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Week 3

Recourses: Web
Touchstone work book

Nota: Recuerda que puedes realizar tu tarea en formato digital o en

formato de tu preferencia.


1. Video: Speaking. Este punto tiene el valor del 50% de esta

actividad. (2.5)
A. Debes presentar un vídeo de máximo 3 minutos a partir de las
siguientes indicaciones:
- Escoge dos puntos de esta actividad y explica ¿Cómo la
- Realiza 8 oraciones propias (oraciones en inglés) teniendo en
cuenta los temas de la semana.
Sustenta esta actividad en inglés desde el inicio hasta el final del
vídeo, si es necesario puedes hacer pequeñas intervenciones en
español. (Uso de los recursos TIC´S)
Recuerda que debes ser tú el protagonista del vídeo.
Puedes cargarlo en la plataforma de tu preferencia (Youtube, Drive,
B. Comparte el link aquí:

We can use WISH/ IF ONLY +

SUBJECT + PAST SIMPLE to express I’m so weak - I wish I wasn’t/weren’t so weak.
regrets about the present (to say that we I wish I was/were stronger.
would like something to be different).

2. Look at each situation and decide if it describes a past or a

present situation. Then write a sentence using either "wish" or "if

I am too fat --> I wish I wasn't so fat. (PRESENT)

I didn't pass my exam --> If only I had passed my exam.

1. I am not very tall.

___I wish I was taller. _(PRESENT)_____________________

2. I didn't learn English when I was younger.

___If only I had learned English when I was younger._(PAST)______

3. I can't speak perfect English.

__I wish I could speak English well._(PRESENTE)________________

4. I don't go out with Britney Spears/Brad Pitt.

__I wish he dated Britney Spears/Brad Pitt._(PRESENT)___________

5. My tennis serve is useless.

__I wish my tennis serve wasn't useless. (PRESENT)____________

6. I didn't sleep very well last night.

__If only i had slept well last night.__(PAST)____________________

7. I got really badly sunburnt on the beach last summer.

If only I had worn sunscreen, I wouldn't have burned so much. (PAST)

8. My nose is too big.

___I wish my nose was smaller.__(PRESENT)___________________

9. I'm not the best student in the class.

__I wish I was the best student in the class.__(PRESENT)_________

10. I didn't go out with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

_If only I had gone out with my friends to the disco-bar._(PAST)___

3. What are these people wishing for?

Match the pictures with their thoughe4rts and rewrite the
sentences with If only . . .

1. I’m late for 2. I can’t hear 3. My shoes 4. My knee

work again. you. smell so badly. hurts so much.

5. I can’t open 6. I don’t feel 7. I don’t have

this door. better today. any money. 8. I don’t know
what to wear.

9. I have to 12. It’s so hot

work till late. 10. I keep 11. I miss her today.
getting lost. so much.

1. . If only I wasn’t / weren’t late for work again.

2. _If only I can hear you_______________________________
3. _If only my shoes smelled good________________________
4. _If only my knee didn’t hurt.__________________________
5. _If only I could open this_____________________________
6. _If only I felt better today____________________________
7. _if I only had one___________________________________
8. _If only I knew what to do____________________________
9. _If only I didn’t have to work late______________________
10. _If only I didn’t keep losing__________________________
11. _If only I don’t miss her a lot_________________________
12. _If only it wasn’t so hot today________________________

4. Complete the wishes and regrets in the second sentence.

a. My friends are on Holiday, but I’m not.
I wish I was with my friends.

b. I want to buy a new car, but I don’t have enough money

If only I had money to buy a new car.

c. I can’t go out tonight because have to do my homework.

I wish I finished do my homework.

d. I want to go on holiday. But I have to work

If only I didn't have to go to work

e. I can’t remember the answer.

I wish I remembered the answer.

Te invito a participar de la siguiente auto evaluación.

Ítem ! ¿Por qué?


He leído el material de estudio antes de

iniciar con la actividad.

He preguntado a la tutora las dudas que

han surgido con el material de estudio o
con la actividad

Los temas de la semana los he

He buscado las palabras desconocidas en
el diccionario

¿La pasas bien en el material de apoyo?

¿Te diviertes? ¿Encuentras siempre algo
interesante aunque el tema del día sea
algo extenso?
He presentado esta actividad a tiempo
(si no es así por favor indicar que

La tutora ha respondido oportunamente

mis mensajes (consultorio, Skype,
mensajero plataforma.)

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la


Has socializado la actividad con algún

compañero de curso.
¿Participaste activamente del chat
English Apps: Recuerda hacer uso de las
siguientes apps para fortalecer el proceso
aprendizaje del idioma. ¡Cada semana
puedes utilizar una app diferente, animo!
1: British Council:
2. Duolingo:
4. Voxy:
5. ABA English:
6.Lingo Deer: https://
7: Beelingo:
8: Wordbit: https://wordbit-
9. Learn match:
10. Johnny Grammar Word Challenge:

¿Cuéntanos que actividad realizaste en

alguna de las apps? ¿Te gusto o no?

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