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Talking points (Konuşma Odak Noktaları):

1. What do you know about organic food and farms?

2. Have you ever tried to do any farming yourself?

3. Did you know anything about organic farms before this article?

4. Would you like to visit an organic farm?

Living in a very crowded city is not easy. We have to deal with everyday traffic jams, with angry people

and with crowds that move very slow when we are in a hurry. Sometimes we are not aware of the natural

sorroundings that are so close to us. One example is Istanbul's neighbourhood, along the Black Sea

coast. This place is full of organic farms and beautiful landscapes. One of the most interesting places to

visit is an organic farm named ''Narköy'', which is very close to the seaside. All the food that is grown in

Narköy is organic and is cooked and consumed by the people who work and live on the estate. Beside

vegetables, the farm also produces it's own honey, vinegar and dairy products, as it has a lot of domestic

animals, like Cows, horses, dogs, goats, sheep. The farm also has it's forest that covers a large surface of

the estate and inside the forest you can collect mushrooms and even be able to encounter wild game like

deers and sometimes even wild boars. Organic farms will become very popular and a great place to visit

for all the people who wish to escape from the hustle and bustle of a modern 21st century city.


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