome is abnormal sex desire! N orm al sex de­
T oday, when the sinister force has used every conceiv­
sire is for the procreation of mankind only. D on’t blame
able means of wasting your energy, I use this opportunity
M e, when I call your attention to these vital things! If
to remind you with all kindness— O h, no matter what
you waste your energy in sex excess, you cannot hope
your mistakes are, I would not condemn you for anything
for the V ictory of the Light!
in the world. Please feel that, but knowing the Law as
I say this with all the Love and kindness of M y H eart!
I do, I want so much to help you! I want so much to see
Sometimes individuals have become so vicious to the M es­
you Free, buoyant, filled with strength, energy and cour­
sengers, because they have told them this T ruth . I say
age, to meet all conditions and say to them: “ Y ou have
to you, ungoverned sex desire is the down-fall of every
no pow er!” as many of you have been able to do!
civilization! I have talked this over with Jesus and H e
It is wonderful when I see among the students, the
said today: “ You are right, because that is where the sin­
many who have erased desire after desire— drink, to­
ister force strikes at mankind; and as a last opportunity,
bacco and all those conditions, just as if they had never
when it cannot reach them in any other way, then it will
been! D on’t you understand, that when you call the
seize upon that desire, to bring its destruction upon them” !
“ M ighty I A M Presense” to take out of you, out of your
Let M e help you, won’t you, to erase those desires
feeling world, all wrong desires, the Greatest Power in
from your being? Y our call to the Presence will help
the Universe is set into action, to erase the cause, effect
Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. ' 25
Property of Saint Germain Press, Ine.
and record of that from your lives?
anything in the world that fires M e like that; because
I love you tremendously! I know what it means to go mankind are so wholly unaware of what is controlling
thru those experiences and to overcome them; but it is them and accept that the feeling is their own.
so wonderful when it is accomplished; the joy is so great
T h at is why I urge you, beloved ones, to call the pres­
and the Freedom so great; the Blessings without limit!
ence to formulate the Tube of Light about you, so any
I plead with you and lend M y Infinite Power, to give you
discordant or immoral thing cannot penetrate it to reach
strength to erase from your feeling world every undesir­
you or your feeling world! O h, when you once realize
able desire that wastes your energy; and remember this is
only one avenue. you can do that, what a different world, what a different
being you will be; because today mankind are a conscious
T he misuse of sex, the feeling of anger, irritation and
target for the projection of every vicious immoral force;
distress of every kind, is a waste of the energy, not so
and I try to put you on guard, beloved M inute Men,
great perhaps as is present in violent anger; but these con­
against these things! Remember, you have willingly en­
ditions are so easily and quickly removed from you and
tered into this G reat Stream of Life, to render this serv­
your feeling world; as you call the G reat Presence to take
ice for Am erica and under M y N am e! H ow proud I am
out of you any desire for any condition which you wish
of you, but remember only so far as you are willing, can
to overcome.
I help you!
Therefore, I offer you, and the G reat Victory whose
W e stand, gentlemen, in the V ictory of Light. In
likeness you shall soon see, has offered you His Great
speaking to you today, there is nothing discouraging
Light, H is G reat Victory! For hundreds of thousands of
about it. There is just a Power of O ur Energy released
centuries, H e has never known anything but Victory!
to fire you into firmer, more determined power, in the
Therefore, as H e and the Goddess of Liberty offer Their
release of your energy to bring about these better con­
great charge of Cleansing, Purifying Energy into your
ditions. W e are so near the great ever-balancing V ictory
world, won’t you accept It; and let Its Great Powers
of Life! I hope W e can say at the close of the Shrine Class,
come into action to give you the Blessing, the Power and
beloved ones of the light, that your V ictory is sure!
the Freedom which everyone of your hearts crave?
I thank personally the students in the East and our be­
Any destructive desire or that which would call for a
loved M r. Zinke and the students here for making it pos­
waste of energy, does not come from your heart. It either
sible for these broadcasts to reach mankind. O h, if you
comes from an accumulated activity within your feeling
only knew what that means. Thousands of people who
world or a desire projected into your world.
for one reason or another perhaps would not come to the
N ow , before I close I want to say to you, as you ob­ class, can have its blessings thru the broadcasts. W hen
serve the G reat Chart, the Tube of Fight and the Violet they understand that T his W ork is for the public good
Consuming Flame, there is nothing in My Experience and It is the Law of Life, and that no one is asked for any­
among mankind, which touches Me so deeply and Fires thing except to give obedience to the Law of their own
M e to the depths of M y Being to give release, as the pro­ Life to have this blessing, then is there anyone of mankind
jection into your feeling world of wrong desires, willing­ who should not want to give his or her Life to construc­
ly, deliberately and consciously projected. There isn’t tive purposes?
26 27
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don’t ever let any feeling get going like it was with a few
T oday, you are in the Greatest Blessing, the G reatest
people after the Shrine Class here. If you do not return
Focus of Light, because of your determination and de­
destructive force upon its creators, you will be destroyed
sire to give this Blessing to your fellowman, for the pro­
by it.
tection of Am erica. Remember, A ll the Forces of Light,
Y ou who are the Children of Light, do you wish to be
are answering your call!
destroyed and deprived o f your oportunity to serve; just
T he thing that W e are so determined to do at this
because you won’t turn destructive forces back upon their
time, is to prevent any wedge of the conditions of Europe
creators? T h at is the Law of Life, it is nobody’s wish to
finding an entrance into Am erica! Y ou have no idea
harm anybody; but if you don’t do it, you will be de­
what the governing powers o f Europe have planned. I
stroyed yourselves. T h e M essengers would have been
mean the destructive sinister things that are acting.
destroyed long ago, if they had not known that. They
T hose powers are watching your A m erica like a haw k;
know the Law and they are not bothered about some
because for many years, they have had their spies in your
ignorant human opinion about It; but they stand their
midst. Remember, it is only since the M essengers began
ground for your protection. T hey could have been
to ask the students to call for the revealing and seizing
wholly Free a long time ago.
o f the spies and the dope in Am erica, that this has been
I want you to understand these things and do not be
misled by vicious human suggestions, that try to prey
T hink the G reat V ictory has said to you, that one o f
upon you, to get you to think the M essengers did some­
the greatest destructive forces in your midst today was
thing wrong! T h ey never did and never will! T hey are
dope; and look at the thousands o f tons o f dope that have
strong enough and firm enough, to hold to the Light and
been seized within three months, and more and more will
do whatever is necessary for your blessing and protection.
be revealed as your calls go forth! D o you not see that
Gentlemen, the great Love o f M y H eart pours out to
in those calls, you have Infinite Power which goes forth
enfold each one, each M inute M en in A m erica; to enfold
into the mental and feeling world to touch mankind?
you all in M y Power o f Divine Love, M y Strength, M y
Y ou could not dream how the Power of Light acts and
C ourage and M y V ictory over all substance and energy!
makes mankind alert: and then these things are revealed
M ay the fulness of M y Power of Divine Love added to
and destroyed.
yours enable you to win now the V ictory of Life and the
So it is with all the conditions that exist in the world. Fulness of all It contains and holds for each one.
In your call to the Powers of Light, gentlemen, Light is I hold you in M y Embrace o f Light; in the fulness of
the acting Power and It only acts thru harmony! M any Its Infinite Power to bless you, to strengthen you and
times, Its W all of Forces sends back upon destructive to direct you by the Ascended M asters’ Consciousness
forces their own destruction; but that is the Law of Life; which cannot be requalified by human qualities; and may
that is not your desire or M ine, but don’t you see it has M y Love pouring into your world be the “ C up of Light”
to be done! W hoever creates destructive forces must which gives you the V ictory into your Presence, your
some day reap them, because it is the Law o f Life, and own Life!
neither you nor I, nor anybody else can prevent It A ct­
I thank you.
ing. I want you to understand that, if you will; and
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Property of Sam I Germain Press, Inc.
M O S T R E C E N T A N D U N P U B L IS H E D D E C R E E S From our eyes, ears and voices, all that is not of the Light,
P R E A M B L E — as given in last Voice today and forever!
C U T A W A Y ! (3 ) A N D K E E P C U T A W A Y ! ( l ) From all in the draft, all that is not of the Light, today
From all under T his Radiation, all that is not of the and forever!
Light, today and forever! From our government, all that is not of the Light, today
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) and forever!
etc. A ll destructive activities and plans from Am erica, today
U se the above form for the following: and forever!
From ....................... (any city ), all that is not of the Light, From all money in Am erica, all that is not of the Light,
today and forever! today and forever!
From Am erica, all that is not of the Light, today and From our national defense, all that is not of the Light,
forever! today and forever!
From the beings and worlds of all under T his Radiation, From all business activities in Am erica, all that is not of
all that is not of the Light, today and forever! the Light, today and forever!
From all homes in Am erica, all that is not of the Light, From all transportation,, communication, public utilities,
today and forever! food, and the necessities of life in Am erica, all that
* * * * is not of the Light, today and forever!
B L A S T A W A Y ! (3 ) A N D K E E P B L A S T E D From the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ” and
A W A Y ! (1 ) all Y oung Am erica, all that is not of the Light, today
A ll hypnotic control of the people of the world, to­ and forever!
day and forever! From all prisoners from Am erica in foreign lands, all that
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) is not of the Light, today and forever!
etc. A ll that would deprive the people of Am erica of their
U se the above form for the following: constitutional rights, today and forever!
A ll our human concepts and feelings, today and forever! * * * *
A ll destruction, limitation and discord from the homes U se this Decree once an hour
o f Am erica, today and forever! M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y , T H E T W E L V E W IT H Y O U
A ll injustice against Am erica, today and forever! A N D Y O U R V IC T O R IO U S L E G IO N S O F L IG H T !
A ll selfishness and discord from O ur Land, today and C O M P E L (3 ) all that the hands and feet of those
forever! under T h is Radiation touch, to become instantly a G i­
AH poverty and limitations from O ur Land, today and gantic Ascended M aster M iracle and V ictory of Free­
forever! * * * * dom, Protection and Perfection of the Cosm ic Light and
U nfed Flame of a T H O U S A N D S U N S today and for­
A ll legal procedure of O ur Land that is not of the Light,
today and forever!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
From all our food, all that is not of the Light, today and
forever! * * * *
30 31
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
PR E A M B LE ! Defend, sustain, protect, perfect and expand all of Saint
CO M PEL (3 ) all that we see, hear or of which we Germain’s “ I A M ” Sanctuaries and Reading Rooms,
speak to become instantly a Gigantic Miracle and Victory thruout the world, today and forever!
of Freedom, Protection and Perfection of the Cosmic Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Light and Unfed Flame of a Thousand Suns, today and etc.
* * * *
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Defend, protect, perfect, illumine, free, heal and sup­
etc. ply O h Powers of Light, the Children of Saint Germain,
* * * * thruout the world, today and forever!
L O R D S O F T H E B LU E L IG H T N IN G FR O M T H E Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
G R E A T C E N T R A L S U N , T H E A V E N G IN G etc.
* * * *
L IG H T ! (1 ) U se the above form for
C O M P E L (3 ) a tornado of Blue Lightning of a Thou­ D E F E N D , Oh, Powers of Light, the transportation, com­
sand Suns to explode (3 ) thru every activity of war (or munication, public utilities, food and necessities of
any other destructive activity) thruout the world, and Life to the people of America, today and forever!
annihilate (3 ) it all, cause, effect, record and memory
D E F E N D , Oh Powers of Light, the Declaration of In­
from the Universe, today and forever! ( l )
dependence, the Constitution, the Liberty Bell, the
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! (3 )
W ashington Monument, and all instruments of
* * * * Freedom to the people of America, today and for­
“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E SE N C E ,” FO R C E S O F T H E
E L E M E N T S A N D G R E A T B E IN G S W H O D IR E C T D E F E N D , Oh Powers of Light, the constitutional rights
T H E M ! (1 ) of the people of America, today and forever!
* * * *
Defend, protect, perfect, illumine, free, heal and sup­
ply the constructive people of earth, today and forever! P R E A M B L E ; A lso— F O R C E S O F T H E E L E M E N T S
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! (3 ) A N D T H E G R E A T B E IN G S W H O D IR E C T T H E M !
etc. Command our feelings to go forth and fulfill our D e­
* * * * crees with the speed of lightning and the Power of a
PREAMBLE Thousand Suns, to be instantly manifest, eternally sus­
Defend, sustain, protect, perfect and expand all of tained, forever expanding and all-powerfully active, to­
Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities thruout the day and forever!
world, today and forever! ( l ) and— W E T H A N K T H E E IT IS D O N E ! (9 )
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! (3 ) PREAM BLE * * * *
etc. Drive and bind all blood-shed, poverty, pain, grief, in­
* * * * sanity and disease produced and intended by war, back

32 33
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into the brains and bodies of the war beasts and money A ll M aster like Thee!
beasts of the world and their claws; and annihilate (3 ) By T h y M ighty Hand
all that activity and substance from mankind, the earth T hruout every land!
and its atmosphere, today and forever! Cut all else away!
etc. Step thru now today !
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Compel V ictory thru!
etc. M ake all bow to You!
B E L O V E D S A I N T G E R M A IN ! (3 ) Eternally Free!
Charge thru us now all of T h y Light! Sealed forever in Thee!
Charge thru us now all of T h y M ight! * * * *
Charge thru us now, compel us all F R E E ! M A K E U S S E L F L U M IN O U S ! (3 )
Charge thru us now, make us all M aster Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
like Thee! etc.
U se any of the Ascended M asters. T his draws G reat * * * *
Power, if continued for a period of time. B L A S T A W A Y ! (3 ) A N D K E E P B L A S T E D A W A Y !
* * * *
From the Saint Germain Press and Foundation; the
L IG H T O U R W A Y W H E R E V E R W E G O ! (3 ) Voice of the “ I A M ” ; the Saint Germain Council; Don,
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) the Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ” ; the Staff;
etc. the M essengers; all “ I A M ” G roup Leaders, Temples,
U se also— Protect our way wherever we go! Sanctuaries, Reading Rooms, Schools, homes, business
Perfect our way wherever we go! activities; Ourselves, all under T his Radiation; and all
Clear our way wherever we go! Saint Germain’s Activities thruout the world; all that is
Supply our way wherever we go! not of the Light, today and forever!
Harmonize our way wherever we go! Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Flood our way with Light wherever we go! etc.
Flood our way with the Ascended M asters' * * * *
Love, W isdom and Power wherever PREAM BLE
we go! Charge! Charge! Charge! us and all under T his Radia­
* * * * tion with all of Y our Ascended M aster Freedom, Victory
M A K E U S V IC T O R IO U S ! ( i ) and Protection, and all of Your Inner Powers, Secrets,
Oh, Victory Dear! (R epeat after each line) Gifts, U se, Substance and Activities of Light, the Great
Keep our way clear! Cosmic Light of a T H O U S A N D S U N S , the “ Light of
By Thy Great Cosmic Light! God that never, never, never fails; and C O M F P E L (3 ) It
By T hy Great Cosmic M ight! to rule in, thru and around us all and control all that we
Each moment, each day! do today and forever!
And forever hold sway Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
34 etc. 35
P ro p e rty o f S n m t G erm ain P ^ tss. Inc. Property of Saint Germain. Press. Inc.
T is our great privilege and joy to announce the T is our great privilege and joy to announce the
release of a folder of three new songs by the Mes­ release of a folder of three new songs by the
senger, Lotus Ray King. Messenger, Lotus Ray King.
They are: They are:
"I AM” Here Great Hercules—Thou Elohim
Angels of Saint Germain Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Freedom’s Triumph Archangel Michael
They are all dedicated in Eternal Love and Gratitude to the It is our great privilege and joy to dedicate the songs in
"M ighty I AM Presence” and our Beloved Saint Germain, with this folder to our Beloved Hercules, Mary the Mother of Jesus
the intense call that we be made and kept forever worthy of and the Archangel Michael.
the Light and Love He has given us all in this Mighty "I AM” May the Love and Blessings of our hearts, those of all man­
Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that kind and all Beings and Powers of Light and Love, enfold
Light until all mankind are ascended and Free. them for all Eternity, in all the Glory of the Great Central
May there go forth thru these songs such Love, gratitude Sun, for all they mean and are to the world and humanity!
and adoration to our Beloved Saint Germain for all He means We dedicate these songs in Eternal Love and Gratitude to
to mankind, that every human being on earth may be priv­ the "M ighty I AM Presence” and these Blessed Ascended
ileged to see Him face to face in His Visible, Tangible As­ Masters with the intense call that we be made and kept worthy
cended Master Body and Know Him as we do! of the Light and Love They have given us all in this "I AM ”
May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel His Mighty Activity; and for the privilege of carrying and protecting that
Reality, His Enfolding Presence and Love pouring out to them Light, until all mankind are ascended and Free!
and bringing Eternal Freedom in the "Light of God that May there go forth thru these songs such Love, Gratitude
never fails.” and Adoration to these Beloved Ascended Beings for all they
These songs, both music and lyrics, are a direct answer to mean to mankind, that every human being on earth may be
our intense call that thru music we may all pour to Him con­ privileged to see them face to face in Their Visible Tangible
stantly our Love, Adoration and Gratitude for His Immeas­ Ascended Master Bodies and know Them as we do!
urable and Eternal G ifts of Freedom and Illumination; and May all who sing, play or hear these songs feel the Mighty
for being the Open Door for the Ascended Masters’ Instruction Reality of these Great Beings, Their Enfolding Presence and
of the "M ighty I AM Presence” —the Law of Life—to raise all Love pouring out constantly and bringing Eternal Freedom
into their Perfection. in the "Light of God that never fails.”
Our beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrangements These songs, both music and lyrics are a direct answer to
and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude and Blessings to enfold our intense call, that thru music, we may all constantly pour
him forever. ' to them our Love, Adoration and Gratitude, for Their Im­
May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom measurable and Eternal Gifts of Freedom, Healing and Illumi­
from the distress of the outer world, and thru this music and nation; and for being the Open Door thru which Their Help
Love receive their Freedom and release. comes to us instantly and without limit.
N o greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the Our Beloved Frederick Landwehr has made the arrange­
channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts ments and we call Eternal Love, Gratitude, Protection and
sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor­ Blessings to enfold him forever.
tunity and Blessing. May these songs be sung by everyone who seeks Freedom
LOTUS RA Y K IN G from the distress of the outer world; and thru this music and
DONALD RA Y K IN G Love receive Their Freedom and release.
N o greater privilege could be given anyone than to be the
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
channel thru which these songs could come, and our hearts
36 sing with Eternal Love, Gratitude and Praise for this oppor-
■unity „„d Blessing. DON A LD RA Y K IN G 57
• THE •
UN V EILED M YSTERIES, Volume I By Godfre Ray King A b e a u tifu lly lith o grap h ed color ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fra m in g an d contem plation .
C ontaining the first g ro u p o f the a u th o r's experiences. Size 5 /z x 8^4- P rice 2 5 c, P o stp a id 3 0 c
P rice $2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 .7 5
Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp aid $ 1 ,2 0
T H E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II By Godfre Ray King On H ea v y Linen, Size 30 x 52. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep a id
C ontaining the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
P rice $ 2 .75, P ostpaid $3.00 C H A R TS A N D FLAMES IN A C TIO N
T H E " I AM” DISCOURSES, ( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 6 0 .0 0
A bove C h a rts m ech an ically anim ated.. j Size 3Qx 52 prJce £225.00
Volume III By the Ascended Master Saint Germain
and Other Ascended Masters j Size 12 x 2 1 . P ric e $ 5 5 .0 0
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex plain in g the A scended M asters’ ap p lic a­ V iolet F lam e m ech an ically an im ated ^ JQ x „ p r ic e $ 2 0 0 00
tion o f the ” 1 AM ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00 Sh ippin g ch arg es e x tr a
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 By Chanera
A selection of p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the "M ig h ty PICTU R E OF T H E A SCEN D ED M ASTER, SA IN T GERM AIN
I AM Presence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00 H a n d colored steel en g ra v in g s o f etch in gs b y C h arles Sin d elar.
Size 12 x 16. P ric e each $ 2 .0 0 , P o stp a id $ 2 .2 !
Volume VI ... By Various Ascended Masters PIC T U R E OF OUR BELOVED M ESSENGER, G UY W. BA LLA RD
C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d b efore h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith three A c tu a l ph otograp h ic rep ro d u ctio n in G oldton e.
co lor p lates. P rice $2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P o stp a id $ 2 .8 5
ASCENDED MASTER LIG H T, Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P o stp a id $ 4 .0 0
Volume VII By Various Ascended Masters Size 15 x 1 9 /2 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p re ss co llect
and Cosmic Beings Size 30 x 4 0 . P ric e each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E x p re ss co llect
C on tain in g tw en ty -six D iscourses, d ictate d b efo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith
P rofile Size 15x19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p re ss collect
th ree color p lates. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25
Volume VIII By the G reat Divine Director MUSIC OF T H E SPHERES
C on tain in g tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by the G re a t D ivine D irecto r, before
h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $ 3 .00, P ostpaid $ 3 .2 5 L IG H T OF MY H E A R T N A D A O U R LO VE
V est P ocket E dition of p o w erfu l A d orations and A ffirm ations.
P rice $ 1 .00, P ostpaid $1.20 R A IN B O W R A Y S M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch th e Sain t G e r­ R O SE O F L I G H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R
m ain Series. F or Special “ I A M ” L oose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. T h ese D ecrees SO N O F L IG H T SO N G O F T H E V IO L E T FLA M E
and Songs a r e p rin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold a b o u t 150 C A LL TO L IG H T G O D F R E O U R LO V E D O N E A S C E N D E D
leaves (3 00 p a g e s). P rice B inder $1.2 5, P ostpaid $1.40
S I L E N T S E N T IN E L " I AM ” H ER E
D ecrees and Songs 1 / 2c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), p ostage e x tra
" I A M ” COM E
BOOKS IN BRAILLE A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and L y ric s by G o d fre R a y K in g an d L o tu s R a y K in g .
"U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o V olu m e. P rice $5.25 T h ese songs a r e esp ecially ch arg ed w ith p o w e rfu l h ealing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T hree V olumes P rice $7.75 lith og rap h ed co vers in co lo rs, especially designed f o r each piece o f m u sic.
" T H E 'I A M ’ D ISC O U R SE S— In T w o V olum es P ricc $6.75 P ric e each $ 1 .0 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------P o stp aid $1.15
"A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olu m es_____ __ P rice $7.00
P ostag e e x tra Property o f Saint Germain P r m , Inc.
Property o f Saint Germain P reti, Inc.
• THE •
E x c e p t— "S o n g o f the V iolet Flam e” w hich con tain s fo u r ( 4 ) color p lates and
sells fo r $1.2 5. P o stp aid , $1.40 VICTROLA A N D PHO NO GRAPH RECORDS
T h e fo u r co lor p late s in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
sin g ly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $ .5 0 , P o stp aid , $.60
S 2 0 0 -A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T ______( In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
"C R Y ST A L CUPS” I 2 00-B — R O SE O F L I G H T ______ _______________________^ F r e d e r ic k L an d w eh r,
N o v ach o rd
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each ..__________________ _____________ ___ _„$7.00
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60
( 201 -A — L O T U S MY LO V E ___________ (In str u m e n ta l) ^ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Room s, S an ctu arie s, and fam ily use. In d iv id u als m ay
I 2 0 1 -B — V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E __________________< F re d e ric k L a n d w eh r,
h ave these i f th ey so desire— each ....________ _________ __________ ________ $2 5.00
V N o v ach o rd
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.25
These " C r y s t a l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Rooms or G ro u p L eaders. E ach
( 202-A — SO N O F L I G H T _____________ (In stru m e n ta l) ("Lotus R a y K in g , H a rp is t
" C u p ” is blessed p erson ally by M rs. G. W . B a lla rd and is then shipped d ire ct to
( 2 02-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ______________________________-(F re d eric k L an d w eh r,
each in d iv id u a l. N o disco u n ts a r e allow ed.
' 1 N o v ach o rd
D ECREE BOOKLETS [ 203-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S _____ _____.. (In str u m e n ta l) ( L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
Sm all B ook lets co ntain in g D ecrees com piled on d ifferen t su b je c ts fo r in d iv id u al j 203-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S __________________ < F re d e ric k L an d w e h r,
o r S tu d y G ro u p use. M arvelou s re su lts are being m ad e m an ifest in b u ild in g a V N o v ach o rd
m om entum th r u co n stan t u se o f these B ook lets:
L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY
3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FREED O M
! F red eric k L an d w e h r, N o v ach o rd
I 1001-B — D E D IC A T IO N ----------------------------------D on ald R a y K in g
4 . " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S
( R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n _____________ _______ ______ M r. and M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
(P ric e each 3 0c, p lu s postage— ex cep t N o. 1— O pu lence and Su p p ly . P resent I R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (S ilen t N ig h t) H a rp ...------------------- M rs. B a lla r d
sto ck on hand w ill be sold fo r 20c each, p lu s p o stage .)
5. P U R P O SE O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I A M ” A C T IV IT IE S j.R R - 1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N _____________________________ M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
(S m a ll b o ok let g iv in g sh ort resum e o f th e A scended M asters* " I A M ” A c tiv ity .) | R R - 1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N ( N e a r e r M y G od to T h ee) H a r p ------ M rs. B a lla r d
P ric e each— 15c, p lu s p o stage
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I A M ” SP E A K S
( 3 300-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P rice, 3 0c, p lu s p o stage
{ 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
( 3301 -A— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
An O rig in a lly designed R ecord P la y b a c k w ith p o rta b le case, su ita b le fo r " I A M ” { 3 301-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lay s eith er 3 3 1 /3 RPM R ecord s or r e g u la r
phonograph records. P ub lic A d d ress System and oth er equipm en t can be f u r ­
f 33 0 2 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
nished. F u ll d e ta ils fu rn ish ed upon req u est, in clu d in g price.
I 3302-B — T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) ___ ' ------ --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
( 33 0 3 -A — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 1 /3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, co ntaining a 30 m in u te ta lk on the L aw ( 3303-B — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eekly to " I A M ” S tu d en ts an d ow ners o f
P lay b a ck s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s furn ish ed upon requ est.
( 3 3 0 3 -C — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
( 3 3 0 3 -D — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
M onthly M agazin e co ntaining artic le s ex plain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ ( 3303-E — Beginn in g o f " I A M ” D ic ta tio n s (Sh rin e C la S s)--------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
co u rses by the Ascended M asters and other im p ortan t su b jects. B ac k n u m bers | 3303-F — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ic tatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
av a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su b scrip tion s begin w ith M arch ,
1 942. P rice sin gle copy 3 5c, Y e arly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co u n tries $4 .0 0 .
(T h e 3303 Series com prise one a fte rn o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla r d an d should be
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c. sold in a se t)
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
j N -1 0 4 -A — Song o f the V iolet F lam e ( 1 2 " R e c o r d ) __________Song Shrine A udience
[ N -1 0 4 -B — C a ll to L ig h t-------------------------------------------------- Song Shrine A u d ien ce
3 3 04 -A — IN V O C A T IO N an d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t— . M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 04-B — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t ... .M r. G . W . B a lla r d T h e abo ve reco rd s are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l co ntem plation or u se in A M ” S tu d y
G ro u p s. '
3 3 0 4 -C — IN V O C A T IO N an d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t...... M r. G . W . B a lla r d (A ll record s a r e now shipped d ire c t fro m the W estern B ran ch o f th e Sain t G erm ain
3 3 0 4 -D — IN V O C A T IO N an d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t ......M r. G . W . B a lla r d P ress, In c., P.O . B ox 4 2 8 , Los A n geles, C a lif.)
P rice each (d o u b le f a c e d ) — B lu e tra n sp a re n t m a te r ia l____ ____ ________________ $3.15
3 3 0 5 -A — T H I S T R U T H , L O V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d Sh ipping C h a rg es E x tr a
3 3 0 5 -B — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 0 6 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E ______M r. G . W . B a lla r d ( 1 6 " R ecord fo r P la y b a c k on ly )
3 3 0 6 -B — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E --------M r. G . W . B a lla r d / { i L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
I N o. 65 J 1— G oddess o f P u r ity ---- (In str u m e n ta l) \ F red eric k L an d w eh r,
3 3 0 7 -A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ______________ ___ _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d / I \ Shrine O rg an
3 3 0 7 -B — C A L L I N G T H E P R E S E N C E _________________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d \ I 2— Leto, B lessed L e to ---------------------------------------- Song' Sh rine A u d ien ce
|NN o. 66— " I A M ” Com e____ (In str u m e n ta l) j( R“/
3 3 0 8 -A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D ________________________- M r. G . W . B a lla r d F re d e ric k L an d w eh r, Sh rine O rg a n
3 3 0 8 -B — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D __________________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d N o te : Th is M u sical P la y b a c k N o. 65 con tain s tw o selections on one side and one on
N o. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefo re , N os. 65 an d 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
3 3 0 9 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C l a s .) __________________ ____ M r. G . W . B a lla r d P rice M u sical P la y b a c k R ecord $5. 25 each Sh ipping ch arg es e x tr a
3 3 0 9 -B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la w ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d A ll R ecord s o b tain ab le only a t W estern B ran ch o f the S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
P. O. B o x 4 2 8 , Los A n geles, C a lif.
3 3 1 0-A — E x c e rp ts-fro m V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d
33 1 0 -B — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -C — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 1 9 3 8 ............. .M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -D — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 193 8—.......... M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -E — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 I0 - F — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -G — E x c e rp o m V ic to ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -H — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3310-1— E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 1 9 3 8 .............. M r. G . W . B a lla r d

