Planning Commission Adopts Seadip

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Planners adopt SEADIP despite two protests

By James Leavy ers and members of the city plan-

Marina Pacific a developers oppose limit on construction ning staff.
Members of the commission
SEADIP, the official plan for voted unanimously to certify 1be
the development of ),5w acres in right to build 1,700 unite under Grindle said, "The middle in- G r i n d l e suggested the residential use and 85 acres are Environmental Impact Report.
southeast Long Beach, was adopted provisions of the building permits come group has been left behind, Transportation Department give designated for business, park and They passed one resolution approv-
by members of the planning com- which have been issued. for some time." But he expressed the land to the city for a park. office building construction. ing and adopting an amendment to
mission Thursday following a pub- He described the "overall im- doubt that the price of the units With only minor changes the 60- He pointed out that $8.4 million the general plan and another adopt-
lic hearing at which two protests pact" of low density zoning on the would go down if the commission page plan was adopted. It covers in annual income would be pro- ing specific objectives, controls and
were lodged. availability of housing for middle allowed higher density on the the development of an area gener- vided the city beyond the cost of standards as the official guide-for
Representatives of Marina Pa income families. The restriction, he property. ally south of Seventh Street and providing'services to the area. The the development of the area.
cifica opposed the zoning changes asserted, "forecloses the possibility An attorney for the California east of Marine Stadium. development would produce 3,500
which would reduce the density of of building units in a reasonable Department of Transportation said Heralded as a new community new jobs in Long Beach, he said. The commission schedule^ a
housing. Developers originally market range for middle income there was confusion in the plan within Long Beach, with a "Naples- SEADIP committee chair- public hearing May 12 on the cky's
planned 1,700 units. They built 540. persons." involving land owned by the depart- like" development concept, SEA- woman Jan Hall and members of first planned development district:
The SEADIP plan allow for the Commission vice chairman ment. Michael J. Hanna told com- DIP proposes the construction of her committee were commended The addition of the new zoning dis-
construction of only 453 units on the John Grindle inquired about that missioners department property 2,900 new homes for more than by Paternoster and the commission trict would simplify procedures for
54 acres yet to be developed in the market range and Farley told him bad been designated at once "open 7,000 persons. for her work. She praised members developers, according to Pater*
Marina Pacifica complex. it included homes from $80,000 to space" and "developable." He pro- In outlining the plan for the of the committee for resolving most noster, and it would make policies
Jerome Farley, attorney for $100,000 in Orange County. Farley tested the low density zoning pro- commission and those who at- conflict situations and said, "This and controls presented in the SEA-
Southern California Financial said building houses in that price posed for one parcel and said the tended the hearings, Planning process should be applied to other DIP plan part of tjje zoning law. %
Corp., the general partner in the range while limited to 453 units on commission action might cause a Director Robert Paternoster said areas of Long Beach." The final
Marina Pacifica, told commission- the remaining Marina Pacifica par- reduction of the value of land pur- 440 acres of the remaining unde- plan came as a result of compro-
ers the firm believes it has a vested cel is "out of the question." chased with taxoayer's money. veloped land would be devoted to mise among homeowners, develop- (Turn to Page B-5, Col. 1) •;.?


Chief Kortz retires

L.B.'s street cop
with a soft heart tration in 1965, assistant chief in
By Robert Gore
SttSI Writer 1971 and chief in 1975.
"I'm not important enough — While a young officer raising
you don't want to interview me." three sons who are now grown,
That was all Long Beach Police Kortz built his own house on the
Chief Ralph G. Kortz, 67, had to Westside. He now lives in East
say about his upcoming retirement Long Beach.
Loading platform for new "Space Mountain" ride at Disneyland where begins a trip irough galaxies of stars Chief for just two years, Kortz As a homicide detective, Kortz
-Staff Photos by ROGER COAR guided LBPD through its most was involved in two widely publi-
turbulent period, according to most cized cases. The first began when

