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The Miracle Messenger

Awakening Through Forgiveness

President’s Letter Summer 2011

Sunday Gatherings
“Teach not The Miracle Center is your Service– Study– Fellowship
that I died in spiritual home. It’s a place
vain. Teach where you can experience We at RMMC cor-
rather that I
did not die by some of the best Course dially invite you to
demonstrat- teachers anywhere; the join us on Sunday
ing that I live gathering, classes and guest mornings at 11:00
in you.” speakers are all here for you. It’s also a a.m. for a gathering
place where you can make friends, feel of like-minded peo-
A Course in Miracles
Chapter II:VI:7:3-4 wanted, or if you’d like, just have a dough- ple as we study the
nut and a cup coffee after the gathering. principles presented
in the book A Course
But doesn’t the Holy Spirit teach that the
Course is meant to be self-taught? in Miracles.
Doesn’t He say that you are both your
Inside this issue:
own teacher and student? So why have a
Miracle Center? The answer is sim- Childcare Available
Upcoming Events 2 ple….reinforcement! Being around like- Childcare is available by
minded people means constantly being appointment during our
Sunday Gatherings. To
Something for reminded about the Course and how it arrange childcare, call
Everyone by Vic- 3
tor Trucker can greatly hasten your awakening. It’s Maureen at 303-797-7778.
also a reminder that you’re never alone,
On-going Classes 4,5 certainly not in heaven…and not even
here on earth.
Featured Volun-
teer—Meribeth 6 Tim David
Member Pro- Rocky Mountain Miracle Center
file—Colette 7 welcomes new members!
If you are interested in joining
the Center, please e-mail Vic Trucker:
Page 2 The Miracle Messenger

Book Signing
Sunday, June 19th, before and after the Gathering
Susan Dugan will be signing copies of her newly released book,
Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness.
Susan is a member of RMMC and has previously served on our Board. She cur-
rently teaches a class at the Center on Thursday nights.

Dr. Michael Mirdad

World-renowned Spiritual Teacher, Healer, and Author
Sunday, June 26th
Guest speaker for RMMC’s Sunday Gathering at 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. Workshop
“You’re Not Going Crazy . . . You’re Just Waking Up!”

Jon Mundy, Ph.D.

Publisher, Miracles Magazine
Friday evening, July 22nd
“I’m Nobody, Who Are You?”
Saturday, July 23rd, 9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
“Living A Course in Miracles”

Fall Craft Fair—date to be announced

For information about selling your arts and crafts, donating an item for the RMMC
Country Store, or to help in the planning and implementation of the Fair,
call Maureen Ewell at 303-797-7778.

For more information about these events, please contact Rocky Mountain Miracle Center
at 303-759-3409 or
Awakening Through Forgiveness Summer 2011 Page 3