i ( J — A d o ratio n to M igh ty V icto ry ..................................................M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 , 1 0 \ K — B en ed ictio n ...................................................... - ............................ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

N -1 0 0 -A — Son g o f the V iolet F lam e......... .(In s tr u m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp

N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s My Love .........................................F red eric k L an d w eh r, Sh rin e O rg an

N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u rity ....................... (In str u m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp PRO PERTY OF SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
N -1 0 1 -B — Silen t S e n tin e l........................................... F red eric k L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
N -1 0 2 -A — " I AM ” D ecrees— P a r t I ...................................Septem ber 1941 Sh rin e C lass
N -1 0 2 -B — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a r t I I .................................. Septem ber 1941 Sh rine C lass
' G b p y 'riq h t-fia in t (fe rm a in (P ress Tni; i9 42 ■

N -1 0 3 -A — M igh ty V icto ry ( 1 2 " R e c o r d )_______________ ____Song Sh rine A u d ien ce

N -1 0 3 -B — G r e a t D ivin e D ire c to r ................................................... Song Shrine A u d icn ce
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Di s c o u r s e s



c^ t l e § A 1 N T Q e RM A IN ^ERJES
B y th e A scen ded M asters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. an d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM ” Age.

Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
Copy'riq/i 1-tS!aint ('fertnairtVressrinc 1942

ONG o f the L ig h t! “ I AM” ! all Thy Pow er!

Flood thru the earth T h is C osm ic H our!
G ive unto all the Su b stan ce o f Light,
B laze G reat V ictory’s G lorious M ight!
R e lease to m an from R e a lm s above,
All of G od’s L ig h t! All of G od’s Love!
R in g the B e lls o f F reedom ’s G reat Song,
V ictory’s L ig h t an d P e ace prolong.

Son g o f the L ig h t! " I AM ” ! resounds,

U ntil on earth , F reedom abou nds!
T h a t M ighty W ord sh all everyone hear,
M aking the E th e rs C ry stal C lear!
G iving God’s B le ssin g s now to all,
A nsw ering thru Love each h eart’s own call!
C leansin g the earth by L ig h t everm ore,
L ig h t! an d m ore L ig h t! sh all all adore!

Son g o f the L ig h t! “ I AM” ! God’s R e lease !

F illin g the world with Love and P eace!
G iving the Pow er to se t m ankind F ree,
B lazin g the L igh t th a t all m u st see!
P o u rin g Its G ifts from God’s M ighty H eart,
L ig h t ru les here now! All else d e p art!
F illin g the H eavens, God’s M ighty Voice,
B id s all on earth —“ A rise! R e jo ic e !”

Son g o f the L ig h t! " I AM ” ! everyone!

“ L igh t! Send M O R E L IG H T ! Oh, G reat C entral Su n ”
R evealin g to all P erfection too,
L ig h t’s M ighty Pow er NOW com es th ru !
G ifts and W onders to m an all unknown,
Come in the L igh t—the C osm ic Tone!
R e lea sin g G od’s M ight foreverm ore,
L igh t! C osm ic L ig h t! We love an d ad o re!

Son g o f the L ig h t! “ I AM” ! everyw here:

H eal all by L ig h t beyond com pare!
G reat C osm ic S ph eres o f L ig h t a re G od’s Love,
F lood fo rth ! Oh, L ig h t! R a ise all above!
Clothe u s w ith L ig h t an d C osm ic Pow er,
Th y A uthority ru les each hour!
L ig h t! Cosm ic L ig h t! “ I AM” ! “ I AM” !
L ig h t! R e ig n s o’er a ll! The G reat C om m and!
—C H A N E R A
T H E “ I A M ” P R ESEN C E SPEA K S tion, which is bound to produce My Perfection there and
Evening Invocation hold It sustained!
W ashington, D . C ., N ov. 30, 1935 “I AM ” the Presence that moves into action at the
call of the individual to hold My Dominion there, and
A M ” the Resurrection and the Life of every produce Harmony and the Light of Perfection!
one here, restoring Absolute H arm ony in the To all who call to me, “ I AM ” the Presence that never
mind, world and affairs of everybody! fails to answer; and to the degree that the beloved ones
“ I A M ” the Light that lighteth every man of earth can feel My Radiation, will I pour forth wthout
that cometh into the world; and “ I A M ” the Consuming limit to bless, to heal, to prosper, to enlighten and set
Flame that consumes everything of human creation drawn them free from their human creation, no matter what the
about the individual! mistakes have been!
“ I A M ” the Open D oor which no man can shut! “I AM ” the Presence that doeth all things well and
“ I A M ” the Fulness of Light commanding Perfect produces perfection everywhere!
H ealth in the body of every student of the Light forever * * * *
sustained! GEMS OF LIGHT
“ I A M ” the Light within each human heart that il­ K-17
It is so im portan t to keep yourselves rem inded that every
lumines the brain and sets it into Perfect H arm ony, D i­
tim e you call the Power of the Presence into action, it is the
vine Order and obedience to the “ M ighty I A M Pres­ Power of L igh t that goes forth Invincible, knowing no resis­
ence” ! tance from any hum an q u a lity ; then as you call that to be
“ I A M ” the Fulness of activity in the mind, thru the sustained, it is lim itless in Its Power, readjustm ent, perfect­
body and out into the world of activity, of every one of ing or whatever the requirem ent is that goes into action, and
it is sustained there.
G od’s children now and forever made manifest!
“ I A M ” the Fulness of that Protection radiating about K-17
I am sure you have not quite seen the necessity o f holding a
every one who calls unto M e, forever sustained! sustained action, when you call a L igh t R ay into action to p e r­
“ I A M ” the Full power of A ction in the mental and form a given service. You m ust stan d by that regardless of
feeling world of mankind, dissolving and consuming what the app earan ce m ay be, then you have set into action an
forever every discordant thing and human self; and I de­ A lm ighty Sustain in g Pow er that w ill produce absolutely a
cree that this move forth with the speed of Lightning given result.
thru the feeling and mental world of mankind, dissolving OUR B E L O V E D M E SS E N G E R
W hatever intense desire you have been holding during the
and consuming everything unlike Perfection.
day tvill act during sleep thru your etheric body, which is the
“ I A M ” the Power o f Perfection sweeping into action next density to the hum an. T h at is why p eop le experience
in the earth and in the Life of mankind with the Full things in sleep that are, not pleasant.
Power of Cosmic A ction! OUR B E L O V E D M E SS E N G E R
“ I A M ” the Eternal Light of Heaven and earth! A ll intense feelin g an d desire is an im pellin g force that acts
“ I A M ’’ the Governing Presence thruout the U n i­ thru your Life-stream , and if it be discordant, it will q u alify
verse, ready to come at the call of the individual into ac- that energy as it goes fo rth ; an d rem em ber you hold the larg ­
er percent of that in your w orld as it goes forth.
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, .
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G O D D E S S O F M U S I C ’S D IS C O U R S E which is naturally within man. Beloved ones, tonight,
M U S I C A L — L O S A N G E L E S , C A L IF . allow M e to charge M y Light into your voices. W ill
Ju ly 17, 1939 you, who have naturally such beautiful voices, accept M y
Charge of song and speech into your voices, so W e, others
H IL D R E N of the Light, joyous indeed is the beside M yself, may give you Assistance?
G lory of this evening. In coming forth thru D o you quite understand, beloved ones, w hat it would
the necessity of the world today, I find after mean to speak with the V oice of H arm ony? M A N K IN D
so long, the response once again to the G reat H A S N O T Y E T U N D E R ST O O D , W H A T IT
Eternal Light from which all things come, even to the W O U L D B E T O S P E A K W IT H T H E N A T U R A L
H ighest O ctaves of Light! O ut of the Light came all that I N T O N A T I O N W H IC H IS W I T H IN T H E L IG H T
is; to the Light all must return! O F E A C H O N E ’S H E A R T ! Since One has said to you:
Tonight, before I speak to you may I offer a Blessing “ Let the Light within your heart sing,” once you quite
to the artists. understand what that means, any one will sing by the
Precious Lotus, great is thy courage, strength, thy de­ Power of the Presence.
termination thru the centuries to bless mankind. Y ou shall T here is now and then one who has some form of im­
not be disappointed in your heart’s desire of this embodi­ pediment in the speech, and if you will take the firm at­
ment. I am here to grant your great desire. I charge M y titude: “ ‘M ighty I A M Presence’ Y ou are my voice! Y ou
Blessing into your world of action, that the G reat M usic speak Y our Perfection thru my lips and thru my voice,”
may come forth to heal, to bless, co enlighten! Y ou will see what change will come. Y ou must be in
Child of Light (V io le t), in the G lory of Light may I earnest, of course! Y ou must w ant it! D on’t just try to
assist you, that the H eart of Light within your heart may experiment, but want the H arm ony of speech and song!
find Its Full Expression; and the joy and humbleness Desire It as you desire the most priceless thing; and one
within your heart lift It to great heighs of attainment. I day, you will know that the G reat Jew el within your
charge the V oice of Light into action to bless you and all Being, is the H eart of Light which beats your heart, whose
mankind! Radiance comes thru the voice!
Son of Light (Frederick), your long pent up desire to D o you quite realize that there is no such instrument in
release that G reat Power and Feeling of M usic, shall be the human octave, as the human voice? There is no instru­
granted in composition and action. M ay you feel the Full ment that can imitate it. T here is no instrument that can
Power of Its Release come quickly, that the Light within put the feeling forth which the human voice can give,
your heart, charging Its A ction thru the brain and Its when it is in Perfect Attunem ent with the Presence of
Currents of Light thru the hands, may play with the Life.
Power of Light! I charge M y Power of M usical A ction M ay you observe and may you feel the Blessing which
thru your mind and hands! M ay It find the Fullest E x­ is coming to you thru your attention on the Presence of
pression in your humble obedience to Life! Life; and all you owe to your G reat Friend of Light, your
T hruout the ages, mankind have long held with Inner Beloved Saint Germain. If it were not for H im , I would
Dominion, a great desire for the release of the H arm ony not be here! W ould you believe that the Goddess of
P roperty o f S ain t G erm ain P ress, Inc. Property o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, In c.
hance the beauty they are there— jewels far rarer than
M usic has much to do with the G oddess of Purity, the anything known on earth.
Goddess of Liberty, and the Goddess o f Justice? W hen O f course, I do not wish to condemn you, but am just
I am able to assert M y Dominion in the music of mem- giving you a slight idea of what awaits you in your obed­
kind, I will have rendered a G reat Service to the Goddess ience to Life. O h, my dear ones, when your beloved M es­
of Justice and to you. M ay I be able to render that Serv­ sengers and your G reat Friends of Light, have so often
ice thru the attention of mankind upon M e. urged your obedience to Life, O h one day, you will see
W ill you observe great Children of Light, how all Life what that means; how it releases all the abundance of
is gathering Its M essengers, Its Powers of A ction in con­ Life into use; always at hand and always abundant.
centrated form for your Blessing? D o you observe that, I have observed that many of you have taken your
Children of the Light? It is a long, long, long time since beloved Lotus at her word and have called for ten times
the chidren of earth emitted the Light that they are giving more than you require and are experiencing it, more is
forth today; a very long time, dear ones, and can you the joy. Y ou will not find Life reluctant with you. Y ou
imagine O ur Rejoicing to find the earth again responding will find Life always ready to pour and pour and pour Its
to the Call of Life? G reat Abundance into your use; because when you have
Y ou remember when the Command of the Cosmic come to know the G reat Presence of Life, then the Energy
Light goes forth all Life must respond, whether it be the that passes thru you, if kept harmonious, is blessed!
action of N ature upon earth; or whether it be the Life W ould you think that you children who have called your­
acting thru mankind! A ll must respond and thus acting selves of the earth, because you had not understood the
thru the desire world of mankind must impel and compel Presence of Life, could bless Life? D id you ever realize
that response! H ow great then is the willing obedience of that you could bless Life? O h, understand it tonight!
mankind to harmonize with the requirements of Life, to A s you call forth Life and It flows harmoniously thru
bring the happiness and supply. O h, my dear ones, did you, then you begin to bless Life; and you bless every­
you notice that word, “ supply,” which in M y short ob­ thing that pours thru your hands. I have heard your be­
servation seems so apparently needful? loved Lotus suggest to you that when money comes into
N ever mind, sooner than you think, you too will reach your hands, that you bless it to go forth and multiply and
forth your hand and receive your supply! W e, of course, create Purity and Perfection! It is a magnificent oppor­
are not concerned, because O ur Supply is always at hand. tunity to bless Life! Isn’t all substance, unqualified by
W e have but to speak the W ord and It is there! mankind, Pure and Perfect Life going forth on Its mission
T h e Goddess of Light invited M e to go on a journey to bless?
with H er on last T hursday and I observed the process Is it not magnificent that Life in Its N atural action al­
of decoration of your buildings. Seeing the smile upon w ays blesses? W hen mankind have understood and ceased
H er Face, I said: “ W H Y ?” and She said: “ I am observ­ to qualify with human qualities, the Power of Light as
ing your astonishment.” I said: “ Y es.” W hen W e in our It flows forth, then will mankind see what a Blessing Life
Hom es and Tem ples of Light need but give the Command holds for them; because in your multiplication of the
and O ur Decoration changes, O ur Colors change accord­ Blessings of Life by your Power and charge of qualifica-
ing to O ur Desires; and if W e wish to add jewels to en­
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tion, then you in the human octave, from which the call expand It; or in other words, explode It, so the quality
o f Life m ust come for Perfection, will find Life multi­ would be shattered.
plying Its Perfection with great speed and power. T h at G reat A ctivity of the G reat Law of Life has been given
is a very joyful thing. you within the past two weeks; many wonderful M agnif­
O h, my dear ones, your Life is not so serious here as icent Points in the use of the G reat Law not heretofore
you think! It does seem very serious sometimes, does it brought to your attention have been given! W ill you
not, when suddenly terrifying things confront you, but hold fast to them and utilize them? O h, my dear ones,
are they? A re they really terrifying? If you think so, al­ understanding the G reat Law of Life is of no benefit, if
low M e to differ, and this is the reason! A ll that confronts you do not use It, and that is why many need, O h you
you in the physical octave which would be terrifying, is will pardon M e if I say it, won’t you— not so much ap­
but of human generation and creation, by clothing this plication, but more intense application!
Power of Light all the time! Then, that terrifying thing In a few instances, I have been caused to observe in­
which shows its appearance to you by the Power of Light dividuals making such, pardon me if I use the word,
could be shattered! D o you not see that? N o force can “ frantic” application and becoming so w rought up in their
go forth clothed with human qualities without the Light very, not intensity, but anxiety! W ill you notice the dif­
within it by which you could shatter it on the instant! ference between intensity, which is calm repose; and
W ill you see that? anxiety, which is desperate excitement! W ill you observe
Y our Beloved Saint Germain says you have not been that in your application in the future; and come to un­
given that particular point! W ill you take notice of it derstand and instantly observe the difference? O h, it is so
then and utilize it with great Power? N ow suppose you worth while! G reat intensity may be used without anxiety
have by mistake sent forth something discordant and or tenseness within your nervous or muscular system!
harm ful; then charge the Light instantly thru it; and ex­ Y ou see whatever holds tenseness in your nerves or
plode the Power of Light within it, and it will be no more! muscular system is not good for you; because it causes
It is a magnificent opportunity to govern even the mis­ congestion within your muscular and nervous system.
takes which might sometimes still occur. Y ou remember the many times during your pilgrimage
T h e perfecting process of the qualification of mankind this time, that you have had a high fever, but have you
at first, seems not an easy thing; but you should remind not seen it dismissed almost as quickly as it arose? Perhaps
yourselves constantly, that your Presence is the Purifying the young man is in the room who recently had that ex­
Process; and not begin to feel that you outwardly are the perience.
Law or the Power! T h at is the mistake in the feeling of H ow surprised one day you will be, when you come
many today. W hile they are calling for the Perfection, to find that any time a congestion starts within your
yet because of outer pressure, they still feel: I must do body or a fever arises, you will say to that: “ O h, be at
something desperate here— and do you not get very des- peace! I am in command here,” and it will be at peace!
prate sometimes? T h at desperateness would not act, if Y ou remember the statement of the G reat Ascended
you understood sending forth the Currents within that M aster W ho said to the tempest: “ Peace be still” ! Y ou
qualified Light which has human discord around It and may say to the tempest of your world: “ Peace be still” !
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N o t please, but “ Peace” ! Be still! It will not answer you,
R A D I A N C E A N D D IS S O L V E T H A T A P P E A R ­
if you should say “ please” instead! M ankind should say
“ please” to each other, but not to Life and Energy! A N C E .”
T hen, when the Light sings within your heart and you
H ave you not all noticed that as you are carried in con­ make your call to the Presence, the Intensification o f your
veyances, even in the elevators of the hotels, how polite Light carrying the substance which is used by your H igh ­
people are getting and they say: “ thank you,” and er M ental Body in Its projection of the Light and C u r­
“ please” ? T hey did not do it twelve or fifteen years ago. rents of Energy to render you the service, will find no
T h ey said: “ T ake me to the top floor quick,” take me to obstruction in Its W ay.
to the first floor, I am in a hurry” ! T h at used to be the It is such a long time since I knew anything about the
idea, but now: “ W ill you please let me off at the Galleria, need of supply, that it seems almost strange to M e today,
the M ain floor, or the fifth” ? I am calling your attention to come into the world of action where that has been
to some of these things tonight because of this great creating so much distress. I can scarcely believe M y Eyes,
change which has come within ten years. as I move above the earth and see the distress of the Chil­
U nfortunately a great majority of mankind are not dren of Light upon this earth, who have forgotten that
noticing, except in a few instances, this change that is ac­ Light; but in the return of the memory of that G reat
tually taking place; even before your Beloved Saint G er­ Light, you will quickly find now Its Dominion within
main began to bring out this great V ast Knowledge and you!
U nderstanding of the “ M ighty I A M ,” because the R adi­ M y dear ones, be so in earnest! Be so sincere in your
ance was going forth already. Instead of coming events call to Light, and do all within your ability to keep your­
casting their shadows before, it should be said that coming selves harmonized; so this Light within continues to sing
events of Perfection cast their Light before! T h at would Its song of praise back to the G reater Part of Itself! O h,
be the correct statement; because coming events of the my dear ones, tonight how I would love to anchor within
future, will be coming events of Perfection and not some­ your consciousness, within your feeling world, this vital
thing which you will dread! W ill that not be a day to be point— that all your call for G reater Perfection, is the
joyfully contemplated? lesser Light calling to the G reater! T hey are O N E ! H ow
H ow many of you in this room— you may think of it could you fail in a single instance to have the immediate
silently of course, wake up in the morning with a great response since Life is calling to Itself?
weight upon you, “ O h dear, another day.” Soon there Think of that great Stream of Energy pouring con­
will be a joyous song replacing that feeling! I say to stantly into your body! If there were no discord in your
you, beloved ones, who feel yourselves so greatly in need body, it would become even naturally, as you term it, so
o f supply,— “ L E T T H E L IG H T S IN G W IT H IN charged with the Purity and Perfection of Life, that even
Y O U R H E A R T , IN T H E F A C E O F A N Y C O N D I­ the very Radiance would dissolve the discord you would
T I O N A N D T H A T C O N D IT IO N W IL L BE P O W ­ touch in the outer world. Since mankind have accepted
E R L E S S T O C O N T IN U E ! T H E S IN G IN G L IG H T the discord as a Reality so long, at first in many instances,
W IT H IN Y O U R H E A R T W IL L E X P A N D IT S it takes quite firm determination to hold H arm ony within,
as the call to the Light goes forth and Its River of Light
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pours before you, to keep from requalifying it; but you a Healing V ibratory A ction which would heal the ma
will gain that V ictory, and quickly now in that which jority of conditions in an hour!
was released to you this past week! D o you see that the atomic structure of mankind, the
Therefore, today— perhaps it is not quite as great, I physical structure, only requires sufficient H arm ony,
was about to say: “ I trust your rejoicing is as great as which is Life— and the vibratory action of all discord
O urs.” It is very great, but perhaps not as great as Ours. would be C O M P E L L E D to disappear!
H ow long W e have waited, waited and waited! W ill H ow do you think the Ascended M asters heal in­
you believe, that two hundred eighty thousand years stantly? It is just like a wave from H im or H er, passes
ago, even with U s, when mankind was about to turn as quickly up thru the human form and lifts the vibratory
you have today back to the Light, W e got almost to the action into that in which no discord can longer exist!
point you did, in O ur A nxiety that you would continue Y ou see when you reach a certain vibratory action no dis­
to come back; and then W e had to wait again? Then, cord can remain, it is not possible! There is no battle, and
W e saw that W e could not urge mankind! W e just had that is what you are coming to understand and beginning
to wait, until they were ready of their own volition to to feel now! In your attention to the Presence, you are
turn to this G reat Light! constantly lifting your vibratory action, until soon it will
So I remind you— you should of course make definite be at a point where it will not accept discord any longer!
reasonable effort, but don’t try to force people to accept T h at is w hat H arm ony maintained within your feelings
this G reat Light! Give them the opportunity, but let the over a sufficient period naturally brings about!
Please do not struggle, dear ones! Ju st in the great
Light within them determine whether they shall accept
calm serenity of your call to Life, let Life do without strug­
It or not. Then, you will not bring upon yourself battles
gling that which you have been trying to do yourselves,
as some have experienced!
because Life does not struggle, but you do! A s soon as
You know the human of mankind is a great warrior.
you will still yourselves and let Life act, then the vibra­
It looks for war every time it turns around, and if it does tory action will quickly raise!
not find war, it will make it. D id you ever notice two
O h, observe please, you have great anxiety about the
children playing together happily and all of a sudden, one healing of one condition in your body, when there may
will stop and begin to look at the other, then the warrior be others more important, that you have not even ob­
is starting to assert itself? N ow , you are becoming war­ served or even felt; yet there may be something starting
riors of the Light', a much more valuable activity! to accumulate! N ow then notice! In the concentrated
N ow remember, beloved ones, tonight has started the appearance of distress at one point in the body, in raising
G reat A ctivity for which the Goddess of Light has waited the vibratory action of the entire body, that distress must
some two and a half years; so call even silently to the disappear! N otice this carefully in this point which you
M ighty G od and G oddess of Harm ony and the Goddess have gained. In raising the vibratory action, your H igher
o f M usic, to release to the earth those M ighty Healing M ental Body sees what is required and in the general
M elodies. T h ose M ighty Purifying M elodies in an audi­ raising of the vibratory action, would direct the Current
ence of this number, would set into action in the room, of Energy required to that paticular spot and it would
dissolve! .. _
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Y ou see this is a part of M y A ctivity, beloved ones; call the Presence to charge your body, take command of
because in bringing forth the G reat Harm onies which your feet during the day and sweep Its M ighty Currents
M U S T B E B R O U G H T F O R T H , the physical body of Energy thru; keeping it charged with ten times more
and the brain structure, must reach a certain attunement energy than you require, I assure you there is not one of
before this can be done— I mean with assurance. Frag­ you who in a very short time, would not almost forget
ments have come thru at intervals, but to bring a Clear that you were carrying a body around during the day!
Channel where the completed thing can come thru is the O h, it is easily acquired. I T IS N O T W E L L , W H E N
needful thing today; and in your attention to your Pres­ Y O U H A V E A G R E A T LA W , T O C O N T IN U E T O
ence, when sincere and earnest and without anxiety, you R E M A I N W IT H IN H U M A N L IM IT A T IO N S !
call with a great calm serenity and determination, then Since you have the knowledge, then you too have the
great becomes the achievement and also quickly. Power, the A uthority and the abundance of application!
Perhaps, I should be aware that for some eighteen or W ell, why not assert It? Say to all those conditions: “ Y ou
more days, you have not had too much sleep. U nless I have no power” ! Y ou could say to those conditions in a
deprive you of some more I will not continue too long, very calm powerful voice: “ Y ou have no pow er” !
I trust. H ow ever, I do rejoice in this opportunity to Y ou know, today, sometimes you have to yell at it, to
serve you, beloved ones; and during the lovely, lovely make it K N O W it does N O T have any power! W ell,
music tonight, I was able to render, even to M y Surprise, remember that is of short duration; because as you con­
for many within the room, more than I had thought pos­ tinue with intense A doration to the Presence, you will
sible, which again is the proof of the M ighty W ork of your lift your vibratory action so that when you say: “ Y ou
Beloved Saint Germain; and the M ighty Service which have no pow er,” it will know it right then! O h, you are
H e has rendered you in this G reat Permanent Prepara­ coming so rapidly to this achievement, beloved ones! Y ou
tion for that Freedom which must come. D ID Y O U should feel every encouragement in the world; and may
N O T I C E T H A T ? N O T “ W IL L C O M E ,” B U T you feel the Power of M y Harm ony of M usic which is
“ M U S T C O M E .” operating N O W ready for action in the O ctave of Light.
O h, that I might convey to you, tonight, w hat an im­ W ill you remember what your beloved Saint Germain
pelling, compelling Power of Life is released in your at­ has said to the M essenger and those who w ere present
tention to the G reat and M ighty “ I A M .” N ow that at one precipitated dinner? H e said: “ W hy are you so
does not mean without stopping; and many have tried concerned, and why do you think this so unusual, since
to make this clear to you. It is rather the quick short in­ up here in the N ext O ctave all this is prepared and I just
tense call which brings results! T he prolonged call which lower It down here into your use and visibility” ? So, to­
becomes mechanical because it is not charged with feeling, day, I have all this M usic prepared! It is just ready to
is not desirable, and exhausts you! M ay I offer a sug­ lower down into your visibility and use! It is not so un­
gestion, because it is so within your grasp and so within usual, as it might seem.
your ability to do this? Y ou who are serving during the I see that your Beloved Saint Germain is very familiar
day, take for an illustration in a department store, where with your requirements; for I was just about to make a
you would be on your feet most of the time— if you will statement and H e said: “ I think I would not make that.”

