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424 Veterinary Technician August 2001

Onion Breath
Denise M. Simmons, LVT

A normally active poodle arrives for its appointment appearing weak and listless. On examination, the animal’s heart and respiration
rates are elevated, a fresh urine sample is tinged dark red, hematocrit is low, and mucous membranes are pale. The client is sure that
the poodle has not had access to anything harmful (e.g., garbage, houseplants, mousetraps). In fact, the owner explains that she has
taken special steps to enhance both her health and that of her pet. After reading about the numerous benefits of onions, she added grilled
Bermuda onions to both of their diets about a week ago. Now, her dog has become depressed and weak. What could be wrong?

Onion Toxicity dogs with G6PD deficiency (a genetic

Heinz-body hemolytic anemia is disorder), lower G6PD levels cause
what could be wrong. Onions— lower GSH levels, resulting in a
whether cooked, raw, or dehydrated— greater risk of oxidative injury.
contain sulfur compounds (Box 1) Yamamoto and Maede4 reported that
that, when chewed, are hydrolyzed to dogs may also be more susceptible to
thiosulfinates. Thiosulfinates decom- onion-induced oxidation if they have
pose to a number of disulfides, includ- innately high concentrations (five to
ing dipropenyl disulfide (or n-propyl seven times normal) of erythrocyte
disulfide), which appears to be the GSH. In this study,4 dogs with this trait
most toxic disulfide.1 These disulfides had increased oxidative injury from the
are oxidizing agents that can cause he- compound 4-aminophenyl disulfide,
molysis of erythrocytes. suggesting that perhaps onions contain
Glutathione, a ubiquitous tripep- the reducing power that converts oxi- a similar oxidant. These dogs also had
tide, plays an important protective role dized glutathione to reduced glu- high potassium and low sodium con-
against oxidative damage. Glutathione tathione (GSH; Figure 1). Without centrations, which are attributable to
participates in various biologic GSH, hydrogen peroxide accumulates the function of sodium-potassium–AT-
processes, including protein and DNA and causes oxidation of the sulfhydryl Pase. Normal canine erythrocytes lack
synthesis, transcellular amino acid groups of the globin chains, leading to this enzyme and have high sodium and
transport, metabolic enzyme activity, denaturation of hemoglobin and for- low potassium concentrations. This
and protection of cells against free mation of precipitates (i.e., Heinz bod- trait is common in many dogs, espe-
radicals and carcinogens. The liver, ies; Figure 2). The erythrocyte cell
■ Onions are of the genus Allium, in
kidneys, intestinal mucosa, and ery- membrane may be damaged, resulting the family Liliaceae. The true onion
throcytes contain the highest amounts in the erythrocyte being removed from is classified as Allium cepa; the
of glutathione, perhaps due to their in- circulation or possibly lysing within nodding wild onion is classified as
creased risk of exposure to free radi- circulation, causing hemoglobinemia Allium cernuum; the shallot as
cals and/or their susceptibility to auto- and hemoglobinuria.3 Allium ascalonicum; and the green
oxidation after free radical injury. 2 onion, or common leek, as Allium
Through the hexose monophosphate Species Susceptibility ■ Garlic, which is also of the family
cycle (also known as the pentose Dogs Liliaceae, is related to onions and
phosphate pathway), glucose-6-phos- All dogs that eat onions are suscep- has similar chemical characteristics.
phate dehydrogenase (G6PD) provides tible to their toxic effects. However, in

Toxicology Brief is contributed by veterinary technicians at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals–Animal Poison Control Center,
1717 S. Philo Rd., Suite 36, Urbana, IL 61802; hotline: 888-4ANI-HELP (888-426-4435) or 900-680-0000 (a $45 consultation fee is charged
to the caller’s telephone bill); email: (for nonemergency information only); web site:

