The Voice of The I Am 1943-SAIN GERMAIN

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B y the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers

Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, Donald

The "Voice of the I AM ” is the mouth-piece through which
the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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EEP! Deep! Deep! in God’s Heart,
(Repeat after each line)
“I AM” sealed each moment, each day!
“I AM” come all else cut away!
I know all the PRESENCE, “I AM”!
In the Unfed Flame I stand!
“I AM” God’s Mighty Peace so strong!
I hear all Life’s Great Cosmic Song!
“I AM” ALL God’s Great Cosmic Light!
“I AM” clothed in God’s Great Cosmic Might!
I see with God’s All-Seeing-Eye!
I see God’s Great Glory on High!
“I AM” filled with Joy all unknown!
I hold all my loved ones—my own!
I see all the beauty there is!
I know and have all that is His!
“I AM” ONE with Legions of Light!
“I AM” clothed with Their Armor Bright!
“I AM” NOW Eternally Free!
“I AM” Victory’s Great Victory!
“I AM” Love never known on earth!
I have ALL God’s Gifts—all Love’s Worth!
“I AM” Joy and Glory come thru!
“I AM” Justice and Mercy too!
“I AM” taught ALL I need to know!
On all I can God’s Gifts bestow!
I can see and feel everywhere!
Is My Home beyond all compare!
“I AM” ALL God’s Wisdom and Power!
I now live each moment, each hour!
I send Healing on Love’s Sw ift Wing!
Eternal Assistance I bring!
Among mankind, I walk and move!
God’s Miracles, God’s W ays, I prove!
“I AM” only concerned with LIGHT!
"I AM” raised to Victory’s Height!
Saint Germain’s Freedom I NOW hold!
Daddy’s Own Blessed Arms enfold! Chananda’s Cave of Light, we see!
Is Jesus, the Ascension too! Cha Ara enfolds you and me!
Belov’d Nada’s Heart’s Flame comes thru! Belov’d Eriel seals all in Light!
The Great Divine Director stands! Daphne’s Insistence IS God’s Might!
We hear Him speak the Great Commands! Arion’s Music thrills us thru!
Cosmos’ Two Secret Rays release! Fun W ay’s Joy lifts all of us too!
Lov’d Cuzco makes all discord cease! Amen Bey gives us all H is Power!
Mighty Ray-O-Light blasts all fear! Mr. Gaylord blesses us each hour!
Lov’d K Seventeen enters Here! Beloved Najah helps all too!
God and Goddess of Harmony dwell! Electra Dear protects all we do!
Is Lov’d Victory and His Blest Twelve! The Lady from England gives all Her Light!
Mighty Archangel Michael stands! Blest Daniel Ray born reveals H is Might!
W e hold the Maha Chohan’s Hands! Belov’d Mrs. Rayborn joyously sings!
Belov’d Astrea assists all! Nada Rayborn’s lovely voice rings!
Glorious Hercules we call! Blest Rex serves America too!
Mighty Orion’s Love comes thru! Bob’s Mighty Presence comes thru!
Surya dwells in Flam es of Blue! Beloved Pearl’s Victory helps all!
Sanat Kumara’s Love enfolds! David Lloyd answers our Heart’s Call!
Lov’d Cydopea’s Eye beholds! Mr. Kelley pours forth all H is Love!
Mighty Arcturus’ Light descends! Beloved Rob all Miracles prove!
The Silent W atcher’s Power defends! Beloved Will stands always near!
Lord Maitreya's Love clothes all in Peace! Blessed Dick protects all we hold dear!
Rose of Light’s Love makes all else cease! Belov’d Louisa by us stands!
The Queen of Light stands blazing clear! Our Blessed Ada in Love commands!
Goddess of Liberty stands here! Our Darling Nada pours forth Her Power!
The Goddess of Light holds our hands! All Light and Love enfold each hour.
The Goddess of Peace, Peace! commands! The Cave of Symbols draws David here!
The Goddess of Purity loves! Beloved Faith keeps our way clear!
Only Her Substance of Light moves! Blessed Hope pours Light thru each one!
The Goddess of Justice helps all! Precious Charity draws Help from the Sun!
Lov’d Goddess of Mercy we call! The Fam ily from Tucson helps all!
The Goddess of Music now sings! Blest Mary’s Assistance we call!
The Choir Celestial She brings! Darling Meta’s Healing comes thru!
Angels ever sing in God’s Light! Lov’d Quan Yin’s Mercy clothes us too!
W e behold the God of Gold’s Might! Mighty Pelleur gives His Great Light!
The God of Jewels ALL Jewels grow! Belov’d Leonora reveals Her Might!
The Lov’d God of the Air we know! John the Belov’d holds forth His Hands!
The God of Nature moves and lives! Cardinal Bonzano Ascended stands!
Diana, Goddess of Fire gives! Angel Deva from the Jade Temple appears!
Lov’d Oromasis’ Fire comes thru! The Presence of the Golden Heart hears!
Saint Cecelia’s Love greets us too! (End of Part I)
Belov’d Lanto we see and love! —CHANERA
Leto’s Realm s we visit above!
SANAT KUMARA’S DISCOURSE A ctivity required for the earth today. You, beloved ones,
are not only calling for your own Freedom and that of
Los Angeles, Calif. — July 1, 1937 America, but you are rendering a service to the earth,
A IN T G E R M A IN which I have required for more than tw o million years.
Beloved Children of the Light, again it is M y It has always required the Assistance of the Cosmic Light,
Pleasure and very great privilege to introduce to to produce a Definite Perm anent A ctivity for the earth;
you, One who has not dictated before in This and necessarily it must come thru mankind, whose forms
Activity. are the projection of the M ighty Presence of God Indi­
W ill each one of you for a few moments, close your vidualized, whom you have come to know as your “M ighty
eyes and raise your attention w ith great earnestness, to I A M Presence” !
your own “ M ighty I A M Presence” which will enable You have gone thru much training in these G reat Laws,
the vibratory action of the room to be raised to the point and mistake it not when I say “training” ; for every one
W e require? (Silence) I thank you very much. thus far, draw n under the Radiation of Saint Germain, has
Is it not peculiar, beloved ones, how determined some had definite training in some embodiment in the past. T o­
people are? For instance, our good brother. H e even day, as you give more and more attention to your “ M ighty
solicited the assistance of the Messenger, and V ictory is I A M Presence,” there will be those all over the world who
his. I am speaking of this, dear ones, while in fun, yet quite will recall much of the past memory! I do not advise that
seriously; for it is an illustration to every one of you, w hat you give any special attention to it, but naturally, it will
a determined call to the Presence will do; and how the come about. T hat is the desirable way for every quality
Great Ones never once fail to respond, to that great earnest to manifest within your being. T h ru your attention to
sincere call. your Presence, allow It to open the way for everything to
It is M y G reat Pleasure to introduce to you, Sanat come forth in a natural manner.
Kumara. In all O ur A ctivity, and to the uninitiated, it seems
transcendent, yet there is no thing in the Universe that is
SANAT KUM ARA not practical. T hat is why O ur Beloved Saint Germain
A fter so many centuries, beloved Children of the Light, has brought to you this practical Understanding of the
it is wonderful to find so many ready and willing to put “ M ighty I A M Presence” and Its Application, which I as­
forth every effort from within their own consciousness and sure you is Invincible. N o student of the “I A M ,” should
feeling world, for their Freedom and A ttainm ent. ever again doubt or question his or her ability to call the
M ankind is at last awakening into its Eternal Domin­ “ M ighty I A M Presence” into action, to produce any
ion. You cannot yet comprehend w hat your efforts mean given result; for no one I trust would ask the Presence to
to yourselves, to mankind and to your beloved America! do anything that is not constructive.
W hy do you suppose the Understanding and Explanation Therefore, will you join M e tonight, while I am speak­
of the T hree Fold Flame, the U nfed Flame, has been ing to you, in accepting your Eternally Sustained Power
brought to your attention? Because of the Tremendous and Dominion, to call your M ighty Presence into action,
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
to produce quickly any constructive result? Perhaps it the A uthority to wield a Power that only a hundred years
is not necessary for M e to say constructive, because you ago, required years of training under an Ascended M aster.
have been taught that the Presence will not release ener­ Today, you have had more than two and a half years train­
gy for any destructive purpose. O nly as the individual ing under One of the Ascended M asters, who knows per­
has about him or her an accumulation of energy which haps more than any other Ascended M aster, the require­
he or she can qualify, can any one produce destructive ments of the children of earth! H e has, in His Infinite
qualities. W ill you please remember, that with people Patience, given forth This Understanding to those, who
who do produce destructive activities, it is only because care to accept the Glory of an Understanding that is the
they are using accumulated energy which has been drawn Eternal Freedom, of every one of mankind who will apply
about them, which they have the authority to qualify. It.
Knowing, as you do, that energy itself does not discrim­ I plead with you tonight, do not ever look for anything
inate, then you must know as you continue to call your greater! There is no such thing in the entire earth, that
Presence into action, the Love, W isdom and Power of your is greater than This Inform ation and Instruction which
Presence, will naturally cause to be qualified w ith Perfec­ Saint Germain has given you. Do not any one be foolish
tion, the energy which goes thru your form and out into enough, to expect to find It anywhere else.
your world, provided your feelings are maintained har­ If I were to stand you, tonight, before a Great Cosmic
monious. You must realize that, and there is no one who M irror and show you the difference in your physical
is any exception to the rule. Tonight, I take it for granted bodies today, than six months ago, you would never forget
and I insist, that the comprehension of every one in the it thru Eternity. I shall remind you, again tonight, that
room act w ith alertness and Full Power! the Greatest Powers in the Universe are invisible. Be­
You who have the Understanding of your “M ighty I cause you do not yet see the outer manifestation of the
A M Presence” and Its Application, are dauntless before the Fulness of the Perfection which you have been calling
face of men. You are not at the mercy of any condition forth, should be no reason in the world, for any one to
that exists upon earth, individually, thru conditions or in question Its M anifestation.
appearance. W ill you not remember that, and in every­ I assure you that there is not one person here, in A m er­
thing that shows an appearance less than Perfection, re­ ica or in the world, who is sincere and who actually feels
member that your call to the Presence is M aster of that that the Presence is above and that It feeds Life into that
condition, so far as your individual world is concerned? one, who cannot quickly free himself or herself.
This is your A uthority! If you will not use It, then you M ay I call your attention for a few moments to the con­
must not blame any one, but yourself, if you continue in ditions that have existed in your city here. N ow as Stu­
your limitations. Such conditions are not yours any dents of Light, you are not beginners. You are those who
longer! Even though you have been the creator of the have comprehension, who are determined and in earnest.
conditions of limitations which you experience, still do I Therefore, I speak to you as such; and when I say, that you
say to you tonight, you are no longer subject to them! cannot fail in one single thing in that call of your Presence
Think of it! You today in physical form, are having into action, if you seem to do so, it is only because you still
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allow your intellectual doubts and fears to act; or accept that this is no longer idle talk? You have entered into a
the suggestions of uninformed individuals. M ighty Light— the Extreme Light of the Universe! Don’t
I say to you tonight, and you have been magnificent in let your intellect any longer make you think of It in any
this, as I observe— most of you— in refusing to enter into wishy-washy manner.
discordant destructive qualities of thought and feeling: as These are Definite, M ighty Laws, even though these
long as you, any one of you, allows yourself to dwell in W ords in which They are clothed sound simple. I say
thought and feeling upon discordant things, or you allow to you, that the unfortunate creatures who have criticized
your attention to be held upon or to listen to discordant the simplicity of the language used, which is bringing this
things, just that long, you will remain in your limitations. Freedom to mankind, are pitiful to behold! W h at would
You are Beings of Light now, beloved ones! You are no be the object in O ur using language that mankind did not
longer children groping in the darkness of the lack of un­ understand? Ignorance is the only thing that clothes in
derstanding; but you are Children of the Light, alert to words, that which the average individual cannot compre­
every requirement, which means your Freedom! You hend. Great and wise ones always use simple language
shall remain alert, more and more alert, until you feel the which even a child may understand; and you will find one
Full Power of your Presence, coming forth into action at day, when you have freed yourselves from these human
any moment, like a Flash of Lightning. forms of limitation, that in those Great Octaves of Light,
D on’t accept the human sense requirements of time any even more simple than today, is the expression used.
longer in your Life. Suppose, you do find a necessity of W hen all vanity and intellectual pride have disappeared,
time, yet as long as you accept it in your intellect and feel­ T H E N W ILL M A N K IN D BECOM E T H E M A ST E R
ing, still will you continue in the hum an sense limitations O F T H E IR W O R L D A G A IN . Do you not observe the
of time; but if you will say— even though the appearance Messenger, beloved Ones? I am sure you will pardon Me,
is still there, if you will assert and feel in your feeling: that for using this illustration. Look at the Messenger before
no longer am I subject to the human sense of time; then, you! The greater the Understanding, the more humble
you will allow your Presence to set aside fully time and and simple he becomes, the more natural, and there isn’t
space for you; so far as the A ctivity of your Presence is any condition now that can make him unnatural. T h at
concerned in your Life. is why, beloved ones, these tremendous things can be done,
Remember, you are— you have become the decreer of because of his great humbleness; and so it is w ith every
your world! Remember, you have taken the A uthority, Student of the “I A M ” thruout America and the world.
the rest remains w ith you! All Power is here! All A u­ U ntil the students can really feel humbleness w ithin their
thority is here! You have the Full A uthority to call this feeling world, they will still find things to overcome; but
A uthority into action here, in the world of mankind. w ith sincere humbleness, it allows the Power of the Pres­
Think w hat the Great Himalaya said to you the other ence to flow thru more quickly, w ith G reater Dissolving
night— w hat H e would give to have such a G roup of peo­ A ctivity, removing all imperfections.
ple as this in India. In one year, H e would transform half You have been taught to use the Violet Consuming
her people. T hink of it! Beloved ones, will you not feel Flame. T he other part of that A ctivity, of which so far,
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W e have not perm itted much to be said, is in the call of has been giving you for several months, will you not ap­
this M ighty Energy from the Presence, expanding the preciate it? I know you w ant to, but intensify it in this
Light w ithin every cell of your bodies. D O Y O U Q U IT E W ay— BY Y O U R FEELING. D on’t just think of it with
R EA LIZE T H E IM M E N SIT Y O F T H A T A U T H O R ­ your intellect, but feel that M ighty Activity; and after
IT Y A N D A C T IV IT Y W H IC H IS Y O U R S? IF Y O U tonight, you will feel It unquestionably. You will feel
B U T R EA LIZED IT , BELOVED O N ES, IN A FEW that Light expand, within every cell of your body at your
M IG H T Y CALLS T O Y O U R PRESEN CE, A FT E R call to the Presence, and make no mistake about it. You
H A V IN G U S E D T H E V IO L E T C O N SU M IN G are no longer held in any bondage of your own creations!
FLAM E FO R SOM E W EEKS O R M O N T H S, Y O U Do not forget that; and knowing that you know the Power
C O U LD SW EEP O U T ALL IM PE R FE C T IO N . T hru of your Presence is all A uthority, and the Law of Life com­
the Expansion of the Light within every cell of your body pels the release at your call to flow forth; then, according
— called forth from the Presence, you could dissolve every to your power of qualification, you can draw It forth w ith­
vestige of imperfection, which still remains within your out limit.
human structure. It is only because you doubt— in the M ay I remind you tonight, of two things? You, from
feelings, that you do not have the greater results! the intellect, can hold your attention upon a given objec­
N ow , no one is criticising you for that; but I am ex­ tive; but you don’t always govern your power of qualifica­
plaining tonight, the reason for these things; and then, tion! N ow then, ask the Presence to take complete com­
I shall proceed to govern, or help you to govern, the A c­ mand of your vizualization, your attention and your power
tivity which sets you free, from every unknown remain­ of qualification; and C O M PEL them all to act, according
ing quality that exists in your feeling world. to the Perfection which the Presence is. Stop forever,
T he Messengers have told you repeatedly, to call the any qualification by the human feeling w ithin you, to
Presence into action, to take out of your feeling world, longer act within your world. Then, you will definitely
anything that might be there obstructing the way. Now, enter into the Fulness of that Power for which you are
tonight and while I am speaking, I shall set this into action •calling.
for every one of you, and for all those thruout America Do you w ant to be free? O f course you do— every one
and the world, for to M e there is no time nor space, as you of you! Then, I say to you: Stop all discordant conversa­
know. tion! Stop all activity of discordant feeling w ithin you;
M ay I ask you in your future work, to give just a little and then see how quickly your call to the Presence will
more attention to calling forth the energy from the Pres­ produce results. Do not allow your human intellect longer
ence and FEEL It expand the Light within every cell of to assert itself, because of the appearance world.
your body; so it just dissolves every imperfection which I say to you tonight, if you will allow U s to assist you,
is there? These are M ighty Activities, and, as the human the V ictory of your Freedom shall be swift! W e cannot
element gets out of the way, you will find, shall I say, stu­ compel yOu to do certain things— the Law of your Life does
pendous results! I mean this— every word of it. not permit it; but W e offer Suggestions and many times, if
In this Amazing Assistance which the Divine Director you will read between the lines, you will in your feeling
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understand more fully some things, which W e may not ditions to be dissolved. Your authority is alone for your
put in plain words to you! world! Feel that definitely! Then, as your Light ex­
Remember, W e have offered Unlimited Assistance to pands, you will be of of Inestimable Assistance to every
every sincere student in America and the world! Does one who touches the hem of your garm ent— your world!
that mean m uch to you? If you but K N O W It, It means So tonight, I leave w ith you M y Blessings, M y Love,
your Certain Victory! Don’t accept any longer anything and I clothe you in M y M antle of Light; that It be sus­
from the appearance world; and then, as you call your Pres­ tained, until your full V ictory and Freedom from limita­
ence into action, you will find Its Dominion taking com­ tions is complete; your Ascension is attained and you enter
mand and your struggles will cease! M ankind never was into that Octave where the Power of the Light Is Eter­
intended to struggle! Only because they have so forgotten nal and Supreme.
the Source of all Power, that in the endeavor to do things I thank you.
from the hum an or outer standpoint, their struggle has * * * *
grown greater, until today, the great majority of mankind
know not which way to turn.
You have had the privilege of This Understanding—
This M ighty Application! Should you ever fear any­
thing again? I cannot imagine it! You, who have become GEM S O F LIG H T
aware of your “M ighty I A M Presence,” and then to think
any condition in the outer world has longer any power S A IN T G E R M A IN
to disturb or limit you! Say: Be thou gone, O h appear­ I am sure there is not one of you who when you have accom ­
ance world! Y our Power is gone! M y Pow er is here w ith plished, som ething, have not felt a rejoicin g that can com e
my “ M ighty I A M Presence” ; and Its A uthority is w ith­ alone from that. A fter so m any centuries of dom inion of the
out limit! Before that Presence, all the appearance world hum an self, your pow er of dom inion now conciously brought
into action in the call to your Presence, is the greatest h ap p i­
must dissolve and disappear. ness that can come to one in hum an form .
Ere so long, in the Out-pouring of this G reat Cosmic
Light, It is taking Its Dominion in the world of mankind! S A IN T G E R M A IN
So, if you choose to enter into the A ctivity of your N ever w eary of your application, because that is the Open
“M ighty I A M Presence,” you will work in co-operation Door-way to your D om inion and Freedom fo rev er!
w ith that G reat Cosmic Light, which is your Certain V ic­ S A IN T G E R M A IN
tory and Freedom! Remember, in your call to the Pres­ T here is not one single excuse fo r any hum an being feelin g
ence, for all others of mankind who do not yet understand, doubt tow ard T h is Work or the M essengers — not one single
you will produce M ighty Results for them also! excuse. T he books are sim ple, p lain an d substan tial. T he
I say to you, do not condemn! If an appearance is there, teachings are p lain, p ractical and su bstan tial and the M essen­
call the Presence into action to help that individual; and gers have never said one solitary thing to w hich any sane in ­
then, you are not building into your world, further con­ d iv id u al can take exception.

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LORD MAHA CHOHAN’S the records of them still remain; and all mankind will one
day have access to them and know all that has really been.
DISCOURSE T he research of the outer world cannot possibly determine
Shrine Class — January 8, 1939 all that has gone before; but the records kept thruout four
and a half million years, will show to mankind the Evi­
ELO V ED C H IL D R E N of the Light, since the dence and the T ru th of all that has gone before. Today
time has arrived when the earth needs Assistance is the beginning of the dissolving of all human concepts;
to respond to the Expanding Light in mankind; of all that has confused and misled mankind; and of the
tonight, W e begin the Great Spectacle, within failure to expand the Perfection of Life and all It contains
and on the surface of the earth. for them.
You have been calling for all destructive substance— all Therefore, in your remaining pilgrimage upon this
that injures or destroys mankind, to w ither and disappear earth, gain Self-control, because for some of you, it will
from the earth. Tonight that begins! W e are very grate­ be a comparatively short time, until you have your Eternal
ful to find the people today, ready to respond and even Freedom from the earth. You can be indeed most grateful
to make the call, for the release from that which at one and thankful to Life and to your Beloved Saint Germain!
time, seemed to be w ithin their desire world. Now , they H e has drawn your attention to these things! Then, H e
have come to know, it was rendering them helpless, before has prepared the way. H e has sought into the Inner Secrets
the face of all their fellow-men. and H eart Center of Life, to bring forth to you, this Im ­
I refer to the dope condition which has spread its measurable Assistance which is being given mankind today!
tentacles thruout the entire world! T H IS M U ST BE You have been somewhat concerned in your desire for
D ESTR O Y ED FR O M T H E E A R T H ! E V E R Y T H IN G all to quickly understand this Great T ruth! I say to you,
T H A T H A S A SIM ILA R EFFECT SH A LL W IT H E R be not distressed! W hen this Great W ave from within
A N D D ISA PPE A R FR O M T H E E A R T H ! T H E the H eart of mankind strikes, you will not find places large
PR ESEN T N A R C O T IC S W H IC H A R E U SED IN enough, to hold your audiences! I assure you the Light,
M ED IC A L A C T IV IT IE S W ILL BE REPLA CED BY beloved children of the earth, is taking Its Dominion upon
T H A T W H IC H DOES N O T B RIN G IN JU R Y T O this earth! M ankind cannot stop It, but they will bow in
M A N K IN D . obedience to It; and be only too happy to, when they see
M ankind needs Self-control! It needs the A uthority the Perfection, which It will bring forth to them!
of Life within the body, w ithin the human form! Today, T he people have not understood, how to give obedience
the Perfection of Life, M ust be draw n into the physical to Life or that It really was necessary. They have been
octave and regain the Dominion which It once held! It expecting Life to do for them, w hat It could not do w ithout
must come forth right here in your America; for this is their obedience! Therefore, I say to you, that in This U n­
the spot, where the pilgrimage of mankind upon earth derstanding of all who have come into This Light thus
began! far, will you be the Nucleus, the G reat Torch-light bring­
O f all the vast civilizations which have come and gone, ing to all mankind, that which is your Blessing today?
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You always understand in your outer world of activity, activities, be so firm and unyielding, that never once are
when things are ready at a certain point, it always goes you draw n into the net of that condition, which would
w ith m uch greater power and speed, and that of course make you incapable of knowing your own mind!
is because of momentum gained; but This Light is taking One other thing, you will be very grateful for and it is,
Its Dominion upon this earth; and will go forth w ith tre­ that the power of destructive mental influence, begins the
mendously greater speed from the beginning of this year— loss of its control tonight! (applause) H ypnotic influence
from this class! Therefore, you can w atch Its Progress, will become unknown upon this earth! (applause) W hen
if you like; but rather w atch the Source of your own Life, mankind are entirely released from this influence, they will
th at you may have Its Great Perfection, flowing forth into feel, as if they have awakened into a new world! T he great
your body and your world of action! mass of mankind is influenced so powerfully today, by men­
Since I am the Director of all the Currents of Energy tal power exerted— ofttimes by unscrupulous individuals.
to N ature, to all that gives you food; then, it is well, that Only were you in the place of the Messengers, would you
you have called to Me to remove that substance which know to how great a degree this has come about.
is injurious to mankind. T he ingenuity of mankind in the T h at is w hy the influence, the mental power of man­
flesh, which has drawn forth some of the Secrets of Life, kind over each other, must cease; and as mankind then
which have become so destructive to mankind, shall also understand the giving of their attention to the “I A M ”
be forgotten! Presence of Life; and receive and give Its Gifts, will It
All intoxicating liquors shall vanish from the earth, bring about such Happiness and Perfection, as the earth
(applause) and it is well; for the poison of the serpent is has not known in more than two million years.
not so dangerous! The serpent would take you out of Since W e are the Directors, the A uthority for these
your physical body, but that which enters into your feel­ Great Currents of Life, W e have found that mankind in­
ing world, thru the constant use of tobacco and intoxicants sists on going on, and on, utilizing destructive forces, antil
of all description, makes a record that holds mankind bound the G reat Central Focus of Power to this System of worlds,
for life-time after life-time. They have not understood has demanded this change be made! Therefore, from time
this; but since they are beginning to understand, then they to time, steps will be taken, to prevent mankind acting de­
will leave it entirely alone. structively upon each other; and I consider it one of the
I say to you business men of America, the frightful be­ Greatest Blessings taken upon this earth; to restore the
lief that mankind must use intoxicants to become sociable earth to Its Pristine Purity and Perfection, which it once
in your business world, is a travesty on Life! In your busi­ knew.
ness dealings, you need all of your faculties clear and not You who are gathered here tonight, could you believe
confused! Because a man is weak enough to allow himself that once the earth bore forth such Perfection; such pro­
to become intoxicated, he becomes a prey to those who fusion of abundance of every kind of sustenance for man­
w ant to influence him. T hen is he unfortunate indeed, and kind, that they made no effort to cultivate nature; because
thousands of fortunes have been lost because of just that. Its Lavish Gifts were there— placed there by whom? By
You as Students of the Light who understand all these Myself, (applause) Since the discord grew so great in man­
18 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
kind— anger, hatred and all those qualities— their destruc­ think are inevitable in certain parts of the earth, are gov­
tion became so powerful, it imposed itself upon M y Crea­ erned by destructive forces! T hat destructive activity too,
tion, which I had given for the Blessing of mankind! Then, will vanish from the earth, as all black magicians have been
I made much less effort to sustain and supply them; know­ removed.
ing that mankind must have the experience which would It is difficult for you to understand how, that thru the
one day redeem them into the Light! T hat has been a long centuries of mankind’s discordant creation, forces have
time coming; but It has arrived and will lift the people out taken that up, charged and held it in action, to loose it upon
of their limitations and distress; as if being lifted by Magi­ mankind. I say to you, who have read the book “Sbe,”
cal Power, yet It will be the N atural A ction of Life! remember how she called forth the elements at her bidding!
I wish you, as a body of students, tonight, to understand T hat is not imagination! T hat actually took place upon
and realize all-powerfully, the Privilege that is yours! Since this earth! For you will understand, when people have re­
you have lived so long, in the limitations of Life and are tained their bodies for thousands of years, they gain tre­
coming to the point where the labor for the sustenance of mendous Power and W isdom.
Life has become so great— not necessarily so, because it W hen you are dealing with the Forces of the Elements,
has been compelled by mankind themselves; then you are remember those individuals have not thought and felt as
fortunate in being here, at a time when the Great Central you do today; for they knew, that there was no such thing
Focus of Light, W isdom and Power has said to the earth: as death; therefore, in taking command of and in govern­
this change must take place! ing the people, they thought nothing of disposing of the
W e, as the Directors of those M ighty Currents of Ener­ bodies; because they knew there was no death! T hat too
gy, in obedience to that G reat Central Power of which W e had to be corrected; and not for many many centuries has
are the Representatives, find a Great Joy, in being able to anything of that kind taken place; but these are all activi­
release mankind from the conditions of their own creation! ties, which mankind have drawn about themselves.
M any of you will be here to see it; for there will also come Now, do you wonder that I say, you are most fortunate
a general semi-tropical climate. W hen enough of man­ in coming into This Understanding of Life, which has
kind’s discord is released from the earth, the earth will take taught you how to manipulate Energy, Force and Light
on the Substance which I bring to replace the discord. Rays, in a wholly Constructive Activity? Some of you
A fter mankind have destructively charged the substance do not quite realize it, but you are at the point, where you
of N ature, that discord must be consumed; then the earth can utilize these Activities of Life in a magnificent man­
will blossom forth! T here will be no such thing as a waste ner! You can assert yourselves, beloved children of the
of the Sustenance of Life, which N ature, as you call It, earth; and utilize these Constructive Powers of Life, of
has brought forth to bless you. Yet w hat you call N ature Light, of Energy! They are at your command and you
is Myself! (applause) need not be subject to any kind of destructive force in the
I am trying earnestly to have you understand, that there Understanding of Life!
is no blind force acting anywhere in the Universe! All is Life is the Governor of the Universe. Life is every­
under a M ighty Direction. Even the storms which you where! You are Its Individualized Focus! Again I say,
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
how fortunate you are in having before you the T ru th of Germain, having been the One, under whose Ray and
your Reality, your connection w ith the Alm ighty Focus Power of Action, the earth comes at this time, has been
of Life, which makes you M aster of yourself and your your Greatest Benefactor (applause) in more than two
world, if you only believe it and set it into action. Then million years!
I say to you, are you not fortunate? I trust that none of Therefore, I know you are grateful! Be more grateful,
you, will ever fail to remind yourselves once each day, how as time goes on; for as the G reat Light within you expands;
fortunate you are! and you become the governor of yourselves and many other
Your ability to call forth the Powers of Life, is already conditions, then will you see, w hat This Light means to
sufficient to set you Eternally Free! I would suggest, that you.
you take a thorough inventory of yourselves now; for you In all this great preparatory work, the great patience of
are going to be called upon by many people, to explain this the Messengers, being willing to serve so sincerely, it is
Great T ruth of Life; and you will need to know It correctly! very very wonderful, even to M e, to see your gratitude,
I say to you, you cannot spend any time so valuably in your very great Love; and may I say your very sincere
your pilgrimage, as to use every hour you can to study Love that pours out to them. It is well! (applause) Since
those books; and make yourselves familiar w ith this A l­ W e have loved you and all mankind sufficiently, to prepare
mighty Law of Life! T he Explanation is clear, It is simple, N ature that she supply you abundantly; then they too
It is accurate! If you will do this, you will find yourselves have loved you enough, to bring the Great Law of Life to
in a position to render a service to your fellow-men, that your attention, that you might study and apply It.
you will one day see, has been your very great opportunity! Lose no opportunity! W aste no hour in idle talk, when
W e are soon entering into this Great W ave of Light you might study and familiarize yourselves with This Law
which will pass over mankind; and you will not be able to and Power of Light— a part of yourselves; a part of you
supply these books fast enough, for they are called forth in action; that you may have the Glory of It and be the
by Life— not because it happens to be the experience of limitless beneficiary of all It brings to you! Therefore,
the Messenger; but because Life has made him the observer, realize how great is your privilege.
and brought This T ru th forth for your Great Enlighten­ N ow as you begin this Permanent Definite A ctivity, and
ment— for your Great Freedom! have in this class; then no longer think of your application
I say to you, prepare yourselves, for should these classes — the Understanding of Life, as just for your individual
be closed to all but the students who are prepared; you will Perfection; but think of It, as a Blessing which you can
find yourselves entering into a wholly new world! Then, pour forth to N ature; to all Life and to your fellow-man,
you must be ready to give this Assistance to others less and to your America; for a nation is the mind of its people.
fortunate than yourselves. Do you wonder that your nation while far more wonder­
T ry to understand that this is an A ctivity of Life, which ful than the rest of the earth, do you wonder why chaos
is surging forth by the Power of Light. It is the Activity reigns in your nation today? Because of men’s minds. They
of Life, surging forth to bring Its Almighty Blessing to man­ are currents of energy being destructively charged! They
kind. It is not a m atter of the Messengers, but your Saint believe, that they can seize and prey upon each other, and
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
a few prey upon all of you! I say that shall stop! No ALL D ISC O R D W ILL V A N IS H FR O M Y O U R
longer may mankind prey upon each other; (applause) or W ORLD.
prey upon N ature and grow that for the destruction of As the Great Divine D irector told you this afternoon,
mankind! (applause) if you will draw that Power of Light down and project it
N ature is prepared, perhaps I should say, is being pre­ out into your world, even as a Radiance, still will there be
pared, to render you a M ighty Service from within the no destructive force have power to affect you; because that
surface of the earth, and from its outer surface. The Pow­ Light knows no opposite! O h, how W e want you to un­
ers of the various elements are being called into action; and derstand that, then you will have the confidence in your
you will see such changes, as would seem incredible to you application that is essential! A fter awhile, you won’t re­
today. W e call your attention to it from time to time, that quire It, because you will have the confidence by actual
you may see the Fulfillment. experience in the application; but just now, keep yourselves
This is in no wise any sense of prophecy, not at all; but reminded in the projection of the Light Rays, which is the
just that you may see the A ctivity, as step by step you Power of Action in the Presence of Life; then, you at once,
move forward, in the application and the understanding step into the confidence of your application, that makes
of Life; all of which is Perfectly N atural, your own self! you Invincible at once. W hy wait!
It is a vastly different thing in thinking of some great mys­ In pouring forth this Radiance and calling your atten­
terious action that is outside of yourself; and all that W e tion to the changes which must take place, tonight, re­
shall do, all that you shall do, or anyone do for you, will all member you are a part of It; because you have been calling
be the One Alm ighty Action of Life, which is your Life. It forth! Now, I have just told you, that I am the Director
All human sense of mystery, concerning Life will dis­ of these Currents of Energy, to change vegetation and con­
appear; and mankind will know Life for just w hat It is; ditions upon the face of the earth, then why not you?
and know how to call forth Its Perfection and know how I say to you, on your lawns or your garden spots, on
to wield the M ighty Light Rays. your trees, try it out and see how much you can do! Bless
As you observe here (pointing to the C hart) my dear your gardens! Bless your trees and see how much more
children of earth, how can you fail to comprehend Your beautiful, they will become. Then, you will correct and
O w n Reality when you see the A ctivity thru this A ni­ annul the discord of mankind which has registered in
mated Chart? H ow can you fail to grasp It, and immed­ nature.
iately set It into action to produce Perfection for you? Look at all the lavish abundance I have produced in
Those Light Rays, which belong to you, are a part of you; your great forests, yet mankind in its thoughtlessness has
and This Light which is about your heart, which you have burned thousands and thousands of acres of that, which
the right and privilege to call into action to perform any has taken N ature many years to produce! Look at your
service; W H E N Y O U K N O W T H E R E IS N O O P­ beautiful mountains, many of them burned today, requir­
PO SIT IO N T O T H IS LIG H T, N O R ESISTA N CE, ing years under the old activity to again reproduce them.
W H Y D O N ’T Y O U USE IT W IT H EA R N E ST T hat is mankind’s destructive impulse.
D E T E R M IN A T IO N , A N D SEE H O W Q U ICK LY W hat do you think happens, when the lightning strikes
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
and sets on fire your forests? T hat is no part of M y A c­ quickly will all hum an desires be raised into the desire of
tivity of N ature; but it is the drawing of destructive forces Life, which your Great Presence of Life, thru your H igher
by destructive individuals, to produce that result. Those M ental Body, sets into action at your point in the U ni­
are the conditions in which you are living, children of verse. T hat is Perfect Co-operation w ith Life.
earth; and within your hands today, is the Scepter of Power Surely, the Radiance in this room tonight, means that
to correct it all. W ill you remember that, and will you every one of you is ready to give that obedience to Life!
do your utm ost in your call to Life, individually and col­ O h, you are hardly expected to change wholly over night,
lectively to continue this M ighty Service, your assistance but w ith your sincere desire for Perfection, the Presence
to America? Then, as this is brought into control, bless of Life will assist you, to quickly come into a wholly con­
and bless all that I have provided for you; that you may structive feeling, in your feeling world which will allow
have abundance of every good thing, and no one have a the Powers of Life to flow forth untouched by hum an
single desire to waste anything! qualification. Then, will you have entered into your world
I have provided lavish abundance for all the sustenance of Perfection and know a Joy, a Happiness unknown, un­
of mankind; and yet a few of mankind claim control of it, til you do this. Then, will you feel the Blessing which
and leave their brothers and sisters to starve for the lack you are to N ature, to mankind and to Life!
of the exchange to buy it; when it never belonged to any Think w hat a joy to change from a destructive activity
of them. Let us understand Life and in your call to Life, of imposing upon Life greater and greater disturbance; to
Life will become your A lm ighty Counsel of Defense; then, pouring upon Life, your Blessing and Perfection, that It
you will know your Dominion! Then, you will know may render Its Blessings to all, and bring forth Its Perfec­
that in your attention to Life, is the Fulness of all— every­ tion in the life and activity of all mankind.
thing you require. Remember, in your call to Life, in your call to Us, you
Too long, too long have mankind preyed upon each are only calling to the more advanced Part of yourself; for
other, and after hundreds of thousands of years, do you there is the One Great Life and you are a part of It. W e
not think, that I am grateful to the G reat Central Focus of are the advanced Part of It. Therefore, W e are in a posi­
Energy and Power to this System, has made it possible for tion to assist you, in raising into the Perfection which W e
M e who wield these Powers and Currents of Energy, to are! It is a perfectly natural process. T ry to feel It deep,
give this Assistance to release mankind? deep! T ry to enter into It w ith more and more determina­
T ry to realize as never before your privilege, your op­ tion; more and more, activity, and have the Blessing, the
portunity, your Blessing which is here for you! Render Eternal A ctivity of the Perfection of Life, flowing forth
your service, beloved ones, w ith all the joy and full feeling into your world; to bring Its Happiness, Its Dominion, Its
of the A uthority which is yours in the call to Life; because Perfection and Its H ealth which is Eternal, in Its Great
if you are sincere, there can no wrong come, for in calling Alm ighty Perfection!
to your Presence, Love, W isdom and Power is the Intelli­ I thank you.
gence acting; and you could not make mistakes; but you
must be willing to give such harmonious obedience, that
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
In the accum ulation of the hum an within the L ife
Stream , that discord cannot get out of its octave here. Now
the H igh er M ental B od y is Perfect, and a ll that is above the
hum an octave is Perfect. T he H igh er M ental B ody of that
L ife Stream is not responsible fo r the things that the hum an
d o e s; unless the hum an is callin g to It for direction and did
not get it. T h at is hoiv L ife has so provided that a ll m ankind's
accum ulation waits fo r them here in the hum an octave, until
they return again into em bodim ent.

I say to you, that T his U nderstanding as I have brought
It forth concerning the “ I AM ,” will stan d ju st as It is, for
thousands of y ears; because It is the T R U T H O F L IF E , and
It is the O N LY E xplan ation that has ever been given to the
outer world. T hese foolish in dividuals who claim to know
som eting about It, well they ju st d o n 't! T h at is the com ical
thing about it!
You are m aster of your bodies. D on’t hum or your hum an
atom s a p article and don't fe ar them, but say to them : “ Get
into action now an d stop that nonsense” ! B e absolute in h an d­
lin g your p h ysical bodies, don’t let them m aster you.

A thing can act thru the feelin g w orld an d get the feelings
stirred into action before the in dividu al is aw are of it. T hat
is why you should be so constantly on guard, about any d is­
turbing condition or desire to criticise each other or any
condition, which w ould open you to the forces that are act­
ing in those destructive qualities.

D ear ones, if you really knew an d understood the A uthority
an d Pow er which each one of you has to say to a condition,
w hatever it is, that has an ap p earan ce of destructive activity;
“ You have no pow er,” an d know it was the Pow er of Ligh t
from your Presence going forth into that, you could perform
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.


Beloved Students:
Because of the outer world commercial conditions today,
we are using a different grade of paper, from that which
we formerly used in the “Voice of the ‘I A M ’.” W e ask
“I AM” STUDY GROUPS that you bear with us, until conditions are such, that we
It is our privilege and joy to announce the formation can use the same kind we did formerly.
of “I A M ” Study Groups for those of the Ascended It has also become necessary for us to increase the prices
M aster Y outh who are the young married people that on various items. W e ask that you consult the list under
the heading of S A IN T G E R M A IN SERIES, in the back
have formerly been in the “I A M ” Ascended M aster Y outh of this Magazine before you order, as this list has been
Groups. brought up to date and gives the correct prices.
This will give the younger married people a chance to W e also call your attention to the “Publisher’s N otice”
carry on their Study Group Activities in a group by them ­ in this Issue, wherein we make the announcement, that the
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W e will do everything in our power to assist them, and
to enfold them in all the Perfection, V ictory and Freedom * * * *
of the Ascended M asters for which we know how to call. W e again call your attention to the m atter of not using
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where the regular outline, Special Decrees, and all the either me individually, the Saint Germain Press, Inc. or
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the service to the Light in which they are most harmonious. the mail.
W ith all the Love, Blessings and G ratitude of our hearts M RS. G. W . BA LLA RD
and enfolding you all in the Light and U nfed Flame of a
Thousand Suns, “I A M ” w ith you always.
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions PROTECTION
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Send ALL SU B SC R IPTIO N S A N D O R D ER S to the mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
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W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­ and
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serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today.
W e thank and Bless all forever
32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33

Sm all Booklets containing D ecrees com piled fo r ind ivid ual or Stud y [ Shrine O rg an
G ro u p use. M arvelous results are being m ade m anifest in building
( 203-A Rainbow Rays (D u e t) [ Lotus Ray King, H a rp
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
\ 202-B O h , W o r ld Victorious (D u e t) Fred erick Landwehr.
O p u le n ce and Sup ply [ 5hrine O rg an
V io let Flam e and H e alin g { 505-A A m e rica O u r Own Beloved L a n d ............... f Sung by M in ute M en
" I A M " A m e ric a's Freedom { 505-B S ile n t Sentinel ..... ................ .......... .. | of Sain t G erm ain
" I A M “ Ligh t Decrees
f Lotus Ray King, H a rp
Purpose of the A scen ded M asters' " I A M " A ctivitie s (Sm all
1000-A " I A M " C o m e (D u e t) .... ........... .............. -{ Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the A scen ded M a ste rs’ " I A M "
[ N ovach ord
A c tiv itie s .)
1000-B D edicatio n ....................................................................Donald Ray King
6. O u r M essenger's " I A M " Speaks
Price of Record N o . 1000 is $2.65— Sh ip p in g C h arg e s extra.
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping ch arg es; with the ex­
j R R -I2 0 I Invocation .... ............. ..............M r. and M rs. Ballard and Donald
ception o f N os. I and 5. Present supply of N o . I will be sold for
{ RR-1202 C o ntem p latio n (S ile n t N ig h t) H a rp .......... . Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. N o . 5 sells fo r 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. | RR-1203 Benediction ....... ..... ..... ....................... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
) RR-1247 C o ntem p latio n (N e a r e r M y G o d to Thee) H a rp Mrs. Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next o rder of Playbacks is released. f 3300-A Invocation N o . I (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
Playb ack records are a va ilab le. This applies to the new 33 1/3 R P M \ 3300-B Invocation N o . 2 (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ( 3 3 0 1-A Benediction (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
o f Life and Its A p p lic a tio n , and the M usical Playb ack Records as listed ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine C lass) .... M r. G . W . Ballard
Price Playb ack Records $5.25 each — Ship p in g charges extra ( 3302-A Invocation (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
(N o t e : A ll Playb ack Records are sold d ire c t from the Santa Fe Branch ( 3302-B There Is N o Death (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
of the S ain t G e rm ain Press, Inc.) j 3303-A Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
V IC T R O L A A N D P H O N O G R A P H RECO RD S | 3303-B Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, H a rp | 3303-C Beginning o f " I A M " D ictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
( N 100-A Song of the V io le t Flam e (D u e t)
Frederick Landw ehr, ( 3303-D Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (S h rin e C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
I N 100-B Lotus M y Love ......................... ......
Shrine O rg an
3303-E Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (S h rin e C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
[ Lotus Ray King, H a rp
{ N 10 1-A G od dess of Purity (D u e t) 3303-F Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (S h rin e C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
" Frederick Landwehr,
\ N I0 I- B S ile n t Sen tinel (D u e t) ..... * (T h e 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by M r. G . W . Ballard
[ Shrine O rg an
and should be sold in a set.)
N 102-A 'I A M " D ecrees— Part I.. S ep te m b e r 1941 Shrine Class
N 102-B 'I A M " D ecrees— Part II S ep te m b e r 1941 Shrine Class 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt______ ;.M r. G . W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, H a rp 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the C h a r t . . ...... .M r. G . W . Ballard
( 200-A Light of M y H e a rt (D u e t)
Fred erick Landwehr, i 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt ........... M r. G . W . Ballard
) 200-B Rose of Ligh t (D u e t) ....
Shrine O rg an 1 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt............M r. G . W . Ballard

34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
3305-A This Truth, Love and H a rm o n y ....................... ..... M r. G . W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harm ony. M r. G . W . Ballard W e still have a few records m ade o f black m aterial, ava ilab le. The fo llo w ­
ing are the Num bers:
3306-A True Understanding of D ivine Love ...... M r. G . W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love M r. G . W . Ballard | 503-A R ainbow Rays ............... ........................ ) Instrumental
{ 503-B O h W o rld Victorious ........ ................ \ and Vocal
3307-A C allin g the Presence M r. G . W . Ballard
3307-B C a llin g the Presence. M r. G . W . Ballard Instrumental
1002-A R ainbow Rays ..... ...... .... ..... and Vocal
3308-A H e lp in g A ll Mankind M r. G . W . Ballard 1002-B D edicatio n to R ainbow Rays Lotus Ray
3308-B H e lp in g A ll Mankind M r. G . W . Ballard King
3309-A Invocation (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard 3300-A Invocation N o . I G o d fre Ray
3309-B Benediction (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard 3300-B Invocation N o . I King
3310-A Excerpts from V ic to ry ’s D ictation— Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3301-A Benediction N o . I G o d fre Ray
33IO-B Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3301-B Bened ictio n N o . II King
33IO-C Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3302-A Invocation ______ G o d fre Ray
33IO-D Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictation— Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3302-B There is N o Death King
3310-E Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3303-A Beginning of the I AM Dictations G o d fre Ray
33IO-F Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3303-B Beginning of the I AM' D ictation s King
33IO-G Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3303-C Beginning of the I AM D ictations G o d fre Ray
33IO-H Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3303-D Beginning of the I AM D ictations King

3310-1 Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 3303-E Beginning of the 'I A M ' D ictations G o d fre Ray
33IO-J A d o ratio n to M ig h ty V icto ry ) 3303-F Beginning of the I AM" D ictations King
M r. G . W . Ballard
-K Benediction {
Record N o . 503 and Records Nos. 3300, 3301, and 3302 are ava ila b le at
3900-A Instruction fo r Purifying Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard the reduced price of $2.00, f.c.b . Santa Fe.
3900-B Blessing of A ll Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard Record N o . 1002 costs $1.50.
Packing and shipping charges 60c, p rovided not more than two
* N O T E : [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
records in a shipment.
talks and should be sold to q e th e r.)
Records Nos. 3303 A-B, C-D, E-F, sell in sets of three, at $5.50 per set—
The above records are suitable for ind ivid ual use or for contem plation f.o.b. Santa Fe.
in " I A M " Stu d y G ro up s. Packing and shipping charges 80 cents per set. W e have 19 sets left.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped d ire c t from the Sanfa Fe, N e w M exico
Branch of the S ain t G e rm ain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express M o n ey O r ­
ders, but no P .O .M .O .'s . M ake P a ya b le to the S a in t G erm ain Press, Inc.)

Price all Phonograph and Victro la Records each (d ou ble fa c e d ) m ade

of Blue transparent m aterial $3.15— Shipping charges extra

£ , \5?
36 Property of Saint Germain f’ress. Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S , Volume I ............. ............................. By G o d fr e R ay King
C o n tain in g the first group of the author's experiences. " U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S " — In Two Volum es Price $5.25
Price $2-50 — Ship p in g charges 40c " T H E M A G I C P R E S E N C E " — In Three Volum es . Price $7.75
THE M A G IC P R E S E N C E , Volum e II ....... ................... By G o d fre R ay King " T H E 'I A M 1 D IS C O U R S E S " — In Two Volum es Price $6.75
C o n tain in g the second group of the author's experiences. " A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S " — In Two Volumes Price $7.00
Price $2.75 — S h ip p in g C h arg e s 40c " T H E V O IC E O F T H E 'I A M ' " Ship p in g charges extra
T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e III M o n th ly M agazin e containing articles explaining the Law of L ife ; also
By the A scen ded M a ste r S a in t G e rm ain and O th e r A sce n d e d M asters Discourses by the A sce n d e d M asters and other im portant subjects.
C o n tain in g thirty-three Discourses, explaining the A scen ded M asters' Back numbers a va ilab le beginning with Feb ruary 1936. Y e a ily subscrip­
A p p lic a tio n o f the " I A M , " with three co lo r plates. tions begin with Ja n u a ry 1943.
Price $2.75 — Ship p in g C h arg e s 40c Subscri ption price A m e ric a $3.50. Sin g le C o p y 35c
T H E " I A M " A D O R A T IO N S . A F F I R M A T I O N S A N D D E C R E E S . Volum e V In other countries $4.00. Sin g le C o p y 40c
Parts I and 2 .... ........................... . .......... ............ -............ By C h an era (A llo w a n c e will be m ade on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A selection of powerful A dorations, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E
" M ig h t y I A M Presen ce." Price $1.75 — Sh ip p in g charges 40c A b eautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for fram ing and co n ­
te m p latio n ; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e VI
By Various A sce n d e d M asters dividualized G o d Presence— the " M ig h t y 'I A M '. "
Size — 5 / 2X8/ 2. Price 25c — Sh ip p in g charges 5c
C o n tain in g tw enty Discourses, with three color plates, d ictate d before
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipp ing charges 20c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipp ing charges 40c
On H e a v y Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Ship p in g charges Prep aid
By Various A scen ded M asters and C o sm ic Beings a I , , . |, • . I S Size 12x21 Price $65.00
A b o v e C h arts m echan.cally anim ated < Size 3()x52 Prjce $225.00
C o n tain in g twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, d ictate d
before hundreds o f students. Price $3.00 — Ship p in g charges 40c V io le t m ech an ically an im a ted .................. f Size 12x21 Price $65.00
Flam e
/CL. . , . ( Size 30x52 Price $225.00
T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e V III .... By the G re a t D ivine D irecto r (b hip p in g charges extra)
C o n tain in g twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, d ic ta te d by A t Present only large Flames and large C h arts are a va ilab le.
the G r e a t D ivine D irector, before hundreds of students. P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R , J E S U S
Price $3.00 — S h ip p in g charges 40c P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R . S A IN T G E R M A IN
H an d colored steel engravings of etchings by C h arles Sin d e lar.
" I A M " A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F I R M A T I O N S By C h an e ra
Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Ship p in g charges 35c
Vest Pocket Edition of pow erful A d o ratio n s and A ffirm ations
Price $1.00 — Ship p in g charges 35c P IC T U R E O F O U R B E L O V E D M E S S E N G E R , G U Y W . B A L L A R D
A c tu a l pho tog raph ic reproduction in G o ld to n e .
S P E C I A L " I A M " D E C R E E S A N D B IN D E R S
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Ship p in g charges 45c
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the S ain t
Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Ship p in g charges 50c
G e rm ain Series. To hold special " I A M " D ecrees and Songs. These D e­
Size 15x191/; Price each $10.00 Express charges co llect
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges co llect
ab o ut 150 leaves (300 p a g e s ). Price Binder $ 1.25— Ship p in g ch arg es 40c Pro file Size 15x19^2 Price each $10.00 Express charges co llect
Loose-leaf D ecrees and songs (2 p ag es) l ’/2c per le af. S h ip p in g ch arges extra


w m Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 39
A lre a d y Released
(1 6 " fo r Playbacks o nly)
R A IN B O W R A Y S ( Lotus Ray King, H a rp
V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E / 65 f I. G od d ess of Purity (D u e t) ................ ........ j Frederick Landw ehr,
1 -{ ( Shrine O rg an
S O N O F L IG H T J [2 . Leto, Blessed Leto .............. ....................... ..... .... Shrine A u d ie n ce
* S O N G O F T H E V IO L E T F L A M E
C A L L T O L IG H T G O D F R E O U R LO VED O N E A SC EN D ED ) j Lotus Ray King, H a rp
S IL E N T S E N T IN E L *"l A M " H ERE ( 66 " I A M C o m e (D u e t) .... ..... ............ -j Frederick Landwehr,
"I A M " C O M E ♦ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L \ | Shrine O rg an
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­ N O T E : This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h co n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d one on the o pp osite side— N o . 66; therefore, N os. 65 and 66 is one
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esigned fo r t h a t piece of m u sic. double-faced record.
O u r present stock o f these songs will be sold a t the reg ular price of
R ecord m ade of Blue Transparent m aterial, and is sold and shipped
$1.00 each with shipping charges o f 35c. N e w editions will require
only from the Santa Fe, N ew M exico Branch.
an increased ch arg e. This includes all the ab o ve songs with the ex­
cep tio n of the three marked with an *. These songs are now p riced at Price each $5.25— Sh ip p in g charges extra
$1.25 each ; shipping charges 35c.
The "S o n g of the V io le t Fla m e " contains four (4 ) color plates. These
co lo r plates m ay also be purchased singly (w ith ou t m usic).
SO N G FO LD ERS Price each 50c — Ship p in g charges 15c
Each Fo lder contains three songs, to g e th er with music and lyrics, as
f I. " I A M " H e re 1
No. I \ 2. A ng els of S a in t G e rm ain [• M usic and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom 's Triumph J Lotus Ray King

G r e a t H ercules— Thou Elohim "]

No. 2 M a ry, the M o th e r o f Jesu s j- M usic and Lyrics
A rch an g e l M ic h a e l J Lotus Ray King
Price per fo ld e r $2.25— Shipp ing charges extra (3 5 c)
"C R Y S T A L C U P S "
Sm all S iie — for d ivid ual u s e ............................................................ Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Larg e size— fo r R ead ing Rooms, Sanctuaries, and fam ily use. In d ivid ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipp ing charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s ta l C u p s " a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o om s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p " is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. N o d isco u n ts a re PROPERTY OF SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
allow ed.
L itho g raph ed and Published in the U. S. A ., 1943

3s€!i of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
C O P Y R I G H T — S A IN T G E R M A I N P R E S S , IN C ., 1943

iJ / J
B y th e A scen ded M a sters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. an d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son , D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM ” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e , N ew M exico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3 -

' G o p y ric /h t-S a in t (je rm a in ^ r e ss Tno.l943 ■

H E Rights of Free M en are G uarded by Light,
H eld close in G od’s H eart and charged with
G od’s M ight!
T hose Heavenly G ifts, “ I A M ” in all hearts,
T heir Blessings blaze forth when discord departs!
T hey Give all mankind G od’s G reat V ictory
A n d thru them with G od’s M ighty Eyes, we see!
T he Rights of Free M en, Perfection compel,
For all on the earth should in Freedom dwell!
T he “ I A M ” we know has given us all,
But Its M ighty Power in Love we must call,
T o guard all those Rights from Saint Germain’s H and
For T hey are H is Love to this O ur G reat Land.
T he R ights of Free M en shall rule all the world,
For G od’s Flag of Freedom is now unfurled;
“ I A M ” is G od’s Love, G od’s Power of R ight
A nd none but the Free can wield all G od’s M ight.
H is Legions of Light defend, raise, set Free
A nd A ngels of Light assist you and me!
T h e Rights of Free M en, T ruth , H onor and Love,
A re Life’s M ighty Scepter from Realms above,
“ I A M ” is the W ord of G reat Cosmic Power
W hose Flame covers all each instant, each hour!
Its A rm or of Light guards all we hold dear,
Its Glorious Love consumes now all fear.
T h e Rights of Free M en all mankind do crave,
A nd their Blessings raise, illumine and save!
T he Light which “ I A M ” , is G od’s Justice too,
Its M ighty Protection in V ictory comes thru,
T o hold as a trust all the G ifts of Light
A nd seal them forever in all G od’s M ight!
GODDESS OF LIBERTY’S She requires in drawing into the Capital of your nation,
Divine O rder and Divine Justice; for I tell you, Saint
DISCOURSE Germain’s request has been granted and that which the
S H R IN E C L A S S — L O S A N G E L E S , C A L IF . Cosmic Light must do for Am erica, W IL L BE D O N E !
July 4, 1939 T h is means more than any human being’s outer concept
could cognize just now. H ow ever, rest in the Glory of It.
E L O V E D ones, will you remain seated while I Continue in your mighty calls and your Decrees that go
talk to you, and no matter w hat I refer to, keep forth in the mental and feeling world.
the atmosphere as quiet as possible, that W e may G reat changes are before you. G reat changes are before
render this Service to you in connection with Europe. Therefore, beloved ones, rejoice in all that has
that for Am erica. T h e G reat Energy has been released thus far been accomplished. A llow M e to remind you of
and in the quiet of your feeling world, It will now be the one vital important thing. A ll vicious activity by indi­
Power to go forth, and assist U s in rendering this Service. viduals or groups, toward T his G reat Light, is not striking
Today, thruout our Am erica, there has been released at these M essengers, it is striking at the protection and
a Greater Charge of Life, Light and Energy, than has been defense of Am erica. Therefore, beloved people, see the
known in many recent years. I have some very joyful T ruth of Life! Foolish individuals cannot touch nor harm
information for you, which I am sure you will all appre­ these M essengers; but the great tragedy of their lives is,
ciate. From within the atmosphere of our Am erica, there that they are striking at the defense of America and her
has been dissolved the accumulation of three qualities of protection, which they should be calling for, no matter
destructive forces, which mankind have released from what they think of the M essengers. They should be call­
their feeling world— anger, hate and the power of resent­ ing for the protection of Am erica which is their home, or
ment. T hese qualities have been removed, dissolved and I trust is; but if that vicious opposition to T his Light con­
consumed forever, from the atmosphere within the borders tinues, Am erica will not be their home very long.
of Am erica. N otice closely, this is just from within the I say to every individual who has put forth a discordant
borders of N orth Am erica, and its protection will be feeling in thought or speech to this Light— Beware! of the
sustained. danger you are in! I send this forth on a Current of Light
T his does not mean that all human beings and individuals and Energy, to everyone of these individuals who have
within Am erica will cease from expressing those qualities, opposed T h is Light; for they are opposing the Freedom
but there will not be any feeders to intensify those qualities. and Protection of Am erica, not these Messengers! I trust
There will still be much of such qualities generated by the people of Am erica will understand this!
some of mankind. M ankind still have their own feeling It is so foolish beloved students of the Light! How can
world to govern; and if they would govern it harmoniously, human beings go forth and because they feel discordant
it would only be a short time, until those qualities would to the M essengers, just because T hey stand for Divine
be unknown within the borders of Am erica. Right and Justice, spread vile vicious falsehoods concerning
T h is will release to the Goddess of Justice, much of what T h is G reat Light which every one of them knows in his
4 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
into your world concerning your fellow-student or the
or her heart is the only Freedom to Am erica and the world?
Messengers, who stand so loyal and demand such loyalty
Such an attitude has a penalty no one would ever want to *,
pay. sIf they would only cleanse their minds and feelings to the Light, then you are foolish children indeed. You
are not dealing with human beings, children of Light,
of viciousness long enough to feel the Light of their own
you are dealing with qualities and forces charged with
hearts go forth, they would see and know that every word
human conditions, human qualities. See that please
of T his Instruction is the T ruth of Life!
T hese are qualities that are tragedies in the lives of today!
Therefore, in this Service which is being rendered, re­
human beings. O h, that they could see! Oh, that they
member, everything that W e tell you has been done, IS
could understand! T hose whom Saint Germain gave such
opportunity, such privilege to serve, are the ones who as W e have told you. Hum an opinions know nothing
about O ur A ctivities and the Powerful Currents of
turned the most vicious; because greater currents of energy
from the discord of mankind were turned upon them, in Energy and Light which W e wield. Since your Beloved
the service in which they should have stood steadfast in Saint Germain and M yself are responsible for the Free­
rendering. Let no one of the student body ever criticise dom of Am erica today, then mankind should be willing
Saint Germain, because H e has given these people oppor­ to listen to O ur W ords, that W e may continue the G reat
tunities. W ho are you to judge, children of earth, what Expansion of that Power; until all mankind live in an age
an A scended M aster should do, in giving mankind oppor­ of beauty, happiness and Perfection and where again will
tunities that you cannot even conceive! Pass no judgment, be restored the home life of your Am erican people.
Let M e say to you, my dear ones, little do you dream
beloved students, upon the Ascended M asters and that
as you sit here in the happiness and comfort you have
which T hey do.
T hese people whom H e has drawn into H is H eart today, how from the inception of foreign spies in O ur
Center, into the activity, and to whom H e has given Land, there has been the undermining and the shattering
of your home life. T h at is the poisonous breath, under­
these opportunities, are people who could have expanded
a great— a tremendous Light in spite of all their accumu­ lying the wrecking of many homes in Am erica and yet,
few have ever understood. W e know and see the causes
lation of the past. T hey were given the opportunity to
that are acting thruout Am erica. T h e most subtle under­
cut themselves free and be free from it forever. T hey
hand work of destructive forces that has ever been, has
were so near sometimes. Some of them only days from
threaded its way thru your Am erica, in the most subtle
having passed the barrier of all those creations and yet
cunning manner possible; and even today, the forces of
failed at the last moment. Let it be an example to every
those destructive activities are endeavoring to seize upon
sincere student in the land to stand firm, unyielding to
the activities of Am erica, who in their inception were
the Powers of Light.
loyal and constructive. Even since your Beloved Saint
O h, my dear ones, these M essengers are not a point of
Germain exposed the inner activities of certain destructive
consideration, it is a matter of the expanding of your
forces in Am erica, they are endeavoring to establish them
Light and stability to your own Light of G od which is
again under different names. D o not be caught in that
beating your heart. If you let foolish nonsense come
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
g Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
any longer, beloved students. W e shall keep you throw out every agitator in O ur Land, then let the G reat
informed. Powers of Light come forth, the Goddess of Justice, the
These qualities and destruction shall not fasten upon G oddess of Purity, the Goddess of Light and M yself
you if W e can help it, if you will be kind enough to will be able to pour forth into your world, those Qualities
listen and believe that W e know what W e are talking that make you the V ictory of the Light in the M astery
about. T h e Power of Light is at your service! Y ou have and control of yourselves.
found your home— G od, the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” W e offer this G reat Service to mankind. W e cannot
the Governor of the Universe, the Governor of your compel you, neither would W e wish to do so; but W e
individual lives. W ill you give your attention to It; or are determined, that the great loyal hearts in Am erica
to the destructive forces, which you know exist in man­ who have thruout the centuries stood for the Freedom
kind in the outer world, and be swallowed up by them? of Am erica, shall not fail!
T he choice must be yours at all times, but W e inform H ow little the people of Am erica understand all that
you of these conditions which are the T ruth . Y ou must was done in the days of W ashington; and how at her
believe or not. I have served Am erica for more than inception, the G reat Divine Powers came to A m erica’s
two hundred years, have given you what you have today assistance constantly, far more than you outwardly under­
and would have given you your Freedom long ago, if stand. Remember, that G reat One W ho came to render
mankind would only not listen to deceitful agitators who H is Service to the Light. H e came with the Power of
have been in their midst. Freedom and gave H is Blessing to W ashington. Remem­
T rue enough, a great deal of injustice and activity has ber these M ighty Activities, O h Children of Light! D o
been set into action by human selfishness, and then, that not forget them! Mankind today in the great pull of
which individuals have tried to establish to correct those the attention to the things of the outer world, so quickly
conditions has been seized upon by the destructive forces forget. In the future, let every day be a patriotic day in
and has become one of the most destructive activities in your hearts!
your land. T h at activity should have brought Divine T his day should commemorate your Freedom, which
Order and Divine Justice.
W e had planned long long before it was carried out. W hy
Friends, O h beloved friends and students, remember not give U s your assistance now, so W e may carry out
Divine Order and Divine Justice cannot come thru the Plans that have been in action for more than a
human beings who are agitated, excited or filled with hundred years and which could come so quickly into
hatred and distrust of their fellow-man! It cannot enter their fulfillment and dominion? Y ou are so fortunate,
thru those doorways, but only in the great calmness of Children of the Light, who have been privileged to make
the people, in the stillness of their feeling world, can these calls, render this service and release the energy
Divine Justice and Divine Order be established in the
from the earth.
feeling world of mankind. It is there already in the heart, Listen carefully now to these W ords. W h y do you
but not in the feeling world! W hen individuals once suppose W e, the G reat Beings of Light, W ho are the
understand this, still their feeling from all agitation and only ones who can assist mankind to their Freedom, come
8 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Soint Germain Press, Inc. g
forth and give these many, almost limitless, Dictations? ones who are idle today and have succumbed to the feel­
Because thru this body, W e hold O ur constant connec­ ing, that it is impossible for them to have employment,
tion with the earth, which is absolutely imperative, in are very wonderful people.
releasing this Power that must come forth to awaken and Remember, beloved ones, continue your mighty calls,
quicken the Light in mankind; that they may cooperate until every one w i t h i n the boundaries of your
and give that which W e require to carry out the Fulfill­ beloved Am erica is placed IN H IS O R H E R O W N
ment of this glorious, magnificent and beautiful Plan for R IG H T A V E N U E O F S E R V IC E . Little do you under­
the people. stand and feel perhaps in rendering this service what that
Little do you who are enjoying homes of comfort today still means, to the placing of the people of Am erica, in
understand that just before you is a magnificent power their own right avenue of service. It must be established
and activity in the architecture of your homes and worlds first in the mental and feeling world, since that is the
of action. Y our world of business will so transcend any­ cause of everything.
thing which the world has known thus far, that you will D o you not see, beloved students, in these calls, you
begin to understand what the Ascended M aster Com fort are establishing in the mental and feeling world, the
for this world can be. Power of Divine Order and Divine Justice. T he action
I want to make one further reference to the promises is required first in the feeing world, in order to out-
of some of the outer world activities and show you how picture; that the physical flesh may be drawn into the
abjectily foolish and impossible they are. M ankind only Perfect A ctivity; for the Power of Light knows no op­
exist thru their own effort. T o promise an income of posite. Is there anything then that could prevent or
twelve thousand dollars a year, regardless of what they retard the beloved ones coming into their own right
do is insanity; or to promise an income of thirty thousand avenue of service?
dollars a year. M y dear people, it is a promise that cannot These are vital, important things to which I am draw ­
be fulfilled; because humanity must earn what they ing your attention today. Since this day is in the mem­
receive under the Presence and Power of Life. Such a ory of the Glory of the establishing of Freedom for your
thing cannot be established. M ankind cannot be left land, allow M e to establish that G lory and Freedom
idle. A n idle mind is the devil’s workshop and the most within your mental and feeling world; so you may accept
dangerous thing in the world today. and charge It to be sustained, with Its Infinite Power of
Life has provided the Perfect Balance of Its A ctivity action that nothing can change, against which no human
and will never change it; eight hours service, eight hours suggestion can stand, and with which nothing can
recreation and eight hours rest, which is the Balance of interfere.
Life, the Trinity of Life. It cannot be changed or man­ I SA Y TO YO U , BELO VED ST U D EN T S, U N LESS
kind would perish. I say to you, the idleness in your Y O U S T A N D L O Y A L T O T H I S L IG H T , Y O U A R E
country today— not because they desire it; but because A G A IN S T A M E R IC A ! I plead with you, beloved
it has been imposed upon them by the selfishness of man­ earnest sincere students, do not divide your attention
kind, shall cease from your land. M any of these beloved with other things of the outer world! G o forw ard in
10 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. \ j
this Light! I say to you, beloved students, some who wracked with uncertainty concerning your children:
have made the call to the M essengers and who feel you remember your children are in the Radiance of the
cannot cope with the conditions in your body and world “ M ighty I A M .” M ake that unyielding firm dynamic
of action thru your own application; arise in the Strength call to the Presence of those children, to release Its Power
and Power of your own “ M ighty I A M Presence.” D o to bless and protect them, and you will have rendered a
not let yourself voice or your intellect voice that you service you cannot imagine; but if your anxiety continues
cannot achieve! D o not let yourself even feel it, but stand to pour out to them, you are but feeding the fires from
so firm and dauntless that nothing can interfere. There which you are trying to free them. Y O U M U S I K N O W
are so many to whom the suggestion has been offered, T H E P O W E R O F T H E L IG H T with which you have
to go to the hospital where it is not necessary; but they become acquainted! T he “ Light of G od never fails” —
succumb to the suggestion, when they would not go your own “ M ighty I A M Presence,” is the Governor of
of their own Inner will. Call for the Power of Light to the Universe, beloved ones.
set them free! Y ou have seen hundreds of instances Every assistance that is given to the outside world in
where the M essenger has been called and the individual training or any kind of assistance, comes from the Pres­
left the hospital without an operation; and patients have ence, the “ M ighty I A M ” of those individuals. M an­
been released from the condition before they even went. kind have gathered a great deal, and thousands of volumes
Then, when mankind have that evidence before them, are filled with their experience, their achievement, if you
Oh arise, beloved ones, do not give way to the human like; but it is only a fragm entary part of what the Pres­
feeling, that the Light in you is less powerful than the ence of Life can do, without instruments, without any­
outer conditions of mankind, to render service to you. thing of the outer world, except your command to Life
I f you would be firm and determined and every time to take charge!
such a thought comes to you stop and say: “ T he Power In this service today, which is being rendered, Oh my
in me is the Light, the A uthority and the Removing dear ones, I need not review with you, all that has been
Power of all conditions in my body and world which do accomplished under these calls. Think, there are human
not belong there.” Then, stand firm and unyielding by it beings so false and so vicious, as to try to spread doubt
and you will have full release. among mankind, about the seizing and removing from
T he day is so close at hand, when mankind will stand the earth of the black magicians, which W E H A V E
with their attention upon that G reat Presence of Life, R E M O V E D ! They are trying it, but when you hear
call Its Currents into action and will free their bodies on such falsehoods, silence them forever!
the instant; many are able to do it today! Then, comes I ask you, beloved students, every letter you get of
the V ictory of Life thru mankind and in their activities. viciousness toward these M essengers, send each one to
It will cause distress, anxiety and conditons that cause the M essengers and they will send them to the attorneys,
mankind to fear and doubt so greatly today, to vanish and we will see whether that viciousness is stopped or
from the earth. not! Send in every one of those letters that come to
I say to you parents whose hearts are sometimes you. W e can utilize outer laws as well as the Inner.
12 Property o f Saint Germain P ress, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. |3
These vicious individuals are going to find they have met are before you, for your Blessing in all these things which
their match. have occurred.
T his is the first time on this earth, that W e have ever W ould you have U s discard individuals whom W e
taken issue with mankind, but it must be done! W e can see within their Life-streams, will have a struggle to free
produce evidence that would take the liberty away from themselves from the binding powers of their own crea­
every one of them already; for they are using the mails tion? W ould you have U s do that? W ould you have
for such vicious forces and those people who do not sign Saint Germain refuse to give opportunities to those who
their names to those vicious things, easy enough can W e have such great destruction in their Life-streams and by
trace them. T hey forget that, and if they do not silence that that opportunity to serve, could have been free? T ry
viciousness, W e will trace them and give the names and to see the T ruth , the Law that is acting, then the intel­
addresses of every one who is doing this unfortunate lect will not attem pt to pass judgment. Some of the
thing; and these vicious ones will say to you: “ So the students have been doing this. They have said: “ W hy,
Ascended M asters have become vicious in Their A ctiv­ why, why, thus and so? W hy did Saint Germain do
ity” ! W e are determined that human viciousness shall this or that” ? Oh, W e are quite well acquainted with
cease from this earth! Therefore, if necessary W e can it, and that is unfortunate for the individuals who attempt
take a part in your outer activity, as well as the Inner! to pass judgment upon an Ascended Being W ho is
W ould you think that W e should not, when W e have W holly Pure and Perfect. D on’t do it!
for two hundred years planned, brought about and held I am calling your attention to these things on this
the Pattern for the Perfection and defense of mankind? glorious day for a great reason, which only in time to
Then, do you think W e will now allow vicious human come will you see; will you know and understand all ,
beings, to spread doubt among the people who are in a that has been done this glorious day in the M em ory of
position to render this service to mankind? Every one your Freedom.
of you, watch! T hey will have fallen by the wayside Oh, beloved ones of earth, how G reat, how M agnifi­
and too late will cry out in agony. In your city here, cent, is this Service that W e are rendering to you and
there are some already doing it. Their hearts are crying for you. Can you imagine how It happens now, when
out in agony. so long your Beloved N ada, who has waited thousands of
W hen mankind, thru individuals, have spread doubt years for this Service to Am erica and later to mankind
among dozens or hundreds of people, can they undo that to come about? She has brought many civilizations to
by a pretense of turning back to the Light? Oh no! their height, and then has seen them crumble and fall
W H A T C A U S E S M A N K IN D O R IN D IV ID U A L S by disobedience to Life.
C A N R E T U R N T O T H E L IG H T . I am prompting Y O U V A L U E Y O U R FREED O M , C O N SER V E
you with all of the G reat Love of M y Being today. Y O U R E N E R G Y ! D O N O T T H IN K Y O U C A N
Beloved ones, be alert, be assured that these examples D O A N Y T H I N G I N S E C R E T T H A T IS N O T
14 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
K N O W N T O U S ; O R T H A T IS N O T K N O W N T O W hen something unfortunate has happened, the great­
Y O U R H IG H E R M E N T A L B O D Y , W H O S T A N D S est service to the Light is to forget it; and allow no one
S O M E T IM E S W IT H C O V E R E D E Y E S , T H A T IT to draw you into conversation or discussion of it. Then,
M A Y N O T BEH O LD T H O SE A C T S! M A Y TH E you will be rendering the greatest service to Light and
P O W E R O F T H E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F LIFE, Life. These are G reat Laws, beloved ones. W e know
T A K E I T S F U L L C O M M A N D W IT H IN Y O U A N D and understand them and can inform you of them, then
G IV E Y O U T H E V I C T O R Y A N D P U R IT Y O F O ur part is finished, except at your call, W e will always
LIFE ! project those Light R ays to sustain you, if you are deter­
W ith These G reat Beings standing ready to project mined to stand untouched by the discord of mankind.
T h eir M ighty Light R ays into your world, into your A nother M ighty Service that has been rendered thru
feeling world, to dissolve cause, effect, record and mem­ certain parts of the earth, where such discord has been
ory at your call, of everything undesirable there, would so deeply charged, those roots have been withdrawn and
you for a few weeks, a few months or a few years of sense that part of the earth will begin to flourish again. Y ou
gratification, deprive yourselves o f your Ascension were reminded of the seizing of the last black magician
at the close of this embodiment, when you can be free whose tentacles had been driven into the earth, to hold
forever from all human limitations and distress? C on­ that destructive force anchored in the structure of earth;
template, O h beloved students! If you allow yourselves and eventually as they thought, destroy the earth. T h at
to waste your energy and you fail in your Ascension, discord which as been generated by mankind and which
then you alone are to blame, because you have been has penetrated the earth, has been withdrawn together
informed of the requirements! H U M A N D E S IR E S with these qualities that have been dissolved from the
A R E S U C H F R A G M E N T A R Y T H IN G S A N D C A N atmosphere of earth.
BE S O E A S IL Y C O N T R O L L E D B Y T H E C H A N G E If all the beloved students who have been touched by
O F Y O U R A T T E N T IO N , W H I C H W O U LD destructive forces, for some of which they are not
C H A N G E Y O U R F E E L IN G ! responsible, would only understand and see this, it would
O h, how eternally grateful Saint Germain, M yself, give them such courage and strength to hold the V ictory
and the G reat Ones are for the stand you beloved students of their own Light within them; but unless they believe
have taken these past three months or more, in the the things W e tell them and know that they apply to
defense of the Light and to refuse to revolve in any con­ every one, then how can they have the A ssistance W e
versation, any unpleasant destructive thing. I thank you would give so lovingly and so kindly?
for your stand to have' the people come and go silently, N o matter what your mistakes are, beloved students
and refuse to discuss unpleasant things before or after of the Light, you will never find U s condemning you,
the meetings. I thank the beloved Sindelars for their criticising or finding fault with you— even that is not
endeavor to stop the revolving in conversation of un­ O ur business! T h at is your world! W e are stating to
pleasant things, especially in reference to each other and you the Law and how to remove from yourself these
to the G reat Light. conditions. Can W e do more? C an W e do more than
Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. j y
D o^ C H A R T
e s c r ip tio n
to offer O ur G reat A ssistance to you? You may have
O ur Assistance today, in that which you cannot do for
yourselves. Is that not Divine Patience? I would not
know what else you could call it, for T his is Real.
T his Service, all that W e say to you, is Real, beloved
ones; and as I feel the rejoicing in your hearts today, O h
my dear ones, never in the history of the earth, has such T h e Picture of the “ M ighty
a thing been known. T oday, I have wished several times I A M Presen
during this Service, that I might reveal to you the C ur­ in this Chart, is the Focus
rents of Light and Energy coming from all the Student which mankind have required
G roups thruout Am erica and in foreign countries; pour­ thruout the centuries, in order
ing into this room with such Love, Gratitude, Praise and to hold the T rue Pattern for
Thanksgiving for the Power and Intelligence which each one’s own Reality before
established Am erica on her Foundation of Freedom; and the vision, that thru the atten­
knowing that today will be the celebration and rejoicing tion, Its P o w e r could be
o f that day, many are feeling gratitude with great intens­ drawn forth in Its Fulness.
ity. There are some who will be lukewarm and some Then, the human accumula­
who will stand with the sym pathy of foreign countries, tion of discord can be dis­
which would cause your land to perish; but the Light solved and consumed from
is greater than all else! K N O W IT ! Call I T into action! everyone’s Life-stream, for
Stand in the G lory of your Presence of Life for your that is the only reason why
individual Freedom, the Freedom and Protection of everyone does not see his or
A m erica; and if you are sincere, and a sufficient number her own “ M ighty I A M Pres­
of mankind is sincere, you may be assured that W e will ence” with the physical sight,
do the rest. I thank you. any time the attention is turned to It or the call goes up
for help.
T h e M ighty Light R ays pouring out from the Elec­
tronic Body (the U pper Figure in the C h art) are the
O utpouring of that Divine Love which transcends every
human concept, and which opens the D oor to all the
Perfection which is within Its H eart. T h at D oor not
only opens to us all the Perfection which is within the
H eart of our own “ M ighty I A M Presence,” but also
all the Perfection from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave
and the G reat Central Sun. It also opens the D oor to
18 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press. Inc.
all the Perfection which pours forth from the H eart of place it upon the Physical Sun, the G reat Central Sun,
Every Ascended M aster who ever existed in this any planet, sun or star in space. Y ou can also place
Universe. your attention upon any Ascended M aster or Cosmic
T hose Light Rays are the Irresistible Power of the Being in the Octave of Light!
Light from the G reat Central Sun, the O N L Y P L A C E Remember, when your attention is on your problem,
from which Light can come forth into any part of the the energy and qualities of the problem are being drawn
Universe. T h at is the way and means by which the right back into you constantly! T h at means into your
whole Universe came forth and is constantly sustained. flesh and your F E E L IN G world; for if the problem seems
Those Light R ays are the Power by which all substance serious, it causes worry and a disturbed feeling within
and energy is drawn up into the A S C E N D E D M A S ­ you. The moment you think about your problem, all
T E R S ’ P E R F E C T IO N — which is the O N L Y P R E D E S ­ the feeling and energy in your body and world is in a
T I N A T I O N T H E R E IS. tension, showing the qualities of your problem are
In U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S , the statement is made, absorbed thru your feeling, into the flesh structure of
that all your faculties are elastic! O ur Beloved M aster, your body.
Saint Germain and all the Ascended Ones have reminded The moment you take your attention off your prob­
us again and again, of our Power of the Attention, the lem, place it on our Physical Sun, and begin to think
Vision and the F E E L IN G or Power of Qualification. about the Perfect Focus and intense concentration of
W e call to the “ M ighty I A M Presence” and Higher Electronic Force which It holds, you begin to realize
M ental Bodies of all who read or hear these words and how A L L -P O W E R F U L M U S T BE T H E G R E A T
to the Ascended M asters, to charge these words with D IR E C T IN G IN T E L L IG E N C E W H IC H C A N C O N ­
such Blazing Ascended M aster Illumination, Directing C E N T R A T E SO M U C H E N E R G Y IN T O O N E
Intelligence and Discrimination, that you cannot help P L A C E , hold It in Its orbit, direct Its Rays to the var­
but get the Full Ascended M aster Understanding and ious planets of our system, sustain It thru millions of
Consciousness which is the F E E L IN G of all they contain years, hold It suspended in interstellar space, supply It
and never forget them in all eternity. with Intelligent direction and make It obey the G reat
W e call Saint Germain and M ighty M ercury to charge Cosmic Law of Vibration and M agnetic A ttraction.
you with Their Power of Concentration, Crystal Clear W hen your attention is on the Sun, you are con­
Comprehension and Keen Alertness, so you will under­ templating the Perfection which is there, what a M ag­
stand and remember all this means to you; apply it and nificent Intelligence created It, what W isdom sustains It
F E E L your close connection with Them and the Release and what tremendous Blessings It pours constantly to
of Their Power thru you, to fulfill your Decrees you and me and all mankind; for without Its R ays of
instantly. Light on this physical earth, no physical body could live
T he faculties of the intellect A R E elastic! Observe! here. T h ru the E L A S T IC P O W E R O F Y O U R
You can hold your attention upon a problem here in A T T E N T I O N , you can connect with the energy of the
this physical world, and the very next second, you can Sun millions of miles away.
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
W hile you are thinking of It, the energy of the Physi­ W hen you know that your attention is elastic, you can
cal Sun is flowing into you, filling you with Its Qualities, understand how you can reach into the Infinite and draw
Its Intelligence, Its M arvels, Its Blessings, Its Conscious­ forth all Its G ifts and Powers into action in the finite.
ness and Its Power— A L L O F W H IC H A R E W H O L L Y Then you can have all the Power of the Infinite flowing
D IV IN E , E T E R N A L A N D E V E R -E X P A N D IN G ! thru you, when you hold your attention upon that Power
A ny instant, you can turn your attention from the long enough to let It flood you and your world.
distress of your problem, to contemplating the Perfec­ M ankind are limited because they have held their at­
tion of the S U N ! T he moment you look there, the tention fastened to the limited. T hey can become U n ­
feeling of distress about your problem is gone; because limited the moment they hold the attention C O N T I N ­
you are absorbing Qualities from the Physical Sun into U O U S L Y on the Unlimited and fasten it there.
yourself. T he Qualities, Intelligence, and Greater A c ­ T h e more you think about war and its insane vicious
tion of Life which are there cannot help but draw forth destruction, the more of it will there be in this world
from you, Love, gratitude, worship and adoration to that and your individual world. If you hate those who have
Magnificent Intelligence, Power and Consciousness of created it, you are only adding energy to keep it sus­
Life and W hose Substance and Energy you are privileged tained longer, because all war is sustained by hate. H o w ­
to use. ever, you have the capacity to fasten your attention to
T hru your attention at any instant, your feelings can the Infinite Power of Light; and release Its Overwhelm ­
be charged, either with the qualities of your problem or ing A ction into this physical world to stop all that is not
the Qualities of the Infinite Intelligence which governs Perfection, if you will make the call using the G reat
interstellar space and the G reat M anifestations within it; Creative W ord “ I A M ,” in the A uthority and Power of
your attention draws to you instantly either the M ighty the Ascended M aster Consciousness, instead of the
G ifts, Illumination, Sustaining Power, Peace, Happiness human acceptance of limitation.
and Love that are within the Light of the S U N and You cannot master the problems of the finite by more
other Heavenly Bodies; or the limitations of this physical of its limitations! Y ou cannot master your problem by
world which is so full of conditions people do N O T want. holding your attention upon another problem, just as
If you can think of the Physical Sun, you can think of destructive and trying to fight one problem with another.
the G reat Central Sun, or of every G reat Being in the By the time you get thru, you will have three problems
Universe. You can think anywhere in Infinite Space and for every one you try to solve; and that is what is the
draw forth the Qualities and Powers of Life which are matter with the whole world today! Every time the
there. people try to solve one problem by anything but the call
In contemplating that G reat Magnificent A ctivity of to the “ M ighty I A M Presence” and the Ascended M as­
Life, your feelings and world expand. They become sat­ ters, they create many in the place of the one, because
urated with the Qualities and Powers which are there; they are not using Intelligence which is greater than the
and all those M ighty M anifestations are Infinitely greater problems they are trying to solve.
than you and this tiny physical world on which we live. If a problem is vicious here in this physical world, there
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
is only one thing which will change it and that is to everywhere they stay; because It is a constant reminder
fasten your attention to the Presence and Power of Light of the Greatest Power and Presence in the LJniverse and
which dissolves all unlike Itself. T h at is why it is neces­ from It, comes all that will ever be required by anyone
sary for the individual to issue these M ighty Decrees on earth as long as the people of earth remain unascended.
for the annihilation of A L L human problems, whether Therefore, keep yourselves so constantly in connection
they be individual, or of the state, the nation or the with the F U L L P O W E R of your Presence and the
world. Everyone who has problems and wants to be Ascended M asters, that the very intensity of Their Q ual­
free from them, must make the call for all mankind to be ities, Energy, Substance and Power flowing in, thru and
free also; because when we call for the release of enough around you, will automatically dissolve your problems and
Light to free the whole, the individual receives all that sweep out all your distress, as you continue to keep your
is required to free himself from pressure of the whole, attention upon Their Power of M astery.
which after all is the driving power that keeps crowding Command in the Power and A uthority of your
in more and more problems upon everyone at this par­ “ M ighty I A M Presence,” the G reat H ost of Ascended
ticular time. M asters and A ll Beings of Light, and let Their M ighty
T h at is why it IS necessary to give Love and adoration Power of Light take out of the Universe every condition
to those G reat Ascended M asters of Light who want to less than Their Perfection; removing its cause, effect,
set you free; who want to set Am erica free; who want record and memory so it can never affect anybody or
to release all mankind from all viciousness forever! Can anything anywhere in creation again.
you release yourself from all the mass accumulation of In order to be free, you must command as G od com­
all the viciousness of the centuries? Y ou know you mands; because you have to command substance and
cannot! You know you cannot do it alone! The outer energy to determine how it is to be qualified, if it con­
world cannot help you and does not, because it is not tacts you and your world! If you feel the problem is very
using consciousness above the problem. great, keep right on calling those G reat Ones to requalify
W hen human beings of this world fail you, then turn it, until it yields and never stop until it does yield. There
completely to your own “ M ighty I A M Presence” and is only one failure and that is quitting. So S T A N D !
the G reat H ost of Ascended M asters and say: “ M ighty FACE! A N D CO N Q U ER ! B Y T H E “ M IG H T Y
Beloved Ones! give me Legions and Legions of Angels, I A M PR ESEN C E” A N D T H E G R E A T H O ST OF
to compel the Freedom and V ictory of Light every­ A SC EN D ED M A ST ER S FO R EV ER!
where! Bring Them into the physical octave and let
Them do what mankind cannot” ! T h at is what it means
to have Ascended M aster Friends of the Light! T h at is
what it means to have the Power of the Ascended M as­
ters fulfilling your calls! If mankind knew the full import
of that C hart of the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” nothing
on this earth could keep them from giving it first place
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
DECREES Compel the rights of Free M en to forever hold
command! (3 )
i Compel the U nfed Flame of a Thousand Suns to
3 PREAM BLES forever hold command! (3 )
K IL L all injustice by Light from the earth today! Compel the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns to
K IL L all its hell by G od’s Blue R ay; and M A N IF E S T forever hold command! (3 )
N O W (3 )! Compel the Archangel M ichael’s Sw ord of Blue
(R epeat once after each line to * ) Flame to forever hold command! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Compel the Power of the Three Tim es Three to
By G od’s O w n H and! (3 ) forever hold command! (3 )
W e insist and demand! (3 ) A nd compel It to expand, expand and forever ex­
G od, take and hold T h y Eternal Command! (3 ) pand, till it fills every land and holds Eternal Command,
“ M ighty I A M Presence” and H igher M ental Fulfilling G od’s Plan by G od’s Cosmic H and! For in the
Bodies of all mankind, take and hold T h y Eter­ H eart of the Seven-fold Flame of the Seven M ighty
nal Command! (3 ) Elohim forever we stand, in full command and hold Y our
A ll G reat Beings and Powers of Light, take and Hands, unto all Eternity! For G od, the “ M ighty I A M
hold T h y Eternal Command! (3 ) Presence” in us is our Certain V ictory, now made mani­
For in G od’s Own H eart we stand! (3 ) fest, today and forever, forever and forever; by the
* A nd compel our Light’s V ictory to forever hold “ Light of G od in us that never, never, never fails!”
command! (3 ) * * * *
Follow W ith 2
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to forever hold “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the
command! (3 ) Ascended M asters’ Love, Gratitude and Blessings, with­
Compel V ictory’s V ictory to forever hold com­ out limit, flooding, charging, intensifying, expanding
mand! (3 ) and ruling in, thru and around Don, the Ascended M aster
Compel Hercules’ Invincible Protection to forever Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all
hold command! (3 ) we ever contact, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T
Compel Jesus’ Luminous Presence to forever hold N O W (3 )!
command! (3 ) “ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Compel the Seven-fold Flame of the Seven M ighty etc.
Elohim to forever hold command! (3 ) (Sam e as above)
Compel Cha A ra’s Open Ended Cross of Eternal * * * *
Freedom to forever hold command! (3 ) 3
Compel the Substance from the Secret Love Star “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority, and Power (3 ) of the
to forever hold command! (3 ) Seven-fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim, flooding,
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
charging, intensifying, expanding and ruling in, thru and ing to cast discredit upon T his Light, ourselves, Don, the
around Don, the Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,” Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his
all under T his Radiation, and all we ever contact, today Radiation and all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities
and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! thruout the world, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) N O W (3 )!
etc. “ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
(Sam e as above) etc.
* * * * (Sam e as above)
4 * * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the 7
Three times Three, flooding, charging, intensifying, ex­ “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Divine
panding and ruling in, thru and around Don, the Ascend­ Judgm ent of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns that
ed M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his R adia­ descends and takes Its toll this instant, in the minds and
tion and all we ever contact, today and forever; and bodies of all who are opposed to or try to cast discredit
M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! upon This Light, ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all
etc. Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities thruout the world,
(Sam e as above) today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
* * * * “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
5 etc.
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Perfec­ (Sam e as above)
tion, without limit, ruling and expanding in, thru and * * * *
around the minds and bodies of Don, the Ascended M as­ 8
ter Youth of the “ I A M ,” and around all under T his “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of H er­
Radiation and all we ever contact; today and forever, cules’ Invincible Protection, ruling and expanding with­
and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! out limit, in, thru and around Don, the Ascended M aster
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Youth of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all
etc. Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” A ctivities thruout the world,
(Sam e as above) today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
* * * * “ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
6 etc.
3 PREAM BLES (Sam e as above)
S T O P ! S T O P ! S T O P ! this instant by One M ighty * * * *
Stroke of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, all forces, 9
plans and individuals who are vicious, opposed to or try­ “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Love and Peace, without limit, freeing and expanding in, 13
thru and around Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation, all Saint Germain’s ruling and expanding without limit in, thru and around
“ I A M ” Activities thruout the world, and all we ever the minds and bodies of Don, the Ascended M aster Youth
contact, in One M ighty Stroke, today and forever; and of the “ I A M ,” all under This Radiation and all we ever
M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! contact, today and forever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. etc.
(Sam e as above) (Sam e as above)
* * * * * * * *
10 14
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Joy and “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Bal­
Success, ruling and expanding, without limit, in, thru, ance, without limit, ruling and expanding in, thru and
and around our minds and bodies, today and forever; and around the minds and bodies of ourselves, Don, the
M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) (R epeat after each line) Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ” and all under
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) T his Radiation and all we ever contact; today and for­
etc. ever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
(Sam e as above) “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
11 (Sam e as above)
* * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Bless­
ings, ruling and expanding, without limit, in, thru and 15
around our minds and bodies, today and forever, and “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of T ruth ,
M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! (R epeat after each line) ruling and expanding without limit in, thru and around
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) the minds and bodies of ourselves, Don, the Ascended
etc. M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation
(Sam e as above) and all we ever contact; today and forever; and M A N I ­
* * * * FEST N O W (3 )!
12 “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
without limit, all the money that comes into my hands, (Sam e as above)
* * * *
today and forever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) 16
(Sam e as above) the V iolet Consuming Flame in, thru and around us and
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 3j
all mankind, without limit, and A N N I H I L A T E (3 ) all T his Radiation) today and forever; and M A N IF E S T
substance that is not of the Light, today and forever; and N O W (3 )!
M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) etc.
etc. (Sam e as above)
(Sam e as above) * * * *
* * * * 20
17 “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
EXPA N D ! EXPA N D ! A N D FO REV ER EXPA N D ! without limit, illumining this mind and body, today and
the Violet Consuming Flame without limit, in, thru and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
around ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of “ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all we ever etc.
contact, and A N N I H I L A T E (3 ) all human desires and (Sam e as above)
habits cause, effect, record and memory from the U n i­ * * * *
verse, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! 21
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Forgive­
etc. ness, without limit, ruling in, thru and around this mind
(Sam e as above) and body, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W !
* * * * (3 )
18 “ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
C H A R G E (3 ) IN T E N S IF Y A N D E X P A N D without etc.
limit, the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, in, thru and (Sam e as above)
* * * *
around Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,”
all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, and 22
A N N I H I L A T E (3 ) all human desires and habits, cause, “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Free­
effect, record and memory in One M ighty Stroke today dom, without limit, ruling and expanding in, thru and
and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! around this mind and body; today and forever; and
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
etc. “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
(Sam e as above) etc.
* * * * (Sam e as above)
* * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of M astery, 23
without limit, ruling and expanding in, thru and around “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Saint
this mind and body, (or the minds and bodies of all under Germain’s Unconditional Freedom, ruling and expanding
Property o f Sain t Germ ain P re ss, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
without limit, in, thru and around Don, the Ascended all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, and
M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation rule in full A uthority and Alm ighty Power, today and
and all we ever contact, today and forever; and M A N I­ forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
FE ST N O W (3 )! “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) etc.
etc. (Sam e as above)
(Sam e as above) * * * *
* * * *
24 27
I T H A N K T H E E “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Ascend­
Power (3 ) of Saint Germain’s Unconditional Freedom, ed M aster Obedience, and Self-control, ruling and ex­
ruling and expanding without limit in, thru and around panding in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the Ascend­
Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all un­ ed M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,” all under T his R adia­
der T his Radiation and all we ever contact; today and tion, all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” A ctivities thruout the
forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) world and all we ever contact, today and forever; and
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
etc. “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
(Sam e as above) etc.
* * * * (Sam e as above)
25 * * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the Ascended M asters’ Love, Gratitude 28
and Blessings without limit, flooding, expanding and rul­ “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
ing in, thru and around Don, the Ascended M aster Joy, Success and Perfection, without limit, controlling
Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all and expanding in, thru and around the
we ever contact, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T Class, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,”
N O W (3 )! all under T his Radiation and all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ”
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Activities thruout the world and all we ever contact,
etc. today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
(Sam e as above) “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
26 (Sam e as above)
B E L O V E D S E V E N M IG H T Y E L O H IM O F C R E A ­ * * * *
T IO N ! C H A R G E ! C H A R G E ! C H A R G E ! the Seven 29
Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim in, thru and “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the
around Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous Precipitation ruling and
34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. «
expanding in, thru and around us, today and forever; ing, intensifying, expanding and ruling in, thru and
and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) ! around Don, the Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,”
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, today
etc. and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
(Sam e as above) “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
30 (Sam e as above)
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Instan­ * * * *
taneous Healing, without limit, ruling and expanding 34
thru and around this mind and body today and forever; “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the
and M A N IF E S T N O W (3 ! Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns and the Substance
“ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) from the Secret Love Star, flooding, charging, intensify­
etc. ing, expanding, precipitating and ruling in, thru and
(Sam e as above) around Don, the Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,”
* * * * all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact today
31 and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of health, “ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
youth and beauty, without limit, ruling and expanding etc.
thru these minds and bodies, today and forever; and (Sam e as above)
M A N IF E S T N O W ( 3 ) !
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
(Sam e as above)
* * * * G E M S O F L IG H T

