Exam 1

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Exam1 Jan 27 2022 9:40-10:25

1. A closed insulated vessel initially contains 1 kmol diatomic Hydrogen at standard conditions
i.e. 25C and 1 atm. Show that only a negligibly small fraction of the total volume will be
monoatomic Hydrogen even after the vessel is left undisturbed for a long time period. You
can assume that the pressure and temperature have not changed over time.
2. 1 kmol of methane(CH4) enters a combustion chamber at 25°C and burns completely with
theoretical air which enters at 1 atm and 25°C. The gases after the combustion process exit
into a cooling chamber where the gases are cooled and leave the chamber at 800K. It is
given that the heat removed in the cooling chamber is 70988.3+100*XYZ kJ(XYZ is the
number formed by the last three digits of your roll no. e.g. if your roll no is 120100005 then
XYZ is 005 etc.). Determine (a) the heat loss/gain to the combustion chamber (b)
temperature at the exit of the combustion chamber.


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