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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

April Newsletter 2022
Website & Facebook
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate
our faith in Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole
person, serving each other and those beyond our Lutheran community.”

Good Friday April 15 10:00am

Easter morning April 17 10:00am

From: Rev. Franklin Morales

To: The Congregation at Christ Lutheran Church, Peterborough, ON
Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope all of you are well.
It is an honor for me to accept the call that all of you make me, to
become your Pastor.
I accept this call from God through you, to serve you faithfully and
with humility of heart through the Bylaws and Constitution of Christ
Lutheran Church in Peterborough ON, and by following the evangelical
Spirit likewise expressed in the Bylaws and Constitution of the Eastern
Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
I promise to do my best so that together we express the grace, love,
and mercy of God for all those who need it. Especially for the members
of our congregation so that through pastoral care, the sacraments of
Holy Supper, Holy Baptism, and prayer, we continue to grow in the
values of the gospel and build the kingdom of God in our context.
With my prayers.

Pastor Franklin Morales

Council Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Council is very pleased to announce that Al Butson has agreed to take
on the role of Council Chairperson for this year and through to our
February 2023 Annual Meeting, with the full support of all council
members. Al had completed two full terms on council but due to the
extenuating circumstances we are facing this year which includes six
new council members, as well as the onboarding and transition for
Pastor Franklin and his family, we need strong and experienced
leadership. To that end, we are also delighted to announce that Sylvia
Shea has volunteered to be Vice-Chairperson.
We welcome both of them in their roles and look forward to working
closely with them to ensure a smooth and successful transition for
Pastor Morales and his family and as we chart our course forward

Health and Wellness Team

We hope that you are all staying healthy. We want to really encourage
you to continue to try to stay connected with other members of our
Church Family in any safe way that you possibly can as this definitely
will prove helpful for each of us. Do stay healthy and be safe!

Church Council Meeting Agenda – March 1st, 2022

7:00 p.m. - Zoom Meeting 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Present: Sylvia, Brenda, Ralph, Elizabeth, Charmaine, Bruce, George,
Cal, Pamela
Opening Devotion – Prayer by Bruce Schenk
Welcome New Councilors – Pamela Haggarty and Ralph Bastian who
were installed at Sunday service.
Approval of the minutes of the February 8, 2022 meeting. Unanimously
approved with two changes.
- Get multiple quotes for heating system and carport roof repairs
- Treasurer’s report: $104,753.55 Book balance end of January
Facebook: Send Facebook updates to Jeff Butson at

Reports – council members volunteered for new report
assignments (names shown in brackets by each report heading)
Pastors Report
o No report. Thank you to Pastor Steve for his faithful service to the
end of February
Treasurer’s Report (Brenda)
o As of February 28th, bank balance is $110,712.09 and book
balance is $110,158.74
Parish Support (George)
o Looking into getting lights above pews fixed
o Exit lights working but batteries expired. Approximately $15 each
o Al repairing/painting kitchen ceiling parsonage and changing
smoke detectors
o George checking carbon monoxide detectors
o Al looking into new mic for Pastor, possibly also soloist and mic’s
hanging over congregation
o Parsonage carport roof will be looked at later
o Church heating – expensive this year. Furnace bleeder needs to
be looked at
o George looking into security lights back stairs and front door;
maybe timer dusk to dawn
Parish Life (Ralph)
o Worship Leader Schedule
- Council agreed to pay $200 per service for relief pastors, plus
.61/km up to $100 for total of $300.00
- Elizabeth, Ralph and Pamela to work on filling some of the
remaining open Sundays on schedule
- Thank you to Pastor Mike and Al for looking after so many of the
Sundays and to Robin for coordinating the schedule and planning the
- Pamela to poll people at next Sunday service to see if enough
people interested in attending a Good Friday Service
Outreach (Elizabeth)
o $2000 budget for 2022 for local initiatives

Messy Church (Sylvia)