“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Supply, I s u gg est that no one ever get so b u s y or allow the
without limit, of every good thing in our hands and use pull of the outer world to make that one feel he or she
today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W (3! is so busy as not fo make a certain am o u n t o f applica­
“ Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) tion. The outer activ ity of m a n k i n d is ne ver done! Yo u
etc. could wo rk d ay and night and still there would be days
(Sam e as above) of work ahead. Do what you can c onveniently and leave
* * * * the rest, then call y o u r Presence into action to see that
33 yo u have the time that yon can do w it hi n that time h a p ­
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Eternal pily, har mo ni ous ly and easily all that is required to
Divine Justice and M ercy without limit, flooding, charg­ be done.
$6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL M ay all accept and know the help H e gives to bless,
protect and sustain them, until they see Him in H is
It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release Tangible Body, when H e comes forth into the outer
of a new song— “ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L ” by the world to walk and talk with mankind face to face.
M essenger, Lotus Ray King. W ith every atom of our beings we love, bless and give
This new song is a tribute of Love and A doration to eternal devotion and gratitude to this Glorious Cosmic
the M ighty Cosmic Being, the Archangel M ichael, who Being, the Archangel M ichael. M ay all mankind do like­
forever stands guard over all who serve the Light and wise and receive H is Glorious Blessing.
call for H is Protection. He has for centuries given H is
Protection and Blessing to mankind of which they know M R S. G. W . B A LLA R D
nothing. H is Sw ord of Blue Flame is a very Real and and
M ighty Focus of God-Power by which H e cuts away D O N A LD BA LLA RD
destructive creations of individuals and conditions that
cause so much destruction and suffering to mankind.
T his song has been brought forth as a M ighty M agnet
of the Archangel M ichael’s Tremendous Cosmic Power
of Light, Protection and Blessing to all who will sing it
with Love, devotion, gratitude and blessing to Him . It is
a Focus of the acceptance of H is Coming into the outer
world in H is Visible, Tangible, Ascended M aster Body
to give help to mankind.
Every time this song is sung, heard, played or the pic­
ture contemplated, each individual’s energy thru his or
her attention to this G reat Cosmic Being becomes a
M agnet of attraction which draws Him into close per­
sonal association with those who accept H is Tangible
Presence and Reality.
U se! U se! U se! this song and give the Archangel
M ichael the call which will enable H is M ighty H elp to
get thru to bless and set you free. The music is a definite
means of attuning one’s feelings into H is H eart and re­
ceiving the help H e so lovingly offers.
T h e picture of Archangel M ichael on the cover of this
song is the work of our beloved M ay D aCam ara, whom
we love, thank and bless without limit forever.
50 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 39
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions
to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in PROTECTION
America and $3.33 in foreign lands. T h is applies to the
year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two OF OUR COPYRIGHTS
unexpired months of 1942.
A ll back issues may be secured at any time, either by W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­ where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­
tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R
issues, priced at $5.50. P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D
In the future, all subscriptions start with January of I N S T R U C T I O N S G IV E N T O G R O U P L E A D E R S
each year. is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
Y our change of address must reach this office not later including foreign translations.
than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s This means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­ formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
ping date. Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
service to you assured. fully.
Send A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S A N D O R D E R S to the W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc., Santa Fe, N . M ex. A c ­ T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
company same with either checks, drafts, or Express M oney to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc. T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
Please do not send P .O .M .O .’s. mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­ est possible Blessing.
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
world conditions today. S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
W e thank and Bless all forever and
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C . P U B L IS H E R M R. A N D M R S. G. W . B A L LA R D

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 41

40 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
j 202-A Son of Light (Duet) | Ra* ,Kinf HarP DECREE BOOKLETS
{ 202-B Call to Light (Duet) Fredenck Landwehr,
[ Shrine Organ Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
J 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) | Lotus Ray King, Harp Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
^ 203 B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) | F ^ e n c k Landwehr, momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
[ Shrine Organ
1. Opulence and Supply
| 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land ( Sung by Minute Men 2. Violet Flame and Healing
| 505-B Silent Sentinel ..................... } of Saint Germain 3. "I A M " America's Freedom
f Lotus Ray King, Harp 4. "I A M " Light Decrees
\ 1000-A "I A M " Come (Duet) ......... < Frederick Landwehr, 5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small
j [ N o va ch o rd booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' "I A M "
! 1000-B Dedication ................................ Donald Ray King Activities.)
Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra. 6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks

i RR-I20I Invocation Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­
| RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp Mrs. Ballard ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
( RR-1203 Benediction Mrs. Ballard and Donald ping charges.
/ RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp Mrs. Ballard
\ 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
\ 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM
J 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) .............. Mr. G. W . Ballard Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law
I 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
\ 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard hereafter.
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra
) 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
* ( 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
I 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
{ 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard Lotus Ray King, Harp
| 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard fN ,00-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet). M
\ N 100-B Lotus My Love ...... ..... j Shrine Organ
3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
{ 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard ( N 101-A G odj dj ess ofi Purity
c-i , c
d -x (D
\ i r,
i n u e it)\ ...................... [ -
, R. aV
, , K in 9'
\ Frederick Landwehr,
■ HLa r P
*(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard I N 10 1-B 5ilent bentinel (D u e t) ........ ........ ........ CL . ^
1 1 [ Shrine O rg an
and should be sold in a set.)
[ N 102-A "I A M " Decrees- -Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard "I A M " Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class
) N 102-B
3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard
1 Lotus Ray King, Harp
3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard ( 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)
< Frederick Landwehr,
! 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart..... Mr. G. W . Ballard ) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet)
1 Shrine Organ

42 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 43
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony........ Mr. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard W e still have a few records made of black material, available. The follow­
ing are the Numbers:
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard C 503-A Rainbow Rays ................................. } Instrumental
\ 503-B Oh World Victorious ............ ...... . j and Vocal
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard ( Instrumental
J 1002-A Rainbow Rays ..................... .... . ( and Vocal
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard | 1002-B Dedication to Rainbow Rays .......... ) Lotus Ray
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard j King
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard ( 3300-A Invocation No. I ...... ....................... | Godfre Ray
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard } 3300-B Invocation No. II ........................... { King
3310-A Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard 1 3301-A Benediction No. I .......................... ) Godfre Ray
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard \ 3301-B Benediction No. II .......................... j King
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory' s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard j 3302-A Invocation ........................................ | Godfre Ray
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory' s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard { 3302-B There is No Death ............................ J King
33IO-E Excerpts from Victory' s Dictation— July 1938. Mr. G. W . Ballard | 3303-A Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations | Godfre Ray
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory' s Dictation— July 1938. Mr. G. W . Ballard | 3303-B Beginning of the 'I A M " Dictations J King
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory' s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard \ 3303-C Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations ) Godfre Ray
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory':s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard | 3303-D Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations j King
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard ( 3303-E Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations { Godfre Ray
3310-J Adoration to Mighty Victory ) | 3303-F Beginning of the 'I A M " Dictations j King
Mr. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction J
Record No. 503 and Records Nos. 3300, 3301, and 3302 are available at
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard the reduced price of $2.00, f.o.b. Santa Fe.
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard Record No. 1002 costs $1.50.
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's Packing and shipping charges 60c, provided not more than two
records in a shipment.
talks and should be sold toqether.)
Records Nos. 3303 A-B, C-D, E-F, sell in sets of three, at $5.50 per set—
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation f.o.b. Santa Fe.
in "I A M " Study Groups. Packing and shipping charges 80 cents per set. W e have 19 sets left.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the SanFa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material ... $3.15— Shipping charges extra

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 45
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I ................................... By Godfre Ray King TRANSLATIONS
Containing the first group of the author's experiences. BOOKS IN BRAILLE
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c "UNVEILED M YSTERIES"— In Two Volumes Price $5.25
"THE M A G IC PRESEN C E"— In Three Volumes Price $7.75
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II By Godfre Ray King
"THE 'I A M ' D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes Price $6.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. "A SCEND ED MASTER D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes Price $7.00
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
"THE V O ICE O F THE 'I A M ' " Shipping charges extra
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters
Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters'
Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates.
tions begin with January 1943.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
THE "I A M " ADORATIONS, AFFIRM ATIO N S AND DECREES. Volume V In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
Parts I and 2 By Chanera (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
By Various Ascended Masters dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before Size — 5'/2x8'/2. Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings AI r'L l l • ii . i i Size 12x21 Price $65.00
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated Above Charts mechanically animated ............ } SJze 3()x52 Rrice $225 Q0
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Violet Flame mechanically animated............ i Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III.......... By the Great Divine Director \ Size 30x52 Price $225.00
(Shipping charges extra,
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JES U S
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT G ER M A IN
"I A M " ADO RATIO NS AND A FFIRM A TIO N S By Chanera Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c PICTURE OF O UR BELOVED M ESSENGER, G U Y W . BALLARD
SPEC IA L "I A M " DECREES AND BINDERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special I AM Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Sh ipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x 19*/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $ 1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size 15x19,/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) l»/2e per leaf. Shipping charges extra


46 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 47
Already Released
(16” for Playbacks only)
( Lotus Ray King, Harp
65 f I. Goddess of Purity (Duet) ________ ______ { Frederick Landwehr,
( Shrine Organ
[ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto ........................... ............. .Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL * "l A M " HERE 66 "I AM Come (Duet) .......................... ... { Frederick Landwehr,
"I A M “ C O M E ♦ARCHANGEL M IC H A EL [ Shrine Organ
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fr6 B a y K in g and
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w ith p o w e r­
NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h co n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
c o v e r in co lo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esigned fo r t h a t piece of m u sic. double-faced record.
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of
Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c.
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
SO N G FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
[■ I. "I A M " Here 1
No. I -j 2. Angels of Saint Germain Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph j Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim "|
No. 2 s 5. Mary, the Mother of Jesus j Music and Lyrics
[ 6. Archangel Michael J Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
Small Siie— for individual use....................................................Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e " C r y s t a l C u p s ” are not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h " C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
and is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. N o d isc o u n ts a re PROPERTY OF SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.
a llo w e d . Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


48 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

B y th e A scen ded M a sters an d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers

M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM ” Age.


S a n t a F e , N e w M e x ic o .
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

• G o pyriy/it~ 0 a in t (jer?nain9?resd In g i 943 •



Part n
D E E P ! D E E P ! D E E P ! IN G O D ’S H E A R T — (R e p e a t a ft e r e ach line)
G r e a t B e in g s fro m M e rcu ry blaze!
J u p ite r’s B e in g s pou r o u t T h e ir R a y s !
N e p tu n e ’s B e in g s an d P o w e r bless!
S iriu s B e in g s con su m e d istress!
W e h e a r C a ssio p ea ’s N am e!
D w e ll S u ry a ’s L o rd s o f B lu e F la m e !
B e lo v e d V e n u s’ B e a u ty flo w s!
B le s t A e rie s’ P o w e r e a ch one k n o w s!
G lo riou s V irg o su pplies u s all!
B e lo v e d H e lio s’ F la m e w e ca ll!
F o rtu n a D e a r g iv e s H e r L o v e ’s W e alth !
M ig h ty P o la ris is L ig h t ’s H ealth !
B le s t C e res sen ds g ra in ’s G od ’s G rea t G ift!
P a m o n a ’s F r u it com es su re and sw ift!
T h e A scen d ed M a ste rs’ R e tr e a ts abide!
T h e E th e r ic C itie s d ra w u s in sid e!
T h e T em p les o f L ig h t b laze e v e ry hou r!
T h e S e cre t L o v e S ta r pou rs fo r th I ts P o w e r!
T h e V io le t P la n e t stops e ach m istak e !
T h e S even E lo h im B a la n c e m ak e!
T h e L o rd s o f th e F la m e fro m V en u s love!
T h e S e ve n M ig h ty C h oh an ’s m ove!
M ig h ty M o ry a ’s G r e a t P o w e r w e see!
K u th o o m ie D e a r’s L o v e se ts a ll free !
B le s t S e ra p is B e y ’s P o w e r g o v e rn s all!
T h e V e n e tia n ’s M ig h ty L o v e w e ca ll!
B e lo v ’d H ila ria n ’s L ig h t com es th ru !
I s th e U n fe d F la m e in a ll w e do!
T h e G od s o f th e M oun tain s in G lo ry re ign !
M ig h ty G od T a b o r sh ow s H is D om ain!
M ig h ty M eru ’s H e a rt, to u s ca lls!
M ig h ty H im a la y a ’s P e a c e e n th ra lls!
T h e G od o f th e S w iss A lp s g u a rd s b y L ig h t!
W e ca ll m ore an d m ore and m ore o f G od ’s M ight!
W ith B ro th e rs o f th e G olden R ob e, w e sin g!
T h e B ro th e rs o f th e D iam o n d H eart, L o v e b rin g!
T h e B ro th e rs o f th e B lu e F la m e g u a rd an d blaze!
T h e B ro th e rs o f th e W h ite R o b e sin g and p raise!
T h e B ro th e rs o f th e In d igo C a p e h elp a ll!
T h e C h ris t C lo a k o f In v isib ility w e ca ll!
A ll F o rce s o f th e E le m e n ts bless!
V ic to r y ’s M essen g er is H ap pin ess!
B e lo v e d Z a ra th ru s ta g iv e s L o v e ’s R ele a se !
M ig h ty B u d d h a is L ig h t’s G re a t P e a ce !
T h e T e n T h o u sa n d C h ild ren fro m C h in a sin g!
T h e C e lestia l Choir, G od ’s H e a lin g brin g!
T h o se w h o h a v e ascend ed ra ise a ll b y L ig h t!
W e fe e l, and see an d k n o w G od ’s M igh t!
B le s t M oses fo r e v e r a d o res th e “ I A M ” !
M ig h ty E lija h sp e a k s L ife ’s Com m an d!
C a sim ir P o e sid o n ’s L o ve se ts free !
T h e F o u n d e rs o f th e R o y a l T e to n p ra ise T h ee!
A n g e ls an d C h oirs a n d L e g io n s g iv e L ig h t!
I s L ife ’s M ig h ty G o a l— th e A sce n sio n ’s H e ig h t!
You hardly know in the W estern W orld what it really
ELECTRA’S DISCOURSE means to be bound and limited. If you were aware of
Los Angeles, California - December 18, 1938 the conditions that exist in some of the Eastern coun­
tries, you would think you were free, even though you
E L O V E D friends of A m erica! Beloved Stu­ experience the conditions of the day. So rejoice that
dents of the Light! In greeting you tonight, you are in your beloved Am erica, free in so many ways
for the first time thru the spoken word, may that are not possible in the Far East. W hile there are
I be able to reach and do for you all M y H eart a few in those countries who experience Complete Free­
commands M e to do. In your earnestness, and while I dom, yet the great mass of the people are not privileged
have not been present M yself to observe it, yet, I am as you are today; to have this G reat G reat Light brought
informed that your devotion has been beyond expression, to them, a G ift, the G reatest G ift of Love that mankind
and as your determination is grow ing in the desire to bring can experience; but Europe lost her opportunity!
forth the Perfection of Light, so shall it be done! W hen your Beloved Saint Germain longed so much
I say to you who saw Chandu, the M agician, do you to bring to Europe, this which H e has brought to you
know that in the Far East, all that was portrayed there, today, Europe rejected it. A fter repeated attem pts H e
w as in actual physical action? Even the writer of the withdrew. Y ou in Am erica, whose Light was expanded
script was not aware that he was portraying a Reality. sufficiently have had the Joy and G reat Blessing of that
T od ay in the world of mankind, there is going on a acceptance which comes alone in and thru the Power of
dram a of Light and shadow, that will conclude and dis­ Light.
solve all shadows from the earth. Y ou hear your beloved Lotus so often call your atten­
I wish you to realize that in all the W isdom of the tion to Light, Light, Light! O h, it is no wonder! One
ages, many have experienced and sought that W is­ day, when you realize all that means to you, will you
dom, yet today, thru the Love of Saint Germain, you call to Light, Light, Light; and in that call, you will
have that G reat W isdom brought to you. So will you release those M ighty Powers of Light which govern the
accept this tonight, while I am talking to you and let Universe, into your world of action and bring the Peace,
the full Power of Its A ction find dominion in your Life, the Happiness, the Limitless Supply of all that is re­
accepting it as a permanently sustained activity? quired to govern and find action in your world.
A s with those beloved ones who came to M y H om e So today the rejoicing is very great. I am privileged,
where we discussed something of the Law , they little tonight, to stand in your midst and feel the rejoicing
dream ing of all that would follow, so with you today. that you have been expressing for some tw o or more
H ow little you dream of all that is before you in the years. T o think, beloved ones, that today you are past
coming months, in the coming few years just ahead; the preliminary stage and you are entering into the Power
and as you advance, or shall we say more definitely, of definite and Full A ction. D o you quite fully realize
as your Light advances, everything that has held you that? D o you realize in these M ighty Decrees, you have
bound or limited, will dissolve before It! been issuing, you have brought yourselves, have raised
4 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
yourselves into the Eternal Permanent Power and A ction Being invited to speak to you, tonight, I consider
of Light? T h at is not an imaginary thing, but a very a very great privilege. W^hen those beloved Children
definite All-powerful action; and as you keep accepting came to M e on their way to Freedom, I felt like a mother
It and calling, It will prove to you in your outer world to them. I longed to keep them in M y Hom e for some
of action, the Power which It is. time. Remember, W e who serve in certain capacities,
Y ou will one day, ere long, see your call is the Decree many times are called upon to serve alone, and such has
of Life for the Perfection desire, made manifest! N ow been M y Capacity of serving. Ere long, I shall be re­
then, will you see and understand w hat mastery of Su b­ leased from that particular part of M y Service and join
stance and energy means! W hen W e call the Currents with the G reat Ones in the service to Am erica and the
of Energy into action the manifestation is there. T h at is world. (A pplause— audience risin g).
by momentum gained in your call to the Presence of Thank you. Y ou are very gracious, and I feel your
Life. So will you remember that every call you make, kindness and Love enfolding M e. M ay you feel M y
every Decree that you issue individually or en masse, Great Enfolding Love in return, and form Its M antle of
is bringing you each time a step nearer to the fulness of Light about you and join to that the Force of Invincible
that momentum gained, in which will come the Instan­ Protection for you everywhere you move. M ay I be
taneous A nsw er to your call; the V ictory of the Instan­ some part in strengthening your call, strengthening your
taneous M anifestation of that which you require! determination to have the Perfection of Life flow into
It is a magnificent thing, and when W e in the Far your world of action, like a M ighty River, until not one
East have seen a few individuals raise themselves into thing that is a Blessing and the Perfection of Life will
that state of instantaneous manifestation, then can you be withheld. Thank you so much.
wonder why W e have longed to see all mankind enter M ay I remind you, that I have known Saint Germain
into that state where they find Complete H appiness? In for a long time! I knew Him in Europe before H is
the physical attem pts at happiness, and in feeling that Ascension and I know the G reat Jew el of Light, that
thru the physical world alone came happiness, there has has come to the rescue of Am erica. (A pplause— audience
always been the disappointment of mankind; but when rising.) I do not wonder that you rejoice and give such
you enter into T rue H appiness thru the call of Life, then gratitude and Love to him; for the Light in you knows
you have entered the only T rue Happiness to be found all that H e is, and all that H e means to you and Am erica.
anywhere in the Universe. In that Happiness will come I say to you, you are fortunate, the most fortunate people
the release, because Happiness is Harm ony! of Am erica, in having such a Friend. (A p plau se.) W on ’t
A s W e see you releasing that M ighty Charged Power you be seated.
o f Light and Energy, W e know all that means to you I am One who in that respect has been very greatly
in gaining the Power thru momentum for your Complete privileged, having seen H is A ctivity for a long period
Freedom . Y ou are not fully aware of this yet, but W e of time. I cannot lose the opportunity of calling your
can rejoice even before you are aware of all that it means attention to all that H e means to you. W e cannot take
to you. the time tonight, to relate some of the things I would
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
so gladly give you, but I remind you that you know
W e remind you to take notice of this, because it will
only a fragm ent of H is A lm ighty Service to mankind,
be quite tangible to you. A s you feel less and less the
even before the experiences of the M essengers began.
pressure you will feel the greater intensity of happiness
I have seen H is A ctivity thruout Europe and the
and Freedom, not only in action, but from mental
Orient in the A lm ighty Service, which H e has rendered;
and some day, when our time is not so limited, I may
I was in Am erica just about eighteen months ago. I
hold you for some three hours in relating much, H e
himself would not give. (A p p lau se.) tell you frankly, I was so amazed in coming into Am erica
today. In all that W e had known over there is one thing,
Com ing to the present, you have been aware of H is
but to have come into the environment yourself, is quite
absence so much from the Class work. I too long to tell
a different thing. W hen I became aware of all that had
you something of what H e has accomplished in Europe,
been achieved, I stood quiet offering praise and thanks
as well as this Transcendent Accom plishm ent in Am erica.
to the Presence of all Life and the Source which you
Perhaps I may be optimistic, but beloved ones, I M yself
know as the G reat Central Sun, for releasing those
feel no uncertainty in the V ictory of Light in Am erica.
M ighty Cosmic R ays into A m erica. O h, that you might
(A p p lau se.)
feel the importance of that! A s you see a wave as it
N ow then, may I endeavor to assist you in realizing
moves upon the ocean, it does not seem so im portant,
w hat a service you are rendering, not only to your Life,
does it? So in the lack of mankind’s extended vision,
but your Beloved Saint Germain who has undertaken
have they been so far unable to see, except in a few in­
this stupendous thing. D o you realize, beloved ones
stances, these Cosmic W aves of Light and Power, as
tonight, what it has meant in the achievement of the
they are released and move thru the earth. T h is has
past six months in all that has been done, releasing y ou
been one of the M ost Beneficient A ctions o f Life that
from a pressure which you cannot possibly imagine!
is releasing.
U nless you saw It from O ur Standpoint of Life, from
O ur Unlim ited Vision, you could not possibly realize I say to the beloved Staff tonight, in some recent
w hat he has caused you to be released from already. D ictations mention was made as to the time required
T h e m atter of mankind’s accumulated discordant en­ for some of these vast achievements; for instance, the
ergy, is small in comparison to the consciously directed dissolving of the substance within the atmosphere of
destructive forces, that Am erica has been released from. earth. I f W e were to do this individually, or even col­
(A p p lau se.) M any of you who are fond of swimming, lectively, it might require a certain sense of time as you
remember when you have been under water for some know it; but when you consider the Power and the R e­
time, then you come up and draw a long breath; that lease of the G reat Cosm ic Light from the Source of all
is the position that mankind have arrived at now. Y ou Light and Energy to this earth, do you think It would
have come up from under the pressure of consciously be limited? D o you think It would require time as you
directed destructive forces. Steadily and surely will that know it? O h, beloved ones, enter in for a few moments
dissolve and disappear. with M e in the feeling of the Stupendous A ctivity which
that is.
8 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
Please see your part in this, in the M ighty Decrees Y ou are now in a position today to release yourselves
that you have released into the mental and feeling world, with such power, such speed of action that in the next
cleansing and purifying it; because your call remember, few months, there will be thousands and thousands of
sets into action the Power of your Presence, which is the students who will enter into that clear definite con­
the Power of Light, Energy and W isdom . Then, as that viction of their power to have instantaneous answers to
is called forth from the Source of Alm ighty Light and their calls, the same as the M essengers do, and w hat re­
Energy to your earth, that A ssistance becomes those joicing it will bring. Then, it will bring more and more
G reat W aves of Cosmic Light as It sweeps thru the atmos­ into that same condition.
phere of your earth and over the surface of your earth. R e­ N ow , as a matter of illustration, I ask you to please
member, beloved ones, that in the A ction of the Source of observe, if there were ten people in this room, who had
all Intelligence, Light and Energy to this earth, when the the full conviction of the instantaneous answer to their
consciousness of mankind has been raised to a certain point, call and would issue that Decree in your midst, then all
more and more instantaneous becomes the A ction of Light. of you who were within the Radiance, for instance of
In the release of this G reat Energy from the G reat this room, would be raised momentarily into that same
Source of Light to the earth, that is the Commanding conviction. W hether you outw ardly were conscious of
Presence of Life! M ay I just touch tonight, and remind it or not, would not matter; but you would be raised
you again of the G reat Com m and? O h, one day, when into that condition because of the vibratory action of
you know that G reat Command, how magnificent! Then, the room; because that is the Power of Light over human
will you know the end from the beginning! Then, from limitations. T h at is why I say this for encouragement
the conception of a desire of Perfection, you will know in the M ighty Decrees which you issue; that you should
its completeness! Then will you know that in the ap­ have in that group of people a greater conviction of the
pearance of the problem before you, is the answer. instantaneous answer to your call, which will give un­
Does that sound just a little bit strange? It is so true. limited assistance to the others to gain it also.
N o t one thing can appear to you in your world of action, T h at is why I say to you, you do not yet realize what
in which there is not the solution with it, but mankind has been done in those magnificent hours of Decrees
have not seen that part of it. T h ey have only seen the which you have been issuing during the past months, and
appearance which sometimes deprived them of the solu­ I say especially during the past eight months. T h ere are
tion and made them unable to cope with the appearance, so many who are gaining rapidly a fuller, more powerful
because they accepted the appearance as real. Since you conviction, that their calls cannot fail to be answered;
have come to know that the appearance is not the action and that will bring the absolute certainty of the answers.
of Life, but of only human qualities, then you can say I have noticed, tonight, in your response here how
to that appearance: “ Y ou have no pow er,” and follow pow erful your feeling is following your attention. O h, it
it by the Power of your feeling. T hen you stop the ac­ means so much, beloved ones; because W H E N T H E
tion of the appearance world and the Power of Life F E E L IN G F U L L Y F O L L O W S T H E A T T E N T I O N ,
flows forth to change all. T H E A C T I O N IS I N S T A N T A N E O U S . T h ar is why
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. II
and ability you have to send forth a M ighty W ave of
the G reat Ones in calling your attention to this more re­
Energy and substance thru your Decrees, that will
cently, have asked you to compel your feelings to follow
cleanse, purify and govern conditions in your city, in
your attention; and it will bring more quickly the limit­
your state, in your country. (A p plau se.)
less conviction within you of the instantaneous answer
to your call. T h at is what you are entering into and A s I am informed, sometime ago you were reminded,
that when you send forth your Decrees, it is the Power
what is needed now, in bringing the Light to govern the
of Light and Energy going forth which knows no re­
wave of fear and depression that has passed over your
sistance; then when something in your nation needs to
Am erica, to try to bring domination over your financial
requirements. be remedied, remember in your Decrees for that specific
purpose, it is the Power of Light and Energy, charged,
D o not yield to this, beloved students! T h at is a con­
qualified substance which goes forth. Remember, there
sciously projected activity! There is no reality back of
is no resistance to a thing that you do not know.
it. Perhaps it might be just a little out of order for M e
to say this to you in Am erica, but anyhow I shall take T h at has been the unfortunate condition of mankind.
the chance. D o you know that in your Am erica, there Because they did not know these things existed, they
are a great many people who are n o t of the Light and made no resistance to them. Therefore, they were ac­
who have learned something of mental power; fortunately cepting these things constantly into their world. N ow ,
they do not know much about the feeling power; but the let us reverse that tonight. Let us see O ur Power is
politicians of your Am erica, have sought out certain the Power of Light, to send forth into the mental and
forces in order to wield mental power, to govern and feeling world, this M ighty Directing Intelligence and
gain their political ends. W ell, if observation serves M e energy; to act within the feeling world of your govern­
correctly, as it usually does, that power, that force is help­ ment, in your politicians and change their desire into
less! (A pplause— audience rising.) a constructive purpose, instead of one of selfishness.
(A pplause.)
Y ou in your great G roups here who have seen the ful­
Remember, that in these M ighty Charges of Light
fillment of your Decrees, with the exception of one, have
going forth into the mental and feeling world of man­
courage for that is soon to be fulfilled. I wish to say
something now, while you are standing on your feet. Be­ kind, there is no resistance; because It is the call to Life.
T he Life of whoever that current touches wants Perfec­
loved ones, try to feel with M e all that these words mean.
tion! Therefore, all give response thru the Power of
Y ou who are here, tonight, are a power inconceivable
the Light within their hearts. See then, how definite
in this Understanding of your “ I A M Presence.” In
is your action in the call to Life, to feel and have instan­
your coming to understand, that when you issue Decrees
taneous response.
for a certain activity in this M ighty Body of Light, Y O U
I wish you to see this tonight as firmly as possible,
A R E A B O D Y O F L IG H T !
for then you will not fear what politicians or w hat the
A s you issue these Decrees, you become the M ighty
conditions are in your government, or what those in your
Pillar of Light which is Invincible! Please understand
city might do; but in the call for Divine O rder and
that and feel It! Y ou yourselves will see, the full power
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc, ]3
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Divine Justice going forth into the mental and feeling
world o f mankind, charging, charging, charging One
M ighty Impulse after another; then will you see the Los Angeles, Calif. - M arch 18, 1937
Dominion of the Light; because that Light knows no
resistance thru any human being or all put together. O U R BELO V ED M ESSEN G ER
T h at is why, tonight, in the Full Power of that M ighty
Conviction which is charged into your world, realize E L O V E D ones, in regard to the U nfed Flame,
your call to Light, is the Infinite Pow er and G lory of it is really so important that you have a clear
that Light, sweeping thru the atmosphere of your earth understanding of It. In all your application, if
and into the feeling world of mankind, blessing them you are not quite clear on any point, may I
as nothing in the world can do; and ofttimes bringing urge you to call for Ascended M aster Illumination con­
the Light and charging the desire world of the individual, cerning it, and go ahead with the definite prom pting
with that constructive purpose, which had a few moments which you have. D on’t let your consciousness waver,
before, been charged with the most destructive actviity. when you start to give an affirmation or Decree, but go
Therefore, you are rendering a service to Life, to on and do it, calling for Light and you will find out the
Am erica, to mankind and to yourselves that is incon­ correct thing later.
ceivable to the one yet unascended. Therefore, let U s In the description of the U nfed Flame in Unveiled
help you in O ur H um ble Explanation, to more fully M ysteries, in the Cham ber of Light in the R oyal T eton,
realize your Power in your call to Light. In the great you will find It described with three Plunes, which is the
body of students thruout Am erica, in their call to Light, Life-giving Essence. T h e use of the U nfed Flame was
all comes into One G reat Focus, thru the mental and also given in the buried City of the Am azon, as described
feeling world, of the Power of the Energy released which in Unveiled M ysteries; also in A tlantis before the sink­
will bring Its Dominion. ing of the last remnant; also in previous civilizations of
D oubt not, beloved ones, that Dominion of the Light about two hundred thousand years ago. A t that time
is bound to come in your continuous call; for daily and the Flame which was used, was the shape such as you use
hourly are you gaining that M omentum and Power which now, for instance in the candle flame, only considerably
is little realized yet in your physical activity, but in the
larger. T h at is the shape of the Flame you should usually
mental and feeling world, you are becoming a Power.
use in representing the U nfed Flame.
Beloved ones, please understand M e, when I say that
hundreds, thousands are going out while the body sleeps If you choose to establish the U nfed Flame in your
at night and rendering a service, which you could not home in a place which is not disturbed, then use the A c ­
imagine in your physical world. O h beloved ones, be tivity of the Three Plumes. For a specific activity for
encouraged! be dauntless! before this human sense of yourself, your family or affairs, if you wish to call the
limitation and stand the V ictory of the Light! U nfed Flame into use, It should be the shape of an ordi­
I thank you so much. (A pplause.) nary flame from a candle, only larger.
14 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
W hen I want to use or establish the Life-giving A c ­ Precious ones, you have now entered into the A ctivity
tivity o f the U nfed Flame, for instance in a home or for of the Light, which is your Freedom; and this is the H igh ­
our own rooms during our stay in a city of four or five est A ctivity that Saint Germain has permitted to come
weeks, then I establish the Flame as a Permanent Life- forth. It is for your A bsolute Blessing, use and All-
giving A ctivity! but for use of the Dynamic A ction of pow erful A ction; and yet, I know sometimes in the feel­
the U nfed Flame, use the Flame as you see It from the ings of unbelievers and doubters, they think that this
candle. T h at is why I am explaining It to you for your is an imaginary thing. G od help them! T h e M ost W on-
derful T hing in the world ever given to mankind, is the
There really is a two-fold activity of It. T h is is an­ use of that U nfed Flame.
other point I want to make clear. If you use the Three M any of you will come to know the T ru th o f which
Plume A ctivity of the U nfed Flame, wherever you estab­ I am speaking tonight; as you come to visualize It and
lish It, ask the “ M ighty I A M Presence” to sustain It. begin to see It almost as definitely as a physical activity.
Y ou need give no further attention to It, because It will W hen you find that Flame will obey your slightest com­
come forth and pour out Its Radiance; but in the U se mand, then you will know It is no idle thing!
o f the U nfed Flame, such as goes forth from the candle A s the G reat Ascended M asters pass a flow er or tree,
for any constructive use, such as to direct It into your that flower or tree will bend tow ard Them because of
mind, body or activity, you will find you can speak to the recognition of its M aster. So does every created
that Flame like you would to a person and ask It to per­ thing bow before that M ighty U nfed Flame. T h e sin­
form a service. ister force is as afraid of It as they are of death. T h at
I urge you, whatever you do, don’t call the U nfed is why, if mankind or individuals who are disturbed by
Flame into action unless your feeling is absolutely har­ discarnate entities, would only understand this and give
monious! D on’t do it! I T IS T H E M O S T P O W E R ­ one firm command of the Power of the T h ree times
F U L C O N C E N T R A T E D A C T IO N O F T H E G O D ­ T hree or the Power of the U nfed Flame, they would
H E A D O N E A R T H . D ear hearts, do you realize your instantly free themselves from any discarnates in the
privilege? T h e Ascended Ones have given this forth to world or all of them.
you for your use. T his was never known before in the Y ou blessed ones who have joyously and willingly en­
history of the outside world under any circumstances! tered into the requirements of T h is A ctivity, Saint G er­
Y ou see, dear ones, there is nothing to fear about Its main wants you to have the Full U se of these things and
use. Just know you must keep your feelings harmonized the Full Understanding o f Them !
immediately before and after calling It into action, then
you have obeyed the Law , You know the Law and
know the necessity of controlling yourselves. Y ou can
if you want to dear hearts. D on’t let any human being
ever tell you that you cannot do anything you want to do!
16 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
B E L O V E D “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” G R E A T 1
L E G IO N S O F L IG H T ; G R E A T A N G E L IC H O S T ; “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) o f the Law
G R E A T C O S M IC B E IN G S ; G R E A T C O S M I C of Forgiveness and V iolet Consum ing Flame of a T h ou ­
L IG H T A N D L O R D S O F T H E F L A M E F R O M sand Suns! M anifest N ow ! flooding, blazing, intensifying,
V E N U S! BELO VED SA N A T K U M A R A , BELO VED expanding, purifying, perfecting and ruling, without
SA N A T K U M A R A , BELO VED SA N A T K U M A R A ! limit, in, thru and around ourselves, D on, the Ascended
M ake us all T h y Forgiveness and all of T h y Light, M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all military camps, all
under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, today and
M ake us all of T h y Patience and all of T h y M ight, forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
M ake us all of T h y Love and T h y Full V ictory too,
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! ( 3 )
M ake us all of T h y Freedom this instant come thru, etc.
M ake us all T h y Obedience in Eternal Command, * * * *
M ake us all of T h y M astery thruout every land,
M ake us all of T h y W isdom and all of T h y Power,
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) o f the V iolet
M ake us T h y M ighty Flame’s Full Perfection each
Consuming Flame of a T housand Suns in Its most dy­
namic action! M anifest N ow ! flooding, blazing, charging,
M ake us always Self-luminous, Pure, Blazing and Bright, intensifying, expanding, cutting away all that is not of
Rush forw ard thru us, rule all from T h y Height, the Light, and ruling without limit, in, thru and around
ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the
T h ru our “ I A M Presence,” make us all that T hou art,
“ I A M ,” all military camps, all under T h is Radiation
N ow I A M in T h y Flame, never more can we part, and all we ever contact in One M ighty Stroke, today
I A M all of T h y Glory, compel all T h y Peace, and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
M ake all blazing with Light, all T h y Flame now O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
release, etc.
M ake us bless thru our hands, and raise all in T h y Nam e,
Give T h y M ighty Commands in T h y G reat U nfed
18 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
3 6
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) of Ascended “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” A N D A L L G R E A T
M aster Alertness, Illumination, Discrimination and B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T !
Obedience, without limit! M anifest N ow ! flooding, Send us uncountable Legions and Legions and Legions
blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding and ruling, o f Gigantic Ascended M aster Friends, Defenders, Cham ­
pions, Protectors, and V ictors of the Cosmic Light and U n ­
without limit, in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the
fed Flame of a Thousand Suns everywhere we go! ( l ) and
Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all military
camps, all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, Give us more Light and H elp without limit, to pro­
today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) tect and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities
thruout the world, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N I­
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
F E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
# * * *
4 * * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Kindness, 7
Patience and M ercy without limit! M anifest N o w ! flood* Give us more Light and Help, without limit, to defend
ing, blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding and ruling, and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” A ctivities thru­
wthout limit, in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the out the world, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T
Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,” all under T his N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Radiation and all we ever contact, today and forever! (1 )
M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) * * * *
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) 8
etc. Give us more Light and Help, without limit, to supply
* * * * and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” A ctivities thru­
5 out the world, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T
N O W ! (3 )
“ I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) of Purity,
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Illumination, Peace and Satisfaction, without limit! M ani­
fest N o w ! flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, ex­ * * * *
panding and ruling, without limit, in, thru and around 9
ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the Give us more Light and Help, without limit, to free and
“ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all we ever con­ expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” A ctivities thruout the
tact, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) world, today and forever! (l) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3)
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. etc.
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
10 14
Give us more Light and Help, without limit, to harmon­ “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) , Victory,
ize and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities Light and Freedom of M ercury’s All-knowing, Dazzling,
thruout the world, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N I­ Fathomless, Diamond-shining M ind of G od, flooding,
F E S T N O W ! (3 ) blazing, charging, intensifying, illumining, expanding and
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) ruling, without in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the
etc. Ascended M aster Youth of the “ I A M ,” all under T his
* * * * Radiation and all we ever contact, today and forever!
11 (1 ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Give us more Light and Help, without limit, to carry
and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities thru­ * * * *
out the world, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T 15
N O W ! (3 ) “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) , V ictory,
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Light and Freedom of the Violet Consuming Flame, the
etc. V iolet Planet and the Violet Tem ple of Light, without
* * * * limit, M anifest N ow ! flooding, blazing, charging, purify­
12 ing, intensifying, expanding, dissolving and consuming all
Give us more Light and H elp, without limit, to make that is not of the Light and ruling, without limit, in, thru
victorious and expand all Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” and around ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh
A ctivities thruout the world, today and forever! ( l ) and of the “ I A M ,” all military camps, all under T his R adia­
M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) tion and all we ever contact, today and forever! ( l ) and
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
etc. O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
* * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) , V ictory, “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) , V ictory,
Light and Freedom of Cyclopea’s AlI-seeing-Eye of G od, Light and Freedom of the Sw ord of Blue Flame from the
flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, illumining, ex­ Central Sun, charging and cutting away all that is not of
panding and ruling, without limit, in, thru and around the Light, in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the
ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his
“ I A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all we ever con­ Radiation and all we ever contact, today and forever! ( l )
tact, today and forever! ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. etc.
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
the Am ericas, in one M ighty Stroke N O W , cause, effect,
“ I A M ” ( 3 ) the A uthority and Power ( 3 ) , V ictory, record and memory from the Universe; today and for­
ever! ( 1 ) M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
Light and Freedom, Success, Protection and Perfection,
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
without limit of the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven
M ighty Elohim! M anifest N ow ! flooding, blazing, etc.
* * * *
charging, intensifying, expanding, balancing, illumining
and ruling, without limit, in, thru and around ourselves,
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all
Peace, Protection and Perfection, without limit; flooding,
under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, today and
blazing, intensifying, expanding and ruling, without limit;
forever! and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
in, thru and around ourselves; Don, the Ascended M aster
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T h is Radiation and all
* * * * we ever contact; today and forever; ( l ) and M A N I­
F E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus and Beloved M ary! * * * *
Charge every home in Am erica and the world with
the Love, Purity and Perfection of the H oly Family and
“ I A M ” ( 3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the
make every home an A ltar of A doration and Perfection
S W O R D O F B L U E F L A M E , the V IO L E T C O N S U M ­
of the “ M ighty I A M ” Presence,” the G reat H ost of
IN G F L A M E and the C O S M IC L IG H T O F A T H O U ­
Ascended M asters, the M ighty Legions of Light, the
S A N D S U N S , without limit; flooding, blazing, charging,
G reat Angelic H ost and all Beings from the G reat Cen­
intensifying, expanding and ruling, without limit; in, thru
tral Sun, today and forever! and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
and around N ew York, Philadelphia and W ashington,
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
D . C . (use any city) today and forever; ( l ) and M A N I­
* * * * F E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
“ I A M ” ( 3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the * * * *
S W O R D O F B L U E F L A M E , the V IO L E T C O N S U M ­
IN G F L A M E and the C O S M IC L IG H T O F A T H O U ­
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of money
S A N D S U N S , without limit; flooding, blazing, charging,
and the supply of every good thing—success, V ictory and
intensifying, expanding everywhere, without limit; and
Freedom, without limit; flooding, blazing, charging, in­
annihilating instantly all substance of hate in, thru and
tensifying, expanding and ruling, without limit; in, thru
around ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of
and around ourselves; Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh
the “ I A M ,” all under T h is Radiation and all thruout
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
of the “ I A M ” and all under T his Radiation and all we 26
ever contact; today and forever; ( l ) and M A N IF E S T Raise Y our S W O R D S O F B L U E F L A M E and Annihi­
N O W ! (3 ) late (3 ) all substance in the minds, bodies, feelings and
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) food of the Am erican people and all mankind, that con­
etc. taminates them for any reason whatsoever; today and
* * * * forever ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
23 O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Gigantic, etc.
* * * *
Ascended M aster M iracles and Victories of Perfection,
without limit, flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, 27
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of the G od­
expanding and ruling, without limit; in, thru and around
dess of Purity’s W hite Fire Substance, without limit;
ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I
flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, purifying, ex­
A M ,” all under T his Radiation and all we ever contact;
today and forever ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) panding and ruling, without limit; in, thru and around
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) ourselves; Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the
etc. “ I A M ,” all military camps, all under T his Radiation
* * * * and all we ever contact, today and forever ( l ) and
M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and S T O P ! S T O P !
S T O P ! A ll human mistakes, today and forever ( l ) and * * # *
M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) 28
(U se above for any other destructive quality or force) “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Saint
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) Germain’s Violet Consuming Flame and Unconditional
etc. Freedom; flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, ex­
* * * *
panding and ruling, without limit; in, thru and around
25 ourselves, Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I
K IL L that case by L IG H T today A M ,” all military camps; all under T his Radiation and
K IL L all its hell now by G od’s Blue Ray! all we ever contact, today and forever ( l ) and M A N I­
A nd M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) F E S T N O W ! (3 )
K IL L that stop order on the mails today O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
K IL L all its hell now by G od’s Blue Ray! etc.
A nd M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 ) * * * *
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) 29
etc. “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light,
* * * * without limit, protecting and expanding the R ights of
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
Free M en, without limit; in, thru and around ourselves,
Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all
military camps, all under T his Radiation and all mankind,
today and forever; ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * *
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Invincible
Protection and V ictory of the Seven Fold Flame of the
Seven M ighty Elohim, without limit; flooding, blazing,
charging, intensifying, expanding and ruling, without
limit; in, thru and around ourselves; Don, the Ascended
M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all military camps, all
under T his Radiation and all we ever contact, today and
forever ( l ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * *
“ I A M ” ( 3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Instan­
taneous Healing from the M usic of the Spheres, without
limit; flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying and ruling,
without limit; in, thru and around ourselves, Don, the
Ascended M aster Y outh of the “ I A M ,” all under T his
Radiation and all we ever contact, today and forever
(1 ) and M A N IF E S T N O W ! (3 )
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )

28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inf.
It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release
Beloved Students: of a new song— “ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L ” by the
Messenger, Lotus Ray King.
Because of the outer world commercial conditions today, T his new song is a tribute of Love and A doration to
we are using a different grade of paper, from that which the M ighty Cosmic Being, the Archangel M ichael, who
we formerly used in the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ .” W e ask forever stands guard over all who serve the Light and
that you bear with us, until conditions are such, that we call for H is Protection. H e has for centuries given H is
can use the same kind we did formerly. Protection and Blessing to mankind of which they know
It has also become necessary for us to increase the prices nothing. H is Sw ord of Blue Flame is a very Real and
on various items. W e ask that you consult the list under M ighty Focus of God-Power by which H e cuts away
the heading of S A I N T G E R M A IN S E R IE S , in the back destructive creations of individuals and conditions that
of this M agazine before you order, as this list has been cause so much destruction and suffering to mankind.
brought up to date and gives the correct prices. T his song has been brought forth as a M ighty M agnet
W e also call your attention to the “ Publisher’s N otice” of the Archangel M ichael’s Tremendous Cosmic Power
in this Issue, wherein we make the announcement, that the of Light, Protection and Blessing to all who will sing it
yearly Subscriptions to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will with Love, devotion, gratitude and blessing to H im . It is
begin with January of each year, instead of M arch, and a Focus of the acceptance of H is Coming into the outer
that allowance will be made for the two unexpired months world in H is Visible, Tangible, Ascended M aster Body
of the 1942 subscriptions. to give help to mankind.
* * * * Every time this song is sung, heard, played or the pic­
ture contemplated, each individual’s energy thru his or
W e again call your attention to the matter of not using
her attention to this G reat Cosmic Being becomes a
the U . S. M ails at this time, or sending P .O .M .O .’s to M agnet of attraction which draws Him into close per­
either me individually, the Saint Germain Press, Inc. or sonal association with those who accept H is Tangible
Saint Germain Foundation. Y ou can send checks, drafts
Presence and Reality.
or Express M oney Orders made payable to either of the U se! U se! U se! this song and give the Archangel
above, so long as you do not send them to us direct thru M ichael the call which will enable H is M ighty H elp to
the mail. get thru to bless and set you free. The music is a definite
M R S. G. W . BA LLA R D means of attuning one’s feelings into H is H eart and re­
ceiving the help H e so lovingly offers.
T he picture of Archangel M ichael on the cover of this
song is the work of our beloved M ay D aC am ara, whom
we love, thank and bless without limit forever.
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 3j
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions
to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in
Am erica and $3.33 in foreign lands. T his applies to the
PROTECTION year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
OF OUR COPYRIGHTS unexpired months of 1942.
A ll back issues may be secured at any time, either by
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­ single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­
where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­ tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s
M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R issues, priced a t ,$5.50.
P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
I N S T R U C T IO N S G IV E N T O G R O U P L E A D E R S each year.
is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved, Y our change of address must reach this office not later
including foreign translations. than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s
T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­ issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted ping date. Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them service to you assured.
fully. Send A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S A N D O R D E R S to the
W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T , S A I N T G E R M A I N P R E S S , Inc., Santa Fe, N . M ex. A c ­
T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters company same with either checks, drafts, or Express M oney
to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E , Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that Please do not send P .O .M .O .’s.
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­ W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
est possible Blessing. ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­ serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S . world conditions today.
W e thank and Bless all forever
S A I N T G E R M A I N P R E S S, IN C .
and S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C . P U B L IS H E R
M R . A N D M R S . G. W . B A L L A R D

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33

32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
202-A Son of Ligh t (D u e t) | ^ R^V King, H a rp
202-B C a ll to Light (D u e t) | Frederick Landwehr.
Sm all Booklets containing Decrees com piled fo r individual or Stud y [ 5hnne O rg an
G ro u p use. M arvelous results are being m ade m anifest in building a f 203-A | Lotus Ray King, H a rp
Rainbow Rays (D u e t) ..................
momentum thru constant use o f these Booklets: \ 203 B -! Fred erick Landwehr,
O h, W o rld Victorious (D u e t)
I Shrine O rg an
O p u le n ce and Sup ply
( 505-A A m e rica O u r O w n Beloved Land. ( Sung by M in ute M en
V io let Flam e and H e alin g
I 505-B S ilent Sentinel .... .......................... | of S ain t G e rm ain
" I A M " A m e ric a's Freedom
" I A M " Ligh t D ecrees f Lotus Ray King, H a rp
Purpose of the A scen ded M asters' " I A M " A ctivitie s (Sm all 1000-A I A M " C o m e (D u e t) .... — ......... ......... / Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the A sce n d e d M asters' " I A M " [ N ovach ord
A c tiv itie s .) 1000-B D edication Donald Ray King
6. O u r M essenger's " I A M " Speaks Price of Record N o . 1000 is $2.65— Sh ip p in g C h arg e s extra.
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping ch arges; with the ex­ R R -I2 0 I Invocation --- -- --- --- M r. and M rs. Ballard and Donald
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply o f N o . I will be sold for RR-1202 C o ntem p latio n (S ile n t N ig h t) H a rp ... .............. Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. N o . 5 sells fo r 15c each, plus ship­
j R R - 1203 Benediction .... ........ ................ ..... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ping charges.
\ RR-1247 C o ntem p latio n (N e a re r M y G o d to Thee) H a r p ___ M rs. Ballard
| 3300-A Invocation N o . I (Shrine C lass) ................. ...... M r. G . W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next o rder of Playbacks is released.
\ 3300-B Invocation N o . 2 (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
Playb ack records are a va ilab le. This applies to the new 33 1/3 R P M
Blue T ransparent Records containing M rs. Ballard 's talks on the Law | 3301-A Benediction (Shrine C lass) ................. M r. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its A p p lic a tio n , and the M usical Playb ack Records as listed { 3301-B Benediction (Shrine C lass) ________ ____________ M r. G . W . Ballard
hereafter. 3302-A Invocation (S h rin e C lass) ................................. M r. G . W . Ballard
Price Playb ack Records $5.25 each— S h ip p in g charges extra
3302-B There Is N o Death (Shrine C la s s )__ _ ___ M r. G . W . Ballard
(N o t e : A ll Playb ack Records are sold d ire c t from the Santa Fe Branch
of the S ain t G e rm ain Press, Inc.) * J 3303-A Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (S h rin e C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
| 3303-B Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine C la ss) M r. G . W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, H a r p j 3303-C Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
100-A Song of the V io let Flam e (D u e t ) ___
IN Fred erick Landw ehr, \ 3303-D Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (S h rin e C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
(N 100-B Lotus M y Love ................
Shrine O rg an
\ 3303-E Beginning of " I A M " D ictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
,, ( Lotus Ray King, H a rp | 3303-F Beginning o f " I A M " D ictations (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard
( N 101-A G od d ess of Purity
Due+I ................ J Fred erick Landw ehr, * (T h e 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by M r. G . W . Ballard
( N 101-B Silent Sen tinel (D u e t)
Shrine O rg an
and should be sold in a set.)
f N 102-A " I A M " D ecrees— Part I_______ S e p te m b e r 1941 Shrine Class
3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the C h a r t ...........M r. G . W . Ballard
(N " I A M " D ecrees— P a rt I I ..............S ep te m b e r 1941 Shrine C lass

3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt.... M r. G . W . Ballard

Right ° ! J O T (t ? Uet) {| F°edS

e Hc7 L ^ n d w e ^ 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C h a r t ..... M r. G . W . Ballard
) 200-B Rose of Lig h t (D u e t) ........... shr;ne Q rg an
3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt_______ M r. G . W . Ballard

34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
3305-A This Truth, Love and H a rm o n y ................... N O T IC E
M r. G . W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and H arm ony M r. G . W . Ballard W e still have a few records m ade o f black m aterial, ava ilab le. The fo llo w ­
ing are the N um bers:
3306-A True Understanding of D ivine Love M r. G . W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of D ivine Love M r. G . W . Ballard ( 503-A Rainbow Rays ....................................... } Instrumental
\ 503-B O h W o rld Victorious ...... . .......... ... j and Vo cal
3307-A C a llin g the Presence M r. G . W . Ballard
3307-B C allin g the Presence M r. G . W . Ballard ^ Instrumental
j 1002-A Rainbow Rays ..... - ____ ______ ( and Vo cal
3308-A H e lp in g A ll Mankind M r. G . W . Ballard { 1002-B D edicatio n to R ainbow Rays ............ ) Lotus Ray
3308-B H e lp in g A ll Mankind M r. G . W . Ballard j King
3309-A Invocation (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard ( 3300-A Invocation N o . I ..... ............... { G o d fr e Ray
3309-B Benediction (Shrine C lass) M r. G . W . Ballard ( 3300-B Invocation N o . II ............................... j King
3310-A Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard \ 3301-A Benediction N o . I ............... ...... | G o d fre Ray
33IO-B Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard ( 3301-B Benediction N o . II . ...... .... ....' .... j King
33IO-C Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard 5 3302-A Invocation ____________ _______ _________ | G o d fre Ray
33IO-D Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard | 3302-B There is N o Death ___ .......... .............j King
33IO-E Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard J 3303-A Beginning of the " I A M " D ictations | G o d fre Ray
33IO-F Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard \ 3303-B Beginning of the 'I A M " D ictations | King
33IO-G Excerpts from Victo ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard j 3303-C Beginning of the " I A M " Dictations ) G o d fre Ray
33IO-H Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard { 3303-D Beginning of the " I A M " Dictations ) King
3310-1 Excerpts from V icto ry's D ictatio n — Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard J 3303-E Beginning of the " I A M " Dictations ) G o d fre Ray
33IO-J A d o ratio n to M ig h ty V icto ry } { 3303-F Beginning of the 'I A M " D ictations j King
M r. G . W . Ballard
-K Benediction {
Record N o. 503 and Records Nos. 3300, 3301, and 3302 are ava ila b le at
3900-A Instruction fo r Purifying Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard the reduced price of $2.00, f.c.b. Santa Fe.
3900-B Blessing of A ll Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard
Record N o. 1002 costs $1.50.
* N O T E : [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's Packing and shipping charges 60c, provided not more than two
talks and should be sold to q e th e r.) records in a shipment.
Records Nos. 3303 A-B, C-D, E-F, sell in sets of three, at $5.50 per set—
The ab ove records are suitable for individual use or fo r contem plation
f.o.b. Santa Fe.
in " I A M " Stud y G roups.
Packing and shipping charges 80 cents per set. W e have 19 sets left.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped d ire ct from the Sanf-a Fe, N ew M exico
Branch of the S ain t G e rm ain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express M o n ey O r ­
ders, but no P .O .M .O .'s . M ake Payab le to the S ain t G erm ain Press, Inc.)

