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NAMA : Naufal Mubarak

NIM :90100120086



Introducing yourself

Hello. My name is …

Hi. I’m …

Nice to meet you. I’m …

Pleased to meet you. I’m …

It’s a pleasure to see you. I’m…

May I introduce myself? I’m…

How do you do? My name is…

Let me introduce myself. I’m …

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m …

Introducing others:
John, I’d like to introduce you to Mary.

John, please meet Mary.

John, I’d like you to meet Mary.

John, have you met Mary?

John, let me introduce you to Mary.

John, this is Mary. Mary, this is John.

Useful responses when introducing yourself or other people:

Nice to meet you.

I’m pleased to meet you.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Glad to meet you.

How do you do?

Hello, my name is John, what is your name?

Hi John my name is Jane pleased to meet you.

Hello, I'm Peter what is your name?

Hello, my names Sarah nice to meet you.

Can you tell me your name please?

My name is John Smith, pleased to meet you.

Can you tell me your full name please? My full name is John Pilkington

I'm sorry, what was your last name again? My last name is Pilkington.

I am sorry I don't understand. Could you please repeat it more slowly for me? P - i - l - k - i - n -

g - t - o - n.

How do you write that? Could you spell it please? P - i - l - k - i - n - g - t - o - n.

And could you tell me your first name please? John

Pardon? John - J-o-h-n.

Can you tell me your telephone number please? 8- 2-2-3-2-7-1-9.

Thank you John for your time. You're welcome I hope to hear from you soon.

Hello, David

Hi, David

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening.
Good to see you again

Nice to see you again.

I’m glad to see you.

I’m happy to see you.

I’m pleased to see you.


Introducing other people to someone

If you want to introduce an acquaintance, a friend, a relative or a colleague to someone, you may

do so by using the following phrases.

I’d like you to meet my friend/colleague/brother…………

This is my friend

May I introduce…………….to you?

Have you met……………?

This is……………..
Possible replies

Nice to meet you

Pleased to meet you

Nice to meet you

How do you do?

Here are expressions to introduce others:

• Jack, please meet Nicolas.

• Jack, have you met Nicolas?

• I'd like you to meet Liza.

• I'd like to introduce you to Betty.

• Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara this is Leila.

• Nice to meet you.

• Pleased to meet you.

• How do you do?

• I’d like to introduce you to……………………….

• There’s someone I’d like you to meet, this is……………..

• Have you met……………….?

Letting them know the position of the person being introduced:

He/she is responsible for…………………….

She/he is in charge of ……………………

3.mengubah kata kerja (verb) menjadi kata benda (noun)

Converting Verbs Into Nouns

In English we can change the verb word to noun, this is true as long as it meets the appropriate rules.

Why Verbs Can Be Changed To Nouns

Perhaps many of us are asking, is it true that verbs can be changed to nouns. Of course the answer is
correct. Then why is that? note the explanation below.

In general, we know a verb as a word that describes an activity the subject is doing, for example I am
writing. The word write is a verb, and if we want to comment on the verb "to write", then the verb must
be changed to a noun, namely "writing". Writing is the noun of the verb to write while writing is the
adverb of the verb to write.

If you still don't understand you can ignore the explanation above. Because, in English it is much easier
to convert verbs into nouns. We only need to attach the appropriate suffix or suffix of the noun.
a. er

Verb Noun Meaning

to write to writer menulis- penulis

to read to reader membaca-pembaca

B. Or

Verb Noun Meaning

to visit Visitor Mengunjungi-Pengunjung

to invent inventor Menemukan-penemu


Category Days of the week Abbrefiation

(5 days) Monday Mom

Tuesday Tue/Tues

Wednesday Wed./Weds

Thursday Tur./Turs

Friday Fri

Saturday San

Sunday Sun















What's the date tudey?

What's today's date?



19 January (the nineteenty of January)

Wednesdays, 19 january ( Wednesday,the nineteenty of January)

On 2 May (on the second of May)


From 2000 onwords, year are pronounced like ordinary cardinal number


2000: two thousend


Informal but casier

Say the hours firts and then the minutes.


06.45 : Six forty-five

10.06 : þen oh six

5. Daily Activity

Daily Activity uses the Simple Present Tense as a student, student (college student) and employee.
There are even stories about Sundays or during holidays.

The Simple Present Tense is the simplest type of English tense. This material is often presented for
beginners or those just learning English. Did you know, this tense is most often used in everyday

In fact, to describe daily activities in English, aka Daily Activity, using the Simple Present Tense
pattern, activities from waking up to going to sleep are told with the Simple Present Tense sentence.

° (Definition, Formulas, and Examples)

Simple present tense is a tense used when an event is taking place at this time or an event that occurs
repeatedly (habit).


To form this tense sentence, it is usually used the root form verb, or Verb 1. Except for third-person
pronouns, use Verb 1 + s / es.

As shown in the table below.

Subiect verb The rest ofsentence

I/ You / They/ Go. To the school by bus


She/he/it Goes To the school by bus

• The form of spelling the verb in third person (She, He, It), depending on the verb ending (verb).

1. For verbs ending in -0, -CH, -SH, -X, or -Z, add -ES.

* go - goes • catch - catches • wash - washes • kiss - kisses • box - boxes • fix - fixes

2. For verbs (verbs) ending in the consonant + Y, omit Y, and add -IES.

• carry- carries • study - studies •worry-worries • marry- marries •

Meanwhile, for verbs that end in a vowel + Y, just add -S.

play - plays say - says enjoy - enjoys

Example Sentences

The following are examples of sentences you can use.

