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Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591


Downside risk of aquifer depletion

Mani Rouhi Rad1   · A. Araya2 · Zachary T. Zambreski3

Received: 4 December 2019 / Accepted: 4 July 2020 / Published online: 15 July 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Groundwater aquifers support agricultural production in many parts of the world. Rapidly declining aquifer levels can have
significant negative implications for the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. In this paper, we study the effects of declining
well capacities on the downside risk of irrigated agricultural production, defined as the standard deviation of profits that are
below the average profit. We simulate seasonal crop yield and profits for three different crops, namely, maize, wheat, and
grain sorghum and five different soil types for Finney County in Kansas which overlies the high plains aquifer under current
climatic conditions and under the projected climate change scenario with RCP4.5. We find that lower well capacities not
only result in lower average profits for all three crops, but they also result in an increase in downside risk. However, we also
find that there is significant heterogeneity in downside risk across different crops and soil types. Our results highlight the
importance of downside risk for the sustainability of irrigated production under declining aquifer levels and climate change.

Keywords  Downside risk · Production risk · Aquifer depletion · Climate change · High Plains Aquifer · Ogallala

Introduction In this paper, we examine the effects of declining well

capacities on the downside risk of irrigated agricultural
Groundwater aquifers support agricultural production in production. Downside risk is the extent of losses from an
many parts of the world. Rapidly declining aquifer levels uncertain outcome. When facing uncertain outcomes, sev-
can have significant implications for the sustainability of eral studies argue that individuals often weight losses more
irrigated agriculture in these regions. A major concern about than the gains (Menezes et al. 1980; Bigman 1996). While
aquifer depletion is the increase in the risk of irrigated pro- the downside risk of agricultural production has been con-
duction (Peterson et al. 2003; Foster et al. 2015). As aquifer sidered within the literature (Antle 1987, 2010; Di Falco
levels decline, well capacity (or well yield), which is the and Chavas 2006; Di Falco and Veronesi 2014; Groom et al.
rate that groundwater can be extracted from a well, declines 2008), no study, to our knowledge, has focused on the rela-
(Hecox et al. 2002; Brookfield 2016). Declining well capaci- tionship between aquifer depletion and downside risk.
ties limit the ability of a producer to apply irrigation during To study the downside risk of aquifer depletion, we
the critical stages of the growing season, increasing the risk simulate seasonal crop production for three different crops
of lower crop yields. (maize, wheat, and grain sorghum) and five different soil
types for Finney County in Kansas which overlies the
High Plains Aquifer (HPA) for two 30-year periods using
* Mani Rouhi Rad the Decision Support System for Agro-technology Trans- fer–Cropping System Model (DSSAT) crop growth model
(Hoogenboom et al. 2017). Finney County is one of the most
Department of Agricultural Sciences, Clemson University, intensively irrigated agricultural regions overlying the HPA
Clemson, SC, USA
and has experienced significant depletion in the past 50 years
Department of Agronomy, and Feed the Future (Rouhi Rad et al. 2020b). We explicitly consider irrigation
Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable
Intensification, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,
frequency, which is the number of days that each irrigation
USA event takes, as a variable that can affect crop yield. Then, by
Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University,
linking well capacity to irrigation frequency, we develop the
Throckmorton Hall, Plant Sciences Center, Manhattan, distribution of yields for three crops produced on different
KS 66506, USA