o Next messy church scheduled for Monday March 28th at 4:30 p.m.
via zoom call. The theme is Easter. Anyone wanting a kit, please
contact Sylvia or Robin.
Kid’s Corner
o No report
Fundraising (Sylvia and Cal)
o Valentine dinner fundraiser:
o Raised a total of $1365.00 (Wine $300., Gift Basket $70. & Dinner
o Garage Sale is a go for 2022. Details to be finalized soon.
Discussion around whether some larger items could be sold online.
o Charmaine, Cal and Elizabeth offered to help with food and/or
fundraiser prep at future events
Mutual Ministry (Bruce)
o Sylvia to reach out to Al to see if he can do the 1st step of signing
documents for offer to Pastor Franklin Morales. Al agreed and
completed the necessary steps to get the process moving.
o Bruce offered to work on the immigration process with Pastor
Franklin, synod and lawyer and Charmaine offered to assist.
o Remaining steps of transition process will need to be defined and
o Sylvia advised Mutual Ministry also included handling of paid staff
and contracts
Martin Luther House (Marlys/Al)
o Sylvia to check with Marlys to see if she will continue to be contact
for students.
o Charmaine also offered to help where needed
Old Business – none
New Business
o Council chairperson still needs to be elected. Sylvia declined due
to workload and personal reasons. No other volunteers from
meeting. Will need to have chairperson by next meeting.
o Pamela has offered to take minutes at each council meeting.
o Council will meet in person at church starting with April 12th
meeting (masked and 6’ apart)
o Pamela offered to call Cameron House, as they had not cashed our
$300 donation from December.
o For next few months, council recommends continuing covid
measures/passports for everyone’s safety and well-being.
o The new council sincerely thanks Al Butson chairperson and the
retiring council members Marlys, Robin, Milan, Pauline and Janice
for their past service and hard work.

o Charmaine is looking into the idea of a community garden and will
report back. Possibility of grants. Liability will also need to be
Next Meeting:
o Tuesday April 12th, 7 p.m. at church

“Praying 4 Ukraine”
April 1 starting at noon and continuing to Saturday, April 2, ending at
Location: St. Johns Anglican Church in Lakefield. 81 Queen St.
Lakefield. Please use the Regent street entrance. Wear a mask please.
People of all ages and all beliefs are welcome. Please sign up for a time
slot on the St. John’s website:

Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough

Is looking for caring, empathetic listeners. Registration deadline for
New Volunteers is April 25th, 2022. Training aims to develop
listening skills and increase awareness of local social, emotional and
psychological needs and resources. Training involves online and
independent activities. This course is open to potential volunteers and
others interested in empathetic listening. For more detailed schedule
information and to register go to .

Canadian Lutheran World Relief - Crisis in Ukraine

CLWR is joining leading Canadian aid agencies – through the
Humanitarian Coalition – in appealing for funds to rush emergency
assistance to people affected by the crisis in Ukraine. If you wish
donate through your offering envelope please mark “Crisis in Ukraine”.
Thank you.

We will now ask for vaccination records to be presented as you

attend church. Please bring your documentation to the church. There
is no change to the on-line services. You can watch on the Christ
Lutheran Facebook page
at, and click
on “Videos”.

A Worship Schedule has been put together from March 6th till the
end of August 2022.

If you wish to lead as a Lay leader, volunteer to assistant, please sign
the list or contact a member of Council.

Sign up for readers and ushers is on the vestibule door.

Coffee time sign up list is on the vestibule door.

If you wish to host a coffee time please sign a date. There are
crackers, cookies, coffee cake and cheese in the fridge to set out.
Coffee and tea are in the cupboards and cream and milk are in the
kitchen fridge. If you are new to host a Coffee time there is an
instruction sheet that is posted on the fridge door in the church kitchen.

Our next virtual Messy Church is scheduled for Monday March

28th, starting at 4:30 pm.
The theme will be Easter and there will be a craft, game, Easter
message and singing. Everyone is welcome to join in! To request a
Zoom invite and a Messy Church in a box kit, please let Sylvia or Robin
know by Monday March 14th. Kits will be available for pickup at the
church anytime from Sunday March 20th.

Time again to start collecting your second-hand treasures and start
baking and planting items for our Rummage / Bake / Plant Sale on
Saturday May 7, 7 am to Noon. No clothing items or shoes. Please start
growing tomato plants – they are a favorite and we can sell all we can
supply!! Perennial Bedding plants are also a big seller so bring those to
the sale too. You may bring your items to the church (or call Al for
pick-up) starting Monday May 2nd. Someone will be at the church from
10 am – 4 pm every day till Friday. If you can help out with the sale,
please call Al or Robin Butson at 749-7371. All Bake items need to be
in on Friday May 6th before 7 pm to be priced. We do fair pricing, and
we appreciate all our bakers in this regard. If you have any questions,
please contact Al or Robin.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

April 2022
3 Lent 5 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 am

10 Palm 11 12 13 14 15 16
Sunday Good
Worship at
10:00 am
Holy 10 am

17 Easter 18 19 20 21 22 23
Worship 10 am

24 EASTER 1 25 26 27 28 29 30
10 am

May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7

Easter 2
10 am

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