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By Ralph Bakshi

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[Woman Narrating]
The world blew up
in a thousand atomic fireballs.
The first blast was set off
by five terrorists.
It took two million years...
for some of the radioactive clouds
to allow some sun in.
By then, only a handful
of humans survived.
The rest of humanity had
changed into hideous mutants.
These mutant species
floundered in the bad areas...
radioactive lands that never allowed
them to become human again...
and made each birth a new disaster.
Then, in the good lands...
they came back,
arising from their long sleep...
fairies, elves, dwarves--
the true ancestors of man.
They lived happily in the good areas.
It was a big day in Montagar.
Delia, queen of the fairies...
was presiding over the feast of plenty...
celebrating 3,000 years of peace.
In the midst of the celebration...
Delia felt a pull from the skies.
She looked up
and saw dark clouds...
forming on the horizon in every direction.
She fell into a trance
and left the party...
heading for her home on a high hill.
At first, the fairies were puzzled.
But then they too felt
a force drawing them to follow.
Delia was alone inside.
The storm grew until
it was a raging cyclone...
hovering over the dwelling.
One of the older fairies
ventured inside the house.

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There lay Delia on her bed...
holding a pair of twins in her arms.
The older fairy instantly knew that...
these were not ordinary twins,
but magical wizards.
The baby wizards were
polarized like magnets...
one attracting with a magnetic draw...
the other repelling
and impossible to get near.
A vatar, the kind and good wizard...
spent much of his boyhood...
entertaining his mother
with beautiful visions.
Blackwolf, the mutant wizard...
would never visit his mother...
and spent his time
torturing small animals.
More years passed,
and Delia continued to slip.
Finally, all life drained out of her...
andA vatar held her hand
trying desperately to use
his magic to restore her.
He cradled her in his arms and wept.
when Blackwolffound that
his mother had died, he was excited...
for now he felt he would take over
her leadership and rule the land.
when A vatar confronted
Blackwolf, he was enraged.
They began a furious battle.
Each using his magic, they continued...
until they had nearly destroyed each other.
But A vatar's magic was stronger...
because he had the emotional loss
of his mother that drove him on.
Blackwolfwas defeated.
"The day will come, my brother,
when I will return...
and make this a planet
where mutants rule. "
Blackwolfheaded off,
leaving A vatar very disturbed.

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The ti me has come.
Ki I l!
[ Laughi ng ]
wel l, hello, handsome.
- [ Boing-ing ]
- Hello, honey.
He is called Necron 99.
He is one of Blackwolf's assassins.
He travels the land destroying
the believers of magic.
[ Chains Clinking ]
[ Horse Neighing ]
[ Man Reading ] "My children,
the only true technology is nature.
"All the other forms
of manmade technology...
"are perversions.
"The ancient dictators used technology...
to enslave the masses."
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Birds Squawking ]
[Door Opens ]
[ Sniffing Air]
[ Chittering ]
- weehawk, can't we stay here for tonight?.
- No.
Just for a few hours' rest.
- I sense something.
- But the road is clear.
we haven't seen an assassin for days.
A clever assassin stays hidden.
Avatar must be warned.
Our mission is nearly over, westwind...
but now it's time for one final run.
[ Nickers ]
[ Neighs ]
- [ Neighing ]
- [Pursuing Hoofbeats ]
[ Shrieking Neighs ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Pained Neighing ]
[Creature Hooting]
[Hooting Continues ]

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- [ Twig Cracking ]
- [ Ferocious Yell ]
[ Screaming ]
Damn it!
[ Tweeting ]
- well?.
- They're not backyet, my president.
[ Giggling]
- They're really late now,
aren't they, old wizard?.
- [ Tweeting ]
Bad magic, isn't it?.
And ifthey don't show...
you'll know no more than you did before.
- [ Giggling ]
- How true, fairy goddess
of the New world...
but ifthey don't show...
I think that will tell us something too.
Damn it, Avatar! Ifthere's any danger...
maybe we should--
maybe we should arm our states.
- Science and technology?.
- There's no time for that.
Even ifwe could impress
our people with the danger...
science and technologywere outlawed...
millions of years ago...
and, we must admit...
it's been a peaceful world since then.
Enough, wizard!
I demand to know whatyou know...
- orI'll banishyou!
- [ Growling ]
[ Giggling ]
Banish him?.
But, Father, who will teach me...
all the magic I've left to learn?.
Only Avatar can make me...
a full-fledged fairy.
As you can see, I'm only halfthere.
Allright. All right.
- ?? [ Music Plays ]
- I'll tell you...

