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The Horn of Africa has become the springboard of foreign powers economic, political and

security implication
The UAE-Turkey rivalry is one of the prominent ones. Both have been supporting the opposing
sides in several countries in the past and the present.
The Middle East, with the crisis in Libya, the Syrian civil war, the Yemeni Civil War, the coup
in Egypt, and the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi are some examples to
mention. The two countries as growing Middle East nations have a strong presence in the Horn
of Africa.
The two consider each other as existential rivals and are waging a series of proxy wars between
the Horn of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean
They both involved in investments and cooperation in Ethiopia Also they are competing for
influence in Ethiopia and its neighbours that are crucial to its import-export and security.
There are also conflicts and confrontations among the Horn states such as Ethio-Sudan, Kenya-
Somalia, Ethio-Egypt, Somalia-Somaliland and Eritrea-Djibouti where UAE and Turkey are
deeply involved by supporting one state over another.
These conflicts and the two countries involvement have serious economic and security
implications to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the landlocked country with over 117 million people.
The ports in the Horn are owned by DP world of UAE origin and Turkey. Therefore whichever
feud Ethiopia has with this country could put its national security in grave danger As in the
eastern Mediterranean, the export of Middle Eastern rivalries into the Horn of Africa with the
United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Egypt contesting Turkey and Qatar for
dominance are fueling instability and insecurity in an already fragile, volatile, and conflict-prone
Ethiopia will indirectly be affected by the escalation of tensions in the Horn of Africa as the
region seeks to dominate the Horn of Africa and the Middle East.
These regional dynamics is so fluid that it is impossible to predict especially when we witnessed
the lift of Qatar blockade after years of hostility among the Gulf States. Therefore, the issue
needs a fresh look into the latest development for a lot has been changed in the past three years.
This research set out to do that.
For Ethiopia, the approach of both countries has opportunities and risks in terms of security,
economy, politics, and diplomatic relations. Therefore this thesis attempts to unearth the
challenge or risk and opportunity that these new developments pose on Ethiopia’s policy towards
the region.
Furthermore, the study is crucial because it deals with a current phenomenon happening in the
region with new things unfolding from time to time which makes the finding of the study
unpredictable. With no clear foreign policy at least officially, being followed by Ethiopia
towards the foreign military bases presence, the study assessed its implications for Ethiopia
foreign policy.
1.3.1 Main Objective
The overall objective of the study was to examine the military presence of turkey and the United
Arab Emirates in the Horn of Africa and its implications for Ethiopia Foreign policy.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
The study has the following specific objectives
1. To examine the motives of turkey and the United Arab Emirates’ military bases in the Horn of
2. To assess the opportunities that turkey and United Arab Emirates military bases in the Horn of
Africa brought for Ethiopia’s foreign policy.
3. To assess the challenge that turkey and United Arab Emirates military bases in the Horn of
Africa brought for Ethiopia’s foreign policy.
Research Questions
1) What are the motives of turkey and the United Arab Emirates’ military bases in the Horn of
2) What are the opportunities that turkey and United Arab Emirates military bases in the Horn of
Africa brought for Ethiopia?
3) What are the challenges that Turkey and United Arab Emirates military bases in the Horn of
Africa brought for Ethiopia?
Horn of Africa
The Horn of Africa is one of the most geostrategic regions in the world due to its location along
the Bab el Mandeb strait that connects the Gulf of Aden with the Red Sea. It is one of two
maritime chokepoints (the other being the Suez Canals) that link Europe with South, Southeast,
and East Asia. All sea-bound trade between Europe and Eurasia must transit through its narrow
Foreign policy
A foreign policy consists of decisions and actions, which involves to some appreciable extent
relations between one state and others.
Foreign Military base
A foreign military base (FMB) refers to an area on land or on the sea beyond a sovereign state’s
jurisdiction, which is stationed with a certain number of armed forces having military activities,
organized institutions and military facilities.
Regional security complex
Regional security complexes are meant to counterbalance the overemphasis that past approaches
have placed on the interests of great powers and superpowers and to focus more on local security
dynamics. Relations in the Horn of Africa are complex and complicated.
Realists argue on military and economic development being the prime focus of the states to gear
up their power. The establishment of foreign military bases overseas has become the catalyst for
great powers to maintain their hegemony sowing the seed for wars and directly hitting on the
sovereignty of the state.
Neorealist theory of international politics explains how external forces shape states behaviour but
says nothing about the effects of internal forces.
The foreign dynamic of the horn of Africa
The changes in the political and security situation of the broader Middle East have affected the
region, and the Horn is increasingly seen as an important strategic asset by regional and
international powers.
Foreign military force in the horn of Africa
The Horn of Africa has become the epicentre of this presence, with about (11) foreign military
bases. This is largely a result of the region’s strategic proximity to the Middle East and Asia and
the subsequent emergence of a regional security complex along the Red Sea.
UAE and Ethiopia relationship
UAE contribution to peace and stability is to contribute to the speedy conclusion of the 2018
Ethiopia-Eritrea peace agreement with Saudi Arabia and to provide economic support to both
Ethiopia and Turkey relationship
The relation between Ethiopia and Turkey reached the level of best. Business and investment are
Turkey in the horn of Africa and motive
The Turkish engagement in Somalia has experienced an initial phase focused almost entirely on
aid and assistance to the population fatigued by twenty years of civil war interspersed with
various famines.
Turkey's increasing interest in the horn of Africa can also be attributed to religious factors, here
involvement in Somalia is good evidence reflecting humanitarian concern based on Islamic
Ethiopia engagement of turkey and UAE opportunities and risks
The growing Gulf and other Arab States’ interest and presence in the Horn of Africa (HoA) are
manifested by the setting up of military bases (in Djibouti, Eritrea and Somaliland) and increased
political and security backlash on Ethiopia’s national and regional security interests.