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So you are under H is ever w atchful care! I rejoice with P R O T E C T our homes wherever we go. today and for
you! Mow many today fully realize the Blessing of that ever!
G reat Friend of Light? Y our adoration, your gratitude L IG H T our homes wherever we go, today and forever!
is grow ing great, very great! Let it go on and on, until F R E E our homes wherever we go, today and forever!
it expands and bursts every bond of all that is holding you P R E P A R E our homes wherever we go, today and for­
in any kind of limitation. ever!
M y love enfolds you forever! I thank you. P U R IF Y our homes wherever we go, today and forever!
* * * * H A R M O N IZ E our homes wherever we go, today and
3 PR EA M BLES, ETC. forever!
S U P P L Y our homes wherever we go, today and forever!
L IG H T our way wherever we go, today and forever! P E R F E C T our homes wherever we go, today and for­
P R O T E C T our way wherever we go, today and forever! ever!
C L E A R our way wherever we go, today and forever! C O N T R O L our homes wherever we go, today and for­
P E R F E C T our way wherever we go, today and forever! ever!
P R E P A R E our way wherever we go, today and forever! M A K E V IC T O R IO U S our homes wherever we go, to­
H A R M O N IZ E our way wherever we go, today and day and forever!
forever! B E A U T I F Y our homes wherever we go, today and for­
S U P P L Y our way wherever we go, today and forever! ever!
C O N T R O L our way wherever we go, today and forever! F L O O D our homes wherever we go with O ceans and
M A K E V IC T O R IO U S our way wherever we go, today Oceans and Oceans of Gigantic Ascended M aster
and forever! M iracles and Victories of Freedom, Protection
P U R IF Y our way wherever we go, today and forever! and Perfection of the Cosmic Light and U nfed
F L O O D our way wherever we go, with Oceans and Flame of a Thousand Suns, today and forever!
Oceans and Oceans of Gigantic Ascended M aster F IL L our homes wherever we go with the A scended M as­
M iracles and Victories of Freedom, Protection ters’ M usic of the Spheres, and Joy, today and
and Perfection of the Cosmic Light and U nfed forever!
Flame of a Thousand Suns, today and forever! W e call the Ascended M asters, in Their Visible, T an gi­
W e call the Ascended M asters, in Their Visible, T an gi­ ble, Living, Breathing Bodies to come and abide
ble, Living, Breathing Bodies, to be with us wher­ in our homes and wherever we go, today and for­
ever we go, today and forever! ever!
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. etc.
* * * * * * * *
18 19
P roperty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc. P rop erly o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
the people themselves who have received those Blessings.
O U R IN F L E X IB L E L O Y A L T Y T O A M E R IC A So, we as part of the Am erican nation give our Love,
Loyalty and constant Protection to O ur Beloved Land;
E L O V E D “ I A M ” Students everywhere! R e­
and as law-abiding citizens, work for the V ictory of
member we are at all times, loyal, law-abiding
Am erica over all destructive forces on earth, today and
citizens of the U nited States of Am erica!
W e defend unconditionally the Constitu­ So do not do anything that would dishonor your God,
tion of the U nited States of Am erica, O ur Country, and your country or your fellow man!
our people by every power that Life, the “ M ighty I A M W e shall at all times do everything we know how to
Presence” and the G reat H ost of Ascended M asters be­ do to bring Am erica’s V ictory quickly, and sustain her
stow ! Freedom, Justice and protection to her people at all times.
A t least three times a day, charge forth all the Power W e enfold you, all in Am erica and all from Am erica
and Protection of Light and Life at your command, in foreign lands, in the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” and
around everyone in the draft, all in the N ational Defense, the “ Light of G od that never fails,” and in V ictory un­
and all prisoners from Am erica in foreign lands! There conditional and Eternal!
are a great, great many “ I A M ” Students in those chan­
M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D A N D D O N A L D
nels, and we must all work constantly for their Light
* * * *
and Power to expand and make Am erica Victorious over
all that seeks to destroy us as a N ation ; and over every G E M O F L IG H T
destructive force on earth forever! T h e survival of the
Your ap plication is fo r your Freedom , an d only by a p p lic a ­
civilized rights of man, rests within Am erica’s V ictory tion do you bu ild up a m om entum that sustains a ll that you
and Light; because Freedom and Justice are the only rights gain. Ju s t as you have built up a m om entum in the old de­
by which any nation survives more than a few years. structive activities; so m ust you in reversing that, b u ild up a
Stand by our Constitution of the U nited States of m om entum in the constructive activities which will not only
be a sustaining power, but a glory of activity an d h appiness
Am erica and with every power of Right, Justice and
that only com es from the conscious feeling of D om inion thru
H onor to G od, O ur Country, and our fellow-man. your application.
T he early patriots, thru full dependence on G od and * * * *
right, won our Freedom and left us the priceless heritage
and responsibility of protecting the Freedom they won
thru such great sacrifice! T h e American Flag on the cover design of the July
Therefore, our patriotic duty is to Stand! Face! and Issue of the “ V O IC E of the ‘I A M ’ ” by oversight
Conquer! every force that wants to destroy Am erica and was drawn with eleven instead of thirteen stripes.
her people! W e are correcting that in the next printing and call
T h e very G od Power that gave us the Constitutional forth the Ascended M asters’ Invincible Protection to all
R ights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, can who assist us to avoid any similar occurrence in the future.
and will protect those rights and O ur Country which they M R S. G. W . B A LLA R D
* * * *
have blest so long; but that G od Power must act thru
20 P roperty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, In c.
P roperty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
T I A L C H O IR , T H E A N G E L IC H O S T A N D L E ­ I am sure there is not one o f you who when you have accom ­
G IO N S O F L IG H T ; S A I N T G E R M A IN , JE S U S , p lish ed som ething, have not fe lt a rejoicin g that can come
alone from that. A fter so m any centuries of dom inion of the
D A D D Y , N A D A , T H E G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C ­ hum an self, your pow er of dom inion now conciously brought
T O R ; C O S M O S , C U Z C O A N D R A Y -O -L IG H T ; into action in the call to your Presence, is the greatest h ap p i­
K-17 A N D Y O U R L E G IO N S O F L IG H T ; M IG H T Y ness that can come to one in hum an form .

N ever w eary of your application , because that is the Open
Release to the earth thru us T h y M ighty Door-way to your D om inion and Freedom fo rev er!
Purifying Healing M elodies, and especially
that one which heals cancer within an S A IN T G E R M A IN
hour! T here is not one single excuse for any hum an being feeling
doubt tow ard T his W ork or the M essengers — not one single
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
excuse. T he books are sim ple, p lain an d substantial. The
etc. teachings are plain, p ractical and substan tial an d the M essen­
* * * * gers have never said one solitary thing to which any sane in­
d iv id u al can take exception.
Blast away! (3 ) and keep blasted away and annihilate! (3 )
all traps set to ensnare those under T his Radiation into S A IN T G E R M A IN
destructive activities today and forever! You are m aster of your bodies. D on’t hum or your hum an
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! atom s a particle and don’t fear them, bu t say to th em : “ Get
into action now and stop that nonsense” ! B e absolute in hand­
ling your ph ysical bodies, don’t let them m aster you.
* * * *
Blast away! (3 ) and keep blasted away from all under K-17
A thing can act thru the feeling w orld an d get the feelings
T his Radiation everybody and everything that is not of
stirred into action before the in dividu al is aw are of it. T h at
the Light today and forever! is why you should be so constantly on guard, about any d is­
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! turbing condition or desire to criticise each other or any
etc. condition, which w ould open you to the forces that are act­
ing in those destructive qualities.

ip D ear ones, if you really knew an d understood the A uthority
an d Pow er which each one of you has to say to a condition,
w hatever it is, that has an app earan ce of destructive activity;
“ You have no pow er,” and know it was the Pow er o f Ligh t
from your Presence going forth into that, you could perform
P roperty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc. P roperty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
senger. May all who sing, play or hear the lyrics and
music or contemplate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them, bringing them Eternal Free­
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.”
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an
intense call for some way in which to express the deep
Love and Gratitude of the "I AM” Student Body to our
Beloved Messenger for all He has done for them; and
for being the Open Door to bring to them the Under­
standing of the Law of Life, which will lead them into
their Ascension.
The Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­
ored by May DeCamara to whom we are deeply grate­
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings.
May this song be sung by everyone who seeks Free­
dom from the distress of the outer world; and thru It
receive their Freedom and release.
No greater privilege could be given one than to be
the channel thru whom this song could come; and our
hearts sing with gratitude and praise for this opportun­
ity and Blessing.
T is our great privilege to announce the
release of a new song — "GODFRE OUR
senger, Lotus Ray King.
This new song is a tribute of Love and Adoration
to our Beloved Messenger, Mr. Guy W. Ballard, and is
an Out-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to Him, for the
Blessings He is constantly releasing to all under this
Radiation, from the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light.
This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
to the "Mighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes­
24 P ro p e rty o f Sain t G erm ain P ress , lin .
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign trans­
lations. Subscription prices for the year 1942 remain the same
This means, we will not allow this instruction as they were in 1941-
and Information to be deleted, distorted, adulter­ In the United States of America $3.50; in other coun­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and tries $4.00.
we shall protect them fully. All back issues may be secured at any time either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign
We are determined that this GIFT OF LIGH T, countries) or in attractive bound volumes containing
T R U T H AND FREEDOM from the Ascended one year’s issues, priced at $5.45.
Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED All subscriptions start with March, 1942.
Your change of address must reach this office not later than
FOREVER— that mankind may receive its Eter­ the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right assured.
to maintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT Subscriptions for 1942 which were sent to the Sindelar Stu­
ALL TIMES. dios have been turned over to us; however, those sending in
from this date on please send to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
and Thank you!

26 27
• THE •
• THE •
U N V EILED MYSTERIES, Volume I By Godfre Ray King A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and co ntem plation .
C ontaining the first g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
P rice $2 .5 0 , Postpaid $2.7 5 Size 5 l/ z x 8 *4 . P rice 2 5c, P o stp a id 3 0c
Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp aid $ 1 .2 0
TH E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II By Godfre Ray King On H e av y Linen, Size 3 0 x 52. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep aid
C o ntaining the second grou p of the au th o r’s experiences.
P rice $ 2 ,7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00 C H A R TS A N D FLAMES IN A CTIO N
TH E " I AM” DISCOURSES, (S iz e 12 x 21. P rice $ 6 0 .0 0
A bove C h a rts m ech an ically an im ated..
Volume III By the Ascended Master Saint Germain (S iz e 3 0 x 52. P ric e $ 2 2 5 .0 0
and Other Ascended Masters , _ , . „ . \ Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P ric e $ 5 5 .0 0
C o ntaining th irty -th ree D iscou rses, explain in g the Ascended M asters* a p p lic a­ V iolet Flam e m ech an ically an im ate d _______ _______ •<_. „
tion of the " I AM ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $2.7 5, Postpaid $3.00 7 (S iz e 30 x 52. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0
Ship p i tig ch arg es e x tra
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 By Chanera PICTU R E OF T H E ASCEN D ED M ASTER, JESU S
A selection o f p o w erfu l A doration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees o f the "M ig h ty PICTU R E OF T H E ASCEN D ED M ASTER, SA IN T GERM AIN
I AM Presence.” P rice $1.7 5, P ostpaid $2.00
H an d colored steel en g ra v in g s o f etch in gs by C h arles Sin d elar.
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 .0 0 , P o stp aid $ 2 .2 5
Volume VI By Various Ascended Masters PIC TU R E OF OUR BELOVED M ESSENGER, GUY W. BA LLA RD
C o ntaining tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d b efore hu n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith three
color plates. P rice $ 2 .75, P ostpaid $ 3.00 A c tu a l ph otograph ic rep rod u ction in G oldtone.