Something for Everyone by Victor Trucker

Whether you are a student of A Course in Miracles or any of the many
branches of metaphysics, you would probably agree that it is no mistake that you
are reading this right now. Everything happens for a reason right? One of the
things we may overlook is that the ultimate goal emerging from within our seem-
ing circumstances and events is our Spiritual awakening. It matters little what ini-
tiates this awakening or the form it takes. In fact, no two people awakening seem
to take the same form. Approaching from the standpoint of a teacher, this can
seem quite daunting indeed. This is why there are several far reaching and diverse
foundations of teaching embodied in the teachers at the Rocky Mountain Miracle
I have attended classes led by several of the Center’s teachers, and would like Victor Trucker
to point out that there is something for everyone. If you haven’t attended any of the classes offered at
RMMC, I would recommend visiting a few. Each teacher has their own unique style for approaching the
materials comprising the teachings of A Course In Miracles. Every class and gathering I have attended
has been warm and welcoming. The teachers have all been quite engaging veterans of the Course. Every
point of view is expressed in one form or another and the collective aim is a greater awareness of the
Truth that resides within us. The teachers that I have met and shared with don’t suggest that they can give
us this awareness, but that they are graciously willing to help us rediscover the awareness that has never
been separate from us.
Whatever it is that you have agreed to believe you need, whether in the form of some sort of lesson or
test, you will find a venue in which it may be explored. These venues are provided as safe, judgment-free
environments where sharing is encouraged but never required. So if you are looking for a pleasant en-
counter with others who share a similar interest, I am confident that there are one or more classes that can
fill that bill. I admit that no discourse on any of these subjects is necessary, although, sometimes sharing
at the level of form can open the awareness that, contrary to outward appearances, we are not alone. Also,
even though nothing that seems to exist within the unreal can have any effect on that which is real, that
which is real can have amazing effects on that which appears to us in the unreal.
If you are an active member at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, then you probably know all of
this. If you are a member and are looking for something a little more helpful, attend a few Sunday gather-
ings and talk to the teachers and students present. You may find a class environment to help maintain the
experience of Peace in our day-to-day lives while we are here in this asylum. You will find that everyone
shares the same goal of atonement – waking from this dream within a dream to that which is True and
Real. Bless you …
Perfect Health and Clarity of Mind,
-- Victor

Victor Trucker owns and operates a spiritual and life path coaching service called ‘Perfect Oneness’. He is a trustee on the
Board for the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center.

RMMC welcomes our new members—

Colette Kelso and Susan Mohr
Page 4 The Miracle Messenger

On-going Class Schedule

8:00 AM—9:15 AM (Every other week.)
A Course in Miracles with The Way of Mastery. Leader: David Morrissey. Open to all. Currently in chapter by chapter
study and discussion of The Way of Mastery. For more information, contact David at or 303-796-7108.

9:30 AM—10:45 AM (Every other week.)

A Course in Miracles - Journey through the Workbook. Leader: David Morrissey. Open to all. A new perspective and
fresh insights into the lessons. For more information, contact David at or 303-796-7108.

11:00 AM—12:00 PM (Every week.)

Sunday Gathering Service. Study, reading and discussion of ACIM from the individual perspectives of rotating leaders and
guest speakers.

1:00 PM—2:30 PM (Every other week.)

ACIM Study and Discussion Group. Agenda: Exploring Topics in A Course in Miracles. Facilitator rotates on a voluntary basis.
An open, fun, casual group for anyone who shares an interest in A Course in Miracles. Love offering—all proceeds go to RMMC.
For more information, contact Lisa Bleyle at 303-972-0772 or Lynn Meyer at 303-467-1746.

7:30 PM—9:00 PM (every Monday)
Practical application of ACIM principles. Leader: Anna Fink Kujawa. Students at all levels and drop-ins are welcome. For
more information, contact Anna at or 303-257-4264.

7:00 PM—8:00 PM
Meditation/discussion class of ACIM principles. Leader: David Morrissey. Students at all levels and drop-ins are welcome.
First half hour open discussion of meditation techniques, or a Course principle, or a spiritual concept. Second half hour medita-
tion. For more information, contact David at or 303-796-7108.

7:00 PM—8:30 PM
This Course in Miracles class is for anyone who is sincerely looking for another way. Leader: Joy Schultz. Joy’s class
welcomes everyone. Great for students new to the Course. Most of all this meeting is about joining for the shared purpose of
letting our minds be healed. The class usually looks at one lesson or a small section of the text. The focus is on practical applica-
tion and having a new experience now. The small class size allows for questions and sharing. For more information, contact Joy at or 303-797-2725.

7:00 PM—8:30 PM
A Course in Miracles Study Group. Leader: Mark Maraia. Join Mark for this fun-filled ninety minute class! “I will do my
best to make this a lively exchange. Those of you who have seen me teach know that lecture isn’t my style. My classes are the
most fun when you all participate.” For more information, contact

“Each one you see in light

brings your light
closer to your awareness.”