So far, Ethiopia has been a beneficiary of this competition for cooperation in the Horn of Africa.
Yet this equilibrium could change.
A similarly heated UAE-Turkey rivalry has emerged in Africa, as both countries vie for
influence in the Maghreb, Red Sea, and the Sahel.
Washington is concerned about the spillover from the Turkish-Emirati rivalry in Syria, Libya,
and the eastern Mediterranean but, so far, has shown no sign that it plans to play a heavy-handed
role in these areas. While both Turkey and the UAE want good relations with the West; neither
seems eager for better relations with each other.
Qualitative research consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world
visible. series of representations, including field notes, interviews, conversations, photographs,
recordings, and memos to the self. the qualitative methodology would be the ideal choice in
providing detailed data and with a different perspective on the matter.
The primary sources of information collected through semi-structured interviews with some key
informants. Institution of strategic affairs (ISA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the
Ethiopia Defense Minister.
Key informants were interviewed on the semi-structured questions attached at the end of this
thesis. In addition, Secondary data are gathered from relevant literature, such as books, internet
sources, journal articles, published and unpublished materials, news releases and other
The chief research approach that is adopted in the conduct of this study is a qualitative one. a
qualitative approach is an appropriate tool since it is exploratory i.e. it is interested in debunking
the myths behind new phenomena, especially those accorded little or no research attention.
The research design that has been adopted in this study is chiefly founded on a case study of an
exploratory nature. During the review of the literature undertaken to thematic and concretize the
foundations of this research, it was frequently observed that most of the literature on case studies
UAE and Turkey are analysis of the subject matter.
In the process of conducting this research, the researcher employed face-to-face Interviews.
Semi-structured questions were used to ask about the main objectives and related issues. In
addition, as secondary sources are used as sources of data, documents, journals, newspapers and
other online sources were referred.
As per the research design of this study, a grounded theory sampling approach was used. As a
research approach known for its suitability in the collection and analysis of qualitative data from
interviews and case studies, it helped much in the formulation of an explanatory context.
The samples selected for this study were adopted using a non-probability sampling method.
As qualitative research with the explicit goal of eliciting data from the primary (interview) and
secondary sources and comparing their findings with other similar case studies, a constant
comparative analysis strategy was implemented.
To uphold the ethical considerations while conducting this research, the principle of voluntary
participation was applied. All the respondents were not coerced in any way to respond to the
interview questions posed to them.
UAE and Turkey have strategic interests around the HOA with the growing influence of Somalia
and around neighboring countries. The forms of competition have concentrated on logistical,
economic and military aspects for Ethiopia.
the missions of bases ensuring maritime security and counter-terrorism and violent extremist are
an opportunity for Ethiopia in enhancing its international trade and regional stability. The
presence of bases also facilitates intelligence and security cooperation
As Ethiopia is vulnerable to any risky matter in the region, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
perceives the UAE and Turkey military presence as a threat indirectly.
Opportunity for the horn of Africa in different aspect on the military, economy so on in positive
side also risks in terms of competition with each other. The priority motive UAE and Turkey in
this area is national interests when they build their base in horn.
As part of Horn Ethiopia located in a strategic place. Both UAE and Turkey engage primarily in
their market interest. The country has a massive population, natural resources, human resources
Ethiopia and Turkey have a long-standing diplomatic relationship strongest and one of a strategic
partner to Ethiopia. Operations can enhance interstates cooperation to detect and disrupt terrorist
activities in the HOA. The Horn stability allows Ethiopia to deal more effectively with its
internal affairs.
Landlocked nations build a navy to reassure investors that the waters around the Horn of Africa
are secure, especially considering the incidents of piracy Ethiopia feels obliged to step up and
protect its maritime trading routes to perpetuate feelings of security and trust amongst its
It could help to exchange military intelligence, build military capability to actively counter
international terrorism, and provide experience in it is for the new navy on the protection of ships
on the sea.
Benefit from the UAE military presence in security/military and economic aspect, and Turkey,
also in economic aspect in various investments in some military training for the sub border
federal police guards at the GERD. Benefit from the UAE military presence in security/military
and economic aspect, and Turkey, also in economic aspect in various investments in some
military training for the sub border federal police guards at the GERD.
security aspect, that its mission of counter-terrorism and piracy operations supports Ethiopia’s
foreign policy goal of playing a stabilizing role in the region.
Transit pass most of the manufactured goods and military equipment import to Ethiopia through
DP world and owned by DP world of UAE origin and Turkey. In this case, it will be easy for
them to know the capability of the military and challenging security.
No official challenges appeared but as a government, we assess the cooperation and the security
terms to minimize the challenge of risks before incidents happen
Ethiopia has to watch each activity of the UAE and Turkey as well as others in the neighbouring
Horn countries seriously and attentively. Both countries competing to get influence and dominate
in the horn of Africa and the Middle East. The rivalry of these countries will make a challenge
for Ethiopia indirectly.
if we do not have strong and smooth diplomacy relation on all aspects of with these countries it
may open opportunities to help indirectly domestic groups destabilize the country Ethiopia must
have strong foreign policy and diplomatic strategies and all governmental institutions must work
together to this end.
To make more proactive Ethiopia must do more in export by using the opportunity and send
export different items to these countries to maximize the economic sector.
Ethiopia must work actively and closely with its neighbours and developing a common strategy
for engagement with external powers to achieve their development and to advance regional
economic, security and political integration. It needs actively work at IGAD and AU
Institute like IGAD can play a vital role. However, the current position of IGAD seems
inefficient to do so. Thus, to achieve such basic and long-lasting peace and security in the region
it is time to reform the IGAD with a new goal and rule.

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