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Firstly, opting for a healthy lifestyle is a choice, and clearly not an obligation.

Moreover, it
relies on that particular individual, if someone really cares about his own well-being he or she
may automatically choose to pursue good habits. For example, consuming high sugar foods
and living a sedantary life is an individuals choice and he has his own independence to do it.
Thus, liberty plays an important role here no one can influence or manipulate such things to

Secondly, to reverse this condition authorities can take appropriate measures, and emphasize
people to follow an active lifestyle. However, only to a certain extent. Furthermore, the
concern officers are liable to the worst fitness conditions of their civilians, and are in an urge
to take some remedial measures. Though the measures are effective, people still go for the
unhealthy lifestyle. For instance, in many countries, considering the intensity of this position,
the government has taken stringent measures to curb the situation. But it fails badly due to the
reckless attitude of the citizens. Therefore, it is apparent that, it is not mere important to
introduce the modifications, in the mean time we have to follow it.

In conclusion, it is evident that, no matter how intense and efficient the welfares could be, the
net result would always depend on the peoples' responses towards it. In my opinion, it is a
personal thing to take care of their own health, the government alone cannot make any
significant transitions.
Firstly, nothing is private nowadays, especially if we have mobile phones with us. Indeed, it
act as an all-rounder for everything that, we do. Furthermore, due to the internet, facilities,
any hacker or a technology expert could access our personal information without our consent.
For instance, there are more cases being reported for threatening the people by stealing their
private videos and blackmailing for money. In the worst case scenario the offenders may
upload our information on the internet, which has led to many suicides. Thus, it is evident
that, literally there is no reliability factor.

Secondly, people choose to monitor their activities for security reasons. Moreover, now we
can watch the activities and work progress by installing CCTV cameras, which is a great
improvement over time. For example, if we are in a busy schedule, and in the meantime, we
have to monitor multiple operations this could be an excellent solution for this problem.
However, the chances of getting tapped are high, because of the wireless transmission.
Therefore, it is evident that, it cannot trusted fully.

In conclusion, it is very clear that, due to the uncertainty factor the negatives are on the
brighter side, though it may have many positives. Lastly, there is no ultimate solution for this
problem in the foreseeable future too.
In this contemporary era, the world is changing by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, parents
think that their children have more opportunity if they study abroad, whereas the others argue
that students should do a university degree in their home country. I totally agree with the first
view. It has more pros outweigh cons.

First and foremost, learning in a foreign country brings more benefits for students. They
accept and understand various cultures of the host country. Also, they learn some cultural
rituals and adopt their perspectives. Moreover, as the students mingle with local
communities, because of this can learn a new local language.

In addition to the above, they, not only gain self-confidence but also, they develop self-
esteem as well. Due to, living long in the other country, they become mature enough, so they
can handle their own problems. Living far from family and friends can allow young people to
become more independent. In other countries, not only, the career opportunities are higher,
but also, the standard of living also higher.

On the other hand, Students have better job opportunities after studies, owing to this they do
not come to their home country. For example, in many countries, people are unemployed
after their degrees, this is happening, because the reservation system is favourable to some
communities, so the students who has right to that job is not actually there. So, they decided
to migrate to the other countries, because the other countries have bright minds. This is called
as brain drain.

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