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Quarter 2 – Week 3
Accepting Other People’s Individuality
Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g. stereotypes
(gender, age, cultural), opinions on an issue

In answering this module, it is important to read the directions carefully.

1. Read each question.

2. Understand each text or contents by focusing on the lesson.

3. Take time to write down all the important information that you have learned.

4. Answer all the questions.

5. Ask your guardians/parents to help you in checking your answers.

6. Enjoy learning

Today, you will learn how to examine images which present particular viewpoints, on

gender stereotypes. The effects of it and the importance of breaking gender stereotypes

in respecting each other’s individuality.

A. DIRECTIONS : Read out the following list and put a if you think

it’s a girl thing and an if you think it’s a boy thing or vice versa.

1. ________ Rescuing 6._________ Cleaning

2._________ Teacher 7.__________ Cooking

3._________ Pink 8. __________ Cars

4._________ Nurse 9. __________ blue

5. _________ Diet drinks 10 ___________Engineer_

B. . Review:

• What is the meaning of Point of View?

• Give an example of Point of View.

C.. Read:

Are you a girl or a boy? Gender is the state of being boy or girl.

When you were young you were already given so many expectations on

how a boy or a girl should act.

Girls Boys
Cries a lot Rarely Cries

Caring Uncaring

Gentle Tough

Considerate Blunt

Home Oriented Worldly

Based on your own experience, share your other ideas, about how a boy

and a girl should act according to your community standards.

The photos above are examples of Gender Stereotypes. Gender

Stereotypes are society’s expectations of a person’s actions or behaviors

based on his or her gender. Examples: Men are strong and aggressive.

Women are kind and caring.

There Are Four Kinds of Gender Stereotypes:

Personality Traits: An example of this is when women are expected to be

sensitive while men are expected to be tough.

Home behaviors: An example of this is when women are expected to take

care of the children, cook, and clean the house, while men are expected to

do home repairs.

Jobs: Some people think that teachers and caregivers are women, while

doctors and engineers are men.

Physical Looks: Women are expected to be thin, graceful and wear

dresses, while men are expected to be strong, tall and wear jeans.

Gender Stereotypes comes from local culture and tradition. Your gender

behavior is learned through your parents, friends, media and school. But

Gender stereotypes

have harmful effect on all genders, as a child like you, you are regularly

exposed to messages on how boys and girls should look and behave.

Gender stereotypes are harmful because they don’t allow people to be

It’s harmful for males to cry or to express sensitive emotions.
It’s harmful for women to be independent.

DIRECTIONS : Look at the following photos. Put a check on the line if

the main cartoon character in the movie breaks gender stereotype and

write if it does not break gender stereotype. Write your answer after

each number.

1. ________________________ 2. _________________________

3. _____________ 4. _________________ 5. ____________

Is learning Gender Stereotypes important?

DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following questions. Write your
answer on the blank
1.Does learning about Gender stereotypes helps you in understanding

other person’s individuality?


2. What are the effects of gender stereotyping to you? Can jobs like

caregiver, nurse and cook applicable to any gender?__________________


Learning about Gender Stereotyping is important because it opens

your mind on how the society sees you. It also tells you about other

peoples’ expectation of your behavior based on your gender. But you

should break it. Let your self be unlocked to the society’s thinking. Feel

free to express what you think and feel as long as you will not violate other

people’s right and freedom. Improve yourself and be the best person that

you can be.

Accepting Other People’s Individuality

DIRECTIONS: Write your understanding about Gender Stereotypes by

answering the ques questions inside the box.

Gender Stereotypes helps me to understand about


What are other ways of breaking Gender Stereotypes?


DIRECTIONS :Look at the following pictures. Put a check (/) on the job that
breaks gender stereotype. Write your answer before each number.

Nurse Mark Lester Perez

Chef Boy Logro


Triathlete Kim Mangrobang


Weighlifter Hidilyn Diaz

Teacher Efren Penaflorida

Quarter 2 – Week 3
Aceepting Other People’s Individuality


Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g. stereotypes (gender, age, cultural),
opinions on an issue


Name: _______________________________Grade V Section: ________

DIRECTIONS : Read out the following list and put a if you think it’s a

girl thing and an if you think it’s a boy thing or vice versa.

1. ________ 6._________

2. _________ 7.__________

3. _________ 8. __________

4 ._________ 9. __________

5. _________ 10 ___________

DIRECTIONS: Look at the following photos. Put a check on the line if the main

cartoon character in the movie breaks gender stereotype and write if it does not

break gender stereotype. Write your answer after each number.

1. _____________ 4. _______________
2. _____________ 5. ______________

3. _____________

DIRECTIONS : Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on the
1. __________________________________________________________

2. ________________________ __________________________________

Why ? _______________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Write your understanding about Gender Stereotypes by answering the

questions inside the box.

Gender Stereotypes helps me to understand about


What are other ways of breaking Gender Stereotypes?


DIRECTIONS: Look at the following pictures. Put a check on the job that breaks
gender stereotype. Write your answer before each number.
1. ___________ 3. ____________ 5. __________
2. ___________ 4. ____________

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