578 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

soil types for varying well capacities. We simulate crop Downside risk
yields for a historical baseline scenario (1980–2009) and a
climate change scenario (2070–2099) using Representative Crop production is an uncertain process, and harvested crop
Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5. yields often depend on specific realizations of rainfall and
We find that lower well capacities not only result in temperature in a given year. Thus, interannual yield vari-
lower average profitability for all three of the crops consid- ability can be large with the realized crop yield in some
ered in this study, they also result in an increase in down- years above the average historical yield and below the aver-
side risk, i.e., we observe an increase in the frequency of age yield in other years. Agricultural producers are shown
lower profits for lower well capacities compared to higher to be risk-averse (Antle 1987). Behavioral economics and
well capacities. However, we also find that there is signifi- finance literatures also show that most individuals place a
cant heterogeneity in downside risk across different crops greater value on losses than gains of uncertain outcomes
and soil types. For example, while the downside risk of (Harlow 1991; Ang et al. 2006). Antle (1987) shows that
growing maize is sensitive to declining well capacities agricultural producers can also be downside risk averse in
under the baseline climatic conditions, downside risk of their preferences. As a result, understanding the changes in
growing wheat is relatively less sensitive to changes in the downside risk of agricultural production with respect to
well capacities. aquifer depletion is critical. Following the finance literature
Our results have major implications for irrigated produc- (Estrada 2007), we use semivariance as a measure of the
tion under aquifer depletion. First, we find that under declin- downside risk. Semivariance is especially a good measure
ing aquifer levels, irrigated production can become riskier. of downside riskiness when the underlying distribution is
Considering increasing downside production risk along with asymmetric (Estrada 2007). semivariance of profit, Σiy , for
risk averse producers can increase the benefits of aquifer crop i under well capacity y is defined as:
management. Furthermore, with lower well capacities and √
drier climates, ceteris paribus, producing crops, such as Σiy = E(xiyt − E(xiyt ))2 ∀xiyt ≤ E(xiyt ) (1)
maize, that are more profitable under current well capaci-
ties and climatic conditions, become riskier relative to other where E is the expectation operator and Xiyt is the profit out-
crops, such as wheat. come for crop i under well capacity y in year t. Semivariance
We contribute to the literature in two ways. First, water is the same as the standard deviation, except that it is defined
management and economics literature has shown that a based on profits that are below the average profit for crop i
decline in well capacities affect irrigation decisions and prof- under well capacity y. Σiy shows the extent of the losses due
itability (Rouhi Rad et al. 2020a; Foster et al. 2014; Manning to unfavorable weather conditions.
and Suter 2019; Hrozencik et al. 2017). Studies also show
that risk aversion can affect irrigation decisions (Groom
et al. 2008; Foster et al. 2014). Other studies show the role of Simulation
groundwater in reducing the uncertainty of irrigated produc-
tion (Tsur and Graham-Tomasi 1991; Tsur 1990). However, In this section, we describe the simulation process. In doing
limited well capacities can also result in an increase in the so, we first describe the properties of the five different soil
frequency of lower crop yields, i.e., downside production types in our study region that we consider in this paper.
risk. No previous study, to our knowledge, has considered Next, we describe the methodology for simulating crop yield
the effect of aquifer depletion on downside risk due to lower and water use using DSSAT. We then describe our climate
well capacities. projections.
Second, we consider the effect of both aquifer depletion
and climate change on production risk for different crop Soil types and crops
types and soil types. While previous studies have considered
the interactions between aquifer levels and climate change We consider five different soil types. We provide shorter
(Fishman 2012, 2018; Foster et al. 2015; Zaveri et al. 2016), IDs for these soils (in parentheses). The soils considered
to our knowledge, no previous study has considered the in this study are Richfield silt loam (KS01), Valent fine
change in downside risk of aquifer depletion under climate sand (KS02), Beeler silt loam (KS03), Manter fine sandy
change. Moreover, our comparison of the downside risk for loam (KS04), and Ulysses silt loam (KS05). These soil
different crops provides insight into the risk level of differ- types can be categorized into two main groups: silt loams
ent crop production systems under lower aquifer levels and and fine sands. As a result, in the main analysis, we only
climate change. consider the Richfield silt loam (KS01) and Valent fine
sand soils (KS02). Together KS01 and KS02 cover more

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 579

this model, drainage is calculated by the soil water module

when soil water is above the drained upper limit (i.e., field
capacity) and runoff is estimated based on curve number
method (USDA 1972; Williams et al. 1984). Soil water char-
acteristics determined by layer for drainage upper limit and
lower limit and saturation water content of the soils are in
Table 1. The soil-plant-atmosphere sub module calculates
the soil evaporation and transpiration (Jones et al. 2003).
The CERES-Maize (Araya et al. 2017), CROPSIM-CERES
(Araya et  al. 2019), and CERES-Sorghum (Araya et  al.
2018) suite models in DSSAT were calibrated for maize,
winter wheat, and grain sorghum cultivars at Finney County,
respectively. For the simulation, maize was planted on May
10 at a planting density and depth of 7.6 plants/m2 and 5
Fig. 1  Time trend of planted area for the three crops considered in cm, respectively. Urea nitrogen was applied at a rate of 250
this study kg/ha five days before planting. Winter wheat was planted
on October 10 at plant population of 250 plants/m2 and at a
than 55% of the irrigated area within Finney County. depth of 3 cm. Urea nitrogen was applied at a rate of 14 kg/
These two soils also cover the heterogeneity of soil types ha and 86 kg/ha at time of planting and on April 15, respec-
within the county, i.e., silt loams and sandy soils. They tively. Grain sorghum was planted on May 25 with a plant-
are important for both irrigated and dryland production ing density and depth of grain sorghum 18 plants/m2 and 5
(Harner 1965). While the Richfield silt loam has high cm, respectively. Urea nitrogen fertilizer of 150 kg/ha was
water holding capacity, the Valent fine sand soils have applied at once five days before planting date. The model
lower water holding capacities. Table 1 presents the physi- simulates the crop growth on a seasonal continuous mode
cal characteristics of these soils.1 for the historical climatic conditions (1980–2009) and an
The three crops that are considered in this study are the ensemble of end century climate (2070–2099) under RCP4.5
main crops produced in Finney county. Area planted for for Finney County, Kansas. The reference evapotranspiration
maize, sorghum, and winter wheat cover around 44,515, was estimated based on FAO-56 (Allen et al. 1998). In our
40,469, and 72,843 hectares (110,000, 100,000, and 180,000 seasonal simulations of water use and crop yield, we con-
acres respectively) which are about 16%, 15%, and 27% of sider a range of irrigation frequencies (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
the area planted in the county (United States Department of 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24-days) and critical plant available soil
Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Infor- water (25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65% and 75%). The irrigation
mation). Most of the corn area planted in Finney county is frequencies considered here capture a wide range of well
irrigated (about 80%), while only around half of the area of capacities that are observed in our study area. Specifically,
winter wheat planted is irrigated. Over the past four decades, these irrigation frequencies produce well capacities of more
area of wheat planted in Finney county has decreased while than 6,540 m3/day (1200 gpm) or less than 545 m3/day (100
area of maize and sorghum planted have increased (Fig. 1). gpm) when irrigating a 52.6 ha (130 acres) field. Declining
Average temperature in Finney County over the past 30 irrigation frequencies are a result of declining well capaci-
years was 12.36 ◦ C while average annual precipitation was ties. As well capacities decline, a producer’s ability to keep
509 mm. Average saturated thickness was around 140 m the center pivot system rotating at the same speed while
in Finney County. On the other hand, the High Plains por- applying the same amount of water per acre decreases. On
tion of Kansas had an average temperature of 12.33 ◦ C and the other hand, critical plant available soil water ( PAWc ) is
average precipitation of 577 mm over the same period and a threshold where irrigation is triggered when available soil
average saturated thickness was about 70 m. water falls below this threshold. A typical PAWc often used
in practice is 50%. However, we consider a range of PAWc’s.
Simulation process Higher PAWc ’s result in greater groundwater application and
higher crop yields, but also require greater well capacities
The DSSAT model estimates soil water as a function of cli- to maintain water levels above the PAWc during the critical
mate, soil, irrigation management, etc., based on the “tipping stages of a growing season.
bucket” soil water balance approach (Jones et al. 2003). In The amount of irrigation per irrigation event is fixed at
25.4 mm (1 inch) and the irrigation efficiency is assumed to
be 0.85. The model applies irrigation when the plant avail-
  The results for the rest of the soils are presented in the “Appendix”. able soil water irrigation trigger is met. Water use and crop


