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Easy solve guide

master the cube!

Author: Cameron Brown,

Get familiar with the cube
Center pieces ha ve one
color each and do N OT Fr
= = Layer Fr
= = Layer
o nt o nt
move. There are six center
Edges ha ve t wo colors per
= = Layer
= = Layer
piece. There are t welve o nt o nt
edge pieces.

= = = =
Corners ha ve three colors Back
per piece. There are eight Layer Clockwise
edge pieces. Fr Fr
o nt o nt

If a w hite sticke r is fli pped

Solving the White Cross hold t he yellow center on
You so lved t he w hite cross !
Ensure that t he w hite edges
Start by c reating th e fl ower on the U face and the fip ped match all four center pie ces.
the U fa ce. Plac e four white edge Fr
o nt edge on the F fa ce. After completing the fl ower, turn
pieces in any order a round the
yellow center igno ring the pos ition
the U layer until the s ec ond color Solving the White Corners
of a whit e edge matc hes with a
of t he c orner pie ces. Hold the cube s o t hat t he
ce nter piece and h old it a s shown
below. Perform the alg orithm below white center is t he D fa ce
and repeat until th ere a re no whit e and the yellow center is t he
edges a round the yellow c enter. U fac e.
To m ove a white sticker
to t he r ed location hold Turn the U layer until a whit e
Creating t he fl ower is mostly the cube a s shown and corner is in the position
intuitive but here a re t wo tips t hat Fr perform t he following Fr highlighted in red .
o nt Fr o
will help make it ea sier! algorithm. 2 on 3 nt 4
1 t

Mak e sure that the ot her t wo

colors of the corner mat ch
The corn er is n ow in t he Solving the Second Layer Hold the match ed edge on the F fac e
solved position . so that it forms an u pside d own T
with t he t wo c enters t hat Hold the cub e so t hat th e
Fr Fr white cent er is the D fac e (shown below). Identify the s econd
o nt the c orner is in b etween. o nt Repeat diagram 5 until al l
and the yellow c enter is th e color on the match ed edge and check
white co rners a re in th e
If th e col ors d o no mat ch Fr
on U fac e. if it ne eds to m ove to the l eft o r right
solved position . If the re is a t
(left imag e), turn the U layer slot. In this example, the se cond color
white co rner in an un solved
until you find a w hite corner Find an edge piece on th e is o range which ne eds to g o to the l eft
Fr position on th e D l ayer you
o nt that matc hes. U layer that do es not ha ve slot sinc e the o range center is on th e
Fr can us e the algo rithm f rom
o nt Fr a yellow sticker. Left face .
This alg orithm will move the corner diagram 5 ( one time) to bring on
into t he sol ved pos ition. Repe at thi s it to th e U layer and th en Turn the U layer until the
algorit hm until the corner is so lved. proceed as n ormal. edge piece mat ches with a
center piece. In this e xample
The white layer should now the blue sticker on th e edg e
5 be sol ved. 6 Fr
matches with the blue c enter. Left S wap Right Swap 8

9 Right Swap 10 Flipped Edge

o nt
o nt
t Continue
on next
If an edge piece is in the co rrect slot
but needs to be fli pped, hold th e cube
as shown ab ove and us e the Right
Swap algo rithm. This will m ove the
edge to the U l ayer and all ow you to
resume f rom diag ram 7. This can al so
be used to b ring an in correctly plac ed
edge to the U l ayer.
Solving the Yellow Cross After completing the algo rithm, turn
the U layer to mat ch up t he sol ved
After completing the s econd layer you
yellow edges and sta rt again fr om
will ha ve one of t he following patterns Fr
o o
nt nt diagram 14 until all yellow edges ar e
on the U fa ce:
All yellow (Case 1 ) (Case 2 ) in the solved position.
edges s olved Two yellow Two yellow
edges s olved edges s olved
Repe at diagram 12 until you have Turn the U layer to mat ch up s olved
Fr Fr the yellow cros s on t he U fa ce .
o nt o nt edges and id entify which cas e you
have. If all yellow edges ar e sol ved,
If you have t he yellow cross , move o n After completing the yellow cross
move on to diagram 16. If you have
to diagram 14. If you have any other you will n ee d to turn the U layer to
no solved yellow edges or case 1
case hold the cube a s shown ab ove check to s ee if all yellow edges a re
or 2 us e the algo rithm on diag ram
to mat ch your case and u se t he in the s olved p os ition, if t wo a re
15 while holding the cube a s
algorithm on diagram 13. 12 solved, or if n one a re s olved. 13 14 15
shown ab ove.

Solving the Yellow Corners (Case 4) On e solved corner, After moving an unsol ved
other corners in the correct corner to th e red location ,
Rotate t he entire cube while keep ing
location but n ee d to b e fli pped. Fr use the following algo rithm
the yellow center a s your U fa ce an d o nt on
Fr t until the unsol ved corner
chec k to se e w hich case you have:
(Cas e 5) If non e of t he yellow corners bec omes solved. It m ay tak e mo re
are in the correct location u se the than one exec ution of t he algo rithm
algorithm on diagram 18 to g et to for the corner to solve and if t he cub e
one of th e case s and procee d fr om Now all of th e yellow corners should looks s crambled aft er the c orner is
Fr Fr Fr
ont o nt o
nt diagram 1 6. For case 1 and 3, h old be in the correc t lo cation but some solved don ’t worry it is no rmal!
(Case 1) (Case 2) (Case 3 ) the cube as s hown and us e t he may nee d to b e fli pped to b e sol ved.
One c orner All corners One s olved algorithm on diagram 18 to move the Turn the U layer to m ove an uns olved
in the c orrect in the correct corner
yellow corners in to the correc t corner into th e location hig hlighted
locati on but locati on but in red on diag ram 19 .
needs to b e need to b e location. For cas e 2 and 4, procee d
flippe d flippe d 16 to diagram 1 8. 17 18 19

After th e c orner is so lved, be sure to Mos t spee dcubes have the same
keep holding the cube f rom the same color ar rangement a s b elow with
position and tu rn the U layer to move white opposite yellow, orange
another unsolved corner into the red
location and r epeat t he alg orithm
opposite red, g reen oppos ite blue.
If the c olors on your cube d o not
match, you can still use this guid e!
Now That You’ve Mastered
this Puzzle It’s Time To Find
until that corner is so lved. After you
do this for all un so lved corners, t he
cube will b e s olved! Congratulati ons!
Now go show your f riends and famil y
your new s kill! Your Next Challenge.

Video guide

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