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Why is it important to work to delete cyber bullying?

Well for starters it can have

some pretty bad consiques for those involved. All you have to do is turn on the TV and it
seems that someone is in trouble for cyber bullying. I believe that the problem is part of a
much larger problem we have today. That problem is a low self-esteem caused by a
constant barrage of media. Today’s media put so much pressure the kids to act just the
right way, look a certain way, and dress a certain way. Thirty years ago kids were hazed,
tormented, and even physically beaten after school. Did they hate going to school? Did
they have it rough? The answer is probably is yes; but did they quit or give up? No. They
are our parents, and older mentors. We, as young adults, should try to be more like them.
We should ignore what the media and popular culture is telling us today. We don’t have
to pick on someone else to make ourselves feel better. That is just pathetic. We can be
better; the war has begun, and it begins with cyber bullying. If we start here in cyber
space, it will spread across all the parts of life. It will change the media into something
positive again. To start the war on cyber bullying teens should refuse to pass along cyber
bullying messages. Next they should use peer-pressure to their advantage. They should
tell friends to stop cyber bullying others, and that way it creates the mind sense that it is
un-cool to make fun of others. But all of the problems can’t be solved by other. The
person being bullied needs to remember that they are a person, who is loved by someone.
They have value and are above someone who thinks they have to degrade others. The
bullied person should start by blocking all communication with a cyber bully, and to tell
them to stop. If the bully refuses to stop his or her terrible behavior, then the next step is
to report cyber bullying to a trusted adult, who will be able to solve the problem. But the
main thing to combat this problem is to promote awareness. People being bullied or have
been bullied should speak with others who are being bullied by someone. This creates a
support group that will help them through the hard time. People should raise awareness of
the problem by holding assembly and creating fliers to get the community involved in the
fight. This way people will see how big of a problem it is and talk to their children about
it—before they are victimized. Finally share the NCPC’s anti-cyber bullying message
with friends. Finally take a lesson from Thumper, the little bunny from Bambi: If you
don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

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