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ifyou thinkyou can handle it.
what doyou know
about war, about bombs...
that could turn
a planet molten and liquid?
To think it could start again...
ten million years after the final one.
Sometimes I get tired of being so old.
being a wizard is lonely at the top.
we're waiting, old, old wizard.
[ Giggles ]
You know about my brother.
well, as theyears passed...
I searched for my brother in vain.
He had settled
in the dark land of Scortch...
where people still died of radiation.
[Narrator] For5,000years,
Blackwolfstudied black arts...
increasing his wisdom 1 0,000-fold.
He built a small following
of frog-like creatures...
but needed more troops
for his evil plans.
He then formed an army
whose generals were called up...
from the black shadows of hell.
Souls who waited for untold eternities
for a new leader...
Blackwolf's tremendous power...
enslaved them all to carry out his will.
Then stories of Blackwolf's armies...
attacking neighboring countries came back.
Demons of hell armed with black magic...
but they would get bored...
or sidetracked in the middle of battle...
and give up, running home.
Fritz! Fritz, get up,
for God's sake! Get up!
They've killed Fritz!
They've killed Fritz!
Those lousy, stinking, yellow fairies!
Those horrible, atrocity-filled vermin!

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Those despicable, animal warmongers!
They've killed Fritz!
Take that! Take this!
Take that, you green slime!
- You black-hearted, short bow-legged--
- Max!
Max, I'm okay! I'm okay, Max.
Just a scratch.
- Look, I'm all right.
- Oh. Oh, damn.
Thereyou go again
stepping on my lines...
raining on my parade, costing me medals.
- Oh, damn!
- [ Groans ]
Ohh. Oh, Fritz?.
Fritz, get up, for God's sake! Get up!
They've killed Fritz!
They've killed Fritz!
Those lousy, stinking, yellow fairies!
Those horrible, atrocity-filled vermin!
Take this! Take that! They killed Fritz!
Theycouldeasilyhave won,
but theylacked...
the motivation and inspiration.
Blackwolfknew he needed more.
He sent his huge armies out
to excavate ancient ruins...
for links to the past.
Tales reachedA vatar that bits and pieces
of pre-holocaust technology...
were being dug up and marched
back to Scortch I.
with these ancient pieces...
he built a new war machine.
Still, his generals
needed more to fight with.
This drove Blackwolfmad with frustration.
Then one day, that frustration vanished.
I sent my elf spies to fi nd out
what was happeni ng.
I 'm sure he has
found some great power...

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that will control his armies.
You mean you sent out that elf envoy...
to investigate
based on a vague feeling of your--
[ Enraged Screams ]
[ Screaming Continues ]
I've failed you, mywizard.
I've failed you, my president.
[Elinore's Screams Continue ]
[Thunder Crashing]
[ Beeping ]
[Beeping Continues ]
[ Beeping Continues ]
- [ Beeping Stops ]
- [ Machines Clattering ]
what news do you bring?.
[ Hissing ]
The lights went out! The lights went out!
Necron 99 has destroyed himself.
It's done!
with the assassination
of the presidents of the free states...
comes their fall...
and that of my brother.
[ Panting ]
It's done.
we have four more lights left, sir...
four more.
It's not important!
The main exterminations are complete.
The remaining countries are nowruled...
bysecond-rate incompetents...
so confused...
that even now they blame the killings...
on those within their own ranks.
I t's ti me to stri ke!
Sieg heil.
[ Sirens wailing ]
[ Growls ]
[ Sirens wailing ]
Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, lard bottom.
- Get up. Blackwolf's callin'.
- I don't want to go.