580 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

yield for each of the three crops is then simulated with dif-
ferent combinations of irrigation intervals/frequencies and
plant available soil water.
We assume that a producer irrigates 52.6 ha (130 acres),
which is the area of a typical quarter-circle center pivot sys-
tem in our study region, and does not adjust their irrigated
acres as a result of declining well capacities. This assump-
tion helps simplify the relationship between well capacity
and irrigation frequency. The relationship between well
capacity and irrigation frequency is determined by the fol-
lowing equation:
52.6 × 25.4 × 10
well capacity[m3 ∕day] = (2)
irrigation frequency [days]

where the numerator is the volume of groundwater pumped,

in m3 , per rotation of a center pivot system irrigating 52.6
ha (130 acres) if it applied 25.4 mm (1 in.) of water to each
hectare. The denominator shows the amount of time, in days,
it takes for the center pivot to complete a rotation.
We also assume prices of $0.157 per kg ($4 per bushel)
for maize, $0.157 per kg ($4 per bushel) for grain sorghum,
and $0.197 per kg ($5 per bushel) for wheat.2 Furthermore,
we assume costs, excluding costs of irrigation, of $1483 per
ha ($600 per acre) for maize, $890 per ha ($360 per acre)
for sorghum, and $704 per ha ($285 per acre) for wheat
based on the crop budgets from Kansas State University.
Finally, we assume a pumping cost of $0.027 per m3 ($2.8
per acre-inch).3

Climate projections

Global climate models (GCMs) are the fundamental tools

for evaluating future changes in climate (Bader et al. 2008).
However, in many climate change impact assessments, GCM
output cannot be used directly because the model resolution Fig. 2  Time trend of climatic variables in RCP4.5. The vertical
of GCMs is too coarse and potential large-scale biases may dashed line shows the beginning date of the analysis under climate
produce misleading results (Saha et al. 2012). The process change
of resolving scale discrepancies between GCMs and the
resolution required for impact assessments is called down-
scaling (Maraun et al. 2010). Statistical downscaling is one predictors, which are assumed to be accurately simulated by
technique that improves local and regional-scale climate the GCM (Eden and Widmann 2014). In this study, statis-
information through the development of statistical links tically-downscaled GCM output was obtained from twenty
between fine-scale weather features and large-scale climate models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercom-
parison Project Phase 5 (Taylor et al. 2012). GCMs were
statistically downscaled to a resolution of approximately 4
km over the continental United States using the Multivariate
 These prices are based on recent crop prices post 2007 and are
rounded for simplicity. Biofuel policies in 2005 and 2007 have Adaptive Constructed Analogs methodology with histori-
affected the price of maize. cal observations from METDATA used for baseline train-
  Average pumping lift in Finney County in 2016, the last year with ing (Abatzoglou and Brown 2012; Abatzoglou 2013). This
saturated thickness data from Haacker et al. (2016), was about 36.58 downscaling technique is computationally efficient, more
m (120 ft). The cost of pumping with this pumping lift and the elec- accurate than simple interpolation approaches in historical
tricity price of $0.1 per kwh is $0.027 per m3 ($2.8 per acre-inch)
(https​://www.k-state​.edu/nres/capst​one/Sprin​g%20201​2_Ogall​ala. assessments, and preserves the first principles of meteorol-
pdf). ogy through a joint downscaling procedure (Abatzoglou and