Email comments/questions to or fax 800-556-3288

Toxicology Brief Veterinary Technician August 2001 425

ingest onion peels by raiding the

Box 1. Sulfur Compounds Found in Onions
garbage or stealing onion pieces from
The toxicity of onions is based on their disulfide concentration, which is increased when the table or off the floor. Pets can also
they are grown in soil that is high in sulfur. Sulfur is a widely distributed element found ingest onions in table scraps or home-
in abundance (ranked as the 16th element) in both free and combined states. Huge made diets provided by owners who
subterranean deposits are found in many parts of Louisiana and Texas as well as in are unaware of the toxic effects.
Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, and California. In addition, sulfur dioxide is an air
pollutant released into the atmosphere during combustion of fossil fuel (e.g., gas,
petroleum, coal). Plants can take up this sulfur, thereby increasing their sulfur content.
Toxic Doses
An early study5 revealed onion toxi-
city in dogs when the amount of
creased numbers of Heinz bod- onions fed was more than 0.5% of the
Oxidized ies as a result of other diseases animal’s weight. To induce hemolytic
GSH anemia, dogs in one study6 were fed
glutathione Glucose-6-phosphate such as diabetes mellitus, hy-
dehydrogenase perthyroidism, and lymphoma. 30 g of onions/kg of body weight
A cat that has ingested oxidant- (which is 3% of body weight) once
daily for 3 days. In another study, 4
Figure 1—Conversion of oxidized glutathione to re- containing foods such as
onions, however, may develop dogs ranging in weight from 9.9 to 12
duced glutathione (GSH).
severe, life-threatening anemia kg were fed 200 g one time (1.6% to
in conjunction with Heinz-body 2% of body weight). Depending on the
formation. Therefore, cat own- size and type, an onion’s weight can
ers should be cautioned to check range from 0.5 to 16 oz (14 to 455 g).
labels on foods or herbal reme- A review of the ASPCA Animal Poi-
dies to ensure that onions are son Control Center case record data-
not among the ingredients. base for Allium cepa exposure over a
2-year period revealed 23 cases (20
Large Animals dogs, 3 cats). Six of the affected dogs
Of large animals, cattle are the and one cat showed clinical signs. The
most susceptible to onion toxici- data revealed that it takes a fairly large
ty. Horses are not as susceptible, amount of ingested onions before signs
and sheep and goats are some- are observed but that the dose in the re-
what resistant. In areas where ported cases was consistently over
0.5% of the animal’s body weight.
Figure 2—Heinz bodies (arrows). (New methylene onions are grown commercially,
blue stain, original magnification ×100) sheep may be fed cull onions
(deemed unfit for human con- Clinical Picture
cially Japanese breeds (e.g., Akitas, sumption) free choice without experi- Adverse effects from onion ingestion
Shiba Inus).4 encing toxicity; for cattle, ingestion of are dependent on species sensitivity
more than 25% of their diet as onions and amount ingested (Boxes 2 and 3).
Cats may be hazardous.1 While it does not In chronic exposures at low doses, the
Feline erythrocytes are extremely explain the relative resistance of sheep anemic effect is lessened because ery-
susceptible to oxidative damage, par- and goats, the oxidative threat to cattle throcytes are being regenerated simul-
ticularly hemoglobin denaturation. Be- is greater because onions also contain taneously. The hematocrit may not
cause of its molecular configuration, S-methylcysteine sulfoxide (SMCO). reach its lowest point until several days
feline hemoglobin is approximately SMCO is metabolized in the rumen, after onion exposure.5 In the study in
two to three times more prone to ox- producing dimethyl disulfide, another which dogs were fed 30 g of onion/kg
idative damage than is that of other oxidant. Because SMCO is absorbed in of body weight once daily for 3 days,6
animals.2 Other enzymatic factors in- the intestine and not converted to di- the hematocrit was 40% of preexpo-
crease feline dependence on glu- methyl disulfide, it does not affect non- sure value on day 5 of the study and
tathione for oxidative protection com- ruminants, including hindgut fermen- returned to normal within 10 to 14
pared with other mammals.2 Because a tors (e.g., rabbits, guinea pigs, horses).1 days postexposure. A high level of
small number of Heinz bodies are of- Heinz bodies appeared suddenly on
ten found in feline erythrocytes, it is Exposure day 2 and continued for 4 days.7
important to interpret the number of In cool, early spring, wild onions,
Heinz bodies in conjunction with the which can be found in pastures when Treatment
history and severity of anemia. Cats there is little else growing, will tempt Severe onion toxicosis can be
with only mild anemia may have in- grazing animals. Dogs and cats may lethal.8 As with any toxicosis, the first
426 Veterinary Technician August 2001 Toxicology Brief

