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Issues in Teacher Leadership Review

Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education: Scharf (2018) wrote an article about critical
practices for anti-bias education. The article is directed towards educators in schools
and communities. The article discusses identifying self-awareness and how it promotes
culturally aware teachers. Teachers who proactively respond to prejudice, bias, and
stereotypes in any setting (classroom or workplace) are role models for their students. It
is also important for educators to build alliances and collaborate on how to create social
justice curriculum. Social justice education is never finished, it is a continuous learning
process. The author suggested strategies to try in the classroom to promote social
justice and on-going learning and reflection.

The Many Faces of Leadership: Danielson (2007) wrote an article about the different
opportunities for teacher leaders in the school setting. The article is directed towards
educators. The article states, the teaching profession is often referred to as a flat
profession, meaning there is not much room for growth within the profession. This leads
teachers to seek leadership opportunities within the school setting. To assume a
leadership role, teachers need buy-in from their colleagues who support their vision and
respect their instructional skills. The author suggests now is the time for teacher
leadership in school. The more teachers develop their skills required to act as leaders,
the more schools will improve.

Compare/Contrast: These two articles suggest that there is always room for
improvement in the teaching profession especially when it comes to making positive
changes. In the first article, Scharf suggests on-going learning and reflection, whereas
the second article Danielson suggests administration is where the change needs to

These two articles gave me a lot to think about. I recently came to the realization that
teaching indeed is a “flat profession,” unless you do something about it. The Teacher
Leadership Project could be my stepping stone into creating leadership opportunities for
myself in my department and in my school.

Works Cited:

Danielson, C. (2007, September 1). The Many Faces of Leadership. ASCD. Retrieved
April 13, 2022, from

Scharf, A. (2016). Critical practices for anti-bias Education. Southern Poverty Law

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