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 581

Fig. 3  Production functions for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil types KS01 and KS02 for years 1980–2009 under baseline climate

Brown 2012). Gridded daily maximum and minimum tem- Results

perature, precipitation, and solar radiation were aggregated
at the county-scale for input into DSSAT simulations for In this section, we discuss the results of the simulation pro-
baseline (1980–2009) and the end-of-century (2070–2099) cess. We first present the production function for all three
periods. Baseline observations were derived from MET- crops, i.e., maize, wheat, and grain sorghum for two differ-
DATA. For climate projections, the multi-model ensemble ent soil types, namely KS01 and KS02. We then compare
mean was taken as the average over the twenty GCMs that the distribution of profits for these crops and soil types (the
were statistically downscaled. remaining three soil types are presented in the “Appendix”).4
Because there is uncertainty in the future trajectory of Finally, we show the well capacity at which a downside risk
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, modeling institutions averse producer switches from growing a riskier crop to a
simulate multiple representative concentration pathways less risky crop. The results that we present in this section are
(RCPs) to represent different socio-economic scenarios that all in terms of dollars per ha and dollars per acre.
may occur (Van Vuuren et al. 2011). For the end-of-cen-
tury period in our study, RCP4.5 was selected, represent- Production function
ing a stabilization scenario that assumes climate polices are
implemented across all sectors to lower GHG emissions. The production functions for maize, wheat and sorghum are
In this scenario, carbon dioxide emissions peak between presented in Fig. 3. All production functions are concave
2040 and 2050 and stabilize at 526 ppm by 2100 (Thomson in the amount of irrigation. However, production functions
et al. 2011). This increase in GHG emissions results in the for wheat seems to be more linear than that of maize and
radiative forcing by 2100 at the top of the atmosphere to grain sorghum. On the other hand, production functions for
increase by 4.5 W/m2 compared to the preindustrial period. grain sorghum are very similar to piecewise linear functions.
Under RCP4.5 during the summer (June–August) in Finney Furthermore, the soil type KS01 is more productive for crop
County, the twenty-member multi-model ensemble mean production across all three crops. This is mainly due to the
trends for maximum and minimum temperatures between water holding capacity of this soil. For maize and grain sor-
2010 and 2099 are 0.30 ◦ C and 0.27 ◦ C per decade, respec- ghum, higher well capacities reduce the gap in productiv-
tively (Fig. 2). For reference, by the end-of-century period ity among the soil types. This is related to the land quality
2070–2099, the multi-model mean maximum summer augmenting property of irrigation suggested by Caswell and
temperature is 35.8  ◦ C compared to the baseline average Zilberman (1986).
of 32.2 ◦ C. While all models demonstrate consistent warm-
ing trends with varying magnitudes, the variability between Downside risk under baseline climate
models for precipitation is notable with many models pre-
dicting drying trends while others demonstrate wetting The distribution of profits under baseline climatic condi-
trends. The multi-model ensemble mean for total summer tions are presented in Fig. 4. This figure shows that the
precipitation by the end-of-century period is 203 mm com-
pared to 191 mm during the baseline period.
  Soil type KS04 is similar in characteristics to KS02 and as result,
has similar distribution of profits.


582 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

Fig. 4  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil types KS01 (a–c) and KS02 (d–f) for years 1980–2009 under baseline cli-
mate. The legends show well capacities in m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

distribution of profits is sensitive to well capacity. As well profit on average decreases, while the profit uncertainty
capacity decreases, the frequency of lower profits for all increases. Importantly, the downside risk of maize produc-
three crops and for both soil types increases. However, there tion increases with lower well capacities.
is significant heterogeneity across crops and soil types. Profit The change in the distribution of wheat profits (Fig. 4b,
for maize, under high well capacities, e.g., 6540 m3/day e) is very different from that of the change in maize profits.
(1200 gpm), is highly skewed to the left for both soil types In the case of wheat, a decrease in well capacity results in a
(Fig. 4a, d). These figures show that for high well capacities, shift in the distribution of production profits, but, interest-
under current climatic conditions, there is a small downside ingly, the distribution does not become flatter. This result
risk for corn production. As well capacity decreases, we see suggests that, while wheat yield will be lower on average as
a gradual shift in the distribution of maize profits towards a result of lower well capacities, there is a smaller increase
lower profits. Under lower well capacities, e.g., 1090 m3/day in downside risk in wheat production than for maize produc-
(200 gpm), the distribution of maize profit is considerably tion. Similar to maize, soil type KS02 seems to be riskier for
flatter. For soil type KS02, the production is riskier than for wheat production.
soil type KS01. For soil type KS01, the average wheat production profit
For soil type KS01, the average maize profit for the well for well capacity of 6540 m3/day is about $791 per ha ($320
capacity of 6540 m3/day is about $939 per ha ($380 per per acre) and the standard deviation is $297 per ha ($120 per
acre) while the standard deviation is $296.5 per ha ($120 per acre), while for 1090 m3/day, the average of wheat profits is
acre). For well capacity of 1090 m3/day, the average maize about $667 per ha ($270 per acre), and the standard devia-
profit is $692 per ha ($280 per acre) and the standard devia- tion is $297 per ha ($120 per acre). The semivariance for
tion is $395 per ha ($160 per acre). The semivariance for wheat for the well capacity of 6540 m3/day is around $420
maize for the well capacity of 6540 m3/day is around $358 per ha ($170 per acre).
per ha ($145 per acre). Semivariance is considerably larger Interestingly, semivariance for the well capacity of 1090
for the well capacity of 1090 m3/day at $482 per ha ($195 m3/day is $395 per ha ($160 per acre) which is slightly
per acre). Similar results hold for the soil type KS02. These smaller than the semivariance of 6540 m3/day. This result is
results suggest that as well capacity decreases for maize, due to the shift in the average of the wheat profit distribution.

