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Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263

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Electrical resistivity and geotechnical assessment of subgrade soils in

southwestern part of Nigeria
N.O. Adebisi, S.O. Ariyo*, P.B. Sotikare
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The subgrade soils in areas underlain by the slightly Migmatized to Non-migmatized Metasedimentary
Received 6 January 2015 and Metaigneous rocks of Southwestern Nigeria have been considerably investigated. However, a serious
Received in revised form research which employs electrical resistivity method for insight into the profile development, as well as
29 March 2016
estimation of resistance to deformation for predicting the stability of flexible highway pavements is yet
Accepted 30 March 2016
to be carried out. In this study, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were carried out after a reconnaissance
Available online 1 April 2016
survey based on stable and unstable locations on the road. Index and strength tests related to road
construction were also carried out on bulk samples obtained from stable and failed (unstable) locations
of the Ago-Iwoye/Ishara highway. Results show mostly three (3) layers in the profiles with H, HK, and
Stable HKH curve types. The subgrade soils below the stable locations have better vertical and interval varia-
Failed tions in the resistivities (89e1095 Um) to a depth of 3.4 m as against those from the failed portions.
Resistivity Those from the stable locations also have higher specific gravity (2.72), low-medium plasticity and A-2-6
Strength kaolinitic clayey soils with higher compacted density (2090 kg/m3) compared to subgrade soils from the
failed locations. On the basis of Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR), subgrade soils at stable locations have
greater strength than those obtained from failed locations. Estimated resistance to deformation (R-value)
and resilient modulus (MR) proved to be the overriding parameters for predicting the stability of the
flexible highway pavements.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction failed sections of the Ibadan end of the LagoseIbadan express way.
Results of which revealed that significant differences need not exist
The appraisal of subgrade soils on several roads, in parts of in all strength properties of soils below stable locations and failed
Southwestern Nigeria has been carried out. For instance, Adeyemi locations of a road.
(1992, 1994) strongly stressed the relevance of knowledge of These and many other previous researches extensively scruti-
compositional features prior to a rational understanding of some nized series of geotechnical properties on subgrade samples from
geotechnical properties of such soils. It was established that Southwestern Nigeria. However, a literature search which marries
kaolinite and the silica-sesquioxides of iron, and alumina ratio in subgrade soils' resistivity with basic strength properties is yet to be
the subgrade soils of Southwestern Nigeria strongly influence their found for such tropical residual soils.
Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR). In this study, the electrical resistivity method is employed to
Adeyemi and Akinseli (1995) and Adeyemi (1995) also empha- map the vertical and horizontal distribution of the profile devel-
sized the role of parent rock factor on index and moisture-density oped over the crystalline bedrocks. This has been combined with
relationship of subgrade soils developed over certain Precambrian geotechnical evaluation to elucidate the weathered profiles and the
parent rocks of Southwestern Nigeria. dominant parameters to develop a database for the stability of the
Adeyemi and Oyeyemi (2000) in a similar research identified a flexible highway pavements.
number of geotechnical properties peculiar to subgrade soils in the

2. Site description and geological setting

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (N.O. Adebisi), The Ago-Iwoye/Ishara highway is a very important road serving
(S.O. Ariyo). as a useful link between Lagos and other parts of the Southwestern
1464-343X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263 257