Price all Phonograph and V ictrola Records each (d ou ble fa c e d ) made

of Blue transparent m aterial $3.15— Shipp ing charges extra

36 Property of Saint Germain Press Inc. , Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S , Volum e I ...................... .... ............ By G o d fre R ay King T R A N S L A T IO N S
C o n tain in g the first group of the author's experiences. B O O K S IN B R A IL L E
Price $2.50 — Ship p in g charges 40c " U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S " — In Two Volum es_____ _______ Price $5.25
T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E , Volum e II .... __ _________By G o d fre R ay King " T H E M A G I C P R E S E N C E " — In Three Volum es Price $7.75
C o n tain in g the second group o f the author's experiences. " T H E 'I A M ‘ D IS C O U R S E S " — In Two Volum es ...... ..... Price $6.75
Price $2.75 — Ship p in g C h arg es 40c " A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S " — In Two Volum es_____ Price $7.00
T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e III " T H E V O IC E O F T H E 'I A M ' " Shipp ing ‘ harges extra
By the A scen ded M a ste r S ain t G e rm ain and O th e r A scen ded M asters M o n th ly M agazin e containing articles explaining the Law of L ife ; also
C o n tain in g thirty-three Discourses, explaining the A scen ded M asters' Discourses by the A scen ded M asters and other im portant subjects.
A p p lic a tio n of the " I A M , " with three color plates. Back numbers a va ilab le beginning with Feb ruary 1936. Y e a rly subscrip­
Price $2.75 — S h ip p in g C h arg e s 40c tions begin with Ja n u a ry 1943.
T H E " I A M " A D O R A T IO N S . A F F I R M A T I O N S A N D D E C R E E S . Volum e V Subscription p rice A m e ric a $3.50. Sin g le C o p y 35c
Parts I and 2 . _____ _________ ________ By C h an e ra In other countries $4.00. Sin g le C o p y 40c
(A llo w a n c e will bo m ade on two months' unexpir6d 1942 subscriptions)
A selection o f powerful A do ratio ns, A ffirm ations and D ecrees of the
" M ig h t y I A M Presen ce." Price $1.75 — Ship p in g charges 40c C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E
A beautifully lith og raph ed color chart, suitable fo r fram ing and co n ­
T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e VI
te m p latio n ; showing each ind ivid ual's relationship to his own In­
By Various A scen ded M asters
dividualized G o d Presence— the " M ig h t y 'I A M '. "
C o n tain in g tw enty Discourses, with three color plates, d ic ta te d before Size — 5 '/2x8'/2. Price 25c — Ship p in g charges 5c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Ship p in g charges 40c Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Ship p in g charges 20c
A SC EN D ED M A STER L IG H T , Volum e V II O n H e a v y Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Ship p in g charges Prep aid
By Various A scen ded M asters and C o sm ic Beings CHARTS AND F L A M E S IN A C T IO N ( c . .. .. D .
) Size 12x21 Price $65.00
C o n tain in g twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, d ictate d A b o v e C h arts m echanically anim ated ... ............ ^ 5 ;ze 3Qx52 Price $225.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Ship p in g charges 40c
V io le t Flam em ech an ically an im a ted .............. Size 12x21 Price $65.00
T H E "I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volum e V I I I _______ By the G r e a t D ivine D irecto r frI. . , . 1 Size 30x52 Price $225.00
(S h ip p in g charges extra)
C o n tain in g twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, d ic ta te d by
A t Present only large Flam es and large C h arts are ava ilab le.
the G r e a t D ivine D irector, before hundreds of students.
Price $3.00 — S h ip p in g charges 40c P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R , J E S U S
" I A M " A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F I R M A T I O N S .................................... By C h an e ra
H an d colored steel engravings of etchings by C h arles S in d elar.
Vest Pocket Edition o f powerful A d o ratio n s and A ffirm ations Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Ship p in g charges 35c
Price $1.00 — Ship p in g charges 35c
P IC T U R E O F O U R B E L O V E D M E S S E N G E R , G U Y W . B A L L A R D
S P E C I A L " I A M " D E C R E E S A N D B IN D E R S A c tu a l p h o tog raph ic reproduction in G o ld to n e .
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the S ain t Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Sh ip p in g charges 45c
G e rm ain Series. To hold special " I A M " D ecrees and Songs. These D e­ Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Sh ip p in g charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x19*/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges co llect
about 150 leaves (300 p a g e s ). Price Binder $1.25— S h ip p in g charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges co llect
Loose-leaf D ecrees and songs (2 p ag es) I'/ 2c per leaf. S h ip p in g ch arg es extra Pro file Size 15x19,/2 Price each $10.00 Express ch arges co llect

Property o f Saint Germain P ress, Inc. Property of Saint Germain P ress, Inc. 39
A lre a d y Released
O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E S S O F P U R IT Y (1 6 " fo r Playbacks o nly)
R A IN B O W R A Y S M I G H T Y V IC T O R Y Lotus Ray King, H a rp

V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E LET O , B L E S S E D LE T O Frederick Landw ehr,
R O S E O F L IG H T G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R Shrine O rg an
C A L L T O L IG H T G O D F R E O U R LO VED O N E A SC EN D ED Shrine A u d ie n ce
S IL E N T S E N T IN E L *"l A M " H ERE \ ( Lotus Ray King, H a rp
"I A M " C O M E ♦ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L 66 " I A M C o m e (D u e t) ... .............................. Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u sic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and Shrine O rg an
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w ith p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d N O TE: This R ecord contains two selections on one side— N o. 65, and
c o v e r in co lo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p iece of m u sic.
one on the opposite side— N o . 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
O u r present stock o f these songs will be sold a t the reg ular p rice of double-faced record.
$1.00 each with shipping charges o f 35c. N e w editions will require
an increased ch arg e. This includes all the ab ove songs with the ex­ Record m ade of Blue Transparent m aterial, and is sold and shipped
cep tio n o f the three marked with an * . These songs are now p riced at only from the San ta Fe, N ew M exico Branch.
$1.25 each ; shipping charges 35c. Price each $5.25— Ship p inq charges extra
The "S o n g o f the V io le t F la m e " contains four (4 ) co lo r plates. These
co lo r plates m ay also be purchased singly {w ith ou t m u sic).
SO N G FO LD ERS Price each 50c — S h ip p in g charges 15c
Each Fo lder contains three songs, to g e th er with music and lyrics, as
£ •>
f I. " I A M " H e re
No. I ] 2. A ng els of S a in t G e rm ain }■M u sic and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom 's Triumph J Lotus R ay King

4. G r e a t H ercules— Thou Elohin ■1

No. 2 5. M a ry, the M o th e r of Jesus \ M usic and Lyrics
6. A rch an g e l M ic h ae l j Lotus Ray King
Price per fo ld e r $2.25— Sh ip p in g charges extra (3 5 c)
■ 'C R Y ST A L C U P S "
Sm all Size— fo r ind ivid ual use................ ............................................ Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Larg e size— fo r R ead in g Rooms, Sanctuaries, and fam ily use. In d ivid ­
uals m ay have these, if th e y so desire. Price $25.00
Ship p in g ch arges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s " a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p " is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
and is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to e ach in d iv id u a l. N o d isc o u n ts are
Litho g raph ed and Published in the U . S. A ., 1943
, >
C O P Y R I G H T — S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C ., 1943
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

r u h lis h e tk y .SAINT GERMAIN PI\ESSJN€

B y th e A s c e n d e d M asters a n d th e ir A c c r e d i t e d Messengers
M r. a n d Mrs. G. W . B a lla rd a n d son, D o n a ld



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most pow erful w ork possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The inform ation given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” w ill be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters w ill give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e, N ew Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

• G b p yricfh t- fi a i n t (fe rm a i n ^ r e s ^ Tnc. 1.943 •

HOU Great E ternal Sun of Even Pressure!
Now flooding o’er the E a rth Thy Substance
bright —
Compel Thy Peace th a t passeth understanding
And still all by Thy Victory and Thy Might!
Reveal to all the “Mighty I AM Presence,”
The Scepter of all Power — Freedom won!
Hold Balance by Thy Love so all-pervading,
And make us blazing till our journey’s done.
Thou G reat E ternal Sun of Even Pressure!
Expand th ru every heart, Thy Cosmic Light!
Until Its Fulness in each one’s Ascension
H as raised all unto Thy Transcendent Height!
Thou a rt the Mighty Scale of Cosmic Balance,
T hru Love and Light and Peace in each one’s H eart,
Expand th ru us until Thy Great Perfection
Reveals the Unfed Flame Thou really art!
Oh, Great E ternal Sun of Even Pressure!
From Thy Great H eart comes Justice to us all,
F or only in the Light of Thy Great Presence
Can we hear the Goddess of Justice Call!
Thy Light th a t pours to all Its Cosmic Mercy,
Holds us in Peace and Love without alloy!
A Mantle of Thy Substance now enfolds us,
And floods to all Thy Great E ternal Joy.
Thou Great E ternal Sun of Even Pressure!
Expand the Light within our ea rth ’s own heart
And make I t blaze Thy Limitless Perfection,
Now blessing every one and every part!
Charge forth Thy Mighty Miracle of Freedom,
Thy Victory give to all and hold full sway!
Command Thy Blazing Purity and Substance,
To now release Thy Mighty Secret Ray!
Thou Great E ternal Sun of Even Pressure!
Flood everywhere and blaze Thy Mighty Love —
Give unto all the Fulness of Thy Glory
And draw all unto Thy Great H eart above!
“I AM” Thy Mighty Love and Praise and Blessing
“I AM” Thy Mighty Power ruling now!
“I AM” Thy Mighty Peace and Healing Presence!
“I AM” Thy L ight to which all earth m ust bow!
BELOVED JESUS’ DISCOURSE down to This Light, and I rejoice for so much already
P R IV A T E D IC T A T IO N — SC A R SD A LE, N . Y. Today, I do not wish to touch upon the w orld’s con­
A pril 22, 1939 ditions so much, as to hold your attention upon the A l­
mighty Power of Constructive A ctivity, w hich is bound
S A IN T G E R M A IN to win the V ictory over the shadows. I would suggest
to you Lotus and you tw o Messengers, that in this class,
ELO V ED Staff and loved ones of the Light, no m atter w hat report comes to you, just hold steadily
we have entered into a new era in the Expan­ to the wholly Constructive Activities, referring as little
sion of the Light w ithin each one and for This as possible to the requirements of the world; and let Us
W ork. try an Experiment here in N ew York, that I think will
Today, W e wish to establish in this home a Radi­ work out very successfully.
ance that will be the Supreme Governing A ctivity of I think the people of America, I mean those w ho
Love, Happiness, Energy and Strength w ithout limit; are so far having their attention held upon the “ G reat
and before I introduce the speakers, I wish to say, to I A M Presence,” understand enough of the destructive
our precious M rs. Boos, W e tried an experiment w ith activities; and tonight, I wish to bring very much to the
your m other and to O ur very great delight, It was suc­ attention of the G roup Leaders, a reminder to cease all
cessful. Your m other will not again return into embodi­ reference to the destructive activities in their Groups;
m ent. H er struggle, as she thought was long and great, and let the Power of the Light flow forth, which is the
but after all, it is”w orth a thousand times more than all Remedy, since all now know enough about other con­
th a t has been. W e w ant you to feel a happiness th at ditions.
you have never felt, in her release forever from the wheel N o t you as Messengers, but if the G roup Leaders,
of birth and rebirth. who do not understand or are not as firmly anchored as
I W O U L D LIKE SO M U C H , IF I C O U L D H A V E you, dwell upon those destructive conditions, they begin
Y O U W H O A R E SO CLOSE IN O U R H E A R T to build them; and that is one thing which has been rather
C E N T E R , R EA LIZE T H A T T H E G LO R Y O F T H E unfortunate about ------------- . She has dwelt so much
D IS P E N S A T IO N A N D T H E SPEC IA L A C T IV IT IE S upon it, th at it must be discontinued. I say to the be­
W H IC H H A V E BEEN SEC U R ED , M E A N M O R E loved ones here, you have given U s very great Joy in
T O YOU A ND THE EARTH, TH A N W ORDS the ever increasing Self-control and H arm ony and all that
W IL L E V E R BE ABLE T O C O N V E Y . O N L Y A S means for the G reat Final V ictory.
Y O U C A T C H T H E ESSENCE FR O M W IT H IN From the Octaves of Light — I do not mean the
T H E CU PS W H IC H T H O SE W O R D S F O R M , C A N Ascended M asters’ Octave — but the O ctave of Light
Y O U P O S S I B L Y K N O W W H A T IT M E A N S . where so many thousands dwell who are disembodied,
Steadily and surely is one V ictory after another being the Divine D irector has made it possible for the following
won in the activity of the Messengers, until one day to to be done. T h e enormous pow er of the attention of
a large extent the outer world resistance will have gone those who are there is fixed upon the A ctivity of the
4 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
Expansion of This Light, and they are being taught to of mankind, is the most remarkable thing standing before
see It; so on their return again into embodiment, they Us today. You have heard the Messengers and the var­
will carry even the memory and very vivid feeling of ious Ones refer to It, but no one has comprehended but
the “I A M Presence” of all Life. They are all being little of w hat this means.
shown It! Some are in the etheric body and some in the These Alm ighty Decrees that have gone forth w ith
Higher M ental Body; but all are being shown the “I A M such dynamic power from the Groups of America, are
Presence,” so as to charge and retain the memory of It charging into action and expanding the Light in the men­
in their return to earth. This will bring about a vast tal and feeling world, which, for the sake of your com­
change in the mental and feeling attitude of the world, prehension, we will use the term “Universal.” It is not
as these individuals again re-embody; and soon it will quite that, but insofar as the mass accumulation in the
begin, as great numbers replace those who will go out. Then, mental and feeling world is concerned, It is. Yet, It
It will hasten the G reat Change in the vibratory action does not expand outside the belt of the earth; but for
which the Cosmic Light demands for the earth. your comprehension, W e would call It an Universal
It is M y G reat Joy to introduce to you your Beloved action, for It is so far as the earth is concerned.
Ascended M aster, Jesus, who will give the Dictation. O h, the joy that this is bringing, and shall W e use
the term “ compelling” to go forth from the Octave of
Light — note this carefully. W hatever Expansion takes
I greet you, beloved ones, in the Name of Light, of place in the individual’s Light, the Expansion of the
Life, and I rejoice w ith you in the Expansion of your Light in the mental and feeling world of all mankind, com­
Light which is the Christ Self of you. W h at a pity pels an exact Balance from the Cosmic Light, w hich is
that the whole world does not understand the tw o ac­ eventually to take Its Dominion upon the earth.
tivities of Life which are the human and the Christ. T he W e have, in collaboration, connected w ith Pelleur
human draw n into the Christ, and then into the “I A M and have achieved an amazing, perhaps you would under­
Presence” of all Life, is w hat makes the Ascended Jesus stand it better, if I said an invention w ithin the earth,
Christ. Every human being who makes the Ascension, under the operation of Pelleur; which will enable the
actually becomes the Ascended Jesus Christ. change w ithin the atomic structure of the earth, to keep
W h y does mankind not understand This A ctivity of balance or keep pace w ith the O nrushing Cosmic Light.
the Christ? I may ask a few questions and answer them. * ^ W e Tound in the very beginning of carrying This
N o individual in hum an form, can understand the Full Light, th at a very G reat and Powerful Balance must be
Meaning of the Christ, until his or her attention is draw n held, to keep many individuals from becoming fanatical
to the “ M ighty I A M ,” the Presence of all Life; then as in their attention to This G reat Light; for according to
the attention is called to these Correct Activities of Life, the intensity of the feeling of the individual, does It be­
will they begin to understand. come extremely intense or w hat you would term a Bal­
Please take careful notice of this. Aside from the anced A ctivity. A Balanced A ctivity is the im portant
Expansion of the Light w ithin the beloved students, the thing in all things. .<*•“ " 1
Expansion of the Light in the mental and feeling world I wish to say to you, our beloved M ildred, th a t your
6 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. y
father in his many embodiments, has never known such If you saw from O ur Standpoint, you would realize w hat
extreme joy as th at which is his today; and he will return is occurring. Possibly Saint Germain will try to take
well prepared to finish his journey early in the next em­ you out and show you from O ur Octave w hat this means.
bodiment. It seems to Me, I have never seen greater T he Radiance around those Groups in foreign coun­
gratitude manifested, than he feels today, for your great tries is amazing, witnessed from O ur H eight. It is com­
devotion and interest to This G reat Light and all that has ing to be like a Blazing Sun of Light in their environ­
been accomplished. ment. If you saw this and drew back the memory from
T H E C O SM IC S U N IS B E G IN N IN G T O SH IN E O ur H eight, you would see and understand, I think, more
W I T H lN EAiOHf 'OISl^’S H E A R T W H O IS H ER E. definitely, w hat the Expansion of This Light means to
USE Y O U R P O W E R O F Q U A L IF IC A T IO N T H A T America and the world. It would do more than any other
IT C O N T IN U E W IT H G R E A T IN T E N S IT Y A N D one thing would convey, for it is a tremendous thing.
W hen you understand th at great groups of people
One of the things th at gives Us great encouragement
have come again, again and again into embodiment, you
is, that in the three recent classes, the student body are
will know there are tw o activities which are param ount
comprehending; and are taking their stand w ith a very
— one is the great Love to each other; and the other,
firm determination, to refuse to listen to gossip or to pass
the great hatred. Those whom I allowed to crucify M e,s
it on. It is one of the most vital things in the world.
are many of them in embodiment today. Tw o or three
If it be true, it should be stopped! If it be not true, then
times, it has been intimated to you who they were, yet
it should be stopped! So, if you will all of you take that
th at is not so important; but to know that you meet
attitude and refuse to allow anyone to bring gossip or
again and again, those who have opposed the Light thru
repeat it, you will find a speed of progress in your indi­
the various ages is im portant. This time of course, they
vidual lives that will be transcendent; for remember, w hat
are growing much more frail in their release of power
was said to you in the Chicago Class. The nearer you and energy than ever before; and will grow more and
approach the Goal, the greater the Speed of the A ction more so, until this embodiment will finish that activity.
of the Light w ithin you and the greater guard you must
W ill you be astonished, if I say to you, the period
hold over your worlds. These G reat Magnificent Laws
it has covered? M ore than six hundred thousand years,
are unerring, a n d th e energy, as you understand, will not
approximately six hundred eighty thousand years, that
discriminate. D on’t expect it, because when energy goes
those individuals have opposed This Light. I mean the
forth from you, you alone are responsible for it. O f
same Streams of Life th ru various embodiments.
course that is Life.
I would like to try to express to you clearly, a m athe­ T he G reat Ones who do carry the Light th ru the
matical action th at you may to some degree comprehend ages always meet this opposition, but it will grow much
w hat has been done even in one year. T he general Ex­ less in this, than at any time th ru the history of the ages;
pansion of the Light in America has really far transcended because no one has ever understood during these times
anything W e could have expected. I w ant you to see in the outer world’s experiences, the Powers of the
the difference in Scotland, in England, in Switzerland. “G reat I A M ,” except Myself.
g Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
BELOV ED O N ES, O H , F O R T H E D A Y T H A T beloved Messengers, for calling the people’s attention, as
Y O U REALLY U N D E R S T A N D W H A T T H O SE often as you have recently, w ithin the past four classes,
W ORDS M EAN TO YOU. NO W ORDS CAN to the fact that they may not enter into self-justification
EV ER C O N V E Y IT . O N L Y IN Y O U R EX PER­ or self-pity. O h, how great is th at blessing when indi­
IEN CES T H R U T H E CALL, T H E C H A R G E A N D viduals comprehend it; because by the very activity of
T H E U SE O F T H O SE W O R D S , C A N Y O U CO M E the human nature, that is its last hold upon the Great
T O K N O W , T O C O M P R E H E N D T H E IR IN F IN IT E Forces of Life, which it has been misusing so long. Those
POW ER. are tw o ways by which it tries to hold its dominion,
I congratulate you who are bringing this music forth. but when that shuts off, it sees it may no longer hold
See that you let no composition pass, which does not its dominion in the world of the individual. Then, the
have the W ords “ I A M ” at least once within it. You Light rushes forw ard very rapidly.
are not acting just for the entertainm ent of the world, You are the most fortunate of beings today. I mean
but for its G reat Blessing which is great entertainment. this.
These melodies which have come forth, the whole world Individuals do not realize th a t when they have wholly
will one day sing! ^Entertainment which comes th ru the turned against the G reat Light, then they have got to do
power of praise to the Source of all Life, is the greatest something th a t will compensate and make a balance for
entertainment known on this earth or th at can ever be. th a t great niistaEe.
Your Beloved Saint Germain today in His Praise to W h en individuals accuse the Messenger of being un­
M e is magnificent, yet H e can do the very same things. true or deceitful in these Dictations, it is one of the great­
A nything th at I can do, H e can do, and yet, often when est crimes to be committed against the Light.
W e meet, H e still bows before M e and I say to Him: Do you understand — I know your feelings, but do
“ Saint Germain, please do not do th at.” T hen H e says you understand w hat that is to Us? O f course W e have
to Me: “You shall always th ru o u t Eternity have M y seen that thruout the ages, but you never get accustomed
Praise and A doration. W h y should I not bow before to it, you cannot. W hen one is so near the Freedom of
you, even though I have the Same Powers to use! T hat the Light and then he or she lets anything whatsoever
is M y Praise to Life.” It is a beautiful thing. — jealousy, anger, sex or anything it may be, draw that
Today in your friendship to each other, if you who one from the Light, can you imagine w hat it means to
have been draw n so close in the H eart Center of His Us? If W e could be unhappy, it would be O u r greatest
W o rk, could feel th at same Praise to each other, O h, for unhappiness. It is not so tragic and vital, until one is
the slightest thing, how beautiful and wonderful it would nearing the Goal, but then it becomes a terrific thing
be. Yomslill. do not comprehend w hat Praise and Bless­ to witness.
ing mean, except in a small degree; but as you continue W hile you may not outw ardly even write or any­
to do it, you will find Its Expansion w ithin you and Its thing like th a t for encouragement, I would suggest that
Comprehension taking magnificent action. you all make the call for their restoration and V ictory,
O h, how glorious Praise and Blessings are! Saint which of course cannot be achieved in this embodiment;
Germain, Myself and the O thers are very grateful to you but by your very earnest sincere calls and their calls, It
10 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 11
m ight still be in the next; but they have wasted the op­ in the FULL C O M P R E H E N S IO N of your “ I A M
portunity in this embodiment and it cannot be undone Presence” and admit Its G reat Powers released into your­
now. selves and your world, you could perform almost any
I draw this illustration th at you may see w hat the so-called miracle known.
world of the student body is today and always has been; I hope you can feel M y Intense Desire, to have you
only in ages past, under the old occult method, it was comprehend the A lm ighty M omentum that has been
far more tragic than today. gained thus far; and in this V ictory in Chicago, it has
Beloved ones, won’t you understand th at these dear been intensified tremendously. T h at means to the stu­
beloved Messengers have had the courage- of regiments? dent body all over America and the world, because their
N ot one of you comprehends in the slightest, the forces mental and feeling world is one! Ask yourselves silently
they have conquered, because they are not permitted this question: “ Do you comprehend that in the mental
to tell you; but they are the Focus for the Expansion of and feeling world of mankind, which is one, among the
This Light in the world today! T h at responsibility would student body whose attention is draw n to the “I A M
beJjiore than any human being could bear, but since they Presence” how a distrustful doubtful feeling of^ a few,
have Self-control, they do not allow themselves to dwell would spread in f o “that entire feeling and mental world
on it or consider it. Still, they are the only means by of mankind and usually first?
w hich it is possible to carry on this Expansion of the I w ant to tell you, beloved ones, and the beloved
Light! Messengers, that if anything had occurred, so you had
T h e first week of the class in Chicago, would have not returned to Chicago at this time, you would have
ordinarily destroyed a dozen people, but since their mo­ found th at thing, that doubt, would have spread to almost
mentum has gained its powerful activity, they still remain every Student there. T h at is how the poisonous breath
untouched and the V ictory is tremendous, over w hat it of doubt spreads among mankind. T h at is how the
was on their return. poisonous breath of communism has spread among the
I would like to bring this point vividly to your minds. people of America, when charged by dynamic feeling.
If the students w ith the whole power of their feeling There were many of those people who understood some­
world, accepted w ith great joy the Reality of these Dic­ thing of the mental law and charged it into the feeling,
tations — that they are Real, they would find a Freedom, but they have found their support gone, since the seizing
a Lifting and Expansion of their ow n Light, I cannot tell of the black magicians. Still much of that momentum
you exactly, but it seems to M e a thousand fold. I t is remains.
these little activities w ithin the feeling world of indi­ I am talking to you in this very particular manner
viduals, T hat otttimes postpone thfe great Joy, Freedom today, for I w ant you to comprehend, if you will, this
and Clearness of comprehension and application which Almighty V ictory over conditions; and show you why
would come so quickly. you must constantly keep up your guard, w hether it
N ow then, I am going to say possibly almost a seems needed or not. Call for your Invincible Protec­
startling thing to you. W ith yourselves and great num­ tion, Comprehension and the Almighty Directing Intelli­
bers among the student body, if you could turn instantly gence, to cause you to do the Perfect Thing at all times;
12 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
to see w hat is acting and to discriminate when subversive and Students should hold the'Protection of all the “I A M
things are said, to try to draw you out and draw you into A ctivity” ! W e are so grateful for the magnificent man­
discord and gossip. W atch that and guard against it, ner in which It has been held; but be prompted on these
dear ones! various points and make it an Invincible A ctivity for
Even those who are not in the Staff, you do not
ea5*l.,Pnfc Qt YgUf “
realize, my dear people, because you are close to the Mes­ W e thank and bless your precious hostess and host in
sengers, how the world looks upon you as an example. welcoming U s and giving U s the opportunity to establish
T he whole human creation constantly looks for some this added Intensification of the A ctivity here, which
example; some Ideal to follow, and if they meet disap­ one day, we trust, will be the governing activity of every
pointm ent in the individual, sometimes it is almost tragic home in America. O h, to once again restore that beau­
in its effect. tiful home-life which once existed here, in those ages so
N ow , you will understand why in the classes, the long forgotten, in which such magnificent Peace, H a r­
Messengers have suddenly been impelled w ith no outer mony and Light reigned here in w hat is now your A m er­
consciousness whatsoever, to take the dynamic positive ica. It must be restored again!
attitude tow ard discordant and vicious individuals. It is Y our beloved Lotus is one who saw the great Cosmic
to have released th at Terrific Energy into the class room W heel turn and grind everything into Its Fineness and
to shatter the condition. Those of the Ascended Masters Perfection. As the G reat Cosmic W heel turns, I t brings
in charge knew w hat was there and knew w hat was the return again of th at G reat Perfection w hich once
being focused there. W ith o u t th at Dynamic Powerful was, this time th ru the Power of the Individual’s U nder­
Force, it would have gained its momentum and had its standing of the “ I A M ” Presence of Life w hich makes
effect upon the people; but when that Power of the It eternal. ~
Light is called forth in such dynamic energy, It shatters You are living in a fortunate time, comprehend the
and dissolves it all, the focus going back into its source “I A M ,” and become It! Today, please feel O ur Joy,
to silence it. O u r Happiness in this opportunity to intensify O u r
Therefore, those who have sometimes set in judg­ Blessings to you; and to hold you closer w ithin our
ment upon the Messengers, thinking they were too severe M ighty Embrace of Light, that the G reat River of Life
or kept this up too much, have made a great mistake. may flow forth in Its G reat Perfection into and th ru each
Just trust in the W isdom of the Ascended M asters who one. As It pours Its M ighty Radiance forth into the
do know these conditions and see how magnificent every­ world, I t is cleansing, purifying and holding the G lory of
thing will be! Its Dominion forever and wherever you move. T ry to
You who are close within the H eart Center of the feel that! Feel your responsibility to the G reat Law and
Messengers, all know that they must have your confi­ allow by your H arm ony Its M ighty Radiance to pour
dence, your happy cooperation and all th at gives them forth wherever you move, blessing your fellow-man!
the support w hich is needed. I t will not prevent their M ay I add a word, today, that you may more fully
going on and holding it individually, but that should not comprehend another thing? W hen the Divine D irector
have to be. T hey should give the Light and the Staff asked the G roup Leaders to hold to the O utline, my
24 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. j 5
dear ones, you can scarcely comprehend w hat it has sons for bringing forth the Magazine, to keep bringing
meant! You see the G roup Leaders’ A ctivity is to draw those things again and again to the attention of individuals
forth by these M ighty Decrees, this Infinite Power and so they comprehend and utilize them more and more.
Its Perfection into action. This is perhaps another point W h en the Full Glory of the Complete V ictory comes in
which should be understood and W e will try to make it this U nderstanding, then you realize w hat a M ighty
clear to the G roup Leaders. T he Messengers have an Power your ability to receive is. M ankind must again,
amazing protection which many G roup Leaders do not again, again and again be reminded!
have; and if they take up the activity of the Messengers, M ay the Eternal Joy of the Powers of Light enfold
in calling attention to the destructive forces too much or you and charge into dynamic action in your being; giving
too long, they open themselves up to them. you such Happiness, Limitless Energy, Self-control and
Today, I think it is im portant to hold this before the Magnificent Release from your “I A M Presence,” that
classes and the G roup Leaders, so th a t they may compre­ It fulfills your every Requirement in the Service of the
hend and not fall into th at mistake. W h en they see Light, w ith a Power and a Speed of the Blue Lightning.
the Messengers doing these things, they feel they are ren­ JFeel that all to which your attention has been drawn, is \
dering a service by doing it. This is not the case, but it is o f vital importance to you; and as you go over and re- I
actually in many cases endangering themselves. So much mind yourselves of these many vital things, you will re- J
has been covered in the classes, but all of this could not \ joice in the Glorious Eternal V ictory of the Light in y o u /
be covered at once. However, I think it is wise to call \ T he O ther Ascended M asters join M e in conveying
this to their attention a few times, until they more clearly T heir Love and Blessings, Praise and G ratitude to you
begin to comprehend. for your V ictory of the Light.
You know this is said w ith very great Love, but O h, T hank you so much.
if the beloved students would read, read and re-read those
books and the magazines! Those magazines are carrying
a volume of Magnificent Understanding; and they should
be read and read and re-read! M ention this in your Con­
templation Groups, and say th at it was M y W ish th at
all the students read, read and re-read those magazines.
They would find a very G reat Blessing. There are now
and then a few who do, but the great majority go over
them once or twice, then so soon forget.
I wonder if you here, today, quite comprehend this?
I shall explain it. A fter having studied the books and
various points, those points are brought to the attention
again. It is a double, sometimes a triple activity, to hold
the attention upon those points, until the fulness of their
meaning and Power is grasped. T h at is one of the rea-
1(5 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
OUR ETERNAL LOVE, GRATITUDE W e ask all our Beloved “I A M ” Students once every
AND BLESSING hour to give the following Decree for the Protection of
the “ Light of God that never fails,” and the “ U nfed
W e wish to thank and bless all the precious “I A M ” Flame T h at None Can P ut O ut,” to enfold all our Be­
Students for their loving gifts to us at Easter, M other’s loved “I A M ” Students in the Service of O ur Country.
Day, and D on’s Birthday.
“ M IG H T Y I A M PRESEN CE,” and all Ascend­
M ay every gift and all the Love and Blessings which
ed M asters, Cosmic Beings, Powers and Activities of
came w ith them, be expanded, blest and charged by our
the Cosmic Light and U nfed Flame of a Thousand
own “ M ighty I A M Presence” and all the Ascended Be­
Suns; the M ighty Sacred Fire that none can put out;
ings and Powers of Light, into Gigantic Ascended M as­ the Seven M ighty Elohim of Creation; all the Be­
ter Miracles and Victories of Freedom, Protection, loved M ighty Inner Secret Rays; the Lords of the
Perfection, Success and Supply w ithout limit, to flood Flame from Venus; the M ighty Chohans of the Rays;
back to all you precious ones, as an ever-expanding Ocean the Gods of the M ountains; the G reat Cosmic Spec­
of Blessings and Perfection of Light w ithout limit, to all tacle in Its Fulness; the Power of the T hree times
that is thruou t the Universe, and all that is yet to be; Three; and the Luminous Presence of M ighty H im ­
by th a t M ighty Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns and alaya; M ighty Archangel Michael, Beloved Saint
the Beloved M ighty Sacred Fire that none can put out. Germain, Jesus, Daddy, Nada, the G reat Divine Di­
Eternally, Lovingly, and Gratefully in the rector; M ary the M other of Jesus; Goddess of Lib­
Light and Love of our “ M ighty I A M Presence.” erty, Goddess of Light, Goddess of Peace, Goddess
of Purity, Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Mercy,
Goddess of Music; God and Goddess of Harm ony;
M ighty Cosmos, Cuzco and Ray-O-Light; K-17, Y our
Inner Secret Service and Legions of Light; M ighty
V ictory; the Twelve w ith You and Your Victorious
C H A R G E ! C H A R G E! C H A R G E! ESTA B ­
LISH! and forever EX PA N D ! the M ightiest O ver­
whelming Ocean of Ascended M aster Invincible Pro­
tection, Freedom and V ictory of Light w ithout limit,
in, th ru and around our Beloved Don, the Ascended
18 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
M aster Y outh of the “I A M ,” Young America, and
all in our National Defense!
Raise Y our Swords of Blue Flame, and STO P!
STO P! STO P! drive and bind all destruction and in­
tended destruction; all hell and intended hell; driven NOTICE
against them back into the brains and bodies of its
creators and claws, and CO M PEL! COM PEL! C O M ­ In the Booklet recently released — “ L IG H T M Y
PEL! it to take its toll there and nowhere else! W O R L D ” please add after the words, “today and for­
Stiffen them where they stand until they serve ever” in each paragraph the following:
the Light, and never create discord in the Universe
again, and A N N IH IL A T E ! A N N IH IL A T E ! A N ­ “ A nd M A N IFE ST N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !
N IH IL A T E ! it all, cause, effect, record and memory, M A N IFE ST N O W !”
from the Universe in O ne M ighty Stroke, today and This should also be added after
forever! and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IFE ST
N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! “STO P! STO P! STO P! all America’s
enemies by Light today!
Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) Kill all their hell now by God’s Blue Ray,
etc. and
N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !

Because of the size of this Booklet and the increase
in cost of materials, the price is 40^ each instead of 3CK.
Continued use of this Booklet, and H arm ony main­
tained w ithout interruption, will bring about very G reat
Light, and release of Protection and Perfection in the
Blessings called forth.

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
MOST RECENT A nd compel our Light’s Victory to forever hold
command! (3)
UNPUBLISHED DECREES Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to forever hold
command! (3)
3 PREAM BLES Compel V ictory’s V ictory to forever hold com­
“I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3) of Light, mand! (3)
w ithout limit! then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T! Compel Hercules’ Invincible Protection to forever
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand hold command! (3)
Suns; the Beloved M ighty Sacred Fire th at none can put Compel the Seven-fold Flame of the Seven M ighty
out; all the Beloved M ighty Inner Secret Rays; the Be­ Elohim to forever hold command! (3)
loved Eternal Cosmic Sun of Even Pressure; the Seven Compel the Power of the T hree times Three to for­
M ighty Elohim of Creation; the Lords of the Flame from ever hold command! (3)
Venus; the M ighty Chohans of the Rays; the Gods of Compel the Luminous Presence of Saint Germain,
the M ountains; w ithout limit, M A N IF E S T N O W ! Jesus, Daddy, and all Ascended Masters and Beings of
flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding, il­ Light to forever hold command! (3)
lumining, purifying, balancing, protecting, perfecting, A nd compel It to expand, expand and forever expand,
freeing, supplying, blessing, healing and ruling w ithout till It fills every land and holds Eternal Command, ful­
limit; in, thru and around Ourselves, our Beloved Don, filling God’s Plan by God’s Cosmic Hand! For in the
the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “I A M ” ; Young H eart of the Seven-Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elo­
America, all the Younger Generation thruout the world; him forever we stand, in full command and hold Your
all military camps; all in the National Defense, our own Hands, unto all Eternity! For God, the “ M ighty I A M
Beloved America; all under This Radiation and all we Presence” in us is our Certain V ictory, now made mani­
ever contact; today and forever! M A N IF E S T N O W ! fest, today and forever, forever and forever! by the
M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! “ Light of God in us that never, never, never fails” !
(R epeat once after each line) 1
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
By God’s O w n Hand! (3)
W e insist and demand! (3) “I A M ” ! (3 ) .the A uthority and Power (3) of Light
God take and hold T h y Eternal Command! (3 ) w ithout limit, then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T!
“ M ighty I A M Presence” and H igher M ental Bodies LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand
of all mankind, take and hold T hy Eternal Command! Suns; for “I A M ” (3 ) the Ascended M asters’ Miracle-pro-
( 3) ducing Presence of that SA C R ED FIRE that none can
All G reat Beings, Powers and Legions of Light, take put out, releasing Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of
and hold T hy Eternal Command! (3 ) w hatever Ascended M aster Miracles are required to
For in G od’s O w n H eart we stand! (3) A N N IH IL A T E ! (3 ) all destructive force in mankind,
22 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
America and the world, today and forever; and M A N I­
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) G R E A T BEINGS, P O W E R S , A C T IV IT IE S , A N D
* * * *
Give us w hat you w ant us to have; put us where
2 you w ant us to be; tell us w hat you w ant us to know;
3 PREAM BLES show us w hat you w ant us to do; illumine us with Your
“I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light Full Power and make us Y our V ictory and Freedom of
w ithout limit, then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T! the Ascended M asters’ Perfection and Blessings of Light
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T hou­ w ithout limit to all that is, and all that is yet to be, to­
sand Suns! day and forever! Sustain It in Ever-expanding Glory,
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), H elp (3 ), Power (3 ), until all are FREE. W e thank Thee it is done!
Protection (3 ) w ithout limit, the M ost Dynamic A ction
* * * *
of the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim
and the Beloved M ighty SA C R ED FIRE th at none can 4
put out!
3 PREA M BLES— especially the G reat Cosmic Spec­
Raise Y our Swords of Blue Flame and STO P! STOP! tacle, the Sword of Blue Flame from the G reat Central
STO P! Drive and bind all viciousness, destruction and Sun; the Seven M ighty Elohim of Creation; the Lords
intended destruction; legal action and intended legal ac­ of the Flame from Venus; the M ighty Chohans of the
tion; injustice and persecution; all political intrigue, Rays; the Gods of the M ountains; Angels, Angel Devas,
treachery, plans, traps, actvities and hell and all intended Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim; the Forces of the
hell, driven against Saint Germain’s “I A M ” Activities, Elements and the G reat Beings W ho direct Them ; the
Ourselves, our Beloved Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh Limitless Legions of Light; all the Beloved M ighty Sacred
of the “I A M ” ; all “I A M ” G roup Leaders, Study Fire that none can put out; the Beloved M ighty Inner
Groups, Sanctuaries, Reading Rooms, homes, schools, Secret Rays; Beloved M ighty Saint Germain, Jesus,
business activities, and all under This Radiation— back Daddy, Nada, the Divine Director; Cosmos, Cuzco and
into the brains and bodies of its creators and claws and Ray-O-Light; K-17, Your Inner Secret Service and Le­
C O M PE L it to take its toll there and nowhere else! gions of Light; God and Goddess of H arm ony, M ighty
STIFFEN them w here they stand, until they serve the V ictory, the Twelve with You and Your Victorious Le­
Light and never again create discord in this Universe, gions; Goddess of Liberty, Goddess of Light, Goddess
and A N N IH IL A T E (3 ) it all; cause, effect, record and of Peace, Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Justice, Goddess
memory in O ne M ighty Stroke, today and forever, and of Mercy, Goddess of Music; Diana, Goddess of Fire;
M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T Beloved Oromasis, M ighty M ercury, God of the A ir,
NOW ! God of Gold, God of the Jewels, M ighty Archangel
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) Michael, M ighty Helios, M ighty Lanto, M ighty Silent
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
W atcher, M ighty Lord M aitreya, Beloved Sanat Kumara; loved Inner Secret Rays; Beloved Limitless Legions of
Beloved M ary, Blessed M eta, Quan Yin and the Four Light and All W ho wield the Sword of Blue Flame and
Beloved Nadas; and All W h o guard and govern the des­ direct the Sacred Fire that none can put out!
tiny of the U nited States of America! Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3 ),
“I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light Protection (3 ) w ithout limit of Your Seven-fold Flame of
w ithout limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T! the Seven M ighty Elohim and Your Sword of Blue Flame
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T hou­ from the G reat Central Sun! Go forth and flood, blaze,
sand Suns! charge, intensify, expand, illumine, purify, balance, pro­
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), H elp (3 ), Power (3 ), tect, perfect, free, supply, bless, heal and rule w ithout
Protection (3 ) w ithout limit! Raise and establish Y our limit; in, thru and around............................... (any person,
Swords of Blue Flame, and STO P! STO P! STO P! A N ­ place, condition or thing) today and forever; and M A N I­
N IH IL A T E ! A N N IH IL A T E ! A N N IH IL A T E ! all FEST N O W ! M A N IFE ST N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !
mistakes, human desires, habits, destructive etheric rec­ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
ords and all pictures less than Ascended M aster Perfec­ etc.
tion; cause, effect, record and memory, in, th ru and
* * * *
around the minds, bodies, beings, world, atmosphere and
environment of Ourselves; Don; the Ascended M aster
Y outh of the “I A M ” ; Young America; all the Younger 6
Generation thruout the world; all military camps; all in 3 PREAM BLES
the National Defense; all in our Beloved America, and “I A M ” (3 ) the Ascended M asters’ Forgiveness and
all in the atmosphere over America; all under This Radia­ Forgetfulness of all human mistakes, desires and habits;
tion, and all we ever contact in all we do everywhere for­ cause, effect, record and memory! G reat Cosmic Beings,
ever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !
we call on the Law of Forgiveness for every unkind word,
M A N IF E S T N O W ! thought, feeling, or act we have ever sent forth at any
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) time, past or present, in all our home lives; against our
etc. fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters, or relatives
* * * * we have ever had thruout the centuries!
5 “ I A M ” (3 ) the Law of Forgiveness and Consuming
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light Flame of all inharmonious action and human conscious­
w ithout limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T!
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T h o u ­ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
sand Suns! Beloved Seven M ighty Elohim of Creation; etc.
Beloved Archangel Michael; Beloved M ighty Central * * * *
Sun; Beloved M ighty Cosmic Spectacle in Its Fulness; Be­
26 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
7 9

“ M IG H T Y I A M PR ESEN C E” ! BELOVED S A IN T “I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3) of Light

G E R M A IN , Y O U R USE OF T H E V IO L E T C O N ­ w ithout limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIGHT!
S U M IN G FLAM E! ALL P O W E R S O F L IG H T LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T hou­
F R O M T H E G R E A T C E N T R A L S U N A N D H IG H ­ sand Suns and the Instantaneous Precipitation into our
ER M E N T A L BODIES OF ALL M A N K IN D ! hands and use of Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the
Ascended M asters’ Gigantic, Overwhelming Supply of
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), H elp (3 ), Power (3 ), W ealth, Money, Blessings, Protection and Perfection
Protection (3 ) w ithout limit! Raise Y our Swords of w ithout limit; more than has ever been known in any age
Blue Flame and A N N IH IL A T E (3 ) cause, effect, record and brought forth in our hands and use in all we do today
and memory of all mistakes, human desires, habits and and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IFE ST
destructive etheric records, and all that causes unhappi­ N O W ! M A IN F E S T N O W !
ness in the home life of all under This Radiation and all
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
mankind, in One M ighty Stroke, Today and forever; and
M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IFE ST etc.
* * * *
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) 3 PREAM BLES 10
etc. Give us more Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3 ), Pro­
* * * * tection (3 ) w ithout limit, to overwhelm all destructive
8 forces in mankind, the earth and its atmosphere, in One
3 PREAM BLES M ighty Stroke of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N I­
“I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light FEST N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !
w ithout limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T!
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T hou­ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
sand Suns in all we do everywhere forever; and LET etc.
* * * *
T H E R E BE Saint Germain’s Perfect “I A M ” Miracle
Music Temples come forth now, flooding and charging
forth the Ascended M asters’ Gigantic Miracles of Instan­ “ I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power of Light w ith­
taneous Healing w ithout limit, to all under This Radia­ out limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIG H T!
tion and all we ever contact; in all we do everywhere LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T hou­
forever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! sand Suns, precipitating in our hands and use and blazing
M A IN FE ST N O W ! th ru our minds and bodies, today and forever; and M A N ­
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) NOW !
* * * * O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
28 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. OQ
12 14
“ I A M ” ! (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light
w ithout limit; then LET T H E R E BE LIG H T! LIGHT! BELOVED S A IN T G E R M A IN , JESUS A N D
LIG H T! the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a T h o u ­ M A R Y ! Charge! Charge! Charge! every home in A m er­
sand Suns; the M ost Dynamic A ction of the Seven-fold ica and the world w ith Love, Purity and Perfection of
Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim; and the Public the H O L Y FA M ILY , and make every home an A ltar
Ascension of one or more in America, before thousands of A doration, Perfection, and Service to the “ M ighty
of people; and compel all mankind to know the T ru th I A M Presence,” the Ascended Masters, and all that is
of This Light and Law; and of every w ord our Beloved of the Light, today and forever; and M A N IF E S T N O W !
Messenger (M r. Ballard) and the Ascended M asters M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W !
have spoken; and M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! etc.
* * * *
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
etc. 15
13 T O R ; K-17; Y O U R IN N E R SECRET SERV ICE; God
and Goddess of H arm ony; M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y , T H E
STO P! STO P! STO P! by the Cosmic Light of a LEGIO NS: SERA PIS BEY A N D LEGIO NS OF
Thousand Suns, all human desires, habits and mistakes LIG H T!
in, th ru and around Ourselves, our Beloved Don, the Raise Your S W O R D S O F BLUE FLA M E and
Ascended M aster Y outh of the “I A M ” ; Young A m er­ STO P! STO P! STO P! this instant by O ne M ighty Stroke
ica, all the Younger Generation thruout the world, all of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, all forces, plans
military camps, all in the National Defense, our own and individuals who are viciously opposed to or try to
Beloved America, all in the atmosphere over America, cast discredit upon This Light, Ourselves, our Beloved
all under This Radiation and all we ever contact in all Don, the Ascended M aster Y outh of the “I A M ,” Young
we do everywhere forever, and M A N IF E S T N O W ! America, all the Younger Generation thruout the world;
M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! all under This Radiation and all Saint Germain’s “I A M ”
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3) Activities thruout the world, today and forever; and
etc. M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T N O W ! M A N IF E S T
* * * * O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the S A IN T G ER ­
M A IN SERIES, the V O IC E OF T H E “I A M ,” O U R
is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
This means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
W e are determined that this G IFT OF LIG H T,
T R U T H A N D FREED O M from the Ascended Masters
to mankind SH A LL BE P R O T E C T E D and kept PU R E,
T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
M R . A N D M RS. G. W . BA LLA RD
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I ............... .................. By Godfre Ray King TRANSLATIONS
Containing the first group of the author's experiences. BOOKS IN BRAILLE
"UNVEILED MYSTERIES"— In Two Volumes Price $5.25
Price $2.50 *— Shipping charges 40c
"THE M A G IC PRESEN C E"— In Three Volumes Price $7.75
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II .... ................... . By Godfre Ray King "THE 'I A M ' D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes........................ Price $6.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. "A SCEND ED MASTER D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes.. Price $7.00
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
"THE V O IC E OF THE 'I A M ' " ShiPPln^ char9es extra
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters
Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters'
Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates.
tions begin with January 1943.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
THE "I A M " ADO RATIO NS. A FFIRM A TIO N S AND DECREES. Volume V In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
Parts I and 2 ........ .............. . .... By Chanera (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
By Various Ascended Masters dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before Size — 2 x8 / 2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
. in ni n
12x21 Price $65.00
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated Above Charts mechanically animated j Size 30x52 price $225.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Violet Flame mechanically animated............... (Size 12x21 Price $65.00
frl. . , . } Size 30x52 Price $225.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III............. By the Great Divine Director (Shipping charges extra)
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JES U S
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT G ER M A IN
"I A M " ADO RATIO NS AND AFFIRM A TIO N S .................... By Chanera Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c PICTURE O F O UR BELOVED M ESSENGER, G U Y W . BALLARD
SPEC IA L “ I A M " DECREES AND BINDERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) H/jc per leaf. Shipping charges extra

■ hH h j H n m I
34 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
202-A Son of Light (Duet) ............ ................ J ^ot“ s Ra,y ,KIn,9' Harp
202-B Call to Light (Duet) .............................. - Shrin Organ '
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) ...... j Lotus Ray King, Harp
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: 203-B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) 1 Fredenck Landwehr,
[ b h rin e O rg a n
1. Opulence and Supply 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land............. ( Sung by Minute Men
2. Violet Flame and Healing 505-B Silent Sentinel .... ........ ................... ...... ) of Saint Germain
3. "I A M " America's Freedom"
Lotus Ray King, Harp

4. "I A M " Light Decrees
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters’ "I A M " Novachord
Activities.) [ 1000-B Dedication ......................................................... Donald Ray King
6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ C RR-I20I Invocation ..............................Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No- I will be sold for ( RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp.................... Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. ( RR-1203 Benediction .......................... ..............Mrs. Ballard and Donald
( RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp___Mrs. Ballard
( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) .....................Mr. G . W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released. ( 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) .....................Mr. G . W . Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ( 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ............................ Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........................... Mr. G . W . Ballard
hereafter. f 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) .......................... .Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra ( 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)............. Mr. G . W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.) * | 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
j 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
| N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)..... . j r °* jS ^ 'n9' I 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
) N 100-B Lotus My Love .............. .. Frederick Landwehr.
v [ bhrme O rg an { 3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
f N 10 1-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) j t°* jS ' ^ arP
( 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) .. . Freder.clt Landwehr. *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard
v [ 5hrine O rg an and should be sold in a set.)
J N 102-A "I A M " Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart___ __ Mr. G . W . Ballard
) N 102-B "I A M " Decrees— Part II............September 1941 Shrine Class
•{ 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart . _...... Mr. G. W . Ballard
f 200-A Light of My Heart ( D u e t ) ......................[ ^ King, Harp 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G . W . Ballard
t 200-B Rose of Light (Duet) ......... ........ ^ Frederick Landwehr, 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart....... Mr. G . W . Ballard
Shrine Organ

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
36 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W. Ballard W e still have a few records made of black material, available. The follow-
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W. Ballard
ing are the Numbers:
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W. Ballard I Instrumental
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr G. W. Ballard
( 1002-A Rainbow Rays ................... - \ and Vocal
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W. Ballard ) 1002-B Dedication to Rainbow Rays } Lotus Ray
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W. Ballard j King

3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard { 3300-A Invocation No. I ............. { Godfre Ray
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard ) 3300-B Invocation No. II .... ........... ........ \ King
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W. Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W. Ballard J 3302-A Invocation ..................................... 1 Godfre Ray
| 3302-B No Death .... j King
3310-A Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr G W. Ballard
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
J 3303-C Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations ) Godfre Ray
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr G. W. Ballard I 3303-D Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations ) King
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
\ 3303-E Beginning of the "I A M " Dictations ) Godfre Ray
33IO-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard | 3303-F Beginning of the 'I A M " Dictations J King
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation— July 1938 Mr G W. Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W. Ballard Record No. 3300, and 3302 are available at the reduced price of
$2.00, f.o.b. Santa Fe.
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory ) Record No. 1002 costs $1.50.
Mr. G. W. Ballard Packing and shipping charges 60c, provided not more than two
-K Benediction f
records in a shipment.
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W. Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. w . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M ” Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Sanfa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

ygjgi -i/7; r ' .V


38 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 39
Already Released
O H W O R LD VICTO RIO US GODDESS O F PURITY (1 6 " for Playbacks only)
f Lotus Ray King, Harp
V O ICE OF THE PRESENCE LETO, BLESSED LETO 65 I. Goddess of Purity ....... .............. ......... J Frederick Landwehr,
'j Shrine Organ
SO N OF LIGHT *S O N G OF THE VIOLET FLAME I 2. Leto, Blessed Leto .............. ............... ' Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL * "l A M " HERE [ Lotus Ray King, Harp
66 AM Come (Duet) -j Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and
I Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w ith p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No. 65, and
c o v e r in co lo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esigned fo r t h a t piece of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of double-faced record.
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­ only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at
Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c.
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
S O N G FOLDERS Price each 50c “ Shippi" 9 chargeS ' 5c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
follows: Vr^ |
i. "I A M " Here
No. I 2. Angels of Saint Germain [- Music and Lyrics
i 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim ~)
No. 2 5. Mary, the Mother of Jesus } Music and Lyrics
6. Archangel Michael J Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
Small Size— for individual use....................................................Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Sh ip p in g charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” are not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p " is blessed p e rs o n a lly by M rs. G . W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. No d isc o u n ts are
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


40 Property o f Saint Germain Press, In c .
B y the A scen ded M asters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through'which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


San ta Fe, New Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D AND P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

• C b p y r i( jh i- 0 a in t (jerm ain $ P resd 'T n a i94 3 ■

ft N G E L S o f V icto ry and G reat Cosm ic R ays,
Sw eep o’er the earth like an Ocean A blaze
W ith F lam es from the Sun and V icto ry ’s H eart,
Conquering, p erfectin g all earth — every p art!
T h eir G reat Cosm ic Scroll o f L ig h t Alls th e sk y ,
T h eir “ I A M ” Com m ands are heard from on H igh!
In L egion s T h e y come, now fillin g O ur L an d—
T h ru T h eir Cosm ic Love, T h ey hold each one’s hand!

A ngels o f V icto ry — A lm igh ty! Suprem e!

Flood over O ur W o rld an U nending Stream
O f L ig h t and such P eace, all— everyw h ere bow!
T h eir V icto ry “ I A M ”— enfolding us now !
M ajestic T h ey Stand— unyielding T h eir Pow er,
T h eir M igh ty Presence clothes us a ll th is hour!
Behold V icto ry ’s Shield Is leadin g the w ay —
T he V icto ry H e gives, fo rever holds sw ay!

A n gels o f V icto ry, reveal V icto ry ’s Love!

A ll th ru the ages, T h eir Presence above
O ffers H is V icto ry, show s all H is G reat M ight,
G ives all H is Substance, H is G reat Cosm ic L ig h t;
Now all on the e arth fo re ve r shall h ear—
T h eir V oices rin g out— announce crysta l clear;
‘‘T he G re at W ord ‘I A M ’ is V icto ry com e th r u !”
T he F lam es from T h eir H earts blaze H is V icto ry too!

A n gels o f V icto ry and L egions of L igh t,

A u th o rity brin g from V icto ry ’s H eight;
On earth everm ore in V icto ry T h ey dw ell,
To set m ankind fre e and everyw h ere tell
T h e G reat T ru th "I A M ” and sing l i f e ’s G reat Song,
F o r unto the L ig h t does all e arth belong;
U n til a ll V icto ry and Freedom are won
And all kn ow th eir Source, the G reat C en tral Sun!

A n g els o f V icto ry — illum ine th e air!

T h e ir B lessed P resen ce sw eeps now everyw h ere!
i S ta y w ith us on e arth and all here control!

1 A ll V icto ry release! M ake men now behold

T h y P o w er o f L ig h t— T h y G reat D ivine P la n —
T h y Presence and M ight— God’s W ill and G od’s H and!
T h y G lory “ I A M ” ! T h y V icto ry shall reign !
A ll shall raise to Thee— T h y V icto ry a ttain !


'v'o y D a C a m a r a 1043
fast to the Light; and may each of you feel M y H and in
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE yours in thanks and gratitude.
Cleveland, Ohio — O ctober 11 , 1939 “ T hou Infinite Power of Light! I speak to the H igher
M ental Body of every one in this city, to co-operate with
D E D IC A T IO N “ I A M ” S A N C T U A R Y our beloved V iva, the beloved students and G roup Leaders
A N D R E A D IN G R O O M here with all Its Infinite Power; to spread the Light, to
expand the Light, to hold the Dominion of the Light here
T H A N K you, beloved ones of the Light, with in this city.
all M y H eart! I wish you to feel, tonight, M y W e charge this chosen spot with the Power of Infinite
Deep Gratitude for your great loyalty, your Light, the Focus of the Light R ays of the Ascended M as­
courage and strength here, to carry and hold ters, the Legions of Light, the Cosmic Beings and the
the Light so magnificently as you have done. Few under­ Cosmic Light, to hold that Focus here, so every discordant
stand the vast achievement of the past year; and I wonder thing may be forever dissolved; so the Power of that Light
if you realize how great a part of that you have been. D o and the Glory of all It contains, may be the Dissolving
you realize, dear ones, what Real Loyalty to the Light and Presence or Pressure of Light; to hold about each one the
to M yself means? Dominion of the Light released thru the H igher M ental
You see, an Ascended M aster cannot have human Body; to render whatever Power and Service is required,
qualities, so, if I speak of M yself in this capacity, it is be­ in that service which each wishes to render.
cause the Law of Life made M e the Law, to bring forth Since every one has free will or choice, and at this
T his Light to you; and since “ I A M ” T H E L A W O F time, must choose whether he or she wishes to serve the
T H E V IO L E T R A Y T O T H I S E A R T H , I want you Light or not, then mankind has met the G reat Divide! In
to feel what that means to you in Its use. For the first your earthly mountains you have that which is known as
time in a very long period, it has been possible to dissolve your G reat Divide. In the Cosmic Light for the first time
or have dissolved and consumed that which was indescrib­ upon this earth, there has come the G reat Divide, or shall
able! It is being done with great speed and power every­ we say, the A lm ighty Power asserted by the Cosmic Light,
where! Its far reaching Power W e have touched upon in the Selective Discriminating Intelligence that sees and
but little, but presently, I think W e shall touch more upon knows only from the Inner motives of individuals; to hold,
it. determine and bring forth into Full A ction, the W isdom
N ow , before I continue and while you are standing, of the Cosmic Light! Such is coming into action with
let us dedicate this lovely place to the Light and the Glory G reat Speed and Power.
o f the Blessing, Protection and Freedom of Cleveland and M ay you all silently within your own hearts determine
the people here. to serve the Light and then follow that determination
M ay I, thru the Current of Energy, thru the arm of unwaveringly!
the Messenger, shake the hand of our beloved V iva, for W e draw the M ighty Pillar of Light at this A ltar, so
her staunch, loyal strength and courage to stand so stead- Its Radiance may go forth to heal, to bless, to prosper
every one who enters within these walls; and spread Its
4 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
Radiance thruout the city, to reach those whose Light has
inous Intelligent Substance, will spread Its Radiance to
expanded sufficiently, so they may understand, so they
every one who enters these walls day or night; and will
may comprehend!
reach out into your city rendering Its Service! T h e Light
BELO V ED O N ES, R EM EM BER Y O U R C A LLS Rays which I have called to be projected here, as a Focus
T O T H E H IG H E R M E N T A L B O D IE S O F O T H E R S for your Assistance, for your Blessing are Real! They
IN Y O U R C IT Y , A R E M U C H M O R E P O W E R ­
are Self-luminous Intelligent Substance that not a thing in
the world of human quality, can interfere with!
(T hank you so much and won’t you be seated?) In
continuing M y T alk to you, since we are just a happy fam­
L IK E S T O Q U E S T IO N , L IK E S T O A R G U E ; B U T
ily tonight, at least I feel so, I hope I am able to convey
to you, that I really never make any mistakes! Y ou might
suspect to the contrary, but yet it is quite true! W hen
T H E R E IS N O A R G U M E N T ! O N E D A Y , E V E R Y
I dismiss someone from T his A ctivity, it is because I have
watched for a long time, the Inner motives acting; and
know that it is useless to try further in this embodiment.
N ow won’ t you accept that as Law in T h is G reat Light,
T he human so often thinks that it has got to rush
because it is Law ; and if you do not accept it as that, you
around and do something desperate in order to convey
are going to be disturbed and probably interfered with
that which it wishes, many times obstructing the way;
in your onward progress.
but when you really make the call to the H igher M ental
Body of the other individual, Y O U H A V E S E T IN T O
R E S U L T S . N ow , if it be constructive, then the Higher
T H A T W E , A S A S C E N D E D B E IN G S , A R E G R O W ­
M ental Body of the other individual will co-operate with
IN G H A R D B O IL E D ? I T R U S T N O T ! W E N E V E R
you; but if it be destructive, of course, It would not.
C H A N G E , B U T R E A L L Y W E H A V E T O BE S O M E ­
Therefore, only the G reat Law will act!
T IM E S A L M O S T S E V E R E T O BE H E A R D ! Since
A s some of you have observed, there have been those
we have pled and pled for two years and W e are not
who thought they could use T his G reat Law destructively.
W ell, that is impossible! T he very call to the Presence listened to, then W e have to be severe to get the atten­
would destroy whatever destructive thing was there; but tion; then, usually it is too late for the individual.
some do not understand that and only by sad experience, N ow , dear ones, in our heart to heart talk tonight, I
do they find it out. want you to understand that I do know exactly everything
— that is going on about each student in this and foreign
N ow , beloved ones of Cleveland, will you accept this
lands! I have to, dear people! I know their motives, or
Dedication of this lovely place as Real? The Pillar of
Light which I have drawn here is R E A L ! Its Self-lum­ can, if it is necessary. I do not mean I go about looking
into the motives of every individual, but if it becomes
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J
necessary, I must do it! V ery easily by the projection of seen by this time, that your desire world, your feeling
a Light R ay, and by holding them in It, the motives within world, is a criterion of that which you are, whether you
the individual are revealed. are going up or down! Then, if your desire world is upon
T h at is the Law of M y A ctivity, since I am the Law things which you know must limit and pull you down, I
of the Violet R ay to this earth, which is the Purifying would say to that desire world: “ N O W S T O P R IG H T
A ctivity to mankind! T H E R E ! M Y D E S IR E IS F O R F R E E D O M , A N D
You know, I sometimes suspect, if mankind knew that R E M E M B E R ‘I A M ’ F R E E D O M ! M Y D E S IR E IS
I had much to do in connection with the Goddess of Purity, F O R M Y A S C E N S IO N A N D Y O U IN Y O U R
they would not welcome M e so much either; but haven’t H U M A N Q U A L IT IE S , A R E N O T G O IN G T O
you suspected, that since I am the Law of the V iolet Ray CHANGE T H A T ” !
to this earth, then I must have some part in that which the D ear people, do you not after this length of time, really
Goddess of Purity does, in releasing mankind into the understand that your determination will change your de­
Purity of their own G reat Presence of Life? T h at should sire almost at once, if you are determined enough? If you
not be any great crime! will say to any wrong desire: “ S T O P ! I W IL L H A V E
O h, my dear ones, how wonderful, how wonderful is N O M O R E O F T H A T ! G O IN Y O U R A T T E N ­
the day mankind understands there is no sacrifice upon T IO N , IN Y O U R D E S IR E T O P E R F E C T IO N A N D
this earth to this G reat Light! Y ou only let go of the S T A Y T H E R E ” ! T hen you will have the Out-pouring
things that bind you, that limit you, in order to have the of Perfection because your desire world, your feeling
Freedom of everything Life holds for you; and after you world, is the magnetic power. W hy do I call it the “ mag­
have gone thru so many thousands and thousands of em­ netic power” ? Because you are dealing with earthly con­
bodiments similar to these, going thru distress and limi­ ditions— qualities which must be perfected.
tations again, again and again, O h is it not a G reat Friend, N ow in the desire for Perfection, the Inner Quality
W ho has shown you the way to get out of that forever? acting there, is the already established— Power and Pres­
It is not a temporary thing, you are forever to be Free sure of Light and Life which is Perfection; but since the
in your Ascension, from all these conditions which have
place where the Remedial A gent, which is required is
bound you to earth! there, (Pointing to the Presence in the chart) W e must
D o you not see, it is only the presence of the desire draw that Perfection here, must W e not? It is in the
for the things of earth, that bind you to the earth? You human octave where this correction m u s t b e made!
have not known that, because you felt that you must have
B L E S S E D O N E S , T H E R E IS N O T O N E O F Y O U
certain things, and it is quite right that you should. You
W H O C A N N O T Q U IC K L Y C O R R E C T A N Y ­
may have all the use of things in this outer world that you
can possibly require, but you are really their master, not T H IN G IN Y O U R B O D Y O R W O R L D , IF Y O U
they your master. Y ou see the idea, dear ones? In all S E T A B O U T I T W IT H G R E A T D E T E R M I N A ­
that there is, you must be the master of all things which T IO N . T he reason is this: Here beating your heart is
you use! Otherwise, they will master you sooner or later! the Greatest Known Intelligence and Power in the U ni­
It is the same way in your desires. Y ou must have verse! T he same concerning your supply!
g Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
T h e same G reat Presence is the Treasure-house of you few mistakes, that those mistakes are going to prevent your
and your world! O f course your Presence is not holding Ascension! It takes more than a few human mistakes,
so much coined gold, silver or bills there; but do you not when you have given great attention to this Light, to de­
see that this W ise Intelligence, when you really do accept prive you of the Ascension, if you are sincere to that G reat
It as your Treasure-house, will bring into action in the Light! Y our motive and sincerity, dear people, mean
human octave, Its Harmonious A ctivity which brings the everything in the world to that V ictory! It is not a m at­
release to you? T H E R E IS N O T A H U M A N B E IN G ter of a few little mistakes out here. Heavens, haven’t
O N T H IS E A R T H W H O O W N S A N Y T H IN G ! there been thousands and millions in the past, and as evi­
M A N K IN D A R E B U T G U A R D IA N S O F I T F O R dence of that, please follow M e:
Since all the millions of mistakes have been made, and
T A K E I T W IT H T H E M , T H E P R O O F IS, T H E Y
there is all the accumulation of the centuries; and since by
D O N O T O W N IT . A s Lotus often says, you do not
the call to the Presence and the use of the V iolet Consuming
own your bodies. W ell it is true, but pretty soon you are
Flame, you can have dissolved and consumed all that ac­
going to! T h at will be quite a different thing!
cumulation, as W e have told you time and time again, in
M y dear ones, I feel like a little boy when I begin to
from a few weeks to a few months at most; and in almost
think upon this point! Y ou cannot imagine what it is every instance, if the individual would be determined, it
to M e, after all these centuries, to see so many in Am erica
could be within one year; then tell M e, if there is anything
who are going to make their A scension in this embodiment greater in the world, and why a few extra mistakes would
without any question about it! (applause— audience rising) now prevent your Freedom!
T hank you so much, dear ones, and just F E E L while Since you are having dissolved and consumed all that
you are standing for a moment, what it means to M e! accumulation of the past, do you think a few more mis­
I may not say anything to you now; but I do want you takes now in your sincere effort would prevent it? W atch
to know what it will mean to M e, to grasp your hand in out, that you do not condemn yourselves, because suddenly
that O ctave of Light, knowing that you are forever Free you find you made a little mistake.
from these limitations of earth, after the hundreds of lives
Beloved ones, remember I have asked your beloved
in which you have lived. I may try to be dignified, but
V iva to be the Guardian of the Light here in Cleveland!
you will see thru it in a minute! (applause) I tell you,
W on ’t every one of you co-operate with her to the fullest
it is the most Glorious T hing ever known on this earth.
of your ability in Love, joy and happiness, that the G reat
N ever was such a thing in the U niverse as that day, when
Light may spread here and bring into Its Fold, the many
individuals are freed by their call to Light, to Life, from
people here who want It so much? (applause — audience
these limitations of earth. (T h an k you so much, won’t
rising) Thank you. I am sure you will do everything
you be seated?)
possible to help.
I want you to understand, that I mean every word of
Y ou see, it is not a m atter of our beloved V iva, it is
that! It is no idle talk, and remember please do not try
not a matter of you, but it is a matter of the S T E A D Y ,
to judge, any one of you; because you might still make a
H A R M O N I O U S F O C U S O F T H E L IG H T in your city;
in Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. jJ
so that the Harm ony of that may reach forth and draw into it must continue to be so! T he matter of the number of
Itself those who want T his Light. people there, has not any particular thing to do with it; but
N ow for instance, this Pillar of Light which has been T his G reat Cosmic Light and the G reat Cosmic Beings
established here, with the Surrounding Element of Com ­ in the Dispensations which have been asked for, my dear
plete Harm ony, It would naturally reach out and draw by people, do you realize that is no idle thing? W hen W e
Its G reat D raw ing Power, the people who come here from ask for a Dispensation from the G reat Central Source of
time to time, who would become awakened to T his G reat Intelligence and Power to this System of W orlds, W e have
Light! T h at is how this M ighty Focus of Light must be taken on some Responsibility! D o you realize that? D o
Harmonious, within Its Surrounding Element, in order to you realize, that when you call for things or a D ispensa­
do Its G reatest W ork, render Its G reatest Service. (T hank tion, you are taking on the responsibility of holding har­
you, won’t you be seated?) monized the Greater Power that flows thru?
I ask those from the west who are here, do you remem­ M y blessed ones, do you realize what it means to be­
ber how long W e have pled for H arm ony, Complete H ar­ come a hundred percent student? M ay I explain! You
mony in the G roups thruout A m erica; and how W e saw have made a contract with your Presence! Let us speak
all that could be d o n ;? T he blessed ones, not fully under­ now in commercial terms for the moment— you have made
standing, did not see the necessity of that G reat Determina­ a contract with your own “ M ighty I A M Presence,” to
tion to keep the Complete Harm ony there, to allow U s to give certain obedience which that requires, to nothing else
do the things which W e wanted to do so much, and so, but your “ I A M Presence” ! Then, Life has taken you
W e have had to wait; but I feel more certain than ever at your word and Life is very apt to hold you to that!
now, that it is not going to be long, until such Complete I say to all people in the future: T H I N K W E L L
Harm ony will be established thruout all G roups in A m er­ B E F O R E Y O U M A K E A C O N T R A C T W IT H Y O U R
ica, that W e will be able to pour forth and do the things O W N “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” T O B E C O M E
W e have waited for these— just about three years, to do. A H U N D R E D PER C E N T ST U D E N T ; BEC A U SE
O h, I mean for you individually as well as other conditions. I T M E A N S Y O U G IV E Y O U R W O R D , T H A T
Y ou see, dear ones, W e dare not draw Power beyond Y O U W IL L BE O B E D IE N T T O A L L T H A T R E ­
a certain Pressure, until individuals hold sufficient H ar­ Q U IR E S O F Y O U R LIFE S T R E A M ! If one wishes to
mony within their own feelings! W e cannot do it, because become a hundred percent student with a wrong motive,
W e would be responsible for whatever injury came to you it will be an unhappy day for that individual!
by your lack of control. N ow remember, in this of which You see you are dealing with a G reat Law, the M ost
I am going to speak, W e are not responsible! Powerful in the U niverse! I am not saying this to frighten
In every one of the M essengers’ Classes, the step-up any one, but I want you to feel all that It means! These
is continuous and growing greater, greater and greater! are tremendous things, dear people! I know it is true and
Since the Shrine class the step-up in each class is tremen­ I say it quite frankly, there are some who just run along
dous and will be here; and those who attended the Chicago and say: “ I want to be a hundred percent student,” with­
out any consideration whatsoever, as to what It means!
class, felt the tremendous Charge there! N ow necessarily
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W ell they will find out one day, that they are going to your Treasure-house, and if you will look to your Presence
have to confront A L L that It means! as the Treasure-house, Its Love, W isdom and Power will
O h, my dear precious people, is it possible there is any go into action in the human octave, and bring about the
one who does not understand in T h is G reat Law, that you conditions that bring, thru Harm ony, the money supply
are now dealing with the G R E A T E S T A N D M O S T you require! It has to do it, because it is the law of Life!
P O W E R F U L L A W IN T H E U N IV E R S E , T H E You might quite justly say to M e for the moment:
G R E A T E S T M A N W IL L E V E R K N O W ! There is “ W ell how about the individuals thru whom that supply
nothing greater than your “ I A M Presence,” and that is might come? D o you think that Presence would make
the releasing Power of the Infinite Power in the Universe any mistakes? If the Presence brought to you, thru your
into your individual world; for Its Perfecting, Purifying call to It, the supply, then would It not be Divine Order
requirement and your “ I A M Presence” of Life, which and Divine Justice?
should be the Governor of your world and is the Governor
W ill you observe your beloved Messengers, dear ones!
of the Universe, is the Lifting, Raising Power, which
They have never looked to a human being for one dime
raises you into your Ascension.
since they left Chicago. I told them before they left, that
Y ou know sometimes, as I pass to and fro among the
if they would look to the “ M ighty I A M ” for their supply
students, I see now and then one who, O h maybe for the
to carry T his W ork forth, it would come forth; and they
moment in really sincere anxiety, keeps feeling that I have
have never wavered for one single instant; and when some
got to do something physical about this! D on’t do that,
sudden requirement was there, they never forgot. They
dear ones! G o on making your call and leave all to your
turned and said: “ M ighty I A M Presence,” here is an
“ I A M Presence” in Its G reat W isdom ! D o you think
emergency! N ow Y ou are the Power that supplies the
when your calls are sincere, there could anything of human
money to fulfill this! See that it is done,” and it was done
quality stand between you and that Presence which placed
at once!
you here, whose Alm ighty Intelligence and Power of
Light beats your own heart? W hen you come to trust the G reat W isdom and Power
O h, don’t you see, dear ones, that is the Greatest Thing — now notice I say: “ the G reat W isdom and Power” of
in the Universe, and because you do not seem to be mani­ your “ I A M Presence” which beats your heart, you will
festing M astery here yet, is no reason to think or question never in this world be disappointed.
the A uthority of that Power which beats your heart! N ow observe, my dear ones, why you go on day after
It is only because you have not cleared your world of day. Y our H igher M ental Body is the Regulator, the D i­
accumulations enough, that this G reat Presence does not rector of all the activities of the organs of your body, and
pour thru in Its Fulness; but It will! It cannot help it! until something gets out of order by discord, you think
D ear ones, please see there is nothing in the world can it is quite wonderful. Y ou do not have to give it a single
stand before that Presence and you, when you once sin­ thought. Y ou say: “ I want to go here,” and you go; “ I
cerely call It into action! There is no human quality which want to go there,” and you go; “ I want to do so and so,”
can possibly do it; and I think you should feel that, dear and you do it. W ell, what in the world is enabling you
ones, in your money supply! Y our “ I A M Presence” is to do it? D o you think those physical forms are enabling
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you to do that? O h, my dear ones, surely not! O f course, all human qualities must go down before It, must dissolve
you do have a certain amount of gathered energy which before It! T h at is why I bring to your attention these
would involuntarily act, but, my dear people, the Intelli­ points! (thank you so m uch)
gence, the Energy which you call forth, is from your Pres­ N ow , I am going to say one thing more concerning
ence! Since It is wise enough to direct the functions of this which should be the greatest encouragement to every
your body, and if you keep harmonious, keep you in per­ human being on this earth! O f course you know a little
fect order, health and strength, why wouldn’t it do any­ of it, but my precious people, you have no idea, the terrific
thing else you require? destructive forces, that these beloved ones have had to
D o you not see, it is just human concept which could stand against, and are still standing against to carry T his
temporarily dominate in your world of thought and feel­ Light! N o such thing was ever known on this earth, as
ing, that deprives you of the Fulness of the Presence, flow ­ the destructive forces which have been projected to these
ing forth to render whatever service you might call forth two blessed ones, to stop T his Light; but to show you
or require? T h at is the only reason, you seem to be de­ how all destructive force finally destroys itself, the M es­
prived of a single thing! senger just had word from the west today t h a t ------------
N ow look again! A s you know, these dear M essen­ who spread his viciousness all over the world, has sent
gers were owing five months rent when they left Chicago, word to one of the groups, that he thought he might just
because they had not been able to make connection with as well give it up. (applause — audience risin g). H e said
the supply. W ell, they went forward, at M y Request, the students would not any longer read his literature and
believing what I said; trusting M e, trusting their Presence; no one else seemed interested, so he thought he was about
and you see the result! There is not a living person on finished! W ell that is quite T rue! I agree with him, but
this earth, who would have the same sincerity, the same it seemed a long time, didn’t it? W ell, don’t you see, W e
determination and give the same obedience, who would can always afford to be patient! W e could have put him
not be able to do the same thing; but you don’t know the helpless on a bed the rest of his days, but W e did not.
hours, and hours, and hours of the most terrific applica­ People destroy themselves by their own destruction!
tion that human beings ever made, which they made. I W e do not use a destructive force and even when there
am going to tell you something— I don’t think they will are those W e must dismiss, still W e are not using a de­
mind— from the time of their second class in Philadelphia, structive force; because their own qualities have been their
when they went South to Florida, then to Dallas, then dismissal and have cut them short! W on ’t you see that,
California, they went N orth and came back to Los A n ­ dear people, so that there is no feeling in you, that I am
geles, no such application was ever made in this world as making a mistake or that I am being unjust! If you do,
they made. T hey never stopped day or night! (applause then you make a G R E A T M IS T A K E !
— audience rising) W e are touching upon a number of things, tonight,
I mention this, that you may see what real dynamic that I am sure will give you great H appiness and Freedom,
application does; because there is nothing that can stand dear ones. It is not quite as easy to understand the con­
before it in the Universe; because that is the Power of ditions that are existing in Europe tonight, yet will you
Light, or the Pressure of Light called forth into action, and clearly follow M e in these words: A s these continuous
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calls go forth to the G reat Power of Light, to dissolve all understanding to mankind, and in the various things in
human selfishness and discord from the earth, as the Great which the W ords “ I A M ” have been used, why do you
Goddess of Liberty and the M ighty A rcturus have said; think the Explanation was withheld? W e have never
then conditions which have held nations in bondage and explained this to any of you! W hy do you think man­
destruction for centuries, must one day find that viciousness kind have not been given this before? W hile many tem­
returned upon them or those who were the cause of it, porarily had a Trem endous Feeling at certain times, when
which will cause to be dissolved the originators of this they would touch upon the W ords “ I A M ,” yet the ex­
condition— a vastly different thing, than before T his Light planation was not given. Perhaps, many of you know of
was known! intervals in your own experience, when you would feel
You see dear ones, when people of the world begin a sudden Thrill and Power from those W ords, and scarcely
to really know that their own human physical heart, is before you knew it, It was gone! The reason is this:
the O utpost of the Greatest Power and Intelligence known U ntil the use of the V iolet Consuming Flame could be
in this Universe, then they have set into action the G reat­ brought into action, to dissolve the human discord, the
est Known Law in the Universe, to bring about these con­ Power released in the acknowledgment of the “ M ighty
ditions; which will eventually be the Remedy and removal I A M Presence” would often have thrown people out of
from this earth of every destructive force. It is the Law the body; because of the Power released, suddenly being
of your Life, of every human being’s Life on this earth! requalified by human desires!
Remember, the H igher M ental Body who is the Direc­ I know many have felt impatient with M e at times,
tor of the Currents of Light and energy thru every human but why have I led the students of Am erica along so gently?
being, wants Perfection just the same as you want it! It Because I know the Power of These G reat Law s! You
does not make any difference what the physical is doing are living the Law of Life, dear people, in your attention
or how destructive it is, that H igher M ental Body wants to the “ I A M ” Presence.” It is no respector of persons,
Perfection, just the same as you do! Then, do you not and when you call to that Presence with deep sincerity
see how after all, outside of the very atmosphere of this and determination, you release a Power you cannot ima­
earth, you have every Co-operative Force or Power and gine, unless you see with the All-seeing-eye within that
Intelligence of this Universe, acting in conjunction with which is released!
you and your call? Then, what is there in the world that I could find a few among the student body today, who
could stand against it? could under a certain powerful impulse, release a force
D ear ones, you have a Scepter of Power in your hands from their “ I A M Presence” that would stop a projectile,
in your understanding and application of your “ M ighty because I have seen that force; but they have given abso­
I A M Presence” which is the Greatest T hing in this U ni­ lute obedience, having maintained H arm ony and that
verse; and there is nothing to compare with It or ever Power gathered, is charged with the Power and Perfection
will be! of the Presence, which is the Power of Light, and no human
I am going to say something, tonight, which I have qualities are there!
never said and I think W e should begin now. W hy do Therefore, this is what I wish you to understand, my
you suppose, in all other various attempts to bring a greater dear ones, that if you, for any reason whatsoever, allow
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yourselves to keep feeling inharmonious about persons, H A V E T H ESE IN ST A N T A N E O U S A N SW ER S
places or conditions, how could you expect the W isdom of W IT H O U T N U M B E R ! O h, that day when you do,
your H igher M ental Body to release Powers of Instantan­ your joy will know no bounds! Then, you will begin to
eous A ction at your call? D o you not see, dear ones, how feel the M astery and A uthority which you really are!
it is only a lack of that needed Harm ony which prevents O h, my dear ones, just think, as you sit he^e tonight:
you having Absolute Instantaneous Answ ers to your calls T h is Light which beats your heart, is the Scepter of Power
at any time? and A uthority every moment, for your dominion over all
I just want to tell you, because I happened to be pres­ things upon this earth, but you don’t have the confidence
ent, when the M essenger read the letter today. A t the in It! You have so long believed that persons, places and
beginning of the Chicago class, a blessed lady wired for conditions out here, have power to limit or disturb you
assistance for her husband who had an acute attack of or make you inharmonious; but that really is not the case!
appendicitis. There seemed to be no possible chance, but It is your reaction to a thing that determines its effect in
to go to the hospital for an operation. T he M essenger your world; and that reaction is your feeling tow ard it.
felt the powerful impulse to make the tremendous call A s the M essengers have so often said, you can take
immediately, when the wire came. H e stood on his feet tw o people, put them thru the same condition— one will
and made this most powerful call and at the same moment, laugh it off and pay no attention, the other takes it ser­
the doctor was in the room. A ll of a sudden, all inflamma­ iously and has serious results; but in your acknowledgment
tion subsided and the doctor saw it subside! Presently of your “ I A M Presence,” is the A uthority which is yours,
he said: “ W ell, I think an operation won’t be needed.” if you will remind yourselves, that this Presence which is
T he next day he came back and the husband was quite beating your heart, is going to do these things. A ll you
recovered. T he wife said to the doctor: “ D o you think are asking for, is the A uthority of the Universe. O h, what
it could have been the hot applications” ? T h e doctor a different thing would come into action in your applica­
looked at her and smiled and said: “ O h no. H o t applica­ tion, if you can feel this!
tions don’t do that.” W ell, she said: “ Perhaps it was D ear ones, I ask you to just silently decide within your­
G od.” Patting her on the shoulder he said: “ M adame selves, how many times before you start to make your
you are quite right. It could not have been anything else, application, do you remind yourselves of that? Som e
because in my entire experience, I have never seen any such emergency comes along, and you leap into your application
thing.” T h at was the instantaneous answer to the call without stopping to think: “ N ow my Presence to whom
made! I make my call to do this, has A L L A U T H O R I T Y !
N ow , beloved students, won’t you see and feel this! Therefore, how could I question or doubt Its A bility to do
There is not one of you who cannot do the same thing, as this thing right now! O h, how I like those two words—
you gain momentum and confidence! There are two kinds R IG H T N O W !
of confidence you know. W e are talking about Divine O h, you would smile, if you had seen M e a long time
Confidence now, but W H E N Y O U R E A L L Y H A V E ago, when I was having M y battle and I would try to feel
C O N F ID E N C E I N Y O U R “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S ­ that so earnestly, then I would make a gigantic call and
E N C E ,” IN Y O U R C A L L S , Y O U W IL L B E G IN T O it did not operate. Then, I would go back to the begin­
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Proferty of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
ning, but after going thru that a few times, I tell you, that
moved the discarnate entities, (applause — audience ris­
other quality just dissolved and disappeared; then, when
ing) I just could not deprive you of that, but what a great
I went into action, the result was there. I tell you, dear
rejoicing! One day, when you see, you will know all that
ones, I know from experience!
it means, for these cities and states for which this has been
A s long as you allow the human to have authority to
done. Please, do not ever expect M e or any of the G reat
dominate you, it will hold that dominion; but when you
Ones to describe or make any effort to describe to you,
will stop, still yourselves and say: “ N ow this for which I
what this means! If you knew the Force, the Power that
am calling, is thru the A uthority of my own “ M ighty I
it requires to do this, you just would not care to hear the
A M Presence,” under the A ction of my H igher M ental
description. D ear ones, while you are standing, will you
Body and Its Direction; and knowing that my “ I A M
try to see and feel this!
Presence” is the A uthority of the U niverse, then there
You think of U s as Transcendent Beings and W e are,
is no human quality can stand between It and the achieve­
there is no question about that! Y ou feel in the human
ment! Then, when I make this call, there is no question
octave, that there are certain activities of Life, which you
of its immediate result.” A fter a little of that kind of
would not like to soil your hands in doing! D id you see
preparation, you will feel a confidence, my dear people, in
what W e are compelled to do, in removing these discar-
your calls to your Presence, that will give you Instantan­
nates, in this vast scope of your city and for fifty miles
eous A ction.
surrounding, then you would understand what W e are
I think all of the students are at the point now, where
compelled to do to render you that Service! So please,
they should have this, and of course a great many are
do not feel dishonored, in anything that your hands are
having wonderful marvelous results; but I want all the
required to do, which is honorable in the human octave;
students who are really sincere, to have those same results.
to bring Perfection and happiness to you. W e have never
T h at is why I am going into this tonight. Y our sincerity
dared venture any description.
is so great here; your determination is so great— and really
Perhaps, the greatest battle of the Light and darkness
what you have achieved has been so tremendous! D o you
was in the removal of the entities of Chicago. T h ey had
not see how wonderful has been the answer to your calls
been held there over a long period of time and much had
for money supply here? D o you not see how really won­
to be done by A ctual Force! I W A N T Y O U T O SE E
derful it has been! Yet, all that you have achieved in the
transcriptions, in the broadcasts and all, is a magnificent
thing, dear people, a marvelous thing. You are not a great
group here of several thousand people, but your determina­ U N D E R S T A N D T H IS , A S Y O U A R E U N D E R ­
tion and loyalty has been unsurpassed, and I want you to
know and feel that!
N ow , then, please remain seated. Y ou probably have
IN S ID E O F O N E Y E A R ! A ll discarnates could be re­
thought that things have been rather quiet since the M es­
moved and all the substance of human qualities which
sengers have arrived. T rue, in the outer! W ithin your
have been charged into the belt above and around Am erica,
city and for fifty miles surrounding, there have been re­
would be no more.
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Y ou do not see these things and know them as W e do, awakening into a loyalty to Am erica which is a powerful
but my dear people, so far as their influence upon mankind thing! I ask you to notice the difference in one year ago
is concerned, it is R E A L ! It is Substance, it is energy hu­ and today!
manly qualified and sometimes, most fiercely destructive! You, who sometimes attend moving pictures, saw even
(W o n ’t you be seated?) T h at is why this has already up to a year ago, if anything communistic was mentioned,
been achieved, in preparation for the coming class, that you heard great commotion of acknowledgment. W ell,
you might receive the fullest possible benefit, for steadily since the impulse to throw your Beloved Am erican Flag
and surely this V ictory of the Light is going forw ard! on the screen has come, the change which has taken place
Please, beloved students, do not feel dismayed, because has been tremendous, and today your Flag never fails to
conditions seem to be hanging fire in W ashington, D . C .! receive an ovation, (applause)
There is of course the under-current which is determined N ow , beloved ones, I am just mentioning this to show
to drag Am erica into war; but just keep knowing that it you the trend of the mass of the people! T h at, I think, is
has no power and that the Forces of Light, the Cosmic a considerable transformation in almost one year. I tell
Light and Those R ays projected by the Ascended M asters, you, up until a year ago or perhaps a year and a half, and
the Cosmic Beings and the Legions of Light, are going forth up until Dies began his investigation, the people were
into action! N ow mark you, what the A ctivities of K-17 asleep! Think w hat that man has done for Am erica!
and H is Legions of Light are. T h ey are acting almost in Surely, my dear people, he is an Ascended M aster Friend
the physical octave, enough so to do physical things, and raised up, to reveal the destructive forces in A m erica!
remember with that A ctivity, all things are possible! Y ou must observe the powerful protection he must have
M any of the senators are being charged! W e do not had to continue that great work!
want to use force, W H IC H W E M A Y BE C O M P E L L E D A fter all, are you not having the evidence before you
T O U S E , IF T H I S T H I N G S H O U L D G O T H R U ; but of the answer to your great calls? N E V E R W E A R Y
I have great confidence tonight, that it will not. A ll de­ O F Y O U R M IG H T Y D E C R E E S ! T H E M O ST
structive forces in Am erica are seeing for the first time in W O N D E R F U L T H IN G T H A T W A S E V E R D O N E
their lives, that there is a Power acting which they do not B Y M A N , IS T H E S E D E C R E E S T H A T G O F O R T H ;
understand nor comprehend! Y ou notice the vast change, and yet, there are those pretending sincerity to T his Light,
and if you saw the papers, today, you would see where one who try to instill into people at different points, that the
of the first focuses in Am erica of the communistic element, Decrees are no longer necessary. D ear ones, when they
which brought suph destructive power and immoral activ­ are not any longer needed, I will be the first to let you
ity into our schools and colleges, has been put down. In know with all the Joy of M y H eart!
H arvard, they have burned five thousand communistic W e are winning a V ictory that will last thruout eter­
pamphlets in that college! nity, in and thru these M ighty D ecrees! W hen you under­
N ow , dear people, the people of Am erica are awaken­ stand, and if you do, remind yourselves every time you
ing! It might seem slow, but I tell you faster than you send a Decree forth, that it goes into action in the mental
realize; because there are many sources in Am erica which, and feeling world of mankind, just as definitely as if you
while they are not awakening to T his Light, they are threw a stone into the water and watched its pulsations
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
go forth, then you will feel the greater Power! It goes This is another point which I think W e should call
forth and acts in the mental and feeling world of mankind, to your attention, if you will silently use your feeling, to
just as definitely as you write down a word with pen and call that its impulse— whenever you feel like it, say once
ink, but in that there is no resistance. It just goes into an hour— continues to go forth, once an hour or twice or
action; and since the mental and feeling world of mankind whatever you see fit; D O Y O U N O T S E E T H A T T H E
are one, it acts. LIFE A T Y O U R C A L L , W H IC H S E N T IT F O R T H ,
T here is one other point I want, so earnestly, for you W IL L C A U S E IT T O C O N T IN U E T O R E P E A T
to get clearly tonight. In your calls to the Presence, and IT S E L F ; U N T I L IT W O U L D G A IN A M O M E N ­
in the Decrees which you send forth, the “ M ighty I A M T U M S O G R E A T , N O T H IN G IN T H E U N IV E R S E
Presence” of every one of you is O N E insofar as the Q ual­ W O U L D S T O P IT , P R O D U C IN G T H E P E R F E C ­
ity of Perfection is concerned, isn’t it? Every one of you T IO N F O R W H IC H Y O U H A V E C A L L E D . I T IS
has an “ I A M Presence,” but your “ I A M Presence” is M A RV ELO U S!
one with the “ I A M Presence” of everyone else, in the These Powers are so far reaching and that is why! A s
G lory and Perfection which It is. you gain the greater confidence, the greater fulfilling of
N ow then, let us take the other action. T he mental your calls will take place; and not only will you feel the
and feeling world of mankind is O N E ! Then you send assurance of the immediate action; but you will at the same
forth a Decree which is a Fiat of Life— now let us just time know— well now every hour or twice an hour, this
wait a moment! H ow is it that you send this forth? Is it impulse goes forth again and again, and again to fulfill that
not Life acting thru the voice of your physical form, which Decree. D o you not see, that one day not far distant,
is sending this forth into action? Then, does not all Life everybody, after this crisis is met and conquered, will have
want to respond and co-operate with that, to bring the come to the point where they can, three times a day, send
results you require? Y ou see It does. There is no ob­ forth Decrees for their own specific requirements; F O L ­
struction, because all Life wants the same thing as you do L O W IN G T H E M W IT H T H I S F E E L IN G of once or
in your call for Perfection. Then, since the mental and twice an hour or whatever they choose, SO T H E IM ­
feeling world of mankind is one, your Decree goes forth P U L S E IS G O IN G O N IN I T S E V E R -IN C R E A S IN G
into action, and can any one of you tell M e where the stop­ A C T I V I T Y , U N T I L T H E F U L F IL L M E N T O F T H A T
ping point of that impulse is which goes forth? IS A C H IE V E D ; and one V ictory after another would be
Since it is Life that has made the call, sent forth your yours as easily as you take your meals.
Decree, then will It not continue to act indefinitely? D o T h at is why dear people, you are dealing with Law,
you see? N ow then further, It will not stop unless you the Infinite Power of the Universe! Just because these
bodies have seemed to be limited so long, is no reason why
recall It! Since you are the one who sent It forth and you
they should remain so! D ear ones, you who seem to have
do not recall It, then the Power of Life which is you, which
many years over your heads, please do not ever feel, that
is Eternal, will keep that impulse going forth, and if you
because of your human qualification, you can not have the
would ask, It would keep sending its impulse forth without Same Power, Y outh and Energy from your Presence. Y ou
cessation. C A N draw It forth at your command!
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
W hat do you think stops age? W hat do you think Sometimes, if you pay someone a sum of money and
stops limitation? W hat do you think stops any human don’t get a receipt you might have to pay it the second
quality? By refusing to accept it or give it further power time. If you get your receipt, you are quite sure of your­
to act. In your Six M ighty Decrees which you issue, my self. If W e get O ur supply, W e are sure of it— W e feel
dear people, they are the most M agnificent things ever quite safe.
known upon this earth. “ W e say to all human creation: D ear ones, this G reat Service is a Glorious Joyful
‘you have no power’ ” ! M y dear ones, do you not see, T hing, and W e do enjoy it! O h, when W e see blessed
that is being charged into the mental and feeling world of ones everywhere, releasing that Alm ighty sincerity and
the people of earth with a Gigantic Power; and it has been great determination for the Protection and Freedom of
for more than three years now? W ell Its momentum is A m erica and their own Freedom and Ascension, there is
gaining Tremendous Power. W hy? Because these Great not a thing in the world within our Power to give, that W e
Beings of Light, seeing that sincerity, will amplify It. would not give for your strength and V ictory! A fter all,
Perhaps at this point, I should apologize to the M es­ it is so little after all the accumulation of the ages to hold
sengers and some of the Staff. In this gigantic achieve­ Harm ony now, making your calls which allow your G reat
ment, in removing the discarnate entities, W e needed some Presence of Life to give you Its G reat Freedom and
extra energy, and usually of course you go nearest home for Ascension!
your supply! However, the achievement is here; and I Let M e show you how. If at any time, there would be
am sure they will have no cause to regret the use of the a human question come to you concerning your Freedom
extra energy. I trust this will be satisfactory. and Ascension, remember— it is a Law that is always act­
D ear ones, I am very happy, tonight, over all that has ing! Y our human is just as apt to say to you: “ W ell you
been achieved and the steady V ictory and M omentum W e are just fooling yourself. Y ou are just wasting your time
are gaining in W ashington. One day, I hope I shall be and energy. H ow would you have your Ascension” ? and
able and free to explain at least the high lights of all that all such things you know. W ell, let M e show you, why
has had to be done there. Sometimes to change a powerful you should N O T listen to it! T he human which says that,
human desire is no idle thing, but since it may be done, does not know what it is talking about! Y our call for your
well W e must use whatever is required to do it. Freedom and Ascension is the Law of Life, and your Pres­
I say this to all students in Am erica and the world to­ ence, the W isest Intelligence in the Universe, which beats
night: M y dear ones, in all that you have furnished, it is your heart, is the Power and A uthority which raises you
only one-third of what W e require. O f course it is your into your Ascension. Then, how could the human intel­
problem, the problem of the people of the earth, yet W e lect say to you or question the A uthority of that Presence,
want you to be free— I presume, more than you do your­ Power and Intelligence to do it? Y ou see you have it right
selves; but since that is O ur Privilege to serve, and since W e by the ear every time. It cannot talk back to you, if you
must furnish two-thirds of the energy— W e have got to realize that.
have your one-third first! W e have to be sure of that, then, I have seen a good many people in whom the intellect
W e are sure of the other two-thirds; but once that comes was talking back to them and boy, they were accepting it.
forth, then W e proceed with no uncertainty. T h at is the reason I am prompting you, tonight, so you may
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
never be bothered again, by any suggestion from your he sent the call again, and so I said, “ U ntil it is finished.”
human self or anyone’s else, regarding the Victory of your W ell he did not say anything more, but I could see a very
Freedom and Ascension! great hope there, that it might not be long.
You know I sometimes long in an evening like this, to D ear ones, do you realize what it means for these Be­
take you on a journey with M e and by worded descrip­ loved M essengers to have the tremendous courage and
tion, just briefly show you something of what you have strength they have had, to stand against all that has been
passed thru. It would take some hours to do it, but dear and is? Just a little further and they are going to see the
people, then I am quite sure, you would understand thor­ reason for many things, and how all of this has been work­
oughly, what this means in your Freedom at this time; be­ ing up to a point of very great achievement. A fter all,
cause it is Life, the A uthority of Life which is doing this! these things of the outer world are just human qualities;
You in your feeling and your intellect make the call, and and when you remember that they have no power, Oh
since it is for Perfection, then It is the fulness and Power really in your feelings, not here (in the head) but here (in
of Life that makes the call; and the Greater Part of Life the h eart), then they really do not! T h at is the needed
which is there, renders the Service and lifts you into Its activity today. Then, your feeling world has to know
Perfection. Is there anything simpler in all the world or definitely that all persons, places and conditions which
more clear? would limit you, really have no power.
Just see how the Intelligence, Power and Light that Remember, in these Six M ighty Decrees which you
beats your heart, is the lesser part of that G reat Light, give, there is not a thing more powerful in this world; and
which is the Perfection and Ruler of the Universe! Then, if you feel this T ru th and Power deeply, every time you
would there be anything to prevent that G reat Presence issue one of these, you will be building into your feeling
raising you, with your attention held to It, into the Perfec­ world that A bsolute Power and A uthority which makes
tion It is, forever free from earth. them a Reality in your individual world!
D on’t you see how It is Real— the most practical thing W hen you say, as you have so often, and put your deep
known to man? There is not one thing in your mechanics, intense feeling into it: “ T o all human creation, you have
today, half as practical. There is nothing transcendent no pow er!” it is a magnificent thing! Y ou are building
about It or unusual. It is just a G reat Law of Life which that for Absolute Positive A ction into your world. “ T he
is acting, and as soon as you see that clearly, well you will Limitless Legions of Light sweep across the face of the
have the Full Perfect Confidence of It; and there would earth and all human darkness disappears.” M y dear ones,
not be a single thing from that moment on, which will think, that has gained a momentum these three years! It
stand between you and this Perfection! is gaining an Authority, Power and Dominion which is
I am going to tell you a joke on the M essenger. You unparalleled!
know I have been watching him for sometime, to see in T h at is why, you can afford to be patient and rejoice
all these experiences how much, if any, was registering in the Glories that await you in the V ictory and A uthority
within. So recently, he said, or he sent the call and said: which is yours; because remember, in your earnest devo­
“ Saint Germain, how much longer is this thing going to tion and attention to your “ I A M Presence,” there is not
continue” ? W ell I did not say a thing. So after awhile, one thing, that stands between you and the Perfection
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 3 j
which is there; which you can draw here into your body MOST RECENT AND
and world of action.
I thank you with all M y H eart, dear ones, for this op­ UNPUBLISHED DECREES
portunity to talk to you so closely, and be so near in your 3 P R E A M B L E S etc.
hearts. M ay you feel O ur G reat Love and Gratitude to
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light
you, for every effort that you make, in your calls to the
without limit, then L E T T H E R E B E L IG H T , L IG H T ,
G reat Presence of Life; and may you know definitely,
L IG H T , the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a
tonight, that no call has ever gone forth unanswered!
Thousand Suns!
W hether you have seen the outer manifestation of it mat­
P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! P O W E R S O F L IG H T !
ters little, but no call to that Presence of Life, ever has or
P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) ,
ever will fail to be answered! O utw ardly the human can­
Help ( 3 ) , Power (3 ) without limit! Raise Y our Sw ords
not judge, but in the great momentum of your calls, re­
of Blue Flame, and M A N IF E S T (3 ) —
member it is the lesser part of Life, calling to Its Greater
Perfection, to bring Its Freedom here!
S U N S ! (3 ) (R epeat after each line)
I thank you!
Blaze (expand, explode, charge, or drive) thru all
war right now! (o r any condition or problem)
Blaze thru all war; compel all that human to bow!
Blaze thru all war; each moment, each day!
Blaze thru all war; compel our (his, her, etc.) Light’s
V ictory to forever hold sway!
Compel Y our M ighty Presence to forever hold sway!
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to forever hold sway!
Compel V ictory’s V ictory to forever hold sway!
Compel D addy’s Obedience to forever hold sway!
Compel Hercules’ Invincible Protection to forever
hold sway!
Compel the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty
Elohim to forever hold sway!
Compel the Power of the Three times Three to forever
hold sway!
Compel the G reat Cosmic W ord “ I A M ” to forever
hold sway! (3 )
Compel the Cosmic Scythe of Blue Flame of a T h ou ­
sand Suns to forever hold sway!
NOTE: U se the same form for any of the following:
32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
Annihilate that stop order on the mails IN O N E
P O W E R S O F L IG H T !
M IG H T Y S T R O K E !
Annihilate all hell and intended hell driven against
SU N !
--------------- in O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E !
Annihilate all hell and intended hell in the money
V IO L E T F L A M E O F A T H O U S A N D S U N S !
world IN O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E !
* * * * Annihilate all hell and intended hell driven against
3 PREAM BLES Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, our Beloved
“ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light Don, Ourselves and all under this Radiation IN
without limit, then L E T T H E R E BE L IG H T , L IG H T , O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E !
L IG H T , the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a Annihilate all hell and intended hell driven against
Thousand Suns! Am erica’s transportation, communication and sup­
P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! ply of the necessities of Life to her people IN O N E
P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , M IG H T Y S T R O K E !
H elp ( 3 ) , Power (3 ) without limit! Raise Y our Sw ords Annihilate all hell and intended hell in ----------------
of Blue Flame— and IN O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E ! A nd compel O ur
(R epeat once, then follow with) Light’s V ictory to forever hold sway! Compel
Y our M ighty Presence to forever hold sway! etc.
ST O P ! (3 ) SM A SH , B L A ST A N D A N N IH IL A T E
(3 ) all that is not of the Light in, thru and around--------- (Sam e form as above)
--------- in O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E right now! * * * *
S T O P ! (3 ) S M A S H , B L A S T A N D A N N I H I L A T E 3 PREAM BLES
(3 ) all that is not of the Light in, thru and around--------- “ I A M ” (3 ) the A uthority and Power (3 ) of Light
--------- in O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E , and compel all that without limit, then L E T T H E R E BE L IG H T , L IG H T ,
human to bow! L IG H T , the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a
S T O P ! (3 ) S M A S H , B L A S T A N D A N N I H I L A T E Thousand Suns!
(3 ) all that is not of the Light in, thru and around--------- P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! P O W E R S O F L IG H T !
--------- in O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E , each moment, each P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) ,
day! H elp ( 3 ) , Power (3 ) without limit! Raise Y our Sw ords
S T O P ! (3 ) S M A S H , B L A S T A N D A N N I H I L A T E of Blue Flame— and
(3 ) all that is not of the Light in, thru and around--------- (R epeat once,.then follow w ith)
--------- in O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E , and compel our In the Nam e and A uthority of the “ M ighty I A M
(his, her, etc.) Light’s V ictory to forever hold sway! Presence” and A ll Powers and Beings of Light without
(U se same form as in above Decree) limit! Compel (3 ) all that is not of the Light in, thru and
around --------------- ( l ) — to
N O T E : U se the above form for the following:
Annihilate that case IN O N E M IG H T Y S T R O K E ! (R epeat after each line)
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
L E T G O ! (3 ) of Am erica, her people and her re­ T h e Instantaneous Annihilation of all opposition to the
sources right now! Light— cause, effect, record and memory, wherever
L E T G O ! (3 ) of America, her people and her re­ “ I A M ” — “ I A M ” ! etc.
sources, and compel all that human to bow! T he Invincible Rights of Free M en, “ I A M ” ! etc.
L E T G O ! ( 3 ) of Am erica, her people and her re­ T he Limitless Invincible Expansion of the Light thru my
sources, each moment, each day! body and clothes right now, “ I A M ” ! etc.
L E T G O ! ( 3 ) of Am erica, her people and her re­ T he Invincible Cross of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns,
sources, and compel our (his, her, etc.) Light’s V ictory to “ I A M ” ! etc.
forever hold sway! T he Invincible Cross of W hite Fire of a Thousand Suns,
Compel Y our M ighty Presence to forever hold sway! “ I A M ” ! etc.
(Sam e form as above) * * * *
* * * * T he following Decree has a tremendous four-fold ac­
tivity. In the first line we acknowledge the G reat Creative
3 P R E A M B L E S etc.
W ord— “ I A M ” ! In the second line we use the A uthority
T he V iolet Flame of a Thousand Suns, “ I A M ” !
to Command. In the third line we claim our own. In the
T h e Violet Flame of a Thousand Suns, I command!
fourth line is the Eternal sustaining A ction of the Decree!
T h e Violet Flame of a Thousand Suns, is mine today! NOTE:
T he V iolet Flame of a Thousand Suns, thru me forever
U se any one or combination of the following words
hold sway! in any or all Decrees according to the meaning and require­
T he V iolet Consuming Flame, “ I A M ” ! etc.
(follow with the form above)
Ascended M aster
T he Invincible T ube of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Invincible
T he Ascended M asters’ Ring-Pass-Not of Blue Flame Instantaneous Safety of the Light, “ I A M ” !
around me, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless etc.
Ascended M aster A ttention to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Eternal Protection of the Light, “ I
Invincible A ttention to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Unconditional A M ” ! etc.
Limitless A ttention to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Overwhelming
Eternal Attention to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Saint Germain’s Invincible, Limitless Safety of
Ascended M aster Power of the W ord “ I A M ” ! “ I A M ” ! the Licrhf. “ I A M ” ! etc.
(o r any Ascended
M aster’s N am e) /
Ascended M aster A uthority of the W ord “ I A M ” ! “ I * * * *
A M ” ! etc.
Ascended M aster Feeling of the W ord “ I A M ” ! “ I A M ” ! DECREES
etc. EXA M PLE:
T h e Instantaneous Annihilation of all opposition to Saint Ascended M aster Obedience to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, “ I A M ” ! etc. or
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
Invincible Obedience to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible A ction of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
or Limitless, Invincible Rays of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless Obedience to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Praise of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
or Limitless, Invincible Consciousness of the Light, “ I A M ” !
D addy’s Obedience to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Freedom of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Courage of the Light, “ I A M ,” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible V ictory of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Harmony of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Feeling of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible M usic of the Spheres, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible A uthority of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Strength of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Concentration of the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Energy of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Essence of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Kindness of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Love of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M astery of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Gratitude of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Silence of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Poise of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Secrets of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Precipitation of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Service of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Scepter of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Etherialization of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Power of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Powers of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Levitation of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Alertness of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Journeys of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M iracles of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Traveling of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Perfection of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible A utos of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible W ealth of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Friends of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Supply of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Defenders of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M oney of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Champions of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible H ealth of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Healing of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Protectors of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Relaxation of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Victors of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Rest of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Joy of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Forgiveness of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Enthusiasm of the L igh t,“ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Purity of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Legions of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Peace of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible M ercy of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Intelligence of the Light, “ I A M ,” Limitless, Invincible Dissolving Power of the Light, “ I
etc. A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Knowledge of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Divine Justice of and to the Light, “ I
Limitless, Invincible Expansion of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. A M ” ! etc.
38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 39
Limitless, Invincible Inventions of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Out-pouring of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Comprehension of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Co-operation of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Dedication to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Loyalty to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Release of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Allegiance to the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible H elp of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Endurance of the Light, “ I A M ,” etc. Limitless, Invincible Humility of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Voice of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Selflessness of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Substance of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Defense of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Divine Plan of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Transportation of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Diplomacy of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Communication of the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Jewels of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Vision of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Accommodations of the Light, “ I Limitless, Invincible Sight of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible H earing of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Clothing of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Breath of the Light, “ I A M ,” etc.
Limitless, Invincible Food of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Patience of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Presence of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Youth of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M anagement of the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Beauty of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Pressure of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Fulfilment of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible M ind of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M anifestations of the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible W isdom of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Dominion of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible M arvels of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Compassion of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible W onders of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible G lory of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Faith of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Blessings of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible H ope of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible A pplication o f the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Charity of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Limitless, Invincible Ideas of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Revelations of the Light, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Crystal Cup of the Light, “ I A M ” !
etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Balance of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Crystal Sw ord of the Light, “ I A M ” !
Limitless, Invincible Speed of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
Limitless, Invincible Divine Order of the Light, “ I A M ’ !’ Limitless, Invincible Ascended M aster Qualities of the
etc. Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
40 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 4 j
Limitless, Invincible Pillar of Light, “ I A M ” ; etc. Limitless Illumination, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Limitless, Invincible Ascension into the Light, “ I A M ” ! Ascended M aster Illumination, “ I A M ” ! etc.
etc. Ascended M aster “ I A M ” Tem ples of Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
“ T he G reat Command” of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc. A scended M aster Study Groups of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, “ I A M ” ! etc. Ascended M aster Sanctuaries of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he A rm or of Light of a Thousand Suns, “ I A M ” ! etc. Ascended M aster Reading Rooms of the Light, “ I A M ” !
T he U nfed Flame of a Thousand Suns, “ I A M ” ! etc. etc.
T he Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim, “ I Ascended M aster Radio Activities of the Light, “ I A M ” !
A M ” ! etc. Ascended M aster Recordings of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he Limitless Light of the Presence, “ I A M ’ !’ etc. Ascended M aster Homes of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he Power of the Three times Three, “ I A M ” ! etc. Ascended M aster Schools of the Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he Invincible Divine Justice of the Light in the Govern­ Ascended M aster Business A c t i v i t i e s of the Light, “ I
ment of the United States of Am erica, “ I A M ” ! etc. A M ” ! etc.
T he Invincible Perfection of the Light in the Staff, “ I Ascended M aster Cities of Light, “ I A M ” ! etc.
A M ” ! etc. Ascended M aster Ascension in the Light, “ I A M ” !
T h e Invincible Perfection of the Light in the “ I A M ” NOTE:
Ascended M aster Youth, “ I A M ” ! etc. Insert after the word Light, the name of any person,
T he Invincible Perfection of the Light in the Saint place, condition, thing, or problem to which you wish to
Germain Press, “ I A M ” ! direct this Power of Light in these Decrees.
T h e Invincible Perfection of the Light in the Saint Example:
Germain Foundation, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Perfection of the Light in, thru
Jesus’ Invincible Perfection of the Light in the V oice of and around Don, “ I A M ” ! etc.
the “ I A M ,” “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Perfection of the Light in, thru
T he Invincible Perfection of the Light in the Saint and around all under this Radiation, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Germain Council, “ I A M ” ! Limitless, Invincible Perfection of the Light in, thru
T he Goddess of Justice’ A uthority of Light in every court and around Am erica, “ I A M ” ! etc.
in O ur Land, “ I A M ” ! etc. Limitless, Invincible Perfection of the Light in, thru
T he Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous Precipitation of the and around the “ I A M ” Ascended M aster Y outh, “ I
Light “ I A M ” ! etc. A M ” ! etc.
T h e Invincible Substance of the Secret Love Star, “ I A M ” !
T he Invincible, Limitless Perfection of all our “ I A M ”
Classes, “ I A M ” ! etc.
T he Invincible Power of the G reat, G reat Silence, “ I A M ” !
T he H eart of the G reat, G reat Silence, “ I A M ” ! etc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 43
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL M ay all accept and know the help H e gives to bless,
protect and sustain them, until they see Him in H is
It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release Tangible Body, when H e comes forth into the outer
of a new song— “ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L ” by the world to walk and talk with mankind face to face.
M essenger, Lotus Ray King. W ith every atom of our beings we love, bless and give
T his new song is a tribute of Love and A doration to eternal devotion and gratitude to this Glorious Cosmic
the M ighty Cosmic Being, the Archangel M ichael, who Being, the Archangel M ichael. M ay all mankind do like­
forever stands guard over all who serve the Light and wise and receive H is Glorious Blessing.
call for H is Protection. H e has for centuries given H is
Protection and Blessing to mankind of which they know M R S. G . W . B A L L A R D
nothing. H is Sw ord of Blue Flame is a very Real and and
M ighty Focus of God-Power by which H e cuts away D O NALD BA LLA RD
destructive creations of individuals and conditions that
cause so much destruction and suffering to mankind.
This song has been brought forth as a M ighty M agnet
of the Archangel M ichael’s Tremendous Cosmic Power
of Light, Protection and Blessing to all who will sing it
with Love, devotion, gratitude and blessing to Him . It is
a Focus of the acceptance of H is Coming into the outer
world in H is Visible, Tangible, Ascended M aster Body
to give help to mankind.
Every time this song is sung, heard, played or the pic­
ture contemplated, each individual’s energy thru his or
her attention to this G reat Cosmic Being becomes a
M agnet of attraction which draws Him into close per­
sonal association with those who accept H is Tangible
Presence and Reality.
U se! U se! U se! this song and give the Archangel
M ichael the call which will enable H is M ighty H elp to
get thru to bless and set you free. The music is a definite
means of attuning one’s feelings into H is H eart and re­
ceiving the help H e so lovingly offers.
T he picture of Archangel M ichael on the cover of this
song is the work of our beloved M ay D aC am ara, whom
we love, thank and bless without limit forever.