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 583

Fig. 5  Tradeoff between mean

production profit and downside
risk for soil types KS01 and
KS02 under baseline climate

Given that average wheat profit is smaller and the shape of soil type KS02, as well capacity decreases, the distribution
the distribution did not change, downside risk is slightly of sorghum profits has a more distinct shift towards lower
smaller. Similar results, in terms of patterns, were found well capacities, and the distribution does not become flatter
for soil type KS02. Thus, these results suggest that as well (Fig. 4f). This noticeable difference in the effect of declin-
capacity decreases for wheat, profit of wheat production on ing well capacity on the distribution of grain sorghum prof-
average decreases. However, downside risk of wheat produc- its demonstrates the importance of studying different soil
tion does not increase significantly. types when evaluating the risks of aquifer depletion on crop
Finally, for grain sorghum (Fig. 4c, f), the average profits production.
for well capacity of 6540 m3/day is about $383 per ha ($155 To summarize the results of this section, we analyze the
per acre), and the standard deviation is $240 per ha ($97 per impact of declining well capacities on average profits and
acre), while for 1090 m3/day, the average profit is about $259 riskiness and the heterogeneity of the relationship between
per ha ($105 per acre), and the standard deviation is $284 average profits and downside risk of production. To study
per ha ($115 per acre). On the other hand, the semivariance the changes in average profitability and riskiness of produc-
for grain sorghum for the well capacity of 6540 m3/day is tion across all soil types and crop types, we estimate the
around $358 per ha ($145 per acre), while it is slightly lower following regression:
for the well capacity of 1090 m3/day at $334 per ha ($135 per
yic = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 well capacity + 𝛽2 crop + 𝛽3 soil type + 𝜀ic
acre). Interestingly, while the standard deviation increases,
for 1090 m3/day, the downside risk is slightly lower. This
finding is because crop yields on average are lower, and the where yic is the outcome variable for crop i and well capac-
distribution becomes symmetrically more uncertain around ity c. We consider three different response variables as yic :
the mean. Under these conditions, while the outcomes are mean, standard deviation, and semivariance of the distribu-
very uncertain, the upside risk and the downside risk have tion of crop production profit for each crop and each well
almost equal weights. capacity.
For KS02, the average grain sorghum profit for well The results are presented in Table 2. Conditional on
capacity of 6540 m3/day is about $173 per ha ($70 per acre) crop type and soil types, as well capacity decreases, mean
and the standard deviation is $321 per ha ($130 per acre), crop yield decreases (column 1), while both standard devi-
while for 1090 m3/day (200 gpm), the average grain sorghum ation and semivariance increase (columns 2 and 3). These
profit is about $2.5 per ha ($1 per acre) and the standard results show that lower well capacities not only affect crop
deviation is $321 per ha ($130 per acre). The semivariance yields on average but also increase the uncertainty and
for grain sorghum profit for the well capacity of 6540 m3/ downside risk of agricultural production. Coefficients in
day is around $445 per ha ($180 per acre), while it is signifi- Table 2 also emphasize that there is heterogeneity among
cantly lower for the well capacity of 1090 m3/day at around soil types in terms of average crop yield and production
$321 per ha ($130 per acre). risk.
For soil type KS01, a decline in well capacities results As well capacity decreases, average profits decrease
in a decrease in average profit and an increase in downside for all crops and soil types. However, the relationship
production risk (Fig. 4c). The effect of well capacity on between average profits and downside risk is not homoge-
the distribution of grain sorghum profit is very similar to neous (Fig. 5). For maize, a decrease in profits is corre-
the effect of well capacity on maize profits. However, for lated an increase in downside-riskiness. On the other hand,