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Hey, when Blackwolf calls, we go.
- I don't want to fight anymore.
- Ya gotta.
- I don't want to hurt things anymore.
- Hey, you're so stupid.
[ Sobs ]
Listen, I ain't stupid.Just listen.
You know what I mean,
trees, birds, butterflies--
Everything's got a right
to live. You know what I mean?.
- Hey--
- Everything! Everything's
got a right to live.
- Hey, wait a minute!
- Butterflies--
Blackwolf's got a secret weapon
that makes us invincible.
we can't lose.
Right, left. Right, left.
Right, left. Right, left--
[DoorOpens, Closes ]
It will neverwork.
People don't want war.
It destroyed this planet, its people...
- and all records of past civilizations.
- [ Cackles ]
Not all records, as you'll soon find out.
Leaders of tomorrow's master race!
?? [ Organ ]
[Soldiers Clamoring]
[ Horses Neighing ]
[ Shrieking ]
[ Hoofbeats Thundering ]
?? [Horns Trumpeting]
[ Men Yelling ]
[ whinnying ]
[ Squawking ]
The time has come, as I promised...
a time when I reveal toyou...
my loyal followers...
the ancient secret of war...
the key to creating hysteria...

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[ whirring ]
[ Current Crackling ]
?? [ Singing In German ]
- [ No Audible Dialogue ]
- ?? [ Continues ]
[ Growling, Bellowing ]
[ Speaking German ]
[ Continues In German ]
[ Gunfire, Explosions ]
[ Aircraft Droning ]
[Yelling, Shouting ]
Sieg heil!
Blackmark's army's come again!
Our cousin elves
are already in the trenches.
It's our loved land too.
For Elfin and Fairyland, united we fly.
[Drumbeats ]
Hey, Elfie, do you hear those drums?.
Sure do, Peewhittle.
I don't believe those blokes
are gonna try it again.
- I'm scared.
- [ Guffaws ]
Now don't be, governor.
You're tooyoung to remember...
but Blackwolf must have
lost one million men here...
Iast time he tried to invade.
[ Guffaws ]
stupidenough to tryit again...
he'll lose twice more.
Them goblins and demons...
just look mean, but they're yellow.
Theygot no cause to fight.
Theyalways give up and run
with our arrows chasing them...

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all the way home.
[ Guffaws ]
I t's always been that way
and will always be the same.
Ain't that the truth, boys?.
[ All Cheering ]
[ Shrieking ]
[ Growling]
[ Snarls ]
[ Shrieking ]
[ Fierce Yells ]
- [Thunderous Explosions ]
- [ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Clanging ]
[ Shouting ]
[ Soldiers Yelling ]
- [ Yells ]
- [ Commotion Continues ]
[Sounds of Battle
Continue In Distance ]
weehawk, what's that
old wizard been doing forfour hours?
If he's looking for answers
from that assassin...
my father's sword can get it
quicker than brain reading.
Cool down.
Cool down.
I got it,
and it ain't good.
The key is a dream machine...
that inspires armies
with ancient war images.
It must be destroyed.
It is in Blackwolf's castle
in the land of Scortch.
[ Laughs ]
when dowe leave?.
what doyou mean, leave?.
You got to be kidding.
I'm too old for this sort of thing.
Just wake me up

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when the planet's destroyed.
- well, I'm not too old. I'll go myself.
- [Avatar] Verynoble.
we're going.
I must avenge my father's death.
It ain't no fairyland out there, kid.
But all right, all right.
I was just testing you.
[Elinore ]
- well, what?.
- well, what now?
Uh, I don't know.
Oh, why don't you sit there for
a couple hours while I figure it out?.
- Uh, Avatar.
- All right. All right.
How do we find this machine?.
This creature, uh,
I shall call him Peace.
[ Laughs ]
In the hopes that he will bring it.
He's somehow wired to the machine.
And the onlyfreedom he'll
ever have from its painful grip...
is in its destruction.
Go now, both of you,
and prepare for the journey.
- I'll reason with him when he awakens.
- Avatar, you're not that old.
She's gotta be kiddin'.
Looks like my brother and I
now begin our final battle.
weehawkspent a night
saying good-bye to his tribe...
asking them to protect his family...
and to name a new chief
ifhe did not return.
Elinore said good-bye to her father
and then the other fairies of her kind.
She told them she will return