44 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 45
Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “ I A M ”
Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
Music of the Spheres; or music to which there are words
in our loose-leaf songs (except N os. 34, 49, 5 2 ).
Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germain and
the Other Ascended M asters are giving the M usic of the
Spheres which They request us to use; because of Its Spe­
cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended M asters’
Consciousness contained within it.
W e are building a permanent musical activity to re­
lease Ascended M aster Healings, Ascended M aster Bless­
ings, Ascended M aster Protection and Ascended M aster
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies which
are charged with Ascended M aster Feeling, and Ascended
M aster W ords, which are Cups that carry Their Ascended
M aster Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
who hear this M usic of the Spheres.
W e wish all our “ I A M ” M usical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the Greatest Light and Help
from the Ascended M asters’ Octave can go forth every­
where, to bless all mankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.
M R S. G. W . B A L LA R D

■ G O D FR E O U R LO V E D O N E , A SC E N D E D •

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 47

46 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a
chart in M iniature size 2 1 / 4 x 3 ^ 4 . T his small chart is a
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service.
Price each 7c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges. PROTECTION
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be
Price each 10c, plus shipping charges. W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
These Miniature Charts may be secured from the Saint where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the W estern Branch M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R
in Santa Fe. P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D
# # # • is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
W e announce the release of O ur Beloved N ada’s pic­ for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished fully.
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
M ounted plain— Price each— $ 1 .0 0 , plus shipping to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
charges. T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
charges. est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full R ight to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

48 P rop erly o f Saint Germain P ress, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 49
U N V E ILE D M YSTERIES, Volume I ....... .......................... By Godfre Ray King T R A N S L A T IO N S
Containing the first group of the author's experiences. B O O K S IN B R A ILLE
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c "U N V E IL E D M Y S T E R IE S "— In Two Volum es..................... . Price $5.25
"T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E "— In Three Volumes. ..__ _______ ___ Price $7.75
T H E M A G IC P R E SEN C E, Volume II .............. .............. By Godfre Ray King
"T H E 'I A M ' D IS C O U R S E S "— In Two Volumes........................ Price $6.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences.
"A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D IS C O U R S E S "— In Two Volumes.........Price $7.00
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
"T H E V O IC E O F T H E 'I A M ' " Shipping charges extra
T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volume III
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
tions begin with January 1943.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
Subscription price America $3.50. Single Co p y 35c
T H E " I A M " A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D EC REES, Volume V
In other countries $4.00. Single Co p y 40c
Parts I and 2 .................... ...... ............................... ................... By Chanera
(Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the
"M ig h ty I A M Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D IS C O U R S E S , Volume VI templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
By Various Ascended Masters dividualized God Presence— the "M ig h ty 'I A M '."
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before Size — 5'/2x8'/2. Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings C H A R T S A N D F L A M E S IN A C T IO N r c.
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
AL | ... • ,
Above Charts mechanically anim ated .........
Sj $ize
s,ze 30x52
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Violet Flame mechan ically animated____ ___ _\ Size 12x21 Price $65.00
T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volume V II I........ By the G reat Divine Director .... . , ) Size 30x52 Price $225.00
(Snipping charges extra)
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by A t Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
the G re at Divine Director, before hundreds of students. P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M ASTER, JE S U S
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
"I A M " A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S ............................. By Chanera Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c P IC T U R E O F O U R BELO VED M E S S E N G E R , G U Y W . B A LLA R D
S P E C IA L " I A M " D EC R EES A N D BIN D ERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special " I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x19I/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size I5 x I9«/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) l'/2c P er leaf* Shipping charges extra

P roperty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 51

50 Prop erty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Lotus Ray King, Harp

\ 202-A Son of Light (D uet)
DECREE BOOKLETS ( 202-B Frederick Landwehr,
C a ll to Light (D uet)
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study Shrine Organ
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building e ( 203-A [ Lotus Ray King, Harp
Rainbow Rays (D uet)
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: ( 203-B Frederick Landwehr,
Oh, W orld Victorious (D uet)
1. Opulence and Supply Shrine Organ
2. Violet Flame and Healing ( 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land...... ...... ( Sung by Minute Men
3. "I A M " America's Freedom } 505-B Silent Sentinel ............................. .......... ..... ( of Saint G er.rain
4. " I A M '1 Light Decrees
Lotus Ray King, Harp

5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' "I A M "
1000-A Frederick Landwehr,
Activities.) Novachord
1000-B Dedication ..................................................... ....... Donald Ray King
6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks
7. Light My World Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.

Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ \ RR-I20I Invocation ’............................... M r. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for ( RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp .................. . Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­ f RR-1203 Benediction ................... .......... ........... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each, ) RR-1247 Contemplation (N earer M y God to Thee) H arp .....Mrs. Ballard
PLAYBACKS AND RECORDS ( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ...................... Mr. G . W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released. \ 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ...................... Mr. G . W . Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law C 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) .............................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ....................... ...... Mr. G . W . Ballard
hereafter. | 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) ............................ Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
X 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine C lass).............. . M r. G . W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.) * { 3303-A Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
V ICTRO LA AND P H O N O G R A P H RECORDS | 3303-B Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G . W . Ballard
( Lotus Ray King, Harp
( N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet) J 3303-C Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G . W . Ballard
•{ Frederick Landwehr,
\ N 100-B Lotus My Love .... ) 3303-D Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
I Shrine Organ
[ Lotus Ray King, Harp ( 3303-E Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G . W . Ballard
f N I0I-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) | Frederick Landwehr, I 3303-F Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) Shrine Organ *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G . W . Ballard
\ N 102-A "I A M " Decrees- -Part I September 1941 Shrine Class and should be sold in a set.)
) N 102-B "I A M " Decrees—-Part II September 1941 Shrine Class
3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G . W . Ballard
\ 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet) I RaV King, Harp •{ 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the C hart__ Mr. G . W . Ballard
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet) Fr.denck Landwehr,
| Shrine Organ 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C h art......... Mr. G . W . Ballard
3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the C h art..........Mr. G . W . Ballard

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 53

52 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony M r. G . W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G . W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G . W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard

Calling the Presence
Helping All Mankind
Mr. G . W . Ballard
Mr. G . W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G . W . Ballard
Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard effective at once, advance the cost of the Small C rystal Cups to
3310-A Excerpts from Victory 's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory ‘s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory 's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory 's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C u p remains unchanged.

33IO-E Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 M r . G . W . Ballard

3310-F Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-G -Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 M r . G . W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory 's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 M r . G . W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to M ighty Victory
Mr. G . W . Ballard
-K Benediction \
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard

*N O T E: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in " I A M " Study Groups.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped direct from the Sanha Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r ­
ders, but no P.O .M .O .'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

54 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

**.I 1' TTfcn
'J S7 n|

k tA
Already Released
R A IN B O W RA Y S M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y (16" for Playbacks only)
V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E LETO, BLESSED LETO f Lotus Ray King, Harp
65 f I. Goddess of Purity ...................... ............. j Frederick Landwehr,
S O N O F L IG H T • S O N G O F T H E V IO L E T F L A M E ^ 1 Shrine Organ
[ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto ............ .................... I Shrine Audience
SIL EN T S E N T IN E L * " l A M " H ER E
"I A M “ C O M E ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
♦ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L
66 "I A M Come (D uet) ................................ -j Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­ | Shrine Organ
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d
c o v e r in co lo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p iece o f m u sic. N O T E: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
O ur present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require double-faced record.
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­ Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c.
Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
The "Song of the Violet Flam e" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly {without music).
S O N G FO LD E R S Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. " I A M " H ere "]
No. I ] 2. Angels of Saint Germain | Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. G re at Hercules— Thou Elohim ]
No. 2 j 5. Mary, the Mother of Jesus } Music and Lyrics
[ 6. Archangel M ichael J Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
"C R Y ST A L C U P S "
Small Size— for individual use........................................................Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large siie— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e ‘‘C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re n o t sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e r s . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G . W. B a lla r d
a n d is th e n sh ip p ed d ire c t to e a c h in d iv id u a l. No d is c o u n ts are
a llo w e d .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943

C O P Y R IG H T — S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, IN C ., 1943
56 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

'Die S a in t G erm ain S eries
SEVEN C opyrighted *B yCmsPROPCRTy
H IC A G oOr Saint
,IL L IN O IS . •
GermainPressJnc.,i993.. 1943
S aw ! G erm ain P re ss.In c. 1943,
• j AM R E A 01 h o "O O V

B y the Ascended M asters and their A ccred ited Messengers

M r. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, D onald
The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which
the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization' and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Santa Fe, N ew Mexico.

' (jopyrn qh i-fia in t Cjermaitt^-ess'Inc, i943

M ERICA’S Flag In silent acclaim,
Floating forever in God’s Unfed Flam e!
Holds here Eternal the R ights of Free Men,
Giving God’s Freedom , protecting and then
By raising all now in Saint Germain’s Light,
Guards us forever by Hercules' Might—
Flooding the Substance of Jesus’ Great Love,
Pouring all B lessings from Godfre above!
A m erica’s Fiat, God’s Freedom for all.
Is H eaven’s Great Gift—Love! answ ering our call
For Light upon earth, to ever control
M ankind everywhere and our Victory hold;
Till all not of Light is by Light removed,
And the Unfed F lam e’s Authority proved;
As It holds us all in Its M ighty H eart
And com pels all else to quickly depart!
A m erica’s F lag stands alw ays for Bight,
Holds all God’s Freedom and V ictory’s Might!
Forever It stands! It never shall fall,
For God is Its Power governing all!
Its Light never fails—Its Beauty Supreme
Is Balance com plete and Justice’ Great Stream
Of Love and M ercy and Peace evermore!
Let all God worship and all Light adore!
A m erica’s Flag wherever It w aves
P rotects all God B ights, sets Free and thus saves
The R ights of Free Men—the W ealth of the world,
In the Unfed Flam e, It stands here unfurled;
To raise ail in Peace, to hold all In Light,
To reveal God’s Law—“I AM”—Freedom ’s Might!
The “I AM” alone, gives God's Great Command,
All shall know Its Power and Light understand!
A m erica’s F lag shall honor uphold,
Our Freedom m aintain in Power untold.
L ife’s Secrets reveal and God’s Plan fulfill;
For “I AM” Our Flag and “I AM” God’s W ill!
“I AM” The Presence that ever pours thru—
All of God’s Courage to dare and to do!
“I AM” the Fiat—the M ighty Decree—
“My Light shall fill all! All shall My Light Be”!
A m erica’s Flag guards our Liberty!
Am erica's Light Is m an’s Destiny!
America's Land is the world’s Great Heart,
And the Unfed Flam e shall fill every part;
A m erica’s Bell shall everm ore ring,
A m erica’s Peace in triumph w e bring,,
A m erica’s Shores are God’s W all of Light,
A m erica’s Free! “I AM” all her Might!
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE Violet Consuming Flame. Dear people, you do not yet
comprehend how you could free yourselves in a few weeks
DENVER BREAKFAST — JU N E 17, 1938 at most, if you earnestly and w ith great firm determina­
tion, great calmness within you, called the Presence with
ELOVED students of Denver and elsewhere, firmness to set the Violet Consuming Flame into action
you have been having a good time, so have W e. right now; to charge It thru your body like a blow-torch,
You don’t yet see Us, but W e are very tangible and w ith tremendous speed and Power of action? You
in your midst; and once you understand how could free yourselves within no time from every discord­
much W e enjoy your happiness, then you will see how ant creation draw n about you! Then, call the Presence
important it is, to make every effort in your call to your to establish and hold that Tube of Light Invincible about
Presence, to maintain that joyous, happy Harm ony within you!
you, which allows the Power to flow forth, giving you It is im portant, very im portant, beloved ones. You
and bringing into your world of action, that which every do not realize how the accumulation of mankind, which
heart has called for thruout the centuries. W e call the sinister force, is having its last chance at them.
Think of it, beloved students, today you have entered Naturally, it is like a wild animal striking in every direc­
into the Gateway of Eternal Freedom, in the acknowledg­ tion, trying to hold its claws upon mankind; but surely
ment of your Presence; and you do understand how and steadily, it is being compelled to let go!
your application is the Dominion over everything that is Remember, while tremendous work has been done,
in the outer world; but more than just that, it is the do­ there is still more to be done. All the black magicians
minion over your own human creations. have not yet been taken out of the earth’s atmosphere.
Beloved ones, when you realize that you, as individuals, (T he Ascended M asters finished taking out all the rest of
have accumulated thru the centuries, that which has the black magicians at the close of 1938.) This is a point
weighted you down, then you consider that you are I want to make clear to you this morning: if there be
moving in a great group of people, among each other, you destructive accumulation in the world of the individual,
know that there is but the one feeling world of which you due to long past creations, the black magicians today, will
are an individualized part. You see then how to some seize upon that and bring it forth; to try to compel it
degree, all the earth, all your associations and all your to take command of you! T hat is why sometimes, if stu­
environment affect you to some degree; until you have dents become irritated, suddenly there will rush forth upon
come to know this Great Presence which the C hart repre­ them that uncontrollable action, that uncontrollable feel­
sents to you. Then you see how you can insulate your­ ing which will become tragic, if allowed to continue.
self and world from your fellowman and not have imposed Therefore, I prom pt you today, beloved ones, since
upon you, some of the discord that may not belong to you. your Light here in Denver is expanding so tremendously
I am sure you do not realize how im portant this is! and as you are blessed by your altitude, I urge every stu­
The Messenger pleads and pleads with the students con­ dent and G roup Leader of Denver to stand guard with
stantly to remember the importance of calling the Pres­ all the firmness at your command, so no irritation comes
ence, to hold that Tube of Light about you and use the into your feeling world; thus, allowing your Light to
4 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
expand and I tell you from O ur Standpoint, as W e see hend that in the Great Power of the Ascended Masters,
the response here in Denver, it is remarkable even to Us! there is no limit to what I hey can do, and to Them space
I say to you here, have you noticed that it has been does not exist! Therefore, in all the Great Divine Director
tremendously greater in the past six months? Have you wishes to do for you, He does; and there is no power in
noticed that the step-up has been tremendously greater, all creation that dares oppose! W hen the Divine Director
especially within the last six months? T hat is evident speaks and acts, everything in the world is silent! There­
from O ur Octave of Light! Therefore, I want you to fore, O N E D A Y W H E N HE STANDS FO RTH IN
know how great can be the Expansion, if you will follow T H E T A N G I B L E BODY, T H E E A R T H — TH E
these simple suggestions to stand guard over your feelings, W H O LE E A R T H , W ILL BE SILENT BEFORE HIM !
each one; because remember, the accumulation of mankind Remember the Great Governing Powers of the earth,
does not lose one single opportunity, any slightest pre­ the Great Governing Intelligence is to mankind yet invis­
tense to irritate or disturb you! Now , you must stand ible, but none the less tangible, and I want you, if you
guard firmer! will, to feel that! W ill you not please contemplate It
O h, don’t pay any attention to these things that sud­ occasionally— that while all the Power of the Universe,
denly appear before you; or some slight gossip you might which is the regular Governing Power, is to mankind in­
hear! O h, dear ones, it is just those things which start visible, yet It has a tangible manifestation to you and to
and try to get you disturbed and get your attention off all mankind!
the Light and the Presence! It wants to get you with Therefore, do not feel that a thing because it is invis­
your neck under its heel. D on’t yield to it! ible to your physical sight, is intangible or unreal; because
I assure you that before another year has passed, your the very Energy that beats your heart and moves your
Light will blaze here so tremendously; for remember, a body, you don’t see. Yet you are using It; It is manifest­
cycle has been fulfilled in the Messenger’s return to this ing action thru your physical body, yet It is all invisible.
class, and now you enter into another cycle of great achieve­ T hat is why mankind has been so prone to believe, that
ment! I am speaking particularly now of Denver. H ere unless a thing was visible and tangible to their physical
was where the larger portion of the Magic Presence was touch, there was not much to it; but I tell you, that is
recorded! Therefore, I want you to know how im portant the great mistake of mankind, because all the Powers of
that is to you! achievement are invisible! The Currents of Energy flow
Tom orrow and the next day, you will be held in the from your Presence and out into your world, by the Power
Radiance of the Light from the Cave of Symbols and from of Radiation, which harmonizes all.
Chananda’s Cave of Light in India, which the Divine Look at the thousands of students who have found
Director will draw here! It will envelop this room, and themselves in discord, their business in discord and as soon
while it is a slightly lesser degree, yet will you have the as they poured out Divine Love and Blessing upon the of­
same privilege as Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl and the Mes­ fice, upon their assistants, the whole thing was transformed
senger had there! and harmonized. T H A T IS TH E PO W ER OF R A D IA ­
This might not seem quite Real to you, but from O ur TIO N ! Now for instance—I think it is not wise to do
Standpoint it is so very Real! You do not quite compre­ it today, but SOM E DAY, I W ILL SH O W Y O U
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. y
Suppose you become exhausted thru physical activity
W H A T TH E PO W E R O F M Y V O IC E W O U L D D O and you have not remembered to keep yourself charged,
IN C H A R G IN G A R O O M LIKE TH IS! I C O U LD then call the energy forth! I say to you ladies, who have
CH A RG E TH IS R O O M , U N T IL EV ERY H U M A N the appearance of years over your head, you are not sub­
BEING IN T H E R O O M W O U L D TREM BLE LIKE ject to tire or exhaustion, if you will do this! You can
A N ASPEN LEAF! T H A T W O U L D N O T BE keep your bodies charged w ith all the energy you want
V IBRA TO RY A C T IO N G O IN G F O R T H T H R U I w ant you to feel this, because there has been an at­
TH E SPOKEN W O R D . tem pt and was in New York, by the sinister force to throw
I COULD STRIKE T H IS TABLE W IT H M Y over mankind and over the students, the feeling of being
H A N D A N D T H E P O W E R O F R A D IA T IO N exhausted, after they were in the class. Don’t yield to
G O IN G FO R TH , W O U L D D O T H E SA M E T H IN G . that silly thing! T hat does not belong to you and is but
Now, dear ones, this is a perfectly N atural Action of Life. the power of suggestion! O h no, not from the invisible,
W hen you are calling forth the Powers of your Presence, but right out here in your physical world, from forces that
never close your hands like that! (closed tight) Leave try to oppose This Light! So don’t be subjected to it!
your hands open, and let the Currents of Energy flow You are the authority in your world! Hold your
forth! For instance, suppose you wish to charge your dominion in your Presence and call forth the energy you
office and you want to charge forth a current of energy. require. Do not yield to anything else, and you will find
Raise your hands, bring them forth and let the Currents you can charge yourself with all the energy7 you require!
of Energy flow out! If you would do it —I mean as a general activity, every
If you want to charge your body, close the Tube of morning when you get on your feet after awakening, raise
Light underneath your feet, then call forth that charge, your hands to the Presence, and charge your body with
if the body is needing sudden added strength; but never the limitless energy you require for the day. Call the
do that, when you are calling forth the Power of the H igher M ental Body to sustain that energy in whatever
Presence except to recharge your body quickly. Leave you need for the activity of the day; and you will never
the Tube of Light open, because if you begin to call this be tired in the world.
Pow er forth the charge will become so great, that your I w ant you to begin using this! W hen you have the
body will become disturbed by the over-charge of energy. Presence of all energy beating your heart, why go on being
T here are many students, today, who, not knowing, have limited by the energy required for use? You do not have
done this, and they get an over-charge and it makes them to do that any more! T ry it! There is not one of you
sort of nervous; but they do not understand w hat is acting; in this room, who cannot do it.
so be conscious that the Tube of Light is open as you Ladies and gentlemen, if you prefer your natural color
charge. of hair, you can have it. You do not have to have grey
If you have been ill, then as you are calling forth the hair unless you want it! All of you have known how a
charge, close the Tube of Light. T hat holds the charge sudden shock to the physical structure will make your
within your own feeling world, then you will quickly re­ hair white over night! Then, if a condition of that kind
plenish the strength and energy you require.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
8 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
can act thru you, the Presence of All Life can reverse that lower It into your visibility. It is the most natural prac­
charge, and restore it just as quickly to its natural color! tical thing in the world!
There is not a thing in this world of human creation which You are about the number here for whom I precipi­
can say No to your Presence— not one thing, beloved tated the banquet in India— service and all! I presume
people! T hat Presence is the A uthority of the Universe, each one of you, would want to take the service belonging
as well as your world; and when you give It the chance, to you, home; and I should be very happy to have you do
the A uthority to act in your world, It will do it! It will so! Remember Nada has H er service which I precipitated
establish Eternal Y outh and Beauty in your form! D on’t for H er. Pearl has Hers! O h yes, it is still there, visible!
yield to anything else! Oh, dear ones, I am so grateful that you are coming
My dear people, long before M y Ascension I did these more, and more, and more into the True Feeling of this
things! O f course, all Europe knew of M y W ork; and Great Reality! O h, it means everything in the world to
there were vicious forces then the same as today, who said you! A fter mankind has struggled so many Life times in
I was a charletan; because I had called forth the Energy these limiting conditions, it is wonderful today, to find that
to produce in M y H and the Elixir of Life. A nd w hat is - you are steadily and surely rising out of all that, into the
It? W hat is that which has been so prattled about all True Reality of Life! Then, you know that the appear­
over the world? IT IS JU ST T H E SU BSTA N CE O F ance world is not the Reality! It is just a temporary
Y O U R O W N LIFE CALLED FO R T H IN T O V ISI­ appearance, and you naturally see all that you draw about
BILITY! you as visible substance, dissolves and disappears!
I am just waiting the time, when I may show you some Even great cities built of stone and substance which
of these things as I did the Messenger. O ur precious Lotus has been drawn together, as soon as hum anity withdraws
called your attention, to accepting this as a precipitated from them disintegrate. Now, notice this carefully!
banquet! W ouldn’t you enjoy meeting with Me and W hat is it that holds all substance together? Life, the
having from M y Culinary Departm ent, your breakfast or very Life which is acting thru you, beloved ones, is that
your dinner? (A pplause) My Culinary Departm ent is Cohesive Power which holds all substance together! You,
always up here, and it is all prepared. All I have to do today, in the understanding of this Great Presence, can
is lower it down into your visibility. O h, it is natural, so call Its Infinite Perfecting A ctivity into your body, going
natural, dear hearts; and isn’t it strange that mankind has forth into your world, harmonizing and making quickly
so forgotten their “I A M Presence,” that they think they successful, that upon which your attention is held firmly!
just have to scratch around out here to get enough to eat. There is no such thing as failure to anyone who ac­
when right up here in the Octave of Light, is the abundance knowledges and calls forth the Power of the Presence; be­
of every good thing your heart desires. cause all earth knows, all human creation knows, that it
D on’t you see precious ones, that here in the Octave has to bow to that Light! The curious thing of it is, that
above you, is the Essence, the Substance of all that ever not one thing, not even a black magician ever offers the
takes form out here in the grow th of N ature; in your veg­ slightest resistance to the Light, because he knows he can­
etables, fruits and all that kind of thing? T hat Essence is not do it. T hat is why, while I am talking to you, today,
up here! W e just gather It into the form W e w ant and I am trying to charge into your feeling world the convic-
in property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. JJ
tion of this; because when you once get the feeling of this of mankind; because you have all observed, the human un­
fixed, nothing of obstruction in your world can stand before governed is more vicious than the animal in the jungle!
you, there cannot be; because then you are conscious every Everyone of you knows that; and only as mankind’s atten­
moment, that It is the Power of Light going forth from tion is drawn to the Great God Presence, the “Mighty
you, w ith Invincible Protection, w ith the Harmonizing I A M ,” does that thing dissolve in the world of mankind;
Presence, It makes the direct condition for whatever is and then, instead of discord and viciousness which are
needful in your Life to be accomplished! Therefore, try human qualities, there will come the Glory of the Light,
to be reminded constantly of that. which is Peace and Rest and Perfect All-powerful Achieve­
In the morning, charge forth this Power of Light into ment, wherever the individual moves; because then, that
your body and to go before you! It is Self-luminous Intel­ Light becomes the Governing Intelligence, Presence and
ligent Substance that no discordant thing of the outer Power!
world, even tries to effect! You see many of the students D on’t you see, beloved ones, you don’t have to strug­
are still feeling some sense of struggle! D on’t do it, dear gle any longer? As you call forth this Great Power of
hearts! If you feel it, you make that activity of struggle Light from your Presence, the Light and Its Intelligence,
in your Life. The Light you call forth does not struggle, is the Governing Power! All you have to do, is to keep
there is no battle! It just goes forth and dissolves what the human qualities still, inactive that they no longer qual­
you do not want; and replaces it by Its V ictory and Self- ify this Great Pure energy which comes forth at your call;
luminous Intelligent Substance, which is just as Real as to heal your body, to harmonize your world of action,
you are! It might be invisible to you, but still It is per­ which means success in your slightest effort!
fectly tangible! Therefore, today, try to feel that and W e have proven to the world, thru the Messengers,
keep yourselves reminded of these things, dear hearts. The that all outer phases of mankind’s activity have been a
outer so quickly forgets. distortion of the Real. Take it thru all your business activ­
Now, begin today, won’t you, to charge yourselves ities today, mankind’s high pressure advertising has grown
to hold this G reat Charge of Energy, which is draw n in to gigantic proportion! T hat is a certain power of sug­
this class, sustained about you individually, in Its Ever- gestion; and you will see it has almost vanished now, but
expanding Activity! D on’t let go of It! If you do, the less than fifteen years ago, the whole business world trained
fault is yours! You can have It sustained in Its Ever- and charged their salesmen with hypnotic influence upon
expanding Activity! Please do so! Thus, you will go on, their customers; and they see almost their complete failure
and on, and on in the Expansion of that Light; and the by it!
things that once deprived you in the world of human ac­ M ankind may be influenced once, but when the indi­
tion, will have disappeared completely; because, when that vidual goes home and finds he has bought something he
Light touches them, they have to dissolve and disappear! does not want, he is going to rise up in rebellion, and that
This has been so wonderful here and I thank you every is just w hat happened! Today, mankind is rising in re­
one for your great Love which has made it so happy and bellion against their own human creation, which has held
so harmonious for the Messengers! You could never know them bound and led them around by the nose in limitations
w hat it has meant for these two, to go forth in the world for centuries! It shall not hold its dominion upon mankind
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
any longer, by the Power of that Cosmic Light which the O h, I tell you, dear hearts, you are not subject to be
Great Goddess of Liberty has called forth to bless the earth; held in these mistakes because you have made them! D on’t
then with mankind’s slightest effort, there shall come ten accept that— don’t believe it any longer! You can make
times more than their own effort to bring their Release these bodies what you choose to make them! I have
and Freedom! proved it!
Beloved mankind, it is not quite possible yet, for you A lady once came to M e in Europe, who was seventy-
to comprehend the Fulness of all this means to you, in the six years old, and she said: “Saint Germain, I have under­
assistance of the Cosmic Light which the Great Goddess stood that you can renew and cause Perfect Eternal Y outh
of Liberty has called forth from the Great Central Sun, to be in a body like mine.” I said: “Yes, I can do it.”
to bless you and amplify your every slightest effort! A t She said: “ W on’t you try it on me” ? I said: “Do you
the beginning of the Shrine Class, It will have amplified know w hat you are asking” ? “ W ell,” she said, “perhaps
your slightest effort ten fold and when the closing day of not fully, but I just w ant to have this body restored to
that strikes, It will amplify your slightest effort twenty Perfect Y outh.” I talked w ith her and explained to her!
fold! Then, I say this, to give you some slight compre­ I said: “W hat do you think the world will say? Do you
hension of w hat the assistance is, which you are receiving, know w hat that means to you” ? “ W ell,” she said, “I am
when your interest is sincere, honest and determined in willing to take whatever it is.” I said: “T hen you insist” ?
your Presence! “Yes,” she said, “I do.” I said: “V ery well, come w ith
Don’t ever make any pretense, dear ones, to the Pres­ M e.”
ence of Life! It knows the Reality! Your H igher M ental In tw enty days she returned to the outer world, a girl
Body is the Guardian, and I want you to feel two things! of sixteen summers, and w hat happened? H er relatives
The time is short and I must not continue, but dear ones, hated her! She was ostracized. Those who believed that
remember when once you understand this, you put those she was the same person hated her; and others who had
bodies to sleep at night; and then charge your Higher known her, their unbelief knew no bounds; and that blessed
M ental Body to take command and produce Perfection in one was compelled to go to another part of the world, to
your body; to charge those M ighty Currents thru, cleans­ have Peace and go on; because O N C E T H A T E T E R N A L
ing and purifying it while it sleeps, because then the Y O U T H H A D BEEN R ESTO R ED , SH E C O U LD
atomic structure has no resistance! N O T C H A N G E IT!
W e have not thought it wise, to bring this point for­ T hat is why, beloved ones, mankind does not under­
ward too vividly until now; but I want you to know how stand the feelings that will suddenly rush forth! T here­
you can have assistance, in addition to the application of fore, those experiences taught Me a great deal of W isdom!
the day. If you will, on retiring at night, you can charge I have learned not to yield to the desire of mankind
your H igher M ental Body to take command and silence always!
every human thing there; and charge that body w ith Per­ Now, today, the Great Activity, the Great Spectacle
fect H ealth, Beauty and Perfection! T hen see the dif­ of Life, is in action which will produce, raise and restore
ference in your appearance, when you awaken in the mankind to that Perfection which I was able to produce,
morning! and still am, in a few days; but there is the need, today, of
14 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. j5
a Greater Action, rather than some miracle, in which the IMPORTANT AND
mass of mankind after a few days, would not believe, nor
would they understand! MOST RECENT DECREES
I thank you for this opportunity to talk to you and i
pour forth into your feeling world, these Blessings which 3 PREAM BLES
W e have prepared! I thank you, Denver, precious, pre­ “I A M ” (3) the A uthority and Power (3) of Light
cious people; precious students from everywhere! I love without limit; then LET TH ER E BE LIG H T, LIG H T,
you, I thank you, I bless you, with M y Deepest Gratitude! LIG H T, the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a
All the Ascended H ost of Light pour forth Their Love, Thousand Suns!
Blessing and Strength to you, to go on, and on, calling, PO W E R S OF LIG H T (3) Raise Your Swords of
winning each day more closely, the Victory of your Light Blue Flame and give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ),
over all your accumulations and creations and that of all Power (3) w ithout limit! and
Remember, you can stand and move in the world un­ T H E V IO LET C O N SU M IN G FLAM E, thru me (or
touched by it, thru your Tube of Light; and you can have us) Right Now! (or any person, place, condition or thing)
dissolved quickly all discordant accumulated creations of (Repeat 1 after each line)
the past! Please do it and have your Glorious Freedom 1. “I A M ” !
now! 2. I command!
M ay the Eternal Blessings of the Light flood you and 3. Is mine (or ours) today!
your world quickly, produce Perfection and your entire 4. T hru me (or us) forever hold sway!
Freedom quickly! Follow with—
I thank you! AH Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Perfection of
* * * * the Light, fill my (or our) world each day; and M IR ­
ACLES OF LIG H T (3) thru me (or us) forever hold
Use the above form for any or all of the following:
In, thru and around
a. O ur beloved Don
b. All the younger generation
c. All under This Radiation
d. All our “I A M ” homes, business and activities
e. The government of the United States of America
f. O ur Beloved America
g. Congress
h. America’s transportation
i. America’s communication
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press. Inc. 17
j. All the necessities of life The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Perfection of the hear­
ing of all mankind!
T he Rights of Free M en T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Inexhaustible S tre n g th
All prisoners from America in foreign lands of the Light!
All America’s resources The Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous Precipitation of the
All America’s industries Light!
T hat case The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible M anagement
T hat stop order on the mails of the Light for all our “I A M ” homes, business and
O T H E R FO RM S activities!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Obedience to the Light! T he Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous and E t e r n a l pay­
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Safety of the ment of all bills and obligations of all under This Radi­
Light! ation!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Feeling of the T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Success of the
Light! Light!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible A uthority of The Ascended M asters’ Eternal Healing of the Light!
the Light! T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible B lessings of
The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Perfection of the Light! the Light!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible W ealth of the The Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous annihilation of all
Light! our problems, right now!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Supply of the Light! T he Ascended M asters’ Invincible Safety of the Light, in,
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless M oney of the Light! thru and around this “I A M ” home (Reading Room
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Glory of the Light! or Sanctuary, School, etc.)!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Power of the The Ascended M asters’ Instantaneous annihilation of all
Light! viciousness against me (us or any activity)!
The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Powers of the
Light! All the Perfection of my “M ighty I A M Presence” !
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible A tte n tio n to Jesus’ Instantaneous Healing of the Light!
the Light! Saint Germain’s Freedom of the Light!
The Ascended M asters’ Indestructible H ealth of the Light! V ictory’s V ictory of the Light!
T he Ascended M asters’ Indestructible Joy of the Light! H arm ony’s Indestructible Harmony!
T he Ascended M asters’ Indestructible G ra titu d e of th e The Goddess of Peace’s Limitless Invincible Peace of the
Light! Light!
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Perfection of my sight! The Goddess of Justice’s A uthority and V ictory of the
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Perfection o f t h e sight Light, in, thru and around that case!
of all mankind! Saint Germain’s Eternal Freedom of the Light in, thru and
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Perfection o f m y hear­ a ro u n d ................... (any city, person or place)!
ing! Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
<q Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
The Ascended Masters’ Invincible Continuous Expansion The Limitless Invincible Comprehension of the Light!
of all the Inner Light of my Being! The Limitless Invincible Loyalty of the Light!
The Limitless Invincible E t e r n a l Concentration of the The Limitless Invincible Allegience to the Light!
Light! The Limitless Invincible Legions of the Light!
The Limitless Invincible Miracles of the Light! The Invincible Tube of Light!
The Ascended M asters’ Invincible Self-control of the The Ascended Masters’ Music of the Spheres!
Light! The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible Illumination
The Ascended Masters’ Relaxation of the Light! of the Light!
The Ascended M asters’ accommodations of the Light! The Ascended Masters’ Invincible Fulfillment of the Eter­
All Saint Germain’s Power from the Cave of Symbols! nal Divine Plan for this ..................!
All Chananda’s Power from the Cave of Light! The Ascended M asters’ Eternal Perfection of my mind
All Lanto’s Power from the Retreat in the Royal Teton! and body!
All Jesus’ Power from the Retreat in Arabia! All the Power of the Atomic Accelerator in, thru and
All the Power of K-17 and His Inner Secret Service and around my mind and body!
* Legions of Light! Limitless Invincible Ascended M aster Friends of the Light!
All the Power of the Legions of Light from the Great Cen­ The Ascended Masters’ Cosmic Power of the W ord “I
tral Sun! Am”!
All M ighty A strea’s A uthority of the Light! The Ascended M asters’ Eternal Unconditional Surrender
The Limitless Invincible Rights of Free Men! to the Light right now!
The Limitless Invincible Secrets of the Light! T he Ascended Masters’ Control of all my feelings today
The Limitless Invincible Silence of the Light! and forever!
The Limitless Invincible Kindness of the Light! All Sanat Kumara’s Power of the Unfed Flame!
The Limitless Invincible Service to the Light! All Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Love of the Light!
The Limitless Invincible Expansion of the Light! All Lord M aitreya’s Power of Love!
The Limitless Invincible Healing of the Light! All John the Beloved’s Power of Love!
The Limitless Invincible Forgiveness of the Light! All the Power of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns!
The Limitless Invincible Purity of the Light! All Nada’s Love, W isdom and Power!
T he Limitless Invincible Intelligence of the Light! All the Great Divine Director’s A uthority and Great Com­
The Limitless Invincible M astery of the Light! mand!
The Limitless Invincible Action of the Light! * * * *
The Limitless Invincible Rays of the Light! 2
T he Limitless Invincible M ercy of the Light! ? PREAM BLES
The Limitless Invincible Dissolving Power of the Light! “I A M ” (3) the A uthority and Power (3) of Light
The Limitless Invincible Divine Justice of the Light! without limit; then LET T H ER E BE LIG H T, LIG H T,
The Limitless Invincible Consciousness of the Light! LIG H T, the Substance of the Cosmic Light of a
T h e Limitless Invincible Inventions of the Light! Thousand Suns!
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Prope'rty of Saint Germain Press. Inc, 21
PO W E R S O F LIG H T! (3 ) Raise Your Swords of
Blue Flame and give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Compel the Luminous Presence of the Great Rainbow
Power (3) w ithout limit! of Cosmic Beings to forever hold sway!
Drive and bind all hell and intended hell driven against * *
.................. back into the brains and bodies of its creators 3
and claws, and CO M PEL it to take its toll there and no­ 3 PREAM BLES
where else! STIFFEN them where they stand until they (Same headings as Nos. 1 and 2 )— Use form same as N o. 2
serve the Light and never create discord in this Universe KILL all that is not of the Light, in, thru and around...........
again; and Annihilate (3) it all, cause, effect, record and in One M ighty Stroke!
memory in O N E M IG H T Y STR O K E— KILL that case!
(Repeat 1 after each line) KILL that stop order on the mails!
1. right now! KILL all interference and i n t e n d e d interference with
2. compel all that hum an to bow! America’s transportation!
3. each moment, each day! KILL all interference and i n t e n d e d interference with
4. and compel our Light’s V ictory to forever hold America’s communication!
sway! KILL all interference and i n t e n d e d interference with
Fill in blank space w ith — America’s transportation; the supply of the necessities of life to the American
America’s communication; All the necessities of Life to people!
our people; war. KILL all hell and intended hell in the money world!
CLO SIN G FO R M KILL all gossip, its cause, effect, record and memory, in,
Compel Your M ighty Presence to forever hold sway! thru and around all under This Radiation in One
Compel Saint Germain’s Freedom to f o r e v e r hold M ighty Stroke!
sway! KILL all taxes, their cause, effect, record and memory in
Compel V ictory’s V ictory to forever hold sway! One M ighty Stroke!
Compel Daddy’s Obedience to forever hold sway! KILL all war, its cause, effect, record and memory in one
Compel Hercules’ Invincible Protection to forever hold M ighty Stroke!
sway! KILL all curiosity, its cause, effect, record and memory, in,
Compel the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty thru and around all under This Radiation in One
Elohim to forever hold sway! M ighty Stroke!
Compel the Power of the Three times Three to for­ KILL all destructive plans against America, her people and
ever hold sway! her resources!
Compel the Great Cosmic W ord “I A M ” to forever KILL all political intrigue, its cause, effect, record and
hold sway! (3) memory!
Compel the Cosmic Scythe of Blue Flame of a T hou­ KILL all selfishness from a ll m a n k i n d in One M ighty
sand Suns to forever hold sway! Stroke!
Compel Jesus’ Luminous Presence to forever hold sway! KILL all resentment from all mankind in One M i g h t y
22 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
KILL all injustice from all m ankind in O ne M ighty Stroke!
KILL all jealousy, its cause, effect, record and memory
from all under This Radiation in O ne M ighty Stroke!
KILL all deceit from all mankind in O ne M ighty Stroke!
KILL all treachery, its cause, effect, record and memory
from all m ankind in O ne M ighty Stroke!
KILL all suspicion, its cause, effect, record and memory
from all under T his Radiation in O ne M ighty Stroke!
KILL all self-pity, its cause, effect, r e c o r d and memory
from all under T his Radiation in O ne M ighty Stroke! Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “I A M ”
KILL all self-righteousness, its cause, effect, record and Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
memory from all under this Radiation in O ne M ighty M usic of the Spheres; or music to w hich there are words
Stroke! in our loose-leaf songs (except Nos. 34, 49, 52).
KILL all self-justification, its cause, effect, record and mem­ Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
ory from all under This Radiation in One M ighty your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germ ain and
Stroke! the O ther Ascended M asters are giving the M usic of the
KILL all gestapo activities in or driven against Am erica in Spheres which T hey request us to use; because of Its Spe­
O ne M ighty Stroke! cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended M asters’
KILL all problems, their cause, effect, record and memory Consciousness contained w ithin it.
for all under This Radiation! W e are building a perm anent musical activity to re­
* * * * lease Ascended M aster Healings, Ascended M aster Bless­
ings, Ascended M aster Protection and Ascended M aster
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies w hich
are charged w ith Ascended M aster Feeling, and Ascended
M aster W ords, which are Cups that carry T heir Ascended
M aster Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
w ho hear this M usic of the Spheres.
W e wish all our “I A M ” M usical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the G reatest Light and H elp
from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave can go forth every­
where, to bless all m ankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.
M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a SAIN T GERMAIN
chart in M iniature size 2l/4x3y^. This small chart is a You must not ever forget that you must make your
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket maximum effort in the outer at self control, then when
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service. you call the Presence into action, you will find it easy
Price each 7c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges. to obtain the result; but the call to the Presence without
one’s outer human effort to respond to that call is only
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be half done.
Price each 10c, plus shipping charges. SAIN T GERMAIN
These M iniature Charts may be secured from the Saint In all your accumulation of the past, in all that
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the W estern Branch you have been, yet I offer you your Freedom. Why can
in Santa Fe. people not believe it! Why can they not understand
that An Ascended Being can utter no falsehood, can
* # # •
utter no false promise! When I have said to the student
body, I will meet you at the end of this pilgrimage and
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE assure you of your Ascension under the New Dispensa­
tion, why can they not believe it! Why can they not
W e announce the release of O ur Beloved Nada’s pic­ give the little obedience that is required the few short
ture in sepia — size 4% x6% . This can be furnished remaining years — and who shall say how short?
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. SAIN T GERMAIN
M ounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping Why can mankind not believe Me, when I tell them
charges. that after hundreds of thousands of embodiments in
M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping limitation and discord, I offer them their release for­
charges. ever? It is wholly different than anything that has ever
been on this earth; and under, these Dispensations, a
thousand things can be done that could not be done
without them. What matter if some of the shell of dis­
cord' remain behind! You should worry what someone
thinks about it. Since you will be in the Garments of
Light of Eternal Freedom, do you think you would
worry about human opinions any longer?
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release
release of the third SONG FOLDER containing three of a new song— “A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L ” by the
songs, both music and lyrics, as follows: Messenger, Lotus Ray King.
7. Helios, The Dawn This new song is a tribute of Love and A doration to

the M ighty Cosmic Being, the Archangel Michael, who
8. Lord— The M aha Chohan forever stands guard over all who serve the Light and
9. T hou Seven M ighty Elohim call for His Protection. H e has for centuries given His
Protection and Blessing to mankind of which they know
Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c. nothing. His Sword of Blue Flame is a very Real and
The Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for M ighty Focus of God-Power by which He cuts away
Group and individual use. destructive creations of individuals and conditions that
Price 1^4c per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges. cause so much destruction and suffering to mankind.
This song has been brought forth as a M ighty M agnet
of the Archangel M ichael’s Tremendous Cosmic Power
GEMS OF LIGHT of Light, Protection and Blessing to all who will sing it
with Love, devotion, gratitude and blessing to Him . It is
SAIN T GERMAIN a Focus of the acceptance of His Coming into the outer
Remember what I have said so many times, at the world in His Visible, Tangible, Ascended M aster Body
least intimation of any discord within your feeling to give help to mankind.
world, it is a signal to stop everything right there and Every time this song is sung, heard, played or the pic­
clean it out, before it finds momentum and action. If ture contemplated, each individual’s energy thru his or
you will do this, you will have no trouble in gaining her attention to this Great Cosmic Being becomes a
Mastery and Self-control, but if you let it gain a mo­ M agnet of attraction which draws Him into close per­
mentum, some times it is a difficult thing to govern sonal association w ith those who accept His Tangible
Presence and Reality.
S AIN T GERMAIN Use! Use! Use! this song and give the Archangel
Since we are gaining this steady almighty Victory, M ichael the call which will enable His M ighty Help to
rejoice beloved ones as never before in all your embodi­ get thru to bless and set you free. The music is a definite
ment, that you live now today and have the opportunity means of attuning one’s feelings into His H eart and re­
to render a service to Life and Light and to your fellow- ceiving the help H e so lovingly offers.
man, to A merica and yourselves. It is the most magnif­ The picture of Archangel Michael on the cover of this
icent thing ever known in the world. song is the work of our beloved M ay DaCamara, whom
we love, thank and bless w ithout limit forever.
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
M ay all accept and know the help H e gives to bless, GEMS OF LIGHT
protect and sustain them, until they see Him in His
Tangible Body, when He comes forth into the outer
world to walk and talk with mankind face to face. S AIN T GERMAIN
W ith every atom of our beings we love, bless and give We Ascended Beings have existed a long time, but
eternal devotion and gratitude to this Glorious Cosmic the western world does not believe it; but does that take
Being, the Archangel Michael. M ay all mankind do like­ Us out of existence, just because some of mankind say
wise and receive His Glorious Blessing. We are not Realf The foolishness of mankind to deny
a thing because they have not experienced if. If We
M RS. G. W . BA LLA RD denied a thing that We had not experienced when We
and were gaining Our Victory, how far do you think We
D O N A L D BA LLA RD would go? We would still be here in human limitations.
That is the position of mankind today. If they doubt ,
they shut the door; if they fear, they shut the door less

Until mankind have set themselves free they need
to hear the repetition of These Laws. Until they have
made themselves master of the fundamentals, they need
to hear it, until that has given them the Self-control and
Mastery in which they no longer need it; and when they
do not longer need it, the other information will be
given, you may be sure of that.
Everything of ancient action which has gained its The opportunity to gain strength and energy from
momentum and power, since it has not been dissolved, the forest and the strength and power of the mountains
stands ready for action, and when individuals become is something which should give you the desire to im­
vicious, the whole force of that viciousness finds its prove every moment to draw to yourselves and into
action among mankind; because that is its only outlet. your feeling worlds the strength and power of the physi­
The vicious force is not to be blamed, but the indivi­ cal octave which is the abiding power of nature.
duals who open themselves to it are responsible.
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Prqss, Inc. 31
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the S A IN T G ER ­
M A IN SERIES, the V O IC E OF T H E “I A M ,” O U R
is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
This means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
W e are determined that this G IFT O F LIG H T,
T R U T H A N D FREED O M from the Ascended Masters
to mankind SH A LL BE PR O T E C T E D and kept PU RE,
T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — FO R EV ER — that
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume ! ..... . ..... ..... ................ By G odfre Ray King TRANSLATIONS
Containing the first group of the author’s experiences. BOOKS IN BRAILLE
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c "UNVEILED MYSTERIES"— In Two Volumes......... .............. Price $5.25
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II ........ ........... By G odfre Ray King "THE M A G IC PRESENCE"— In Three Volumes ....................... Price $7.75
"THE 'I A M 1 DISCOURSES"— In Two Volumes........ ...... ...... Price $6.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences.
"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES"— In Two Volumes...... Price $7.00
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
"THE VOICE OF THE 'I A M ' " Shipping charges extra
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other im portant subjects.
Application o f the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c tions begin with January 1943.
Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
Parts I and 2 . ................................ ............. By Chanera
(Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the
"M ig h ty I A M Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c CHART OF THE M A G IC PRESENCE
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for fram ing and con­
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI tem plation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
By Various Ascended Masters dividualized God Presence— the "M ig h ty 'I A M '."
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before Size — 5 '/2 x8 '/2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
hundreds o f students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings CHARTS A N D FLAMES IN AC TIO N , r.
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
AL , „
Above Charts mechanically animated
S SIze 12x21 Pr,ce
j Size 30x52 pr;ce
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Violet Flame mechanically animated................Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III......... .By the G reat Divine Director # r l. . . . ) Size 30x52 Price $225.00
(Shipping charges extra)
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by A t Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
the G reat Divine Director, before hundreds of students.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
"I A M " ADORATIONS AN D AFFIRMATIONS ................. ......... By Chanera Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c PICTURE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W . BALLARD
SPECIAL "I A M " DECREES A N D BINDERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) IV2 c Per leaf. Shipping charges extra Profile Size 15x19^2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
j 202-A Son of Light (Duet) I ^ ° f “ ‘ R«Y *'>>?. H<"P
\ 202-B Cali to Light (Duet) 1 Frederick Landwehr,
DECREE BOOKLETS ' 1 .................. .................. [Shrine Organ
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study ( 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) ( ^o t“ s RaY Kin9- H «rP
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a ( 203-B Oh, W orld Victorious (Duet) ........... \ Frede.r,ck Landwehr,
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: Shrine Organ
505-A America O ur Own Beloved Land C Sung
ung by M inute Men
............Silent Sentinel
~ I
1. Opulence and Supply
2. Violet Flame and Healing 505-B ......................................... . ) of Saint Germain
3. "I A M " America's Freedom | Lotus Ray King, Harp
4. "I A M 11 Light Decrees 1000-A I AM Come (Duet) .... .....\ Frederick Landwehr,
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " [ Novachord
1000-B Dedication ..............Donald Ray King
Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks
7. Light My W orld RR-I20I Invocation .......... ...........M r. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent N ig h t) Harp Mrs. Ballard
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for RR-1203 Benediction ...................... .... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­ RR-1247 Contemplation (N earer My God to Thee) H arp __ Mrs. Ballard
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each,
3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ___ M r. G . W . Ballard
PLAYBACKS AND RECORDS 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
We will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ....... M r. G. W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law 330(-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ...................... .......... M r. G. W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) ................................ Mr. G. W . Ballard
hereafter. 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class).... ............... M r. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each—Shipping charges extra
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch | 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.) { 3303-B Beginning o f "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS j 3303-C Beginning o f " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
f Lotus Ray King, Harp { 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet) -] Frederick Landwehr,
N 100-B Lotus My Love ... ( Shrine Organ ( 3303-E Beginning o f "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G . W . Ballard

N 101-A Goddess of Purity (Duet)

[ Lotus Ray King, Harp
J Frederick Landwehr,
( 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by M r. G. W . Ballard
N 10 1- B Silent Sentinel (Duet) | Shrine Organ and should be sold in a set.)
\N 102-A
) N 102-B
"I A M " Decrees— Part I
"I A M " Decrees— Part II
September 1941 Shrine Class
September 1941 Shrine Class
3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the C hart..... ......M r. G. W . Ballard
3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the C hart......... M r. G. W . Ballard
I Lotus Ray King, Harp
} 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet) -j Frederick Landwehr, 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt.... . M r. G . W . Ballard
j 200-B Rose of Light (Duet) Shrine Orqan 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart M r. G . W . Ballard

rS< V r > r:
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony M r. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. 'W. Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love M r. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love M r. G. W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard NOTICE!
3308-A Helping All Mankind M r. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard Due to hig h e r cost o f m a te ria l and la b o r it is necessary to ,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
e ffe c tiv e a t once, advance th e cost o f th e Small C ry s ta l C u ps to
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-A Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard $8.45, d e liv e re d to d e stin a tio n .
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard C o s t o f th e L a rg e C ry s ta l C u p rem ains unchanged.
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard
33IO-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to M ighty Victory ) M r. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction f
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: (The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether )
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M " Study Groups.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped direct from the Sanfa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Already Released
RAINBO W RAYS M IG H TY VICTORY (16" fo r Playbacks only)
SILENT SENTINEL * " l A M " HERE ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
A G ro u p o f Songs— M u s ic an d L y r ic s by G o d fre R a y K in g and
66 "I A M Come (D uet) ......................... ....... \ Frederick Landwehr,
[ Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e Songs a re e s p e c ia lly c h a rg e d w it h p o w e r ­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t if u lly lith o g ra p h e d
c o v e r in colo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esign ed fo r t h a t piece o f m u s ic . NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65. and
O ur present stock o f these songs w ill be sold a t the regular price of one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
$1.00 each with shipping charges o f 35c. New editions will require double-faced record.
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­ Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
The "Song o f the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (w ithout music).
SO NG FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. "I A M " Here
No. I -j 2. Angels o f Saint Germain } Music and Lyrics
I 3.
Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. G reat Hercules— Thou Elohim "|
No. 2 •{ 5. Mary, the M other o f Jesus !■Music and Lyrics
6. Archangel Michael J Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
Small Size— fo r individual use.......................................... ................. Price $
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— fo r Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and fam ily use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C ry s ta l C u p s ” a re n o t sold t h r u R e a d in g R oom s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly by M rs . G . W . B a lla r d
a n d is th e n s h ip p e d d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. N o d isc o u n ts a re
a llo w e d .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


40 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

1 3 2 0 SO. H Q PE ST.
* C H IC A G O ,IL L IN O IS. •
Copyrighted By ^ P roperty ofSaint Germain Press,IncJ9 1943

Copyright -Sdmt Germain Press Inc 1943. WayD'o.Camara (343

B y the A scen ded M asters an d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

