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fm Page 89 Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:28 PM

Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 89

The governing equations of plane elasticity are given below for rectangular Cartesian coordi-
nates. Section A2.1.2 lists the same relationships in terms of polar coordinates.

A2.1.1 Cartesian Coordinates

Strain-displacement relationships:

∂ux ∂u y 1  ∂ux ∂uy 

ε xx = ε yy = ε xy =  +  (A2.1)
∂x ∂y 2  ∂y ∂x 

x and y = horizontal and vertical coordinates
εxx, ε yy , etc. = strain components
ux and uy = displacement components

Stress-strain relationships:

1. Plane strain

σ xx = [(1 − ν )ε xx + νε yy ] (A2.2a)
(1 + ν )(1 − 2ν )

σ yy = [(1 − ν )ε yy + νε xx ] (A2.2b)
(1 + ν )(1 − 2ν )

τ xy = 2 µε xy = ε (A2.2c)
1 + ν xy
σ zz = ν (σ xx + σ yy ) (A2.2d)

ε zz = ε xz = ε yz = τ xz = τ yz = 0 (A2.2e)

σ and τ = normal and shear stress components
E = Young’s modulus
µ = shear modulus
υ = Poisson’s ratio

2. Plane stress

σ xx = [ε + νε yy ] (A2.3a)
1 − ν 2 xx
σ yy = [ε + νε xx ] (A2.3b)
1 − ν 2 yy
τ xy = 2 µε xy = ε (A2.3c)
1 + ν xy
ε zz = (ε + ε yy ) (A2.3d)
1 − ν xx
σ zz = ε xz = ε yz = τ xz = τ yz = 0 (A2.3e)

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