ASCENDED MASTER LIGH T, Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2.5 0, P o stp a id $ 2 .8 5

Volume VII By Various Ascended Masters Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.5 0, P o stp a id $ 4 .0 0
and Cosmic Beings Size 15 x 1 9 * 4 . P ric e each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p re ss co llect
C ontaining tw en ty -six D iscourses, d ictated b efore h u nd reds of stu d en ts, w ith Size 30 x 4 0 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E x p re ss collect
th ree color plates. Price $ 3 .0 0 , P ostpaid J J .2 S P rofile Size 15 x 19 . P ric e each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p re ss co llect
Volume VIII By the Great Divine Director MUSIC OF T H E SPHERES
C o ntaining tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by th e G re a t D ivine D irecto r, before
h u nd red s o f stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $ 3 .2 5 L I G H T O F MY H E A R T N A D A O U R LO V E
V est P ocket Edition o f p o w erfu l A d oration s an d Affirm ations. O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS O F P U R IT Y
P rice $ 1 .00, P ostpaid $1.20 R A IN B O W R A Y S M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y
L O O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch th e Sain t G e r­ RO SE O F L IG H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R
m ain Series. F or Special " I AM ” L oose-leaf D ecrees an d Songs. T hese D ecrees SO N O F L IG H T SO N G O F T H E V IO L E T FLA M E
and Songs a r e prin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold a b o u t 150
leaves (3 00 p a g e s). P rice Binder $1.2 5, P ostpaid $1.40 C A L L T O L IG H T G O D F R E O U R LO V E D O N E A S C E N D E D
D ecrees an d Songs 1 / z c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), p ostage e x tra S I L E N T S E N T IN E L " I AM ” H ERE
" I A M ” COM E
BOOKS IN BRAILLE A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and L y ric s b y G o d fre R a y K in g an d L o tu s R a y K in g.
" U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o Volumes P rice $5.25 These songs a r e especially ch arged w ith p o w e rfu l h ealing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree Volumes P rice $7.7 5 lith ograp hed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece o f m usic.
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R SE S— In T w o V olum es P ricc $6.75
P rice each $ 1 . 0 0 ......................... ........................... ....................................... P o stp aid $1.15
" A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olum es.... _P rice $7.00
P ostag e e x tra
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E x c e p t— "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” w hich con tain s fo u r ( 4 ) color p late s and
| B '« a v • SERIES •
sells fo r $1.2 5. P ostpaid , $ 1.40
T h e fo u r color p late s in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
sin g ly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $.5 0, P ostp aid , $.60
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each ......... .................. ........................... .................. $7.00
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60 \ 2 00-A — L I G H T O F MY H E A R T ____ (In stru m e n ta l) f L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
L a r g e size— fo r R ead in g Rooms, San ctu arie s, and fam ily use. In d iv id u als m ay i 200-B — R O SE O F L I G H T .....................................—............... F red eric k L an d w eh r,
have these i f th ey so desire— e a c h ______ ________ ___________ _______ ______ $2 5 .0 0 I N ovach ord
P ack in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.2 5
These " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Rooms or G rou p L ead ers. Each
202-A — SO N O F L I G H T ------------------(In stru m e n ta l) ^ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
" C u p ” is blessed p erson ally by M rs. G . W . B a lla rd and is then shipped d ire ct to
2 02-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ...........................................................< F red erick L an d w eh r,
each in d iv id u a l. N o d isco u n ts are allow ed .
V N o v ach o rd
D ECREE BOOKLETS 2 03 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ---------------- (In str u m e n ta l). ^ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
Sm all B ook lets contain in g D ecrees com piled on d ifferen t su b jects f o r in d iv id u al 203-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ______„....................._ F red eric k L a n d w eh r,
o r S tu d y G ro u p use. M arvelou s resu lts a r e being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a v N o v ach o rd
m om entum th ru co n stan t u se o f these B ook lets:
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU PP LY R R -1 2 0 1 — In v o catio n ______ 5_______________ ____ M r. and M rs. B a lla r d an d D on ald
2. V IO L E T FLA M E A N D H E A L IN G R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) H a r p ............. ................ ..M rs. B a lla r d
3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FREED O M
J.R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ...... ................. ............... M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S \ R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a r e r M y G od to T h ee) H a r p ____ M rs. B a lla r d
(P rice each 3 0c, plu s postage— except N o. 1— O pulence and Su pply . Present
stock on hand w ill be sold fo r 20c each, plu s p o stage .) 3 300-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o . 1 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) ................................ ..M r. G . W . B a lla r d
5. P U R P O SE O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I AM ” A C T IV IT IE S 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C la s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
(S m a ll booklet givin g sh ort resum e o f the Ascended M asters’ " I AM ” A c tiv ity .)
P rice each— 15c, plu s p ostage 3 3 0 1 -A— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I AM” SP E A K S 3 3 01-B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
P rice, 3 0c, p lu s p ostage
3302-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C l a s s ) ______________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
PLAYBACKS 3 3 02-B — T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la s s ) ________________ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
An O rig in a lly designed Record P lay b ack w ith p o rta b le case, su itab le fo r " I A M ”
S tu d y G ro u p s or in d iv id u al use. P lays eith er 3 3 1 /3 RPM R ecord s or r e g u la r 3 3 0 3 -A— B eginning o f " I A M ” D ic ta tio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
ph onograph records. P ub lic A d d ress System and oth er equipm en t can be f u r ­ 3 3 03-B — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
nished. F u ll details' furn ish ed upon req u est, in clu d in g price.
3 3 03-C — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G . W , B a lla r d
PLAYBACK RECORDS 3 3 03-D — B eginn in g o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
3 3 1 /3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, contain in g a 30 m in u te ta lk on the L aw
o f L ife and Its A pp lication released w eek ly to " I A M ” S tu d en ts and ow ners o f 3 3 03-E — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _______ M r. G. W . B a lla r d
P la y b a c k s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s furn ish ed upon requ est. 3 3 03-F — B eginning o f " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) ............ -M r . G . W . B a lla rd

"T H E VOICE OF T H E <1 AM’ ” (T h e 3 3 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla r d an d should be
M onthly M agazin e contain in g a rticle s ex p lain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ sold in a se t)
co urses by the A scended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ac k n u m bers
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
a v a ila b le beginning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su bscription s begin w ith M arch,
1 9 4 2 . P rice single copy 35c, Y e arly Su b scription $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co u n tries $4.00.

P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.

• THE •
33 0 4 -A — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t— M r. G . W . B a lla rd
J3 04-B — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 0 4 -C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t ... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 04-D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a rt — M r. G . W . B a lla rd ( 1 6 ” R ecord fo r P la y b a c k on ly )

3 3 0 5 -A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 0 5 -B — T H IS T R U T H , L O V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd I L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
1— G oddess o f P u r i t y __ (In stru m e n ta l) < F red eric k Lan d w eh r,
3 3 06 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E _____ M r. G . W . B a lla rd \ Shrine O rg an
3 3 0 6 -B — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E ..... ......M r. G . W . B a lla rd \ ^ 2— Leto, Blessed L e to ............................... ........ ....... ............ Song Sh rine A u d ien ce
y N o. 66— " I A M ” C om e......... (In str u m e n ta l) j 'H" * “ . „
3 3 07-A — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E .............. ................ ........ ......... M r. G . W . B allard N ( F red erick Lan d w eh r, Shrine O rg an
3 3 07-B — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ....................... ....... .................. M r. G . W . B a lla rd N o te : T h is M usical P la y b a ck N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
N o. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefo re, N os. 65 and 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
3 3 0 8 -A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K I N D ................................ ................. M r. G . W . B a lla r d P rice M usical P la y b a c k R ecord $5.25 each Sh ipping ch arges e x tra
3 3 0 8 -B — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D _________ _________ _______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
All R eco rd s obtainable a t W estern B ran ch of the S a in t G erm ain P ress,In c.
3 3 0 9 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) __________ *..................... M r. G . W . B a lla rd P. O. B o x 1043, S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
3 3 0 9 -B — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _______________ _____ M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -A — E x c e rp ts..from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 193 8 ......... M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0 -B — E x c e rp ts from V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 1938 M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 1 0 -C — E x c e rp ts from V ic to ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly , 1938 M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 310-D — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , J u ly , 19 38 M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -E — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , J u ly , 1938 M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -F — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -G — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ictatio n , J u ly , 1 9 3 8 ..............M r. G . W . B a lla r d

3 3 1 0 -H — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 --------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3310-1— E x c e rp ts from V ic to ry ’s D ictatio n , Ju ly , 193 8----- — M r. G . W . B a lla r d

( J — A d o ratio n to M ighty V icto ry --- ------ ---- ---------------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd
310 I K — B en ed iction ........................................................... ......................... M r. G . W . B a lla rd

N -1 0 0 -A — Son g o f the V iolet Flam e ___ (In str u m e n ta l) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp

N -1 0 0 -B — L o tu s My Love ................................ F red eric k L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an
N -1 0 1 -A — G oddess o f P u rity _____ _____(In stru m e n ta l) L o tu s R ay K in g , H a rp
N -1 0 1 -B — Silen t Sentinel ......... .............F red eric k L an d w eh r, Shrine O rg an Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942

N -1 0 2 -A — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a rt I .......... ...................Septem ber 1941 Shrine C lass C o p y rig h t-S ain t (jertn ain 'Press Inc 1942
N -1 0 2 -B — " I A M ” D ecrees— P a r t II _____ _____ ____ Septem b er 1941 Sh rine C lass

P rice each (d o u b le f a c e d ) — B lu e tran sp are n t m aterial $3.15

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P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P re ss, Inc.
u n v e il e d THE MAGIC
T« I AM " I

~1 A H ' 'D O K A T IO K *
» ho *T rf»M A T T O «

< ^ t(e £>a in t Q e r m a in S eries
B y the A scen ded M asters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n a ld