Disneyland's 'Space Mountain9 readied

veteran officers. an unidentified man shot and killed
The community, led by State another unidentified man in a cen-
Sen. George Deukmejian,' R-Long tral area bar in 1946.
Beach, will honor Kortz at a retire-
ment dinner tonight at the Golden (Turn to Page B-4, Col. I)
By Bob Sanders restaurant and a so-called "space- The park will begin presenting through flashing flourescent tun- Sails Inn.
Stall Writer age" arcade featuring electronic original shows on the new stage nels. Leaving the department after
Disneyland is getting ready to
open its newest attraction — ;.a
$20-million '.'Space Mountain"
game machines. •
The Space Mountain ride,
which was premiered for the
. June 15.
The ride itself, which is 3,500-
feet long, is a thrilling experience.
From the top of the track the
"rocket" bolts, twisting and turn-
ing, through "galaxies" of fast-
42 years, Kortz was most recently
directing the massive reorganiza-
tion of the patrol force. It is a move
Calkins to
ride that simulates a trip through press Thursday, will be open to With the usual Disney "atmos- moving stars and cloud-like ne- that will involve half the total
outer space at what seems to be
— but is not — terrific speeds.
the public Monday — at least on a
part-time basis while construction
phere" approach, the potential
space rider walks through a
bulae at breath-taking, intestine-
turning speeds.
Actually the top speed on the
sworn personnel.
He was chief when city govern- head police
The new complex — the origi- on the rest of the project is com- series of dim-lit, dark green, ment was hit by one investigation
ride is 32 mph.
nal of which opened at Florida's
Disney World in 1975 and is billed
as the "most popular attraction"
pleted. The entire complex is
scheduled to open May 27.
According to Disney officials,
metal-walled corridors to arrive
at "his" or "her" 12-passenger
"rocket." In the semi-darkness of
after another, when his department
was hurt by what came to be
known as the Red Mill Riot. That
there — took two years to build the amphitheater will feature the Once herded into the psuedo- "space" with the stars moving incident, involving a downtown con- Carl Calkins, w h o ' w a s ap:
and, when finished by the end of first "permanent" stage in the machine and held in the seat by a quickly around, the rider can frontation between a group of off- pointed assistant police chief last
May, will include a 1,000-seat park, the others all being classi- metal bar, the rider begins his hardly avoid the sensation of duty .officers celebrating a pending year, has been named acting chief
amphitheater, a 650-seat fast-food fied as ".temporary." trip with a series of upgrades spaceflight. marriage and on-duty vice detec- by Long Beach City Manager John
tives, resulted in the dismissal of Dever, effective Sunday. '.
three officers. Calkins served 20 years on the
Kortz was a unique man as Los Angeles police force until 1974,
chief: A street cop who could quote when he became director of com-
political philosopher Rousseau. An. munity safety for the City of Car-
intimidating desk-pounding admin- son.
istrator who, according to those When he was named assistant
who are close to him, has a soft chief in Long Beach, it was under;
heart. stood that he would eventually suc-
He fumed at federal regulations ceed Chief Ralph Kortz, who retires
requiring more and more.officers Saturday.
to spend time on paperwork. But, as one city 'official said
Thursday, the understanding was
Born in Chicago, Kortz moved with former City Manager John
to Long Beach when he was 11 and Mansell's administration and -did
attended Poly High School and not bind the administration of
Long Beach City College. He joined Dever, who has thrown the job
the police force in November. 1934. open to national competition.
The city will stop taking appli-
He was promoted to detective cations for the job Saturday; and
inspector (sergeant) in 1943, lieuten- after the initial screening process,
ant in 1955, captain in 1961, first the new chief will be chosen by
Disneyland employee Paul Bielat presides over Mission Control for new Disneyland space center to open May 27 deputy chief in charge of adminis- Dever.