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as queen of Montagar--
her father's death revenged...
and herselfa full-fledged fairy.
- [ Horse whinnying ]
- wel l, they're here, nut.
I 'l I be right down, heroes.
All right, creep.
Now, before I untie you...
I wanna tell you a couple things.
And I want you to listen
and listen carefully.
This has been the biggest bummer
of a trip I've ever been on.
Ifyou let me down
oryou hurt my friends...
especiallythe broad...
I gotstuffplanned foryou...
- that'll take 20years to killyou.
- No pain.
Andyou'll be screaming for mercy
in the first five seconds.
Peace wants love...
wants free, will help.
Look, just get us there,
you got it?.
Don't be sad,
I'll kill that monster as soon
as he shows us that projector.
Areyou kids ready?.
You know, this Peace here,
he knows everystep towards Scortch.
I promised him life
without pain...
uh, life without fear--
- I still don't trust him.
- H-Hey.
You're both forgetting you have
the protection of a powerful wizard here.
- Damn it.
- [Elinore Laughs ]
He's getting older but not much bolder.
I wonder if I packed my scotch.
Sing us a song, Elinore.

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I don't want to.
But that's whywe broughtyou. Come on.
[ Child]
where's daddy? what is he doing?
He's guarding ourhome, son.
There's been a war,
and this land has lost.
why can't we fight and win, Mommy?.
Because theyhave
weapons and technology.
wejust have love.
Hey, Louie, what are we
gonna do with the prisoners?.
How do I know?.
They're findin' out right now.
- what is this place?.
- [ Chuckles ]
- Dumbo, it's religion, man.
Ain'tyou heard?.
- Religion?.
Yeah. Blackwolfsays
the responsibilities of the prisoners...
is up to
the priests inside.
Now, whatwe got to do,
is reconnoiter the priests
and find out.
what is all this?.
Bits and pieces
of religion, man.
what's the matter
Holyobjects theysaved
formillions of years, man.
- what are we looking for?.
- Hey, so dumb.
we're looking
for the priests, man, the priests.
I don't know.
I guess because you need
God on your side, stupid.

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who's that?.
who's that?.
- That's them. Them. Them.
- who's that?.
Uh, listen, you guys.
we hates to interruptyou, you know.
- we're sorry.
- Yeah. But, uh, you see, Blackwolf...
- you know, our fhrer--
- It wasn't our fault.
Uh, shut up, will you?.
Blackwolf, the fhrer,
started this war, see.
we got all these prisoners
we don't want to feed--
[Soldier #2 ]
we ain't got time for that.
wejust got time for war.
So, we were, uh--
I want to ask you guys--
He's asking you, not me.
Yeah, I'm asking ifyou want
to take care of'em, it's okay with us.
- Me too. Me too.
- Yeah, see?
- Yeah. Okay, dumbo.
- Okay.
- My sons, you say you are the victors.
- Uh-huh.
- But there is only one victor.
- Mmm.
That's Him.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- we must first observe sundown and pray.
- He's got a point.
- Hear us, O Lord. Hear our petition.
- [ Praying In Foreign Language ]
O Lord, we cry out toyou.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Hear the prayers
of thy humble servants.
O Lord, God, Lord, God...
do not fail us in our hour of need.

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we need you, O Lord.
we cry to you, O Lord.
Lord, help us.
Help us, O Lord.
we needyou. we crytoyou.
[ Muttering ]
we cryout toyou!
[ Muttering ]
[Prayers Continue ]
- [ Snoring ]
- [Prayers Continue ]
- Hey, enough already.
- [ Coughing ]
O Lord, God, Lord, God.
All right, it's been five hours.
Time's up.
Okay, Charlie. It's no good.
- Put plan "A" to work.
- It's about time.
[Machine Gun Fire ]
Okay, babe. They ain't gonna talk.
- Gimme plan "B".
- Hey, what's plan "B"?.
Hey, hey, hey. watch.
will the birth be soon?.
Very soon, my Lord.
You'reyoung to be queen.
But deliverme a son...
andyou shall help me rule this planet.
I don't want to rule this planet, my Lord.
-J ust our kingdom is enough.
- Enough?.
Enough for mutants to stay
in their place, huh?.
Live with radiation
so our bodies crawl with hell?.
we will live in the good lands.
My son will grow
where there isn't death...
in the verywaters we drink
and the airwe breathe.
wise men...
will my son be human or mutant?.
Mutant, the charts say, my Lord.

