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Pre-intermediate: Listening & Speaking

Independent Listening response

Section 1

Name: Dang Duc Tien Author VOA Learning English

Student Number S3924606 Article Title More Than 1 Billion Tons of

Food Wasted Each Year

Date: 25 August Publication date 30 December, 2013

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✰✰✰✰✰ Link to video clip

Write about the online video clip. Write at least 50 words.

Section 2: In my opinion, I think this video is talking about food
The video clip is about … waste. According to the clip, some food experts said
● What - what happened? that there was 40 percent of food wasted in many
● Who - who are the most wealthy countries and an organization said more than
a billion tons of food wasted each year. And
important people?
developing countries is the place where received food
● Where - where did it happen?
waste. On the other hand, there are many people who
● When - when did it happen? feel hungry every day. Next, I would like to talk about
Write at least 50 words. some causes of food waste in developing countries.
As can be seen from this video, there are two
problems of food waste in those countries such as bad
traffic and human’s behaviour: they buy more food
than they can eat. Finally, when I see this video, there
are many solutions for food waste, this is food
security. People in both rich and poor countries can
reduce overeating and food waste because it is
enough to feed everyone, according to Ms.
Nierenberg. This clip mentions to a challenge that
makes the end of hunger in the world, malnutrition in
pregnancy and early childhood.

Section 3: I think this clip is very interesting to see because it

● What do you think about this provides me much information and helps me more
clip? Why? understand how much food is wasted each year,
● How is this story connected to where received them and the cause of food waste. In
my country has the same problem with food waste as
you or everyday life in your
some countries mentioned in this video. In some urban
home country?
areas in Vietnam, there is much food waste every day
Section 4: while many people don’t have food to eat. According
I liked this clip / I didn’t like this clip to this clip, almost all people buy food more than they
because…. can eat, and many people living there is buy more
Write at least 100 words. than they eat, too.
I liked this clip because it helps some people can
aware of the disadvantages of food waste and this
Pre-intermediate: Listening & Speaking

video helps me to pay for food more carefully, so I buy

the food as same as I can eat.

Section 5: ❏ Listened with VLC and slowed it down.

When I didn’t understand I... ❏ Looked up new words.
❏ Summarised what I heard so far.
❏ Found out more information about the

Section 6:
New words and phrases from the video clip (minimum of three). For each one, write an
example sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1. improve Learn by heart is the best way for you to improve your less

2. agriculture He’s studying at Vietnam National University of Agriculture.

3. nutrition Some junk foods have less nutrition.

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