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Khaled 1

Khaled Mohsen Ali Zakri

Professor: Abdullah Mansour


February 15,2022

Case Study “Ethical” Issues


Susan, a 20-year veteran of the HIM department, began her career as a HIM Specialist.
She has always been a strong supporter of the facility she works in, and shares her enthusiasm with
friends and family by telling great stories about her experiences, promotions within the department, and even
about some of the notable patients. Recently promoted to Supervisor of EMR Coordinators, she is
clearly proud of this latest achievement in her career at the facility. During her lunch break, she had the
opportunity to meet a patient at the facility, who also happened to be a well-known and helpful
longtime artist. Susan is so excited In exchange for her interview with this media icon, she takes his
picture with her cell phone. Then she shared the photos with her co-workers, and the next day she posted them
on her social media. The next day, on her way home, she met her friend Maya, and she told her about
the photos she had published with the famous artist in the hospital, and she told her what he was suffering
from, and her friend Maya introduced a celebrity. Well, I was invited to a party that night. So I told
Susan that this artist would be willing to see you come with me, and Susan agreed to go with her to the
party to check on the patient.
When they arrived, Susan saw the patient talking to his friends, so she went to him to check on his health, and
he did not want anyone to know that he had gone to the hospital. She saluted him and said since you came to
the party as soon as you got out of the hospital, you are in good health.
His friends said, did he go to the hospital? Susan told them, yes, he was in our hospital yesterday,
and he meant several diseases, so the famous artist got angry with her, although Susan did not mean that.
to violate his privacy( Rubin)

Is There An Ethical Breach, Dilemma Or Concern?

In this particular scenario, there is certainly concern and A moral breach. No patient regardless of Especially
from this stature, he has the right to heal in an unobtrusive manner. This patient may feel that there is no
longer a place to go to recover in peace. Although it is exciting to meet celebrities, it is also important that
HIM practitioners remain professional and respect the individual's right to privacy And that they do not tell
any of their relatives or friends about the patients who are in their hospital or what they suffer, and that they
respect their privacy, whatever it is.

Khaled 2

Works Cited

1. What Actions Of An AHIMA Member Led To An Unethical Allegation?

o By taking a picture of the patient and posting it on her social media.
o Telling her friend about his presence in the hospital and telling her what he suffers from .
o Telling his friends that he suffers from diseases and that he was in the hospital yesterday.
She violated AHIMA Code of Ethics. While this act may be unintentional, the consequences may be
Unintentionally causing harm.

2. What AHIMA Code Of Ethics Has Been Breached?

The principles that this member may have violated include:
Principle 1. Defending, supporting and defending the consumer's right to privacy and the principle of
confidentiality in the use and disclosure of information.
Principle 3. Preserve, protect and secure personal health information in any form or form Medium and carry in
the highest degree of consideration health information and other information from a Confidential in nature,
obtained in an official capacity, subject to what applies Bylaws and regulations.
Principle Five: Use technology, data and information resources in the way they are intended to be used.

3. What Is The Potential Harm To The Organization As A Result Of The Act?

Potential harm could include, but is not limited to, violation of the privacy rules of the Office of Civil
Rights, which damages the reputation of the company, and since the patient is the beneficiary, this has
financial implications.

4. What Is The Status Of Training, Education And Awareness For An AHIMA Member AHIMA Code
Of Ethics?
While not specified in the scenario, as a member of AHIMA, the members are expected to be Be aware
of and adhere to the Code of Ethics.
Decision: Each organization will have to craft its own policies, practices, and procedures in line with its own
culture. For some, this means zero tolerance for any related activities, because this professional is in a position
where you should know them. For others, the approach may be that since this is an excellent employee with
an excellent history, she should be redirected through education and training. Perhaps the mandatory
completion of this self-assessment tool, reading some literature on this topic, adding routine pedagogical
topics to the records of the internal educational employee in order. ( Childress JF.)

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