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The next one won't be.
Do not have it killed, Oh, Lord!
It is not his fault!
[ Sobs ]
[ Squawking ]
[ weehawk]
wait a minute, Avatar.
Peace is taking us towards
the mountain fairies' domain.
we should go around.
Avatar, why is Peace stopping?.
Fairy bad.
Not good. Go around.
Coming from Mr. Nice guy here...
those fairies must be something else.
Go on, nut. we'd lose time.
[ weehawk]
Elves and fairies are bad-blood cousins.
I'm not in the mood for their pranks.
They may have useful information.
Don't worry. Time has passed.
Much of the rivalry
between fairy and elfhas subsided.
- [ Fairies Giggling ]
- Barbarians.
[ Elinore Giggling ]
Gee, they're adorable.
Oh. Hey!
[ Laughing ]
[ Giggling Continues ]
[ FairyTwittering ]
[ Giggling ]
- [ Mocking Laugh ]
? Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha, ha ?
- [ Grunts ]
[ Laughing ]
- [Yells ]
- [ Growls, Sniffs ]
- Holy chrome!
- [ Laughing ]
[Avatar, Elinore Laughing ]
- [ Laughing Continues ]
- Oh. Hey.

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[LaughterContinues ]
- [ Laughing Stops ]
- [ Giggles ]
By my sword, that is no way
to treat a lady.
[ Sniffing, Barking ]
[ Giggling ]
Hey! Oh!
[Fairies Giggling]
Stop this childish display.
why, even at elves' houses,
I've seen more sophisticated magic.
All right. All right. You've had it.
This is Avatar the Great
you're fooling with.
Avatar, consul and wizard
of your great-grandfathers' consuls...
who was turnedinto Avatarthe Old.
Yeah, that's me--
Avatar the Old now...
but I still got my powers.
And you've cost me my patience.
I call upon all forces of darkness.
Oh, winds of abysses
howling through the stars...
andeons of centuries.
O Lords of the whirlwind,
black, grayand white...
I call uponyou.
[ wind Swirling]
[ wind Howling]
Oh, ever-increasing darkness...
shapeless and mindless beings...
corroded and rotten
in your hearts, body and mind...
I sum mon you
from your ancient, ti meless travels...
to ride the winds of blackness.
And cabash!
[Bird Chirping]
Please accept our apologies
for the behavior of some
our more carefree brothers.
I'm Sean, leader

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of the Knights of Stardust...
protectors of Dolan,
king ofthe mountain fairies.
we have prepared a feast to welcome
you to our humble domain.
Listen here, you little winged squirt.
- Doyou realize--
- [ Giggling ] Oh, Avatar,
stop being so grumpy.
- Oh-- I-- Hey, Oh--
- [ Laughing ]
[Laughs ]
[LaughterContinues ]
All right. Okay. Okay.
I'm Avatar the Great, as you've heard.
Now, this here is Elinore,
queen of Montagar.
what brings you here?.
Oh, we're on a quest
to the land of Scortch.
[Sean ] You're heading forScortch?
I'm afraidyou're in for trouble.
willyou tell us whatyou know?
Steady, westwi nd.
we'll eat alone, lest we sit with fools.
Meecher, where's Peace?.
- Arise, you fools!
- Hey, what's that?.
[ Gasps ]
Assassin! Technology--
[ Screaming ]
By the soul of Dulac and Rackham!
- Elinore is gone!
- It was Peace!
I knew we should have
killed him when we had the chance!
Never mind. we must find Elinore.
The fairies have taken her
into the mountain.
Hey, there's no time to waste.
- [Drums Beating]
- [ Panting ]

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No one's ever been
to the fairy sanctuary before.
- It's forbidden to all.
- Drums.
It begins.
Quickly now, or all is lost.
You mustsave Elinore. Hurry, oldfool.
Morro crinkle frizetta.
Enough magic, old man. Run!
[Swishing Sound]
[ Groaning, Swishing ]
[ whirring ]
[ Scream i ng ]
- [ whirring Sound]
- [ Yel Is ]
[ whirring ]
[ Grunti ng ]
[ Panti ng ]
[ wei rd Growl ]
- [ Gaseous whir]
- [ Gasping ]
- [ Spider Roaring ]
- [ Screams ]
Very bad. Not good. Not good.
[ Grunting ]
- [wind Howling]
- [ Exhausted Grunt ]
[ Fairy]
Destroy her! She's party to death!
Sean is dead! Killed by lies
and human technology.
will it be brother
against brother here too?.
Only humans kill their own kind.
She allowed technology and death...
into the Golden Circle.
She is a traitor.
You fools, release me.
Stay back!
As the king's guards...
we can't allowyou near
until the king has ruled.