A Course in Miracles
Awakening Through Forgiveness Summer 2011 Page 5

On-going Class Schedule continued

10:00 AM-10:45 AM Features video tapes of Ken Wapnick. Leader: Jeanne Thomason. “We listen and watch
Ken Wapnick videos as he aids us in understanding how to remove the blocks to the awareness of love. Ken Wapnick is
the most widely published author of books about A Course in Miracles. During this class he discusses A Course in Miracles
from the beginning of the Text. Great class for all levels of study! All are welcome.” For more information, contact
Jeanne at or 303-690-5304.

7:00 PM—8:30 PM
“Forgiveness offers everything I want.” Leader: Susan Dugan. “We join with our loving inner teacher to embrace the unique,
transformative forgiveness at the heart of A Course in Miracles, a practice that enables us to release our belief in separate interests and
heal our minds about our relationships.” For more information, contact Susan at

1:30 PM—3:00 PM (first and third Fridays)
Explore the “how to’s” of the Course. Leader: Chris Dixon-Bubick. Both beginners and seasoned students are welcome.
Chris Dixon’s interactive group is intended to help students become comfortable with the non-dualistic metaphysics of the Course
and the two thought systems it presents. The group discusses directions and definitions found reading the Course and listening to
audio materials from Ken Wapnick; and it shares and discusses personal experiences of applying Course principles. For more informa-
tion, contact Chris at

2:00 PM—3:30 PM
A Course in Miracles On-Going Study Group, The Journey Back to God. Leader: Merry Lynn Noble, Ph.D. This is a
lively, joyful, but very deep study for one year of ACIM. The material for each week is approximately 25 pages, including 7 lessons,
Text and Manual. Merry Lynn’s Study Guide is a guide only, but not required. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. This works,
since the material is circular and any place is your right, perfect place. For more information, contact Merry Lynn at merryno- or 303-617-1826 (home) 303-709-1846 (mobile).

2011 RMMC Board of Trustees Sundae Sundays

Clockwise from left: Maureen Ewell, Social
Chair; David Morrissey,Vice President;Tim Join us after Sunday Gatherings
David, President;Victor Trucker, Secretary; for fun and camaraderie,
Liisa Morrissey, Board Member at Large; and build your own sundae!
Judy Bobbitt,Treasurer.
Page 6 The Miracle Messenger

Featured Volunteer— Meribeth Wheatley by Susan Merge Fisher

For Meribeth Wheatley, following the principles in A Course in Miracles has
become a way of life. She reminisces about discussing the ideas in the Course
with her father, who had been pastor of their church when she was growing up,
and she tells of him saying something that she hadn’t noticed – “I can see where
it’s made a change in you – in your life”.
Meribeth is a legal secretary, which she says “puts me in a position to have a lot
of opportunities to practice forgiveness”. She began studying ACIM about ten
years ago. She remembers saying to herself “I really wish I could go home. I Meribeth Wheatley
just don’t know where that is now”. But after having that thought, she noticed
that things started happening in her life. A pulled muscle in her back led her to treatments and a
study of the healing energy work of Reiki, and at that time her Reiki teacher recommended a book
by Marianne Williamson, which resulted in Meribeth’s discovery of A Course in Miracles. The
study of the Course and the practice of Reiki have helped her to discover her spiritual self again.
Meribeth learned of the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center four years ago and decided to attend a
Sunday Gathering. She tells that “normally when I go to a place for the first time, I’m pretty shy
about coming in and doing anything, so I usually don’t volunteer or make any promises”, but as
soon as she walked in the door at the Center, Maureen Ewell greeted her, introducing her and show-
ing her around. According to Meribeth, the Center is “one of the most open places; you feel totally
accepted just the way you are”. So, on that first visit, when Maureen gave her a membership packet
and asked her if she would like to join the Center, Meribeth said “Yes! Absolutely!”
She started attending the Gatherings on a regular basis and volunteered to help sell books when the
Center held special events. She had been involved with the Center about a year when the Board of
Trustees asked her to take the position of Social Chair. In that role Meribeth has been responsible
for Soup Sundays once a month, Sundae Sundays during the summer months, and other weekly
treats for people who stay after the Sunday Gatherings to visit. “I had so many volunteers help with
it that it was a fun thing, and I was glad to be able to do that”. Meribeth has also hosted annual din-
ners on behalf of the Board. In addition to managing all of these functions, she has continued to
volunteer helping out with other special events. She says, “It feels good to be needed”.
Meribeth was the Social Chair for three years, until last Fall, when she felt it was time to step aside
and give someone else the opportunity to be involved with this type of leadership experience. And
she has a feeling that there’s something else she needs to be doing. She doesn’t know yet what it is,
but she is taking the personal time she needs for self-introspection. She tries to live by the lesson in
the Course that states “I place the future in the Hands of God”. Meribeth is still involved at the
Center, enjoying the company of the people there, and she emphasizes, “It’s so uplifting. It feels
more like home than any other place I’ve ever been”.