The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which
the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
G'opy'ric/ht~$aint Cfermain(/ ) Jnc 1942 ■
“M IG H T Y I A M ”— T H O U LIG H T OF M Y H E A R T !
LIGHT OF MY HEART! SING! (Repeat once after each line)
HRU us today! The Love “I AM”!
All else away! Light’s “GREAT COMMAND”!
Heal all by song! Pure, clear and True!
Sling! All day long! Blaze Thy Flame thru!
Sing! Us all Free! Sing! Unfed Flame!
“I AM” all Thee! To blest Saint Germain!
Protect us too! Unto all Light!
Come thru! Come thru! Raise us tonight!
Thru all, God's Love! Sing! “Elohim ”!
Light's Song above! To the Cherubim!
Victory thru! Unto the world!
God's Freedom too! To our Flag unfurled!
Perfection now! W ith Legions of Light!
'Til all here bow! To Their Great Height!
Sing all God’s Peace! With Choirs above!
Give all Release! Wher’ere we move!
Expand Thy Light! As never before!
Thru us Thy Might! 'Til ALL adore!
Sing now! Hold sway! All the earth Free!
Sing Joy each day! “I AM” Victory!
God's Perfect Way! Sing! “Jewel of Light”!
Make Thy Song stay! Perfect our Sight!
God's Glory here! Make all now hear!
Sing! Our Way clear! Sing! Crystal clear!
Sing! Evermore! Perfect all and heal!
Sing! We implore! All things reveal!
Purity thru! To the Cave of Light!
Precipitate too! With Saint Germain's Might!
Raise all on high! Blaze forth God’s Rays!
Sing to the Sky! Eternal Praise!
Blaze all Thy Light! With God’s Own Voice!
Sing! Dazzling bright! Give thanks! Rejoice!
Justice to Thee! Thy Light “I AM”!
Sing! Make all see! And hold Command!
Thy Music thru! Raise all to Thee!
Freedom’s Song too! Clothe all! Set free!
God's Cosmic tone! Thruout Our Land!
Leave none alone! “Victory! — “I AM”!
A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L ’S D ISCO U RSE each of you accept Its Activity, Presence and Power into
you and your world? T o the degree that you do this,
___PH IL A D E L PH IA — M A Y 19, 1939 will you be able to release yourselves from all irritation,
G R EET you tonight, beloved students of the criticism, condemnation and judgment; for those feel­
Light and Friends, in the Name of Life and in ings are the most dangerous thing to the student body
the Name of the Freedom of America! today! People allow silly little hum an things to irritate
The achievement of the past m onths has and disturb them. Then, they begin to resolve those dis­
been so unusual and in my M inistry, having remained cordant activities and pass judgment on the Great Beings
w ithin the atmosphere of earth the past three months; of Light; T hat is childish and foolish!
and having observed more closely than in many cen­ Something more must be done to help them release
turies, the activity and requirements of mankind, it has themselves and this W e have provided tonight. This
become a revelation, a very great revelation; to see so is an A ctivity not known before on this earth!
many awakening to the Power of Light, of Life within I think some of you will rejoice in M y Decision, when
them by which they may free themselves from the con­ I say to you, I have decided to remain in This Activity,
ditions which are the accumulation of the centuries. until the close of the Shrine Class. Therefore, since I
You will understand and observe through the condi­ have been able to achieve so much more, than any of Us
tions that mankind are in today, that there must have could even anticipate in the beginning, W e think it op­
been something greatly amiss, for them to have so long portune to continue;— and as your expression says: “to
lived in limitations and privation. In the hundreds and strike while the iron is hot.” It is getting very hot.
thousands of embodiments in which you have lived, sim­ If you saw, as W e do, the A ctivity in the Inner, the
ilar to these, is the proof that mankind had forgotten feeling world of mankind, you would understand how
their Source. N ow today, in the great number who are magnificent is the achievement that is going on; and I
again returning to the Light, not only in their attention, say to you beloved students and friends, regardless of all
but awakening in the feeling world to a past memory, in the appearance world, be not discouraged! W e are
that is doing far more than even their outer efforts up gaining a V ictory and M astery never known on this
to this time. earth; and since Life has demanded that all destructive
Tonight, I ask you to please refrain from any applause individuals be revealed; the destructive individuals and
during whatever I might say; for I want to render you dictators of the world see and know that they are being
and the City of Philadelphia a Service tonight. W e have revealed; and that their power is waning! Every day,
brought into action for this Special M eeting, a Power they realize they are coping w ith Invisible Forces over
heretofore unknown in the activity of the Messengers. which they have not the slightest power; and I happen
W e are charging— as you will observe here before you, to be One of Those!
a Special Quality into the A ctivity of the Violet Con­ W hen individuals are helping in this achievement and
suming Flame. W e are charging It tonight for the first the magnificent call of three million people in America
time, w ith the dissolving Power of Divine Love! W ill today, has gone up to the Presence of Life, the “ M ighty
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I A M , it arouses U s to the fullest Pow er and Release W e, who are free from all the conditions of earth, know
that Life will permit, to bring this Assistance to mankind; the Commands of Life and W e act them! W e live them!
so the destructive powers of the earth may cease forever. Therefore, in that Service which I am rendering and will
T hat is surely coming about, beloved ones. Y our fore­ continue for sometime, is the Freedom of mankind!
fathers in their great endeavor here and in other parts of Do you think, my beloved ones, that w hen through
these U nited States, rendered a service to which the these centuries, and even before the time of your Beloved
world should bow forever and honor them! Now , at Jesus, you heard of the A rchangel Michael, do you think
your call, we are taking up that V ictory of their achieve­ I am a Being who is not interested in the Perfection of
ment from the Octaves of Light, and W e are determined Life; in the Expansion of Life, Its Light and Power, Its
to continue. W isdom ; the Perfect Directing A ctivity of Its Energy?
These beloved Messengers who are giving their all so W e must wield in O ur Octaves of Light the same M ighty
kindly, so lovingly, and yet there are forces in America Energy of Life that beats in your heart today. T hat exists
that would destroy them on the instant, if they dared; throughout the entire Universe.
but they know that they are acting under a Power In­ You who observe these Charts, brought forth through
visible, whose G reat Beings of Light are Real. the Expansion of This Light, and see your connection
I ask you to w atch every individual who criticizes and w ith the Presence of all Life, Its Stream of Energy beat­
condemns these beloved Messengers, in the Light they ing your heart; then you are a part, even those hum an
are carrying forth! W atch them! I ask you and see them forms, are a part of that G reat Perfection of Life! Once
go dow n into abject w ant and distress! This is no threat, you give It a chance in the harmonizing of your being,
but I am stating to you, the Law of Life; and Life is de­ your feeling world, that Life will go forth untouched by
manding of mankind today that which It never did be­ your discordant hum an accumulation! T hen will you
fore. Life has said to mankind: “You have gone to the see the Pow er of Life and Its Commanding Presence to
end of your rope! You have gone to the lowest ebb Life set you Free! Life requires no coercion! Life is ready!
will perm it and you have got to arise.” T h at is Life A re you ready to give the humble obedience to Life,
speaking to mankind! which will allow that Great Magnificent C urrent of Life
All these destructive forces that have sometimes a and Energy, to flow forth untouched by your hum an
very, almost terrifying experience to mankind, still they qualification? H ow quickly then, you would be Free!
have no power! They have an appearance of it true; M y dear ones, you have heard the Messengers con­
but underlying, there is no power that is sustaining them. tinue to call your attention to the need of H arm ony; and
They can only use the energy which they have already after five years, W e are seeing those blessed ones, so many
accumulated; for in this Dispensation which has been w ho have had such a struggle to subject their hum an
given, and Life has been saying now these five years to selves to the Light of their own Life; and yet, they are
mankind: “Utilize your opportunity to correct these con­ doing it magnificently and beautifully. M y dear ones, it
ditions of your ow n creation,” because you are not going would not be a struggle, if you were not revolving dis­
to have an eternity to do it,” and how very T rue that is. cordant thoughts and feelings!
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I call your attention again to the fact that it is only comes through some little, either foolish misunderstand­
because, you allow some discordant thought to start the ing, mis-interpretation or wilful desire. These are con­
feeling into action. /Then you begin to revolve it, and ditions that every one of mankind must overcome. Do
a momentum of power is gained that sweeps you under, not blame anyone else, but yourselves for whatever feel­
if you allow it to continue. Let no one say to Me, he can­ ing is acting in you! N o one can make you feel w hat you
not manifest Self-control if he wants to! Every human do not wish to! Feel that responsibility tonight, while
being in the world can d o it! If you can use energy to This A ctivity is in charge; and determine that you will
become irritated and disturbed, you can use that same never again for any reason whatsoever, allow yourselves
energy to produce Perfection and Harm ony in your Life! to feel a discordant, critical thing; and least of all, criticize
I ask you to observe, bfeloved students and friends who those Great Beings and Friends of Light, who are offering
might be here for the first time, in all activities of Life, you everything in the world for your Freedom!
mankind have grown into such density by their own I want to say to you, beloved students, as well as those
cause; for mankind alone are the cause of w hat exists in w ho might be here for the first time: the reason for the
this world today. Therefore, when you are willing to Ascended M asters, the Cosmic Beings and all of Us W ho
bow hum bly before that Presence of Life; and call Its are rendering this Service, is that mankind have grown into
Power w ith firm unyielding determination into action, to such density, it would be absolutely impossible to lift
set you free from that; then you will be willing to call themselves out, w ithout O ur Assistance. You cannot do
on the Law of Forgiveness; and pour out Loving Kindness it! N ot a living person on this earth could do it and that
and Blessing to your fellow-man and through that obtain is why W e have come forth! It is w hy your beloved
your Freedom. Saint Germain trained these Messengers and gave them
N ow let us return to M y first words! Observing this such a Power and positive force, that no hum an sugges­
Violet Consuming Flame, notice— It is charged w ith the tion affects them! N o hum an criticism, condemnation,
Power, the Dissolving power of Divine Love! You have ridicule or anything can touch or affect them!
been calling the Presence to use the Violet Consuming Remember when you have had years of opportunity,
Flame about you! Tonight, you will receive an Activity, you who have had three, four and five years opportunity,
you have never known or touched. Hold this now in you had better utilize it, my dear ones! You had better
your application and call to the Presence to establish about take command of yourselves! Some have recently been
you, the Violet Consuming Flame to dissolve and con­ in great, great danger. So, unless you will put aside petty
sume every particle of your own accumulation through­ foolish human feelings, you will fail to observe the oppor­
out the ages— cause, effect, record and memory! If you tunities that are before you; and go down again under
know it is charged with the Power of Divine Love, It will your own creations. ^Ve do not wish to see you do that;
prevent you becoming irritated, disturbed or critical. This but W e cannot prevent it, if you are determined and
is im portant to every one of you beloved students! refuse to give obedience to Life and you are never asked
W e have watched the struggle of the students and I to give obedience to anything else.
tell you, it seems appalling that the greatest disturbance Remember your Life is Intelligence; Streams of En-
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ergy, Streams and Rays of Light. It is Law! T he Law of by It from the earth! W e would not be interested, if
the Universe is your Life; and if you go contrary to that mankind were not making these tremendous earnest sin­
Law, you will meet unhappiness and privation. These cere calls to Life for Freedom, for Happiness, for Supply,
Messengers have never made one single mistake! W e for H ealth and for the Protection of America!
have never made one single mistake and never shall! So You have heard stated many times, that America is
see that your hum an minds do not make the mistake, of the only point on this earth yet remaining, wherein the
feeling that W e have. W hen W e have said a thing once, “ Cup of Light,” the “Grail of Life,” can be brought forth
then W e have stated Law! and sutained! It is True, quite True, and was known
Therefore, beloved ones, in the fulness of that Great hundreds of years ago! In your America, Light first
Love which floods this room tonight, let It do Its A l­ came forth and held Its Great Perfection on this earth;
m ighty W ork for you. Silently accept It, w ith all the and again It must come forth here, the only spot remain­
Love and Devotion of your heart to take action, All- ing, where It could come forth! Again the Dominion of
powerful action tonight, in your world and be forever the Light takes Its Command and from the H eart Center
sustained in Its Pow er of action; that you may go forth of America, spreads Its Radiance throughout the earth!
Beings of Happiness, H arm ony and Light; for only in T hat is w hat is being done, and I remind you again, be­
that, can Life produce Its Perfection for you. loved ones, in this Understanding of the Presence of Life,
T hink of it, in all these centuries, how you have for­ all Perfecting A ctivity works from w ithin out; from w ith­
gotten your Source; and how grateful every hum an being in the Cosmic Light into the outer atmosphere of earth;
on this earth should be and will one day be, to your Be­ from within your body and Light in your heart, in and
loved Saint Germain who has made such Cosmic Efforts through your mental and feeling world and then out
to bring to you the Light, the Understanding and the through your physical body. Then, when you begin to
Freedom of Life! see the outpicturing upon your physical body, you will
I say to you beloved ones, in the destructive elements understand, that underneath in the feeling world, is the
that have been released into your America, they are ob­ cause and effect which have been removing conditions
serving that their outw ard opposition has not produced that have held you in bondage.
results; now they are becoming more cunning and are T hat is why, tonight, in the Glory of that magnificent
trying to work under cover! W e know them all and that activity, which is taking place in mankind and the great
is one reason why I have decided to remain and continue body of students, who are in their sincerity giving obedi­
M y Activity! ence and making that call to Life, they must hold harm ony
W h y do you suppose of all the Cosmic Beings that in their feeling. Remember, my beloved ones, that in
exist, that I am the W ielder of the Sword of Blue Flame? your calls to Life, if you do not continue to assert your
I am wielding that Sword of Blue Flame throughout this outer dominion to hold and maintain H arm ony at your
room; and if I continue of the same opinion I am, tonight, call, you have only fulfilled a very small part of the ac­
I shall continue to wield that Sword of Blue Flame here, tivity. Life will not produce Perfection for you, if you
until every discordant thing of human creation is dissolved continue to revolve discordant feelings. You may call
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to Life w ith all the intensity of your being; but if you verse; but did you ever say to your friends: “You come
are still revolving and holding w ithin you discordant feel­ to my house next Sunday” ! You invite them kindly to
ings, the feeling will rule; because it is the m otor power come, do you not? So do not ever say to Us: “It is time,
of your being. It is the cause of all things that mankind W e were coming forth.” You might cause us to wait
are experiencing. very much longer! W e do not bow to hum an commands!
Your thought is but a fragm entary part of the Power Therefore, beloved ones, remember that W e are of­
of your feeling world. Your speech is greater, but unless fering you everything that Life holds in Its Perfected
even your speech is charged w ith the Power of intense State. Every current of Energy W e send forth, is a C ur­
feeling, still would it produce but fragm entary results. rent of Purity and Perfection, that cannot be requalified
T hat is why I say to you tonight, that when you bring by a human being. T h at which I am establishing here,
the Trinity of Action, your thought, feeling and spoken tonight, for you and charging into action in your feeling
word into the command of Life— Its A lm ighty Harmony, world, is the Dissolving Power of Divine Love; acting
Its Strength, and Its Power produce results that mean through the Power of the Violet Consuming Flame! Do
instantaneous action which will satisfy the most exacting you think your human feeling can touch that? Never!
of hum an intellectual opinions. It is why, if you will give your full acceptance, make
M ankind has got to prove this Law for themselves. your silent call and accept that Power in action in your
The Law is not going to prove Itself to mankind, unless feeling world, you will find It becoming the Dominion,
they w ant it; but the Law will prove itself fast enough, the Commanding Presence to hold Its Dominion forever!
when mankind give the obedience. You, beloved ones, have not yet learned w hat the full
There are a few among the student body throughout Power of Acceptance is; but if you will stop trying in the
America who have been waiting, thinking and feeling human effort to be the accepting Presence and Power,
that W e were going to come forth and give some Gigantic you can say to your Presence: “ ‘M ighty I A M ,’ see that
M anifestation! W hen enough of the student body are ‘I A M ’ the Full Acceptance of this.” Then, be still in
willing to give the obedience to Life, then such might the human, and you will find your acceptance expanding
be possible; but it is not going to be done to satisfy the w ith a speed and power that will delight you beyond
curiosity of anyone! M ankind have got to prove this words. Your comprehension and Revelation after Reve­
Law by their application or go w ithout it; so do not, lation from Life Itself, will come forth. Observe your
beloved students, begin to seek phenomena. W e will hum an H eart, the Anchorage of the Eternal Light and
come forth fast enough, when the W isdom of Life says Purity of the Universe in your hum an form. T hen m an­
“Come!” but not to satisfy hum an opinions. kind insist on going on criticizing and having hum an opin­
Therefore, beloved ones, you are the authority in your ions about those whose hands they are not yet prepared
world; and I mean by that, in your sincere call to the Pres­ to even touch!
ence of Life, then Life in Its Perfection, becomes the A u­ M ankind, beloved ones, is so prone after all their tragic
thority there; and will produce Its Divine W isdom in and mistakes, to still try to dictate w hat Life shall do for them!
through you! W e are your Greatest Friends in this Uni- It is, may I use the term, outrageous! Therefore, beloved
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ones, remember that which the Messengers have held be­ — W e mean that! and W e mean it, in the A uthority and
fore you from the beginning, from their first visit here! Pow er of Life!
You must be humble before the Presence of Life and I ask you to observe, beloved ones, how it is possible
these G reat Ones, who are your Friends, your Benefac­ for two hum an beings in their call to Life, to be so charged
tors; but positive, firm and unyielding to the hum an qual­ w ith this Pow er of Light, that no hum an suggestions af­
ities of Life, to hum an beings! fect them . These Messengers have proven it to the
W e expect all of the beloved students to call for world! T he most frightful destructive forces have been
discrimination; for that M ighty Directing Intelligence projected to try to interfere w ith them! They call the
w ith such earnestness; that W e may pour forth O ur A s­ Pow er of Light and those forces dissolve. Those condi­
sistance to more quickly set them Free. I am rejoiced tions have no power, my dear ones; and they have less
exceedingly to observe among the vast student body in and less power as time goes on, because they are purely
America, how rapidly they are coming into that Greater hum an creation. Every discordant force, is but humanly
Comprehension; the G reater Understanding; and seeing discordant charged energy, and it cannot be of long dur­
the G reater A ttem pts to give obedience to Life; for only ation; it cannot be of great power; because there is no
as they see that more fully, will they have It; and be given longer a sustaining power back of it.
that w hich will let them go forth into their Quick Eternal T h at is why I ask you to observe in the coming months,
Freedom. let us say even for tw o years, w hether W e tell you the
You observe the conditions and requirements of the T ru th or not. W hen the Messengers have said to you
w orld today! Let us just briefly refer to the conditions in so many times: “Do not believe us, prove us,” that is the
Europe; the most frightful destructive powers that have Law of Life; for in order to be Free, you have got to prove
ever been released! T hat is because of the accumulation that Law to yourself! W e might produce the most tre­
of wars there for centuries! Even after the war entity mendous phenomena and fill the largest stadiums in the
of the world was dissolved and consumed, still there is land; but w hat would be the good of it? M ankind would
enough in the hum an accumulation in the charged atmos­ be no further advanced, than they are today. W hatever
phere of hum an discordant qualities, to still sustain them is of advancement must be proven by you, in your own
a little time; but remember the feeders of all desructive application to Life, then you build your Foundation of
activities and powers are gone forever; and mankind can­ Eternal Freedom.
Today, since the opportunity is offered to the student
not long be sustained in any destructive activities w hat­ body— that does not mean only those who have been
soever! studying for five years! It might mean those w ho only
I ask you to w atch and observe! You will see in the recently are having had their attention draw n to this
years just ahead, that W e have never told you one single G reat Light. You cannot judge Life! You cannot judge
untruth! M any are beginning to see it more and more; the Expansion of the Light w ithin another! You cannot
but when W e say to you, that all destructive individuals tell w hat someone’s Great Presence of Life will do for
and destructive powers have got to vanish from this earth them or through them.
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The evidence is before the world of w hat can be done; stantly healed while those around them are? T hat is not
and since there have beefh a num ber of recent Ascensions, always the fault of the individual, they just don't see it,
under the N ew Dispensation, which the Messengers have that is all; but w hat gives every one who renders service
explained to the student body; my dear people, do not be in the outer world Power to do it? W hat gives the sur­
foolish enough to think that that is something far-fetched geon the Intelligence, the Instruction, the Power to ren­
or incredible! W hen you understand that the Presence der that Service? W hat gives the doctors Power to act?
of Life which beats your heart is the Doer of all things; W h at gives the osteopath and all wh§ render assistance,
then how can a puny hum an mind say to the Presence w hat acts through them? Is it not Life? You would
of Life: “You cannot cause me to ascend.” say to M e: “Yes, but we receive certain technical train­
Observe, my beloved ones, those bodies sitting out ing, as you term it! W hat good is your technical train­
there. If Life suddenly w ithdraw from them, they would ing, if it is not the Power of Life flowing forth to do it!
lay there or sit there perfectly helpless, would they not? W hat moves the surgeon’s hand? The Power and Intel­
Every organ, every faculty still there just as it was a few ligence of Life! H ow does the surgeon know w hat to do
minutes before; then that which withdrew was Life and in cases of emergency, when suddenly before him stands
was the Power, the Intelligence, the Feeling Presence something w ith which he is unfamiliar? In his heart, he
there. I marvel today, my beloved ones, that the beloved prays to the Intelligence of Life: “Direct my hands and
students do not feel the full im port, the Power of Light see that they perform this Perfect Service” ? You don’t
beating their hearts; to heal their bodies instantly; and know how many surgeons in this world hourly are in that
It would, if they did not continue to give too much at­ position, for there are no two conditions the same; and
tention to the appearance world or the conditions in that when they suddenly find themselves confronted with
body. M ankind still keeps looking outside, for health, emergencies, if they are earnest and sincere, their hearts
for strength, for Light, for energy; when beating each call to Life to direct them; to direct their hands, make
heart is the Greatest Combination of all that ever existed them steady and perform the service!
in this Universe, the Eternity of Life! Once mankind So w ith you today! If you will call w ith that same
realizes, they can turn to that Presence which beats in earnestness to Life to direct you; to hold you harmonious
their hearts, and release instantly Its dissolving Power and perfected in the Glory of that Life; then you too will
to stop pain instantly; then to remove from the feeling receive Its same Perfecting and Directing Activity! All
world cause, effect and record— then it will be no more! that is in the outer world of mankind, my dear beloved
There are thousands and thousands of instantaneous heal­ ones, is Life; Its Alm ighty Intelligence; Its A ctive Pres­
ings which take place in these classes at the call of the ence and Power and that concentrated individualized
Messengers. M y goodness, dear people of America, it Presence of Life which beats your heart, w hich is your
is the evidence of the ages of the instantaneous action and “ M ighty I A M ”— can raise you w ithin the hour, if It so
Pow er of Life to produce Its results. chose, into your Ascension and Freedom! Do not deny
H ow can mankind feel critical or rebellious to Life, be­ Life, Its A bility to render you any Service whatsoever.
cause they have not given the obedience to Life, to be in­ Do not deny your Presence', the “M ighty I A M ” ! Do
16 17
P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
not deny Us, the Power, the Freedom, the A uthority to It cannot do it; until finally some experience occurs, that
render the Service to you, which you cannot render to gives them the strength and joy to see that their call was
yourselves. answered.
M y beloved ones, you love your friends here in the M ay I remind you that you never made one call to
hum an form, but are they stable? D o they remain your your Life, to this Great Presence of the “I A M ,” that it
friends forever? O h no! A t the slightest provocation, was not answered! N ot one! You have not always seen
they turn and renc^you and criticize you! W e stand your the out-picturing of it; but if you had seen the cleansing,
Friends forever, no m atter w hat your mistakes are! No purifying A ctivity w ithin your feeling world, in the
m atter how many times you fail, W e still stand, calling preparation for the out-picturing of It, you would never
forth your greater Perfection and Blessings of Life! Your doubt; you would never question; but in the greatest re­
criticism of Us does not affect us; but O ur Love is great joicing of Life, you would stand in the Presence, Its Al­
enough to go on pouring Its Blessing to you; until one mighty Light, and let Its Perfection be the Commanding
day, you realize'all that It means to you! Then, in that Presence there!
great humble gratitude, will you say: “Eternal Praise and For the gratification of some of you tonight, may I re­
Thanks, G reat Ones of Light, that Y our Love was great mind you, that this was the first point where the Messen­
enough to hold us in Its Radiance, that we m ight find the gers came forth, when Saint Germain sent them to carry
Perfection of Life.” this Light! W hy did I come forth here? W hy am I here
Y our Beloved Saint Germain, think of it, beloved ones, tonight? W ill you think about that? You could not
how many throughout America have called H im every­ one of you comprehend M y Love for that blessed Messen­
thing that the tongue could form into speech; and yet H e ger (L otus). H er service to mankind through the ages;
would as quickly and readily help them, if H e saw they and then how could any hum an being on this earth ever
were in earnest and sincere. A re there any hum an beings feel unkind to her! Perhaps, I shall remain to guard her
who will do that? as long as her service is required here. I have guarded
In this beautiful and wonderful atmosphere, I am grate­ her many times throughout the ages; and not even the
ful to hold and charge into action in your world, a Greater air shall breathe a word against her, remember that!
Comprehension tonight; that you may feel your responsi­ M y dear ones, O h, the benefactors of the ages, there
bility greater— O h not w ith any depression; but w ith a are so many unknown to the outer world and yet render­
great joy that will release those C urrents of Light and ing such a service. H ow magnificent, my beloved ones,
Energy more rapidly into your world to supply you and and the human trying to be the judge. It cannot even
give you every good thing! judge itself, let alone another.
H ere above you is this Concentrated Individualized Therefore, tonight, in being here I shall hold sustained
Presence of Life holding all in Its grasp, a thousand times in your city, the Glory established two hundred years
more than you could ever use; ready to release it into your ago. Y our Beloved Saint Germain has Friends Powerful
use, in health, in money supply, in Directing Intelligence, and Strong, W ho will assist in bringing the Perfection
in protection; and yet mankind go on in the unbelief that of Life to every one of you, who will w ant It sufficiently.
18 19
Property of Saint Germain Press, inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Remember, beloved students, it is so im portant now in W e trust mankind will see that and make an earnest de­
these Greater Intensified Activities of Life, that you un­ termined call!
derstand and keep before your outer vision and conscious­ Remember, beloved ones, in the magnificent service
ness, that you are serving Life for your Freedom! These which you have been rendering, it is not always in the
Messengers who are giving almost tw enty times in cash, greatest numbers that the Greatest Power is released;
besides their own humble services, in the releasing of en­ but you have been doing tremendous, beautiful work
ergy to carry this Light; tw enty times more than any here. There has been great achievement. Go on and
hum an being has yet imagined. Show M e others in Am er­ on, my beloved ones, and remember, W e stand ready at
ica— yes, ere long, you can. O thers who have been w atch­ all times, to give you of O ur Assistance to the very limit
ing you and seeing the great earnestness, the great in­ which your Life permits; or that the Great Law permits,
tensity w ith which these Beloved Messengers have served, for W e act under Law, my dear ones, always. If your
will come forth and render that service; for the Full Power call should be contrary to that Inner A ctivity of your
of Life is taking Its Command, remember, my beloved life, then W e could not answer; but when it is in Com­
ones! Regardless of all the appearance world holds, still plete Obedience to Life, then W e answer instantly and
will the Power of Light prove Itself and take Its Com­ w ithout fail!
mand upon this earth, in the Purity, Power and Perfec­ So please do not try to judge, in your outer opinions,
tion of Life! as to w hat is being or not being achieved. W hen W e say
I say to you, beloved ones, tonight, in all of your activity to you, W e have achieved more, far more than W e an­
of the future stand calm, humbly obedient to that Pres­ ticipated in the past few months, then that should be a
ence of Life; and in your determined sincere call, will signal to you of Its Greatness.
every seeming obstruction dissolve before you, as you Great Powers are watching and guarding and steadily
move forw ard in the Stream of Light and Life! Feel that and surely dissolving these destructive forces! As you
deeply tonight! Know in that Light which beats your understand this, you will then one day, I trust ere long,
heart and Its intensified activity at your call, as that begin to see the Great Our-picturing of It! U ntil then,
Radiance pours forth tonight— remember, charged w ith you must be patient. Go on with your determined appli­
This A ctivity never known on this earth, the Dissolving cation! Let the Power of Its M ighty A ctivity flood the
Power of Divine Love in the A ctivity of the Violet Con­ earth!
suming Flame— then you will have a Power of Action I wish to remind you again, how little you who are so
according to your acceptance that is Invincible. very sincere, really comprehend all that is going forth
America needs you very much! W e would like to see in your mighty application, into the mental and feeling
you, beloved ones of America, held in all the achieve­ world of mankind. It is rendering a service, my dear ones,
ment that you are using today untouched, undisturbed! that is indescribable. M ankind must have this impulse in
If enough will make the call, then it shall be done; but if the mental and feeling world, to stimulate them into a
greater desire for service and for greater Freedom than
not, then your nation will be compelled to rebuild itself! has been. T hat is why many who come into This W ork,
20 21
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
are gaining the understanding of It and grasping It w ith O U R “I A M ” T H A N K SG IV IN G !
a Power of Comprehension that surprises many. W ell, it
is because in their mental and feeling world, these M ighty S we approach Thanksgiving Day this year,
Decrees have gone forth and prepared the way. They do it is our patriotic duty and glorious privilege
not outwardly know it, but does that make any difference, to give Eternal Praise and G ratitude for the
since the results are there? Freedom and Courage that Saint Germain
T h at is why your encouragement should be very great charged into our Early Patriots, when H e arose and made
in going on, and on in your M ighty Decree work. O h yes, that Eternally Famous Call for Courage in the Signers of
always be dignified in all that you do, in your M ighty the Declaration of Independence; when H e charged them
Decree W ork. Remember you are representing the w ith His Power of Light to stand for Freedom and Justice
Ascended Masters who are the Purity and Perfection of regardless of all conditions in the nations of the world at
Life; and as your attention goes to Them , you must daily that time!
become more like Them in every way! It is the Law of Let our “I A M ” Thanksgiving be a call to the “ M ighty
Life! I A M Presence” and H igher M ental Body of everyone
So, tonight, in O ur Humble Efforts to render this A s­ on earth and to the Great H ost of Ascended Masters,
sistance to you, in ever greater and greater sustaining A c­ to so expand G ratitude and Devotion within every per­
tivity; will you just accept It and daily remind yourselves son in America, for all that America’s Light means to the
of that Service rendered; and how it makes you hourly world this hour; that everyone will want to protect the
more Invincible to all discordant things; and gives you Blessings of Freedom, Justice and the Constitutional
Greater Power of release in your call to Life; to cut you Rights of O ur People!
free and to have dissolved and consumed, cause, effect, Those are the God-given Blessings which Life has be­
record and memory of everything, that has held you or stowed upon us and our loved ones! They must be pro­
bound you through the centuries? tected by those who have been enjoying God’s Blessings
I thank you. over the years past!
God, the “ M ighty I A M Presence” has not moved out
of the Universe! The God-Consciousness of Life has not
lost any of Its Power!
T he God Ideals of Perfection, Freedom, Justice and
Peace, shall not perish from the earth! Those Gifts are
Boundless! Those Gifts are Eternally the Expanding
Power of Light! Those Gifts are forever the Imperish­
able Part of Life for nothing can stop the craving for Free­
dom and Justice within the Feeling in all Life— be that in
mankind, the plants or the animal!
Property o f Saint Germain Prest, Inc.
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
All must be eventually and Eternally Free, Balanced
and H appy for Perfection everywhere, Invincibly, All-
Powerfully active, is the Law of the Universe! It is the
Law of Life everywhere! None can take It out of Life
nor the Universe!
None can stop the Sun shining! T he Sun is the Law of
Light, Freedom and Balance to this world. The “M ighty
I A M Presence” is the Sun of each one’s own Life! The
Light in America is the Only H ope of the world this
Thanksgiving Day!
Therefore, Call! Call! Call! for Light and more Light
to expand thru the H eart of every hum an being, and re­
lease the Praise and Gratitude to free the world forever!
“M ighty Beloved I A M Presence,” we offer our Hearts
to you! Come forth and protect America and flood our
world w ith Thanksgiving for all Eternity! Eternal
Thankgiving “I A M ” !


T is our great privilege to announce the
release of a new song — "G O D FRE OUR
LOVED ONE, ASCENDED,” by the M es­
senger, Lotus Ray King.
This new song is a tribute of Love and A doration
to our Beloved Messenger, M r. Guy W . Ballard, and is
an O ut-pouring of our heart’s gratitude to H im , for the
Blessings H e is constantly releasing to all under this
Radiation, from the Ascended M asters’ Octave of Light.
This song is dedicated in Eternal Love and Blessing
to the "M ighty I AM Presence,” and our Beloved Mes-
24 25
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
senger. May all w ho sing, play or hear the lyrics and 3 Preambles
music or contem plate His Picture, feel His Enfolding
Love pour back to them , bringing them Eternal Free­ C O N T R O L O U R A T T E N T IO N ! (R epeat 3 times
dom in the "Light of God that never fails.” after each line)
This song, both lyrics and music, is the answer to an Oh! “M ighty I A M ” !
intense call for some way in w hich to express the deep O f us hold command!
Love and G ratitude of the "I AM ” Student Body to our God! Take full command!
Beloved M essenger for all H e has done for them ; and H old us in T hy Hand!
for being the O pen D oor to bring to them the U nder­ Give T hy Great Command!
standing of the Law of Life, w hich w ill lead them into By T hy M ighty Hand!
their Ascension. A nd hold it on Thee!
T he Cover design is an actual photograph hand col­ Compel us all Free!
ored by May D eCam ara to w hom w e are deeply grate­ Be M aster o’er all!
ful and extend to her our Love and Blessings. Is now our H eart’s call!
M ay this song be sung by everyone w ho seeks Free­ M ake us all T hy Light!
dom from the distress of the outer w orld; and thru It Charge us w ith T hy M ight!
receive their Freedom and release. Each moment, each day!
N o greater privilege could be given one than to be A nd You now hold sway!
the channel th ru w hom this song could come; and our A nd hold T hou our hands!
hearts sing w ith gratitude and praise for this opportun­ Fulfill Life’s Commands!
ity and Blessing. Seal us in T hy Heart!
LOTUS RA Y K IN G M ake discord depart!
D O N A LD RA Y K IN G In all that we do!
Compel T hy Light thru!
Charge thru us T h y Power!
Rule thru us each hour!
O ur Full V ictory hold!
W ith Perfection untold!
* * * *
3 Preambles
26 27
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
LIG H T our way wherever we go 3 Preambles
PR O T E C T LEGIONS OF LIG H T! (Repeat 3 times after each line)
PR EPA R E ” ” or
H A R M O N IZ E ” ” or
M A K E SUCCESSFUL A N D V IC T O R IO U S our way Descend! Round us stand!
wherever we go Give T hy Great Command!
B EA U TIFY our way wherever we go Compel all to bow!
FLO O D Take possession right now!
W ith Oceans (3) of Gigantic Ascended M aster Compel V ictory here!
Friends, Miracles and Victories of Freedom, Protection, Sweep our way clear!
Perfection and A uthority of the Cosmic Light and Unfed Protect all we hold dear!
Flame of a Thousand Suns, and the M usic of the Spheres Annihilate all fear!
today and forever! Blaze the Light from T hy Crown!
Flood our way wherever we go w ith all the Light Rays Make T hy Light astound!
and Power from the Ascended M aster Retreats, the Perfect all today!
Etheric Cities and Temples of Light, today and forever! Forever hold sway!
Compel all T hy Peace!
W e call the Ascended Masters in T heir Visible, Tangi­ Make all else now cease!
ble, Living, Breathing Bodies, to be w ith us wherever M ake us blazing like Thee!
we go; today and forever! Compel us all Free!
Oh! “M ighty I A M ” ! M ake T hy Light rule all!
etc. Answer our every call!
(T he above can be used for the follow ing): M ake us all T hy Light too!
1. H O M ES Charge T hy Power clear thru!
2. BODIES (after “Clear” put in “H eal” and after Seal us in T hy Heart!
“Beautify” put in “Strengthen” ) M ake all discord depart!
3. BUSINESS Consume all not like Thee!
4. A T M O SPH E R E 6. CITY Perfect all that we see!
5. C LO TH ES 7. O U R LAND! Heal all thru our hands!
Fulfill all our commands!
28 29
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Compel all to see! Give us Full Release!
M ake all eyes— just like Thee! Rule all that we meet!
Charge us w ith T hy Health! M ake us know no defeat!
Place in our hands T hy W ealth! Blaze T hy Flame thru our hands!
Come! Cover our Land! Fulfill our H eart’s Commands!
Saint Germain’s Freedom expand! W alk and stand by our side!
Compel Justice too! W ith us always abide!
T hy A uthority comes thru! Protect all we hold dear!
Hold all in T hy Light! Compel our way clear!
M ake all feel T hy G reat Might! M ake all T hy Power know!
M ake all see Thee today! A ll T hy Gifts now bestow!
Compel V ictory (Freedom) to stay! Give us T hy Secrets now!
Hold Eternal Command! Compel all else to bow!
Raise our Blessed Land! H eal all thru our hands!
Perfect all our plans!
— C rfA N E R A Seal us in T hy Heart!
* * * * M ake all else depart!
3 Preambles Set all Free where we go!
Let us T hy Gifts bestow!
LORDS O F T H E BLUE FLAM E! (R epeat 3 times after Rule now thru O ur Land!
or each line) Speak T hy “G reat Command” !
SIN G U S ALL FREE! Blast all not of Light!
Sweep thru us today! Charge us with T hy M ight!
Forever hold sway! H old us to T hy Height!
T hy Blue Flame Expand! M ake us Dazzling Bright!
H old T hy Full Command! - CHANERA
Clear all else away! * * * *
M ake T hy Love hold sway!
Compel us all Free!
M ake us M aster like Thee!
Charge us w ith T hy Power!
Rule thru us each hour!
Blaze T hy V ictory thru!
Perfect all we do!
Make us all of T hy Peace!
P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3 Preambles
M A K E U S V IC T O R IO U S! (Repeat 3 times after each
Oh! V ictory dear (Saint Germain Dear!
Daddy dear! or any
Ascended M aster’s Name)
A nd keep our way clear! IM P O R T A N T N O T IC E
By T hy Great Cosmic Light!
By T hy Great Cosmic Might! Beginning w ith January 1943 the yearly subscription
Each moment, each day! to the “Voice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start w ith January 1
You forever hold sway! and end w ith January 1, 1944. Allowance will be made
Compel us all Free! for the two m onths of the unexpired 1942 subscription.
All M aster like Thee!
By T hy M ighty Hand! T he yearly subscription price for the year 1943 will
All over this Land! therefore be $2.92 in America and $3.33 in foreign lands.
Throughout every land! W e appreciate your co-operation w ith the “Voice of the
Fulfill God’s Command! ‘I A M ’ ” in the past, and now that it is under the control
Blast (cut) all else away! and direction of the S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, Inc.,
Step thru now! (him, us) today! we will appreciate all checks and drafts being made pay­
Compel V ictory thru! able to the SA IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, Inc. and delivery
Make (him ) all bow to you! will be made as promptly as possible from there. Please
Charge us with Thy Health! do not send P.O .M .O .’s.
Give us all T hy W ealth!
Blaze! T hy Power! right here! W ith our deepest gratitude and appreciation for your
Protect all we hold dear! loving co-operation and interest in the “Voice of the
Charge T hy Flame right there! ‘I A M ’ ” we remain
Rule now everywhere!
Illumined and Free! Sincerely in the Light,
Sealed forever in Thee!
(W estern Branch) S A N T A FE, N . M EX.
* * =1= *

