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The Lady with the Lamp: Florence Nightingale

1820 – 1910

Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy in 1820, into a wealthy

British family. She was named after the city where she was born. Florence
grew up in England but traveled often in her youth. Florence was well
educated and very good at analyzing data. Her upbringing and friendships
helped shape her ideas of women in society. In her teens, Florence felt a call
from God to serve others as a nurse, despite her parent’s disapproval. In those
days nursing was seen as a low-ranking job, primarily for men only. Ripe with
passion, she went on to train to become a nurse at a school in Kaiserwerth.

Florence Nightingale is most well known for her work during the
Crimean War as the first British female nurse. When she arrived at the
military barracks in Turkey, she found that many injured soldiers were
suffering in poor sanitary conditions. She convinced the government to send
a pre-made hospital and supplies from Britain to Turkey to improve the
medical conditions. Florence helped reduce the death rate of the soldiers
from 42% to 2% in her time there, a big accomplishment! She was very
humble and never took the credit for the lowering death rates.

After the war, she took what she had learned from collecting data back
to Britain. She taught other nurses about the importance of sanitary hospital
conditions and proper nutrition at the Nightingale Training School. Her great
works changed nursing for the better, and she was awarded with many
medals and awards for her service. Although her parents did not want her to
enter the profession of nursing because it was a lowly job, Florence found
great success and changed how nursing was seen for the better. She is now
known as the founder of modern nursing.

Florence was nicknamed ‘Lady with the Lamp’ because of her

dedication to checking in on and ministering to her patients late at night. She
had a servant heart and was a devout follower of Christ, praying for her
patients often. The throughline that Florence Nightingale best demonstrated
during her life was servant working. Florence listened to the call of Christ in
her life, and she used the unique skills she was blessed with in her early life to
help others. After a long and impactful life, at the age of 90, Florence
peacefully passed away in her sleep in 1910.
Nurse Nightingale: A Report on Florence Nightingale

1820 – 1910

Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy. Her parents were very
rich and had a high status in Britain. Florence grew up in England going to
many fancy parties. She went to school and learned many subjects. Florence
was best at analyzing data and statistics. When she got older she felt God tell
her to become a nurse, but her parents didn’t want her to because that was a
job for the poor. Only men worked as nurses, not women. Instead her parents
wanted her to get married, since women had very little rights back then. She
volunteered often in her community caring for others, and later went to
nursing school in Germany.

Florence Nightingale disobeyed her parents and became the first

female nurse in Britain. She went to work during the Crimean War to help
hurt soldiers. When she got to Turkey, everything was unsanitary and the
patients were getting sick. She asked Britain to send a hospital to help the
sick and wounded soldiers. Florence helped change the conditions and she
made everything cleaner in the hospital. Since she did that, less soldiers were
dying. She was very humble and never took the credit for the lowering death

Then, Florence went back to Britain and opened her own nursing
school and hospital. The school was called the Nightingale Training School.
She taught many women how to become a nurse there and take care of
people properly. She changed nursing for the better! Florence even won the
first Royal Red Cross and other awards for her work. She is now known as the
founder of modern nursing.

Florence was nicknamed the Lady with the Lamp. She was very
dedicated to checking in on and ministering to her patients late at night with
a lamp. She had a servant heart and was a christian. She prayed for her
patients. The throughline that Florence Nightingale showed during her life
was servant working. Florence listened to the call of Christ to serve others as a
nurse. Instead of getting married, she was dedicated to nursing and teaching
others for her whole life. She was an amazing lady who left behind a beautiful
legacy. Florence Nightingale passed away at the age of 90 on August 13, 1910.
Florence Nightingale: The First Female Nurse

1820 – 1910

Florence Nightingale was born in Italy. Her parents were very rich in
Britain, and they went to a lot of fancy parties. Florence grew up in Britain
where she was taught many school subjects. She was best at understanding
numbers and statistics. As she got older she felt God call her to become a
nurse. Her parents were not happy when she told them she wanted to
become a nurse. She went to school in germany anyways and became one of
the first female nurses in Britain.

Florence Nightingale went to work during the Crimean War to help

hurt soldiers. When she got to Turkey, everything was dirty and the patients
were getting sick. She asked Britain to send a hospital to help the sick and
hurt soldiers. Florence helped change the conditions and she made
everything cleaner in the hospital and taught others to do the same. Since
she did that, a lot less soldiers were dying. She was very humble and never
took the credit for the lowering death rates.

Then, Florence went back to Britain and opened her own nursing
school and hospital. She taught other women how to become a nurse and
take care of people well. She changed nursing for the better! Florence even
won the first royal red cross and other awards for her work. She was famous
during those times for nursing.

Florence was nicknamed lady with the lamp. She would check in on
and minister to her patients late at night with a lamp in her hand. She was a
servant worker with a caring heart. She was a christian and prayed for her
patients. Florence listened to Jesus, to serve others as a nurse. Instead of
getting married, she helped and taught others for her whole life. She was an
amazing lady who inspired many. Florence Nightingale died peacefully in her
sleep in August of 1910 at the age of 90 years old.
Florence Nightingale 1820 – 1910

She was born in italy. Her parents were rich and had one sister. They moved
to England. Florence liked to travel too. She went to school and learned many
subjects Florence was best at analyzing numbers and statistics. Florence
wanted to be a nurse because God called her to do that but her parents
didn’t want her to because women were supposed to get married and not
work as nurses back then nursing was a poor mans job. Florence did not
listen and went to school to be A nurse. She went to help hurt soldiers in
turkey during the crimean war.

She was the first woman nurse in england. Less soldiers died because of her.
She helped make the war hospitals cleaner and fed the soliders good food to
help them get better. She was a big help there and she asked her country to
send more hospital stuff to help the hurt soldiers and this made them much
better. Florence did not take the credit for helping save the soldiers. Florence
was a good nurse and she made stuff cleaner. Florence lived a long time and
she went back to england and she died when she was 90. She got awards
too. Her moms name was fanny and her dads name was william, and her
sisters name was Parthenope. They were rich and went to lots of parties. She
was a famous Victorian. And she wrote a book about nursing.

Florence was called lady with the lamp. She walked the halls of the
hospital late at night to check on the people. She was a christian woman and
helped others first. She did not get married. After the war she opened a
hospital and a school to help sick people and teach other ladies how to be a
nurse. It was very successful. The nurses were called nightingale nurse and
they made hospitals better. When she died she was buried in a Hampshire

She was a very special lady. She did a lot of cool stuff and helped a lot of
people. She did what God told her to do. She is famous for her work nursing.
She died on August 13, 1910.
Florence Nightingale

She was a nurse who helped people and she was born in italy. Her
parents were rich and had one sister named Parthenope. She wanted to be a
nurse and help people in the warr. She saved lots of people becuase she was
soooo good.

florence had a mom and a dad named William and Fanny. She lived in
England. She opened a hospital and a nursing school to help more people.

She was a very special lady. She did a lot of cool stuff and helped a lot of
people. She did what God told her to do. She is famous for her work nursing
and she lived until she was 90

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