(jopyricfh t-jSa in t Cjermai n SPrestif Tn a 1.943 ■

“I AM”—
A M ” is G od’s N am e— the G reat Cosmic W ord!
T he M ightiest Sound that man ever heard,
The G reat Cosmic Power fulfilling each call,
T he One M ighty Self that rules over all!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Light— now clearing our way!
Enfolding us here and holding full sway!
Releasing all G ifts from Life’s M ighty H eart,
A nd holding us close— ne’er more shall we part!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Love— now blessing each one!
H ealing forever with R ays from the Sun!
Transcendent It flows— in, thru, around, above!
A n d in us abides— the Presence to prove!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Power— now carrying Us thru!
Light opening our W ay — and raising us too!
W e give It to all— and stand unafraid!
Perfecting all things— and never dismayed!
“ I A M ” is G od’s M ight— the G reat Freeing Power,
Compelling release from discord each hour,
A nd raising us all to Light’s Cosmic Realm,
For by that G reat Light, all else we o’erwhelm!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Peace— all Life’s M ighty G oal!
Light’s G reat Divine Plan— all Glory untold!
A ll V ictory comes thru from G od’s Glorious H and,
T he G reat Cosmic W ord! is now in command!
* * * *
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE the interference of anyone with this Light! There was a
time some three years ago, when it could have been quite
S A N F R A N C IS C O C L A S S dangerous to this Light. Certain destructive forces could
A ugust 15, 1939 have acted, but they did not take advantage of it; there­
fore, W e rejoice and of course, there is always a reason
Y B E L O V E D precious ones of the Light! I why they did not!
have information for you today which I am
N ow then, all discarnate entities have been removed
quite sure you will never forget! M any have
from within California! (applause — audience rising).
noticed that I was rejoicing considerably,
D ear ones, this means that the individuals within the state,
recently. I will tell you something of why today. I have
who have been allowing themselves to be made claws of
been waiting not only these five years, but a long time for
destructive forces, will find that there is no sustaining
this point, and for many others to arrive; and please
power! They will wander around and wonder why they
remember these W ords in all you do, in all you wish to
have been doing certain things!
have done and in your application.
Oh, my dear ones, you have no more idea than an
T he momentum has been gained by the student body
infant, unless you could see from O ur Standpoint, the
throughout A m erica; and I am speaking now of those
pressure which was upon mankind, when I first brought
particularly in Am erica, who have gained sufficient mo­
this Light forth! Y ou would not believe, unless you saw!
mentum to go on and steadily gain. H ow ever, a few who
H ow could you believe, unless you saw with your own
might turn aside, will not affect it in any w ay; for that
eyes, the Power of that achievement? W e do not expect
momentum will continue to build in its constructive Com ­
you to, because it is not possible in the human intellect,
manding Presence and Power, and that is what W e have
to grasp the fulness of all that has been done; yet I bring
needed so much!
it to your attention, because it has been done!
D o you understand what this means, all wavering of
T his power which is gaining Its Dominion, is the
the energy of the student body, or individuals sent forth
Power of Light and as your calls go forth daily, and many
for this constructive purpose, is henceforth held perfectly
places hourly, it is constantly strengthening and intensify,
steady like a great avalanche moving down the mountain?
ing — that momentum going on and on gaining its power.
A t first, it goes quite slowly, does it not? Yet as it gains
momentum by its weight, power and force, it moves with N ow then, notice this carefully; when more than 51%
greater rapidity. So now, in this momentum which has of the momentum has been gained, remember — It begins
been gained, it will continue; because many more will to draw from the Infinite Power of Light Itself! D o you
come in, to add their forces in the calls to Light, than those see, do you understand, my precious people, what it means
who withdraw. So far, the few who have withdrawn are to the Constructive Power in Am erica? W ell it is just
but a fragment in comparison to the great numbers who gigantic, stupendous, collosal!
are loyal and true! I want you to feel that, so you Therefore, dear ones, I want you to rejoice with all
remove any question of anxiety in your minds, concerning you are, at this achievement. T his will mean that your
4 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. officials in the state, will not be so easily preyed upon by
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
destructive forces! N ow , really, what the M essengers I ask you to observe this now among the activities of
have called for from the beginning, will begin to take place. the State, because the newspapers will keep you informed!
M ankind and the officials will begin to be more interested They do not know it, but they will just the same. T his will
in the welfare of Am erica, than they are in their individual give you such infinite courage and strength, because my
fortunes. H ow many hundreds of centuries has this been dear ones, this immeasurable pressure which is being re­
needed! and at last it is reached! moved from you who are in the State here, it is not possible
O h, my dear ones, when you understand that for more to describe it in so many words.
than two hundred years, I have served the Powers of Light I say this, to try to give you just a little idea. If each
to bring this about, do you understand then, a little of one of you were under a canopy in which great pressure
what tenacity means? M ay you have the same tenacity was constantly bearing down upon you; and you knew no
for your Freedom, for your Ascension, that I have had for way by which to release yourself from it, that would give
the Freedom of Am erica which of course includes you! you some idea of what the pressure has been upon the ma­
Then, you and the officials of the state or the nation — jority of mankind.
T ake what you might outwardly term, fiercely posi­
as this W ider Expansion takes place in the service to Life,
tive individuals. They repel a large part of that, but peo­
in the service to the state and to the nation, by the very
ple who by nature are very kindly and inoffensive, so to
Law and Power of Light and Life — must be abundantly
speak, feel to assert a repellant force would harm someone.
provided for! W on’t you see that, dear blessed students? O h, my dear ones, such a thing is impossible! Y ou are the
Y ou see as you serve the Light, Its very Power begins to guardians of your world, and unless you repel destructive
produce greater Perfection for you. I know this has been forces, they will come in just like a wedge driving in, and
in the minds of many and they have rebelled just a little one day, you will find it beyond your ability to handle them.
bit, because things did not manifest more quickly to their These are such vital things to you, and remember the
liking! W ell perhaps in their Life-stream, there was much M ighty V ictory told you, that great achievement would
to be dissolved! Suppose there were, then you must go be attained here! W ell it is done! Therefore, remember
on patiently, until that is dissolved; then you will find this now! D o not let yourself fall back into the old idea,
that Freedom! Then, you will find the forces that have that there are some entities around interfering with you,
sought you and attem pted to deprive you, will be generous because there won’t be any.
in their absence. N ow , will you listen very carefully? Y ou remember
M y dear ones, I have observed the mass of the students in Unveiled M ysteries, where there is the description of
thruout Am erica and have seen O h, innumerable causes w hat took place when the M essenger began to go forth
with M e, in the body which I created for his use; and he
and openings for destructive forces to drive in. One time,
looked back with some anxiety at his body laying there in
it is the husband, another time it is the wife, who becomes
company with the panther, wondering just how things
antagonistic to this Light! O f course, some excuse is al­
would fare. Seeing that, I immediately threw the Circle
ways there, which is many times, largely from discam ate of Blue Flame around both of them, then at once he seemed
quite satisfied.
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
N ow then, how do you think W e keep more from com­
to Light and Life! Remember, that all you call forth, is
ing into the area from which these entities are removed?
under the A ction of your own “ M ighty I A M Presence,”
By exactly that Same Power! By the W all of Blue Flame!
thru the H igher M ental Body, and do you think It would
W hy do you think It will do that so absolutely? Because
do any wrong? Oh, don’t you see It could not! I know
every discarnate entity is deathly afraid of It! T h at sounds
a great many who have remained in distress, because they
like a peculiar expression, does it not; but I am trying to
feared to make some of these calls. W ell, it is just too
convey to you the assurance of it! Even when the black
bad for you, if you are afraid to do it. D are to do and be
magicians existed, they absolutely made no move in their
silent! Remember, dare to do what you know, and be
destructive power, whenever they saw the Presence of
that Blue Flame; because they knew, they could not pass
It! I prompt you dear students, be careful how you decree
for individuals to do certain things! Y ou are treading on
N ow then, will you observe all over Am erica and the
dangerous grounds, if you do! T he principal thing you
earth that people pass on here and there, who have been
have to do is, to perfect your own world and purify it.
very destructive? Y ou might not know it in the outer
D o not worry about the other fellow! O f course, you
world, but W e do! W e know everyone of them! W e
may decree for his or her Perfection, but be careful what
have their names and addresses! W e are watching the
you do outside of that! Y ou know individuals have
operation of this G reat Law ! O h, I feel so often in the
decreed and decreed and decreed to come into the Staff!
audience, when the M essengers become very dynamic, in
W ell, had I not anything to do about it? A m I to be
the use of this Consuming Power and annihilation of all
ignored? Is M y W isdom to be ignored, that your Decree
that is destructive, some almost shrivel up; because they
be fulfilled regardless? W ell, you notice it does not occur,
do not understand what that means! Oh, my precious
people, that is the destroying of destructive qualities; and unless I so wish it!
when the call is made from the human octave, to withdraw Oh, my dear ones, I must be the Regulator of this
the Energy from wholly destructive individuals, my good­ G reat A ctivity! In spite of the few who seem to think
ness, my dear ones, do you not see, that it is the greatest I am a myth, I happen to know, that I am very R eal and
mercy which could ever be called forth in the world! very Tangible! Some have found M y Tangibility in
Europe to be Real! (applause) Y ou know many long
W hy allow destructive individuals to go on, building
years ago, in M y Tangibility, I rendered a very G reat Serv­
and building, what would take them centuries to undo,
ice at the inception of your A m erica; and just recently
when by the call from the human octave, for the Energy
I rendered perhaps in some ways a greater service in W ash-
to be withdrawn, it would prevent them going on in that
ington and N ew York! Oh, I was there in M y Tangible
destructive thing which builds more destruction— no one
Body, quite visible to all, but they did not know it! If
could estimate how much, not even W e; because W e would
they had known it was M e, some of their hair would have
not know how far it was going to continue.
stood straight up!
O h, please dear ones, dismiss from your minds any
D o you know that I am subject to two conditions—
fear or that you are doing any wrong in using this call
a very much maligned individual and a very much feared
8 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
individual? D o you know at the mention of M y Nam e T w o forces, Light and darkness, operated; and there was
to certain forces, they tremble for hours. D o you think a constant battle between the Light and darkness! T h at
I am so vicious? O h no, they know I am not; but they is why some who touched this Light and loved the M es­
know I stand for Divine Justice and I shall have it! (ap ­ sengers so greatly, were later seized upon and turned aside
plause) and since the Goddess of Justice has come forth, from T his A ctivity by that accumulation — Oh, not en­
the fulfilling of M y, O ur A lm ighty R ay; then, have you tities, not black magicians; but by the accumulation of
not noticed that things are taking place much more rapidly? that destructive force, which still remained here over that
T h e ladies are very important, gentlemen! Y ou might not ancient focus! T h at is gone forever! (applause — audi­
believe it, but I had to wait a long time for the Goddess ence rising)
of Justice to come forth to M y A ssistance! D o you quite Please remember that it means, dear ones, this Bay
understand that? I don’t think you did! M ay I repeat
A rea and Oakland, are not missed in the operation! D o
that: “ I waited a long time for the Goddess of Justice,
you wonder that I feel so joyful, dear people, when I see
the other Part of M yself, to come forth to M y A ssistance” ;
surely and steadily that achievement, which will one day
(applause) because She had purified H erself long before
give you, your blessed Freedom; will see you supplied with
I did; and had withdrawn into the G reat Silence, because
everything you require for your happiness, comfort and
of the pressure of human creation of this earth. Then, service of the Light! It has to come, dear ones, if you
when I had gained a certain V ictory thru your assistance, keep up your application! There is not one thing in the
the great student body of Am erica and the world, She human octave, which can keep it from you, not one single
was ready to come forth and remain, (ap p lau se). thing, because this pressure, this outside opposing force
N ow , dear ones, remember that in all these achieve­ has been removed!
ments, it is Cosmically vital to Am erica and to the people T h at does not mean, you may not have in your own
of A m erica! D o you quite understand, that all this which Life-stream that which must still be consumed; but if you
is done now in these various achievements of which W e will call the Presence to use the V iolet Consuming Flame
speak, is by the Power of Light and the A uthority of the and hold you within that T ube of Light, then if you really
“ M ighty I A M Presence,” which W e have become! mean it, whatever is in your Life-stream, will go into the
T h at is the same as your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” except, Violet Consuming Flame and be dissolved! Oh, that there
W e have carried the purified Substance from the struc­ were words to convey into your being the full import of
ture of earth into the Electronic Body of the “ M ighty that! It does not mean any terrifying activity of the Violet
I A M ,” which gives U s the A uthority and Power to act Consuming Flame, but it does mean a great calm positive
in the physical octave at your call! determination upon your part, as you call the Presence
These Law s are Alm ighty, my dear ones, and remem­ to set the V iolet Consumi ig Flame into action; and dis­
ber these achievements are no one’s imagination! T hey solve everything which comes forth from your Life-stream;
are M ighty Real! Therefore now please keep your seats, for remember, W e have said time and again, whatever is
when I say this: Long before the last cataclysm of four­ the destructive accumulation in your Life-stream of the
teen thousand or more years ago, a city — stood here! past, has to come forth to you to be dissolved and con­
in Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. jj
sumed; because it cannot go anywhere else! Y ou are its T h at is why, my dear ones, O h your gratitude should be
creator, you were its generator and you called it forth into so great, and I am sure it is with many; but I say to all,
action; therefore, it has to come thru your Life-stream release such gratitude from your being, as you never
into the Violet Consuming Flame, which you call the thought possible for you to do, in the future! Then, per­
Presence to establish, in order to set you free from that haps seeing Life, seeing that depth of gratitude, will re­
accumulation. It is the most practical thing in the whole lease more quickly Its Powers of Freedom to you!
wide world. I tell you, beloved ones, you stand in sight of the
If you set fire to your home in fun and you did not put apex, the change of the world! You stand in the most glor­
it out, before it gained momentum, it would burn your ious condition mankind has ever known; because of the
home up, wouldn’t it? T h at would be your responsibility, ease of achievement that is yours today. O h you think
because you set it on fire. W ell, you have set on fire the you have struggles with your problems! D ear me, what
human creation of your accumulation of the past; and if is your problem of a life time, in comparison to five years
you do not put it out, it will put you out again, because of what I went thru in that forty?
it has many times! D ear ones, that is why by the A uthority and Power
Think of all those embodiments, when you have lived of the G reat Cosmic Light, those G reat Beings W ho have
in these limitations. Think of all I have lived! Think of joined U s and released into O ur U se these Powers, not
all the Ascended M asters lived, while They were render­ known before, are making all this possible for you; and if
ing many times great great service; but They could not do it had not been, that I was the Law of the Seventh Ray,
many things then, because of the Dispensations of Life; which is the V iolet R ay of this earth, the V iolet R ay could
the Cosmic Light had not so granted it; and by great priva­ not have come forth! If I had not chosen to render this
tion and struggle, T hey won the battle for Freedom! I Service to mankind, still It would not have been available
did! Oh, my dear ones, if you saw the period — this is to you and your human creation could not have been dis­
the first time I have ever touched upon it and I am not solved; because It is the only Power in Heaven or earth
going into it; but for a period of forty years, I went thru that will do it! The other R ays of Life do not do what
such terrifying things, as you could not even imagine; the Violet Consuming Flame will do! T he M essengers
because under the Law by which I was attaining at the have told you this, but I assure you that there is no Ray
time! T oday, my dear people, in the glory, the comfort, known, not even the T w o Secret R ays which Cosmos has
the Freedom of your homes and these beautiful buildings, brought forth, will do what the V iolet Consuming Flame
you have the opportunity to attain your Freedom without will do in this one respect— the dissolving and consuming
any of that terrifying struggle, which W e went thru in of your own creation and accumulation!
those ages, when there was no assistance as today. Every­
I want, today, to make this so vivid and vital to you,
thing was gained by your own individual effort, just bend­
that you will with great determination and earnest­
ing every force and power in your being, at deadly destruc­
ness, make the call three times a day, for that M ighty
tive forces, which were trying to prevent you rising out
Activity to be intensified! Oh, my dear ones, It cannot
of your own accumulation and into the Glory of that
harm anything! It just keeps dissolved and consumed all
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
discordant destructive creation of your past, as it comes from China, transporting him to H is Hom e. H e might
forth to be dissolved, and that has to be done! M y dear have known, I have not asked him, but I suspect that he
ones, this has to be done before your Ascension can take little knew, it was the wedge which would one day release
place! the Powers of Light, which would set China free and
N ow , I have something to say which touches M e very bring her into a nation of honor again!
deeply. For the first time in four and a half million years, D on’t forget, my dear ones, that China still holds the
this is made possible to this earth— that children in this world’s record for honesty among the nations of the earth!
embodiment may make the Ascension! (applause) A (applause) N o t only is that record here, but W e have
little one in Eureka who just made the Ascension, is one that record! I never depend upon any human record, I
of those! keep M y own!
N ow rejoice, and I say to our precious Lotus, rejoice Therefore, beloved ones, today, in this which is
now, as you hear these words. The M ighty Eriel, and the brought to your attention, it should give you the greatest
W ondrous Fun W ay, who have loved China, have been encouragement and strength in your experience, to go
rendering a stupendous Service to China. Over ten thou­ forw ard in your Decrees, to your V ictory and Ascension
sand children from China have made the Ascension! in the Light! W hen W e promise you something, if you
(applause — audience rising). Beloved Eriel has brought will cooperate with U s, you will find that it is done! W e
sixty to H is Retreat in Am erica, to prepare them for their have fulfilled far more, than W e even intimated to you!
Ascension. There will yet be raised up in China, Ascended N ow observe, the M essengers thought it was quite
M aster Friends who will sweep the dope activity forever impossible to take these three days here; but some of you
from within its border; (applause) and will set those peo­ thought otherwise. Y ou took the right attitude! (a p ­
ple forever free from the miasma and confusing power gen­ plause) Y ou called to the W isdom of the Presence to act!
erated by entities in the use of that substance. If you If you had called to decree them here, they would not have
will remember, there were many among the people who been here; but you called for the W isdom of the Presence
became so deeply enmeshed in the use of it, that they could to act, if it be right! Then, they came and this great
not leave the earth! T h at held the dope substance about achievement has taken place in three days, perhaps four
the people; but, today, great Power will be released and days!
great effort will be made by the Ascended Ones, from I want you to rejoice, people of San Francisco, as you
today, to remove the influence of that condition from the never did before, for all that has been removed from your
brains and minds of the people of China; and they will midst! Y ou will find greater power and speed in the an­
assert their Dominion! (applause) swers to your calls; and the great great release from the
N ow , while you are standing for a few moments, please sense of pressure which so many have felt. D id you notice,
see and understand this: — In all that is being done for what the M ighty Fiat was, that the M essenger gave in his
Am erica and her Freedom, see how far reaching is your invocation? O f course you did! W ell do you know what
service, your calls to Life; and see what a seemingly simple that means? T his to M e is the final G lory for you, beloved
thing it was, when Eriel brought Fun W ay as an infant ones here, in the V ictory of your great stability to the
14 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
Light. T h at means the Sw ord of Blue Flame will cut every T h at is why, when here stood one of the powerful de­
sincere student free, from the influence of other indi­ structive forces of an ancient focus, when it could no longer
viduals! N ow , remember to make your calls and see that be fed, then there has come the time when its cause, effect,
they are sustained. and record could be dissolved forever! It is done! T here­
I never had such rejoicing in all the other achievements fore, today, my beloved ones, is a day, I trust, you will
that have been; because I have long long waited to have never forget thruout eternity; because to M e, it is the
dissolved and consumed, this ancient focus here and in Los Assurance of the Freedom and Ascension of everyone of
Angeles. It is a great day for the Light, a great day! (ap ­ you who will so determine it; and you will not find the
plause) I ask you to observe the great Freedom and ease, struggle you have had in the past in your application, and
release, confidence and Power, you feel in your application! doing the things you require or wish to do!
T ake notice of it, then let it expand, increase and intensify! Remember you are serving Life for your Freedom!
W hat a day for you, O h beloved ones of California and W ith all your Love to the M essengers and to M e, still all
the Bay District, what a day! Released from centuries you do, is serving Life for your Freedom! O f course, you
upon centuries of binding power! M y dear ones, I do not are giving M e great assistance in that which I wish to do
wonder at your great great love for these Beloved M essen­ for Am erica and you; but after all, you are serving Life,
gers, who have stood so fearlessly and dauntless before all and it is so important that you feel that! D on’t feel that
the destructive forces known to man; going forth pouring you are just serving the M essengers or M e, you are serv­
out the limit of their energy for your protection, for your ing Life, because that is what you have to serve in order
enlightenment and for your Freedom; ready always to to be free!
respond and to go wherever is required to render Service For every asristance you give to U s, of course you have
to Life! Remember, you who love them so much, that O ur Deep Gratitude, but to keep before your mind and
Life will love you as greatly and with a Power that is yet feeling, tbe fact that all you do in the Service of the Light,
inconceivable to you! is serving Life for your Freedom, then you will have the
In the Glory of this Light of which you have become right attitude! Then Life, one day, will turn and serve
a part, a far greater part than you yet realize, may yoii you; and hold you in Its M ighty Embrace of Light, into
today enter into the Fuller Realization of that part of the the Glory of Its Eternal Freedom! I thank you.
Life which you are! Since the Light of Eternity is anchored * * * *
within your physical heart and the constant expansion of
the Points of Light is within the cells cf your body now,
then are you not in Reality a Child of the Light, Children
of the Light? T h at has become a Reality, my dear ones!
A t first, it might have seemed as words, but words become
a reality in the release of the Energy of Life! Therefore,
you have become Children of the Light in actuality, by the
Expansion of the Light within the cells of your bodies.
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
THE MOST RECENT AND f. The Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Power of the
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, controlling all in my
IMPORTANT DECREES being and world R IG H T N O W
i “I AM ” !
3 PREAM BLES g. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., “ I A M ” ! lous control of all in, thru and around my being and
T h e ........... of th e ..............., I command! world R IG H T N O W
T h e ........... of th e ..............., is mine today! “I A M ” !
T h e ...........of the................, thru me shall forever hold sway! h. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., shall fill my world each day! lous M usic of the Spheres, controlling all in my being
A nd M IR A C L E S o f ................, thru me shall forever hold and world R IG H T N O W
sway! “I AM ” !
A ll Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and D addy’s P E R F E C T IO N i. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible M iracu­
O F L IG H T , shall rule my world each day; and M IR ­ lous Healing of all I contact today and forever
A C L E S O F L IG H T ( 3 ) , thru me forever hold sway! “I AM ” !
* * * * j. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible, Eternal
U se the above form for the following; changing pronouns Safety of the Light, controlling all in my being and
where needed: world R IG H T N O W
a. A ll the Power (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand “I AM ” !
Suns in every word I speak R IG H T N O W , k. T h e Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
“I AM ” ! Safety of the Light, controlling all the stock and equip­
b. T h e Limitless Power (3 ) of M ercury’s All-knowing, ment of the Saint Germain Press and Foundation, the
Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond-shining M ind of God Voice of the “ I A M ,” and all under T his Radiation
“I AM ” ! “I AM ” !
c. T he Limitless Invincible Self-control in all I do R IG H T 1. T he Ascended M asters’ Invincible, Inexhaustible
NOW , W ealth, Supply and money in my hands and use
“I AM ” ! R IG H T N O W
d. T he Limitless Perfection of the Light of my Presence “I AM ” !
R IG H T N O W ,
m. Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the Substance from
“I AM ” !
the Secret Love Star flooding and controlling all in my
e. T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all
human desires and habits for all under This Radiation, being and world R IG H T N O W
“I AM ” !
today and forever
“I AM ” ! n. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
Freedom of the Light, controlling all in my being and 2
world R IG H T N O W 3 P R E A M B L E S — P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M
“I A M ” ! TH E G R EA T C E N T R A L SU N !
T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp (3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
those cases and stop orders on our mails for us and all
M iracles ( 3 ) , of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
under T his Radiation, R IG H T N O W , today and flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding, illum­
forever ining, purifying, balancing, freeing, harmonizing, healing,
“I AM ” ! supplying, protecting, perfecting, blessing, controlling
A ll the Limitless Invincible Defense of T his Light without limit, our beloved like a N iagara
R IG H T N O W Falls, rushing everywhere and taking him (her or them)
“I AM ” ! out of the clutches of all destructive forces today and for­
A ll the Ascended M asters’ Eternal Unconditional Sur­ ever, in One M ighty Stroke (R epeat 1 after each line)
render to T his Light R IG H T N O W
R ight now!
“I AM ” !
For all that human shall bow!
T h e Full Dominion of the Light of M y Presence
Each moment, each day!
For all our Light’s V ictory shall forever
“I AM ” !
hold sway!
A ll the G ifts from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave of
Light, R IG H T N O W A ll Y our M ighty Presence shall forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll Saint Germain’s Freedom shall forever hold sway!
A ll V ictory’s V ictory shall forever hold sway!
A ll the Limitless Invincible M anifestations of the
A ll D addy’s Obedience shall forever hold sway!
Cosmic Light R IG H T N O W
A ll Hercules’ Invincible Protection shall forever hold
“I AM ” !
A ll the Limitless Invincible Friends of the Light A ll the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim shall
R IG H T N O W forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll the Power of the Three times Three shall forever hold
A ll the Limitless, Invincible Power of the Legions of sway!
Light R IG H T N O W A ll the G reat Cosmic W ord “ I A M ” shall forever hold
“I AM ” ! sway! (3 )
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Indestructible H ar­ A ll the Cosmic Scythe of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns
mony, controlling all in my being and world R IG H T shall forever hold sway! (3 )
NOW A ll Jesus’ Luminous Presence shall forever hold sway! (3 )
“I AM ” ! A ll the Luminous Presence of the G reat Rainbow of C os­
mic Beings shall forever hold sway! (3 )
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
A ll N ad a’s Love, W isdom and Power shall forever hold c. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
sway! (3 ) C E N T R A L SU N !
A ll the Justice of the Goddess of Justice shall forever hold
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
sway! (3 )
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of M ighty A strea’s Circle of Blue
* * * *
Flame; and L E T T H E R E BE (3 ) all of Its Overwhelm­
U se the above form for the following: ing Power, Force and A ction (3 ) controlling all in,
a. P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and a ro u n d ______ ____ (any person, place, con­
C E N T R A L SU N ! dition or thing) which annihilates all that is not of the
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power Light in One M ighty Stroke!
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G R IG H T N O W ,
F L A M E and Blue Lightning of a Thousand Suns with­ etc.
out limit! * * * *
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C O M P E L
d. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
(3 ) the Divine D irector’s A uthority and Power to re­
C E N T R A L SU N !
lease ........................... (any person, place, condition or
thing) from all that is not of the Light in One M ighty Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
Stroke ( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Blue Lightning of a Thousand
R IG H T N O W , Suns!
etc. Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C H A R G E
* * * * (3 ) Oceans of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and B L U E L IG H T N IN G of a Thousand Suns in,
b. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and around the atmosphere over Am erica and
C E N T R A L SU N ! C O M P E L (3 ) the annihilation of all human creation;
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power cause, effect, record and memory, today and forever
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand in One M ighty Stroke!
Suns! R IG H T N O W ,
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame; and L E T etc.
T H E R E BE (3 ) the Overwhelming Power, Force and * * * *
A ction (3 ) of the C R O S S O F B L U E F L A M E of a
Thousand Suns, in, thru and around ....................... (any 3
person, place, conditions or thing) that annihilates (3 ) M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
all else in One M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W , I IN S I S T on the Complete, Eternal and Unconditional
etc. Ascended M aster Illumination of my mind and body,
being and world this very instant, flooding and charging
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 93
all I ever contact, with the Ascended M asters’ Perfec­ “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” H IG H E R M E N T A L
tion of Light without limit and holding all out of the B O D IE S O F A L L M A N K IN D ; A L L G R E A T
clutches of all destructive forces; today and forever, in One B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T !
M ighty Stroke! (3 )
R IG H T N O W , Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
etc. M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns!
Raise Your Sw ords of Blue Flame and S T O P , S T O P ,
* * * *
S T O P ! Drive and b in d ......................., driven against Saint
4 Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, our Beloved Don and all
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! the younger generation; ourselves and all under T his R adi­
I IN S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invin­ ation, back into the brains and bodies of its creators and
cible, Eternal, Ever-expanding Supply of all wealth, money claws, and C O M P E L (3 ) the whip of all their own vi­
and every good thing in my hands and use in all I do ciousness and all they intend against us and This Light,
today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke! to lash them and leash them, until they stop it against all
R IG H T N O W ! Life forever, bow to This Light and give way before Its
etc. Almighty Eternal Cosmic Authority and Power in One
* * * * M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W ,
5 etc.
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! Fill in blank space with the following:
I I N S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Release of all the a. A ll viciousness, destruction and intended destruction;
Power of Instantaneous Precipitation thru me today and legal action and intended legal action; injustice and per­
forever, in One M ighty Stroke! secution,
b. A ll political intrigue, treachery, plans, traps, activities
R IG H T N O W ,
etc. and hell and all intended hell.
* * * * c. A ll legal action and intended legal action, all hell and
intended hell thru them, driven against Saint Germain’s
6 “ I A M ” Activities.
NOTE: d. A ll those cases and stop orders on the mails.
U se the following four Decrees every day in order to ¥ * * *
break the vicious false accusations, legal actions and in­ 7
tended against Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities. A ll M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
these actions are a direct attack against religious freedom I IN S IS T on the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and the future education of the younger generation. of a Thousand Suns, charging thru every word I have ever
Y ou make the calls and the Ascended Ones will do what spoken today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke!
is required. R IG H T N O W !
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T ! Oh, that you might all comprehend what a Power­
house is your feeling world when harmonized and
(U se same form as in N o. 6)
drawn into wholly constructive activities. I must
A ll sabotage in our national defense, back into the prompt you that in the charge which you are calling
brains and bodies of its creators and claws, and C O M P E L forth into your feeling world, which is daily increasing,
(3 ) the whip of their own viciousness, etc. know that even the slightest feeling of irritation or
* * * *
disturbance should be governed. You have become a
power, which you, I am sorry to say, do not realize nor
My dear ones, mankind would be as helpless as an
infant without This Light I have drawn forth, and
without the assistance and, calls from the student body.
G E M S O F L IG H T Even the Light I have drawn forth, if it had not been
S A IN T G ERM AIN for the utilizing of these Decrees I would still be help­
The Cosmic Light is doing a Great Work for America less; all of Us would be helpless to render the service
— a very great service. May you all feel that and en­ that is absolutely imperative, and had to be done now
deavor to abide in it as much as possible. Each one of or not for a long long time.
you try to feel yourselves a part of that Cosmic Light. S A IN T G ERM AIN
It is human to err, but Divine to forgive. Since the Today, as I stand here giving you these words, My
world and human beings have all made grievous mis­ H eart’s Love enfolds you in such gratitude. Oh, sup­
takes, let us henceforth not dwell upon them. Knowing pose you have made mistakes, is it anything in compari­
that each one is responsible for whatever his or, her son with the great, good that you have achieved! Man­
mistakes may be, let us go forth in a happy glorious kind could, hardly be expected, not to make mistakes until
harmony of our attention to our Presence, refusing to they are Ascended, but so long as you are determined
see or experience anything that is discordant, then how and willing to get up and try again, then shall We win
quickly you would arise into that Great Happiness that the Victory in the end fully and, completely, never to be
words fail utterly to express, because It comes from repeated; and remember you are on your way to your
within. Goal, and, with your determined, call to the Presence, all
mistakes must cease and your Victory is assured.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
26 27
Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “ I A M ”
Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
Music of the Spheres; or music to which there are words
in our loose-leaf songs (except N os. 34, 49, 5 2 ).
Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germain and
the Other Ascended M asters are giving the M usic of the
Spheres which They request us to use; because of Its Spe­
cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended M asters’
Consciousness contained within it.
W e are building a permanent musical activity to re­
lease Ascended M aster Healings, Ascended M aster Bless­
ings, Ascended M aster Protection and Ascended M aster
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies which
are charged with Ascended M aster Feeling, and Ascended
M aster W ords, which are Cups that carry Their Ascended
M aster Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
who hear this M usic of the Spheres.
W e wish all our “ I A M ” M usical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the Greatest Light and Help
from the Ascended M asters’ Octave can go forth every­
where, to bless all mankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.
M R S . G. W . B A L L A R D \

28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and release of the third S O N G F O L D E R containing three
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
I 7. Helios, T he Daw n
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in
Am erica and $3.33 in foreign lands. T his applies to the N o. 3 \ 8. Lord— T he M aha Chohan
year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
( 9. T hou Seven M ighty Elohim
unexpired months of 1942.
A ll back issues may be secured at any time, either by Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c.
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­ T he Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s G roup and individual use.
issues, priced at $5.50. Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.
In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
each year.
Y our change of address must reach this office not later
than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s
issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
ping date. Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our
service to you assured.
Send A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S A N D O R D E R S to the
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc., Santa Fe, N . M ex. A c ­
company same with either checks, drafts, or Express M oney
Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Please do not send P .O .M .O .’s.
W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to GEMS OF LIGHT
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today. S A IN T G ERM AIN
W e thank and Bless all forever A great calm determination is one of the great re­
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C . P U B L IS H E R quirements in the release of the Great Powers of the
Presence, to regulate, govern, dissolve and consume
anything that is required; for the outer determination
is the activity of the Inner Will, which becomes one.
30 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a
chart in Miniature size 21/4x3%. T his small chart is a
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service.
Price each 7c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges. PROTECTION
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be
Price each 10c, plus shipping charges. W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
These M iniature Charts may be secured from the Saint where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the W estern Branch M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R
in Santa Fe. P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D
* * * • is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
W e announce the release of Our Beloved N ada’s pic­ for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished fully.
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
Mounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
charges. T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
charges. est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33

32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume 1........ ........... ............... By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author's experiences.
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c
"UN VEILED M YSTERIES'— In Two Volumes ............. ...Price $5.25
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II... . ....... .... ...By Godfre Ray King "THE M A G IC PRESEN C E"— In Three Volumes ........... — Price $7.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. "THE 'I A M ' D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes______ ________ Price $6.75
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c "A SC EN D ED MASTER D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes Price $7.00
"THE V O IC E O F THE 'I A M ' " ShiPPin^ charges extra
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yearly subscrip­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c tions begin with January 1943.
THE "I A M " ADO RATIO NS, A FFIRM A TIO N S AND DECREES, Volume V Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
Parts I and 2 ..... .................... .... ...........By Chanera In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
By Various Ascended Masters templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 5 '/ 2 x 8 '/ 2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Volume VII On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
CHARTS AND FLAM ES IN ACTIO N ( c . |0 0| p . t ._ nn
t Size 12x21 Price $65.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Above Charts mechanically animated . j S ize 30x52 Price $225.00
Violet Flame mechanically animated............... (Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III......... .... By the Great Divine Director , r| . . { Size 30x52 Price $225.00
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by (Shipping charges extra)
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JE S U S
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­
Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c
Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) M/jc per leaf. Shipping charges extra Profile Size 15x19^ 2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

“ vs
34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
I 202-A Son of Light (Duet) | R*y ,Km? ’ " " P
DECREE BOOKLETS X 202-B Call to Light (Duet) j F™*>.r|ek Landwehr,
................................ [ Shrine Organ
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
| 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) .... ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
I 203 B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) Frederick Landwehr,
[ Shrine Organ
Opulence and Supply f 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land ...........C Sung by Minute Men
Violet Flame and Healing i 505-B Silent Sentinel ............ ( of Saint Germain
"I A M " America's Freedom
Lotus Ray King, Harp

"I A M " Light Decrees
Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' I A M " Novachcrd
Activities.) 1000-B Dedication Donald Ray King
Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
Light My World
j RR-I20I Invocation -- ----- --- . Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ | RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp....... ..... Mrs. Ballard
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
f RR-1203 Benediction — ...... ............. ........... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each, I RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp.... Mrs. Ballard
( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ......... ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
\ 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ______ ___Mr. G. W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
Playback records are availa ble. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM C 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ...... ......... ......... Mr. G . W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........ ................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
hereafter. ( 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) .............. Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra ( 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
f 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
{ 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
( N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)
I N 100-B Lotus My Love ........................
Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ
| 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
1 N 101-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) .......
Frederick Landwehr,
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) ............ *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard
Shrine Organ
and should be sold in a set.)
102-A "I AM" Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
102-B "I AM" Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class * C 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart ....Mr. G. W . Ballard
( Lotus Ray King, Harp I 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet)
Frederick Landwehr, ( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.... ..... Mr. G . W . Ballard
I Shrine Orqan ( 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.......... Mr. G . W . Ballard

Property of Saint Gennam Press, Inc.
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love .. Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard NOTICE!
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class)
effective at once, advance the cost of the Small C rystal Cups to
Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-A Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C up remains unchanged.
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory )
Mr. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction J
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M " Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Santa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
*J Arr]
'h -M
4 )
k / A
Already Released
R A IN B O W RAYS (16" for Playbacks only)
65 f I. Goddess of Purity .................................. j Frederick Landwehr,
*S O N G O F THE VIOLET FLAM E \ 1 Shrine Organ
C A LL TO LIGHT G O D FRE O U R LOVED O N E ASCENDED [ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto ................................. V Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
* " l A M " HERE
"I A M " C O M E ♦ ARCHANGEL M IC H A E L 66 "I AM Come (Duet) ..... ........................ Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and ( Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s are e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p iece of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of double-faced record.
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require
Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­
only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
SO N G FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. "I A M " Here ]
No. I -j 2. Angels of Saint Germain [ Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim ]

Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Archangel Michael j
^ Music and Lyrics
Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)

Small Size— for individual use....................................................Price $^?5

Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to e ach in d iv id u a l. N o d is c o u n ts are
allowed. PRO PERTY OF S A IN T G E R M A IN P R ES S , IN C .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

* C H IC A G O ,IL L IN O IS. •
Copyrighted By ^ P roperty ofSaint Germain Press,IncJ9 1943

Copyright -Sdmt Germain Press Inc 1943. WayD'o.Camara (343

B y the A scen ded M asters an d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

(jopyricfh t-jSa in t Cjermai n SPrestif Tn a 1.943 ■

“I AM”—
A M ” is G od’s N am e— the G reat Cosmic W ord!
T he M ightiest Sound that man ever heard,
The G reat Cosmic Power fulfilling each call,
T he One M ighty Self that rules over all!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Light— now clearing our way!
Enfolding us here and holding full sway!
Releasing all G ifts from Life’s M ighty H eart,
A nd holding us close— ne’er more shall we part!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Love— now blessing each one!
H ealing forever with R ays from the Sun!
Transcendent It flows— in, thru, around, above!
A n d in us abides— the Presence to prove!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Power— now carrying Us thru!
Light opening our W ay — and raising us too!
W e give It to all— and stand unafraid!
Perfecting all things— and never dismayed!
“ I A M ” is G od’s M ight— the G reat Freeing Power,
Compelling release from discord each hour,
A nd raising us all to Light’s Cosmic Realm,
For by that G reat Light, all else we o’erwhelm!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Peace— all Life’s M ighty G oal!
Light’s G reat Divine Plan— all Glory untold!
A ll V ictory comes thru from G od’s Glorious H and,
T he G reat Cosmic W ord! is now in command!
* * * *
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE the interference of anyone with this Light! There was a
time some three years ago, when it could have been quite
S A N F R A N C IS C O C L A S S dangerous to this Light. Certain destructive forces could
A ugust 15, 1939 have acted, but they did not take advantage of it; there­
fore, W e rejoice and of course, there is always a reason
Y B E L O V E D precious ones of the Light! I why they did not!
have information for you today which I am
N ow then, all discarnate entities have been removed
quite sure you will never forget! M any have
from within California! (applause — audience rising).
noticed that I was rejoicing considerably,
D ear ones, this means that the individuals within the state,
recently. I will tell you something of why today. I have
who have been allowing themselves to be made claws of
been waiting not only these five years, but a long time for
destructive forces, will find that there is no sustaining
this point, and for many others to arrive; and please
power! They will wander around and wonder why they
remember these W ords in all you do, in all you wish to
have been doing certain things!
have done and in your application.
Oh, my dear ones, you have no more idea than an
T he momentum has been gained by the student body
infant, unless you could see from O ur Standpoint, the
throughout A m erica; and I am speaking now of those
pressure which was upon mankind, when I first brought
particularly in Am erica, who have gained sufficient mo­
this Light forth! Y ou would not believe, unless you saw!
mentum to go on and steadily gain. H ow ever, a few who
H ow could you believe, unless you saw with your own
might turn aside, will not affect it in any w ay; for that
eyes, the Power of that achievement? W e do not expect
momentum will continue to build in its constructive Com ­
you to, because it is not possible in the human intellect,
manding Presence and Power, and that is what W e have
to grasp the fulness of all that has been done; yet I bring
needed so much!
it to your attention, because it has been done!
D o you understand what this means, all wavering of
T his power which is gaining Its Dominion, is the
the energy of the student body, or individuals sent forth
Power of Light and as your calls go forth daily, and many
for this constructive purpose, is henceforth held perfectly
places hourly, it is constantly strengthening and intensify,
steady like a great avalanche moving down the mountain?
ing — that momentum going on and on gaining its power.
A t first, it goes quite slowly, does it not? Yet as it gains
momentum by its weight, power and force, it moves with N ow then, notice this carefully; when more than 51%
greater rapidity. So now, in this momentum which has of the momentum has been gained, remember — It begins
been gained, it will continue; because many more will to draw from the Infinite Power of Light Itself! D o you
come in, to add their forces in the calls to Light, than those see, do you understand, my precious people, what it means
who withdraw. So far, the few who have withdrawn are to the Constructive Power in Am erica? W ell it is just
but a fragment in comparison to the great numbers who gigantic, stupendous, collosal!
are loyal and true! I want you to feel that, so you Therefore, dear ones, I want you to rejoice with all
remove any question of anxiety in your minds, concerning you are, at this achievement. T his will mean that your
4 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. officials in the state, will not be so easily preyed upon by
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
destructive forces! N ow , really, what the M essengers I ask you to observe this now among the activities of
have called for from the beginning, will begin to take place. the State, because the newspapers will keep you informed!
M ankind and the officials will begin to be more interested They do not know it, but they will just the same. T his will
in the welfare of Am erica, than they are in their individual give you such infinite courage and strength, because my
fortunes. H ow many hundreds of centuries has this been dear ones, this immeasurable pressure which is being re­
needed! and at last it is reached! moved from you who are in the State here, it is not possible
O h, my dear ones, when you understand that for more to describe it in so many words.
than two hundred years, I have served the Powers of Light I say this, to try to give you just a little idea. If each
to bring this about, do you understand then, a little of one of you were under a canopy in which great pressure
what tenacity means? M ay you have the same tenacity was constantly bearing down upon you; and you knew no
for your Freedom, for your Ascension, that I have had for way by which to release yourself from it, that would give
the Freedom of Am erica which of course includes you! you some idea of what the pressure has been upon the ma­
Then, you and the officials of the state or the nation — jority of mankind.
T ake what you might outwardly term, fiercely posi­
as this W ider Expansion takes place in the service to Life,
tive individuals. They repel a large part of that, but peo­
in the service to the state and to the nation, by the very
ple who by nature are very kindly and inoffensive, so to
Law and Power of Light and Life — must be abundantly
speak, feel to assert a repellant force would harm someone.
provided for! W on’t you see that, dear blessed students? O h, my dear ones, such a thing is impossible! Y ou are the
Y ou see as you serve the Light, Its very Power begins to guardians of your world, and unless you repel destructive
produce greater Perfection for you. I know this has been forces, they will come in just like a wedge driving in, and
in the minds of many and they have rebelled just a little one day, you will find it beyond your ability to handle them.
bit, because things did not manifest more quickly to their These are such vital things to you, and remember the
liking! W ell perhaps in their Life-stream, there was much M ighty V ictory told you, that great achievement would
to be dissolved! Suppose there were, then you must go be attained here! W ell it is done! Therefore, remember
on patiently, until that is dissolved; then you will find this now! D o not let yourself fall back into the old idea,
that Freedom! Then, you will find the forces that have that there are some entities around interfering with you,
sought you and attem pted to deprive you, will be generous because there won’t be any.
in their absence. N ow , will you listen very carefully? Y ou remember
M y dear ones, I have observed the mass of the students in Unveiled M ysteries, where there is the description of
thruout Am erica and have seen O h, innumerable causes w hat took place when the M essenger began to go forth
with M e, in the body which I created for his use; and he
and openings for destructive forces to drive in. One time,
looked back with some anxiety at his body laying there in
it is the husband, another time it is the wife, who becomes
company with the panther, wondering just how things
antagonistic to this Light! O f course, some excuse is al­
would fare. Seeing that, I immediately threw the Circle
ways there, which is many times, largely from discam ate of Blue Flame around both of them, then at once he seemed
quite satisfied.
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
N ow then, how do you think W e keep more from com­
to Light and Life! Remember, that all you call forth, is
ing into the area from which these entities are removed?
under the A ction of your own “ M ighty I A M Presence,”
By exactly that Same Power! By the W all of Blue Flame!
thru the H igher M ental Body, and do you think It would
W hy do you think It will do that so absolutely? Because
do any wrong? Oh, don’t you see It could not! I know
every discarnate entity is deathly afraid of It! T h at sounds
a great many who have remained in distress, because they
like a peculiar expression, does it not; but I am trying to
feared to make some of these calls. W ell, it is just too
convey to you the assurance of it! Even when the black
bad for you, if you are afraid to do it. D are to do and be
magicians existed, they absolutely made no move in their
silent! Remember, dare to do what you know, and be
destructive power, whenever they saw the Presence of
that Blue Flame; because they knew, they could not pass
It! I prompt you dear students, be careful how you decree
for individuals to do certain things! Y ou are treading on
N ow then, will you observe all over Am erica and the
dangerous grounds, if you do! T he principal thing you
earth that people pass on here and there, who have been
have to do is, to perfect your own world and purify it.
very destructive? Y ou might not know it in the outer
D o not worry about the other fellow! O f course, you
world, but W e do! W e know everyone of them! W e
may decree for his or her Perfection, but be careful what
have their names and addresses! W e are watching the
you do outside of that! Y ou know individuals have
operation of this G reat Law ! O h, I feel so often in the
decreed and decreed and decreed to come into the Staff!
audience, when the M essengers become very dynamic, in
W ell, had I not anything to do about it? A m I to be
the use of this Consuming Power and annihilation of all
ignored? Is M y W isdom to be ignored, that your Decree
that is destructive, some almost shrivel up; because they
be fulfilled regardless? W ell, you notice it does not occur,
do not understand what that means! Oh, my precious
people, that is the destroying of destructive qualities; and unless I so wish it!
when the call is made from the human octave, to withdraw Oh, my dear ones, I must be the Regulator of this
the Energy from wholly destructive individuals, my good­ G reat A ctivity! In spite of the few who seem to think
ness, my dear ones, do you not see, that it is the greatest I am a myth, I happen to know, that I am very R eal and
mercy which could ever be called forth in the world! very Tangible! Some have found M y Tangibility in
Europe to be Real! (applause) Y ou know many long
W hy allow destructive individuals to go on, building
years ago, in M y Tangibility, I rendered a very G reat Serv­
and building, what would take them centuries to undo,
ice at the inception of your A m erica; and just recently
when by the call from the human octave, for the Energy
I rendered perhaps in some ways a greater service in W ash-
to be withdrawn, it would prevent them going on in that
ington and N ew York! Oh, I was there in M y Tangible
destructive thing which builds more destruction— no one
Body, quite visible to all, but they did not know it! If
could estimate how much, not even W e; because W e would
they had known it was M e, some of their hair would have
not know how far it was going to continue.
stood straight up!
O h, please dear ones, dismiss from your minds any
D o you know that I am subject to two conditions—
fear or that you are doing any wrong in using this call
a very much maligned individual and a very much feared
8 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
individual? D o you know at the mention of M y Nam e T w o forces, Light and darkness, operated; and there was
to certain forces, they tremble for hours. D o you think a constant battle between the Light and darkness! T h at
I am so vicious? O h no, they know I am not; but they is why some who touched this Light and loved the M es­
know I stand for Divine Justice and I shall have it! (ap ­ sengers so greatly, were later seized upon and turned aside
plause) and since the Goddess of Justice has come forth, from T his A ctivity by that accumulation — Oh, not en­
the fulfilling of M y, O ur A lm ighty R ay; then, have you tities, not black magicians; but by the accumulation of
not noticed that things are taking place much more rapidly? that destructive force, which still remained here over that
T h e ladies are very important, gentlemen! Y ou might not ancient focus! T h at is gone forever! (applause — audi­
believe it, but I had to wait a long time for the Goddess ence rising)
of Justice to come forth to M y A ssistance! D o you quite Please remember that it means, dear ones, this Bay
understand that? I don’t think you did! M ay I repeat
A rea and Oakland, are not missed in the operation! D o
that: “ I waited a long time for the Goddess of Justice,
you wonder that I feel so joyful, dear people, when I see
the other Part of M yself, to come forth to M y A ssistance” ;
surely and steadily that achievement, which will one day
(applause) because She had purified H erself long before
give you, your blessed Freedom; will see you supplied with
I did; and had withdrawn into the G reat Silence, because
everything you require for your happiness, comfort and
of the pressure of human creation of this earth. Then, service of the Light! It has to come, dear ones, if you
when I had gained a certain V ictory thru your assistance, keep up your application! There is not one thing in the
the great student body of Am erica and the world, She human octave, which can keep it from you, not one single
was ready to come forth and remain, (ap p lau se). thing, because this pressure, this outside opposing force
N ow , dear ones, remember that in all these achieve­ has been removed!
ments, it is Cosmically vital to Am erica and to the people T h at does not mean, you may not have in your own
of A m erica! D o you quite understand, that all this which Life-stream that which must still be consumed; but if you
is done now in these various achievements of which W e will call the Presence to use the V iolet Consuming Flame
speak, is by the Power of Light and the A uthority of the and hold you within that T ube of Light, then if you really
“ M ighty I A M Presence,” which W e have become! mean it, whatever is in your Life-stream, will go into the
T h at is the same as your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” except, Violet Consuming Flame and be dissolved! Oh, that there
W e have carried the purified Substance from the struc­ were words to convey into your being the full import of
ture of earth into the Electronic Body of the “ M ighty that! It does not mean any terrifying activity of the Violet
I A M ,” which gives U s the A uthority and Power to act Consuming Flame, but it does mean a great calm positive
in the physical octave at your call! determination upon your part, as you call the Presence
These Law s are Alm ighty, my dear ones, and remem­ to set the V iolet Consumi ig Flame into action; and dis­
ber these achievements are no one’s imagination! T hey solve everything which comes forth from your Life-stream;
are M ighty Real! Therefore now please keep your seats, for remember, W e have said time and again, whatever is
when I say this: Long before the last cataclysm of four­ the destructive accumulation in your Life-stream of the
teen thousand or more years ago, a city — stood here! past, has to come forth to you to be dissolved and con­
in Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. jj
sumed; because it cannot go anywhere else! Y ou are its T h at is why, my dear ones, O h your gratitude should be
creator, you were its generator and you called it forth into so great, and I am sure it is with many; but I say to all,
action; therefore, it has to come thru your Life-stream release such gratitude from your being, as you never
into the Violet Consuming Flame, which you call the thought possible for you to do, in the future! Then, per­
Presence to establish, in order to set you free from that haps seeing Life, seeing that depth of gratitude, will re­
accumulation. It is the most practical thing in the whole lease more quickly Its Powers of Freedom to you!
wide world. I tell you, beloved ones, you stand in sight of the
If you set fire to your home in fun and you did not put apex, the change of the world! You stand in the most glor­
it out, before it gained momentum, it would burn your ious condition mankind has ever known; because of the
home up, wouldn’t it? T h at would be your responsibility, ease of achievement that is yours today. O h you think
because you set it on fire. W ell, you have set on fire the you have struggles with your problems! D ear me, what
human creation of your accumulation of the past; and if is your problem of a life time, in comparison to five years
you do not put it out, it will put you out again, because of what I went thru in that forty?
it has many times! D ear ones, that is why by the A uthority and Power
Think of all those embodiments, when you have lived of the G reat Cosmic Light, those G reat Beings W ho have
in these limitations. Think of all I have lived! Think of joined U s and released into O ur U se these Powers, not
all the Ascended M asters lived, while They were render­ known before, are making all this possible for you; and if
ing many times great great service; but They could not do it had not been, that I was the Law of the Seventh Ray,
many things then, because of the Dispensations of Life; which is the V iolet R ay of this earth, the V iolet R ay could
the Cosmic Light had not so granted it; and by great priva­ not have come forth! If I had not chosen to render this
tion and struggle, T hey won the battle for Freedom! I Service to mankind, still It would not have been available
did! Oh, my dear ones, if you saw the period — this is to you and your human creation could not have been dis­
the first time I have ever touched upon it and I am not solved; because It is the only Power in Heaven or earth
going into it; but for a period of forty years, I went thru that will do it! The other R ays of Life do not do what
such terrifying things, as you could not even imagine; the Violet Consuming Flame will do! T he M essengers
because under the Law by which I was attaining at the have told you this, but I assure you that there is no Ray
time! T oday, my dear people, in the glory, the comfort, known, not even the T w o Secret R ays which Cosmos has
the Freedom of your homes and these beautiful buildings, brought forth, will do what the V iolet Consuming Flame
you have the opportunity to attain your Freedom without will do in this one respect— the dissolving and consuming
any of that terrifying struggle, which W e went thru in of your own creation and accumulation!
those ages, when there was no assistance as today. Every­
I want, today, to make this so vivid and vital to you,
thing was gained by your own individual effort, just bend­
that you will with great determination and earnest­
ing every force and power in your being, at deadly destruc­
ness, make the call three times a day, for that M ighty
tive forces, which were trying to prevent you rising out
Activity to be intensified! Oh, my dear ones, It cannot
of your own accumulation and into the Glory of that
harm anything! It just keeps dissolved and consumed all
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
discordant destructive creation of your past, as it comes from China, transporting him to H is Hom e. H e might
forth to be dissolved, and that has to be done! M y dear have known, I have not asked him, but I suspect that he
ones, this has to be done before your Ascension can take little knew, it was the wedge which would one day release
place! the Powers of Light, which would set China free and
N ow , I have something to say which touches M e very bring her into a nation of honor again!
deeply. For the first time in four and a half million years, D on’t forget, my dear ones, that China still holds the
this is made possible to this earth— that children in this world’s record for honesty among the nations of the earth!
embodiment may make the Ascension! (applause) A (applause) N o t only is that record here, but W e have
little one in Eureka who just made the Ascension, is one that record! I never depend upon any human record, I
of those! keep M y own!
N ow rejoice, and I say to our precious Lotus, rejoice Therefore, beloved ones, today, in this which is
now, as you hear these words. The M ighty Eriel, and the brought to your attention, it should give you the greatest
W ondrous Fun W ay, who have loved China, have been encouragement and strength in your experience, to go
rendering a stupendous Service to China. Over ten thou­ forw ard in your Decrees, to your V ictory and Ascension
sand children from China have made the Ascension! in the Light! W hen W e promise you something, if you
(applause — audience rising). Beloved Eriel has brought will cooperate with U s, you will find that it is done! W e
sixty to H is Retreat in Am erica, to prepare them for their have fulfilled far more, than W e even intimated to you!
Ascension. There will yet be raised up in China, Ascended N ow observe, the M essengers thought it was quite
M aster Friends who will sweep the dope activity forever impossible to take these three days here; but some of you
from within its border; (applause) and will set those peo­ thought otherwise. Y ou took the right attitude! (a p ­
ple forever free from the miasma and confusing power gen­ plause) Y ou called to the W isdom of the Presence to act!
erated by entities in the use of that substance. If you If you had called to decree them here, they would not have
will remember, there were many among the people who been here; but you called for the W isdom of the Presence
became so deeply enmeshed in the use of it, that they could to act, if it be right! Then, they came and this great
not leave the earth! T h at held the dope substance about achievement has taken place in three days, perhaps four
the people; but, today, great Power will be released and days!
great effort will be made by the Ascended Ones, from I want you to rejoice, people of San Francisco, as you
today, to remove the influence of that condition from the never did before, for all that has been removed from your
brains and minds of the people of China; and they will midst! Y ou will find greater power and speed in the an­
assert their Dominion! (applause) swers to your calls; and the great great release from the
N ow , while you are standing for a few moments, please sense of pressure which so many have felt. D id you notice,
see and understand this: — In all that is being done for what the M ighty Fiat was, that the M essenger gave in his
Am erica and her Freedom, see how far reaching is your invocation? O f course you did! W ell do you know what
service, your calls to Life; and see what a seemingly simple that means? T his to M e is the final G lory for you, beloved
thing it was, when Eriel brought Fun W ay as an infant ones here, in the V ictory of your great stability to the
14 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
Light. T h at means the Sw ord of Blue Flame will cut every T h at is why, when here stood one of the powerful de­
sincere student free, from the influence of other indi­ structive forces of an ancient focus, when it could no longer
viduals! N ow , remember to make your calls and see that be fed, then there has come the time when its cause, effect,
they are sustained. and record could be dissolved forever! It is done! T here­
I never had such rejoicing in all the other achievements fore, today, my beloved ones, is a day, I trust, you will
that have been; because I have long long waited to have never forget thruout eternity; because to M e, it is the
dissolved and consumed, this ancient focus here and in Los Assurance of the Freedom and Ascension of everyone of
Angeles. It is a great day for the Light, a great day! (ap ­ you who will so determine it; and you will not find the
plause) I ask you to observe the great Freedom and ease, struggle you have had in the past in your application, and
release, confidence and Power, you feel in your application! doing the things you require or wish to do!
T ake notice of it, then let it expand, increase and intensify! Remember you are serving Life for your Freedom!
W hat a day for you, O h beloved ones of California and W ith all your Love to the M essengers and to M e, still all
the Bay District, what a day! Released from centuries you do, is serving Life for your Freedom! O f course, you
upon centuries of binding power! M y dear ones, I do not are giving M e great assistance in that which I wish to do
wonder at your great great love for these Beloved M essen­ for Am erica and you; but after all, you are serving Life,
gers, who have stood so fearlessly and dauntless before all and it is so important that you feel that! D on’t feel that
the destructive forces known to man; going forth pouring you are just serving the M essengers or M e, you are serv­
out the limit of their energy for your protection, for your ing Life, because that is what you have to serve in order
enlightenment and for your Freedom; ready always to to be free!
respond and to go wherever is required to render Service For every asristance you give to U s, of course you have
to Life! Remember, you who love them so much, that O ur Deep Gratitude, but to keep before your mind and
Life will love you as greatly and with a Power that is yet feeling, tbe fact that all you do in the Service of the Light,
inconceivable to you! is serving Life for your Freedom, then you will have the
In the Glory of this Light of which you have become right attitude! Then Life, one day, will turn and serve
a part, a far greater part than you yet realize, may yoii you; and hold you in Its M ighty Embrace of Light, into
today enter into the Fuller Realization of that part of the the Glory of Its Eternal Freedom! I thank you.
Life which you are! Since the Light of Eternity is anchored * * * *
within your physical heart and the constant expansion of
the Points of Light is within the cells cf your body now,
then are you not in Reality a Child of the Light, Children
of the Light? T h at has become a Reality, my dear ones!
A t first, it might have seemed as words, but words become
a reality in the release of the Energy of Life! Therefore,
you have become Children of the Light in actuality, by the
Expansion of the Light within the cells of your bodies.
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
THE MOST RECENT AND f. The Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Power of the
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, controlling all in my
IMPORTANT DECREES being and world R IG H T N O W
i “I AM ” !
3 PREAM BLES g. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., “ I A M ” ! lous control of all in, thru and around my being and
T h e ........... of th e ..............., I command! world R IG H T N O W
T h e ........... of th e ..............., is mine today! “I A M ” !
T h e ...........of the................, thru me shall forever hold sway! h. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., shall fill my world each day! lous M usic of the Spheres, controlling all in my being
A nd M IR A C L E S o f ................, thru me shall forever hold and world R IG H T N O W
sway! “I AM ” !
A ll Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and D addy’s P E R F E C T IO N i. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible M iracu­
O F L IG H T , shall rule my world each day; and M IR ­ lous Healing of all I contact today and forever
A C L E S O F L IG H T ( 3 ) , thru me forever hold sway! “I AM ” !
* * * * j. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible, Eternal
U se the above form for the following; changing pronouns Safety of the Light, controlling all in my being and
where needed: world R IG H T N O W
a. A ll the Power (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand “I AM ” !
Suns in every word I speak R IG H T N O W , k. T h e Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
“I AM ” ! Safety of the Light, controlling all the stock and equip­
b. T h e Limitless Power (3 ) of M ercury’s All-knowing, ment of the Saint Germain Press and Foundation, the
Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond-shining M ind of God Voice of the “ I A M ,” and all under T his Radiation
“I AM ” ! “I AM ” !
c. T he Limitless Invincible Self-control in all I do R IG H T 1. T he Ascended M asters’ Invincible, Inexhaustible
NOW , W ealth, Supply and money in my hands and use
“I AM ” ! R IG H T N O W
d. T he Limitless Perfection of the Light of my Presence “I AM ” !
R IG H T N O W ,
m. Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the Substance from
“I AM ” !
the Secret Love Star flooding and controlling all in my
e. T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all
human desires and habits for all under This Radiation, being and world R IG H T N O W
“I AM ” !
today and forever
“I AM ” ! n. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
Freedom of the Light, controlling all in my being and 2
world R IG H T N O W 3 P R E A M B L E S — P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M
“I A M ” ! TH E G R EA T C E N T R A L SU N !
T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp (3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
those cases and stop orders on our mails for us and all
M iracles ( 3 ) , of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
under T his Radiation, R IG H T N O W , today and flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding, illum­
forever ining, purifying, balancing, freeing, harmonizing, healing,
“I AM ” ! supplying, protecting, perfecting, blessing, controlling
A ll the Limitless Invincible Defense of T his Light without limit, our beloved like a N iagara
R IG H T N O W Falls, rushing everywhere and taking him (her or them)
“I AM ” ! out of the clutches of all destructive forces today and for­
A ll the Ascended M asters’ Eternal Unconditional Sur­ ever, in One M ighty Stroke (R epeat 1 after each line)
render to T his Light R IG H T N O W
R ight now!
“I AM ” !
For all that human shall bow!
T h e Full Dominion of the Light of M y Presence
Each moment, each day!
For all our Light’s V ictory shall forever
“I AM ” !
hold sway!
A ll the G ifts from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave of
Light, R IG H T N O W A ll Y our M ighty Presence shall forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll Saint Germain’s Freedom shall forever hold sway!
A ll V ictory’s V ictory shall forever hold sway!
A ll the Limitless Invincible M anifestations of the
A ll D addy’s Obedience shall forever hold sway!
Cosmic Light R IG H T N O W
A ll Hercules’ Invincible Protection shall forever hold
“I AM ” !
A ll the Limitless Invincible Friends of the Light A ll the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim shall
R IG H T N O W forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll the Power of the Three times Three shall forever hold
A ll the Limitless, Invincible Power of the Legions of sway!
Light R IG H T N O W A ll the G reat Cosmic W ord “ I A M ” shall forever hold
“I AM ” ! sway! (3 )
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Indestructible H ar­ A ll the Cosmic Scythe of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns
mony, controlling all in my being and world R IG H T shall forever hold sway! (3 )
NOW A ll Jesus’ Luminous Presence shall forever hold sway! (3 )
“I AM ” ! A ll the Luminous Presence of the G reat Rainbow of C os­
mic Beings shall forever hold sway! (3 )
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
A ll N ad a’s Love, W isdom and Power shall forever hold c. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
sway! (3 ) C E N T R A L SU N !
A ll the Justice of the Goddess of Justice shall forever hold
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
sway! (3 )
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of M ighty A strea’s Circle of Blue
* * * *
Flame; and L E T T H E R E BE (3 ) all of Its Overwhelm­
U se the above form for the following: ing Power, Force and A ction (3 ) controlling all in,
a. P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and a ro u n d ______ ____ (any person, place, con­
C E N T R A L SU N ! dition or thing) which annihilates all that is not of the
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power Light in One M ighty Stroke!
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G R IG H T N O W ,
F L A M E and Blue Lightning of a Thousand Suns with­ etc.
out limit! * * * *
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C O M P E L
d. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
(3 ) the Divine D irector’s A uthority and Power to re­
C E N T R A L SU N !
lease ........................... (any person, place, condition or
thing) from all that is not of the Light in One M ighty Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
Stroke ( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Blue Lightning of a Thousand
R IG H T N O W , Suns!
etc. Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C H A R G E
* * * * (3 ) Oceans of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and B L U E L IG H T N IN G of a Thousand Suns in,
b. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and around the atmosphere over Am erica and
C E N T R A L SU N ! C O M P E L (3 ) the annihilation of all human creation;
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power cause, effect, record and memory, today and forever
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand in One M ighty Stroke!
Suns! R IG H T N O W ,
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame; and L E T etc.
T H E R E BE (3 ) the Overwhelming Power, Force and * * * *
A ction (3 ) of the C R O S S O F B L U E F L A M E of a
Thousand Suns, in, thru and around ....................... (any 3
person, place, conditions or thing) that annihilates (3 ) M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
all else in One M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W , I IN S I S T on the Complete, Eternal and Unconditional
etc. Ascended M aster Illumination of my mind and body,
being and world this very instant, flooding and charging
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 93
all I ever contact, with the Ascended M asters’ Perfec­ “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” H IG H E R M E N T A L
tion of Light without limit and holding all out of the B O D IE S O F A L L M A N K IN D ; A L L G R E A T
clutches of all destructive forces; today and forever, in One B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T !
M ighty Stroke! (3 )
R IG H T N O W , Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
etc. M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns!
Raise Your Sw ords of Blue Flame and S T O P , S T O P ,
* * * *
S T O P ! Drive and b in d ......................., driven against Saint
4 Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, our Beloved Don and all
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! the younger generation; ourselves and all under T his R adi­
I IN S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invin­ ation, back into the brains and bodies of its creators and
cible, Eternal, Ever-expanding Supply of all wealth, money claws, and C O M P E L (3 ) the whip of all their own vi­
and every good thing in my hands and use in all I do ciousness and all they intend against us and This Light,
today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke! to lash them and leash them, until they stop it against all
R IG H T N O W ! Life forever, bow to This Light and give way before Its
etc. Almighty Eternal Cosmic Authority and Power in One
* * * * M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W ,
5 etc.
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! Fill in blank space with the following:
I I N S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Release of all the a. A ll viciousness, destruction and intended destruction;
Power of Instantaneous Precipitation thru me today and legal action and intended legal action; injustice and per­
forever, in One M ighty Stroke! secution,
b. A ll political intrigue, treachery, plans, traps, activities
R IG H T N O W ,
etc. and hell and all intended hell.
* * * * c. A ll legal action and intended legal action, all hell and
intended hell thru them, driven against Saint Germain’s
6 “ I A M ” Activities.
NOTE: d. A ll those cases and stop orders on the mails.
U se the following four Decrees every day in order to ¥ * * *
break the vicious false accusations, legal actions and in­ 7
tended against Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities. A ll M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
these actions are a direct attack against religious freedom I IN S IS T on the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and the future education of the younger generation. of a Thousand Suns, charging thru every word I have ever
Y ou make the calls and the Ascended Ones will do what spoken today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke!
is required. R IG H T N O W !
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T ! Oh, that you might all comprehend what a Power­
house is your feeling world when harmonized and
(U se same form as in N o. 6)
drawn into wholly constructive activities. I must
A ll sabotage in our national defense, back into the prompt you that in the charge which you are calling
brains and bodies of its creators and claws, and C O M P E L forth into your feeling world, which is daily increasing,
(3 ) the whip of their own viciousness, etc. know that even the slightest feeling of irritation or
* * * *
disturbance should be governed. You have become a
power, which you, I am sorry to say, do not realize nor
My dear ones, mankind would be as helpless as an
infant without This Light I have drawn forth, and
without the assistance and, calls from the student body.
G E M S O F L IG H T Even the Light I have drawn forth, if it had not been
S A IN T G ERM AIN for the utilizing of these Decrees I would still be help­
The Cosmic Light is doing a Great Work for America less; all of Us would be helpless to render the service
— a very great service. May you all feel that and en­ that is absolutely imperative, and had to be done now
deavor to abide in it as much as possible. Each one of or not for a long long time.
you try to feel yourselves a part of that Cosmic Light. S A IN T G ERM AIN
It is human to err, but Divine to forgive. Since the Today, as I stand here giving you these words, My
world and human beings have all made grievous mis­ H eart’s Love enfolds you in such gratitude. Oh, sup­
takes, let us henceforth not dwell upon them. Knowing pose you have made mistakes, is it anything in compari­
that each one is responsible for whatever his or, her son with the great, good that you have achieved! Man­
mistakes may be, let us go forth in a happy glorious kind could, hardly be expected, not to make mistakes until
harmony of our attention to our Presence, refusing to they are Ascended, but so long as you are determined
see or experience anything that is discordant, then how and willing to get up and try again, then shall We win
quickly you would arise into that Great Happiness that the Victory in the end fully and, completely, never to be
words fail utterly to express, because It comes from repeated; and remember you are on your way to your
within. Goal, and, with your determined, call to the Presence, all
mistakes must cease and your Victory is assured.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
26 27
Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “ I A M ”
Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
Music of the Spheres; or music to which there are words
in our loose-leaf songs (except N os. 34, 49, 5 2 ).
Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germain and
the Other Ascended M asters are giving the M usic of the
Spheres which They request us to use; because of Its Spe­
cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended M asters’
Consciousness contained within it.
W e are building a permanent musical activity to re­
lease Ascended M aster Healings, Ascended M aster Bless­
ings, Ascended M aster Protection and Ascended M aster
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies which
are charged with Ascended M aster Feeling, and Ascended
M aster W ords, which are Cups that carry Their Ascended
M aster Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
who hear this M usic of the Spheres.
W e wish all our “ I A M ” M usical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the Greatest Light and Help
from the Ascended M asters’ Octave can go forth every­
where, to bless all mankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.
M R S . G. W . B A L L A R D \

28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and release of the third S O N G F O L D E R containing three
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
I 7. Helios, T he Daw n
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in
Am erica and $3.33 in foreign lands. T his applies to the N o. 3 \ 8. Lord— T he M aha Chohan
year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
( 9. T hou Seven M ighty Elohim
unexpired months of 1942.
A ll back issues may be secured at any time, either by Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c.
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­ T he Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s G roup and individual use.
issues, priced at $5.50. Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.
In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
each year.
Y our change of address must reach this office not later
than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s
issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
ping date. Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our
service to you assured.
Send A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S A N D O R D E R S to the
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc., Santa Fe, N . M ex. A c ­
company same with either checks, drafts, or Express M oney
Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Please do not send P .O .M .O .’s.
W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to GEMS OF LIGHT
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today. S A IN T G ERM AIN
W e thank and Bless all forever A great calm determination is one of the great re­
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C . P U B L IS H E R quirements in the release of the Great Powers of the
Presence, to regulate, govern, dissolve and consume
anything that is required; for the outer determination
is the activity of the Inner Will, which becomes one.
30 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a
chart in Miniature size 21/4x3%. T his small chart is a
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service.
Price each 7c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges. PROTECTION
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be
Price each 10c, plus shipping charges. W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
These M iniature Charts may be secured from the Saint where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the W estern Branch M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R
in Santa Fe. P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D
* * * • is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
W e announce the release of Our Beloved N ada’s pic­ for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished fully.
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
Mounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
charges. T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
charges. est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33

32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume 1........ ........... ............... By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author's experiences.
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c
"UN VEILED M YSTERIES'— In Two Volumes ............. ...Price $5.25
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II... . ....... .... ...By Godfre Ray King "THE M A G IC PRESEN C E"— In Three Volumes ........... — Price $7.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. "THE 'I A M ' D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes______ ________ Price $6.75
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c "A SC EN D ED MASTER D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes Price $7.00
"THE V O IC E O F THE 'I A M ' " ShiPPin^ charges extra
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yearly subscrip­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c tions begin with January 1943.
THE "I A M " ADO RATIO NS, A FFIRM A TIO N S AND DECREES, Volume V Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
Parts I and 2 ..... .................... .... ...........By Chanera In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
By Various Ascended Masters templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 5 '/ 2 x 8 '/ 2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Volume VII On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
CHARTS AND FLAM ES IN ACTIO N ( c . |0 0| p . t ._ nn
t Size 12x21 Price $65.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Above Charts mechanically animated . j S ize 30x52 Price $225.00
Violet Flame mechanically animated............... (Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III......... .... By the Great Divine Director , r| . . { Size 30x52 Price $225.00
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by (Shipping charges extra)
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JE S U S
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­
Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c
Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) M/jc per leaf. Shipping charges extra Profile Size 15x19^ 2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

“ vs
34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
I 202-A Son of Light (Duet) | R*y ,Km? ’ " " P
DECREE BOOKLETS X 202-B Call to Light (Duet) j F™*>.r|ek Landwehr,
................................ [ Shrine Organ
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
| 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) .... ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
I 203 B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) Frederick Landwehr,
[ Shrine Organ
Opulence and Supply f 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land ...........C Sung by Minute Men
Violet Flame and Healing i 505-B Silent Sentinel ............ ( of Saint Germain
"I A M " America's Freedom
Lotus Ray King, Harp

"I A M " Light Decrees
Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' I A M " Novachcrd
Activities.) 1000-B Dedication Donald Ray King
Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
Light My World
j RR-I20I Invocation -- ----- --- . Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ | RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp....... ..... Mrs. Ballard
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
f RR-1203 Benediction — ...... ............. ........... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each, I RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp.... Mrs. Ballard
( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ......... ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
\ 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ______ ___Mr. G. W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
Playback records are availa ble. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM C 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ...... ......... ......... Mr. G . W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........ ................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
hereafter. ( 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) .............. Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra ( 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
f 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
{ 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
( N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)
I N 100-B Lotus My Love ........................
Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ
| 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
1 N 101-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) .......
Frederick Landwehr,
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) ............ *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard
Shrine Organ
and should be sold in a set.)
102-A "I AM" Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
102-B "I AM" Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class * C 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart ....Mr. G. W . Ballard
( Lotus Ray King, Harp I 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet)
Frederick Landwehr, ( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.... ..... Mr. G . W . Ballard
I Shrine Orqan ( 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.......... Mr. G . W . Ballard

Property of Saint Gennam Press, Inc.
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love .. Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard NOTICE!
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class)
effective at once, advance the cost of the Small C rystal Cups to
Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-A Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C up remains unchanged.
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory )
Mr. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction J
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M " Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Santa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
*J Arr]
'h -M
4 )
k / A
Already Released
R A IN B O W RAYS (16" for Playbacks only)
65 f I. Goddess of Purity .................................. j Frederick Landwehr,
*S O N G O F THE VIOLET FLAM E \ 1 Shrine Organ
C A LL TO LIGHT G O D FRE O U R LOVED O N E ASCENDED [ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto ................................. V Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
* " l A M " HERE
"I A M " C O M E ♦ ARCHANGEL M IC H A E L 66 "I AM Come (Duet) ..... ........................ Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and ( Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s are e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p iece of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of double-faced record.
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require
Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­
only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
SO N G FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. "I A M " Here ]
No. I -j 2. Angels of Saint Germain [ Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim ]

Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Archangel Michael j
^ Music and Lyrics
Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)

Small Size— for individual use....................................................Price $^?5

Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to e ach in d iv id u a l. N o d is c o u n ts are
allowed. PRO PERTY OF S A IN T G E R M A IN P R ES S , IN C .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

* C H IC A G O ,IL L IN O IS. •
Copyrighted By ^ P roperty ofSaint Germain Press,IncJ9 1943

Copyright -Sdmt Germain Press Inc 1943. WayD'o.Camara (343

B y the A scen ded M asters an d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