Nigeria. As shown in Fig. 1, it is located in a tropical area between for the geoelectrical survey were located based on the stable and
latitudes N06 560 eN06 580 and longitudes E003 510 eE003 540 . unstable locations on the road. An ABEM Terammeter SAS 300C was
Geologically, the area is part of the Precambrian Basement Com- used for 15 VES with electrode separation (AB/2) range of 1e100 m
plex, which according to Oyawoye (1972) is underlain by the to cover 5 locations. VES curves generated were used to construct
slightly Migmatized to Non-migmatized Meta-sedimentary and geo-electric sections for the profiles with their corresponding re-
Meta-igneous rocks (Fig. 2). sistivities and thicknesses.
Rahaman (1988) studied the occurrence and structural re- Furthermore, fifteen bulk samples from the subgrade soils were
lationships of the metamorphic history and evolution of the Base- obtained from five trial pits. Three samples from stable locations,
ment Complex rocks. Basement Complex rocks classification by and two samples from failed locations on the roads. Laboratory
Oyinloye's (2011) and Imasuen et al. (2013) also recognised the geotechnical tests carried out on the samples for this study are
Migmatized to Non-migmatized Meta-sedimentary and Meta- specific gravity, grain-size distribution, consistency limits,
igneous rock groups. moisture-density relationship and Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR).
The rocks had since been attacked by water that etched away These were based on test procedures in the British Standards BS:
the soluble components in the minerals (Gidigasu, 1974; Buol et al., 1337 (1990), Day (2001) and ASTM Standard D1557 (2009).
2003). The result of spontaneous weathering of such rocks under Direct measurements of Resistance values (R-values) and resil-
the influence of tropical climate, and its acids is a cross section of ient modulus (MR) require equipment that is not readily available to
laterised soils extending from the surface to the parent material. most laboratories in Nigeria. However, there are many CBR corre-
Adebisi (2010) further revealed that the profile developed over the lation equations between R-value and MR. A widely used empirical
crystalline rocks in the area varies in thickness. Fig. 3 is a good relationship developed by Heukelom and Klomp (1962) only for
representation of the profile development in the area. The top soil is fine-grained non-expansive soils with a soaked CBR of 10 or less.
underlain by residually-laterised soils whose grain-sizes vary in
color, and appear do increase with depth. MR ¼ ð1500Þ ðCBRÞ (1)
The 1993 AASHTO Guide offers some correlation equation be-
3. Methodology tween R-value and MR for fine-grained soils with R-values less than
or equal to 20. One interesting relationship between the R-value
This research was executed in three stages namely; reconnais- and resilient modulus is shown below:
sance field mapping, ground electrical resistivity survey and labo-
ratory testing of bulk (subgrade) soil samples. The fieldwork
MR ¼ ð1000Þ þ ð555ÞðR  valueÞ (2)
involved both geological and pedological survey with identification
of stable and failed locations on the studied road. The Vertical (VES) Moreover, these correlations were not established for directly
techniques as employed for the resistivity method. The VES stations relating R-value and CBR, but rather for estimating such

Fig. 1. Map of the part of Southwestern Nigeria showing the studied road/locations.
258 N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263

Fig. 2. Geological map of the part of Southwestern Nigeria showing the studied road/locations.

Fig. 3. Typical lateritic profile developed over a bedrock (a ¼ soil; b ¼ laterite, a regolith; c ¼ saprolite, a less-weathered regolith; d ¼ bedrock).

parameters. In this study, R-value and are estimated from CBR were Resistance values (R-values) and resilient modulus (MR) was
using Correlation Chart for Common Soil Tests (Van Til et al., 1972; estimated from existing correlations that link with CBR values us-
Hashiro, 2005). ing AASHO interim guide for design of pavement structures based
N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263 259

on Van Til et al. (1972). with H, HK, and HKH curve types. This is consistent with the
findings of Adelusi et al. (2009) and Alisiobi and Ako (2012) in the
4. Discussion of results determination of subsurface layers in the Basement Complex of
Southwestern Nigeria.
4.1. Electrical resistivity evaluation From traverse AA0 (VES 1, 2, 3; Fig. 4a) the profile consists of the
topsoil (resistivity range 103e205 Um and thickness range 0.6 and
The application of geophysics to successfully evaluate profiles 1.0 m), the weathered layer (resistivity range 34.7e602 Um and
developed over crystalline rocks requires a proper understanding of thickness range 1.0e43.5 m) and the basement (resistivity range
its geoelectrical characteristics (Telford et al., 1990). From the 615e4092 Um to a total depth of 50 m).
interpretation provided in Table 1, three major layers are delineated Traverse BB0 for the VES 4, 5 and 6 (Fig. 4b), reveals the topsoil

Table 1
Resistivity values and thicknesses from VES curves for profile description.