584 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

Fig. 6  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300,
types KS01 (a–c) and KS02 (d–f) for years 2070–2099 under climate 600, and 1200 gpm
change RCP4.5. The legends show well capacities in m3 ∕day . The

a decrease in average profits for wheat and grain sorghum The negative values of maize profits under the RCP4.5
is correlated with a decrease in downside risk for both soil scenario suggest that under such a scenario, if maize prices
types. Figure 5 further shows the heterogeneity in riskiness do not increase significantly, corn production would be unat-
and profitability of producing different crops. tractive. However, lower average maize yields are expected
to either shift production elsewhere where maize production
Downside risk under climate change is less risky and average yield and profits are higher or to
increase maize prices. Such an increase in maize prices took
Under the RCP4.5 climate change scenario, profits are on place during the drought of 2012 across the corn belt where
average lower and crop production is riskier, especially prices rose to $0.31 per kg ($8 per bushel). As a result, it
under lower well capacities where profits are noticeably is reasonable to consider the distribution of profits under
skewed towards right (Fig. 6). For example, under soil types higher prices. Under $0.31 per kg ($8 per bushel) maize
KS01 and KS02, average maize profits for 1090 m3/day well production will remain profitable on average even with lower
capacity are −$198 and −$605 per ha (−$80 and −$245 per well capacities (Fig. 7). As a result, considering both the
acre) which are negative and considerably lower than maize market response to these shifts in climate and well capacity
profits under the baseline climatic conditions. The down- as well as producer risk preferences could be important for
side risk for soil types KS01 and KS02 for 1090 m3/day are studying the benefits of aquifer management.
$346 and $210 per ha ($140 and $85 per acre) respectively. Similar patterns exist in terms of profits and downside
In addition, the downside risk is lower under the climate risk for wheat and grain sorghum. However, it is also worth
change scenario compared to the baseline scenario. This is noting that the shift towards lower crop yields under climate
because maize yields are (with more certainty) lower under change is less noticeable for wheat. Wheat is still profitable
the climate change scenario than under the current climatic to produce under the RCP4.5 and baseline prices. We can
conditions. As expected, the production risk is lower with compare the coefficient of variation (CV), which is the ratio
higher well capacities. of the standard deviation to the average, for maize, wheat,
and grain sorghum under high and low well capacities for

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 585

Fig. 7  Distribution of profits for

maize for soil types KS01 (a)
and KS02 (b) for years 2070–
2099 under climate change
RCP4.5 with the maize price
of $8 per bushel. The legends
show well capacities in m3 ∕day .
The respective well capacities in
gallons per minute are 100, 200,
300, 600, and 1200 gpm

Table 1  Characteristics of Soil type Depth pH CEC TN LL DUL SWC BD SAT

different soil types in the study
area Richfield 15 6.5 19 0.12 0.20 0.41 0.49 1.25 3.30
silt loam 43 6.5 30 0.12 0.26 0.45 0.52 1.18 1.02
(KS01) 64 6.5 20 0.11 0.19 0.39 0.52 1.18 1.02
201 6.5 17 0.1 0.17 0.33 0.51 1.23 3.30
Valent 43 6.5 9 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.44 1.4 10.16
fine sand 152 6.5 7 0.12 0.11 0.21 0.43 1.45 10.60
Beeler 20 6.5 17 0.12 0.2 0.41 0.46 1.33 2.8
silt loam 61 6.5 16 0.12 0.20 0.39 0.47 1.33 2.65
(KS03) 142 6.5 16 0.11 0.18 0.35 0.47 1.33 2.80
210 6.5 17 0.1 0.19 0.34 0.50 1.25 2.62
Manter fine 43 6.5 9 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.44 1.40 10.16
sandy loam 152 6.5 7 0.12 0.11 0.21 0.43 1.45 10.60
Ulysses 20 6.5 22 0.12 0.20 0.40 0.45 1.37 3.30
silt loam 36 6.5 24 0.12 0.20 0.40 0.47 1.32 1.02
(KS05) 71 6.5 24 0.11 0.19 0.37 0.47 1.32 1.02
201 6.5 20 0.1 0.166 0.33 0.47 1.34 3.3

The units are as follows: depth (cm), CEC (cmol/kg), LL (mm/mm), DUL (mm/mm), SWC (mm/mm), BD
(g/cm3 ), SAT (cm/h)
CEC cation exchange capacity, LL lower limit (permanent wilting point), DUL upper limit (field capacity),
SWC soil water content at saturation, BD bulk density, SAT soil hydraulic conductivity

the future climate change scenario to understand the riski- baseline climate” show that as well capacities decline, an
ness the production of each crop. For soil type KS01, the increase in production risk is expected for all three crops
CV for 6540 m3/day and 1090 m3/day are 2.33 and 1.57 for and for both soil types. However, the increase in risk varies
maize, 0.18 and 0.19 for wheat, and 0.75 and 2.95 for grain across crops and soil types. Specifically, with declining well
sorghum. These results further show that wheat is inherently capacities, there is a smaller increase in downside risk for
less risky to produce under climate change than maize. wheat compared to maize and grain sorghum. In this section,
we discuss the crop choice of a downside risk averse pro-
Crop choice of a downside risk averse producer ducer. We consider the well capacities at which a downside
risk averse producer would switch from growing one crop
As aquifer levels continue to decline across the High Plains to another less risky crop.
Aquifer (Haacker et al. 2016), we expect to see lower well We assume the producer is downside risk averse with an
capacities. Simulation results in “Downside risk under exponential utility function who maximizes their expected