(jopyricfh t-jSa in t Cjermai n SPrestif Tn a 1.943 ■

“I AM”—
A M ” is G od’s N am e— the G reat Cosmic W ord!
T he M ightiest Sound that man ever heard,
The G reat Cosmic Power fulfilling each call,
T he One M ighty Self that rules over all!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Light— now clearing our way!
Enfolding us here and holding full sway!
Releasing all G ifts from Life’s M ighty H eart,
A nd holding us close— ne’er more shall we part!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Love— now blessing each one!
H ealing forever with R ays from the Sun!
Transcendent It flows— in, thru, around, above!
A n d in us abides— the Presence to prove!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Power— now carrying Us thru!
Light opening our W ay — and raising us too!
W e give It to all— and stand unafraid!
Perfecting all things— and never dismayed!
“ I A M ” is G od’s M ight— the G reat Freeing Power,
Compelling release from discord each hour,
A nd raising us all to Light’s Cosmic Realm,
For by that G reat Light, all else we o’erwhelm!
“ I A M ” is G od’s Peace— all Life’s M ighty G oal!
Light’s G reat Divine Plan— all Glory untold!
A ll V ictory comes thru from G od’s Glorious H and,
T he G reat Cosmic W ord! is now in command!
* * * *
SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE the interference of anyone with this Light! There was a
time some three years ago, when it could have been quite
S A N F R A N C IS C O C L A S S dangerous to this Light. Certain destructive forces could
A ugust 15, 1939 have acted, but they did not take advantage of it; there­
fore, W e rejoice and of course, there is always a reason
Y B E L O V E D precious ones of the Light! I why they did not!
have information for you today which I am
N ow then, all discarnate entities have been removed
quite sure you will never forget! M any have
from within California! (applause — audience rising).
noticed that I was rejoicing considerably,
D ear ones, this means that the individuals within the state,
recently. I will tell you something of why today. I have
who have been allowing themselves to be made claws of
been waiting not only these five years, but a long time for
destructive forces, will find that there is no sustaining
this point, and for many others to arrive; and please
power! They will wander around and wonder why they
remember these W ords in all you do, in all you wish to
have been doing certain things!
have done and in your application.
Oh, my dear ones, you have no more idea than an
T he momentum has been gained by the student body
infant, unless you could see from O ur Standpoint, the
throughout A m erica; and I am speaking now of those
pressure which was upon mankind, when I first brought
particularly in Am erica, who have gained sufficient mo­
this Light forth! Y ou would not believe, unless you saw!
mentum to go on and steadily gain. H ow ever, a few who
H ow could you believe, unless you saw with your own
might turn aside, will not affect it in any w ay; for that
eyes, the Power of that achievement? W e do not expect
momentum will continue to build in its constructive Com ­
you to, because it is not possible in the human intellect,
manding Presence and Power, and that is what W e have
to grasp the fulness of all that has been done; yet I bring
needed so much!
it to your attention, because it has been done!
D o you understand what this means, all wavering of
T his power which is gaining Its Dominion, is the
the energy of the student body, or individuals sent forth
Power of Light and as your calls go forth daily, and many
for this constructive purpose, is henceforth held perfectly
places hourly, it is constantly strengthening and intensify,
steady like a great avalanche moving down the mountain?
ing — that momentum going on and on gaining its power.
A t first, it goes quite slowly, does it not? Yet as it gains
momentum by its weight, power and force, it moves with N ow then, notice this carefully; when more than 51%
greater rapidity. So now, in this momentum which has of the momentum has been gained, remember — It begins
been gained, it will continue; because many more will to draw from the Infinite Power of Light Itself! D o you
come in, to add their forces in the calls to Light, than those see, do you understand, my precious people, what it means
who withdraw. So far, the few who have withdrawn are to the Constructive Power in Am erica? W ell it is just
but a fragment in comparison to the great numbers who gigantic, stupendous, collosal!
are loyal and true! I want you to feel that, so you Therefore, dear ones, I want you to rejoice with all
remove any question of anxiety in your minds, concerning you are, at this achievement. T his will mean that your
4 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. officials in the state, will not be so easily preyed upon by
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
destructive forces! N ow , really, what the M essengers I ask you to observe this now among the activities of
have called for from the beginning, will begin to take place. the State, because the newspapers will keep you informed!
M ankind and the officials will begin to be more interested They do not know it, but they will just the same. T his will
in the welfare of Am erica, than they are in their individual give you such infinite courage and strength, because my
fortunes. H ow many hundreds of centuries has this been dear ones, this immeasurable pressure which is being re­
needed! and at last it is reached! moved from you who are in the State here, it is not possible
O h, my dear ones, when you understand that for more to describe it in so many words.
than two hundred years, I have served the Powers of Light I say this, to try to give you just a little idea. If each
to bring this about, do you understand then, a little of one of you were under a canopy in which great pressure
what tenacity means? M ay you have the same tenacity was constantly bearing down upon you; and you knew no
for your Freedom, for your Ascension, that I have had for way by which to release yourself from it, that would give
the Freedom of Am erica which of course includes you! you some idea of what the pressure has been upon the ma­
Then, you and the officials of the state or the nation — jority of mankind.
T ake what you might outwardly term, fiercely posi­
as this W ider Expansion takes place in the service to Life,
tive individuals. They repel a large part of that, but peo­
in the service to the state and to the nation, by the very
ple who by nature are very kindly and inoffensive, so to
Law and Power of Light and Life — must be abundantly
speak, feel to assert a repellant force would harm someone.
provided for! W on’t you see that, dear blessed students? O h, my dear ones, such a thing is impossible! Y ou are the
Y ou see as you serve the Light, Its very Power begins to guardians of your world, and unless you repel destructive
produce greater Perfection for you. I know this has been forces, they will come in just like a wedge driving in, and
in the minds of many and they have rebelled just a little one day, you will find it beyond your ability to handle them.
bit, because things did not manifest more quickly to their These are such vital things to you, and remember the
liking! W ell perhaps in their Life-stream, there was much M ighty V ictory told you, that great achievement would
to be dissolved! Suppose there were, then you must go be attained here! W ell it is done! Therefore, remember
on patiently, until that is dissolved; then you will find this now! D o not let yourself fall back into the old idea,
that Freedom! Then, you will find the forces that have that there are some entities around interfering with you,
sought you and attem pted to deprive you, will be generous because there won’t be any.
in their absence. N ow , will you listen very carefully? Y ou remember
M y dear ones, I have observed the mass of the students in Unveiled M ysteries, where there is the description of
thruout Am erica and have seen O h, innumerable causes w hat took place when the M essenger began to go forth
with M e, in the body which I created for his use; and he
and openings for destructive forces to drive in. One time,
looked back with some anxiety at his body laying there in
it is the husband, another time it is the wife, who becomes
company with the panther, wondering just how things
antagonistic to this Light! O f course, some excuse is al­
would fare. Seeing that, I immediately threw the Circle
ways there, which is many times, largely from discam ate of Blue Flame around both of them, then at once he seemed
quite satisfied.
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
N ow then, how do you think W e keep more from com­
to Light and Life! Remember, that all you call forth, is
ing into the area from which these entities are removed?
under the A ction of your own “ M ighty I A M Presence,”
By exactly that Same Power! By the W all of Blue Flame!
thru the H igher M ental Body, and do you think It would
W hy do you think It will do that so absolutely? Because
do any wrong? Oh, don’t you see It could not! I know
every discarnate entity is deathly afraid of It! T h at sounds
a great many who have remained in distress, because they
like a peculiar expression, does it not; but I am trying to
feared to make some of these calls. W ell, it is just too
convey to you the assurance of it! Even when the black
bad for you, if you are afraid to do it. D are to do and be
magicians existed, they absolutely made no move in their
silent! Remember, dare to do what you know, and be
destructive power, whenever they saw the Presence of
that Blue Flame; because they knew, they could not pass
It! I prompt you dear students, be careful how you decree
for individuals to do certain things! Y ou are treading on
N ow then, will you observe all over Am erica and the
dangerous grounds, if you do! T he principal thing you
earth that people pass on here and there, who have been
have to do is, to perfect your own world and purify it.
very destructive? Y ou might not know it in the outer
D o not worry about the other fellow! O f course, you
world, but W e do! W e know everyone of them! W e
may decree for his or her Perfection, but be careful what
have their names and addresses! W e are watching the
you do outside of that! Y ou know individuals have
operation of this G reat Law ! O h, I feel so often in the
decreed and decreed and decreed to come into the Staff!
audience, when the M essengers become very dynamic, in
W ell, had I not anything to do about it? A m I to be
the use of this Consuming Power and annihilation of all
ignored? Is M y W isdom to be ignored, that your Decree
that is destructive, some almost shrivel up; because they
be fulfilled regardless? W ell, you notice it does not occur,
do not understand what that means! Oh, my precious
people, that is the destroying of destructive qualities; and unless I so wish it!
when the call is made from the human octave, to withdraw Oh, my dear ones, I must be the Regulator of this
the Energy from wholly destructive individuals, my good­ G reat A ctivity! In spite of the few who seem to think
ness, my dear ones, do you not see, that it is the greatest I am a myth, I happen to know, that I am very R eal and
mercy which could ever be called forth in the world! very Tangible! Some have found M y Tangibility in
Europe to be Real! (applause) Y ou know many long
W hy allow destructive individuals to go on, building
years ago, in M y Tangibility, I rendered a very G reat Serv­
and building, what would take them centuries to undo,
ice at the inception of your A m erica; and just recently
when by the call from the human octave, for the Energy
I rendered perhaps in some ways a greater service in W ash-
to be withdrawn, it would prevent them going on in that
ington and N ew York! Oh, I was there in M y Tangible
destructive thing which builds more destruction— no one
Body, quite visible to all, but they did not know it! If
could estimate how much, not even W e; because W e would
they had known it was M e, some of their hair would have
not know how far it was going to continue.
stood straight up!
O h, please dear ones, dismiss from your minds any
D o you know that I am subject to two conditions—
fear or that you are doing any wrong in using this call
a very much maligned individual and a very much feared
8 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
individual? D o you know at the mention of M y Nam e T w o forces, Light and darkness, operated; and there was
to certain forces, they tremble for hours. D o you think a constant battle between the Light and darkness! T h at
I am so vicious? O h no, they know I am not; but they is why some who touched this Light and loved the M es­
know I stand for Divine Justice and I shall have it! (ap ­ sengers so greatly, were later seized upon and turned aside
plause) and since the Goddess of Justice has come forth, from T his A ctivity by that accumulation — Oh, not en­
the fulfilling of M y, O ur A lm ighty R ay; then, have you tities, not black magicians; but by the accumulation of
not noticed that things are taking place much more rapidly? that destructive force, which still remained here over that
T h e ladies are very important, gentlemen! Y ou might not ancient focus! T h at is gone forever! (applause — audi­
believe it, but I had to wait a long time for the Goddess ence rising)
of Justice to come forth to M y A ssistance! D o you quite Please remember that it means, dear ones, this Bay
understand that? I don’t think you did! M ay I repeat
A rea and Oakland, are not missed in the operation! D o
that: “ I waited a long time for the Goddess of Justice,
you wonder that I feel so joyful, dear people, when I see
the other Part of M yself, to come forth to M y A ssistance” ;
surely and steadily that achievement, which will one day
(applause) because She had purified H erself long before
give you, your blessed Freedom; will see you supplied with
I did; and had withdrawn into the G reat Silence, because
everything you require for your happiness, comfort and
of the pressure of human creation of this earth. Then, service of the Light! It has to come, dear ones, if you
when I had gained a certain V ictory thru your assistance, keep up your application! There is not one thing in the
the great student body of Am erica and the world, She human octave, which can keep it from you, not one single
was ready to come forth and remain, (ap p lau se). thing, because this pressure, this outside opposing force
N ow , dear ones, remember that in all these achieve­ has been removed!
ments, it is Cosmically vital to Am erica and to the people T h at does not mean, you may not have in your own
of A m erica! D o you quite understand, that all this which Life-stream that which must still be consumed; but if you
is done now in these various achievements of which W e will call the Presence to use the V iolet Consuming Flame
speak, is by the Power of Light and the A uthority of the and hold you within that T ube of Light, then if you really
“ M ighty I A M Presence,” which W e have become! mean it, whatever is in your Life-stream, will go into the
T h at is the same as your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” except, Violet Consuming Flame and be dissolved! Oh, that there
W e have carried the purified Substance from the struc­ were words to convey into your being the full import of
ture of earth into the Electronic Body of the “ M ighty that! It does not mean any terrifying activity of the Violet
I A M ,” which gives U s the A uthority and Power to act Consuming Flame, but it does mean a great calm positive
in the physical octave at your call! determination upon your part, as you call the Presence
These Law s are Alm ighty, my dear ones, and remem­ to set the V iolet Consumi ig Flame into action; and dis­
ber these achievements are no one’s imagination! T hey solve everything which comes forth from your Life-stream;
are M ighty Real! Therefore now please keep your seats, for remember, W e have said time and again, whatever is
when I say this: Long before the last cataclysm of four­ the destructive accumulation in your Life-stream of the
teen thousand or more years ago, a city — stood here! past, has to come forth to you to be dissolved and con­
in Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. jj
sumed; because it cannot go anywhere else! Y ou are its T h at is why, my dear ones, O h your gratitude should be
creator, you were its generator and you called it forth into so great, and I am sure it is with many; but I say to all,
action; therefore, it has to come thru your Life-stream release such gratitude from your being, as you never
into the Violet Consuming Flame, which you call the thought possible for you to do, in the future! Then, per­
Presence to establish, in order to set you free from that haps seeing Life, seeing that depth of gratitude, will re­
accumulation. It is the most practical thing in the whole lease more quickly Its Powers of Freedom to you!
wide world. I tell you, beloved ones, you stand in sight of the
If you set fire to your home in fun and you did not put apex, the change of the world! You stand in the most glor­
it out, before it gained momentum, it would burn your ious condition mankind has ever known; because of the
home up, wouldn’t it? T h at would be your responsibility, ease of achievement that is yours today. O h you think
because you set it on fire. W ell, you have set on fire the you have struggles with your problems! D ear me, what
human creation of your accumulation of the past; and if is your problem of a life time, in comparison to five years
you do not put it out, it will put you out again, because of what I went thru in that forty?
it has many times! D ear ones, that is why by the A uthority and Power
Think of all those embodiments, when you have lived of the G reat Cosmic Light, those G reat Beings W ho have
in these limitations. Think of all I have lived! Think of joined U s and released into O ur U se these Powers, not
all the Ascended M asters lived, while They were render­ known before, are making all this possible for you; and if
ing many times great great service; but They could not do it had not been, that I was the Law of the Seventh Ray,
many things then, because of the Dispensations of Life; which is the V iolet R ay of this earth, the V iolet R ay could
the Cosmic Light had not so granted it; and by great priva­ not have come forth! If I had not chosen to render this
tion and struggle, T hey won the battle for Freedom! I Service to mankind, still It would not have been available
did! Oh, my dear ones, if you saw the period — this is to you and your human creation could not have been dis­
the first time I have ever touched upon it and I am not solved; because It is the only Power in Heaven or earth
going into it; but for a period of forty years, I went thru that will do it! The other R ays of Life do not do what
such terrifying things, as you could not even imagine; the Violet Consuming Flame will do! T he M essengers
because under the Law by which I was attaining at the have told you this, but I assure you that there is no Ray
time! T oday, my dear people, in the glory, the comfort, known, not even the T w o Secret R ays which Cosmos has
the Freedom of your homes and these beautiful buildings, brought forth, will do what the V iolet Consuming Flame
you have the opportunity to attain your Freedom without will do in this one respect— the dissolving and consuming
any of that terrifying struggle, which W e went thru in of your own creation and accumulation!
those ages, when there was no assistance as today. Every­
I want, today, to make this so vivid and vital to you,
thing was gained by your own individual effort, just bend­
that you will with great determination and earnest­
ing every force and power in your being, at deadly destruc­
ness, make the call three times a day, for that M ighty
tive forces, which were trying to prevent you rising out
Activity to be intensified! Oh, my dear ones, It cannot
of your own accumulation and into the Glory of that
harm anything! It just keeps dissolved and consumed all
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
discordant destructive creation of your past, as it comes from China, transporting him to H is Hom e. H e might
forth to be dissolved, and that has to be done! M y dear have known, I have not asked him, but I suspect that he
ones, this has to be done before your Ascension can take little knew, it was the wedge which would one day release
place! the Powers of Light, which would set China free and
N ow , I have something to say which touches M e very bring her into a nation of honor again!
deeply. For the first time in four and a half million years, D on’t forget, my dear ones, that China still holds the
this is made possible to this earth— that children in this world’s record for honesty among the nations of the earth!
embodiment may make the Ascension! (applause) A (applause) N o t only is that record here, but W e have
little one in Eureka who just made the Ascension, is one that record! I never depend upon any human record, I
of those! keep M y own!
N ow rejoice, and I say to our precious Lotus, rejoice Therefore, beloved ones, today, in this which is
now, as you hear these words. The M ighty Eriel, and the brought to your attention, it should give you the greatest
W ondrous Fun W ay, who have loved China, have been encouragement and strength in your experience, to go
rendering a stupendous Service to China. Over ten thou­ forw ard in your Decrees, to your V ictory and Ascension
sand children from China have made the Ascension! in the Light! W hen W e promise you something, if you
(applause — audience rising). Beloved Eriel has brought will cooperate with U s, you will find that it is done! W e
sixty to H is Retreat in Am erica, to prepare them for their have fulfilled far more, than W e even intimated to you!
Ascension. There will yet be raised up in China, Ascended N ow observe, the M essengers thought it was quite
M aster Friends who will sweep the dope activity forever impossible to take these three days here; but some of you
from within its border; (applause) and will set those peo­ thought otherwise. Y ou took the right attitude! (a p ­
ple forever free from the miasma and confusing power gen­ plause) Y ou called to the W isdom of the Presence to act!
erated by entities in the use of that substance. If you If you had called to decree them here, they would not have
will remember, there were many among the people who been here; but you called for the W isdom of the Presence
became so deeply enmeshed in the use of it, that they could to act, if it be right! Then, they came and this great
not leave the earth! T h at held the dope substance about achievement has taken place in three days, perhaps four
the people; but, today, great Power will be released and days!
great effort will be made by the Ascended Ones, from I want you to rejoice, people of San Francisco, as you
today, to remove the influence of that condition from the never did before, for all that has been removed from your
brains and minds of the people of China; and they will midst! Y ou will find greater power and speed in the an­
assert their Dominion! (applause) swers to your calls; and the great great release from the
N ow , while you are standing for a few moments, please sense of pressure which so many have felt. D id you notice,
see and understand this: — In all that is being done for what the M ighty Fiat was, that the M essenger gave in his
Am erica and her Freedom, see how far reaching is your invocation? O f course you did! W ell do you know what
service, your calls to Life; and see what a seemingly simple that means? T his to M e is the final G lory for you, beloved
thing it was, when Eriel brought Fun W ay as an infant ones here, in the V ictory of your great stability to the
14 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
Light. T h at means the Sw ord of Blue Flame will cut every T h at is why, when here stood one of the powerful de­
sincere student free, from the influence of other indi­ structive forces of an ancient focus, when it could no longer
viduals! N ow , remember to make your calls and see that be fed, then there has come the time when its cause, effect,
they are sustained. and record could be dissolved forever! It is done! T here­
I never had such rejoicing in all the other achievements fore, today, my beloved ones, is a day, I trust, you will
that have been; because I have long long waited to have never forget thruout eternity; because to M e, it is the
dissolved and consumed, this ancient focus here and in Los Assurance of the Freedom and Ascension of everyone of
Angeles. It is a great day for the Light, a great day! (ap ­ you who will so determine it; and you will not find the
plause) I ask you to observe the great Freedom and ease, struggle you have had in the past in your application, and
release, confidence and Power, you feel in your application! doing the things you require or wish to do!
T ake notice of it, then let it expand, increase and intensify! Remember you are serving Life for your Freedom!
W hat a day for you, O h beloved ones of California and W ith all your Love to the M essengers and to M e, still all
the Bay District, what a day! Released from centuries you do, is serving Life for your Freedom! O f course, you
upon centuries of binding power! M y dear ones, I do not are giving M e great assistance in that which I wish to do
wonder at your great great love for these Beloved M essen­ for Am erica and you; but after all, you are serving Life,
gers, who have stood so fearlessly and dauntless before all and it is so important that you feel that! D on’t feel that
the destructive forces known to man; going forth pouring you are just serving the M essengers or M e, you are serv­
out the limit of their energy for your protection, for your ing Life, because that is what you have to serve in order
enlightenment and for your Freedom; ready always to to be free!
respond and to go wherever is required to render Service For every asristance you give to U s, of course you have
to Life! Remember, you who love them so much, that O ur Deep Gratitude, but to keep before your mind and
Life will love you as greatly and with a Power that is yet feeling, tbe fact that all you do in the Service of the Light,
inconceivable to you! is serving Life for your Freedom, then you will have the
In the Glory of this Light of which you have become right attitude! Then Life, one day, will turn and serve
a part, a far greater part than you yet realize, may yoii you; and hold you in Its M ighty Embrace of Light, into
today enter into the Fuller Realization of that part of the the Glory of Its Eternal Freedom! I thank you.
Life which you are! Since the Light of Eternity is anchored * * * *
within your physical heart and the constant expansion of
the Points of Light is within the cells cf your body now,
then are you not in Reality a Child of the Light, Children
of the Light? T h at has become a Reality, my dear ones!
A t first, it might have seemed as words, but words become
a reality in the release of the Energy of Life! Therefore,
you have become Children of the Light in actuality, by the
Expansion of the Light within the cells of your bodies.
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
THE MOST RECENT AND f. The Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Power of the
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, controlling all in my
IMPORTANT DECREES being and world R IG H T N O W
i “I AM ” !
3 PREAM BLES g. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., “ I A M ” ! lous control of all in, thru and around my being and
T h e ........... of th e ..............., I command! world R IG H T N O W
T h e ........... of th e ..............., is mine today! “I A M ” !
T h e ...........of the................, thru me shall forever hold sway! h. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible M iracu­
T h e ........... of th e ..............., shall fill my world each day! lous M usic of the Spheres, controlling all in my being
A nd M IR A C L E S o f ................, thru me shall forever hold and world R IG H T N O W
sway! “I AM ” !
A ll Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and D addy’s P E R F E C T IO N i. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible M iracu­
O F L IG H T , shall rule my world each day; and M IR ­ lous Healing of all I contact today and forever
A C L E S O F L IG H T ( 3 ) , thru me forever hold sway! “I AM ” !
* * * * j. The Ascended M asters’ Limitless Invincible, Eternal
U se the above form for the following; changing pronouns Safety of the Light, controlling all in my being and
where needed: world R IG H T N O W
a. A ll the Power (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand “I AM ” !
Suns in every word I speak R IG H T N O W , k. T h e Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
“I AM ” ! Safety of the Light, controlling all the stock and equip­
b. T h e Limitless Power (3 ) of M ercury’s All-knowing, ment of the Saint Germain Press and Foundation, the
Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond-shining M ind of God Voice of the “ I A M ,” and all under T his Radiation
“I AM ” ! “I AM ” !
c. T he Limitless Invincible Self-control in all I do R IG H T 1. T he Ascended M asters’ Invincible, Inexhaustible
NOW , W ealth, Supply and money in my hands and use
“I AM ” ! R IG H T N O W
d. T he Limitless Perfection of the Light of my Presence “I AM ” !
R IG H T N O W ,
m. Oceans and Oceans and Oceans of the Substance from
“I AM ” !
the Secret Love Star flooding and controlling all in my
e. T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all
human desires and habits for all under This Radiation, being and world R IG H T N O W
“I AM ” !
today and forever
“I AM ” ! n. T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
Freedom of the Light, controlling all in my being and 2
world R IG H T N O W 3 P R E A M B L E S — P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M
“I A M ” ! TH E G R EA T C E N T R A L SU N !
T he Ascended M asters’ M iraculous Freedom from all Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp (3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
those cases and stop orders on our mails for us and all
M iracles ( 3 ) , of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
under T his Radiation, R IG H T N O W , today and flooding, blazing, charging, intensifying, expanding, illum­
forever ining, purifying, balancing, freeing, harmonizing, healing,
“I AM ” ! supplying, protecting, perfecting, blessing, controlling
A ll the Limitless Invincible Defense of T his Light without limit, our beloved like a N iagara
R IG H T N O W Falls, rushing everywhere and taking him (her or them)
“I AM ” ! out of the clutches of all destructive forces today and for­
A ll the Ascended M asters’ Eternal Unconditional Sur­ ever, in One M ighty Stroke (R epeat 1 after each line)
render to T his Light R IG H T N O W
R ight now!
“I AM ” !
For all that human shall bow!
T h e Full Dominion of the Light of M y Presence
Each moment, each day!
For all our Light’s V ictory shall forever
“I AM ” !
hold sway!
A ll the G ifts from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave of
Light, R IG H T N O W A ll Y our M ighty Presence shall forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll Saint Germain’s Freedom shall forever hold sway!
A ll V ictory’s V ictory shall forever hold sway!
A ll the Limitless Invincible M anifestations of the
A ll D addy’s Obedience shall forever hold sway!
Cosmic Light R IG H T N O W
A ll Hercules’ Invincible Protection shall forever hold
“I AM ” !
A ll the Limitless Invincible Friends of the Light A ll the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty Elohim shall
R IG H T N O W forever hold sway!
“I AM ” ! A ll the Power of the Three times Three shall forever hold
A ll the Limitless, Invincible Power of the Legions of sway!
Light R IG H T N O W A ll the G reat Cosmic W ord “ I A M ” shall forever hold
“I AM ” ! sway! (3 )
T he Ascended M asters’ Limitless Indestructible H ar­ A ll the Cosmic Scythe of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns
mony, controlling all in my being and world R IG H T shall forever hold sway! (3 )
NOW A ll Jesus’ Luminous Presence shall forever hold sway! (3 )
“I AM ” ! A ll the Luminous Presence of the G reat Rainbow of C os­
mic Beings shall forever hold sway! (3 )
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
A ll N ad a’s Love, W isdom and Power shall forever hold c. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
sway! (3 ) C E N T R A L SU N !
A ll the Justice of the Goddess of Justice shall forever hold
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
sway! (3 )
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of M ighty A strea’s Circle of Blue
* * * *
Flame; and L E T T H E R E BE (3 ) all of Its Overwhelm­
U se the above form for the following: ing Power, Force and A ction (3 ) controlling all in,
a. P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and a ro u n d ______ ____ (any person, place, con­
C E N T R A L SU N ! dition or thing) which annihilates all that is not of the
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power Light in One M ighty Stroke!
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G R IG H T N O W ,
F L A M E and Blue Lightning of a Thousand Suns with­ etc.
out limit! * * * *
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C O M P E L
d. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
(3 ) the Divine D irector’s A uthority and Power to re­
C E N T R A L SU N !
lease ........................... (any person, place, condition or
thing) from all that is not of the Light in One M ighty Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
Stroke ( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Blue Lightning of a Thousand
R IG H T N O W , Suns!
etc. Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame and C H A R G E
* * * * (3 ) Oceans of the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and B L U E L IG H T N IN G of a Thousand Suns in,
b. P O W E R S O F L IG H T (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T thru and around the atmosphere over Am erica and
C E N T R A L SU N ! C O M P E L (3 ) the annihilation of all human creation;
Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power cause, effect, record and memory, today and forever
( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand in One M ighty Stroke!
Suns! R IG H T N O W ,
Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame; and L E T etc.
T H E R E BE (3 ) the Overwhelming Power, Force and * * * *
A ction (3 ) of the C R O S S O F B L U E F L A M E of a
Thousand Suns, in, thru and around ....................... (any 3
person, place, conditions or thing) that annihilates (3 ) M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
all else in One M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W , I IN S I S T on the Complete, Eternal and Unconditional
etc. Ascended M aster Illumination of my mind and body,
being and world this very instant, flooding and charging
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 93
all I ever contact, with the Ascended M asters’ Perfec­ “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,” H IG H E R M E N T A L
tion of Light without limit and holding all out of the B O D IE S O F A L L M A N K IN D ; A L L G R E A T
clutches of all destructive forces; today and forever, in One B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T !
M ighty Stroke! (3 )
R IG H T N O W , Give us all of Your Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power ( 3 ) ,
etc. M iracles (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns!
Raise Your Sw ords of Blue Flame and S T O P , S T O P ,
* * * *
S T O P ! Drive and b in d ......................., driven against Saint
4 Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, our Beloved Don and all
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! the younger generation; ourselves and all under T his R adi­
I IN S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Limitless, Invin­ ation, back into the brains and bodies of its creators and
cible, Eternal, Ever-expanding Supply of all wealth, money claws, and C O M P E L (3 ) the whip of all their own vi­
and every good thing in my hands and use in all I do ciousness and all they intend against us and This Light,
today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke! to lash them and leash them, until they stop it against all
R IG H T N O W ! Life forever, bow to This Light and give way before Its
etc. Almighty Eternal Cosmic Authority and Power in One
* * * * M ighty Stroke!
R IG H T N O W ,
5 etc.
M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” ! Fill in blank space with the following:
I I N S I S T on the Ascended M asters’ Release of all the a. A ll viciousness, destruction and intended destruction;
Power of Instantaneous Precipitation thru me today and legal action and intended legal action; injustice and per­
forever, in One M ighty Stroke! secution,
b. A ll political intrigue, treachery, plans, traps, activities
R IG H T N O W ,
etc. and hell and all intended hell.
* * * * c. A ll legal action and intended legal action, all hell and
intended hell thru them, driven against Saint Germain’s
6 “ I A M ” Activities.
NOTE: d. A ll those cases and stop orders on the mails.
U se the following four Decrees every day in order to ¥ * * *
break the vicious false accusations, legal actions and in­ 7
tended against Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities. A ll M Y “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ” !
these actions are a direct attack against religious freedom I IN S IS T on the V IO L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
and the future education of the younger generation. of a Thousand Suns, charging thru every word I have ever
Y ou make the calls and the Ascended Ones will do what spoken today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke!
is required. R IG H T N O W !
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
B E IN G S , P O W E R S A N D L E G IO N S O F L IG H T ! Oh, that you might all comprehend what a Power­
house is your feeling world when harmonized and
(U se same form as in N o. 6)
drawn into wholly constructive activities. I must
A ll sabotage in our national defense, back into the prompt you that in the charge which you are calling
brains and bodies of its creators and claws, and C O M P E L forth into your feeling world, which is daily increasing,
(3 ) the whip of their own viciousness, etc. know that even the slightest feeling of irritation or
* * * *
disturbance should be governed. You have become a
power, which you, I am sorry to say, do not realize nor
My dear ones, mankind would be as helpless as an
infant without This Light I have drawn forth, and
without the assistance and, calls from the student body.
G E M S O F L IG H T Even the Light I have drawn forth, if it had not been
S A IN T G ERM AIN for the utilizing of these Decrees I would still be help­
The Cosmic Light is doing a Great Work for America less; all of Us would be helpless to render the service
— a very great service. May you all feel that and en­ that is absolutely imperative, and had to be done now
deavor to abide in it as much as possible. Each one of or not for a long long time.
you try to feel yourselves a part of that Cosmic Light. S A IN T G ERM AIN
It is human to err, but Divine to forgive. Since the Today, as I stand here giving you these words, My
world and human beings have all made grievous mis­ H eart’s Love enfolds you in such gratitude. Oh, sup­
takes, let us henceforth not dwell upon them. Knowing pose you have made mistakes, is it anything in compari­
that each one is responsible for whatever his or, her son with the great, good that you have achieved! Man­
mistakes may be, let us go forth in a happy glorious kind could, hardly be expected, not to make mistakes until
harmony of our attention to our Presence, refusing to they are Ascended, but so long as you are determined
see or experience anything that is discordant, then how and willing to get up and try again, then shall We win
quickly you would arise into that Great Happiness that the Victory in the end fully and, completely, never to be
words fail utterly to express, because It comes from repeated; and remember you are on your way to your
within. Goal, and, with your determined, call to the Presence, all
mistakes must cease and your Victory is assured.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
26 27
Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “ I A M ”
Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
Music of the Spheres; or music to which there are words
in our loose-leaf songs (except N os. 34, 49, 5 2 ).
Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germain and
the Other Ascended M asters are giving the M usic of the
Spheres which They request us to use; because of Its Spe­
cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended M asters’
Consciousness contained within it.
W e are building a permanent musical activity to re­
lease Ascended M aster Healings, Ascended M aster Bless­
ings, Ascended M aster Protection and Ascended M aster
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies which
are charged with Ascended M aster Feeling, and Ascended
M aster W ords, which are Cups that carry Their Ascended
M aster Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
who hear this M usic of the Spheres.
W e wish all our “ I A M ” M usical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the Greatest Light and Help
from the Ascended M asters’ Octave can go forth every­
where, to bless all mankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.
M R S . G. W . B A L L A R D \

28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
to the “ V oice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and release of the third S O N G F O L D E R containing three
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
I 7. Helios, T he Daw n
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in
Am erica and $3.33 in foreign lands. T his applies to the N o. 3 \ 8. Lord— T he M aha Chohan
year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
( 9. T hou Seven M ighty Elohim
unexpired months of 1942.
A ll back issues may be secured at any time, either by Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c.
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­ T he Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s G roup and individual use.
issues, priced at $5.50. Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.
In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
each year.
Y our change of address must reach this office not later
than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s
issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
ping date. Y our co-operation will be appreciated and our
service to you assured.
Send A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S A N D O R D E R S to the
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , Inc., Santa Fe, N . M ex. A c ­
company same with either checks, drafts, or Express M oney
Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Please do not send P .O .M .O .’s.
W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to GEMS OF LIGHT
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today. S A IN T G ERM AIN
W e thank and Bless all forever A great calm determination is one of the great re­
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C . P U B L IS H E R quirements in the release of the Great Powers of the
Presence, to regulate, govern, dissolve and consume
anything that is required; for the outer determination
is the activity of the Inner Will, which becomes one.
30 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a
chart in Miniature size 21/4x3%. T his small chart is a
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service.
Price each 7c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges. PROTECTION
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be
Price each 10c, plus shipping charges. W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
These M iniature Charts may be secured from the Saint where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the W estern Branch M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R
in Santa Fe. P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D
* * * • is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
W e announce the release of Our Beloved N ada’s pic­ for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished fully.
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
Mounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
charges. T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
charges. est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33

32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume 1........ ........... ............... By Godfre Ray King
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By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yearly subscrip­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c tions begin with January 1943.
THE "I A M " ADO RATIO NS, A FFIRM A TIO N S AND DECREES, Volume V Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
Parts I and 2 ..... .................... .... ...........By Chanera In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
By Various Ascended Masters templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Size — 5 '/ 2 x 8 '/ 2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Volume VII On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
CHARTS AND FLAM ES IN ACTIO N ( c . |0 0| p . t ._ nn
t Size 12x21 Price $65.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Above Charts mechanically animated . j S ize 30x52 Price $225.00
Violet Flame mechanically animated............... (Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III......... .... By the Great Divine Director , r| . . { Size 30x52 Price $225.00
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by (Shipping charges extra)
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JE S U S
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­
Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c
Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) M/jc per leaf. Shipping charges extra Profile Size 15x19^ 2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

“ vs
34 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
I 202-A Son of Light (Duet) | R*y ,Km? ’ " " P
DECREE BOOKLETS X 202-B Call to Light (Duet) j F™*>.r|ek Landwehr,
................................ [ Shrine Organ
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
| 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) .... ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
I 203 B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) Frederick Landwehr,
[ Shrine Organ
Opulence and Supply f 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land ...........C Sung by Minute Men
Violet Flame and Healing i 505-B Silent Sentinel ............ ( of Saint Germain
"I A M " America's Freedom
Lotus Ray King, Harp

"I A M " Light Decrees
Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' I A M " Novachcrd
Activities.) 1000-B Dedication Donald Ray King
Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
Light My World
j RR-I20I Invocation -- ----- --- . Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ | RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp....... ..... Mrs. Ballard
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
f RR-1203 Benediction — ...... ............. ........... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each, I RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp.... Mrs. Ballard
( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ......... ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
\ 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ______ ___Mr. G. W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
Playback records are availa ble. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM C 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ...... ......... ......... Mr. G . W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........ ................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
hereafter. ( 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) .............. Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra ( 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
f 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
{ 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
( N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)
I N 100-B Lotus My Love ........................
Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ
| 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
1 N 101-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) .......
Frederick Landwehr,
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) ............ *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard
Shrine Organ
and should be sold in a set.)
102-A "I AM" Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
102-B "I AM" Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class * C 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart ....Mr. G. W . Ballard
( Lotus Ray King, Harp I 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet)
Frederick Landwehr, ( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.... ..... Mr. G . W . Ballard
I Shrine Orqan ( 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart.......... Mr. G . W . Ballard

Property of Saint Gennam Press, Inc.
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love .. Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard NOTICE!
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class)
effective at once, advance the cost of the Small C rystal Cups to
Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-A Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C up remains unchanged.
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory )
Mr. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction J
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M " Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Santa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
*J Arr]
'h -M
4 )
k / A
Already Released
R A IN B O W RAYS (16" for Playbacks only)
65 f I. Goddess of Purity .................................. j Frederick Landwehr,
*S O N G O F THE VIOLET FLAM E \ 1 Shrine Organ
C A LL TO LIGHT G O D FRE O U R LOVED O N E ASCENDED [ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto ................................. V Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
* " l A M " HERE
"I A M " C O M E ♦ ARCHANGEL M IC H A E L 66 "I AM Come (Duet) ..... ........................ Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and ( Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s are e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p iece of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of double-faced record.
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require
Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­
only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
SO N G FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. "I A M " Here ]
No. I -j 2. Angels of Saint Germain [ Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim ]

Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Archangel Michael j
^ Music and Lyrics
Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)

Small Size— for individual use....................................................Price $^?5

Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to e ach in d iv id u a l. N o d is c o u n ts are
allowed. PRO PERTY OF S A IN T G E R M A IN P R ES S , IN C .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

n in e * C H I C A G O ,I L L I N O I S .- T jS ,'
Co pyrigh ted B y P roperty or Saint Germain Press,/nc.J9#3.
B y the A scended M asters an d th eir A cc re d ite d M essengers
M r. an d M rs. G. W. B a lla r d an d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


Santa Fe, New Mexico.
L IT H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . . 1 9 4 3

■ (J6j>yri<jhi~Saint (jerm can^resJTnc.l943 ■

. Coyvfiqlit-Sotnl G e rm a in P ress. Inc 1943 CHARLES SiAIOClAiL
N liv in g Substance-dazzling bright,
Abide God’s Jew els of Cosmic lig h t—
Each one a Focus of Great Power,
All growing brighter every hour!
The lig h t expanding within each one
Is ever pouring from the Sun,
Perfection, Beauty and God’s Love—
A Mighty Presence from above,
Who, like a Magnet in the sky,
Compels release for you ahd I!
Now all the world shall stop its strife!
All shall behold the Crown o f lif e
Bestowed in Love upon all here,
To evermore make all th in g sd ear;
For in that Crown are Jew els of lig h t,
Those Jew els “I AM”—ALL God’s Great Might!
A11 Jew els of lig h t within the earth,
Are Mighty G ifts of Heavenly Worth,
Whose own Pure Substance all may see
And thus beholding, help set Free,
To give their lig h t and Beauty too,
Their Blessings rare and Radiance true;
For only God’s Pure Being Bright,
Can grow those Jew els to hold God’s Light!
Our Love to Them gives full release
From all that is not God’s Full Peace!
Our “1 AM Presence” ’ Mighty Love
Dissolves all else, below, above,
And in Its Glory all shall ,blaze,
For all shall see Its Mighty Bays,
lik e rarest Jew els of liq u id Fire,
Whose Living Flam e now lifts us higher!
All “1 AM” Jew els, we now behold,
As Cosmic B ays our earth enfold,
To rule in M ajesty and Power,
To blaze Perfection every hour
For ALL Authority They bring,
They give release, so all may sing
Life’s Hymn of Praise to God’s Great lig h t,
In Them behold God’s Cosmic Might!
Those ”1 AM” Jew els Great Nature holds,
The Royal Teton’s Love enfolds,
And all Great Beings charge Their Love,
To blaze thru Them and raise above,
All mankind here with lig h t They bless
And by Their lig h t stop man’s distress!
‘Beloved I AM Presence” Bright,
Clothe us with Thy Great Jew els of Light!
August 18, 1939

ELOVED ones, I greet you with all the Joy of

My Heart, and may you feel that Joy intensify
and increase in your world during this class.
Let It be so sustained to forever bless you, for
We have such Achievement, that like most little boys, I
could not wait any longer to tell you.
This call was made some eight months ago by the Mes­
sengers and some of the Staff, and I believe all the Staff,
with very dynamic power; and I know this Messenger
called to Me many times, to see if this could be done!
Since about the middle of the Shrine Class, We found that
it was possible to set into action certain Cosmic Laws,
under the new Dispensations, that this Service be ren­
dered for which they have called, and that is: T O DIS­
If you saw as 'We do, you would see that this is a
STU PEN D O U S TH IN G . It is removing the pressure
from mankind to about 62% . I put this specifically, that
you may understand how much less is the pressure of each
one’s own accumulation. I am talking about people out­
side now who do not understand this Great Law.
Since this Service has to be rendered to America, and
since mankind were not doing enough themselves, the
Messengers knowing the Law, conceived that this could
be made possible. YO U KNOW ONE OR TW O PEO-
a Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc,
W ell, they determined that this should be done, and
your response to M y great Eternal Joy, has been beyond
anything We could have contemplated at the tim *. W hy?
You would say to me, “ W ell, if you are All*wise, why
don’t you know” ? Get away from that dear
people! I have told you time and again, if W e '•""M
depend upon humanity to do what W e ask them to do,
W e could tell you almost exactly to the moment, what
the achievement would be, but you have not done t h a t.
Haven’t you seen students, a few, who swore loyalty
and in earnestness for the time, then quickly turned aside?
Is that not proof of what I tell you, that W e could not
depend upon human bangs? The only time We ran, is
when you stand determinedly in the Light of your Pres­
ence, then you will do the thing that is of greatest assis­
tance to U s! That is why.
You will remember some time ago, T H IS CIRCLE
that was the sex substance released from the people of
America. O f course not wholly, but it applies particu­
larly to America, and it is mankind’s accumulation of the
ages. Oh, one day, the people of America who do not
know anything about this Great ligh t, will come to find
out what has been done for them unasked, unsought! We
just have to do it for your protection!
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Now then remember, dear people of California, don’t
fail to take advantage of this. Since the entities have been
removed, We have also removed this substance, your
accumulation! This includes the students as well, for a
great many have not used the Violet Consuming Flame
dynamically enough to dispose of their accumulation; be­
cause sometimes they could not make themselves believe,
that they had a vast destructive accumulation; but if you
saw it, you would believe!
This means you, dear students, who have not used the
Violet Consuming Flame enough, are helped as well. This
means more than words would ever be able to convey to
you in the outer world. T H A T SU BSTA N CE, YO U R
I say to you our blessed ................................... . your
accumulation of the past has been completely dissolved,
(applause). Will you take advantage of this and enter
into the full happiness, and joy of all this means to you;
and then go forth in the Glory of this Light as you have
never dreamed possible. May you realize this and know,
I have spoken the Truth to you! Do not generate any
further causes and you will see the out-picturing of that
Freedom which is yours!
I say to you, many many of the students have been
released from so much, even in the Shrine Class in Los
Angeles, San Francisco; and now for many of you, the
completion of It will be here, so try to feel It! Do you
think I would speak a word of encouragement to you that
you are not entitled to, or did not belong to you? I want
you to know this! I want you to be Free, not laboring
under the deceptive power of your intellect, that you still
are not Free! This Freedom is the Glory of one who
serves! This blessed boy who has served so earnestly,
fr Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
may he now feel Our Blessings which enfold him as never
May I explain to you and to our blessed ________
________ , there are individuals, where it is impossible
for U s to give promptings when We would like to; because
they must be the Conquering Power without Our Assis­
tance, as was the condition with the Messengers the first
year that they went forth! They thought I was giving
them lots of Assistance, but I did not! They had to stand
or fall upon their own mighty application! It would not
have been wise for Me to tell them that; but they have
gained dauntless power and strength thru it. Our blessed
----------- — ----- ... has gained dauntless strength and
Victory of the Light thru it. I congratulate you my blessed

The forces of destructive power that have been hold­

ing their dominion upon this earth, are seeing definitely,
that they are dealing with a Power of Light which is not
human; and that now, there are too many human beings
calling that Power of Light into action to stop It! So
many of those forces are sitting astraddle of the fence, won­
dering which way they are going to fall; because they
know they are going to fall sooner or later! It is rather
a precarious position to be in, but they were the creators
of it; therefore they must handle the results.
Dear people, today I want you to realize that all these
Magnificent Achievements, all of the great sincere effort
of the Messengers, has not been in vain! Your efforts have
not been in vain for this Power is gaining, this Light is
gaining such momentum, that there will be hundreds of
thousands in America, who will suddenly find instan­
taneous answers coming at their calls, which will give
them such joy and happiness. If you do not gain a
momentum by your continued application, how can you
expect to have the your calls? Y O U must
Property of Smut Germain Press, Inc. 7
determine that momentum! The Messengers and We
can tell you about it, but if you have not yet built that
momentum, it is up to you to apply the Law until you
get it; because it is quite different from even thirty days
ago! The Activity of the Law compels you to do now
more for yourselves, because of the Great Assistance which
is being given.
Observe what this which I have just told you today,
means! My dear ones, words are so inadequate to convey
to you what this means, this removing of the pressure of
your own creation! Now notice what it means— this is
the far-reaching Power. We have told you before, how
your mighty Decrees go forth in the mental and feeling
world to render this Service; and how thousands of people
entirely unknown to This Activity, have had these Decrees
go into their mental and feeling worlds; and when they
touch this Light, they come up like a flower unfolding
before the Forces of Light. Then, they accept It with
great firmness and determination, which is a surprise to
even the former students.
Since this pressure is removed from within the boun­
daries of America, see what this will do in the future!
IZED! You will see this to your astonishment many
many times. Therefore, I wish to acquaint you with
these Truths today, so you may have the Blessing! That
does not mean you should cease your application! Don’t
ever cease that, until you are ascended, no matter what
We reveal to you; but go right on with that same deter­
mination and dynamic power of application and have its
Blessing, because you need it. REM EM BER, YOU
g Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Do not ever let up on it three times a day! Remember
that! So much is being accomplished, of which never a
word is mentioned, because W e do not wish you to lean
upon U s.
We are here for the Victory of the Light, dear ones!
During those long long years, I served by Myself—believ­
ing firmly, that some day from somewhere, would come
that Assistance which I required. When I asked the Mes­
sengers to go forth, do you think that I saw with My Great
Wisdom, this achievement today? O f course not, because
that is an Expansion of the Light which no one could de­
termine, except as you see It acting through individuals!
That was one thing which could not be determined!
There are many things which can be determined, but not
that! That is why, do not ever feel that in some things
Our Wisdom is Supreme and in some things it is not! Have
I not proven M yself to be a good businessman?
I have watched this and it is really very delightful to
Me. You know every time individuals have come to the
Messengers and said: “ You know I could be of great assis­
tance in advising you,” the Messengers said: “ Oh, yes” ?
Then I would see their spines straighten up and they would
say: “Have you forgotten W e have the wisest Adviser in
our business affairs” ? YO U KNOW I H A V E BEEN
TH E M ISTA K E IN ST EA D OF M E! Doesn’t that seem
quite logical or very real and practical, dear people?
Today, as I stand here flashing These W ords to the
Messenger, I am just as tangible as he is! Now this is the
very joyful thing that is approaching. A s the vibratory
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
action of your bodies and minds is stepped up and raised,
don’t be surprised, if some day in the class, you see Me
quite as clear as the Messenger! That would be the Nat­
ural Law, but do not strain to do it! Just be patient, until
It arrives, then I cannot hide Myself from you! Of course,
I do not do that on purpose, but then you just have not
seen Me so far; but “ I A M ” none the less tangible as you
will observe!
That is what I want you to feel, because all the great
powers which you use are invisible. You only see their
manifestation. YO U A R E SEEING PLENTY OF MY
TH EM . You know, poor puny human beings spread
their vicious falsehoods, concerning Our Reality and con­
cerning the Reality of these Dictations. What imbecilic
puny minds they have, to try to pit themselves and their
falsehoods, against the Great Light which is the Light of
the Universe! Their dull vicious intellects are too depraved
to understand It or even try to!
Observe that dear people! Do not be pulled into
vicious vile gossip of depraved human minds! Many of
those depraved human minds know only falsehood and
gossip! Not even, if it were to save their physical lives,
would they be willing to tell the Truth about which they
have told a falsehood. Therefore, it is up to you, beloved
students, in the future now, to guard yourselves against
these things! After We have prompted you so lovingly,
kindly and earnestly, then if you do not stand on guard,
the fault is yours!
Now notice! I am flashing the Words to the Messenger
today! For an illustration, they are My Words and every
10 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc,
Word that he is speaking to you, is charged with My
Quality of Perfection! Whoever does not believe it, is
unfortunate and they won’t get the Benefit, won’t get
the Blessing, they won’t have the Protection!
This is the Law of Life and We have, all the students
who have been in the Retreats, have seen this Manifesta­
tion constantly. They come into the Retreats, and at
first, they see nothing but the ordinary physical sight, and
as they remain, without effort the vibratory action raises
and raises! W H A T DO YO U SUPPO SE SH U T S OFF
ST R U C T U R E ! Where do you suppose It is shut off?
Right here at your solar plexus, where all discord enters
your body or your world and that causes the density. It
has made the density of those organs, which otherwise
would naturally see U s, fail to do so, until they were re­
turned to that height of vibratory action, where they
would naturally cognize Me standing here, the same as
you see the Messenger now!
All these things are practical and Natural Laws and
actions of Life; and when you harmonize yourselves
enough, and the Light pours thru the heart and illumines
the brain, then you see, then you hear the Voice of your
Higher Mental Body speak clearly and distinctly to you!
Then, the troubles from your worlds cease to be! It is not
necessary to strain for those things; because if you did,
you would force thru into the psychic world and see that
which is most undesirable; but when you have really begun
to hear the Voice of your Presence, which is the Voice of
your Higher Mental Body, you will find there is no diffi­
culty in distinguishing that It is the Presence’ Voice which
is speaking; because that will compel all Voices around
you, which might even be human suggestion, from speak­
ing to you!
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 11
Do you know that human suggestions can speak to
you thru your feelings, as clearly as the spoken word? That
is why We have endeavored to protect you and guard you
against these things. If you will not believe, that human
suggestion is acting about you all the time, well how are
you going to be protected from it! If you do not believe
We are telling you the Truth, how are you going to have
Our Blessings! WE KNO W WE A R E SPEAKIN G
Now really in the past, in the beginning of the Mes­
sengers carrying this Light, I sometimes almost began to
plan some Unusual Manifestation for the student body;
either My Tangible Appearance or something of the kind,
which would give the earnest students the encouragement,
that they crave so much; but you know there are certain
things which even We must go to the Central Source of
Intelligence, from which you all came, to this earth, to
determine whether We may use a certain action of the
Law. When I suggested this the Great Wisdom there
said: “ Saint Germain, have you forgotten in your earnest­
ness for this Release of mankind, that mankind having
been the generators of these conditions, must make a cer­
tain amount of effort to get out of them or they will not
remain out?” I said: “ Yes, I had thought of it,” and then
They said: “ We think it would be very unwise,” and so
it was withheld, but They said to Me then: “ Saint Ger­
main, You are not to blame, because the people fail to see
the constant Manifestations of these Great Laws, thru the
activity of the Messengers. Limitless proof has been given
to America and to the people who have been in these classes
and many outside; why humor mankind with trying to give
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
them something else that the doubting Thomases would
still say was something other than what it was?”
So today, I remind you that when you call with earn­
estness yourselves, for the out-picturing of the Perfection
of your Life, you will begin to see, know and experience
that Perfection! Then, you will raise yourselves where
you will naturally see Me and see Me flash the W ords to
the Messenger the same as you see each other!
We are coming into more and more tangibility in the
use of this Great Law; and as you see that, you will find
that everything works under Law and Order, Divine Law
and Order; and no one can over-step that for a single
moment and not pay the penalty for it!
The Great Law of Life which was once giving such
Freedom to mankind, owing to the activity from the Great
Central Source to this earth and the other planets of the
system, is becoming more, more and more exacting; because
mankind has little more time to make their decisions! That
is not My Opinion, that is not the opinion of the Messen­
gers; it is the Law of Life .to this earth, coming into action
and the human beings who do not believe It and cooperate
with It, well they will just go down under It.
Why is it, every time that a Great Cosmic Activity
takes place in the world, to bring Its Greater Perfection,
there is always a certain amount of humanity who refuse
to listen or pay attention to it? This time, ten thousand
times the number of the people have responded thus far,
over the experience in two million years. Do you see what
that means? Do you see why the Great Cosmic Light, the
Law is taking Its Action upon this earth more than It ever
has during that previous time; because mankind must be
returned home where they belong, and that which they
have imposed upon the earth must be removed.
Is it not strange that people when they have seen,
whether they believe in re-embodiment or not, thru his­
torical record, this war and destruction; war and destruc­
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
tion; war and destruction; destroying one civilization after
another, why won’t they see that war is not the rem­
edy? Even today, when this Great Light is reaching many
great minds in America, why won’t they come forth now
and say to the whole world: “ Here is the solution to human
problems! Here is the Freedom of America, her people
and the world! People of the world take hold and give
your assistance to this,” and it would all be finished in a
comparatively short time!” I shall expect this yet and keep
on expecting, until these Mighty Decrees go forth in the
mental and feeling world and give these people, the cour­
age to stand out before the world and say to the people:
“ The ‘I A M ’ is the Light and Authority of the Universe
and of every human being; and those who will respond
to It, will have Its Blessing of Perfection pour forth into
the world of human action; and the earth will become a
paradise in which mankind shall live forever.”
I thank you, beloved ones, and may you join Us now
in this class, in making it the most glorious of your exper­
ience; for We have provided in this room, T H A T
DAY! May you be Its Great Glory, receive Its Great
Blessing and go forward from these ten days in your Free­
dom forever!
Thank you so much.

Property of Scant Germain Press, Inc.

Excerpts from a Talk to the Students by
Our Beloved Messenger, Mr. G. W . Ballard

F YO U will straighten your spine and stand

ERECT, you will find little difficulty with the
outer world! Do you know, when you let
yourself down like this (slouchy) the effect is
just the same as though you opened a door and invited
things in.
People should train themselves to HOLD TH E
SO LA R PLEXUS IN! The Ascended Masters are as
straight as an arrow! They know the Law! If you have
superfluous flesh on your body and you will walk and hold
the diaphragm in, the superfluous flesh will leave the body.
Practice it! Try it!
Seventy-five per cent of the superfluous flesh that peo­
ple have, is simply gas in the cells of the body. It is abso­
lutely true. We have proved it time and again —
sometimes generated from food that is not for your par­
ticular atomic structure, sometimes from discord, anxiety
or fear. This is a simple means of bringing your body,
your atomic structure, into Divine Order and obedience
to the Presence.
Beloved ones, if you want to be free, you must do
these things with D ETER M IN A TIO N and with JO Y­
OUS FREEDOM OF V ICTO RY . Don’t you see, you
cannot accomplish anything with an ALL-GONE FEEL­
IN G ? If you will straighten up your spine and draw in
the diaphragm, keep your attention on your Presence,
you can accomplish wonders!
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
There is a constant pressure on the delicate nerves of
your spine when you slouch down, but straighten up your
spine and W EA RIN ESS and EX H A U ST IO N will be
gone at once! Hold your body in a Divine Position for
the Currents of Energy to flow thru.
The nerve fluid flows thru your nervous system just
as the blood flows thru your veins. That is why Saint
Germain is prompting you, tonight, to do this! It is so
The SO LA R PLEXUS is a nerve center in the area
of the stomach. Back of the spleen is the ganglionic cen­
ter. Those are the two points where your body is inter­
fered with from the outside. All discord from others,
strikes you from the outside at the solar plexus. All vam­
pire action takes place at your spleen.
You cannot feel discord of disposition above the heart!
All discord comes in below the heart. Keep using the
Violet Consuming Flame and you will lift everything into
the heart area! The heart area has always been called the
A LTER OF TH E SA CR ED FIRE! The moment any
influence of a discordant kind strikes the heart area, it
begins to take on a purification from the Causal Body or
the Presence!
That which is FA R TH EST FRO N T indicates what
is the controlling part of your body.
It may take you a couple of weeks to learn to W ALK
the correct way, but if you will compel your outer to do
that, you will find you will be uncomfortable, if you do
not carry your body that way. COMPEL Y O U R BODY
TO OBEY YO U! You must take command of your
mind—your body and your intellect.
Mind is but a vehicle, which you, as the Individual
Flame must control! Your Presence is the Controller—
your intellectual consciousness is but a vehicle of contact,
in which the senses are located.
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
use the Violet Flame just as if your Presence radiated a
Ray upon the body-W H E R E V E R YO U W ISH , to
take out the existing gas, which any of you can do.
Use your hands this way (as taught in the “I A M ”
Discourses page 233) and then throw the substance from
the finger tips, just as if you stripped a garment off and
threw it from you! You will be amazed at the feeling of
your body in one minute! Use the Violet Flame and you
can master the body!
* *

K N O W NO R E A S O N , they know only the destructive
element they represent, but still T H E Y H A V E NO

Blessed ones, look neither to the right nor left! Go
on and do your work, and if someone comes to you with
stories simply say: “ Now excuse me, I do not care to
listen to that! I have work to do! Do not bring me any
of those tales.” P A Y NO A T T E N T IO N TO A N Y
R E P O R T , B U T .G O ON W IT H T H E G R E A T O U T ­
P O U R IN G O F L O V E , DO YO U R W O R K , A N D S E E
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 17
(Candle Service)

As each candle is lighted, it is dedicated to the Being

or Activity of the “ Sacred Fire that none can put out”
for which we call! The candles should always be lighted
from left to right!
“ We call forth this Flame and dedicate It to the
( 1 st Candle)— “ Mighty
(2nd Candle)— I AM
(3rd Candle)— Presence,”
the “ Mighty I AM Presence” of our Physical Sun and the
Great Central Sun; the “ Mighty I AM Presence” and
Higher Mental Bodies of all mankind, and all Great
Beings, Powers and Legions of Light!
Come forth in A LL Your Cosmic Authority, Domin­
ion and Power (3) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand
Suns, and COMPEL! (3) Perfection without limit to rule
thru us and to us, until we stand wholly ascended and Free,
today and forever!
We call forth this Flame and dedicate It to Our Beloved
Precious Ascended Masters,
(4th Candle)— Saint Germain,
(5th Candle)— Jesus,
( 6th Candle)— Daddy, (or Messenger)
to come forth with the other Ascended Masters—visible
and tangible to the physical senses of all mankind as soon
as possible and do for us and all under This Radiation, what
only You can do! and A N N IH ILA TE! (3) all human
veils and all else that is human— cause, effect, record and
memory— before they can act or approach, today and for-
18 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
ever, in ONE M IG H TY STR O K E right now, and
M A N IFEST N O W ! (3 )
Move among us some time each day, as visible and
tangible to all as we are to each other, and do thru us for
America and all mankind, whatever is required to expand
Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities without limit, until
they cover the earth with the “ Light of God that never
fails,” and the Beloved Mighty Sacred Fire that none can
put out!
W e call forth this Flame and dedicate It to the
(7th Candle)— “ Beloved Mighty Sacred Fire that none
can put out,”
The Violet Consuming Flame of a Thou­
sand Suns,
The Unfed Flame of a Thousand Suns,
The Seven-fold Flame of the Seven
Mighty Elohim,
(8th Candle)— The Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
The Light of God that never fails, and
all of Its Inner Secret Rays,
That Great Eternal Sun of Even Pres­
(9th Candle)— The Power of the TH R EE TIM ES
The Great Command!
The Limitless Legions of Light,
The Angelic Host, and
To the Fulfillment of David Lloyd’s Call
for one or more public Ascensions in
America before thousands of people,
as It took place with Him, to compel
all mankind to know the Truth of
every word of our Beloved Daddy (or
Messenger) and the other Ascended
Masters have spoken.
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
Unto this “ Mighty I AM Ascended Master Perfec­
tion” do we offer all for the Freedom, Victory, and Perfec­
tion of Light in America, and the Ascension of all man­
kind, the earth and its atmosphere—all Powers of Nature
and all Forces of the Elements, into the Ascended Masters’
Octave of Light, today and forever, in ONE M IGH TY
STRO KE right now, and M A N IFEST NOW ! (3)
Oh, “ Mighty I AM Presence” and all Great Beings,
Powers, and Legions of Light, and the Angelic Host for­
* * * *

You see it is only when someone can get you dis­
turbed, that the destructive activity gets its forces into
your world! T H E R E F O R E , W H E N Y O U K E E P
G R E A T T H A T N O T H IN G C A N E N T E R . It is a
magnificent thing!
* * * *
Anything that disturbs you is an activity of the sin­
ister force, watching its opportunity to get its claws
into your world to turn it upside down; to get you con­
fused so it can do its work. I marvel that the students
do not fully realize that.

20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

“ Mighty Beloved I A M Presence” and all Great
Beings, Powers and Legions of Light! In the Name, Love,
Wisdom, Power, Eternal Adoration, Gratitude and Bless­
ings of Our Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, H is Mother
Mary, Saint Germain, Nada, the Great Divine Director,
Our Messenger, the Angelic Host, and the Limitless Invin­
cible Legions of Light!
W e call that during the Seven Sacred Weeks, the M ost
Intense, Dynamic, Limitless, Invincible, Eternal, Over­
whelming, Absolute, God-Victorious Focus and Outpour­
ing of Your Luminous Presence and Personal Rays, shall
Blaze (3 ), A ct (3 ), Charge (3 ), illumine, perfect and
rule thru the flesh, feeling, atmosphere, environment,
Beings and worlds of our Beloved Don, all in the National
Defense, all prisoners from America in foreign lands, all
the wounded, ourselves, all under This Radiation, and all
mankind—dear and direct—visible and tangible to the
physical senses of all mankind!
They shall rule in Absolute God-Victorious Authority,
Dominion and Power! (3 ) of the Cosmic Light of a Thou­
sand Suns, in, thru and around all we ever do or contact,
today and forever; and A N N IH ILA T E! (3 ) all human
veils and all else that is human—cause, effect, record and
memory—before they can act or approach!
They shall charge and manifest with such Power! (3 )
that the very earth trembles with the Blaze of Their Glory
and Almighty Perfection released!
They shall be sustained and ever-expanding, today and
forever, in O N E M IG H TY STR O K E right now, and
M A N IFEST N O W ! (3 )
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! (3 )
Property o f Saint Germain Press, In c . 21
The first thing on awakening in the morning, after
giving your Love and Adoration to your own “ Mighty
I AM Presence,” qualify that entire day and all your
activities with the following Decree:—
My “ Mighty Beloved, Adorable, Precious I AM Pres­
ence,” and all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light!
I insist that this SH A LL BE the Most Glorious, God-
Victorious, Joyous, Harmonious, Free, Prosperous, Suc­
cessful, Luminous, Miraculous, Perfect, Invincible Day,
I have ever lived thru in any embodiment!
I insist that all of Your Divine Plan fulfilled shall have
all of my Life, Energy, Substance and Consciousness; and
all of Your Ascended Master Perfection shall be sustained
and ever-expanded; in, thru and around me, all I hold near
and dear, and all I ever do or contact!
You and Your Divine Plan shall rule in Absolute, God-
Victorious Authority, Dominion and Power (3) of the
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns; in, thru and around all
we ever do or contact; and A N N IH ILA TE! (3) all human
veils and all else that is human— cause, effect, record and
memory— before it can act or approach!
You shall manifest such Powers and Power! (3) of
the Cosmic Light without limit, that the very earth trem­
bles with the Blaze of Your Glory and Almighty Perfec­
tion released!
This call shall be sustained and ever-expanded, today
and forever, in ONE M IGH TY STROKE, right now; for
these words are Life and do accomplish that whereunto
they are sent!
I make this call KNO W IN G that Life compels the
Answer! Before I have called, TH O U H A ST answered
22 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
and while “ I A M ” yet speaking, Thou hast heard and
manifested its fulfillment!
Oh “ Mighty I AM Presence” and all Great Beings,
Powers and Legions of Light, today and forever!
* * * *

Do not let anyone induce you to speak a critical, dis­
cordant word about anybody. I f somebody comes to you
and asks about something discordant, simply say:
“ W ell really I know nothing about it.” Then, if they
insist on discussing it, say: “ Now, I do not discuss those
things.” Be firm and determined and soon no one will
attempt to bring those things to you, because it is all
an attempt of the sinister force to get you disturbed,
so it can get its claws into your world.
* * * #
The sinister force working thru individuals off guard,
will use the most cunning means to try to get you to say
something and then distort it! That is being done con­
stantly among the students. I f they would only take
their stand! What if you do hurt someone’s feelings,
isn’t it better to hurt someone’s feelings, than to let
them come into your world, upset it and prevent your

You know when destructive forces generated by an
individual reach a certain point, they have to do one of
two things—find an outlet or return upon its creator.
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
I insist that the most Concentrated, Dynamic, Limit­
less, Invincible, Eternal, Over-whelming, Absolute, God-
victorious Action of the VIOLET CO NSU M IN G
from the SECRET LOVE ST A R ; Obedience, Freedom
and Victory; Harmony, Health and Happiness; Safety,
Supply, Success, Secrets and Silence; Purity, Peace and
Perfection; Miracles, Music, Magic and Mastery; The Di­
vine Plan Fulfilled; Powers, and Power ( 3 ) from our
“ Mighty I AM Presence” and all Great Beings, Powers,
and Legions of Light which “I A M ” without limit —
SH A LL Blaze (3), Act (3), Charge ( 3 ), illumine,
perfect and rule thru the flesh, feeling, atmosphere and
environment of our Beloved Don, ourselves and all under
This Radiation—clear and direct —visible and tangible to
the physical senses of all mankind!
They SH A LL rule in Absolute, God-victorious
Authority, Dominion and Power (3) of the Cosmic Light
of a Thousand Suns, in, thru and around all we ever do or
contact; and A N N IH ILA T E (3) all human veils, and all
else that is human —cause, effect, record and memory —
before it can act or approach, today and forever!
They SH A LL manifest with such power, the very
earth trembles with the blaze of Their Glory and Almighty
Perfection released!
They SH A LL be sustained and ever-expanding, today
and forever, in ONE M IGH TY STROKE right now!
Oh, “ Mighty I A M ” ! ( 3 )

24 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

I IN SIST that You take Complete, Unconditional,
Invincible and Eternal Dominion thru me forever, and
rule all in my outer being and world and all I ever con­
tact in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
You shall compel all my human to bow!
Each moment, each day!
For all Your Victory of Light, shall thru me,
forever hold sway!
All the Love, Wisdom and Power from the Great Cen­
tral Sun thru me, shall forever hold sway!
All the Substance from the Secret Love Star thru me,
shall forever hold sway!
All Jesus’ Substance of Light thru me, shall forever
hold sway!
All Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Perfection of
Light thru me, shall forever hold sway!
All Your Limitless expansion of the Light thru me,
shall forever hold sway!
All Your Eternal Safety of the Light thru me, shall for­
ever hold sway!
All Your Miracles of Light thru me, shall forever hold
# * * *
Use the above form for the following:
2. a.
I IN SIST that the Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Purity and all the Inner Powers of my being, which
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
“ I A M ,” shall rule all in my outer being and world
and all I ever do or contact, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all the Power (3) from the Heart
of the Great, Great Silence, shall rule all in my outer
being and world, and all I ever do or contact, in One
Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all Saint Germain’s Unconditional,
Eternal Freedom, shall rule all in my outer being and
world, and all I ever do or contact, in One Mighty
Right now!
I IN SIST that Hercules’ Invincible, Eternal Safety
of the Light, shall rule all in my outer being and world,
and all I ever do or contact, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
e. Use the same form in “ d” for the following:
Our Beloved Don and all the younger generation!
All under This Radiation!
All our “ I A M ” Homes and business activities!
I IN SIST that all the Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Overwhelming Expansion of all the Inner Light of My
Being, which “ I AM ” without limit, shall rule all in
my outer being and world, and all I ever do or contact,
in One Mighty Stroke!
Right now!
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
I IN SIST that Absolute God-control shall flood
and rule all in my outer being and world, and all I ever
do or contact, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all the Inner Powers of my Being,
which “I A M ” without limit shall rule all in my outer
activities in full Ascended Master Perfection and com­
pel all my human to bow,
Right now!
I IN SIST on the annihilation of all human veils, for
“ I A M ” thru those veils, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all Saint Germain’s Freedom shall
rule all in my being and world, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that Oceans (3) of Gigantic Ascended
Master Miracles, shall rule my being and world, in One
Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all the Light of the “ Mighty I AM
Presence” and Higher Mental Bodies of all mankind,
shall rule all in America, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
I IN SIST that the Invincible Protection and Safety
of the Limitless Legions of Light, shall rule all in the
Beings and worlds of all under This Radiation,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all God’s Power, Light and the
RIG H TS OF FREE M EN shall flood everywhere and
rule all the outer activities of America, her people and
her resources, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that all the Inner Wealth, Gifts and
Powers of My Being, which “I A M ” without limit —
shall flood and rule all my outer being and world, in
One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that my Limitless, Invincible, Eternal
Inner Power of Instantaneous Precipitation which
“I A M ” without limit, shall flood forth right here,
ruling all my outer being and world, in One Mighty
Right now!
I IN SIST that all the Inner Instantaneous Healing
Power of My Being which “ I A M ” without limit, shall
flood thru me right here! They shall perfect and rule
all I contact in all my outer being and world, in One
Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
28 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
I IN SIST that all the Invincible Control of the
Seven Mighty Elohim shall flood and rule all in my
outer being and world, and all I ever do or contact, in
One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!

I IN SIST that the Ascended Masters’ Limitless,
Invincible, Eternal, Over-whelming Wealth, Supply,
Money and Gifts of Light without limit shall flood
thru me, all my outer activities and world and all I ever
do or contact, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
I IN SIST that the Instantaneous release and outer
manifestation of all the Inner Secrets, Powers, Bless­
ings, Gifts and Activities of all the Limitless Light of
My Being, which “ I A M ” without limit, shall rule all
in my outer activities and world and all I ever do or
contact, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
s s s s
AM PRESEN CE” ! You SH A LL have Uncondi­
tional, Invincible, Eternal Dominion thru me today
and forever! You shall rule all in my outer being and
world and all I ever do or contact, in One Mighty
Right now!
I A M PRESEN CE,” SH A LL have Complete, Un-
P ro fe rty o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
^conditional, Invincible and Eternal Dominion thru me,
right now! You shall rule all in my outer being and
world and all I ever do or contact, in One Mighty
Right now!
You SH A LL hold Eternal Control of all my outer
activities and world, and COMPEL Perfect Ease and
Comfort in my feet and those of all mankind, today
and forever,
Right now!
You SH A LL have complete Dominion thru me!
You SH A LL rule all my outer activities this day and
all I ever do or contact, in the full Perfection that is
the Ascended Masters’ Glory of Life,
Right now!
* * * *


30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
A ll excess taxes against America, her people and
her resources, shall STO P, STO P, STO P; for God,
the “ Mighty I AM Presence” shall kill all excess tax­
ation; cause, effect, record and memory from the Uni­
verse before it can act or approach in One Mighty
Right now!
I shall see thru these eyes perfectly!
I shall hear thru these ears perfectly!
I shall sing thru this voice perfectly!
I shall speak thru this voice perfectly!
* * * *
All those cases and stop orders on the mails
SH A LL CEA SE TO E X IST ; for God, the “ Mighty
I AM Presence” shall annihilate (3 ) them, cause, ef­
fect, record and memory from the Universe, in One
Mighty Stroke, before they can act or approach!
Right now!
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
C E N T k A L SU N !
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help ( 3 ) Power
(3 ), Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet
Flame of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
STOP, STOP, STOP! Drive and Bind all slaughter,
destruction and darkness, thru war and all they intend
thru war, against America, her people and her re­
sources, back into the brains and bodies of the war
beasts, the money beasts and their claws; and COM­
PEL (3) the whip of their own viciousness and all they
intend, to lash them and leash them, until they stop it
against all Life forever, bow to This Light and give
way before Its Almighty Eternal Cosmic Authority
and Power, and never create discord in this Universe
Right now!
* * * *
7. Same Heading as N o. 6
STOP, STOP, STOP! Drive and Bind all hate, anger
and hypnotic domination of the people of the world,
back into the brains and bodies of the war beasts, the
money beasts and their claws, and COMPEL ( 3 ) the
whip of all their own viciousness and all they intend
against the people of the Light, to lash them and leash
them, until they stop it against all Life forever, bow
to This Light and give way before Its Almighty Eter­
nal Cosmic Authority and Power; and never create
discord in this Universe again, in One Mighty Stroke,
Right now!
32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
POW ERS OF LIG H T! (3) from the Great Central
Give us all of Your Light! (3 ) Help! (3 ) Power!
(3 ) Miracles! (3 ) of the Blue Lightning, the Violet
Flame and the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns with­
out limit!
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and Manifest!
(3 ) Saint Germain’s Perfect “I A M ” Miracle..............
Temple, (school, home, etc.) in outer physical sub­
stance, imperishable and Self-luminous today and for­
For this “I A M ” Temple shall come forth thru the
Divine Love, Wisdom and Power from the Great Cen­
tral Sun that transcends every human concept—in
ONE M IG H TY STRO K E— Right Now!
Oh, Mighty “ I A M ” ! (3 )
* $ & $

Whenever you have the opportunity encourage the
young people not to act upon sudden impulses. M ar­
riage is a very beautiful thing when understood and gov-
Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
erned; but if it comes about thru an impulse of a sinister
activity, unknown to the blessed innocent ones, then it
is tragic indeed!
* * * *
Govern and watch all sudden impulses, and do not
act without assurance, then you will find that the W-is-
dom of the Presence will, thru the Discriminative A ctiv­
ity of the Higher Mental Body, keep you from making
any mistakes!
* * * *
H A V E B E E N IN T H E P A S T , P L E A S E S H U T T H E

* * * *

I t seems so remarkable that in all mankind’s exper­
iences, these simple Truths did not come forth ; and yet,
We do know of course, it is simply the sinister activity
of human accumulation which withheld these simple
majestic Truths from reaching the consciousness and
understanding of mankind, because then they would
free themselves quickly!
34 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
It is our very great privilege and joy to announce the
release of a small size “ Crystal Cup” for either traveling
or children.
It is the same shape and quality as the larger “ Crystal
Cup,” but for individual use, especially traveling, it is more
convenient for carrying.
These “ Crystal Cups” receive the same Charge and'
Blessing as the larger ones, and, with the exception of size
and weight, are in all other respects the same.
We love, charge and bless them with all the Devotion
and Purity of our Heart’s Love and Light; to be the Recep­
tacle into which the “ Mighty I A M Presence” and all
Great Beings, Powers and Activities of Light, can focus
Their Power, Unfed Flame and all the Blessings for which
we call.
May every one of these “ Precious Crystal Cups” be
such an out-pouring of all Ascended Master Miracles, Vic­
tories, Light and Freedom, that each one’s world runs full
to overflowing, with all the Perfection of Light without
limit, sustained and expanded to bless all Life and all that
is yet to be, today and forever.
W ith all our Love in the Light forever,
Price #5.00
Shipping charges 50 cents.

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35

Beloved Precious “ I A M ” Students, in all “ I A M ”
Study Groups and musical activities, please use only the
Music of the Spheres; or music to which there are words
in our loose-leaf songs (except Nos. 34, 49, 52).
Please do not use outer world music of any kind in
your musical activities at any time, as Saint Germain and
the Other Ascended Masters are giving the Music of the
Spheres which They request us to use; because of Its Spe­
cial Radiation for the release of the Ascended Masters’
Consciousness contained within it.
We are building a permanent musical activity to re­
lease Ascended Master Healings, Ascended Master Bless­
ings, Ascended Master Protection and Ascended Master
Perfection and these can only come thru melodies which
are charged with Ascended Master Feeling, and Ascended
Master Words, which are Cups that carry Their Ascended
Master Light-Substance into the minds and bodies of those
who hear this Music of the Spheres.
We wish all our “I A M ” Musical Activities to be kept
uniform all over the world, so the Greatest Light and Help
from the Ascended Masters’ Octave can go forth every­
where, to bless all mankind until all are raised into the
Ascension forever.

36 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.


property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37


Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions

to the “ Voice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and
end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for
the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be #2.92 in
America and #3.33 in foreign lands. This applies to the
year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
unexpired months of 1942.
All back issues may be secured at any time, either by
single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­
tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s
issues, priced at #5.50.
In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
each year.
Your change of address must reach this office not later
than the 10 th of the month in order to assure that month’s
issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
ping date. Your co-operation will be appreciated and our
service to you assured.
SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, Inc., Santa Fe, N. Mex. Ac­
company same with either checks, drafts, or Express Money
Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Please do not send P.O.M.O.’s.
We extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today.
We thank and Bless all forever

38 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
release of the third SO N G FOLDER containing three
songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
/ 7. Helios, The Dawn
No. 3 \ 8. Lord—The Maha Chohan
( 9. Thou Seven Mighty Elohim
Price of this Song Folder #3.00, shipping charges 40c.
T he Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
Group and individual use.
Price 1 /4c per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.

I f you have to he firm with the human, then he firm
in no uncertain terms! Let them know, you will no
longer tolerate these things, and do not be afraid of
hurting someone’s feelings. I f they are hurt hy telling
them the Truth, then the sooner you know it, the better
vt %Sm
Property o f Saint Germain Press , Inc. 39
It is our great privilege to announce the release of a
chart in Miniature size 21/ 4x 33/^. This small chart is a
reproduction of the larger ones, but suitable for pocket
use and convenient to send to our boys in the Service.
Price each /c or 4 for 25c, plus shipping charges.
Cellophane folder to cover the above, may also be
Price each 10 c, plus shipping charges.
These Miniature Charts may be secured from the Saint
Germain Press in Chicago as well as the Western Branch
in Santa Fe.
* * * •


We announce the release of Our Beloved Nada’s pic­
ture in sepia size 4%x6^j.. This can be furnished
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes.
Mounted plain—Price each— # 1 .00, plus shipping
Mounted on folder—Price each— #1.25, plus shipping

40 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

We hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the SA IN T GER­
is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
This means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
We are determined that this GIFT OF LIGHT,
T R U T H AN D FREEDOM from the Ascended Masters
to mankind SH A LL BE PRO TECTED and kept PURE,
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
est possible Blessing.
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 41

Containing the first group of the author's experiences.
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II ................................ By G odfre Ray King
Containing the second group of the author's experiences.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters'
Application of the I A M ," with three color plates.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
Parts 1 and 2 .................................... - ......................... By Chanera
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the
"M ig h ty I A M Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
By Various Ascended Masters
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated
before hundreds o f students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
THE I A M DISCOURSES, Volume V III............... By the Great Divine Director
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by
the G reat Divine Director, before hundreds of students.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
"I A M " ADORATIONS AND AFFIR M ATIO N S ................................... By Chanera
Vest Pocket Edition o f powerful Adorations and Affirmations
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) U/2 C per leaf. Shipping charges extra

.w > ■ *>

42 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

"UNVEILED MYSTERIES” — In Two Volumes........................-..... Price $5.25
"THE M A G IC PRESENCE"— In Three Volumes....... .................. Price $7.75
"THE 'I A M ' DISCOURSES"— In Two Volumes...... .....................Price $6.75
"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES"— In Two Volumes___ Price $7.00
"THE VOICE OF THE 'I A M ' " Shipplng charges extra
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other im portant subjects.
Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
tions begin with January 1943.
Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
(Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable fo r framing and con­
tem plation; showing each individual's relationship to his own In­
dividualized God Presence— the "M ig h ty 'I A M '."
Size — 5 ' / 2 x 8 ' / 2 . Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
CHARTS A N D FLAMES IN ACTIO N , Size |2x2| Price $65.00
Above Charts mechanically animated................. ) Size 30*52 price $225.00
Violet Flame mechan ically animated..................(Size 12x21 Price $65.00
| Size 30x52 Price $225.00
(Shipping charges extra)
A t Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
Size 15x19I/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size I5 x I 91/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 43

Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets:
1. Opulence and Supply
2. Violet Flame and Healing
3. "I A M " America's Freedom
4. "I A M " Light Decrees
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' "I A M "
6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks
T. Light My World
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each,
We will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released.
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet) ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
N 100-B Lotus My L o v e ............................ •J Frederick Landwehr,
| Shrine Organ
S N 101-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) | Lotus Ray King, Harp
) N 10 1- B Silent Sentinel (Duet) | Frederick Landwehr,
| Shrine Organ
I N 102-A "I A M " Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
) N 102-B "I A M " Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class
( 200-A Light of My Heart (Du | Lotus Ray King, Harp
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet) •j Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ

44 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Lotus Ray King, Harp
j 202-A Son of Light (Duet)
Frederick Landwehr,
\ 202-B Call to Light (Duet) Shrine Organ

Lotus Ray King, Harp
{ 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) .........
Frederick Landwehr,
( 203-B Oh, W orld Victorious (Duet)
Shrine Organ
J 505-A America O ur Own Beloved Land ( Sung by Minute Men
l 505-B Silent Sentinel ................................ ) o f Saint Germain
Lotus Ray King, Harp
1000-A "I A M " Come (Duet) ................................ { Frederick Landwehr,
1000-B Dedication ................................................................. Donald Ray King
Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
RR-I20I Invocation .......... ................... - Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent N ight) H arp........................Mrs. Ballard
RR-1203 Benediction .............................................. Mrs. Ballard and Donald
RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp Mrs. Ballard
3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) .........................M r. G. W . Ballard
3300- B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ...Mr. G. W . Ballard
3301- A Benediction (Shrine Class) ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
3301- B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
3302- A Invocation (Shrine Class) ........... M r. G. W . Ballard
3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)....................Mr. G. W . Ballard
* j 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
f 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
| 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3303-E Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) M r. G. W . Ballard
♦(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by M r. G. W . Ballcird
and should be sold in a set.)
* l 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the C hart....... M r. G. W . Ballard
( 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the C hart............ Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt............ Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the C h a rt............ Mr. G . W . Ballard

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 45

f 3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony M r. G. W . Ballard
\ 3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony M r. G. W . Ballard
( 3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
l 3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W. Ballard
( 3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W. Ballard
\ 3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard
i 3308-A Helping A ll Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard
X 3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard
| 3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) M r. G. W. Ballard
) 3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
‘ i 33IO-A Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W . Ballard
l 33IO-B Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
f 33IO-C Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G .W . Ballard
} 33IO-D Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W. Ballard
( 3310-E Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 M r. G. W. Ballard
) 33IO-F Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
f 33IO-G Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
( 33IO-H Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3310-1 Excerpts from Victory s Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
| 33IO-J Adoration to M ighty Victory )
Mr. G. W . Ballard
I -K Benediction f
( 3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: (The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in “ I A M " Study Groups.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped direct from the Santa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

46 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
effective at once, advance the cost of the Small Crystal Cups to

$8.45, delivered to destination.

Cost of the Large Crystal Cup remains unchanged.

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 47

Already Released
A G r ou p of Songs— M u s ic an d L y r ic s by G o d f r e B a y K i n g and
L o t u s R a y K i n g . Th e s e Songs a r e esp e ci al ly c h a r g e d w i t h p o w e r ­
f u l he a lin g a c t i v i t y . E a c h c on ta in s a b e a u t i f u l l y li t h o g r a p h e d
c o v e r in colors, esp e ci al ly designed f o r t h a t piece of m usic .
O ur present stock o f these songs will be sold a t the regular price of
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c.
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
SO NG FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. " I A M " Here
No. I -( 2. Angels o f Saint Germain j- Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
4. G reat Hercules— Thou Elohim ]
No. 2 t
5. M ary, the M other of Jesus j- Music and Lyrics
l 6. Archangel Michael j Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
Small Size— fo r individual use............................................................Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— fo r Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re no t sold t h r u R e a d i n g R oom s o r Gr ou p
Le a d e r s . Ea c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o na lly by M rs . G. W . B a l la r d
a n d is t h e n shi p pe d d i r e c t t o each in d i v i d u a l . No disc ou nt s are
a ll o w e d.

48 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.

(16” fo r Playbacks only)
f Lotus Ray King, Harp
65 l 1. Goddess o f Purity ...................... ................. j Frederick Landweh-r—
i J Shrine Organ ~
Shrine Audience
[ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto .....................
( Lotus Ray King, Harp
66 "1 AM Come (Duet) .... ................. -j Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ

NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
double-faced record.
Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra

Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


B y the A scended M asters and their A ccred ited Messengers
M r. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, D onald


T h e "V o ice of the I A M ” is the mouth-piece through w hich

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the Students
quickly, that the most pow erful w o rk possible for Am erica
and the w orld may be done by the students to release the
greatest Ligh t in the shortest time.

T h e inform ation given under the heading of "Y o u n g A m er­
ica” w ill be the Ascended M asters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
o f the new civilization and are the channels through w hich
the Ascended Masters w ill give their L ig h t for the use o f the
outer w orld in the Golden " I A M ” A ge.


S A I N T G E R M A I N P R E SS , Inc.
Santa Fe, New Mexico.