is not successful). For large animals, study9 reported the use of corticoster-
Box 2. Common Signs of Onion activated charcoal can be given at 0.5 oids, which, in retrospect, were deemed
Poisoning in Dogs and Cats to 1 g/kg PO with a stomach tube. unnecessary for treatment.
The animal’s hematocrit should be Treatment should also include nutri-
■ Pale or icteric mucous membranes
■ Weakness, depression monitored over a period of time (fre- tional intervention. Dietary protein
■ Rapid heart and respiration rates quency depends on the overall condi- and amino acid quantity and composi-
(caused by hypoxia) tion of the animal) to ascertain the tion have a significant influence on
■ Vomiting, anorexia, and/or diarrhea severity of anemia and whether it is glutathione synthesis. Studies in rats
■ Onion odor on breath degenerative or regenerative. It may demonstrated that prolonged fasting or
take several days after onion ingestion a low-protein diet results in a signifi-
step is to remove the source of the tox- for the hematocrit to reach its lowest cant reduction in hepatic glutathione
icity. For cases in which a significant point. Heinz-body hemolytic anemia is levels, potentiating hepatic injury
amount of onions have been ingested usually regenerative; therefore, the an- caused by oxidative stress.
within the past 2 hours and there are imal’s prognosis is good if it has no Although nutritional therapy is im-
no contraindications to emesis (i.e., other preexisting hematologic disor- portant for all species, it is critical for
hypoxic, comatose, dyspneic, lacking ders. Whole-blood transfusions may cats. Dietary imbalance (specifically
normal pharyngeal and/or gag reflex- be necessary for critically ill animals. insufficient taurine) or anorexia has a
es), vomiting should be induced by Another possibility for dogs is the use more rapid and/or more adverse effect
giving the animal 3% hydrogen perox- of Oxyglobin® (Biopure Corp., Cam- on glutathione metabolism in cats than
ide orally (1 ml/lb of body weight, not bridge, MA; see product literature for in other species.2
to exceed 45 ml), followed by the ad- effects on serum chemistry, hematol-
ministration of activated charcoal. ogy, urinalysis, and clinical signs). Conclusion
Within the clinic, apomorphine can Other supportive therapies depend on Onions can cause potentially seri-
also be used to induce vomiting. Other the animal’s overall condition. If vom- ous, life-threatening toxicity when suf-
emesis methods are not recommended iting, diarrhea, renal injury, or shock is ficient quantities are ingested. Cats are
(e.g., syrup of ipecac is unreliable and present, intravenous fluid therapy and extremely susceptible because of the
may cause protracted vomiting, and correction of electrolyte and acid–base differences in their hemoglobin struc-
salt can cause a salt toxicosis if emesis disturbances is warranted. One case ture and protective enzymes. The
Toxicology Brief Veterinary Technician August 2001 427

Box 3. Common Laboratory Findings in Onion Toxicity 5. Kay JM: Onion toxicity in a dog. Mod
Vet Pract 64(6):477–478, 1983.
■ Low hematocrit (e.g., dogs <37%, cats <24%, cattle <26%, sheep <24%, goats <20%, 6. Ogawa E, Shinoki T, Akahori F,
horses <32%) Masaoka T: Effect of onion ingestion
■ Hemoglobinuria (dark-colored urine ranging from red wine to almost black) on anti-oxidizing agents in dog erythro-
cytes. Jpn J Vet Sci 48(4): 685–690,
■ Hemoglobinemia
■ Methemoglobinemia7
7. Coles EH: Veterinary Clinical Patholo-
■ Abnormal erythrocyte morphology gy, ed 4. Philadelphia, WB Saunders
—Heinz bodies (refer to a laboratory reference for staining requirements) Co, 1986, p 40.
—Eccentrocytes (hemoglobin concentrated to one side of the cell) 8. Beasley VR: A Systems Affected Ap-
—Leukocytosis with a left shift, increased total leukocyte count as cells move from proach to Veterinary Toxicology. Chica-
the marginal granulocyte pool to the circulating granulocyte pool, and go, University of Illinois, 1999, p 886.
thrombocytosis due to increased bone marrow activity7 9. Solter P, Scott R: Onion ingestion and
subsequent Heinz body anemia in a
dog: A case report. JAAHA 23(5):544–
heredity of some dogs, specifically Danville, IL, Interstate Publishers, 546, 1987.
Japanese breeds, can significantly in- 1998.
2. Fettman MJ: Comparative aspects of About the Author
crease the severity of the toxicosis. Of
glutathione metabolism affecting indi-
the domestic grazing animals, cattle Ms. Simmons works at the ASPCA
vidual susceptibility to oxidant injury.
are the most susceptible to onion toxic- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 13(7): and the Animal Emergency Clin-
ity. The Heinz-body hemolytic anemia 1079–1087, 1991. ic in Champaign, Illinois. She
caused by onions is usually regenera- 3. Robbins SL, Kumar V: Pathologic Ba- lives in a log home with three
tive; therefore, prognosis is good with sis of Disease, ed 5. Philadelphia, WB horses, six dogs, four cats, and
Saunders Co, 1994, p 591. seven birds. She has a strong in-
supportive care and recovery usually 4. Yamamoto O, Maede Y: Susceptibility
occurs in 10 to 14 days. to onion-induced hemolysis in dogs
terest in community involvement
with hereditary high erythrocyte re- with animals and animal welfare
References duced glutathione and potassium con- and plans eventually to move her
1. Cheeke PR: Natural Toxicants in Feeds, centrations. Am J Vet Res 53(1):134– career in that direction.
Forages, and Poisonous Plants, ed 2. 136, 1992.

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