586 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

Table 2  Regression results Mean Standard deviation Semivariance

for the effect of well capacity
on mean, standard deviation, Well capacity 0.066 ∗∗∗
(0.006) −0.015 ∗∗∗
(0.003) −0.008∗∗ (0.003)
and downside risk of irrigated
Grain Sorghum −380.127∗∗∗ (22.764) −143.351∗∗∗ (10.384) −159.200∗∗∗ (12.659)
Wheat 58.159 (22.764)
−141.010 ∗∗∗
(10.384) −139.114∗∗∗ (12.659)
KS01 −190.896 ∗∗∗
(29.388) −23.941 (13.406)

−9.948 (16.343)
KS02 −500.526∗∗∗ (29.388) −41.058∗∗∗ (13.406) −63.621∗∗∗ (16.343)
KS04 −500.526∗∗∗ (29.388) −41.058∗∗∗ (13.406) −63.621∗∗∗ (16.343)
KS05 −109.818 ∗∗∗
(29.388) −9.789 (13.406) −4.833 (16.343)
Constant 720.824∗∗∗ (26.254) 473.686∗∗∗ (11.977) 528.080∗∗∗ (14.600)
Observations 195 195 195
R2 0.850 0.615 0.546
Adjusted R2 0.845 0.601 0.529

* p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01

utility. Under these assumptions, the producer’s utility func- risk of production of each crop can affect crop choices as
tion can be written as: aquifer levels decline. Specifically, downside risk may
( ) ( ) result in crop switching at higher well capacities. How-
𝜇 −u�� 𝜇3 u���
ever, the difference in the switching well capacity is small
E(u) = 𝜇1 − 2 + (4)
2 u� 3! u� in this case.
where 𝜇i is the ith moment of the profit distribution, −u u�
the coefficient of absolute risk aversion, and uu′ is the coef-
ficient of absolute downside risk aversion (Donoso 2014).
Under the exponential utility function assumption, i.e.,
Our results have several implications. First, empirical evi-
u(c) = 1 − e−𝛼c , these two coefficients become:
dence suggests that farmers are relatively downside risk
averse (Antle 2010; Di Falco and Chavas 2006). As a result,
=𝛼 to the extent that risk, specifically downside risk, is a driver
��� (5) of crop choice decisions, we would expect changes in land
= 𝛼2 use patterns as aquifer levels decline. For example, across
the HPA, we may expect to see a marginal shift towards
The standard deviation of simulated profits in the Finney wheat production within the southern portion of the aqui-
County ranges between $198 and $642 per ha ($80 and $260 fer that has experienced rapid aquifer depletion and lower
per acre) with the median of $316 per ha ($128 per acre). well capacities. Alternatively, if fertilizer is a substitute for
As a result, following Babcock et al. (1993), we assume water in reducing risk, we may expect to see greater ferti-
𝛼 = 0.005 , which is a very low absolute risk aversion coef- lizer application. We may also observe greater crop insur-
ficient for the size of the gamble considered here indicating ance adoption, which itself may affect producers’ risk pref-
that the producer is only slightly risk averse. erences (Koundouri et al. 2009). However, we should also
The results show that under the assumptions made, note that other factors that are correlated with the depletion
under soil type KS01, as well capacities continue to of the aquifer and affect crop choice also change and have
decline, the downside risk averse producer grows maize changed over time. These factors include advancements in
until well capacity reaches 1090 m3/day (200 gpm). The crop varieties, irrigation efficiency, production practices,
producer then switches to wheat for well capacities below such as no-till farming, all of which have reduced the risk
1090 m3/day. For soil type KS02, the producer plants of agricultural production. These changes, along with agri-
maize for well capacities above 1363 m3/day (250 gpm) cultural policies, may be the reason why there has not been
and plants wheat for well capacities below 1363 m3/day. major declines in corn production in the region as a result
On the other hand, for a risk neutral producer, the switch- of aquifer depletion.
ing point for KS01 is 954 m3/day (175 gpm) and for KS02 Second, under existing crop varieties, climate change
is 1090 m3/day. These results suggest that the downside increases the downside risk of agricultural production.

