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A CONNECTING MEDIUM stretched, with how great tenacity its parts cling together! Yet its particles are not. in absolute contact, they are only virtually attached to each other by means of the universal connecting medium—the ether—a medium that must be competent to transmit the greatest stresses which our knowledge of gravitation and of cohesion shows us to exist. Electricity and Magnetism. Hitherto I have mainly confined myself to the perception of the ether by our ancient sense of tadiation, whereby we detect its subtle and delicate quiverings. But we ate growing a new sense; not perhaps an actual sense-organ, though not so very unlike a new sense-organ, though the portions of matter which go to make the organ are not associated with our bodies by the usual links of pain and disease; they are more analo- fous to artificial teeth or mechanical limbs, and can be bought at an instrument-maker's. Electroscopes, galvanometers, telephones— delicate instruments these; not yet eclipsing our senge-organs of flesh, but in a few cases coming within measurable distance of their surprising sensitiveness. And with these what do we do? Can we amell the ether, or touch it, or what is the closest analogy? Perhaps there is no useful analogy; byt nevertheless we deal with it, and aT

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