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[ Laughs ] No one rules
over Elinore of Montagar.
[ Fairy]
we rule.
we rule over death,
lies, and deceit.
we rule.
She's emoting. I feel her pain.
It hurts! It hurts!
Avatar never told me
I had full fairy powers.
[ Laughs ]
He said I wasn't readyyet.
I told you, she's dangerous.
Destroy herwhile there's still time.
Isaydestroyher, king's rule ornot.
Now why'd you want
to go and do that for, love?.
It's hard enough
controlling them as it is.
Release me, or I, Elinore,
shall show all you ants something.
[ Roaring ]
- Stop him, miss. Stop him!
- Oh, did I do that?.
Stop! I command you to cease.
Okay. Leave everyone alone.
I say, miss, you better stop him.
I think it would be better
ifyou released me and we all ran away.
- [ Growling ]
- [ Fairies Chanting ] Kill! Kill! Kill!
[ Chanting Continues ]
Holy chrome.
Elinore's really gone and done it.
It's all a disaster.
well, old man, what are
you going to do about it?.
You better hurry, miss.
Avatar the Great...
- coming.
- Avatar!

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You can kill me now, I'm sure.
I've given myselftoyou.
- I make no attempt to save myself.
- Save yourself?.
Save yourself?. Save me!
I can't, Elinore.
The only one who could
might be the king here.
My mission, O Lord, is to save
the world from another holocaust.
Sean was killednot byus,
but bymybrother's assassins...
who have been sent to kill
weehawk, Elinore...
Peace, and myself
before we reach Scortch.
For al I I know and fear,
weehawk is dead.
So m ight be Peace.
I ask for permission
to take the girl and myself...
to try to complete our mission alone...
though it does seem doomednow.
I will not allow you to hurt Elinore...
without a fight by myself.
My brother lies, my good King!
Avatar! Avatar!
[ Screams ]
what will it be, King?.
Time's gettingshort.
- Avatar, could you hurry up a little bit?.
- [ Roaring ]
we have been sent death...
images and humans...
each with a different story.
Something happening here.
Notyou, please. Oh, no. [ Laughs ]
I have always been very good...
and could even be
better sometimes.
Itstarts again.
The only act
that has been real so far...
is the fact that Avatar

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did not break his word.
when the arrow struck him,
he did not fight back.
Andfrom what we all heard
aboutAvatar's power...
- that is surelythe sign of truth.
- [ Roaring ]
we will neither join
nor hinder nor help these two.
we will wait and see.
That is our decision.
[ Bellows ]
well, we're out of there.
I forgot about that.
- Let me helpyou.
- No, no, no, no. Let me helpyou.
How's that?.
It's very pretty, Avatar.
Yeah, well, it could be warmer.
we might as well begin.
This is the way, I think.
Scortch lies somewhere
over these mountains.
well, goodmorning.
Cozymorning, huh?
Avatar, we're trapped.
It's nothing a little
hard work won't cure.
Here. Follow me, Snow Queen.
[ Elinore ]
I 'm so cold, so cold.
Is it much farther?.
Elinore, we've rested long enough.
we'd better move on.
Just a little while longer, Avatar.
I'm so tired.
well, okay.
I'll go over and see
ifl can see a pass or a path or a--
or a house or... something.
Oh, my God.

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They're our own tracks.
we've been moving in circles.
I better not tell Elinore.
- [Hoofbeats ]
- It'll do her no good.
Avatar, riders!
Run! Assassins come to finish the job!
we'll cut their throats.
Let them come.
- Right. I'll zap them back to Scortch.
- [Hoofbeats Approaching]
- [Horse Neighing]
- They split up.
Going to come at us from each end.
- Avatar, we really tried, didn't we?.
- Yes, Elinore.
That's all anyone
really could have done.
Here they come.
Braxis plaxis traxis!
Montagar forever.
Death, assassins!
Peace! Peace, we found them!
we found them!
what tookyou so long?.
Quickly, Peace. Quickly.
Let's get them off this glacier.
The quest is saved.
[Narrator] The night
was spent in the protection of a cave.
Elinore and weehawk slept as
Avatar counseled with Peace...
on the quickest route to Scortch.
The journey took them past the ruins...
of ancient civilizations.
Strange beasts lurked about...
but the dangerous mutants
that lived there were gone...
gone to Blackwolf's army.
All they left were their wives,
hurling insults and rocks...
as the party passed through.
Then finally, the desert.

