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Project Task: Explore the fascinating life of a living or historical individual by reading

a biography. You will create a mini-report on the interesting details of their life and
present your findings in a wax museum gallery show! What is a wax museum you ask? A
wax museum is collection of wax sculptures representing famous people, posed, and
dressed in real clothes. However, instead of creating wax sculptures, you will be a living
wax sculpture, dressing as the individual you have researched.

Project Checklist:

 Select a historical or contemporary individual to research. Choose

someone who has made important contributions to science, the arts,
education, society, medicine, sports, or the church.
 Read a biography on your character
 Conduct your research and take notes throughout on the ‘Notes Page’
 Write your report (3-5 paragraphs)
 Make your poster backdrop
 Present your character in our wax museum gallery!

Your Name: ______________________ Biographical Figure: _____________________

Project Criteria - +
Research: Complete the research ‘Notes Page’ including the
most important details of your individual’s life.
 Create an interesting title
 Write 3-5 paragraphs (1 Page Max)
 Include details about their early life, their greatest
obstacles and/or achievements, what makes them
famous, interesting facts about them, and 1-2 through
lines they have exemplified in their life.
 Written with proper conventions (punctuation, spelling,
capitalization, and indentation)
Poster: Complete the Poster Planning Page First
 Full colour background that represents a setting that they
would be found in.
 Name of your individual in large, neat printing at the top
of your poster .
 3-5 text different features included (title, headings,
photographs, captions, graphs, maps, sidebar)
Gallery Presentation: Dressed in a costume (complete planning)
of your biographical figure and presents poster with enthusiasm.
Notes Page
Task: AS you read your biography and research your individual, complete this
notes page. Include as many important details as possible.

Early Life – Details about

the first part of this person’s
life (childhood).

Obstacles – What
obstacles or struggles did
this person face that led
them become who they

Accomplishments – What
did this person do that was

Interesting Facts – What

are some things other
people don’t know about
this person?

Throughlines – What
throughline(s) does this
person exemplify? Why?

Servant worker, creation enjoyer,

order discoverer, image reflector,
justice seeker, Earth keeper, idolatry
discerner, God worshipper, beauty
creator, and community builder.
Poster Planning Page
Task: Make a rough sketch of what you would like to include on your poster and
where. Remember to include 3-5 text features. This poster should be a visual backdrop
to help showcase your costume.
Costume Planning Page
Task: Write out the physical features of your individual to help you plan a

Hair Colour & Style


Other Defining

Important Dates
Due Dates:
1. Report Planning Page ________________________

2. Final Report __________________________________ Mark

these in

3. Poster ________________________________________

4. Gallery _______________________________________

Great Websites/Resources for Research:

 *Your chosen biography – best resource*

 Check out the school or Calgary public library for
more books on your individual.
 YouTube search your individual, “Biography of
 Google search “Biography of _____”
Rubric & Outcomes
As a learner, I can…

 Locate and organize interesting information from various biographical resources

to create a detailed report and poster plan
 Communicate what I have researched in a meaningfully written report and
creatively construct a poster to confidently engage others in my gallery
 Assemble an accurate costume of my chosen biographical person to
demonstrate a detailed understanding of their physical appearance.

Grow Criteria Glow

Displays consistent effort,
following all instructions and
fulfilling all of the
requirements of the project
on page 1.
Project is neatly presented
Planning is effective and
includes various details to
support the writing of the
report and poster
Final Report
Provides specific details
about the individual’s life and
meaningfully connects their
accomplishments to a
throughline. Conventions are
attended to most of the time.
Poster & Gallery Presentation
Poster is focused and displays
creativity. 3-5 text features
are included appropriately.
Costume is thoughtfully put

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