32 33
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• OF OUR COPYRIGHTS • G A IN we m ake our position unm istakably
plain in regard to any outer w orld business
activity, using the faith of the "I A M ” Stu­
We hereby notify all readers and individuals dents in Saint G erm ain’s "I A M ” A ctivity—
everywhere, that everything in the books of the to get them interested in any business venture on the
SA INT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF TH E representation that the money is to be used for carrying
" I AM,” OUR PUBLIC LECTURES, AFFIRMA­ on this Light, or for D onald or myself personally.
TIO NS AND IN STRU CTIO N S GIVEN TO N o one has been given any authority to go to G roup
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights Leaders to get students interested in the buying or sell­
with all rights reserved, including foreign trans­ ing of anything.
lations. W h at anyone wishes to do or give to Saint G erm ain’s
"I A M ” Activity, m ust always be of that one’s ow n free
This means, we will not allow this instruction w ill—w ith no lim itations or entangling connections
and Information to be deleted, distorted, adulter­ that can ever in any way cause any discredit to the
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and "I A M ” Activity, or discord am ong the student body.
we shall protect them fully. W hatever business ventures anyone chooses to enter
into is his or her ow n affair; b u t the "I A M ” Student
We are determined that this GIFT OF LIGH T, Body shall be protected against all schemes for p ro­
T R U T H AND FREEDOM from the Ascended m oting outside business activities that should be self­
Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED sustained by the application of the people w ithin them .
and kept PURE, TR U E AND UN CH ANGED — N o stock selling of any kind is ever sanctioned or
FOREVER— that mankind may receive its Eter­ perm itted am ong the "I A M ” Student Body for com­
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. m ercial or other purposes; and we ask all G roup
Leaders and Students to help us protect the Integrity
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right of This "I AM ” Activity and the "I A M ” Students from
to maintain COMPLETE PRO TECTIO N AT m istakes and losses thru such business ventures.
ALL TIMES. W e have m ade our position in this m atter clear many
times before—but we do it again now, to m aintain P er­
SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, INC., fection for those w ho w ant It.
and W e enfold you in all our Light, Love and Protection.
Property o f Saint Germain Press Inc.
• THE •
CHART OF THE MAGIC PRESENCE E xcept— "Song of the Violet Flam e” w hich contains fo u r (4 ) color plates and
A b e au tifu lly lithographed color c h art, suitable fo r fram ing and contem plation. sells fo r $1.2 5. Postpaid y $1.40
Size 5 '/2 x 8 '/ i . P rice 2 5c, Postpaid } Oc T he fo u r color plates in the "Song of the V iolet Flam e” m ay also be purchased
singly (w ith o u t m usic.) Price each $.50, Postpaid, $.60
Size 1 2 x 2 1 . Price $ 1.00, Postpaid $1.20
On H eavy Linen, Size 30 x 52. P rice $12.00, Prepaid "CRYSTAL CUPS”
CHARTS AND FLAMES IN ACTION Small size— fo r individual use— each _________________ ____________________ $7.00
P acking and shipping charges, .60
(Size 12 X 21. Price $ 60.00 L arge size— for Reading Rooms, S anctuaries, and fam ily use. Individuals m ay
Above C h arts m echanically anim ated-. ................ / Size 30x 52. P rice $225.00 have these if they so desire— each .... ______________ _________ ___________ $2 5.00
( Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 55.00 P acking and shipping charges, 1.2 5
Violet Flam e m echanically anim ated---------------------- j size 3Q x 52 .p riCe $200.00 These "C ry stal C ups” are not sold th ru R eading Rooms or G roup Leaders. Each
" C u p ” is blessed personally by M rs. G. W . B allard and is then shipped direct to
Shipping charges extra each individ ual. N o discounts are allow ed.
PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT GERMAIN Small Booklets containing D ecrees com piled on different subjects fo r individual
H and colored steel engravings of etchings by C harles Sindelar. or S tudy G roup use. M arvelous results are being m ade m anifest in building a
Size 12 x 16. P rice each $2.00, Postpaid $2.25 m om entum th ru constant use of these Booklets:
A ctual photographic reproduction in G oldtone. 3. " I AM” AM ERICA’S FREEDOM
Size 8 x 1 0 . P rice each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85 4. " I AM” L IG H T DECREES
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.5 0, Postpaid $4.00
Size 15 x 1 9 /2 . P rice each $10.00, Express collect (P rice each 3 0c, plus postage— except N o. 1— O pulence and Supply. Present
stock on hand w ill be sold for 20c each, plus postage.)
Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $2 5.00, Express collect 5. PURPOSE OF T H E ASCENDED MASTERS " I AM” A C TIV ITIES
Profile Size 1 5 x 1 9 . P rice each $10.00, Express collect (Sm all booklet giving short resum e of the Ascended M asters’ " I AM” A ctivity.)
Price each— 15c, plus postage
M U S IC O F T H E S P H E R E S Price, 30c, plus postage
LOTUS MY LOVE AM ERICA OU R O W N BELOVED LA N D An O riginally designed R ecord Playback w ith po rtable case, suitable fo r " I AM”
O H W ORLD V ICTO RIO U S GODDESS OF PU R ITY S tudy G roups or individual use. Plays either 3 3 l / 3 RPM Records or re g u lar
M IGH TY VICTORY phonograph records. Public A ddress System and oth er equipm ent can be f u r ­
RA IN BO W RAYS nished. F ull details furnish ed upon request, including price.
SON OF LIG H T SONG OF T H E V IOLET FLAME 3 3 l / 3 RPM Blue T ran sp aren t Records, containing a 30 m in ute ta lk on the Law
CALL T O L IG H T GODFRE O U R LOVED O N E ASCENDED o f Life and Its A pplication released w eekly to " I AM” S tudents and ow ners of
Playbacks. Full p a rtic u la rs furnished upon request.
A G roup of Songs— Music and Lyrics by G odfre R ay King and Lotus R ay King. M onthly M agazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­
These songs are especially charged w ith po w erful healing activity . B eau tifully courses by the Ascended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t subjects. Back num bers
lithographed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece of m usic. available beginning F eb ru ary , 193 6. Y early subscriptions begin w ith M arch,
1942. P rice single copy 3 5c, Y early Subscription $3.50; Foreign countries $4.00.
P rice each $1.00 ................... - .............................. ...................................- Postpaid $1.15
P ro p e rty o f S a in t G erm ain P ress, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
• THE •
• SERIES • 3 3 04-A— IN V O C A T IO N and E X PLA N A TIO N of the C h art M r. G. W . B allard
3304-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X PLA N A TIO N of the C h art M r. G. W . B allard
3 3 04-C— IN V O C A T IO N and EX PLA N A TIO N of the C h art M r. G. W . B allard
VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 3 304-D — IN V O C A T IO N and EX PLA N A TIO N of the C h art M r. G. W . B allard
3305-A — T H IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A RM ONY M r. G. W . B allard
( 200-A— L IG H T OF MY H EA R T (In stru m e n tal) ( Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist 3305-B— THIS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G. W . B allard
{ 200-B— ROSE OF L IG H T ______________________________< F rederick L andw ehr, 3 306-A — TRU E U N D E R ST A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE M r. G. W . B allard
I N ovachord
3306-B— TRU E U N D E R ST A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE M r. G. W . B allard
\ 202-A — SON OF L IG H T ______ (In stru m e n tal) i Lotus R ay King, H arp ist 3307-A — CA LLIN G T H E PRESENCE M r. G. W . B allard
[ 202-B— CALL T O L IG H T __ ___ ... __________ \ F rederick L andw ehr, 3 3 07-B— CA LLIN G T H E PRESEN CE..._________ ______________ M r. G. W . B allard
V N ovachord
f 203-A — R A IN BO W RAYS ________ (In stru m e n tal) fL o tu s R ay K ing, H a rp ist 3 3 08-A— H E LPIN G ALL M A N K IN D ______________________ ___ M r. G. W . B allard
i 203-B— O H W O RLD V ICTO RIO U S ____________< F rederick L andw ehr, 3 3 08-B— H E LPIN G ALL M A N K IN D _____________________ M r. G. W . B allard
V N ovachord
3309-A— IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C la ss)_____ _______ __________M r. G. W . B allard
( RR -12 01— Inv ocation____ ___________________ M r. and Mrs. B allard and D onald 3 309-B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C lass)____ _______ M r. G. W . B allard
( R R -1202— C O N TEM PLA TIO N (Silent N ig h t) H a rp ___________ __ ...M rs. B allard
3 310-A — E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 ____ M r. G. W . B allard
j.R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N Mrs. B allard and D onald 3 310-B— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 ........ M r. G. W . B allard
{ R R -1247— CO N TEM PLA TIO N (N e are r M y God to T hee) H a rp -------M rs. B allard
3 310-C— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 M r. G. W . B allard
( 3300-A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Shrine Class) ___ __________ M r. G. W . B allard 3 310-D — E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 193 8 M r. G. W . B allard
\ 3300-B— IN V O C A T IO N No. 2 (Shrine C lass)_________________ M r. G. W . B allard
3 310-E— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 1938_______M r. G. W . B allard
( 3301-A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C lass)_______________________M r. G. W . B allard 3310-F— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 1938.. M r. G. W . B allard
| 3301-B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C lass)_______________________M r. G. W . B allard
3310-G — E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 1 9 3 8 _______M r. G. W . B allard
( 3302-A— IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine Class) _________________ M r. G. W . B allard 3 310-H — E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, July, 193 8 ______ M r. G. W . B allard
I 3 302-B— TH ER E IS N O D E A TH (Shrine Class) _______________ M r. G. W . B allard
3310-1— E xcerpts from V ictory’s D ictation, Ju ly , 1938-----------M r. G. W . B allard
( 3 3 03-A — Beginning of ” 1 AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)______ M r. G. W . B allard 13310 |j K—
J —-A doration to M ighty V ictory _________________ M r. G. W . B allard
B enediction................ .................................— ................... ....... M r. G. W . B allard
( 3 303-B— Beginning of " I AM ” D ictations (Shrine C lass)---------- M r. G. W . B allard
( 3 303-C— Beginning of *'I AM ” D ictations (Shrine Class) ... -----M r. G. W . B allard | N -100-A — Song of the Violet Flam e____ (In stru m e n tal) L otus R ay King, H arp
( 3 3 03-D— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C la ss)---------- M r. G. W . B allard ( N -100-B — Lotus My Love ______________________Frederick L andw ehr, Shrine O rgan

( 3303-E— Beginning of " I AM ” D ictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . B allard

( 3 3 03-F— Beginning of " I AM” D ictations (Shrine C lass)-----------M r. G. W . B allard SNN -101-A — Goddess of P u rity _____________ (In stru m e n tal) Lotus Ray King, H arp
-101-B — Silent Sentinel ______ __________Frederick L andw ehr, Shrine O rgan

(T he 3 3 03 Series com prise one aftern o o n ’s ta lk by M r. G. W . B allard and should be ( N -102-A — ” 1 AM” D ecrees— P a rt I _________________ Septem ber 1941 Shrine Class
sold in a set) ) N -102-B — " I AM” Decrees— P a rt II _________________Septem ber 1941 Shrine Class
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Containing the first group of the author’s experiences. BHslslpS • SERIES •
Price $2.5 0, Postpaid $2 .75
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II__________By Godfre Ray King
Containing the second group of the author’s experiences.
Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, (16" R ecord fo r P layb ack only)
Volume III________________ By the Ascended Master Saint Germain
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Volume V— Parts 1 and 2__________________________ By Chanera | Lotus Ray King, H arp ist
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Volume VIII_______________________ By the Great Divine Director
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u n v e il e d T H E M A G IC I AM”


W| Air AB»A*r?OHS

^ a in t Q er m a in $ er ieS
/ ■i

NUMBER P ublish ed ky SAINT CJEI\MA1N PI\l Sw ,1N(.

TEN - C l ll(.A< C>, IL L IN O IS.
jy.:T tfy o f'~ ~ S<xirxt r*mf-Hn /Ve.">.5,^tc.,t /SUM1-
By the Ascended Masters and their Accredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world niuy l»e done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The informal ion given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be Ihe Ascended Musters' help to the young people
lor their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of tilt- now civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Ciolden "I AM" Age.


Chicago, Illinois
Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
G o p y ric fh t-fia in t Cjennatn'.AiviM In a i9 4 2 ■

V B K a ight’s Christmas Peace from the Central Sun,

Floods o’er tlic earth - Light’s Victory won!
Its Cosmic Power sets mankind Free,
For Pence thru God’s Light, all shall now be!
Music Celestial from Spheres of Light,
Releasing Perfection's Full Cosmic M igh t,—
Sounds ever within, above around,
God’s Legions of Light at last have found
“ I AM” flooding earth with all God’s Peace —
“ I AM” in their Hearts is Full Release!
“ I AM” o’er the world is Cod'd Own JName!
“ I AM” ill command, is God's Love Flam e!

Light’s Christmas Peace shall now take command —

Light’s Mighty Power expand and expand!
The Angelic Host descend now too,
Great Legions of Light earth's veil stop thru
The “ I AM Presence" within each Heart,
Shines clearly thru, illumines each part!
In Splendor Sublime, It stands revealed,
L ife’s Master Presence in Glory scaled,
Whose Majesty none can ever know,
Until we see Its Unfed Flame Glow
With all the Blessings of Light’s Great Power,
“ I AM” this Presence! H ere! NOW! this hour!

