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Felix held out a round coin shaped like a fist which was around 4 inches long.

finger of the fist could be clearly seen in what looked like excellent craftsmanship.

Daneel put his index finger on the coin. On feeling a small pain, he realized that a
drop of blood had oozed out of a small cut made by an unnoticeable needle on the
coin. The coin had absorbed his blood and now glowed a bright orange.


Host has entered the faction: Fists of Justice-Training Hall

1 Faction Point awarded. 10 EXP awarded. Incoming communication from enrollment

coin. Would host like to hear the message?]


[Welcome to the Fists of Justice! Our motto is this: "Bleeding or hale, my fists shall
forever stand on the side of justice-striking fear into the hearts of those who seek to
take advantage of the downtrodden. Fists of justice, forever undefeated!"

Touch the coin at any time to inquire about the training hall or check for any missions.
This coin shall also act as your identity proof in the Hall. Please note that if anyone
else touches the coin, it shall self destruct causing catastrophic harm to the one
holding it.]

This explained what had happened before with Elenav.

As if he had been called through his mind, Elenav woke up behind him screaming,

"No! It wasn't me! I didn't set the women's clothes on fire!"

After this strange scream sounded, both Felix and Daneel looked back to see both of
the women glaring at Elenav.

Scratching his head, Elenav laid down on the ground as if he had fainted again. Seeing
this, Viuda punched him in the groin which made him scream again and wake up.

Hearing them bickering, one accusing the other and the other saying over and over
again that it wasn't him, Felix chuckled.
"Lively as always. Anyway, here is your identity token. You can customize it later if
you go up in the ranks. I'll be watching you, kiddo. Training begins in 3 days. Pack
enough clothes for 3 months and get here. Viuda, stop arguing with him and come
drop our young friend off. Remember where you drop him off, 3 days later you will
have to pick him up to begin training."

Viuda glided to them before nodding at Felix and taking off with Daneel. The coin
stayed with him which he grasped tight in his hand.

Viuda seemed to be a woman of few words. She only asked where to go and then
chose to stay silent.

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