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As a great hero of the realm, your challenge is to travel the lands acquiring weapons & crystals,
defeating enemy outposts, and slaying the dragon and cleansing the land of evil forever.


Shuffle and deal the 9 location cards into a 3x3 grid of cards. Place the starting location
containing the dragon to any side so that both locations are adjacent to the grid. Shuffle each
individual deck (Encounter, Adventure, Boss, and Treasure). Each player will select a hero and
place their character card in front of them and place their colored die with the 6 showing on the
starting location. Place adventure tokens randomly face down onto the locations, ignoring the
starting locations. Place the dragon card with the health tracker cube on the starting health


The game is played across several turns. Each turn consists of two phases: Movement and
Adventure and resolved in that order. If you were to ever draw a card and the deck has no
cards, shuffle the discard and make it the new deck. After a player has taken a turn, the next
player will take his or her turn in clockwise-order.

Movement: on your turn you may move your hero up to three squares. You may stop in any
square but must stop moving when entering a location with an adventure token. Reveal the
adventure token if the location has one.

If the token is a shadow castle, leave it face up and reveal a Boss card. This boss card stays
revealed until it is defeated.

If any player stops on the dragon space, then all players are relocated to the dragon space and
the final battle commences. A player may not enter the dragon space until the shadow castle
boss has been defeated.

Adventure: If there is an adventure token in the space, draw 2 adventure cards face down.
Choose one of them. If you do not like the choice you may discard and reveal the other one. If
you choose the first card that you revealed leave the second card face down and put it into the
adventure discard deck. There are three symbols on an adventure card. Enemy, Event, and
Location. Once you have your adventure card chosen, you will draw an Encounter card and
resolve it.

If you are in a location with no face-down adventure token then you can perform one of the
following actions if the conditions are met:
Rest- if there are at least another player at the same location, you can skip your turn without
having to fight a skirmish.

Siege - If there is a revealed face up shadow castle, then a player may engage in combat with
any revealed boss card.

Skirmish - If neither of the above are met, the player must draw an encounter card and battle
the enemy. Treat the Adventure token as zero. No Gold is earned.


Match the symbol on the left of the encounter card with the matching symbol from the adventure
card based on what type of terrain your hero is in. There are several types of encounters

Enemy: Add the revealed adventure token to the value specified on the encounter card. This is
the total strength of the enemy during combat. If you win in combat, claim the adventure token
as gold otherwise discard it.

Trap: Roll dice and perform actions on encounter card

Treasure: (see gain treasure).

Curse: If you are not immune, then become cursed. Cursed heroes have -2 to their attack
value. Flip your character board to show you are cursed.

Church: Restore your life to full or remove a curse.

Crypt: Roll dice to attempt to gain a crystal or suffer damage.

Town: If any player reveals a town all players may use that location and spend gold. Players
may spend gold to heal, buy crystals, or buy loot. You may discard gained adventure tokens for
their value in gold. You can split the gold on different purchases, but any adventure tokens with
unspent gold are lost. For example: You can spend an adventure token of value 3 to buy a
crystal that costs 2 and heal which costs 1.

Spawn: Add a discarded adventure token to another location that does not have one. If no
tokens are in the discard use the current token. If no other available spots, ignore effect.

There can be several rounds of combat when battling an enemy or a boss. A round of combat
consists of 3 phases:

counter attack

Strike: During this phase the player attempts to defeat an enemy or Boss. Enemies have a
sum of the revealed adventure token + revealed encounter card value as their total strength.
The player will roll one die and if that result is over the strength the battle is over and the total
enemy’s strength.

Treasure items can add bonuses that let you reroll or add damage to your attack to increase
your attack value you rolled. A treasure card only activates on that player’s strike phase. A
player may also decrease their health by 1 to reroll any die. Lastly, each hero has a damage
bonus depending on which location they are in. All boss battles are to be considered in the
shadow terrain which the Wizard has a bonus for.

A crystal may be spent before rolling your die to add an additional die to be rolled. In a
multiplayer game, if there is another player at the same location, that player may reduce their
life by 2 to assist and allow the current player to roll an additional die during this phase.
Maximum of 2 dice on a strike.

If the strike was successful against an enemy, gain the revealed adventure token as gold and
skip all other phases. If the battle was with a boss in the shadow castle you may either gain a
crystal or gain treasure (see gain treasure). The shadow castle is discarded from the game and
can not be added back with a spawn option. If the strike was successful during the dragon
boss, you will reduce his life (see final battle)

Counter Attack: If the enemy is still alive combat enters the next phase which is the counter
attack phase. Roll two dice and subtract the smaller value from the larger value to get the
amount of damage that is done to the player. Reduce that damage, to a minimum of zero, by
each shield icon the player has from hero abilities and treasure cards. If a player is reduced to
0 health the game is lost.

Regroup: The player has a choice to continue another round of combat repeating all three
phases again or they may retreat from an Enemy or Boss. You may not retreat from the final
battle (see below). When retreating, discard the revealed adventure token unless it’s a shadow
Final Battle

When any player enters the dragon location, all players are moved to that location and the final
battle starts. Players can determine the turn order but each player will only have one combat
round(strike/counter attack/regroup) before starting a new round with the next player. Continue
taking rounds of combat until either a hero is slain or the dragon is defeated.. During the
regroup phase players may not retreat.

If the player’s attack value is greater than the dragon’s strength during the strike phase, reduce
the dragon’s health by the difference. If the dragon’s health reaches zero the game is won.

Gain Treasure: Draw 2 cards from the treasure deck and equip one card onto your hero and
place the other card on the bottom of the treasure deck. A player may only have one of each
colored treasure card equipped (brown and blue).

Game Difficulty

Easy: Setup game with 4 strength dragon and give each player a starting crystal.

Normal: Setup game with 4 strength dragon

Hard: Setup game with 5 strength dragon..


A player is represented on the board with a colored die. The die value will show how much
health he or she has. The maximum health is 6. If a player were to ever reach 0 health the
players lose the game.

Location Types
Each location will be either a Mountain, Forest, or Plains. All locations with a face-up shadow
castle are considered a shadow location as is the dragon space. The Wizard has a bonus in all
of these locations.

Crystals - May use one to roll another dice in combat. Each player can have a maximum of 2.

Bosses - Revealed when a shadow castle token is revealed. Once the boss is defeated
remove the boss and shadow castle tile from the game and earn your reward: Gain a crystal or
gain treasure.

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