Light’s Christmas Peace now 011 earth shall reign,

Light’s Mighty Power all good does sustain!
Great Hosts of Light come -— giving all,
They bless, protect, and fulfill each call.
T ill the Light’s Full Power does come thru,
For unto the Light, all must stand true!
Light’s Wisdom and Peace are Love’s Great Flam e,
The Blessing and Power of God’s Great Nam e!
“ I AM” in Full Victory rules — fills all!
“ I AM” in the Flame, our Hearts enthrall!
“ I AM” is Light’s Song — all else does cease!
“ I AM” is Supreme Light’s Christmas Peace!
to the G reat Perfection which will come forth and flood
LADY MASTER LETO’S you and your world!
DISCOURSE In those Great Retreats, like the one in A rabia, in
San Francisco, Calif.— July 21, 1937 Chananda’s Hom e and the R oyal T eton, without those
Great, G reat Focuses of Light, beloved ones, mankind
G R E E T Y O U , beloved students, and I feel would have perished long ago; and it is only now, that
quite honored that the call has come to M e, precious mankind are beginning to realize that there are
T onight, I shall endeavor to release you for an these G reat Beings of Light; and that there is this G reat
hour or more into M y Realm of Happiness, Cosmic Light, which is now again flooding the earth. A ll
Beauty and Perfection. of these M ighty Focuses have held the Balance for man­
First, I want to remind you of my delightful associa­ kind. T hey are known to have been this Protection. Just
tion with this good M esssenger. I came and met him on think of it, beloved ones, the destructive forces generated
the boat with Bob, Rex, N ada and Pearl — they not by human beings in their lack of understanding, would
knowing I was coming— and then O ur D elightful W ork have destroyed all mankind, but for these Focuses of
began. W e continued on thru France into A rabia to Light!
that W ondrous Retreat. Let M e at this point digress M ay I remind you again tonight, of that Unparalleled
just a moment and urge the students everywhere: please Service, the M ighty Sanat Kum ara has rendered to the
do not use the word “ Retreat” in reference to your sum­ earth for so great a period? It is more than tw o and a
mer homes or those places! Please do not do that! The half million years. Y ou who are here tonight, are not
Retreat as understood by mankind today, means a G reat so young as you seem. Y ou are hundreds of thousands
Place or Focus of Light from the Ascended M asters. of years old, so don’t mind a few years here. T h e very
I know many earnest students are calling for that Focus wonderful thing soon to come about is, that into the
of Light which some have termed Retreats; but this is outer world, will come this proof— that humanity have
not quite the correct usage of the term; because until lived again and again; for the physical records are in the
that Focus of Light is drawn strong enough, it is not Royal Teton, proving it to all mankind. Y ou might say
a Retreat! T o the outer world, it would simply mislead to M e: “ W ell just how does that prove it” ? Because
and for that reason, I request that no one use that term! they are written in the language used in every civiliza­
Leave it for those marvelous Points or Focuses of Light, tion. Those records are in those languages and the
such as the Cave of Symbols, the Royal Teton, the R e­ Ascended M asters can read every language from the be­
treat in Arabia- -those places where the Focus of Light ginning. So there is the irrefutable proof of the T ruth,
has been acting for thousands and thousands and some­ that mankind has lived civilization after civilization;
times hundreds of thousands of years. Y ou will find sometimes reaching great heights of attainment, then
later, M y reason for suggesting that; because as that be­ not so much, then again higher.
comes known, you will be called upon for the release of T his is a very peculiar thing, a mistake has been made
more Power than is yet available to manifest there. Be in the outer understanding of mankind; and it is, that
so practical, beloved ones, in all that you do, in regard while the activity of Life is in spiral form, yet the civiliza-
4 P rop erly o f S ain t Germain P re ss, Inc. P roperty o f S ain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. 5
tions have not always made that continuous. AH civiliza­ feeling world what your attention will do for you, so
tions have not reached as great a height of Perfection, that never again, will there be one single moment in which
as some others. you are not aware of Y our “ I A M Presence.” Y our at­
N ow for instance, the civilization that reached its tention takes you wherever it is focused. Because your
height about two hundred thousand years ago, was one Life Stream feeds Its Energy in, wherever your attention
of the Greatest H eights any civilization ever reached, is going; and if it is fixed firmly upon something out here
since mankind began to forget its Source! In the first that is disturbing or limiting, well then all of your energy
two Golden A ges, which covered a very long period of goes into that disturbance; and you have nothing else
time, every one knew this Presence just the same as you out here, by which to draw the Perfection which your
know each other; but when mankind began to assert their heart is craving. D o you not see that, beloved ones? I
free will and felt the authority in the outer, they re­ know there has been so much said about your attention,
ceded more and more. your vision and your qualification; but dear ones, unless
Beloved ones, the power of your attention is one of you realize and become master of them, they will compel
the most amazing things before humanity today. There you to stay in the conditions which your habit has estab­
is no one thing on earth or anywhere else in the Universe, lished and that is not necessary. W e don’t want you to
that can change the Life Stream of an individual so remain there another moment; and that is why W e are
quickly, as the use of your attention! It can make or making every effort possible, to convey to you what these
mar and do it very quickly. Perhaps many of you as faculties do that you are using every moment.
students, even in so short a time, have not felt a very It sounds so simple, and yet the activity is so gigantic,
great Freedom. M ay I remind you, blessed ones, it still so far as your Life Stream is concerned; because if you
isn’t quite three years, since you began to be aware of this are feeding your Life into the appearance world, which
“ I A M Presence,” and for many of you much less. W ell is the creation of mankind; then how can you have the
many miracles, so-called, have been performed with thou­ attention upon that which is Perfection, or from which
sands of the students; but think of it, if you spend cen­ the release of it comes? N ow this is important, so im­
turies of time forgetting the Presence, then you should portant to you, beloved ones. Y ou can govern your at­
not he discouraged in a few years, getting back to Free­ tention— now, in the acknowledgment of your Presence;
dom thru remembering It! and if you have difficulty in giving your attention to the
The I ightin always so much more powerful than the Presence when you want to, owing to the pull of the
darkness; and l.u k of understanding is naturally a form appearance world, then you can say to your Presence:
of darkticu. Now then today, you are in a position “ M ighty I A M Presence” ! T ake command of my atten­
where with let us say just ordinary effort, you can tion and hold it where it belongs; and don’t let the outer
quickly come into that place, where you will feel the Full appearance world hold my attention.”
Power and A uthority which your Presence is; all depend­ W hen you find it has gone off, say: “ O h no, come
ing upon the firmness with which you hold your atten­ back here! You stay where you belong” ! Y ou will soon
tion upon It. learn to talk to it just like a child that is disobedient, and
Let us tonight, try to anchor so firmly within your every time it makes a mistake, say: “ Come back here and
6 Property o f S ain t Germain P re ss, Inc. P roperty o f S ain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. 7
stay where you belong” ! Beloved ones, I tell you, it is
just like a disobedient child, when you are teaching it the reason why! W e would like to give forth more A s­
discipline. Y ou must keep bringing it back, until it is sistance, than W e have so far been able to give; but W e
satisfied to give happy obedience; because your attention cannot do it, unless W e have certain co-operation from
will lead you to the heights or to the depths. you; and the first thing is giving your attention to your
Beloved ones, there are many ways of wasting your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” calling It into action; then
energy. W e are going to cover the outer part of this whatever additional Assistance is required, W e are al­
activity tonight. Y ou have been urged not to hold feel­ ways ready to give.
ings of discord within you! W ell that is a marvelous M y Special A ctivity, in which the G reat Ones seem
thing and it is imperative; but there is another part of to feel I have unusual ability, is in teaching or enabling
that which you must become aware of; and that is in blessed students to come and go from the body conscious­
letting your attention be focused upon the appearance ly and at will. W ith Bob and Rex, N ada and Pearl, it
world of discord. W hy? Because you are feeding your was a very easy thing, but of course, they were being
Life into that discord to give it more power and strength. held for the time being, wholly free from the influence
Y ou must see that! It is an actual T ruth , that is going of the outer world. They were being taken, you will
on every moment in your Life; and unless you understand remember, to the Retreat in A rabia and to Chananda’s
what is operating, how can you correct it? T h at is why Hom e; and naturally, T hey were assisting in holding the
W e feel so grateful, that you are having anchored within Radiance of the Ascended M asters about them, from
your feeling world for constant use, some of these things, the time or even before they left New York.
that I am sure you have not been vividly aware of; and Therefore, dear ones, just because they had that as­
I feel this, if once you get the awareness— I mean the com­ sistance, don’t think that you cannot have the same thing
plete awareness— of what your attention does, it will be — under a little different activity of course; because you
so much easier for you to control the power of qualifica­ as yet, are moving in the outer world; and while the
tion and your vision! A s a rule, your attention and vision process may require a little longer time, as you under­
are acting quite simultaneously, but not always. stand time; yet it is all so comparatively short. I have
M any times, people can look upon a thing and then as found many students under Saint Germain’s Radiance to
the vision changes, the current changes; but when your whom I can give great, very great Assistance; and I never
attention is upon a thing, there is no stopping the flow lose an opportunity. Y ou blessed ones here— several have
of your Life Current into it. T h at is why your attention been calling very earnestly for M e to come; and so I am
is the first, the most vital thing, to understand; and to here talking to you, tonight.
realize that you can govern it; because, beloved ones, I I want you, if you will, to feel how natural all of this
could not govern your attention! In order to do so, I G reat Achievement is. There isn’t anything unusual
would have to use a sense of hypnotic force, in order to about it. Because W e have gained O ur Freedom, W e
govern it; and that is not permissible by the Law ! I mean are not unusual! If I stepped forth in M y Own Tangible
by that, I would have to control the power of your a t­ Body here by the M essenger, I would seem quite as nat*
tention, which is not permitted. Beloved ones, that is ural as you. T ry to feel that! D on’t push U s away, by
your feeling that we are so transcendent that you scarcely
8 P roperty o f Sain t Germain P re ss, Inc.
Property o f Sain t Germ ain P ress, Inc. 9
dare think of U s! D on’t let that feeling act! JU S T which has changed all of that. N ow right out in your
W E L C O M E U S , W IT H O P E N H E A R T A N D A S K busy world, there has come this Law, this Application,
Y O U R “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” T O C L E A R this Understanding, where you can gain your Victory
A W A Y E V E R Y T H IN G F R O M W IT H IN Y O U R right in the midst of mankind; and the V ictory gained
F E E L IN G W O R L D T H A T H O L D S U S A P A R T ! there, is tremendously greater than if gained in seclusion
Does it not sound strange, and yet there is so much from the world.
in that which your Blessed Saint Germain told you; that Please remember this always and hold it before your
the only thing that stood between you and Ourselves was vision— when you have gained your Victory here, in the
a thought and a feeling; and you can change both. You midst of mankind, you are Victorious forever and every­
know to M e, that is the simplest, most powerful encour­ where! W hen you gain your V ictory in seclusion, then
aging thing! I know, because It is T rue! IT IS A you must come back into the world and gain the V ictory
T H O U G H T A N D F E E L IN G T H A T P R E V E N T S there. You have the Knowledge, when you come back;
O U R V IS IB IL IT Y T O Y O U , A N D Y O U K N O W but you haven’t made the Application! D o you under­
YOU C A N CH A N G E BO TH ! stand, beloved ones, how magnificent that is and how
N ow then, what is the most powerful means of chang­ magnificent is your privilege today?
ing that? Y our attention to your Presence constantly; W ould you believe that there are many of you in this
and believe M e, when I say that, it does not mean that room, who in past embodiments have had the privilege
you must forsake everything else and every moment of of the training within the Retreats? Then you wonder
the day to give your attention to your Presence! Far — well what am I doing here now then? T his is a rather
from it! G o on about your daily activities and every severe thing to say, but because of your free will and
lime you have a few moments during the day do it. Sup­ choice! Beloved ones, you do have that! Y ou have free
pose you were a clerk in a store or a business office, or in will and choice and before you today, is that most mag­
.1 bank or anywhere that your attention was constantly
nificent thing— your free will and choice. H ow are you
required; well even in that, there are always two or three going to use this magnificent energy that flows into your
minuted, when you are to yourself. Even though others bodies, thru your free will and choice?
are around you, silently you can turn your attention to I do not want to be so serious, because we have a marv­
your P 1VN<11<<- and say: “ ‘M ighty I A M Presence’ ! Flood elous joy here tonight; but for a moment, please come
my being and world with Y our Perfection.” If you would with M e and feel the importance of this. You are the
do just that, it would be only a short time, until that decreer; you have free will and choice, to make yourselves
would begin to flood forth; until it would be tangible an Ascended Being or remain in your limitations! W hen
to yourself aiul every one that contacted you. D on’t let you determine to serve the Light wholly, then the Full
the appearance world deprive you of doing that! Power of the Light of the Universe, rushes to your as­
Y ou know the time lias arrived, when no longer will sistance. If you choose not to serve the Light, because
mankind anywhere on earth, be required to go to the of the pull of the appearance world, then you have but
Retreats which was formerly the Law; because of the the power of human creations to help you. N otice the
flooding of the earth with this G reat Cosmic Light, conditions now. Is there any comparison between the
Property o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc. 11
10 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
power of human creations to hold one in bondage and and thru your body! It is impossible for It not to come
the Light which is the Governing Power of the Universe? forth!
W e were Ourselves very greatly rejoiced, when Chan- Only as your power of qualification acts, beloved ones,
anda last night— notice, W e are quite conversant— can it be interfered with; because your free will is para­
brought this amazing Illustration to you; that when you mount, so far as you and your world are concerned; and
call to the Presence, this which is Self-luminous, Intelli­ it only acts by your power of qualification. Therefore,
gent Substance and Light from the Presence, just flows in, in feeling that T his Light, when called forth from the
thru and around your body; and as It sweeps down, It Presence, just floods thru penetrating and interpenetrat­
will sweep right out of your body every imperfection. ing— not only surrounding, but interpenetrating your
Precious ones, try with all your hearts to feel the Reality body, It is just sweeping out every imperfection that is
of that, every time you make a call to your Presence. It there. Then, by asserting your power of qualification,
is T rue, that Light knows no resistance or interference! let I T act!
D o you wonder why you have been urged to call the N ow notice how simple this is— by the acceptance of
Presence to formulate this T ube of Light about you? So the Full Power from your Presence, as the Commanding
many times, it has been said to you— the Light knows Presence, when you are accepting your presence, you are
no resistance nor interference. T his Light comes from using your Power of qualification; to produce that Per­
your Presence! N ow notice, in formulating this T ube of fection or intensify that Perfection of the Light from the
Light, calling the Presence to do it, do you not see It is Presence, which is already in your body, and calling forth
Invincible, Impenetratable? Because this Light knows more to Its Assistance! You see how magnificent is the
no resistance nor interference, there is nothing can be simplicity of that? Y ou cannot fail to win the V ictory!
generated to oppose It. Then, do you not see how the I call forth at this point, the M astery of the compre­
Light is within you? For instance, in all of you tonight, hension of your Presence and amplified by the Ascended
the Light which is there in your heart, which I see, is the M asters; to grasp these points in your feeling and outer
Power of this Presence! Think for a moment. Let us consciousness; so you are kept reminded of these simple
try tonight, to fix that so firm in your consciousness, that things, which are the quick and M ighty V ictory of T his
you go forth from this room, tonight, Absolute M aster Light!
of every situation. N ow then, let us take another step right following this
T he 1 iglit that is here within your heart, which causes and hold it closely. N ot only for you, does T his Light
your heart to heat, is the Light and Power of this Pres­ flood in, interpenetrating, thru and around your body;
ence! It is not visible yet to the physical sight; but with but there is another activity quite as wonderful. A s this
your attention constantly going to the Presence, and call­ R ay of Light and Energy intensifies, It connects with the
ing Its Powers and Activity forth into your mind and Points of Light within every cell of your body, thru those
body; then sooner or later, that Light in your heart will little threads of Light from the base of your brain.
be visible to the sight thru your clothing! It has to do Y ou will then also understand that in every A ctivity
it! There is nothing can stop It in the world; because of the Presence, there is always a Trinity of A ction. The
there is no resistance to T his Light, as It goes forth in Three-fold Flame, the U nfed Flame, has within It the
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty o f S ain t G erm ain P re ss, Inc. 13
Three-fold A ctivity; and remember, the U nfed Flame is you are not aware in the outer consciousness of the pro­
established here for your Blessing! N ow then, this which gress being made within; but when It does suddenly burst
I have so far explained is the Three-fold A ctivity, the forth, then you are vividly aware in a wonderful manner!
A ctivity of the Light within you, called forth from your Then, your struggle is soon over!
Presence! T he reason W e try to encourage you not to be dis­
N ow remember to start with— you do have T his Light couraged in the efforts that you are making, is because
here within you! W hen your infant form began to build, W e see the progress you are making, is far greater than
This Light was established in the heart— T H IS L IG H T ! you yet imagine; and I know it is not right, it is not just
T H E R E F O R E , T O D A Y . IN T H E U N D E R S T A N D ­ to yourselves, to allow the feeling of discouragement to
IN G O F Y O U R P R E S E N C E , Y O U D O H A V E T H E come in, when you are actually, from O ur Standpoint,
P O W E R T O IN T E N S IF Y T H E A C T I V I T Y O F making tremendous progress! Remind yourselves of that,
T H IS L IG H T C O M IN G I N T O Y O U R B O D Y , every time you are inclined to have a feeling that you are
W I T H O U T A N Y L IM IT W H A T S O E V E R ! not making as rapid progress as you should. Silence it
N ow these points, I am endeavoring to convey to you immediately, because the outer does not know!
tonight, are a Definite and Powerful A ctivity within you! Remember, the human part of you, which has held
I am establishing T his Power while I am talking to you its dominion so many centuries, finds all kinds of excuses
tonight; and please do not any one in the room think to try to get your attention; but when you are firm with
you are not getting It! I tell you T h at Power IS estab­ it, as this good brother was with his human self; and
lished within your feeling world, of these things I am make it realize that its day is done, then no longer, does
describing to you; and they will remain active there whe­ it have any power to influence or govern you.
ther you outwardly know it immediately or not! Does it seem strange to you, beloved ones, that here­
Come back again to the word “ attention” ! W hy do tofore, there have always been two of you— your Inner
I call your attention to these activities? Because with and your outer self? Y our outer self is your intellect—
your attention upon them, they become tremendously that which you gather from without. T he Inner Self is
more powerful! W ithout your knowing the Presence always trying to pour Itself forth to give you help; but
was above you, how would you have any more of Its the intellect says— “ well I am the whole business here.”
Intensified A ctivity? T hat is why Saint Germain brought and then the Presence just has to wait.
This Understanding forth; because your attention upon I know, beloved ones, once upon a time, W e all went
this Presence, will bring the release of its Full Power to thru what you are doing now. W hen there is the Power
you! of the Universe that is beating your heart and giving you
I ask you, beloved ones, do not, please do not ever feel Life, does it not seem a paradox, that this frail human
discouraged at your efforts! Please do not do that! You creature down here, can limit that Presence? Does it
have no idea from your outer human standpoint, how not seem strange, but it does just that! T he proof is that
great the progress is you are making; because from the you here are limited beings— you need no further proof!
A ctivity of the Presence, as you have been told so many It is not why or how it limits you; but it has done it and
times, all Activity comes from within out. Therefore, is still holding you in those limitations.
14 P roperty o f Sain t Ci'nnain P ress. Inc. Property o f Sain t Germain P ress, Ini , 15
N ow then, the proof stands before every sincere in­ It does not just come down around you and go out; but
dividual in the world today, that anyone in a few weeks, all the Perfecting A ctivity has to come thru this R ay of
can prove to himself the Power of the Presence to give Light and Energy which comes into the top of your head
him release, if that one really wants to do it. W e have and anchors in your heart. So far as you are individually
tried in every way, to have the blessed ones realize that concerned, that is the requirement for the Perfecting
only inharmony in your feelings prevents this flooding A ctivity within you body— you and your world!
thru quickly to give you Freedom; because if there is in­ O f course, the clothing and drawing of the T ube of
harmony in your feelings, it does not matter what the Light about you, is of tremendous assistance in this ac­
cause is, then that energy is qualified with the inharmony tivity; for your Perfection comes thru the R ay of Light
which carries out into your world, making more distress anchored in your heart; which expands and intensifies
for you. the Light in every cell of your body. W e have been very
D ear ones, while you are grasping this clearly let M e grateful that this point has been made so vivid to the
repeat: every inharmony that is in your feelings, clothes classes all over the United States. Y ou will enjoy that
T his Light Energy which goes out into your world. It immensely here, because special attention will be given
cannot help it, you cannot prevent it! A s long as that to the Expansion of the Light within every cell of the
inharmony and destructive quality is in your feelings, it body, and it will be tremendous.
goes out on this energy from the Presence; and makes N otice, beloved ones, in the classes or in the contem­
that condition in your world, in which you have to live, plation in the classes, where there are a great number of
if you let it go out thru the feelings. D on’t ever let any people together; if you could only realize how you do
person, place or condition, make you feel that anything assist each other and how you can assist each other even
is responsible but yourself. more, it would be something wonderful and beautiful.
O h, dear ones, let M e for a moment tell you about Y ou take a group of three or four hundred people who
M yself. W hen I began to gain M y V ictory, it did not are pouring forth Love, Blessings and kindliness; with
seem so easy. There were many things, that I did not their attention to the Presence for an hour, two or three
understand as I wanted to; but there was one thing I did hours, you have no idea, dear ones, what that does in the
have in M y favor, and that was a natural calm firm de­ outer. T h at is why W e ask in the G roup Activities, please
termination. T oday, I am very grateful for it; because do not blessed students, come into the G roups with any
it led M e thru many things, that might have been a greater feeling of unkindness in you.
struggle, and that is why I say to you, if you have not this Put aside everything that has disturbed you in the outer
within you naturally as your own characteristic, then world, when you come into these G roups; because you
assert it! Be firm in your Presence, and then, you will are there in the Radiance of the Presence and the
hold more than the balance over the human; until the Ascended M asters; unless the inharmony is too great in
Full Flood of the Power of the Presence comes forth thru the G roups; then of course the Ascended M asters are not
you and out into your world. there; because they will not pour forth greater Energy
Remember, the Perfecting Activity from the Presence, to intensify discordant feeling! T hey will no do that!
goes thru you and out into your world, because it has to. Their Love is too great for the individual; but where
16 P roperty o f S ain t Germain P re ss, Inc. Property o f Sain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. 17
there is G reat Harm ony in the G roups, They will pour Once in a while, one of the students will say: “ W ell
forth thru the Power of Radiation, without limit. N o I have tried it a long time, but it has not worked yet.”
G roup which holds that Beautiful Harm ony will ever W hy? Because you have been making your application
again need have a second thought about the Radiance with your head and your feelings have not been accepting
from the Presence and the Ascended M asters, for They your answer! T h at is your house divided! Suppose
are always pouring It forth! If They are not present, that has been the case. Just straighten up your spine a
T hey are projecting Their Light Rays, which is the same little straighter and assert your firmness a little stronger;
Activity of Blessing. So, dear ones, upon the Harm ony then, the next time you will win the V ictory! A little
in your G roups, depends the Power of the Radiation, in child falls down many times when it is learning to walk,
which T hey are giving you Their Blessing. doesn’t it? W ell, beloved ones, mankind are full of mis­
I am sure after this class, beginning tomorrow, every takes, so were W e before W e were free; but is that any
blessed sincere student in San Francisco and locality, will reason why you should give them power. If you make
have no trouble whatsoever in governing his or her feel­ a few more mistakes, well what of it, in gaining the V ic­
ings, and shutting out of each one’s world, every dis­ tory?
cordant thing. W e know what it means! W e know how Notice, beloved ones, O h, this is to M e the important
quickly your V ictory comes thru that; not that W e try point and should be an Eternal, Everlasting, Encourage­
to control or govern you in any way— not for a moment; ment to every human being in the world! It is just this
but W e present the Law, which will enable you to allow one point— the moment any one really feels his Presence
U s to give you Assistance, thru the Harm ony you main­ is there above him, and realizes that Its Light and Energy
tain within your G roups or within yourselves individually. comes in at the top of the head and anchors within the
Therefore, beloved ones, in the Glory of that Light heart, the moment the attention really goes to the Pres­
which is your Life, remember there is no such thing as ence, that moment the Ascension has begun.
failure! It could not be; and if your human form still in­ Precious ones, contemplate that often! It is the A ctual
sists on having pains and disturbances, well just talk a T ruth , the A ctual Law of Life. T he moment your at­
little stronger to it; and tell it, it has no power— it has tention really goes to your Presence, feeling It is there
felt those conditions long enough! Say: “ N ow you just feeding Life into your body, that instant your Ascension
stop that nonsense” ! Does that sound peculiar? It is so has begun; for to the degree of earnestness and intensity
true, dear ones. Pain and distress in the body, is but with which you turn your attention again and again to
human nonsense, and that is the T ruth ! Because you your Presence, will you become more quickly aware of
have given it power to disturb you, is no reason why It. It is the Law of Life and nothing in the world can
you have to continue lo do it; for I tell you positively, if change it, except your power of qualification. It does
you will be firm and say lo every disturbance: “ N ow you not change the A ctivity of the “ I A M Presence,” but
have no power! I refuse acceptance of any more disturb­ it keeps carrying the activity out into your world, if it be
ance in my world,” you will quickly have but to com­ discordant.
mand your body and make it do what you choose! It N ow notice, beloved ones, T his Light does not accept
has to do it! your imperfection! Y ou cannot make It accept it; but
18 P roperty o f Sain t Germ ain P ress. Inc. Property o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc 19
it does clothe It. T h at is where the difficulty has been selves and U s, between yourselves and the “ I A M Pres­
with mankind in understanding or comprehending this; ence” ; between yourselves and everything out here in
because they have believed that the imperfection could the world of human form, which you want for use.
penetrate that Light, which it cannot; but it does clothe Then, do you wonder why W e say to you: pour out
It, therefore, carrying the discord out into your world. Love and Blessings to everything? H ow could money
T h at is why it is imperative to govern your feelings and that you need be withheld from you, if you pour out Love
keep them harmonized; but if you will make the sincere and Blessings? Your Love goes out into that call, which
effort you can be sure that there will not be one single manifests as money! and the pouring out of your Love
thing left undone, to give you the Assistance, the C our­ never in the world can keep it from you. It would be
age and the strength required, to win your V ictory and impossible, if you understand that simple Law! Your
quickly. Love pouring out, touches everything that takes form,
A t this point, beloved ones, you do not have to wait of which money is a part; therefore, in your out-pouring
years now in your accomplishment. Please feel that— be­ of Love and Blessing, it would come back to you as the
cause every Assistance that it is possible to give human supply you require!
beings, is being given by the G reat Cosmic Light, which O h, believe it or not, precious ones, W e are going to
is impelling the accomplishment, and in many ways com­ get this thing over to you, so you will no longer be ques­
pelling It! tioning in your mind, your ability thru the call to your
I trust you will not think W e are inconsiderate of your Presence, to release whatever you require into your world!
needed rest; but when W e find the conditions just right, W E A R E N O T G O IN G T O S T O P , U N T I L Y O U D O
W e just want to hold you so close in O ur M ighty Em- H A V E IT ! I T E L L Y O U , B E LO V E D O N E S, W E
Brace of Light! O h, dear ones, half an hour’s less sleep KN O W TH E W A Y! W E A R E TH E LA W ! A N D
might do a great deal! So I want you to realize, that W e W IT H Y O U R L O V E , W E S H A L L M A K E Y O U
do not wish to impose upon you, when W e hold you a TH E LAW !
little longer than usual, but it is because W e see the op­ N ow , beloved ones, I want to pour forth M y A ssis­
portunity to give an added Assistance; and that is a very tance before we close, and I trust the blessed ones will
wonderful thing! Y ou are becoming a part of U s! Do go on with the rest of whatever they have planned. I
you realize that? It has to be so. T h ru your Love to U s want to offer just a short Blessing:
and O ur Love to you, how could we be separated? D o “ M ighty I A M Presence” in the Fulness of Y our Life,
you not Nee You cannot be separated from U s, dear acting within every one of these precious forms, take
ones, any more than you are separated from your Pres­ command tonight, in the fulness of your A ctive Presence
ence! You cannot be separated from your Presence and and Power! H old everything within the human activ­
live— I mean have life in your physical body! T here­ ity of these blessed ones, in complete and perfect obedi­
fore, when you are pouring out your Love to U s, how ence to T h y G reat Law, which is Life! See that the Power
can you be separated from U s? of the attention and the vision is held only upon con­
D o you not see, that is the connecting link in all things structive things; and upon the Presence of the Ascended
■ in the U niverse? It is the connecting link between your- M asters from which comes Perfection! Stand guard thru
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
the Higher M ental Body of each one; until the Power
of the Higher M ental Body governs the attention with
such precision, that the instant it goes to something less TWO PERSONAL RAYS
than Perfection, the outer is aware of it; and returns to
that place from which comes all good! This, W e charge S T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R S have always
into the mental and feeling world of each one tonight, for taught us, during the Seven Sacred W eeks from
constant use, alertness, clearness of comprehension and Thanksgiving to January 15th, our Beloved
the feeling of the V ictory sustained! Thus, we leave M aster Jesus and H is M other, M ary, pour out
the M ighty Powerful A ctive Presence and Intelligence Their T w o Personal Rays, to bless all who will give Them
within each one this night, to go on acting and acting; time and attention each day, in accepting that W hite Fire
until all of the outer has been dissolved into the Perfec­ Substance which They do pour out thru Those Rays.
tion of the Presence and Its M ighty V ictory! D uring this season of the year, when the attention of
Tonight, I clothe you in that M ighty V ictory of your mankind is upon Them and They are releasing all pos­
“ M ighty I A M Presence” ; and make you impenetrable sible to help and bless the people, we can call forth Their
to anything which would longer retard your forward T w o Personal Rays to go out and enfold all in the activity
progress and Freedom! Charge, O h “ M ighty I A M of war, so as to give the greatest possible protection, to
Presence,” Y our M ighty Energy, Y our M ighty Healing all who are trying to stand for the Light and hold to the
Currents in and thru every one here; into every one of Constructive W ay of Life.
the students in the United States; and to all who are call­ Visualize Jesus’ and M ary’s Luminous Presence and
ing to This Activity for Assistance! Charge thru all, Blazing Light Rays pouring forth such intense W hite
T hy M ighty Currents this night! Sweep out all imper­ Light, surrounded by the Golden Flame, that everything
fection; and fill those bodies with Y our Self-luminous, In­ destructive that even looks in their direction, is instantly
telligent Substance, to the glorifying, perfecting and consumed by the very intensity of Their Light and the
Freedom of nil mankind; and W e cause It to be forever Authority and Power They project constantly.
sustained! Each of us can call to the “ M ighty I A M Presence”
I thank you! and all G reat Beings of Light and Perfection from the
G reat Central Sun, to expand and intensify Jesus’ and
M ary’s Out-pouring once an hour and sustain that A c­
tivity, until every destructive activity on earth is forever
annihilated and its cause, effect, record and memory con­
sumed from the Universe today and forever!
Remember, this call which we make is Life, calling forth
the Greater Cosmic Activities of Light, to protect Life and
fulfill G od’s Divine plan for all manifestation everywhere!
It is Life Itself, in the A uthority of the “ M ighty I A M
Presence” of every human being in this world, and all
22 Property o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc. Property o f Sain t Germain I'resx, litc. 23
G reat Ascended M asters and Cosmic Beings, calling for OUR CHRISTMAS LOVE
the Freedom of all Life from all discord forever; and It
contains within Itself, the Fulfillment of the call by the AND GRATITUDE
very energy which goes forth in that call.
Let us in the G reat M ercy of Life, call on the Law of E S E N D F O R T H to all under T his Radiation
Forgiveness for everyone, and for all in the feelings of and to all who have assisted us to carry T his
mankind to be cleared away, dissolved and consumed, Light thru the past year, all the Love, Gratitude
which seems to keep all from seeing and knowing These and Blessings of our H earts and our Life
Beloved Ascended M asters and Cosmic Beings as we do; Streams forever— for your Love and Loyalty to This Light
and enable such Blessings and H elp to come to all people and your assistance in every way.
of earth— as they have never yet dreamed. W e thank and bless you for all your Love G ifts, your
W hen the people of earth want These G reat Ones to kindness and your Blessings. W e call the “ M ighty I A M
help stop the destruction generated by war and other Presence,” the G reat Ascended M asters and Cosmic Be­
human discord— T hey will come and do it, but not with­
ings and all the Light of the Universe, to bless and bless
out mankind’s call. T he G reat Cosmic Law does not per­
and bless you forever; to expand, expand, expand and
mit Their H elp to be given, as long as Those whom Life
has chosen to give that Help, are denied, ridiculed and crit­ flood you and your world with such overwhelming sup­
icized by the people who need their G reater Power of Life. ply of every good thing and such Ascended M aster Bless­
The people of earth cannot solve the conditions of ings, that there is not room to receive all we call forth for
the outer world today, except by the Power of Light; you constantly.
and that Greater Light can only come from the Ascended In the Nam e of the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” the
M asters who are Its A uthority and control for the people G reat H ost of Ascended M asters and the Light of G od
of this world. that never fails, we command constantly that those under
I'hese G reat Blessed Ascended M asters and Cosmic T his Radiation, shall not lack for any good thing; that
Beings of I ight, Power and Perfection, can do for mankind poverty and suffering S H A L L vanish from the earth for­
what they cannot do for themselves; and the humanity of
ever; and that Freedom and Justice by the Power of the
this earth cannot survive without Them . They are the
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, shall reign Supreme
Greater Part of the Light of this world, and only enough
Light can consume the darkness which all destruction is! thruout the earth, and fulfill G od’s Divine Plan, and raise
Beloved Jesus, M ary, Archangel M ichael, Saint G er­ all into the Ascension; and that none shall fail!
main, O ur Beloved Messenger and the O ther Ascended Such is the Command of Life— the “ M ighty I A M
M asters, are each an Individualized Ray of Cosmic Light Presence” !
to this earth! Let us give Them definite time, attention, Such is the Perfection for all forever!
acceptance, Love and Gratitude each day in the name of “ I A M ” is the M em ory and A uthority of Light’s Per­
the mankind of this earth, until the Increasing Cosmic fection unto all generations, and nothing can or shall take
Light holds Its Dominion forever! It out of the Universe!
24 P roperly o f Sain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. Property o f Sain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. 25
W e love you, we bless you, we thank you for all you MOST RECENT AND
are doing, have done, and always do to set all mankind
Free forever from all that is not of the Light! UNPUBLISHED DECREES
G O D F R E R A Y K IN G i
L O T U S R A Y K IN G Establish the S W O R D O F B L U E F L A M E , the
S P IN N IN G V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E and a
T O R N A D O O F B L U E L IG H T N IN G from the Great
Central Sun and blast in, thru and around all.->..... ..........
once an hour; and Annihilate (3 ) all that is not of the
Light in one M ighty Stroke N O W ; cause, effect, record
and memory from the Universe, today and forever!
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * *
Did you ever see anybody go forth in the understanding
of metaphysical law, who won any permanent success? The A F T E R Y O U H A V E O N C E E S T A B L IS H E D T H E
reason for it is this —- they have no foundation; they have no S W O R D O F B L U E F L A M E , E T C ., IN A N Y C O N ­
anchorage. which is the “Mighty I AM Presence"! They have D IT IO N , T H E R E A F T E R U S E T H E F O L L O W IN G
to have this Explanation of the Presence in order to have an FO R M :
anchorage, in order to have a Foundation upon which to Expand and Intensify the Action of the S W O R D O F
build, otherwise it is a fluctuating foundation which knows
no landing spot. B L U E F L A M E , the S P IN N IN G V IO L E T C O N S U M ­
IN G F L A M E and a T O R N A D O O F B L U E L IG H T ­
SAI NT ( . E H M A I N N IN G from the Great Central Sun, and blast in, thru
Here is a point. I think I should try to help you clear and and around .................................... once an hour; and A n ­
understand. I'lie entire element of the accumulation of dis- nihilate (3 ) all that is not of the Light in one M ighty
cord of mankind stands in its men octave — in its stratum.
II hen you heroine inharmonious and you puncture into that, Stroke N O W ; cause, effect, record and memory from
it initiinill\ iiislies thru. It docs not see, it does not discrimin­ the Universe, today and forever!
ate. hut it n nnls to find e\pression ; and since it is mankind’s Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
own Life its energy anil for the sake of expression we etc.
call it a liliml l our , because it practically is. If you open a N O T E : FO R T H E A B O V E D E C R E E S U S E — O U R ­
funnel for that to pom out. the whole thing within that stra­
tum is going to want to pour out; and many times, only when S E L V E S , A N Y P E R S O N , P L A C E , C O N D IT IO N O R
the one who has opened himself or herself to it, is taken out T H IN G ; A L L U N D E R T H IS R A D I A T IO N ; A L L
of physical embodiment does that thing shut off. M A N K IN D ; A L L H O M E S ; S C H O O L S ; S A I N T
G E R M A IN P R E S S , F O U N D A T IO N , T H E V O IC E
O F T H E “ I A M ,” S A I N T G E R M A IN C O U N C IL ;
lb P roperty o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc. Property of Sain t Germain I’ress. Ine 27
A L L “ I A M ” R E A D IN G R O O M S , S A N C T U A R IE S , tivities and viciousness in, around, driven at, acting thru
S T U D Y G R O U P S , C L A S S E S , E T C .; A L L L E G A L or connected with ........................... in one M ighty Stroke
A C T I O N A N D IN T E N D E D L E G A L A C T IO N N O W ; cause, effect, record and memory from the U ni­
A G A I N S T U S O R T H IS L IG H T O R T H O S E U N ­ verse; today and forever! ( l )
T IV IT IE S . S U N S ! ( 3 ) ; today and forever!
* * * * O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * *
Establish the S W O R D O F B L U E F L A M E , the
S P IN N IN G V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E and a 6
T O R N A D O O F B L U E L IG H T N IN G from the G reat M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” H IG H E R M E N ­
Central Sun, in all M usic and Decrees that have ever been T A L BO DY A N D G R E A T H O ST OF A SC EN D ED
sent out under T his Radiation; expand and intensify M A STER S!
them once an hour, and Annihilate (3 ) all destructive Spread Y our M ighty Radiance to go before me this
forces and conditions in Am erica in one M ighty Stroke day, and silence all human discord! I positively refuse
N O W ; cause, effect, record and memory from the U ni­ to physically enter into discord of any kind! Blaze forth
verse; today and forever! Your Dissolving Power of Light in, thru and around me
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) and charge It with Your Invincible Power of Protection,
etc. to dissolve and repel all destructive forces wherever I
* * * * move. See I am conscious O N L Y of the Light within
4 individuals, instead of human qualities!
* * * *
Surround ................................ within the A S C E N D E D 7
M A S T E R S ’ C IR C L E O F B L U E F L A M E , holding “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” A N D G R E A T
within II all their viciousncss; and E X P L O D E it thru H O ST OF A SC EN D ED M A ST E R S!
their bruin.* and bodies N O W ; cause, effect, record and Compel me to have Y our Full Feeling and Conviction
memory from the Universe; today and forever! ( l ) that to T his Light I call forth, there is no resistance or
BY T l l l i C O S M IC L IG H T O F A T H O U S A N D interference; but It goes into action and that is the end
SU N S! ( today and forever! of all discord!
* * * *
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. 8
+ + * * “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” A N D G R E A T
T H E SW O R D OF BLUE FLA M E FRO M T H E C E N ­ Charge Y our M ighty Light Rays to go before me every
T R A L SU N ! (?) hour this day! Cleanse, harmonize, perfect and take full
K IL L all political intrigue, treachery, plans, traps, ac- command of all my activities! See that no discordant
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, hie. 29
thing contacts me thru human beings! See I experience 12
O N L Y Divine Order, Divine Justice, Harm ony and Per­ “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! N o longer do I ac­
fection; and see I live in a Charmed W orld with Limit­ cept one single thing of the limitations or condtions of
less supply, wealth and money. A ll this day and forever this world! T ake command of my mind and body; com­
I am shod with “ W inged Sandals of Light” which carry pel my human into obedience and sustain it! Stand guard
me forth with limitless energy, protection and Perfection over it and see no longer does the human feel discord or
everywhere I walk, stand or move! inharmony!
* * * *