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[ Cl ick ]
- Yeah, I feel it too.
- [ Elinore Screaming ]
Please do not attem pt
to draw your gun.
[ weapons Cocking ]
Avatar, you old fool! You've come!
[ Laughing ]
Our father's returned.
[ Laughs ]
[Laughing Continues ]
Avatar-- fighter!
Avatar-- father, mother, freedom!
Love, life!
[Abdul's Laughter Continues ]
[ Laughing ]
we've been camping in the desert...
away from prying eyes.
- where did you get the guns, Abdul?.
- Guns!
well, we got them
from old Blackwolfhimself.
- You mean you joined with--
- [ Laughs ]
No, no.
we ambushed a wolf patrol...
took everything except theirwomen...
and two days from now,
we attack Scortch I.
what doyou mean, attack?.
The remaining elves of the free world...
have joined under my banner.
That bannerwill be
carried to Scortch I.
Join us, old wizard.
we desperately need you.
- [ Avatar Grunts ]
- [ Abdul Grunts ]
[ Elves Grumbling ]
[ Cocks weapon ]
Is this howyou're repayin' me?.
Stand back.
Avatarwill not be touched.

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when ourworld was young,
so was mighty Avatar.
Misty moons ago...
he strode this planet like a messiah...
curing radiation sickness
from man and bird...
cleaning the planet of its filth.
I t was Avatar who fought
alongside my father...
against the first mutant attack.
So now we have
our messiah back again.
He's going to destroy
his brotherforus.
with what?
A woman-child, one elf...
and a moron robot.
Oh, Avatar.
- what is it?.
- It's Blackwolf.
He's trying to gain control.
Back! Back!
Back to hell!
You can't have him!
You did it.
You beat the demon.
- what's happened?.
- Um.
[ Giggles ] well, I suddenly
felt very sorry for Peace...
so I went over to him, and I took
his hand and I tried to comfort him.
Peace is in constant
mental battle with Blackwolf.
Your kind words took his mind
of fthe battle.
It allowed Blackwolfhis chance.
- Avatar. what's that?.
- [VehicleApproaching]
[ Squawking ]
-Jump, Peace!
-Jump, Peace!

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Ah, I don't know.
Ijust don't know.
I don't know what
happened to Elinore.
Betrayal of Elinore
to the quest has broken his heart.
There is nothing wrong
with him.
- Tomorrow morning, the attack begins.
- [AvatarMuttering]
- Avatar, we have to go now.
- Oh, whatever.
The cliffs of Scortch can be seen.
- we have to go now
to complete our mission.
- Huh?
- How?.
- we have to swim in.
Oh. Okay.
what's happened to the world?.
I don't know.
I can remember back--
[ Sighs ]
All the fairies were so good--
we're here. Scortch.
Come. we'll walk right up the road...
and no one will expect it.
- we'll act like slaves.
- Yeah.
The castle. I see it.
It's quite a distance.
[ Avatar Muttering ]
I had one where the whole country
would disappear for a day.
Ohh. [ Chuckles ]
That was, uh--
That was really, uh--
I just don't know.

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Over there.
That must be the entrance...
to the lower cities.
- Now, guards might be about. Come on.
- Mmm.
Hmm. How ugly.
How ugly. Kapow!
Boom. Boom.
- [HitlerSpeaking German
- [ Laughing ]
[Hitler's Speech Continues ]
[Avatar Muttering]
Ijust don't know.
Maybe-- Maybe I should
make a deal with them.
?? [ Singing I n German ]
which way?. I don't know.
You know, I should have
stayed with them.
- They love magic.
- Shh.
- Avatar,just stay quiet.
- Yeah. Oh.
Psst. Hey, General.
want to buy an elfhat?. Elfbeard?.
Souvenirs forsale.
Precious souvenirs forsale.
- Get them while they're still hot.
- No more wars, you fools-- love.
Scortch can be beautiful too.
Look, look. Real, beautiful presents.
Now, that-that--
that is a wonderful trick.
- wonderful.
- It's Avatar. Oh, General.
It's him. It's bad.
It's come to hurt the fhrer.
Kill it.
Oh, master, kill it.
[ Laughs ]