G b p y riq /ii-S a in t (fertnain9*restf Trie..1943

Wings of Light from Heavenly Bealm s
Come Messengers of God’s Love,
Bringing to earth in Glory Supreme,
Perfection from Those Above—
Whose Hearts of Flam e lift all of us here,
And raise us on B ays of Gold;
In Peace Divine and Harmony True,
“I AM” all Their Gifts untold!
On Wi'ngs of Love from Temples of Light,
Come Angels to help us now,
Their Strength “I AM” and Courage Sublime,
To help us fulfill our Vow!
They blaze Their Power and take command,
Increasing Their Light each day,
They stand revealed to all mankind too,
Perfecting us all God's Way!
On W ings of Peace from Temples of Flame
“I AM” Legions we behold—
They bring Sacred Fire to earth again,
And in Their Peace all enfold;
Their Mantles Bright and Beauty Divine
Protect and illumine too,
As Their Cosmic Peace clothes all the earth,
Each heart’s Unfed Flam e comes thru!
On Wings of Joy from Suns above,
Victors of Light now descend;
To hold all earth forever in Light—
Light! that is always Our Friend!
The “I AM” Light They bring and expand
And Victory’s Great Victory too,
For only Light is Beal Victory —
“I AM” is ALL Light come thru!
On Wings of Pow’r, Lov’d Freedom commands
Freedom for ail from H is Heart;
For Saint Germain is ALL Freedom here
And ail else must now depart!
His Violet Flame purifies all,
It flows from H is Blessed Hands—
“I AM”! “I AM”! “I AM”! that Great Flam e
All Purity, He expands!
On Wings of Flame, God’s Music comes thru,
To consume all not of Light,
To silence all discord everywhere
“I AM” is aU of God’s Might!
Its Song and Light shall fill every home
W ith Victory no tongue can teU,
For the Light “I AM” shall reign Supreme
In that Light “I AM” all dweU!
SAINT GERMAIN’S DICT ATION out into every detail of it; because that is a part of your
Life! W hatever belongs to the action of your world,
M IN U TE M EN N E W YORK CITY the Radiance of your Life goes out into every detail
M ay 29, 1938 of it, because it belongs to you! It does not go into
someone else’s Life or action, but it goes into your world!
ELOVED gentlemen of the Light, My Heart Feel this more and more, and know that it is the Supreme
throbs with joy at every opportunity to meet Directing Intelligence. In your previous limited concepts,
with you; and I call your attention again and you have drawn yourselves into all kinds of mistakes
again to these Great Laws! Everything that and limitations, because you were not dealing with the
touches your outer activity of Life, is the Law of your own cause. You were accepting human appearances which
Life in action; whether it be governed by Intelligent are largely human concepts and therefore not correct.
Direction or by human concepts, which allow mistakes You have the opportunity, today, thru this which I
and limitations to suddenly creep in. You are the have brought forth — the Understanding of Life and
choosers of what is going to be done with this energy Its Application — to take the Scepter of Power into
of Life, which is flowing forth thru your body! your hands, and call forth this M ighty Energy, this
You have seen this magnificent Chart. It is the exact M ighty Directing Intelligence to act in your world —
eye picture of your Reality, your position, your connec­ first to harmonize your physical bodies, because that is
tion with your own God Presence, the “Mighty I A M ” ! the imperative need; and then your world and affairs!
Remember those two W ords, “I A M ,” are the Most Do you not see, that you cannot allow this energy
Powerful W ords in the Universe; and have thru all civ­ to go forth in its Purity and Power, unless there is H ar­
ilizations, come down as the God A uthority; for they mony maintained in your feelings; because by the Law
are the Announcement of Divinity, your Individualized of your Life, your Power of Qualification is compelled
Presence of God thru the human form at your focus to clothe that energy as if goes forth! T hat is why it
in the Universe! is imperative and why the Messengers have pled and
If you will understand this in its fulness, you will pled with mankind to first harmonize their feelings and
understand, why it is possible for you to release a greater maintain that Harmony; so, when they call this Greater
Power, a greater intensification of the Energy of Life, Power of the Presence into action, this M ighty Energy
than that which ordinarily flows thru, as you have here­ and Substance will flow forth in its Purity.
tofore understood it, as involuntary action. Then, you Remember, as you observe this Chart, that this
can by the understanding of the Presence which gives you Stream of Energy, until It touches the top of your Head
Life, by your attention, by your call, release a greater IS ALL-POW ERFUL, PURE A N D PERFECT! If
volume of It into action, so It will cleanse and purify allowed to go forth in Its own Purity, then by Its own
your own bodies and feeling world, then go out by the volition, It would produce Perfection and successful
Power of Radiation and Light into your activity! achievement in your world; but so long as mankind will
Do not think just because your activity encompasses not comprehend, will not correct their feeling world,
quite a scope of action, that the Radiation does not go then they will continue to requalify that Energy; or in
4 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
other words, clothe It, as It goes forth, with the quality that, you will find, you can raise your feeling, your con­
which is in the feeling! It is so imperative to thoroughly sciousness above the human limited concepts.
understand this! Remember, it requires strength and determination
I am dwelling on it this morning to try to help you. to reverse all human concepts, and this understanding
If you feel and hold the T ruth of this, then you will does reverse most human concepts! There is no ques­
understand and see; and it will give you the courage tion about that. W e know what W e are talking about,
and strength to receive that Harmony in your feelings but W e know what It produced for Us; and W e know
and allow this Power to go forth and produce success what It will produce, for everyone in the world; because
in your world of action. It is the Law of Life, your Life acting, and W e can’t talk
Gentlemen, there is not one of you in this room or about anything else!
in New York, if you would understand these simple Laws Now, if W e could have achieved this Great Freedom
and go forth believing Them, holding your feelings har­ — should you who have not seen into O ur Octave dis­
monious, who would not in thirty days find the opening credit it? Because you have not seen into the Higher
for himself, or whatever successful achievement, he Octaves, you think all this is hazy, filmy and imaginary.
wished to attain. The opportunity is before the men M y dear Brothers of Light, in the Octave where W e
of America today; and if they can harmonize themselves, are, everthing is just as tangible and Real as your physi­
whatever they choose to fix their attention upon, will cal octave here! It is composed of a finer Substance,
become successful in that direction! There is no opposi­ true; but it is none the less tangible! O ur Bodies which
tion to this Great Power of the “I A M Presence,” which you do not see, are Real and Tangible. I am standing
goes forth to bless you, to harmonize, to intelligently here just the same as this Good Brother; because I am
direct your activity in the outer world. determined to release a Radiation into your feeling world
Unless you conform to this, gentlemen, W e cannot today, which will anchor you; to give you Strength and
help you! W e want to! W e have all A uthority and Courage to go forth Victorious in your acknowledgment
Power, with your cooperation, to transform everything of your own “I A M Presence” and the Power of your
in your world; and W e are ready to give the Assistance; application. Do not waver in your application!
but W e will not do it, unless mankind will give the neces­ Suppose you do not have the immediate results you
sary obedience — not to Us, but to Life, your own Life! would like. Go on, apply the Law and one day, perhaps
W e are talking only about your own Life. W e stand sooner than you expect, the wall of human resistance
ready to give Assistance! W e have gained our Freedom will come down. Then, you will find your Life filled
by this identical application, don’t forget that! It is why with wonderful strength, happiness, joy and the achieve­
W e have lifted Ourselves into O ur Ascension to O ur ment which cannot come, unless the human turns its
Eternal Freedom. W e wear Bodies of Eternal Light attention where Perfection is; and that is above you, your
own God Presence, the Individualized Presence of God,
which W e can command to raise or lower Their vibra­ the “M ighty I A M .”
tory action at will. There is not a thing unusual about That Chart is accurate, make no mistake about It.
it! It is just the Law of Life acting! As you understand Unless you want to conform to It, you will have to remain
5 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
as you are. In this day, TH E EN TIRE A TM O S­ W hen I found Napoleon as a youth, he was the most
PHERE OF E A R T H IS CH A RG ED DYNAM ICALLY willingly obedient individual you could wish to find.
W IT H M I S C O N C E P T S , with human destructive There was not the slightest thing in his feeling world,
thoughts and feelings; and you are compelled to move to indicate that he would not continue to be obedient;
in that atmosphere all the time. You cannot get away but in an unguarded moment, he allowed the destructive
from it, as long as you are in physical embodiment. Then, forces of the world of human creation to surge in upon
you must know, that mankind have got to have a Greater him and he would not listen, and you know the rest.
Understanding than they have thus far had, in order to That is exactly the way with mankind today. TH E
hold or call the Presence to hold this Tube of Light M O M EN T A RR O G A N C E OF H U M A N A CH IEV E­
about them. It will give them the Invincible Protection M EN T COM ES IN FOR A NY REA SON W H A T ­
from the impact of the outer, for you have the impact SOEVER, T H A T M O M EN T, GENTLEM EN, Y OU
of discordant thought and feeling driven at you all the H A V E SH U T TH E D O O R T O TH E PO W ER , TH E
time, just like waves. BEAUTY, A N D PERFECTION OF Y O U R M IG H TY
You all know that! You know the changes in your GOD PRESENCE! You cannot afford to do it. The
feeling! You have moments of extreme happiness and greater your power and understanding, the more humble
courage, and the first thing you know, down you go you must become before this Great Presence of Light
into the feeling of lack of the power of achievement. and Freedom, and the more unyielding to human crea­
That does not belong to you; that is because you have tion. You must be as humble as a child before this
accepted the Radiation about you somewhere. Great Presence of Life that beats your heart.
Today, you have This Understanding, you have the T hat is why this Messenger has come to this point
means of holding yourselves in the Invincible Protection today. Gentlemen, there is not any of you who had a
of the Presence, against these conditions of human crea­ greater struggle than he had for thirty years. Remem­
tion. This human accumulation is not only just in this ber, seventy thousand years ago he was my son! Donald
embodiment; but from hundreds and thousands of em­ was my son! T hat is why My Own Current of Energy is
bodiments in which mankind have lived. Gentlemen, within those bodies! I have always seen to it, that that
make no mistake about it, you have lived hundreds and Current of Energy remained thruout these long centuries,
thousands of embodiments similar to this! So did I, for one day, I knew that It would take Its Dominion
until that day came, when the Light was strong enough in whatever human form they were using at the time,
within Me to hold Its Dominion and send Me forward, when that Dominion should come forth. I saw this and
to the place where finally I came to understand this Law. I saw his struggle, up until he had grown to manhood.
Before M y Ascension, I understood the Law of Those in Our Greater Octave of Light — not know­
Transmutation and did many things that seemed miracu­ ing what I did, not having investigated — questioned
lous to the human. I worked thruout Europe for four his ability to carry this Light; because They saw and
hundred years, after I began to maintain the body which knew that in this embodiment by nature, he was very
I then used, but mankind would not listen! I could have timid; but to Their great amazement, he arose in the
made Europe the United States of Europe and tried it. Power and Strength of his Great and M ighty “I A M ”
g Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 9
Presence; and from the beginning he has been dauntless IF ALL TH E PEOPLE W O U LD SUDDENLY W IT H ­
before the criticism and the condemnation of mankind. D R A W T H E IR A T T E N T IO N FROM T H A T : A N D
He is absolutely fearless and had you known him in his PU T IT O N TH IS G REA T PRESENCE, IN T H IR T Y
early youth, you would have thought it impossible. Just DAYS T H E TROUBLES OF M A N K IN D W O U LD
so with you today, you who are beset in some manner D ISAPPEA R; BECAUSE TH ERE W O U LD BE
by more or less fear or doubt, either of your ability, your N O T H I N G T O FEED T H A T A PPEA R A N CE
application or of the Reality of the Presence. W on’t W O RLD , T O LONGER M ANIFEST ITS A PPEA R ­
you believe Me, when I tell you that this Chart is abso­ A N CE T O M A N K IN D .
lutely correct, giving you the perfect eye picture of your Now, this is practical, the most practical thing in Life
position to your own God Presence; and how you are and when mankind understands It, they will find them­
connected with that Great God Presence! If you were selves free and quickly.
not, you could not have a physical body. Your own Gentlemen, I know what is in everyone of your lives!
reason tells you that since this is the case, you can by I know what is in your feeling world and your motives;
your attention to your Presence, call forth Its Limitless and in a great city like this, it is a marvel that mankind
Power and Intelligence, to govern you and your world ever maintain any semblance of Purity and Perfection!
and produce Perfection in whatever your attention is It is the most Marvelous Miracle! You talk about mir­
fixed. acles, and yet each one of you is a living miracle today,
Remember, your three faculties, your attention, your in the fact that if you saw the conditions you are moving
physical eye sight and your Power of qualification! They in constantly, you would know that it was true.
are three of the most powerful faculties in the world and Now then since you have been able by the Power of
they go on thruout Life, even to the Highest Spheres! This Light which is beating your heart, to ward off to
You are having but a fragmentary part of these great a large degree, the conditions of human creation which
faculties to use here in physical embodiment, until you would have destroyed you before you were twenty years
come to understand what they mean to you. “W here old, then you must know that the Light is still holding
your attention is, there you are.” You cannot prevent Its Dominion; and by your conscious attention to the
it; because where your attention is, every particle of your Presence of all Life, you will know you can draw Its
Life is feeding into that objective. W hat your attention Purity and Power and send It forth, out into your world
is held on you become; because that is the Law of Life. to harmonize and produce whatever Perfection you desire
You cannot change it, until you change your attention. to have there; also in your physical body.
Your vision has looked out here and accepted all the I want you to understand this today. The doctors
distress and limitations, you see created by mankind. have told you, that most diseases could be eradicated,
Now that is not real! It certainly does seem tangible to which many have fallen a prey; but I tell you, it is
and real, but it has no power of its own volition. The impossible, unless mankind will use the Violet Consuming
human creation of limitation and distress you see about Flame, call their “I AM Presence” into action, to remove
you, is but human creation. It has no power, except that thing from their blood stream. I know what I am
the Life fed into that appearance by individuals; and talking about! Unless you will use the Violet Consuming
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Flame, you cannot cleanse and purify your bodies and substance into your brain and body; any of those sub­
make them the receptacle for this Great and Pure Energy stances makes it impossible for the finer vibrations from
to flow forth; but if you will call the “I AM Presence” your Presence, to find action and make you aware of
to use that Violet Consuming Flame and feel It go thru Itself.
your blood stream, you will be able to purify the Life No matter what the habits have been, you can call
Stream. Feel It and as that Violet Consuming Flame is your “Mighty I AM Presence,” your individualized
set into action under your feet, feel It just interpenetrat­ Presence of God, to take out of you all those desires
ing every cell of your bodies and entering into your blood and replace them by satisfaction — Its Satisfaction and
streams to flow thru those blood streams and cleanse and Perfection, and It will do it, and sometimes very quickly!
purify them. M y dear people, in twenty-four hours, I Therefore, this is the Law of your Life which W e are
could take one of you and purify your blood stream abso­ asking you to conform to, not O ur Idea, nor O ur Desire;
lutely complete! I want you to know how powerful this but because W e know what the Law of your Life is,
Great Law is; and just because you have made mistakes, and W e know W e had to do these things. W e had
is no reason why you should continue in them! to correct these conditions and so does every man and
Remember, gentlemen, I say to those who hold so woman in the world, if they are to have the Beauty,
firmly to the sex idea, O NE M O M E N T ’S A D O R A ­ Power and Perfection which W e know they become.
T IO N T O Y O U R “I AM PRESENCE,” W ILL GIVE In all of your activity of Life, unless you are ready
YO U M ORE JOY T H A N ALL T H E SEX DESIRE to pour forth Divine Love and Blessings to every person,
IN H U M A N EM BODIM ENT! Remember, dear ones, place, condition and thing, you cannot have your
W e are not trying to deprive you of anything, when W e Freedom; because that is what keeps Harmony in your
ask you to conform to the Law of your Life, to use that feeling world! As long as something is stirring up your
activity only for pro-creation of your kind. You need feeling, you are susceptible to all the disturbance and
that Energy which is Life, in your body, to hold to your destructive conditions about you in which you move!
Presence and call forth Its Power and Perfection! Do you not see that? Just the moment something
Do not resent letting go of those habits, whether disturbs your feeling world, you are an open prey to
they be sex, smoke, drink, dope or any condition that all the destructive forces accumulated by mankind! Your
besets mankind today! Dear people, REM EM BER YOU maintained Harmony is where your Great Protection
ARE BEING SET FREE A N D G IV EN EVERY­ comes. You must give obedience and response to the
T H IN G IN STEA D OF BEING D E P R I V E D OF Law of Life as you call It forth; by holding balance in
A N Y TH IN G ! T hat is what mankind must understand the human in the use of the Powers which you call forth
today, to allow this Great Purity, Power and Perfection from the Presence. As you do that, you will find your
of Life to go forth! world transformed in no time — into one of happiness,
Think what it means, gentlemen, if you allow your­ strength and courage and a directing Intelligence which
self to dwell for an hour upon intense sex desire; or for you would not have thought possible before!
an hour upon the great intense desire for drink; or for Your Higher Mental Body which stands between
smoke, or any of those things that mar and condense the your physical body and your “M ighty I AM Presence”
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J 3
is that Presence, Intelligence and Form of Blazing Light W e would no more condemn you for any mistakes you
which the Presence has provided! It knows the Perfec­ might have made, than anything in the world. Gentle­
tion of the Presence and knows your imperfection! W hen men, everyone who has reached Perfection, has gone thru
you call to the Presence, your Higher Mental Body similar experiences to yours, why should one condemn
knows the slightest detail of your every requirement! another!
W e have not called your attention particularly to the W atch out in your Life’s experience! If you con­
Higher Mental Body up until now; because W e wanted demn another, you are condemning a part of yourself;
your attention fixed upon your Source of Life, which is because all Life is ONE! You are individuals that is
the “M ighty I A M Presence.” The Higher Mental true; but still in the Great Octave of Life, all Life is One;
Body always responds! You don’t have to give It atten­ all energy is One; all Intelligence is One; and you are
tion especially; but now today, W e are coming to the the individualized Activity of those great qualities.
point where it is necessary for you to keep yourselves Therefore, feel your responsibility to pour forth the
reminded, that your Higher Mental Body is there Radiance of Divine Love, Blessing and Order, as you
answering your call to the Presence; and It knows every­ move among mankind. Your blessed Leader touched
thing that you need; everything that you should do, and upon a magnificent point, when he said: “let us be
will give you absolute Unlimited Assistance! examples.” Oh, beloved Brothers of Light, what that
Once mankind comes to understand that the Higher means to the whole world! You as representatives of
Mental Body is the All-power of the Presence, you will the Light of your God Presence and the Ascended
know that your Higher Mental Body can come right Masters, and that is what mankind wants to see!
here and make Itself visible to you at any time It chooses. If you, as Minute Men of Myself, are not representa­
It can enfold you in Its Presence and make your physical tives of the Light of your own God Presence, are not
body an Invincible Power against anything in the outer examples in your daily activity of this Light and show
world! I have seen it done time and time again! Your that Mastery, well can you blame mankind, if they do
Higher Mental Body can speak to you, just like I am not want to become one of you?
talking to you, when the obstruction in your feeling Now why are you here, gentlemen? N ot just because
world is sufficiently cleansed and purified. you wanted to hear the Messenger; but because your
Your “M ighty I A M Presence,” even Its outer rim own Light in your heart was strong enough to bring
of Radiance, never goes below your heart; and if It once you here. I want you to feel that! It is no drawing
did come that close, you would become a Luminous Being Power of Mine or his, but it is your own Light, which
at that moment. Your Higher Mental Body is provided is strong enough in you to take command of those
to give you Assistance in your call to the Presence and physical bodies; harmonize them and hold that Harmony.
It is mighty! It is tremendous!
I am very thankful for your comprehension and your As you call the Power of your “Great I A M Presence”
willing acceptance of this! Don’t feel when W e call your into action to transform your bodies, your world of
attention to this necessity, that W e are criticizing you; activity comes into the greatest success, the happiness
for W e have only one desire and that is your Freedom! and the limitless supply that anyone can desire. T hat
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is the Law of your Life. It is not something imaginary, are being taught the Power of contemplation instead of
but a Great Law which acts according to your application. meditation. Contemplation is action of God! M edita­
Look at the condition thruout your America today. tion is a static consciousness or stillness, releasing no great
A t least for forty years, since Madam Blavatsky brought power into the physical world where the purification is
forth the first idea of the Masters to the W estern world needed! A fter long periods of that, by the very natural
and went thru such crucifixion as few endure — but it law of their beings, they call forth such Purity and
has anchored the thought and feeling in the W estern Perfection into those human forms, that they pour forth
W orld, that there were Those W ho were called Masters a M ighty Radiance. There is no question about that!
and W ho had much more than ordinary understanding There is no contemplation about that; but the W estern
and .projection of Currents of Energy to cleanse and world needs the Power of Contemplation, which is the
purify their worlds. Power of action brought forth to dissolve and consume
You have heard the Messengers tell you that in India the discord!
there are Masters who are not ascended, but W ho call You are responsible for the discord of the outer world
their “I A M Presence” into action to make that Tube to the degree that you have felt and put forth discord
of Light so Invincible about them, that not even a bullet to that which already exists in the world! There is no
from an elephant rifle can penetrate it. T hat has been getting away from that! Every human being to the
done a thousand times in India. It shows, that the Tube degree that each has released discord in the world, is
of Light can be made Invincible and your “I AM responsible for the limitations of mankind today! Now
Presence” will do it! as you understand the Law of Life, you turn all human
Yet today, in the Understanding of your “Mighty concepts upside down, as it were. All previous concepts
I A M Presence” and this application which I have about Life must be cleared. Then you understand that
brought forth, you have an hundred times greater under­ beating your heart, is the Great Power and Presence of
standing than the average individual in India who has Life in Its fulness; and that no impurity nor imperfection
established that other condition! They have only parts can enter into your heart, because that is the Anchorage
of this Information. In their understanding of medita­ of the Light of Eternity in your physical form! W ithout
tion and all that kind of activity, setting their bodies that Light and the Light Pattern in your flesh body, there
down and going off into Nirvana — it is a very wonderful would be no flesh body in this world. There would
thing; but as the God Hymalaya ‘made the people of be nothing to hold it together!
America aware, that is not sufficient! Mankind have W e come now to the very simple majestic point, that
created their own limitations and discord in the outer the Light which is within your body, is the Intelligence
world. The Great Light of God must be drawn forth of Life, the active Presence that is there! Your atomic
to cleanse, purify, and correct that condition on earth! structure at so-called death is helpless. From the begin­
Meditation and going out from the body will never do ning every organ is there; but what the Presence of Life
it in the world! T hat is why the God Hymalaya has be­ charged into the body, was the Intelligence, the Power
come so tremendously fired with enthusiasm, over the and the Activity which was acting thru that human
W ork that is being done in America; because the people structure. T hat should be sufficient proof, and there is
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press. Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J7
not a human being on the face of this earth who can self and feel what he wanted to have become a reality
refute it. in his outer Life. Those individuals did not know that,
All the mighty things that ever came thru your but they knew thru intuition, that they must have quiet
human form, came thru that Stream of Light and Energy and Freedom from the pressure of the outside world,
from your own God Presence. Every building in New which their sanctuary or private office became! Let Me
York came thru that Stream of Light and Energy as an tell you another thing, not one of those men would have
idea, as a plan and thru the outer Intelligence there was ever attained great wealth, who did not have O ur
made a blue print. Then it became the physical build­ Assistance!
ing, by the substance which you have here. Then the W hy do you suppose I have watched so closely over
body that had become helpless was the channel for the America for two hundred years? Because I saw that
Outpouring of all this Great Intelligence and Power of here was the only spot on earth where there was a chance
Achievement. of establishing this Great Perfection on earth, for
Gentlemen, I tell you if your medical doctors and America has not been drenched by human blood! T hat
your scientific world, would believe that W e are Real is why your opportunity today, gentlemen, is so great!
and give attention to their own God Presence — first There is not one of you in this room or in America, who
the “M ighty I A M ,” then send their call to Us, the has become a M inute Man of Myself, whom I could not
whole scientific world would be transformed inside of raise into all Perfection and successful achievement; if
one year! Then, the correct concepts for mankind would you would direct your attention upon Perfection and
come forth; but in mankind’s reaching out just to their hold it there; by first calling earnestly, sincerely and with
individual human concepts, they have but changed one adoration to your own “M ighty I A M Presence.”
effect for another! They are not gaining the T ruth W hy have these two Messengers reached this Great
of Life, except in rare intervals, and I cite one for your Freedom and Blessing? Because they have been willing
illustration. to give willing obedience first to their Presence and then
Your M ighty Edison held himself away from the to Me! T hat is not domination by Myself, but because
opinions of the outer world, so that he received and they know the Power and Perfection to which I have
brought thru the correct things for the blessing of man­ attained; and they know that I do know what I am
kind! T hat is a magnificent example of powerful, Real talking about by actual experience. The Messenger in
inspiration! Only a few will hold themselves free enough his association with Me knows that, and all human
from the association of human concepts, to allow Life’s opinions cannot change it. He knows I am Real, and
Great Perfection to come forth! as tangible as you are! TH EREFO RE, W H E N TH E
W ithout a doubt you know and realize, that those EX PA N SIO N OF M A N K IN D ’S L I G H T H A S
who do contact Real Inspiration must have quiet and BECOME G R EA T EN O U G H , I W ILL W ALK
seclusion to do it. Take your great financiers in the W IT H Y O U A N D SHAKE Y O U R H A N D S TH E
world today; not one of them ever reached the point of SAM E AS H E DOES; A N D I A M H O P IN G T H A T
success, until he received the feeling that he must have W ILL BE SO O N , (applause and audience standing)
his own private sanctuary, where he could go in by him- I want you to feel your authority, your power, to
|g Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
call this Greater Activity of your own Life, to take com­ ing obedience to Us, but W e are asking obedience to your
mand of yourself and your world. Don’t waver! own Life, which W e know is absolutely imperative if
SUPPOSE Y OU DO M EET A FEW O BSTRU C­ you want to be Free! It is the Law of your Life always,
TIO N S SEEMINGLY, U N T IL Y OU C U T Y O U R ­ and remember I say again, no matter what your mistakes
SELF FREE, W H A T OF IT! IT A M O U N T S T O have been, you will not have one word of criticism or
N O T H IN G A T ALL! TH E C O N D ITIO N S T H A T condemnation from Us! No One of those Great Beings
H A V E DEPRIVED Y O U IN T H E PA ST H A V E of Light ever has one single feeling of criticism or con­
ABSOLUTELY N O PO W ER TO D A Y , IN Y O U R demnation of you in your mistakes; neither does your
A C K N O W L E D G M E N T OF Y O U R G REA T “I A M Presence” ! Therefore, be as kindly to each
PRESENCE! D O YOU N O T SEE A N D FEEL other as W e are to you; and as you do that, you will find
T H A T ? IT M EA NS T H A T P H Y S I C A L L Y you have made a condition wherein the Great Presence
SPEAKING, Y O U M U S T BE F I R M A N D and Power of Life will cleanse, purify and make you a
ST A U N C H T O T H A T PRESENCE OF LIGHT; Glorious Being of Light!
A N D BECOME FEARLESS, W H E N SUDDENLY It is wonderful, it is glorious to find after all the cen­
A N A PPEA R A N CE OF SOM E O BSTRU C TIO N turies of mankind’s struggle, that Life will set you Free!
O R DISTRESS A PPEA RS BEFORE YOU! Oh, gentlemen, think of it! This is not the only embodi­
You have accumulated long centuries and centuries ment in which you have gone thru these struggles! You
and hundreds of centuries of it; but that amounts to have lived thru hundreds and thousands of them. Now
nothing in your power and call to your Presence, to that W e give the Opportunity why not take hold; make
use the Violet Consuming Flame to cleanse and purify the necessary application; hold the needed Harmony in
your world! The Divine Director has asked Me to say your feeling world; and let the Presence and Power of
to you, that to all sincere M inute Men in America who Life cause all less than Perfection to cease forever. I
will do special work, that He will give Special Assistance hold your hand, gentlemen, with all M y H eart to your
to dissolve and consume every bit of their own human Victory and Freedom in the Light, and I thank you!
creation; and not only that, but whatever mistakes you
have made, where you have allowed diseases to enter into
your bodies, He will assist you in using the Violet Con­
suming Flame with such intensity, that It will cleanse
and purify your blood stream! Is there any greater serv­
ice on the face of this earth that can be offered mankind
than that? N ot to My knowledge!
Therefore, if you will give the obedience which He
asks to your Life, He can do this! Please do not think
that W e are asking you to do anything, but that which
will give you the quickest possible Perfection! W e are
not trying to deprive you of anything! W e are not ask­
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IMPORTANT AND “Oh, M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
By God’s Own Hand! (3)
MOST RECENT DECREES W e insist and demand! (3)
For God, the “M ighty I A M Presence,” SHALL
3 PREAMBLES take and hold Eternal Command! (3)
PO W ERS OF LIG H T (3) FRO M T H E G REA T For the “M ighty I A M Presence” and Higher
CEN TR A L SUN! Mental Bodies of all mankind, SHALL take
and hold Eternal Command! (3)
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3), For all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame Light, SHALL take and hold Eternal
of a Thousand Suns without limit! Command! (3)
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame and CH A RG E For in God’s Own H eart we SHALL forever
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic stand! (3)
Light, the Cross of Blue Flame, and Sword of Blue For in the H eart of the Sacred Fire that none
Flame of a Thousand Suns, in, thru and around all under can put out, we SHALL forever stand! (3)
This Radiation. For in the “Crystal Cup” of a Thousand Suns,
................................................................. of (or from) my we SHALL forever stand! (3)
“M ighty I A M Presence,” and all Great Beings, Powers For in the “Crystal Cap, Arm or of Light, and
and Legions of Light, which “I A M ” without limit — Crystal Cross of a Thousand Suns” we
SHALL Blaze (3 ), A ct (3), Charge (3), illumine, per­ SHALL forever stand! (3)
fect and rule thru my (the) flesh, feeling, atmosphere For ALL our Light’s Victory SHALL forever
and environment — (of.............................................. and all hold command! (3)
we hold near and dear) — clear and direct — visible and Follow with:
tangible to the physical senses of all mankind! They For ALL the Goddess of Light’s Power (3) SHALL
SHALL rule in absolute God-Victorious Authority, forever hold command! (3)
Dominion, and Power (3) of the Cosmic Light of a For ALL the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns
Thousand Suns, in, thru and around all I (we or they) SHALL forever hold command! (3)
ever do or contact; and A N N IH IL A T E (3) all human For ALL the Divine Director’s A uthority (3)
veils and all else that is human — cause, effect, record SHALL forever hold command! (3)
and memory — before it can act or approach, today and For ALL the Power (3) of the Archangel Michael
forever, in O N E M IG H TY STROKE right now; and and Legions of Light SHALL forever hold
M A N IFEST N O W ! (3) command! (3)
(Repeat from beginning of last paragraph above For ALL the Power (3) of the Violet Consuming
Flame of a Thousand Suns SHALL forever
after each line following) hold command! (3)
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
For ALL Saint Germain’s Freedom (3) SHALL for­ For the “Crystal Cap, Armor of Light and Crystal
ever hold command! (3) Cross of a Thousand Suns,” in thru and around
For ALL Victory’s Victory (3) SHALL forever us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3)
hold command! (3) For the Unfed Flame of a Thousand Suns, in thru
For ALL Daddy’s Obedience (3) SHALL forever and around us all SHALL forever hold com­
hold command! (3) mand! (3)
For ALL Nada’s Love, Wisdom and Power (3) For the Seven-fold Flame of the Seven Mighty
SHALL forever hold command! (3) Elohim, in thru and around us all, SHALL for­
For ALL Jesus’ Power (3) of the Ascension SHALL ever hold command! (3)
forever hold command! (3) For ALL the Power (3) of our Beloved Cosmos’
For ALL the Flame from the H eart of our Beloved Two Secret Rays, in thru and around us all
M ary SHALL forever hold command! (3) SHALL forever hold command! (3)
For all Hercules’ Invincible Safety (3) SHALL for­ For ALL the Power (3) of the Great Rainbow of
ever hold command! (3) Cosmic Beings, in thru and around us all SHALL
For ALL the Power (3) of the Great Cosmic W ord forever hold command! (3)
“I A M ” SHALL forever hold command! (9) For ALL the Power (3) of the Cosmic Scythe of
For ALL Saint Germain’s, Jesus’ and Daddy’s Per­ Blue Flame, in thru and around us all SHALL
fection of the Light SHALL forever hold forever hold command! (3)
command! (3) For ALL the Power (3) and Activity of the Sacred
For ALL the Substance from the Secret Love Star Fire that none can put out, in thru and around us
SHALL forever hold command! (3) all, SHALL forever hold command! (3)
For ALL the Power (3) of the Three times Three For ALL the Power (3) from the Maha Chohan and
SHALL forever hold command! (3) the Forces of the Elements, in thru and around
For ALL the Flame of Love from Helios’ H eart us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3)
SHALL forever hold command! (3) For ALL the Power (3), Activity and Substance of
For ALL the Angelic Host, in, thru and around the Gods of the Mountains, in thru and around
us all SHALL forever hold command! (3) us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3)
For ALL the Power (3) from the Ascended Masters’ For ALL the Power (3), Love and Supply from our
Retreats, the Etheric Cities and Temples of Light, Beloved Virgo, in thru and around us all,
in, thru and around us all, SHALL forever hold SHALL forever hold command! (3)
command! (3) For ALL the Power (3), and Light (3) from our
For the Cross of W hite Fire of a Thousand Suns, in Beloved Pelleur, in thru and around us all,
thru and around us all, SHALL forever hold SHALL forever hold command! (3)
command! (9) For the Scepter of Power (3) from the Royal Teton,
For the Limitless Legions of Light, in thru and around in thru and around us all, SHALL forever hold
us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3) command! (3)
24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
For ALL the Power (3) from the Atomic Accelera­ I INSIST that ALL the Light, Perfection, Freedom, Vic­
tor, in thru and around us all, SHALL forever tory and Safety,
hold command! (3) I INSIST that the Absolute God-Victorious FEELING
For ALL the Power (3) of the Cloak of Invisibility, of the Perfection of Light without limit,
Invincibility, and Invulnerability, in thru and I INSIST that ALL the Miracles, Harmony, Protection
around us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3) and Music of the Spheres,
For ALL the Power (3) of the Tube of Light of a I IN SIST that ALL the Limitless, Invincible, Eternal,
Thousand Suns, in thru and around us all, Over-whelming Divine Love, Patience, Purity, For­
SHALL forever hold command! (3) giveness, Justice and Mercy
For all the Power (3) of Mighty Astrea’s Circle of I INSIST that ALL the W ealth, Supply and Money
Blue Flame, in thru and around us all, SHALL without limit,
forever hold command! (3) I IN SIST that ALL the Absolute, Indestructible, Limit­
For ALL the Power (3) of our Beloved K-17’s Ring- less Light, Love, Mercy and Joy
Pass-Not of Blue Flame, in thru and around us I INSIST that ALL the A b s o l u t e , Indestructible
all, SHALL forever hold command! (3) Light, Purity, Harmony, Freedom, Victory and
For ALL the Power (3) of all the Beloved God­ Power (3)
desses, in thru and around us all, SHALL forever I INSIST that ALL the Limitless, Invincible, Eternal,
hold command! (3) Over-whelming, God-Victorious Supply of every
For ALL the Silent W atcher’s Power (3) from the good thing including money,
H eart of the Great Great Silence, in thru and I INSIST that ALL the Limitless, Invincible, Eternal,
around us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3) Over-whelming, God-Victorious I n n e r S e c r e t s ,
For ALL of Beloved Cyclopea’s Power (3) of the Powers, Blessings, Praise, and Miracles of Light
All-Seeing Eye, the All-Hearing Ear, and the without limit,
Almighty Voice of God, in thru and around I INSIST that ALL the Absolute Light, Perfection,
us all, SHALL forever hold command! (3) Mastery, Miracles, Manifestations, Powers and
For ALL the PO W ER (3) of M ercury’s All­ Power,
knowing, Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond-Shin­ I IN SIST that ALL the Ascended Masters’ Limitless,
ing Mind of God, in thru and around us all, Invincible, Eternal, Over-whelming, God-Victorious
SHALL forever hold command! (3) Violet Consuming Flame of a Thousand Suns, and
* * * * the Law of Forgiveness,
Fill in the blank space with: I IN SIST that ALL the God and Goddess of Harmony’s
I INSIST that ALL the Most Concentrated Light, Indestructible Harmony,
I INSIST that ALL the Power, Force and Action from I INSIST that ALL the Light required to be the Fulness
the H eart of the Great Great Silence, of our own defense,
I IN SIST that ALL the Light, Perfection, Power and I IN SIST that ALL the Substance from the Secret Love
Miracles, Star,
26 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
I IN SIST that ALL the Beloved Divine Director’s Cosmic “I A M ” without limit — SHALL Blaze (3 ), Act (3),
Authority, Dominion and Power (3) of the Great Charge (3), illumine, perfect and rule thru my flesh, feel­
Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, and the Great ing, atmosphere and environment, being and world —
Command, clear and direct — visible and tangible to the physical
* * * H= senses of all mankind!
“I A M ” VOICE! It SHALL rule in Absolute God-Victorious A uthor­
I INSIST that The Glorious Golden VOICE of my ity, Dominion, and Power (3) of the Cosmic Light of a
“M ighty I A M Presence,” the Ascended Masters, and Thousand Suns, in thru and around all I hold near and
all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light, which dear, and all I ever do or contact, and A N N IH ILA TE
“I A M ” without limit, SHALL speak and sing only Their (3) all human veils and all else that is human — cause,
Perfection thru me — clear and direct — visible and effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act or
tangible to the physical senses of all mankind, and approach, today and forever, in O N E M I G H T Y
SILENCE all other voices, in thru and around me, and STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3)
A N N IH IL A T E (3) all human veils, and all else that is Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
human — cause, effect, record and memory— before it etc.
can act or approach, today and forever, in ONE Note: Use the above form also for “Hearing.”
M IG H TY STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST * * * *
It SHALL Blaze (3), A ct (3), Charge (3), illumine,
perfect, and rule all my outer activity and world, today PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T
and forever, in O NE M IG H TY STROKE, right now, C EN TR A L SUN!
and M ANIFEST N O W ! (3) Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3), Power (3),
It SHALL Charge (3) forth everywhere, in Abso­ Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
lute God-Victorious Authority, Dominion, and Power of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
(3) of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, in thru
and around all I hold near and dear, and all I ever do or Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CHA RGE
contact, today and forever, in O N E M I G H T Y (3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, and the Cosmic
STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3) Light of a Thousand Suns, in thru and around all Legis­
Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3) lation, all Courts of Law, and all legal procedure of our
etc. land; and Strike (3 ), Stop (3), Kill (3) all injustice
* * * * against America, her people and her resources — cause,
effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act or
“I A M ” SIGHT! approach, today and forever in O N E M I G H T Y
I IN SIST that the Absolute God-Victorious SIG H T STROKE, and M A N IFEST N O W ! (3)
of my “Mighty I A M Presence,” the Ascended Masters, Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
and all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light, which etc.
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3), Power (3), Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3), Power (3),
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning^ind Violet Flame
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CHARGE Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CHARGE
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic (3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic
Light, the Sword of Blue Flame and Cross of W hite Fire Light of a Thousand Suns, and the Substance from the
of a Thousand Suns, in thru and around our Beloved Secret Love Star, in thru and around the Chicago and
Don, and KILL (3) all that is not of the Light — cause, San Francisco Classes, and all future Classes; and seal
effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act or them in the Ascended Masters’ Limitless, Invincible,
approach, today and forever, in O N E M I G H T Y Eternal, Over-whelming Perfection and Safety of the
STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3) Light without limit, today and forever, in ONE
M IG H TY STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) N O W ! (3)
etc. Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3)
* * * * etc.
* * * #
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3 ), Power (3), C EN TR A L SUN!
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3 ), Power (3),
of a Thousand Suns, without Hmit! Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E
Light and Cross of W hite Fire of a Thousand Suns, in (3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic
thru and around our Beloved Don and all in the National Light, and Cross of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns, in
Defense; and Strike (3), Stop (3), Kill (3) all hypnotic thru and around all mankind, the earth and its atmos­
domination of the people of America and the world — phere, and KILL! (3) all that is not of the Light — cause,
cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act or
or approach, today and forever, in O N E M I G H T Y encroach — today and forever, in O NE M IG H TY
STROKE, right now, and M ANIFEST N O W ! (3) STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3)
Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3) Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
etc. etc.
30 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Soint Germain Press, Inc. 31
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM T H E G REA T Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
C EN TR A L SUN! of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3 ), Power (3), Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CHARGE
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame (3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame and the Cosmic
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! Light of a Thousand Suns, and KILL (3) all those cases,
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E stop orders on the mails, and all accusations against Saint
(3) the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame, and Cosmic Germain’s “I A M ” Activities, O ur Beloved Don, O ur­
Light of a Thousand Suns, into all war, and KILL (3) selves and all under This Radiation — cause, effect,
it all — cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE record and memory — BEFORE they can act or approach
it can act or approach — today and forever, in ONE — today and forever, in ONE M IG H TY STROKE,
M IG H TY STROKE right now, and M A NIFEST right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3)
N O W ! (3) Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3)
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) etc.
etc. * * * *
CEN TRA L SUN! Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3), Power (3),
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3 ), Power (3), Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CHA RGE
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E (3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame and Cosmic
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, and the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns, and KILL (3) all disease, epi­
Light of a Thousand Suns, in thru and around all our demics, plagues, vermin, and blight — cause, effect, record
transportation, communication, and accommodations of and memory — BEFORE they can act or approach, today
the Light, and KILL (3) all that is not of the Light — and forever, in ONE M IG H TY STROKE, right now,
cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3)
or approach, today and forever, in O N E M I G H T Y O h, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
STROKE, right now! and M A N IFEST N O W ! (3) etc.
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) * * * *
* * * * CEN TR A L SUN!
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3 ),
CEN TRA L SUN! Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3), Po\yer (3), of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
32 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 33
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E Generation, all in the National Defense, all prisoners from
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, and the Cosmic America in foreign lands, all the wounded, and all under
Light of a Thousand Suns, and COM PEL (3) all vicious This Radiation, today and forever, in ONE M IG H TY
individuals, forces and activities, in thru and around, or STROKE, right now!
driven against America, her people and her resources, to O h, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
the compound, today and forever, in O NE M IG H TY etc.
STROKE, right now! * * * *
Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3) PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T
* * * *
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FRO M T H E G REA T Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3 ),
CEN TR A L SUN! Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3), Power (3 ), of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and KILL (3) all
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! hypnotic domination of Congress — cause, effect, record
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E and memory — BEFORE it can act or approach — today
(3) the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cross of and forever, in O NE M IG H TY STROKE, right now,
Blue Flame, and the Sword of Blue Flame of a Thousand and M A N IFEST N O W ! (3)
Suns, and KILL (3) all injustice in the Tax Department Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
— cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can etc.
act or encroach, today and forever, in O NE M IG H TY * * * *
STROKE, right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3) PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) C EN TR A L SUN!
etc. Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3 ),
* * * * Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM T H E G REA T of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
CEN TR A L SUN! Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and KILL (3) all
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3), that is not of the Light — in thru and around, or driven
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame against Congress — cause, effect, record and memory —
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! BEFORE it can act or approach, today and forever, in
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and CH A RG E O NE M IG H TY STROKE, right now! and M A N I­
(3) the Ascended Masters’ Limitless, Invincible, Eternal, FEST N O W ! (3)
Overwhelming Safety of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand O h, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
Suns, in thru and around our Beloved Don, all the Younger etc.
34 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T memory — BEFORE they can act or approach, today
C EN TR A L SUN! and forever, in ONE M IG H TY STROKE, right now!
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3), (3)
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! etc.
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and KILL (3) all * * * *
that is not of the Light, in thru and around, or driven “I A M ” ! “I A M ” ! “I A M ” ! all Bells of Freedom,
against W ashington, D. C. — cause, effect, record and ringing Their Perfection, in thru around and before me
memory — BEFORE it can act or approach, today and and all I hold near and dear — wherever we go, and all
forever, in ONE M IG H TY STROKE, right now, and we ever do or contact, in O NE M IG H TY STROKE
M A N IFEST N O W ! (3) right now, and M ANIFEST N O W ! (3)
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
etc. etc.
* * * * * * * *
“M ighty I A M Presence” and all Great Beings, Powers
PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FRO M T H E G REA T and Legions of Light!
C EN TR A L SUN! You are my all!
Give us all of Your Light (3), Help (3), Power (3 ), I give You all!
Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame You be my Guard and All Authority, and see I get
of a Thousand Suns, without limit! everything done that is Your Divine Plan, in the Most
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and KILL (3) Glorious, Victorious Joy, Perfection and Power of Light
all that is not of the Light, in thru and around, or driven in this Universe, and sustain and expand It, in thru and
against the Government of the United States of America around me, today and forever, in O NE M IG H TY
— cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can STROKE, right now, and M ANIFEST N O W ! (3)
act or approach, today and forever, in O NE M IG H TY Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3)
STROKE, right now! etc.
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3) * * * *
etc. M y “M ighty I A M Presence” and all Great Beings,
$ $ ^ Powers and Legions of Light!
“M IG H TY I A M PRESENCE” and all Great Beings, I IN SIST that ALL the Power, Force and Action
Powers and Legions of Light! Raise Your Swords from the H eart of the Great Great Silence, from my
of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns and— “M ighty I A M Presence,” the Ascended Masters and
Annihilate (3) from my pathway and that of all all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of Light, which
under This Radiation, all vicious and destructive indi­ “I A M ” without limit — SHALL Blaze (3), A ct (3),
viduals, forces and activities — cause, effect, record and Charge (3 ), illumine, perfect and rule thru my flesh,
36 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
feeling, atmosphere, environment, Being and world — My “Mighty I AM Presence” and all Great Beings,
clear and direct — visible and tangible to the physical Powers and Legions of Light!
senses of all mankind! I INSIST that the Ascended Masters’ Cap, Armor
It SHALL rule in Absolute God-Victorious A uthor­ and Cross of Golden Flame from my “Mighty I AM
ity, Dominion and Power! (3) of the Cosmic Light of a Presence” and all Great Beings, Powers and Legions of
Thousand Suns, in thru and around all we hold near and Light, which “I A M ” without limit — SHALL Blaze
dear, and all we ever do or contact; and A N N IH ILA TE (3), A ct (3), Charge (3 ), illumine, perfect and rule
(3) all human veils and all else that is human,— cause, thru the flesh, feeling, atmosphere, environment, Being
effect, record and memory — BEFORE it can act or and world of our Beloved Don, ourselves, and all under
approach, today and f o r e v e r , in ONE M IG H TY This Radiation — clear and direct — visible and tangible
STROKE right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3) to the physical senses of all mankind!
Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3) They SHALL rule in Absolute God-Victorious
etc. Authority, Dominion and Power (3) of the Cosmic
* * * * Light of a Thousand Suns, in thru and around all we
M y “M ighty I A M Presence” and all Great Beings, hold near and dear and all we ever do or contact, and
Powers and Legions of Light! A N N IH ILA TE! (3) all human veils and all else that is
human — cause, effect, record and memory — BEFORE
I IN SIST that all the Ascended Masters’ Power (3) it can act or approach, today and forever, in ONE
and use of the Great Cosmic W ord “I A M ” SHALL M IG H TY STROKE right now, and M ANIFEST
Blaze (3), A ct (3 ), Charge (3), illumine, perfect and N O W ! (3)
rule through the flesh, feeling, atmosphere and environ­ Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
ment, Being and world, of our Beloved Don, ourselves etc.
and all under This Radiation — clear and direct — visible * * * *
and tangible in the physical senses of all mankind! 3 PREAMBLES
It SHALL rule in absolute God-Victorious A uthor­ PO W ERS OF LIGHT! (3) FROM TH E G REA T
ity, Dominion and Power! (3) of the Cosmic Light of a C EN TR A L SUN!
Thousand Suns, in thru and around all we hold near
and dear, and all we ever do or contact! and A N N IH I­ Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3 ), Power (3),
LATE! (3) all human veils and all else that is human — Miracles (3) of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
cause, effect, record and memory, BEFORE it can act of a Thousand Suns, without Limit!
or approach, today and forever, in ONE M IG H TY In the Name, Love, Wisdom and Power (3) of our
STROKE right now, and M A NIFEST N O W ! (3) Beloved Quan Yin and all that is of the Light — H A V E
MERCY! (3) upon all mankind!
Oh, “Mighty I A M ” ! (3) Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame and STRIKE! (3)
etc. the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic Light,
38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 39
the Cross of Blue Flame, and the Sword of Blue Flame and bodies of all the war beasts, the money beasts, and
of a Thousand Suns, into all war, all limitation, and all their claws; especially all in public office who do not
that sustains them; fulfill their oaths!
Drive and bind all their viciousness, destruction and COM PEL (3) them all to the compound, in O NE
intended destruction; suffering, grief, torture, poverty, M IG H TY STROKE, today! and KILL (3) all that
insanity, hell and intended hell, BACK into the brains viciousness against our Beloved Don, and all in the
and bodies of all the war beasts, the money beasts, and National Defense; cause, effect, record and memory,
their claws; especially all in public office who do not BEFORE it can act or approach, today and forever, in
fulfill their oaths, and COM PEL (3) them all to the O NE M IG H TY STROKE, right now, and M ANIFEST
compound, in O NE M IG H TY STROKE, today! and N O W ! (3)
KILL (3) all that viciousness against America, her people Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
and her resources; cause, effect, record and memory, etc.
BEFORE it can act or approach, today and forever, in
O NE M IG H TY STROKE, right now, and M A N I­
FEST N O W ! (3)
Oh, “M ighty I A M ” ! (3)
* * * *
Give us all of Your Light (3 ), Help (3), Power (3),
Miracles (3 ), of the Blue Lightning and Violet Flame
of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
In the Name, Love, Wisdom and Power (3) of our
Beloved Quan Yin, and all that is of the Light — H A V E
MERCY! (3) upon all mankind!
Raise Your Swords of Blue Flame, and STRIKE (3)
the Blue Lightning, the Violet Flame, the Cosmic Light,
the Cross of Blue Flame, and the Sword of Blue Flame
of a Thousand Suns, into all military camps!
Drive and bind all their viciousness, destruction and
intended destruction; suffering, grief, torture, poverty,
insanity, hell and intended hell, BACK into the brains GODFRE OUR LOVED ONE, ASCENDED •
40 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 4j
It is our very great privilege and joy to announce the
release of a small size “Crystal Cup” for either traveling Beginning with January 1943 the yearly subscriptions
or children. to the “Voice of the ‘I A M ’ ” will start with January and
It is the same shape and quality as the larger “Crystal end with December 1943. Allowance will be made for
Cup,” but for individual use, especially traveling, it is more the two months of unexpired 1942 Subscriptions.
convenient for carrying. Subscription Prices for the year 1943 will be $2.92 in
These “Crystal Cups” receive the same Charge and America and $3.33 in foreign lands. This applies to the
Blessing as the larger ones, and, with the exception of size year 1943 only, because of the reduction made for the two
and weight, are in all other respects the same. unexpired months of 1942.
W e love, charge and bless them with all the Devotion All back issues may be secured at any time, either by
and Purity of our H eart’s Love and Light; to be the Recep­ single copies at 35c each (40c in Canada and foreign coun­
tacle into which the “M ighty I AM Presence” and all tries) or in attractive bound volumes containing one year’s
Great Beings, Powers and Activities of Light, can focus issues, priced at $5.50.
Their Power, Unfed Flame and all the Blessings for which In the future, all subscriptions start with January of
we call. each year.
May every one of these “Precious Crystal Cups” be Your change of address must reach this office not later
such an out-pouring of all Ascended M aster Miracles, Vic­ than the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s
tories, Light and Freedom, that each one’s world runs full issue being sent to the new address, on the regular ship­
to overflowing, with all the Perfection of Light without ping date. Your co-operation will be appreciated and our
limit, sustained and expanded to bless all Life and all that service to you assured.
is yet to be, today and forever. Send ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS A N D ORDERS to the
W ith all our Love in the Light forever, SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, Inc., Santa Fe, N. Mex. Ac­
M RS. G. W . BALLARD company same with either checks, drafts, or Express Money
Price $5.00 Orders made payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Shipping charges 50 cents. Please do not send P.O .M .O.’s.
W e extend to all, our deep appreciation of your cooper­
ation in the past and assure you, we will do our utmost to
serve you promptly, making reservations because of outer
world conditions today.
W e thank and Bless all forever

42 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 43
It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
release of the third SONG FOLDER containing three
songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
7. Helios, The Dawn

i 8. Lord— The Maha Chohan

9. Thou Seven Mighty Elohim
Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c.
The Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
Group and individual use.
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the SA IN T GER­
Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges. M A IN SERIES, the VOICE OF TH E “I A M .” O U R
# # # • is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved,
including foreign translations.
OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE This means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
W e announce the release of Our Beloved Nada’s pic­ for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
ture in sepia — size 4% x6% . This can be furnished fully.
mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on W e are determined that this GIFT OF LIGHT,
the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes. T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended Masters
Mounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping to mankind SHALL BE PRO TECTED and kept PURE,
charges. TR U E A N D U N C H A N G ED — FOREVER — that
Mounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
charges. est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­

44 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 45
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Yolume ' ........ .......... .............. By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author's experiences.
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c "UNVEILED MYSTERIES"— In Two Volumes Price $5.25
THE M A G IC PRESENCE, Volume II .... .......................By Godfre Ray King "THE M A G IC PRESEN C E"— In Three Volumes Price $7.75
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. "THE 'I A M ' D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes Price $6.75
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c "ASCEND ED MASTER D ISC O U R SES"— In Two Volumes, Price $7.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume III "THE V O IC E O F THE 'I A M ' " ShlPPin9 char9es extra
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Application of the "I A M ," with three color plates. Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yeaily subscrip­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c tions begin with January 1943.
THE "I A M " ADO RATIO NS. A FFIRM A TIO N S AND DECREES. Volume V Subscription price America $3.50. Single Copy 35c
Parts I and 2 By Chanera In other countries $4.00. Single Copy 40c
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the (Allowance will be made on two months' unexpired 1942 subscriptions)
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c CHART OF THE M A G IC PRESENCE
THE ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Volume VI A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
By Various Ascended Masters templation; showing each individual’s relationship to his own In­
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before dividualized God Presence— the "Mighty 'I A M '."
Size — 5'/2x8'/2. Price 25c — Shipping charges 5c
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c
Size — 12x21. Price $1.00. Shipping charges 20c
A SCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Volume VII On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00 Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings CHARTS AND FLAM ES IN ACTION f c.
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated . , I Slze 12x21 Pr,ce $65.00
Above Charts mechanically animated ............ j Size 30x52 pr;ce $225.00
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
Violet Flame mechanically animated................} Size 12x21 Price $65.00
THE "I A M " DISCOURSES, Volume V III___ _____By the Great Divine Director / r l. . . . { Size 30x52 Price $225.00
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by (Shipping charges extra)
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students. At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER, JES U S
"I A M " ADO RATIO NS AND A FFIR M A TIO N S.............................. By Chanera PICTURE O F THE ASCENDED MASTER. SAINT G ER M A IN
Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint
Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­
Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds
Size 15x19^2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
.Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) I'/2c Per leaf* Shipping charges extra Profile Size I5x I9*/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect

46 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 47
( 202-A cSon ofx Light
i! n in il
(Duet) I ILotus
c j RaY• l Kin9.
i j H arP
DECREE BOOKLETS ( 202-B C‘ " Light (Duet) ............................... j Frsdhr ek O ^ ;
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study
( 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) j Lotus R«V King, H«rp
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building a
momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: ( 203-B Oh, World Victorious (Duet) j j '
1. Opulence and Supply
: { $"of
\ 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land ng by Minute Men
2. Violet Flame and Healing } 505-B Silent Sentinel .... ...... ............... . Saint Germain
3. "I A M " America's Freedom
4. "I A M " Light Decrees f Lotus Ray King, Harp
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small 1000-A "I A M " Come (Duet) ..... I Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' I A M " [ Novachord
Activities.) 1000-B Dedication ....... ............. ............ ...... ..... ..Donald Ray King
6. Our Messenger's "I A M " Speaks Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
7. Light My World
RR-I20I Invocation ....... Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp.............. ......Mrs. Ballard
ception of Nos. I and 5. Present supply of No. I will be sold for
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus ship­ ( RR-1203 Benediction .... . ........... Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ping charges. No. 7. Light My World sells for 40c each, I RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp Mrs. Ballard

PLAYBACKS AND RECORDS { 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ........ ......... Mr. G. W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released. ) 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 1/3 RPM ( 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ............................Mr. G. W . Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law ) 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) ............................ Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed
hereafter. 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) .......................... Mr. G. W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each—Shipping charges extra 3302-B Thjre Is No Death (Shrine Class).................Mr. G . W . Ballard
(Note: All Playback Records are sold direct from the Santa Fe Branch
* { 3303-A Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
of the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
| 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Lotus Ray King, Harp f 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
\ N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet) ) 3303-D Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
) N 100-B Lotus My Love ......................... Frederick Landwehr,
{ Shrine Organ ( 3303-E Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
f N 10 I-A Goddess of Purity (Duet) ( Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
) N I0I-B Silent Sentinel (Duet) | Frederick Landwehr, *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G . W . Ballard
| Shrine Organ
and should be sold in a set.)
{ N 102-A "I A M " Decrees— Part I September 1941 Shrine Class
) N 102-B "I A M " Decrees— Part II September 1941 Shrine Class * \ 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart— Mr. G. W . Ballard
| Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart..........Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)
) 200-B Rose of Light (Duet) -j Frederick Landwehr, ( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart..........Mr. G. W . Ballard
Shrine Orqan I 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart Mr. G. W . Ballard

j '

48 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 49
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard
Calling the Presence
Helping All Mankind
Mr. G. W . Ballard
Mr. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard
Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard effective at once, advance the cost of the Small Crystal Cups to
3310-A Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard C ost of the Large C rystal C up remains unchanged.

33IO-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard

33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory )
Mr. G. W . Ballard
-K Benediction \
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqeiher)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in "I A M " Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Sanfa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

‘7 /
50 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 51
Already Released
O H W O R LD V ICTO RIO US GODDESS O F PURITY (16" for Playbacks only)
R A IN B O W RAYS M IG H TY VICTORY f Lotus Ray King, Harp
V O ICE OF THE PRESENCE LETO, BLESSED LETO 65 ( I. Goddess of Purity ......................... ...... j Frederick Landwehr,
SO N O F LIGHT • SO N G OF THE VIOLET FLAME [ 2. Leto, Blessed Leto .... ........ .................... Shrine Audience
SILENT SENTINEL * "l A M " HERE 66 "I AM Come (Duet) .... ......................... \ Frederick Landwehr,
"I A M ” C O M E ♦ ARCHANGEL M IC H A EL [ Shrine Organ
A G ro u p of S o n g s— M u sic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e se So n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch arg e d w it h p o w e r­ NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d
c o v e r in co lo rs, e s p e c ia lly d esigned fo r t h a t piece of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
double-faced record.
Our present stock of these songs will be sold at the regular price of
$1.00 each with shipping charges of 35c. New editions will require Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
an increased charge. This includes all the above songs with the ex­ only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
ception of the three marked with an *. These songs are now priced at Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
$1.25 each; shipping charges 35c.
The "Song of the Violet Flame" contains four (4) color plates. These
color plates may also be purchased singly (without music).
S O N G FOLDERS Price each 50c — Shipping charges 15c
Each Folder contains three songs, together with music and lyrics, as
f I. "I A M " Here 1
No. I \ 2. Angels of Saint Germain | Music and Lyrics
[ 3. Freedom's Triumph J Lotus Ray King
f 4. Great Hercules— Thou Elohim ]
No. 2 ^ 5 . Mary, the Mother of Jesus | Music and Lyrics
I 6. Archangel Michael J Lotus Ray King
Price per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
Small Size— for individual use ......
................... ......... .... Price $7.00
Packing and shipping charges 70c
Large size— for Reading Rooms, Sanctuaries, and family use. Individ­
uals may have these, if they so desire. Price $25.00
Shipping charges $1.40
T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s ” are not sold t h ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs. G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip ped d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. N o d isc o u n ts are PRO PERTY OF S A IN T G E R M A IN PR ES S , IN C .
a llo w e d .
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


52 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

B y the A scen ded M asters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers

M r. an d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM ” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Y oung Am er­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization' and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden " I AM ” Age.


S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
L ITH O G RA PHED AN D P U B L IS H E D IN THE U . S . A . , 1943

• c ?restfInc 1943
G o jy y ricfh t-ffa in t (jerm a in J ■
T H A N K Y O U forever, G reat Glorious “I
AM ”!
I thank Y ou each moment for holding my hand,
I thank Y ou each morning, each evening I say:
“I thank You! I thank Y ou ! Come! ever hold sway!”

I thank Y ou for Freedom and V icto ry too,

I thank Y ou and live in Y ou r Glory come thru!
I thank Y ou for Blessings and all of Y ou r Light!
I thank Y ou for Healing from Y ou r Glorious H eight!

I thank Y ou for giving—blessing all Life,

I thank Y ou supremely for stilling all strife,
I thank Y ou and love Y ou for Y ou r H oly Peace,
I thank Y ou —M y Presence, that all else has ceased!

I thank Y ou for Beauty and Transcendent Sight,

I thank Y ou for Kindness and Purity’s M ight!
I thank Y ou for M usic from Heavenly Spheres,
I thank Y ou for Safety released thru the years.

I thank Y ou for giving of Y ou r M ighty Love,

I thank Y ou and thank Y ou and thank Y ou above!
I thank Y ou each second w ith every heart beat,
I thank Y ou G reat Presence —again I repeat!

I thank Y ou each instant, in Y ou r Light I stand!

I thank Y ou and call Y ou to hold full Command,
I thank Y ou and humbly bow unto Y ou r Flame,
I thank Y ou and bless all in Y ou r H oly Name!

SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE M y dear ones, I wish to do a Definite W o rk . I appre­
ciate your Love, kindness and enthusiasm, but if you
S IN D E L A R G R O U P — JU N E 22, 1939 will just remain seated, it will enable M e to do more
powerfully for you, that which I wish to do while I am
R E E T IN G S , O h beloved ones, w ith all the flashing the words to the Messenger.
Love o f M y H eart, and when I observe — not Dear ones, the need of the hour as we have often
only your outer experience, but when I see reminded you, is far more than the individual require­
that Light, that great Love rising from your ment. T h a t seems imperative to many. I assure you,
hearts in Its great sincerity, in Its loyalty to these Be­ I am quite aware of it and I shall do everything the Law
loved Messengers, the greatest friends the people of o f Life permits to give you Assistance, provided you are
A m erica ever had, then I rejoice; and then do you not loyal to the Light; but I will no longer release one ounce
think I am grateful that I was a part o f the Dispensation of M y Energy to those whom I see are deceitful and
which would allow so many hundreds of thousands of treacherous. I will not do it. T h ey have had this
earnest sincere students of the Light, to be free at the great Light and if they won’t stand on their feet and
close o f this embodiment, free forever, beloved ones? make this application, then I cannot take the time and
I shall promise you, and I shall fulfill i t — (applause) energy to help them.
— that every person who stands sincere to this Light I want every one to be free, but when people who
and to these Beloved Messengers and M yself, shall receive have been so befriended by these Messengers, become
his or her Ascension at the close of this embodiment! treacherous and deceitful and spread vicious falsehoods
(applause) I said to these Beloved Messengers only this w hich they know are absolutely untrue, then I cannot
morning, that it seemed too bad that they should be help them. T h is almost wrecked tbmgs at the close of
the class in N ew Y ork and only by M rs. Ballard’s rei^rn
subject to the treachery and deceit o f mankind; but that
there at the close of the W ashington class was the day
is what it means to carry the Light! T h ey have been
saved. These things, you do not mind from outsiders;
brave enough and strong enough to go forward and carry
but when they come from within those who know bet­
this Light, in the face of the greatest viciousness ever ter and lend themselves to that, then all Light must be
known, but one day, you shall all see what it has meant! withdrawn!
Beloved ones, I ask you to convey to those who might D ear ones, it is not a m atter of the Messengers, it
not be here, if every o n e—I mean of the student body is not a m atter of you nor I, but beloved students, if you
who is sincere— will enter that Shrine Auditorium with believe one word of this G reat Law, you know you are
the greatest out-pouring o f Divine Love and the command dealing with Law; you are dealing w ith Divine Justice
from their Presence o f Life for Harmony, Loyalty and and Divine Order! I f you do not believe that, then
Light in that room, I shall tell you all something before you are lost absolutely! Y ou see you are not dealing
the close of that class, which will cause you to rejoice with personalities. W e have stated this so often. O h,
forever! (applause) how W e have appreciated your great loyalty here, and
4 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
the few who have been treacherous and deceitful are such with U s, for the student body of A m erica and the world,
a minority in comparison with your great Love, and until we sometimes must stop him. H e is another Friend
the blessed loved ones who have stood so firm and staunch W h o has joined the Great H ost o f Light. T h ere are a
to this Light! I know who they are and all about it; but number of others from the great blessed student body,
I ask you to be strong enough, to silence every tongue who have joined U s in that G reat O ctave of Light. M y
when those individuals come to you w ith vicious false­ dear ones feel, believe the T ru th W e give you, when
hoods. Don’t be afraid of hurting someone’s feelings, but W e promise you your Ascension at the close of this
just stop it, for they are responsible for every person embodiment! W h o of human opinion dare say to M e,
whom they turn from this Light and it does not make tonight, that you cannot do it! T h e imbecility of such
any difference who it is. expression of human beings who say, W e W h o have the
Y ou are under the Law of Life, beloved ones, it is Pow er of the Universe at O ur Command, cannot give
not a m atter of these Messengers nor M yself; but you you Freedom, if you comply with the Law of Life and
have come into this Light under the call of the Light live, as best you can, to the Light! Let no one be so
within you; under M y Call to rally to the Light, M y foolish!
Friends of the centuries; and with them have come some I am fighting— if you wish to think of that expres­
of my enemies of the centuries! Do you believe there sion— for your Life, for your Freedom, for that of
is not an enemy? W ell if you had followed M e all Am erica! W a tch it! Vicious human beings’ own
these centuries, you would believe there was. Y ou know destruction, shall take them from this earth and from
there are certain ones who say there are no enemies. the spreading of their poisonous breath among man­
W ell what is an enemy? Had you ever thought of it? kind! W e are here the Saviors of mankind; and the
T h e greatest enemy in the Universe, is one who denies world is going to know it more than they ever did in
the Light. the past! I too am turning on more steam, and let M e
Therefore, beloved ones, it is not a m atter of you, tell you, it is time!
I, nor the Messengers, but the quality which individuals Therefore, you shall find this Shrine Class the most
are releasing into mankind’s world of action. Therefore, magnificent that you have ever entered, and I have pre­
I take this opportunity of again reminding you of this pared the way. Those Great Ones, who have come to
G reat T ru th of Life; so you may become strong enough M y Assistance, have performed a Service in W ashing­
to stand against any human beings who would spread ton, D . C ., beloved people, that did W e dare tell you,
their poisonous breath or try to inject it into your every one would go to the ceiling. I mean that literally!
world. T h ere are some things which W e must tell you and
D o you quite understand— I think not, that from there are some things which W e must not, until the full
your midst came one into our O ctave of Light, your power of its achievement is there, but in spite of all that
Beloved M r. Kelley, who has been such an enthusiast. existed, W e have rendered that service.
Only David Lloyd has exceeded him; and, my dear peo­ I tell you beloved people, that when I say to you
ple, H e never passes one day that H e does not plead that H itler, Mussolini and Stalin would destroy you as
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J
rats, I mean it. T h ey are seeking to do it; and when to prompt you and give you Strength and Power to resist
you have seen the picture, “T h e Confessions o f a Nazi them so you will tear them out of your world and that of
Spy,” you have seen but a fragment of the T ru th that A m erica. If you don’t do it, you are lost, beloved students.
exists in your own country! T h e spy net-work which A re you willing to battle for yourselves as I am battling for
is here and the stuff that is spread by Germany over this you, as the Messengers are battling for you? (applause)
land, is the most diabolical thing that ever existed; and Dear ones, precious people, do you realize that W e
the German bund in A m erica is the most diabolical do not have to do it, the Messengers do not have to do it!
vicious thing that exists today in A m erica. W h en they I could take them and leave the people of the world to
beat up an ex-army man and wife here recently, then the mercy of this condition. Th en , these treacherous
what will they not do? fiends say the Messengers are frauds and the dictations
I tell you people of A m erica, you have got to wake unreal and that I am no good! M y dear people, what
up to the conditions in your midst! A ll German people do you think would have happened, if the fire of these
are not like th at; but these are spies from Germany and Messengers had not kept repeatedly prompting the people,
in the imbecility o f that creature there, he thinks he can in the face of all this, to keep their enthusiasm alive and
gain control of the world. Such puny imbeciles! and these M ighty Decrees going forth? Y ou r A m erica would
he knows very well that I have called him that! have been in wreckage today!
I tell you, beloved students of Am erica and the world, Remember, not so far from you, is a volcano in violent
if there are any of you who are German sympathizers eruption in your Alaska! D o you want a cataclysm to
with that condition and those Nazi communists, then come, in order to prove that I was right? M y God, dear
don’t call yourself an “I A M ” Student! T h ey are seek­ people, when the G reat Ones of Light assisting M e, have
ing to destroy you and Am erica. W e are pleading with prevented the destruction of San Francisco and the
a Pow er great enough to annihilate them and protect destruction of New Y ork C ity; and then there are those
you, if you will allow U s to do it. (applause) there, who should be serving the Light, and who hate
N ow beloved students, please take notice of this! U s because they won’t give obedience to Life, what do
T h is promise which I have made for your Ascension is you think the reaction will be?
the only promise I have ever made since the Messengers Therefore, my dear people we go on doing that which
started out in T h is W o rk . I have said, if the people of W e know is right, annihilating here and there vicious­
A m erica would give certain obedience I could guarantee ness, its cause, effect and record! I am going to start
certain things, but W e have never made a promise out­ in to pick everyone out and show them up to the world!
side o f your Ascension, for everyone who is loyal to So if anybody has been spreading this vicious falsehood
this Light! they had better take warning tonight; because I am ready!
T h e idea has been spread here and there, that because M y patience is at a limit!
there has not been a cataclysm, that I had failed. Such W h en the Messengers have decreed and made the
insane stuff is spread among your student body! Do calls for months that this condition of the Shrine Class,
you think I do not know all about it? I say these things should be prepared for a service never rendered on this
8 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. g
earth, then one near their H eart Center started to spread O h , do not think because W e keep urging you to
the vicious falsehoods about them, about the work and your maximum effort in your M ighty Decrees that W e
about M e, what do you think Life will do? have lost hope. O h no! W h en I said to the M inute
A s I said to the people in W ashington, beloved friends M en in W ashington: “ W h y do you suppose this Great
and beloved students, the spies of Europe are one thing Dispensation was secured for your Ascension in this
and they are all over your land, but the spies within this embodiment under the New Dispensation” ? I told them
Light, are ten times worse than the spies from Europe! then and I tell you now, that if the calls of the people
T H E Y W H O T U R N O R T R Y T O T U R N PEOPLE of A m erica are not enough and this destructive force
A S ID E F R O M T H IS L IG H T W H IC H IS T H E O N L Y should come in your land, I do not wish you to remain
P R O T E C T IO N F O R A M E R IC A , A R E T E N T IM E S here to see what follows! I f that should occur, then I
W O R S E T H A N A N Y F O R E IG N S P Y IN Y O U R will release many of you before its arrival.
LAN D. T H E R E F O R E , G U A R D Y O U R L IG H T , D o you know what it means to be the Commander
BELO VED STU D EN TS! of the Law of Life? D o you know what it means to be
T H E S T U D E N T S O F A M E R IC A M U S T A R IS E the Law of the V iolet R ay to this earth? W ell, I am
N O W A N D G U A R D T H IS L IG H T ! Y ou r great that Law! I am going to try in the future to have you
loyalty in your great groups here while the Messengers understand more clearly! Some of M y unkind friends
were in the east, was wonderful. I watched those may say that I am tooting M y own horn, but well
M ighty Decrees going forth with joy and enthusiasm. I enough, then I shall make it a trumpet! (applause)
watched the Love that poured out to the beloved M es­ Therefore, remember precious people, W e are doing
sengers, to the Light and to M yself, beloved ones; then for you what it is impossible for you to do for your­
is there anything that I would not do to move heaven selves. W e know that! W e have not asserted it
and earth to assist you? especially before, but I want you to understand there
O h , I know who the ones are who are not true and is not a person in Am erica, who could free himself or
I will not give them Assistance, because they are doing herself from this accumulation o f the ages without Our
it willingly. I f they were interfered with by something Assistance!
else, then I would try to cut them free; but when it is O h, my dear ones, will you not observe your beloved
done of their own volition, then I step aside and they Messengers and to where I have raised them in five short
must take the consequences. years? W ill you observe the magnificent service that is
I want you to understand this in these Group M eet­ rendered in healings and freeing of mankind by the
ings before this great class starts, for it will be the great­ thousands, thousands and thousands? M any thousands
est that has ever been yet; because o f the great momen­ are healed at the instant single call of the Messenger and
tum of five years and some other things which W e have he has the letters to prove it. I have decided that every
never called to your attention, I hope the release o f Light one of those letters in the future shall be preserved, so
and all that W e require may be sufficient in this Shrine all mankind may one day pass thru a building and observe
Class, so I may reveal to you the magnificent splendor o f it. them if they care to! In the whole history of the world,
10 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. j J
never has such a thing been done, as the healings that is ready to surge forth with A lm ighty Power and render
have gone forth from these classes from the Messengers you any service for which you call! T h en how in the
at their mighty calls! Name of God, can you admit that something outside
O h beloved ones, please let M e remind you again has power greater than your Presence o f Life.
tonight, when you start to make your application for a D on’t you see, beloved ones, how ridiculous it is?
given objective, go on and on and on in that application, W o n ’t you allow M e to add M y Courage, and pour M y
looking neither right nor left; and refuse to allow your Strength into you tonight, that you may be dauntless in
human intellect to interfere w ith it! Just go on, until your application; so the Power in your call goes forth
you see that human fog dissolve before you and the out- in its mighty currents of Light and Energy to fulfill that
picturing of that for which you have called. service and do it now? T h a t Light is what you are my
T h e Messengers have been compelled to stand alone dear people! Y O U A R E T H E V I C T O R Y O F L IG H T
w ith their Presence! T h e Law o f Life did not permit A N D I S H A L L N E V E R A D M IT A N Y T H IN G
M e, many times, to come to their assistance, because they E L S E ! Y ou are the Power of Light. Y ou have entered
had to win this battle by their own application and they this Light by the Power of the Light within you, dear
have won it! (applause) I want you, every one, to be people! T h en , you have to be the V icto ry of that Light!
so firm! D o not for one single moment admit that your Look at your beloved Messengers what they have
application cannot perform any service or that your Pres­ surmounted month after month after m onth — such
ence of Life cannot perform that service. I t does not things as you never dream of in the world; but only a
make any difference what it is! I f it is a tumor as big few times do they bring it in the open and speak of it.
as a wash-tub in you, that Presence can dissolve it! I f it T h ey go silently on annihilating, annihilating, annihilating
is a cancer with roots thru your body, then the Presence these vicious human things for your protection and your
can pull the roots out and set you free! (applause) blessing.
Let M e urge you one other thing, beloved students, How great M y Gratitude is to you, beloved students,
don’t fear projections from other people! O h , some of when I see your great Love pouring forth to them. M y
the student body have gone on revolving that, until you H eart was bursting this morning, when I came to them
are hypnotizing yourselves with the belief, that somebody to see how they stand dauntless and untouched by the
is projecting something at you! D on’t admit it! D on’t viciousness in which they have been surrounded.
give anybody power to project anything at you; and if O h M y dear ones, let M e assure you of M y Gratitude.
you think they are, turn it back with all the force of Y ou won’t mind if I keep you just a little while, will you?
your being and show them who is master of your world! (applause) In ten minutes, that which I have long
O h, my dear people, you have got to rise up in the waited for, arrives in the Power of the Cosmic Light. A s
Dominion o f your G reat Presence of Life and not yield I continue to talk to you and this preparation goes on,
to these human beliefs in something that deprives or realize that you are apart from the world, Y O U A R E
limits you. Y ou have the Pow er to hold Dominion, by H E L D W IT H I N T H E G R E A T C R Y S T A L C U P .
turning to the Law o f Life beating your heart, which A lthough you do not see it, yet is it there, yet do you
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. J3
rest within it; and instead tonight of drinking of that to bring instantaneous answers to your calls! Silently
Purity and Perfection of Life, you will absorb Its Essence call to your Presence to qualify this with that T rin ity
and you will be charged with the Power of Its U nder­ of A ction from the God-head.
standing, Its Light! (Silence)
O h , how I bless, congratulate and praise our beloved
Pearl and Charles on the magnificent manner in which It is well! Infinite Powers o f the Cosmic Light, M y G rat­
they have stood against the destructive forces and have itude for this Service is beyond description! A ccep t the
won such magnificent V icto ry! M ay the Pow er of that Radiance of M y Light in thanks and praise for this Serv­
Light which beats their hearts, cause them to know and ice, to those upon earth whom I love, and for whom
feel, tonight, all that is within M y H eart, within the I have striven so earnestly, to render the G reat Service
H eart of the Beloved M aster Jesus, which words will not of Freedom, so I may have Y ou r Assistance now G reat,
convey. O ur beloved ................... ! O h , the glory of the G reat, G reat Cosmic Light! M ay that call which has
strength and courage within that blessed child! M ay gone up, release the constantly increasing Stream of T h y
it expand, until every desire of her heart is fulfilled Pow er and W isdom , Beloved Light; until that Light as
without limit. O h , her great loyalty to the Light. Our of a Thousand Suns, fills the earth and all human accum­
blessed Frank whose heart throbs to the thought of O ur ulation, selfishness and discord is dissolved from the earth
Beloved M aster Jesus. M ay that heart-throb fill him forever; and mankind is released in the G lory of the Light
with Its great strength, courage and firmness to be the o f their own Presence, the “ M ighty I A M ,” to move
V icto ry o f the Light everywhere he moves; and to spread henceforth Free, glorious, powerful, into that Eternal
Its Radiance everywhere and to everyone here in Los V icto ry of the Great G reat Light.
Angeles. I speak directly to the H igher M ental Body of every
O ur blessed, blessed, blessed ................... ! W h en I see one here, in A m erica, the world tonight, especially every
within the heart of that precious boy, the glory of its sincere student, to record within the outer consciousness,
loyalty, its strength that even he is not yet fully aware record in the feeling world of each one the Reality, the
of, one day, he will feel that Inner strength and power Dominion of this Release tonight! M ay I t be so power­
arise, and then he will know that this Light in him, is fully recorded there, that every one will every hour of
the Dominion over every condition that exists... M y very the day, feel the Reality of Its Ever-surging Pow er in
great Gratitude to him for his service. M ay it be all and their feeling world, to dissolve, consume and free them
a thousand times more, than his noble heart can desire. from every accumulation.
It is just two minutes until this moment, and will M ay It inspire, may I t fire every one o f the students,
you all be kind enough to still yourselves, then silently to use the V iolet Consuming Flame. Fail not! T h ree
make the call to your Presence, that T h is A ctivity of the times a day, do not fail to use I t with great calm firm
Cosmic Light may render for you every Service in the determination! Call into action the Pow er of the V iolet
release of supply, the release of Self-control, the Power Consuming Flame in, thru and about yourselves to dis­
of the Command of Life, in your call to the Presence, solve and consume cause, effect, and record o f every
14 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
accumulation o f the past! M ay the fulness of that Serv­ Beloved ones who are gathered here tonight, may I
ice be fully and completely rendered tonight. M ay every thru M y Feeling shake your hands, every one now, to
one be so firm from tonight, that not a word of destruc­ give you M y Assurance of your V ictory! Give you M y
tion ever passes anyone’s lips, neither will any of them allow Strength to stand in obedience to the Light in that D aunt­
their ears to listen to one destructive word from another. less Courage of Light, that no longer may anything of
G reat Powers o f Light, I bow before T h y Great the outer world deprive or limit you ever again! W e are
M ajesty and Presence in this Great Assistance, given to making this Supreme Effort. M ay your acceptance be
M y Humble Efforts to Am erica and her people. I too sufficient, to allow this M ighty A ctivity to take hold,
am very grateful, for T h ou art the Light of God that to take Its Dominion and glorify you all!
never fails and never can! M ay that Light take com­ Beloved ones, I see your needs. I hear your calls.
mand at the command of each one’s Presence; and in Still yourselves, be firm, unyielding to the Light. Silence
their feeling and world of action, in their mental world, the intellect that would make you doubt and fear; and
in their Power of speech and feeling, to hold Its Dominion then I will be able to help you more and more and more!
of Perfection with the firmness of that Light to repel Always make your call to your Presence with your maxi­
and dissolve every discordant thing! Powers of Light mum effort, not with excitement, just with great calm
we thank Thee, I thank T h ee forever! firm determination; and then rise into the harmonies of
H ow little, beloved ones, the world of mankind Life, of Light and behold Its M ighty Out-picturing.
realizes what G reat Service is being rendered at these Y ou must F E E L your Dauntless Power of applica­
intervals, in a world on the edge of a precipice in which tion! Y ou must feel Its Absolute Infallibility! Y ou
it might be plunged any moment. So rejoice, Children must feel that determination which is the Out-picturing
o f the Light, that you have come to know this Great of the Inner W ill of the Presence of Life, directed by
Light which does make you hourly, daily, fearless before your Higher M ental Body, before which no outer thing
mankind and the conditions of the outer world; that no can stand.
longer these human conditions may terrify you, deprive Remember, beloved students, the Law has become
you or hold from you anything that Life wishes to give. such, that the free will of vicious individuals has been
Life is beautiful! Life is majestic! Life is magnificent! withdrawn, then all who pour that out must hold it
in Its ceaseless out-pouring to all mankind; only requiring within their own feeling world; and if kept up, one day,
mankind’s full and complete acceptance to bring the it will completely destroy them, and there is no one to
G lory o f Its Perfection forth in the body, in the world blame but themselves. T h e Law of Life by the Power
of mankind. of the Cosmic Light, becomes more and more powerful
M ay each one who is here tonight, be strong enough each day! M ay the Full Power of the Light within
to feel the Glory of that ever-expanding, ever-growing, you release! Give I t recognition, give acceptance to It
cleansing, purifying Pow er of the Cosmic Light, charging and Its Full Power, to charge your world and fill it with
and filling each one’s world with the Glory of Its Eternal every good thing, with the Power of Its Eternal Light and
Presence. V ictory!
16 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
I thank you and bless you, beloved ones of the Light! “I AM” STUDY GROUPS
Know forever, that there is not one thing that I may do
Hi * * *
which shall not be done for your happiness and blessing,
health and supply. M ay you feel M y Enfolding Arms
of Light hold you, within Its G reat and M ighty Em brace
Beloved “I A M ” Group Leaders and Students, it is
forever. I thank you.
the request of our Beloved Saint Germain and the other
* * * *
G reat Ones, that a V iolet Flame Group and Service be
GEMS OF LIGHT held every Saturday morning from 6 A .M . to 12 o’clock
noon, in all Sanctuaries and wherever our “I A M ” Study
S A IN T G ER M A IN Groups are held.
All the Great Powers of the Universe are within W e ask this thruout the world that we may offer
that Stream, of Light which comes into your body, that greater help to all who are struggling under the problems
not only gives you L ife, but action. Think of that of the outer world.
often and rem em ber that in your call fo r money, sup­ Y ou may change Group Leaders every two hours if
ply or whatever is required, within that Stream of you so desire; and use the “I A M ” V iolet Flame Booklet,
Light which comes into your body, is the Intelligence, Decrees and M usic, during these six hours.
the Wisdom, and the Power to Produce anything from, Call during that time for the V iolet Consuming Flame
your L ife Stream of activity that is required in your to flood thru each “I A M ” Student, all Saint Germain’s
outer use. The quantity has not a thing to do with it, “I A M ” A ctivities everywhere; then your Sanctuary,
except as your own feeling world limits it. The P re s ­ Reading Room , Study Groups; your city, state and nation;
ence is not limited, neither is that Stream of L ife all activities of our government and national defense; all
lim ited; but your power of qualification is the thing, military activities, hospitals, homes, schools, etc., and then
which determ ines the quantity that is released into anything else you desire to include.
your use. T h is will bring a more intense action of the Purifying,
* * * * Freeing Power from the Ascended M asters’ O ctave and
S A IN T G ER M A IN will bless you beyond measure.
Once you come to the full realization of the neces­ During this time we shall intensify and pour out our
sity of placing every person, place and condition in calls and Radiation for your greater blessing also.
the H ands of the ''M ighty I AM P resen ce,” It releases W ith all our Love and Gratitude forever, we thank
them and you both. Shall I say It releases you from you!
the feeling of too great a responsibility. Often the
thing that gets you a little disturbed, possibly over­
anxious, is the fact that you are taking too much, the
responsibility of the outer, of the human, into your
18 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 19
In order to help all “I A M ” Students to produce
greater Perfection in our musical activities, we are asking
all who read music to please sing from the music copy
while singing in your Groups. T h is will enable you to
sing correct time value to each note. T h is will help those
who do not read music to sing correctly too, so when the
large classes are held, the singing will be uniform and
T h is will be of great benefit when recorded by the
large groups, for then, every Life-Stream in those groups
will be an O P E N D O O R , thi-u w hich the Light and Sacred
Fire can pour into the entire music, which is built up each
time those songs are sung.
Thus the Life-stream o f everyone who sings on those
records will be able to sing thru Its Blessings every time
those records are used; and thus expand the Cosmic Light
and Sacred Fire thru our M usic of the Spheres to bless
mankind continually.
T h ere is no greater service to the Light which we
can give, than to pour out thru our “ I A M ” M usic of the
Spheres our continual ever-expanding Blessings and Purity
to all Life everywhere forever.