“Peace is the state where love abides,

and seeks to share itself.”
A Course in Miracles
Awakening Through Forgiveness Summer 2011 Page 7

Member Profile—Colette Kelso by Susan Merge Fisher

What stands out most about Colette Kelso is her creativity, both in her self-
expression and in the interests she pursues. Her graduate degree is in Creative
Writing, and although she has not sought to have her work published, she writes
every day for herself and for others. She observes that “writing is just a way of
living for me”. Also, at one time she was the managing editor for a literary
magazine published by Boston University. Now she does freelance writing and
editing whenever she can.

Colette follows other artistic ventures as well. She points out, “Jewelry has been Colette Kelso
a constant thread throughout my life”. She makes earrings, necklaces and
bracelets – from beads, leather or silver – mostly commission pieces, and she has an ETSY store on-
line. Colette also likes writing songs, and she likes to cook and to bake.

As she talks about her interests, Colette emphasizes, “I’ve really been on this spiritual journey for quite
a while now”. She has been studying A Course in Miracles for the last couple of years, and she feels
that her spiritual quest “is as important as anything I’ve done in my life”. In that regard, she also says,
“I’m really grateful for the people at the Center. They’re loving; they have integrity; and it’s very help-
ful to me to see a group of people like that, as dedicated as they are to their spiritual search”. She has
been attending classes and Gatherings at the Center for a couple of years, and she states, “It is really an
incredible community”.

Colette grew up in Boulder and has lived in Denver for about four years. She has a son who lives in
Michigan, and her daughter and new baby granddaughter live in Lakewood. She enjoys taking care of
her granddaughter while her daughter is at work. Colette also volunteers part-time at the Denver Public
Library, and she recently became the rental coordinator at the Center.

About the Course, Colette relates that throughout the day something peaceful will come to her, such as,
“In my defenselessness my safety lies”. “Little sentences like that come to me every now and then, and
instead of trying to figure everything out, I just hear that one sentence, and it’s comforting”.

Miracle Books Editor’s Corner

The RMMC Bookstore The Miracle Messenger is a newsletter
published by the Rocky Mountain Mira-
Course-related books, CD’s, calendars, cle Center for students and teachers of
wisdom cards, etc. A Course in Miracles.
We are also happy to handle your special We would love to hear from you..
Please contact Susan Merge Fisher at
303-697-9427 or
with your comments, questions, ideas,
E-mail Jane Walling:
and articles.

1939 S. Monroe St.

Denver, CO 80210-
Phone: 303-759-3409

We’re on the web!

Hours of Operation

The Rocky Mountain Miracle Center is open to the general public on Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Staff is available to discuss ACIM, answer questions, and provide guidance.

“Forgive the past and let it go,

for it is gone.”

A Course in Miracles

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