Site condition VES no. No. of layers Resistivity Thickness Depth Lithology Curve types

Unstable 1 1 179.2 0.6 0.6 Topsoil

2 98.5 1.4 1.9 Clay
3 362.0 3.3 5.2 Sandy clay HKH
4 34.7 16.1 21.3 Clay
5 615.3 e e Fractured bedrock
2 1 205.3 1.0 1.0 Topsoil
2 601.7 5.5 6.5 Laterite KH
3 153.2 43.5 50.0 Sand
4 4092.3 e e Fresh bedrock
3 1 163.0 0.9 0.9 Topsoil
2 150.1 1.1 1.9 Sandy clay HKH
3 351.4 4.1 6.0 Sand
4 107.3 15.0 21.0 Sandy clay
5 3010.1 e e Fresh bedrock
Stable 4 1 462.4 0.9 0.9 Topsoil
2 153.8 5.7 6.6 Sand clay HK
3 273.5 53.3 59.8 Sand
4 4200.9 e e Fresh bedrock
5 1 822.9 0.6 0.6 Topsoil
2 235.1 1.0 1.6 Sandy clay HKH
3 653.3 6.2 7.8 Sand
4 100.4 28.3 36.2 Clay
5 761.9 e e Fractured bedrock
6 1 23.2 0.6 0.6 Topsoil
2 111.3 1.3 1.8 Sandy clay KH
3 11.8 7.4 9.2 Clay
4 822.8 e e Fractured bedrock
Stable 7 1 666.4 0.9 0.9 Topsoil
2 144.3 3.4 4.3 Sandy clay H
3 1315.3 e e Fresh bedrock
8 1 181.8 1.0 1.0 Topsoil
2 343.7 3.4 4.4 Laterite KH
3 124.9 13.6 18.0 Sand
4 3478.1 e e Fresh bedrock
9 1 304.6 0.8 0.8 Topsoil
2 88.7 2.6 3.4 Clay HK
3 487.3 24.7 28.1 Sand
4 152.6 e e Fractured bedrock
Unstable 10 1 533.5 1.0 1.0 Topsoil
2 1094.5 2.1 3.1 Laterite KH
3 105.4 17.7 20.8 Sandy clay
4 9076.3 e e Fresh bedrock
11 1 1262.3 0.9 0.9 Topsoil
2 134.1 17.1 18.0 Sandy clay H
3 1193.4 e e Fresh bedrock
12 1 367.9 0.9 0.9 Topsoil
2 660.8 1.8 2.7 Laterite KH
3 163.8 11.4 14.1 Sand
4 1593.7 e e Fresh bedrock
Stable 13 1 185.6 1.5 1.5 Topsoil
2 49.4 7.3 8.7 Clay H
3 2744.1 e e Fresh bedrock
14 1 140.0 0.8 0.8 Topsoil
2 382.4 0.8 1.6 Laterite KH
3 57.0 7.4 9.0 Clay
4 1706.7 e e Fresh bedrock
15 1 179.1 0.8 0.8 Topsoil
2 534.3 1.9 2.8 Laterite KH
3 58.1 13.9 16.7 Clay
4 4839.4 e e Fresh bedrock
260 N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263

Fig. 4. aee. Geoelectric sections along locations 1, 2, 3 4 & 5.