“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” B E L O V E D M A H A
Release into my being and world all the strength and
energy from the plant life of Nature!
B E L O V E D G O D T A B O R ! Draw into my being and GEMS OF LIGHT
world all the strength and energy of the M ountains! Seal SA IN T GERM AIN
me in a W all of Electronic Substance from N ature and In all Music
the M ountains, so concentrated that anybody coming In the Activity .under This Radiation, you forget the
into my atmosphere with discordant or destructive intent, technique and you let the Presence be the technique. In this,
will be S T IF F E N E D instantly where they stand! Keep it is the Power of the Presence acting and there is no exhaus­
tion; there is no confusion. It is often in the attempt to hold
this eternally sustained; ever-expanding and All-power- to the technique thru the outer training that caused you to be­
fully active wherever I move. I accept the fullness of come exhausted.
this, instantly manifest.
* * * * SA IN T GERM AIN
When your attention is upon the technique of the outer,
10 you are accepting the limitations of the outer; while with
“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! Keep me humble and your attention upon the Presence while you are singing, it
grateful; Illumined and Free! Harmonious, Victorious; gives It the Power to make It the technique; because the Pre­
all Muster like Thee! and Pure as the H eart of the G od­ sence is theTechnique in the outer m has to be!
dess of Purity, in nil I do; today and forever! SA IN T GERMAIN
* * * * Before you knew this, of course you had to have certain
11 technique, you could not go forward without it; but since you
“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! Still my feeling world know the Presence, who is the Power of all Technique, why
not let It act and become the Technique in action?
and reveal to me the l ull and Complete Ascended M aster
Discrimination! Compel me to instantly discern and SA IN T GERMAIN
know the motive in all I contact, who have destructive Life makes no m istakes! Life fits everything together,
and since there is the One Great Life and all individuals are
+ * + * Its Out-Pouring; then each one, many times when he or she
least suspects it, is really fulfilling that requirement.
30 Property o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc. P roperty o f Sain t Germain P re ss. Inc. 31
Beloved Ones— A s we go to the R oyal T eton New
Y ear’s Eve this year, the Power and V ictory of the Light
will flood forth to the Earth at our call, and all required
to give Am erica the assistance for which our hearts call.
T he amount of Cosmic Light which we call into the
physical octave is dependent upon the expansion of Light
through our hearts; so let us pour the devotion required,
to the G reat Ones at the R oyal T eton, in our call for help
to the humanity of Earth, which will enable Saint G er­
main, Jesus, D addy, Cyclopea, M ighty V ictory, O ur Be­
loved Lanto and all others assisting from There, to re­
lease whatever is required to fill Am erica’s Crystal Cup
with the Light that must redeem the world.
Let us I A M Students feel the obligation of holding
such indestructable Harmony that the greatest amount
of Cosmic Light may flood Am erica everywhere, and hold
our people protected until the G reat Ones give the One
M ighty Stroke. Am erica’s Protection is our Responsi­
bility. A ll the Harm ony we hold is just so much Cosmic
Light, which Saint Germain and the G reat Ones can use
for H er Protection.
Let us not give one ounce of energy to anything less
than the Perfection of the Light, for Am erica is ours.
S H E S H A L L BE F R E E . S H E S H A L L BE V I C T O R ­
IO U S . A nd H er Light shall blaze with whatever in­
tensity is needed to protect America and release humanity
from the claws of destruction forever.
W e enfold you in V ictory’s Full Momentum of blazing
Victory, of Invincible Protection and overwhelming sup­
ply of every good thing for the entire New and Perfect
Year. W e Bless all from the Royal T eton and all who
carry the Light, to lead mankind into the Ascended
M asters’ Octave forever. W e thank you, we love you,
we bless you. Forever in the Service of the Light. G O D FR E O U R LO V E D O N E , A SC E N D E D •
G O D F R E R A Y K IN G Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
32 D O N A L D R A Y K IN G
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
TIO NS AND IN STRU CTIO N S GIVEN TO Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscription
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights to the “ Voice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January 1
with all rights reserved, including foreign trans­ and end with January 1, 1944. Allowance will be made
lations. for the tw o months of the unexpired 1942 subscription.

This means, we will not allow this instruction T he yearly subscription price for the year 1943 will
therefore be $2.92 in Am erica and $3.33 in foreign lands.
and Information to be deleted, distorted, adulter­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and W e appreciate your co-operation with the “ Voice of the
we shall protect them fully. ‘I A M ’ ” in the past, and now that it is under the control
and direction of the S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc.,
We are determined that this GIFT OF LIGHT, we will appreciate all checks and drafts being made pay­
T R U T H AND FREEDOM from the Ascended able to the S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc. and delivery
Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED will be made as promptly as possible from there. Please
do not send P .O .M .O .’s.
FOREVER— that mankind may receive its Eter­ W ith our deepest gratitude and appreciation for your
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. loving co-operation and interest in the “ V oice of the
‘I A M ’ ” we remain
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
to maintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT Sincerely in the Light,
T H E S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc.,
SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, INC., (W estern Branch) S A N T A FE, N . M E X .

34 P roperty o f Sain t Germain P ress, Inc. P roperty o f Sain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. 35
• THE • • THE •
C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E E x ce p t— "S o n g of the V iolet F lam e” w hich con tain s fo u r ( 4 ) color p late s and
sells fo r $ 1 .25. P ostp aid , $ 1.40
A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed color c h art, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and contem plation. T h e fo u r color p late s in the "S o n g o f the V iolet F lam e” m ay also be p u rch ased
Size 5 '/2 x 8 '/2 . P rice 2 5c, P ostp aid 3 0c sin gly (w ith o u t m u sic.) P rice each $ .5 0 , P ostpaid , $.60
Size 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 1.00, P ostp aid $1.20
On H eav y Linen, Size 3 0 x 52. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P rep aid "C R Y S T A L C U P S”
Sm all size— fo r in d iv id u al use— each ....................... ...................................... ....... i„ .$ 7 .0 0
C H A R T S A N D F L A M E S IN A C T IO N P a ck in g an d shipping ch arg es, .60
L a r g e size--- fo r R ead in g Room s, San ctu a rie s, an d fa m ily use. In d iv id u als m ay
A bove C h a rts m echan ically an im ate d ................... ....... (S iz e 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 6 0.00
have these i f they so desire— e a c h ..................... ........................... .......................... ..$2 5,00
/S iz e 3 Ox 52. P rice $ 2 2 5 .0 0
P a ck in g an d shipping ch arg es, 1.2 5
j Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 5.00 T hese " C r y s ta l C u p s” are not sold th ru R ead in g Room s or G ro u p L ead ers. Each
Violet F lam e m echan ically an im ate d ..............................i ____ ___ " C u p ” is blessed person ally by M rs. G . W . B a lla r d an d is then shipped d ire ct to
7 (S iz e 30 x 52. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0
each in d iv id u al. N o d isco un ts a re allow ed .
Shipping ch arg es e x tra

P I C T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R , S A I N T G E R M A IN Sm all B ook lets co ntaining D ecrees com piled on d ifferen t su b jects fo r in d iv id u al
or S tu d y G ro u p use. M arvelou s resu lts a r e being m ade m an ifest in b u ild in g a
H an d colored steel engra'Vings o f etchings by C h arles Sindelar. m om entum th ru co n stan t u se of these B ook lets:
Size 12 x 16. P rice each $ 2 .0 0 } P ostp aid $ 2 .2 5
1. O P U L E N C E A N D SU P P LY
A c tu a l p h otograph ic rep rod u ction in G oldtone. 3. " I A M ” A M E R IC A ’S FREED O M
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostp aid $2.85 4. " I A M ” L IG H T D E C R E E S
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.50, P o stp aid $ 4.00 (P rice each 3 0c, plu s p ostage— ex cep t N o . 1— O pulence and Su pp ly . Present
Size 15 x 1 9 /2 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p ress collect stock on hand w ill be sold fo r 2 0 c each, p lu s p o sta g e .)
Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $2 5.00, E x p ress collect 5. P U R P O SE O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST E R S " I A M ” A C T IV IT IE S
(S m all booklet g ivin g short resum e o f the A scended M asters* " I AM” A c tiv ity .)
Profile Size 15 x 19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p ress collect
P ric e each— 15c, p lu s p ostage
6. O U R M E SS E N G E R ’S " I AM ” SP E A K S
P rice, 30c, p lu s p ostage
L O T U S MY LO VE A n O rig in ally designed R ecord P la y b a ck w ith p o rta b le case, su ita b le fo r " I A M ”
S tu d y G rou p s or in d iv id u al use. P lay s eith er 3 3 l / 3 RPM R ecord s or re g u la r
OH W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E SS O F P U R IT Y phonograph records. P u b lic A d d ress System an d oth er equipm en t can be f u r ­
R A IN B O W RA Y S M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y nished. F u ll d e ta ils fu rn ish ed upon requ est, in clu d in g price.
SO N O F L IG H T 3 3 l / 3 RPM B lu e T ra n sp a re n t R ecords, co ntaining a 30 m in u te ta lk on the Law
o f L ife an d Its A p p lication released w eek ly to " I AM ” S tu d e n ts an d ow ners of
C A L L T O L IG H T G O D F R E O U R LO V ED O N E A S C E N D E D P lay b ack s. F u ll p a r tic u la r s fu rn ish ed upon requ est.
S I L E N T S E N T IN E L " I AM” H E R E
" I A M ” COM E " T H E V O IC E O F T H E <1 A M ’ ”
M onthly M agazin e contain in g a rticle s ex p lain in g the L a w o f L ife ; also D is­
A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and Ly rics by G o d fre R ay K in g and L o tu s R ay K in g. courses by the A scended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack n u m bers
T h ese songs a re especially ch arged w ith p o w erfu l healing a c tiv ity . B e a u tifu lly av ailab le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 1936. Y e a rly su bscription s begin w ith M arch,
lith o grap h ed covers in colors, especially designed fo r each piece o f m usic. 1942. P rice sin gle copy 3 5c, Y e a rly Su b scrip tion $ 3 .5 0 ; Foreign co u n tries $ 4.00.
P rice each $ 1 . 0 0 ............. ....... ......... ............................. ........ P ostp aid $ 1 .1 5
P r o p e r t y o f S a i n t G e r m a in P r e s s , In c .

P r o p e r t y o f S a i n t G e r m a in P r r * i , In c .
• THE •
U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S , V olum e I B y G o d fr e R a y K in g • SERIES •
C on tain in g the first g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
P rice $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $2.7 5
T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E , V olum e II B y G o d fr e R a y K in g MUSICAL PLAYBACK RECORDS
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00 ( 1 6 " R ecord fo r P la y b a c k only)

V olum e III B y the A scen d ed M aste r S ain t G erm ain
L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
an d O th er A scen ded M asters 1— G oddess o f P u r ity - ( In str u m e n ta l)F red eric k Landwehr^
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex plain in g the Ascended M asters’ ap p lic a­ Shrine O rgan
tion o f the " I AM ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ ).0 0, Blessed L e t o ___________________ Song Shrine A udience
T H E " I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D E C R E E S , I \ L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
( N o. 66— " I A M ” C om e____ (In stru m e n ta l) ] „ , . , , , . .
x I F red eric k L an d w eh r, Sh rine O rg an
V olum e V — P a r ts 1 an d 2 B y C h an e ra
A selection of p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees o f the "M ig h ty N o te : T h is M usical P lay b a ck N o. 65 contains tw o selections on one side and one on
I AM Presence.** P rice $ 1 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ 2.00 N o. 66, the opposite sid e; th erefore, N os. 65 and 66 is one d o u b le -face d record .
P rice M usical P la y b a c k R ecord $5.25 each Shipping ch arges e x tra
A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S ,
V olum e VI By V ario u s A scen ded M asters A ll R e c o r d s o b ta in a b le a t W e ster n B r a n c h o f th e S a in t G erm ain P r e ss ,In c .
C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d b efore h u n d reds o f stu d en ts, w ith three S a n ta F e , N e w M exico.
color plates. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ ).0 0
A S C E N D E D M A S T E R L IG H T ,
V olum e V II B y V a rio u s A scen ded M asters
an d C osm ic B eings
C ontaining tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d ic ta te d b e fo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith
th ree color p lates. P rice $ 5 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25
T H E " I A M ” D IS C O U R S E S ,
V olum e V III ______ ___ B y the G r e a t D iv in e D ire c to r
C on tain in g tw en ty-five D iscou rses d ictated by the G reat D ivine D irec to r, before
h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith tw o color p lates. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25
" I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S B y C h an e ra
V est P ocket Edition o f p o w erfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations.
P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostpaid $1.20
S P E C IA L " I A M ” D E C R E E S A N D B IN D E R S
LO O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­
m ain Series. F or Special " I A M ” Loose-leaf D ecrees and Songs. T h ese D ecrees
and Songs a r e p rin ted on fillers punched to fit Binder, w hich hold a b o u t 150
leaves (3 0 0 p a g e s). P rice Binder $ 1 .2 5 , P ostp aid $1.40
D ecrees and Songs l ' / j c p er le a f (2 p a g e s), postage e x tra PROPERTY OF SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
T R A N SL A T IO N S Printed and Published in the U. S. A. 1942
" U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S ’’— In T w o V olum es P rice $5.25
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olum es ....... ... P rice $7.75* 0 11 py 'ric fh i-$ a in i (jc rm a m ^ re ss Jho 1942
" T H E 'I A M ’ D ISC O U R SE S— In T w o V olum es ................ .......... . P rice $6.75
"A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olu m es________ P ric e $7.00
P o stag e e x tra
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
A IK T Q E R M A IN $ E R J E £

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