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 587

However, management of groundwater aquifers can reduce with water. Future studies could consider potential adapta-
this downside risk. Our results suggest that aquifer man- tion strategies by producers.
agement may be more valuable under drier future climatic Also, as discussed, under extreme climatic conditions,
conditions and downside risk averse producers. We note where crop yields become significantly lower, prices of the
that to understand the benefits of aquifer management, it is crops may also increase. While studying such changes in
also important to consider the externalities of extraction on relative prices requires a more complex general equilib-
neighboring producers. One producer’s groundwater extrac- rium framework, our analysis does provide insight into the
tion will reduce aquifer levels for their neighboring produc- relative distribution in profitability of different crops under
ers and increases their production risk. Future studies could lower well capacities and drier climatic conditions. The main
consider aquifer-level analysis of increased downside risk takeaway from our analysis is the shift in the distribution of
due to aquifer depletion and the benefits of aquifer manage- profits towards riskier outcomes. The extent to which mar-
ment under drier climatic conditions. kets reduce or exacerbate the difference in profit-riskiness of
Third, our results suggest that increased downside risk production of different crops could be the subject of future
from aquifer depletion could further increase the demand studies which consider downside risks under a general equi-
for crop insurance. To the extent that federal crop insur- librium framework.
ance policy subsidizes risk-taking behavior of agricultural Finally, in this study, we assumed a fixed pumping cost
produces, the program can become costlier under a drier for all well capacities. This is clearly a simplification for
climate or lower aquifer levels. However, we should note that two reasons. First, well capacity is correlated with satu-
crop insurance premiums and payouts in the United States rated thickness and as aquifer levels decline, well capacity
depend on the production history of a given field (Mieno is expected to decrease. Second, aquifer levels are hetero-
et al. 2018). In a static setting, the downside risk averse deci- geneous across the Finney county and the HPA. While the
sion may be to either switch to less risky crops or purchase heterogeneity in pumping costs will only result in shifts
more insurance. In a dynamic setting, a producer’s plant- in the distribution of profits and is not expected to change
ing and irrigation decisions, along with negative weather the nature of our analysis and comparisons, one possible
shocks, affect their history of crop yield and may disincen- implication of our assumption is the lack of external validity
tivize switching to less risky crops and production practices. of our results. Future studies could expand the analysis to
Future research can consider the tradeoff between reducing include a broader region to study the heterogeneity in shifts
yield and reducing the average historical crop yield within in profit distribution.
a dynamic setting.
In groundwater-dependent agricultural regions in devel-
oping countries agricultural risk is often not insured. When Conclusion
this risk is not insured, it can decrease the use of other inputs
(Donovan 2016), which can result in lower crop yields on We examined the effects of declining well capacities on the
average (Emerick et al. 2016). Aquifer depletion can result downside risk of irrigated agricultural production for Finney
in lower average agricultural outputs in these regions which County in Kansas which overlies the High Plains Aquifer
could affect food security. It is worth noting that aquifer under current climatic conditions and under the projected
depletion can, in general, increase the demand for drought climate change scenario with RCP4.5. Using simulation
tolerant varieties in developed and developing countries that methods, we showed that aquifer depletion is risk increas-
reduce the downside risk of aquifer depletion. ing, i.e., lower aquifer levels can increase the downside risk
Our study also has a few limitations. First, while the lit- of irrigated agricultural production. Specifically, we showed
erature shows that agricultural producers respond to changes that lower well capacities not only result in lower average
in water availability (Drysdale and Hendricks 2018), water profitability for maize, wheat, and grain sorghum, they also
prices (Pfeiffer and Lin 2014; Smith et al. 2017), and irriga- result in an increase in downside risk, i.e., an increase in the
tion technologies (Sampson and Perry 2019), our analysis frequency of lower profits for lower well capacities. We also
in this paper has not included any potential adaptation by found a significant heterogeneity in downside risk across dif-
producers. As such, our analysis provides an upper bound ferent crops and soil types. For example, while the downside
on the potential losses of profit due to climate change and risk of growing maize is sensitive to declining well capaci-
aquifer depletion. No adaptation assumption also means that ties under the baseline climatic conditions, downside risk
the total costs of every other production input including fer- of growing wheat is relatively less sensitive to changes in
tilizer, seed, etc., will stay the same as the aquifer levels well capacities under the same climatic conditions. We fur-
decline. Whether the use of these inputs increase or decrease ther showed that climate change can further exacerbate the
depends on the risk increasing or risk decreasing nature of downside risk, especially for lower capacity wells. Finally,
these inputs and their substitutability or complementarity we showed that downside risk can affect the well capacity


588 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

that a downside risk averse producer switches to a less risky Appendix

crop as aquifer levels decline.
Baseline climate
Acknowledgements  The authors thank Jordan F. Suter for his feed-
back. This article is based upon work that is supported by the National
Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, See Figs. 8, 9 and 10.
under award number 2016-68007-25066, “Sustaining agriculture
through adaptive management to preserve the Ogallala aquifer under Climate change
a changing climate.”
See Figs. 11, 12 and 13.
Compliance with ethical standards 

Conflicts of interest  On behalf of all authors, the corresponding au-

thor states that there is no conflict of interest.

Fig. 8  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS03 for years 1980–2009. The legends show well capacities in
m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

Fig. 9  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS04 for years 1980–2009. The legends show well capacities in
m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591 589

Fig. 10  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS05 for years 1980-2009. The legends show well capacities in
m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

Fig. 11  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS03 for years 2070–2099 under the RCP4.5 scenario. The legends
show well capacities in m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

Fig. 12  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS04 for years 2070–2099 under the RCP4.5 scenario. The legends
show well capacities in m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm


590 Irrigation Science (2020) 38:577–591

Fig. 13  Distribution of profits for maize, wheat, and sorghum for soil type KS05 for years 2070–2099 under the RCP4.5 scenario. The legends
show well capacities in m3 ∕day . The respective well capacities in gallons per minute are 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1200 gpm

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