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LESSON 1: Sin - Bible

Desired Results
General Learning Term 2 - Who am I?

Specific Learning
Outcome(s) - What sin is and how sin presents itself through many human characteristics such as
pride, envy, wrath (anger), slothfulness (laziness), greed and self-indulgence.

Learning Students will…

Objective(s) - Understand what isin is and where sin originated.
- Summarize events from the bible identify areas of sin.
- Reflect upon sin in their own lives by journaling and praying

StageAssessment Evidence
Summative N/A Formative Journal
Assessment Assessment Discussion

StageLearning Experience
Tech -Powerpoint Resource Journals
to Do s to Bring

Time Content/Description What will I be doing?

10 min Introduction - Supervising the

Target Practice: game, ensuring
- Students will get some paper darts and with a everyone gets a turn
partner their goal is to throw the 5 darts and see how - Explain the
significance of the
many times they can hit the target.
- Once everyone has had a turn to throw the darts at
- Provide examples of
the target, the students will return to their seats. sin from my own life.
- I will discuss that no one had a perfect score, and
oftentimes missed the mark entirely.
- The hebrew word for sin actually means to “miss the
mark,” the bullseye
- Ask, did anyones dart not even make it to the target
and fall short?
- Romans 3:23 says “All of us have sinned and fallen
short of the glory of God”
- All of us are imperfect, meaning none of us are
perfect like God
- We all do wrong things, what are some wrong things
that we as humans do? Have the students make a
- We will then move into a bible story and discuss the
wrong things that the people in that story did.

10 min Lesson - Prompting

Bible Story: - Keeping students on
- Jigsaw task
- Partner 1 & 4 - Genesis 2:5-17 - Explaining/summariz
ing the bible story
- Partner 2 & 5 - Genesis 2:18- 25
- Answering questions
- Partner 3 & 6 - Genesis 3:1-13
where necessary
- The students will read each section of scripture they
are assigned and in their number groups they will
discuss and take some jot notes so that they can
summarize to the rest of their group.
- 1,2,3 will go together
- 4,5 6 will go together
- Together, after everyone has shared they will
determine how Adam and Eve sinned.
- Bottom line: Sinning is doing things your own way
instead of God’s way
- Play Video:
- Sin separates us from God, however, God’s plan did
not end there. Rather, through Adam and Eves line,
he sent the messiah who would deliver us from our
sin and allow us to live with him forever. Although we
are still sinners and continue to sin, God loves us
deeply, so much so that he sent Jesus to pay our
debt. To show God our great love for Him it is
important that we try our best to live according to His

25 min Closure - Explain how these

Journal: will be evaluated.
- Students will then take time to reflect upon the - Discuss that these
lesson and journal to themselves. In their journal are their journals
and they may write
they will need to answer the following question,
in them however
“What are some examples of sin in your own life?”
suits them best.
- The students may write sentences in, bullet points, - Circulate the class
mind-map, or pictures (with captions) as they write and
- Explain that these entries will be graded on their prompt as necessary
effort. - Collect journals and
- When they are done, they should take some time to provide feedback
pray about those sins and ask for forgiveness.
- They will then have to hand in their journals at the
end of class as an exit slip.

Reflections and The students enjoyed the target practice activity, but the jigsaw did not work as well.
Follow Up Instead of doing the jigsaw with the second class we decided to read it aloud together
and discuss as a whole group. This saved a lot of time and ensured that they all read
the proper passages.

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