For L.B.-Hawaiian Gardens

I,P-T subscriber Head Start sponsor souglit
payments due ByJoeSegura Development, at an informal gath- E. Anaheim St.; the Jim Pugh
Stall Writer ering of Head Start staffers at the Multicultural-Educational-Psycho-
Monthly payments for A search for a new sponsor for Carmelitos Center Head Start logical Resource Center, 5175 E.
home delivery subscribers to the Long Beach-Hawaiian Gardens School, 5250 Via Passilb. • . Pacific Coast Highway; Helpline
the Independent or Press Tele- community Head Start program "Our priority," Monica told the Youth Counseling Center, 17117
gram are now due. that serves about 480 day-care chil- gathering, "is to see that there is Clark Ave., Bellflower, and Public
dren was officially launched Thurs- no interruption in the program." Health Foundation in Los Angeles.
To make payment easier, day. According to Monica, HEW During his presentation Mon-
you will find a convenient mail The Head Start program was plans to select a replacement spon- day, Monica indicated priorities
.back envelope inside your formerly sponsored by the mori- soring organization by June 24 to might be given to an agency that
'newspaper, indicating the bund Long Beach Commission on prepare to take over management had prior Head Start funding since
. amount and date due. Economic Opportunities (LBCEO), of 24 pre-school classes now con- 1975.
which legally ends that function ducted on a $755,088 budget at 10 That disclosure, according to
Newspaper distributors are Aug. 30. sites by three separate delegate Linda Scarlino, director of the
' independent contractors in Announcement of the search agencies. Hawaiian Gardens Community Ac-
business for themselves and was made by George Monica, west- . Several groups have indicated tion Council Head Start, 22200 Nor-
rely on prompt payment. ern field operations chief of the an interest in administering the walk Blvd., has prompted that
Department of Health, Education program, including the East Long council to new consideration of sub- CHIEF RALPH KORTZ
IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIHHIHHmiHUIHHIIHHMIMmWII and Welfare's Office of Child Beach Neighborhood Center, 2338 mitting an application. ACTING CHIEF CALKINS

It began several months with a visit to City Hall where they will continue their advanced studies for United States. Eve got her way in the Garden of
of three gracious Japanese-American women, Mrs. one month in the cities of Tokyo and Kyoto. Eden, and I suspect Mama Floral-san will get hers in
Rika Yamamoto, Mrs. Wake Nishida and Mrs. Mine I'm sure their visit to Japan will result in even the hothouse and in the principal's chair at the flower
arrangement schools.
People Talk Utsunomiya, all Long Beach residents. They brought
with them flowers from their own gardens, and in the
more beautiful Monday mornings at Civic Center
Plaza, where statesmanship and the buds of spring
space of a few minutes they had turned the office of flower in a riot of color. • SO, BOUQUETS to Mrs.. Yamamoto, Mrs.
F.C. Anderson mayor and council into a work of floral art. The art of flower arranging was introduced into Nishida and Mrs. Utsunomiya, for gracing City Hall
The three women say it with flowers each and Japan early in the 7th Century by Ono-No-imoko, with their art. But scallions to the little merchant of
every Monday morning. Their service is voluntary, Japan's ambassador to China. The ambassador the streets who sold me flowers for my wife on
with no thought of personal recognition. promptly founded his nation's first school of floral Easter.
Mayor Clark thinks the public should know about art. r I encountered the lad in Los Alamitos. He had
THE EXQUISITE Japanese art of flower ar- ' them and their good works, and I concur. It's refresh- In the schools one could learn much about two prices for his flowers—$5 for the big bunch, $S for
rangement derived from the ancient custom of offer- ing to find there are citizens who go to City Hall with flowers and even more about male chauvinism. For the small bunch. Since I was the Easter Bunny and
ing flowers to the Buddha, in Long Beach, the latter- hands that wish to give and not receive. centuries floral arrangement was primarily a male not the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, I opted for
day beneficiaries of such floral tributes are Mayor preserve, an avocation of Buddhist priests, Samurai the $3 bunch.
Thomas J. Clark and members of the City Council. warriors and the nobility. The feminists got a break I concluded the transaction and was nearing my
This indicates that our City Fathers (and Moth- OUR GRACIOUS ladies of the flowers are about after the Meiji restoration, and by the beginning of car, a block down the street, when the tod yelled at
ers) are in distinguished historical company. Mayor to leave us for a little while. On Saturday they will the 20th Century, women were well represented in the me.
Clark and the council do not invest themselves with travel to San Francisco to visit the main office of the art. "What's the matter, Pops, ain't your old lady
godlike qualities but they are deeply appreciative of Ikenobo Ikebana Society, long famous for its art of Even so, the men continued to head most of the worth $5?"
the floral honors bestowed on them each Monday, flower arranging. In San Francisco they will join ' principal floral arrangement schools. They still do. I didn't reply. How can a man put a price tag on
morning. other students of the society in a flight to Japan, But the times they are a-changing, in Japan as in the 31 years of pure gold?

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