with resistivity range of 23e823 Um and thickness range of gravity (GS ¼ 2.72) with less amount of clay (22.3%), and fall under
0.6e0.9 m. This is followed by a weathered layer composed of clay, group A-2-6 of American Association of State Highways and
sandy clay, laterite and sand with resistivity range of 112e653 Um Transport Officials (AASHTO) classification.
and thickness range of 1.0e53.3 m. The resistivity of the last layer The consistency is indirectly capable of revealing the clay
ranges from 762 to 4201 Um to bedrock varies between 9.2 m and mineralogy and shrink/swell potential of a soil (Carter and Bentley,
59.8 m at VES stations 6 and 4 respectively. 1991). Obviously, fine soil mixtures from (failed) locations 1 and 4
Traverse CC0 for the VES 7,8 and 9 in Fig. 4c shows the topsoil contained clay with higher plasticity index and linear shrinkage
resistivity ranging from 182 to 666 Um at thickness range of 0.8 and values than soil mixtures from (stable) locations 2, 3 and 5.
1.0 m. The next layer is weathered, and composed of laterite, sandy Based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), inorganic
clay, sand, and clay with resistivity range of 89e487 Um at clays of low to medium plasticity (CL-ML) with gravelly sand are
2.6e24.7 m. The basement bedrock has resistivity ranges from more commonly contained in the subgrade. Soil mixtures at stable
152.6 to 3478.1 Um with estimated depth varying from 4.3 to locations are predominantly kaolinitic clayey silts with fine sands,
28.1 m. Along traverse DD0 for the VES 10, 11, and 12 (Fig. 4d), the while illitic clays are present in the subgrades from the unstable
topsoil has resistivity values ranging between 368 and 1262 Um locations. It is apparent that the subgrade soils from locations 1 and
with thickness range of 0.9e1.0 m. This is underlain by a weathered 4 have excessive fines. Based on FMWH (1997) standard and Davis
layer of clayey sand having resistivity range of 105e1095 Um and (2008), such soils are susceptible to cyclically shrinking and
thickness range 1.8e17.7 m. The fresh basement has resistivity swelling, causing damage on a road (Fig. 7).
ranging from 1193 to 9076 Um to a depth of 20.8 m. Fig. 4e covers Subgrade soils are typically characterized by their bearing ca-
VES 13, 14, 15, with resistivity of the topsoil ranges between 140 and pacity. According to Das (2002) and McCarthy (2007) the resistance
186 Um and thickness of between 0.8 and 1.5 m. The second layer of a soil to deformation under load is usually a measure of its
which weathered layer has resistivity values of 49e382 Um and strength. The four basic strength characterizations used in this
thickness of 0.8e13.9 m. The last layer is a fresh bedrock with re- study are summarized in Table 3. They are Moisture-Density rela-
sistivity values that varies between 1707 and 4839 Um. It is noted tionship, Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR), Resistance Value (R-Value)
that the unstable locations of the road contain clay layers at shal- and Resilient Modulus (MR).
lower depth than those of the stable sections. Thus local geological For West African Level of compactive effort, soils from stable
condition plays an important role in the stability of roads. locations have higher Maximum Dry Densities (MDD) with lower
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) compared to soils from failed
locations. The highest density obtainable when the compaction was
5. Geotechnical consideration carried out on the subgrade soils at stable locations is 2090 kg/m3.
CBR values are related to soil classification in a way; however,
The success or failure of a pavement is more often dependent they depend not only on soil type but also on density and moisture
upon the index properties of the underlying subgrade soils. On the content. These need be fathom into plans when correlating CBR
basis of shape, grading curves displayed in Figs. 5 and 6, for soils with soil classification. It was noted that the soaked (3.08e3.95%)
from stable and failed locations cover a wide range of log cycles and unsoaked (5.57e6.55%) CBR values of samples from stable lo-
indicating well-graded soils. Although soils from both stable and cations are higher than those from failed locations soaked CBR
failed locations of the road can be rated as good to fair subgrade range of 2.13e2.60% and unsoaked CBR range of 4.50e7.05%).
materials, however soils those from the stable locations are much The knowledge of resistance value (R-value) and resilient
better graded than those from failed sections. modulus (MR) of soils are of major importance, whether the flexible
The specific gravity, consistency and grain-size distribution of pavements projects are in the stage of design, construction or
the subgrade soils summarized in Table 2 is an easy transition from compaction check.
the laboratory to basic predictions of soil engineering performance. Soils from failed sections have lower MR and R-values than soils
It can be seen that soils from stable locations have higher specific
N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263 261


Fine Medium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse


Percentage passing (%) 70


50 L1, @ 0.2m
40 L1, @ 0.4m
L1, @ 0.6m



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Grain-size (mm)
Fig. 5. Selected grading curves for the soils sampled in Pit 1(Failed location).