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That's impossible.
That dirty old man
is Avatar the Great?.
[ Laughing ]
Ifthat is so...
then I am a warthog's uncle!
[ Laughs ]
Funnyyou should saythat.
[ Screams ]
[ Screaming ]
The enemy is dead.
Oh, master, the enemy is dead.
My God! what have I done?.
Master loves Larry.
Master feeds Larry.
what are elves good for?.
Avatar, good luck!
The beast has shown us
the way to the castle.
I'm sorry, weehawk.
I'm just an old fool.
You know...
the world owes you much, kid...
even ifwe don't take another step.
[HitlerSpeaking German
- ?? [ Horn Blowing ]
- [Marching Footsteps ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Thunder Rumbling]
[ Creatures Growling ]
[ Soldiers Yelling ]
[ Elves Yelling ]
God! Avatar, get down.
I've seen him.
You can't beat him. He's too strong.
Avatar, don't do it.
[ Grumbles ]
You may be right...
but I gotta battle my brother.
You find an entrance into the castle.

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Smash the projector,
and tell Elinore...
that Avatarwill die with her tonight...
even ifwe win.
[ whistles ]
You have aged, old fool.
The world is mine.
[ Sobbing ]
- weehawk!
- Slut!
weehawk, don't!
weehawk, don't! Don't! Don't!
Stop, elf!.
Blood on blood flowing,
fathers and sons dying...
brothers and lovers spilling false hate
and rivers oflife flowing away.
Fool elf!. Thinkyour sword
is always quick, but what else?.
weehawk, I could not help it.
when I touched Peace in the desert...
Blackwolftrapped my mind.
I'm not as strong as Peace. It hurts.
[Elinore Sobbing]
Avatar must know.
The trouble with you, my brother...
is that you've always been too good.
well, that may be.
But I still think I look
more like Ma than you do.
You know, uh, lots of character.
I'm agin' better.
Brother, there is no need
for me to destroyyou.
[ Chuckles ]
You always did need
an audience, you sap.
Let me tell ya...
I ain't practiced
much magic for a long time.

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I wanna showyou a trick Mother
showed me when you weren't around...
to use on special occasions like this.
Ah. Oh, yeah, one more thing--
I'm glad you changed
your last name, you son ofa bitch.
[ Groaning ]
Elinore's no traitor!
She was possessed by Blackwolf.
[weehawk Shouting]
It is done! It is done!
The world is free!
The projector destroyed,
the battle was over.
Shadow creatures
froze in their tracks.
Some faded...
some crawled back to hell.
Mutants-- leaderless-- ran.
Elves swept the beaches clear ofthe few
remaining mutants that still fought...
- [ Squawki ng ]
- as hundreds ofcircling black birds...
screamed at the carnage below.
There was some rejoicing.
But mostly, everyone wished
to return home quickly...
to tell their loved ones
that the war was won...
Hitler was dead again...
and that they could live
once more in peace...
in the land they loved so much--
God-given. Amen.
God-given. Amen.
Avatar! Look what I caught!
Don't hurt Larry. Larry served.
Beast of a thousand scales--
Hey, hey, hey. Set it free.
It's harmless without Blackwolf.
Pity it. It's not its fault.
Mmm. So be it.

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Thankyou. Thankyou.
Thankyou, master.
we ride back to Montagar.
weehawk, you ride back
to Montagar alone.
Avatar and I will start
a new kingdom somewhere.
You will rule Montagar as their new king.
[ Chuckles ]
Areyou and Avatar married, my Queen?.
Hey, kid, take it easy, huh?.
You did a good job,
but don't get carried away.
You thinkAvatar's
too old to get married?.
weehawk, how manyyears
do wizards live, 1 0,000 or more?.
And I got at least a thousand left,
you know what I mean?.
Forgive me, Avatar.
Forgive me, both ofyou.
For Montagar, forever.
[ Neighing ]
well, come on. Let's make it.
[ Giggling ]
you're getting older and much bolder.
Come on! I meant
let's make it out ofhere.
Sureyou did.

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