1. To indicate the current recurring event.

• I take the motorcycle to the office

•The train to Bekasi leaves every hour.

• George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

2. To show a fact

• The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo. • A snake has no legs.

• Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.

Daily Activities are NOT Fictional Composition / Stories

• Actually, Daily Activity is not a composition or story (story), but something you do every day. The
things that happen to you in your daily routine.

• So, when writing an example of a daily activity you need to make a list / list of the activities you do
from waking up in the morning to going to sleep again at night. This list of activities for each day can
help you formulate English sentences into My Daily Activity.

• Please look at the daily activities in English using the following Simple Present Tense.

-Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar 1

From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to
school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school. First of all, I do my bed until it is
very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. When I still feel sleepy, I
walk around my house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body. Then, I prepare some
books based on schedule, I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth,
then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. Before going to school I
hug my parents. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends too. The school finishes at I
p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents to cook for our dinner
then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At
the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m. • Enrich Your Vocabulary! • wake up = bangun tidur * prepare my self =
mempersiapkan diri • do my bed merapikan tempat tidur • sweep the floor menyapu lantai • walk
around my house = berjalan di sekitar rumahku • do some physical movements = melakukan beberapa
gerakan fisik • have a shower mandi • after wearing my school uniform = setelah memakai seragam
sekolah • enjoy learning time menikmati waktu belajar • wash dishes afte

6.Question and answer

Rumus WH Questions

WH + AUXILIARY VERB (to be, do, have) + SUBJECT + MAIN VERB + ?

Cintoh kalimat:

What are you doing? (apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?)

Where do you put the sugar? (dimana kamu meletakkan gulanya?)

Jenis - Jenis WH Question

* what (Apa)

Contoh Kalimat:

What is your name? (siapa namamu?)

What do you want from me? (apa yang kamu inginkan dariku?)

What are you doing? (apa yang kamu lakukan?)

What should I do? (apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

* Where (dimana)

Where digunakan untuk menanyakan lokasi atau tempat.

Contoh Kalimat:

Where is your home? (dimana rumahmu?)

Where is your parents? (dimana orang tuamu?)

Where are my bag? (dimana tasku?)

Where are you now? (dimana kamu sekarang?)

* When (kapan)

When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.

Contoh Kalimat:

When does the bus arrive? (Kapan bisnya sampai?)

When does the train from yogyakarta arrive? (kapan kereta dari yogyakarta tiba?)

When will the class ends? I'm so boring (kapan kelasnya berakhir? aku sangat bosan)

When will you marry me? (kapan kamu akan menikahiku?)

* Why (kenapa)

Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan.

Contoh Kalimat:

Why do you love me, tania? (kenapa kamu mencintaiku?)

Why do you hate cats? (kenapa kamu membenci kucing?)

Why do you happy today? (kenapa kamu bahagia sekarang?)

Why does the rain not stop for a while? (kenapa hujan tidak berhenti sebentar saja?)

* Which (yang mana)

Who (siapa

Contoh kalimat:

Who is that girl? (siapa perempuan itu?)

Who is your favorite artist? (siapa artis kesukaanmu?)

* Whom (dengan siapa)

Contoh kalimat:

Whom are you going to meet? (dengan siapa kamu akan bertemu?)

Whom will you marry with? (dengan siapa kamu akan menikah?)

* Whose (punya siapa)

Contoh kalimat:

Whose car is that? (mobil siapa itu?)

Whose turn is this? (giliran siapa ini?)

* How (bagaimana)

Contoh kalimat:

How did you meet your best friends? (Bagaimana kamu menemui teman baikmu?)

How to make cheesecake? (Bagaimana cara membuat kue keju?)

* How often (seberapa sering)

Contoh kalimat:

How often you go to school in a month? (seberapa sering kamu pergi ke sekolah dalam sehari?)

* How far (seberapa jauh)

Contoh kalimat:
How far is that to go to yogyakarta by train? (seberapa jauh itu jika ke jogjakarta naik kereta?)

* How many (seberapa banyak)

Contoh kalimat:

How many rabbits in the cage? (ada berapa banyak kelinci di kandang?)

* How much (seberapa banyak)

Contoh kalimat:

How much money do you have? (berapa banyak uang yang kamu punya?)

* How long (seberapa lama

Contoh kalimat:

How long do you go to school? (seberapa lama kamu pergi ke sekolah?)

* How old (berapa usia)

Contoh kalimat:

How old is this statue? (berapa usia patung ini?)

How old is your grandfather? (berapa usia kakekmu?)

7. Conditional Sentense

* Conditional Sentense Type 0

Rumus : if + simple present,simple present

Contoh kalimat :

If we burn paper, it becomes ash.

I feel sick if I eat too much.

* Conditional Sebtense Type 1

Rumus : if + simple present, simple future "Will" imperative

Contoh kalimat :

If I meet him, I will introduce myself.

I will cook dinner tonight if you clean the house.

* Conditional Sentence Type 2

Rumus : if + simple past/were , would/could/ might+bar infinitive

Contoh kalimat :

If I were you , I would continue my study.

If I had time, I would go with you.

* Conditional Sentence Type 3

Rumus : if + past perfect , would /should /could /might +have+ past participle

Contoh kalimat :

If I had locked the car, the thief wouldn't have stolen my car.

If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.

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