20 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
I t is our very great privilege and joy to announce the It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
release of a small size “ Crystal Cup” for either traveling release of the third S O N G F O L D E R containing three
or children. songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
It is the same shape and quality as the larger “Crystal
/ 7. Helios, T h e Dawn
C up,” but for individual use, especially traveling, it is more
convenient for carrying. N o. 3 I 8. Lord— T h e M aha Chohan
These “ Crystal Cups” receive the same Charge and ( 9. T h ou Seven M ighty Elohim
Blessing as the larger ones, and, with the exception of size
and weight, are in all other respects the same. Price of this Song Folder # 3 .0 0 , shipping charges 4 0c.
W e love, charge and bless them with all the Devotion T h e Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
and Purity of our H eart’s Love and Light; to be the Recep­ Group and individual use.
tacle into w hich the “ M ighty I A M Presence” and all Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.
G reat Beings, Powers and A ctivities of Light, can focus
T h eir Power, U nfed Flame and all the Blessings for which
we call. # # # •
M ay every one of these “ Precious Crystal Cups” be
such an out-pouring of all Ascended M aster M iracles, V ic ­ OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE
tories, Light and Freedom, that each one’s world runs full
to overflowing, with all the Perfection of Light without W e announce the release of O ur Beloved Nada’s pic­
limit, sustained and expanded to bless all Life and all that ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished
is yet to be, today and forever. mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on
W ith all our Love in the Light forever, the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes.

M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D M ounted plain— Price each— # 1 .0 0 , plus shipping

Price # 5 .0 0 charges.
Shipping charges 50 cents. M ounted on folder— Price each— # 1 .2 5 , plus shipping

22 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the S A IN T G E R ­ Due to increased cost of materials and production, the
M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “I A M ,” O U R Subscription Price of the V O IC E of the “I A M ” for the
P U B L IC L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D year 1944, will be $ 4 .0 0 in the U . S . A . and $ 4 .5 0 in for­
IN S T R U C T IO N S G IV E N T O G R O U P L E A D E R S eign lands. T h is includes shipping charges. Single copy
is covered by our copyrights with all rights reserved, is 4 0 c, U . S. A ., and 4 5 c in foreign lands.
including foreign translations.
T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In ­ T H E S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .

S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L L A R D

24 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
U N V E ILE D M Y STERIES, Volume I .... ................... ....... By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author's experiences.
Price $2-50 — Shipping charges 40c "T H E V O IC E O F T H E 'I A M ' "
T H E M A G IC P R E SEN C E, Volume II ........................... By G odfre Ray King
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Containing the second group of the author's experiences.
Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c
Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yearly sub­
TH E " I A M ” D IS C O U R S E S , Volume III scriptions begin with January 1944.
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters
Subscription price America $4.00. Single Copy 40c
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters'
In other countries $4.50 Single C o p y 45c
Application of the " I A M ," with three color plates.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c C H A R T O F T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E
T H E "I A M " A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D EC REES. Volume V
A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
Parts I and 2 . By Chanera
templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own Indi­
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the vidualized God Presence— the "M ig h ty 'I A M '."
"M ig h ty I A M Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c
Size— 5f/2 x81
/2 . Price 25c— Shipping charges 5c
T H E A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D IS C O U R S E S , Volume VI Size— 12x21. Price $1.00— Shipping charges 20c
By Various Ascended Masters On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00— Shipping charges Prepaid
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c C H A R T S A N D F LA M ES IN A C T IO N
Above Charts mechanically animated— Size 30x52 ..........Price $225.00
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings Violet Flame mechanically anim ated— Size 30x52.............. Price $225.00
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated (Shipping charges extra)
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c A t Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.

T H E " I A M " D IS C O U R S E S , Volume V III .......... By the G reat Divine Director P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M ASTER, JE S U S
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by P IC T U R E O F TH E A S C E N D E D M ASTER, S A IN T G E R M A IN
the G reat Divine Director, before hundreds of students.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.

" I A M " A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S ........................... By Chanera Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c
S P E C IA L "I A M " D E C R EES A N D B IN D ERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special " I A M " Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size 11x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x19!/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $ 1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size 15x 19,/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) I'/ 2 c per leaf. Shipping charges extra


26 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
202-A Son of Light (D uet) .................. ) ^ot“ s Harp
202-B r ' . i i j— i : _ l i
Call to Light (D uet)
i Frederick
...............................- I cl "
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study ( Shrine O rg an
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building Lotus Ray King, Harp
203-A Rainbow Rays (D uet) ...........
a momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: Frederick Landwehr,
203 B Oh, W orld Victorious (Duet)
1. Opulence and Supply Shrine Organ
2. Violet Flame and Healing | 505-A America Our Own Beloved Land f Sung by Minute Men
3. " I A M " America's Freedom \ 505-B Silent Sentinel ____ . . ............ .... } of Saint Germain
4. " I A M " Light Decrees
f Lotus Ray King, Harp
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' A M " Activities (Small
1000-A " I A M " Come (D uet) < Frederick Landwehr,
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters'
[ Novachord
" I A M " Activities.)
1000-B Dedication ...................... ............. ... ... ... ............. Donald Ray King
6. Our Messenger's " I A M " Speaks
Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
7. Light M y W orld
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ RR-I20I Invocation ...................... ......... Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ception of Nos. I, 5 and 7. Present supply of No. I will be sold for RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) H arp ___ ____ ___ Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus j RR-1203 Benediction .......................... .............. Mrs. Ballard and Donald
shipping charges. No. 7, Light M y W orld, sells for 40c each. ( RR-1247 Contemplation (N earer M y God to Thee) H arp ___Mrs. Ballard
( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ................ .......Mr. G . W . Ballard
W e will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released. I 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) .......................Mr. G . W . Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 I 3 RPM
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law J 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) ............ ..............Mr. G . W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed { 3301-
B Benediction (Shrine Class) ........ ..... ................ Mr. G . W . Ballard
hereafter. 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) ........... ..............Mr. G . W . Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipp ing charges extra 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine C la s s )................. Mr. G . W . Ballard
(N o t e : A ll P la y b a c k R e co rd s are sold d ire c t fro m th e S a n t a F€
B r a n c h of th e S a in t G e rm a in P re s s , In c .) * J 3303-A Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
P H O N O G R A P H RECO RD S 1 3303-B Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
| Lotus Ray King, Harp | 3303-C Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
N 100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)..
k Frederick Landwehr, I 3303-D Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
N 100-B Lotus M y Love________ __________
I Shrine Organ
j 3303-E Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
N 101-A Goddess of Purity (D u e t)................... ) Ra,Y ,Kinj 1' H * rp / 3303-F Beginning of " I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
c ., . r , fri 1 }■ Frederick Landwenr,
N I0I-B bilent bentinel (D uet]..................... . ^ Shrine Organ *(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G . W . Ballard
and should be sold in a set.)
N 102-A " I A M " Decrees— Part I ........... September 1941 Shrine Class
N 102-B " I A M " Decrees— Part II...........September 1941 Shrine Class 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the C hart.... Mr. G . W . Ballard
3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart. ....... Mr. G . W . Ballard
200-A Light of M y H eart (D uet) ________ I ^ Ra* ,KIn H a rP
3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the C hart.......... Mr. G . W . Ballard
200-B Rose of Light (D u e t)..... ....... j oTgt
3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the C hart...........Mr. G . W . Ballard

'c , S m:

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29

28 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
( 3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G . W . Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G . W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G . W . Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G . W . Ballard
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G . W . Ballard NOTICE!
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G . W . Ballard
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G . W . Ballard
effective at once, advance the cost of the Small Crystal Cups to
3310-A Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
3310-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 M r. G . W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C u p remains unchanged.
33IO-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-G Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— Ju ly 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation -July 1938 Mr. G . W . Ballard
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory )
Mr. G . W . Ballard
-K Benediction |
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G . W . Ballard

*N O T E: (The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toq eth er)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in " I A M " Study Groups.
(A ll Records are sold and shipped direct from the Santa Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money O r­
ders, but no P.O .M .O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31

Already Released
O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S G O D D E S S O F PU RITY (16" for Playbacks only)
R A IN B O W R A Y S M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y Lotus Ray King, Harp
"I A M " C O M E
* " l A M " H ER E
‘ A R C H A N G E L M IC H A E L
I Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ

Shrine Audience
( Lotus Ray King, Harp
66 "I A M Come (D uet) .............. ................ -J Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p o f S o n g s— M u s ic and L y r ic s b y G o d frS R a y K in g and [ Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e s e S o n g s are e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h co n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d
N O T E: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esigned fo r t h a t p iece of m u sic.
O u r p re s e n t s to ck of th e se songs w ill be sold a t th e re g u la r p rice
one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
o f $1.00 each w it h sh ip p in g ch a rg e s of 35c. N e w e d itio n s w ill double-faced record.
re q u ire an in c re a se d ch a rg e . T h is in clu d e s all th e ab o ve songs
w it h th e e x ce p tio n of th e th re e m a rk e d w it h an *. T h e s e songs Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
a re no w p rice d a t $1.25 e a c h ; sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 35c. only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
T h e “ Son g o f th e V io le t F la m e ” c o n ta in s fo u r (4 ) co lo r p late s. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
T h e s e co lo r p la te s m a y also be p u rch ase d s in g ly (w it h o u t m u s ic ).
P r ic e E a c h 50c— S h ip p in g c h a rg e s 15c
E a c h F o ld e r c o n ta in s th re e songs, to g e th e r w it h m u sic an d ly ric s ,
as fo llo w s :
( I. " I A M " Here | %
No. I 2. Angels of Saint Germain > Music and Lyrics
i 3. Freedom's Triumph ) Lotus Ray King
( 4. G re at Hercules— Thou Elohim )
No. 2 j 5. Mary, the Mother of Jesus V Music and Lyrics
( 6. Archangel Michael ) Lotus Ray King
P r ic e per folder $2.25— Shipping charges extra (35c)
( 7. Helios, The Dawn )
No. 3 < 8. Lord— The Maha Chohan >
■ Music and Lyrics
( 9. Thou Seven M ighty Elohim 1 Lotus Ray King
P r ic e p er fo ld e r $3.00— S h ip p in g c h a rg e s e x tra (40c)
"C R Y S T A L C U P S "
S m a ll S iz e C ry s ta l C u p s— fo r t r a v e lin g or c h ild re n ................. P r ic e $5.00
P a c k in g an d sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 50c
S m a ll S iz e — fo r in d iv id u a l u se ................... ............... .... ..... .......... P r ic e $7.75
P a c k in g and sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 70c
L a r g e size— fo r R e a d in g Ro om s, S a n c t u a r ie s , an d f a m ily use.
In d iv id u a ls m a y h a v e the se , if th e y so d esire . P r ic e $25.00 PRO PERTY OF S A IN T G E R M A IN P R ES S , IN C .
S h ip p in g c h a rg e s $1.40
Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., I943
T h e s e " C r y s t a l C u p s ” a re not sold th ru R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
L e a d e rs . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs . G. W . B a lla r d
an d is th e n sh ip p ed d ire c t to each in d iv id u a l. N o d is c o u n ts are C O P Y R IG H T — S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, IN C ., I943
allo w e d .
32 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
THE "1 AM"

DlSCOUjtgg. ASCKj #De

If f ~~

'D i E S A I N T ( j E R M A I N $ E R I E S
------- CopyniGHTco By ■msPROPCKTyor Saint Germain Press,/nc.J9?3.,
B y the A scen ded M asters an d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.


S a n ta F e, New Mexico.
L I T H O G R A P H E D A N D P U B L I S H E D IN T H E U . S . A . , 1 9 4 3

(7opyrric/h t~$ain t (jerm ctin & resJTnc i943

N C H R IST M A S Morti, L ig h t’s F reedom cam e,
To bathe the world In Love’s G reat F la m e ;
And flood I t s Pow er thru ou t the earth,
To ra ise m an kin ^ in H eaven ’s B irth !
“ I AM”—G od’s Light, h a s entered in,
All L ife ’s G reat V ictories to win,
The G reatest G ift L ife can bestow,
F o r Freedom ’s Love all here sh all know.
F rom J e s u s ’ H eart th a t F la m e sw ept thru,
To cleanse, redeem and build anew
L ife ’s Tem ples Pure, w ith R a d ian t Pow ’r
F rom H eigh ts above, whose G reat R a y s shower
E ach one's L ife Stream w ith Love so great,
It ra ise s all to th at estate
W here nothing but the L igh t can come—
P erfection ’s Sphere, each one's T rue Home.
H is M ighty Pow ’r thru our world flows
And everm ore H is P resen ce show s
H is L igh t above, H is Pow er here,
To m ake their path all bright and clear;
To them He gives H is G reat R elease
And holds them alw ay s in H is Peace,
Till They too are H is V ictory
A nd stan d with H im —serene—all F ree !
E a c h one m u st too, ascen d by Light,
E a c h m u st become H is Own G reat M ight—
Th e G lorious F lam e, the “ G reat I AM,”
T h at F lam e He is—in It all stan d !
T h at One G reat Sou rce of all God’s Love,
R u les everyw here, all In It m ove!
I t s G reat Dominion all m u st be,
B y Its G reat L ig h t all here m u st see!
Unto th at F lam e, we offer all
A nd fo r earth ’s Freedom ever call!
E a c h H eart’s D esire, L ife does fulfill,
F o r in the H eart abides God’s W ill—
To know, to dare, to do, to raise
All in H is Presence and to p raise
T h e “ M ighty I AM P resen ce” too,
U ntil in Glory It ste p s thru !
The form of each one everyw here,
En folded in L ig h t’s T reasu re s rare,
M ust brighter grow until like Him,
F la m e s from the M ighty Elohim ,
F o rm G arm en ts of E tern al F ire,
Surroundin g all and raisin g higher
All m ankind on th is earth each day,
U ntil the “ I AM ” holds full sw ay!
BELOVED JESUS’ DISCOURSE feet H ealth; into your activity, the Power of Divine
Love; then into your world of activity, successful achieve­
W E S T P A L M B E A C H , F L A .— N O V E M B E R 25, 1937 ment.
E L O V E D children of the earth; beloved Stu ­ D o you not see, beloved ones, how mankind’s unwill­
dents of the Light! It is M y G reat Joy, and ingness to give obedience to the smaller things which are
seems quite apropos tonight, to come forth and affecting their Lives every moment, is the reason for con­
give you M y Feeling and some idea of what tinued limitations, in the activity of the human octave,
it is M y H ope to do, during these Seven W eeks which the human forms?
have been set aside to M e, as it were. N ow let us tonight— let M e assist you in the beginning
I said in those periods almost forgotten: “ Suffer little of these Seven W eeks. I shall digress just a moment
children to come unto M e, for such is the Kingdom of and assure you, beloved ones of Florida, that you have
H eaven.” W ill you bear with M e, when I say, W e are no idea as yet, how marvelous has been the answer to
all children, reaching to the Light? Y ou are blessed chil­ your call. You think it has been a long time that you
dren reaching to the Light. W hy? Because your hearts, have called for the M essengers. W e shall try to make
beloved ones, know the Light, know their Source. up for that absence, tonight and the coming days of the
If you will observe the C hart— there is the Light of class, for the class is really here. It has begun! Let us
the G reat G od Presence, the “ M ighty I A M ,” anchored F E E L that, tonight! In this G reat Preparation which
in your physical heart. Y ou can have various organs of has been made, let us feel a determination— every blessed
the body removed and still go on; but you cannot have one— to give obedience to those Laws of Life which are
the heart removed and still go on. T h at should signify your Freedom.
much to mankind; but have you not been rather tardy D o you not see, that unless you understand and give
in thinking deeply into the Life which is ours; in think­ obedience to those Simple Laws, then you are in the con­
ing into the cause of things? stant swing of the pendulum of Life, which means now
I marvel today, beloved ones, that there are still courage, now discouragement, now assurance, now uncer­
among the blessed students, those who fail to give obed­ tainty? Just a constant swing. W ell, you do not gain
ience to the greatest Law created— “ A s ye sow, so shall the Victory in that which you would gain, in the steady
ye reap.” W hatever you give expression to, M U S T find forw ard movement in the acknowledgment of the Pres­
its return into your activity and your world, and ofttimes ence of Life, your “ M ighty I A M ,” held to unwaveringly;
in your body; until you understand that, until you give then in your human activity, giving obedience, which is
obedience to the first Law of Life! — H arm ony in the feelings, so you no longer requalify
Outside of your acceptance of your own G od Pres­
the energy that comes forth.
ence, the next Law is obedience; and if you do not under­
If you do, you are responsible for it. Y ou all see that,
stand what that means, how can you give full obedience?
but today mankind is still over-looking this great need.
T he First Command really, is that you shall maintain H ar­
mony in your feelings; for that is the means by which the T H E R E IS N O P R O V O C A T IO N R E A L L Y , IN T H E
G reat G od Presence will pour forth into your body, Per- E X P E R IE N C E O F M A N K IN D W H IC H W A R -
4 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Fropcrly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 5
R A N T S D IS C O R D ! Therefore, as mankind comes to F IL L Y O U R W O R L D S W IT H I T S A C T I V I T Y ,
understand that, they will realize the need of holding W IT H I T S D IR E C T IN G IN T E L L IG E N C E ; W IT H
H arm ony. For instance, you who have watched the I T S C O N Q U E R IN G P R E S E N C E , F O R T H A T
progress of the M essengers, have seen the great Peace L IG H T W H IC H B E A T S Y O U R H E A R T IS T H E
and tranquillity within this M essenger. Y ou see the V ic­ C O N Q U E R IN G P R E S E N C E W IT H IN E V E R Y
tory that he has gained, by refusing to accept into his H U M A N F O R M . R E M E M B E R , I S A Y D E F IN IT E L Y
world inharmony or discord of any kind; for he will not “ T H E C O N Q U E R IN G P R E S E N C E W IT H IN
allow himself to feel any discord, any criticism nor con­ E V E R Y H U M A N F O R M , ” F O R I T IS T H E
demnation of the conditions in the letters which come to SO U R C E OF A LL!
him by the hundreds for assistance. Y et that does not For instance, how did I attain M y V ictory and leave
enter into his world, otherwise he could not give the the example of the crucifixion to mankind? A s I stated
assistance. to you in one of M y former Dictations, I did not know,
Therefore, you must feel your own responsibility, until the G reat Divine Director revealed to M e this iden­
beloved ones, in realizing what this means to you. T he tical U nderstanding and A pplication of the “ M ighty
Law of Life is no respector of persons, places nor condi­ I A M Presence.” W hy do mankind not understand,
tions! T h e Law of Life acts in every human being and if that were not true, how could I have prefaced every
there is no human being who can say: “ I am more powerful statement which was made thru M y Exper­
worthy than thou.” If they do, they are but deceiving ience, with the W ords “ I A M ” ? If it were not true,
themselves. that these identical Statements were given M e, before
Tonight, in the great preparation for the future, and I formulated definitely, what example I was to leave for
let M e say immediate Freedom, let us take that firm stand mankind, how could I have accomplished it?
with your human selves. Y ou have not a thing in the
Y ou have before you the remaining evidence of that
world to correct, beloved ones, but your own human
Statem ent; for every important statement of M ine that
selves. Conditions and everything else will conform to
you have chronicled today, begins with the W ords “ I
the H arm ony of the G reat Power of the Presence
A M .” I had come to know, that the “ I A M ,” which
released at your call, thru Harm ony in your feelings!
is the Source of all Life thru every human form, was the
T hose who will not give that obedience, will not find
Individualized Presence of G od! T h at is what every
their Freedom, there is no question about that.
heart in embodiment on earth, sought then, is seeking
W e so anxiously, shall I say W A I T and W A T C H
for everyone who will give that obedience. Then, W e today, and has always sought thruout the centuries.
are able to flood them and their worlds with every good T h at is why I repeat again tonight, for I say to the
thing that their hearts desire; because T H E R E IS N O orthodox world and to the Christian Science activity;
L IM IT T O W H A T Y O U M A Y H A V E F O R U S E ; those who cannot accept Saint Germain and the Ascended
T H E R E IS N O L IM IT T O Y O U R H A P P IN E S S . M asters, will not have M y Radiation! TH E STU B­
6 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 7
There is naught in this Understanding with which any In the past, beloved ones, various individuals through
human being should find fault; and because mankind the priesthood, thru science, physical science and thru
have not understood that there were Ascended M asters, various avenues, have found certain understanding which
that there were Cosmic Beings, and there were Legions they did not wish to convey to others! T h at time is past!
of Light, is no reason to oppose T his Instruction! T O D A Y , IS T H E D A Y O F F R E E D O M T O A L L
T hruout the Scriptures are the statements of Great M A N K IN D E V E R Y W H E R E ! Y O U W IL L S E E IT !
Beings W ho inspired and helped mankind, then today, Y ou remember the statement made at the time of
when the T ruth of W ho T hose G reat Beings are, is M y Ascension when the A ngel appeared to the disciples
placed before mankind, why will mankind not awaken and said: “ W hy do you gaze up into heaven,” and that
to this G reat T ruth ; and enter into the fulness of Its I would again come forth in a like manner, for I had
G reat A ctivity and have that Freedom which this U nder­ Ascended. I did, and I have come forth to the people
standing brings? of earth thousands of times, since that period two thou­
In former ages, it was not possible to bring forth the sand years ago; but mankind have said: “ N o, it cannot
clearness of this Understanding which Saint Germain be, Jesus is Ascended, how could H e be here?”
has brought forth today! The Law of the Cosmic Light D O Y O U K N O W , B E L O V E D O N E S , W H A T IT
did not permit it! I brought forth to the world more of IS T H A T R E P E L S F R O M Y O U T H E T R U T H , O R
the “ I A M ,” than any individual up to the time, when T H E U S E O F E V E R Y T H IN G T H A T Y O U H A V E
Saint Germain brought this Instruction forth! C A L L E D F O R O R R E Q U IR E D ? U N B E L IE F ! IT
A ll Ascended M asters are Perfect Beings; all are One IS A R E P E L L E N T F E E L IN G ! Y O U H A V E N O T
in Ability, but just as in the human octave, one does not H E R E T O F O R E K N O W N , T H A T IT W A S Y O U R
do another’s W ork. Each has H is or H er own Definite F E E L IN G W H IC H W AS THE G O V E R N IN G
A ctivity and Radiation to pour forth. T oday, many of A C T I V I T Y IN Y O U R W O R L D , B U T S A I N T
you are coming to understand that in the great achieve­ G E R M A IN H A S M A D E IT SO P L A IN . I T A K E IT
ment of all things, even in the human octave of business FO R G R A N T E D , T O D A Y , Y O U U N D E R S T A N D
activity, the Power of achievement comes thru the Power T H A T Y O U R F E E L IN G W O R L D IS T H E G O V -
of Radiation. E R N IN G A C T I V I T Y W IT H W H IC H Y O U A R E
Sometimes in previous Dictations, I have been criti­ C O N C E R N E D , F O R I T IS. Y O U R T H O U G H T IS
cized for not using the old, old terminology. W hy should M U C H L E SS I M P O R T A N T T H A N Y O U R F E E L ­
I? It is because those individuals have no concept of IN G ; F O R IF IT IS A N A R G U M E N T B E T W E E N
what an Ascended Being is. W e do conform to the mod­ Y O U R T H O U G H T A N D F E E L IN G , Y O U R F E E L ­
ern times, if you wish to so call it; so mankind may under­ IN G W IL L W IN , B E C A U S E I T IS Y O U R P O W E R ­
stand in your present vocabulary, the T ruth of your Life. H O U SE, A S Y O U H A V E BEEN T O LD .
T h at is why W e use as you sometimes might term it, Therefore, your concern, today, is in the governing
ordinary language; for this is an A ctivity which all must of your feeling world, which in other terminology, is
understand, not just a few scientifically trained indi­ your emotional body extending as far as your hands reach
viduals. about you; sometimes much farther; but unless you un-
Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. a
derstand these Laws of Life with which you are wholly must be maintained, that you still do not compel It. I
concerned, how can you correct that which is wrong? am not referring tonight especially to you individually,
W e are A ll telling you that Self-control and the gov­ but explaining the Law of your Life so vividly, so
erning of your feelings is the O pen D oor to everything important, to which you must give complete obedience,
the Treasure-house of the Presence holds for you— in if you expect to have Freedom.
health and physical use in the octave of human life. If I marvel at it. Is it possible, dear ones, that you think
you will not believe that, then you will go on in your it applies to every one but yourselves? Please do not.
struggles and limitations. Look at yourself, every one, and see wherein you may
T H E R E IS SO M U C H W E W O U L D LIK E T O cleanse, purify and make yourself ready for the H ost of
C O N V E Y T O Y O U , B U T W E M A Y N O T D O IT , Light!
U N T IL E N O U G H OF TH E ST U D E N T S E V ER Y ­ D o you not understand, beloved ones, that in this
W H E R E , SE E T H IS D E F IN IT E L Y A N D T A K E room tonight, if sufficient preparation had been made in
S U C H A F IR M C O M M A N D O F T H E IR F E E L IN G the maintained H arm ony in your feelings, that I could
W O R L D , T H A T T H E Y C O M P E L IT T O BE H A R ­ have stood forth in M y O w n Tangible Body and have
M O N IO U S ; S O T H E G R E A T E R R E L E A S E O F spoken to you directly? W e have been planning and
T H E P O W E R S O F T H E P R E S E N C E M A Y BE waiting for this, but as yet, W e must flash the W ords
T H E IR S . to the M essenger in order to convey O ur W ishes to you.
For more than a year, W e have hoped and poured It remains with you, beloved ones.
forth a M ighty Radiation to attain a certain balance of Oh, W e never think of criticizing, not for anything
achievement among a number of the students; that W e in the world; but W e must state the Law and keep on
might come to them in the visible tangible body, but they stating It to mankind until they awaken to the full
do not seem to be anxious for O ur Presence; for they import of what It means, in their own individual lives;
do not harmonize themselves sufficiently, so W e may because your Presence cannot release Its G reat Power,
come. D on’t think M e severe, but I must tell you the if you are constantly requalifying it with discord. It
T ruth. Saint Germain, N ada, the G reat Divine D irec­ would mean that soon you would destroy your physical
tor, M yself and many Others are waiting— will you body; because if the greater release of Power was still
understand the term if I say A N X IO U S L Y , and why do requalified by discord, then the discord would be tre­
I use that w ord? Because W e want so much for you mendously greater. Therefore, the G reat Law of Life
to be Free, to be M aster of conditions, of your bodies and has provided, so that Its release does not go beyond a
your world; so you may have the Glory and the Blessing certain point, until mankind have Self-control and com­
which W e see and know is just before you, and yet W e pel obedience from their human activity, so they can
must wait! give forth without limit.
I marvel, beloved ones, that when Saint Germain so Sometime, possibly in the near future, W e may tell
repeatedly, so emphatically, has made clear the impera­ you something of what has occurred when the M essen­
tive need of the Law of your Life, that the Harm ony gers have been in their physical bodies. Only yesterday,
|A Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. \ J
a Trem endous W ork was done where W e have long T h at is why Saint Germain asked you to issue these
wished for them to be; and W e want to thank our M ighty Decrees, because that A ctivity in the mental and
Beloved Donald for having been the means for it; for feeling world has prepared mankind; and you cannot yet
as they thought in the enjoyment of the outer, it made imagine how much in the outer world. Even though
possible the A ctivity of the Inner W ork to be done. So many have attempted to explain it to you, still you do not
often, beloved ones, when mankind are sincere to the comprehend, how great has been that Blessing to man­
Light they feel the impulse, as they think, for some con­ kind.
structive outer enjoyment, when it means the release of Only recently, has the evidence come forth thru dif­
Inner Powers. ferent ones over Am erica, approaching people who four
Once you understand what it means to hold joy for­ months ago, would not accept T his Idea of the T ruth
ever increasing in your heart, your mind and your world, at all; but today, they welcome It with open arms. T h at
then will you know how much greater is the Power of is because of the M ighty A ctivity of the Decrees in the
the Presence which flows forth because of that joy! Oh, mental and feeling world of mankind. So grow not
do not let yourselves be unhappy! Beloved ones, depres­ weary, in rendering that service which everyone can ren­
sion and unhappiness are the open door to many destruc­ der individually or in your G roups.
tive things. D O N O T L E T T H E M G O V E R N Y O U . Tonight, I wish you to feel with M e, if you will, the
W e love everyone of you, O h so greatly, and W e great joy and great privilege you have, in issuing these
want you to be free! A s W e have watched the beloved Decrees in G roups; because according to the number of
students thruout Am erica, Oh, sometimes in the privacy that G roup, if it be an hundred people, then you have
of their own chambers, as they have called forth to U s, an hundred times your own effort for your achievement,
that call would melt a heart of stone! I want you to for your success, for the expansion of your own Light.
know, I receive every call that you send forth to M e, and If it be a thousand people, then you have a thousand
make no mistake about it! I answer that call every time, times your own effort for your Freedom. H ow I wish
and if you are still enough in your feeling activity, you that every Student of the “ I A M ” thruout America,
will feel M y Presence, M y Radiance and Current of could understand this!
Energy, flow into your body and your world. W e many times see people weary of giving the
Decrees and think— O h well, why continue that! Som e­
Beloved ones, do not think of M e or any of the Other
times people want to be just quiet. A C E R T A I N
Ascended M asters, as someone afar off, I plead with you.
D o not feel because you do not see Them , that T hey are
far off, somewhere beyond your reach. It is not the case!
F O R T H E G R E A T H O S T O F L IG H T T O U S E !
T hese days and for the past two years, especially, as the W e want to say this to you with very great earnest­
M essengers have carried forth T his Radiation everywhere, ness tonight. If you want to be still, then still yourselves
we are constantly moving in the human octave among individually; but when you come into the G roups come
the people; pouring forth that Radiation here and there into them for action, for service! T h at is the greatest
wherever W e see the Light expanding. need and you can render so great a service when you
12 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 13
do that; but if you become weary, then it is better for you outer use; but do you not see O ur Efforts are annulled,
to stop and still yourselves, until you can enter in with if you are allowing feelings of discord to register and act
enthusiasm! within you? O h, it matters not what the provocation
W hether it be your business, your Decrees, or your is, it really is not any person, place nor condition. It is
call to the Presence, if it be done with weariness, how simply a force of human creation which is acting in the
can you have the full result your heart desires? T h at human octave. W H A T E V E R D IS T U R B S Y O U , IS
is why this M essenger today, has such tremendous results N O T A N O T H E R P E R S O N . Y o u think it is person,
from his application, because he has found, he can gen­ place and conditions, but it really is not. It is just a
erate that joy and enthusiasm at will, and so can anyone sinister thing and activity that sees you are gaining your
else. Y O U W IL L S O O N F IN D T H A T W IT H Y O U R V ictory and it is trying to prevent the attainment. T h at
A T T E N T IO N T O T H E P R E SE N C E Y O U C A N is the law which is actually operating in every human
F E E L I T S G R E A T JO Y , LIK E A F L A S H , C H A R G E being, when those qualities act.
Y O U R M I N D A N D B O D Y F O R D E F IN IT E U nderstand clearly and definitely, and I feel tonight
A C T IO N . you are comprehending as you never did before in your
Let M e add M y W ord tonight, as many Others have, life: how these things and qualities that have continued
and try to help you see more clearly, the forces which to manifest in your feeling world, are the things which
are acting or playing upon you. W hen you feel dis­ have been depriving you of the full result of your appli­
cordant, irritated or a disturbance of any kind, it is your cation, you could otherwise have had. W ill you allow
own human creation or something projected at you, M e, tonight, to help you dissolve and consume every
which is trying to deprive you of your qu«-iv Freedom; vestige of those qualities and forget that they ever existed
because it sees you are gaining your V ictory. Therefore, in your world?
there is no one thing nor condition that should provoke Precious ones, do not yield to these things any longer!
anyone into allowing those qualities to act. Just be so happy and filled with joy in your call to the
If you realize that anything which disturbs you or Presence, knowing that It is the Power of Light; and when
makes you irritated, angry or critical, is just the sinister Its Light releases, It just sweeps everything before It,
activity depriving you of your Freedom a little longer, I sweeping out everything unlike Itself; because there is not
am sure there is no one who would not govern such a one single destructive force in the U niverse which opposes
feeling immediately. It only piles upon each individual the Light. D o you know that, beloved ones? IN A L L
more and more of those disturbing qualities, under which T H A T H A S B E E N S A ID , H A V E Y O U C O M P R E ­
they are struggling; and they are already carrying almost H E N D E D W H E N T H E L IG H T , W H IC H IS Y O U R
more than they can bear. One must make the decision, P R E S E N C E , IS C A L L E D I N T O A C T I O N , T H E R E
within himself or herself. IS N O T O N E D E S T R U C T IV E F O R C E IN T H E
W e stand ready to give every Assistance possible that U N IV E R S E T H A T T R I E S E V E N T O R E S IS T IT ;
the Law of your Being will permit, for your happiness, because the Light is the Power, and that Light just dis­
Freedom and supply of everything you require in the solves everything unlike Itself.
14 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 15
I want to carry to you, into your feeling world with that Infinite Power of the Pure Energy of the
tonight, the Confidence in your application and your call Presence, that when you issue a Decree and wish to send
to the Light. It is the Substance of Light-intelligence it forth, it goes forth like an avalanche, perform ing that
that flows in, thru and around your body and out into service easily and quickly; and even with the speed of
your world. There is not one resistant thing to that lightning as you have called to have done.
Light, because all else knows it cannot act against the Y our Presence, the Light, knows no time nor space.
Light. Every destructive force knows it has no power It just IS, and that is why, if you give It the proper rec­
when the Light appears! Y ou have the example before ognition and the proper understanding in your feeling,
you every day of your Life. Every evening when the then you are able to release Its A ction, untouched by
night approaches and you go to the switch on the walls your human qualification! It flow s in and thru you and
of your room, to turn on the electricity, the room is you can release It in a moment. I did it time and again!
dark. T he moment you press that button, the Light I swept all imperfection out of the human form like that
floods the room and the darkness disappears. (m otion of hand) and have thousands of times since M y
It is identical with the forces of irritation and disturb­ Ascension!
ance. Once mankind realize, that when they call this A little child recently in California awakened and
Power of Light forth, all destructive things dissolve and said, that I had kissed her. I did! I was there and kissed
disappear before it, they will be Free! T hose things are her and she told the T ruth ! W ill mankind realize the
not repelled. M ay you receive this point! W hen the G reat Powers of Light and the G reat Presence of Light
Light goes forth, It is not a repelling activity, It is a D is­ are everywhere? I am not limited! N o Ascended M as­
solving A ctivity! ter is limited in any way! W E G O Q U IC K L Y F R O M
N ow then, when you have this A ctivity of Life, O N E P L A C E T O A N O T H E R , A L M O S T W IT H
whatever forces object, or up to that moment have T H E S P E E D O F T H O U G H T ; A N D , IF A C A L L
seemed to oppose, if you are calm and serene they are C A M E T O M E , I C O U L D P R O JE C T A R E P L IC A
dissolved from your world forever. W ill you not under­ O F M Y S E L F A N D R E N D E R T H E S A M E S E R V IC E ,
stand that tonight, beloved ones? T h at is why the V ic­ A S T H O U G H I W E R E T H E R E M Y SELF. T H A T
tory of the Light is permanent, Eternal; and whatever IS T H E P O W E R O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R !
is dissolved by Light never reappears, unless you by your
Beloved ones, will you not realize that the Ascended
own human creation and power of qualification, bring
M aster is a W holly Perfect Being, Free from all human
back a similar quality.
limitations? W e have all the Powers of the Cosmic
Then, you see how magnificent is the V ictory of the A ctivity which W e can utilize. W hy and how could
Light, and that you have the Scepter of Power in your
T hey be limited in any way, when a call is sent to Them ?
own physical hand in T his Understanding, by which you
W hy would They not answer? You see how impossible
can govern yourselves and your worlds harmoniously.
Therefore, allow the Powers of the Presence each time that would be?
you call, to grow by intensification, charging and filling Tonight, in the G reat, G reat Joy that is filling the
your feeling world about you, until it becomes so charged earth, I wish to remind you of the M agnificent Service,
16 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc.
the G reat Divine D irector has rendered to the earth, in by the earnest students themselves, Its Power floods forth
the passing of the boys who were over seas (during the more and more, and finally all human resistance goes
world w ar) thru the invitation H e has extended for the down! Then, mankind will see how childish and foolish
adjustment of conditions. Y ou cannot comprehend in it has been, to feel opposition to the Greatest Blessing
the human what that means; but that G reat Presence, that was ever offered mankind on this earth; because T his
that G reat Cosmic Being has made the A djustm ent of Understanding of the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” the
conditions for hundreds of thousands who passed out Source of all Life, is the G reatest U nderstanding that can
during the world war; so they could, if they cared to accept be given mankind in the physical octave; and the Full­
H is Invitation, be drawn into the Ascended M asters’ ness of It, is being given to every one who will accept
O ctave of Light; and be taught this Identical U nder­ and apply It.
standing of the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” to bring It W ill you tell your friends, beloved ones, everywhere:
forth in the next embodiment and then gain their Free­ please do not sit in judgment on the M essengers or This
dom. T his is the first Compensation under the Cosmic W ork? There is no reason in the world why anyone
Law, that has ever been offered on the face of this earth should. It is given forth in Love and kindness. T he
to people who gave their lives because of the discord of Laws of Life are stated clearly and definitely; but many
mankind. times, it is because the human is wild, because it does not
There has never been on this earth a justifiable war. wish to give the needed obedience; yet when it does, its
It is true, if a nation is set upon by destructive forces, happiness is so wonderful, that its gratitude and joy are
they must endeavor to protect themselves; and not know- eternal.
ing a greater means, they must use what they have at T h at is why, tonight, I utilize this opportunity not
hand and they try to, but look at the results! N ever has only for you blessed ones who are here, but for all the
any permanent happiness or release come of it and never “ I A M ” Students thruout Am erica and the world; to
can; because it is humanly qualified destructive energy draw a M ighty Focus of Light into your cities of Florida,
which is acting; and until mankind turn to God, their and especially in Jacksonville, D aytona, W est Palm
own “ M ighty I A M Presence,” and understand how, Beach and M iami, and will you feel this with M e?
where and what It is, they will continue in the condi­ It was M y W ish to leave an Example to mankind
tions of the centuries past! There is no other way! which could never be forgotten; because the Etheric R ec­
T his U nderstanding of the G reat Presence of Life, ord of M y Ascension is there! A fterw ards, mankind
is the only means on earth of bringing a permanent solu­ began to place their own interpretation upon the exper­
tion of anything. It is the solving of national problems ience I had left. I had hoped to convey to mankind,
that they could and would do these things, I did; not
as well as individual! T he Effort is being made by the
only the healing, freeing and blessing of mankind dur­
Powers of Light, to set all Free! T his Understanding
ing my short ministry; but in the Example of the Cross!
will flood the earth, regardless of all human opposition; I did not want to leave that as a matter of distress to the
because with the Light, W e know no opposition. people! I left It as a V ictory, for when M y Body was
A s I have just stated to you, as that is called forth removed from the Cross, I felt no pain nor distress in that
]8 Property o f Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
body. W hen it was placed in the tomb, I returned to because we have entered into that G reat Presence, when
it, completed the purifying work and came forth from the we became the Ascended Being. W e have the use of
tomb in M y H igher M ental Body, as the M essenger has that Infinite Power of Light in Its various qualifications;
described to you. Then, forty days afterw ard, made as Substance, Liquid Light or whatever it is W e require!
the Ascension at noonday in the presence of more than T h at Light, beloved ones— please hold this within
five hundred people. your consciousness forever, and those who are calling
These records are Eternal and I am very grateful to so earnestly for their Ascension, remember— that Light
Saint Germain for taking the M essenger to the environ­ has taken the place of the blood stream of the human
ment of Judea, where M y O w n M inistry took place! form. T h at Light and Energy which flows thru Our
H e saw the revivifying of T hose Records and was shown Ascended Bodies, similar to the arterial and veinular
the Reality and that M y M inistry was not an imagina­ system in your bodies, today, is Light, Liquid Light! Our
tion; that I was not an imaginary Being nor an allegory. Bodies have the most natural appearance with a glowing
O h, far from that, yet there are those of mankind today, color of pink to the Substance and form. T h at is the
in Am erica and the world, who do think M y Experience Activity of Light radiating from the H eart!
was but an allegory.
D o you know that in the Ascended Body, the H eart
Oh, awaken O h children of the earth, unto the
has become Light— a H eart of Light which pulsates, car­
Reality, the Fulness of your own G reat Presence of Light
rying that Energy thru the Body; the same as your
and have Its V ictory and Glory!
physical heart carries the energy thru the nervous sys­
I knew there were hundreds of others in the Secret
tem and thru the veinular and arterial system?
Retreats of the world who had made the Ascension.
Then, when I met the Beloved N ada, whom you have I want so much to have you feel O ur Reality and how
come to know, and saw the M arvelous Assistance She tangible and natural is the H igher A ctivity of O ur
had given to one civilization after another, I marveled Ascended Bodies. It is just as practical as in your physi­
that mankind would not understand the Glory of what cal bodies, in fact far more so; because O ur A ctivity is
an Ascended Being meant. Reality! Y our physical bodies are not Reality, because
T oday, you are so privileged to know of the many six they are constantly changing. If they were Reality, they
who are comprehending and understanding, that all would be Perfect and you would retain them forever;
Ascended Beings are Real, Tangible Beings. ERE but since you constantly cast them off and take on and
L O N G , M A N K IN D , O R S H A L L I S A Y T H E build others, then that which you are utilizing, is but the
M A JO R I T Y O F M A N K IN D , W IL L C O M E T O past qualification of Energy and Substance. T oday you
K N O W D E F IN IT E L Y , T H A T W E A R E T A N G I ­ are coming to know these G reat Law s; to feel the Bless­
B L E A N D R E A L . O ur Bodies are not physical, but ing of them, and each day more and more your own
W e can make Them as tangible as yours! W e live by Dominion!
the Power of Light! W e live by the Power of Energy, In the fulness of that G reat Light which beats your
the same as you behold on that Chart flowing into your hearts, your “ M ighty I A M Presence,” I call forth,
physical body! W e no longer have to call that forth, tonight. Its Infinite Power to take command of your
20 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 21
minds and bodies, hold Its Dominion and produce Its OUR BELOVED MESSENGER
Perfection; silence all human feelings of discord and
requalification of this M ighty Energy; hold you within (T aken from talk given at
such obedience to the Light, that at the slightest impulse, San Francisco, Calif., Class 1938)
you do feel and give obedience to the Light, so the S T H E S T U D E N T S call the Presence into
Powers of your Presence may come forth quickly to dis­ action, they become more sensitive, and begin
miss all else! to become aware of and sense conditions which
T h at Light which passes thru and around you, knows are in the individual, when they contact the
no discord, no resistance! Therefore, let It flow in and individual. T his is where the sinister force throws them
thru you and carry out and dissolve forever, every dis­ off the track and they immediately feel it is the indi­
cordant human quality. Then, in the needed human vidual. T hey think —well that person’s motive is so and
obedience, stand guard in your outer consciousness with so, he has that in him. T h at is the very thing they
a determination, to no longer let in any experience of should not do.
discord into your feeling world. Then, the Power of If you are going to obey the Law, instead of paying
Light from your Presence, will so quickly fill you and attention to that thing and holding it over the individual,
your world with Its G reat Perfection; with Its M ighty the student should say: “ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E ,”
Intelligence! T h e human will dissolve and you will have T H E R E IS S O M E T H IN G W R O N G H E R E , T H A T
entered into the Glory of your own Eternal M ighty F E E L IN G D O E S N O T C O M E F R O M Y O U ! IF IT
Reality, the Presence of Light, your “ M ighty I A M IS IN M E , A N N I H I L A T E T H E C A U S E , E F F E C T ,
Presence,” your Electronic Body of Light, when you will R E C O R D A N D M EM O R Y O F IT A N D R E P L A C E
have become the Ascended Being as W e stand today! IT , W IT H T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R S ’ L IG H T -
W ill you feel, tonight, M y Reality as never in your SU B ST A N C E A N D TH E A SC EN D ED M A ST E R S’
experience before; so I may render you the Service F E E L IN G . Y O U K E E P M Y F E E L IN G S IN Y O U R
required for your Freedom, for your Blessing, for your H E A R T ! IF I T BE O U T S ID E O F M E A N D T H E
Eternal V ictory in the Light? C O N D IT IO N N E E D S T O BE C O R R E C T E D , Y O U
W ith M y Love, I thank you. B L A Z E T H E V I O L E T C O N S U M IN G F L A M E
If the condition be in the other person, call the Pres­
ence of that individual and say: “ M IG H T Y I A M
P R E S E N C E ,” Y O U C H A R G E T H A T I N D IV ID U A L
22 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
FRO M Y O U R H E A R T A N D T H E A SC EN D E D Supposing some of you try to hold Peace and H ar­
M A S T E R S ’ L IG H T -S U B S T A N C E ! mony in your Reading Room and Study G roups and
T h at is how you anchor into your Presence first! disturbing people come in. T he condition is there to be
Then you say: “ I call on the Law of Forgiveness for that, handled. Y ou can ask assistance of one or two of your
whether it be inside or outside of me; but whatever it G roup. Sometimes you have to say something to get
is, You annihilate its cause, and replace it with Ascended others to work with you. Simply say: there is a condition
M aster Feeling and Light-Substance. H old my attention in this brother or sister which needs more Light and Love
upon You and keep my feelings at peace. from the Presence. W ill you help me to call the Light and
If you will do this, you will have protection, but Love from the Presence forth? A sk the Ascended M asters
dear people, you are at a point on the path now, where to fill that brother or sister with Light and Love to
the activity of the U nfed Flame has been given; the win the V ictory in the Light. A sk the other students
student who won’t do that and won’t obey it, need not to give their calls for strength to call forth the Light-
complain, if he gets into an accident or even death. It Substance, to fill the other individual and help win the
is a very tremendous thing, and I A M S A Y IN G T H A T V ictory.
W H IC H S A I N T G E R M A IN G A V E M E ! Know the moment you recognize a thing, there is
T h e student who will not take command of himself something to be handled. T he individual who will pray
or allows his attention to become fastened on something for his enemy is compelled to be given assistance. The
discordant, knowing he has been given the A uthority and G reat Law dare not refuse you, if you are calling for your
Power of the U nfed Flame to correct the situation, will so-called enemy’s Freedom. If you call the Presence into
pay and many have paid with their own lives. action to help the weak individual, then when your trial
If you love your Presence, if you love your Life; if comes, the G reat Law is compelled to give you assistance.
you want your financial success, your Freedom and assis­ T h at is the way you constantly safe-guard yourself.
tance which can be given now, no person under T his * * * *
Radiation will ever do that again! Regardless of what
you sense in somebody else; that is your opportunity.
You have the power to give assistance, and if you don’t
do it, or you keep on acknowledging the thing, you will
do the same thing, or worse.
Once you know the Law and have been given the
use of the U nfed Flame, It is one of the most important
points on the Path of Light. W H E N Y O U K N O W A
T H I N G IS W R O N G A N D Y O U F E E L IT , D O N ’T
H A V E A N O P IN IO N A B O U T IT . T he fact that
your feelings are disturbed, is a reminder— that you
should jump in the Arm s of your Presence and keep your­
self -filled with Itself and Its Feelings.

24 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 25
N ote:
A d d the following to the 3 P R E A M B L E S , as given
in the M ay 1943 V oice! (T h is applies to all Decrees
you give.)
W e bless this Christmas, all under T his Radiation, “ Especially our Beloved U nited States of Am erica;
especially our Beloved D on; all the “ I A M ” Ascended our Beloved Don; all the Younger Generation; all
M aster Y outh; all the younger generation; all the “ I in the National Defense; all prisoners from A m er­
A M ” Students in the National Defense; all others in the ica in foreign lands; all the wounded; ourselves and
National Defense; all prisoners from Am erica in foreign all under T his Radiation” ;
lands; all the wounded; our Beloved Am erica, her people * * * sis
and her resources; especially all our Foreign Study 1. P O W E R S O F L IG H T ! (3 ) F R O M T H E G R E A T
G roups and all mankind, with all the Love, Power and C EN T R A L SU N !
Perfection from the “ M ighty I A M Presence,” the Give us all of Y our Light ( 3 ) , H elp ( 3 ) , Power
Ascended H ost, the Angelic H ost and all Cosmic Beings ( 3 ) , M iracles (3 ) of the Blue Lightning and Violet
and Powers of Light can give! Flame of a Thousand Suns, without limit!
M ay Oceans of all the Love, Power and Perfection Raise Y our Sw ords of Blue Flame, and
o f the Divine Plan fulfilled and expanding by Light C L E A R T H E ....... . for the Children of Light! (3 )
without limit, flood all everywhere into the fulness of (R epeat after each line)
the Ascension. O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
By G od’s O w n H and! (3 )
M A M A , DON, TH E STA FF A N D W e insist and demand! (3 )
A L L U N D E R T H I S R A D I A T IO N For God, the “ M ighty I A M Presence” shall
have and hold Eternal Command! (3 )
Follow with:
For the Violet Flame of a Thousand Suns, shall
have and hold Eternal Command! (3 )
For the Limitless Legions of Light, shall have and
hold Eternal Command! (3 )
For the Seven M ighty Elohim of Creation, shall
have and hold Eternal Command! (3 )
For the Light of G od that never fails, shall have
and hold Eternal Command! (3 )
26 Properly of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 27
For the G reat Cosmic W ord “ I A M ,” shall have c. Oceans of M iracles thru the bodies, etc.
and hold Eternal Command! (3 ) d. Oceans of Perfection thru the bodies, etc.
For the “ M ighty I A M Presence” and H igher e. Oceans of the Cosmic Light of a Thousand Suns,
M ental Bodies of all mankind, shall have etc.
and hold Eternal Command! (3 ) f. Oceans of the U nfed Flame of a Thousand Suns,
* * * * etc.
Fill in the blank space with the following, using each * * * *
one separately: C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Hercules’ Invincible Safe­
W ay, world, minds, bodies, brains, eyes, ears, ty around our Beloved Don and all in the National
throats, hands, feet, nerves, blood, food, feelings, Defense!
business, atmosphere, etc. O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
* * * * etc.
2. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of the Violet Flame of a b. C H A R G E (3 ) the Children of Light with Oceans
Thousand Suns, thru t h e ________of the Children of of V ictory’s V ictory!
Light! (3 ) W ith:
(R epeat after each line, beginning with Charge) c. Oceans of Saint Germain’s Freedom!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) d. Oceans of Peace!
etc. e. Oceans of W ealth!
Fill in the blank space with the following, using each f. Oceans of Health!
one separately. , g. Oceans of Strength!
W orlds, atmosphere, bodies, brains, throats, eyes, h. Oceans of Joy!
ears, hands, feet, heart, stomach, nerves, blood, C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Forgiveness thru all under
feelings, food, homes, business. T his Radiation, today and forever!
T h ru America and all mankind Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
T h ru our Beloved D on and all in the National De­ etc.
b. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Ascended M aster
T h ru all under T his Radiation
A uthority to all under T his Radiation; today
T h ru the government of the United States of A m er­
and forever!
c. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Safety around all in
T h ru all legislation, courts of law, legal procedure of
the National Defense!
O ur Land
d. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Perfection around all
U se the same form for the following, changing the
we hold near and dear!
action in the fifth line for whatever activity is e. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of H ercules’ Safety
being used. around all we hold near and dear!
28 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 29
f. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of V ictory’s Victory 7. E X P A N D Oceans of Sanat Kum ara’s U nfed Flame
around all we hold near and dear! of a Thousand Suns thru Am erica’s atmosphere! (3 )
g. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of Saint Germain’s Free­ O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
dom around all we hold near and dear! etc.
h. C H A R G E (3 ) Oceans of H arm ony’s Indestruc­ b. E X P A N D thru all under T his Radiation Oceans
tible Harmony around all we hold near and dear! of Saint Germain’s Feeling of the Freedom of a
* * * * Thousand Suns; today and forever!
E X P A N D the M usic of the Spheres thru the hearts c. E X P A N D Oceans of all the Power of the Light
of the Children of Light! of G od that never fails, thru all under T his R adi­
ation; today and forever!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) d. E X P A N D Oceans of Success of the Light of
etc. G od that never fails, thru all under T his R adia­
b. E X P A N D Oceans of the Love of the Light, thru tion; today and forever!
our Beloved Don and all in the National D e­ e. E X P A N D Oceans of the Flame from the H eart
fense! of the Goddess of Purity, thru all under T his
c. E X P A N D Oceans of the Love of the Light Radiation; today and forever!
through our Beloved Am erica! * * * *
d. E X P A N D Oceans of the Love of the Light
8. A R M O R the Children of Light with the Blue Light­
thru the hearts of all mankind!
ning “ I A M ” Presence!
e. E X P A N D Oceans of the Love of the Light thru
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
all under T his Radiation!
F IR E the Children of Light with the V ictory of
b. A R M O R Am erica’s transportation with the
Light! Blue Lightning “ I A M ” Presence!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 ) c. A R M O R our Beloved D on and all in the N a ­
etc. tional Defense in Oceans of the U nfed Flame of
b. Fire the Children of Light with the Freedom of a Thousand Suns!
Light! (3 ) d. A R M O R all of Am erica’s transportation in the
c. Fire the Children of Light with the Supply of Cross of Blue Flame of a Thousand Suns!
Light! (3 ) e. A R M O R all under T his Radiation with the O pu­
d. Fire the Children of Light with the W ealth of lence of a Thousand Suns!
Light! (3 ) U se the same for—
e. Fire the Children of Light with the Opulence f. W ith all the Powers of the Ascended H ost!
of Light! (3 ) g. W ith the Limitless Invincible Legions of Light!
f. Fire the Children of Light with the V oice of h. W ith the Personal Rays and Luminous Presence
Light! (3 ) of our Beloved Jesus and M ary!
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 31
i. W ith Sanat Kum ara’s Love of the Light of a In Oceans of the Flame from the H earts of the
Thousand Suns! Ascended M asters!
* * * * In the Flame of Eternal Invincible Purity from
the H earts of the G od and Goddess of
9. A R M O R all under T his Radiation with Oceans of
Ray-O-Light’s absolute fearlessness, today and for­
In Oceans of the Blue Lightning from the G reat
Central Sun!
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
etc. TH E H U M A N H A S N O PO W ER!
b. A R M O R our Beloved D on and all in the N a ­ (R epeat once after each line)
tional Defense in the Cross of Blue Flame of a Before my M ighty Light!
Thousand Suns! G o forth! G od’s Rays and M ight!
c. U se the above form for the following Activities: Dissolve! thou art no more!
In the Cross of W hite Fire of a Thousand Suns! A ll shall G od’s Light adore!
In the Seven Fold Flame of the Seven M ighty A ll here all Light shall be!
Elohim! G o forth mankind! Be free!
In the Blue Lightning “ I A M ” Presence of a G reat V ictory takes command!
Thousand Suns! A ll Freedom is at hand!
In Cyclopea’s Crystal Rays of a Thousand Suns! The G reat Ones now appear!
In the Limitless Invincible Legions of Light! Lo! Saint Germain is here!
In that Sacred Fire that none can put out! Blest Jesus now steps thru!
In the Ascended M asters’ Ring-pass-not of Blue O ur G odfre stands here too!
Flame! Blaze thru G reat Cosmic Light!
In the Rainbow Rays of a Thousand Suns! “ I A M ” G od’s Power and M ight!
In all the Power of Light and Love of my Life Be gone forevermore!
Stream! “ I A M ” G od’s Open Door!
In the Flame of Eternal Invincible Peace from A ll Freedom now is mine!
the H eart of the M ighty Elohim of Peace! “ I A M ” all Light Divine!
In Oceans of the Healing Power of a Thousand “ I A M ” G od’s V ictory Pure!
Suns! M y H arm ony shall endure!
In Oceans of the Ascended M asters’ Clear, Alert Perfection I decree!
Radiant Energy! A ll shall my Presence see!
In Oceans of the Ascended M asters’ Supply of “ I A M ” my Presence here!
every good thing! A ll shadows disappear!
In M ighty A strea’s Circle of Blue Flame of a M y path is Blazing Bright!
Thousand Suns! “ I A M ” all G od’s G reat Light!
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 23
11. T H E U N F E D F L A M E S T A N D S ’ R O U N D M E ! Control all that I do!
(R epeat once after each line) A ll shall T h y Love obey!
T h y Light shall hold full sway!
A n d always now commands!
For in T h y H eart I stand!
A nd blazes thru my hands!
A n d forever hold my hand!
Releasing all Its Power!
Charge Light thru me each hour!
Increasing every hour!
“ I A M ” all T h y G reat Power!
Protecting all I love! * * * *
A nd draws them all above!
Perfects all I hold dear! C H A R G E ( 3 ) , E S T A B L IS H A N D IN S U L A T E
A nd blazes far and near! .................. , in Oceans of the Flame of Eternal Invin­
A bides forevermore! cible Purity from the H eart of the M ighty Elohim
T he “ I A M ” all shall adore! of Purity, today and forever, in One M ighty Stroke
A n d holds all in Its H eart! right now; and M anifest now! M anifest now!
It never shall depart! M anifest now!
A nd answers every call! Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
A nd floods my Love to all! etc.
In M ighty Cosmic Light! U se same and fill in spaces for:
A n d “ I A M ” all Its M ight! Ourselves and all under T his Radiation;
Hs * * * O ur Beloved D on and all in the National
12. P U R IF Y M Y B O D Y ! T he Younger Generation;
(R epeat once after each line) T he atmosphere over Am erica;
A nd make T h y Flame come thru! The government of the U nited States of A m er­
A n d make all bow to You! ica;
A nd make it Dazzling W hite! A ll A m erica’s financial activities;
A nd blaze thru it T h y M ight! A ll Am erica’s business;
A n d heal all that I love! The minds and bodies of the Am erican people;
M ake all see T hee above! A ll military activities;
A n d set Am erica free! A ll legislation, courts of law and legal procedure
A nd raise the earth to Thee! of O ur Land;
A nd make me all T h y Flame! A m erica’s transportation;
In G od’s Alm ighty N am e! A m erica’s communication;
O h Glorious G reat “ I A M ” ! A ll the necessities of Life;
Forever hold Command! W ashington, D . C. (any city );
Perfect and raise it too! T he U nited States Supreme Court;
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 35
A ll our beloved attorneys and accountants; of Saint Germain s Plan of Freedom and Victory for
A ll medical activities; Am erica, fulfilled by Light and expanded without
A ll food. limit; today and forever, etc.
* * * * O C E A N S of the Flame of Eternal Invincible
C H A R G E ( 3 ) , E S T A B L IS H A N D IN S U L A T E Freedom from the H eart of O ur Beloved Saint G er­
A ll Saint Germain’s “ I A M ” Activities, O ur Beloved main; today and forever, etc.
Don, Ourselves and A ll under T h is Radiation, in O C E A N S of the Flame of Eternal Invincible
O C E A N S of the M iracles and A uthority from the V ictory from the H eart of the M ighty V ictory;
G reat Central Sun, without limit; today and for­ today and forever, etc.
ever in One M ighty Stroke, and M anifest now, O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection
M anifest now, M anifest now! of the Divine Plan fulfilled for our Ascended M aster
Over-whelming wealth, opulence and supply of
O h, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
every good thing, expanded by Light without limit;
* * * * today and forever, etc.
* * * *
U se the above form for
“ M IG H T Y I A M P R E S E N C E !” A L L G R E A T
O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection
of the Divine Plan fulfilled thru illumining all our L IG H T !
minds, bodies and atmosphere wherever we go and
C H A R G E (3 ) Y our Perfection thru me and expand
expanding It by Light without limit; today and for­
It without limit; today and forever in One
ever, etc.
M ighty Stroke; and M anifest now, M anifest
O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection
N ow , M anifest now!
of the Divine Plan fulfilled and do thru us all that
Jesus did and greater things here and now, and Oh, “ M ighty I A M ” ! (3 )
expand It by Light without limit; today and forever, etc.
etc. * * * *
O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection of U se the above for:
the Divine Plan fulfilled thru the Ascended M asters’ Blaze all of Y our Light thru my body and expand
Eternal Invincible Gratitude, pouring thru us to all It without limit, etc.
Life everywhere, and expanding by Light without Expand Y our Perfection thru me and expand It
limit; today and forever, etc. without limit, etc.
O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection Charge Am erica with Oceans of the Cosmic Light
of the Divine Plan fulfilled thru our M usic of the of a Thousand Suns, and expand It forever
Spheres and expanded by Light without limit; today everywhere!
and forever, etc. Blaze all of Y our Light thru my body and expand It
O C E A N S of all the Power (3 ) and Perfection without limit, now manifest forever!
Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 37
It is one thing to understand a thing then live it; but
when you realize that no one in the outer has any con­
cept of the requirements of the Life Stream of another
individual; he or she cannot possibly comprehend it,
therefore, if the individual interferes with it, to some
degree that one is responsible.
* * * *
Oh just hold yourselves like that (motion of the
hand ) when there is a sudden demand or some require­
ment. Hold steady and s a y : “ M ighty I AM Presence”
don ’t let me make any mistake in this! Take command
and govern m y feeling, direct me by your Intelligence
and see that I make no mistake.” Oh, so much would
be avoided!
* * * *
Whenever there is a need for an immediate decision,
the v ery first thing to do is to s a y : “ M ighty I AM P res­
ence,” see that I do not make any mistake in this! You
decide this and make me understand clearly.” I f you
do this, such tremendous things would be avoided!
* * * *
Remember, that in the Glory of the Light which beats
your heart, is the Infinite Pow er of the Light, the Infi­
nite Strength; the Infinite Courage and the Victory over
all human activity. E n ter into it! Grasp your Scep­
ter of Dominion and wield It to the silencing of every
human element and glorify yourself in your Victory ■ ■ ■
now! G O D FR E O U R LO V E D O N E , A SC E N D E D

38 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
* * * *

Beloved “ I A M ” G roup Leaders and Students, it is

the request of our Beloved Saint Germain and the other
G reat Ones, that a Violet Flame G roup and Service be
held every Saturday morning from 6 A .M . to 12 o’clock
noon, in all Sanctuaries and wherever our “ I A M ” Study
OF THE SPHERES G roups are held.
W e ask this thruout the world that we may offer
In order to help all “ I A M ” Students to produce greater help to all who are struggling under the problems
greater Perfection in our musical activities, we are asking of the outer world.
all who read music to please sing from the music copy Y ou may change G roup Leaders every two hours if
while singing in your G roups. T his will enable you to you so desire; and use the “ I A M ” Violet Flame Booklet,
sing correct time value to each note. T h is will help those Decrees and M usic, during these six hours.
who do not read music to sing correctly too, so when the Call during that time for the Violet Consuming Flame
large classes are held, the singing will be uniform and to flood thru each “ I A M ” Student, all Saint Germain’s
accurate. “ I A M ” A ctivities everywhere; then your Sanctuary,
T h is will be of great benefit when recorded by the Reading Room , Study G roups; your city, state and nation;
large groups, for then, every Life-Stream in those groups all activities of our government and national defense; all
will be an O P E N D O O R , thru which the Light and Sacred military activities, hospitals, homes, schools, etc., and then
Fire can pour into the entire music, which is built up each anything else you desire to include.
time those songs are sung. T his will bring a more intense action of the Purifying,
T h us the Life-stream of everyone who sings on those Freeing Power from the Ascended M asters’ Octave and
records will be able to sing thru Its Blessings every time will bless you beyond measure.
those records are used; and thus expand the Cosmic Light During this time we shall intensify and pour out our
and Sacred Fire thru our M usic of the Spheres to bless calls and Radiation for your greater blessing also.
mankind continually. W ith all our Love and Gratitude forever, we thank
There is no greater service to the Light which we you!
can give, than to pour out thru our “ I A M ” M usic of the
Spheres our continual ever-expanding Blessings and Purity
to all Life everywhere forever.
M R S. G. W . BA LLA R D

40 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 41
It is our very great privilege and joy to announce the It is our privilege and great pleasure to announce the
release of a small size “ Crystal C up” for either traveling release of the third S O N G F O L D E R containing three
or children. songs, both music and lyrics, as follows:
It is the same shape and quality as the larger “ Crystal / 7. Helios, T he Dawn
C up,” but for individual use, especially traveling, it is more
convenient for carrying. N o. 3 < 8. Lord— T h e M aha Chohan
These “ Crystal C ups” receive the same Charge and I 9. T hou Seven M ighty Elohim
Blessing as the larger ones, and, with the exception of size
and weight, are in all other respects the same. Price of this Song Folder $3.00, shipping charges 40c.
W e love, charge and bless them with all the Devotion The Loose-leaf lyric sheets may also be purchased for
and Purity of our H eart’s Love and Light; to be the Recep­ G roup and individual use.
tacle into which the “ M ighty I A M Presence” and all Price 1 Vic per sheet (2 pages) plus shipping charges.
G reat Beings, Powers and Activities of Light, can focus
Their Power, U nfed Flame and all the Blessings for which
we call. * * # •
M ay every one of these “ Precious Crystal C ups” be
such an out-pouring of all Ascended M aster M iracles, V ic­ OUR BELOVED NADA’S PICTURE
tories, Light and Freedom, that each one’s world runs full
to overflowing, with all the Perfection of Light without W e announce the release of O ur Beloved N ada’s pic­
limit, sustained and expanded to bless all Life and all that ture in sepia — size 4 % x 6 % . This can be furnished
is yet to be, today and forever. mounted plain or in folder. It is the same picture as on
W ith all our Love in the Light forever, the song covers, beautiful for framing purposes.

M R S. G. W . B A LLA R D M ounted plain— Price each— $1.00, plus shipping

Price $5.00 charges.
Shipping charges 50 cents. M ounted on folder— Price each— $1.25, plus shipping

42 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 43
W e hereby notify all readers and individuals every­
where, that everything in the books of the S A I N T G E R ­ D ue to increased cost of materials and production, the
M A IN S E R IE S , the V O IC E O F T H E “ I A M ,” O U R Subscription Price of the V O IC E of the “ I A M ” for the
P U B L I C L E C T U R E S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D year 1944, will be $4.00 in the U . S . A . and $4.50 in for­
I N S T R U C T IO N S G IV E N T O G R O U P L E A D E R S eign lands. T h is includes shipping charges. Single copy
is coveted by our copyrights with all rights reserved, is 40c, U . S. A ., and 45c in foreign lands.
including foreign translations.
T his means, we will not allow this Instruction and In­ T H E S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S , IN C .
formation to be deleted, distorted, adulterated or diluted
for any purpose whatsoever and we shall protect them
W e are determined that this G IF T O F L IG H T ,
T R U T H A N D F R E E D O M from the Ascended M asters
to mankind S H A L L BE P R O T E C T E D and kept P U R E ,
T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — F O R E V E R — that
mankind may receive its Eternal Freedom and the great­
est possible Blessing.
W e shall use our Full Power and our Full Right to main­
tain C O M P L E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T A L L T IM E S .
S A I N T G E R M A IN P R E S S, IN C .
M R . A N D M R S. G. W . B A L LA R D

44 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.

UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I................................. By Godfre Ray King "THE VOICE OF THE
Containing the first group of the author's experiences. Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also
Price $2.50 — Shipping charges 40c Discourses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects.
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II ............. ........... By Godfre Ray King Back numbers available beginning with February 1936. Yearly sub­
Containing the second group of the author's experiences. scriptions begin with January 1944.
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c Subscription price America $4.00. Single Copy 40c
THE "I AM " DISCOURSES, Volume III In other countries $4.50 Single Copy 45c
By the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Other Ascended Masters
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters' CHART OF THE M AGIC PRESENCE
Application of the "I AM," with three color piates. A beautifully lithographed color chart, suitable for framing and con­
Price $2.75 — Shipping Charges 40c templation; showing each individual's relationship to his own Indi­
THE "I AM " ADORATIONS. AFFIRMATIONS AND DECREES, Volume V vidualized God Presence—the "Mighty 'I A M 1."
Parts I and 2 ................................................... By Chanera Size— 51/2x81/2. Price 25c— Shipping charges 5c
A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the Size— 12x21. Price $1.00—Shipping charges 20c
"Mighty I AM Presence." Price $1.75 — Shipping charges 40c On Heavy Linen 30x52. Price $12.00— Shipping charges Prepaid
By Various Ascended Masters
Containing twenty Discourses, with three color plates, dictated before Above Charts mechanically animated— Size 30x52.............Price $225.00
hundreds of students. Price $2.75 — Shipping charges 40c Violet Flame mechanically animated— Size 30x52... .........Price $225.00
(Shipping charges extra)
ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT, Volume VII At Present only large Flames and large Charts are available.
By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Containing twenty-six Discourses, with three color plates, dictated PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, JESUS
before hundreds of students. Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c
THE "I AM " DISCOURSES, Volume V III....... -....By the Great Divine Director Hand colored steel engravings of etchings by Charles Sindelar.
Containing twenty-five Discourses, with two color plates, dictated by
Size 12x16. Price each $2.00— Shipping charges 35c
the Great Divine Director, before hundreds of students.
Price $3.00 — Shipping charges 40c Sepia Color, Size 19x24, $10.00
"I AM " ADORATIONS AND AFFIRMATIONS......................... By Chanera Sepia Color. Size 24x32, $20.00
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations PICTURE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W . BALLARD
Price $1.00 — Shipping charges 35c
SPECIAL "I AM " DECREES AND BINDERS Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
Loose-Leaf Binder in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Size 8x10 Price each $ 2.50 Shipping charges 45c
Germain Series. To hold special "I AM " Decrees and Songs. These De­ Size I 1x14 Price each $ 3.50 Shipping charges 50c
crees and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, which holds Size 15x191/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
about 150 leaves (300 pages). Price Binder $1.25— Shipping charges 40c Size 30x40 Price each $25.00 Express charges collect
Profile Size 15x19*/2 Price each $10.00 Express charges collect
Loose-leaf Decrees and songs (2 pages) I'/zc per leaf. Shipping charges extra

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 47
DECREE BOOKLETS 202-A Son of Light (Duet) I^ ,Klnf HLarP
Small Booklets containing Decrees compiled for individual or Study 202-B Call to Light (Duet) ..............................| Frederick Landwehr,
rine Organ
Group use. Marvelous results are being made manifest in building
a momentum thru constant use of these Booklets: 203-A Rainbow Rays (Duet) .... . Lotus Ray King, Harp
Frederick Landwehr,
1. Opulence and Supply
2. Violet Flame and Healing
3. ” 1 AM " America's Freedom
203 B Oh, World Victorious (Duet)
505-A America Our Own Beloved Land
1 Shrine Organ
..... ( Sung by Minute Men
505-B Silent Sentinel — --- -- ---- ) of Saint Germain
4. "I A M " Light Decrees
5. Purpose of the Ascended Masters' "I A M " Activities (Small f Lotus Ray King, Harp
booklet giving short resume of the Ascended Masters' 1000-A "I AM " Come (Du t) .......................... < Frederick Landwehr,
"I AM " Activities.) Novachord
6. Our Messenger's "I AM " Speaks 1000-B Dedication ................... ................................. Donald Ray King
7. Light My World Price of Record No. 1000 is $2.65— Shipping Charges extra.
Price of these Booklets each 30c, plus shipping charges; with the ex­ RR-I20I Invocation ......... Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald
ception of Nos. I, 5 and 7. Present supply of No. I will be sold for RR-1202 Contemplation (Silent Night) Harp...____ _____ Mrs. Ballard
20c each, plus shipping charges. No. 5 sells for 15c each, plus
shipping charges. No. 7, Light My World, sells for 40c each. RR-1203 Benediction ____ _______ __________ Mrs. Ballard and Donald
RR-1247 Contemplation (Nearer My God to Thee) Harp__ Mrs. Ballard
We will notify you as soon as our next order of Playbacks is released. ( 3300-A Invocation No. I (Shrine Class) ...... ......... ...Mr. G. W. Ballard
Playback records are available. This applies to the new 33 I 3 RPM ( 3300-B Invocation No. 2 (Shrine Class) ................... Mr. G. W. Ballard
Blue Transparent Records containing Mrs. Ballard's talks on the Law C 3301-A Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
of Life and Its Application, and the Musical Playback Records as listed ( 3301-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W. Ballard
Price Playback Records $5.25 each— Shipping charges extra 3302-A Invocation (Shrine Class) ..................... .....Mr. G. W . Ballard
(N o t e : A ll P la y b a c k R e co rd s are sold d ir e c t fro m th e S a n t a F e 3302-B There Is No Death (Shrine Class)................Mr. G. W . Ballard
B r a n c h of th e S a in t G e rm a in P re s s , In c .)
>f 3303-A Beginning of "I AM " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W. Ballard
PHONOGRAPH RECORDS | 3303-B Beginning of "I AM " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
100-A Song of the Violet Flame (Duet)...... | Frederick Landwehr, f 3303-C Beginning of "I AM " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
100-B Lotus My Love X 3303-D Beginning of "I AM " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
Shrine Organ
( 3303-E Beginning of "I AM " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
101-A Goddess of
101-B Silent Sentinel
« 1
....... -\!
( D u e t ) ............................
cl • a
5hrine Orga
O rg an
I 3303-F Beginning of "I A M " Dictations (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
*(The 3303 Series comprises one afternoon's talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard
102-A "I A M " Decrees— Part I ........ September 1941 Shrine Class and should be sold in a set.)
102-B "I AM " Decrees— Part II......... September 1941 Shrine Class ; \ 3304-A Invocation and Explanation of the Chart..........Mr, G. W . Ballard
200-A Light of My Heart (Duet)_______ ____ \ ,K'nf I 3304-B Invocation and Explanation of the Chart....... Mr. G. W . Ballard
*» - * « - • > * » i ° - > .......................... t “ o ,;!:* ( 3304-C Invocation and Explanation of the Chart......... Mr. G. W. Ballard
/ 3304-D Invocation and Explanation of the Chart......... Mr. G. W . Ballard
^<3 '-igy

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 49
3305-A This Truth, Love and Harmony ... ... Mr. G. W. Ballard
3305-B This Truth, Love and Harmony Mr. G. W . Ballard
3306-A True Understanding of Divine Love........ . Mr. G. W. Ballard
3306-B True Understanding of Divine Love Mr. G. W. Ballard NOTICE!
3307-A Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard
3307-B Calling the Presence Mr. G. W . Ballard Due to higher cost of material and labor it is necessary to,
3308-A Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W . Ballard
3308-B Helping All Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard effective at once, advance the cost of the Small C rystal Cups to
3309-A Invocation (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard $8.45, delivered to destination.
3309-B Benediction (Shrine Class) Mr. G. W . Ballard
3310-A Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard C ost of the Large Crystal C u p remains unchanged.
33IO-B Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
33IO-C Excerpts from Victory’s Dictation—July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
33IO-D Excerpts from Victory's Dictation—July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard
3310-E Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard S m a ll S iz e C r y s t a l C u p s— fo r t r a v e lin g o r c h ild re n ................. P r ic e $5.00
3310-F Excerpts from Victory's Dictation— July 1938. Mr. G. W. Ballard P a c k in g and sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 50c
3310-G Excerpts from Victory's Dictation—July 1938 Mr. G. W. Ballard S m a ll S iz e — fo r in d iv id u a l use...... .......... .— ...................................P ric e $7.75
P a c k in g and sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 70c
33IO-H Excerpts from Victory's Dictation—July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard L a r g e size— fo r R e a d in g Ro om s, S a n c t u a r ie s , an d f a m ily use.
3310-1 Excerpts from Victory's Dictation—July 1938 Mr. G. W . Ballard In d iv id u a ls m a y h a v e th ese, if th e y so d esire . P r ic e $25.00
S h ip p in g c h a rg e s $1.40
33IO-J Adoration to Mighty Victory ) .. ... n ,,
i/ D j. r .................. M r . G . W . B a lla rd T h e s e “ C r y s t a l C u p s " are not sold t h r u R e a d in g R o o m s o r G ro u p
-K B e n e d ic tio n ) L e a d e r s . E a c h “ C u p ” is blessed p e rs o n a lly b y M rs . G. W . B a lla r d
a n d is th e n sh ip p ed d ir e c t to e ach in d iv id u a l. N o d is c o u n ts are
3900-A Instruction for Purifying Food Mrs. G. W. Ballard a llo w e d .
3900-B Blessing of All Food Mrs. G. W . Ballard
*NOTE: [The 3304 Series and the 3310 Series are each one afternoon's
talks and should be sold toqether.)
The above records are suitable for individual use or for contemplation
in “ I AM " Study Groups.
(All Records are sold and shipped direct from the Sanf-a Fe, New Mexico
Branch of the Saint Germain Press, Inc. Use checks, drafts, Express Money Or­
ders, but no P.O.M.O.'s. Make Payable to the Saint Germain Press, Inc.)
Price all Phonograph and Victrola Records each (double faced) made
of Blue transparent material $3.15— Shipping charges extra

Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc. 51
Already Released
( Frederick Landwehr,
Shrine Organ
SILENT SENTINEL ( Lotus Ray King, Harp
* " l A M " HERE
"I A M " COME ♦ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 66 "I AM Come (Duet) ...... .................... \ Frederick Landwehr,
A G ro u p o f S o n g s— M u sic and L y r ic s b y G o d fre R a y K in g and
[ Shrine Organ
L o tu s R a y K in g . T h e se S o n g s a re e s p e c ia lly ch a rg e d w it h p o w e r­
fu l h e a lin g a c t iv it y . E a c h c o n ta in s a b e a u t ifu lly lith o g ra p h e d NOTE: This Record contains two selections on one side— No- 65, and
c o v e r in colors, e s p e c ia lly d esig n ed fo r t h a t p ie ce of m u sic. one on the opposite side— No. 66; therefore, Nos. 65 and 66 is one
O u r p re s e n t s to c k of th e se songs w ill be sold a t th e re g u la r p rice double-faced record.
o f $1.00 each w it h sh ip p in g c h a rg e s of 35c. N e w e d itio n s w ill
re q u ire an in c re a se d ch a rg e . T h is in c lu d e s all th e ab o ve songs Record made of Blue Transparent material, and is sold and shipped
w it h th e e x c e p tio n of th e th re e m a rk e d w it h an *. T h e s e songs only from the Santa Fe, New Mexico Branch.
a re n o w p rice d a t $1.25 e a c h ; sh ip p in g c h a rg e s 35c.
T h e “ S o n g o f th e V io le t F la m e ” c o n ta in s fo u r (4 ) co lo r p late s. Price each $5.25— Shipping charges extra
T h e s e co lo r p la te s m a y also be p u rc h a se d s in g ly (w it h o u t m u s ic ).
P r ic e E a c h 50c— S h ip p in g c h a rg e s 15c
E a c h F o ld e r c o n ta in s th re e songs, to g e th e r w it h m u s ic an d ly ric s ,
as fo llo w s :
1. "I AM " Here )
No. I 2. Angels of Saint Germain > Music and Lyrics
3. Freedom's Triumph ) Lotus Ray King
4. Great Hercules—Thou Elohim 1
No. 2 5. Mary, the Mother of Jesus y Music and Lyrics
6. Archangel Michael ) Lotus Ray King
P r ic e p er fo ld e r $2.25— S h ip p in g c h a rg e s e x tra (35c)
7. Helios, The Dawn )
No. 3 8. Lord—The Maha Chohan >• Music and Lyrics
9. Thou Seven Mighty Elohim J Lotus Ray King
P r ic e p er fo ld e r $3.00— S h ip p in g c h a rg e s e x t r a (40c)

Lithographed and Published in the U. S. A., 1943


52 Property of Saint Germain Press, Inc.
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