Fine Medium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse



Percentage passing(%)



50 L5, @ 0.4m

40 L5, @ 0.6m
L5, @ 0.7m



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Grain size(mm)

Fig. 6. Selected grading curves for the soils sampled in Pit 5(Stable location).

from stable sections. One very noticeable thing is that subgrade solution to meet design reliability.
soils under unsoaked condition have higher CBR, MR and R-values
compared to those tested under soaked condition. The soaked CBR
6. Summary and conclusion
values so far obtained revealed that subgrade soils at locations 1
and 4 are capable of undergoing some amount of volume change if
Soil solids typically encountered in the subgrades of South-
exposed to excessive moisture. For more effective design regarding
western Nigeria were studied by their grain-size distributions,
target reliability the R-value and MR were evaluated to express the
specific gravity consistency, and moisture-density relationship.
subgrade variability. An assessment of lowest R-value (11.0) and MR
Ground surface electrical resistivity surveying and test pits revealed
(22.08 kN/m2) for making the decision of subgrade performance
clayey content in the subgrade of the laterised overburden. There
shows that increasing the R-value and MR will always be the proper
exist significant differences in the depth and thickness of the
262 N.O. Adebisi et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 119 (2016) 256e263

Table 2
Index properties of the studied soils.

Road Pit Depth Specific gravity Size distribution Consistency USCS AASHTO Activity Inferred clay
condition no. (m) (GS) range classification classification of clay mineral
Average clay-sized Average Plasticity index Linear shrinkage
particles % fines % range (IP) % range (LS) %

Failed L1 0.2e0.6 2.62e2.67 32.0 62.4 20.8e30.1 8.14e12.5 CL A-2-7 0.81 Illite
Stable L2 0.3e0.6 2.68e2.72 22.3 48.6 19.2e21.0 5.14e7.0 ML A-2-6 0.63 Kaolinite
Stable L3 0.55e0.9 2.61e2.66 20.3 36.4 10.0e19.5 5.27e7.71 ML A-2-6 0.74 Kaolinite
Failed L4 0.4e0.7 2.64e2.68 36.0 58.7 19.0e26.0 9.29e14.0 CL A-2-7 0.89 Illite
Stable L5 0.4e0.7 2.64e2.66 13.3 36.9 7.0e11.5 2.86e4.29 ML A-2-6 0.66 Kaolinite

USCS- Unified Soil Classification System.

AASHTO- American Association of State Highways and Transport Officials.





PlasƟcity Index (IP) %


Stable LocaƟons
NH or OH
Failed LocaƟons


ML or OL

0 20 40 60 80 100
Liquid Limit (LL) %

Fig. 7. Casagrande chart for fines classification.

Table 3
Strength properties of the studied soils.

Road Pit Depth Compaction @West African level Califonia bearing ratio (CBR) % and estimated modulus of elasticity
condition no. (m)
Maximum dry density Optimum moisture Soaked Resistance value Resilient modulus Unsoaked Resistance value Resilient modulus
(MDD) kg/m3 content (OMC) % CBR % (R-Value) MR (kN/m2) CBR % (R-Value) MR (kN/m2)

Failed L1 0.2e0.6 2020 14.3 2.60 15.3 25.53 4.80 28.0 38.64
Stable L2 0.3e0.6 2090 9.5 3.08 18.0 28.64 5.57 31.0 43.47
Stable L3 0.55e0.9 2083 9.27 3.72 23.0 32.43 6.55 34.0 49.68
Failed L4 0.4e0.7 2070 11.57 2.13 11.0 22.08 4.05 28.5 38.75
Stable L5 0.4e0.7 2108 8.3 3.95 23.5 33.81 6.09 32.0 46.23

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