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be fooled by her countenance now, she's just pissed a bit about something that I

*ahem* did."

The flying Viuda humphed at Elenav before smiling briefly at Daneel.

Judging that this was what a 12-year old would do, Daneel blushed before looking
down. Of course, such a beautiful woman smiling at him was a first in his life, which
was why blushing was so easy. Instantly though, he felt something in his stomach.
The rapid motion had already been making him feel queasy and looking down made
his condition worse. He struggled to control himself and not puke his stomach out in
his first flight.

After a minute or so, the three landed in a grassy space. A few feet away was a small
hut, marked with the words "Training Hall Master" on the door.

The air here was fresh to breathe and Daneel felt energized just by taking a deep
breath. Even the feeling of queasiness subsided in his stomach.

A broad smile appeared on Elenav's face as he spread out his arms and said,
"Welcome to the Fists of Justice Training Ground!"

As the last word left his mouth, he suddenly convulsed, clutching below his chest
before falling face-first on the ground, unconscious.

Seeing him fall, Viuda flew across the ground to the door of the cottage.

Just like in the air, she seemed to have perfect control and stability in flight. Her toes
were only a few centimeters off the ground as she floated forward at an angle of 45
degrees to the ground.

On knocking, a man in a brown waistcoat and trousers opened the door. He looked to
be middle-aged, with kind eyes, an aquiline nose and a short beard. His tanned and
bulging muscles could be seen under the waistcoat which loosely hung off of his

"Master, I've brought him.", she said, before gesturing towards Daneel and the
unconscious Elenav.

"Good. Go get Mother Freida."

Nodding, Viuda quickly flew into the distance.

The man ran towards Elenav before laying him on his back. After ripping open his
robe, he put his hand on the discolored and bruised area near Elenav's left chest.

His hand seemed to glow as a white halo formed at the spot that the man had laid his
hand. Elenav groaned but remained unconscious.

"So you are the new recruit? Why do you want to join the Fists of Justice?", he asked
after raising his head and looking Daneel in the eye.

His eyes seemed to hold a strength that cautioned Daneel from lying or saying
anything that wasn't true.

"I want to grow stronger and obtain justice for my father!", he said, closing his fists
and putting on a confident front in defiance to the man's gaze.

The man's eyebrows raised as he said, "Oh? A determined one, I see. Who is your
father and what justice do you want to obtain?" His eyes turned back to normal and
Daneel felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

"My father is called Robert. He was in the army before.."

The man raised his other hand, stopping Daneel.

"So you are Daneel. Robert is a close friend of mine. We even discussed sending you
here the other day. It is really sad what happened to him. He was an excellent soldier
and an even better man.", said the man, sighing.

Meanwhile, Viuda had returned with another woman who seemed to be in her mid-
40s. She reminded Daneel of the kind old lady of the orphanage as both of them had
visages which shone with the goodwill and care that was characteristic of them.

Seeing the two arrive, the man said, "Mother Freida, I have stabilized his condition.
His rib punctured his lung and he was holding on till now due to the sheer control of
his organs. Please mend the rib so that he can be transported to the sickbay."

Saying so, he stood up and walked back to his cottage, motioning at Daneel to follow.

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